Integral Bridges and The Modelling of Soil-Structure Interaction
Integral Bridges and The Modelling of Soil-Structure Interaction
Integral Bridges and The Modelling of Soil-Structure Interaction
Structure Interaction
Steve Rhodes and Julian Moses, LUSAS
No standard approach for the analysis of integral bridges appears in AS5100, AASHTO, the Eurocodes or
other international codes. This paper considers the approaches most suitable for modelling common
integral bridge forms, expanding upon recent UK guidance regarding soil-structure interaction approaches.
Issues including material properties, initial stress state and the incorporation of the effects of soil ratcheting
are discussed and both continuum and spring-type (‘subgrade modulus’) finite element models are explored.
deflection curve such as Figure 1 for the expected where
movement (Δ) . After 100-200 cycles, the increase in
H height of the wall
stiffness tails off, with maximum (summer) pressures
tending to a value which has been empirically linked
d'd wall movement range at H/2 below ground level,
to backfill properties, geometry and the movement taken as 0.5 to 0.7 times the design value of the
range. movement range at the top of the wall, based on
an assessment of the rotation and flexure in the
Ko coefficient of at-rest earth pressure
‘Limiting equilibrium’ approaches for the design of
Kp;t coefficient of passive earth pressure determined
integral bridges generally use an assumed lateral earth
using the design value of the triaxial φ’ .
pressure distribution and earth pressure coefficient,
commonly denoted K*. Where the abutment retains C coefficient dependent upon the elastic modulus
granular material, the pressure distribution and value of the subgrade (Es). Where Es is in MPa:
of K* used should be based on a theory which takes
C = 0.51Eୱ + 14.9 subject to 20 ≤ C ≤ 66
ratcheting into account.
No standard approach for earth pressure distribution
d d d
Deck Pinned Fixed Fixed
distribution given by PD6694-1 [13] for a full height Figure 3. Comparison of different types of rotational
abutment on flexible foundations. and flexural abutment movements after [12] Stage 1
Report, Fig 9
For the shorter height bank pad abutments that
accommodate thermal movements by translation
without rotation, a simple triangular pressure
distribution may be assumed and PD6694-1 [13] clause
9.4.4 gives the following expression for K*:
K = K୭ + ቆ
ቇ K ୮;୲
These expressions and the recommendations of
PD6694-1 [13] in general are much improved by
Figure 2. Assumed earth pressure distribution for full comparison to the previous UK guidance in BA42/96
height abutment on flexible foundations after [7] , as described by Denton et al [15].
By the same token, the relative movements required to reach active
Reference to PD6694-1 [13] clause 9.4.1 is recommended
or passive conditions suggested by LRFD [4] Table C3.11.1-1 are not f
BA42/96 including Amendment 1 [7] was itself a significant
applicable. improvement upon the first edition [14]. Removal of the limit K*≥
Similar peak values are reached even if the backfill was not very Kp/3 of [14] clause 3.5.4, which had caused some engineers to regard
well compacted at placement (BA42/96 [7] clause 3.2) the method as crude and over-conservative, is of particular note.
granular material used for backfill – it should be noted
that the effects of soil ratcheting may be ignored when
the material behind the abutment is a cohesive soil.
– type (iii) in Figure 6 – are perhaps the most popular
integral bridge type where space allows. For these, a
‘subgrade modulus’ model where the soil stiffness is
represented using springs is probably most
appropriate. Some authorities require the upper
portion of piles to be sleeved in an effort to reduce the
effects of SSI. As a result, the movement of the bank
Wall pads in and out of the backfill will be relatively greater,
due to the lower resistance from the foundations. Soil
ratcheting will occur, resulting in increased earth
pressures on the bank pads – but the total lateral load
arising will be quite limited due to the low height of the
pads. Structural models with springs and K* pressures
(i) Embedded wall integral abutment may be adequate, as discussed in section 3.2 below.
The ratcheting effect may be further mitigated by the
use of pea gravel or other specialised backfill.
Embedded walls (contiguous piled, secant or
diaphragm) – type (i) in Figure 6 – are perhaps most
popular for short-span underpasses in congested urban
areas [9]. For such structures, a full continuum model
may be more suitable.
As in all FE analyses it is important to ensure that the To describe a granular material using a Mohr-Coulomb
number of elements used is sufficiently large that any material model, elastic properties must be given (E', ν')
inaccuracy arising from the division strategy may be along with the initial and final internal angles of
deemed negligible by comparison to other friction (φ'1, φ'2), cohesion (c’) and dilation angle (ψ)
j k
assumptions inherent in the analysis. For FE [21]. Effective stress parameters are referenced and
continuum analyses we must also consider that the concept of effective stress is important because
elements give best accuracy at an aspect ratio of 1:1 the stiffness of a saturated soil is dependent on
and equal internal angles, although pragmatically ratios whether an increase in load may be carried by fluids,
up to 1:3 are usually acceptable in areas of interest, fluids and soil skeleton or skeleton only and the shear
and ratios up to 1:10 may be acceptable in remote strength of a soil is dependent on the effective normal
regions of the model. stress.
When modelling a structure interacting with a soil Simple test models can be used to show that the
mass, the extent of the model is not straightforward to internal stresses in a block of Mohr-Coulomb material
define: vertical and horizontal boundaries must be correspond to active and passive pressures as
imposed on the soil mass at some distance from the predicted by Rankine-Bell equations. Figure 8
structure . Where such boundaries cannot be
illustrates this, showing a test case (plane strain soil
reasonably defined to match physical boundaries (e.g. block of 10m×10m) with active pressures achieved by
free soil face, bedrock) they need to be determined by movement of the right boundary; movement in the
comparing key results from several models which are opposite direction will similarly achieve the expected
identical except for the assumed width or depth. passive pressure.
Where the stiffness of the soil (E’) has been assumed
constant with depth, the predicted deflection under
vertical load at the surface will increase as the depth of
soil below the structure is increased so other key
results should be used for comparison. If E’ increases
with depth, this effect is less pronounced.
Maximum (initial) lateral stress at 10m depth b) Contact slidelines. Contact algorithms in software
such as LUSAS enable the proximity of elements to
SX = SZ = Ko×SY where Ko was taken to be 0.5
each other to be detected, allowing transfer of
Thus SX (initial) = 0.5×-176.58=-88.29 load between one ‘component’ and another
without adjacent elements actually sharing nodes.
Minimum (final) lateral stress at 10m depth
In the context of SSI, the components would be
SX = SZ = Ka×SY where the soil and the structure, and frictional slidelines
would typically be of interest.
1 − sinϕ′
Kୟ = = 0.333
1 + sinϕ′ c) Elasto-plastic interface materials. A layer of
elasto-plastic material (assigned to plane strain or
Thus SX (final) = 0.333×-176.58=-58.86
3D continuum elements) can represent the
The displacement of the wall (or in this case, boundary) friction-contact relationship between the soil and
which is required to mobilise the limiting active or the structure. The material reproduces the
passive pressure must be understood to be dependent nonlinear response of a system containing planes
upon not only the elastic modulus of the material (as of weakness governed by Mohr-Coulomb type
might be immediately anticipated) but also upon the laws.
initial stress in the soil. By varying the assumed value
Whichever of these options is utilised, for retaining
of Ko, the displacements required for full active or
structures and integral bridges, the crucial
passive pressure to be reached is altered, as shown in
consideration is usually back of wall friction, δ. The
Table 1.
value of δ cannot be less than zero (a notionally
Table 1: Effect of assumed value for Ko on movement smooth wall) nor exceed that of φ' for the material
required to mobilise limiting earth pressures being retained. For many retaining structures, lower
bound φ' and δ are deemed critical for design and δ=0
Limiting pressure at 10m depth
is used, as suggested in PD6694-1 [13] clause 7.2.2 and
Ko mobilised at (mm)
CIRIA C580 [22] section 4.1.4, whereas for integral
Active Passive bridges upper bound values may also be critical. For
the design of integral bridge abutments, BA42/96 [7]
0.1 0 90
clause 3.3 states that wall friction should be taken as
0.5 6 90 δ=φ'/2.
1.0 22 70
3.1.4 Representing the Structure
2.0 85 35
It is important to remind ourselves that relative
stiffness is crucial to the distribution of loads in an FE
model. In the case of a wholly concrete structure, for
The values of Table 1 illustrate the importance of initial
example, the accuracy of the value used for elastic
stresses in SSI analyses. The applied loads for the
modulus affects deflections but generally has little
initial (equilibrium) state in an FE analysis must include
effect on load distribution, since the relative stiffness is
an initial stress which varies with depth, usually based
accurate. However, in the case of a concrete structure
on an assumed Ko.
in contact with the ground, a reasonably accurate
relative stiffness may demand more consideration of
3.1.3 Representing Interfaces in Continuum-Based
issues such as concrete cracking and creep
deformation. While these are considerable topics in
The interface between soil and structure typically their own right, it should be underlined that reinforced
needs some special consideration in any SSI analysis. concrete (RC) is generally cracked and therefore has a
Comprehensive FE systems such as LUSAS offer a range stiffness significantly less than that which would be
of options in this area such as [21]: assessed using the gross section and the elastic
modulus from a code of practice (see [24] section
a) Joint elements & materials. Known as ‘link’, ‘hook’
or ‘fuse’ elements in some software, joint
elements notionally have no length but instead
provide a means of connecting two adjacent
elements without full fixity, introducing options
such as frictional or yielding behaviour.
The cracked stiffness depends upon reinforcement provided but as
an indication, ACI 318-08 [23] clause suggests that cracked
Various expressions for Ko exist, see Craig [2] Chapter 6, EN1997-1 RC columns and walls may be treated as having a stiffness ~70% of
[5] clause 9.5.2 etc the calculated gross stiffness; cracked slabs having only ~25%.
3.1.5 When and How to Incorporate the Effects of Soil Nonlinear springs or joints may be used within an FE
Ratcheting model to generate lateral earth pressures for a
retaining wall design based on a pressure/ deflection
Often, the popular embedded wall integral abutment
relationship such as that in Figure 9 below:
(Figure 7 and type (i) in Figure 6), is constructed as part
of a top-down scheme in cohesive soil. As noted Lateral pressure σ
earlier, for such soils, the effects of strain ratcheting
may be ignored (see PD6694-1 [13] clauses and
A3.2) and so a suitable SSI analysis (perhaps utilising a
Passive Movement
Cam Clay material model) may be used with no further
special considerations. The software used must be
capable of modelling the staged construction process
in conjunction with the use of the preferred nonlinear kh
soil material.
For integral bridges with embedded walls (type (i) in Active Movement
In this, A, B and κ are empirical constants. Typical loads, and gives p-y curves for both static and cyclical
variations of kh with depth for different soil types are loading.
suggested by Rombach [24] and illustrated in Figure 10.
For bank pad abutments on piles, then, suitable lateral
κ κ = 0 for cohesive soil under earth pressures for the end screen may be determined
moderate loads by adopting a K* approach (PD6694-1 [13] clause
κ = 0.5 for medium cohesive soil and 9.4.6), while the pile-soil interaction can be handled
κ non-cohesive soil above water table using linear or nonlinear springs (or ‘joints’) to
represent the soil as illustrated in Figure 12 below.
κ = 1.0 for non-cohesive soil below
the groundwater level or under
Such approaches to pile-soil modelling have been used
κ greater loads for integral bridges – and validated using field
measurements and sub-models in the past – see
κ = 1.5-2.0 for loose non-cohesive
κ Jayaraman [30], Krizek and Studnička [31], and Albhaisi
soil under very high loads
Figure 10. Typical variations of modulus of subgrade
reaction with depth for piles
(after Rombach [24] Figure 2.39)
Values for kh are notoriously difficult to obtain, since
the spring stiffness is not a fundamental soil property.
However some guidance may be found in the Finnish
Guidelines [18] section (including a correlation
between φ' and kh), while RP2A [27] section 6.8
describes methods for defining pressure-deflection (p-
y) curves for laterally loaded piles appropriate to
various soil materials. Comprehensive FE software is
capable of handling such curves within a nonlinear
joint material as in Figure 11 below and the matter is
covered in more detail by Reese & Van Impe [28]. Figure 12. 3D FE model of bridge deck integral with
rkn bank pads on piles
f N
Typically the abutment walls or endscreens of integral
bridges are backfilled with granular material, where
the effects of soil ratcheting should be taken into
account. Where cohesive soil lies behind an embedded
σ wall, ratcheting can be neglected. Limiting earth
2 pressure and SSI analysis options have been explored
and suggested approaches are shown in Table 2 below.
1 2
Table 2. Suggested Analysis Approach by Integral Abutment Type
Integral Abutment Type SSI Notes and reference within PD6694-1 [13]
Full height wall on pad
Yes Granular backfill. Assumed earth pressure
distribution from Fig 5 and K* from clause
Full height wall on piled 9.4.3 incorporates ratcheting.
Granular backfill. Triangular earth pressure
Bank pad Yes distribution and K* from clause 9.4.4
incorporates ratcheting.
Soil modelled using continuum. For granular
soils or backfill, modify E’ with depth to suit
Embedded wall Yes Annex A and restrict pressures to K* from
clause 9.4.3. Alternatively nonlinear spring
model with similar considerations.
Soil modelled using nonlinear springs. For
Full height wall on single
Yes granular backfill, modify stiffnesses and
row of piles
limiting pressures to suit Annex A.
Soil modelled using nonlinear springs.
Reduced stiffness and limiting pressures for
Bank pad on single row front face of piles.
of piles Granular backfill to end screen. Triangular
earth pressure distribution and K* from clause
9.4.4 incorporates ratcheting.
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