Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English (Grade 7)

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A Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

Bernardo College
March 8, 2019, Friday, 4:00-5:00
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
Use lexical and contextual cues in understanding unfamiliar words and expression
Distinguish between and among a capsule biography, biographical sketch, and feature article;
Identify the important details on the given selection.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Sinigang by Marby Villaceran
Reference: Philippine Literature 7
Instructional Materials: Powerpoint presentation
Values: Forgiveness and Acceptance

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Daily Routine (Prayer, greetings, classroom management)
2. Drill
Let the students identify the appropriate preposition to be used in the given pictures.

3. Review
-What is a preposition?

Preposition is a word or phrase

that connects a noun or pronoun to a verb or adjective in a sentence.

Unlocking Difficulties
Identify What is meant by the boldfaced words using lexical and contextual cues in the following
1. When cooking, Tita always prefer to have meg on her side for I knew far less in this area. – not
having the aptitude, or the interest, I guess.
2. Two golden candelabras with high wattage candles caused the flowers to release more of their
heady scent before they wilted prematurely.
3. My reaction caused a range of emotion to cross the woman’s face before it finally crumbled and
gave way to tears.
4. I poured the hugas bigas into the mass of crushed onions and tomatoes and added the chunks of
beef into the concoction before covering the pot and placing it on the stove.
5. I would always insist on preparing it because I loved the crisp popping sound the vegetable made
whenever I broke off a stem. It was on one such occasion, I was in second year high school by
then but still insistent on kangkong preparation.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
Let the students describe this famous Filipino dish, sinigang.

2. Discussion/ Comprehension Check

Let the student watch the shortfilm entitled Sinigang by Marby Villaceran

3. Group Activity
Divide the students into 3 groups. Let the students retell the story by using different techniques
provided below.
GROUP 1 – Capsule Biography
GROUP 2 – Biographical Sketch
GROUP 3 – Feature Article

Following Direction 25%
Participation 25%
Group Collaboration 25%
Participation 25%

4. Generalization
- If you were in Liza’s situation, would you forgive your father? Why? Why not?

5. Application
- What had you learned from the story?
- Why the story is entitled Sinigang?

Identify the important details on the selection.
1. The title of the story.
2. She is the aunt of Liza.
3. The half-brother of Liza
4. The author of the story.
5. She is referred as “black sheep”, by her father.
6. The mistress of Liza’s father.
7. Favorite dish of Liza’s father.
8. Sister of Liza
9. Liza loves the crisp popping sound of the vegetable _____________.
10. Reason why Liza’s half-brother died.

Answer Activity 11 on page 283.

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