Section 3 - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria
Section 3 - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria
Section 3 - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria
Table of Criteria
Bidding Document for Grid S/S Construction of 132/33/11kV GIS sub-station DESCO
Section 3 - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 3-2
1 Evaluation
1.1 Technical Evaluation
In addition to the criteria listed in ITB 34.1 (a)-(c) the following factors shall apply: N.A
1.2 Economic Evaluation
Any adjustments in price that result from the procedures outlined below shall be added, for
purposes of comparative evaluation only, to arrive at an “Evaluated Bid Price.” Bid prices
quoted by bidders shall remain unaltered.
1.2.1 Quantifiable Deviations and Omissions
Quantifiable Deviations and Omissions from the contractual obligations: the evaluation shall
be based on the evaluated cost of fulfilling the contract in compliance with all contractual
obligations under this bidding document. The Employer will assess the cost of such a
deviation for the purpose of ensuring fair comparison of bids.
1.2.2 Time Schedule
Time to complete the plant and services from the effective date specified in Article 3 of the
Contract Agreement for determining time for completion of pre-commissioning activities is:
>GD\V]. No credit will be given for earlier completion.
The loss capitalization of power transformer will be done by the following formulas:
Where :
C = Capitalized Cost in Taka.
P0 = No Load loss (i.e. Core Loss) in KW at ONAN rating at principle tap
Pfl = Full Load Copper Loss in KW at 750 C ONAF rating at principle tap
position plus the loss towards cooling Fan in KW.
The capitalized cost shall be added to the Tender price for the purpose of obtaining evaluated
Tender price.
1.2.5 Work, services, facilities, etc., to be provided by the Employer: Not Used
1.2.6 Specific additional criteria: Not Used
Bidding Document for Grid S/S Construction of 132/33/11kV GIS sub-station DESCO
Section 3 - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 3-3
(a) The preference margin shall not be applied to the whole package but only to the
eligible domestically produced Plant and Equipment within the contract;
(b) Plant and Equipment offered from outside the Purchaser’s country shall be quoted CIF
or CIP (Section 4, Bidding Forms, Schedule No. 1) and Goods offered locally shall be
quoted EXW (ex-works, ex factory, ex warehouse, ex showroom, or off the-shelf, as
applicable) free of sales, VAT and similar taxes (Section 4, Bidding Forms, Schedule No.
(c) All other cost components for services and works such as costs for local handling,
transportation, storage, installation, and commissioning shall be quoted separately
(Section 4, Bidding Forms, Schedule No. 3-Design Services and schedule no. 4 –
Installation and other Services)
(d) In the comparison of Bids, only the CIF or CIP price in each Bid of the Goods offered
from outside the Purchaser’s country shall be increased by fifteen percent (15%);
(f) Bidders shall not be permitted or required to modify the mix of local and foreign
Goods after bid opening.
Bidding Document for Grid S/S Construction of 132/33/11kV GIS sub-station DESCO
Section 3 - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 3-4
2. Qualification
If the bidding was preceded by a prequalification process then the Bidder and any
subcontractors shall continue to meet the criteria used at the time of prequalification and
reiterated below.
2.1 Eligibility
Joint Venture
Requirement Single Entity All Partners Each At Least One Requirements
Combined Partner Partner
2.1.1 Nationality
Nationality in accordance with must meet must meet must meet not Forms
ITB Sub-Clause 4.2. requirement requirement requirement applicable ELI - 1; ELI - 2
with attachments
No conflicts of interest in must meet must meet must meet not Letter of Technical
accordance with ITB Sub- requirement requirement requirement applicable Bid
Clause 4.3.
Not having been declared must meet must meet must meet not Letter of Technical
ineligible by ADB, as described requirement requirement requirement applicable Bid
in ITB Sub-Clause 4.4.
Bidder required to meet must meet must meet must meet not Forms
conditions of ITB Sub-Clause requirement requirement requirement applicable ELI - 1; ELI - 2
4.5. with attachments
2.1.5 UN Eligibility
Not having been excluded by an must meet must meet must meet not Letter of Technical
act of compliance with UN requirement requirement requirement applicable Bid
Security Council resolution in
accordance with ITB Sub-Clause
Bidding Document for Grid S/S Construction of 132/33/11kV GIS sub-station DESCO
Section 3 - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 3-5
Joint Venture
Requirement Single Entity All Partners Each One Requirements
Combined Partner Partner
All pending litigation shall be treated as must meet not must meet not Form LIT - 1
resolved against the Bidder and so shall requirement applicable requirement applicable
in total not represent more than 60% by itself or by itself or
(sixty) percent of the Bidder’s net worth. as partner to as partner to
past or past or
existing JV existing JV
Bidding Document for Grid S/S Construction of 132/33/11kV GIS sub-station DESCO
Section 3 - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 3-6
Joint Venture
Requirement Single Entity All Partners Each One Requirements
Combined Partner Partner
Submission of audited balance sheets must meet not must meet must meet Form FIN - 1 with
and income statements or, if not requirement applicable requirement requirement attachments
required by the law of the Bidder’s
country, other financial statements
acceptable to the Employer, for the last.
3 (three) years to demonstrate the
current soundness of the Bidders
financial position and its prospective
long-term profitability. As a minimum, an
Applicant’s net worth calculated as the
difference between total assets and total
liabilities should be positive.
Minimum average annual turnover of must meet must meet Must meet Must meet Form FIN - 2
US$ 60.00 (sixty nine) million requirement requirement at least 25% not less than
calculated as total certified payments of the 40% of the
received for contracts in progress or specified specified
completed, within the last 3 (three) amount amount
Using Forms FIN – 3 and FIN - 4 in must meet must meet Must meet Must meet Form FIN - 3
Section 4 (Bidding Forms) the Bidder requirement requirement at least 25% not less than
must demonstrate access to, or of the 40% of the
availability of, financial resources such specified specified
as liquid assets, unencumbered real amount amount
assets, lines of credit, and other financial
means, other than any contractual
advance payments to meet:
(1) the following cash-flow requirement,
US$ 7.50 million , and
(2) the overall cash flow requirements
for this contract and its current works
Bidding Document for Grid S/S Construction of 132/33/11kV GIS sub-station DESCO
Section 3 - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 3-7
2.4 Experience
Joint Venture
Requirement Single Entity All Partners Each One Requirements
Combined Partner Partner
Bidders must have project management must meet not must meet not Form EXP - 1
experience (experience of partner in requirement applicable requirement applicable
charge in case of joint venture) to
demonstrate their management
capability in at least 01 (One) turnkey
projects (contract amount should not be
less than US$ 22.60 million outside their
own country or in case of Bangladeshi
bidder, in Bangladesh or elsewhere,
within the last 10 (ten) years as on the
date of opening of technical proposal.
Bidding Document for Grid S/S Construction of 132/33/11kV GIS sub-station DESCO
Section 3 - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 3-8
For the above or other contracts Single All Partners Each One Form EXP - 2(b)
executed during the period stipulated in Entity Combined Partner Partner
4.2(a) above, a minimum experience in
the following key activities:
The GIS (Gas Insulated Switchgear) type must meet must meet not applicable not applicable
substation mentioned above shall be in all all
successful operation for minimum of three requirements requirements
(3) years as on the date of opening of
technical bids.
2.5 Personnel
The Bidder must demonstrate that it has the personnel for the key positions that meet the following
Experience In
Total Work
No. Position Similar Work
Experience [years]
1 Project Manager. 10 Years 5 years
The Bidder shall provide details of the proposed personnel and their experience records in the
relevant Information Forms included in Section 4 (Bidding Forms).
Bidding Document for Grid S/S Construction of 132/33/11kV GIS sub-station DESCO
Section 3 - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 3-9
2.6 Equipment
The Bidder must demonstrate that it has the key equipment listed hereafter:
2 Centrifuging machine 1 no
4 Primary Injection 1 no
5 Secondary Injection 1 no
7 Megger 2 Nos
The Bidder shall provide further details of proposed items of equipment using the relevant Form in
Section 4 (Bidding Forms)
Bidding Document for Grid S/S Construction of 132/33/11kV GIS sub-station DESCO
Section 3 - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 3-10
2.7 Subcontractors
Subcontractors/ manufacturers for the following major items of supply or services must meet the following
minimum criteria, herein listed for that item. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in rejection
of the subcontractor.
1 132 GIS Substation Erection Experience of at least 03 (three) 132 kV bay construction
within last 07 years.
2 Testing & Commissioning of Must have the experience of Installation & Commissioning
132/33KV 80/120 MVA 33/11 of 10 Nos. and supply experience of at least 30
KV, 20/28 MVA Power nos.132/33KV 80/120 MVA or higher voltage and/or
Transformer 33 kV Control & capacity Power Transformer. Must have the experience of
relay Panel Installation & Commissioning of 15 Nos and supply
experience of at least 56 nos. of 33/11KV 20/28 MVA or
higher voltage and/or capacity Power Transformer within
last 07 (seven) years. Control and relay panel in an
energized Substation.
3 132 KV GIS Breaker Supply record of at least last 07 (seven) years of 132KV or
higher voltage and/or current rating GIS Breaker of the
proposed manufacturer.
Bidding Document for Grid S/S Construction of 132/33/11kV GIS sub-station DESCO
Section 3 - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 3-11
In the case of a Bidder who offers to supply and install major items of supply under the contract that
the Bidder did not manufacture or otherwise produce, the Bidder shall provide the manufacturer’s
authorization, using the form provided in Section 4 (Bidding Forms), showing that the Bidder has been
duly authorized by the manufacturer or producer of the related plant and equipment or component to
supply and install that item in the Employer’s country. The Bidder is responsible for ensuring that the
manufacturer or producer complies with the requirements of ITB 4 and 5 and meets the minimum
criteria listed above for that item.
Bidding Document for Grid S/S Construction of 132/33/11kV GIS sub-station DESCO