Matapos Kana Utang Na Loob 1 1

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Chapter 1

“Technology is just a tool in terms of getting the kids working together and motivating
them. The teacher is the most important”

-Bill Gates

E-learning system is a short term for electronic learning system. It uses

technology as a tool for the teachers to visualize and relay their lessons to students. In
connection, the students use this as a medium to pass electronic requirements (e.g
Powerpoint, videos) and let them interact with each other as well.

E-learning system is used in technology based schools and universities to reach a

larger number of enrollees and also to make it easier and convenient to both students and
professors especially in universities where there are large population.

E-learning system is a new and convenient style of studying. In line with this are
some factors that affects the health of the students. For instance, the use of projectors,
laptop or any electronic items to teach. In every gadget, there’s a chemical called
“radiation” this has a major effect in our health, it can destroy our eyes, it can damage our
body and it can cause cancer. That’s why e-learning is helpful but it’s also risky.

At present, E-learning system is viewed as a “millennial” way of learning and

interacting, a primary tool to teach and to keep their students updated through the use of
media. People neglect that there are factors that can affect the students’ health, bring
them prone to diseases, can lead to more serious health issues and can also cause death if
extremely abused.

FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics S.Y. 2015-2016
Health Risks of E-leaarning System to the students of FEU High School

Statement of the problem

The purpose of this study is to determine the health risks of using E-learning
system to the students of FEU Senior High School as a tool for studying. The purpose of
this study is to respond to the question, “What are the health risks of E-learning system
to students of Far Eastern University High School?”


The objectives of the study are:

-To Identify the possible health risks a student can acquire by frequently using
technologies as a medium for learning.

-To identify the most probable cause of the health risks/side effects the students
are experiencing.

-To Identify the factors of E-learning system that can affect the health of FEU
senior high school students.

-To Identify how does the health risks and its side effects affects the performance
of the students of Far Eastern University.

Significance of the study

This study aims to determine the health risks of e-learning system to help the
whole FEU High School community to anticipate the outcome or the long term effect in
health when using e-learning system. This study aims to inform the students about the so
health risks of E-learning system so that they can prevent or lessen the bad effects of E-
learning system that could eventually lead to a more serious disease. This also includes
helping future researchers who will soon be having this topic as their research.

FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics S.Y. 2015-2016
Health Risks of E-leaarning System to the students of FEU High School

Scope and limitations

This study covers how the e-learning system by different medium affects the
health and it is limited only to the students of FEU SHS.

Three Mediums which the researchers found out how frequent students uses these
are used to present or execute E-learning system have been chosen as subjects for the
study of their content in studying the Health risk of E-learning system

1) PPT presentation
2) Edmodo
3) Facebook
This study will examine the students who are at risk in e-learning system and is
only limited to grade 11 students of Far Eastern University. It will discuss the negative
sides of e-learning when it comes in health and it includes experiences of the students as
this study knows each opinions of the SHS students of FEU regarding E-Learning
system. This study strives to inform the students so that they can lessen or prevent health
risks that are caused by E-learning system.

FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics S.Y. 2015-2016
Health Risks of E-leaarning System to the students of FEU High School

Chapter 2


One objective of a school is to provide a constant, secure and great education.

One of the preferable ways to accomplish this is the use of electronic learning. E-learning
is a term referring to a computer enhanced learning. It is configurable and hasten the
work not only for teachers but also for students.

The traditional style of learning in the Philippines started with manila papers, chalks,
black boards, cartolinas, etc. It was then the students learn through the most simple way.
They tend to sumbit hard copies personally to their teachers/professors.

As time passes by, technology arises and the government made use of it to develop a
new way to make the students learn. It is called, E-learning system. A short term for
electronic learning system. By this new system, the students learn with the use of
gadgets, websites and other forms of technology which they can use to interact and learn
with their teachers. This time, it is more convenient than the traditional way of learning.

E-learning help both students and teachers in many ways. It has its strengths and
weaknesses. One of these weaknesses is the health risks that either students or teachers
may encounter with the long term use of technology as an aid in learning. They might
encounter side effects or even serious diseases due to a long period of exposure in

FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics S.Y. 2015-2016
Health Risks of E-leaarning System to the students of FEU High School

E- learning can help in many ways aside from expiditious of work it can hasten
the communication and increases knowledge about technology however e learning have
negative effect especially on health. Electronic devices emits radiation. Apparently,
E-learning is perceive to gain knowledge and communicate regardless of the health risks
brought by e learning to students. they can easily aquire disease caused by too much
exposure in radiation.

The following shows cited sources which have a coherence to support this research.

"recent report by ABC News, lists the physical side effects of e-reading.
Headaches and neck pain are the biggest complaints of those who use e-readers. Eye
strain and dry eyes are others. Nearly 70% of American adults show these side effects
according to the ABC News report. And the concern is higher for children. E-readers are
often the only device children read nowadays so the side effects mentioned above could
harm children at an early age. If not caught, the harm could lead to more problems earlier
in life".(Hunter,2014)

The statement shows the percentage of how adult e-readers were affected by the
electronic reading system. This will help the researchers to gather data and probable
effects of using electronic devices.

By this, the researchers came up with an idea that if adults suffer from these
effects of e-reading, the youth or the students may be prone to these diseases or side
effects too.

An essential component of the delivery of the National Health Service (NHS)

Plan is a well-developed, educated and competent workforce. ‘Working Together—
Learning Together’,1 the national learning strategy, admits that this is a challenging and
complex task. There is intense pressure to maintain the service, ensuring that training is
relevant for the purpose, and flexible enough to take account of different learning styles.
Both the national learning strategy and the now-superseded NHS University (NHSU)
identified e-learning as a central strategic delivery mechanism. (Childs, 2009)

This article presented that e-learning system is used to create and mold students in
a more competitive way and to prepare them for a job. It also discussed about how to

FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics S.Y. 2015-2016
Health Risks of E-leaarning System to the students of FEU High School

utilize and maintain the new learning strategy by balancing both needs for education and
in health. The articles also shows that there are some particular organizations that helps
with maintaining the e-learning system

“Adolescence and the teenage years is a period of life that is characterized by

numerous biological, cognitive, and social changes. It is recognised life stage, which
people pass through on the way to becoming an adult. The precise nature of this period
and the perspectives hold about it differ. Indeed, there are numerous competing positions
on childhood and adolescence both in terms of disciplinary focus and ontological
viewpoints (Wyness,2012)

This article states ideas and views of how teenagers think and how to get their
focus on something which leads to an idea that e-learning system must be very helpful for
the students to focus with their study using this strategy.

“our brains are under the influence of an ever-expanding world of new

technology: multi-channel television, video games, mp3 players, the internet, wireless
networks, Bluetooth links-the list goes on and on” (Greenfield, 2009)

This study shows that this generation is deeply in to technology. They actually are
independent with it. Using these sites and technologies, the youth easily learn through the
new strategy, the e-learning system. In line with these, being too attached in technology
may lead to some certain effects that leads to a more serious disease when abused.

FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics S.Y. 2015-2016
Health Risks of E-leaarning System to the students of FEU High School

Chapter 3


In this chapter, the researchers will show the logical structure of meaning that
guide development of the study. The framework of the study is a symbolic representation
that helps the researchers to express abstract concepts and relationships easily, using
understandable words. Starting with Theoretical Framework, it determines and defines
the focus and goal of the research problem. Followed by the Conceptual Framework
which is used to clarify concepts and propose relationships among the concepts in the
study. It also provides a framework for interpreting the study findings.
All in all, the frameworks of the study help to enhance the research. The overall
purpose is to make the research finding meaningful and generalizable.

Theoretical Framework
The theory of Journal of health and social behavior (Feenberg, 1991) is all about
what are the different effects of technology and what health risks that we will got while
using technology.

According to Link and Phelan there are many risks while were using technology
but they classified it into four: First is it influences multiple disease outcomes , means
that technology has many advantages but to know the danger is a must, because it’s not
about a simple disease that may affect us , there are many risk that we can acquire while
we’re using technology. Second, it affects these disease’s outcomes through multiple risk
factors, states that the technology which includes gadgets that we are currently using, has
factors that may strengthen or affect the our health in many ways. Third, it involves
access to resources that can be used to avoid risks or to minimize the consequences of
disease once it occurs. Technology today has a wide range of information that any
individual may access. This includes access to resources which may be used in avoiding

FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics S.Y. 2015-2016
Health Risks of E-leaarning System to the students of FEU High School

risks and minimizing the consequences of diseases. Finally , the association between
fundamental cause and health is reproduced overtime via the replacement of intervening

Conceptual Framework

The researchers will conduct a study through research on health risk of e-learning
system to the students of Far Eastern University to help and to develop the current study
of their research.The constructed chart explain that the curriculum has a big part on the
said study. Refer to the diagram below:


Health risks of Grade 11

E-learning students of FEU
system high school

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework Model

Operational Framework

The researchers conducted a qualitative study about health risks of E-learning to

the students of Far Eastern University Senior High School.The researchers focus on the
K-12 program in which E learning system has implemented already. In Far Eastern
University E- learning system has implemented to the grade 11 students and the one who

FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics S.Y. 2015-2016
Health Risks of E-leaarning System to the students of FEU High School

implemented it are the teachers.E-learning involves social media, application,

technology, or gadgets This study may implemented only to the FEU Snior High School.

K-12 FEU SHS Teachers E-learning

Social Media


Radiation affects the vision Technology

Psychological thinking Gadgets

SHS students
Mobile Addiction Health Risks of FEU

Fig. 2 Operational Framework Model

FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics S.Y. 2015-2016
Health Risks of E-leaarning System to the students of FEU High School


 Communication - a process by which information is exchanged between

individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior
 Curriculum- the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.
 Education - the field of study that deals mainly with methods of teaching and
learning in schools.
 E-learning - is electronic learning, and typically this means using a computer to
deliver part, or all of a course whether it's in a school, part of your mandatory
business training or a full distance learning course.
 Government- the governing body of a nation, state, or community.
 Health - the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit.
 Implementation- the process of putting a decision or plan into effect; execution.
 Knowledge - the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained
through experience or association
 Mobile Addiction- referred to as problematic mobile phone use, is a
behavioral addiction thought to be similar to that of an Internet, gambling,
shopping, or video game addiction and leads to severe impairment or distress in
one's life.
 Paradigm- a set of linguistic items that form mutually exclusive choices in
particular syntactic roles.
 Pragmatic- dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on
practical rather than theoretical considerations.
 Pedagogical- relating to teaching.
 Taxonomy- a scheme of classification.
 Technology - a manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical
processes, methods, or knowledge.
 Qualitative Research- is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an
understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides
insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential
quantitative research.

FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics S.Y. 2015-2016
Health Risks of E-leaarning System to the students of FEU High School

Qualitative research is often regarded as a precursor to quantitative research, in that it is

often used to generate possible leads and ideas which can be used to formulate a realistic
and testable hypothesis. Thishypothesis can then be comprehensively tested and
mathematically analyzed, with standard quantitative research methods.

FAR EASTERN UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics S.Y. 2015-2016
Health Risks of E-leaarning System to the students of FEU High School

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