ERD To Relational Schema Mapping
ERD To Relational Schema Mapping
ERD To Relational Schema Mapping
For example:
The initial relational schema is expressed in the following format writing the table
names with the attributes list inside a parenthesis as shown below for
Persons and Phones are Tables. name, last name, are Table Columns (Attributes).
2. Multi-Valued Attributes:
A multi-valued attribute is usually represented with a double-line oval.
If you have a multi-valued attribute, take the attribute and turn it into a new entity or
table of its own. Then make a 1: N relationship between the new entity and the existing
one. In simple words. 1. Create a table for the attribute. 2. Add the primary (id) column
of the parent entity as a foreign key within the new table as shown below:
3. 1:1 Relationships:
A male marries 0 or 1 female and vice versa as well. So, it is 1:1 cardinality with partial
participation constraint from both. First Convert each entity and relationship to
tables. Male table corresponds to Male Entity with key as M-Id. Similarly, Female table
corresponds to Female Entity with key as F-Id. Marry Table represents relationship
between Male and Female (Which Male marries which female). So, it will take attribute
M-Id from Male and F-Id from Female.
Binary relationship with 1:1 cardinality will have 2 table if partial participation of both
entities in the relationship. If at least 1 entity has total participation, number of tables
required will be 1.
For cases when the Person is not married i.e. has no female ID, the attribute can set to
4. 1: N Relationships:
This is the tricky part. For simplicity, use attributes in the same way as 1:1 relationship
but we have only one choice as opposed to two choices. For instance, the Person can
have a House from zero to many, but a House can have only one Person. To
represent such relationship the person id as the Parent node must be placed within the
Child table as a foreign key but not the other way around as shown next:
6. Weak Entity:
In this scenario, an employee can have many dependents and one dependent can
depend on one employee. A dependent does not have any existence without an
employee (e.g.; you as a child can be dependent of your father in his company). So, it
will be a weak entity and its participation will always be total. Weak Entity does not have
key of its own. So, its key will be combination of key of its identifying entity (E-Id of
Employee in this case) and its partial key (D-Name).
First Convert each entity and relationship to tables. Employee table corresponds to Employee
Entity with key as E-Id. Similarly, Dependents table corresponds to Dependents Entity with key
as D-Name and E-Id. Has Table represents relationship between Employee and Dependents
(Which employee has which Dependents). So, it will take attribute E-Id from Employee and D-
Name from Dependents
7. Composite Attributes:
For example: