Biologi May Exam Paper 1

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SMK PENGIRAN OMAR II is a process whereby the cells
Biology reduce in size due to loss of

Paper 1 12 May 2010 1 Hour 15 Minutes

Name : Class: Marks:

Instruction : For Question 1 to Question 50, each question is followed by four options A, B, C and
D. Choose the correct anwser for each question

1. The movement of dissolved substances

from a region of high concentration to A glucose.
one of low concentration is known as B cytoplasm.
C water.
A diffusion. D protoplasm.
B haemolysis.
C plasmolysis.
D osmosis. 6. A simple apparatus used to show the
process of osmosis is an

2. The movement of water molecules from A osmoregulator.

a hypotonic solution to a hypertonic B atmometer.
solution through a semi-permeable C osmometer.
membrane is known as D osmoreceptor.

A diffusion.
B passive transport. 7. Which of the following processes in
C osmosis. plants does not require energy?
D active transport.
A Growth of pollen tube
B Mineral salts absorption
3. The pressure that is exerted on the inside C Meiosis
of the cell wall by the cell sap is known D Water diffusion

A turgor pressure. 8. A membrane which allows the passage

B cell pressure. of small molecules but not large
C osmotic pressure. molecules is said to be
D hydrostatic pressure.
A permeable.
B semi-permeable.
4. The breaking up of red blood cells C porous.
resulting in the protoplasm being D semi-porous.
released to the surrounding is known as

A crenation. 9. Which of the following water samples is

B plasmolysis. the most hypotonic?
C phagocytosis.
D haemolysis. A River water
B Rain water
C Well water
D Distilled water

10. A root hair of a plant is an example of a

A cell.
B tissue.
C organ.
D organism.

11. A group of cells that have the same

structure and function is a
What is contained in P?
A tissue.
B organ. A Distilled water
C organ system. B Cell sap
D organism. C Sucrose solution
D Cytoplasm
12. Sexual reproduction in Paramecium is
16. The cell membrane is made up of
A budding.
B conjugation. A lipid and protein.
C binary fission. B phospholipid and lipid.
D spore formation. C cellulose and protein.
D protein and phospholipid.
13. Locomotion in Amoeba is by
17. The diagram shows a phospholipid
A cilia. molecule.
B ectoplasm.
C endoplasm.
D pseudopodium.

14. The diagram shows the structure of a


The tail end of the molecule allows easy

passage of molecules that are

A hydrophobic.
B hydrophyllic.
C charged.
D small.
Which of the following structures are
semi-permeable membranes?

A K and L only
B L and M only
C M and N only
D L and N only
18. The diagram shows a plant strip
15. The diagram shows the condition of a immersed in solution X for 30 minutes.
plant cell immersed in 30% sucrose
solution for an hour.
What is solution X? At the end of the experiment, the water
level in the glass tube will rise because
A Sucrose solution 5%.
B Sucrose solution 30%. A glucose solution flowed out of the
C Salt solution 1%. visking tubing.
D Distilled water. B water goes into the visking tubing.
C air goes into the visking tubing.
D atmospheric pressure causes the
19. Which of the following is correct water level to rise.
regarding the transport of water and
mineral ions in a root hair?
22. The diagram shows a paramecium
Mineral ions Water
A Active transport Diffusion
B Active transport Osmosis
C Facilitated Osmosis
D Active transport Facilitated What structure will help to maintain the
diffusion osmotic concentration of the body?

20. The diagram shows active transport in B L
an aquatic plant. C M

23. The diagram shows a spinach strip

immersed in sucrose solution 30 %.

What process is taking place?

What is structure P?
A Osmosis
B Plasmolysis
A Plasma protein
C Deplasmolysis
B Carrier protein
D Haemolysis
C Channel protein
D Potassium 24. An onion cell was placed in 50 %
sucrose solution. After 30 minutes, the
21. cell was observed under the microscope.
The diagram is an experiment to show
What is the most likely observation of
the movement of water through a
the cell?

A 29. The diagram shows a plant cell that can
absorb water and mineral ions.

D Which of the two processes that are

involved in the movement of water and
mineral ions?

25. Water Mineral ions

Amoeba that is immersed in distilled
water does not undergo haemolysis A Osmosis Facilitated
because diffusion
B Osmosis Active transport
A it has a cell wall. C Facilitated Active transport
B the osmotic presure in and out of diffusion
the cell is the same. D Active transport Osmosis
C it has contractile vacuole which is
an osmoregulatory organelle.
30. A plant cell that has palsmolysed can be
D it has an elastic plasma membrane.
returned to its original shape by
immersing the cell in
26. A stomach is an example of an organ
because A distilled water.
B sucrose solution 0.4 M.
A it is made up of different tissues that C sodium chloride solution.
work together to perform a specific D glucose solution 30 %.
B it is a bladder that secretes gastric
31. How does osmoregulation occur in fresh
C it is a bladder that can store food. water fish?
D it is made up of different cells that
perform different functions. A Excreting dilute urine frequently
B Consuming a lot of food
C Absorbing salt
27. Which of the following solution has the D The cytoplasm has a high
highest osmotic pressure? concentration of salt.

A 0.1 M sucrose solution

B 0.5 M sucrose solution
C 1 M sucrose solution
D 2 M sucrose solution
32. Preservation of food involves the
28. Which of the following substances can
go through the plasma membrane easily? elimination of water from the food by

A Amino acid A active transport.

B Protein B osmosis.
C Glucose C facilitated diffusion.
D Glycerol D simple diffusion.

33. Which of the following can only occur 36. The diagram shows 3 types of cells
in living cells? placed in solution P, Q and R. After 15
minutes, slides for the 3 cells were
A Simple diffusion prepared. The result is as shown below.
B Facilitated diffusion
C Dialysis
D Active transport

34. The diagram shows a plant cell

immersed in a hypertonic solution.

Which of the following shows the plant

cell after it has been transferred to a Which of the following shows the
hypotonic solution for 5 minutes? condition of solutions P, Q and R?

Solution P Solution Q Solution R

A Hypertonic Hypotonic Isotonic
B Hypotonic Hypertonic Isotonic
C Isotonic Hypertonic Hypotonic
D Hypertonic Isotonic Hypotonic

37. An experiment was carried out in which

cylindrical potato strips were placed in
sucrose solutions of different
35. The diagram shows the state of cells concentration. The mass of the potato
immersed in a hypertonic solution. strips at the beginning and end of the
experiment was recorded. Which of the
following graphs represents the result of
the experiment.

The cells are undergoing a process

known as

A crenation. B
B haemolysis.
C plasmolysis.
D deplasmolysis.

What is the process that is occurring in
solution P and Q?

Solution P Solution Q
A Plasmolysis Osmosis
B Plasmolysis Deplasmolysis
D C Haemolysis Osmosis
D Deplasmolysis Plasmolysis

41. The diagram shows strips of a plant stem

38. immersed in solutions of different
A thin layer of the epidermis of the
onion was placed in 30% sucrose
solution. After 30 minutes, the cell was
observed under the microscope. Which
of the following would represent the
condition of the cell?

C Which of the following shows the

correct sequence of the concentration of
D the solutions in decreasing order
compared to the cell sap?

A P, Q, R.
B Q, R, P.
39. Which of the following processes will be C Q, P, R.
affected by the presence of a respiratory D R, P, Q.

A Absorption of water by the root.

B Absorption of digested food in the
C Intake of mineral ions by plants.
D Movement of amino acids through
the cell membrane.
40. The diagram shows the structure of an
onion cell immersed in solution P and 42. The diagram shows a few onion cells
then in solution Q for 10 minutes. before and after being immersed in
solution Y.

Which of the following could be
solution W, X, Y, Z?

A Sucrose distilled Sucrose Sucrose
5% water 50 % 20 %
B Sucrose Sucrose Sucrose distilled
5% 20 % 50 % water
C distilled Sucrose Sucrose Sucrose
Which of the following could be water 20 % 5% 50 %
solution Y and what is the process? D distilled Sucrose Sucrose Sucrose
water 5% 50 % 20 %
Solution Y Process
A Sucrose solution 30 % Plasmolysis.
B Glucose solution 5 % Osmosis.
C Salt solution 10 % Haemolysis. 45. The apparatus shows a thistle funnel
D Salt solution 10 % Crenation. filled with distilled water immersed in
concentrated sucrose solution.

43. The diagram shows the condition of

erythrocytes after immersion in solution

Solution X could be

A distilled water.
B glucose solution 3 %.
C sucrose solution 50 %. Which of the following graphs best
D salt solution 10 %. describes the change in height, h of the
water in the thistle funnel?

44. Four strips of spinach stem are

immersed in solutions of different


Which of the following could be the

correct solution for each strip?

D Isotonic Hypotonic Hypertonic Hypertonic
B Isotonic Hypertonic Hypertonic Hypotonic
C Isotonic Hypertonic Hypotonic Hypertonic
D Isotonic Hypotonic Hypotonic Hypotonic

48. A red blood cell and an onion cell were

placed in solutions X and Y. After 20
46. The experiment is to study the process of minutes, the cells were observed under a
osmosis in potato tissue. microscope. The diagram shows the
observation of the cells.

After 3 hours, what is the result of the

Solutions X and Y are
Solution X Solution Y
A Hypotonic Hypertonic
B Isotonic Hypertonic
C Isotonic Hypotonic
B D Hypotonic Isotonic

C 49. If fresh water Paramecium were to be

put into the sea, what will happen to the
contractile vacuole?
A Increase in size
B Burst at a fast rate
47. The diagram shows the condition of 4 C Contracts slowly
spinach strips after they were immersed D Does not function
in sucrose solutions of different
50. Four potato strips were placed in the
petri dishes as shown in the diagram
below .

Their average lengths were measured
over time and the results are plotted on a

Which graph shows the result for the

strip of potato in 0.1 M sucrose solution?


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