Government of Delhi
Urban Roads
(Second Edition)
Published by
Public Works Department
Government of Delhi
Preface Pages
Part. 1. General Features
Chapter – 1 Road Pavement 1-3
Chapter – 2 Road Geometrics 4-17
Chapter – 3 Arboriculture, Horticulture
and Landscaping 18-32
Part. II : Traffic and Lighting
Chapter – 4 Traffic Surveys on Urban Roads 33-45
Chapter – 5 Road Markings 47-64
Chapter – 6 Road Delineators & Safety Barriers 68-70
Chapter – 7 Road Signs 71-87
Chapter – 8 Road Lighting 93-103
Part. III : Drainage and Maintenance
Chapter – 9 Road Drainage 106-125
Chapter – 10 Road Maintenance 128-162
Chapter – 11 Utility Services 181-192
Part IV: Miscellaneous
Chapter – 12 Quality Control 193-204
Chapter – 13 Inspection of Works 205-212
Chapter – 14 Urban Road Records and Inventory 2013-217
Urban roads are part of urban infrastructure. These roads are required
for both intra-city and intercity movement and render much higher level of
service compared to Regional Roads, State Highways and National
Highways. Importance of Urban roads is increasing on account of the fact
that urban areas are increasing in their size and number. The planning,
development and maintenance of urban roads offer challenge to Engineers.
Quality of life in urban area depends on efficient and effective urban
Road system, of course, with the support of other infrastructural services such as water
supply, sewerage, drainage, electricity, telephones etc. in order to, perform social
economical & cultural activities.' Urban transportation network is required to facilitate
movement of people and goods and therefore efficient network is necessary for their
efficient movement. Urban roads being most importantmode of transportation, these are
required to establish a reliable, efficient and attractivetransportation system for vehicles
and individuals.
IRC documentation by and large deals with National highways
state highways, major district roads, other district roads, village roads etc. Most of the
documentation by Indian Roads Congress arefor inter-city linkage not for intra-city
linkages. Most of the literature developed by Indian road Congress is for inter-city or
regional roads which are under the preview of Ministry of Surface Transport whereas
'Urban roads are under the preview Ministry of urban Development. Central PWD
being under
this Ministry has, therefore, taken initiative to prepare the Urban Roads Manual
Though this manual is prepared for those engineers of Central P.W.D who are working
in PWD, Government of NCT Delhi, but it is hoped that it will be found equally useful
by the road engineers of State PWD and other similar organisations. This manual is a
practical guide for planning, construction and maintenance of roads. It is based mostly
on IRC publications and wherever required, publications of Delhi Development
Authority (DDA), Municipal Corporration of Delhi (MCD) etc., have been used. There
is limitation of space in urban roads. Therefore, requirement of geometry to ensure
proper safety is a difficult task. These roads are to be designed to accommodate peak
hour traffic as also lean traffic. Other important features of urban roadare lighting,
proper maintenance, traffic requirements.The performance demand from urban
roadschangein short periods. Today's road in out-skirts ofthe city after some time have
to caterforsemi-urban conditions and in future to fully urban conditions. Besides, urban
roads are required to accommodate many other services for which requirements vary
with the passage of time.
For the preparation of this manual we had the blessings and encouragement of
ShriArunBaroka, Secretary (PWD).
I would like to express my appreciation of the untiring effort and hard work put
in by above mentioned officer in updating the manual.
(Dinesh Kumar)
PWD, Govt. of Delhi
PART. 1.
1.0 Introduction
The road pavement is the principal structure constituting the
carriageway and is meant to carry the wheel-load of the road traffic. Also, it is
provided to minimise the intensity of load by distributing it on a larger area
and thus making it bearable by the underlying road sub grade.
Broadly speaking are of two types i.e. the flexible pavement and the rigid pavement.
Bituminous macadam (BM) construction with comparatively low binder content and
high voids is generally used for loads upto 2 msa (million standard axle). For higher
loads, Dense Bituminous macadam (DBM) is recommended.
3.1 In case of the rigid pavement the thickness is mainly made up of a cement
concrete (simple or reinforced) slab. The main structural strength is provided by the
rigidity or slab-action and high modulus of elasticity of the cement concrete. Rigid
pavement can be designed by following IRC guidelines as given in IRC 58-2011.
3.2 Load transfer mechanism of the concrete pavements is through beam action
and accordingly the concrete pavements are expected to perform relatively better than
flexible pavements on weak sub-grades, as these can bridge small soft or settled areas
of sub-grades. Design of concrete pavements is fundamentally governed by the flexural
strength instead of compressive strength.
3.3 The main purpose of the sub-base is to provide a uniform, stable and
permanent support to the concrete slab laid over it. It must have sufficient strength so
that it is not subjected to disintegration and erosion under heavy traffic and adverse
environmental conditions such as excessive moisture, freezing and thawing. In the light
of these requirements, sub-base of Dry Lean Concrete (DLC) having a 7-day average
compressive strength of 10 MPa determined as per IRC-SP:49 is recommended.
Minimum recommended thickness of DLC for major highways is 150mm.
4.0 Rigid pavements are more capital intensive and low on maintenance cost.
While flexible pavements are cheaper to construct initially but require periodic
overlays and are, thus costlier in terms of maintenance.
The defects in rigid pavements are difficult to rectify while in flexible pavements,
the defects are easily rectified. Under the mix traffic conditions on Delhi Road, where
28 types of vehicles are plying, high temperature variations during the year and poor
drainage system of the city, the flexible pavements are preferred. The rigid pavements
are only adopted in areas which are prone to water logging.
5.0 In Delhi, PWD maintains about 1280 kms of roads. This includes 40 kms of Ring
Road, 65 km of Outer Ring Road and rest main arterial roads.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Safety and economy are two important goals of any transportation and
planning project. The configuration of the road, the. dimensions and provisions of
different component elements need to be such that transportation is possible in shortest
time .with the full utilisation of the capacity of the constructed facility. Also the
arrangement should technically ensure safety of the road user. Road geometrics lay
down suitable guidelines for achieving these goals.
1.2 The Indian Roads Congress have published a set of geometric design
standards for Urban Roads in Plains (IRC:86-1983) which are considered to be
applicable, by and large, to all urban/suburban situations excepting
expressways. The principal features of the above-mentioned standards are
quoted in the subsequent paragraphs but it is suggested that in all cases of
specific problem the detailed geometric standards outlined in the publication should
only be followed.
2.0 Classification
2.1 IRC classifies (IRC 86-1983) the urban roads under the following four categories
excepting Expressways for which a separate class has been
(i) Arterial
(ii) Sub-arterial
(iii) Collector street
(iv) Local streets.
2.2 Arterials
These are roads primarily meant for through traffic and are generally
continuous in nature and are co-ordinated with existing or proposed
expressway systems. The bulk of traffic between central business district
and outlying residential areas or between major suburban centres takes
place along them. These may generally be spaced at less than 1.5 Km.
interval in highly developed central business areas to about 8 Km or so, in
thinly populated sub-urban areas. Parking, loading and unloading activities are usually
restricted and regulated. Pedestrians are allowed to cross only at intersections.
2.3 Sub-arterials
These streets are functionally similar to arterials with a lower priority
in hierarchy and their spacing may vary from about 0.5 Km. in the central -
business district to 3 to 5 Km. in sub-urban areas.
2.4 Collector streets
As the name suggests these streets are meant for collection and
distribution of traffic from residential neighbourhoods, business and industrial areas
and feed them to the sub-arterials and arterials and vice versa.
Collector roads allow full access to and from adjoining areas traversed
by them. There are few parking restrictions except during peak hours.
3.3 Sub Arterial (Collector) Streets
These are intended for neighbourhood (or local) use on which through traffic is to
be discouraged. The suggested ROW is 12 to 20m in the existing and proposed urban
area. These roads should be made pedestrian and bicycle friendly by using modern
traffic calming designs to keep the speeds within limits as per design.
4.2 The design speeds are suggestive only and may be slightly increased or decreased
depending on the area traversed i.e. slightly higher values in relatively open suburban
areas and lower values in heavily built up areas. On divided highway a higher value
may be used. There should not, however, be abrupt large change in the design speed
value, the shift being achieved in small steps of 10Km/hr. or so.
5.1 The capacity of a road is indicated by the total number of vehicles it can
accommodate at a particular level of service. Since, however, the traffic
stream consists of various categories of vehicles, these need to be expressed
in terms of a common yardstick based on their specific characteristics of
mutual interference. It is customary to generally express it in terms of
Passenger Car Unit (PCU). The PCU value of a particular category of vehicles
is, however, not a constant but seems to vary depending on various factors
like vehicle dimensions, the percentage composition of different categories
in the stream etc.
5.2 In the Guidelines for Capacity of Urban Roads in Plain Areas (IRC:106-1990)
IRC has recommended the following PCU factors for various types of vehicles.
1. For access roads to residential areas, a lower lane width of 3m is permissible.
2. Minimum width of a kerbed urban road is 5.5m including allowance for a stalled
As per IRC 106-1990 (guidelines for capacity of Urban Roads in Plain Areas)
design service volume is the maximum hourly volume at which vehicle can
reasonably be expected to traverse a point or uniform section of a lane or roadway
during a given time period under the prevailing roadway, traffic and control
conditions while maintaining a designated level of service. Subsequent to the
publication of IRC:86-1983 IRC has revised the recommended design service
volumes of different categories of urban roads in its publication IRC:106-1990. This
aspect has been dealt in detail in para 7 of chapter-4 (Traffic Census on urban Roads
-Part-II) of the manual and the design service volumes indicated therein will hold
good for urban road design.
No. of Traffic
Traffic flow Capacity in PC Us per hour for various traffic conditions
lanes and widths
Roads with
Roads with no frontage access Roads with free
frontage access, but no standing frontage access,
no standing little vehicle and high parked vehicles and
cross traffic capacity heavy cross traffic
(Arterial) intersections (Collector)
Ns= 365XA[(1+r)X-1]
_____________ x F .. (1)
Ns= The cumulative number of standard axles to be catered for in
the design,
A= Initial traffic, in the year of completion of construction, in terms
of the number of commercial vehicles per day duly modified to
account for lane distribution
r = Annual growth rate of commercial vehicles
X= Design life in years
F= Vehicle damage factor (number of standard axles per commercial vehicle)
Table Indicative VDF Values
8.0 Footpaths
9.0 Medians
9.1 The primary function of a median is to segregate the traffic in opposite direction
and prevent chances of head-on collision. The median area, where provided, may be
conveniently used for plantation (to screen opposing headlights), installation of
lighting and provision of drainage also. As a general rule medians may be provided on
urban highways with 6 or more lanes. On roads with 4 lanes the pros and cons of such a
provision may be carefully examined with regard to the nature of traffic. IRC 86-1983
recommends that provision of median may be avoided where there are significant tidal
flow of traffic or where the individual carriageways are inadequate for catering to peak
hour traffic volumes etc.
9.2 An absolute minimum width of median in urban areas is 0.90 m and a desirable
minimum is 5 meters.
9.3 As far as possible the median should be of uniform width but where
change is unavoidable it should be achieved with the provision of a transition of 1 in 15
to 1 in 20. .
10.0 Busbays
In order to avoid an obstruction to the traffic in the main lanes bus bays are
preferably provided by recessing the kerbed shoulder. The length of the recess may be
15 m for a single bus stop and additional 15m for each extra bus stop. The depth of the
recess shall be 4.5mtr. for single bus stop and 7 mtr. for multiple bus stop. The taper to
achieve the above shall preferably be 1 in 8, but in no case shall it be less than 1 in 6.
Bus bays should not be located too close to intersections. It is desirable that they are
located at least 75m from the intersection on either side preferably on the farther side of
the intersection.
11.0 Intersections
12.0 Camber
12.1 Camber or cross-fall is normally given to provide the road profile a
self-draining property. In a straight section of the road the following camber
is adopted.
cement concrete
12.2 IRC 86-1983 recommends provision of higher value of the camber in areas with
high intensity of rainfall and where ponding is feared due to some reason. Also,
steeper camber should be provided in kerbed pavements to minimise spread of surface
water flow.
12.3 For paved footpaths a cross fall of 3 to 4 percent should be adopted. For verges
and unpaved areas the cross-fall should be 4 to 6 percent.
30 30
50 60
60 80
80 120
14.0 Cycle Track
15.0 Lay-byes
To enable drivers to stop clear of carriageway, lay-byes should be provided at
regular interval along straight routs. They should preferably be
located near public conveniences. They should normally be 3m wide and
30m long with 15m end tapers on both sides.
16.0 Clearance
Standards for lateral clearance of under passes are to be as per the
recommendations of IRC in IRC:54-1974 (Lateral and vertical clearance at
underpasses for vehicular traffic) and for detailed guidance the same shall
be consulted. Some of the broad guidelines are described below.
16.2 Vertical clearance
Minimum vertical clearance on urban roads shall be 5.5 meters.
Primary Other Primary Secondary Local Streets
Arterial Primary Collector Collector
RIGHT OF 60-80 M 45-60 M 30 - 40 M 18 - 24 M 12 - 20 M
SPEED 50-70 km/hr 30 - 40 km/hr 20 - 30 km/hr 10 - 20 10 - 20
RANGE km/hr km/hr
SPEED Enforcement Enforcement Enforcement Traffic Traffic
CONTROL and Traffic and Traffic and Traffic calming calming
Calming Calming Calming essential. required
required required required
BUSWAYS Segregated Segregated bus Segregated bus No No
FOR BRT bus ways ways required ways required segregated segregated
required where BRT where BRT bus lane; bus lanes or
where BRT proposed proposed, at- but Road bus
proposed grade may be operations
segregation designated required;
possible on Bus-NMV but Road
R/Ws above 36 only if may be
M required designated
only if
MOTORIZ 2 to 4 2 to 4 2 to 3 No No
ED LANES motorized motorized motorized minimum minimum
lanes per lanes per lanes per lane width lane width
direction, direction, min. direction, min. specificatio specificatio
min. 3.3m 3.3m wide 3.1m wide n. n.
wide (min. 3.5 (min. 3.3 for (min. 3.3 for
for BRT bus BRT bus ways) BRT bus ways)
CYCLE/NM Segregated Segregated Traffic Cycle lanes No special
V TRACKS cycle tracks cycle tracks Calming can work, feature for
required ; required ; min. essential where segregated cyclists
min. 2.5m 2.5m wide for segregated tracks
wide for two- two-way Cycle tracks required
way movement. are not where
movement. provided; friction &
Cycle tracks to encroachm
be min. 2.5m ent
wide if block expected
lengths are
SERVICE Service lanes Service lanes No service lane No service No service
LANES required. required for required. lane lane
low-density required required
frontages; for
U frontages,
service lanes
not required.
MEDIANS Continuous Continuous Intermittent or Intermittent No medians;
median; all median; all No median; or No traffic
openings and openings and openings/inters median calmed
intersections intersections ections required; crossings, or
accompanied accompanied accompanied For roads mini
by signals and by signals and by signals and where need roundabouts
traffic traffic calming. traffic calming. for Median
calming. (no (no grade is felt,
grade separators issue to be
separators within city) brought to
within city) UTTIPEC.
to be traffic
NOTE: Lane Widths have been designated based on desired speed of the road
1.0 Introduction
Construction of a road necessarily inflicts a scar on the natural
terrain and unless conscious steps are taken to conceal it and merge it with
the surrounding area it may stand out starkly as an incongruity. Also,
construction of a road and development of road traffic on it brings in its wake
an unavoidable degradation in the environment.
Arboriculture, horticulture and landscaping are some of the devices
used by a highway engineer to mitigate the damaging effects of the above
and try to restore the balance. Although, the primary quality to be looked for in a road
is its functional efficiency with regard to traffic and transportation, all such measures
which are taken to improve the appearance of the highway, help it to integrate with the
surrounding area and protect the environment are also considered to be the essential
attributes of a road.
2.0 Definition
In general terms, the science of road side tree plantation is called
arboriculture and that of plantation of shrubs, flowers, plants is called
horticulture. All measures taken (including arboriculture and horticulture) in planning,
aligning, profile fixing and design to integrate a road with its
surrounding area and improve its appearance and effects on environment
may form part o( landscaping for road.
3.0 Scope
3.1 Landscaping
3.1.1 The full measure of success of landscaping depends largely on the
ability of the planner to induct suitable provisions right at the design stage of the road
i.e. in route alignment, in profile (both horizontal and vertical), in the architecture of
the road structures etc. to help the constructed facility to become one with the
surrounding area and enable the road user to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding
without a visual jolt. Much depends on the provision of adequate space between
different elements of the road and open areas to enlarge the visual coverage where the
same provides a pleasant change in scenery and experience.
the enforcement arm of the administration is not strong or sincere enough. Therefore, it
is the architecture of the existing construction on both sides of the road which becomes
the dominant visual experience for the urban road user and the landscaping of the road
and its appurtenances takes a subservient role and requires to be in tune with it at each
change of phase.
3.2 Arboriculture/Horticulture
3.2.1 Since land is scarce and costly in urban areas, shoulders and medians will
generally tend towards having minimum possible widths with hardly any open land on
the sides of the highway thus limiting the scope of arboriculture severely.
3.2.2 However, unlike roads through rural areas the occurrence of a large
number of intersections, rotaries and islands in city roads throw up an excellent
opportunity for horticultural layout and design to partly compensate for the loss in
scope of full-scale arboriculture.
4.0 Landscaping
4.1 The Indian Roads Congress has already brought out a very useful publication titled
'Landscaping of Roads' (IRC Special Publication 21-of 1979) which deals with all
aspects of landscaping for roads. The present
compilation is not intended to be a substitute of that but seeks to highlight
some of the important elements listed in the same specially with emphasis
on urban landscaping. For further details the IRC publication may always be referred
4.2 Since one of the major tasks of landscaping is to integrate the
constructed facility with the surrounding, the first requirement of the planner is to
reconnaissance the project area to identify all existing natural and man- made features
lying strewn in the area, which may themselves be objects of beauty or have the
potential to enhance the beauty of the area. They can be listed as below:-
Natural Features:
- River banks, streams, ponds or natural water bodies, even marshy land.
- Hillocks, ridges or rock outcrops.
- Woodland, groves or even desolate fallow land of adequate
- Road length traversing perceptibly rolling or highly undulated
area or even area with fault zones where the natural deficiency
can be turned into a visual asset by an imaginative landscape architecture.
- Any area with scenic beauty. Man-made Features
- Areas with an imposing building complex or bridge in view.
- Old historical buildings 'and monuments, forts, remains of olden
- Famous temples or places of worship.
- Gardens, amusement parks etc.
4.3 The next task is to obtain detailed survey maps for these areas
indicating the existing available land and land-use pattern and get an
assessment made regarding the road capacity, transport facility requirement
in the area in the near future and on long term basis.
4.4 With the material as above a fresh look may be given to the existing
route alignment in the area and abinitio planning done, where needed, to
incorporate these features with the best view from road to accentuate, the
beauty or magnificence of their presence.
4.5 Since it deals with an abstract subject like aesthetics which is not
susceptible. to rigid formulation there can never be any hard and fast rule as to how
best to exploit the aesthetic potential of these features and the highway engineer is best
advised to go largely by the recommendations of a perceptive landscape architect and a
horticulturist of experience in this endeavour. The technical and geometric
requirements of the highways can be placed before them and their suggestions for
improving the looks and landscape may be incorporated in the proposal.
4.6 Since trees with flowers and foliage and shrubs have always formed an
invaluable landscape resource broad guidelines regarding arboriculture/ horticulture
are dealt separately in the subsequent paragraphs.
4. 7 Landscaping in Rotaries
The development of big rotaries can be undertaken only with the joint
planning and co-operation of the architectural and horticultural cells of the
The general principle of horticulture and landscaping treatment for
rotary areas will be in terms of providing a comely garden which is pleasing to the eye
in sharp contrast to the hurly burly of road traffic around it. It can be developed mainly
by turfing and provision of a pleasing combination of hedges, flowers and shrubs.
Depending on the total area available, in addition to the garden the
area can be attractively developed with sculptures, fountains, rockeries, water- channel,
miniature bridge and crossing on them and undulating patches of turf. The architecture
of the peripheral masonry work, if any, like, railings, pathways, channel shall have to
be specially designed keeping an eye to blend with the architecture and material used in
the construction of the surrounding area.
5.0 Arboriculture/Horticultre
5.1 Trees, shrubs and plants on the road side serve a va~iety of purposes.
(i) The trees afford shade the value of which to the road user and
the pedestrian can never be overestimated in a tropical country.
The shade helps in bringing down the temperature of the
surrounding and prevents the pavement from becoming soft
due to overheating with more chances of deformation under
wheel-load. It also cuts off substantially the refl~cted light from
the pavement the glare of which, when high, blurs human vision
and may lead to discomfort and watering of the eyes.
(ii) The dense foliage of trees reduces the reflected light intensity
from the pavement, cools the environment and. reduces
evaporation of water and wind velocity in different situations;
(iii) With their characteristic shapes, foliage and colourful flowers
they add beauty and variety to the scenario, bringing a touch of
joy and interest in the road user.
(iv) Besides improving the appearance they also purify the air and
serve in restoring atmospheric and environmental balance.
(v) Plants and shrubs when grown on medians, cut off the glare of
light from the traffic in opposite direction.
(vi) Trees and shrubs can screen off unsightly vistas such as
slums, junk-yards, storage depots etc. in urban/sub-urban
vii) When properly designed they also screen off traffic noise, from residential
habitations or sensitive areas like schools hospitals etc.
(viii) With the help of their root system all types of vegetation, specially
those grown on slopes, play a significant role in preventing erosion by
water and wind. .
(ix) Fruit bearing trees can be a source of food for the society and
income for the growers and their plantation may be encouraged
whenever conditions are favourable .:
(x) Plantation and horticulture in rotaries/island gardens provide
rest area for travelle s, play ground for children and thus help to
improve the overall quality of life for the residents of the town.
consequence will be laterday requirement of very severe pruning of the tree both on
the road side and on the back-side resulting in a very badly. deformed and aesthetically
un-acceptable tree form which may not be worth the effort and cost. For the average
field engineer the following thumb rules may prove to be quite useful:- .
i) When trees are too close to a building, location should not be
selected opposite to entrance gates, entrances to vehicle
garages, and opposite to the main front room windows of
residential houses.
ii) Effort shall be made to select planting location at least 6 metres
away from a street light post, unless the light is centrally hung
or there is adequate overhead lighting arrangement. -
iii) Plantation should not be done just below overhead telephone
or electric lines.
iv) Plant location should not be very near underground service
lines of power, gas, watermains or sewers. These areas may
be frequently excavated for repairs/reinstallation etc. which
may damage tree roots.
The points mentioned above definitely make the total operation
very restrictive but neverthless a way out for selection of a
suitable location can still be found specially in planned
townships with adequate off-set spaces and well laid out roads
(vii) Very tall trees or trees with too much of spread and branches shall be avoided as
they may Interfere with overhead services, Reduce effective roadway, Become
unsafe for passinqs vehicles during storms Obstruct clear view of roadsigns and
reduce road illumination.
(viii) The species of trees selected shall be with deep root system as it increases
stability of the tree against wind and reduces harm to adjacent public utilities and
road pavement.
5.3.2 Some of the other important considerations which are made to finally decide
upon the spacing are as below:-
Maintenance requirements
Undergrowth characteristics
Clearance intended in design for providing open view and
Provision of occasional clearance to break monotony of
continuous arboriculture.
5.3.3 The designer, however, has to take into account the ~~iJ~y of space and road
safety requirement while proposing the design combination and once the design is
finalised it should clearly indicate the intended spacing in each stretch. Some broad
thumb-rules, however, may be as below:-
For some medium sized trees the interval may be 5 to 6 metres but in most design a
minimum spacing interval of 10 to 15 metres may be required between' the trees.
When avenue trees are located on kerbed or raised shoulder
the distance between the kerb and the nearest point of the tree shall not be less than 1
metre. Where adequate off-set land is available on the side of the road, the nearest
row of trees may be at a minimum distance of 4.5 to 5 metres from the edge of the
carriageway to be finally constructed as per long term design. (Since it takes a long
time to nurture the growth of a tree existing carriageway only should not be taken as
a guide). While screening of unsightly areas like slums, junkyards etc. or creating a
noise-barrier, trees may have to be planted as close as possible in a continuous row
without resorting to pruning of branches at lower level.
When plantation of two consecutive rows of avenue trees is feasible with adequate
land-width being available, the row nearer to the carriageway may be of ornamental
flowering type whereas the one away from it can be with shade trees.
5.4 Plantation in medians
5.4.1 The main purpose of planting in medians is to cut-off headlight glare from
traffic in opposite direction.
Plants and shrubs growing to a short height (1 to 1.5 metre or so) are best suited for
the purpose. Larger height of shrubs adversely affect visibility of traffic on the other
lane specially in the area near median gaps and are, therefore,not to be encouraged.
5.4.2 If sufficient width is available in the median, the most effective method
of planting will be in the form of baffles, Baffle planting is possible only when the
width of median is 3 metres or more. A typical baffle layout is shown in Fig. 3.1.
With careful angle of plantation, a baffle may help in cutting off glare
from traffic light and at the same time provide clear view of the other lane at places
through opening between lines.
5.4.3 Where baffle planting is not feasible because of inadequate width of
median, a single continuous line of plantation may be resorted to.
5.4.4. The median planting is required to be kept in shape by frequent
trimming so that the vertical growth and the horizontal spread do not interfere with
traffic safety.
For a short length near median gap, on each side of the gap and near
intersections it may be preferable to discountinue planting or to keep them
restricted to a low height only by strictly regulating their growth.
5.5.1 Growth and survival of trees primarily depend on climatic factors like rainfall,
temperature range in the area and the terrain, altitude and soil. Also, in the long run
only native plants or genetically similar plants suited to the terrain and the region can
successfully thrive and survive. The best course is to get a proper design made for the
area in question by a competent arboriculturist and follow the same.
5.5.2 Since the principal purpose of avenue trees is to provide shade and
bring about aesthetic improvement of the road facility, trees with deep foliage
and beautiful flowers receive primary consideration. Different species of
trees shed their leaves or bloom into flowers at different times of the year.
The colour of the flowers also may be different. By suitable permutation and
combination of available plant material an able arboriculturist tries to prepare a design
so that the roadside has the most beautiful combination of colour, flower and foliage
and sustain the same for as long a period of the year as possible. This is an expert's job
for which the road engineer should seek help of the specialist keeping in view the
requirement of each separate zone.
(i) Trees indigenous to the region may be preferred as they will grow in areas with
climatic conditions favourable to them. Selection will also be made keeping an
eye to the water level in the region.
(ii) However, the above need not be a restricting regulation. In fact
a large number of well known ornamental flowering trees that
grow in India at present are not native to India and were
introduced from other countries with similar climate like Tropical
and South America, South Africa, Madagascar, Java, Burma,
etc. Suitable innovative designs with exotic plantation are
(iii) Transplacement from one climatic zone to other (without.harsh
change) may also be exploited in the design with advantage.
Trees which have full growth with abundance of water throughout the year due
to heavy rainfall or which grow naturally by the
sides of canals and perennial rivers or grow in a moist climate
may survive with arrangement of irrigation in comparatively drY
climate with less rainfall but they may not grow to the full stature.
This new but somewhat stunted variety, nevertheless with its
characteristic flower and foliage may some times be prized in
an urban situation.
(iv) In urban situations the fast growing trees shall get the
preference as they have better chance of growth and survival in
inhabited areas.
(v) Nurturing a tree to its full growth is a time consuming effort and
their frequent replacement is ruled out. Therefore, trees with
long life cycles are preferred.
(vi) Species for plantation in urban areas shall preferably be smog
resistant and also tough to withstand harsh environment
specially vehicular pollution. The road medians in busy city
streets are one of the most polluted areas any plantation has
to suffer.
(vii) Trees which drop too many leaves shall not be preferred as in urban
areas arrangement has to be made to get the roads swept clean.
(viii) Trees with umbrella or sub-umbrella crowns (like neem,
mohua, imli and mango) will be more suitable for plantation in
plain area than trees with linear elongated crowns.
(ix) Ornamental flowering trees may be extremely attractive when
in blossom. But there should be a word of caution as in most
cases the period of blossing is quite short and in rest of the
period they may give a bleak appearance. ,#
(x) Trees which are evergreen throughout the year or almost round
the year or those which shed their leaves at other times than
summer usually get preference in selection in regions with a
hot summer.
In general, the so called 'ornamental flowering trees' are mostly
deciduous and the ornamental foliage trees' are mostly
evergreen. The ornamental foliage trees are therefore,
eminently suitable for use as shade trees along highways.
(xi) Trees which have weak wood are considered to be traffic
hazards during rain and storm and they may also block traffic
for long periods. In view of the above the following species are
not recommended for roadside planting.
Millingtonia hortensis
Eugenia Jambolana
Albizzia lebbek
Cassia siamea
Ficus glomerata
Likewise the following species of thorny trees are also not
recommehded as they expose the pedestrian and rubber tyred
traffic to difficulty in use of the road.
Acacia arabica.
Acacia modesta
Zizyphus jujuba
(xiii) For screen designs (both for sight and sound) deciduous trees
may not be suitable. Nearly evergreen trees such as nee m or
evergreen trees like mango may be more appropriate for use
in combination with low height shrubs at such situations.
(xiv) But the evergreen tree need a must for all locations. For
pedestrian roads, trees with heavy but deciduous foliage shall
be preferred. While providing deep shade during summer
these will permit welcome rays of the sun during winter whe-.
the leaves are shed. Otherwise the area may become dar .
and desolate during winter and may be shunned by pedestrians
These may very well be interspersed with some evergreen
trees at interval specially where winter is of short duration and
suddenly breaks into warm winds at the end of March.
(xv) For service roads meant for light vehicles and cars only a single
or double row of trees with branches and foliage at high level may be planted
so that vision at lower level permits wider
coverage on sides.
(xvi) Plantation design may be in the form of 'pure avenues' or in a
mixed form'.
For double row avenue plantation the ornamental flowering
type may be on the inner side of the carriageway. Here skyline
is not so important and the criteria of design may be the
pleasantness of the mix mosaic, 'The colour elements available for mixing may
be orange-scarlet gul-mohars, yellow amaltas, blue jacarandas, scarlet
colvilleas, pink legerstroemias, red crythrinas with the designer making
the choice with an eye to their blooming period so that for most
of the time round the year the road looks colourful.
Alternative designs, sometimes provided, are with single type
flowers in particular stretches of road. In this case however the
road stretch may look somewhat bleak in seasons when the
flowers are not blooming.
(xvii) In contrast to the above, for the medium to tall outer avenue
trees of shade and foliage the main criteria are provision of an
elegant back drop and skyline design. Here a particular variety
of ornamental foliage may be planted as pure avenues
continuous for a stretch and preferably they should be of the
same age (i.e. same plantation time). Mixed planting in foliage
trees results in a jagged skyline and as the tree tops-are at a
higher level the unpleasant look is prominently displayed. The
identical bole and crown shape, the uniformity and continuity of
foliage in depth, colour and density provides a dark sombre
green background with an orderly skyline behind the colourful
design of the inner flowering avenue trees. Standing as silent
sentinels they form a mental demarcation of the boundary line
of the road.
With a sparkling combination of colour on the inner line and a
carefully varied choice of size and height of background species
on the outer line, in an increasing order from stretch to stretch,
the highway may represent a symphony of colour and shape
slowly rising, from the subdued to the crescendo, to end in an
important tourist spot or old architectural monument or a
building complex of importance.
(xiii) Where double row plantation is not feasible a more sober
design with a single row of alternating flowering and shade
trees of medium size may be planted. For such design the
same type of flowering and shade trees may be planted for one street or for a
length of one or two kilometres on the same road.
(xix) Needless to say that all areas need not be subject to the same
design criteria. The roads in business district, the residential
areas and approach roads to architectural monuments etc.
may have preponderances of different elements like the
flowering and shade trees of varying stature. The final say lies
with the perceptive designer.
The objectives of screen plantation may be to conceal comparatively
unattractive features, to protect the privacy or quiet ambience of residential
areas (or sch.o0ls/hospitals) and to reduce noise/dust pollution.
Screen provision will need adequate space and mostly will be in
multiple rows. It may be with single species or in suitable combination of
different species. For overall better effect the areas adjacent to screen
plantation should bear additional touches of a landscape artist.
6.1 General
For a metropolitan city of the size of Delhi, where at any moment of
time the on-going arboriculturallhorticultural operations including execution of new
projects, maintenancel servicing of existing charges will be quite large, a full-fledged
horticultural cell is needed to take care of them. Also, considering the large number of
first supply and replacement requirement, running of a few conveniently located
nurseries may prove to be cost-effective in the long run.
Location of nurseries, preparation of nursery beds, growing saplings
and their transplantation etc. shall be as per sound horticultural practice in
consultation with the horticulturist.
application of fertilisers etc.) shall be as per sound horticultural practices in
consultation with the departmental horitculturist.
Tree guards for protection of trees shall be as per the standard design approved
by the architect.
6.2.4 Watering of Sapling Saplings planted during rainy season may need two to three
weeks to become established. This is a very critical period for the growth of the plant.
After a short period the plant may stop growing during winter.
Where uninterrupted irrigation is not assured during summer months
the plants should not be irrigated during March. March irrigation will promote the
growth of a large number of new leaves with an increased rate of transpiration which
the young tree may not be able to sustain during the summer months. It may be better
in such cases to taper off the water supply slowly and let the sapling survive on its
own resources.
Since these operations are very critical to the success and survival of
the entire arboriculture plan, these should not be left to the whims or
ingenuities of the Mails or other staff but be implemented and controlled
strictly as per the written instructions of the horticulturist.
In cases, where the work is given on contract, the agency must furnish
a written 'Watering Schedule' indicating the source of water and the method of watering
in each case and follow the same after getting it approved by the horticulturist. The
contract shall specify application of water by open-end hose, by gravity or by low
pressure pumps so that the water is allowed to percolate into the soil in a concentrated
manner instead of creating unnecessary run-off. In case of pumping the pumping
pressure shall not be more than 10 psi.
In Departmental maintenance cases, the Mali's and Caretakers shall
be properly trained and given a copy of the procedure and watering schedule as
approved by the horticulturist. A suggestive general purpose schedule is as below:- .
(i) One week Daily
(ii) Three weeks F.2ur times a week
(iii) One month Twice a week
(iv) Three months Once a week
(v) Ten to twelve months Once a fortnight
(vi) One year Once a month.
6.3 Maintenance of existing trees and Removal and Replacementof Dead
trees Urban road side trees constitute a substantial amount of public
investment. Protection of arboricultural assets formed require regular
inspection, maintenance and clean-up. .
All avenue trees require to be periodically inspected in order to ensure their
There shall be at least one annual inspection of roadside trees
and horticultural gardens by a high level officer either just after
the rainy season or in the winter.
There shall be at least two inspections during the year by middle-
level officers.
There should be regular routine inspection by section in-
charges specially for roadside trees to observe safety
requirements and identify and mark dead trees/branches etc.
for removal.
There shall be unfailingly an immediate inspection by field
staff just after storms, heavy showers or cloud burst.
6.3.2 Maintenance Routine maintenance work shall consist of selective removal of dead or
decaying trees and shrubs, trimming of trees where required for health of the tree or
safety of the traffic, treatment of tree injuries, removal of dead stump and debris and
undesirable vegetation. For aesthetic reasons all road side trees which are decayed,
diseased or damaged by burning shall be removed either in part or full. Trees or
branches of trees to be removed shall be identified by a distinctive marking made
during inspection. The dead tree shall be cut up to the ground level or at most upto
10cm above ground level in the first instance in the manner and with implements as
per sound arboricultural practice. Trees shall be felled and removed in a manner so
that the other trees/shrubs are not damaged. Where the same is not possible or
permitted the tree shall be removed by sections.
Live stumps of cut trees or branches shall be treated with herbicides
the same day it is cut. Application of herbicide shall be as' per the instructions of the
manufacturers. In case of branches the removal shall be flush with the tree trunk
without any projection which may be unsafe to pedestrians, cyclists or others. Trimming of branches of living trees shall be carried out as per the
instructions of the horticulturist. Where no instructions exist all living branches upto a
height of 6.5 metres shall be removed by skilled workmen as per sound arboricultural
practices using acceptable tools. Dead wood, chippings, cut off parts or other resulting debris shall
be removed/disposed off as directed by the road incharge. If local anti-
pollution regulations permit they can be burnt but no burning shall be permitted
within 15 metres of remaining living trees and vegetation. Although the life of a tree is quite long, with time the planted trees will
certainly grow old, decay and die. As growing a new tree to full size takes time,
advance action is required to be taken for the replacement of tree by implementing a
properly planned and approved replacement plan.
The replacement sapling may be planted r:'i~way between two existtnq trees and
the lower branches of the adjacent eXisting trees near the sapling pruned to allow for
light and space for its quick growth.
As soon as the replacement tree is grown enough without any danger
of dying, the old tree shall be removed to allow for the unrestricted growth of the new
2. For outer .avenue only those trees which provide shade arid are of
economic value for timber may be planted in pure avenue formation for a
good stretch. Trees with an umbrella cirsub-umbrella crown like neem,
mahua, imli and ma~go ,shall be preferred to trees with elongated crown.
1.0 Introduction
Traffic surveys are required for determining the exact developmental
needs of a road or a road system. All plans, provisions and designs for road works are
dependent on the amount of road traffic (existing or expected) it has to cater to.
Traffic surveys provide a means of assessment of the magnitude of the road traffic
with a reasonable degree of accuracy. The data requirement and the kind of survey
required are different for different purposes. As such, traffic survey should be
conducted after knowing the exact purpose and object of the study.
4.0 Characteristics of Variation
The urban traffic is characterised by at least two distinct peaks i.e. one in the
morning when all people need to go to their place of work and once again towards the
evening when they return to their residence or go out for shopping, entertainment or
other type of activities.
The pattern and profile of growth and the durations of the peak may
differ on roads in different work areas. Areas with a large percentage of Govt. offices,
schools or similar organisations with regulated timings may exhibit short, sharp and
high peaks, while in business districts the' peaks may be less high but more sustained
with a large horizontal spread in time.
It has also been observed that peak hour volumes are pronouncedly
high on direct links or radial roads connecting places by shorter distance
than on ring roads. or circular bypasses. .
The peak road traffic may also be characterised by marked directional
4.4 Yearly Variation in Traffic Volume
In general, for a growing town with a vibrant economy the volume of traffic
generally exhibit a steady trend of increase over the years. This is mostly as a result
of increased number of vehicles joining the stream. The general pattern of hourly,
weekly and seasonal variations remain similar with only a percentage inflation in
4.5 Directional Variation
Although the majority of road sections may be characterised by tidal flow of
traffic, there may be sections which for reasons of some inherent imbalance in them
or restrictions in traffic rules may exhibit a directional bias or inequality in
directional distribution. Imbalance in directional distribution may stand in the way of
full utilization of lane capacity and may force the planner to provide more than the
optimally required lane-capacity each way.
5.2 For routine census work, keeping an eye on the importance of the
area served and the critical nature of traffic in the road section, the entire network
under charge may be suitably sub-divided with permanent location
point for regular traffic counts. The location of the traffic count station shall be fixed
by a senior traffic engineer having knowledge about past traffic trends in the area.
The census shall not, however, be conducted during any period with
abnormal influx of people due to special occasions in the life of the city like Republic
Day or some important exhibition or conference.
5.4 For urban situations the peak hour traffic is more critical for
consideration than counts at other times. The census shall, therefore, be
conducted with careful record of counts during this period.
6.0 Volume Study
This is carried out in order to assess the volume of traffic and its
composition. Notwithstanding the usefulness of special studies with specific traffic
parameter in mind, information about the total volume of traffic using the road
section and its composition form the basic data for having a clear picture regarding
the traffic situation at a point. This routine collection of information must be
continued for all sections.
6.1 General Purpose Study
As already stated, although the peak hour traffic is essential for most
urban designs, it is preferable that routine traffic census for volume study is conducted
for a period of full seven days (consecutive) and for 24 hours on each day, specially
on ring roads, trunk routes or National Highways, when they form a part of the urban
For other important urban roads, excepting trunk routes studies for
seven consecutive days from 6 am to 10 pm can be conducted. provided that the
peak flows do not either commence before 6 am or linger beyond 10 pm.
For unimportant roads, where average daily flow information is
required, three consecutive days' survey may be carried out inclusive of the weekend
and at least one weekday. The combination may be Friday, Saturday, Sunday or
Saturday, Sunday, Monday provided the weekdays included (Friday and Monday) is
not a holiday or special day like market day etc. The weekly average flow estimate in
such a case may be as -
5 x Weekdays (Friday or Monday) + Saturday + Sunday
In case the weekday included is a holiday or market day an extra
weekday may be included and the weekly average flow may be estimated as below:-
.4 x Weekday + Market day + Saturday + Sunday
If the data are to be used only for assessing the capacity of a road section or an
arm of the road the count-point may be located at mid-block.
The reporting format for the data may be as per Plate I, Plate II (Daily
Summary) and Plate III (Weekly Summary) of IRC-9-1972 (Copy enclosed for
reference in Appendix-I, 11.& III to this chapter).
6.2 Study for Intersections
If the data are required to be used for junction design also, the count
station has to be located near the junction. For distribution count at a busy
intersection separate hand tally forms may be used for each arm of the
intersection. The turning movement may also be recorded and the formats
for reporting may be as in Appendix-IV and V.
If the data are required only for distribution at junction the count may
sometimes be restricted to morning and evening peak hours only (In
exceptional cases at midday peak also) using separate field sheets for each half-an-
However, if the data are to be used for signal setting, off-peak counts
also are required and it will be preferable to continue the counting from 6 am to 10
pm for the data to be useful for a variety of purposes.
For very complex junctions it may be necessary to resort to noting
registration number of vehicles on each arm separately at least during the
peak hours and then tally the loggings to record the entry and exit of each
vehicle at the arms of the intersection.
6.3 Taking Counts
The volume study can be carried out either by.
(i) Manual method or by
(ii) Automatic method.
6.3.1 Manual Counts
The actual counting work is carried out by a team of enumerators and
supervisors deployed in shifts. In case of manual counting the personnel may be
divided in 3 shifts of 8 hours' duration. Size of the team is required to be chosen
carefully keeping in mind the traffic volume and their speed. Sometimes it is
preferable to assign different kinds of vehicles to different persons so that keeping
track of each type of vehicle is simple.
Each shift will have a supervisor who will oversee the work. It is very necessary
that the supervisor keeps a close watch so that there is no error in counting. It will be
ensured by the supervisor that the Identifying information on the top of the sheet for
each separate sheet is duly filled up by the enumerator without fail before
commencement of entry in the form. Each group will be divided into two parts and
separate records will be kept for each direction of travel.
The usual method of manual count is by the five-dash system. In the hourly
time column a single vehicle is recorded by making a single vertical stroke and after
the passing of every four vehicles an oblique stroke is made for the fifth vehicle. At
the end of the shift hourly totals are recorded.
The counting may be done by a press button mechanical system also.
Manual counts can very fruitfully be carried out near intersection or
stop signals also. In that case the counting personnel can also note down
from time to time the queue length, signal time deficiency, if any, reasons for deadly
in flow of traffic and general traffic behaviour in the area in respect of obedience to
control signal etc.
Because of its ability and convenience of collecting a sizeable amount of inter-
related secondary data, manual traffic count figures and reports are considered to be
better and more advantageous by many planning authorities in comparison to data
collection by automatic methods. Automatic counting cannot record turning
movement, inadequacy or excess in signal duration, (reflected in long queue length or
signals without traffic movement), extent of acceptance of control signals etc.
Information on these aspects are considered essential for design of channelisation, lane
marking, provision of safety measures and design of signals.
Measurement of spot speed may be required for enforcing road. discipline and
ensuring safety. For the designer it is necessary to know the
spot speed of the component percentage of vehicles in the stream to assess
and fix (or to modify) the speed limit for a particular section of the road
considering all aspects of safety.
7.4 Some of the speed studies can also be conducted by old manual
methods by registration number and recording of time by elevated/moving
observer etc. But these may prove to be quite cumbersome and also not very
accurate in urban situation. Advanced automatic methods based on the principle of
radar, electronic speedometer or cinefilm etc. may be more suitable
when one is really in need of accurate speed data for the traffic in a particular
section. .
7.5 Assessment of Delay
Measurement of delay can be made as a separate exercise but it is
useful to carry it out along with speed studies.
Generally the planner is interested in assessing the delay caused by
intersections on a particular section of the road. On the basis of the delay
studies locations where existing conditions are not satisfactory and require
improvement can be identified.
The delay figure has two contributing components i.e. one being called 'fixed
delay' as a result of stoppage at intersection and the other is 'operational delay' as a
result of interaction between competing vehicles in a condition of congestion.
Delay measurement is generally carried out by repeated test runs of
an observer vehicle at different times and under different conditions of
congestion and recording the time for each start and stop with the help of a
stop watch. Special record is made when the observer achieves an unhindered run
through the section. The average delay is calculated as the difference between the
mean journey time of all runs and the meantime of unhindered runs.
8.0 Pedestrian Counts
8.1 In all developing countries where use and ownership of private transport is
limited and bulk of the passenger movement is by public transport services,
pedestrians moving along the footpath or crossing the road form a large and important
component of road user.
8.2 Information on pedestrian counts are .necessary for
(i) deciding about the provision of footpath, their width and the
structural composition necessary,
(ii) for provision of zebra crossings, signalled crossings and determining their
location and timing, and
(iii) for deciding about the location and capacity of sub-ways, foot bridges,
guard-rails etc. where they are considered necessary along the network.
8.3 Pedestrian counting is almost always done by manual method (hand
tally marks on sheets) and is needed to be carried out only during peak hours. In case
of a location where pedestrian congestion may be a continuing feature for the entire
day, an additional sample survey during an average representative hour at off-peak
period may also be conducted.
8.4 Proper attention and provision of special design facilities shall be required at
locations containing a large concentration of pedestrians at one
point like near a large block of offices, shopping area, road transport station or railway
station etc. Wide footpaths alongwith careful road markings, signalling and even
provision of sub-way/foot bridge etc. may be required at such locations.
the actual route travelled and the reason for the same. O-D survey
informations are most useful for future planning and new road construction.
vehicle type and information regarding origin-destination may be collected using Form
1 & 2 of IRC:102-1988.
Fast Vehicles
1. Two wheelers, motor cycles
Scooters etc. 0.5 0.75
2. Passenger Car, Pick-up Van. 1.0 1.0
3. Auto-rickshaw. 1.2 2.0
4. Light commercial vehicle. 1.4 2.0
5. Truck or Bus. 2.2 3.7
6. Agricultural Tractor Trailer 4.0 5.0
Slow Vehicles.
7. Cycle. 0.4 0.5
8. Cycle rickshaw. 1.5 2.0
9. Tonga 1.5 2.0
10. Hand Cart. 2.0 3.0
12.0 Recommended Design Service Volumes
12.1 At any moment of time a road can handle or accommodate a large
variation in the number of vehicles but the service conditions on the road and its
ability to cater to smooth and free flow of traffic with average travel speed may change
with each composition. As the number of vehicle increases, congestion and interaction
between vehicles increases and the freedom of operation of the driver gets more and
more restricted. In reality therefore a road has different capacities at different levels of
service. The service levels have been designated as A, B, C etc. upto F. Level of
service A represent the best operating condition (i.e Free Flow) and the level of service
F represent the worst condition (i,e Forced or break-down flow). For purposes of
design and assessment of adequacy of a road the experts have recommended the
capacity at service level 'C' to be generally taken into account.
12.2 Also as the road capacity of urban roads is greatly influenced by road side fringe
conditions i.e parking, extent of commercial activities, frontage access rtc. These
conditions affect the level of service and capacity. The urban roads have been
subdivided into the following categories based on fringe conditions:.
i) Arterials Roads: No frontage access, no standing vehicles and very little
ii) Sub-arterials: Frontage development, side roads, bus stops, no standing
vehicles, waiting restrictions.
iii) Collectors: Free frontage access, parked vehicles, bus stops, no waiting
12.3 Design service volumes for the above categories of roads have been
recommended by IRC:106-1990 as below:-
13.2 Usually the following formula is used for traffic projection on main
through routes.
A = P (1 +r)n+y Where
A = Number of vehicles per day.
P = Number of vehicles per day at last count.
R = Annual rate of increase in the number of vehicles in percent
N =. Number of years 'between the last count and the year of completion of project.
Y = Design life proposed in years.
1. Traffic Census on Non-Urban Roads - IRC:9-1972.
2. Traffic Studies for Planning Bypasses around Towns- IRC:102-1988.
3. Guidelines for Capacity of Urban Roads in Plain Areas-IRC: 106-1990.
4. Urban Traffic Engineering Techniques - Ministry of Transport/Scottish
Development Department (HMSO-1966).
5. Roads and Traffic in Urban Areas- Institution of Highways and
Transportation with the Department of Transport (U.K.).
6. Highways- CA O'Flaherty.
Notes :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Under line peak hours in red ink
L- left S- Straight
1.0 Introduction
Roads are not meant simply to carry the traffic but to carry it with maximum
possible efficiency, speed and safety. Although the structural and technical adequacy
of the road is an important contributor to the achievement of the above, finally it is
only with the active co-operation and self-discipline of the road traffic the above object
can be realised in full measure. Also this requires almost a continuous point to point
guidance and reminder to the traffic regarding the limitations of the facility under use
and the requirements of road discipline. One of the best means of achieving the above
is through road markings. The road markings are thus a device for providing
continuous information, control and guidance to the road user. The availability of this
guidance assumes greater importance when the traffic on the road is of a mixed and
heterogenousnature as in the city roads in this country.
2.0 Definition
Road markings can thus be defined as lines, patterns, words or other devices,
except signs, set into applied or attached to the carriageway or kerbs or to objects
within or adjacent to the carriageway, for controlling, warning, guiding and informing
the users.
3.0 Functions
Keeping in view the objectives mentioned above, it can be said that
the following specific functions may be performed by the road-markings:-
(i) The markings are used to delineate the traffic lanes and indicate the lateral
clearance available.
(ii) May be used to convey tapering or gradual change in available
width of lane due to constraint or transition to different width.
(iii) To clearly demarcate the hard shoulders when the shoulders
have black topped surfacing similar to the main carriageway.
(iv) Todefine the nature of boundary between different traffic lanes.
(v) To guide the traffic in aligning for the right lane for its intended
direction ofturn.
(vi) To provide warning regarding approach of intersection, cross-
traffic, pedestraincrossing etc.
One of the great advantages of road-markings is that, unlike road signs
and hoardings, it conveys the required message to the driver without
distracting his attention from the road. They also have the advantage that they are not
likely to be obscured, and can provide a continuous message.
of other materials specially thermoplastic paints as well as fordetailed specifications for
actual laying work, the 'Specification for Road and Bridge Works' of the Ministry of
Surface Transport may be followed. Salientfeatures of the same are also quoted in the
present notes. A few sketches of the important marking patterns are' enclosed but for a
comprehensive list of the same the IRC-35 shall be referred to.
solid white beads. They may be unidirectional or bidirectional and the lenses may be of
red or white colour according to the requirements. Solid reflecting studs may be either
circular or rectangular in shape. These are made of either ABS (Acrylonitrilc Butadiene
Styrene) or die case aluminium alloy.
4.4 Colour
4.4.1 White colour shall be used for carriageway marking except for (i) Lines
indicating parking restriction,(ii) obstruction approach markings and (iii) no passing
zone marking, where yellow colour (conforming to IS colour NO.356 of IS-164-1981)
shall be used.
4.4.2 Yellow colour may also optionally be used for continuous centre-line
or barrier-line marking.
4.4.3 White alternating with black colour shall be used for kerb and object
5.0 Types of Markings
Depending upon the surface on which the road marking is carried out
or the specific function that a particular type of marking can perform, road
markings are generally categorised under the following broad headings.
·(i) Carriageway Markings
(ii) Object Markings.
5.1 Carriageway Markings
These are general markings on the carriageway itself used to convey
traffic movement restrictions, parking restrictions, turning, pedestrian crossing zones
etc. The messages are conveyed to the driver by means of a set of agreed symbols and
the width of the line is selected with an eye to prominence and visibility and the degree
of emphasis of the message. According to their function the carriageway markings
may also be sub-categorised as below:
(i) Longitudinal Markings:-
- Centre lines
- Traffic lanes
- No passing zones
- Warning lines
- Border or edge lines
- Cycle lane markings
- Bus lane markings
(ii) Markings on Intersections
- Stop lines
- Giveway lines
- Markings on approaches to intersection
- Markings on speed change lanes
- Direction arrows
-Protected right turn lanes
- Marking on rotaries
- Box Markings
- Cyclist Crossings
- Pedestrian crossings
- Continuity lines
(iii) Markings at hazardous locations
- Carriageway width transition marking
- Obstruction approaches marking
- Road - rail level crossings
- Check barriers
(iv) Markings for Parking.
- Parking space limits
- Parking restrictions
- Bus stops
(v) Word Messages
- SPEED 25 (or other specified)
6.2 Centre Line
6.2.1 On undivided two-way roads, centre line separates the opposing streams of traffic
and facilitates their movements.
6.2.2 In general, the centre-line, as the name signifies shall be in the middle of the
carriageway. But in certain circumstances the centre-line may be located off-centre
(such as in urban roads with parking permitted on one side, in carriageway width
transition, in urban roads with an odd number of traffic lanes with the extra lanes
allotted to the predominant direction of flow, in carriageway with odd number of lanes,
on vertical and horizontal curves with limited sight distance, on sharp curves with
extra widenings etc.).
6.2.3 On unimportant roads with less than 5m wide carriageway, centre-
lines are not considered undesirable as these entail discomfort and hazard .In such cases
centrelines may beprovided in short stretches near approaches to busy intersections,
pedestrian crossings, level crossings, in horizontal and summit curves with limited
sight distance and on locations where driver’s visibility is reduced e.g by frequent fogs.
6.2.4 On undivided urban roads with at least two traffic lanes in each direction, the
centre-line marking shall consist of either a single solid line 15 cm wide or double
solid lines 10 cm wide separated by a space of 10 cm.
6.2.5 On urban roads with less than four lanes or on those roads having four lanes and
on which parking is permittedreducing the effective operational width, the centre-line
shall consist of a single broken line of 15 cm width of 3 metre segments and 4.5 metre
gaps between segments.
On curves and in approaches to intersections,the gap shall be reduced
to 3 metres.
6.2.6 A line marking the centre of a one-way street is a lane line and shall be a broken
6.2.7 If the centre-line is to be painted on the pavement on the approaches to a bridge,
it shall be continued over the bridge provided that the width between the kerbs in the
bridge is 6 metre or more. If the width is less than 6 metres, the centre-line marking on
approaches shall be discontinued from a distance of 30 to 35 metres prior to abutment
on each side of the road.
6.2.8 Double line shall not normally be painted on a two-lane bridge except
where restricted visibility makes it hazardous to overtake.
6.3 Traffic Lane Lines
6.3.1 Further sub-division of wide carriageways into separate lanes on either side of
the centre line helps to regulate traffic into proper lanes and curbs the meandering
tendency of the drivers, thereby promoting safety and ensuring maximum capacity. At
intersections and on approaches thereto, marking of traffic lanes eliminates confusion
and facilities through and turning movements.
6.3.2Trafficlane lines shall normally be single broken line. Their width shall be 10cm.
6.3.3In urban areas, the length of the line segment shall be 1.5 metre with
a gap of 3 metre on straight reaches. On curved reaches andoin approaches
to intersections the gap shall be reduced to 1.5 metre length.
6.3.4Solid lane lines can be used in approaches to intersections or in other
areas if lane changes are to be restricted.
6.4 Marking for No Overtaking Zones
6.4.1 No overtaking zones shall be established on submit curves, horizontal curves and
elsewhere on two and three lane highways where overtaking manoeuvres must be
prohibited because of restricted sight distances or other hazardous conditions.
6.4.2 On undivided highways with more than 3 lanes,there is hardly any need for
vehicles to cross the centre lines for overtaking. The double solid centre line prescribed
for such highways is to be regarded as continuous no-overtaking marking which is not
to be crossed on either side.
6.4.3 A no-overtaking zone shall be marked by a solid yellow line along the centre. In
case of double yellow lines the left hand element shall be a solid barrier line, the right
hand element will be either a normal broken centre line or a solid barrier line governing
the traffic from the opposite direction. Where a solid barrier line is to the right of
broken line the passing restriction shall apply only to the opposing traffic.
6.4.4 The width of each line shall be 100 mm . These shall be separated by 100 mm.
6.5 Border of Edge Lines
6.5.1 These indicate carriageway edges of rural roads which have no kerbs to delineate
the limits upto which driver can safety venture. This continuous guideline makes night
driving comfortable particularly during inclement weather.
6.5.2 The pavement edge lines are desirable at the following locations:
(i) Where the shoulders is paved and is of similar texture and colour to the main
(ii) In advance of and near narrow bridges and around sharp curves;
(iii) Where obstructions on the shoulder are close enough to constitute a hazard to the
(iv) On pavement width transitions;
(v)Along lengths which are prone to fog and mist.
6.5.3 Carriageway edge lines shall ordinarily be provided only on roads with more than
two lanes. These shall be in the form of a single continuous white line placed on the
carriageway 150 mm from the edge. On multi-lane road with central median the
carriageway edge line shall be 150 mm wide and on multi-lane roads without medians
the width may be 200 mm . Where flush kerbs are provided, the edge lines should be
6.5.4 The border or edge line markings should not be carried across the mouths of side
6.5.5 The markings should preferably be reflectorised or incorporate crusted calcined
flint or other such reflecting materials.
6.6 Bus Lane Marking
6.6.1 The lanes reserved for the buses, without physical separation should be provided
with white line as bus-lane markings on the carriageway (Fig.8). Generally a basic
width of 3 metres is required for a bus lane. The distance is measured from the edge of
the kerb to the centre of the continuous white line of 250 mm min. width. A gap in this
white line should be left, adjacent to each side road.
6.6.2 The legend BUS LANE should be marked on the carriageway across the lane at
its commencement and repeated after each junction. Where junctions are more than 300
metres apart, this legend should be repeated between junctions at approximately 150
metres intervals.
6.6.3 A 250 mm wide broken line of 1000 mm gap should be laid from the kerb to the
start to the full width lane to deflect other traffic from the bus lane. The traper of laying
this broken line should not normally exceed 1:10.
6.6.4 Where a bus lane commences just beyond an intersection, adequate length should
be left for the traper to commence at the intersection so that the inclined line does not
extend across the intersection mouth. Similarly to allow traffic to position itself
correctly on the carriageway, the continuous bus lane should end in advance of any
intersection with major left-turning flow.
6.7 Bicycle Lane Marking
6.7.1 Bicycle Lane markings should be provided when a portion of the carriageway,
being used by motorised vehicles, is earmarked for exclusive use of cyclists.
6.7.2 The bicycle lane marking shall consist of a 150 mm thick solid white line parallel
to the kerb of the carriageway. The width of the lane shall be determined by the number
of bicycles using it and should be in accordance with IRC: 11-1962.
6.7.3 The cycle symbol shown in IRC:35-1997 should be marked on cycle lanes.
For further details and all other situations, specially for provisions in respect of
Warning lines, etc. ,the detailed guidelines contained in IRC-35 shall be referredto and
7.2 Stop Line
7.2.1 Stop line indicates the position beyond which the vehicles should not proceed
when required to stop by traffic police, traffic signals or other traffic control devices.
Stop lines shall not be used unless traffic control by any one of these means exist. Stop
lines should either be parallel to the intersecting roadway or at right angles to the
direction of approaching vehicles.
7.2.2 Single top line shall be solid white transverse line 200 mm wide on urban roads
and 300 mm wide on rural roads.
7.2.3 Double stop lines shall consist of two continuous lines each 200 mm wide
spaced 300 mm apart and supplemented by a stop sign in accordance with IRC:67-
2012 and a word message “STOP” marking on the carriageway in accordance with
7.3 Give Way Lines
7.3.1 The prescribed marking consists of two broken lines laid side by side, each
comprising 600 mm line segments and 300 mm gaps. The lines are 200 mm wide and
are spaced 300 mm apart. The marking is laid across, the minor roads at intersections
which are not controlled by stop signs, traffic signals or the police.
7.3.2 The Give way lines shall be supplemented by the hollow triangular Give Way
approach marking and a Give Way road side signs. The hollow triangular marking
should not be used elsewhere. The marking should normally be located with its base
2.0 to 2.5 m from the transverse marking.
7.3.3 Details of GIVE WAY lines are shown in IRC:35-1997.
7.4 Pedestrian Crossings
7.4.1 Crossing of the carriageway by pedestrian, only at the authorised places
minimises the confusion. As a result of this, the number of pedestrian casualties is
reduced and the tendency to joy walk is curbed. The success of pedestrian crossings in
controlling both vehicular traffic depends to a greater extent on where and how they are
7.4.2 Pedestrian crossings shall be provided at important intersections where conflict
exists between vehicular and pedestrian movements. The site should be so selected that
the pedestrian are subjected to minimum inconvenience and the vehicular traffic too is
not interrupted very often.
7.4.3 The location of pedestrian crossing at intersections should fulfil the following
conditions to ensure safety of traffic.
(a) Adequate visibility so that the driver of approaching vehicle has clear view of the
personson thepedestrian crossing and on the pedestrian footpath;
(b) Sufficient space on the footpath for the pedestrians to wait; and
(c) Freedom from obstruction such as trees, sign posts, lamp posts, etc, in the path of
pedestrians at either end of the pedestrian crossing.
7.4.4 For dimensions and positioning of pedestrian crossings, IRC: 103-2012
“Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities”, may be referred.
7.4.5 At intersections, the pedestrian crossings should invariably be preceded by a stop
line at a distance of 2 m to 3 m for unsignalized intersections and at a distance of 1 m
for signalized intersection.
7.4.6 The width of the Zebra crossing must be adequate and should generally lie within
a range of 2-4 m.
7.4.7 Marking for pedestrian crossing mostly used is the Zebra pattern consisting of
equally spaced white stripes generally 500 mm wide in accordance with IRC: 35-1997.
7.4.8 At mid-block pedestrian crossing in urban areas, it may be advantageous to install
flashing signals alongwith the markings, so that the drivers receive advance warning
about the presence of the crossing.
7.5 Box Markings
7.5.1 Critical intersection areas are marked with yellow crossed diagonal lines in the
form of a box to indicate the areas where vehicle must not become stationary even for a
short while. Drivers are prohibited from entering such areas even if the signal light is
green but the area cannot be crossed. This is to ensure that the junction is not choked in
the even of heavy traffic. Typical box junction markings are shown in IRC:35-1997.
For further details and all other situations, specially for provisions in respect of
continuity lines, cycle track crossings, makings on speed change lanes, Directional
Arrows, Marking on Protected Right Turn Lanes, Marking at Rotaries etc. ,the
detailed guidelines contained in IRC-35 shall be referredto and followed.
IRC:35-1997. Pedestrian crossings should be marked slightly behind the standing
position of buses in order to avoid conflicts. Moreover, the kerbs should be marked
with continuous yellow line to indicate no parking. This marking should be used only
to supplement a road side bus stop sign and has no mandatory significance for drivers
of other vehicles, unless yellow waiting restrictions marking is provided on kerbs.
8.3.2 The length of the bay for bus stops shall be 15 m at the minimum. It may be
increased in stages of 2 m upto a maximum of 40 m. The word message “BUS STOP”
should be repeated if the bay is over 30 m in length. The line marking for bay shall be
whites and 100 mm wide. Typical markings are shown in IRC:35-1997.
9.0 Word Messages
Information to guide, warn or regulate traffic may also be conveyed by inscription of
word message on road surface. Some of these augment kerbside signs, others indicate
the areas of the carriageway intended for a particular function (e.g. Bus Stop) or meant
to be kept clear (e.g. School).
In respect of word messages, the legends shall be as brief as possible
and shall not contain more than three words for any message.
All these legends shall be in white and except on well-lighted roads
shall be reflectorisedspecially where night-time visibility is restricted. The letters shall
be elongated in the direction of traffic and at particular
hazardous situations the markings may be repeated to give added emphasis.
All details like the height and spacing of the letter etc. shall be as per
For all other situations and details, the detailed guidelines contained in IRC-35
shall bereferred to and followed.
10.0 Object Marking
10.1 Objects within Carriageway
For obvious reasons the objects within the carriageway are the most
hazardous of all and at no time there shall be any slippage in the proper
maintenance of the marking for such objects.
The obstruction in the carriageway shall be marked by not less than five alternate
black and white stripes. The stripes shall slope at an angle of
45° towards the side of obstruction on which the traffic flows. The stripes
shall be uniform and not less than 10 cm in width. These shall be wide enough to
provide sufficient visibility depending on the size of the object and speed of
approaching traffic.
carriageway carrying traffic.
All such adjacent objects or protrusions upto a distance of 1.5 metres
outside the edge of formation shall be provided with the painting. Poles adjacent to
the carriageway shall be marked with alternate black
and white horizontal stripes upto a height of 1.25 metres above the level of
carriageway. The stripes shall 'be of uniform width and not less than 10 cm wide.
Other objects constituting solid obstructions such as drums, guard- rails etc. beyond
1.5 metres from the edge of formation which in normal circumstances may not hit
unless the vehicle runs off the carriageway, shall be painted solid white upto a height
of 1.25 metres above the carriageway level. In the case of trees there shall be a
continuous black band of 30 cm width in the middle portion of the white area to make
it more prominently visible.
10.3 Regarding highlighting the objects with hazard potential lying beyond
a distance of 1.5 metres of the edge of formation the exercise of judgement and
discretion by the highway engineer is most important, Even when some of these
objects lie apparently at a respectable distance they may actually constitute a hazard.
The traffic intensity at the location, nature oftraffic, average speed of passing vehicles
and the past accident history of the location shall be the correct guidelines for
identification of the need for marking.
10.4 For all details of kerb marking, marking of speed-breakers, humps
etc. and placement of their cautionary signboards, the details indicated in IRC-35
shall be referred to and followed.
11 Reflective Pavement Markers (ROAD STUDS) and Solar Powered Road
Reflective pavement marker (RPM) or road stud is a device which is bonded to or
anchored within the road surface, for lane marking and delineation for night-time
11.1 Material
11.1.1 Plastic body of RPM/road stud shall be moulded from ASA (Acrylic Styrene
Acrylonitrite) or HIPS (Hi-impact Polystyrene) or Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
(ABS) or any other suitable material approved by the Engineer. The markers shall
support a load of 13,635 kg tested in accordance with ASTM D 4280.
11.1.2 Reflective panels shall consist of number of lenses containing single or dual
prismatic cubes capable of providing total internal reflection of the light entering the
lens face. Lenses shall be moulded of methyl methecrylate conforming to ASTM D 788
or equivalent.
11.2 Design
The slope or retro-reflective surface shall preferably be 35± 5º to base and the area of
each retro-reflective surface shall not be less than 13.0
11.3 Optical Performance
11.3.1 Unidirectional and Bi-directional Studs
Each reflector or combination of reflectors on each face of the stud shall have a
Coefficient of Luminous Intensity (C.I.L) not less than that given in Tables 5.1 or 5.2
as appropriate.
11.3.2 Omni-directional Studs
Each Omni-directional stud shall have a C.I.L. of not less than 2 mcd/Ix.
Table 5.1 : Minimum C.I.L. Values for Category ‘A’ Studs
1) The entrance angle of 0º U corresponds to the normal aspect of the reflectors
when the reflecting road stud is installed in horizontal road surface.
2) The stud incorporating one or more corner cube reflectors shall be included in
Category ‘A’. The stud incorporating one or more bi-connvex reflectors shall be
included in Category ‘B’.
11.4 Tests
11.4.1 Co-efficient of luminance intensity can be measured by procedure described in
ASTM E 809 “ Practice for Measuring Photometric Characteristic” or as recommended
in BS:873-Part 4 : 1973.
11.4.2 Under test conditions, stud shall not be considered to fail the photometric
requirements if the measured C.I.L. at any one position of measurement is less than the
values specified in Tables 5.1 or 5.2 provided that
i) the values is not less than 80 percent of the specified minimum, and
ii) the average of the left and right measurements for the specific angle is greater than
the specified minimum.
11.5 Solar Powered Road Markers (Solar Studs)
The solar studs shall be made of Aluminium alloy and poly carbonate material which
shall be absolutely weather resistant and strong enough to support a load of 13,635, kg
tested in accordance with ASTM D 4280. Its colour may be white, red, yellow, green or
blue or combination as directed by the Engineer. Its water resistance shall meet the
requirements of IP 65 in accordance with IS:12063:1987 Category 2 for protection
against water ingress. The dimensions of solar studs shall not be less than 100 mm x
100 mm x 10 mm. It shall have super bright LEDs so as to provide long visibility from
a distance of more than 800m . Its flashing rate shall not be less than 1 Hz. Its should be
able to give the prescribed performance in the temperature range of -40ºC to +55ºC. Its
life shall be note less than 3 years.
11.6.1 Requirements
The enveloping profile of the head of the stud shall be smooth and the studs shall not
present any sharp edges to traffic. The reflecting portions of the studs shall be free from
crevices or ledges where dirt might accumulate. Marker height shall not be less than 10
mm and shall not exceed 20 mm and its width shall not exceed 130 mm. The base of
the marker shall be flat within 1.3 mm. If the bottom of the marker is configured, the
outermost faces of the configurations shall not deviate more than 1.3 mm from a flat
surface. All road studs shall be legibly marked with the name, trade mark or other
means of identification of the manufacturer.
11.6.2 Placement
The reflective marker shall be fixed to the road surface using the adhesives and the
procedure recommended by the manufacturer. No nails shall be used to affix the marker
so that they do not pose safety hazard on the roads. Regardless of the type of adhesive
used, the markers shall not be fixed if the pavement is not surface dry and on new
asphalt concrete surfacing until the surfacing has been opened to traffic for a period of
not less than 14 hours. The portions of the highway surface, to which the marker is to
be bonded by the adhesive, shall be free of dirt, curing compound, grease, oil, moisture,
loose or unsound layers, paint and any other material which would adversely affect the
bond of the adhesive.
The adhesive shall be placed uniformly on the cleaned pavement surface or on the
bottom of the of the marker in a quantity sufficient to result in complete coverage of the
area of contact of the marker with no voids present and with a slight excess after the
marker has been lightly pressed in place. For epoxy installations, excess adhesive
around the edge of the marker, excess adhesive on the pavement and adhesive on the
exposed surfaces of the markers shall be immediately removed.
reflective road markers. In case themarkers are displaced, get worn out or lose their
reflectivity compared to stipulated standards, the contractor would be required to
replace all such markers within 15 days of the intimation from the Engineer, at his own
12.1 For carrying out actual work of road marking,the detailed specifications laid
downby the Roads Wing of the Ministry of Surface Transport(Clause 803:
Specifications for Road and Bridge Works) shall be followed.
For all details regarding marking work reference shall, therefore, be made to the
above mentioned document. Some of the salient features of the marking work are
mentioned below in brief for guidance.
12.2.1 Ordinary road marking paints are not very bright and lose their lustre soon.
After being exposed to traffic for a time they fail to catch the driver's eye from a
distance. It has, therefore, been suggested to use these paints only when conforming
to IS:164-1981 with an additional proviso that these shall have a wear resistance of at
least 4 hours under accelerated laboratory test. Type 1 beads are the same as specified in paragraph of the basic
constituent of the thermoplastic compound and type 2 beads shall in addition
conform in quality to the beads used for spraying on the road surface (Para 12.3.4) The glass beads shall be transparent, colourless and free from
milkiness, dark particles and excessive air inclusions. In gradation the beads shall
conform to the following table.
The aggregates, beads and pigment shall be in a uniform and
homogenously mixed condition in the resin. The material shall be free from dirt, skins
and foreign objects..The composition shall comply with the requirements as given in
Table 5.4
61 Other properties of the thermoplastic materials when tested in accordance
with ASTM D-36 or BS-3262 (Part I) shall be as below.
(a) Luminance: White :Daylight luminance at 45º -65% minimum as per AASHTO
M- 249.
Yellow : Daylight luminance at 45º -45% minimum as per AASHTO
(b) Drying Time :When applied at a temperature specified by the manufacturer and
tothe required thickness, the material shall set to bear the traffic in not morethan 15
(c) Skid Resistance :Not less than 45 as per BS: 6044.
(d) Cracking Resistance at low temperature :The material shall show no cracks on
application to concrete blocks.
(e) Softening Point : 102.5 ± 9.5°C as per ASTM D36.
(f) Yellowness Index (for white thermoplastic paint) :Not more than 0.12 as per
(ii) It should be able to automatically spread glass beads on the painted surface at
various controllable rates by pressurized glass-guns or similar approved method
(iii) It shall preferably contain a device to automatically record the total length of lines
so painted to the nearest 0.5 metre.
For curved letterings and complicated patterns, where machine
painting may not be possible, manual painting· may be done with the approval of the
12.3.3 The thermoplastic material shall be applied hot either by screeding or by
extrusion process. The material shall be laid at a temperature within the range specified
by the manufacturer for the particular method of laying being used.
The temperature of the pavement shall not be less than 100C during application.
12.3.4 The material, when formed into markings, must be capable of being renewed by
placing an overlay of new material on old line so as to form proper bond. The
thickness of the paint in the marking shall be uniform and at least 2.5 mm (exclusive of
top glass bead spread) unless specified otherwise.
In addition to the beads incorporated in the paint (for thermoplastic paints) a further
quantity of glass beads of Type-2 as specified in para12.2.2.3shall be spread at the rate
of 250 gm per square metre in a single layer on the top of the hot paint.
12.3.5 Where the existing lines/patterns are visible and confirmed to be at the correct
location, repainting on existing markings may be done after cleaning the surface
properly. Where the markings are not correctly located the same shall be fully
removed, the correct location determined accurately and the same shall be painted as
per specifications. Painted lines/patterns not found to be within 10 cms of correct
location shall. be fully removed and repainted at the correct location as per
12.4 Protection of painted surface
Adequate road signs, safety barriers and cones shall be placed around
the area where painting operation is in progress upto a minimum period of
30minutesafter painting or upto the time when the painting is completely dry,
whichever is more, and the work shall be commenced only after alternative
arrangement for diversion of traffic has been made. Any smearing or damage to the
painting after opening to traffic shall be removed and the affected length repainted.
As far as possible, painting work shall be done during a time when
the traffic volume on the road is the least.
13.0 Maintenance of road markings
13.1. All road markings require to be maintained in an effective condition at all times. action of weather, aging and wearing due to traffic they undergo deterioration
with passage of time. Some broad thumb-rules regarding the periodicity of re-painting
may be as below:-
- Ordinary road paint markings may last for a period of 6 months or so and may need
re-painting after that.
- Ordinary grade reflector zed paint may last for a period of one year or so.
- The life of thermoplastic paint may be taken as two to three years on a busy road.
- Iron, wood and concrete posts may be painted regularly and preferably once in a
13.2. For carrying out routine maintenance and repainting work the following points
require to be kept in mind.
- Before repainting traces and remnants of old and obsolete markings which are
sufficiently visible to cause confusion shall be removed.
- Reflector units shall be scrubbed and cleaned periodically specially after the rains.
- The ground around delineators shall be kept clean by cutting grass and removing
unwanted wild growth-at least once every 3 months or so at ordinary times and at
least once in a month during rainy season.
13.3. Removal of old and obsolete pavement marking
13.3.1 Traces of old and obsolete pavement marking, where existing, shall be removed
by an approved method. Painting in black over the existing markings is not considered
an acceptable method. It has to be ensured that the removal method shall cause the
least damage to the pavement structure and surface.
13.3.2The agency for carrying out the work shall furnish in detail the procedure to be
adopted for removal, safety precautions to be taken during the work, time and duration
of the work and satisfactory repair method for any damage caused during removal.
The work shall commence only after the approval of the procedure by the Engineer-in-
14.0 Sketches of Road Markings
The road marking symbols, patterns and legends as adopted are described in detail in
IRC-35-1997 and the same shall be followed. A set of sketches of the important
symbols/patterns is enclosed to this note for recapitulation.
Summary of markings showing the types, colour and sizes of various markings
used in IRC:35-1997 is placed at Appendix-II
1. Code of Practice for Road Markings (with paint)- IRC:35-1997.
2. Specifications for Road and Bridge Works - Ministry of Surface
Transport (Roads Wing).
3. Highway Engineering- V.F. Babkov.
4. Specifications - Department of Transportation, Commonwealth of
3. No overtaking Yellow Solid 10 As for centre line
zone single or
double or
Solid and
4. Warning line All White Broken Equal Lengths of the lines
locations single to the segments and gaps
normal or normal lines are
preced interchanged.
ing Minimum seven
lines line segments at
each location
5. Border or Edge All White Solid 15 or - -
line locations 20
6. Bus lane All White Solid 25 - -
7. Bicycle lane All White Solid 15 - -
8. Stop line (a) Rural White Transvers - - -
e solid 30
single or
or 20+20
(b) Urban -do- -do- 20 or - -
9. Give way lines All White Transvers 20+20 0.60 0.30
locations e broken
10. Continuity (a) Centre White Transvers As an approaches to
lines line & lane e broken intersections
(b) Median White Broken 10 0.60 0.30
and Island single
11. (c) Stop line White Transvers 10 0.60 0.30
and give e broken
way line single
(d) Turn White Broken 10 0.50 0.50
markings Single
1. Pedestrian All White Zebra 50 cm wide stripes 50 cm
crossing locations Stripes apart 2 m to 4 m long
2. Cycle Track All White Solid 10 cm
crossings locations
3. Speed change All White Solid lines 60 cm wide
locations with diagonals/chevrons 15 cm
diagonals/ wide lines
4. Directional All White Arrows 3.5 cm or 5 m long
arrows locations
5. Protected right All Yellow Diagonals 15 Size variable as per site
locations enclosed conditions
by solid
6. Markings at All White/Y Broken/so Size variable as per site
rotaries locations ellow lid conditions
7. Box marking All Yellow Crossed 10 Size variable as per
locations diagonals site conditions
by solid
8. Carriageway All White Solid 15 -
Width locations single
9. Obstruction All Yellow Diagonals/ 15 -
Approach locations Chevrons
Marking enclosed
by solid
10. Road Rail level All White/ Combinati - -
crossing locations Yellow on of stop
line and
lane lines
11. Parking Spaces All White Broken 10/5 - -
12. Parking All Yellow Solid 10 - -
Restrictions locations
13. Bus Stops All White Broken 10 1m 1m
14. Word All White Alphabets,
Messages locations numerals and
as per Plates II
and III.
15. Object All Black Alternative
Markings locations and stripes widths
White or varying for
Black different usages
16. Speed All White Elongated
Breakers locations Triangles
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Road delineators are devices or treatments for the purpose of
prominently outlining the roadwayor portion thereof or any other object or
point of hazard. Essentially, these are visual guides/confirmatory signs
regarding the actual configuration of the alignment in front of the road user.
These may include painted lines, pavement marker posts, post-mounted
reflectors etc. According to their specific functions they may be classified as below:-
(i) Road Indicators
(ii)Hazard Markers and
(iii) Object Markers
1.2 The delineators shall conform to 'the Recommended Practice for
road delineators' (IRC-79-1981) published by the Indian Roads Congress
which shall be referred for all details. The criteria for use of delineators, their
spacing, placement and design shall, in, general be as indicated in it. Some
salient features of the same are quoted in the following paragraphs.
2.0 Road Indicators
2.1 Generally the road way indicators shall be in the form of guide-posts made of
metal, concrete, timber, plastic etc. They will have height of 80cm to 100cm above the
ground and shall be painted alternately in black and whitestripes with 15 cm width.
Plastic posts are light and present less hazards tovehicles which have deviated from
their course. They, however, run the risk of being pilfered.
2.2 The posts may be circular, rectangular or triangular in cross-section
but must present a width of at least 10cm towards the traffic side. These may be with
or without reflectors but delineators with reflectors are preferred. The reflectors may
be either circular or rectangular (sometimes empty bitumen drums have also been used
as delineators).
2.3 In general, the road indicators are mostly used in complex locations
involving changes in horizontal/vertical geometry. Horizontal curves of radius 1000
metre or less and vertical curves with inadequate visibility and straight road sections
with road embankment exceeding 3 metres in height, approaches to narrow bridges and
culverts and pavements with transition or temporary diversion require their provision.
2.4 In general, the delineator posts shall be erected at the edge of the
shoulder and in the case of the kerbed sections at a distance of 0.6 to 1.5 m
from the kerb face.
The overall line of posts shall be parallel to the centre-line of the road
except at guard-rails or other obstructions where the delineators may be in line with or
inside the innermost edge of the obstruction.
On straight sections the indicators shall be spaced uniformly at 50
to 70 metre from each other, the posts being in pair with one on each side of the
roadway. On divided highways these should also be provided on the medians.
The spacing on horizontal and vertical curves shall be as indicated
in clause 3.11 and 3.12 of IRC:79-1981.
3.0 Hazard Markers
3.1 Generally, hazard markers are installed when there are objects too close to the road
so as to be a potential hazard. These are available in two typical designs of rectangular
shape. The first type consists of a thin vertical board of 20 cm width and 60 cm height
(excluding the mounting post), with three circular reflectors of 10 to 15 cm diameter
arranged in a vertical row. The other alternative type consists of rectangular boards
30cm (width) by 90cm (height) with black and yellow sloping stripes 10cm apart.
3.2 The marker shall be put up wherever there are objects too close to road to be an
accident hazard like bridge abutments, guard rails etc.
The markers should be erected immediately ahead of the line of
obstruction and the inside edge of the marker should be in line with the inner edge of
the obstruction as far as possible.
4.0 Object Markers
4.1 The object marker will generally be triangular in shape but may be -
rectangular also. There are a few alternative designs like triangular all red
reflector board with white border or white background board containing red reflectors
with red border on the board etc.
4.2 The markers should be erected facing the traffic close to the point
where the obstruction within the roadway starts, for instance in the case of a
channelizingisland at its nose-point.
The height of the object market may vary but shall, generally, be 40 to
50 cm so that the reflectors are fully visible to the approaching traffic.
5.0 Calming Measwals (SCM).
Speed calming&rumble strips for the purpose of controlling the approach speeds of
vehicle should be provided in consultation with the local traffic police. Detailed
guidelines for Speed breaker is given inlRC:99-1988 and may be followed. On national
highways, to the extent possible, in the interest of unimpeded traffic flow and road
safety, speed breaker should be avoided. But wherever they cannot be avoided due to
public resistance or prevailing site conditions (e.g. near railway crossing or an
approach to narrow/ weak bridge) then the same should be replaced by rumbling strips.
Rumbling strips are raised section of premixed carpet or bituminous surface dressing of
15-25mm high, 200-300mm wide and space about 1 m centre to centre and are to be
laid in a series of 15-20 strips at one location. They are effective in reducing approach
speed by combination of vibration and rumbling noise. Speed breaker or rumbling strips
wherever provided shall be marked with thermoplastic paint and planted by
warning/speed limit signs on approaches (D.O.No. RW/NH-11064/91-DO1
Dt. 10.02.1993).
regarding installing safety barriers is governed by safety and structural requirements
duly considering social, economical& environmental factors. Detailed guidelines about
the type of safety barrier, their warrants, layout and fixing details are circulated by
MOST vide circular no. RW/NH-33022/1/94-DO111 Dt. 24.6.1994 and may be
followed. A few of road safety barrier are shown in IRC:79-1981.
7.0. The design and dimensions of the different types of markers shall
conform to the standards laid down in IRC:79-1981. A few sketches of some of the
common markers are furnished in the Appendix to this note.
1. Recommended Practice for Road Delineators - IRC:79-1981.
2. Specifications for Road and Bridge Works - Ministry of Surface
Transport (Roads Wing).
1.0 Introduction
To ensure smooth and efficient flow of traffic, to reduce the area of
conflict and prevent accidents and adjust and regulate the needs of the traffic to the
capacity and the limitation of the facility under use, the road requires to bein constant
communications with the road user. The road signs (along with the road markings)
constitute the language in which the road speaks to the road user.
1.1 Purpose of Road Signs
The purpose of road signs is to promote road safety and efficiency by providing for the
orderly movement of all road users on all roads in both urban and non-urban areas.
Road signs notify road users of regulations and provide warning and guidance needed
for safe, uniform and efficient operation.
1.2 Principles of Road Signs
To be effective, a road sign should meet five basic requirements:
a) Fulfill a need ;
b) Command attention ;
c) Convey a clear and simple meaning ;
d) Command respect from road users ; and
e) Give adequate time for response.
Design, placement, operation, maintenance, and uniformity are aspects that should be
carefully considered in order to maximize the ability of a road sign to meet these five
basic requirements.
1.3 Placement and Operation of Road Sign
Placement of road signs should be within road user’s view. To aid in conveying proper
meaning, road signs should be positioned with respect to the location or situation to
which it applies. The location and legibility of the road sign should be such as to
provide adequate response time to road users to read and take action at the operating
speed. Road signs or their supports shall not bear any advertising or other message that
is not related to traffic control.
1.4 Maintenance of Road Signs
Maintenance of road signs should be ensured to retain both the legibility and the
visibility of the sign. Functional evaluation of road signs should be done to determine at
regular periodic intervals, whether certain signs need to be changed to meet current
traffic conditions. Clean, legible, properly mounted signs in good working condition
command respect from road users.
1.5 Uniformity of Road Signs
Uniformity of signs simplifies the task of the road user because it helps in recognition
and understanding, thereby reducing perception/reaction time. Uniformity assists road
users, traffic police and highway agencies by giving everyone the same interpretation
message. Uniformity also promotes efficiency in manufacture, installation and
1.6 General Guidelines for signs on Urban & City Roads
The signing system for urban and city roads should help road user to get clear and
unambiguous information where there could be many advertisement hoardings and road
side activities. The Vulnerable Road Users like pedestrians and cyclists and signs for
disabled people would play important role in urban and city road signing.
Signs are designed so that they are legible to road users approaching them and can be
read in time to permit proper responses. Desired design characteristics include: (a) long
visibility distances, (b) large lettering and symbols, and (c) short legends for quick
2.0 Classification of Road Signs
A broad classification is made in the light of the message the sign intends to convey
and these may be of three types:-
i) Mandatory/Regulatory Signs,
ii) CautionarylWarningSigns and
iii) Informatory/Guide Signs
2.1. Mandatory/Regulatory
These signs remind the road user about the existing laws and
regulations to which the road user is subject and is bound by law to follow. It may also
inform the road user about special obligations and restrictions
which the road user must comply to and prohibitory orders that may be in
force against certain categories of vehicles on certain roads or during certain specified
periods of time. Violation of these signs is a legal offence. A complete list of the
mandatory/regulatory signs is given in Appendix-I to this chapter. Broadly they will
fall under the following groups:-
(a) ‘Stop' and 'Give Way' signs (Right of way signs)
(b) 'Prohibitory' signs,
(c) 'No Parking' and 'No Stopping' signs,
(d) 'Speed Limit' and 'Vehicle Control' signs,
(e) 'Restriction Ends' signs and
(f) 'CompulsoryDirection Control' and other signs.
2.2 Cautionaryl Warning Signs
These signs caution and alert the road usersto potential danger or existence ofcertain
hazardous conditions either on or adjacent to the roadway so that they take the desired
action. These signs indicate a need for special caution by road users and may require a
reduction in speed or some other manoeuvre.
The presence of sharp curves, rough or damaged roads, narrow or
weak bridges, presence of school requiring driving with greater care and
circumspection etc. may form the substance of the cautionarylwarning sign
messages. A complete list of cautionarylwarning signs is given in Appendix
I to this chapter. .
(d) Parking Signs. And
(e) Flood Gauge
A complete list of informatory signs is given in Appendix I to this chapter.
3.0 Standard Features
For use in this country the shape and size of the road signs, the size of the legends and
letterings, their colour, configuration and location shall be guided by the following
publications brought out by the Indian Roads Congress. .
IRC-67-2012- Code of Practice for Road Signs (Third Revision)
IRC-SP-31-1992- New Traffic Signs (Under Revision)
Some of the salient features mentioned in the codes are quoted below but for detailed
guidance regarding provisions the IRC Publications mentionedabove shall always be
referred to and followed.
3.1 Shape
The general shape of the mandatory/regulatory signs is circular
except for Octagonal red STOP sign and the triangular GIVE WAY or YIELD sign.
These two signs provide indication about right of way to drivers.
Similarly, the general shape of the cautionary/warning signs shall be
equilateral triangles with the apex pointing upwards.
The informatory and guiding signs are rectangular in shape .
3.2 Size
In general, there shall be four sizes ( small, medium, normal and large) of signs for
mandatory/regulatory and cautionary/warning signs. The size of signs generally depend
upon the speed of vehicle permitted on that corridor. On expressways the size of the
signs may be bigger than the normal size depending upon the design speed.
For actual manufacture of the signs, the detailed drawings and specifications of IRC-
67- 2012 shall be followed. In brief, for general guidance some details are as below:
Table 7.3 Size and Dimension of Mandatory and Regulatory signs
km/h (75) (105 (45) (60) (84) (35) 200 280 150
) (175 (245)
51-65 125 175 100 90 50 10 140 60 )
km/h (100 (140 (60) (75) (105) (45)
) )
66-80 150 210 135 90- 70 125 175 75
km/h (125 (175 150 (100 (140) (60)
) ) )
81-100 200 280 165 150- 100 150 210 105 250 350 200
km/h (150 (210 225 (125 (175) (75) (200 (280)
) ) ) )
101- 250 350 225 225- 100 200
280 135 385 275
110 (200 (280 300, (150
(210) (105) (350) (250
km/h ) ) See ) )
111- 300 420 260 See See 300 420 180 300 420 260
120 (250 (350 Note Note 1 (250 (350) (150) (275 (385)
km/h ) ) 1 ) )
*Note : The values in brackets are the minimum values to be adopted when there are
site/space constraints.
1) For grade separated junction two or three advanced direction signs are provided. These are
located at the start of diverging lane, 250 m to 750 m from the junction and additionally 750 m to
1500 m from the junction.
2) The “x” height is the height of a lower case English “Transport medium” font and upper case
shall be 1.4 times of lower case height.
3) In columns 2,3,7,8,10 and 11 of Table 11.1 the font heights shown are normal size to be
used for respective approach speeds and in brackets are the absolute minimum sizes to be
used where site/space is limited. The font size can be increased by another 50 mm from the
normal font size for those direction boards requiring special emphasis/attention.
3.3 Colour for Signs
Signs shall be provided with retro-reflective sheeting and/or overlay film as shown on the
detailed drawings prepared based on guidelines prescribed in IRC: 67 -2012.
3.3.1 The colour of the material shall be located within the area defined by the chromaticity
coordinated in Table 7.6 and comply with the luminance factor given in Table 7.7 when
measured as per ASTM D: 4956-09. Chromaticity is the objective specification of the quality of
a colour regardless of its luminance, that is, as determined by its hue and colourfulness (or
saturation/chroma, or intensity)
Table 7.6 Chromaticity Coordinates (Daytime) A
Colour 1 2 3 4
White 0.303 0.300 0.368 0.366 0.340 0.393 0.274 0.329
Yellow 0.498 0.412 0.557 0.442 0.479 0.520 0.438 0.472
Green B 0.026 0.399 0.166 0.364 0.286 0.446 0.207 0.771
Red 0.648 0.351 0.735 0.265 0.629 0.281 0.565 0.346
Blue B 0.140 0.035 0.244 0.210 0.190 0.255 0.065 0.216
Orange 0.558 0.352 0.636 0.364 0.570 0.429 0.506 0.404
Brown 0.430 0.340 0.610 0.390 0.550 0.450 0.430 0.390
Fluorescent Yellow- 0.387 0.610 0.369 0.546 0.428 0.496 0.460 0.540
Fluorescent Yellow 0.479 0.520 0.446 0.483 0.512 0.421 0.557 0.442
Fluorescent Orange 0.583 0.416 0.535 0.400 0.595 0.351 0.645 0.355
A The four pairs of chromaticity coordinates determine the acceptable colour in
terms of the CIE 1931 Standard Colourimetric System measured with CIE Standard
llluminant D65.
B The saturation limit of green and blue may extend to the border of the CIE
chromaticity locus for spectral colours.
3.3.2 Stop Sign shall have red background and white border. The word “STOP” shall
be written in white. GIVE WAY Sign shall have red border and white background. The
word “GIVE WAY” shall be written in black.
“No Stopping” and “No Standing” Signs shall be with red border and blue
Compulsory Direction Control and Other Signs shall be with blue background and
white border, and having symbols in white.
3.3.3 Colour pattern for direction information signs is given in Table 7.8
The Colours chosen for informatory or guide signs shall be distinct for different
categories of roads. For various categories of road in India, following colour pattern
shall be used for direction information sign as given in Table 7.8
3.3.4 The sign posts shall be painted in 25 cm wide bands (except in case
of level crossings) alternately black and white. The lowest band next to the
ground shall be black.
For the level crossings the posts shall have one or two red bands
(depending on distance of installation) conforming to the drawing shown in
detail in IRC-67-2012.
3.4 Siting of Signs with respect to the carriageway.
The road signs are the means of communication to the road users, especially drivers. Therefore,
the signs shall be so placed that the drivers can recognize them easily and in time. Normally the
signs shall be placed on the left hand side of the road. For two lane roads, normally the signs
may be placed on the left side of the carriageway, repeated on the other side of the carriageway,
if local conditions are such that the signs might not be seen in time by the drivers. For multilane
divided roads the signs may be placed on left side of each carriageway.
Where in the opinion of the competent authority, a sign would be ineffective if placed on the left
hand side shoulder of a road with dual carriageway, it may be placed on the median instead.
The Signs shall be so placed that these do not obstruct vehicular traffic on the carriageway, and
if placed on the berm/footpath/refuge island cause least obstruction to pedestrians.
On multi-lane roads, the signs may have to be mounted overhead, as this would ensure better
visibility and be effective in communicating with drivers and other road users. Overhead signs
may be used in lieu of , or as an adjunct to, ground signs where the situation so warrants for
proper information and guidance of the road user.
From safety and aesthetic standpoints, overhead signs shall be mounted on overhead bridge
structures wherever possible. Overhead signs shall provide a vertical clearance of not less than
5.5 m over the entire width of the pavement and shoulders.
3.4.1 Overhead Signs
Overhead signs shall provide a vertical clearance of not less than 5.5 m over the entire
width of the pavement and shoulders except where a lesser vertical clearance is used
for the design of other structures. The vertical clearance to overhead sign structures or
supports need not be greater than 300 mm in excess of the minimum clearance of other
The minimum clearance outside the usable roadway shoulders for signs mounted at the
road side or for overhead sign supports either to the right or left side of the roadway
shall be 1.80 m. This minimum clearance of 1.80 m shall also apply outside of an
unmountable kerb. Where practicable, a sign should not be less than 3 m from the edge
of the nearest traffic lane. Large guide signs should be farther removed preferably 9 m
or more from the nearest traffic lane, unless otherwise specified. Lesser clearance, but
not generally less than 1.80 m, may be used on connecting roadways or ramps at inter-
Where a median is 3.6 m or less in width, consideration should be given to spanning
over both roadways without a central support. Where overhead sign supports cannot be
placed at a safe distance away from the line of traffic or in an otherwise protected site,
they should either be so designed as to minimize the impact forces or protect motorists
adequately by a physical barrier or guard rail of suitable design.
3.5 Orientation of Signs
The Signs shall normally be placed at right angles to the line of travel of the approaching traffic.
Signs relating to parking, however, should be fixed at an angle (approximately) 150 to the
carriageway so as to give better visibility.
On horizontal curves, the sign may not be fixed normal to the carriageway but the
angle of placement may be suitably modified for increased visibility to the approaching
traffic. Also, where lightreflection from the sign face is encountered to such an extent
as to reduce legibility, the sign should be turned slightly away from the road.
Sign faces are normally vertical, but on gradients it may be desirable to tilt a sign forward or
backward from the vertical to make it normal to the line of sight and improve the viewing angle.
3.6 Location
3.6.1 The 'stop' signs should be sited as close to the stop line as possible
but not in such a position as to impair visibility along the major road. Normally these
should be fixed 1.5m in advance of the stop line.If the site conditions prevent a sign
soplaced from being easily seen, it may be placed at a greater distance inadvance of the
line but not more than 6 metres from it.
3.6.2 Similarly, the 'Give Way' sign shall be located as near to the point
where the vehicles are required to stop to yield the right-of-way as possible.
A distance of 1.5 m to 12 m may be alright. It is also recommended that Give Way
Line should be marked at the entry to junction.Give Way line may be preceded by
GIVE WAY marking on the road. On gradients, the sign shall be placed at the start of
the down gradient and repeated as necessary.
3.6.3 The 'Speed Limit' and 'Vehicle Control' signs shall be erected at the beginning of
any section of a road or the side of a structure, which is subject to prohibition or
restriction so as to face the entering traffic. Additional signs shall be erected within the
prohibited zone at each intersection made by a road which is not subject to prohibition
so as to inform the entering traffic about the restriction. For speed limit, additional
repeater signs may be installed at suitable intervals wherenecessary.
3.6.4 The warning signs should normally be located depending upon 85th percentile
speed of private cars (as detailed below in Table 7.10) in advance of the hazard warned
Table 7.10 : Siting Distance of Cautionery/Warning Signs
4.5.2 Aluminium Composite Materials (ACM)
ACM sheets used for sign boards is a sandwiched construction with a thermoplastic core of
‘Low Density Polyethylene’ (LDPE) between two thick skins/sheets of aluminium with overall
thickness of 4 mm and 3 mm, and aluminium skin thickness of 0.4 - 0.5 mm and 0.25 - 0.3 mm
respectively on both sides. The retro-reflective sheeting must be applied on the top surface with
aluminium surface with recommended surface preparation from sheeting manufacture. A
fluorocarbon coating may be applied over the exposed surface of aluminium to ensure corrosion
resistant and weather proof and thus shall conform to relevant ASTM. The mechanical
properties of 4 mm and 3mm ACM and that of its aluminium skin shall conform to the
requirement given in Table 7.11, when tested in accordance with the test methods mentioned
against each of them.
4.6 Plate Thickness
Shoulder mounted ground signs with a maximum side dimension not exceeding 600mm shall
not be less than 1.5 mm thick with aluminium and 3 mm thick with aluminium composite
material. All other signs shall be at least 2 mm thick with aluminium and 4 mm thick with
aluminium composite material. The thickness of the sheet shall be related to the size of the sign
and its support and shall be such that it does not bend or deform under prevailing wind and other
loads. All overhead signs made with aluminium composite material shall be minimum 4 mm
thick to withstand wind and other loads without deformation.
S. Description Specification for 4 mm Specification for 3
No. mm
Standard Acceptable Value Acceptable Value
A Mechanical Properties of ACM
1 Peel off strength with retro- ASTM Min. 4 N/mm Min. 4 N/mm
reflective sheeting. (Drum D903
Peel Test)
2 Tensile strength ASTM Min. 40 N/mm2 Min. 30 N/mm2
3 0.2% Proof Stress ASTM Min. 34 N/mm2 Min. 34 N/mm2
4 Elongation ASTM Min. 6% Min. 5%
5 Flexural strength ASTM Min. 130 N/mm2 Min. 120 N/mm2
6 Shear strength with punch ASTM Min. 18 N/mm2 Min. 18 N/mm2
shear test D732
B Properties of Aluminium Skin
1 Tensile strength (Rm) ASTM E8 Min. 150 N/mm2 Min. 130 N/mm2
2 Modulus of elasticity ASTM E8 Min. 70,000 Min. 70,000 N/mm2
3 Elongation ASTM E8 A50 Min. 2% A50 Min. 2%
4 0.2 % Proof Stress ASTM E8 Min. 110 N/mm2 Min. 110 N/mm2
Table 7.11 Specifications for Aluminium Composite Material (ACM)
4.7 Retro Reflective Sheeting
The retro reflective sheeting used on the signs shall consist of white or coloured sheeting having
a smooth outer surface which has the property of retro reflective over its entire surface. It shall
be weather resistant and exhibit colour fastness. It shall be new and unused and show no
evidence of cracking, scaling, and painting, blistering, edge lifting or curling and shall have
negligible shrinkage or expansion. A certificate of having the sheeting tested for coefficient of
retro reflective, daytime colour and luminance, shrinkage, flexibility, liner removal, adhesion,
impact resistance, specular gloss and fungus resistance, 3 years outdoor weathering and its
having passed these tests shall be obtained from International/Government Laboratory/Institute
by the manufacturer of the sheeting and in case the certificate is obtained from international
agency, it should also be obtained from Indian agency within 3 years of launching of product by
the manufacture in abroad. Alternatively, a certificate conforming to ASTM Specification (D
4956-09) on artificial accelerated weathering requirements from a reputed laboratory in India
can be accepted provisionally. In such a situation, the Employer/Client, if so desires, could seek
for a performance guarantee which would be released after receipt of certificate meeting the
requirement of three years outdoor weathering of the sheeting. Retro reflective sheeting is
divided into three classes as follows:
CLASS A SHEETING :- Engineering and Super Engineering Grade Sheeting as per ASTM
D4956-09 Type I and II.
CLASS B SHEETING :- High Intensity and High Intensity Prismatic grade sheeting as per
ASTM D4956-09 Type III and IV.
CLASS C SHEETING :- All Micro Prismatic grade sheets as per ASTM D4956-09 Type
VIII, IX and XI.
4.7.1 Selection of Sheeting
Table 7.12 suggests a general guideline for selection of sheeting considering the performance
characteristics of each type of sheeting for different category of roads and also on economic
consideration and visibility requirements in Indian context. However, the choice for selection of
type of sheeting would rest with the client.
* Type III sheeting is available both as glass beaded and micro prismatic technology as per
ASTM D4956-09. The light reflecting efficiency of glass beaded sheeting is lower than the
micro prismatic sheeting.
Performance Characteristics of sheeting Type I to Type XI used for road signs ar and definition
of key words are given in IRC: 67-2012. However, performance Characteristics of Class C
sheeting prescribed for Urban/City Roads are presented hereunder.
Table7.13 Acceptable Minimum Co-efficient of Retro-reflective for Type VIII Prismatic
Grade Sheeting A (Candelas per Lux per Square Meter)
0.10 B -40 1000 750 375 100 150 4 30 800 600 300
0.10 B +300 460 345 175 46 69 2 14 370 280 135
0.2 0 -40 700 525 265 70 105 3 21 560 42 210
0.2 0 +300 325 245 120 33 49 1 10 260 200 95
0.5 0 -40 250 190 94 25 38 1 7.5 200 150 75
0.5 0 +300 115 86 43 12 17 5 3.5 92 69 35
B Values for 0.1 0 observation angles are supplementary requirements that small apply only
when specified by the purchaser in the contract or order.
B Values for 0.1 0 observation angles are supplementary requirements that small apply only
when specified by the purchaser in the contract or order.
Table 7.15 Acceptable Minimum Co-efficient of Retro-reflective for Type XI Prismatic
Grade Sheeting A (Candelas per Lux per Square Meter)
0.10 B -40 830 620 290 83 125 37 25 660 500 250
0.10 B +300 325 245 115 33 50 15 10 260 200 100
0.2 0 -40 580 435 200 58 87 26 17 460 350 175
0.2 0 +300 220 165 77 22 33 10 7 180 130 66
0.5 0 -40 420 315 150 42 63 19 13 340 250 125
0.5 0 +300 150 110 53 15 23 7 5 120 90 45
1.0 0 -40 120 90 42 12 18 5 4 90 72 36
1.0 0 +300 45 34 16 5 7 2 1 36 27 14
A Minimum Co-efficient of Retro-reflective (RA) (cd.Ix-1.m-2).
B Values for 0.1 0 observation angles are supplementary requirements that small apply only
when specified by the purchaser in the contract or order.
4.7.3 Adhesives
The sheeting shall have a pressure-sensitive adhesive of the aggressive-tack type requiring no
heat, solvent or other preparation for adhesive to a smooth clean surface, in a manner
recommended by the sheeting manufacture. The adhesive shall be protected by an easily
removable liner (removable by peeling without soaking in water or other solvent) and shall be
suitable for the type of material of the base plate used for the sign. The adhesive shall form a
durable bond to smooth, corrosion and weather resistant surface of the base plate such that it
shall not be possible to remove the sheeting from the sign base in one piece by use of sharp
instrument. The sheeting shall be applied in accordance with the manufacture’s specifications.
4.7.4 Fabrication
4.8 Messages/Borders
The messages (legends, letters, numerals, etc.) and borders shall either be screen-printed or of
cut out from durable transparent overlay or cut-out from the same type of reflective sheeting for
the cautionary and mandatory sign boards. Screen printing shall be processed and finished with
materials and in a manner specified by the sheeting manufacturer. For the informatory and other
sign boards, the messages (legends, letters, numerals, etc.)and borders shall be cut-out from
durable transparent overlay film or cut-out from the same reflective sheeting only. Cut-outs
shall be from durable transparent overlay materials as specified by the sheeting manufacturer
and shall be bonded with the sheeting in the manner specified by the manufacturer. Whenever
transparent overlay film is used for making any type of sign, the coloured portion of sign shall
have coefficient or reflectivity not less than the reflectivity of type and colour of sheeting
normally used. Cut-out messages and borders, wherever used, shall be either made out of retro-
reflective sheeting or made out of durable transparent overlay except those in black which shall
be of non-reflective sheeting or opaque in case of durable transparent overlay. Creating coloured
areas by means of screen-printing with ink shall not be permitted.
4.9 Warranty and Durability
The retro reflective sheeting type “ A” , “B” and “C” shall be covered respectively under 5,7,
and 10 year warranty respectively issued for field performance including the screen printed
areas and cut-out sheeting and cut-out durable transparent overlay film. The contract shall
indicate the minimum retro-reflective of the signs at the end of the warranty period.
5.1 The traffic signs shall be mounted on support posts, which may be of GI pipes
conforming to IS 1239, Rectangular Hollow Section conforming to IS 4923 or Square
Hollow Section conforming to IS 3589. In case of signs supported on two or more
posts, if necessary, bracing may also be provided. Sign posts, their foundations and sign
mountings shall be so constructed as to hold these in a proper and permanent position
against the normal storm wind loads or displacement by vandalism. Normally, signs
with an area up to 0.9 square meter shall be mounted on a single post, and for greater
area, two or more supports shall be provided. Sign supports may be of mild steel,
reinforced concrete (M25) or galvanized iron (GI Post) sections. End(s) shall be firmly
fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation. The work of foundation
shall conform to relevant Specifications as specified.
5.2 All components of signs and supports, other than the reflective portion of GI
posts shall be thoroughly descaled, cleaned, primed and painted with two coats of
eproxy paint. Any part of Mild Steel (MS) post below ground shall be painted with
three coats of red lead paint.
5.3 The signs shall be fixed to the posts by welding in the case of steel posts and by
bolts and washers of suitable size in the case of reinforced concrete or GI posts. After
the nuts have been tightened, the tails of the bolts shall be furred over with a hammer to
prevent removal.
5.4 For overhead signs, the support system should be properly designed based on
sound engineering principles, to safely sustain the dead load, live load and wind load
on the completed sign system. For this purpose, the overhead signs shall be designed to
withstand a wind loading of 150 kg/m2 normal to the face of the sign and 30
kg/m2transverse to the face of the sign. In addition to the dead load of the structure,
walkway loading of 250 kg concentrated live load shall also be considered for the
design of the overhead sign structure.
Signs should be cleaned at intervals appropriate to the site conditions. Signs at
locations where they are subject to heavy soiling from passing traffic, or algae growth
(a common problem with signs beneath tree canopies) will need more frequent
7.2 A reference number along with the month and year of installation should be
placed on the back of a sign in a contrasting colour or by stamping in characters not
exceeding 50 mm in height. It is distracting and unsightly to place reference numbers
on the sign face or on the front of a backing board.
7.3 All signs shall be inspected at least twice a year both in day and night times and
atleast once a year in the rain. All signs should be replaced at the end of the warranty
period provided for the retro-reflective sheeting used on the sign. Damaged signs shall
be replaced immediately.
7.4 The authorities responsible for road signs should maintain a schedule of painting
of the posts and signs periodically. It is recommended that painting of the signs (where
applicable) may be undertaken after every two years. In case of overhead signs,
adequate provision is to be made to have access to the signs for the purpose of
maintenance activities. Special care shall be taken to see that weeds, shrubbery, mud,
etc. are not allowed to obscure any sign.
1. Stop and Give Way Signs
(i) Stop
(ii) Give Way
(iii) Give Way to Buses Exiting the Bus Bay
2. Prohibitory Signs
(i) Bullock Carts Prohibited
(ii) Bullock and Hand Carts Prohibited
(iii) Hand Cart Prohibited
(iv) Tongas Prohibited
(v) Horse Riding Prohibited
(vi) Caravan no Allowed
(vii) Buses Prohibited
(viii) Cars Prohibited
(ix) Trucks Prohibited
(x) Tractor Prohibited
(xi) Construction Vehicle Prohibited
(xii) Articulated Vehicles Movement Prohibited
(xiii) Two Wheeler Prohibited
(xiv) Cycles Prohibited
(xv) Horn Prohibited
(xvi) No entry
(xvii) One Way
(xviii) Left Turn Prohibited
(xix) RightTurn Prohibited
(xx) Overtaking Prohibited
(xxi) U-Turn Prohibited
(xxii) Right Turn &U-Turn Prohibited
(xxiii) Priority to vehicles from the Opposite Direction
3. No Parking and No Stopping Signs
(i) No Standing
(ii) No Stopping and No Standing
(iii) No Parking
(iv) Parking not Allowed on footpath
(v) Parking not Allowed on Half of Footpath
4. Speed Limit and Vehicle Control Signs
(i) Axle Load Limit
(ii) Height Limit
(iii) Length Limit
(iv) Load Limit
(v) Width Limit
(vi) Maximum Speed Limit
(vii) Maximum Speed Limit (Vehicle Type)
(viii) Stop for Police Check
5. Restriction Ends Signs
(i) Restriction Ends
6. Compulsory Direction Control and Other Signs
(i) Compulsory Ahead
(ii) Compulsory Ahead or Right Turn
(iii) Compulsory Ahead or Left Turn
(iv) Compulsory Turn Right
(v) Compulsory Turn Left
(vi) Compulsory Turn Right (In Advance of Junction)
(vii) Compulsory Turn Left (In Advance of Junction)
(viii) Compulsory Keep Left
(ix) Compulsory Keep Right
(x) Pass Either Side
(xi) Minimum Speed Limit
(xii) Compulsory Cycle Track/Cycle Only
(xiii) Compulsory Cyclist and Pedestrian Route
(xiv) Pedestrian Only
(xv) Compulsory Snow Chain
(xvi) Bus Way/Buses Only
(xvii) Compulsory Sound Horn
26. Reduced Carriageway (Left Lane(s) Reduced)
27. Reduced Carriageway (Right Lane(s) Reduced)
28. Start of Dual Carriageway
29. End of Dual Carriageway
30. Gap in Median
31. Pedestrian Crossing
32. School Ahead
33. Built-up Area
34. Two Way Operation
35. Two Way Traffic on Cross Road Ahead Warning
36. Lane closed (Two Lane Carriageway)
37. Lane Closed (Three Lane Carriageway)
38. Lane Closed (Four Lane Carriageway)
39. Traffic Diversion on dual Carriageway)
40. Men at Work
41. Supplementary Plate “END” at the Leaving Side of Work Zone
42. Danger Warning
43. Deaf Persons Likely on Road Ahead
44. Blind Persons Likely on Road Ahead
45. Cycle Crossing
46. Cycle Route Ahead
47. Dangers Dip
48. Speed Breaker
49. Rumble Strip
50. Rough Road
51. Dangerous Ditch
52. Loose Gravel
53. Slippery Road
54. Slippery Road Because of Ice
55. Opening or Swing Bridge
56. Overhead Cables
57. Playground Ahead
58. Quay Side or River Bank
59. Barrier
60. Sudden Side Winds
61. Tunnel Ahead
62. Ferry
63. Trams Crossing
64. Falling Rocks
65. Cattle Crossing
66. Wild Animal
67. Queues Likely ahead
68. Airport
69. Unguarded Railway Crossing
70. Guarded Railway Crossing
71. Single Chevron (Normal)
72. Single Chevron (>100kmph Speed)
73. Double Chevron
74. Triple Chevron
75. Object Hazard (Left)
76. Object Hazard (Right)
77. Two way Hazard Marker
20. Auto Rickshaw Stand
21. Home Zone
22. Camp Site
23. Airport
24. Golf Course
25. National Heritage
26. No Through Road
27. No Through Side Road
28. Toll Road Ahead
29. Guide Sign on Toll Lane Portal
30. Country Border
31. Entry Ramp for Expressway
32. Exit Ramp for Expressway
33. Expressway Symbol
34. End of Expressway
35. Bus Stop
36. Bus Lane
37. Contra Flow Bus Lane
38. Cycle Flow
39. Cycle Flow Cycle Lane
40. Holiday Chalets
41. Emergency Exit
1. Parking
2. Auto Rickshaw Parking
3. Cycle Parking
4. Cycle Rickshaw Parking
5. Scooter and Motorcycle Parking
6. Taxi Parking
7. Park and Ride
8. Parking Restriction Signs for Traffic Management
9. Flood Gauge
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Artificial light is a triumph of human ingenuity over the regime of nature. It
enables man to encroach uPon the time set apart by nature for rest and extend the
period of all human activity, worthwhile or worthless. Mobility provides a vital link in
the chain of hUman activity and illuminated roads are an essential requisite for
increased mobility.
1.2 While using a road facility, both the pedestrian and the vehicle
operator stand in continuous need of information input from the surroundings. At night
time the need becomes indiSPensable for removal of uncertainly and help in taking a
confident decision regarding the next step or manoeuvre with safety. For the vehicle
operator the information need is more critical as he is in speed. Light fulfis this need to
the extent of its adequacy.
1.3 Lighted roads.
i) Increase safety of the roaduser (with or without vehicle) from
the point of view of traffic interaction.
ii) It enables roadusing Vehicles to achieve the design potential
of the road in respect of speed, capacity etc. to the maximum
possible extent during night and
iii) It also contributes to general public safety from the point of view of law and order
and PreVention of crime. 1.4 It is a common knowledge that road safety reduces at
night. At many locations this becomes evident from a comparison of the percentage
of accidents after sun-set with that of the day time even when the total traffic
volume during night time is considerably less specially on urban roads.
Statistics reveal that road lighting reduces the number of accidents considerably.
(according to some authorities by about 25% to 35%).
2.0 Problem of Road use at night
2.1 Some of the reasons may lie in the technological deficiencies in the road vehicle
itself. At night, even on a straight road the sight-distance allowed by the head-lights
may be inadequate for moving at design speed. Also, while negotiating a curve the
orientation of the headlight beam may not reveal the road along the curve and enable
the driver to use the road in the same speed for which the road geometries have been
designed. The contrast conditions among different road fixtures are also low during
night, affecting driving speed of vehicle.
2.2 It will be evident from above that because of inherent deficiencies in
the road vehicle, the presence or absence of day-light essentially require and enforce
two different sets of geometric standards on the same road. Even thehighway design
engineer is not always conscious of it.
2.3 It is however, very difficult and hardly ever possible for any driver to
switch over to full extent to the new set of reflexes and reactions every twelve hours
overcoming the fixed inertia of habits of daytime driving.
The result is that inspite of the compulsions imposed by absence or
inadequacy of light, the night time traffic speed does not significantly reduce.
It is reported that in many countries the average reduction in speed during
nigh is from 5km/hour to 7km/hour only. 'Increase in accidents may be the
only logical consequence.
2.4 The visibility of an object at night from a moving vehicle is influenced by the
(i) Size of the object,
(ii) degree of illumination and
(iii) its light or colour contrast with the carriage way surface.
2.4.1 For a driver observing from a vehicle in motion the visibility of the
object decreases with decrease in its size. It is reported that an object 1.5
metre high is visible from a distance of 100 to 110 metres but an object of 0.5 metre
size is visible only from a distance of 50 to 60 metres.
2.4.2 Because of the high cost involved in roadlighting, illumination is
generally proposed at a level just sufficient to enable the driver to recognise the outline
of an obstacle on the illuminated background of the carriageway surface. The intensity
of illumination required for this is however, considerably less than the intensity
required for a detailed examination and perception about the nature of the object, while
the observer is still in motion. Any anticipation about the shift or change in its location
is, therefore, very vague and the caution that the driver decides to exercise in the case
to avoid collision with it is left completely to his individual discretion and decision at
the moment.
2.4.3 Contrast in shade or colour holds the key to observation. The recognition of an
object springs from the discrimination about the contrast in the luminance of the object
and its background. It is said that visual perception mainly occurs by three methods i.e.
the observation of Silhouette, reverse -silhouette or surface detail Silhouette is the
formation of a dark area against a bright background, reverse-siihouette is that of a
bright area against a dark back-ground and observation by surface detail occurs with a
high order of direct illumination on the face of the object towards the driver.
Most obstacles on the carriageway are observed by silhouetting Generally the
objects in areas adjacent to roadways and projections above the pavement surface like
channelizing island, abutments and also upper portions of pedestrians and vehicles are
observed by reverse silhouette. Discernment by surface details is the general method of
'seeing' in heavy traffic where background perception is very blurred and observation
is principally by variation in brightness and colour over the own surface of the object.
Most roadsigns are also observed by surface detail.
2.4.4 The basic principles behind road lighting design are therefore to
facilitate silhouetting, reverse silhouetting and surface detail observations
(alongwith reduction in glare or visual noise).
2.4.5 The most common form of observation for the vehicle driver is by
silhouetting. One of the principal function of the fixed roadlight is, therefore, to
increase the brightness and uniformity of illumination of the road surface background
to improve silhouetting.
In creating the effect of brightness, the surface illumination and the
reflection properties of the surface are equally important. The reflecting
properties of the road surface depends on the surface texture, the extent of
polishing received by traffic, the material used in the surfacing and the colour of the
road surface. A dark object on a block-topped carriageway needs greater general
illumination than that on a newly constructed light coloured cement-concrete
pavement. Age of the road surface is also an important factor since with time and age
the light shade of the cement concrete pavement may become darker and also a matt
surface may gain in polish through ageing with traffic and thereby change its reflective
3.0 Common Photometric and Installation Terms connected with Road Lighting
The road engineer needs to be acquainted with certain common
photometric and installation terms which may occur frequently during dealing
with any road lighting case.
3.1 Common Photometric Terms
3.1.1 Luminous Flux (Light Flux)
This is the total amount of light emitted by a light source or received by
a surface irrespective of the direction of emission as evaluated photometrically.
3.1.2 Lumen
The unit of luminous flux is the lumen. This is the flux emitted through
a unit solid angle (a steradian) from a uniform point source of 1 candela.
Since the whole space surrounding a point source subtends a solid angle of
4, a light source of one candela emits a total of 4 lumens.
3.1.3 Lower Hemispherical Flux or Downward Flux The luminous flux emitted by a
luminaire in all directions below the horizontal.
3.1.4 Luminous Intensity
This is the strength or light-giving power (candle power) of a light-
giving source in any direction. The unit of luminous intensity is the candela cd).
Number of' candelas emitted by a light source will be its canle power (cp).
3.1.5 Illumination
This is the amount of luminous flux falling normally on a unit area.
3.1.6 Lux is the unit of illumination expressed in lumen per square metre. One
lumen of light uniformly distributed over an area of one square metre will be
considered to have the illumination of one lux.
3.1.7 Luminance
It is the technical term for brightness of a reflecting surface. It is the
rate at which light is reflected from an illuminated surface from a unit projected area
(area of surface viewed from that direction) in a given direction.
3.1.8 Luminosity
The attribute of visual sensation according to which an area appears
to emit more or less light. It is sometimes called 'brightness'.
3.1.9 Light output
The Luminous flux emitted by a luminaire.
3.1.10 Light Distribution
The distribution of luminous intensity from a luminaire in various
directions in space.
There are, in general, two types of distribution 'Symmetrical' (or
Asymmetrical) and Axial (or Non-axial).
.3.1.11 Mean Hemispherical Intensity
The downward flux divided by 2. This is the average intensity in the
lower hemisphere.
3.1.12 Intensity Ratio
The ratio of an actual intensity from the luminariein a particular direction to the mean
hemispherical intensity.
3.1.13 Peak Intensity Ratio
The ratio of the maximum intensity to the mean hemispherical intensity of the light
emitted below the horizontal.
3.1.14 Coefficient of utilization
The ratio of the luminous flux (lumens) from the lantern received on
the surface of the roadway to the lumens emitted by the lantern lamp alone.
3.2 Lighting Installation Terms
3.2.1 Lighting Installation
It comprises of the total equipment used for provision of lighting a
highway i.e. lamps, luminaries, supports, electrical implements and
associated materials.
3.2.2 Lighting System
The characteristic light distribution intended in the installation. The
common systems are 'cut off, 'semi-cut off and 'non-cut-off.'
(i) Cut-off System
In this system the candle power per 1000 lumens does not
exceed 10 cd at an angle of 900 above nadir (i.e. at the horizontal)
and 30 cd at a vertical angle of 800 above nadir.
The direction of maximum intensity may vary but should be
below 650.
(ii.) Semi-Cut-Off System
In this system the candle power per 1000 lumens does not
exceed 50 cd at an angle of 900 above nadir (i.e. at the horizontal)
and 100 cd at a vertical angle of 800 above nadir.
The direction of maximum intensity may vary but should be
below 750.
(iii) Non-Cut-Off System
The system in which there is no candle-power limitation in the
zone above the maximum candle-power is termed 'non-cut-off
3.2.3 Lantern
The light source or the bulb emitting light is termed 'lamp'.
3.2.4 Luminarie
The lamp together with its accessories like housing, reflector, refractor, diffuser etc. i.e.
the complete lighting assembly (excluding the support system etc.) is called the
3.2.5 Outreach
This is the horizontal distance measured between the centre of a
luminarie mounted on a bracket and the centre of the supporting column or
3.2.6 Overhang
The horizontal distance between the centre of the luminaire and the
adjacent edge of the carriageway.
HPMV lamps generally have long life and high luminous efficiency
4.2.3 Mercury-Halide Lamps
This is an improved version of HPMV lamp which allows good colour rendition
along with high luminous efficiency.
4.2.4 Tubular Fluorescent Lamps
These have good colour rendering power as well as high luminous
efficiency although capacity for high powers may not be there. These may be used in
situations where larger number of luminarie installation may not be aesthetically
4.2.5 Low Pressure Sodium Vapour Lamp Its luminous efficiency is high but does not
have a good colour quality. It is widely used where economy in the use of energy
outweigh the need of colour rendition. Use of these lamps are considered good where
foggy condition is common.
4.2.6 High Pressure sodium Vapour Lamp
This version tries to get over the deficiency of the low pressure sodium
vapour lamp by improving the colour rendition quality. It has better colour, good
luminous efficiency and a reasonably long life. However, the lamp cost is
comparatively high.
4.2.7 LED Lamp : Latest introduction is LED Lamps having low energy consumption
and long burning life. This is likely to be the further lighting.
5.0 Glare Problem
To avoid wastage of light energy an ideal light source requires
arrangement to reduce or prevent distribution of light in directions in which it . is not
of any use to the road using traffic (upward to the horizontal) as well as to produce
increased luminosity at certain range of higher angles down- ward of the horizontal so
that the light intensity on the pavement at a distance is increased to produce a uniform
light patch inspite of its diminishing with distance due to inverse square law.
5.2 However, incident light on the driver's eye above the horizontal and too intense a
light on the whole visual field may creature problems of glare for the driver.
5.3 Two variations of glare have generally been recognized. The first one
is termed discomfort glare as it causes a sensation of annoyance and
discomfort to the driver and prevents adequate perception. The second one is termed
'disability glare' as it produces a too intense
and uniform light on the object area obliterating contrast· discernment and
may produce full or partial loss of perception about the presence of objects.
5.4 The disconcerting effects of glare are sought to be got over by several
ingenuous ways in modern luminaire design practices, such as
(i). By increasing the luminaire height,
(ii) By increasing the effective luminaire area,
(iii) By restricting the light at vertical and horizontal angles where it interferes with
driver visibility and
(iv) By increasing the background brightness and contrast.
6.0 Broad Guidelines for Road Lighting Design
In a non-urban situation the decision regarding provision of lighting
will primarily depend on the status or classification of the road i.e. whether it is a
Freeway, Expressway or Major Arterial route or a road of lower category.
Information regarding night traffic volume, percent of exit and entry traffic, speed,
accident rate, accident type, pedestrian volume etc. have also to be collected for
consideration. Dependinq upon the availability of funds, possibility of supply of power
etc. decision about continuous lighting or alternatively partial lighting in accident-
prone areas, interchanges, tunnels and under passes etc. can be taken.
6.2 Continuous lighting may be desirable in most urban situations
specially where both sides of the road are built up. If for economic or other reasons,
complete continuous lighting is not possible, minimum safety lighting provisions can
be considered covering intersections, interchanges, under-passes, major points of
conflict or geometric complexity. Merging areas may be lighted so that the main road
traffic can clearly observe the point of entry for side traffic. The main road for a length
before the merge point may be lighted so that the entering traffic can have an idea of
the speed and distance of main road traffic. Intersections alongwith kerb faces, road-
signs and other vertical/horizontal obstructions can be made clearly visible to
the traffic by (partial) lighting of these areas only. Pedestrian cross-walks may be
properly lighted. The lighting effort at any particular location should always of more
than one luminaire or with a group of luminaries suitably p1aced and not by a single
luminarie anywhere.
6.3 Inter - changes, park areas or areas with complex geometrical features
etc. may preferably be provided with a high-mast light for provision of a general,
uniformly lighted background in addition to lower-intensity luminarie groups provided
by design.
6.4 The eye requires rapid adaptation in passing from a lighted zone to a
dark one. As this is dependent on time and the driver is negotiating the area in speed
the situation becomes still more critical for the driver. The end of a lighted zone to a
dark one, should not therefore be abrupt but with the provision of suitable transition
light of lower or half-intensity for a short length to prepare the driver for the change in
visual condition eitherway.
6.5 Even for a continuously lighted urban section there may be different levels of
lighting depending upon area classification like industries
commercial, residential area etc.
6.7 Direction signs, guard posts, and other features of traffic islands ma
be made prominent at night by special lighting without giving rise to glare.
7.0 light Distribution
7.2 Code also suggests that to preserve the longitudinal uniformity the
spacingshould generally not be greater than the values given below:
8.0 Arrangement of Installation
Arrangement of installation and provision of light support is generally
decided on consideration of roadway width, the width of median available,
presence or absence of median barriers and the total cost of project. There
are four general type of arrangement as described below.
and formal design. For all such design the services of specialised architects may have
to be requisitioned.
9.3 In minor bridges (structures not exceeding 60 m in length) the normal
road lighting system adopted in the approaches may be continued across,
care being taken to ensure that the entrance to and the exit from the structure and the
edge of the footpath are clearly visible. It may also be ensured that each side entrance
to the bridge has a light point irrespective of the arrangement followed. In case of
bridges/underpasses having restricted clearance, adequate warning signs/posts must be
displayed sufficiently in advance of bridge ..In case such structures are old, their entry
point configuration can be lighted with retroreflective tape or studs to give driver an
idea of cross sectional details of the structure.
9.4 In long bridges confusion generally arises because of absence of
background for better visibility. Cut-off type luminaries may be used to reduce glare.
Where objects cannot be silhouetted properly illuminate them directly. In general,
lighting requirement for bridges should be given detailed consideration at a very early
stage so that the structural requirements can be suitably incorporated during the design
of the bridge structure itself.
9.5 Curves of very large radius, say .1000m or more may be treated\as
straight. In curves of smaller radius, luminaries are preferably placed only on the
outside of the bend for effective beaconing of the curve. \
9.6 For better visibility of pedestrian crossing, road markinqs, the crossinJ1
mark should occur midway between two consecutive luminaries situated 0", either side
of the carriageway. Luminaries should never be sited just prior to\ the road crossing
9.7 Based on the principles of good lighting, the IS Code (1944-Part I & 11)
recommend siting of luminaires for different possible situations at
intersections. These are indicated in Appendix-llI·tothis chapter and may be followed.
(iv) Periodic cleaning of lamps, luminaries and support systems.
(v) Periodic inspection of mains, supply lines, earthings and
stability of the support structures.
(vi) An annual inspection of areas to assess if there is any need to
upgrade or modify lighting installation systems because of
/ gradual change in character of localities, increase in vehicle
population and road use or detection of accident prone areas.
Code of Practice for Lighting of Public thoroughfares- Part, I,ll, V & VII
of IS: 1944, Delhi Electric Supply Undertaking Circulars
Road and their Traffic - Earnest Davies.
Transportation and Traffic Engineering Handbook - Institution of
Transportation Engineering - USA
(Extracts from-IS-1944 Par 1& 11 Code Of Practice for Lighting of Public Thoroughfares)
Classification of Average Level of Ratio Minimum
Variation 0'
Lighting Type of Road Illumination on Average
Installation Road Surface (Lux) Illumination
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
GroupA1 ro 0,4 33
Important traffic routes
carrying fast traffic
GroupA2 15 0.4 33
Other main roads carrying
mixed traffic, like main city
streets, arterial roads,
throughways, etc
General Guidelines for Road Lighting Installations in Delhi by Delhi Vidyut Board
1. Since incandescent lamps are not energy efficient no new scheme
shall be prepared by DVB incorporating use of incandescent bulb
2. The bulb points in 15 ft. wide backlanes, which had earlier been
provided with incandescent bulb points shall now be equipped with
tube lights.
3. Roads with 30ft to 45 ft. width Steel tubular poles of 6.6 metre height shall be provided
on one side only with 70 watts High Pressure Sodium Vapour (HPSV) lamp and
fittings at 25 metres spacing.
4. Roads with 60 ft. 80 ft. and 100 ft. width Steel tubular poles of 9.1 metre height shall
be provided with 150 watts HPSV lamps with fittings shall be provided at 30 metres
spacing on both sides of the road in staggered formation.
5. Roads with more than 100 ft. width. Steel tubular poles with height of 10.5 metres or
11.86 metres shall be installed in the central verge of the road. The spacing may be 30
metres as at present or less depending on the width of the carriageway.
The supports will be equipped with 250 watts HPSV lamps and fittings.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 In road works, interception, collection, removal and disposal of surface water,
ground water or water trapped in the pavement structure usually go by the general
name of 'drainage'. All devices, appurtenances and constructions/provisions made to
facilitate the above shall be considered as constituentsof the ‘drainage system'. The
urban drainage can be detailed into :-
(iii) Infiltration into the ground for recharging of ground water table.
1.2 The intercepting drain in a cut section located away from the road
pavement, the side ditch at the toe of the road embankment, the road pavement with its
crown and camber, the dressed shoulders, the side-slope chutes, the sub-surface drains,
the kerb inlets, underground storm water drains, culverts, bridges, all form the elements
of the total drainage system to protect and ensure unhindered performance of the
constructed road.
1.3 A road drainage system must satisfy two main criteria if it is to be effective
throughout its design life:
a) It must drain surface and subsurface water away from the roadway and dispose it
in a way that prevents excessive collection of water in unstable areas and subsequent
downstream erosion
2.1.2 While flowing down the shoulders and side-slopes the water causes
erosion and again deposits the material causing siltation at other points,
both requiring provision of measures to reduce the damage due to each .
2.1.3 If the road surface profile is not correct and conducive to quick drainage,pools of
water may form resulting in weakening and undermining the pavement course strength
and leading to skidding, hydroplaning or plain splashing of water which is a nuisance to
other vehicles and road-users.
2.1.4 Free flowing water acts as the carrier of fine silt, clay and other particles and
deposits them in the fine cracks in the bituminous pavements preventing their
subsequent healing and seasonal thermal cracks which then tend to become permanent
lines of separation in the long run.
2.1.5 One major cause of pothole formation on road surface is due to inadequate storm
water disposal mechanism.
2.2 Provisions for surface drainage
2.2.1 For quickly draining out surface water it is necessary to make adequate provision
of intercepting drains, open side drains or ditches and covered or underground drains
where surface area available is not sufficient for accommodating them.
2.2.3 Ditches/Side-Drains/Gutters
(iii) when the length of the ditch is long then at intermediate locations with low
points in the road profile,
2.2.5 Chutes
the embankment and eventually undermines the pavement. In each location, rain water
is collected in small manageable quantities through longitudinal kerb channel and
brought down through stepped chutes without damage to slope. The chutes may be
lined with cement concrete on stable supports and may be located at 10 metres to 15
metres interval depending upon the rainfall and width of carriageway.
Finally all the water will come down to the toe of the road embankment and if
the collection has erosive potential, then construction of steps or simple energy
dissipation structures may need to be taken up. A perspective view of arrangement of
such 'chute' and energy dissipation on structure is given in the fig. 9.6.
(i) Parabolic,
The parabolic profile is considered to be the best for hydraulic flow but its actual
construction and maintenance is difficult. The 'V' shaped drain is not very popular in
urban areas as its desilting is difficult. I urban areas all drains passing through built up
area and near to bus stand, crossing etc should preferably be covered so that the drains
are not used as dust-bins. However, it should be kept in mind that pipe drains are
difficult to desilt and maintain.
(ii) For unlined channels of the above shapes the side-slopes should be a minimum
of 2:1 (H:V) and preferably 4:1. A flatter slope is considered safer from traffic
point of view. The bottom width will depend upon capacity requirement and may
vary from 0.3 metre to 1.25 metre.
(iii) For fixing design capacity of open, unlined side-channels usually no hydraulic
calculations are made although Manning's formula can be used. The size is
fixed by experience on the basis of knowledge of rainfall in the area and site
(iv) When the side-ditch is also to be used for draining the pavement
courses, the bottom of the ditch shall be placed at least 0.45
metre to 0.6 metre (preferably the latter) below the sub grade
level, care being taken in capacity fixing so that the surface flow
quantity does not exceed 0.3 metre depth. The pavement course
percolation is normally negligible and need not be added but
the total depth of an open ditch should not exceed 1 metre
when unlined and 1.5 metre when lined.
(i) The flowing mass of water creates problem both at very high
velocity and at very low velocity; The main influencing factor of
velocity is the grade or slope of the bed. The higher limit or
restriction on velocity will be placed by grade coupled with the
type of material and roughness of the lining which will determine
the amount of friction to flow.
Similarly, the lower limit to velocity will be dictated by the material load of the flowing
water which will start depositing silt in case the velocity is lower than desirable.
(ii) A convenient solution is to follow the road grade, if it is possible. But if the grade
of the road is very flat or level, in order to have the minimum self cleansing velocity
the drain has to go deeper and to shift away from the road side to accommodate the
side slopes required. In case on new road construction in flat terrain, it will be
preferable to provide sloping grade to road to obviate deep cutting for the drain and
take out water from suitably located valley point.
On the other hand if the road grade is steep, the drain will become deep and away
from the road in the area near the top of the slope and flat and near to the road at lower
levels of the road grade.
(iii) To avoid problems due to loss of normal velocity in a different season or during
an occasional drought etc. the design section may be provided with a small 'V' channel
at the centre of the lining to increase the flow to self-cleansing velocity.
2.2.8 Lining
If the grade of the channel bed is not very flat (less than 0.5%) or very
steep (more than 5%) grass lining will do. At a very sluggish flow the grass may be
destroyed by silting and at a very fast flow by erosion.
(ii) Keep velocity low enough to prevent erosion and sufficiently high to prevent
deposition and silting. Normally a self cleaning velocity will be achieved at a
minimum 0.5% grade of the bed.
(iii) Provide necessary lining with grass or other material as required by the velocity
of the flow.
(iv) On a level ground or in cutting, the side drain may preferably be 3 metres away
from the edge of the carriageway.
In low embankment it should be at least 1 metre to 3 metres way from the
embankment toe. When the drain is not provided with a lining, try to locate it beyond
the meeting point of a 4H:IV imaginary line drawn from the edge of the shoulder as
indicated in IRC-10-1961.
In high embankment cases the allowable proximity shall be fixed after full
stability analysis of the embankment taking the channel into account.
(v) For discharge, provide outlets to natural water courses at the earliest opportunity
for discharge.
4.1 Depending on the permeability of the receiving layer some percentage of the
precipitation incident on the ground surface invariably seeps downwards. Rains falling
directly on the surface, flow of water on and along the surface and collection of water
in potholes, undulations etc. all contribute to seepage. When the traditional granular
construction is provided on a relatively low permeability sub grade, the granular sub-
base should be extended to entire formation width. With the same intention it is
suggested that as far as practicable and in case in any major through roads, the base
should be constructed 30-45cm wider than the required bituminous surfacing so that
the run-off water disperses harmlessly and clear off the main carriageway. Drainage of
pavements on impermeable sub grade is shown in fig. 9.6.
4.2 Damages due to sub-surface water Sub-surface water may harm the road in
various ways.
(i) The presence of water reduces subgrade strength. The strength of granular
bases/subbases are stress-dependent and poor strength in subgrade affects the
performance of the top granular layers also.
(ii) Presence of excess moisture can weaken granular bases, cement treated bases and
stabilised layers by changing the arrangement of fine to coarse material and
aggregates in the structure.
(iii) Absorption of water in the filler material, which is on many occasions not fully
non-plastic, may seriously undermine the load support characteristics of the
(iv) Free water in bituminous pavements speeds up the process of oxidation and loss
of resilience in the binder leading to faster cracking and deterioration.
(v) When there is excess moisture in the pavement layers, heavy wheel-loads may
create pulsating water-pressure resulting in internal erosion and ejection of
materials through cracks and joints.
As per IRC-37, the difference between formation level and level of water table/high
flow should normally be not less than 0.6-1.0 metre. Since, however, in most urban
areas the percentage of built-up surface area is very high, situations with problems of
sub-surface trouble may not be frequent unless the water table is unusually high and
the sub grade soil is poor from the point of view of drainage.
4.4 Broad Guidelines for sub-surface drains
(i) Try to locate the drain on the water face side at the bottom of a pervious layer
with the invert level 10 to 15 cm below it.
For intercepting side flow, it may be placed at the end of the shoulder and for lowering
ground water level it may be placed at the end of the carriageway.
(ii) It should be at least 1 metre to 1.25 metre deep and should have a minimum
slope of 0.15% for efficient functioning.
(iii) The outlet of the subsurface drain shall be slightly over hangings or projecting
beyond embankment slope and the location should not be such as to be affected by
silting or scouring. The point should be easily accessible for inspection and
Rain water on the carriageway will get collected in the drain. For quick discharge into
the drain without stagnation and taking minimum time in
flowing along the carriageway, it is necessary that the carriageway is provided with
adequate camber. The provision of camber on carriageway is guided by the
recommendations of IRC-86:1983 (Geometric Design standards for urban Roads in
plains) some relevant portions of which are mentioned in the following paragraphs for
The higher value of the camber shall be provided in areas with high intensity of
rainfall and where ponding is feared due to some reason. Also steeper camber should be
provided on kerbed pavements to minimise spread of surface water flows.
5.1.1 For shoulders along unkerbed pavement, the cross fall shall be at
least 0.5 percent steeper than that of the pavement subject to the minimum values
indicated below:-
WBM surface 3 Percent
Gravel surface 4 Percent
Earth surface 5 Percent
In addition, it is necessary that shoulders are not higher than adjoining pavement
surface to prevent pooling of water at the edge of carriageway and for quick drainage.
5.1.2 For paved footpaths a cross-fall of 3 to 4 percent should be adopted. For verges
and unpaved areas the cross-fall should be 4 to 6 percent.
Undivided carriageways should have a crownin the middle and slope towards the
edges. Divided carriageways may have a single-crowned section in the middle with
straight cross fall on each divided carriageway or in very special cases separate
crowned sections for each carriageway if the conditions of abutting property and
drainage provisions available so require.
5.1.3 The water from the road surface should flow towards outer edge of carriageway
into kerb channel. The kerb channel should be 30 cm wide with smooth finish and
should have a minimum transverse slope of 1 in 6.
The longitudinal slope of the kerb channel will be dictated by the road gradient.
The kerb channel will discharge its flow into pipes called bell- mouths which are
generally 250mm diameter non-pressure RCC pipes. These pipes are placed under the
footpath at about 30 metre interval.The spacing may require to be adjusted depending
on the longitudinal slope ofthe road. The bell-mouth will discharge water into the road
side drain.
5.1.4 For roads with superelevation at curves the bell-mouth pipe shall be provided on
the inner side only. For divided carriageway with superelevation, paired channel may
be provided in the central verge with inlets at 10 metre interval depending upon the
longitudinal gradient.
Broadly speaking there shall be two components of the design. The first
component will be calculation of the total discharge that the system willrequire to drain
off and the second will be fixing the dimensions of the drainto have adequate capacity
to carry the discharge.
Stated in brief, the rational method uses an empirical formula relating run-off to
rainfall and is applicable to small catchment areas not exceeding 50 km2. The formula
as per IRC:SP:42-2014 is as below:-
Q = 0.028PfAl
Q = 0.028PAlC
f = Spread factor for converting point rainfall into a real mean rainfall. IRC:SP:42-
2014 suggests a relationship between the spread factor and catchment area. F factor can
be worked out from the curve given in Fig. 6.1 of IRC:SP:42-2014.
IC = Critical intensity of rainfall in cm per hour for the selected frequency and the
duration equal to time of concentration.
(i) The average value of runoff which is adopted for different category of drains is as
The above values have been worked out on following assumptions. Rainfall
intensity of 30 minutes duration at the rate 2.5” (62.5 mm) per hour occurs once in two
years. Time of concentration 30 minutes and the average runoff coefficient adopted is
0.60. The gives average runoff for internal drains as 0.088 cum/ha. Considering that
flooding at streets for an hour or so may be allowed and the drains are designed for a
runoff of 1 cusec/acre.
For unimportant routine work, the design may be based on the above figures. In case of
road side storm water drain is likely to receive effluent from the road side abutting
properties, in that case drain section should be decided in consultation with the local
municipal engineer and drain section should be got duly approved by him.
However, considering the rising expectations of Public for no flooding after rains,
design may be done considering both public expectations and economical
5.2.3 For the hydraulic design of the channel, the relationship expressed by Manning's
formula for uniform flow in open channels can be used as below:
Q=discharge in cum/Sec,
S=energy slope of the channel, which is roughly taken as slope of the drain bed and .
Values of roughness coefficient 'n' and maximum permissible velocity of flow in open
channels have been suggested in detail for various type of surfaces in IRC-SP-42 and
the same are reproduced below for convenience of readers. :
Table 9.2 Manning’s ‘n’ Values and Maximum Permissible Velocities for Drain.
1. Natural Earth
A. Without Vegetation
i) Rock
CH 0.022-0.024 0.6-0.9
MH 0.022-0.023 0.6-0.9
OH 0.023-0.024 0.9-1.5
Pt 0.022-0.024 0.6-0.9
0.022-0.025 0.6-0.9
B. With Vegetation
Average turf
With sprouts
Dense weeds
Dense brush
0.060-0.080 1.8-2.4
0.080-0.012 1.5-1.8
0.100-0.140 1.2-1.5
0.150-0.200 2.4-2.7
2. Paved
i) Trowel finished
iii) Formed, no finish 0.013-0.015 6
0.014-0.014 6
0.025-0.030 4.5
D. Brick 0.014-0.017 3
5.2.4 While deciding the drain sections, it is not enough that they are sufficient to carry
the required discharge, guidelines given in Table 9.3are also required to be kept in
Table 9.3 Minimum and Maximum velocities
To ensure self cleaning of the drain, a minimum velocity of 1.5m per second may be
desirable. However, this may require installation of concrete drains or paved drains.
5.2.5Minimum Freeboard
For larger drains the free board shall be higher upto 90 cm depending upon the
5.2.6 The effective section of the drain carrying design discharge should be considered
below the bell mouth pipe so that there is no back flow of water on to the road.
For drains with trapezoidal section the side slopes shall be at least 2V: 1H or
flatter depending upon the type of soil. The drain will be designed for running in full
condition excluding freeboard. For pipe culvert the design may be for running full.
For rectangular drain the economical section is obtained when the width of the
drain (b) is twice the depth (d).
For trapezoidal drain with side slope of 2V:1H the economic section is obtained
when bed width is equal to 1.24 times depth. In case of section with 1 V: 1H, the
economical section is obtained when b=0.82d where 'b' indicates width and 'd' depth.
After deciding about the cross-section, invert level and type of drain, the construction
of the drain shall be commenced from the downstream side. From the point of view of
better maintenance and ease in cleaning, anopen drain is preferable to pipe drains. If
the drain is required to be covered, manholes at 10 metres interval or removable precast
slabs at 5 metres interval shall be provided. The invert level of the manhole shall be at
least 30cm lower than the invert lever of the pipe. This helps in trapping the silt in the
manhole and reducing silting in the pipe. The minimum size of the manhole chamber
shall be 1.2mx 0.9m, the 1.2 metre side being in the direction of the drain. The beds,
side walls of drains and head walls etc. where provided shall have to be tested for their
structural stability and soundness of design for each of the section provided. Drainage
problem in underpass requires special attention. Water flows along open sloping
portion of underpass. This should be interrupted at the end of grade and carried to an
underground tank. The pumphouse should be located at the nearest possible location to
underpass. The capacity of underground tank should be sufficient to store water of one
week of highest rainfall. There must be a watch and ward during monsoon to check
water in tank and to pump it out within week after heavy monsoon.
7.1 The drainage system is at its best, when it is maintained properly as designed. For
this purpose, it is necessary that the drains keep their shape and slope in the designed
manner during their life time. It is also necessary to ensure that the drains retain their
full cross section, particularly for the monsoons. The system of maintenance can be
classified into following three categories.
b) Periodical maintenance
The extent of these repairs depends upon size of the drain, location of the drain, nature
of habitation nearby and cross drainage structures. The difficulty in maintenance is also
caused by a lesser degree of consciousness/civic sense. Malba, garbage, solid waste and
road cleanings enter the drain resulting in silting and solidification of extraneous
material making the maintenance difficult and reducing efficiency. A broad check list is
given below.
drains was earlier with MCD & these drains were transferred to PWD for desilting in
the year 2012. Most of these drains, i.e approximately 60% carry mix flow, i.e.
sewerage flow during the year and also storm water during monsoon. These drains
carrying mix flow are not designed for sewerage and it causes design failure resulting
in water logging during rains, These drains require desilting/cleaning throughout the
year to keep them in running condition.
7.3 Before the onset of monsoon all the drains shall be thoroughly de-
silted. In case of pipe drains, if it is not possible to desilt manually, suitable mechanical
device may be employed. As a part of monitoring exercise of desilting work, Executive
Engineer shall have detailed information -for each road reaches like; length, shape, size
of the drain, whether covered or uncovered, approximate quantity of silt (based on
sample desilting on eachdrain) before execution of desilting operation. This
information should beprogressively enriched by adding further monitoring parameters
like method of desilting employed, actual quantity of silt extracted, amount paid etc.
Such consolidated information can be gainfully used for desilting operation undertaken
subsequently. Each de-silting case shall be 100% inspected by the Junior Engineer, at
least 50% of them by the Asstt. Engineer and 25% of them by the Executive Engineer.
It is recommended that local residents, public representatives are also taken into
confidence and work executed is shown to them as a part of public relation exercise by
field engineers.
7.5 All 'kutcha' or unpaved side drains require dressing and deepening before the
monsoon. Keeping the out-fall structures and cross' drains in a state of repair is also
very important.
7.6 Normally, effluents and discharges from other types of sewers shall not be
allowed in the storm water drains.
Extracts from IRC:SP:50-2013- Guidelines on Urban Drainage
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Preserving a facility at its created level of quality and serviceability perhaps is
more difficult than creating the facility at the first instance
importance, however, can never be over-emphasised. Since things have a
natural tendency to deteriorate with time and use, the effort itself is
endeavour against natural flow and is therefore never destined to be fully
successful. Nevertheless, preservation is life and a road is only as good
it is maintained. All provisions, actions and treatments made with an eye
repair, restore and rejuvenate the constructed highway to carry out its functions without
strengthening and reconstruction may be a part of maintenance work.
- Restoration of all wear and tear due to use of road by traffic like
patching, pothole filling, crack sealing, surface renewal, joint
repairs etc.
- All steps to keep the facility clear and unobstructed for use a:
well as to save it from damage like clearing atmospheric
precipitation (rain, snow etc.), removal of dust and litter and
adoption of measures for dust control etc.
- Preparing inventory of road, collecting basic data regarding all aspects of traffic,
keeping records of accidents and analyses of the same and traffic survey, actual
field measurement roughness, surface irregularity etc. will also be counted
within maintenance effort.
2.0 Importance of Maintenance
2.1 Badly maintained roads invariably lead to below optimum utilisation of the
system and the capacity and investment locked in the construction
may, therefore, become partially in fructuous. Timely and proper maintenance will
prolong the life of a pavement system.
2.2 Badly maintained roads increase the wear and tear of vehicles and adds to the
vehicle operation cost.
It also increases travel time and when the travel time cost is taken into account the total
cost of road use increases still further.
2.3 Badly maintained roads may also increase accident rates and maybecome
indirectly responsible for substantial amount of accident cost.
2.4 The rate of deterioration in the surface condition of a badly maintained road may
be very high and the extent and cost of damage repair will also be substantially higher
than roads in normal cycle of maintenance. The life of the road will be shorter with
more extensive and costly reconstruction required at frequent interval, so much so that
the total overall extra expenditure on the roads, on the vehicle and to the road user may
outweigh the expenditure which would have been required for normal cyclical
Either way, therefore, people pay for the maintenance of road, whether
or not the same is done and perhaps pay more dearly when maintenance is
not done.
3.1 Traditionally maintenance works are categorised into the following subdivision:
(i) Ordinary Repairs,
(ii) PeriodicRenewals,
(iii) SpecialRepairsand
(iv) Emergent Repairs.
3.2 Ordinary Repairs
This is the day-to-day maintenance work for the road and will cover in its fold all
restoration measures for minor deficiencies and normal wear and tear like patching,
pot-hole filling, crack sealing, shoulder dressing, maintenance. of drainage channels
3.3 PeriodicRenewal
Depending on the life and durability of the type of surfacing provided, the road
surface will require the provision of a renewal coat at the end of periodic cycles. For
each category of surfacing a normal life periodicity is known and the maintenance unit
is supposed to keep records of time and the type of renewal provided and also carry out
inspection of surface condition from time to time to assess its needs. '
For urban roads the re-painting of the road markings and re-furbishing of road
signs shall also be counted within periodic renewal requirement.
The repair activity under this category may include minor works of
original nature to improve the facility like improvement to curves to increasevisibility,
minor repairs to culverts, bridges etc. .
There may be some contingent situations in the life of a road when the surfacing
and even the pavement courses may require renewal earlier to their design life· or
partial reconstruction due to accelerated damage as a result of intense rainfall or
floods, cyclones/landslides etc. or simply due to
traffic being more severe and intense than originally anticipated or due to
some deficiency in the material or construction of the existing highway.
4.1 The assessment of the overall condition of a pavement is the first step towards its
maintenance. The main elements contributing to the performance can be measured by
the observation of riding comfort supported by measurement of surface characteristic
like roughness, skidding etc. and the structural adequacy can be determined by
deflections test etc. to arrive at a rationally determined maintenance /rehabilitation
proposal. Usually the condition survey will be carried out at least twice during a year
i.e. once before the monsoon and again after it. The visual survey is carried out from a
vehicle at slow speed and on foot for detailed inspection of badly affected stretches.
This may need the use of special equipment at times but will provide
the satisfaction for having a rational basis for the adopted measures. Mostly, however,
what the average road maintenance engineer will be required to do is to carry out a
visual condition assessment and select and provide the essential intervention measures
based on the same. This not only increases the responsibility of the assessor but also
requires in the assessor a high degree of experience and knowledge about the general
road ailments and ability to identify different types of distresses and their causes and
he is also required to be conversant with the various types of remedial measures to be
adopted. Only the road engineer's familiarity with the different symptoms of distress
and their causes and an in-depth knowledge about his road can help him in the task.
Generally the material and specifications used by the road engineer to attend to a given
maintenance requirement of a road shall be of same type as used for existing
bituminous surface. A mix superior to the one on existing surface can also be
considered appropriate for repair work. In any case, the maintenance treatment should
be compatible with the existing road surface. The different types of distress and their
external signs are discussed in the following paragraphs.
4.3 Broadly speaking the underlying causes of distress/failure could be due to one of
the following :-
(i) Because of fatigue due to the pavement being subjected to un- estimated overload
without maintenance intervention at the right time.
(ii) Use of deficient material i.e. lack of quality control in material during
(iv) Structural inadequacy in base/sub-base courses or in subgrade material i.e. design
4.4 Further, according to the nature of distress and the type and severity of the
damage produced, the problems can be categorised as below:-
(ii) Cracking,
(iii)Deformation and
(iv) Disintegration
Description :
Upward migration of free bitumen on the pavement surface, leading to the appearance
of a film of bitumen cement on the surface of the pavement. The pavement will have a
sticky and shiny reflecting surface specially during hot noon.
Probable Causes :
(i) Use of excess bitumen in tack coat or material mix or putting tack coat
when actual conditions did not need it.
High : Gives a wet look to the pavement surface, distinct tyre and
trackmark and produces typical tyre noise.
Remedial Treatment :
(b) Surfacing with thin layer of open graded premix with a low bitumen content.
(d) In case of large areas of fatty surface having irregularities, removal of the affected
layer in the area and replacing it with a layer having a properly designed mix, may be
Description : May be a slight variant of the previous (5.1) case with presence of both
free bitumen from flushing and use of coarse aggregates which become easily
Remedial Treatment:
6.0 Cracking
6.1 Depending on the temperature of the surrounding, all materials are bound to
expand or contract with change in temperature. Again depending
upon the material behaviour in that temperature (i.e. whether it flows or not visible or
invisible cracks may appear on the surface. The first enquiry should, therefore, be
directed towards finding whether under the temperature of the time, and for the type of
use made the crack appearing in the material is normal orab normal. It has been seen
that because of the shear deformation characteristics and tensile strength of the
material, the cracks generally develop into certain typical patterns depending upon the
cause and origin of the stress. For detailed observation of cracks, on foot inspection is
necessary. Cracks may appear generally parallel to the direction of traffic but with
repeated loading transverse cracks will also take place giving it a blocky
pattern. Also, generally, closely spaced cracking will indicate distress near
the surface and widely spaced cracking is indicative of distress in a deeper
layer. Crack widths may also give away the order in which the cracks have
originated, with wider cracks having formed earlier to finer ones.
Description: Cracks appearing usually along the wheel path and may
form an early sign of subsequent alligator cracking. Transverse cracks will generally
extend across the pavement at approximately right angles to the pavement
edge. Full transverse cracks tend to be regularly spaced along the length of the road,
half transverse and the part transverse cracks occur at shorter intermediate distance . If
both longitudinal and transverse cracks have already taken place the surface will be
termed as 'Spalled'.
Probable Causes:
(i) Horizontal movement in the pavement course because of absence of stability in the
asphalt surfacing course,
(iii) Brittleness and natural shrinkage due to very low emperature, frost action etc.
(v) High temperature susceptibility of asphalt cement binder in 'the asphaltic mix.
(vi) Deep but isolated settlement in subgrade, sub-base or base-course and may
generally occur near edges or loose fills near pipes/ducts,
Low: Hairline cracks with no spalling Medium : Cracks slightly spalled with narrow
but defined crack lines. High: Single or multiple cracking with spalling and
prominent crack width.
Remedial Treatment:
If the pavement is structurally sound, only crack-sealing with slurry seal or fog seal
will do. If the structure is inadequate then full investigation and rehabilitation
provisions as per results of investigation will be needed,
Edge cracks are parallel to the outer edge of the pavement and usually within 0.3m to
0.5m inside from the edge. Cracking is either fairly straight or consists of crescent-
shaped cracks in wave formation. Progressive edge cracking may gradually encroach
upon the outer wheel-track.
Probable Causes:
(iv) Inadequate pavement width forcing heavy traffic too close to edge,
Condition :
Low : Single or two parallel cracks quite near to the pavement edge.
Medium: Multiple cracks with connecting links at a medium distance from the
pavement edge.
High: Cracks extending over a considerable distance from pavement edge tending to
become very close near edge.
Remedial Treatment:
spray patch, hot mix patch or spot patch and even single course full width hot mix
resurfacing may be required according to the degree of severity.
Probable Causes:
Remedial Treatment:
For 'Iow' condition not much action required but close monitoring is necessary. For
other conditions spray patch/cold mix patch/hot mix patch with or without drainage
improvement required as per severity. If the pavement is found to be structurally
unsound full investigation and rehabilitation as per findings may be
These cracks probably occurs for the same reason as alligator cracking but with
location of failure in a layer near the surface. Under such cracks pavement fractures
into smallpieces.
Remedial Treatment:
6.6 Block Cracking
Block cracks are large interconnected cracks that divide the pavement roughly into
rectangular blocks. Block cracking differs from alligator cracking in that, alligator
cracks form small many sided pieces with sharp angles unlike large rectangular blocks.
Probable causes:
Remedial Treatment:
The transverse and longitudinal cracks appear to have combined to form a map. They
may run randomly along the pavement surface, sometimes in an irregular serpentine
Possible Causes:'
Remedial Treatment:
Provision of sand seal, or similar surface treatments like hotmix patch or single course
hotmix resurfacing depending upon the condition or severity.
Probable Causes:
asphalt during construction. When more than optimum roller effort is used or he
asphalt viscosity or temperature is incorrect for rolling, a fissured or chickened
surface may result).
Remedial Treatment:
Sometimes disappears without treatment with use of road traffic. General treatment is
crack sealing or fog sealing.
Description :
Slippage cracks are crescent or half-moon shaped cracks with two ends pointing away
from the direction. of traffic. Generally associated with slippage deformation.
Probable cause :
(i) Generally produced when unusually strong braking wheelor starting wheel
hrusts cause the pavement surface to slide or deform.
(ii) Lack offailure of bond between surface and lower pavement courses. Remedial
Treatment :
Removal of the surface layer in the affected area and replacement with well designed
high stability fresh material. Use of mastic may also be tried.
Probable Cause :
Medium to low.
6.11 ReflectionCracks
Description :
Cracks appearing nearly at the same location (above) and more or less in the same
shape in the surfacing course as in the lower layers.
Probable Causes:
Sympathetic cracks over joints or cracks in the pavement underneath. May generally
appear when rigid pavements are resurfaced with bituminous materials. Cracks appear
and reflect up through the overlay surface at the location of joints and cracks in the
concrete. below.
Condition :
Will generally exhibit the same condition as below. May be evident at regular interval
over construction and dummy joints in the rigid slab below. It may also occur in case
of two layered asphalt pavements when the lower layer is badly cracked and have not
been properly repaired .
Remedial Treatment :
Asphaltic surfacing layers containing geogrids may improve the road surface aesthetics.
When cracks are of large magnitude consultation with experts in each case may be
Note:In. case of treatment of cracks in general, it should be remembered that when the
pavement is structurally sound, cracks may be filled with a.low viscosity binder or
provided with slurry seal or fog seal depending on the width of the cracks. Cracked
pavement which are evidently due to structurally unsound crust. thorough investigation
and provisions of strengthening/rehabilitation measures are required after proper
7.0 Deformation
near the surface and a large broad depression may indicate that the defect lies in a
deeper layer.
7.1 Rutting
Probable Causes :
Remedial Treatment:
For low condition not much action is required except monitoring. For medium to high
condition cold patching and hot mix patching along the area of depression can be
undertaken. Situation indicative of shear failure or subgrade movement generally
require excavation.
7.2 Slipping
coat is one of thereasons, the treatment will consist of removing the surface layer
around up to the point where good bond between surfacing and the layer underneath
exists and patching the same with premix material after providing proper tack
7.3 Corrugation
Condition :
Low : When corrugations can just be noticed with depth of valleys less than 15 mm.
Medium: When corrugations are noticed and adversely affect the use of pavement to a
moderate extent with depth of valley from 15 mm to 25 mm.
High: When pronounced corrugation are evident and adversely affect the use of the
pavement to a great extent with depth of valley over 25 mm.
Remedial Treatment:
Scarification and Relaying of surfacing or cutting of high spots .and filling of low
7.4 Rippling/shoving
(ii) Lack of bond between layers combined with heavy traffic action, start-stop
movement and involving negotiation of sharp curves or gradients.
Moderate - Roughlyride.
Remedial Treatment:
No action except monitoring for slight conditions. If moderate but localised; cold mix
patch/hot mix patch. If more general; cold or hot mix patching after cold-planning or
heater planning.
For severe condition; removal of material up to firm base and relaying a stable well-
designed mix on the same may be resorted to.
7.6 Settlement
Probable Causes: It may have various divergent causes like' subgrade settlement, poor
compaction of fill, inadequate pavement and will generally require a thorough
investigation of every individual case. In urban areas settlement phenomenon is
usually witnessed in the road reaches which were restored after the same were dug by
utility service agency.
Probable Causes :
(ii) Unstable condition in subgrade.
Condition :
High : Bump height more than 25mm affecting riding quality substantially
and may be accompanied by cracks.
Remedial Treatment :
8.0 Disintegration
8.1 Stripping
Description: It is condition physical separation or peeling off the bitumen film from the
aggregate because of moisture. This will lead to exposure of uncoated aggregate
surface and the outline of the individual aggregate particles will be visible. It is
common specially to hydrophilic aggregates.
Probable Causes :
(ii) Use of bad quality or burnt asphalt leading to poor bond between
asphalt and aggregate.
8.2 Loss of aggregate
(ii) Poor quality control and poor construction technique with use of
insufficient binder or brittle binder or moist aggregate.
Condition :
Low : Noticeable loss of pavement material and appearance of light streaking lines.
Medium : Pavement disintegration in shallow patches, an open textured look and
definite signs of streaking on surface of pavement.
Remedial Treatment: Application of emulsified bitumen covered with coarse sand,
slurry seal or a renewal coat of premix carpet for low and medium damage. Hot mix
resurfacing for severely affected sections.
8.4 Potholes
Probable Causes:
(i) Most pavement deteriorated while on its way to disintegration may pass through
the stage of potholes. All pertinent causes for ravelling, cracking, drainage
deficiency, leakage of water supply lines buried under the road etc. may ultimately lead
to the formation of potholes.
(ii) Poor construction technique, use of substandard material poor quality control.
Remedial Treatment:
(ii) Cold mix patch or hot mix patch for medium condition.
Probable Causes :
(iii) Infiltration of water and poor drainage. Traffic load too heavy and pavement
width inadequate.
Remedial Treatment :
8.7 These days, micro surfacing is used for sealing cracks and repairing minor pot
holes. This is a cold process using polymer modified bitumen. This increase the life of
the road, makes it water tight and does not raise the level of the road.
9.1 Concrete Pavements also known as Rigid Pavements have a relatively long
service life, provided these are properly designed, constructed and maintained. The
concrete pavements can serve upto its design service life and even beyond, if timely
repairs are undertaken. All pavements deteriorated with time. The rate of deterioration
of concrete pavement is comparatively much slower than the flexible pavement. In the
case of concrete pavements, some distress at a few isolated locations, however, do take
place immediately after or during an early stage after completion. If these isolated
distresses are rectified well in time, then longer life of the concrete pavement is assured
without much need of detailed periodic maintenance/rehabilitation. Preservation of
concrete pavements can be broadly classified into three categories :
(iii) Reconstruction - Undertaken after the end of service life or due to severe
distresses in longer stretches due to faulty design/construction.
All cracks are not structural cracks. Any uncontrolled/random crack like
longitudinal, transverse, diagonal, intersecting cracks that extends through the depth of
the slab (>D/2, where ‘D’ is depth of PQC slab) is to be considered as structural crack.
Structural cracking is often caused due to excessive loading, long joint spacing, shallow
or late sawing of joints, restraint at base or edge, due to joint lock-up, inadequate
thickness, material related problems etc. Use of proper construction techniques and
traffic load control can reduce/avoid such structural cracks. Often reasons for structural
cracking could be pumping of fines from the sub-grade or the sub-base, excessive
warping of the slab, subsidence of utility trench, excessive temperature stresses and
moisture content. Structural cracks unless repaired effectively reduce the load carrying
capacity of the pavement and adversely impact the designed service life of the
These distresses do not necessarily reduce the load carrying capacity of the
pavement but affect the riding quality, and safety. Roughness, loss of surface texture or
any other surface related defects, problems like faulting, scaling, ravelling and popouts
etc. fall under this category. :
(c) Edge cracks
(i) Punchouts
(c) Scaling
(d) Ravelling
(a) Spalling
(a) Blowups
(b) Pumping
The broad causes for common type of defects are given hereunder in Table 10.1
Table 10.1 Types of Defects and Causes
1. Cracking
(settlemet of utility trench, etc.)
iii) Too rich mix with poor curing and the concrete
was not air entrained
2. Surface Defects
iii) Frost
v) Weak concrete (too much water, too much fine
3. Joint Defects
violet radiations
v) Joints intersection
4. Deformation
(e) Dropoff (Lane to i) Wear and tear from stray and parked vehicles
Shoulder) ii) Poor quality of shoulder material i.e. not suited
for the purpose
5. Inadequate Drainage
9.4 Assessment of Maintenance Needs
9.4.1 The evaluation of the existing pavement condition is the most important part of
the process of assessing the maintenance needs. The maintenance strategy will be
determined according to the level of deterioration. The characterization of the condition
of the existing pavement largely determines the types of treatments to be considered.
Characterization includes the types of distress, width and depth of crack/defect,
percentage area affected; joint defects etc (refer Appendix- III).
9.4.2. The maintenance needs should be assessed every year as part of the planning of
the road maintenance program. It is recommended that an overall assessment of the
maintenance needs be done on the basis of condition surveys which can take various
form such as:
(a) Visual rating
(b) profile/faulting/roughness measurements, by profilograph and bump integrator
(c) Deflection tests
(d) friction/skid resistance tests by sand patch
(e) Drainage condition survey
9.5 Measurement and Degree of Severity of Defects
9.5.1 The severity of any type of distress can be evaluated by the measurement of one
or two parameters that best characterise that type of distress.
(a) Deformation in the pavement may be due to faulting, drop-off shoulder, heaving,
blow up etc. Deformation is measured in terms of level difference in mm by using a
straight edge and a graduated wedge or tape.
(b) Individual cracks can be evaluated by measuring their width in mm. This can be
done by inserting metal strips of standard gauge thickness or by optical microscope.
Measurements of crack length and its variation with time is also important. Cracks that
run across one or more slabs are particularly severe and result from concrete tensile
failure. The maximum crack width shall be recorded as representative of at least 50%
of its length.
(c) Multiple and hair cracks can be evaluated by measuring the total length of cracks
in mm/m2 within a square frame with 1 m long sides.
(d) For cracks, it is also very important to know their depth, because full depth cracks
(.D/2) allow ingress of water and undermine the strength of the slab and the pavement.
On the other hand some kinds of shallow cracks, such as shrinkage cracks do not need
to be repaired if they are isolated and short. The crack depth can be determined in cores
bored from the pavement or by ultra-sonic pulse velocity measurements across the
crack. The depth as determined by ultra sonic method is about 60 to 70 % of the actual
depth as determined by the codes method.
(e) Surface loss (ravelling and scaling) can be evaluated by its percentage of
damaged area and its maximum depth.
(f) Joint spalling can be evaluated by measuring its width in mm. The maximum
spalling width shall be recorded.
(g) Individual popouts and potholes can be evaluated by measuring their diameters
and depths. Multiple popouts can be evaluated by their number per square metre.
(h) Surface wearing can be evaluated by its area density as a percentage and the
textural depth (sand patch test) or skid resistance of the worn surface.
(i) Patching can be evaluated as the percentage area patched to the total area of the
2 Good/Average Moderate
3 Fair Major
4 Poor Extreme
9.6.2 The severity level of the defects and distress develop during the contract defect
liability period (usually specified as the first year after substantial completion) should
generally not exceed degree 2
9.8.2 The sealant material at the joint normally gets squeezed out during
summer due to expansion of the slab. Subsequently as the slab contracts
during the winter, the joints open up, with lowering of level and appearance of cracks
in the sealant. The opening also collects dirt and extraneous material.
9.8.3 In the long run the filler material at the joint may get depleted or deteriorated
needing renewal. In such cases the remnants of the old material are removed from the
joint and replaced by fresh sealant after cleaning the when the joint opening is widest.
(Guidelines furnished in IRC-57-2006 ‘Recommended Practice for sealing of joints in
concrete pavement’ and IRC : SP-83-2008- ‘Guidelines for Maintenance, Repair and
Rehabilitation of Cement Concrete Pavements ’ may also be kept in view).
10.1 It is said that poor drainage does more harm to road pavement than any other real
or imaginary causes. It is also said that failure of drains may occur more due to
deficiency in its maintenance than due to defect in design or any other causes. The
principal activities in the maintenance of drains may consist of
- Cleaning of weeds.
10.2 Before the on-set of monsoon all the drains shall be thoroughly de-silted. In case
of pipe drains, of it is not possible to de-silt it manually, suitable mechanical devices
shall be employed. Each de-silting case shall be inspected dy the Junior Engineer, at
least 50% of them by the Asstt. Engineer and 25% of them by the Executive Engineer.
During the rains also a watch should be kept at the exit and entry points for water
for the presence of undesirable collection of rubbish and muck etc. blocking the
passage of water and in every way ensuring free unobstructed flow of rain water. The
condition of road camber also needs to be watched.
10.3 All side drains require dressing and deepening before monsoon. Keeping the
outfall structures and cross-drains in a state of repair is also important.
10.4 Similarly during monsoon, especially after heavy showers, all cross drainage
structures shall be inspected to observe any blockage due to debris, log of wood etc.
making flood water level, signs of undue scour etc. and observing needs and adequacy
of existing cross drainage provision.
10.5 For observing the deficiencies in the highway pavement during rains watch
should be kept to identify and preferably mark with paint, sections requiring regarding,
reshaping or profile correction and the necessary corrective measures should be
adopted immediately after the rains.
10.6 Some of the common deficiencies encountered in road drains and suggested
remedy is as under :-
S.No. Deficiency Cause Remedy
11.1 Shoulders provide support and protection to road pavement and safety to road
traffic. Vehicles when out of order during journey may pull over to side shoulders and
keep the carriageway clear.
11.4 The maintenance crew have to be particularly watchful to see that "the
shoulder/verge space is not lost to the road due to encroachment by shops! buildings or
use as storage space.
12.1 The first step towards better maintenance of the road furniture is to have a
comprehensive and updated inventory of the same and get a standard schedule of
inspection prepared for the same. These should be got prepared, if not already there.
14.0 Important point to be observed on road inspections
Operations Periodicity
(vi) Pruning of trees. Twice a year.
Several type of distresses in road pavement may finally result in the formation of
potholes at some page or other. Watching out during inspection for vulnerable areas
which may soon develop potholes, demarcating areas containing potholes and
filling/repair of potholes, therefore, form important activities of road maintenance
The potholes should first be drained off, if it contains water and then the
surface may be allowed to dry specially when the treatment is by penetration grade
bitumen or cut-back. In case of treatment with bituminous emulsion slight dampening
may be helpful.
The hole should be cut to regular geometric shapes (squares and rectangles) with
straight sides and vertical edges reaching upto the full affected depth. The area so
shaped may go slightly beyond the actual affected area in order to have firm vertical
edges resting on surface not involved in cracking etc. All loose and disintegrated
material shall be removed.
If the pothole depth extends into the WBM/WMM base-course, the pothole may
be filled upto the WBM base course with coarse aggregate and screening conforming to
specifications of WBM/WMM (clause 404/406 of MoRTH specifications) and
compacted with heavy hand-rammers or approved vibratory tampers. Alternatively,
premixed WMM material conforming in a similar manner to requirements of
The remaining depth of the pothole shall then filled up with premix bituminous
material conforming to open-graded premix carpet (Clause 510 of MoRTH). The filing
may be done in layers not exceeding 40mm in thickness and each layer is compacted
Alternatively if the existing pavement surface is of superior type the filling
material used may be premix dense-graded patching material of proper mix design. A
small capacity portable hot mix plant may be very useful in such cases.
The laying of bituminous material course will be done after painting the sides and
bottom of the affected area with a thin tacking application of hot bitumen or emulsion.
If the pothole depth lies entirely within the bituminous course itself, premix open-
graded material conforming to Clause 510 or dense-graded premix material conforming
to Clause 508 of MoRTH Specifications may be laid after painting the sides and bottom
of the affected area with tacking application of hot bitumen or emulsion.
Filling work of permanent nature should not preferably be carried out when it is
raining. However, if under emergent conditions repairs are to be carried out during
rains, the pot holes may be temporarily filled up with stone or brick-ballast conforming
to WBM/WMM specifications (Clause 404/406 of MoRTH) using non-plastic filler and
compacted thoroughly and maintained for use till such time when regular permanent
repair measure is undertaken. The material so used shall be fully taken out and work
redone thoroughly as per specifications during permanent repair.
C. Periodical Maintenance.
A. Daily Inspection :
JE/AE will take round of their jurisdiction and will deploy labour from 9 to 10 AM and
ensure that :
(e) Any other obstruction which may be a cause of accident of traffic jam.
AE should also carry out detailed inspection by walk along the road at least
once a fortnight.
EE should inspect by walk at random for some distance while on
(b) Dirt and dust after brooming is not being stacked over central verge or on
(c) Bell mouth, outlets and drainage are cleaned in full length.
(e) Dismantle/damaged material for example brick bats have been removed
from surface/berms/central verge.
(g) Painting/Washing to railing sign boards have been done and they are neat
and clean.
(v) Road surface cleaning, specially dirt or dust along kerb stones should be
done periodically. The malba should not be put over central verge or
footpath or in drains.
(vii) Water pumps should be checked at random to keep them in order for any
emergency for dewatering.
(ix) Bridges, culverts, ROBs and RUBs should be checked periodically for their
soundness and riding surface. Any damage noticed should be repaired/
brought to the notice to higher authorities according to its merit. Spouts
should be kept out clean.
(x) Spouts of water logging should be selected and action should be taken to
remove these defects as water is the enemy of the road.
D=depth of 3 w=0.5-1.5mm,
slab discernible from
fast-moving car
Diagonal) crack 1 w<0.2mm, hair Route and Staple or
intersecting with L=length of cracks seal with Dowel Bar
one or more crack epoxy Retrofit
2 w=0.2-0.5mm,
discernible from
slab usually associated Not stapling
with spalling Applicable,
2 w= 0.2-0.5 mm, 1m
discernible from
slow vehicle
3 w= 0.5-3.0 mm,
discernible from
fast vehicle
whole slab
4 w= 3.0-6.0 mm,
Full depth
panel broken into
2 or 3 pieces
5 w> 6mm and/or
panel broken into
more than 4
t whole
crack discernible
L= length of 1 W< 0.5 mm; only Seal with low Seal with
crack 1 corner broken viscosity epoxy seal
5 w> 3 mm, L> 3 replace
m/m2 and damaged
deformation area taking
care not to
4 r = 25-50 % Inlay, 2 or 3
slabs if
depth of damaged Applicable
damage 3 r = 10-20 % Bonded Inlay
4 r = 20-30 %
3 t = 0.6-0.3 mm of deteriotion
4 t = 0.3-0.1 mm Not
5 t < 0.1 mm Diamond
Grinding if
50% or more
slabs in a
stretch of
minimum 5
depth 3 d = 100-300 mm; Partial depth
h < 100 mm; n < repair 110
1 per 5 m2 mm i.e. 10
4 d = 100-300 mm; mm more
h > 100 mm; n < than the
negligible and reseal the
protection against joint.
ingress of water
and trapping
4 w = 40 - 80 mm, 50 - 100 m
L < 25% deep repair.
H = w + 20%
of w
cracks or joints 1 f < 3 mm
2 f = 3 - 6 mm Determine Replace
cause and the slab as
observe, take appropriate
action for
3 f = 6 - 12 mm Diamond
4 h > 25 mm Replace
broken slabs.
5 Shattered slabs,
i.e. 4 or more
3 h = 30 - 50 mm Traffic
17. Bump h = vertical 0 h < 4 mm No action
displacement 1 h =4 - 7 mm Grind, in case Constructi
from normal of new on Limit
profile construction for New
1 f = 3 - 10 mm Spot repair of
2 f = 10 - 25 mm --do--
3 f = 25 - 50 mm Fill up
5 f > 75 mm 100m
t shoulder,
f affecting
25% or
more of
accumulation of
water observed
1.0 Introduction
1.1 The roads form a particular category of land use which utilises land for
interlinking different units of areas. It provides access and approach to an area and also
acts as a means of collection, dispersal and communication within the area. It may be
noted that there are many other services, besides road communication, which stand in
need of similar access for their linkage and may have to make their own independent
arrangement of approach if part of the road land is not made available to accommodate
1.2 As long as these service lines do not pose a threat to the safety of the
traffic or damage the road structure in any-way and they accept the primacy of the
needs of the road and are committed to shift or be removed from their present location
on road land when such on over-riding need arises for the road (for widening or other
developmental priority) this co-operation in land- use between various services is
considered welcome.
1.3 The above underlines the need for the following:-
(i) To lay down a safe code of procedure for construction installation of these
utilities within the road land and bind all the other users of road land to this code.
(ii) To evolve a code of practice for proper restoration! reinstatement of the original
arrangement when the land accommodating the utility is excavated for repair,
maintenance or improvement in the installation, especially when the utility service cuts
across the road and
(iii) To make the authorities owning the other utility services agree to shift at their own
cost within or outside the road land when such a contingency arises because of
developmental pressure on the roads.
1.4 The road land in Delhi accommodates a number of utility services belonging to other
Departments like Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Delhi Jal Board, Mahanagar Telephone
Nigam, Discoms (NDPL, BRPL), Delhi Development Authority, New Delhi Municipal
Committee, and The Gas Authority of India Ltd. Land in Delhi being scarce and costly, it
has not been possible to spare land separately for these services and the bulk of these utility
services have been accommodated within the right-of-way of the master plan roads.
The services are generally housed in the development zone under the footpath and the
central verge.
1.5 As a number of agencies are involved in laying and maintaining their
service lines on the same road, their location and work within the right-of-way
of the road require to be controlled and co-ordinated by the road owning
authority, which is the PWD, for the master plan roads. It has, therefore, been
felt necessary to have a common code of conduct for the different authorities.
The objectives of the- code of conduct will broadly be the following:-
(i) To regulate the road excavation activities of the different utility owning
Departments such that service pipes conduits are laid in such a way as not to foul the
future road widening.
(ii) To minimise hazard to the life of the operating personnel and the road users.
(iii) To minimise inconvenience to the traffic and other road users,
(iv) To minimise damage to the road,
(v) To prevent damage to other utility services, and
(vi) Overall to ensure a smooth and co-ordinated work programme
in the interest of public convenience and road safety.
2.0 Code of Procedure
With the above in view a code of procedure has been evolved to be
adhered to by all the concerned authorities. Broadly the procedure contains
two sets of directives out of which one set is administrative and the other is
technical in nature.
2.1 Administrative Action
2.1.1 Co-ordinated Planning
There are mainly three agencies looking after Delhi roads i.e. the
erstwhile MCD ( Now trifurcated into North, East & South Delhi Municipal
Corporations), the NDMC and the PWD. In each of these Departments there is a
Committee, which co-ordinates laying of utility services in the roads under
the Department and accord road-cutting permission. In case of Delhi PWD
road circles are the co-ordinating agencies for all the master plan roads in
2.1.2 Annual Submission of Programme of Work
All the Departments owning the utility shall submit to the concerned
Co-ordinating Committees by the first week of May every. year, their annual
programme of major works such as construction of fly-over’s, sub-ways, main
sewerage and water-works, programme of resurfacing of roads, programme
of tree planting and of cable works involving at a stretch excavation of more
than one kilometre, for all roads. The programme shall cover works to be
executed from the 1st of September of that year to the end of June of the
following year. While submitting the programme about the utilities the following
information shall invariably be furnished.
(i) The name and type of work to be carried out,
(ii) The name of the road and the locality where it is proposed to
cut the road or excavate trenches for laying the services, from
the starting point to the end point.
The information shall be submitted in duplicate. The Co-ordination Committee shall
then review .all these cases in the first week of July to formulate a co-ordinated plan for
all these works and accord necessary sanction after taking into account the available
right-of-way and the sections of the individual roads.
required to complete the work in the section. In case of any exigency the work in
progress could be stopped for a specified period. The permission in deserving cases can
suitably be extended.
utility. When the road cutting permission is to be issued the utility Department
is only asked to accept the bill and the money is drawn from the revolving
fund. Later on the agency maintaining the revolving fund recoups the amount
from the utility Department on presentation of accepted estimate.
The provision of revolving fund has been dispensed off in PWD. Now the road
cutting agency has to deposit the required amount in advance before road cutting
permission is issued. Only in case of emergent repairs, road is allowed to be cut subject
to payment of restoration charges subsequently.
3.2 Keeping in mind their distinctive characteristics and in some case
their inter-active nature the utility lines have been grouped as below by the
(i) Sewer and Drainage lines
(ii) Water supply lines
(iii) Electricity cables
(iv) Telecommunication cables and Optic fibre cables
(v) Gas pipelines and those carrying combustible materials.
3.3 Sewer and drainage lines have gravitational flow and may be laid at
substantial depth, requiring wider trenches during laying. Because of the
presence of manholes, which get choked due to discarded materials and the possibility
of overflow from these, it is preferable to avoid laying sewer lines underneath the
carriageway as far as possible. However, due to limitation of ROW, sewer lines can be
laid preferably at the edge of the carriageway, where ROW is more than 24m, same can
be laid along both the edges of the carriageway to facilitate service connection to
properties on both sides. Storm water drains may be in the form of open channels or
pipelines located at the extreme edge of the right-of-way.
3.4 Water supply lines carry water under pressure and leakage may cause damage to
road pavement. These lines should also not be close to
sewer lines to avoid intermixing due to leakage. These are generally provided
on either side of the road at a less depth.
3.5 Electricity cables should not be close to water supply lines. HT cables
should not be laid in proximity to telecommunication cables and optic fibre cables
because of possible electrical interference due to induced voltage. Also, all types of
service lines and cables should be. away from tree line to avoid possible entrapment
and dislocation by tree roots. All Electrical cables shall be 1 m away from waterline.
3.6 The privatization of telecom, power, gas and other utilities has put immense
pressure on urban roads. Multi utility ducts or common utility ducts are easy solutions
for urban roads, excepting sewer lines all other services can be accommodated in utility
ducts which criss-cross across the city and opening of road will be totally minimized.
Gas mains and other pipelines carrying combustible materials should be away from
electricity cables, as they are sources of heat and should be located at extreme ends of
3.7 Whenever any OFC and/or any telecommunication cable agency is given
permission to lay lines, it shall be by common utility duct or duct bank only. Other
similar agencies can be addressed to give their plan so that all intending agencies place
cables at one go. Open trenching of carriageway shall not be allowed by road authority
except for sewerage lines.
of the right-of-way. No existing drainage structure shall be allowed to carry the lines
across except in very special cases with specific written permission of the road
3.10 The casing pipe (or conduit pipe in the case of electric cables) carrying the utility
lines, should be of steel, cast iron or reinforced cement concrete (NP-4) and large
enough to permit easy withdrawal of the carrier pipe/cable. Ends of the casing shall be
sealed from outside so that the annular space between the carrier and the casing does
not act like a drainage path. The casing pipe may be installed preferably by boring
through the road embankment. Where trenching method is adopted in exceptional cases
the casing should be embedded on a 0.15 m to 0.30 metre thick layer of granular
material free from rock-pieces and carefully back-filled in two stages, one upto the top
of the pipe and the second upto the top of subgrade. The top of the casing pipe should
be at least 1.2 metre below the road level subject to it being atleast 0.3m below the
drain inverts. No longitudinal cuts shall be permitted in the main carriageway or in
the portion meant for traffic for laying utility services.
3.11 In case of crossing through slab culvert the top of the slab shall be
matching with the road top level.
3.12 Where the road is required to be cut in the footpath portion, no new
line shall ordinarily be allowed. If an opening is made in a footpath which is 1.4m or
less, in width, then the full width of the path shall be restored.
4.0 Reinstatement of Trenches
4.1 It has generally been observed that after the work of trenching and the work of
installation or repair etc. of carrier/casing pipe is completed, adequate attention is not
paid in carrying out the work of reinstatement of the trenches. Such narrow reinstated
strips of road surface done in a poor and slip-shod manner, provides most
uncomfortable riding surface and is generally a source of public criticism" Also, these
patches constitute the starting points for future deterioration of the surface. Realising
the importance of the subject the IRC has recently undertaken the preparation of a set
of standard guidelines for reinstatement of trenches cut for accommodating utility
services. It is felt that finally these guidelines, on their publication, should be followed
for such work. Pending the same reinstatement work may be carried out on the
following lines.
4.2 Where the depth of fill is more than 450mm below the crust, the entire depth of
cutting below the level of 450mm may be filled either with coarse sand (with fineness
modulus not less than 2) or the excavated trench material of it is also of similar quality
and compacted in layers of thickness not exceeding 75mm when compacted by
ordinary power roller/plate compactor. For the depth upto 450mm, the construction of
the entire formation width along the trench may be done with granular material.
Depending upon its location and level, each layer shall be compacted as per the
requirement of compaction of embankment and sub-grade (IRC:36) and that of the
relevant material constituting the road crust laid down in the appropriate code of
practice of the IRC. After filling the trench upto the sub-grade level, road crust in the
trenches should be provided same as the of existing road crust in the adjoining reaches.
4.3 While backfilling, care shall be taken to compact the earth below the joints and
cables to avoid subsidence.
4.4 Since the overall area involved is very small, it is felt possible that
careful attention can be paid to the proper compaction of all the layers
constituting the reinstated trench. Even then, it is expected that with time
some amount of settlement may take place in this area needing the provision of a
corrective patch. The corrective/replenishing patch shall be provided with suitable
bituminous material matching the existing surfacing in the stretch after observing the
total depth requirement, especially after monsoon. Whenever correction/ replenishment
work is done the sides of the trenched area shall be cut vertical so that the material is
keyed properly. The vertical sides of the existing pavement on adjacent sides shall
be primed, and a tack coat provided in the bed, where necessary, to ensure
proper bond between the layers.
4.5 The time-lapse between trenching and its reinstatement shall be kept
to the barest minimum possible. This is considered to be an important
aspect since (apart from hazards of accidents) the open trench leaves the
road structure in a weak condition even when not being used by traffic.
notice, date of commencement and completion of reinstatement work.
4.7 The utility owning unit will lay its services strictly in accordance with
the permission given, adhering to the route, distance, depth etc. prescribed
in the permission. In case of any violation the utility Department concerned shall
dismantle the same and relay it again according to permission, at its own cost. In case
of failure to do so, the road maintaining agency shall dismantle the same at the cost of
the utility.
ends of the cut at 100 metre in advance to the cut portion and red lights
installed at suitable interval all along the trench. Retro reflective diversion
board should also be invariably used.
5.8 The sides of the trench shall be suitably protected from collapsing if the depth of
the trench is more than 0.5 metre.
5.9 Barricades consisting of good quality CGI sheets painted with red and white
stripes shall be provided in the full length of the trench.
5.10 Driving of piles, poles etc. on the road crust, footpath etc. for a depth of more
than 30 cm shall be avoided.
5.11 In case during the operation utility service lines of other Departments
are accidentally met, the Department concerned shall be informed at once.
5.12 All the serviceable materials obtained from excavation shall be properly stacked
as directed by the road maintenance authority and these shall be the property of the
roads authority. All unserviceable materials shall be disposed as directed by the Roads
maintaining Authority. The stacking of serviceable/unserviceable material shall be
done in a manner so that it does not cause any inconvenience to the road user.
5.13 Before the work on the road cut is undertaken the Assistant Engineer-
in-Charge of the road shall be informed and the work shall commence only
after he is satisfied about the arrangement made.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Quality has been defined by the ISO as "The totality of features and
characteristics of a product or service that bear out its ability to satisfy stated
or implied needs". Like in all other products, the most important aspect in highway
construction also is its quality and the most important objective of the
Supervising Department is to achieve quality in construction. The quality in this case
may cover the stated or implied needs and all aspects of the
construction like its size, dimensions, quantity and its ability to meet the
requirements of the specifications and the agreement conditions.
durability to the attributes of the product may not be out of place. Also, in many
developing economies where work-culture or work ethics may not be of a high order,
binding down the constructor to a certain minimum frame of process requirement may
be essential for achieving quality.
In view of the above, in most of the highway specifications in this
country, in addition to prescribing end-product quality paramenters some
mandatory procedures/processes have been stipulated which may not only
act as helpful guidance to the constructor but also provide some in-built
assurance of quality in the product. It is felt that this combined control
procedure may continue for some time.
2.2 In terms of highway work, quality assurance may mean not to keep the quality
stress confined to the limits of only a few elements like material, process etc. but to
make it more broad-based and take care right from the initial approach to see that there
is no question of any sub-standard production at the end of the line. Every single aspect
of the work say planning, alignment, material, specification, design, procurement,
personnel, construction process, equipment etc. will contain adequate safeguards and
assurance that the final product will conform to the established requirement.
2.3 Quality Assurance therefore needs first of all fixing the level of quality desired at
affordable cost and then to have a hard look at the entire system or procedure to make
necessary changes, additions and modifications at each link in the chain to ensure that
the level of quality fixed is finally achieved.
ensuring its quality. So the direct responsibility for ensuring proper quality of work as
per approved specifications for achieving the intended performance and structural,
functional and aesthetical parameters, and the desired life of the
building/installation/structure rests with the construction team of Executive Engineer,
Assistant Engineer and Junior Engineer.
3.2 In the PWD of Government of Delhi, Quality Control work is carried out.
under a 3-tier set-up as under:-
(i) By the construction staff under the Engineer-in-charge,
(ii) By the Quality Assurance Team under the Superintending Engineer of the circle
and comprising of Assistant Engineer (QA).
(iii) By the core cell under CE(CSQ), CPWD or through Third Party Quality
Assurance agency for Major Works.
witnessed by the Executive Engineer.
(ii) That the minimum number of mandatory tests as per the
contract agreement have been carried out in respect of all.
materials and processes and the results have been found to be satisfactory so that
further work can be proceeded with,
(iii) That only the materials duly approved by the competent authority
have been .used in the work. In respect of the locally available
material the Engineer-in-charge will also approve the source
(borrow area, quarry etc.) after being satisfied about their quality
on the basis of results of tests carried out,
(iv) That all laboratory tests as laid down in the specifications and
contract agreement are carried out at appropriate time and
materials failing to conform to the same are rejected and taken
away from site so that there is no chance of their use In the work,
(v) That proper records are kept about the tests conducted and
results obtained and information about the result are
communicated to all concerned i.e. the Quality Control Team
under the circle and to the Agency when further necessary action
or corrective measures are to be taken.
(vi) It will be the responsibility of the Divisional Heads as in-charge
of primary quality control work to send the quarterly statement of works in progress
under the tender acceptance power of Chief Engineer and above level officers, as on
31st March, 30th June, 30th September, and 31st December every year. Wherever,
Third Party Quality Assurance Agency has been deployed, the same should also be
reflected in the return.
3.2.2 Quality Control Team Under Work Circle
At the supervisory level there will be a Quality Control Team comprising of
one Assistant Engineer (AEE or AE). The team will be directly under the charge o! the
Superintending Engineer (Works). The main function of the Team is to check the
compliance of Quality Assurance System by the field units, to locate the
lapse/deficiency in the implementation of the Quality Assurance Plan, and to guide the
field engineers in quality related aspects of the work.
In order that the role of the AE(QA) is effective in the process of Quality Assurance,
the following points are essential :
(i) To fix the periodicity of visit. of works in such a way
that the process control at various stages is possible.
(ii) To ensure that there is minimum delay between inspection of work and
communication of inspection report to the field formation.
(iii) The Assistant Engineer (QA) should carry out his tasks in a work that relates
operationally to the Quality specifications and standard laid down for the work,
and to the control actions that can be applied to the construction process. Thus the
Assistant Engineer (QA) should assess those aspects which are important to the overall
quality of the finished work. Due to shortage of staff, there is no separate post of
AE(QA) under circle office. One of the Assistant Engineer(P) may be entrusted with
the charge of AE(QA) also. The following norms are suggested for inspection to be
carried out by the Assistant Engineer(QA) of the circle office:
(b) To check the overall quality of the finished items. Random checks shall be
applied by the AE(QA) with help of handy instruments like Impact Hammer,
portable penetrometer, electronic moisture meters, sand replacement method, etc.
(c) To exercise systematic scrutiny of the field test records,
(d) To provide guidance to the field staff in respect of problems
relating to their field testing work,
(e) To prepare a report of inspection for SE (Construction) alongwith
suggestions and recommendations, and for taking corrective
measures, where required.
On receipt of the report of the Quality Assurance Team for the work under
his charge, the SE is to communicate the results for corrective measures
where required and the report would be sent to EE concerned by AE(QA).
(i) To carry out inspection of Original Works costing more than the SE’s power of
acceptance of tenders in general and maintenance works from the Quality
Assurance angle on selective basis. The works where Third Party Quality
Assurance agency have been engaged and detailed procedure of Quality
Assurance and technical audit are followed, the works shall not be selected
either for comprehensive or normal inspection.
(ii) To deal with policy issues pertaining to total Quality Management System
(iii) To review the existing procedures regularly on the basis of feed back from the
Sub Regional units, and to issue guidelines/instructions to ensure uniformity,
consistency and reliability in implementation of Quality Assurance System and
procedures in the Department.
(iv) To lay down norms/guidelines for periodic inspection and effective functioning
of QA units.
(v) To keep itself updated with modern testing equipments and methods, and
disseminate information in this regard.
(vi) To review the existing tolerance limits, and to lay down the tolerance limits in
respect of finished items for which such limits are not specified.
adequate laboratory set-up at a location approved by the Engineer. The
laboratory shall be equipped with all prescribed test facility and instruments
in adequate number commensurate with the load of work and staffed by a
qualified Material Engineer and laboratory technicians fully conversant with the
prescribed tests for the concerned highway work. Normally the
specifications in the tender documents may contain a suggestive list of
compulsory and optional testing equipment necessary for the work but either the
absence of the same or the same not containing the test equipment specifically by name
shall not be a reason for omission of the test required by the specifications. The entire
laboratory set up, staff and equipment included, shall be got approved by the Engineer.
5.1.2 The Agency shall carryout all necessary tests at least to the minimum· number
and frequency as stipulated in the contract specifications and agreement to the
satisfaction of the Engineer and submit the results to him in writing. He should inform
the Departmental field staff about the time of collecting samples and conducting the
tests well in advance so that they may also be associated with it.
In the absence of clear indication regarding the method and frequency
of a test for any particular item the direction of the Engineer shall be final and binding.
5.1.3 For fully ensuring that the quality of the material and work conform to the
required specifications, the Engineer by himself or through his authorised
representatives may conduct some of the tests, within the overall specified frequency,
in the agency's laboratory facility. Additional tests may also be conducted either by the
Engineer or his representative or through the laboratory staff of the agency, when in
the opinion of the Engineer such tests become necessary. Payment for such additional
tests shall be guided by the contract conditions of individual cases.
5.2 Departmental Laboratories
5.2.1 In addition to the above, the Department needs to have its own independent
laboratory set up. Consistent with the quality control set up, the
Department will normally have laboratories at followinglevels:- .
i) Field Laboratory,
ii) Central Laboratory
(iii) Outside/Independent Testing Facility
5.2.3 The Central Laboratory will be the most important laboratory and is located at the
headquarters of the Department under the direct control of the Core Wing. The Central
Laboratory may have the following functions.
(i) These laboratories shall carry out confirmatory tests of samples collected by the
AE(QA)/QA Units and also field Engineers.
(ii) This laboratory may provide training for setting up field laboratories.
5.2.4 Outside/Independent Testing Facility.
Extensive testing of the materials used for construction is a pre-requisite for attaining
high quality of the work. This shall also require specialized tests, physical, chemical,
ultrasonic, x-ray and various other types of tests which cannot possibly be carried out in
a site laboratory. These tests also require specialized personnel who regularly deal in
such testing. Therefore the need arises for carrying out the tests in outside laboratories.
These laboratories may be in the Government sector, Semi Government or Private
7.0 Training for quality assurance staff
For updating and refreshing the knowledge of the laboratory staff
with the latest trends and procedures of testing, for acquainting them with
new advanced equipment and their use and sometimes for simply enhancing the
awareness of Departmental officers and Highway Engineers, regular training of
refresher courses may be conducted by the Department for actual laboratory and field
work connected with quality control, Similarly workshops and symposia may be
conducted for dissemination of information regarding new tests, relevance of old test
procedures and modification needed, if any, in the acceptance criteria for works,
The Ministry of Surface Transport have suggested a number of
standard proforma for different items of read and bridge works circulated
under Ministry's letter No. NH-III/PII/83 dated 19.4.1984. A set ether same are placed
at Appendix-4 to. this chapter which may be followed with or without suitable addition
or modification for specific work of the Department.
1.0 Introduction
health so that they can render sustained service throughout
the period of design life and the investment locked in the original
construction is not dissipated in undue depreciation.
(v) To review if the facility constructed earlier is now able to meet
the demands of new situations and form an idea of additional
developmental needs.
(vi) To encourage and promote application of new methods and
innovative techniques and get a feedback of their performance.
(i) The extent of actual field investigation (sampling, testing etc.)
(ii) Verification from records of quantitative and qualitative checks
conducted by the constructor and
(iii) An independent assessment of the preparatory/actual physical
work claimed to have been done by the agency and to what
extent it has been able to fulfil other contract conditions.
3.5 Each aspect of a work may not receive equal stress or coverage in
each inspection. The inspection report may clearly state the proposed
distribution of detailed coverage of items during various inspections. .
4.3 Intermediate Inspection Report
Depending upon the individual circumstances and complexity of each
case, decision can be taken regarding the number of intermediate
inspection and rank of the officer undertaking the interim evaluation. If the
total plan proposes a number of assessments the responsibility for some of
them can be delegated to a subordinate officer. Also a conscious choice can be made
either to opt for general inspection of all active phases or exercise detailed inspection
of anyone or a few particular active phases each time in the area of maximum potential
benefit or often in the most vulnerable or weak sector of the work. In each case,
however, an intermediate inspection report has to be filed after necessary circulation to
all concerned, as per rule.
on all three aspects during every single inspection coverage.
The inspection may be either of a routine nature or a detailed one
specially in case of structures.
5.2 Inspection of original work
All original works of construction, contract items and procured
material require to be inspected in terms of the original specifications/clauses of
agreement/contract provisions pursuant to which the finished product is being
delivered. In such cases the yard sticks of evaluation are already clearly identified and
recorded in terms of the attributes desired in the products or the services and the
inspection shall underline the extent of its achievement and quality of implementation
strictly guided by the same.
5.3 Inspection of maintenance work
Apart from assessing the fulfilment of the quantitative and qualitative
requirements of the item of work, as in the case of original work, such
inspections need to review the maintenance input actually made against the
periodicity and adequacy as per the standard maintenance norms of the
Department. Maintenance norms may be, for certain items, laid down in
well-codified documents or sometimes they may only be traditionally known
as per sound engineering practices but not recorded in black and white
anywhere. For purposes of maintenance work both the categories may be
considered as valid.
5.4 Inspection of needs and Deficiencies
In addition to the above the road requires to be inspected from a third
angle as well. The Engineer-in-charge must at all times be well-aware of the
developmental as well as maintenance needs of the road with respect to the
existing as well as near-future road-users' demands which the original and
maintenance input already made may not be adequate to fulfil. At a first
glance many of these needs may appear to be pre-mature or ambitious, but
if correctly assessed they may actually warn the authorities in good time
against. complacency with existing width, capacity of structure and even mode of
operation and prevent a crisis from developing tomorrow. Assessment of present
inadequacy and needs of the facility shall be made objectively and accurately and
recorded and brought to the notice of the planners and authorities supported with logic.
Only an inspecting officer in close touch with his road may be able to do this well.
When the work is carried out during night hours with permission of or at the direction
of the Engineer, all facilities for lighting, access and safety shall be provided by the
agency for proper observations of quality, work man ship and or tests during
6.4 Rejection of material or suspension of work by engineers during inspection shall
be confirmed by him immediately in writing.
6.5 If any other unit of the Government or public or private corporation who bears in
part or whole the expenditure on the project or on whose behalf a deposit work is being
carried out by the Department, or who, otherwise, is empowered to inspect the work
being administered by the agency sends a representative to inspect the work, he will be
provided with the same facility as the authorised representative of the Department .
6.6 The presence of the Engineer or his authorised representative for
inspection during the progress of a work shall not relieve the agency of the
responsibility regarding quality or correctness for the work or shall not in any
way prevent the material or work being rejected subsequently for being found defective
as per test.
7.0 Inspection of Road Bridge Structures
Apart from constituting an important and critical link in the
communication system a road bridge also represents a concentrated amount
of locked investment of public money. Therefore, preventing it from
deterioration or damage is also a loss prevention exercise. Since a bridge
structure is an aggregation of technically complex elements, its inspection
and maintenance observation need a professional approach. The Indian
Roads Congress has already brought out a special manual on the subject
(Manual for Highway Bridge Maintenance Inspection-IRC-SP-18-1978). The road
engineer is advised to consult the document and keep in mind its
directives for inspection of all bridge works. In general, it recommends inspection of
bridge at least twice i.e. once before and again after monsoon and inspection of all
foundation and protective work including measurement of scour depth and maximum
flood level once during the monsoon and again just after it. The bearings and expansion
joints are to be inspected during extreme temperature seasons and after floods.
Preferably each Department may constitute a 'Bridge Inspection Cell' consisting of
knowledgeable persons on the subject. All observations and recommendations after
inspection shall be duly recorded and follow-up action initiated so that the same can
possibly be realised immediately and in any case before the next monsoon.
1. Central PWD Code.
2. Manual for Highway Bridge Maintenance Inspection (IRC:SP:18- 1978),
3. Inspection of National Highways and Central Sector Bridge Works Ministry of
Surface Transport Circular No.NH-VI-67(29)176 dt. 2.3.83 and
No.RW/33037/1/87/NH-Stds. dt.23.9.87.
1.0 Introduction
Possession of a comprehensive and up-to-date data base is an
essential tool for decision making in any field of work. Generally, in the
absence of such a data base the management may frequently be compelled
to take only adhoc decisions regarding development as well as maintenance
needs. Adequate data base helps in appreciating the needs of the entire road system and
in fixing inter-se priority of needs.
Funds for development and maintenance being scarce its optimum
utilisation assumes great importance and for this possession of a proper
inventory of road and bridge works, their condition survey data and other
records become a 'must'.
Inventory and records shall be maintained both at the Divisional level
and at the Zonal level.
2.1.2 To avoid folding of the sheet the land plan shall be drawn on a sheet of the size
594 mm x 420 mm (length x breadth) corresponding to the size A-2 of IS:696-1960.
2.1.3 Unless the scale is specified by the Local Revenue Authority for
acceptance of the plans, the land plan may be prepared on existing village
maps or settlement plans within scales ranging from 1 :2000 to 1 :5000.
2.1.4 The plan shall clearly demarcate the right-of-way limits of the roadland. Various
structures coming within the right-of-way shall be indicated by conventional signs,
symbols, numerical figures etc. Type of land or area on the boundary outside the right-
of-way (such as built-up area, agricultural lands) may be suitably indicated.
2.1.5 This land plan shall bear the signature and seal of the competent
authority of the revenue department. Authenticated copies of this shall be
made and issued to subordinate offices for day-to-day use.
2.2 Composite Alignment Plan
2.2.1 The land-plan as above, however, will not be able to show all the
details and complexities of the different elements and appurtenances of the
road within the property line. In view of the above for the purposes of technical
work a more comprehensive drawing containing all the technically important details of
the road (including intersection details) shall be prepared in the form of a composite
alignment plan in the scale of 1 :500.
2.2.2 This map shall indicate the following details:
(i) Road number and name of the road. (ii) Classification and category of the road
(iii) The starting point of the road (zero point) for identification of
the section.
(iv) The carriageway width of the road.
(v) Its cross-sectional details showing the width of footpath, service
road, verge, cycle-track, slow-moving vehicle track etc.
(vi) The type of surface.
(vii) The location of nallah, major drains and other cross-drainage
(viii) Road/Rail crossings, ROB's, Under passes etc.
(ix) Important colonies and prominent buildings on either side of the road.
2.2.3 The standard size of the sheet for the alignment plan shall be 594 mm
x 420 mm. The length of the alignment accommodated in the sheet may,
however, be varied taking care to see that no intersection is shown in parts in
two sheets.
2.3 Strip Plans
2.3.1 Although the authenticated land plan and the composite alignment
plans are invaluable assets for purposes of record, a third set of summary
plans are considered to be very helpful for general acquaintance with a section
and quick assessment of its present condition. These strip plans contain
general information about a road section, its endowment and deficiencies
and may easily become the most consulted set of plans in any active Division.
2.3.2 The strip plans of each road shall be prepared in the format shown in
Appendix-I. The strip plan shall indicate the following information.
(I) Distance from zero end of the road,
(ii) Right-of-way
(Ill) Footpath width, type and height above adjacent pavement
(iv) Service road-width and type.
(v) Carriageway- width and type.
(vi) Cycle track- width and type.
(vii) Median width, type and height above adjacent road level,
type of plants in it.
(viii) Green belts-width and type of plants.
(ix) No of trees and type of the trees.
(x) Railing on footpath-Type and height.
(xi) Railing on median-Type, height and location with reference
to median edge.
(xii) Encroachments-Type and extent.
(xiii) Traffic Signages-mandatory, cautionary, Informatory, location
and height above the road surface.
(XIV) Advertisement-size, location and height above road surface.
(XV) Street light- Location, type, height.
(XVI) Parking, bus-bays- Area demarcation.
(XVII) Drains-Location, type, width, depth.
(XVIII) Stretches with mastic wearing coat.
(XIX) Stretches with Thermo-plastic painting.
2.4 Surface History
Surface history of the main carriageway, service road carriageway,
footpath and median shall be maintained as in Appendix-II alongwith the
details of crust composition of the carriageways.
2.5 Details of stretches requiring special attention
The details of stretches requiring special attention for any particular
reason (say correction/ improvement needs in horizontal, vertical alignment
etc.) shall be maintained separately for each road.
2.6 Details of bridges, culverts and other structures
Details of all bridges and culverts shall be maintained road wise in the
format shown at Appendix-Ill.
2.7 Records of Painting
Record of paintings of signages, road markings railing etc. shall be
maintained in detail (Length/area, date of carrying out the work, cost etc.).
Details of painting carried out on each road shall be maintained
2.8 Utilities and Service Lines
Details of all utilities including underground and overground service
lines and their location.
3.0 Zonal Level Inventory
The zonal level inventory shall consist of basic information about the
roads and bridges and other information required for prioritisation of various
activities involved in the maintenance operations.
3.1 Detailed maps of the PWD Roads
All the details available in the Divisional records for item 2.1 to 2.4
shall preferably be available on a computer so that reprints and drawings to
desired scale can be produced as and when required. The map should
incorporate the details of all the services including the underground services.
3.2 Traffic Census Data
Details of traffic/pedestrian census data shall be recorded as per
3.3 Expenditure
Records shall be kept separately, roadwise, of all yearly expenditure
on construction, strengthening and annual maintenance for each road.
3.4 Details of bridges, culverts and other structures
The zonal records shall also contain an updated copy of the details of
all bridges, culverts and other structures as maintained by the Division (item 2.6) in the
format as in Appendix-Ill. .
3.5 The zonal office shall also maintain a history sheet of important roads
and the special features of such roads..
4.0 The copy of the inventory and records shall be available to all work
units and these shall be consulted and used as a tool for deciding the inter
se priority of development as well as maintenance works both at the Division and the
zone level.