Regulated Output Voltage Double Switch Buck-Boost Converter For Photovoltaic Energy Application
Regulated Output Voltage Double Switch Buck-Boost Converter For Photovoltaic Energy Application
Regulated Output Voltage Double Switch Buck-Boost Converter For Photovoltaic Energy Application
Article history: In this paper, a regulated output Buck-Boost DCeDC converter is designed and simulated
Received 15 March 2016 for photovoltaic energy system. The presented Buck-Boost converter has two power
Received in revised form switches; moreover, its output voltage is regulated to a constant value regardless of its
15 June 2016 input. In the presented work, the Buck-Boost is used as a second converter after a Single-
Accepted 16 June 2016 Ended Primary-Inductance Converter (SEPIC) that is controlled with a maximum power
Available online 15 July 2016 point tracking technique (MPPT); Incremental Conductance MPPT algorithm is chosen to be
used because of its simplicity and easy implementation. The Buck-Boost converter is
Keywords: controlled in a way to have a suitable output voltage by introducing the right duty cycle of
Buck-Boost converter the pulse width modulation signals that control the switches of the converter.
SEPIC The proposed configuration of Buck-Boost converter has been simulated in Matlab/
Photovoltaic Simulink environment; the simulation results show that it is a good choice to take in order
PWM to maintain the output voltage constant while ensuring a good energy transfer.
MPPT © 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The photovoltaic cell Fig. 7 shows the obtained PeV curves for different values of
temperature and a constant irradiance of 1000 W/m2.
The principal element of photovoltaic generators is the solar
cell which is a device that absorbs light and converts it into The Single-Ended Primary-Inductance Converter
electrical energy in the form of direct current thanks to the
photovoltaic effect. The solar cell is manufactured using The first converter in the studied system is the Single-Ended
semiconductor material (usually silicon) to compose the PeN Primary-Inductance Converter (SEPIC) which is a step-down/
junction. step-up converter circuit operates basing on the principal of
Figs. 4 and 5 show respectively the IeV and the PeV curves coupling capacitance storage.
of a photovoltaic cell made by silicon for given irradiance and Fig. 8 shows the basic electrical scheme of the SEPIC, it
temperature (1000 W/m2 and 25 C). The maximum power consists of an input capacitor, Cin; an output capacitor, Cout;
point (MPP) is characterized by its optimal voltage (VOPT), and an AC coupling capacitor, CC; coupled inductors L1 and L2; a
optimal current (IOPT), ISC and VOC are respectively the short diode d and a switch Q [17].
circuit current and the open circuit voltage. The power switch ‘Q’ is controlled with a PWM signal
The delivered power characteristic from any photovoltaic characterised by its duty cycle ‘D’ which equals the time when
generator depends essentially on the temperature that has an
effect on the open-circuit voltage; and on the irradiance
quantity which has a major effect on the short circuit current;
so it affects directly on the current against voltage curve and
also on the power against voltage curve of the photovoltaic
generator [16].
The influence of atmospheric conditions on the photovol-
taic cell characteristic is simulated in MATLAB.
Fig. 6 shows the obtained PeV curves for different values of
irradiance and a constant temperature of 25 C.
Fig. 5 e Power against voltage curve of a PV cell. Fig. 8 e SEPIC's electrical scheme.
20850 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 1 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 2 0 8 4 7 e2 0 8 5 7
the power switch is closed for one time period ‘ton’ divided on - If dPG/dVG > 0, the operating point is on the left of “MPP”,
the period T. - If dPG/dVG ¼ 0, the operating point is on the “MPP”,
- If dPG/dVG < 0, the operating point is on the right of “MPP”
D¼ (1)
The derivative of the power “dPG/dVG” can be described by
In the ideal case, the output voltage of SEPIC is given by: the following equation:
V1 ¼ Vg (2) ¼ ¼ IG $ þ VG $ ¼ IG þ V G $ (5)
The Incremental Conductance MPPT technique Hence, we can write new conditions on the change in
conductance as those derived on the power:
The MPPT technique used with this converter is the Incre-
mental Conductance algorithm shown in Fig. 9, it is based on - If DIG/DVG > IG/VG, the operating point is on the left of
knowledge of the change in conductance of the photovoltaic “MPP”,
generator and the impact on the position of the operating - If DIG/DVG ¼ IG/VG, the operating point is on the “MPP”,
point over a maximum power point “MPP”. Thus, the - If DIG/DVG < IG/VG, the operating point is on the right of
conductance “G” of the photovoltaic generator is defined by “MPP” [11,18].
the ratio between the generator's current and the generator's
voltage as follows:
The Buck-Boost converter
G ¼ Ig V g (3)
The second DCeDC converter in the studied system is based
And a basic change (increment) of conductance can be
on the classical version of the Buck-Boost converter which is a
defined as:
step-down/step-up DC/DC converter.
A Buck-Boost converter circuit is a cascade combination
dG ¼ dIg dVg (4) topology of Buck converter and Boost converter. As it is
known, the Buck-Boost converter inverses the polarity of its
On the other hand, the evolution of the generator's power output compared to its input, this is caused by its configura-
“PG” relative to the generator's voltage “VG“ gives the position tion; polarized load or batteries must be carefully inserted in
of the operating point relative to the “MPP”. the right position.
VL zV1 (10)
I1 zIL (12)
i1 ðtÞ ¼ 0 (15)
V2 ¼ V1 (17)
From Eqs. (12) and (15), the average input current is given
Fig. 15 e The input voltage curve. Fig. 19 e Zoom of the output voltage curve in regulated
output simulation.
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