i) Flat Tappet
Flat tappet-
9. AIR & WATER CLEANING: This is Prime the oil system with a priming tool
the Washing Machine where water and air and an electric drill so that all oil passages
jets are used to clean the component of and the oil filter are full. Preset the ignition
dust, oil, chips etc. timing and prime the fuel system. Fill the
cooling system. Start the engine, run it
10. INSPECTION: This is a Measuring between 1,500 and 3,000 rpm, varying the
Machine used to check for tolerances - rpm up and down in this range for 20
Runouts and Diameters of journals ( all 6 minutes. During break-in, verify that the
and center 4). The machine then declares pushrods are rotating, as this will show
the component as OK, NG, or BAD. that the lifters are also rotating. If the
lifters don’t rotate, the cam lobe and lifter
CAUSES OF FAILURE will fail. Sometimes you may need to help
spin the pushrod to start the rotation
common causes of camshaft failure: process.
This comes in a few different forms: The dowel pin or Woodruff key does not
drive the cam; the torque of the timing
Spring coil bind: This happens when all gear bolts against the front of the cam
the coils of a spring contact each other does. Reasons for the dowel pin or key
before the valve fully lifts. Valve springs failing are: Bolts not being torqued to
should be capable of traveling at least correct specs, incorrect bolts of a lower
.060 inches more than the valve lift of grade stretching and losing torque, not
the cam from its assembled height. using the correct hardened washer which
Retainer to seal/valve guide boss may distort and cause torque of the bolt to
interference: At least .060 inches change, LocTite not being used, or some
of clearance is required between the interference with the cam, lifters, or
bottom of the retainer and the seal or the connecting rods causing the cam to stop
top of the valve guide when the valve is rotation.
at full lift. 8. Broken Cam
Valve to piston interference. This occurs
when a change in cam specs (lift, A broken camshaft is usually caused by a
duration, or centerline) is enough to connecting rod or other rotating part
cause the valve and piston to contact. coming loose and striking it. Sometimes
Also, increased valve size or surfacing the cam will break after a short time of use
the block and/or cylinder head may because of a crack or fracture in the cam
cause this problem. Minimum due to rough handling during shipping or
recommended clearances are .080-inch improper handling prior to installation.
intake and .100-inch exhaust.
Rocker arm slot to stud interference. As
you increase valve lift, the rocker arm
swings farther on its axis. Therefore, the
slot in the bottom of the rocker arm may
run out of travel and the end of the slot
In internal combustion engines with
pistons, the camshaft is used to
operate poppet valves. It consists of a
cylindrical rod running the length of
the cylinder bank with a number of
oblong lobes protruding from it, one for
each valve. The cam lobes force the valves
open by pressing on the valve, or on some
intermediate mechanism, as they rotate.
Before the advent of solid state
electronics, camshaft controllers were used
to control the speed of electric motors. A
camshaft, driven by an electric motor or
a pneumatic motor, was used to
operate contactors in sequence. By this
means, resistors or tap changers were
switched in or out of the circuit to vary the
speed of the main motor. This system was
mainly used in electric multiple
units and electric locomotives.[10]
Camshaft is one of the main and important
parts of an automotive engine which
controls and operates the valve train.