EBZ Systec - Case Study
EBZ Systec - Case Study
EBZ Systec - Case Study
EBZ SysTec
Integrated plant optimization delivers a significant edge
EBZ’s customers
Tecnomatix include renowned
players in the
Business challenges industry.
Variety of models
Permanent adaptation of
existing production facilities
Shorter product lifecycles
Cost-optimized processes
Keys to success
Networked collaboration
Integrated plant validation
Ensuring component and
process quality
Data consistency
Open standards EBZ SysTec employs Tecnomatix to optimize planning and production pro-
as corporate standard for cesses. To meet these growing require-
ments, EBZ SysTec GmbH, a leading
Results optimizing manufacturing
services provider and manufacturer of pro-
Optimizing plant validation facilities, realizing time and duction systems and die shapes for vehicle
Time and cost savings of
cost savings of up to 30 percent body technology within the automotive
up to 30 percent for real for real commissioning industry, opted to use integrated digital
commissioning software solutions. Using the Tecnomatix®
Unprecedented pressures solution Process Simulate Commissioning
Increased planning process
Automotive suppliers are experiencing from Siemens PLM Software, the company
unprecedented pressures of competition: can simulate a customer’s production cell
Standardized processes changing customer demands, ever shorter as an entire, integrated concept and opti-
product lifecycles, increasing number of mize the production process.
product variants, reduced product launch
times and increasing pressure in terms of Headquartered in Ravensburg, Germany,
earnings. But quality requirements remain EBZ SysTec GmbH is an international sup-
high, making the challenges numerous plier engaged in the development, design
and varied. It’s therefore even more critical and construction of production facilities
Digital solutions allow
production processes to be
optimized in advance.
for the automotive industry. The company commissioning – a particularly critical and
manages vehicle projects throughout the sensitive phase of the engineering process –
entire creation process. From planning to was rarely incorporated in this process of
design and robot programming through to optimization. However, it is here that last-
plant commissioning, EBZ provides its ser- minute component changes or a low num-
vices to OEMs and helps them improve ber of prototype parts can, for example,
their internal processes and workflows. produce unexpected delays, creating
havoc for project managers and serious
The automotive industry in particular is problems for the company. Every design
characterized by strong pressures in terms change or rework generates significant
of costs and innovation. For EBZ, one of extra work, increased costs, a drop in sales
the key challenges when working with its and possibly even a reduction in market
customers is the increasing variety of mod- share if these changes affect the planned
els and the constant changes in production production launch.
conditions. Every change request from the
customer means production systems have Separate processes as a source of error
to be adapted accordingly – modifications In the past, the departments responsible
that cost time and money. Suppliers are for engineering, electronics and robot
thus facing increasing pressure to signifi- programming generated their respective
cantly cut planning times. There is also less programs for real commissioning on a sep-
time available for validating and imple- arate basis. The people in charge did not
menting production systems. “Conscious meet up until the end of the planning and
of the pressures on costs, we endeavour to design phase – around two to three weeks
achieve high quality and maximum func- before real commissioning – to consult
tional reliability for all stages of perfor- with each other in the real facility. Previous-
mance,” explains Alexander Schmeh, ly, control specialists had no access to
managing partner of EBZ SysTec GmbH. precise, current engineering design data.
“There is neither the time nor the money Consequently, the level of maturity of the
for error-correction cycles. A validated software programs used in the facility for
plant function is therefore a vital prerequi- the robots and programmable logic con-
site for cost-optimized processes.” trollers in particular couldn’t be adequately
tested. Errors and information gaps
For some years now, EBZ has used digital weren’t identified until very late. This
solutions to optimize its customers’ meant the resulting control concepts and
production facilities. To date, real
“ Early collaboration between Engineering
Design, Electronics and Robot Programming
means time-critical conversion phases can
be implemented on time. This gives us time
benefits of up to 30 percent compared with
the traditional process.”
Alexander Schmeh
Managing Partner
EBZ SysTec GmbH
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