Final Test Report
Final Test Report
Final Test Report
Test Execution Status
Test Cases Status in %
Total Number of Test Cases Defined 20 70% 60%
Total Number of Test Cases Executed 20 100% 60%
Total Number of Test Cases Successful 8 40%
50% 40%
Total Number of Test Cases Failed 12 60%
Total number of Test Cases Deferred 0 0% 40%
70% 60%
50% 40%
Regression Identifier
Test Case ID Test Case Description PreRequisites Steps Execution Steps Expected Results
Dimension server
Web.mdd_01 Verify the Login page. 1. Valid username and 1 Enter Url Web Page should display login screen with following
password should be there. fields:
2. The url should be available 1. Username
2. Password
3. Realm dropdown with default selection.
4. "Sign In" button.
2 Enter valid Username & Password Web Page should allow to enter valid data
3 Select a value from "Realm" dropdown. Web Page should allow to select the desired value.
6 Enter valid Username & Password Application should allow to enter the username and
7 Click on "Login" button Application should open the "Data Collection Home
Web.mdd_02 Verify "New" project creation User should be on Data 1 Click on new project creation link Application should open 'New Project' pop-up window P
Collection Home page
2 Enter a project name and project User should be able to enter the desired text
description in the 'Name' and
'Description' fields respectively
3 Click on the 'Advanced' button Advanced' pop-up should open displaying the project ID
and project folder details.
Program files (extension of .MDD and .MQD files)
should have same name as that of the project ID.
4 Click on the 'Permissions' tab Group/Roles' details should be displayed
5 Click on 'OK' button Advanced' pop-up should close
6 Click on the 'OK' button The 'New Project' pop-up should close and the project
should be created.
Regression Identifier
Test Case ID Test Case Description PreRequisites Steps Execution Steps Expected Results
Web.mdd_03 Verify the MDD files upload User should be on 'My 1 Click on newly created project link Project details should be displayed with the following
for the survey created Projects' page. sub-section details :-
1. Data Collection Activities P
2. Design
3. Manage
2 Click on the 'Files' under the 'Manage' PASW Manage files page should be displayed
3 Click on the 'Upload' link in the 'Actions' Upload File' pop-up should be displayed
4 Browse to upload the zip file (containing User should be able to upload a valid zip files for the
MDD, MQD, Templates, CSS (if any)) and survey with MDD file name and survey id should be
click on 'Upload' button same
5 Click on the Home icon at the top next to Launch link should be displayed on the home page
the help (?) icon and you will be on the
first page of the project
Web.mdd_04 Verify the tabs on 'Launch' User should be on 'My 1 Click on the 'Launch' link Launch' page should be open
page Projects' page with a file
successfully uploaded for a
2 Click on the 'Project Info' tab Project Info details should be displayed
3 Click on the 'Sample Management' tab Sample Management details should be displayed
Web.mdd_05 Verify the survey launch for User should be on 'Launch' 1 Select the 'Status' as 'Active' and click on PASW launch pop-up should display the url for the
'Active' status page 'Launch' button survey P
Web.mdd_06 Verify the survey launch for User should be on 'Launch' 1 Select the 'Status' as 'Test' and click on PASW launch pop-up should display the url for the
'Test' status page 'Launch' button following :- P
1. Test url
Web.mdd_07 Verify the survey launch for User should be on 'Launch' 1 Select the 'Status' as 'Inactive' and click PASW launch pop-up should open and display the
'Inactive' status page on 'Launch' button message stating that project status is currently inactive. P
Web.mdd_08 Verify the survey page after PASW launch pop-up is 1 Click the test url Survey window should open
clicking the survey url displaying the Test url
Regression Identifier
Test Case ID Test Case Description PreRequisites Steps Execution Steps Expected Results
Web.mdd_11 Verify data should download User should be on 'My 1 Click on 'Export Data' link User should be able to export the data for the survey in
using the 'Export Data' link Project' page. zip file
on the survey page.
Mrstudio TOM
MR5.6_01 Verify letters are not skipped Dat and Mdd should be 1 Create the new MRS script on Mrstudio. File should be created
when banner points are available. Mrstudio TOM F
hidden. should be present.
2 In the MRS file :- User should be able to hide the desired banner point
1.Add a banner and save it.
2.Hide one of the banner point
3 Run the MRS script by pressing the key Script should run successfully and in the output report
'F5' and generate the output in excel (excel file) letters should not skip from the Banner.
Desktop Reporter
DR5.6_01 Verify functionality of 'Nest' User should have the Sav file 1 Add the variables "Country and Q260" at User should be able to add the desired variables
button while nesting multiple open in Desktop Reporter the top and used the variable "Q260" for
variables on 'Design' window. Nesting. Also add few variables at the
side box.
2 Add multiple variables using the Nest User should be able to nest the variables multiple times
3 Click on the 'Results' tab Report should be generated
DR5.6_02 Verify large text displayed 1. User should have Report 1 Open the Report for Survey: Report for Survey application should be opened.
onsceen correctly using for Survey/mrTable Start menu->All Programs->SPSS Inc->
"Variable Preview Screen" 2. User should have Microsoft PASW Data Collection 5.6->Report for
functionality. excel. Survey->Report For Survey F
3. User should have .sav files
Regression Identifier
Test Case ID Test Case Description PreRequisites Steps Execution Steps Expected Results
Web.R_01 Verify the ‘Web Report for 1. User should upload the 1 Create new project and upload the desire User should be able to upload the desired files
Survey’ link data and scripting file as file type (I.e. SAV, DDF, DAT, etc)
required (I.e. PKD, SAV,
DDF, DAT, MDD, etc) for the F
2. User should be on the My
Projects page
2 For the project created, verify the link Web Reports for Surveys' page for the selected survey
'Web Reports for Surveys' link should be displayed.
Web.R_02 Verify the table menu icons Test case Web.R_01 should 1 Click the icon to populate the table User should be able to populate the table selection
displayed on the survey page be executed selection F
sub menu
Web.R_03 Verify the 'File' menu Test case Web.R_01 should 1 Click on the File menu option and select User should be able to open the selected link
displayed on the 'Web Report be executed 'New Tables Document' F
for Survey' page
Web.R_04 Verify the 'Tables' menu Test case Web.R_01 should 1 Click on the 'Global Header and Footer’ User should be able to open the selected link
displayed on the 'Web Report be executed option in the ‘Tables’ F
for Survey' page
Web.R_05 Verify the 'Options' selections Test case Web.R_01 should 1 Click on the icon to create "new table User should be able to create new table variable from
from the table variable from be executed variable" from the "side" or "top" axis the side or top axis
the side or top axis
Web.R_06 Verify the ' Find' button Test case Web.R_01 should 1 Enter a valid text in the text box for Matching field should be highlighted
functionality on the 'Define' be executed 'Find' button and click on 'Find' F
2 Enter another text in the 'Find' text box Matching field should be highlighted
and click on 'Find'
Web.R_07 Verify the features 'View Test case Web.R_01 should 1 Click on the 'View Table' tab User should navigate to the 'View Table' screen F
Table' tab be executed
2 Click on the 'Top' link User should navigate to top of the screen
3 Make the filter selections and click on Chart should be displayed as per the filter selection
'Display Charts' button
MrP5.6_01 Verify Spell check stops a lot 1. 'MrPaper' should be 1 Open the "MrPaper" application. MrPaper' should be open
because of space ( ) installed
character. 2. Work doc should be
Regression Identifier
Test Case ID Test Case Description PreRequisites Steps Execution Steps Expected Results
2 Open an old MDD file. Using the option MDD file should be open in doc file.
'Load questionniare' in the Paper Menu.
3 Searching the text. User should be able to search the text without doing
any Replacing of ' ' to a space.
3 DR5.6_02
6 Web.R_07
7 MrP5.6_01
8 MrP5.6_01
9 MR5.6_01
10 Web.R_06
Datamatics Global Services Limited Template - Test Case
Provides the details of the Test Scenario, Reference Docs, Revison
Test Scenario Details Hisotry.
Popup This window pops-up when the test case document is opened.
Tester Name: Name of Tester who would modify this test Scenario
During Login <default from the name set when last time the xls was saved>
Build Number: Build number on which the test is being executed
<default from the number set when last time the xls was saved>
On Change of Status of
Tester Name: Name of Tester who modified the status <default from
System testing or
the name set during opening of the xls>
Regression Testing
Build Number: Build number on which the test was executed <default
from the number set during opening the xls>
Defect ID: ID from the defect logging system used to log defects,
when a test case is marked as "Failed"
Notes: Comments entered with respect the Test case on status change
<If not captured application would set based on status change>