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4 authors, including:
Ahmad Asran
Al-Azhar University
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Optimization Of Cementitious Material Content For Sustainable Concrete Mixtures Through Value Engineering Approach. View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Adel Mohamed Baghdady on 21 August 2017.
Adel Mohamed El-Baghdady 1, Dr. Walid Sayed Abdulgalil2, Prof Dr. Ahmad Asran3,
Prof Dr. Ibrahim Nosier4
1 Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University & Cairo-Egypt
2 Assistant professor, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University & Cairo-Egypt
3 Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University & Cairo-Egypt
4 Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University& Cairo-Egypt
Abstract - This paper studies the effectiveness of applying 1. INTRODUCTION
value engineering to actual concrete mixtures. The study
was conducted in the State of Qatar on a number of Concrete is a key element in construction projects
strategic construction projects with international around the world. It is one of the elements that account
engineering specifications for the 2022 World Cup projects.
The study examined the concrete mixtures of Doha Metro for the highest cost in any construction project [1]. Due
project and the development of KAHRAMAA’s (Qatar to the lack of sources of raw materials used in this key
Electricity and Water Company) Abu Funtas Strategic industry, the increase of ready-mixed concrete
Desalination Plant, in order to generally improve the quality demands, and the increase of competition in
and productivity of ready-mixed concrete used in
construction and hydraulic projects. The application of manufacturing, certain competitive advantages had to
value engineering to such concrete mixtures resulted in the be provided in order to maintain the continuity of
following: ready-mixed concrete production plants and increase
Improving the quality of concrete mixtures and increasing its market share (quality and productivity), while
the durability of buildings in which they are used;
Reducing the waste of excess materials of concrete improving the environmental impact, maximizing the
mixture, optimizing the use of resources, and enhancing effectiveness of resource use and promoting
sustainability; sustainability.
Reducing the use of cement, thus reducing CO2 emissions
which ensures the protection of environment and public Ready-mixed concrete production plants that take part
in providing supplies for engineering strategic projects
Reducing actual costs of concrete mixtures and, in turn,
reducing the costs of construction projects; and that follow international standards have been chosen
Increasing the market share and competitiveness of to be the subject of study and application of value
concrete producers. management methodology for improving quality and
This research shows that applying the methodology of value
increasing productivity.
engineering to ready-mixed concrete is an effective way to
save around 5% of the total cost of concrete mixtures
supplied to construction and hydraulic projects, improve the Value engineering is an innovative method for
quality according to the technical requirements and as per improving the costs of the project lifecycle, saving time,
the standards and specifications for ready-mixed concrete, and reducing construction project costs [2]. It is one of
improve the environmental impact, and promote the effective methods of increasing the profits of
companies and plants working in the field of
Key Words: construction products manufacturing and expanding
their market shares, while taking into consideration
Value management. the use of resources more effectively [3].
Quality improvement. Value engineering is a systematic and creative
Reducing cost of concrete mixtures. approach that aims for balancing between cost and
Reducing use of cement in concrete.
performance, by searching for any unnecessary
Concrete performance
expenses, in order to reach a decision that aims for
Durability requirements.
Optimizing the use of resources. omitting such costs without affecting the main task,
Enhancing sustainability and environmental impact.
hence the importance of value engineering as a link consultant's negligence in considering the geological
between tasks, quality and cost [4]. properties of the soil and project site.
The prices and components of ready-mixed concrete This leads to an increase in production costs and
produced by concrete plants differ according to the consumption of unnecessary materials, which in turn
properties required for the concrete mixture and the leads to an increase in cost of construction projects and
desired performance, as per the project requirements a decrease in the market share of the concrete
[5].Concrete mixtures are the core of the production production plant. This is detrimental to material
for which the plant was established to achieve certain sustainability and the environment due to the
strategic and economic objectives [1]. Therefore, the increased use of cement quantities required for
increase of productivity and the improvement of concrete production, which leads to an increase in CO2
quality, without the increase in cost, may, to a great emissions.
extent, affect the prices of such mixtures. Moreover,
saving the slightest amount used in one cubic meter of One of the most significant solutions was the reduction
the produced concrete can generally result in a great of cement quantities or the addition of natural
saving in production [5], provided that such saving in pozzolanic materials in concrete mixtures, based on
materials may not affect the required quality of the research and studies by the American NRMCA and the
final products and should comply with the standard Canadian ECO-SMART. Cement plants around the
specifications for concrete. world account for 7% of CO2 emissions [6]. The
production of one ton of ordinary Portland cement
Based on the above analysis of concrete mixtures, their (OPC) or sulphate-resistant cement results in
components and properties required for delivering the approximately 1.0 ton to 2.0 ton of CO2 [7], which leads
desired performance, it was essential for researchers to an increase in global warming, causes more damage
to apply value engineering in order to find effective and to the environment, heightens the risk of respiratory
feasible solutions to reduce costs, maintain the quality diseases, such as asthma, lung cancer, kidney failure,
at least, find effective ways for avoiding the waste of and other serious diseases. Moreover, the reduction of
excess materials, in a manner that achieves CO2 improves the evaluation of the construction project
sustainability of resources and protection of in Green Building Assessment Systems.
environment, as well achieve competitive advantages
1.2 Objectives
for concrete producers.
This paper aims to verify whether or not the
1.1 Research Phenomenon application of value engineering to concrete mixtures
produced in ready-mixed concrete plants, in order to
In order to avoid the failure of specimens that are put improve the quality and productivity of ready-mixed
to compressive strength tests, and to avoid the used in construction and hydraulic projects, achieves
inefficiency of the adopted quality plan, as well as to the following:
fulfill the project consultant's requirements, many Improving the quality of concrete mixtures and
concrete production plants, when developing concrete increasing the durability of buildings in which they
are used;
mixtures, add quantities of unnecessary and excess
Reducing the waste of excess materials of concrete
cement materials (over design) when producing one mixture, optimizing the use of resources, and
cubic meter of concrete. enhancing sustainability;
Reducing the use of cement, thus reducing CO2
This results in the use of concrete types that are not emissions which ensures the protection of
required, due to the excessive use of mixing environment and public health;
components, which gives extremely high results in Reducing actual costs of concrete mixtures and, in
compressive strength tests and durability turn, reducing the costs of construction projects; and
requirements. The results exceed the specified quality Increasing the market share and competitiveness of
requirements when compared to the standard concrete producers.
specifications or special requirements of the project.
2. Hypotheses
This occurs due to the inadequacy of the quality plan
and technical team at the plant, or the project
The study of economic and financial aspects of the productivity continues to decline and no profits are
production of concrete mixtures supplied to earned. Therefore, the concerned management had
construction projects is of equal importance as the to always seek ways to develop productivity, explore
study of the technical and engineering aspects. Such the factors necessary for increasing such
aspects are the main element through which the productivity, and investigate the causes and
producer can reach its strategic goals [8]. remedies of the decline [13]. Thus, it is essential to
Value engineering is one of the supporting fields and examine the factors that affect productivity. They are
a major element that aims for adjusting the balance as follows:
between cost, performance, quality and productivity
in manufacturing construction products, such as 1- Top management of the ready-mixed concrete
ready-mixed concrete [9]. plant – Such management is aware of the company's
The application of value engineering methodology is objectives, works on achieving such objectives and
of great importance to the owners of ready-mixed has a significant role in performing the following
concrete plants. This methodology can achieve an [15]:
actual reduction in cost of concrete mixtures, while Defining productivity rates and protecting and
maintaining the quality at the least [10]. preserving the company's resources
It is essential that the total cost (life cycle cost) of Searching for alternative markets or new clients, and
materials used in ready-mixed concrete studying the way of decreasing the costs for the
manufacturing, with regard to transportation, company.
storage, operation and supply to the construction Identifying the objectives, achieving clarity at work,
site, be taken into consideration when calculating the choosing the most appropriate methods for
total cost, instead of depending on the initial cost [1]. accomplishing such objectives, and utilizing the
This is effectively beneficial in the evaluation process available elements of production in the most efficient
and for facilitating the comparison between the way.
different materials used in manufacturing concrete Dealing with change, developing production
mixtures. conditions and forecasting market fluctuation.
The quality of materials used in concrete mixtures Controlling the use of human and material resources
does not depend solely on the choice of the source. and providing the required interaction and
Rather, it is an integrated process[11] (quality plan) coordination.
that starts from developing a concrete mixture that Promoting cooperation between workers.
complies with the project requirements, then 2-Labor and employees at the company–It is
choosing the sources of materials that possess the important to pay attention to the human element,
physical and chemical properties needed for the which is the main yardstick for any establishment to
required performance, as per the project succeed and achieve its goals, as well as use such
requirements. The process goes further to the resources effectively. This can be accomplished by
management of such materials, and transporting appointing employees in their proper positions, and
them from the source to the plant, in a manner that treating them in a manner that gives them a sense of
does not affect their properties. The process also importance at the workplace. The productivity
includes the method of storing and testing such process involves multiple elements. However, what
materials, as part of the quality control and quality actually controls such process is the individual
insurance process, during and after production, until performance of an employee. Appointing an
the final delivery of the concrete mixture to the site unqualified employee to operate an expensive
[12]. The increase of productivity together with the machine may cause damage to the machine and
quality, while reducing the cost, is the basic criterion reduce its efficiency [14].
for success in accomplishing the objectives aspired
by the management of any establishment or
company[13]. Productivity in ready-mixed concrete,
for instance, is the relationship between the input
(raw material) of the production process, on the one
hand, and the output, on the other hand (concrete).
The higher the percentage of the concrete produced
from the resources to the user, the higher the
production efficiency of a plant [14].
When the productivity of ready-mixed concrete is
An overview of Abu Funtas Strategic A map showing some details of Doha
negatively affected, this, in turn, will lead to the Desalination Plant, KAHRAMAA, Qatar Metro project - Qatar
closing of the plant, as there will be no point if
3- Equipment and tools used in the production
process – Factors that are involved in the selection of dLine.aspx.
production equipment and tools should be taken into The second mixture is (C35-OPC+40%GGBFS) supplied
consideration. The method of estimating the
to KAHRAMAA's Strategic Desalination Plant (Abu
productivity of such equipment should be
determined by studying the life cycle cost of different Funtas)
equipment [16], in order to allow for an easy 1-other/127-qatar-projectsmagazine. The plant is part
decision-making process through a scientifically of Qatar Vision 2030, aiming to produce 36 million
based comparison. gallons of water per day. The project costs USD 405
4- Raw materials – Selection of materials used in Research in the practical part of the study tackled
concrete manufacturing is a core component for
some concrete mixtures produced by the plants that
concrete to meet the intended properties [17. If the
quality of materials is not verified, and their take part in the abovementioned strategic projects.
properties are not identified, the company will not be One of ready-mixed concrete producers was chosen
able to achieve its strategic goals. Therefore, for applying the value engineering study. Then,
specialized and highly efficient individuals should be certain mixtures, produced by the plant in question,
responsible for carrying out such process, and they were selected in order to illustrate how value
spare no effort attempting to seek new sources at engineering is applied.
reasonable prices and with suitable properties [18],
Ready-mixed concrete supplied to construction,
which will help meet the required performance of the
concrete mixture. hydraulic or other projects is typically divided into
two types:
5- Processes, such as purchasing and handling, 1-Noramal Concrete Mixes
transportation, operation, mixing, manufacturing and 2-Durable Concrete Mixes
production, quality control, testing, delivery and Concrete mixtures should perform the required
feedback from client; the management and the
function in accordance with the project requirements,
integration of all such processes facilitate
improvement, [13] which is significantly reflected on and in line with the standards and project
the production process and its development. specifications of ready-mixed concrete [20]. Such
requirements are classified into two categories, one or
6- Studying the risks – Identifying risks expected to both of which should be fulfilled according to the type
occur during the management and production of the of the abovementioned concrete, so that the required
ready-mixed concrete, as well as developing effective performance and purpose can be achieved. They are as
methods for avoiding the occurrence of such risks at
any production phase, is significantly important, so
that the whole production process would not be 1- Concrete specimens must meet the target mean
affected due to the lack of study of such risks, [19] strength when testing the compressive strength, after
which may have an impact on the company's 28 days of casting and curing concrete cubes. This is
continuity in the market. one of the conditions for achieving the required
performance [21] according to the project
2.1 Methodology requirements.
The study examined some concrete mixtures supplied “Target Mean Strength” shall mean the specified
to two construction projects: characteristic strength plus the margin [21].
The first concrete mixture is (C50-OPC), supplied to “Margin” shall mean the difference between the
Doha Metro project which extends to 241 km through specified characteristic strength and the target mean
four main lines. It consists of 106 stations, and is strength [21].
valued at USD 8.2 billion. Phase 1 started in 2013 and “Strength test or strength test result” the average of
ends in 2019. It is one of the strategic projects of 2022 two or more single-cylinder or cube strengths of
World Cup in Qatar. specimens made from the same concrete sample and
tested at the same age[22].
The study was based on the concrete mixtures (for
2- In some concrete mixtures, it may be required that
the red line) which extends to 42 km and consists of
samples meet durability requirements, as per the
18 stations, as shown on this link
specified project specifications, after 28, 56 or 90 days
"The durability of concrete" may be defined as the
ability of concrete to resist weathering action, chemical
attack, and abrasion while maintaining its desired
engineering properties [23].
Different concretes require different degrees of
durability depending on the exposure environment and
the properties desired [22].
Given the above, concrete specimens should meet one Fig -1: Details of OPC-C50 which is required for Doha
Metro project.
or both of the above requirements according to the
mixture type and function, in order to achieve the Testing the quality of the concrete mixture C50-
desired performance as per the project requirements OPC: Tests were conducted on the C50-OPC mixture
[20]. Therefore, materials that have the proper illustrated in Figure (1), in order to confirm whether
characteristics should be selected for performing the they comply with the standards and specifications, and
intended function, in conformity with the established how far they meet the project requirements, including
project specifications, and in a manner that maintains aggregate testing, as per QCS 2010 [21] and BSEN
the required quality at least without increasing 12620[26] specifications, in addition to the testing of
production costs. This analysis is a good starting point fresh concrete properties, which all complied with the
for studying how value engineering can be applied to specifications. Furthermore, the compressive strength
concrete mixtures. of concrete cubes made of C50-OPC was tested and
The plan for applying value engineering can be compared to the standard concrete specifications,
outlined as follows [24]: producing the results listed in Figures (2) and (3), in
A. Information – collecting the facts. order to compare the compressive strength test results
B. Function analysis – evaluating the alternatives. to the project requirements after a statistical analysis
C. Idea generation – brainstorming alternatives. (as per specification ACI 214-R-02) [27].
D. Evaluation – selecting the best alternative.
E. Development – developing the alternative. Analysis of the compressive strength test results of
F. Presentation and recommendation – the final the original mixture C50-OPC: Figures (2) and (3)
report. show that the compressive strength test conducted on
The above steps shall be applied to the selected a sample of 30 cubes produced an average reading of
concrete mixtures in order to conduct the study as 70.3 MPa. The highest reading of compressive strength
follow: was 72.0 MPa. The standard deviation was 0.4 and the
A. Information – collecting the facts: This phase coefficient of variation was 0.5. Such results were
entails the formation of an information base regarding adequate for the mixture to satisfy the project
concrete mixtures, the subject of the study, its specifications, i.e. the cement quantity was not less
components and the project to which such mixtures than 370 kg/m3, in order to achieve the target mean
will be supplied, and its specifications. This aims for strength, which complies with the specifications.
collecting as much as possible to allow the team of the
• However, it was evident from the producer's design
value engineering to have a broad perspective [25].
of the concrete that it contained an amount of 410
Details of the first concrete mixture, C50-OPC: kg/m3, as shown in Figure (1).
The project requires that the average of the Fig -3: Details of Compressive strength test results of OPC-
compressive strength test results, based on the above 50 concrete cubes required for Doha Metro project with a
statistical analysis, as per (ACI 214-R-02) (Contd.).
equations, exceed 50.5 MPa at the minimum, according
to the specifications. However, Figures (2) and (3) Evaluation and conclusion of compressive strength
show that the average of the compressive strength test test results to mix C50-OPC in light of the value
results of cubes after 28 days was 70.3 MPa. This engineering: Figure (4), which illustrates the
means that the requirements and specifications of the evaluation of the compressive strength of samples
project are fulfilled, as illustrated by the graph below taken from the C50-OPC concrete mixture, shows that
(Figure 4). the results comply with the requirements specified
according to the standards and specifications, and
provided in the signed contract.
The final report concluded the results of the study. The Cement Quantity
Minimum required = 370 Kg/m3
first mix C50-OPC has saved about 5.0% of the total
cost of the concrete mix. Furthermore, the second 390.0 kg/m3 410.0 kg/m3
mixture C35-OPC+40% GGBFS has saved about 5.4% of 285.00 Qatar Riyals 300.00 Qatar Riyals
the total cost of the second concrete mix. The final Total Cost Price for = 79.20 USD = 83.35 USD
(1.0 m3)
report could be concluded as follows: Saving Ratio = 5.0 %