Company Profile

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We are a European based research and development company
established more than seven decades ago in Germany.

In the development, we expand our research centre into Switzerland,

Australia and USA.

Our main objec ve is to develop techniques and product technologies

that are green, economical and sustainable.

We focus mostly on the usage of algae in alterna ve processing

compared to our colleagues who extrac ng carrageenan, alginate and
agar from it.

We invent techniques to:

Interlocking Brick Building System, Algae biofuel from used lubricant,

Green Road Building Technology XO Extreme Protec ve Coa ng,
Green Cold Asphalt Pot hole Repair, Seaweed Based Lighweight Concrete
Magnesium Based SuperConcrete, FireAde Fire Figh ng Chemical

Compressed Soil Cement

Interlocking Bricks
What We Do
We are looking for business partners around the world to
join our License Business in producing and marke ng the
seaweed based products.

We have developed businesses in 35 countries and s ll

giving opportuni es for those who want to join the new
way in producing building material that is cheaper and

What's New?
We also produce new biotech-based products, such as:
Liquid Organic Fer lizer from Seaweed
Seaweed Revitaliza on Formula
Fish Growth Formula
Micro Bubbles Concrete - Micro Bubbles Agent from
Strategic Partners

In developing our technologies, we are proud to have highly credible,

competent, and professional strategic partners around the globe.

We hardly can do it without their support and coopera on.

We would like to share credits in our technologies with the following

ins tu ons:

BILB - Bremerhavener Ins tut fur

Lebensmi eltechnologie und Bioverfahrenstechnnik,

XO Science, USA

Mag Phos Inc, USA

CEVA - Centre d'Etude et de Valorisa on des Alques,


Argonne Na onal Laboratory, USA

North Carolina State University Industrial Laboratory,


Arizona State University, USA

FireAde and Enforcer, USA

MYIB, Malaysia

Grable Technology has been successfully developing and

supplying new technologies and equipment to the market for

These technologies and equipment allow to turn ordinary

materials into new genera on hi-tech materials that are green
and sustainable.

For the 15 years our green technologies were supplied to

more than 35 countries such as: USA, Holland, India, South
Korea, Egypt, Malaysia, UAE, Niger, Guinea, Saudi Arabia,
Myanmar, Iran, Mongolia, Republic of South Africa, etc.

Such success of Grable technology is based on the unique

offer of crea on of high-quality product with high level profit,
in the shortest possible me (30 days), with minimal
investment, with use of inexpensive and available raw
materials, with minimal use of energy / electric power and
opportunity of bringing of unqualified workers into
produc on.

We are sure that became acquainted with the informa on of

our web-site many of You will want to open Your own
manufacture of such products.


We are licensing our business around the world, helping many companies to develop a very profitable
business in producing and marke ng high-technology-based products.

With a very experienced team and proven business system, we are sure that we will help your company to
achieve success.

We are proud to launch our new program:

"Grable Building Solu ons"

In this license program, you will find almost all technologies invented
or developed by Grable Technology in order to establish ground work
for green, sustainable building.

The program consist of:

Interlocking Brick Produc on

I-Brick Building System
I-Brick Engineering Center
I-Brick Construc on

Altough their brand names may vary across the globe, all Grable
Building Solu ons services share the same principle of green technology and

We are licensing the ability to produce, market, and u lize alterna ve

building materials that are sustainable yet economical.

Our Building System can build:

600% 40% 300%


Please visit
for more informa on

Magnesium Super Concrete XO Extreme Coa ng

The term super concrete is very much a valid XO Extreme Coa ng is the only nano technology
describ on of this product. epoxy-based protec ng coa ng available in the
This concrete is so much superior than ordinary
portland cement. Our Coa ng can be applied to:

It is formulated from MgO, Phosphoric Acid and other Concrete Floor and Wall
ingredients. Steel Surface: Tanks, Ships, Ballast Tank, Off shore rigs,
pipes, containers, barges, etc.
It cure from acid based reac on instead of hydra on Brass and Stainless Steel Surface
process thus it can cure underwater. Tile and Natural Stones
Glass and Flexy glass
It achieve 5000 Psi compresive strengh in 3 hours
compared to 28 days for portland cement. When it is In short, it can be applied to any surface due to it’s
used for precast products, we can actually demould in nano-sized par cle that make it bond really strong to
15 minutes. any surface.

It s cks to old concrete or other surface very well It can be sprayed, rolled or brushed on.
except on glass and plas c.
The adhesion property of XO Xtreme is amazing.
It is completely waterproof. When it's applied to glass surface, it s ll give a
whooping 3000+ Psi on the pull test result.


The ul mate product in firefigh nfg technology. Enforcer is a series of fire figh ng tools that comes all
FireAde comes with almost three decades of proven in and ready for ac on. It use pressurized nitrogen to
track record. propell pre-mixed FireAde and water solu on up to 50
FireAde has been used by militaries, fire agency and oil meters. It comes with various sizes and capacites and
& gas industries in North America, Europe and Middle is very suitable for RRVs (Rapid Response Vehicles) and
East. Community Fire Awareness Centers.

This product is actually a 5 in 1 product:

1. Fire Fig ng Medium Grable GreenROAD

2. Cooling Medium This road building technology is the greenest road
3. Hazardous Spill Control Medium building technology available.
4. Toxic Smoke Scrubber
5. Vapour Control Medium We use geopolymer solu on and compac on to make
rigid pavement that is durable and very hard.
FireAde is also:
. - Environment Firendly Part of the technology involve green sealer that is
. - Contains no PFOA nor PFOS applied cold and do not need any addi onal heat to
. - Non Synthe c Ingredient apply.
. - Bio Degradable
. - Non Toxic Grable GreenROAD is easy to maintain and can last
. - Can be used with fresh, brackish, or sea water very long.
We transform dirt road into hard paved road in not
me with a frac on of the cost of conven onal road
building technology.

Grable ColdPATCH Grable Garmon

This new technology is the key to smooth and flat Garmon stands for Garbage Monster. It really is a
road to enhance driving experience. monster in solving garbage problem everywhere in the
Conven onal pot hole patching involves: heavy
digging, hot asphalt mix, and heavy compac ng. Grable Technology Interna onal invented garbage
Making it a very ring, long and painful process. processing machine that will solve all garbage problem
across the globe.
This cold patch technology use polymer modified
bitumen and small rocks mixture that can be save in This machine do not require any electricity nor fuel to
plas c bags and keep away for up to 2 years in shelf. operate, thanks to our Oxygen Generators built into
the Gramon machine. They can extract oxygen from
Do not need digging, only clean the pot hole and the air and use it as fuel to process any kind of garbage
than pour the cold patc mixture and compact lightly. (except glass and metal) into ashes.

The traffic can be open within 15 minutes and the pot The air will be driven automa cally into Garmon
hole repair can be perform by 2 person opera on through oxygen generators due to air pressure
differen al as an effect of different temperature
between the two places.

We produce two size of Garmon. Small and large.

Bio Fuel Bio DuraBoard

With European ul mate technology, we can produce Alterna ve Building Materials has becoming major
BIO FUEL from lubrica ng oil remain, non-edible needs in many countries around the world.
cooking oil plus enzimes and addi ves derived from
micro-algae. The lack of mber supply due to rapid deforesta on in
almost every country, has led to shortage of wood-
This technology enable you to transform dangerous based building materials.
waste become high quality alterna ve fuel to power
gensets, boilers, and burners. On the other hand, there is a abundance supply of rice
huller waste that need to be solved in most
The rise if oil price will make this fuel produc on environmentally friendly manner.
business becoming a very lucra ve and compe ve
one. The produc on capacity varies from 50.000 litres We develop technology to produce alterna ve building
per day to 1.000.000 litre per day. material from rice huller waste to cover the usage of
plywood, gypsum board, calciboard and GRC!
The Bio Fuel we are producing can cover a wide range
of usage. This Bio DuraBoard has cu ng-edge characteris cs
that fulfill most needs demanded for a building
Currently we have 4 variant: material.
- Bio Burner Oil
- Bio Low Speed Diesel 89 Our Bio DuraBoard's characteris cs are:
- Bio Low Speed Diesel 84 - Weatherproof / Waterproof
- Bio High Speed Diesel - Termiteproof
- High Workability
Some experiments are s ll in progress to be er serve - Zero Formaldehide Emmision
all industrial fuel needs. - Lightweight
- 100% natural fiber
All the biofuel we are producing already comply with - Zero usage of forest material
EURO IV Emission Standard. - Low investment cost
How It’s Made

Types of Bricks

Soil Composi on
The ideal soil composi on
to produce the bricks is
sandy soil with clay
content of 30% and soil
content of 70%.

If the clay content

is too high in the soil,
sand is added to achieve
the desired propor on.


Wisma 46 BNI 48th floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 1 Jakarta 10320

E-mail: [email protected]


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