Kinematics is the physics of motion. It's prescribes what mechanically goes on. But it is
not concerned with forces or momentum. That's the realm of dynamics. Dynamics is the more
difficult subject. We'll touch on dynamics a little later, but for now we'll focus on kinematics.
Robots have varying abilities to move. Some might only be able to extend or retract.
Others are able to move in any direction and simultaneous rotate its actuator arm. What we're
specifying here are degrees of freedom--the number of independent motions a robot can make.
There are two sets of motions: translation and rotation. Translation is motion from point
A to point B. It can take place in one, two, or three dimensions. Rotation is motion at a fixed
point. Again, it can take place with respect to one, two, or three independent axes. Between the
two types of motion--translation and rotation--all motions can be accounted for. Full three-
dimensional motion requires 6 degrees of freedom--3 translation, 3 rotation. A robotic arm that
could only extend or contract and, say, twist its actuator on the axis of the arm would have only
two degrees of freedom--1 translation, 1 rotation. More degrees of freedom implies more
versatility and larger working volume. However more degrees of freedom, also implies higher
costs, less accuracy, lower repeatability. Consequently, robots are usually designed having the
fewest number of degrees of freedom to do the job.
Robots are usually constructed of rigid members, whose motions with respect to one
another are afforded through the joints that hold them together. It is the properties of these joints
that the give robots the mechanical maneuverability.
Basically, there are only two types of joints: prismatic and revolute. Prismatic joints
slide, e.g., a square cylinder in a square tube. Revolute joints or hinge joints rotate. So revolute
joints allow angles between members to change. OK, but what about ball-and-socket joints?
Well, a ball-and-socket joint can be thought of as three hinge joints. A ball-and-socket joint has
three degrees of freedom in rotation. So its action can be duplicated by the combined action of
three hinge joints. A cylindrical shaft in a cylindrical tube can rotate and extend. It's easy to see
that this action could be replicated with one prismatic joint and one hinge joint.
We've mentioned the actions of mechanical joints. That's motion within the robot. Let's
not forget the motion of the robot itself. Again, whether the robot turns on an axis, moves on
wheels, or swims through water, the actions can be reduced to the primitive forms.
Now that we've touched on the conceptual ideas of robots, we must turn to the messy
stuff--the mathematics that describes their actions. We won't delve too deeply into this topic
because the mathematics can get very complicated very quickly. But we can develop some
methods for prescribing the positions of the actuator with respect to the position of the base of the
robot. Here, the mathematics is not very difficult; but it can be cumbersome because there are
many different ways we might want to represent position.
What coordinate system(s) should we use. There are many to choose from. The most
familiar is the "cartesian" system (x,y,z) in which position is specified by the three distances x,y,z
from the origin. But we could also consider a cylindrical system (r,,z)--consisting of two
distances and one angle, or a spherical system (r,,) consisting of one distance and two angles.
Our decision will depend, in part, on the frame of reference in which the task or object can most
easily be represented, and, in part, on the frame of reference in which the mechanical actions of
the robot are most conveniently represented. A robot consisting of a fixed base and an extensible
arm that can be rotated in a horizontal plane, would most naturally described by an (r,,z) system.
We say most natural because the choice of the coordinate system reflects the action of the robot:
one action is spatial, the other is angular.
Now suppose, at the end of this robotic arm, there is a tool which moves in and out, up
and down, and back and forth, i.e., three spatial actions. Here, most naturally we would use an
(x,y,z) system. So, we might want an (r,,z) for the arm, an (x,y,z) system for the tool tip, and
maybe another (x,y,z) system to describe the actuator position in "world" coordinates. So, several
different frames of reference might be useful. To specify absolute position of the tool tip, its
position with respect to the arm must be added to the position of the arm. How do we bolt all of
this together?
Here is a schematic of the situation. There are three coordinate systems: (x,y,z), (r',',z'),
and (x'',y'',z''). The robot is presented here as three heavy lines; the tool is represented as a ball.
The positions of the robot base, the robot arm, and the tool are given in italics.
z'' (x'',y'',z'')
z x'
' (r',',z')
y x '
(x,y,0) r'
We want to prescribe the position of the tool in the world coordinate system (x,y,z). It's not so
simple. Basically we have to get from one coordinate system to the next. This is accomplished
through the operation of coordinate transformation. Basically there are two things you can do
with coordinate systems: you can translate them, and you can rotate them. If you look at our
robot example, you will see that the x'' system (the reference frame of the actuator) is a
translation of the x' system (the reference frame of the arm). And the x' system is a translation
and rotation of the x system (the world reference frame).
For a moment, let's simplify a bit. In two dimensions, if we want to relate a position x', y'
in a coordinate system x' to a system x , where the x' system is rotated with respect to the x
system through an angle , we can write down the equations as
H is called the homogeneous transformation matrix and can be viewed as having four
R k
parts: H = . R is a 3 x 3 rotation matrix; k is a 3 x 1 translation vector. So, H can be
0 0 0 1
used for any coordinate transformation because it encompasses rotations, translations, and
combinations of the two.
D. Transformations
E. Dynamics
Example of a 2D robotic link having three solenoids to determine geometry. All members
are linked by pin joints; members A,B,C have two states—in, out—controlled by in-line
solenoids. Note that the geometry of such a link can be represented in terms of three binary digits
corresponding to the states of A,B,C, e.g., 010 represents A,C in, B out. Links can be chained
together and controlled by sets of three bit codes.
2) Problems
a) joint play, compounded through N joints
b) accelerating masses produce vibration, elastic deformations in links
c) torques, stresses transmitted depending on end actuator loads
Let's explore what would seem to be a really simple robotics problem. Suppose we have a
two-segment robotic arm that is attached to a base and that can move in only two dimensions, x
and y. Each arm segment is the same length, L1 = L2 ; and the motion of each arm segment is
determined by a stepper motor that can position the arm at any prescribed angle. The problem is
to program the two stepper motors so that the robot arm tip, i.e., the end of L2 , follows a path at y
= const.
We'll assume that each stepper motor can be controlled as (t ) 0 t t 2 where 0 is the
angular position at the beginning, and and are parameters to establish the angular velocity and
acceleration over time. And a programming segment will constitute time t moving from 0 to 1.
So, by setting values for 0, , and for each motor, the time-behavior of the arm tip can be
generated one program segment at a time.
The geometry is easy: assuming that the base of the robotic arm is fixed at (0,0), the position of
the arm tip is
x = L1 (cos 1 + cos 2)
y = L1 (sin 1 + sin 2)
If we want the arm tip to move, we must rotate the stepper motors which prescribe the angles 1
and 2. As 1 and 2 change, so does the position of the arm tip. In fact, using the chain rule of
elementary calculus we can deduce the relationship between the rates of change of x and y and
the rates of change of 1 and 2. Using a dot above a variable to denote , we calculate that
x L1 sin 1 1 sin 2 2
y L cos
1 1 1 cos 2 2 0 .
Setting the latter equation equal to zero gives us the condition that the y-position of the arm tip
does not change, i.e., y = constant. These equations give the simple result:
2 1 . This says that the rate of change of 2 is proportional to the rate of change of 1,
cos 2
but the rate of proportionality depends on the values of 1 and 2. In fact, as simple as this
robotics problem is, there is no closed-form solution. That is, we cannot produce an explicit
recipe which will ensure that, as 1 changes, 2 will change in such a way that the y-position of
the arm tip is constant.
Since there is no mathematical solution, we must try to find an engineering solution—an
approximation. And within this approximation we will have to accept some minor variations in y.
Further, we might not be able to find even an approximate solution that will work throughout the
entire range of motion of the arm. So, moving the arm tip through its maximum range of x might
have to be accomplished through a sequence of program steps that define different rates of
changing 1 and 2.
robotic arm simulation at http:\\\virtlab\robot.htm. Use the simulation to try out
the strategies outlined below.
Assuming that the arm tip is initially at the desired value of y, what strategies can one use
to move the tip along x, say in the interval from xbegin to xend, while keeping y = const.? There are
three straightforward ones.
The simplest approach is to calculate the rates of change of 1 and 2 for y = const. for the
initial values of 1 and 2 , i.e., determine values for a1 and a2 (here, the subscripts refer to the
cos( 01 )
motors) such that 1 and 1 = 2 = 0. This will ensure that the arm tip will least start
2 cos( 0 2 )
along a trajectory of y = const. If , over time, the arm tip exceeds some allowable y, reprogram
the (t) equation for another step using the final values of 1 and 2 from the previous step as
initial values for the next step.
A few trials with the robotic arm simulator will demonstrate that this technique isn’t very
good. The principal problem is that 1(t) and 2(t) will produce y(t) = const. only at the beginning
of the interval over which the arm tip is to move. The farther the arm tip moves away from this
initial position, the farther the tip will deviate from its initial y-position. In other words, the
condition for y = const. is established for the beginning of the interval but is hoped to hold for the
entire interval.
A better solution might be to consider the condition for 0 , not just at the beginning of
the interval, but rather as an average over the whole interval. In this case, the arm tip would
begin to move with y const. But as the tip moved farther into the interval, things would get
better, not worse—as in the first case. To produce this case we need only to program the rates of
change of 1 and 2, i.e., 1 and 2, so that the arm tip at the end of the time period would be at
the desired end point.
That is, we don’t need to make an explicit calculation for 0 . If the arm tip begins
and ends at the same value of y, then the condition of 0 on average must be met. Here, the
hope again is that the arm tip will remain within some allowable error y. Again, try this
technique with the robotic arm simulation. You should find it to be a significant improvement
over the first method. But it still may not allow you to traverse the tip from one extreme value of
x to the other.
What we really need are forms for 1(t) and 2(t) that will take into account the changing
condition for y = const. as the arm tip moves. To do this, we must first get an idea of how that
condition changes with x. So, let’s set up a hypothetical problem and do some calculations.
Assume that each arm is length 100 and assume that y-position that we’re interested in traversing
is y = 85. Then an initial position for the arm could be 1= 2 = 25.10. This yields
d 2 cos(1 ) d1
y=100*(sin(1) + sin(2)) = 85. To see the condition for y=const., let’s plot
dt cos( 2 ) dt
d2/dt vs 1 with
4 d1/dt=1
0 100 200
d 1
as a function of 1, with 1 .
First, why do we choose this particular plot? There are four variables involved: 1 ,
d 1 d 2
2 , , and . But 2 can be determined through geometry by 1. And we really don’t care
dt dt
d 1 d 2
about the specific values of and . We care only about the value of their ratio. So one
dt dt
d 1
of these rates can be picked arbitrarily; for example 1 .
d 1 d 2
Now this is an interesting graph. It says that the ratio of to changes
dt dt
approximately linearly with 1 , i.e., the graph is almost a straight line. This means that, if the
d 1
first stepper motor rotates at a constant rate (say, 1 ), the second motor should uniformly
accelerate as 1 is swept out. That we can do with our simple programming capabilities.
d 1 d 2
So, if we start out with the appropriate ratio of to at the beginning of a programmed
dt dt
segment, and assign an acceleration term to 2 (t) so that the appropriate ratio exists at the end of
the traverse, the middle of the traverse will pretty well take care of itself.
See if you can figure out how to do this with Robotic Arm simulator. Remember, pick
some angle through which stepper motor one should operate. This will determine 1, since a
program segment will operate from t =0 through t=1. For this 1, calculate an 2 , so that the
d 1 d 2
ratios of to are correct for this beginning point. At the end of the time segment (if 1 =
dt dt
0), the value of 1 at t = 1 will be 0 + 1. At this new position, calculate what 2 should be.
Then calculate the coefficient 2 so that, by the time t =1, the correct value of 2 will be attained.
d 1 d 2
The coefficient 2 produces the linear change in the ratio of to that is suggested by the
dt dt
plot. Understand that this recipe is still an approximation to the solution. The arm tip will not
traverse at y = const. But it will be close—maybe close enough for the particular task. So, this is
an engineering solution, not an analytic solution. And it demonstrates one aspect of the field of