Clinical Anatomy - Thoracic
Clinical Anatomy - Thoracic
Clinical Anatomy - Thoracic
- updated 09252018 -
1. Which one of the following neural information modalities represents
motor innervation of somatic muscle?
A. parasympathetic system
B sympathetic system
C. enteric nervous system
D. somatic nervous system - PNS
E. somatic nervous system – CNS
4. Peripheral nerves, in terms of the information transmission type(s) they
carry, would be most probably which one of the following?
A. somatic motor
B somatic sensory
C. mixed combinations of motor, sensory and autonomics
D. visceral motor
E. visceral sensory
5. Which one of the following answers names the location of the only
parasympathetic component emerging from the spinal cord?
A. cervical cord
B thoracic cord
C. lumbar cord
D. sacral cord
E. coccygeal cord
A. pre-ganglionic parasympathetic
B post-ganglionic parasympathetic
C. pre-ganglionic sympathetic
D. post-ganglionic sympathetic
E. pre-ganglionic lumbar
A. bronchial constriction
B decreases pulmonary secretions
C. bronchial dilation
D. increases pulmonary secretions
E. A and D
-----------THORACIC WALL / RIBCAGE---------------------
8. How many TRUE ribs does the human adult ribcage usually have?
A. 7
B 5
C. 2
D. 3
E. 6
9. Which one of the following joint types represents the joint between the
first rib and the manubrium of the sternum?
A. synovial
B symphysis
C. synchondrosis
D. fibrous
E. sutural
11. Anterior intercostal arteries are supplied with fresh blood by which one
of the following structures??
13. Venous blood from the posterior intercostal spaces on the right side
drains directly into which one of the following before entering the superior
vena cava?
A. hemiazygos vein
B accessory hemiazygos vein
C. lumbar veins
D. azygous vein
E. right brachiocephalic vein
14. Which one of the following is the final conduit of lymph drainage from
the ribcage, the thoracic walls and subcostal pleura (parietal) ON THE LEFT
15. Which one of the following sites is preferred for the clinical drainage of
a hemothorax with a trocar?
17. Which one of the following types of parietal pleura covers the apex of
the lungs?
--------------------------LUNGS / AIRWAY---------------------
18. Regarding the gross biomechanics of breathing, the bucket-handle
model explains which one of the following:
A. pulmonary trunk
B left pulmonary veins
C. left main bronchus
D. left pulmonary arteries
E. hilar lymph nodes
A. alveolar ducts
B respiratory bronchioles
C. terminal bronchioles
D. alveolar sac cluster
E. single alveolar sac
21. Which one of the following arteries supplies oxygenated blood to the
visceral pleura, lung root, bronchial tree down to, but not including, the
respiratory bronchiole?
A. pulmonary arteries
B bronchial arteries
C. lobar veins
D. pulmonary veins
E. bronchial veins
A. pulmonary arteries
B bronchial arteries
C. lobar veins
D. pulmonary veins
E. bronchial veins
23. If trauma to the ribcage results in an opening into the parietal pleura
through the thoracic wall at T6, atelectasis would occur- thus - which one of
the following would be most likely to occur?
24. A single blood clot that straddles both pulmonary arteries is called:
A. pulmonary infarct
B simple pulmonary embolus
C. saddle pulmonary embolus
D. bronchial clot
E. deep venous thrombosis
A. pneumonectomy
B lobectomy
C. bronchioectomy
D. segmentectomy
E. interlobarectomy
26. On the right side, which one of the following refers to the fissure
defining the middle lobe on the right side:
A. oblique
B horizontal
C. lingular
D. apical
E. intra-lobar
27. In the bronchial tree, which one of the following branching points
defines a segmental” bronchi?
A. primary
B secondary
C. tertiary
D. quaternary
E. 5th branching point
29. The thoracic outlet (not the floor) consists of which one of the
A. aortic hiatus
B esophageal hiatus
C. opening described by ribs 8-12
D. complex muscular surface extending from the 4th rib to the 12th ribs on
both sides of the body as viewed anteriorly
E. central tendon
A. sternal angle
B Angle of Louis
C. xiphosternal joint
D. the 12th rib
E. A and B
32. The inferior mediastinum extends from the sternal angle to:
A. thoracic inlet
B costodiaphragmatic recess
C. diaphragm (central tendon)
D. diaphragm (right dome)
E. diaphragm (left dome)
33. The posterior mediastinum extends from the thoracic inlet to:
A. costodiaphragmatic recess
B T12 (vertebral body)
C. T10 (anterior false rib)
D. mediastinal recess
E. diaphragm (central tendon)
34. Which of the following structures is indicated from the surface by the
sternal angle?
A. sympathetic chain
B esophagus
C. thymus
D. vagus nerve
E. esophageal plexus
A. trachea
B esophagus
C. aorta
D. heart
E. B and C
37. Which one of the following structures represents the location where
parietal pleura becomes visceral pleura?
38. Which one of the following structures represents the location where
costal pleura (lateral wall) becomes diaphragmatic pleura?
A. ascending aorta
B esophagus
C. carina (trachea)
D. pulmonary trunk
E. thymus
A. ascending aorta
B pulmonary trunk
C. right atrium of the heart
D. heart
E. rami communicantes
(between the sympathetic ganglion and posterior intercostal nerve)
41. The root of the lungs provide a landmark point for two nerves, one
coursing inferiorly ANTERIOR TO the root of the lung and one coursing
inferiorly POSTERIOR TO the root of the lung. Select the best answer from
the following in [anterior, posterior] order
42. Regarding the named layers of the walls of the pericardium AND heart,
the outermost and the innermost layers are:
A. fibrous pericardium, serous pericardium
B fibrous pericardium, pericardial sac
C. fibrous pericardium, endocardium
D. serous pericardium, epicardium
E. pericardial sac, epicardium
43. If one removes the posterior wall of the pericardium posterior to the
heart, one would most likely find which one of the following structures:
A. thoracic duct
B descending aorta
C. esophagus
D. anterior intercostal arteries
E. A, B and C
44. The heart is really two pumps: the right side and the left side.
Which cardiovascular circulations does each function within?
A. cardiac tamponade
B congestive heart failure
C. myocardial infarction
D. aortic valve insufficiency
E. patent foramen ovale
46. During early systole, which of the following valves would be open?
A. aortic valve
B pulmonary valve
C. tricuspid valve
D. mitral valve
E. A and B
47. The fibrous skeleton that holds the heart valves within a semi-rigid
framework that electrically insulates the atria from the ventricles is located:
48. During early diastole, which of the following valves would be open?
A. aortic valve
B pulmonary valve
C. tricuspid valve
D. mitral valve
E. C and D
would take the following route to the anterior 2/3’s of the interventricular
would take the following route to the posterior 1/3 of the interventricular
52. Which of the following structures is NOT found in the right atrium?
A. pectinate muscles
B cristae terminalis
C. tricuspid valve
D. right auricle
E. trabecula carnae
53. Which of the following structures is NOT found in the right ventricle?
A. pectinate muscles
B interventricular septum (membranous part)
C. interventricular septum (muscular part)
D. papillary muscles
E. trabecula carnae
54. Which of the following structures is NOT found in the left ventricle?
A. chordae tendineae
B moderator band
C. interventricular septum (muscular part)
D. papillary muscles
E. trabecula carnae
55. Which of the following structure(s) working as a unit prevents
atrioventricular valve prolapse in either ventricle?
A. chordae tendineae
B moderator band
C. interventricular septum (muscular part)
D. papillary muscles
E. A and D
A. fossa ovalis
B valve of the inferior vena cava
D. left auricle
E. valve of the coronary sinus
58. Which one of the following structures is a part of both the superior and
posterior mediastinum?
60. A drop of blood returning to the heart from the neck on the opposite
side of the body from the right atrium would most probably follow this
A. right IJV right brachiocephalic vein superior vena cava right atrium
B left IJV right brachiocephalic vein superior vena cava right atrium
C. left IJV left brachiocephalic vein superior vena cava right atrium
D. left IJV left brachiocephalic vein superior vena cava left atrium
E. right IJV right brachiocephalic vein superior vena cava left atrium
61. A drop of blood returning to the heart from the hemiazygos vein would
follow this course:
62. A drop of blood returning to the heart from the accessory hemiazygos
vein could follow this course(s):
64. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the phrenic nerve?
A. ductus venosus
B ductus arteriosus
C. umbilical vein
D. umbilical artery
E. dorsal aorta
66. The right vagus nerve entering the superior thoracic aperture gives off
the recurrent laryngeal nerve which then courses back and around which one
of the following structures to ascend to the larynx.
A. aortic arch
B right brachiocephalic vein
C. right primary bronchi
D. right subclavian artery
E. left subclavian artery
67. In the prenatal fetus, the forerunner of the ligamentum arteriosum
allows the maternal circulation to bypass the __________________.
A. hepatic system
B the GI system
C. the pulmonary system
D. the renal system
E. the nervous system
68. Which of the following structures rests against the anterior surface of
the carina in the superior mediastinum?
A. ascending aorta
B pulmonary trunk
C. left pulmonary artery
D. right pulmonary artery
E. azygos vein
69. Lymph drainage from the superior lobe of the left lung normally takes
the following course:
A. vagus nerve
B esophageal plexus
C. thoracic sympathetic chain
D. posterior intercostal nerves
E. phrenic nerve
71. Which of the following nerves supply PRE-GANGLIONIC fibers from the
thoracic sympathetic ganglia from T10-T11 to the abdominal viscera?
A. sympathetic, thoracic
B parasympathetic, thoracic
C. sympathetic, cervical
D. parasympathetic, cervical
E. sympathetic, lumbar
74. The most common myocardial infarcts (40-50%) occur in the anterior
surface of the heart in the perfusion field supplied by which one of the
following coronary arteries?
A. circumflex artery
B right coronary artery
C. posterior interventricular artery
D. anterior interventricular artery (LAD)
E. left marginal artery
76. Which valvular condition would lead to left ventricular overload and
A. aortic stenosis
B aortic regurgitation
C. mitral stenosis
D. mitral regurgitation
E. patent foramen ovale
77. Which valvular condition would lead to stroke volume blood ejected
during systole from the left ventricle, then returning to that chamber?
A. aortic stenosis
B aortic regurgitation
C. mitral stenosis
D. mitral regurgitation
E. patent foramen ovale
78. Which valvular condition would lead to left atrial dilatation?
A. aortic stenosis
B aortic regurgitation
C. mitral stenosis
D. mitral regurgitation
E. patent foramen ovale
A. aortic stenosis
B aortic regurgitation
C. mitral stenosis
D. mitral regurgitation
E. patent foramen ovale
80. Which one of the following pathologies contained within the middle
mediastinum might logically cause the compression of the anterior wall of the