Principle of Systematic (Zool-401)

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BS (4 Ye

ears) for A
Affiliated Co

Code Subjecct Title C Hrs

Cr. Sem
ZOOL-4001 Principle off Systematicss 2 V
Year Disciplin
4 Zoologyy

Course Contents
Contribuution of sysstematics to Biology: Concepts
C off taxon, phenon and category,
c sppecies
concepts and its pro oblems (Typpological; Nominalistic
N , Biologicall, Evolutionnary). Subsppecies
concept, Clines and d hybrid zoones, Polytyypic speciess, super speecies. Modees of speciaation.
Intrapopuulation variation. Diffeerent kinds of taxonom mic characterrs. Weightagge of taxonnomic
characterrs. Classificcation and its
i types; Phenetic,
P Clladistic and evolutionarry classificaation.
Differencce between n types of classificatiion. Taxonoomic collecctions and the processs of
identificaation. Typess of taxonommic publicatiions, major features
f of taxonomic
t a
articles. The rules
of zoologgical nomen nclature (interpretation and
a applicattion of the code
c (stabiliity, priority,, first
reviser principle)
p ran
nge of authoority of codee; concept of
o availabilitty, type methhod formatioon of
specific names,
n syno
onym, homonnym.

Recommmended Book ks
• Mayrr, E. and Ashlock, P.D., P (Lateest edition). Principless of Systeematic Zooology,
McGGraw-Hill Incc. New Yorkk.
• Simppson, G.G., (Latest edittion). Principles of Annimal Taxonnomy, Coluumbia Univeersity
Presss, N.Y.
• Soka, R., and Snaeth
A. (Latest edition).
e Priinciples of numerical taxonomy.
t W
Freemman and com
mpany, Londdon.
• Kapooor, V.C. Priinciples and practices off animal Taxxonomy. Scieence Publishhers, 2nd Edd.
BS (4 Years) forr Affiliated Colleges

Code Subjectt Title Cr. Hrs Sem

ZOOL- 402
4 Lab
b. Principles of Systematiics 1 V
Year Disciplline
4 Zoologgy

Course Contents
The studdy of a grou up of organissms while utilizing
u keyy. Collectionn, preservatioon, labellingg and
identificaation of a gro
oup of speciimen accordiing to experrtise availablle in the institute. Preparration
of brackeet and inden nt key. Biommetry Rationnale, collectiion of data, statistical analysis
a (F test,
t t
test, Z test,
t analysis of variannce, regressiion and corrrelation) annd interpretaation. Phyloogeny
Reconstrruction. Application of phonetic
p (Sim
milarity and dissimilarityy matrix andd unweightedd pair
group meethod) and cladistic (com mpatibility method)
m analysis to a grooup of mock “organisms””.

mended Book
• Mayrr, E. and Ashlock, P.D., (Lateest edition). Principless of Systeematic Zooology,
McGGraw-Hill Incc. New Yorkk.
• Simppson, G.G., (Latest edition). Principles of Annimal Taxonnomy, Coluumbia Univeersity
Presss, N.Y.
• Soka, R., and Snaeth
S P.H.AA. (Latest edition).
e Priinciples of numerical taxonomy.
t W
Freemman and commpany, Londdon.
• Kapooor, V.C. Principles and practices of animal Taxoonomy. Scieence Publishhers, 2nd Ed.

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