Wetland Hydrology
Wetland Hydrology
Wetland Hydrology
What is a wetland?
A wetland is an area of land covered in, or saturated by water.
Many New Zealand wetlands have saturated soils nearly all year round. The
water level is either just above or just below the ground surface. In rare cases
wetlands are only wet for a few weeks or months in a year; and may even stay dry
for years on end.
Wetlands support a natural ecosystem of plants and animals that have adapted
to wet conditions. They vary widely because of regional and local differences
in soils, topography, climate, hydrology, water chemistry, vegetation and other
factors, including human disturbance. All wetlands, however, have the following
three things in common:
1. water
2. wetland soils (which have low levels of oxygen or none at all, because they are
intermittently or permanently saturated)
3. wetland plants (which have adapted to growing in wet soil).
A description of the different wetland types is in Appendix 1.
Wetlands are a harsh and stressful environment for most plants. Those that grow
in wetlands have had to adapt to growing in wet soils. For example, kahikatea
and pukatea buttress their roots so they are stable in wet soils, while many smaller
plants have spongy tissues in their leaves that act as a reservoir and passageway
for oxygen to move down to the roots in wet, oxygen-deprived soils.
Some wetland plants are generalists and adapt readily to a wide range of
conditions, while others thrive only in very specific habitats. Many spread without
producing seeds (‘asexual reproduction’) and have underground storage organs
that help them survive and re-grow rapidly after the sudden floods and prolonged
droughts common in wetlands. Asexual reproduction also helps the plants colonise
Raupo can grow
parts of wetlands where the water is too deep for seeds to germinate and establish
in areas of deep
successfully. For example, raupo dies back over winter and grows back in the water because of
spring from underground rhizomes (starch-filled stems). its ability to spread
from underground
When a wetland floods, the soil becomes saturated and drought-tolerant plants
rhizomes rather than
revive, while the seeds of water-loving plants germinate and grow. Where wetlands
are flooded unnaturally, plant diversity can decrease because only a few species are
able to grow in permanently deep water1.
As water levels drop, different plants germinate and grow on the exposed mud.
The soil chemistry changes as it is exposed to the air, encouraging dry land plants.
Some wetland plants, such as Carex, set seed in summer when water levels are low.
Often these seeds can stay viable in the soil for years even if the wetland is dry.
Sorrell et al. (2004), in Freshwaters of New Zealand.
Understanding the ‘wet’ in wetlands 5
Wetland animals respond to seasonal fluctuations in water levels. When levels
drop, many fish and eels retreat and water birds migrate. When water levels
return, they trigger a flush of food (invertebrates) that brings the birds and fish
back – waterfowl often take the opportunity to breed with so much food about.
Mudfish have a different response to low water levels – they hibernate in the wet
soil and wait for the water to return.
Campbell and Jackson (2004), in Freshwaters of New Zealand.
NRC (National Research Council) (1992) Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems. Committee on
Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems – Science, Technology, and Public Policy. Water Science and
Technology Board. Commission on Geosciences, Environment, and Resources.
Rainfall Evapo-transpiration
• rain that falls directly onto the wetland • evaporation from standing water or
saturated soils
• transpiration from plants
Groundwater Groundwater
• groundwater inflow • groundwater outflow
Campbell and Jackson (2004), in Freshwaters of New Zealand.
Understanding the ‘wet’ in wetlands 7
The difference between a wetland’s water inflows and outflows is known as its
‘water balance’. When averaged over a long period, the inflows appear to balance
the outflows. However, at any time, one or more components of the balance may
dominate. For example, heavy rainfall will cause water levels to rise temporarily.
Alternatively, if groundwater levels reduce, the wetland may dry up because
groundwater inflows decrease.
Different wetlands are sustained by different inflows and outflows. For example,
a bog is fed entirely by rainfall, while a swamp mainly receives its water from
surface water and groundwater.
Figure 1: The factors making up a wetland’s water balance (after Carter, V, 1996, Wetland
hydrology, water quality, and associated functions. In National Water Summary on Wetland
Resources. Water-Supply Paper 2425. United States Geological Survey. Washington, DC. http://
Groundwater is an important part of the water balance for most wetlands. It
affects wetlands in two main ways:
1. Flowing in: a ‘discharge wetland’ is created when groundwater flows (or
discharges) into a wetland located in a topographic low point, where the
wetland water level is lower than the surrounding water table (see Figure 2A).
Discharge wetlands tend to be buffered against dramatic seasonal changes in
water level. For example, wetland studies on the Kapiti Coast have shown that
groundwater is important for keeping the soils wet at drier times of the year.
A ‘spring’ or a ‘seep’ is another type of groundwater discharge wetland that
occurs at the base of slopes where the water table intercepts the land surface
(see Figure 2B)
2. Flowing out: a ‘recharge wetland’ is created when the water level in a wetland
is higher than the water table in the surrounding area – the groundwater
flows out of the wetland (see Figure 2C). However, where the amount of water
flowing out of the wetland is negligible, the wetland is known as a ‘perched
wetland’ (see Figure 2D).
The interaction between a wetland and groundwater can vary seasonally and
even reverse during the year.
Evapo-transpiration is the collective term for the ‘transpiration’ from plants and
water that ‘evaporates’ to the atmosphere from open water or moist soils.
Evaporation and transpiration rates are mainly controlled by the sun (solar
radiation and temperature), humidity and wind speed – they vary between night
and day, from day to day, and seasonally. Vegetated wetlands usually have lower
evaporation rates than open water wetlands.
Evapo-transpiration can be a large part of a wetland’s water balance and can
reduce the amount of water flowing out, especially in summer. Its rates can be
altered by:
• grazing: by removing vegetation cover, grazing increases evaporation from
open water or wet soils
• vegetation clearance: this changes the local microclimate, which also influences
evaporation rates
• planting willows: overseas studies show that willows have higher rates
of transpiration than native wetland plants, providing a drying effect on
For information about measuring evapo-transpiration in New Zealand wetlands,
refer to the chapter on wetland hydrology in Freshwaters of New Zealand (2004)
listed in Section 9 of this guide.
Drying up
Drainage, including the deepening of nearby drains, is the main cause of wetlands
drying up. If a wetland becomes too dry, the number of wetland plants decreases and
dry land plants take over, especially weeds. Peat soils also break down when they
dry up and are exposed to the air.
In contrast, wetlands that are artificially flooded may not give plants important
seasonal variations that are clues for growth and flowering. Permanent flooding will
reduce a wetland’s health and diversity. For example, a wetland with year-round
standing surface water offers a habitat that is very similar over large areas for a long
period of time, resulting in dominance by only a few plant species.
Figure 3: Human impacts on wetlands (after Keddy, PA 1983. Freshwater wetland human-induced
changes: Indirect effects must also be considered. Environmental Management 7:299-302)
What is restoration?
‘Restoration’ is the return of a damaged wetland as close as possible to its
original condition.
The aim is to return the wetland to a healthy, self-sustaining condition, dominated
by native plants and animals. It may not be possible to return a wetland
completely to its natural condition.
General approaches
The techniques for restoration tend to fall into three categories, depending on
your restoration goal7
1. restoring and managing the wetland’s hydrology
2. controlling or removing pollution entering the wetland
3. restoring native plant and animal communities (generally by removing stock
and undertaking pest and weed control, but natural water levels will also help
address weed problems).
NRC (1992)
Understanding the ‘wet’ in wetlands 15
Daming and diverting water, whether over or under the ground, requires a
resource consent unless it is specifically allowed by a rule in a regional plan.
Greater Wellington’s Regional Freshwater Plan has rules that allow diversion
of water from water races, farm drains or groundwater, provided it does not
cause flooding or lower water levels in rivers, lakes and wetlands. Before taking
any actions that will dam or divert water, read the rules on www.gw.govt.nz/
regionalrules or contact the Consents Help Desk on 0800 496 734.
Sorrell et al. (2004) in Freshwaters of New Zealand.
Sorrell et al. (2004) in Freshwaters of New Zealand.
Understanding the ‘wet’ in wetlands 17
3. Think about nutrient impacts
It’s also important to think about nutrients when restoring hydrology – if you
redirect nutrient-rich water into a wetland area, it may have significant and
unexpected effects on your overall site. Wetlands with very high nutrient levels
are less diverse, usually dominated by one or two highly competitive, often exotic,
4. Give the systems time
Be aware that restoration is a long-term project. It may take several years for your
wetland to recover.
Blocking drains
Many wetlands in depressions or on flat land have been drained. You can restore
this relatively inexpensively by plugging drainage ditches with either soil dams or
artificial weirs.
You can often find the best material for plugging drains right beside the drain –
it’s the soil that was dug out of the drain in the first place. Other soil sources may
be nearby, but they should be roughly the same type of soil as that removed from
the drain site.
If tiles have been installed to collect and channel water into drains, they can
be plugged with a low-permeability, clay-like soil. In some cases, drains will
naturally ‘silt up’ and you won’t need to intervene. Monitoring the hydrology will
help you decide.
Sorrell BK, Partridge TR, Clarkson BR, Jackson RJ, Chagué-Goff C, Ekanayake J, Payne J,
Gerbeaux P and Grainger NPJ (submitted 2004). Soil environmental and vegetation responses
to hydrological restoration in a partially drained polje fen in New Zealand. Wetlands Ecology
and Management.
White M and McNutt K (2003) Dunearn Peat Bog: Restoration and Monitoring. SRC Publication No 2003-12.
Environment Southland and Department of Conservation, Invercargill.
Understanding the ‘wet’ in wetlands 19
Pumping water
Active pumps and siphoning systems should be a last resort because they are
expensive to install and operate. However, they can be the only way to move
enough water into the site to achieve real ecological change. Before starting down
this track, you’ll need to establish the desired water regime, how this will change
your site and its feasibility in resources and time. Measuring the hydrology of a
reference site will help give you an idea of the water regime you should aim for.
Controlling pollution
If your wetland is affected by water pollution from agricultural or urban run-off,
you may want to take steps to control or mitigate it. Fencing the wetland is a good
first step to improving wetland water quality. This will also allow wetland plants
to regenerate (see section below), although you’ll need to keep an eye out for
weeds that grazing may have suppressed.
If you can’t control the water pollution source, you may want to consider planting
a buffer of native plants around the wetland edge. This will help catch sediment
and nutrients before they enter the wetland or neighbouring streams. Dense
planting with one productive species can be the best option for pollution control.
See Sections 8 and 9 for details on where to find more information on controlling
• the extent of water coverage, especially after flooding (use pegs to mark levels
during different floods)
• the types of stream inflows (where applicable) e.g. one defined channel or
many channels
• any ecological observations (such as what birds are seen, when plants have
flowered and any plants that appear to be dying).
You can also gain a good idea of the hydrology using local knowledge of the
wetland, such as how often it floods and the extent and depth of water.
The detailed Handbook for Monitoring Wetland Condition, published by the Ministry
for the Environment (2004) is a useful resource for designing a monitoring
strategy for your wetland.
Keep records
Whatever you decide to monitor, keep all your information together in a journal,
such as a bound exercise book or diary. Record the dates, measurements and any
other observations. Make your records descriptive.
Take photographs
Photographs are an extremely valuable addition to your monitoring journal.
Create ‘photo points’ or include a marker (such as a tree) in a panorama to help
get the same shot each time. Date and store the photographs in an album.
To measure the water depth, lower a weighted tape measure until it touches the
water surface – either use a torch or listen carefully for the ‘plonk’ as the weight
hits the water. Also measure and record the distance between the top of the pipe
and the water surface. To calculate the depth of the water table below ground
level, subtract the distance from the top of the pipe to the ground from the
distance from the top of the pipe to the water level. Record both measurements in
your monitoring journal.
To measure the
water depth, lower
a weighted tape
measure until it
touches the water
Figure 6: Calculating the underground water level (after Brock, M et al, 2000. Does Your
Wetland Flood and Dry? Water Regime and Wetland Plants. LWRRDC and UNE, NSW, Australia
Figure 7: The timing of flooding and drying of a wetland in Queen Elizabeth Park, Kapiti Coast.
Department of Conservation
The Department of Conservation may be able to advise you on how to identify,
maintain, legally protect and enhance wetlands. Contact your local office or visit
Johnson and Gerbeaux, 2004.
Peat soils are formed from the remains of plant material that has built up over long periods
of time in wet conditions where a lack of oxygen prevents the rapid breakdown of material.
Mineral soils contain few decomposing plants; instead they are made up of clay, sand, or silt.
Figure 8: Many of the wetlands on private land in New Zealand are swamps.