Motion To Dismiss: Section 3. Resolution of Motion.
Motion To Dismiss: Section 3. Resolution of Motion.
Motion To Dismiss: Section 3. Resolution of Motion.
same. (n)
Section 3. Resolution of Motion. —
After the hearing, the court may
Section 1. Grounds. — Within the time dismiss the action or claim, deny the
for but before filing the answer to motion, or order the amendment of the
the complaint or pleading asserting a pleading.
claim, a motion to dismiss may be made The court shall not defer the
on any of the following grounds:
resolution of the motion for the
(a) That the court has no jurisdiction reason that the ground relied upon is
over the person of the defending not indubitable.
In every case, the resolution shall
(b) That the court has no jurisdiction state clearly and distinctly the
over the subject matter of the claim; reasons therefor. (3a)
Probable cause is the existence of
such facts and circumstances as would
excite the belief in
a reasonable mind, acting on the facts
within the knowledge of the
prosecutor, that the person charged
was guilty of the crime for which he
was prosecuted.