Economic Power Generation Using Magnetic Motor
Economic Power Generation Using Magnetic Motor
Economic Power Generation Using Magnetic Motor
Author: Vinay Wagmare Coauthor: Pranay Burande
Department: electrical engineering Department: electrical engineering
College: St. Vincent Pallotti college of Engineering College: St. Vincent Pallotti college of Engineering
and Technology and Technology
City: Nagpur City: Nagpur
Country: India Country: India
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
The concept of Magnetic Power Generation is as old The Reed's motor is a North pole magnetic motor. To
as the late 1600’s. The first major invention happened start the motor, it is necessary to move a little disc (at
the top) with your finger. Two brackets mounted in
in the year 1847 when Wesley Gary created self
cross with four aluminum sheets pass between the
powered magnetic motor. He registered his 1st patent North poles on the top and the bottom of the cylinder.
in 1877. When you turn the little disc with your finger, the two
brackets in cross leave the gap between the magnets.
Recently in 2009, two scientists from Taiwan Chun
Chao Wang, Yuh_suiang Wang have published their When you insert the aluminum sheets
patent, where they have used the same principle to mounted on the brackets between the
generate electricity. And a Russian scientist Mikhail magnets with the same polarization North,
you STOP the motor.
Dmitriev on January 28th 2011 used the same
principle to increase the torque of rotating devices. When you turn the little disc clockwise, you
START the motor.
This energy resource that has never been as widely
commercialized. And a generator based on this This motor is a real perpetual motion motor.
concept works itself without any breaks and hence can
provide power of all your daily electricity The only power that you require is the power needed
requirements. As per experts, this is the future of for turning the little disc with your fingers during the
startup. If you want more power, you need to use NIB
power and magnetic energy is a perfect energy
magnets for a bigger magnetic flux, so you can get
resource for tomorrow because it produces free energy more power."
without any inputs.
If you don't use aluminum sheets, the motor
The receiving zones is in the form of
Magnetic motor works on principle of repulsive circumferentially extending spaced apart sockets.
forces of magnets. The Interaction is the net
repelling force of like magnetic poles repelling The sockets may be substantially cylindrical and
each other thereby urging magnetic sources away may be arranged in a plane perpendicular to the
from each other, however since only the magnetic longitudinal axis of the shaft.
sources of the first set of magnetic sources are
able to be displaced under the urging of the force, BENEFITS OF MAGNIWORK:
the shaft is urged to rotate into a position in which
the repelling force is less. By constructing the magniwork power
generator, we can generate electric energy,
The rotor is substantially disc shape, and the meaning , create energy without needing any
first set of magnetic sources are located in source of renewable or non-renewable
peripheral region of the rotor which rotates energy.
together with the shaft. The stator is in the form The generator powers itself and creates
of pair of arms, which co-operates with the energy by itself, without requiring solar
corresponding rotor. energy, heat, water, coal or any kind of
resource. This generator powers itself and
The arms of pair are displaceable relative to each works indefinitely, without stopping,
other and their corresponding rotor, such that a creating a large amount of energy. Here are
gap between the arms and the rotor are selectively some of the benefits that
1) Minework has Works in every home, it 2. Thus, magnetic power generation has a huge
requires only a small amount of space. prospect in the future and should be
improvised in order to make it cost effective.
2) Pollution free energy generation.