Traffic Control in Iloilo City
Traffic Control in Iloilo City
Traffic Control in Iloilo City
The population in Iloilo City is composed of 424 619 as of year 2010. Its annual growth
rate is 1.8% and its density is 5981 persons/sq. kms.
Traffic in Iloilo City is not yet worse compared to Metro Manila. As the number of the
population in Iloilo City keeps on increasing, the need for transportation also increases. This will
lead into uncontrollably amount of vehicles which will cause traffic.
Iloilo City has Transport and Traffic Management Institutions (consists of Five Nationals
and Eight Locals). The Transport and Traffic Management Institutions (National) is consists of
the following: 1. The Land Transportation Office. This leads to the overall regulation of land and
transportation. 2. Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board. It refers to the
assurance and regulation of land transport franchises. 3. Department of Transportation and
Communications. This leads the country’s transport planning. 4. Department of Public Works
and Highways. The function of this department is to design/construction of national roads and
other infrastructures. 5. Philippine National Police. This overall lead in the police enforcement
which includes traffic enforcement.
Transport and Traffic Management Institutions (Local) is consists of Transport
Management and Traffic Regulation Office (TMTRO), Iloilo City Emergency Response (ICER) and
Philippines National Police (PNP), Sangguniang Panlunsod (SP) Committee on Transport, Police
Auxiliary, Disaster Risk and Management Office, City Environment and Natural Resources and
the last is the City Planning and Development Office.
These departments are being formed in order to solve or to minimize the traffic flow in
the City of Iloilo. This will also give solutions to some of the problem that the City is facing right
now. The common issues of traffic in Iloilo city especially during rush hour are the increasing
volume of cars, the cars that are being parked on the street, improper loading and unloading,
they use the road as their garage, vehicles that are being abandoned on the street, informal
settlers etc.
In order to control the traffic flow in Iloilo City, traffic control devices are being used.
Some of the traffic control devices that Iloilo City has are the traffic signs, which are used for
the driver to be aware if what is ahead of them. The channeling devices are also used to warn
the drivers and pedestrians and to guide them through a work zone. Iloilo City also uses road
surface markings. These are applied to directly to road surfaces. They are used to guide the
drivers and channel the traffic by designating the lanes and indicating stopping points and
intersections. Pavement marking can either be permanent or removable. Iloilo City also have
traffic lights to alternatively assign right of way to traffic moving in conflicting directions at an
intersection. The city also has rumble strips to alert the drivers that they are living their lane.
The Technical Working Group (TWG) will work on the procurement and establishment of
an Intelligent Transport System (ITS) in this city is now in place. The ITS was conceptualized to
address various traffic concerns, especially along the Sen. Benigno Aquino Jr. Avenue (formerly
Diversion Road), such as the occurrence of accidents due to improper parking of vehicles and
reckless driving. The city government has allotted P25 million for the procurement and
installation of the ITS along the avenue.
Submitted to:
Engr. Marjoric Penetrante
Submitted by:
Dheb Hanzel S. Panes
Samantha Mae D. Vinson