Cold Stretching
Cold Stretching
Cold Stretching
Corresponding author: [email protected]
1. Introduction
3. Technical Review of Cold-Stretched Material
Austenitic Stainless Steel, especially STS-304 is
a common material to make a cryogenic storage Because of plastic deformation of material, many
tank. If it is forced stress which is over yield important properties are changed. In this case,
strength, it makes plastic deformation to the tensile and impact test at a temperature of -170
material. After remove stress, the material has a degrees Celsius is an important factor.
higher yield point.
It can be applied to an inner tank of cryogenic
storage tank. After over yield strength is forced to
an inner tank by water pressure for a period of time,
it has higher strength than before. For this reason,
the inner tank of cryogenic storage tank after
cold-stretching is thinner than traditional methods,
and it makes to produce more cheaply.
Cold-stretching method has to be apply very
carefully because of thinner thickness which is over
40% than traditional method. This paper provides
an overview of international regulations and
standards of cold-stretching, and technical review
of cold-stretched material.
Allowable CS Thickness
Design Stress Pressure Calculation
Fig.2 9% Cold-Stretched STS-304 Tensile Test
270 1.5~1.6 t
Sec.VIII, Div.1 SE 0.6P
The result showed Cold-Stretched material’s
EN13458-2 Da p yield strength is 70% higher than before at room
273 1.5 s c
20(K / S )v p temperature, and 30% higher at -170 degrees
Celsius. However, tensile strength is not changed
EN13530-2 Da p much.
273 1.33 s c
20(K / S )v p
4. Conclusion
Re/1.5 C
AS 1210 1.5 t min
(R m A5 )1/ 3 The weakest parts of a cryogenic storage tank
are welding and attached parts. For applying in
Proceedings of ICMR 2015 334 ICMR2015_242
3rd International Conference on Materials and Reliability
Jeju, Korea, Nov. 23-25, 2015
This work was supported by the Power
Generation & Electricity Delivery Program from the
Korea Institute Energy Technology Evaluation and
Planning(KETEP) through a grant provided by the
Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy
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[3] ASME BPVE Sec.VIII, Div.1
[4] EN 13458/13530
[5] ISO 21009/20421
[6] AS 1210
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