List of Authors HR Policy

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List of Authors

Name of the Author: Ronald J. Burke; Cary L. Cooper

Title: Reinventing Human Resources Management: Challenges and New Directions
Journal: Indian Journal of HR Policies
Vol: 11
Year: 2010

Policy is a formal statement of a principle or a rule which all members of an

organization are bound to follow. Procedure tells the members of the organization how to
carry out or implement policy. So while policies are what are to be done by the members of the
organization, written in the form of statements or rules, procedures tell the members how to carry
out these policies, written in the form of instructions. It can be said that the HR department and
its policies and procedures are the real backbone and foundation of a company. HR team is
responsible for recruiting the right people in the company, and there after managing these people
and their needs, queries, and various problems.

Name of the Author: Ken N. Kamoche

Title: Understanding Human Resource Management
Journal: Journal of Human Resources
Vol: 13
Year: 2013

Human resource policies are always a must in all types of organizations as they need to cater and
meet the needs of all types of people. There are different natured people, not surprisingly all go
well with each other. Few people might have a habit of accepting what is the norms, few might
want to relax the rules but still written policies have the power to make people stick to the
regulations of the organization.

Name of the Author: Ronald R. Sims

Title: Organizational Success through Effective Human Resources Management
Journal: Journal of Human Resources Management
Vol: 10
Year: 2011
HR policies are not only for effectively drawing rules for employees but also to recognize their
needs, respect their thoughts. HR policies are needed because every individual has a different
opinion on all things. Not all need to accept others view. Hence, HR policies will make everyone
respect and follow same rules. A well-written HR policy will reduce the conflict among
employees as well as help the higher officials in the organization to take correct decisions based
on the official rules and regulations.

Name of the Author: John H. McConnell

Title: Essential HR Policies and Procedures
Journal: Journal of Indian Essentiality on Policies
Vol: 09
Year: 2008

Good HR policy will not only maintain the wellness of the organization inside but it also will
create a good corporate image among the society as well as job seekers too. Even before
employees are hired into a company, the HR team must sit and draft out its set of policies and
procedures. It is these policies which every employee of an organization is bound to follow, in
order to assure harmony in the organization.

Name of the Author: Monir H. Tayeb

Title: Indian Human Resource and Policies
Journal: Journal of Indian Essentiality on Policies
Vol: 07
Year: 2008

Certain people feel it is essential to have clear, written rules in every organization, while others
are more comfortable with having no set of rules. If we took the case of the latter, this would
mean having no discipline and no punishments for wrong behavior or action. On the other hand,
if an employer relies on a loose set of rules which have not been documented; it is easy for
people to assume these rules are open to interpretation. The result would be a working
environment which would be out of tune with the ultimate goal of the organization.
Name of the Author: Edward E. Lawler III; John
Title: Effective Human Resource Management a Global Analysis
Journal: International Journal of Organizational Analysis
Vol: 19
Year: 2013

Every individual in an organization has their own set of principles, morals and ethics. Is it not
necessary that two people working under the same roof would share a set of values. But when
this set of people join together to work in a professional environment, and if they are each
allowed to exercise their perceptions of right and wrong behaviour, chaos would surely ensue. In
order to keep the workplace a professional and pleasant environment, certain set of rules or
policies and procedures are made.

Name of the Author: Reza Kouhy

Title: HR policies Management
Journal: Indian Journal of HRP
Vol: 12
Year: 2010

Even with formal documentation, certain people have a tendency to test their limits. To prevent
exactly this from happening, along with the set of policies and procedures, the company must
also decide beforehand what their policy towards employees exhibiting bad behavior is. The
company head must sit with the HR team and decide what they consider over the line behavior,
or inappropriate behavior.

Name of the Author: Rishma Vedd

Title: HRP Implementing in Indian Companies
Journal: Indian Journal of Policies Handling
Vol: 15
Year: 2013

Ground rules must be set out, employees must be told what behaviors might lead to immediate
termination. Consequences for inappropriate behavior, while it may sound harsh to some, are the
only way an organization will be able to succeed. This ensures that their best employees are
retained, and their new employees are well trained to be an asset for the company.

Name of the Author: Takeo Yoshikawa

Title: Organizational Policies
Journal: Indian Journal of Internal Management
Vol: 11
Year: 2011
Providing in-house training or even hiring experts to provide training to employees regarding
work culture, policies, how to address issues and grievances, and correct training on appropriate
and inappropriate workplace behavior should be provided. These tools, if provided before to
employees, will help save a lot of productive time and resources when dealing with rules and
regulations and consequences of wrong actions.

Name of the Author: John Innes

Title: Policy Assessment
Journal: Journal of Assessment
Vol: 16
Year: 2014

Human resource policies and procedures can differ from organization to organization. Yet, they
are simple, straight forwards ground rules which every employee of an organization must abide
by. The HR policies provide guidelines on employer-employee interaction, behavior, appropriate
work behaviors, work schedules, employment laws, conflict resolution, disciplinary measures
and health and safety measures. These policies and procedures are what provide foundation and
structure to any organization.

Name of the Author: Carol Gill

Title: Impact of HRP
Journal: Journal of Impacting Factors
Vol: 06
Year: 2004
The HRM policies and procedures of an organization are made to comply with the laws and
regulations of a country. These HR policies and procedures are made to prevent lawsuits as far as
possible, in case of problems faced as the workplace. Employees are required to be informed
about these policies and procedures and their legal implications to ensure smooth operations in
an organization.

Name of the Author: Denny Meyer

Title: Critical Management
Journal: International Journal of Organizational Analysis
Vol: 18
Year: 2013

HR practices, policies and procedures help an organization in maintaining consistent practices in

the workplace. Consistent application of HR policies and procedures help prevent dissatisfaction
amongst employees, as sudden changes in schedules, benefits or roles and responsibilities can
create an unhealthy working environment.

Name of the Author: Amy C. Edmondson

Title: Organizational Knowledge
Journal: Journal of Integrating Knowledge
Vol: 12
Year: 2012

Make sure the written documentation or guidelines made by the organization are easily
understood by all employees to avoid inconsistency and confusion. Ensures all managers and
supervisors are well trained and able to provide training to new employees as well. Ensure all
employees and employers are properly trained in appropriate and inappropriate workplace
behavior and work culture norms. Periodically review the policies and guidelines to ensure they
are appropriate and up to date.

Name of the Author: Jean Francois Harvey

Title: Policy Teaming and Implementing
Journal: Journal of Teaming
Vol: 17
Year: 2015
Human resources team members are responsible for conducting proper market survey and job
analysis to determine adequate compensation of employees. Performance review and job
evaluation are also conducted by the human resources team in lines of the HR policies so as to
provide standardization and unbiased reviews.
The HR policies do not state the quantitative measurement of compensation, employees must
receive; but they state that each employee must be adequately compensated for his\her input.

Name of the Author: David G. Collings, Kamel Mellahi

Title: Strategic Policy Control
Journal: Indian Journal of Control
Vol: 18
Year: 2105

HR policies contain guides and information on grounds for termination of employees. These
policies help protect the organization from harmful employees. They also provide clear cut
ground rules for the violation of any company policies or rules, which call for corrective
measures, or in the worst case scenario, termination of the contract of an employee. While HR
policies and procedures may be developed in every organization, it is eventually up to the staff
members and employees to put them into action, and provide a safe working environment for all.
Name of the Author: Thomas A. O’Neill
Title: Influence of Policy on Future
Journal: Policy Optimizing and Dynamics
Vol: 22
Year: 2016

Human resources policies provide the framework by which employees are expected to behave in
the workplace. These policies are written statements of the company’s standards and objectives
and include all areas of employment, including recruitment, compensation, termination, benefits,
employee relations and leaves of absence.
They contain rules on how employees must perform their jobs and interact with each other.
Managers, employees and the HR department all have roles in ensuring that HR policies are
effectively implemented.

Name of the Author: Dianna L. Stone

Title: Influence of Policy on Future
Journal: Indian Journal of Future Aspects
Vol: 21
Year: 2016
Employees are responsible for following the established norms of behavior. HR policies often set
standards for working hours, attendance, workplace conduct, and health and safety. Policies on
respect, anti-harassment and nondiscrimination provide guidelines in resolving workplace
conflicts and handling complaints.
This promotes a positive work environment, enhances working relationships and improves
productivity. HR policies help employees better understand their benefits, salaries and
employment conditions, thus reducing the incidence of grievances.

Name of the Author: Stefan Zagelmeyer

Title: Global HRM/HRP Practices
Journal: International Journal of HRM
Vol: 23
Year: 2016

HR policy manuals outline internal policies and the company’s code of ethics. This includes
items such as dress code, professionalism, vacation time, personal and sick time, holidays,
workplace safety, discrimination, and how to interact with co-workers and customers. Ethics is
particularly important because it tends to vary from person to person. By outlining what
constitutes good behavior in your company, employees know what’s expected of them.

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