Adoption of Programming Codes in The Design of Earth Retaining Wall in Different Backfill Conditions

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The International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES)

ISSN (e): 2319 – 1813 ISSN (p): 23-19 – 1805

|| Pages || PP 47-53 || 2018 ||

Adoption of Programming Codes in the Design of Earth

Retaining Wall in Different Backfill Conditions.
Dr. P. D. Hiwase1 Mr. Shashank Bisen 2 Mr. Pratik Surana3
Assistant Professor Civil Engg. Department RCOEM Nagpur
4th Year Student Civil Engg. Department RCOEM Nagpur
4th Year Student Civil Engg. Department RCOEM Nagpur

ABSTRACT:The earth retaining wall is the most important structure in various construction projects of civil
engineering. It involves intricate design work and the manual calculations can sometimes become tedious and
time taking. Also the accuracy and precision of the design becomes very important when it comes to big
structures such as bridges and dams. Therefore, a lot of companies and construction firms have started using
various user friendly software. We, through this paper, want to make an attempt to use programming languages
to make calculations of the design of retaining wall much more easy and swift.
KEYWORDS: Retaining wall design, Active earth pressure, Software programming.

Retaining walls are used to retain earth or other loose material. These walls are commonly constructed
in the places namely construction of building basement, as wing wall or abutment in bridge construction and in
the construction of embankment. All these types of construction works require intricate calculations with
accuracy and precision. So to make these calculations much easy and appropriate, the use of a programming
language known as Python is used here. Python as a coding language is very useful as it gives Learning Ease, it
has User-friendly Data Structures: and the Productivity and Speed is very quick. This paper deals with the
design of retaining wall with horizontal backfill using Python to get more accurate data.

1.1 Retaining Wall

Retaining walls are used to retain earth or other loose material. These walls are commonly constructed
in the following places :
1. In the construction of building basement
2. As wing wall or abutment in bridge construction
3. In the construction of embankment

1.2 Types of Retaining wall

1. Gravity Retaining Wall
2. Cantilever Retaining Wall
3. Counterfort Retaining Wall
4. Buttress Retaining Wall

1.2.1 Cantilever Retaining Wall

It is the most common type of Retaining wall which consists of a vertical wall called as stem, heel slab
and toe slab. As all the three components of this wall acts as cantilever, the wall is called as cantilever retaining
The stem, heel and toe all resist the earth pressure by bending. These walls can be L or inverted in
shape. The cantilever Retaining wall are used upto height of 6meter.

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Adoption Of Programming Codes In The Design Of Earth Retaining Wall In Different Backfill

Figure 1: Basic elements of Retaining Wall

(Source: Wikipedia)
1.3 About the programming language: Python
Python is an interpreted high-level programming language for general-purpose programming. Created
by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python has a design philosophy that emphasizes code
readability, and a syntax that allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code, notably
using significant whitespace. It provides constructs that enable clear programming on both small and large
Python features a dynamic type system and automatic memory management. It supports multiple programming
paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative, functional and procedural, and has a large and
comprehensive standard library.
Python interpreters are available for many operating systems. CPython, the reference implementation of Python,
is source software] and has a community-based development model, as do nearly all of its variant
implementations. CPython is managed by the non-profit Python Software Foundation.
(Source: Wikipedia)

1.3.1 Advantages of Python Language

1. This language is Open Source and support Community Development.
2. It is easy to learn.
3. The language is User-friendly Data Structures.
4. It is Productivity and Speedy.

By using Python programming language we have designed retaining wall in different backfill conditions.
2.1Case 1: Retaining wall with dry horizontal backfill
Problem 1:
Total height of retaining wall = 4.4m
Width of base slab = 2.5m
Thickness of base slab = 0.4m
Cantilever projection on toe side = 0.8m
Cantilever projection on heel side = 1.4m
Angle of shearing resistance = 30degrees
Unit weight of soil = 18
Soil Bearing Capacity = 150

2.2Program for design of retaining wall structure

import math
print 'Enter the height of retaining wall'
H = input()
print 'Enter width of base slab'
b = input()

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print 'Enter the thickness of base slab'

t = input()
print 'Enter projection on toe side'
b1 = input()
print ' Enter angle of shear resistance'
phi = input()
print ' Enter unit weight of soil(in kN/cumec)'
gama = input()
print ' Enter soil bearing capacity'
q = input()
print ' Enter grade of concrete'
fck = input()
print ' Enter grade of steel'
fy = input()
print ' Enter clear cover'
cc = input()
b2 = b - b1 - 0.1 - 0.2
ka = (1 - math.sin(math.radians(phi)))/(1 + math.sin(math.radians(phi)))
Df = (q/gama) * ka * ka
print 'Depth of foundation is ',Df
Pa = (ka * gama * h * h)/2
Pau = 1.5 * Pa
Mu = Pau * h/3
print 'Bending moment due to active earth pressure on retaining wall in kN-m is',Mu
d = math.sqrt(Mu*1000000/(0.138*fck*1000))
print 'Effective depth is',d
Astem = (0.5*fck*1000*d)/fy*(1 - math.sqrt(1-((4.6*Mu*1000000)/(fck*1000*d*d))))
print 'Area of steel of stem is',Astem
W1 = 0.2*h*25
W2 = 0.5*0.1*h*25
W3 = b*t*25
W4 = (2.5 - b1 - 0.3)*h*18
W = W1 + W2 + W3 + W4
Wu = 1.5*W
Pa1 = 0.5*ka*gama*H*H
Pa1u = 1.5 * Pa1
OM = (Pa1 * H)/3
X1 = b1 + 0.1 + 0.1
X2 = b1 + (2 *0.1)/3
X3 = b/2
X4 = b1 + 0.1 + 0.2 + b2/2
RM = W1*X1 + W2*X2 + W3*X3 + W4*X4
RM1 = RM - OM
x = RM1/W
e = b*0.5 - x
print 'eccentricity is ',e
Smax = (Wu*(1+(6*e)/b))/b
Smin = (Wu*(1-(6*e)/b))/b
print 'Maximum pressure is',Smax
print 'Minimum pressure is',Smin
Px = (((Smax-Smin)*(b-b1))/b)+Smin
Py = (((Smax-Smin)*(b-b2))/b)+Smin
print 'Pressure at the end of toe section',Px
print 'Pressure at the end of toe section',Py
BMtoe = (0.5*(Smax+Px)*b1)*((2*Smax+Px)/(Smax+Px))*(b1/3)-((t*b1*25*1.5)*(b1/2))
BMheel = ((b2*t*25*1.5)*(b2/2))+((W4*1.5)*(b2/2))-(0.5*(Smin+Py)*b2)*(((2*Py+Smin)/(Py+Smin))*(b2/3))
print 'Bending moment at toe section is',BMtoe
print 'Bending moment at heel section is',BMheel

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d1 = t*1000-cc
Atoe = (0.5*fck*1000*d1)/fy*(1 - math.sqrt(1-((4.6*BMtoe*1000000)/(fck*1000*d1*d1))))
Aheel = (0.5*fck*1000*d1)/fy*(1 - math.sqrt(1-((4.6*BMheel*1000000)/(fck*1000*d1*d1))))
print 'Area of steel at toe section is',Atoe
print 'Area of steel at heel section is',Aheel

2.2 Output of Retaining wall with dry horizontal backfill

Figure 2:Output of Retaining wall with dry horizontal backfill

Figure 2 shows the required depth of foundation, pressures at various sections of the retaining wall and area of
steel required.


Problem 2:
Total height of retaining wall = 4.4m
Width of base slab = 2.5m
Thickness of base slab = 0.4m
Cantilever projection on toe side = 0.8m
Cantilever projection on heel side = 1.4m
Angle of shearing resistance = 30degrees
Unit weight of soil = 18 kN/m^3
Soil Bearing Capacity = 150 kN/m^2
Unit weight of water = 9.81 kN/m^3

3.1 Program for design of retaining wall structure under fully submerged condition
import math
print 'Enter the height of retaining wall'

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H = input()
print 'Enter width of base slab'
b = input()
print 'Enter the thickness of base slab'
t = input()
print 'Enter projection on toe side'
b1 = input()
print ' Enter angle of shear resistance'
phi = input()
print ' Enter unit weight of soil(in kN/cumec)'
gama = input()
print ' Enter unit weight of water(in kN/cumec)'
gama1 = input()
print ' Enter soil bearing capacity'
q = input()
print ' Enter grade of concrete'
fck = input()
print ' Enter grade of steel'
fy = input()
print ' Enter clear cover'
cc = input()
gama2 = gama-gama1
b2 = b - b1 - 0.1 - 0.2
ka = (1 - math.sin(math.radians(phi)))/(1 + math.sin(math.radians(phi)))
Df = (q/gama2) * ka * ka
print 'Depth of foundation is ',Df
Pa = 0.5 * (ka*gama2*h+ka*gama1*h)*h
Pau = 1.5 * Pa
Mu = Pau * h/3
print 'Bending moment due to active earth pressure on retaining wall in kN-m is',Mu
d = math.sqrt(Mu*1000000/(0.138*fck*1000))
print 'Effective depth is',d
Astem = (0.5*fck*1000*d)/fy*(1 - math.sqrt(1-((4.6*Mu*1000000)/(fck*1000*d*d))))
print 'Area of steel of stem is',Astem
W1 = 0.2*h*25
W2 = 0.5*0.1*h*25
W3 = b*t*25
W4 = (2.5 - b1 - 0.3)*h*18
W = W1 + W2 + W3 + W4
Wu = 1.5*W
Pa1 = 0.5 * ((ka*gama2*H)+(ka*gama1*H))*H
Pa1u = 1.5 * Pa1
OM = (Pa1 * H)/3
X1 = b1 + 0.1 + 0.1
X2 = b1 + (2 *0.1)/3
X3 = b/2
X4 = b1 + 0.1 + 0.2 + b2/2
RM = W1*X1 + W2*X2 + W3*X3 + W4*X4
RM1 = RM - OM
x = RM1/W
e = b*0.5 - x
print 'eccentricity is ',e
Smax = (Wu*(1+(6*e)/b))/b
Smin = (Wu*(1-(6*e)/b))/b
print 'Maximum pressure is',Smax
print 'Minimum pressure is',Smin
Px = (((Smax-Smin)*(b-b1))/b)+Smin
Py = (((Smax-Smin)*(b-b2))/b)+Smin

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print 'Pressure at the end of toe section',Px

print 'Pressure at the end of toe section',Py
BMtoe = (0.5*(Smax+Px)*b1)*((2*Smax+Px)/(Smax+Px))*(b1/3)-((t*b1*25*1.5)*(b1/2))
BMheel = ((b2*t*25*1.5)*(b2/2))+((W4*1.5)*(b2/2))-(0.5*(Smin+Py)*b2)*(((2*Py+Smin)/(Py+Smin))*(b2/3))
print 'Bending moment at toe section is',BMtoe
print 'Bending moment at heel section is',BMheel
d1 = t*1000-cc
Atoe = (0.5*fck*1000*d1)/fy*(1 - math.sqrt(1-((4.6*BMtoe*1000000)/(fck*1000*d1*d1))))
Aheel = (0.5*fck*1000*d1)/fy*(1 - math.sqrt(1-((4.6*BMheel*1000000)/(fck*1000*d1*d1))))
print 'Area of steel at toe section is',Atoe
print 'Area of steel at heel section is',Aheel
3.2 Output of Retaining wall with fully submerged condition

Figure 3: Output of Retaining wall with fully submerged condition

Figure 3: shows the required depth of foundation, pressures at various sections of the retaining wall and area of
steel required.

By adoption of the Python programming language, it is easy to solve complex problems like the design
of retaining wall in different conditions with accuracy and precisions. Itis a quicker way of solving time taking
problem. Also the use of a modern software such as python enables the civil engineer to construct the structure
according to the demands of the clients.

[1]. Research Paper on Python: A Programming Language for Software Integration & Development by M.F.Sanner (The Scripps
Research Institute, La Jolla)
[2]. Wikipedia.
[3]. Retaining wall: A building guide and design by Tina Skinner.
[4]. Basics of Retaining Wall Design by Huge Brooks and John P Nielsen.
[5]. Learning Python Design by Gennadiy Zlobin.

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Dr. P.D. HIWASE is currently working as an Assistant Professor in Shri Ramdeobaba

College of engineering and management.He has a specialization in Structural engineering.
He has been in the teaching sector since 9 years along with an industrial experience of 4
years in the field of structural engineering. He has published about 10 journals till date.

Mr Shashank Bisen is a student of final year (2014-2018) of Shri Ramdeobaba College of

Engineering and Management. He has been a part of various technical and non-technical
organizations in and outside the college.

Mr. Pratik Surana is a student of Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and

Management of Final Year(2014-2018) Civil branch. He has been a part of various
technical conferences in the past.

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