Grig Non 1980fibras
Grig Non 1980fibras
Grig Non 1980fibras
Cellulose Gels
J. GRIGNON and A. M. SCALLAN, P u l p and Paper Research Institute of
Canada, Pointe Claire, Quebec, Canada
The swelling of cellulose gel is considered to be caused by an osmotic pressure differential resulting
from a difference in concentration of mobile ions between the interior of the gel and the exterior
solution. The fundamental feature within the gel, bringing about the unequal distribution, is the
presence of ionizing acidic groups attached to the macromolecular network. Using the Donnan theory
to describe the distribution of ions, it is shown that the experimentally observed decreases in swelling
brought about by extremes of pH and by salt addition may be explained in a semiquantitative way.
The swelling behavior of superabsorbent gels appears to be almost completely governed by the
proposed mechanism. For conventional wood pulps, the mechanism describes the smaller variations
in swelling caused by pH and salt addition. For these gels, electrolytic effects are only responsible
for a fraction of the total swelling-the remainder being associated with the macromolecular network
itself. The unequal distribution of hydrogen ions between a gel and an exterior solution is described
briefly, along with the effect that this has on the potentiometric titration of the gel.
In a recent article, we have reviewed some of the extensive literature on the
observed effects of electrolytes upon the swelling of cellulosic gels. In accom-
panying experimental studies, we confirmed the important role played by the
acidic groups in the gels and the nature of their counter i0ns.l Most particularly,
we showed that if the mixture of counter ions normally present in a wood pulp
was removed and replaced by a single species, the pulp was increasingly swollen
in the order AP+ < H+ < Mg2+ < Ca2+< Li+ < Na+. In the present article, we
examine the effect of pH upon the swelling of cellulose gels. Among other
phenomena, a change in pH can bring about the conversion of the acidic groups
from the free acid to salt form (and vice versa) with accompanying changes in
swelling. In addition, because of the important role it plays during pH changes,
we study the simultaneous presence of a neutral salt.
The most systematic study of the effect of pH and added neutral salt on the
swelling of wood pulps was recently carried out by Lindstrom and Carlsson2:
these authors showed clearly that the swelling of wood pulps is maximum at about
neutrality and is depressed a t both low and high pH values. A t all pH values,
swelling was further reduced by the presence of salt. The effects are considerably
more exaggerated in the superabsorbent pulp^.^^^ Lepoutre, Hui, and Robertson?
increased the degree of swelling of a bleached kraft pulp some thirtyfold by
grafting onto the fibers a polymer rich in acid groups. They noted that while
the swelling remained constantly high in the pH range of 9-5, it dropped dras-
tically when pH was lowered further, reaching the swelling level of the unmodified
pulp a t pH 3.5. The swelling was also reduced to about half when the neutral
product was placed in 1%sodium chloride solution rather than water.
Our theoretical treatment follows the manner of those of Donnan, Proctor,
and subsequent workers. In brief, we consider a gel containing bound acidic
groups that has swollen to equilibrium in an aqueous solution of given pH and
neutral salt concentration. As the acidic groups cannot move out of the gel, the
solution within the gel is regarded as separated from the external solution by a
semipermeable membrane which confines the acidic groups but gives free passage
to water and all simple ions. All mobile ions are assumed to be present to some
extent on either side of the membrane and, by taking into account the various
chemical equilibriums that must exist on either side and between the two sides,
the interrelationships of concentration are derived. From these, the excess
concentration of mobile ions within the gel is calculated. This excess of con-
centration E is directly proportional to the osmotic pressure differential between
the two sides of the membrane, which, in turn, we assume is directly proportional
to the degree of swelling achieved. Thus, the net result of the theoretical cal-
culations is E as a function of pH and neutral salt concentration; and this will
subsequently be compared with experimental data of swelling as a function of
the same parameters.
The treatment will be restricted to the case where any given set of conditions
is achieved by an acid, base, and salt derived from a particular monovalent cation
and a particular monovalent anion. As the ions used in experimental work were
sodium and chloride, these ions will be used in the theory. In Figure 1,the hy-
pothetical membrane is represented as a broken line separating the solution
within the gel from the external solution; and expressions have been given to the
concentrations of the various ions in the following sequence. Inside the gel, the
acid groups are assumed to have a concentration c and a degree of dissociation
N , thus yielding a concentration c (1 - a ) in undissociated form (RH) and CCY in
dissociated form (R-). Symbols have arbitrarily been chosen to represent the
concentration of H+ and C1- on either side of the membrane. Having defined
the concentrations of hydrogen ions, the hydroxyl-ion concentrations immedi-
ately follow from the hydrolytic constant of water. Electrical neutrality must
exist in each solution and in order to satisfy this condition, the concentration
term given the sodium ion is that necessary to ensure that there are equal con-
centrations of positive and negative ions in each solution.
We will now suppose that the acid groups behave similarly to a soluble acid
and that their degree of dissociation is governed by a dissociation constant de-
fined in the usual way:
RH c(1-a) I
R- cu I
H+ Y 1 H+ X
CI - n I CI- rn
Fig. 1. Representation of the equilibriums existing when a gel is placed in contact with a solution.
RH and R- refer to the undissociated and dissociated acid groups, respectively.
Having thus satisfied in the model the various equilibriums which must exist
on either side of the membrane, we may now consider the equilibriums between
the two sides.
Distribution of Ions
where g and s refer to the gel and the external solution, respectively. X is a dis-
tribution constant defined by the ratios. Substituting from Figure 1:
A = - Y= K,ly + n + C N - y - K,Jx - m
x KJx + m - x K,ly n
Adding the first two ratios:
KJy + +
KJx +m
and substituting Ax for y , and An for m , we have
K,,ly +n
This equation, in conjunction with the expression for c a [eq. (l)], gives the dis-
tribution constant in terms of the hydrogen-ion and chloride-ion concentrations
within the gel. The derivation is in the manner used by Hitchcock in his con-
siderations of membrane equilibrium in general12;and for n = 0, eq. (3) reduces
to his’equation for the equilibrium between a nondiffusible acid and a base in
the absence of added salt.
It will be noted that, in the absence of chloride ions (n = 0), X decreases with
increasing hydroxyl concentration (K,,/y ) tending from an initially very high
value to unity in the limit. At any hydroxyl concentration, concentrations of
chloride approaching the hydroxyl concentration bring about a drastic reduction
in A.
Since X is always greater than unity, positive ions are more concentrated in
the gel and negative ions more concentrated in the exterior solution. This of
course also applies to the hydrogen-ion concentration and we have by taking
logarithms of the relationship X = y / x :
That is, the pH in the solution is always greater than that in the gel and as X can
be very large, the difference in pH can be several units.
Our research has shown that this simple relationship has not been previously
reported. E is directly proportional to the osmotic pressure differential as stated
in van’t Hoff equation; and, following Proctor’s original proposal, we will also
accept E as in turn proportional to the degree of swelling. I t will be noted that
E approximates to C N when X is high.
Swelling due to electrolytic effects is a manifestation primarily brought about
by the concentration of nondiffusible ions within the gel which, in turn, is a
function of the internal pH. The equations governing swelling, therefore, most
naturally relate to the conditions within the gel. In using the equations, we
specified the concentration of acid groups, the acid dissociation constant, and
the concentration of chloride ions within the gel, and then for a series of postu-
lated internal pH values calculated successively a,A, and E. External concen-
trations yielding the set internal concentrations were calculated once X was
known. The equations may be rearranged to express swelling directly in terms
of conditions external to the gel; but the resultant equations are quite complex.
Table I shows sets of calculations for the absence and presence of the chloride
ion. The chloride-ion concentration can be taken as a measure of the sodium
chloride concentration a t all but the lowest pH values where a small part of the
chloride is associated with the hydrochloric acid necessary to achieve the set pH.
A concentration of acid groups of 0.1 equivll. was chosen for the calculations as
this corresponds to the experimental values for the swollen pulps.
Sample Calculations of the Degree of Swelling of a Gel Containing Weak Acid Groups in the
Absence and Presence of Salt”
0033M NaCl
014 M NoCl
0 L I I I I I I ,
0 2 4 6 8 lo 12 14
Fig. 2. Theoretical plots of E (which is taken as proportional to the degree of swelling) as a function
of pH and external salt concentration. The gel contains 0.1 equiv/l. of strong acid groups ( K , =
0.1 mol/l.).
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Fig. 3. Theoretical plot as for Figure 2 but for a gel containing weak acid groups ( K , = 1 X
is still close to that in the absence of chloride, however, the external pH a t which
the swelling is observed is reduced considerably [eq. (4)]. In qualitative terms,
the salt may be regarded as permitting the transport of hydrogen ions out of the
The addition of high concentrations of salt causes X to approach unity and,
in addition to the internal and external pH values approaching equality, swelling
is much reduced. A t a certain level of salt addition, the chloride ions actually
have more control on swelling than pH. Thus from eq. (3):
A=++= n
where n >> K J y . The condition where the chloride concentration exceeds the
hydroxyl concentration is readily achieved in practice with salt solutions which
are close to neutrality and quite dilute.
Titration of Gels
That the pH within a gel is not necessarily equal to that of the external solution
is an interesting manifestation of the Donnan theory. The effect that the phe-
nomenon has on the potentiometric titration of a gel comes directly from the
calculations of swelling as a function of pH. Figure 4 shows the theoretical curves
for the titration of a weak acid in the presence of various concentrations of salt.
Taking logarithms of eq. (l),we have the usual relationship between pH of a
soluble acid of low molecular weight and its degree of neutralization
Fig. 4. Theoretical plot of the internal pH and the accompanying external pH values in salt so-
lutions of different concentrations as a gel is progressively neutralized. The curves are for a gel
containing weakly acidic groups ( K O =
Thus, if the pK, of a cellulose gel is estimated (as is usual for a soluble acid) from
the pH of half neutralization, the pK, would be too high by an amount loglo
X-an appreciable amount in the absence of salt.
The superabsorbent pulp was a carboxymethylated cotton crosslinked in the
wet state with epi~hlorohydrin.~I t was received in dry sodium form from
Buckeye Cellulose Corp. Wood pulps were prepared from red sprucewood (Picea
rubens) by conventional pulping procedures; variations in pulp yield being ob-
tained by varying the cooking time. The pulps reported in this study were kraft
pulp of 49% yield and sulfite pulp of 77% yield. The high yield in the latter case
was adopted to obtain a pulp which contained a high concentration of acid groups.
Wood pulps were kept in a “never-dried” condition prior to treatment.
Chemicals used throughout were of reagent grade and all water used was
deionized to a conductivity of less than 0.3 X mho cm-’.
Swelling Procedures
The “as-received” superabsorbent pulp was soaked at 0.5% consistency in
either water or a salt solution of the set concentration, and the pH was adjusted
with either sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid.
Wood pulps were first freed of their usual mixture of cations and converted
to the acid form by repeated washing with 0.1M hydrochloric acid and were then
washed with deionized water until free of the chloride i0n.l The pulps were then
made to 0.5% consistency in water or salt solution and the pH adjusted by the
addition of sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid.
All pulps were allowed to equilibrate overnight in sealed containers and the
final pH values noted before the measurement of swelling.
Measurement of Swelling
The degrees of swelling reported are the water retention values determined
in the swelling medium. The technique used and its validity as a measure of
swelling has been previously reported.13
For a number of samples the degree of swelling was also determined by the
more absolute solute-exclusion technique.14. This procedure was also carried
out in the swelling medium using a solution of dextran of molecular weight 2 X
lo6 adjusted to the same pH and salt concentration as the swelling medium.
Changes in dextran concentration were monitored by precision polarimetry. The
degrees of swelling thus obtained agreed well with the water retention values.
Both techniques give the degree of the swelling of a pulp expressed as the ratio
by weight of water to solid material in the swollen gel.
Titration of Pulps
Pulp, 2.0 g converted to its acid form, as described earlier, was dispersed in
200 ml of water or salt solution. The suspension was then titrated slowly under
a nitrogen atmosphere using standardized sodium hydroxide solution. The ti-
tration was followed potentiometrically.
The acid contents of the pulps were: superabsorbent 3.8 mequivlg, sulfite
pulp 0.30 mequivlg, kraft pulp 0.09 mequiv/g.
30 .
OL 10.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
w 20 -
15 -
c i I
CL 1.0 -
0.51 I I I c 1 I I I , 1 1 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Fig. 6. Experimentally determined degrees of swelling of sulfite and kraft wood pulps as a function
of pH in the presence and absence of salt. ( 0 )Kraft with water; ( 0 )kraft with 0.25M NaCI; ( W )
sulfite with water; (0)sulfite with 0.25M NaCl.
of pulp fibers is close to that of the original wood fibers,17and it is possible that
much of the original cohesive strength remains, the source of this strength being
undisturbed intermicrofibrillar contacts.Is On the other hand, during the
preparation of the superabsorbent pulps, a forceful expansion could take place
such that many of these crosslinks could be irreversibly broken and the fibers
henceforth be more deformable structures. The lack of cohesive strength in the
superabsorbents is apparent in the ease with which the fibers disintegrate under
mechanical action.lg
While the theoretical plots bring out the main features of swelling behavior,
the predicted reductions in swelling for the extremes of pH or added salt are
somewhat more drastic than experimentally observed. This is apparent in the
quantitative comparison of theory and experiment in Figure 7. The major cause
of this discrepancy is probably that, in common with Neale in his studies at high
pH, we have assumed that the concentration c a remains constant throughout
all swelling and contraction. The fixed value we have chosen is that of the
swollen gel. However, ca is itself a function of the degree of swelling and may
be expected to increase with contraction of the gel. The effect will be to increase
both X and E over what we have calculated. While realizing this, we have not
yet found it possible to introduce the necessary correction into usable equa-
(3 0.8
Y 0.2
12, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Fig. 8. The potentiometric titration curves of the superabsorbent pulp in the presence and absence
of salt.
parent pK, drops from over 6.0 to 3.75 with the addition of 0.25M NaC1; 3.75
being a more reasonable value for acidic groups of carboxymethylated cellulose.21
Chowdhury and Neale have reported a value of 3.42 for the soluble material.21
Kraft pulps in which the acid groups are also carboxylic exhibit a similar pK,
in the presence of sufficient salt, while high-yield sulfite pulps have a lower pK,
in keeping with the greater strength of the sulfonic acid groups present.
More rigorous treatments of the potentiometric titration curves of polyelec-
” ~it~has been shown that taking
trolytes exist22and continue to be r e f i r ~ e d ~but
into account the Donnan effects explains a large fraction of the anomalous be-
havior of these gels.22
Fig. 9. The potentiometric titration curve of the sulfite pulp in the presence and ahsence of
1. A. M. Scallan and J. Grignon, Suensk. Papperstidn., 82 (2), 40 (1979).
2. T. Lindstrom and G. Carlsson, Proc. Eucepa Conf., Warsaw, Poland (1978).
3. P. Lepoutre, S. H. Hui, and A. A. Robertson, J . Appl. Polyrn. Sci., 17,3143 (1973).
4. W. L. Dean and G. N. Ferguson, U.S. Pat. 3,589,364 (1971).
5. H. R. Proctor, J . Chem. Soc., 105,313 (1914).
6. F. G. Donnan and A. B. Harris, J . Chem. Soc., 99,1554 (1911).
7. F. G. Donnan,Z. Electrochem., 17,572 (1911).
8. H. R. Proctor and J. A. Wilson, J . Chem. Soc., 109,307 (1916).
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11. A. J. Pennings and W. Prins, J . Polym. Sci., 58,229 (1962).
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