The Effect of Corporate Governance On Financial Reporting Quality
The Effect of Corporate Governance On Financial Reporting Quality
The Effect of Corporate Governance On Financial Reporting Quality
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The key aim was to assess the impact of Klai &Omri (2011) suggested that when corporate
corporate governance practices on quality of financial governance is considered, there is concentration on
reporting in conventional banks in the kingdom of mechanisms of governance that include concentrated
Bahrain. The research used a quantitative research shareholding, board independence, and director shareholding
design. The study involved 124 respondents including and auditor reputation.
auditors, financial managers, and board members of
conventional banks in Bahrain. A structured survey One of the most important sectors in the Kingdom of
questionnaire was used for data gathering. The results Bahrain is the banking sector. There is an agreement that the
showed that Corporate governance is practiced in the banking sector is the sector that supports all other sectors to
banking sector in Bahrain. In addition, financial finance them. Bahrain is known as the hub of the Islamic
reporting in the conventional banking sector in Bahrain is banks in the GCC area. The sector contributes to Bahrain’s
of high quality. Finally, among all the practices of (GDP) Gross Domestic by 17.2%. This shows that the
corporate governance, only transparency and financial sector in the kingdom of Bahrain is a dynamic
participation are significant at 0.05 while Consensus sector that plays beneficial roles in the growth and
oriented and Equitable & Fair treatment are significantly development of the kingdom finance.
correlated to indicators of financial reporting quality.
Considering the value of the Banking sector and the
I. INTRODUCTION crucial role of Corporate Governance as discussed in the
earlier section, this research investigates the relationship
Brown, Falaschetti, &Orlando (2010) assured that the between corporate governance and quality of financial
world economy has been experiencing the toughest period in reporting in the conventional banking sector in Bahrain.
terms of financial scandals. The past two decades seem to be
the most difficult for the financial community all over the II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE
world. Not only organizations but also entire countries
suffered from the drastic effects of the recent financial The article of Akeju&Adeshina (2017) was given the
scandals. Such scandals are actually questionable particularly title "Corporate Governance and Financial Reporting Quality
with implementing the accounting standards. in Nigeria". This publication was aimed at investigating the
relationship between corporate governance and financial
In fact, Omri& Klai (2011) showed that these scandals reporting quality in Nigeria. The researchers collected data
did really minimize the confidence of the investors in the for this article from several forty firms that are listed in the
managerial practices and those who issue the financial Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) and covered the period from
reports. With the occurrence of the financial scandals, it is 2006 to 2015. The relationship was investigated between the
recognized that there is a worldwide failure in terms of mechanisms of corporate governance that include (board
financial disclosure quality. This failure stands behind the characteristics, audit committees, board independence, board
current requirement for enhancing the quality of the financial size, and growth). The outcomes of the statistical analysis
information plus reinforcing the managerial control via showed that there is a positive relationship between corporate
establishing appropriate corporate governance practices and governance and the quality of financial reporting.
structure Accountability and transparency are found to be the most
influential of all corporate governance elements.
In addition, Shailer (2004) claimed because of the
increased significance of corporate governance as a concept, The contribution of Zia (2017) was aimed at identifying
it was defined from various perspectives that reflect various the relationship between the mechanisms of corporate
points of view about corporate governance and its governance and the quality of financial reporting in the sector
importance. The concept has also been abbreviated as CG. of finance in Pakistan. This piece of foreign literature is
considered an in-depth investigation that focuses on the most
widely accepted and applied corporate governance
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.729352
R Square 0.531954
R adjusted 0.499394
Standard Error 0.403981
Observations 124
Df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 8 21.3306 2.6663 16.3377 6.084E-16
Residual 115 18.7680 0.1632
Total 123 40.0986
Table 2 shows the regression analysis to test the effect a significant effect on financial reporting quality. This
of Corporate Governance on the quality of financial finding is consistent with the finding of Akeju&Babatunde
reporting. As what can be gleaned from the table, the (2017).
computed adjusted R Square 0.499394 indicating that the
model explains almost 50% of the variation in the However, looking at the individual indicators of
independent variable (financial reporting quality). In fact, the corporate governance, only transparency and participation are
computed F value is lesser than 0.05 (F<0.05). Thus, the first significant at 0.05 while Consensus oriented and Equitable &
null hypothesis is rejected. Over-all corporate governance has Fair treatment at 0.10 level of significance. Interestingly, the
Hypothesis Decision
Ho1: Over-all corporate governance has a significant effect to Financial Reporting Quality Accepted
Ho2: Accountability has a significant effect to Financial Reporting Quality Accepted
Ho3: Transparency has a significant effect to Financial Reporting Quality Rejected
Ho4: Disclosure has a significant effect to Financial Reporting Quality Accepted
Ho5: Ethical behavior has a significant effect to Financial Reporting Quality Accepted
Ho6: Consensus oriented has a significant effect to Financial Reporting Quality Rejected
Ho7: Equitable and fair treatment has a significant effect to Financial Reporting Quality Rejected
Ho8: Effectiveness has a significant effect to Financial Reporting Quality Accepted
Ho9: Participation has a significant effect to Financial Reporting Quality Rejected
Table 2:- Summary of Hypothesis Testing
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