Paper8 CEP040344 p3 PDF
Paper8 CEP040344 p3 PDF
Paper8 CEP040344 p3 PDF
18 1,033
3 authors:
Robin Smith
The University of Manchester
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8 LN 8 LN
PA3 Retrofit Shortcut Heat-Exchanger Network PA3
7 7
Models Retrofit Models
6 HN 6 HN
■ Figure 1. Optimization requires decomposing the column and coupling the heat-exchanger network using the retrofit models.
Key: PA = pump-around; LN = light naphtha; HN = heavy naphtha; LD = light distillate; HD = heavy distillate; and Res = residue.
Eqs. 8–11 (14): range of internals and operating conditions. The correlation
and the parameters used should be suited to the existing in-
−c ternals, and yield a reasonable prediction of the entrain-
Csb = a − b × exp (8) ment flooding characteristics. In Eq. 11, the design velocity
Udes is less than the flooding velocity Umax by some safety
factor. Typically, Udes is 70–80% of Umax.
L ρV Calculation of diameters of the distillation column al-
FLV = (9)
V ρL lows the analysis of the hydraulic performance of the col-
umn. The diameter profile along the column is obtained
ρ L − ρV by plotting the diameters for various stages vs. the stage
U max = Csb (10) number. This profile allows identifying the column bot-
ρV tlenecks that limit throughput enhancement. Column bot-
tlenecks occur on those stages in which the required di-
DT = (11) ameter is larger than the existing one. The diameter cal-
πUdes (1 − DC ) culations allow the existing hydraulic limitations of the
tion column to be considered in the optimization frame-
Fair (14) provides values for the parameters a, b and c work. Therefore, during this process, the diameter is cal-
found in Eq. 8. Kister (15) lists flooding correlations for a culated for the key stages. Then, the calculated diameters
14 13 2 4 6 8 10 12
1 3 5 7 9 11
9 11
13 12
PA3 21 22 18 15
8 1 7
2 8
PA2 6 15
10 LD
3 18 25
5 16
PA1 Steam
4 22 27
Crude 23
5 17
Res 10 28
■ Figure 2. The atmospheric crude unit and its heat-exchanger network before optimization was carried out.
Key: PA = pump-around; LN = light naphtha; HN = heavy naphtha; LD = light distillate; HD = heavy distillate; and Res = residue.
are compared with the existing ones to guarantee that the constraints of the column. Figure 1 illustrates the ap-
existing diameters are not exceeded; otherwise a penalty proach. The retrofit curve is obtained from an extensive
is imposed. Hence, the optimum distillation column will retrofit study on the heat exchanger network. The model
not have bottlenecks. relates the exchange area required for reducing energy
consumption, Aret, to the reduced energy consumption,
Retrofit model for the heat-exchanger network Eret. The model may take different forms; the power law
This model calculates the required area of the retrofitted form has been found suitable for a number of case stud-
heat-exchanger network, while considering the fixed pa- ies investigated.
rameters of the network (e.g., heat-transfer areas, duties,
matches, stream splits). The retrofit model and the associ- A = m( Eret )c (12)
ated parameters, m and c, are obtained from an extensive
retrofit study on the existing heat exchanger network. The additional area requirement for the retrofitted net-
The model, although simple, incorporates the details of work is related to the existing area of the network, Aexist,
the existing Heat-exchanger network in the process opti- and the total area requirement, A:
mization framework. The model allows the benefits of
energy savings to be weighed against the capital invest-
Aret = A − Aexist (13)
ment required to modify the heat-exchanger network.
Details on the model are found in Ref. 12, and these The heat-exchanger retrofit model mathematically de-
should aid the reader in performing his or her own analy- scribes a retrofit curve of an existing heat exchanger net-
sis.he optimization considers the details of the existing work (e.g., Figure 1). The retrofit curve is a graphical rep-
heat exchanger network simultaneously with the existing resentation of the capital-energy trade-offs in an existing
crude distillation column and accounts for the hydraulic heat-exchanger network; it consists of a plot of retrofit area
furnace and steam heaters. The hot streams (i.e., those that Table 1 compares the base case with the optimized ar-
require cooling) run from left to right, while the cold rangement when the feed flowrate is unchanged. The op-
streams run from right to left. The numbers in the circles of timum energy consumption of the crude unit is 77.4 MW,
the heat-exchanger grid stand for individual exchangers in a reduction of 22% and a savings of $6.3 million/yr.
the network. The vertical lines represent the heat exchange Some investment is needed to improve the performance
between process streams. This figure shows the base case, of the heat-exchanger network; the energy savings arise
that is, before optimization. from changing process operating conditions (e.g., fur-
Two aims of the retrofit design are considered: (1) to im- nace inlet temperature, pump-around duties, feed tem-
prove the energy-efficiency of the process; and (2) to in- perature) such that more heat recovery is possible. The
crease the throughput by 20% over the current capacity. The payback for these modifications is 4 mo.
atmospheric tower is fed 100,000 bbl/d of crude oil. Before However, to increase the throughput would require
the retrofit, the scheme was consuming power at 99.5 MW, using larger diameters than exist in some sections inside
with a total operating cost of $28.4 million/yr. The heat-ex- the column. Therefore, to increase its capacity, the col-
changer network retrofit model was found to be: umn had to be debottlenecked. The column model and
hydraulic analysis identified the bottlenecked sections.
A = 6.75 × 10 6 Eret −1.61 (14)
Proposed modifications that can eliminate the bottleneck
are shown in Figure 3. Parts 1 and 3 in the figure show
increasing the amount of heat removed during a pump-
Literature Cited around; Part 2 represents reducing the flow of stripping
1. Sittig, M., “Petroleum Refining Industry Energy Saving and Envi- steam and, hence, the total vapor flow; and Part 4 illus-
ronmental Control,” Noyes Data Corp., Park Ridge, NJ (1978). trates reducing the temperature and, therefore, the vapor
2. Bannon, R. P., and S. Marple, “Heat Recovery in Hydrocarbon fraction of the column feed. The unshaded arrows that
Distillation,” Chem. Eng. Progress, 74 (7), pp. 41–45 (July 1978). point toward each other mean that the required diameter
3. Harbert, W. D., “Preflash Saves Energy in Crude Unit,” Hydro- would be decreased.
carb. Proc., 57 (7), pp. 23–125 (1978). The optimized distillation unit has a 20% increase in
4. Rivero, R., and A. Anaya, “Exergy Analysis of a Distillation Tower
throughput and requires 94.8 MW of heating. The oper-
for Crude Oil Fractionation,” and “Computer Aided Energy Systems
Analysis,” Proc. of Winter Annual Meeting of ASME, 1 (11), pp.
ating cost saving is $1.9 million/yr, relative to the base
25–30 and 55–62, Dallas, TX (1990). case, with a payback of less than 1 yr. CEP