CV Septi Maret 2017

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Full Name : Septi Dewi Rachmawati
NIDN/ NIP : 0014098101 / 198109142006042001
Place & Date of Birth : Bandung, 14 September 1981
Address : Perumahan Araya, Jl. Greenwood Golf 1 No.30, Malang
Email Address : [email protected]

Name of Degree Name of Institution & Country
Master of Nursing Flinders University, Australia
Bachelor Science in Nursing (BSN and Ners) Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
Diploma in Nursing Health Polytechnic Banjarmasin

Lecturer at Brawijaya University : 1 April 2006 – present

- Secretary of Health Research Ethics Committee, Faculty of medicine Brawijaya
University (2013-present)
- Internal Auditor of Quality Insurance Unit, Faculty of medicine Brawijaya University
- Head of Paediatric department at Nursing School, Faculty of medicine, Brawijaya
University (2017-present)
- Lecturer at nursing school of Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University (2006-present)


1. Member of Golden Key International Honour Society (2013- Present)
2. Member of Indonesian Nurses Association (2006 - present)


1. The effectiveness of computerized nursing information system on quality of nursing

diagnosis, outcomes and interventions based on NANDA-I, NIC, NOC (NNN) in
Malang Indonesia
2. A workshop of nursing process based on NNN is beneficial for enhancing nurses’
knowledge and skill to perform nursing diagnosis, outcomes and interventions
3. The Impact of NNN paper and computerized based application on nurses’ work
stress and satisfaction
4. A phenomenological study: Lived experiences of families of critically ill trauma
patient toward psychosocial nursing interventions in the emergency department of
Muhammadiyah Lamongan Hospital
5. Effect of Mahkota Dewa fruit on total blood cholesterol in Strain Wistar Rats
6. Mothers’ experience of carrying for children in Thalassemia
7. Barriers and the ongoing needs of mothers having children with thalassemia
8. Coping strategies and parenting roles: a study of Indonesian mothers having
children with thalassemia
9. Implementing nursing process documentation; The complexities and the challenges
10. Stress and coping of parents having disabled children
11. Child’s growth and development of mothers with preeclampsia
12. Ethical issues in genetic screening for Thalassemia in Indonesia

Current/ ongoing research activities:

1. The effectiveness of growth and development early detection using paper and
computer based application on health co-workers’ competensies, working stress and
2. Exploration study on Nursing students’ first experiences in conducting
phenomenological qualitative research among people and families with
vulnerabilities in Indonesia
3. The effectiveness of manual simulation and smartphone application for training
senior high school students to be a bystander CPR


No Title Publication
1 Pengaruh Buah Mahkota Dewa Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Vol.1
terhadap kadar kolesterol total plasma No.1, Mei 2013
pada tikus strain wistar
2 Pengalaman prehospital pasien dengan Jurnal Kesehatan Kusuma Husada
STEMI pertama di RSUD Dr.Moewardi vol.5 No.2 , 2014
3 Studi Fenomenologi: Reaksi psikologis Jurnal Keperawatan Akperla,
dan kebutuhan keluarga pasien trauma Vol.7 No.1, Nov 2014
kritis selama di instalasi Gawat Darurat
RS Muhammadiyah Lamongan
4 Hubungan antara pola tidur dengan Jurnal Kesehatan Mesencephalon
perkembangan emosi anak usia sekolah Vol.2 No.2, 2015
(11-12 thn)
5 Pengaruh Latihan Keterampilan sosial The Indonesian Journal of Health
dan psikoedukasi keluarga terhadap Science,
peningkatan kemampuan sosialisasi Vol.5 No.2, 2015
anak autis usia sekolah (9-12 tahun) di
SLB kabupaten Jember

6 Studi Fenomenologi kebutuhan dan The Indonesian Journal of Health
hambatan perawat dalam pelaksanaan Science,
resusitasi pada kegawatan neonatus Vol.5 No.2, 2015
prematur di ruang neonatus RSD DR.
Haryoto Lumajang

7 Growth and development in children Oral presentation in the

born to mothers having pre eklampsia International nursing conference;
current nursing care in clinic and
community, Surabaya, 2011
8 Ethical issues in genetic screening for Oral presentation in The 13th
Thalassemia in Indonesia FERCAP International
conference; Addressing ethical
issues through quality
multidisciplinary health research,
Bali, 2013
9 A Workshop of Nursing process based Poster presentation in The 1st
on NNN (NANDA-I, NIC and NOC) is International Conference on
beneficial for enhancing Nurses’ Nursing, Malang, 2015
Knowledge and Skill to perform
Nursing Outcomes

10 The effectiveness of computerized Oral presentation in The 1st

nursing Information system on quality International Conference on
of nursing diagnosis, outcomes and Nursing, Malang, 2015
interventions based on NANDA-I, NIC,
NOC in Malang Indonesia

11 Documentation of nursing process in Oral presentation in The 2nd

clinical routine: A case study from a International Conference on
hospital in a developed country, Nursing, Malang, 2016

12 The impact of NNN nursin process Poster presentation in The Ist
workshop on pediatric nurses International conference of
competencies to perform nursing Standardized nursing language,
intervention in Indonesia Yogyakarta, 2016

13 The impact of implementation of Oral presentation in The Ist

NANDA NIC NOC nursing process on International conference of
nurses’ job satisfaction: A comparison Standardized nursing language,
study between paper and Computerized Yogyakarta, 2016
based documentation in Indonesia


1. International training on Ethics Committee Standard of Procedure Development, Jakarta,

2. International training on advanced research ethics, Jakarta, 2017
3. The Ist International conference of Standardized nursing language, Yogyakarta, 2016
4. International course on surveying and evaluating ethical review practices (IV), Jakarta,
5. Workshop on research ethics involving human subject, 2016
6. The 2nd International Conference on Nursing, Malang, 2015
7. International workshop: “Workshop to pilot WHO/TDR Ethics in implementation
research curriculum”, Yogyakarta, 2015
8. International course on surveying and evaluating ethical review practices (III),
Yogyakarta, 2015
9. The 1st International Conference on Nursing, Malang, 2015
10. Intensive Bioethics (II) and Ability Study Course, Purwokerto, 2015
11. Training of Good Clinical Practices, Purwokerto, 2014
12. The Intensive Bioethics Course, Purwokerto, 2014
13. Training and workshop of Bioethics Curriculum development, Purwokerto, 2014

14. International course on surveying and evaluating ethical review practices (II), Bandung,
15. Workshop of applying evidence based nursing in paeditric nursing, Jakarta, 2014
16. Workshop of Reviewing the competence based Curricula, Malang, 2014
17. International course on surveying and evaluating ethical review practices (I), Makassar,
18. Training of developing a multimedia based learning, Malang, 2013
19. Training of Internal Audit planning system in higher degree education, Malang, 2013
20. Workshop of Updating the competence based curricula, Malang, 2013
21. Workshop of Biliblanket phototherapy treatment and DDST, Malang, 2013
22. The 13th FERCAP International conference; Addressing ethical issues through quality
multidisciplinary health research, Bali, 2013
23. The 9th International conference; Language, development and identity, Bandung, 2012
24. National conference of Roles of science, technology and art for predicting social
phenomena, Bandung, 2012
25. The International nursing conference; current nursing care in clinic and community,
Surabaya, 2011
26. Workshop of ethical approval for bioscience and vaccine production, Malang, 2011
27. Training and workshop on writing and publishing articles for international scientific
journal, Malang, 2011
28. Workshop of developing nursing clinical education practice, Malang, 2011

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