The Effect of Corporate Governance On Financial Reporting Quality

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Volume 4, Issue 1, January – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Effect of Corporate Governance on Financial

Reporting Quality
Fatima Ali A.Alkareem Abdulla Ahmed, MBA
College of Administrative & Financial Sciences
AMA International University
Kingdom of Bahrain

Abstract:- The key aim was to assess the impact of Klai &Omri (2011) suggested that when corporate
corporate governance practices on quality of financial governance is considered, there is concentration on
reporting in conventional banks in the kingdom of mechanisms of governance that include concentrated
Bahrain. The research used a quantitative research shareholding, board independence, and director shareholding
design. The study involved 124 respondents including and auditor reputation.
auditors, financial managers, and board members of
conventional banks in Bahrain. A structured survey One of the most important sectors in the Kingdom of
questionnaire was used for data gathering. The results Bahrain is the banking sector. There is an agreement that the
showed that Corporate governance is practiced in the banking sector is the sector that supports all other sectors to
banking sector in Bahrain. In addition, financial finance them. Bahrain is known as the hub of the Islamic
reporting in the conventional banking sector in Bahrain is banks in the GCC area. The sector contributes to Bahrain’s
of high quality. Finally, among all the practices of (GDP) Gross Domestic by 17.2%. This shows that the
corporate governance, only transparency and financial sector in the kingdom of Bahrain is a dynamic
participation are significant at 0.05 while Consensus sector that plays beneficial roles in the growth and
oriented and Equitable & Fair treatment are significantly development of the kingdom finance.
correlated to indicators of financial reporting quality.
Considering the value of the Banking sector and the
I. INTRODUCTION crucial role of Corporate Governance as discussed in the
earlier section, this research investigates the relationship
Brown, Falaschetti, &Orlando (2010) assured that the between corporate governance and quality of financial
world economy has been experiencing the toughest period in reporting in the conventional banking sector in Bahrain.
terms of financial scandals. The past two decades seem to be
the most difficult for the financial community all over the II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE
world. Not only organizations but also entire countries
suffered from the drastic effects of the recent financial The article of Akeju&Adeshina (2017) was given the
scandals. Such scandals are actually questionable particularly title "Corporate Governance and Financial Reporting Quality
with implementing the accounting standards. in Nigeria". This publication was aimed at investigating the
relationship between corporate governance and financial
In fact, Omri& Klai (2011) showed that these scandals reporting quality in Nigeria. The researchers collected data
did really minimize the confidence of the investors in the for this article from several forty firms that are listed in the
managerial practices and those who issue the financial Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) and covered the period from
reports. With the occurrence of the financial scandals, it is 2006 to 2015. The relationship was investigated between the
recognized that there is a worldwide failure in terms of mechanisms of corporate governance that include (board
financial disclosure quality. This failure stands behind the characteristics, audit committees, board independence, board
current requirement for enhancing the quality of the financial size, and growth). The outcomes of the statistical analysis
information plus reinforcing the managerial control via showed that there is a positive relationship between corporate
establishing appropriate corporate governance practices and governance and the quality of financial reporting.
structure Accountability and transparency are found to be the most
influential of all corporate governance elements.
In addition, Shailer (2004) claimed because of the
increased significance of corporate governance as a concept, The contribution of Zia (2017) was aimed at identifying
it was defined from various perspectives that reflect various the relationship between the mechanisms of corporate
points of view about corporate governance and its governance and the quality of financial reporting in the sector
importance. The concept has also been abbreviated as CG. of finance in Pakistan. This piece of foreign literature is
considered an in-depth investigation that focuses on the most
widely accepted and applied corporate governance

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Volume 4, Issue 1, January – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
mechanism structure and identifying the most widely The publication of Alrawahi, AlStrawi, &Sanad (2016)
recognized indicators for reporting quality in Pakistan. The investigated the relationship between corporate governance
researcher collected her primary data from several twenty-six and its compliance with the international accounting standard
financial firms in Pakistan for a period starting from 2005 to (IAS-1) in firms that are listed in Bahrain Bourse. The
2014. The Least Square Regression was used for data research assured that when financial reporting standards are
analysis. The outcomes of this regression analysis guided the in harmonization, asymmetry of information goes down
researcher to find out that there is a positive and insignificant especially when decisions are made. The same thing occurs
relationship between disclosure, ethical behavior, and board in terms of CG. This is because CG reduces agency conflicts
independence as corporate governance elements and financial and this increases financial reporting transparency. Bahrain
reporting quality. encourages business organizations to be in compliance with
the international financial reporting standards and Bahrain’s
The study of David, Ferris, & Gregor (2013) has the code of corporate governance thirty-nine firms that are listed
title of "Limits on Convergence in International Corporate in Bahrain Bourse was selected. Analysis of the collected
Governance Practices". The researchers decided that the data guided the researchers to find out that there is a high
major aim of this study is to investigate the practices of level of CG principles implementation. There is a positive
corporate governance in firms in many different and significant relationship between implementing CG code
countries plus assessing the status of convergence or and compliance with implementing IAS-1.
divergence. The researchers held comparisons between
international firms’ level governance measures, antitakeover The work of Ahmed &Hamdan (2015) was
defenses, firm audit attributes, and compensation design concentrated on identifying the effect of CG on firms’
attributes with those of U.S. firms. Finally, the findings of performance in Bahrain. The researchers showed that CG
this paper prove that the evidence for convergence is more represents an essential implication when there are intentions
mixed than previously believed, with firms in some nations to attract investments and to establish confidence in the
converging, others static, and a number diverging from U.S. marketplace. CG plays critical roles in minimizing risks and
practices. enhancing corporate performance. The researcher’s focus
was to investigate the effect of CG policies on firms’
The study of Juhmani (2017) was entitled "Corporate financial performance. The sample included firms that are
governance and the level of Bahraini corporate compliance listed in Bahrain Bourse. The sample included forty-two out
with IFRS disclosure". The study was planned to investigate of forty-eight listed firms in the period of 2007 to 2011.
the correlation between corporate governance and Analysis of the collected data proved that the selected firms
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adopt effective CG practices. There is also empirical
disclosure one year before issuing the first Corporate evidence that a significant relationship exists between CG
Governance Code (CGC) in Bahrain. In this study, corporate and financial performance of these listed firms in terms of
governance is assessed using components of CG that include: their ROA and ROE. There is no empirical evidence for any
board composition, audit committee characteristics, and correlation between earning per share (EPS) and a measure
ownership structure. The real collected data was analyzed for financial performance and CG.
through ordinary least-squares regressions. This analysis was
used to assess the relationships between the level of Bahraini The study of Ahmed (2014) entitled “The impact of risk
corporate compliance with mandatory IFRS disclosure disclosure impact the investment decisions taken by the
requirements as a dependent variable and eight CG MNCs shareholders in the kingdom of Bahrain” was aimed at
mechanisms as independent variables and five other firm- investigating the relationship between risk disclosure and the
specific attributes, as control variables. Data analysis proved management ability to make managerial decisions in MNCs.
that three corporate governance mechanisms which are board The study was applied to a sample of multinational
independence, audit committee independence, and Chief corporations in Bahrain. Data analysis guided the researcher
Executive Officer Duality have been found to correlate to the to find out that there is a significant relationship between risk
IFRS disclosure level. This shows that mechanisms of disclosure and the management ability to make managerial
corporate governance are influential in the practices of decisions. It was also found out that implementing different
financial reporting. Yet, the outcomes of the data analysis disclosure vehicles serve different user groups in different
prove that the other corporate governance mechanisms which ways. A wide range of approaches to risk reporting is
are board size, audit committee size, block holder ownership, applied. Most of all, it was concluded that Disclosure of risk
managerial ownership, and government ownership do not in financial statements enables the management of the
correlate to the level of IFRS disclosure. From this finding, it company to make adequate investment decisions.
is assured that CGC is significant and plays the role of an
effective enforcement mechanism that enhances firms in
Bahrain to entirely comply with IFRS disclosure.

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Volume 4, Issue 1, January – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
III. METHODOLOGY very effectively applied. Item four comes next with (4.40)
stating "They respond to expectations of different
The study used a quantitative research design involving stakeholders". The 3rd item got (4.39) stating "Laws and
124 respondents who are auditors, financial managers, and regulations are adequately applied ". The fifth item got (4.32)
board members of conventional banks in the Kingdom of showing "The board is obliged and responsible to give
Bahrain. These respondents were conveniently sampled. To explanations for their conduct and actions". The items with
collect the primary data for this research, a structured the lowest mean are the second (4.28) stating that "The core
questionnaire was used. The questionnaire is divided into two functions of conducting business are carried out."
major sections. The two sections comprise 57 items.
 Corporate Governance – Transparency
The first is specified for the collection of demographic From the table above for the mean scores and standard
data about the respondents. The second section is specified deviations for the five items for transparency of the board, it
for the collection of data about the research variables and that is deduced that transparency is very effectively implemented
drives to answer the research questions. The second part in the banking sector in Bahrain as the average mean score
includes an assessment of the corporate governance practices for the five items is 4.40 and the average standard deviation
implementation in the banking sector in Bahrain in terms of is 0.72. The item with the highest mean (4.54) is the
Accountability, Transparency, Disclosure, Ethical behavior, 9th indicating "Timely information is freely available and
Consensus-Oriented, Equitable & Fair treatment, accessible for those who are affected by governance policies
Effectiveness, and Participation. Finally, the last section and practices. Then the 10th as its mean score is
includes 19 items also in a 5 point Likert Scale assess the of 4.50 indicating, "Decision is made in line with established
quality of financial reporting in the banking sector in Bahrain rules and regulations". Then the 7th as its mean is 4.38
in terms of Relevance, Reliability, Understandability, showing “The applied rules and regulations are clear". Item
Faithful representation, and Timeliness. six got 4.35 show "Information is made available to different
stakeholders in an understandable manner". The lowest mean
Responses to the questions were tallied by the 4.24 is achieved by item 8 showing "Timely information is
researcher after the collection. The completed questionnaires freely available and accessible for effective economic
were collected and the responses were organized, coded and decision-making".
processed on Microsoft Excel. The mean of each item in the
questionnaires was determined. The mean was calculated to  Corporate Governance – Disclosure
determine the respondent’s average perceptions of the With disclosure as a component of corporate
different variables that were investigated and the respondents governance practices in the banking sector in Bahrain, it is
overall perceptions. Regression analysis applied to determine found out that discourse is implemented as the average mean
the relationship between the two variables. score for the five items of this section is 3.89 and the average
standard deviation is 0.916. Item 13 got the highest mean
IV. FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS score 4.01 showing that "The social and environmental
position of the organization is reflected through the published
A. Profile of the Respondents information it". Item 14 comes second as its mean score is
Male respondents' represent 71.77% while female 4.00 showing that "All the investors have access to clear,
respondents represent 28.23%. Respondents are from 31 to factual information". Then item 15 with 3.88 as a mean score
44 represent 43.55%. Those 60 or more represent 22.58%. showing that "The organization clarifies and makes publicly
Those who ages range from 45 to 59 years make up 21.77%. known the roles and responsibilities of the board to provide
The lowest percentage is for those 30 or below as they shareholders with a level of accountability". Item 11 got 3.81
constitute 12.10%. In terms of their overall work experience, showing that "There is a timely and accurate disclosure of
the respondents 6-9 years’ experience represent 42.74%. material matters concerning the organization's performance
Those who have 10 to 19 years represent 29.84%. Those who and activities". Item 12 got the lowest mean 3.76 stating,
have 20 years' experience represent 18.55%. The respondents "The issued financial information accurately reflects the
who have 5 years or below represent 8.87%. financial position of the organization".

 Corporate Governance–Accountability  Corporate Governance – Ethical Behaviour

The result of the study shows that the five items that Regarding ethical behavior as a component of corporate
represent accountability as a component of corporate governance, it is found out it is effectively implemented as
governance, accountability are applied by the board of the average mean score for the five items making up this
directors in the banking sector since the average mean score section is 4.02 and the average standard deviation is 0.897.
for the five items, which is 4.38 and the average standard The item with the highest mean is the 16th as its mean is 4.15
deviation, which is 0.72. The item with the highest mean stating, "Ethical decisions are made both for good public
score (4.53) stating "The board is committed to engaging in relations and risk management". Then item 17 as its mean is
effective two-way communication with the stakeholders" is 4.05 stating, "There is a code for ethical conduct for the

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Volume 4, Issue 1, January – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
directors and executives who promote responsible decision structure of the board is appropriate". Then comes item 33 as
making". Item 18 got 4.01 stating "Compliance and ethics its mean is 4.12 stating, "Meetings of the board are run
programs are established for the sake of minimizing efficiently". Then item 32 as its mean is 3.96 showing that
organizational risks". Item 19 comes in the 4th rank as its "The board activities are planned in advance". The lowest
mean is 3.99 showing that "There are ethical procedures and mean score is 3.77 for item 35, which states "Performance of
principles of conduct that are regarded as self-regulation the board and director is assessed regularly".
within the organization,". The item with the lowest mean
3.91 is the 20th stating "The board acts ethically and  Corporate Governance – Participation
responsibly when deciding related to the organization's assets Concerning participation of the board members, which
and stakeholder’s interests and investments". is the 8th component of corporate governance, it
is very effectively implemented as the average mean score
 Corporate Governance – Consensus-Oriented for the three items is 4.47 and the average standard deviation
Concerning Consensus-Oriented as a component of is 0.653. Item 37 got the highest mean score, which is 4.50.
corporate governance, it is found that it is fairly effective in Then item38 got 4.48 got. The lowest mean score 4.43 was
terms of implementation as the average mean score for the for item 36
five items of this section is 2.73 and the average standard
deviation is 1.27. The item that got the highest mean 3.42 and  Quality of Financial Reporting - Relevance
the only effective one amongst the five is item 22 stating " A Relevance is one indicator that shows the quality of
broad consensus takes place for how to achieve the best financial reporting in the banking sector in Bahrain. The
interest of the entire stakeholder group". Then comes item 21 average mean score for this indicator is 4.04 and the average
as its mean is 3.26 showing "Consultation between board standard deviation is 0.900 showing that there is a high
members is a major issue that is aimed to understand the quality of financial reporting in terms of relevance. Item one
different interests of stakeholders". Then item 23 as its mean got the highest mean score of 4.29 stating, "The financial
is 2.74 showing "Decisions are taken where the vast majority data enables its users to make adequate decisions". The item
of board members are in agreement". Item 25 comes next as with the second highest mean score is the 2nd 4.18 stating,
its mean is 2.63 showing that "When agreements between "The issued financial data influences users in their economic
members are difficult to reach, a small group is formed to decisions". In the third rank comes item 6 as its mean is 4.05
reach a compromise". The lowest mean score is 1.60 for item stating, "The disclosed data is forward-looking information".
24, which is the only very ineffective one in this section Item five comes in the 4th rank as its mean is 4.04 and shows
showing "When agreements between members are difficult to that "The disclosed data illustrate opportunities and risks for
reach, a small group is formed to reach a compromise". the business". Then comes item 3 as its mean score is 3.90
showing "The issued financial data helps users to test,
 Corporate Governance – Equitable and Fair Treatment correct, and confirm current and past events". The item with
Regarding equitable and fair treatment, it is identified the lowest mean score 3.82 is the 4th, and shows "The issued
that this component is implemented in the banking sector as financial data is the fair value".
the average mean score is 3.55 and the average standard
deviation is 3.55. Item 30 comes first with the highest mean  Quality of Financial Reporting – Reliability
score of 4.10 showing that "Relevant, timely, understandable The other indicator for quality of the financial reporting
and easily accessible information are available for is the reliability of the data. This indicator is high quality as
shareholders". Then comes item 29 as its mean is 3.76 the average mean score for the three items is 4.12 and the
showing "All shareholders are effectively communicated". standard deviation is score is 0.883. Item 9 has the highest
Then item 27 as its mean is 3.75 showing "Shareholders can mean score of 4.26 stating, "The issued data is verifiable".
practice their rights". The mean score of item 26 is 3.52 Then comes item 8 as its mean score is 4.22 showing "The
showing, "Rights of shareholders are respected". The lowest disclosed data is free from material mistakes". Item 7 got the
mean score is 2.63 for item 28 showing "All shareholders are lowest mean which is 3.90 showing "The disclosed data is
treated on equal footings with no kind of distinction between free from bias".
 Quality of Financial Reporting - Understandability
 Corporate Governance – Effectiveness In terms of understandability of the financial data as the
Effectiveness is the 7th component of corporate third indicator for quality of the financial data, it is found out
governance that is investigated in this research. From the it is high quality as the average mean score is 4.23 and the
average mean score of 4.03 and average mean score of 0.980 average standard deviation is 0.755. Item 10 got the highest
for the five points making up this section, it is found out that mean 4.31 showing "The essential qualities of the issued data
it is effectively implemented. The item with the highest mean are understandable". The second rank is granted for item 11
4.24 is item 31 showing "The processes implemented to whose mean score is 4.25 showing "The financial data can be
produce favorable results meet the needs of its stakeholders. effectively communicated to the users". Then comes item 13
The mean score for item 34 is 4.12 showing that "The as its mean score is 4.22 stating, "Tables and graphs

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Volume 4, Issue 1, January – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
facilitates understandability of the issued data". The lowest assumptions and estimates and explains the usage of the
mean score 4.17 is for item 12 stating, "The data is presented accounting principles in the company clearly ". The lowest
and classified in a clear manner". mean score 4.22 is for item 16 stating, "The financial reports
represent the events and transactions fully".
 Quality of Financial Reporting – Faithful Representation
In terms of Faithful representation of the financial data  Quality of Financial Reporting–Timeliness
as the fourth indicator for quality of the financial data, it is In terms of timelines of the financial data as the fifth
found out it is high quality as the average mean score is 4.28 indicator for quality of the financial data, it is found out that
and the average standard deviation is 0.762. Item 14 got the it is high quality as the average mean score is 4.28 and the
highest mean 4.34 showing "The issued data reflect the average standard deviation is 0.801. Item 19 got the highest
organization's real financial position ". The second rank is mean 4.32 showing "The financial report covers a period
granted for item 15 whose mean score is 4.31 showing " The between the year-end and the issuing data ". The second rank
financial statements explain how well the obligations and is granted for item 18 whose mean score is 4.24 showing
economic resources are ". Then comes item 17 as its mean "The information is provided for decision makers before
score is 4.26 stating, "The financial report clarifies losing its powerful and good influences ".

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.729352
R Square 0.531954
R adjusted 0.499394
Standard Error 0.403981
Observations 124
Df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 8 21.3306 2.6663 16.3377 6.084E-16
Residual 115 18.7680 0.1632
Total 123 40.0986

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

Intercept 0.076047 0.40397 0.1882 0.85101 -0.724148 0.87624
ACC 0.114587 0.10265 1.1162 0.26663 -0.088747 0.31792
TR 0.248242 0.11817 2.1006 0.0378** 0.0141593 0.48232
DIS 0.085556 0.09645 0.8870 0.37691 -0.1054967 0.27660
EB 0.037655 0.11741 0.3207 0.74902 -0.1949192 0.27022
CO 0.262204 0.14810 1.7704 0.07930* -0.0311588 0.55556
EqF -0.19026 0.11057 -1.7206 0.08801* -0.4092891 0.02877
Ef 0.122262 0.10930 1.1185 0.26566 -0.0942505 0.33877
P 0.250935 0.09653 2.5994 0.0105** 0.0597209 0.44215
Table 1:- Multiple Regression between components of corporate governance and quality of financial reporting in the banking sector in
Bahrain (** significant at 0.05, *significant at 0.10)

Table 2 shows the regression analysis to test the effect a significant effect on financial reporting quality. This
of Corporate Governance on the quality of financial finding is consistent with the finding of Akeju&Babatunde
reporting. As what can be gleaned from the table, the (2017).
computed adjusted R Square 0.499394 indicating that the
model explains almost 50% of the variation in the However, looking at the individual indicators of
independent variable (financial reporting quality). In fact, the corporate governance, only transparency and participation are
computed F value is lesser than 0.05 (F<0.05). Thus, the first significant at 0.05 while Consensus oriented and Equitable &
null hypothesis is rejected. Over-all corporate governance has Fair treatment at 0.10 level of significance. Interestingly, the

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Volume 4, Issue 1, January – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
equitable and fair consensus has an inverse effect to financial of (Alrawahi, AlStrawi, &Sanad, 2016) where there is no
reporting quality suggesting that the more an organization compliance with the findings of Keay (2017).
practices equity among shareholders in terms of governance
the less it will contribute to better financial reporting in terms Thus, the regression results lead to the following
of quality. This finding complies with the findings decisions;

Hypothesis Decision
Ho1: Over-all corporate governance has a significant effect to Financial Reporting Quality Accepted
Ho2: Accountability has a significant effect to Financial Reporting Quality Accepted
Ho3: Transparency has a significant effect to Financial Reporting Quality Rejected
Ho4: Disclosure has a significant effect to Financial Reporting Quality Accepted
Ho5: Ethical behavior has a significant effect to Financial Reporting Quality Accepted
Ho6: Consensus oriented has a significant effect to Financial Reporting Quality Rejected
Ho7: Equitable and fair treatment has a significant effect to Financial Reporting Quality Rejected
Ho8: Effectiveness has a significant effect to Financial Reporting Quality Accepted
Ho9: Participation has a significant effect to Financial Reporting Quality Rejected
Table 2:- Summary of Hypothesis Testing


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