Effect of Simulated Gastrointestinal Digestion On The Phenolic Compound Content and in Vitro Antioxidant Capacity of Processed Cowpea V Unguiculata
Effect of Simulated Gastrointestinal Digestion On The Phenolic Compound Content and in Vitro Antioxidant Capacity of Processed Cowpea V Unguiculata
Effect of Simulated Gastrointestinal Digestion On The Phenolic Compound Content and in Vitro Antioxidant Capacity of Processed Cowpea V Unguiculata
To cite this article: Mlungisi Mtolo, Abe Gerrano & John Mellem (2017) Effect of simulated
gastrointestinal digestion on the phenolic compound content and in�vitro antioxidant capacity
of processed Cowpea (V.�unguiculata) cultivars, CyTA - Journal of Food, 15:3, 391-399, DOI:
Department of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa; bAgricultural Research Council,
Vegetable and Ornamental Plant Institute, Pretoria, South Africa
CONTACT John Mellem [email protected] Department of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Durban University of Technology, PO Box 1334, Durban
4000, South Africa
© 2017 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
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distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
acids (Dewanto, Wu, Adom, & Liu, 2002). Other studies Simulated gastrointestinal digestion model
have also shown thermal processing to significantly
Simulated gastrointestinal digestion was carried out accord-
decrease the TPC, anthocyanin content, and antioxidant
ing to methods defined by Gil-Izquierdo, Zafrilla, and Tomás-
activity (Hiemori, Koh, & Mitchell, 2009). TPC compounds
Barberán (2002) with minor modifications. The process
are known to act as antioxidants, delaying the formation
involves three consecutive phases: the first two phases are
of free radicals or reducing reactive oxygen species,
saliva and gastric digestion, to mimic the mouth and the
which may lead to deterioration of biological molecules
gastric conditions, respectively, followed by digestion with
(Fereidoon Shahidi, 1997). Bermúdez-Soto, Tomás-
bile salts and pancreatin, which mimics the intestinal diges-
Barberán, and García-Conesa (2007) found that digestion
tion process. For the first two digestion phases, 10 g of
might be responsible for an alteration to the composi-
cowpea sample (raw and processed, respectively) was
tion and levels of TPC. This amplifies the importance to
mixed with 6 ml of synthetic saliva comprising KCl (89.6 g/
investigate the effect of digestion on the antioxidant
L), KSCN (20 g/L), NaH2PO4 (88.8 g/L), Na2SO4 (57 g/L), NaCl
capacity of cowpea. The effect of simulated gastrointest-
(175.3 g/L), NaHCO3 (84.7 g/L), urea (25 g/L), and 290 mg of
inal digestion on TPC and antioxidant capacity of cooked
α-amylase [Sigma-Aldrich (5 kU)]. The pH of this solution was
cowpea varieties was investigated by Hachibamba,
adjusted to 6.8 with 0.1 N NaOH. The cowpea and synthetic
Dykes, Awika, Minnaar, and Duodu (2013), who found
saliva mixture were then placed in stomacher bags contain-
that the TPC and radical scavenging property of cowpea
ing 40 ml of distilled water and homogenized using a sto-
was reduced upon cooking, but increased with simulated
macher for 30 s. To this mixture, 0.5 g of pepsin [Sigma-
enzyme digestion. From previous literature, it can be
Aldrich (250 U/mg)] dissolved in 25 mL of 0.1 N HCl was
concluded that in vitro digestion affects TPC and antiox-
added. The mixture was then adjusted to a pH of 2 using 6 N
idant activity. In a study by Faller, Fialho, and Liu (2012),
HCl, and incubated in a 37°C orbital shaker at 250 rpm for
the TPC and flavonoid content in feijoada (beef and pork
2 h. Following this procedure the intestinal digestion phase
stewed with beans) were unaffected by digestion, how-
was simulated. The pH was increased to 6.5 using 0.5 N
ever the antioxidant activity was higher before digestion
NaHCO3, and then 5 mL of (1:1; v/v) pancreatin (8 mg/mL)
than afterwards. In vitro digestion of white-bread sam-
[Sigma-Aldrich] and bile salts (50 mg/mL), dissolved in 20 mL
ples was also found to increase antiradical activity
of water, were added and incubated in a 37°C orbital shaker
(Gawlik-Dziki et al., 2013). In the present study, an in
at 250 rpm for 2 h.
vitro model of the gastrointestinal tract was used to
simulate the digestion process to assess any changes in
the antioxidant activity of extracts from raw and pro-
cessed cowpea samples, in order to evaluate the impact Determination of total phenolic content (TPC)
of digestion on the TPC and antioxidant capacity.
TPC was determined using the Folin–Ciocalteu assay as
noted by Hachibamba et al. (2013), briefly 1 ml of the sample
(1, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 250, and 500 μg/ml respective sample
Materials and methods concentrations) was reacted with 0.4 ml Folin–Ciocalteu
reagent and 0.9 ml of 0.5 M ethanolamine for 20 min at
Sample preparation
25°C. The absorbance was measured at 765 nm against a
Samples of five cowpea cultivars (Veg Cowpea 2, Veg reagent blank (70% aqueous acetone). A calibration curve
Cowpea 3, Makhathini, Embu buff, and Glenda) were was generated using a standard gallic acid solution
obtained from the Agricultural Research Council- (R2 = 0.9913). The TPC values were expressed as milligrams
Vegetable and Ornamental Plant Institute (ARC-VOPI), of gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/g of cowpea sample (dry
Pretoria, South Africa. Plants were grown at the Research basis).
Farm of ARC-VOPI [25.604S 28.345E], during the 2014/2015
cropping seasons at an altitude of 1168 m above sea level.
The location received approximately 610 mm of rain dur-
ing the growing period with a minimum and maximum Determination of antioxidant capacity
recorded temperature of 9.11°C and 36.37°C, respectively, Free radical scavenging capacity (DPPH)
during the growth period. Legumes from each of the The DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl) free radical
cultivars were subjected to two different processing meth- scavenging capacity was determined by using a method by
ods viz. boiling and pressure-cooking. Pretreatment Oboh (2006). 1 ml aliquots of samples (1, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100,
involved soaking 50 g of each of the respective cultivars 250, and 500 μg/ml) were mixed with 1 ml, 0.3 mM metha-
for 24 h at 25°C in a ratio of 1:10 w/v, the water was then nol solution containing 1.5 mM DPPH solution. The mixture
decanted and the cowpea samples subjected to the dif- was left in the dark at 25°C for 30 min before determining
ferent processing techniques according to Sagratini et al. the absorbance at 516 nm. Rutin (1 mM) was used as a
(2013); Boiling: Pretreated cowpea samples were weighed positive control.
and boiled for 30 min in distilled water (1:20 w/v) in a pot. DPPH scavenging capacity (%) = (absorbance sample/
The cooking liquids and cowpea were separated by filtra- absorbance control) × 100.
tion for simulated gastric digestion and pressure-cooking: The scavenging effect of the samples was expressed as
Pretreated cowpea samples (1:5 w/v) were subjected to 50% effective concentration (EC50), which represented the
autoclaving for 20 min at 120°C. The cooking liquid and concentration of sample having 50% DPPH radical scaven-
sample were separated by filtration for simulated gastric ging effect.
Figure 1. Total phenol content (TPC) Vigna unguiculata cultivars before processing, after processing, and processed and subjected to simulated digestion (a –
Raw, b – boiled, c – pressure-cooked, d – boiled + digested, and e – pressure-cooked + digested). All values are expressed in micrograms of gallic acid
equivalents per gram (μg GAE/g). Bars denote mean ± standard deviation (n = 3) [* = p ≤ 0.05; ** = p ≤ 0.01].
Figura 1. Contenido total de fenoles (TPC) de cultivos de Vigna unguiculata antes del procesado, después del procesado, procesadas y sujetas a digestión
estimulada (a – cruda, b – hervida, c – cocida a presión, d -hervida + digerida y e – cocida a presión + digerida). Todos los valores se expresan en microgramos
de ácido gálico equivalentes por gramo (μg GAE/g). Las barras denotan promedio ± desviación estándar (n = 3) [* = p ≤ 0,05; ** = p ≤ 0,01].
showing no significant difference between cultivars or cooked vs. pressure-cooked (digested) and boiled vs.
concentrations, however at concentrations 1–40 µg/ml boiled (digested) showed a significant difference
there was a significant difference between both the cul- (p ≤ 0.05). The DPPH values of pressure-cooked
tivars and the concentrations (p ≤ 0.05). The percentage (digested) and boiled (digested) were found not to be
radical scavenging capacity of processed samples significantly different (p ≤ 0.0001) (Figure 2(d and e)).
(Figure 2(b and c)) was reduced when compared with However, these values were increased after the samples
the raw samples (Figure 2(a)). Although there was no were subjected to simulated digestion post processing.
significant difference that was found between the pres- When comparing processed and raw samples, the unpro-
sure-cooked and boiled samples across all the cultivars, cessed samples had a higher free radical scavenging
there was a significant difference between the raw and capacity which may be attributed to a high amount of
pressure-cooked samples (p ≤ 0.05) apart from Veg free radical reducing phenolic compound present which
Cowpea 2. However, only two cultivars (Glenda and are found not to be stable upon cooking due to the heat
Makathini) displayed significant difference between raw treatment i.e. pressure-cooking as well boiling. The DPPH
and boiled samples (p ≤ 0.05). With respect to the sam- values in the raw samples amongst different concentra-
ples that underwent simulated digestion, the percentage tions (60–500 µg/ml) had high values and did not vary
radical scavenging capacity of all digested samples significantly for concentrations ranging from 1–40 µg/ml.
increased in both pressure-cooked and boiled samples This lack of variation may be due to raw samples having
as shown in Figure 2(d and e). The increase in the a high amount of reactive compounds that react with
DPPH values of digested samples was such that there DPPH radical even in low concentrations, resulting in
was no significant difference from those found in the high readings. In previous studies, compound such as
raw samples across all the cultivars. Both pressure- carotenoids, have been found to interfere with test
Figure 2. DPPH radical scavenging capacity of Vigna unguiculata cultivars at concentrations 1–500 µg/mL before processing, after processing and processed and
subjected to simulated digestion (a – Raw, b – boiled, c – pressure-cooked, d – boiled + digested, and e – pressure-cooked + digested). Bars denote mean ±
standard deviation (n = 3) with Rutin (1 mM) serving as a positive control [* = p ≤ 0.05; ** = p ≤ 0.01].
Figura 2. Capacidad de barrido de radicales DPPH de los cultivos de Vigna unguiculata a concentraciones de 1–500 µg/mL antes del procesado, después del
procesado, procesadas y sujetas a digestión estimulada (a – cruda, b – hervida, c – cocida a presión, d – hervida + digerida y e – cocida a presión + digerida).
Las barras denotan promedio ± desviación estándar (n = 3) con Rutina (1 mM) como control positivo [* = p ≤ 0,05; ** = p ≤ 0,01].
results (Rajamanikandan et al., 2011). The percentage conditions), since small molecules are found to have
DPPH values of processed samples (Figure 2(b and c)) better access to the radical site of DPPH.
were reduced when compared with the raw samples FRAP of cowpea samples were found to be significantly
(Figure 2(a)). This may be attributed to a decrease in high for all the raw samples as shown in Figure 3(a).
reducing agents that had high availability of atoms, Across the concentration range (1–500 µg/ml), Veg
which can donate electrons therefore reacting with Cowpea 3 was observed to have the highest percentage
DPPH free radicals and consequently causing a conver- FRAP values in contrast to Veg Cowpea 2 which had the
sion of these free radicals into stable compounds that lowest. The percentage FRAP values of processed samples
will end the radical chain activity (Rajamanikandan et al., (Figure 3(b) and C) were found to be reduced when
2011). After simulated digestion, the percentage DPPH compared with the raw samples (Figure 3(a)). Although
values of all digested samples increased in both pres- there was no significant difference found between pres-
sure-cooked and boiled samples exposed to simulated sure-cooked and boiled samples across all the cultivars,
digestion (Figure 2(d and e)). This may be attributed to there was however a significant difference between raw
the DPPH color being lost through radical reaction or and processed samples (pressure-cooked samples and
reduction, as well as other unrelated reactions that boiled samples) (p ≤ 0.05). With regard to samples that
might have also occurred. Simulated digestion may also underwent simulated digestion, FRAP values of all
have increased the steric accessibility for the DPPH to digested samples were increased in both pressure-cooked
react with the compounds (Pyrzynska & Pękal, 2013). This vs. pressure-cooked and digested; as well as boiled vs.
could have occurred by decreasing the size of molecules boiled and digested as shown in Figure 3(d and e). The
into smaller portions (due to enzymatic action or pH increase in FRAP values of digested samples was such that
Figure 3. Results of FRAP of Vigna unguiculata cultivars at concentrations 1–500 µg/mL before processing, after processing, and processed and subjected to
simulated digestion (a – Raw, b – boiled, c – pressure-cooked, d – boiled + digested, and e – pressure-cooked + digested). Bars denote mean ± standard
deviation (n = 3) with ascorbic acid (10 mM µg/mL) serving as a positive control [* = p ≤ 0.05; ** = p ≤ 0.01].
Figura 3. Resultados de FRAP de cultivos de Vigna unguiculata a concentraciones de 1–500 µg/mL antes del procesado, después del procesado, procesadas y
sujetas a digestión estimulada (a – cruda, b – hervida, c – cocida a presión, d – hervida + digerida y e – cocida a presión + digerida). Las barras denotan
promedio ± desviación estándar (n = 3) con ácido ascórbico (10 mM µg/mL) como control positivo [* = p ≤ 0,05; ** = p ≤ 0,01].
there was no significant difference from those found in samples as well as raw vs. boiled cooked samples
raw samples across cultivars. However, FRAP values were (p ≤ 0.05). With regard to samples that underwent simu-
observed to increase after the samples were subjected to lated digestion, the ABTS values of all digested samples
simulated digestion post processing. The FRAP values in were found to increase in both pressure-cooked vs. pres-
the raw samples of Glenda amongst different concentra- sure (digested) and boiled cooked vs. boiled (digested) as
tions (1–500 µg/ml) were observed to be higher in com- shown in Figure 4(d and e). The increase in ABTS values of
parison to raw samples of other cultivars. In previous digested samples was such that they were not signifi-
studies, it was found that lipid-soluble antioxidants were cantly different from those found in raw samples across
responsible for total protection to the target probe (R- all the cultivars. Both pressure-cooked vs. pressure
phycoerythrin), which may have caused the other cultivars (digested) and boiled cooked vs. boiled (digested) were
to have a lower reading when compared to Glenda (Cao significantly different (p ≤ 0.05). The ABTS values of pres-
et al., 1993). sure (digested) and boiled (digested) were found not to
The capacity of cowpea samples to scavenge ABTS free be significantly different from each other as shown in
radicals was found to be significantly high for all the raw Figure 4(d and e). However, ABTS values were observed
samples as shown in Figure 4(a). The percentage ABTS to increase after the samples were subjected to simulated
values of processed samples (Figure 4(b and c)) were digestion post processing. The change in pH conditions
reduced when compared with the raw samples. A similar during simulated digestion could be the main reason for
trend to the DPPH assay results was seen with no signifi- an increase in the antioxidant capability in this test due to
cant difference found between pressure-cooked vs. boiled the electron transfer being facilitated at an acidic pH in
cooked samples across all the cultivars. There was how- this assay. Thermodynamics may also have had an influ-
ever a significant difference in raw vs. pressure-cooked ence since a compound could reduce ABTS if it possesses
Figure 4. ABTS radical action of Vigna unguiculata cultivars at concentrations 1–500 µg/mL before processing, after processing, and processed and subjected to
simulated digestion (a – Raw, b – boiled, c – pressure-cooked, d – boiled + digested, and e – pressure-cooked + digested). Bars denote mean ± standard
deviation (n = 3) with ascorbic acid (10 mM µg/mL) serving as a positive control [* = p ≤ 0.05; ** = p ≤ 0.01].
Figura 4. Acción de radical ABTS de cultivos de Vigna unguiculata a concentraciones de 1–500 µg/mL antes del procesado, después del procesado, procesadas y
sujetas a digestión estimulada (a – cruda, b – hervida, c – cocida a presión, d – hervida + digerida y e – cocida a presión + digerida). Las barras denotan
promedio ± desviación estándar (n = 3) con ácido ascórbico (10 mM µg/mL) como control positivo [* = p ≤ 0,05; ** = p ≤ 0,01].
a redox potential, which is below that of ABTS (0.68 V). (digested) as shown in Figure 5(d and e). In both pres-
Most phenolic compounds were found to have a redox sure-cooked vs. pressure (digested) and boiled cooked vs.
potential, which is lower than that of ABTS; therefore can boiled (digested), there was a significant difference.
be involved in a reaction with ABTS (Rajamanikandan Overall, the trend was similar with the observations
et al., 2011). made in the TPC determination results, FRAP assay,
The potential of cowpea samples to restrict the reac- DPPH assay as well as the ABTS assay; the TRAP values
tion between peroxyl radicals generated by AAPH and a of all the cultivars were high for raw samples and then
target probe (R-phycoerythrin) was expressed in terms of decreased upon processing. However, these values were
TRAP values as shown in Figure 5. The values were found observed to increase after the samples were subjected to
to be significantly high for all the raw samples as shown simulated digestion post processing. The reduction of
in Figure 5(a) with values for the raw samples of Glenda at TRAP values upon processing may possibly be explained
concentrations 1–500 µg/ml observed to be higher in by the decrease of flavanols as well as proanthocyanidins
comparison to other cultivars. This is similar to finding (Ioannone et al., 2015). With regard to the samples that
for the ABTS assay where no significant difference was underwent simulated digestion, the TRAP values of all
found in pressure-cooked vs. boiled cooked samples digested samples increased in both pressure-cooked vs.
across all the cultivars, however there was a significant pressure (digested) and boiled cooked vs. boiled
difference in raw vs. pressure-cooked as well as raw vs. (digested). The increase of TRAP values observed in the
boiled cooked samples. With regards to the samples that digested samples may be attributed to the development
underwent simulated digestion, the TRAP values of all of proanthocyanidins, which possess high molecular
digested samples increased in both pressure-cooked vs. weight as well as higher reducing power (Di Mattia
pressure (digested) and boiled cooked vs. boiled et al., 2013).
Figure 5. Total Radical-Trapping Antioxidant Parameter (TRAP) value of Vigna unguiculata cultivars at concentrations 1–500 µg/mL before processing, after
processing, and processed and subjected to simulated digestion (a – Raw, b – boiled, c – pressure-cooked, d – boiled + digested, and e – pressure-cooked +
digested). Bars denote mean ± standard deviation (n = 3) with ascorbic acid (10 µg/mL) serving as a positive control [* = p ≤ 0.05; ** = p ≤ 0.01].
Figura 5. Valor del Parámetro antioxidante total capturador de radicales (TRAP) de cultivos de Vigna unguiculata a concentraciones de 1–500 µg/mL antes del
procesado, después del procesado, procesadas y sujetas a digestión estimulada (a – cruda, b – hervida, c – cocida a presión, d – hervida + digerida y e – cocida a
presión + digerida). Las barras denotan promedio ± desviación estándar (n = 3) con ácido ascórbico (10 µg/mL) como control positivo [* = p ≤ 0,05; ** = p ≤ 0,01].
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