Revival and Revolution in Japan and China

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Amethyst Glaze Chan Ma. Cristina Lopez

 In the economic field, SCAP MacArthur also tried to

In September 1945, General introduced land reform, designed break up the large
The Japanese economy was Douglas MacArthur took charge to benefit the majority tenant Japanese business
destroyed by the war and almost all of of the Supreme Command of farmers and reduce the power of conglomerates, or
its cities bombed to rubble.Japan Allied Powers (SCAP) and began rich landowners, many of whom zaibatsu, as part of the
lived under American military the work of rebuilding Japan. had advocated for war and effort to transform the
occupation from 1945 to 1952. supported Japanese economy into a free market
capitalist system.

The first phase, roughly from the In 1947, Allied advisors essentially
The groundwork for the Allied occupation
end of the war in 1945 through dictated a new constitution to
of a defeated Japan was laid during the
1947, involved the most Japan’s leaders. Some of the most
war. In a series of wartime conferences, the
fundamental changes for the profound changes in the document
leaders of the Allied powers of Great
Japanese Government and included downgrading the
Britain, the Soviet Union, the Republic of
society. The Allies punished Japan emperor’s status to that of a
China, and the United States discussed
for its past militarism and expansion figurehead without political control
how to disarm Japan, deal with its colonies
by convening war crimes trials in and placing more power in the
(especially Korea and Taiwan)colonies
Tokyo. At the same time, SCAP parliamentary system, promoting
(especially Korea and Taiwan)., stabilize
dismantled the Japanese Army and greater rights and privileges for
the Japanese economy, and prevent the
banned former military officers from women, and renouncing the right to
remilitarization of the state in the future. In
taking roles of political leadership in w a g e w a r, w h i c h i n v o l v e d
the Potsdam Declaration, they called for
the new government. eliminating all non-defensive armed
Japan’s unconditional surrender; by August
of 1945, that objective had been achieved.

More than anything else, After 1953, Japan dominated
Most of the changes were reaffirmed after what sourced the world Shipbuilding. By 1954,
the occupation ended, expect for the occupation was the shift in Japan had become the world’s
zaibatsu dissolution, and have struck firm By1953,reconstruction third-largest producer of steel.
American Policy beginning
roots in contemporary Japan or perhaps complete, personal Japan also invaded European
in 1948, as Cold War in
more accurately, were grafted onto earlier incomes had recovered and American market on a large
t e s t i fi e d , t o w a r d s
in Japanese efforts to adopt institutions of to their prewar levels, and scale with its high-tech and
rebuilding Japan’s Military
government, law, education and culture Japan was entering a industrial goods and became the
capacity and using it as a
which had been in eclipse during the new period of Largest trade partner of the
base of American Military
years from 1931-1945. development. People’s Republic of China

One of the most successful and Now for the Economic and Also by this time, Production
permanent changes was the SCAP- Social Development of Japan, quality also rose impressively,
directed program of land reform, by 1950 the shattered cities, and in many respect
which compensated the large owners factories, and rail lines had Japanese goods, notably
whose property was expropriated and been largely rebuilt. By the cars, cameras, sound
sold the land to former tenants, in a end of 1951 industrial reproduction equipment,
way the last blow on the surviving production was about equal to optics and many electronics,
traces of Tokugawa feudalism what it had been in 1931, now became the best in the world
from new and more efficient market.

 Apart from the very small group
of urban poor, many of them
dropouts from society, two Japanese society has always
minority communities in Japan been strongly hierarchical.
Japan’s murder rate is less still face severe discrimination: Given the postwar openness to
Investment in Education than one two hundredth than The eta or group of the west and the other changes
continues to be a major basis the United states. The very untouchables and the korean at work in the society, this now
for Japan’s spectacular low rate of crime, results minority.They are avoided as strikes many Japanese as
economic success. The from the absence of poverty neighbors, employees, and onerous, especially the
Japanese are now the best and from the sense of group most of all, as marriage partners subordinate status of women.
educated population in the responsibility, individuals are because their traditional Younger people in particular
world. unwilling to bring shame or occupations and segregated believe that deference to
disgrace. ghettoes. superior or elders and of all
women to men stultifying.

Economic growth also largely Housing is fearfully About half a million Koreans
eliminated poverty and expensive and most live in Japan. Many migrated to
unemployment, the only major urban Japanese, over 80 Japan to escape the Forced
country in the world to be virtually percent of the population poverty and repression at home
free of scourges. Japan became a now, liven tiny apartments under Japanese domination
nation of prosperous, middle-class with minimal amenities. from 1895. Many of them drifted
people in an overly society largely into Illegal or shady activities,
free of slums, violent crime and which strengthened Japanese
social despair. prejudice against them. It still
very hard for Anyone of Korean
ancestry to obtain citizenship in
Japan or to receive anything
approaching equal treatment.
Much of traditional culture of
Japanese Culture has been lost or

 discarded in this advance of modern
change. Although many japanese
Japan’ rising sun now regret such a price of development,
extends economically more their sense of national identity has
widely than it’s former Modern Japan has led the By 1988 Japan had become remained strong, bound together
military successes, but world is its success in the the world’s largest donor with many symbolic survivals of
despite their major global 1970’s in limiting Industrial of foreign aid, far traditional culture: the sharply
structure, the Japanese have polution. Hence, Japan was outdistancing the much distinctive Japanese food, clothing,
been reluctant to function as the first to notice the lethal larger and richer United many houses or at least rooms in
world power in other terms, a e ff e c t s o f a i r a n d w a t e r States. Japanese aid also traditional style, gardens, shrines
role that has brought them pollution as one consequence entirely economic rather and temples, commitment ,self
of its postwar industrial growth than military. discipline, and group of effort in the
such tragedy in the past
pursuit of excellence.

On several occasions they felt that

Japan has also lead the Population increase has been
their interest were ignored in the
way in reducing energy use sharply reduced by personal
manoeuvrings of Cold war
t h r o u g h m o r e e f fi c i e n t and family choice and is
Diplomacy, especially by the abrupt
plants and better designed close to stabilization. As with
American reversal of policy toward
engines, reacting both to high-income and better-
China in 1971. As an American client
world energy shortages and educated groups in other
and bulwark against neighbouring
price rises and to its own couples prefer to limit the
communist states, Japan was
determination to reduce number of children so as to
dumbfounded when 1971
pollution better provide for them.
washington suddenly renewed
contact china without informing There are many people who
Tokyo in Advance. Japanese felt live in urban place then rural
ignored by the big countries in their to search of wider economic
power games and refer that event as and cultural opportunities.
“Nixon Shock”.
Among Japan’s many big cities, Tokyo
Meanwhile successive conservative
still pays the role of the brash
governments pursued what was
modernist, the focus of change, the called a “Reverse course” undoing
National Morale was boosted when center of everything new , but even in T h e L D P w a s fi n a l l y
many of the democratic reforms of defeated in the elections of
Japan was admitted to the United Tokyo Japanese do not forget their the occupation. This did not represent
1993 by coalition of
Nations in 1956, where it slowly began
to play a role, though still not
past. The palace (Tokugawa Ieyasu’s
massive shogun palace) is an
the views of many, perhaps most,
Japanese and Socialist party won 
 opposition parties, and in
1994 formed an alliance
commensurate with its new economic anchorism but it is nevertheless an more votes, but remained largely
stature even by the 1980’s. The U.S- appropriate focal point for the capital of powerless minority politically. The with the Socialist party
Japan Mutual Security Treaty, First Japan, more than parliament or other Liberal Democratic Party had built a resulting in the Socialist
signed in 1954, was renegotiated in government buildings, more than strong coalition of business and Murayama Tomichi actually
1960 and extended for another 10 banks, skyscrapers and other symbols landed interest, including farmers, becoming prime minister,
years. The huge american bases in of Tokyo’s Western-style modernity. w h o b e n e fi t e d f r o m t h e h i g h although there was little real
Japan were retained. Tokyo is a city of traditional Japanese government price supports for rice. change in government
style. policies.

The Japanese became more

By 1990 this vast, unbroken confident and more assertive
By about 1965 Tokyo had become
conglomeration of dense as they became richer and as
the world’s largest city and a symbol
settlement, commerce, industry, Japan became a major
of Japan’s new economic leadership.
and government measured 50 economic power in the world.
The urban area had grown outward
miles across and included over 30 People grew more
to merge with that of previously
million people linked by the world’s conservative and more willing
separate cities in the same lowland
largest and most efficient subway to support the LDP despite
basin inlucluding kawasaki and
system. continuing financial and even
sex scandals that forced
several prime ministers and
cabinet ministers to resign

In the 1960s, Chinese Communist Party leader Mao

In 1966, China’s Communist leader Mao Zedong
Zedong came to feel that the current party leadership
launched what became known as the Cultural
in China, as in the Soviet Union, was moving too far in
Revolution in order to reassert his authority over the
a revisionist direction, with an emphasis on expertise
Chinese government. Believing that current Communist
rather than on ideological purity. Mao’s own position in
leaders were taking the party, and China itself, in the
government had weakened after the failure of his
wrong direction, Mao called on the nation’s youth to
purge the “impure” elements of Chinese society and “Great Leap Forward” (1958-60) and the economic
revive the revolutionary spirit that had led to victory in crisis that followed. Mao gathered a group of radicals,
the civil war 20 decades earlier and the formation of the including his wife Jiang Qing and defense minister Lin
People’s Republic of China. Biao, to help him attack current party leadership and
reassert his authority.

During the 20th century China The Cultural Revolution Mao wrote two books to encourage personality
constitute the largest revolution continued in various phases cult. Mao's Little red book which contained brief
in Human history, measured by until Mao’s death in 1976, and slogans was part of t|he Cultural Revolution in the
the numbers of people involved its tormented and violent 1960's and 70's. Along with the Red Guards it
and the radicalness and speed legacy would resonate in was used to regain control of the party and China's
of the changes. Chinese politics and society political, social and economic direction which Mao
for decades to come. felt was being threatened by reformers within the
Mao launched the so-called Cultural Revolution 
 In 1969, Lin Biao was officially
(known in full as the Great Proletarian Cultural designated Mao’s successor. He
Revolution) in August 1966, at a meeting of the Plenum soon used the excuse of border
of the Central Committee. He shut down the nation’s clashes with Soviet troops to
schools, calling for a massive youth mobilization to take institute martial law. Disturbed by
current party leaders to task for their embrace of Lin’s premature power grab, Mao
Zhou acted to stabilize China by reviving
bourgeois values and lack of revolutionary spirit. In the began to maneuver against him
educational system and restoring numerous
months that followed, the movement escalated quickly with the help of Zhou Enlai,
former officials to power. In 1972, however,
as the students formed paramilitary groups called the China’s premier, splitting the
Mao suffered a stroke; in the same year, Zhou
Red Guards and attacked and harassed members of ranks of power atop the Chinese
learned he had cancer.
China’s elderly and intellectual population. government.

During this early phase of the Cultural In September 1971, Lin died in an airplane
Revolution (1966-68), President Liu Shaoqi crash in Mongolia, apparently while attempting
and other Communist leaders were removed to escape to the Soviet Union. Members of his
from power. (Beaten and imprisoned, Liu died in high military command were subsequently
prison in 1969.) With different factions of the Red purged, and Zhou took over greater control of
Guard movement battling for dominance, many the government. Lin’s brutal end led many
Chinese cities reached the brink of anarchy by Chinese citizens to feel disillusioned over the
September 1967, when Mao had Lin Biao send course of Mao’s high-minded “revolution,” which
army troops in to restore order. The army soon seemed to have dissolved in favor of ordinary
forced many urban members of the Red Guards power struggles.
into rural areas, where the movement declined.
Amid the chaos, the Chinese economy
plummeted, with industrial production for 1968
dropping 12 percent below that of 1966.
Some 1.5 million people were killed during
the Cultural Revolution, and millions of
others suffered imprisonment, seizure of

 property, torture or general humiliation. The
The years from 1949 to 1978 were by no Cultural Revolution’s short-term effects may
means all chaos, and in fact the mass line, have been felt mainly in China’s cities, but its
together with revolutionary fervor, national
long-term effects would impact the entire
pride, organised group effort, and central In 1970’s china belatedly realized
direction, accomplished a great deal. China that the growing populution was country for decades to come. Mao’s large-
remained poor, but there was encouraging perhaps It’s greatest problems in scale attack on the party and system he had
growth in agriculture and owning to new terms of the per capita welfare by created would eventually produce a result
irrigation later better seeds and fertilization. which real economic growth must opposite to what he intended, leading many
be measured. Chinese to lose faith in their government

In 1964 China tested a clear bomb One of China’s greatest successes was Deng Xiaoping joined China’s
and thereby joined the ranks of the in delivering basic health care to most of burgeoning communist revolution,
major powers. Thousands of miles of its people, including for several years the led by Mao Zedong, as a political
new railways and roads were built and system of “barefoot doctors” who traveled and military organizer. He cut his
China became a major industrial even to remote villages and the clinics revolutionary teeth on the fabled
power. established in every commune. “Long March” of 1934-35 when the
fl e d g l i n g C h i n e s e C o m m u n i s t
movement escaped capture by the
Nationalist Chinese Army. War broke
out against Japan in 1937 and Deng
served as educational leader of the
Chinese Revolutionary Army, helping
it grow into a large military machine
during the Communist Revolution,
Ironically, this all happened under the rule
of Deng Xiaoping. He was Mao Zedong's
Because of the growing population in China,
In 1979, the Chinese government introduced

 successor in 1978 and launched the
economic reforms. These reforms helped
The Tiananmen Square protests of
life for farmers and people who lived in
the One-Child policy requiring couples from 1989 were protests in April and June of
the countryside, but was bad for city
China’s ethnic Han majority to limit that year. China calls them the June dwellers. Intellectuals, students, and
themselves to one child. One child families Fourth Incident, but to most of the industrial workers, feared unemployment
world it is the Tiananmen Square rising and social problems. They felt
were rewarded, and those who had more
massacre. There were other protests on disenfranchised. This means people felt
were punished with economic sanction. The Tiananmen square in 1919 and 1976. they could do nothing about these
population growth rate has been slowed, but The protests of 1989 were organised by p ro b l e m s . O n J u n e 4 , 1 9 8 9 , t h e
over 20 million babies are still born every groups of students, intellectuals and government used force to end the
year. labour activists. protests. This left many people injured or

Though Deng Xiaoping faced major

The liberation of women, one of the goals The protests had various causes.
worldwide criticism for the
of the revolution, is still relatively far from The corruption of the
Tiananmen Square massacre, he
Communist Party was a main
attainment, although there has been continued to stay in power. With
issue. The control of the
considerable progress. Women are no longer economy was working badly. The
further changes implemented,
as oppressed as they were under the old China’s economy grew and
country was poor, and city
society, but they are still far from equal, even standards of living increased under
dwellers got the worst of it.
an authoritarian government
less so than in the contemporary United
committed to one-party rule. Deng
States. carefully handpicked his successors
and in his last years became more
removed from his duties. On
February 19, 1997, Deng died in
Beijing at age 92. 
After Mao’s death in 1977, the Gang of
Four itself was purged and Deng
Xiaoping made a political comeback. He
downgraded Mao’s legacy, destroyed his
Mao initially praised Deng Xiaoping for his opponents and banned “unofficial” In the mid-1980s, the democracy
organizational skills, but he fell out of favor in organizations. As his power solidified, movement gained momentum and by
the 1960s during the Cultural Revolution. Deng quickly instituted new economic 1989, Deng Xiaoping’s authoritarian
Deng’s emphasis on individual self-interest policies opening China to international leadership faced opposition. A series
did not sit well with Mao’s egalitarian of widespread demonstrations at
trade and investment. This led to a peace
policies. Deng was eventually stripped of all Tiananmen Square shut down the
treaty with Japan, improved relations with government during a visit by Soviet
his posts and, with his family, exiled to the
the USSR, official recognition by the Premier Mikhail Gorbachev. After
rural Jiangxi province to undergo
reeducation. United States, and return of control over some hesitation, Deng supported
the British Colony of Hong Kong. removing the protesters by force.

In 1973, Chinese Premier Zhou

By the mid-1980s, Deng had
Enlai felt China needed Deng’s
introduced Economic Reforms in
organization skills to improve the agriculture and industry, providing for
economy. Deng was reinstated and more local management, and
carried out a major reorganization instituted the radical “one child per
of the government. He was soon couple” policy to control China’s
elevated to the Politburo. Deng was burgeoning population. In all these
widely considered to be Zhou’s reforms, Deng insisted China remain a
socialist nation with central control.
successor. However, upon Zhou’s
Reforms improved the quality of life for
death, the Gang of Four managed all but also created a huge inequality
to purge Deng from leadership. gap between the classes.

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