Sample CCMSA

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National Board of Medical Examiners

National Board of Medical Examiners®

NBME® Comprehensive Clinical Medicine Self-Assessment (CCMSA)
Performance Profile
Name: Test Date:
Assessment Score: 460

If you would like to view a report that will provide a longitudinal performance profile that displays a tabular
history of your performance and graphical profiles for each content area for the last six self-assessments
you have taken, please click here.

The material presented in this self-assessment is provided by the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) for
educational purposes only. Questions presented on the CCMSA are based on situations typically encountered in
clinical medicine and reflect the content of the multiple-choice component of USMLE™ Step 3. The CCMSA is not
intended to predict a participant’s performance on Step 3. The Performance Profile above is designed to serve as a
tool to determine areas of relative strength and weakness for various topic areas. Additional information concerning
many of these topics can be found in the USMLE Step 3 Content Description and Sample Test Materials
National Board of Medical Examiners

The score you received, indicated above in the top right hand corner, ranges from 10 to 800. It is scaled to have a
mean of 500 and a standard deviation of 100 for a reference group of USMLE Step 3 first-takers from accredited U.S.
medical schools.

The Performance Profile is provided to aid in self-assessment. The shaded region between the two vertical lines
defines a borderline level of performance for each content area; borderline performance is comparable to a high fail
or low pass on the overall Step 3 examination. Performance bands indicate areas of relative strength and weakness.
Some bands are wider than others. The width of a performance band reflects the precision of measurement:
narrower bands indicate greater precision. An asterisk indicates that your performance band extends beyond the
displayed portion of the scale. Small differences in the location of bands should not be over-interpreted. If two bands
overlap, performance in the associated areas should be interpreted as similar. Because CCMSA is designed to be
integrative, many items contribute to more than one content area. Thus, caution should be used when interpreting
differences in performance across content areas.

On the Performance Profile: MK—Medical Knowledge; PC—Patient Care; PBLI—Practice-based Learning and

National Board of Medical Examiners

National Board of Medical Examiners®

NBME® Comprehensive Clinical Medicine Self-Assessment


Name: Test Date:

Performance Profile

Click on the category below to view your correctly and incorrectly answered questions.
Detailed Analysis by Content

Physician Task: Foundations of Independent Practice

Physician Task: Advanced Clinical Medicine
Physician Task: MK: Applying Foundational Science Concepts
Physician Task: PC: Diagnosis
Physician Task: PC: Clinical Interventions/Mixed Mgmt
Physician Task: PC: Health Maint & Disease Prevent/Pharmacotherapy
Physician Task: PBLI: Systems-based Practice/Patient Safety
System: Immune/Blood & Lymph/Endocrine/Multisystem
System: Bhv Health & Soc Sci: Comm Skills/Ethics/Pt Safety
System: Nervous System & Special Senses
System: Musculoskeletal Sys/Skin & Subcutaneous Tissue
System: Cardiovascular
System: Respiratory
System: Gastrointestinal
System: Renal/Urinary & Male/Female Sys & Pregnancy
System: Biostatistics & Epidemiology/Population Health
Patient Age: Pediatric (Birth–17 yrs)
Patient Age: Young Adult/Middle-Aged Adult (18–54 yrs)
Patient Age: Older Adult (55–74 yrs)
Patient Age: Elderly (Older than 74 yrs)
*Because CCMSA is designed to be integrative, many items contribute to more than one score
National Board of Medical Examiners

National Board of Medical Examiners®

NBME® Comprehensive Clinical Medicine Self-Assessment (CCMSA)

Longitudinal Performance Profile

History of Performance Across Multiple Completed Tests
Name: Report Date:

Take Test Date Timing Assessment Score

1 7/30/2018 Standard 460

The material presented in this report is provided by the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME®) for educational
purposes only. The CCMSA is not intended to predict a participant’s performance on USMLE. The CCMSA is designed to
serve as a tool to determine areas of relative strength and weakness in clinical medicine. This report provides a history of
your performance on the last six assessments you have completed, along with test date and timing information. The test
date corresponds to the date you completed each assessment. The Assessment Score that you received on each
completed test as indicated in the table above, ranges from 10 to 800. It is scaled to have a mean of 500 and a standard
deviation of 100 in a reference group of USMLE Step 3 first-takers from accredited U.S. medical schools.

The graphical performance profiles are provided to aid in self-assessment and are a compilation of profiles for up to the six
most recently completed assessments started on or after July 2, 2018*. The performance profile graphs provide an indicator
of your performance across multiple completed assessments for each content area. The shaded region defines a borderline
level of performance for each content area. Performance bands indicate areas of relative strength and weakness. Some
bands are wider than others. The width of a performance band reflects the precision of measurement: narrower bands
indicate greater precision. An asterisk indicates that your performance band extends beyond the displayed portion of the
scale. Small differences in the location of bands should not be over-interpreted. If two bands overlap, performance should
be interpreted as similar. Because the CCMSA is designed to be integrative, many items contribute to more than one
content area. Thus, caution should be used when interpreting differences in performance across content areas.

Additional information concerning many of these topics can be found in the USMLE Step 3 Content Description and Sample
Test Materials (www.usmle.og).

On the Performance Profile: MK—Medical Knowledge; PC—Patient Care; PBLI—Practice-based Learning and

*CCMSA exams started on or after July 2, 2018 cannot be longitudinally compared against those started before July 2, 2018

National Board of Medical Examiners

National Board of Medical Examiners®

NBME® Comprehensive Clinical Medicine Self-Assessment (CCMSA)

Longitudinal Performance Profile

History of Performance Profiles Across Multiple Completed Tests
Name: Report Date:

Performance Profile Bands

L Lower Performance
B (shaded area) Borderline Performance
H Higher Performance

8/1/2018 National Board of Medical Examiners


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