Destruction of Life A. Elements of Parricide
Destruction of Life A. Elements of Parricide
Destruction of Life A. Elements of Parricide
10. Deformity by loss of teeth refers to injury which cannot be impaired by the action of the
11. Loss of both outer ears constitutes deformity and also loss of the power to hear. Meanwhile,
loss of the lobule of the ear is only a deformity
12. Loss of the index and middle fingers is either a deformity or loss of a member, not a principal
one of his body or use of the same
13. Loss of the power to hear in the right ear is considered as merely loss of use of some other
part of the body
14. If the injury would require medical attendance for more than 30 days, the illness of the
offended party may be considered as lasting more than 30 days. The fact that there was medical
attendance for that period of time shows that the injuries were not cured for that length of time
15. Under par 4, all that is required is illness or incapacity, not medical attendance
16. In determining incapacity, the injured party must have an avocation at the time of the injury.
Work: includes studies or preparation for a profession
17. When the category of the offense of serious physical injuries depends on the period of the
illness or incapacity for labor, there must be evidence of the length of that period. Otherwise, the
offense will only be considered as slight physical injuries
18. There is no incapacity if the injured party could still engage in his work although less
effectively than before
19. Serious physical injuries is qualified when the crime is committed against the same persons
enumerated in the article on parricide or when it is attended by any of the circumstances defining
the crime of murder. However, serious physical injuries resulting from excessive chastisement by
parents is not qualified serious physical injuries
1. That the offender inflicted upon another person any serious physical injury
2. That it was done knowingly administering to him any injurious substances or beverages or
by taking advantage of his weakness of mind of credulity
3. He had no intent to kill
1. It is frustrated murder when there is intent to kill
2. Administering means introducing into the body the substance, thus throwing of the acid in the
face is not contemplated.
1. That the offended party is incapacitated for labor for 10 days or more (but not more than
30 days), or needs medical attendance for the same period of time
2. That the physical injuries must not be those described in the preceding articles
1. Circumstances qualifying the offense:
1. when there is manifest intent to insult or offend the injured person
2. when there are circumstances adding ignominy to the offense
3. when the victim is either the offender’s parents, ascendants, guardians, curators or
4. when the victim is a person of rank or person in authority, provided the crime is not
direct assault
5. It falls under this article even if there was no incapacity but the medical treatment was
for 13 days
3 Kinds:
1. That which incapacitated the offended party for labor from 1-9 days or required medical
attendance during the same period
2. That which did not prevent the offended party from engaging in his habitual work or which did
not require medical attendance (ex. Black-eye)
3. Ill-treatment of another by deed without causing any injury (ex. slapping but without causing
1. F. RAPE (ART 355)
The Anti-Rape Law of 1997 (RA 8353) now classified the crime of rape as Crime Against
Persons incorporated into Title 8 of the RPC to be known as Chapter 3
Elements: Rape is committed
1. By a man who have carnal knowledge of a woman under any of the following circumstances:
1. through force, threat or intimidation
2. when the offended party is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious
3. by means of fraudulent machination or grave abuse of authority
4. when the offended party is under 12 years of age or is demented, even though none of
the circumstances mentioned above be present
5. By any person who, under any of the circumstances mentioned in par 1 hereof, shall
commit an ac of sexual assault by inserting
1. his penis into another person’s mouth or anal orifice, or
2. any instrument or object, into the genital or anal orifice of another person
Rape committed under par 1 is punishable by:
1. reclusion perpetua
2. reclusion perpetuato DEATH when
1. a. victim became insane by reason or on the occasion of rape
2. b. the rape is attempted and a homicide is committed by reason or on the occasion
3. DEATH when
1. homicide is committed
2. victim under 18 years and offender is:
1. parent
2. ascendant
3. step-parent
4. guardian
5. relative by consanguinity or affinity with the 3rd civil degree or
6. common law spouse of parent of victim
3. c. under the custody of the police or military authorities or any law enforcement or
penal institution
4. committed in full view of the spouse, parent or any of the children or other relatives
within the 3rd degree of consanguinity
5. victim is a religious engaged in legitimate religious vocation or calling and is personally
known to be such by the offender before or at the time of the commission of the crime
6. a child below 7 years old
7. g. offender knows he is afflicted with HIV or AIDS or any other sexually transmissible
disease and the virus is transmitted to the victim
8. h. offender; member of the AFP, or para-military units thereof, or the PNP, or any law
enforcement agency or penal institution, when the offender took advantage of his
position to facilitate the commission of the crime
9. victim suffered permanent physical mutilation or disability
10. j. the offender knew of the pregnancy of the offended party at the time of the
commission of the crime; and
11. k. when the offender knew of the mental disability, emotional disorder and/or physical
handicap or the offended party at the time of the commission of the crime
Rape committed under par 2 is punishable by:
1. 1. prision mayor
2. 2. prision mayor to reclusion temporal
1. use of deadly weapon or
2. by two or more persons
3. reclusion temporal – when the victim has become insane
4. reclusion temporal to reclusion perpetua – rape is attempted and homicide is committed
5. reclusion perpetua – homicide is committed by reason or on occasion of rape
6. reclusion temporal – committed with any of the 10 aggravating circumstances mentioned above
1. The underscored words are the amendments provided by RA 8353
2. Dividing age in rape:
1. less than 7 yrs old, mandatory death
2. less than 12 yrs old, statutory rape
3. less than 18 yrs old and there is relationship (e.g. parent etc); mandatory death