OOSE Unitwise Questions
OOSE Unitwise Questions
OOSE Unitwise Questions
1. Software Engineering
2. UML Design
1. Give complete overview of UML?
2. What is a Model? Give Modeling Concepts?
3. Explain Use Case Diagram with example?
4. Explain Sequence Diagram with example?
10. What is difference between behavior and structural diagrams? Explain each diagram
17. What is use case? Explain use case with suitable examples.
18. For attendance management system prepare SRS documents with respect to their
respective Use Case Study?
3. Project Communications
5. Analysis
8. Testing
1. Give complete overview of Testing?
2. Explain about Testing Concepts?
7. What is a test case? What do you understand by test case design? Design a test case
using a template for the following:
Processing cheque payment against a bill raised by the credit card company. The
documents in the process are cheque and payment slip.
9. Rationale Management