Social Work With Individuals: Social Diagnosis and Treatment of Psycho-Social Problems
Social Work With Individuals: Social Diagnosis and Treatment of Psycho-Social Problems
Social Work With Individuals: Social Diagnosis and Treatment of Psycho-Social Problems
e-ISSN: 2348-795X
Available at
Volume 02 Issue 03
April 2015
uncountable achievements that excite the social work profession that works with
human mind. Yes, we live in an age of individuals, and family. In the discourse of
information with messages coming from social work profession, this paper is an
medical schools offer departments of medical social casework practice. The paper is divided
informatics that computerize each disease and into eight parts. The first part deals with the
make the information readily available to introduction of social work profession. The
practitioners in an easy way. Yet, people second part presents a view on social
suffer with loneliness, dejection, psycho-social casework and its objectives. The third part
problems, insecurity, and other difficulties. gives a view of principles of social casework.
Social work, which is a modern profession The fourth part presents the framework of
based on scientific knowledge and skills, is social casework practice. The fifth part
communication, feelings, and humane actions. setting. The sixth part presents the skills
It seeks to enhance the social functioning of required in social casework. The seventh part
individuals, singly and in groups, by activities deals with the process of social casework
focused upon their social relationships which practice. Finally, the last part presents an
constitute the interaction between client and example of psycho-social model along with
Key Words: Social Casework, Client, social systems, social work intervenes at the
Social Diagnosis, Social Treatment, and points where people interact with their
works with feet, the plumber with pipes, but improved schools, better housing, more
social workers work with the human and hospitals and medical care facilities, protected
social circumstances and conditions (Deol, economic conditions and better relations
2012). between religious groups help the individual
The future of social work profession in his/her adjustment and development. But
in the context of British Society is hard to his/her adjustment and development depend
predict. Social workers will need to accept and on the use of these resources by him/her.
adjust with periods of intense change in the Sometimes due to certain factors, internal or
organization and management of their work. external, he/she fails to avail existing
Practitioners must, therefore, retain clarity facilities. In such situations, social caseworker
about their roles and contribution to welfare helps him/her. The credit goes to Mary
services and be prepared to argue for the Richmond for defining the social casework
continuing relevance of their role within scientifically. In 1915, she said that social
environments which they may find harsh and casework is an art through which help is
unforgiving. The fundamental changes that provided to people for their betterment as well
have been set in training for social work as for the betterment of society. It means that
education confirm the fact that social workers social casework is essential if any country
must simultaneously operate in ways that wants to improve and develop society and
deliver a good quality of service, while also community. But this definition was not clear
being prepared to amend their practice in and therefore, she defined again in her book
accordance with frequent adjustments to their named ‘Social Diagnosis’, 1917, in which she
organizational locations (Lymbery & Postle, emphasized the specific purpose i.e. better
2007). adjustment in the social relationships. Again
Social Casework: in 1922, she told that social casework is for
Social casework or social work with change of the personality of the individual for
individuals is a primary method of social work proper social adjustment. In general, the
which is concerned with the adjustment and purpose of social casework is to help an
development of the individual towards more individual client to solve his/her psycho-social
satisfying human relations. Better family life, problems in such a way so that he/she finds
him/her capable of dealing with the problems
at present and also may solve in future if such transaction or face-to-face or person-to-person
problems arise. Thus, social casework has the encounter. The caseworker helps the client to
following objectives: act in order to achieve some personal/social
• To understand and solve the internal problems goals by utilizing the available resources in
of the individual. terms of strength of personality of the client,
• To strengthen his/her ego power. his/her social system or material provisions
• Remediation of problems in social available in the community and/or agency
functioning. (Upadhyay, 2012).
when they are therapeutically useful as a part casework process. Caseworker has a
of the casework practice. corresponding duty to respect that right,
3. Controlled Emotional Involvement: The recognize that need, stimulate and help to
controlled emotional involvement is the activate that potential for self direction by
caseworker’s sensitivity to the client’s helping the client to see and use the available
feelings, an understanding of meaning, and and appropriate resources of the community
purposeful and appropriate response to the and of his own personality.
client’s feelings. 7. Confidentiality: Confidentiality is the
4. Acceptance: Acceptance is a principle of preservation of secret information concerning
action wherein the caseworker perceives and the client which is disclosed in the
deals with the client as he/she really is, professional relationship. Confidentiality is
including his/her strength and weakness, based upon a basic right of the client; it is an
congenial and uncongenial qualities, positive ethical obligation of the caseworker and is
and negative feelings, constructive and necessary for effective casework service
destructive attitudes and behavior, maintaining (Misra, 1994).
all the while a sense of the client’s innate The Practice Framework:
dignity and personal worth. Purpose, values, sanctions, knowledge, and
5. The Non-judgmental Attitude: The non- methods are at the heart of social work
judgmental attitude is a quality of the practice with individuals and families:
casework relationship. It is based on a • Purpose: The purpose of social work practice
conviction that the casework function is to prevent or cure the breakdown of a
excludes assigning guilt or innocence, or healthy relationship between an individual and
degree of client responsibility for causation of his or her family or other associates. It helps
the problems or needs, but does include people to identify and resolve problems in
making evaluative judgments about the their relationships or, at least, to minimize
attitudes, standards, or action of the client. their effects. Social work seeks to strengthen
6. Self-determination: The principle of client’s the maximum potential in individuals, groups,
self-determination is the practical recognition and communities.
of the right and need of clients to freedom in
making their own choice and decisions in the
• Social Work Values: Social work assumes the more important contributing disciplines
the inherent worth and importance of the are: dynamic psychology, ego psychology, and
individual and the interdependence between the various theoretical developments in
an individual and his or her family or other sociology, social psychology, psychiatry, and
associates. Emphasis is placed on the cultural anthropology.
importance of respect for the dignity of the • Methods of Social Casework: Methods of
individual, and on his or her ability to make working with individuals and families have
important decisions. remained open. In the 1950s there was much
• Sanctions: Work with individuals and discussion of the diagnostic and functional
families, except for private practice, is under methods of casework. Many models of
the auspices of various governmental and casework have been identified: psychosocial,
private agencies that receive their sanction functional, problem-solving, behavior
from the people. Government agencies are modification, family group treatment, crisis
intended to express the will of the people. oriented brief treatment, and adult
Private voluntary associations are also socialization. One of the newer models is task-
mandated by the people to serve human needs. oriented casework. The trend in the 1990s
The authorization for services is provided by appeared to be what has been appropriately
law, or by policy-making bodies in by-laws labeled selective eclecticism (Skidmore & et.
and constitutions of agencies reflecting the al., 1991).
wishes of the people who support the services The Components of Social
of the agencies. Casework Setting:
• Knowledge: The theory underpinning for
The nucleus of the casework event is: A
casework is derived basically from the
person with a problem comes to a place where
profession of social work and from casework
a professional representative helps him or her
practice. Research contributes to the
by a given process:
knowledge base and appears to be growing in
• Person: The person is a man, woman, or a
sophistication and importance. The profession
child, anyone who finds himself/herself, or is
continues to recognize the contributions from
found to be, in need of help in some aspect of
the behavioral and natural sciences. Among
his/her social-emotional living, whether the
need be for tangible provisions or counsel. As to resolve it or vitiate its effects (Perlman,
he/she begins to receive such help is called a 2011).
client. Skills in Social Casework:
• Problem: The problem arises from some need Skill is the capacity to perform a task or an act
or obstacle or accumulation of frustrations or in such a way that the objectives are realized
maladjustments, and sometimes all of these effectively and within the shortest possible
together, which threatens or has already time. Skill development depends upon
attacked the adequacy of the clients’ living training, practice, experience and knowledge
situation or the effectiveness of efforts to deal of human behavior. Basically, there are four
with. skills required for effective casework practice:
• Place: The place is a social service agency or I. Skill In Relationship: The casework
a social service department of another kind of treatment (intervention) that is carried through
human welfare agency. It is a particular kind relationship between the client and caseworker
of social agency and department in that it is needs creating an atmosphere of trust,
set up to deal not with social problems at large confidence and mutual respect wherein the
but with human beings who are experiencing client feels comfortable to express
such problems in the management of their himself/herself and asks for help. Skill lies in
own personal lives. showing respect, and genuine interest in the
• Process: The process, named ‘social client and his/her problems, respecting his/her
casework’ to denote its centre of attention and opinions and values, and involving him/her in
its individualized aspect, is a progressive every stage of finding solution of his/her
transaction between the professional social problems.
caseworker and the client. It consists of a II. Skill in Exploring Problems in Depth: The
series of problem-solving operations carried caseworker ought to possess skills in probing
on within a meaningful relationship. The end the details and developmental sequence of the
of this process is contained in its means to problem. Caseworker’s ability to help the
influence the client-person that he/she client to tell his/her story and to indentify
develops effectiveness in coping with his/her his/her real problem requires capacity to listen
problem and/or to so influence the problem as to, express interest and show respect to the
planning related to a particular problematic the client to clarify the problem for
situation, area of family dysfunction, system himself/herself and to make changes in his/her
breakdown, or trouble within a life situation. life situation resulting from mutual
Defining the problem is clearly a way of understanding. Treatment goals are
individualizing the person. Assessment begins determined by the client and the worker
with a statement of the problem by the client. together. Intervention is determined by the
It is guided by what is indicated by the client client’s need, and when the agency does not
to be the major problem and may penetrate a provide the service indicated the worker has
range of somatic, psychosocial, social, the responsibility to help the client tap other
cultural, spiritual, and environmental forces. It resources. The relationship is the mainspring
includes judgment about the strength and of social work with individuals and families,
limitations of the individual in coping with the with the possible exception of those who
situation. The functioning person, the person follow the behavior-modification model.
with mastering ego capacity, can be expected Warmth, genuineness, and congruence have
ordinarily to say what brings him/her to the been identified as essential qualities the
agency. This becomes the point of intersection worker must bring to the relationship.
between the worker and the client. The worker Combined with interviewing skills, the worker
will apply his/her knowledge of forces, helps the client to tell his/her story and
knowledge of life situations, problem- partialize an approach to treatment so as not to
producing stresses, and understanding of be overwhelmed. Treatment skills include
people to the helping role by questions, interviewing, recording, letter writing,
comments, and in many non-verbal ways. referrals to other agencies and services, and
There is a mutual agreement between the helping the client to use personal and other
worker and the client in assessment. Goals resources. Intervention efforts support and
must be congruent with client’s needs and the strengthen the client’s ego through emotional
availability of services. These goals are catharsis, reassurance, clarification of the
respected, supported, and reinforced. problem and sympathetic listening.
• Social Treatment: Social treatment • Termination: A decision to accept a “case” to
(intervention) begins with the first contact. intervene professionally, to provide help to an
The study process is treatment when it helps applicant (an individual or to a family)
needing help, carried with it the assumption situation and scattered into rays of hopes
that at some point in the process the deciding to leave home.
intervention will end. Termination as used in • Assessment: Soham, excessively dependent
social work means the ending or limiting a upon his parents, resented this dependency,
process that was commenced when the agency and wanted to break out of the box he felt he
(worker) agreed to enter into the intervention was in. He also was resentful of the conviction
process aimed at delivering a service to a of his relatives, even though this dependency
client with a problem (Skidmore & et. al., was age appropriate. His feelings of
1991). helplessness in social situations, with his
father and relatives, appeared to be referable
Case Example: Psycho-social Model to the long period of time.
• Study: Such factors as the following, revealed • Intervention: The goal was to support Soham
in the interview, are noted and taken into in efforts to become more self-reliant and to
consideration for assessment and intervention: help him for helping himself. He was
Soham, the only son in a family of ten encouraged to make decisions affecting his
children, grew up as a student having parents life. He was helped to question him about
always protecting him, limiting and strength of his earning. He shared his skill that
controlling his activities, and often thinking he was efficient to teach English language and
for him. Till his schooling, parents were its grammar. He was aided to understand why
supportive any how to afford his study. But he resented his dependency and how to cope
suddenly parents denied him to get higher with this by encouraging him to be self-reliant
education believing that there will only be the and earning and getting higher education
wastage of money and time for higher study. together as well as maintaining good
He tried his best to convince his father and relationship with family also. He was helped
relatives to support and afford his higher to understand his dependency and how to
education but result was zero. The only way handle his relationships with parents and
was to drop the ambition of higher study and relatives without feeling helpless and dejected.
get involved with father’s local business. He • Termination: When Soham engaged himself
was also unable to compromise with the with a coaching centre, started teaching
English language, and he got first salary, he [6] Parris, M. (2012). An Introduction to
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problems in such a way that he/she finds Casework: A Therapeutic Approach. New
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