Reports Bursting Quickstart PDF
Reports Bursting Quickstart PDF
Reports Bursting Quickstart PDF
This document will help the reader to quickly get started using DocumentBurster .
Table of Contents
1.0. Download DocumentBurster .......................................................................................... 1
2.0. Prerequisites ................................................................................................................ 1
Java ......................................................................................................................... 1
GtkSharp ................................................................................................................... 3
3.0. Burst a sample document ............................................................................................... 4
4.0. What's next ................................................................................................................. 4
Download DocumentBurster
First step is to download the documentburster-{version}.zip software zip file [http://] and extract it to a folder like C:\DocumentBurster . This
quick start document will demonstrate the use of the DocumentBurster software. For instructions on how
to install and run DocumentBurster Server software please read the DocumentBurster User Guide manual.
In order to use DocumentBurster , following two prerequisites should be in place.
• Java - Java version >= 1.6 runtime needs to be installed on the computer where DocumentBurster is
installed. DocumentBurster is used and tested mostly with the newer Java 1.6 so, it is advisable to run
the software against Java 1.6; DocumentBurster might work fine with the older Java 1.5 and Document-
Burster is not working on versions prior to 1.5 such as 1.4 and lower. These days most systems already
have Java installed so you only need to run DocumentBurster and see it working.
• GtkSharp - In order to use the DocumentBurster GUI interface, GtkSharp is required to be installed on
your computer.
These days most systems already have Java installed. If required, you can download & install Java from
DocumentBurster in 2 Minutes
DocumentBurster in 2 Minutes
DocumentBurster has an intuitive and easy to use GUI interface. In order to use DocumentBurster GUI,
GtkSharp needs to be installed on your computer.
For Windows - Please install the gtk-sharp-{version}.win32.msi file with the default values
presented during the installation. The installer can be found in the install-me folder from the location
where the DocumentBurster zip file was extracted.
When GtkSharp installation is complete you can run DocumentBurster GUI by double clicking
DocumentBurster.exe executable.
For Unix like systems - Some Linux distributions such as Ubuntu might already have GtkSharp pre-
installed. If this is the case, just run DocumentBurster and see the GUI running. For other systems such
as Mac OS X etc, you can download and install the software from here [
When GtkSharp installation is complete you can run DocumentBurster GUI by executing Document- script file. You might need to give execute permissions for this script.
DocumentBurster in 2 Minutes
Please check yourself the samples/burst.pdf to see how the burst tokens are defined.
In the DocumentBurster main windows select the Actions - Merge, Burst and Trace ... menu entry.
Following screen will allow you to select the sample report to be burst.
After bursting is finished, in the output folder, following new files will be created:
What's next
We hope this quick overview has piqued your interest in DocumentBurster . Note that this is a very trun-
cated quick start document. Now you are ready for more comprehensive details concerning the actions you
have just performed. Check out the DocumentBurster User Guide document for a complete help reference,
including information on how to use DocumentBurster to distribute the burst reports by either email, FTP,
DocumentBurster in 2 Minutes
FTPs, SFTP or Windows Share Drive . If required, DocumentBurster can directly upload the burst re-
ports to the SharePoint portal .