3119lecture PDF
3119lecture PDF
3119lecture PDF
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This is the first topic in this course and broadly covers the following aspects:
Simple comparison of polymers with metals
Range of commonly used polymers/plastics and historical development
Raw materials involved and synthesis of polymers
Bonding and structure of different polymers and how they affect their properties
Basic constituents of plastics
Classification of plastics
Basic mechanical, physical and chemical properties of plastics
Fibre-reinforced plastics or composites
Please go through the Reading books for further understanding of the subject
Student needs to do self-reading of selected portions of the handout
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Plastics have low thermal conductivity and High coefficient of thermal expansion.
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Reading Books/Materials:
Supplementary Reading:
1. “Plastics: Materials and Processing” by A. Brent Strong, Prentice Hall.
2. “Principles of Polymer Engineering” by N.G. McCrum & C.P. Buckley, Oxford Publications.
3. Any other books dealing with relevant manufacturing processes may be chosen.
(i) The study of major processes used in the manufacturing of a variety of plastic products. Typical processes
being dealt include industry standard ‘Extrusion’ and extrusion-based processes, ‘Injection molding’ and
injection-based processes, ‘Thermo Forming’, and ‘Compression molding’.
(ii) Classification of the processes into two broad categories; one for processing ‘thermoplastics’, and the second
for processing of ‘thermoset’ materials.
(iii) Mechanisms of material flow in different processes.
(iv) Salient design related features for different processes.
(v) The influence of process variables/parameters that control the quality of the product.
Please note that further elaboration of the materials given in the following pages will be done in the lecture and
students will undertake a number of experiments in the laboratory sessions. This, along with the writing of
laboratory reports on the experiments, will further enhance student’s understanding of the various processes.
Please go through the Essential Reading book for further understanding of the subject.
Student needs to do self-reading of selected portions of the handout.
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(i) Thermal effect
(ii) Mechanical force to have shape deformation
(iii) High pressure fracturing effect
(iv) Electrical effect
(v) Chemical effect
(vi) Etc.
Categories of manufacturing processes
There are many manufacturing processes involved which vary with
their individual operational principles and accomplishment in their
final products. They are fundamentally categorized as:
1. Material forming and shaping processes
2. Material removal or machining processes
3. Material incressing processes
4. Surface treatment or surface finishing processes
5. Fastening and joining processes
6. Heat treatment processes
7. Assembly processes
8. Quality insurance processes
9. Etc.
Some Forming and Shaping Processes
Basically, the processes include:
1. forming of solid materials through their liquid
transitional stage (i.e., casting for metals; and
molding of plastics, etc.);
2. forming of solid materials to anticipated shapes
through plastic deformation (i.e. forging, rolling,
extrusion, drawing, etc.)
3. forming of solid materials to shapes through
converting to powder metallurgy (involving
blending, compacting, and sintering, etc.)
Manufacture and Physical phenomena
of material
• Thermal methods • Mechanical deformation methods
Material is heated to its melting point Bulk, sheet, and/or plate of solid
can become liquid mode, which is then materials are deformed either under
frozen to become solid again. Generally, compression or stretching with applied
material in liquid mode has better flow‐ force beyond the corresponding yield
ability then its solid counterpart. Hence, value of the materials. The materials will
thermal method with phase be deformed and start tp fill the cavity
transformation is frequently used in surrounding their boundaries of dies.
manufacturing mechanical components Hence, the die cavity between die pair is
with relatively more complex and detail the shape of a finishing product after
features. filling with materials.
Thermal method is typically used in As solid materials are often difficult to
manufacture processes like: metal flow, design of die shape features
casting, plastics molding, powder undoubted ly affect the ability of
metallurgy, joining, non‐traditional materials filling. Hence, design of cavity
machining, thermal cutting, heat profile is usually the deterministic factors
treatment, and crystal growing, etc.. of forming a good quality product.
However, the quality of a finishing Furthermore, the setup rigidity of
product varies with the freezing machineries and/or die pairs also
behaviors influence the product quality.
Manufacture and Physical phenomena
of material
• High pressure fracturing effect
• Electrical effect
A cutting tool having sharp edge/point
presses onto a material, it generally When two slim rods are connected with
creates high pressure on the edge/point electrical circuitry and allow current to
so that it indents into the material. When pass through, current can pass the rods
the edge/point of cutting tool is moved without any abnormal phenomenon
relatively to the material with narrowest taking place. When the two rods are
throwing area at the front, material in pulled apart to have small gap in
front of the throwing surface tends to be between, current under the potential
peeling up by shear. The suitable voltage jumps across the gap and spark is
scheduling of the path which the cutting generated. The spark generates large
tool moves over the material performs amount of heat and evaporates materials
the machining of various features on the from the tips of rods. When one rod is
material. replaced by electrode while the other by
a workpiece, the evaporation of
Surface finishing (Roughness) produced materials along the moving path of
by such effect varies with feeding and electrode relative to the surface of
radius (or angle) of the cutting tool workpiece thus creates machining
features according to the x‐y‐z
movements of the electrodes.
Manufacture and physical phenomena
of materials
• Thermal effect which after heat dispersion away
When thermal energy is applied by cooling, can freeze to form a
to a material, molecules in solid product of the shape of
crystals acquires kinetic energy cavity.
and some electrons vibrate Due to higher flowability of liquid
severely to escape the attraction material than solid counterpart,
force in orbit. When sufficiently manufacturing processes utilize
large energy is acquired, these such phase transformation
electrons escape from lattices usually being able to fill thin
and the materials are either section, to give detail interior or
molten or evaporated. Hence, exterior features of a so produced
suitable application of thermal product. Such phenomenon is
energy to the materials can melt utilized for manufacturing
the solid material to become product like casting of metals,
liquid phase. The liquid then fills and molding of plastic products.
cavity of some dies or molds,
Manufacturing Processes: Casting
• Casting is mainly involved with
converting solid metallic materials
into liquid form, which is then filled
into the product cavity of a mold and
solidified to become product.
Although most behaviors of casting
are similar to molding plastics, high
melting point of metals makes setup
and design of the features of casting
processes/machines differing from
those for molding of plastics.
• LHS figure classifies casting processes
into 3 categories: (i) expensable
pattern and mold casting, (ii)
Expensable mold, and permanent
pattern casting, and (iii) Permanent
mold casting. a
• Individual categories of casting result
in different setup configurations and
operational principles of
corresponding casting processes,
which are going to mention some of
the processes in the subsequent
Manufacturing Processes: Forming and Shaping
• As mentioned, the processes
involve of applying external force
on a workpiece through its
relevant tool boundaries. When
such force is sufficiently high so
that the induced stress in the
workpiece is reaching or beyond
its yield, the workpiece will
retain certain amount of plastic
deformation, keeping such
deformed shape permanent.
• LHS figure illustrates bulk
deformation processes
categorized into: (i) rolling, (ii)
forging, and (iii) extrusion and
drawing. Different categories lead
to the development of dissimilar
setup features of processes,
hence different operational
Manufacturing Processes: Forming and Shaping
• The forming and shaping processes
illustrated in the LHS figure are
basically for forming and shaping of
sheet metals into various sheet metal
products. Fundamentally, (i) shearing
involves with cutting some features
on sheet products by removing
material of those features away from
the sheet metals; (ii) bending and
drawing normally involve of using
tools to bend sheet metals into
certain features and using punch to
drawn a blank on die top surface
down into die hole for forming
specific sheet products; and (iii)
forming of sheet metals into various
shapes applying different mechanical,
and physical phenomena of
stretching, hydro‐force pressing,
spinning and compression, and
magnetic pulse force, etc.
Manufacturing Processes: Forming and Shaping
Due to plastics or polymers can basically be
divided (iii) into (i) thermoplastics, (ii)
thermoset plastics, and elastomers or
rubbers. Their molecule structures result in
thermoplastics being reprocessable while
thermoset and elastomers/rubbers are not
reprocessable. Hence, different designs of
processes to shape plastics products are
different. The LHS figure groups the plastics
forming processes into two major groups: (i)
processes for forming thermoplastics, and (ii)
processes for shaping thermoset plastics.
Furthermore, their relatively low melting
point compared with their metallic
counterparts. Thermoplastics are also used
as the major materials for rapid prototyping
technologies as shown in the third category
of prototyping. Since manufacturing of
plastic products and their composite
materials have been dealt by Prof. Kamineni
in the first three lectures of this course, we
are not going to deal them here. However,
the processes in (i) and (ii) are involved with
phase transformation like casting, most
problems addressed in casting need also to
considered in plastics forming processes.
Manufacturing Processes: Machining
• Machining is shaping a workpiece
off those features and parts
which are not specified or
designed on the raw
material/workpiece by removing
those from materials by means of
(i) mechanical compressing and
shear cutting, as classified as
conventional machining; (ii)
advanced machining processes
utilizing the principles of
electrical sparks generated
between workpiece and
advancing wire‐EDM, chemical
etching, laser machining, and
water jet collision; and (iii)
abrasive grinding and lapping like
(a) finishing of flat surface, (b)
centerless grinding, (c) lapping,
and (d) electrochemical polishing
Manufacturing Processes: Joining
• After producing the
parts, they need to be
assembled into a
completed product
either mechanically by
bolts and nuts, screws,
slots, etc., or by friction
welding, other welding
processes, fastening
and bonding, etc., as
illustrated in LHS figure.
Laser Cutting
• It uses the principles of laser
passing through a series of
lenses system converging the
laser to narrow spot, which
results in very high thermal
energy to melt the material
where irradiation takes place.
Suitably control the vertical
movement and xy movement
of the laser beam on the
irradiated surface of material
allows the production of
various machining features
and traces.
Metal Casting
Casting Process
• As mentioned, casting involves with firstly melting metal(s) to be
cast to liquid form, which is then poured into the cavity of a pair of
pre‐fabricated molds. The poured liquid is then allowed to cool and
solidify again. The solidified material(s) takes the shape of a
designed product to be manufactured. The casting is then retrieved
from the pair of molds after it is cooled to room or some set
temperature. The removed casting is then inspected for anticipated
dimensions, undergoes secondary operations or heat treatment, if
required, until it meets the geometry and mechanical
specifications. It is then readily for shipment.
• As casting process is associated with phase transformation, liquid
phase material is often easier to flow than solid phase counterpart.
Hence, casting can cast very detail features and complex shape.
Generally, thickness of a casting can be rather thin if it is too long
and wide.
• Casting can cast a product as light as few grams and as large as a
shop floor can be handling.
Solidification of Pure Metals
• LHS Figure (a) plots temperature as a
function of time for the solidification of
pure metals. It shows liquid pure metal
undertaking cooling rapidly until the
taking place of freezing at where
temperature likely dwells at a constant
value for a while. It terminates with all
liquid metal completely solidified,
which is followed with a slow cooling
rate. LHS Figure (b) illustrates the
corresponding density of the casting
material within cavity of molds as a
function of time. Density, during the
first stage of cooling down, increases as
a result of shrinkage of the melt. Sharp
decrease of density occurs from the
start of solidification to the end of
freezing since rapid shrinkage takes
place in this stage. This stage is then
followed by comparatively lower
shrinkage to give relative slower
reduction in density in the solid cooling
Solidification Contraction or Expansion
• Theoretically, the thermal
properties of an individual
material should be the same
under both heating and
cooling. Hence, the coefficient
of volume expansion is equal
to that of contraction.
Different structures of
materials tend to result in
different mechanical
properties and thermal
properties. LHS Table tabulates
the volumetric coefficient of
contraction (and expansion) of
some commonly seen metals.
Phase Diagram of Nickel (Ni) and Copper (Cu)
LHS figure illustrates the phase change diagram of bimetallic
materials, Ni and Cu, alloyed in different compositions.
Temperature for any composition on liquidus curve means the
alloy to be completely molten or solidification starts, its
counterpart on solidus curve is that it starts to melt or is
completely solidified Temperature of alloy above liquidus
curve means it is in a completely liquid state while below
solidus curve means to be in completely solid state. The bound
between liquidus curve and solidus curve represents the co‐
existence of liquid and solid. Generally, more solid is found
when temperature is cooled closer to solidus temperature. At
100% Ni or 100% Cu, both liquidus and solidus temperatures
are only having one value – it is the melting point and freezing
point of the two pure Ni and Cu, respectively.
The phase diagram provides information of compositions for an
alloy to be solidified from liquidus temperature to solidus
temperature. Taking a melt with composition of 50%Ni and
50%Cu to be cooled from 1500oC, it starts to solidify at 1313oC
and its frozen alloy has composition of 64% Ni and 36% Cu
(which can be found by drawing the vertical line from
50%Ni&50%Cu upwards and intersecting with liquidus curve,
from where a horizontal curve is drawn to cut the solidus
curve. A vertical line is drawn from such cutting point to cut
composition coordinate at 64%Ni&36%Cu. When cooling down
to temperature of 1288oC, the similar construction of
horizontal and vertical lines gives its solid composition as
58%Ni&42%Cu whilst its liquid mode as 42%Ni&58%Cu which
is the intersected point of the vertical line drawn from the
cutting point of the extension of horizontal line at 1288oC with
the liquidus curve (Fig. 11), when it cools down further to
solidus temperature of 1249oC, it becomes solid with
composition of 59%Ni&50%Cu completely.
Under normal and natural cooling, the grain formed in the
range of liquidus temperature and solidus temperature is in
dendritic structure. Due to the dendrite branches are
surrounded with liquid alloy, hence the zone is always mushy.
Alloy Solidification
• Fig. 10.4 illustrates melt of certain
composition is cooling and its solidification
phenomenon within a mold. In natural
cooling, outer temperature of mold is lower
than its inner counterpart. Melt thus
releases heat through mold wall, hence
solidification starts from vicinity closer to
wall and propagates to the core of mold. As
illustrated the gain dendrite grows from the
solidification front (which represents solidus
temperature of the alloy) to the tip of
dendrite where it is at the tip of dendrite.
Due to the temperature variation at solid
front, those sites reach liquidus temperature
serve a nucleation spots to grow dendrites
• Figure 10.4 Schematic illustration of alloy solidification and
(hence to give some parallel dendrites in the
temperature distribution in the solidifying metal. Note the solidification zone where ranges between
formation of dendrites in the mushy zone. solidus curve and liquidus curve). As melt
around the side branches of individual
dendrites is not yet completely frozen, the
zone is a mixture of solids and liquid alloy. As
a result, it is mushy in nature. Such mushy
level increases when solidification goes on
until all surrounding melt in dendritic
braches of the specific region frozen
Solidification of Iron and Carbon Steels
Figure 10.5 (a) Solidification patterns for gray cast iron in a 180‐mm (7‐in.) square casting. Note that after 11 minutes
of cooling, dendrites reach each other, but the casting is still mushy throughout. It takes about two hours for this
casting to solidify completely. (b) Solidification of carbon steels in sand and chill (metal) molds. Note the difference in
solidification patterns as the carbon content increases. Source: After H. F. Bishop and W. S. Pellini
Solidification of Iron and Carbon Steels (Con’t)
Fig. 10.5 compares the solidification of • Fig. 10.5(b) compares the carbon
iron and carbon steels. Fig. 10.5(a) shows content alloying with iron to become
the growth of dendrites of liquid iron in carbon steel, which is cast in sand
the mold with cooling time. It suggests mold and in chill mold. From the
the tip of dendrites touching each other studies, it shows the solidification for
and blocking off remaining liquid iron low carbon is slower in sand mold
completely at 11 minutes after pouring. while that in chill mold is faster, with
Thereafter, the solidification occurs on density of dendrites hardly
the side branches of individual dendrites distinguishable from the mold wall.
from 11 to 40 minutes. It is followed by For carbon content beyond 0.25%,
complete solidification from inner mold sand mold casting gives obvious
wall to mold core from 60 to 102 mushy characteristics while casting in
minutes. Theoretically, the touching and chill mold tends to give dense
blocking of remaining liquid iron would dendrite distribution with rapider
result in generation of micro‐porosities growth rate. The studies suggest
within side braches due to the quicker cooling rate can effectively
contraction problem of these melts suppress the formation of
within the branches creating numerous microporosities in high carbon steel
pore spaces. These microporosities tend with 0.25% C to 0.6% C.
to weaken mechanical strength of the
casting. It also reduces its thermal and
electrical conductivity due to
discontinuity in the matrice.
Temperature Distribution during Metal
The LHS figure shows the temperature
distribution during metal solidification
within a mold under normal environment.
Generally, the ambient temperature
surrounding the mold is much lower than
that on mold surface. Depending on the
mold material and mold thickness, the
temperature within the mold wall
increases from outer surface to inner
surface, in certain manner according to
the material thermal properties. The
temperature at outer casing of solidified
casting material is relatively higher, which
increases within the solid zone to the
solid front in certain manner according to
the thermal properties of casting
material. However, its value is equal to
that of the liquid metal neighboring to it.
The temperature of liquid in the region
near the solid front increases to the core
with certain boundary from the core
having constant temperature.
Cast and basic types of structures of solidified
Cast and basic types of structures of solidified metals
Top Sub‐Figure in the last The three sub‐figures in bottom of the figure in last slide compare the
slide illustrates the cast different grain structures likely to form under naturally slow cooling rate
structure in solidified metal (see (a)), fast cooling rate (see (b)), and very fast cooling rate (see (c)). In
with mold wall. Although natural cooling rate (see (a)), sufficient time allows the growth of orderly
temperature distribution in dendrites which are rooted from the solid front stemming to liquid core
casting in Slide 24 is only with many side branches. Generally, such growth tends to result in micro‐
one value, some place on porosities scattering throughout the casting. It likely causes macro‐
wall surface has segregation from outside towards core, micro‐segregation from dendrite
temperature beyond root to tip of stem and sideway from central to branch tips. In fast cooling
melting point and some rate (see (b)), locations next to solid front may reach melting temperature
reaching melting point of and start to nucleate for forming dendrites randomly orientated. It thus
casting material. Those at gives disorderly fine grain structures. For alloy, it gives normal
melting point form microsegregation. For the very fast cooling rate, the heat dispersion rate
nucleating sites and from the liquid metal is so high, which facilitates large regions beside solid
material solidifies, which front quickly reaching melting point temperature. Its very rapid cooling
can successfully grow and thus initiates many random sites of nucleation which grows quickly to
become columnar grain. touch each other along grain boundaries, hence forming fine and small
Liquids around the sites grain structures. If alloy is cast by the case of (c), it has high probability of
next to these start to forming inverse microsegregation. If solidification starts from wall and
solidify when temperature propagating to the core, as shown in (a) to (b), micrasegregation is likely to
cools to melting point. The occur in three cases. Likewise, gravity segregation is also found in the three
grain of these late case if stirring is completely absent.
nucleation sites is blocked
to growth by the grain On the basis of microporosity formation principles, casting having
boundaries of neighboring structures in (c) may have least micro=porosities, and that in (b) may be
pre‐preferentially grown more than (c) but less than (a).
columnar grains, hence
giving a layer of fine grain
structure of chill zone.
Grain/element segregation
Under the normal (faster) cooling rates encountered in practice, core
• Grain structure is dendrites are form. Core dendrites have a surface composition different from
normally affected by
cooling rate. that at their centres (i.e. different concentration gradient). Surface has a
Generally: higher concentration of alloying elements than does the core of dendrite due
1. Slow cooling rate to solute rejection from the core toward the surface during solidification of
(on order of 102 dendrite (mircrosegregation). The darker shading in the interdendritic liquid
K/s) results in near the dendrite roots in Fig. 10.5 indicates that these regions have a higher
coarse endritic
structures with solute concentration and much more pronounced microsegregation.
large spacing
between the
dendrite arms. Besides microsegregation, macrosegregation involves differences in
2. Faster cooling rate composition throughout the casting itself. When solidifying front moving
(on order of 104 away from the surface of a casting as a plane front (Slide 25(a‐b)), lower‐
K/s) gives finer melting point constituents in the solidifying alloy are driven toward the
structure with
smaller dendrite center (normal segregation) so as to give higher concentration of
arms alloying elements at its center than at its surfaces. Dendritic structures in
3. High cooling rate solid‐solution alloys (Bottom Slide 25(c) ), the center of the casting has
(on order of 106
K/s to 108 K/s) lower concentration of alloying elements (inverse segregation) due to
develops the entering of liquid metal of high concentration in alloying element
amorphous into cavities formed by solidification shrinkage in dendrite arms. Due to
the sinking of higher density inclusions or compounds and the floating of
lighter ones to surface, it thus causes the gravity segregation.
Fluid Flow and Solidification Time
Below is some fundamental
During pouring of liquid into mold equations likely to be used in mold
cavity, the flow is therefore obeying design for metal casting and plastics
some fundamental principles of fluid molding
mechanics. Flow nature of either
turbulent flow or laminate flow in • Bernoulli’s theorem
the mold affects the entrapment of
air/gas, which originally occupies the
flow channels and cavities, and • Mass continuity
subsequently the cast quality since it
determines the amount of formed
oxides and the likely gas trapped to • Sprue design
form gas holes within the casting.
This affects the mechanical, thermal,
and electrical properties of the • Sprue design
casting. Hence, design of mold
channels and cavity always needs to
encourage laminate flow instead. • Chvorinov’s Rule
Casting Design and Fluidity Test
Figure 10.9 A test method for
Figure 10.8 Schematic illustration of a typical riser‐ fluidity using a spiral mold. The
gated casting. Risers serve as reservoirs, supplying fluidity index is the length of the
molten metal to the casting as it shrinks during solidified metal in the spiral
solidification. passage. The greater the length of
the solidified metal, the greater is
its fluidity.
Riser‐gated casting
• When mold has pre‐fabricated, liquid metal Generally, riser is a hollow cavity next or closer to
needs to be poured into the mold cavity via the cavity of a casting which traps in excess liquid
runner and gating system, Typically material during filling. Its roles are mainly:
1) Pouring basin or cup for pouring molten metal 1) Ensuring the complete filling of casting
2) Gating system (sprue, runners and gates) 2) Entrapping air/gas from its upstream so as
allows molten metal from pouring. Their to minimize air/gas bubbles in casting
corresponding functions are: 3) Modifying the temperature distribution
around the casting cavity so as to promote
• basin to flow into mold cavity possible directional solidification
• Sprue – is a vertical channel through which 4) Refilling liquid metal to the space left due
the molten metal flows downward to material shrinkage at some positions
next or closer to the riser.
• in the mold
• Runners – are channels that carry the molten
metal from the sprue to the mold
• cavity, or connect the sprue to the gate
• Gate – is those portions of runner through
which the molten metal enters the
• mold cavity
Riser and gating of a casting design
• Ref to Fig. 10.8 in Slide 20 – • With the introduction of the two
Assuming the design of gating risers as shown, it modifies the
system without the top riser at temperature distribution in the
the largest bulk at RHS and the mold wall and provides sufficient
side at far LHS, the temperature time to fill the possible space left
distribution in the middle of the due to shrinkage during
two end bulks is generally the solidification. Furthermore, the
lowest and solidification starts at liquid in the RHS top riser can
this plane. The solidified plane flow back to refill the shrinkage
blocks off the remaining liquid cavity at the larger bulk
metal at either bulk. However, underneath. As a consequence,
shrinkage of solidified material at the quality of the casting can be
LHS may be refilled by liquid ensured.
metal in gating system. However,
the blocking of solidified plane
tends to result in shrinkage cavity
in the middle of RHS bulk.
Fluidity Test
• Fig. 10.9 shows the features of a test method. It
consists of a spiral mold connected to a pouring
system. Molten metal is poured into pouring
system and flows out from the well at the bottom
to the spiral mold. Flow front will be solidified
when its liquid metal reaches freezing point. The
freezing of the metal stops the flow in the mold.
Subsequently, the fluidity index can be measured
by evaluating how far the freezing front is from
the well.
Solidified Skin on a Steel Casting
Figure 10.11 Solidified skin on a steel casting. The remaining molten metal is poured out at the
times indicated in the figure. Hollow ornamental and decorative objects are made by a process
called slush casting, which is based on this principle. Source: After H. F. Taylor, J. Wulff, and M. C.
Solidified Skin on a Steel Casting (Con’t)
• Fig. 10.11 illustrates a method to evaluate the
validity of the equation (1). Four molds of
same geometry were filled with liquid metal
and one was allowed to cool for 5 s, others for
1 min, 2 min and 6 min, respectively. The
respective un‐solidified liquid metal was
poured out and the individual solidified skins
were bisected. The solidified characteristics of
the mold can thus be analyzed.
Solidification time
• The shape of casting determines solidification time since it
affects heat transfer phenomena. Ref to Fig. 10.11, the
solidified skin for 1 min is thicker at outer corner B than
that at inner corner A. This is due to the larger surface area
for heat to disperse away from the cavity for those liquids
at B. Furthermore, the mold material at A would result in
higher temperature than at B. This is mainly because heat
from liquid metal at A can be dispersed from its vertical
wall as well as horizontal wall. This allows more heat
received at A, so as reducing its heat transfer efficiency.
However, the radiating outwardly of the heat from liquid
metal means less heat accumulation at B, thus better heat
transfer efficiency at B. Subsequently, thicker skin at B is
• Quality of the casting is a major issue in increasing productivity and cost
• consideration.
• It needs to understand what sorts of defects likely to occur in casting
processes, their
• causes, and how to minimize their generation.
• Figs. 10.13 and 10.13 show several defects can develop in castings. They
1) Hot tears
2) Blow, scar and blister
3) Scab
4) Misrun
5) Wash
6) Cold shut
7) Etc.
Hot Tears in Castings
Figure 10.12 Examples of hot tears in castings. These defects occur because the casting cannot shrink
freely during cooling, owing to constraints in various portions of the molds and cores. Exothermic (heat‐
producing) compounds may be used (as exothermic padding) to control cooling at critical sections to
avoid hot tearing
Hot tear
• Hot tears are caused mainly due the • For Figs 10.12(b)‐(c), the mold materials at the
different contraction between mold and centre contract less than casting materials,
casting material. Smaller contraction of hence creates resistant force against the
mold during solidification generates contraction of casting material. When difference
resistance force to prevent the between shrinkage of mold and casting materials
contraction of casting, which is too large, a corner with small cross sectional
subsequently causes the hot tear at area (Fig. 10.12(c)) or link to a vertical rib (Fig.
certain weak section of the casting 10.12(b) thus breaks
• For Fig. 10.12(a), the cooler periphery • For Fig. 10.12(d), the core in the cylindrical cavity
and the top of invert ‘T’ makes liquid to around tends to resist the contraction of the
be solidified from rim to centre and from casting during solidification. As the casting starts
top to bottom, shrinkage problem results to solidify from far LHS towards the RHS where
in less material at the centre root which sprue and gating system are located. Also the
is tearing up at complete solidification runner only connected to the top of the casting
means the refilling of material from the pouring
cup only to the top. Hence, the filling of material
from the around shrinkage during solidification
exhausts casting materials making insufficient
materials at these zone which under the
resistance to shrink by the core mold result in
tearing off at such region.
Common Casting Defects
Figure 10.13 Examples of common defects in castings. These defects can be minimized or
eliminated by proper design and preparation of molds and control of pouring procedures.
Source: After J. Datsko.
• Blow, scar and blister are holes on casting surface. They are mainly due to the air/gas bubbles
entrapped between mold and casting interface, which prevents the complete filling of material.
• Scab is incomplete filling or hole(s) just beneath the surface of a casting. It is mainly due to the
evolution of gas/air from melt during solidification is slower than the surface solidification rate,
thus causing the air/gas entrapment.
• Misrun is a defect due to incomplete filling of mold cavity if filling is uni‐directional. Under such
condition, the flow front of material cools to its freezing point before completely filling up the
remaining cavity (as the melt behind freezing front can not flow over it to fill).
• Wash is the additional casting material on casting surface closer to the gate entry. It is sometimes
appearing in sand casting and is likely resulted from the turbulent flow of melt washing away the
sand around the gate entry where subsequently being filled with the liquid metal.
• Cold shut. When the cavity of a mold is filled by two or more streams and the temperature of the
melt is not sufficiently high, the flow front of the streams likely reaches the freezing temperature
of the melt before mixing each other. The interface of the streams is thus not properly fused
together and thus became the weak plane of the casting.
Types of Internal and External Chills used in Casting
Figure 10.14 Various types of (a) internal and (b) external chills (dark areas at corners) used in
castings to eliminate porosity caused by shrinkage. Chills are placed in regions where there is a
larger volume of metal, as shown in (c).
Types of Internal and External Chills used in Casting
Figure 10.14 Various types of (a) internal and (b) external chills (dark areas at corners) used in
castings to eliminate porosity caused by shrinkage. Chills are placed in regions where there is a
larger volume of metal, as shown in (c).
Types of Internal and External Chills used in Casting
• Incorrect design with bulk in a • In the design of Fig. 10.14(c),
casting, as shown in Fig. the bulk region tends to create
10.14(a) and (b), results in shrinkage cavity, hence
shrinkage cavity. When re‐ external chill is placed under
design of casting or the bulk or boss. By doing so,
modification of processing is the boss can be firstly
impossible, such shrinkage solidified and neighboring
cavity can be corrected by liquid metal can flow in to fill
either internal chill or external up the shrinkage space prior to
chill. The location of these two the solidification of the liquid
types of chill at the bulk shape in the horizontal regions at
allows more heat to be carried either end.
out, hence material at the
location can firstly solidify to
promote directional
MBE 3119 Manufacture
Some Casting Processes
Typical Cast Parts
• Components as shown in Fig.
(c) 11.1 are very complex and
intricate. Such irregularity and
complexity are difficult to be
(d) machined or to be
manufactured by solid bulk
deformation approaches,
especially for batch of certain
quantity. Detail and
(b) complicated features as
illustrated can be produced by
Figure 11.1 (a) Typical gray‐iron castings used in
casting processes. This can be
automobiles, including the transmission valve body clearly seen from the LHS
(left) and the hub rotor with disk‐brake cylinder components, which are cast
(front). Source: Courtesy of Central Foundry Division with different casting processes
of General Motors Corporation. (b) A cast
transmission housing. (c) The Polaroid PDC‐2000
as described in the title of the
digital camera with a AZ191D die‐cast high‐purity figure.
magnesium case. (d) A two‐piece Polaroid camera
case made by the hot‐chamber die‐casting process.
Source: Courtesy of Polaroid Corporation and Chicago
White Metal Casting, Inc.
Characteristics of Casting
There are many
processes in
casting which
were developed
to serve dissimilar
purposes and
shape various
types of
components. The
LHS table
tabulates some
available in
specifically for
reference only.
It is impossible to
mention all these
casting processes
in this course. We
thus only
selectively focus
upon few here.
Sand Casting Sand casting is an oldest manufacturing process
available in our lives.
Fig. 11.3 shows the designed features of a sand mold
for sand casting. It consists two half mold which is
mainly made of sand in metallic flask for easy handling
and strengthening. Cavity of a casting and its
associated risers, gating and runner system are made
from or along parting line. Downwardly tapping sprue
promotes laminate flow and prevent entrapment of
air/gas to form oxide impurities. The sank well at the
end of sprue means to gather initially formed oxides so
as to purify to certain extent melt into mold cavity.
Runner channel allows melt flowing through to cavity.
The middle blind riser connecting the top surface of
runner serves to (i) trapping air/gas from upstream, (ii)
skimming impure oxides at its LHS corner, (iii) trapping
excessive melt to ensure complete filling, (iv) modifying
temperature distribution of mold so that filled melt
freezing from far LHS side of mold to RHS, and (v)
refilling melt to occupy space left in shrinkage cavity.
The vent assists the venting off initial air/gas in cavity.
The open riser also assists air/gas venting and
Figure 11.3 Schematic illustration of a complete filling of cavity. The sand core clamped in the
sand mold, showing various features. middle of cavity means to prevent melt filling up the
position so that a hole can be produced in the casting.
In Sand Casting, the top half mold is normally named
COPE while its bottom counterpart is termed DRAG.
In Slide 4, the casting cavity is divided into two
halves: one in cope and another in drag. As seen, (i)
Pattern Plate the pouring cup and sprue, and the blind riser, vent,
and open riser are all in the cope (being built
surrounding the cavity); (ii) runner, gate, and well
are in the drag. Normally, such arrangement
facilitates the building up of sand mold. As illustrated
in Fig. 11.4, a plate (or two separate plates) is (or
are) used in the mold making as the parting line of
the two halves of a complete mold pair.
Fig. 11.14 illustrates such integration. A rotor with
turbine blades for a gas turbine is firstly fabricated by
wax (a). Use this wax pattern, with slurry and/or Stucco
coating mixing solution are replaced by ceramic liquid
for producing strong ceramic shell (following
investment casting method) for the wax pattern (b),
Figure 11.14 Investment casting of an integrally
The melting of wax pattern in shell by heat application
cast rotor for a gas turbine. (a) Wax pattern and draining of the molten wax off the shell result in
assembly. (b) Ceramic shell around wax ceramic shell readily to fill superalloy melt into the
pattern. (c) Wax is melted out and the mold is shell under vacuum condition, which allows the casting
filled, under a vacuum, with molten superalloy. of superalloy rotor fabricated in the shell (c). The
(d) The cast rotor, produced to net or near‐net breaking off of the ceramic shell facilitates a cast rotor
shape. Source: Courtesy of Howmet
to be produced to near‐net or net shape.
The previous slides mention of casting processes involves
Vacuum‐Casting with (i) expendable mold production, (ii) expendable
pattern production, and (iii) expendable mold and
pattern production. They can only be used once and/or
several times, i.e. for single off or small batch
production, and their filling mainly depends on
gravitational force on the materials. For mass or large
quantity production, metallic permanent mold and/or
pattern is favorably used. In addition, external
compression is also applied to promote filling and
shorten interior distance of material. Subsequent slides
are thus focusing upon some of these processes.
Features (Fig. 11.21b):
• Fig. 11.21b shows the features and operational principles of a typical centrifuging
casting process. Its onfiguration includes: (i) a circular mold with cavities of
castings situating at the periphery of mold, (ii) a runner and gating system situating
in the central portion of the mold where molten material can be filled in a pouring
basin at the center. The casting mold system is fastened to a revolving table.
• When molten material is poured into the pouring basin in the center of the casting
system, the combined action of pressure head and centrifugal force pushes the
material through the runner and gating system in the central portion to the
cavities of castings situating at the periphery of the circular mold. The equipment
will still be revolved until all the material casting cavities completely solidified.
Because of the filling melt into the casting cavities is entirely due to the action of
centrifugal force, the process is thus called centrifuging or spin casting. It is noted
from Fig. 11.21b that the bulk of a cavity can be located at the outside portion of
the periphery when this process is used.
Squeeze‐Casting Setup features
It consists of a die block with cavity in middle. At
its bottom, there is an ejector pin. A punch with
tip size smaller than the inner size of cavity and a
crucible for scooping melt from furnace (Fig.
After properly setting up of the equipment,
crucible scoops melt from furnace and pours it
into cavity of die (Fig. 11.22(b)). Then the punch
is lowering down to squeeze the melt, which is
squeezed to flow backward and filling up the gap
between die inner wall and outer size of the
punch (Fig. 11.22(c)). The system is dwelled on
for a while until the melt in between the
clearance is completely solidified. The top punch
is thus lifted up and ejector pin is pushed up to
release the solidified casting.
As the process is involved with squeezing the
melt to fill up the clearance form between die
and punch, as filling of solid material into the die
cavity of forging die. Hence, the squeezing casting
Figure 11.22 Sequence of operations process is also commonly termed as liquid
in the squeeze‐casting process. This forging. For the operational principles and setup
process combines the advantages of features as mentioned above, the process is
suitably to cast hollow cups.
casting and forging.
Design, Materials, and Economics
General Design Rules for Casting
• Design the part so that the shape is cast easily.
• Select a casting process and material suitable for the
part, size, mechanical properties, etc.
• Locate the parting line of the mold in the part.
• Locate and design the gates to allow uniform feeding of
the mold cavity with molten metal.
• Select an appropriate runner geometry for the system.
• Locate mold features such as sprue, screens and risers,
as appropriate.
• Make sure proper controls and good practices are in
Locating and Designing Gates
• Multiple gates often are preferable and are necessary for
large parts.
• Gates should feed into thick sections of castings.
• A fillet should be used where a gate meets a casting; this
feature produces less turbulence than abrupt junctions.
• The gate closest to the sprue should be placed sufficiently
far away so that the gate can be easily removed.
• The minimum gate length should be three to five times the
gate diameter, depending on the metal being cast.
• Curved gates should be avoided, but when necessary, a
straight section in the gate should be located immediately
adjacent to the casting.
Riser Design
• The riser must not solidify before the casting.
• The riser volume must be large enough to provide a
sufficient amount of liquid metal to compensate for
shrinkage in the cavity.
• Junctions between casting and feeder should not develop a
hot spot where shrinkage porosity can occur.
• Risers must be placed so that the liquid metal can be
delivered to locations where it is most needed.
• There must be sufficient pressure to drive the liquid metal
into locations in the mold where it is most needed.
• The pressure head from the riser should suppress cavity
formation and encourage complete cavity filling
Design Rules for Casting
Figure 12.1 Suggested design modifications to avoid defects in castings
Design Rules for Casting
Use radii or fillets to avoid corners (Fig. 12.1(a)) Ribs and/or fillets improve bosses (Fig. 12.1(d))
Mechanically, sharp corner is generally raiser for stress concentration during Boss is a mechanical feature for fastening or mounting
loading. In filling of melt metal/alloy, sharp corner tends to create flow other mechanical part on by bolt and nut, etc. If the
separation and/or eddy flow down stream, which jeopardizes uniform fusion boss is rather high and slim, it may not be rigid/stiff.
of solidified material and/or leads to air entrapment and impure oxides within Reinforcement is thus required by introducing
swirled positions. The introduction of radii or fillets at the sharp corners strengthening ribs. Melts in such ribs can also serve to
provides more material and reduces induced stress value. It also allows melt re‐fill possibly shrinkage cavity in the bulk bottom
to flow along the boundary of the radii and fillets so as to minimize separation section to certain extent. To facilitate the filling of melt,
fillets are also introduced at individual corners and
and oxide impurity formation. Furthermore, it also lowers the heat interception planes.
accumulation at the inner corner and speeds up relatively the solidification
Sloping bosses can be designed for straight die parting
rate at that corner. to simplify die design (Fig. 12.1(e))
Deep cavities should be on one side of casting where possible (Fig. 12.1(b)) The inclining slope of the two bosses (LHS Fig. 12.1(e))
When deep cavities are not on one side of casting (LHS of Fig. 12.1(b)), the makes mold removal rather difficult. Thus split mold
deep cavity, on the different side with large bottom mold for production of the should be designed. Furthermore, the accumulation of
large cavity in the bottom of the casting, generally requires separate core to material in parts below the individual holes likely forms
be made and situates at the cavity position. Such core is difficult to mount and shrinkage cavity. The re‐designed RHS part with hollow
align with its bottom shallow cavity. However, Design modification with deep bottom in each boss and vertically right up on RHS wall
so as to cater for mold removal. In addition, the hollow
cavities on a single side allows the integration of shallow cavities to be bottom allows the accomplishment of uniform walls
produced with a single top half mold, and the bottom half mold with high section.
protrusion part for fabricating the larger deep cavity and smaller deep cavity Side cores can be eliminated with this hole design (Fig.
by a core with print to be clamped rigidly on the bottom mold. 12.1(f))
Wall section should be uniform (Fig. 12.1(c)) Ref to LHS part in Fig. 12.1(f), the through top with
As the part with non‐uniform sections in the LHS of Fig. 12.1(c) has bulk of some material blocks the release of core for making the
material accumulated in the middle and relatively large material gathering at hole, thus slow down the production rate. However, the
the RHS section, they have tendency to form shrinkage cavity somewhere in removing of material just on the top of hole (RHS Fig.
the center. Furthermore, it may exhaust of large amount of material. The 12.1(f)) so that the top mold for making the core for
making the hole recess can be considered tongue of the
modified part with uniform section throughout (RHS Fig. 12.1(c)) solves the top half mold. Such modification improves productivity
solidification problem in creating shrinkage cavity in the bulk region as of casting and reduces mold making cost.
illustrated in its LHS counterpart. It also saves material used.
Elimination of Hot Spots
Figure 12.2 Examples of designs showing the importance of maintaining uniform
cross‐sections in castings to avoid hot spots and shrinkage cavities.
Elimination of Hot Spots
• Ref to Fig. 12.2(e), when such core is
• In natural cooling, the heat dispersion nature inappropriate to use in the design, either
results in solidification starting from inner wall of external chills or internal chills can be used
mold cavity towards to its core. Due to in casting processing (Lecture 1 notes).
contraction of remaining melt in the core, it
leaves some spaces in the center of the cavity of • Ref to Fig. 12.2, the intercepting position of
larger bulk section (Fig. 12.2). This creates two neighboring plane not only furnishes
quality problem of shrinkage porosity and gas with larger cross sectional region comparing
bubbles which are unable to surface out from a with its neighboring sections, it also
casting. As shown in Fig. 12.2(a, b, c), the cross of
two neighboring sections tends to results larger jeopardizes heat transfer efficiency due to
cross‐sectional area than its two vicinity legs, its inner corner accumulating heat
where are termed hot spot and usually inclined dispersing from horizontal and vertical
to prompt for forming shrinkage cavity (LHS Fig. surfaces. Consequently, it also reduces heat
12.2(c)). Design to eliminate such spots can transfer rate.
normally be achieved by designing uniform
cross‐sections in castings whatever possible, as • The design in RHS part of Fig. 12.2(c) gives
shown in RHS part in Fig. 12.2(c) and/or RHS part uniform cross sections. It also radiates
in Fig. 12.2(d), whenever the redesigning of outward the heat from the outside filleted
these castings does not affect the assembly or corner, and slows down heat accumulation
functionality of a product. When the peripheral rate in its inner corner.
shape of a casting needs to be maintained, a
possible solution to eliminate such hot spots is • The design in RHS part of Fig. 12.2(d) by
designing a hole in place of their corresponding shifting the top and bottom vertical section
position, which can be produced by a core and as away so that they are not aligning each
shown in Fig. 12.2(e). other, provides more surface area for heat
transfer and reduces the amount of meld at
the original cross of the cross sections.
Examples of Good and Poor Designs
Figure 12.3 Examples of undesirable (poor) and desirable (good) casting designs. Source:
Courtesy of American Die Casting Institute.
Examples of Good and Poor Designs
• LHS part in Fig. 12.3(a) shows a part with hole for • In Fig. 12.3(d), it is noted that the part at LHS with
inserting bolt/scres with countersank head. The curving patterns both internally and externally,
bottom material vicinity to the bottom surface of whilst the RHS one only with external patterns and
countersank screw head means expansive mold uniform internal surface only. Design in RHS one
making/design, or difficulty in mounting the core makes the contraction easier to control, cylindrical
for hole. The removing of this material allows annular core cheaper to make and relatively more
integration of the sank region and clamping print of uniform contraction, and the external patterns
core rigidly with bottom half mold, as shown in RHS increasing heat transfer area.
part of Fig. 12.3(a) • Fig. 12.3(e) shows the semi cylindrical patterns on a
• LHS part of Fig. 12.3(b) is a thick plate with large cushioning by layer of materials. The LHS one with
surface area. The temperature distribution during cylindrical rod patterns larger its semi counterpart
cooling susceptibly creates bubbles or shrinkage in RHS, thus leads to difficulty to make and likely
cavity in its middle section. To surmount such solidification problem comparatively.
problem, it is possible by redesigning the central • Fig. 12.3(f) shows a flange with a stud inserting in as
part with squared basin so that it furnishes quicker a core. Obviously the thread body for LHS one is too
heat dispersion from the central region to achieving long and reaching the inner flange surface. This may
possibly directional solidification, as shown in RHS results in some melt splashing or leaking into the
part in Fig. 12.3(b). top section of the thread. However, the longer
• LHS part of Fig. 12.3(c) with sharp internal corners shrank section on the top section makes the first
may result in stress concentration and/or thread relatively far away from the inner face of
solidification problem in the thicker bottom section. flange, thus ensuring the proper condition of the
The redesign with recess radii at the interfacial inserting core.
corners relaxes the stress concentration and also
allows those melt originally in the middle to
replenish in the bottom horizontal section.
Properties and Applications of Cast Irons
Properties and Applications of Nonferrous Cast Alloys
MBE 3119 Manufacturing
Some Mathematical Formulas Used
in Deforming Metals
One Dimensional (1D) Deformation Formulas
Engineering stress (σeng) 1) σ> σeng at e ≈ ξ on a stress‐strain curve
= Force (P) / Original‐cross‐sectional‐area (Ao) 2) The maximum stress point (at ultimate
tensile stress) and the characteristic of
Engineering strain (e) subsequently reducing stress with increasing
= Elongation (Δl=l‐lo) / Original‐gage‐length (lo) of strain on engineering stress‐strain curve
does not occur on true stress‐strain curve, as
seen in the individual curves below:
True (flow) stress (σ)
= Force (P)/Instantaneous cross‐sectional‐area (A)
True (flow) strain (ξ) = ㏑(l/lo)
= Natural log of instantaneous length over original
gage length = ㏑(1+e)
At and below elastic deformation: One Dimensional
(1D) Deformation Formulae
σeng ≈ σ; e ≈ ξ; and
Young modulus (Modulus of elasticity)
= σeng / e = σ / ξ, which is the slope of stress‐strain
curve within the elastic section
Fig. 1
Volume constancy principle indicates that the
volume of a solid material is constant at any Stress‐strain relationship for elasticity:
instant of deformation, which leads to: σ = E ξ
V (volume) = Vo (original volume) = Vi (instantaneous Power law constitutive equation is widely used to
volume) express the stress‐strain relationship
σ = k ξn in which k is the strength
Al = Aolo = Aili → l/lo = Ao/A or li/lo = Ao/Ai
coefficient and n is the strain hardening exponent
One Dimensional (1D) Deformation Formulas
The strain at fracture is a measure of
ductility (A measure of how large a
strain a material can withstand
before fracture)
Let the original length lo of a solid
bar be pulled by a tensile machine to
lf at which it fractures. Its ductility is
Ductility = (lf – lo) / lo
Toughness Fig. 1a
Toughness of a material is defined as Instability in simple tension
the energy per unit volume (specific
energy) that has been dissipated up Instability occurs at the onset of
to its point of fracture necking. For a material having true
stress‐strain relationship of σ = kεn
Ref to the true stress‐strain curves in where k is the strength coefficient
Fig. 1a, let εf be the true strain at and n is material hardening
fracture, also σ and ε are the stress exponent, the onset of necking takes
and strain respectively, the place when:
toughness is thus expressed as:
ε = n
Biaxial and Triaxial Stresses
and Relevant Yield Criteria
• The state of stress in various
metalworking processes
(a) Expansion of a thin‐walled
spherical shell under internal
pressure – An element in the shell is
subjected to equal biaxial tensile
stresses (Fig. 2(a))
(b) Drawing of round rod or wire
through a conical die to reduce its
diameter – An element in the
deformation zone is subjected to a
tensile in its length direction and to
compression on its conical surface
(Fig. 2(b))
(c) Deep drawing of sheet metal with
a punch and die to make a metal cup
– An element in the flange is
subjected to a tensile radial stress
and compressive stresses on its
surface and in the circumferential
direction (Fig. 2(c))
Fig. 2
3D elastic deformation and yield
Under 3D elastic deformation, the For simple tension, .
strains (ε1, ε2 and ε3 in the Hence, Eq.(1) gives
directions 1, 2 and 3) are
respectively presented by the
generalized Hooke’s law (1d)
equations: and
The negative sign indicates of the
element in the 2 and 3 directions.
The material will deform plastically
when the applied stress reaches the
where ν is a Poisson’s ratio, and uniaxial stress Y (Ref to slide 2).
E is Young modulus.
For a more complex stressing
system, the relationships between
the stresses to predict yielding are
known as yield criteria
Two widely used yield criteria
• The two widely used yield criteria to
predict yielding of material under a
complex stressing system are:
1) Maximum-shear-stress (Tresca) criterion
The maximum-shear-stress criterion, also known as the
Tresca criterion, states that yielding occurs when the
maximum shear stress within an element is equal to or
exceeds to a critical value (which is a material property and
is called shear yield stress ).
Mathematically, the criterion can be expressed as:
From Mohr’s circles for stresses or from appropriate
equations, the maximum shear stress to cause yielding can
be related as:
= (σmax - σ min)/2 = k = Y/2 (1f)
where k = Y/2 for simple stressing condition in tension, Y
is the uniaxial yield stress, σmax is the maximum tensile
stress and σ min is the minimum tensile stress.
2) Distortion-energy criterion
Representation of maximum-shear-stress and
distortion-energy criteria for a plane-stress (σ2=0)
For maximum-shear-stress
Under plane stressing condition σ2=0,
the maximum-shear-stress criterion
gives an envelope of straight lines
For distortion energy criterion
For plane stress condition with σ2=0, the equation for the
distortion energy criterion, as formulated in Eq.(1g), can be
reduced to:
and the graphical representation of its yielding locus takes
an elliptical shape, as shown in Fig. 4.
Note (ref to Fig. 4) that the yield locus of (i) the maximum-
shear-stress criterion and (ii) the distortion energy criterion
coincides at 6 positions (predicting same magnitudes to
cause yielding). For the remaining positions, locus for (ii)
gives higher value than that for (i).
Plastic stress-strain relationship
3D elastic stress-strain (1l)
As formulated in Eq.(1a) to Eq.(1c), (1m)
by the generalized Hooke’s Law
For the plane-strain condition, ε2= 0.
3D plastic stress-strain σ2 becomes an intermediate stress
relationships and can be determined from Eq(1l) to
When an element is being stressed give:
with sufficiently high stresses, it (1n)
deforms plastically. The plastic
stress-strain relationships are
formulated on the basis of flow rules For the plane-strain compression
(Levy-Mises equations) and are in (Figs 3(c) and 3(d)), the distortion-
strain increment forms as below. energy criterion (see Eq.(1h)) reduces
(1k) (1o)
Note: (i) for the maximum-shear-
stress criterion k=Y/2
Note: The factor 1/√2 is chosen so that, for simple tension, the effective
stress is equal to the uniaxial yield stress Y.
Note: The factors 2/3 and √2/3 are chosen so as to make effective strain
equal to the uniaxial tensile strain for simple tension condition
Calculation Examples
Question 1 σ2=0, and σ3= -σ1/2, we have
A material with a yield stress of 70 2(70)2=(σ1)2+(- -σ1/2)2+((-σ1/2) - σ1)2
MPa is subjected to three 9800 = (7(σ1)2)/2
principal (normal) stresses of σ1, σ12=9800 x 2 / 7 = 280
σ2=0, and σ3= -σ1/2. What is the
value of σ1 when the metal thus, σ1 = 52.9 MPa
yields according to the von
Mises criterion? What if σ2= If Y=70 MPa and σ1, σ2= σ1/3 and
σ1/3? σ3= -σ1/2 is the stress state, then
(σ1 – (σ1/3))2+((σ1/3)-(σ1/2))2+((-σ1/2)-
Solution: σ1)2=2(70)2
The distortion-energy criterion, 2.72 σ12 = 9800
given by Eq. (1h) in Slide 8, is Thus, =60.0MPa.
(σ1 – σ2)2+(σ2 - σ3)2+(σ3 - σ1)2=2Y2
Substituting Y=70 MPa and σ1, This indicates that the stress level to
initiate yielding actually increases
when σ2 is increased.
Calculation Examples
Question 3 the effective stress σe is given by Eq.
An aluminium alloy yields at a stress (1v) in Slide 13 as:
of 50 MPa in uniaxial tension. If
this material is subject to the
stresses σ1 = 25 MPa, σ2 =15MPa
and σ3 =-26MPa, will it yield?
According to the maximum shear-
stress criterion, the effective or = σe = 46.8 MPa. The effective
stress σe is given by Eq. (1t) (Slide stress is higher than the yield stress
14) as: for the maximum shear-stress
σe = σ1 – σ3 = 25 – (-26) = 51 criterion, and lower than the yield
MPa stress for the distortion-energy
criterion. It is impossible to state
whether or not the material will yield
However, according to the distortion- at this stress state. An accurate
energy criterion, statement would be that yielding is
imminent, if it is not already occurring.
MBE 3119 Manufacture
Bulk Deformation
(1) Forging of Metals
Forged Components
• Forging involves with deforming a
piece/bulk of solid metals to
anticipated shape of a mechanical
component. As the strength of solid
material is relatively high, it is hard to
deform and to fill cavity in die pair.
Hence, complex component requires
to be forged by a series of pre‐
forming (normally called preform)
stages. The preforms allow deforming
the bulk step by step to achieve final
shape from its most simplicity
gradually to more complexity, as seen
in Fig. 14.1(a). By such way of
deformation, even a relatively
complex and large size of landing
gear component for CSA and CSN
transport aircraft (Fig. 14.1(b)) is
Figure 14.1 (a) Schematic illustration of the steps likely producible. However, forging
involved in forging a knife. (b) Landing‐gear such large size landing gear from a
components for the C5A and C5B transport aircraft, bulk material to its finishing shape
made by forging. (c) General view of a 445 MN generally requires very high tonnage
(50,000 ton) hydraulic press. Source: (a) Courtesy press, as shown in Fig. 14.1(c).
of the Mundial LLC. (b and c) Courtesy of Wyman‐
Gordon Company.
Microstructure as a Function of Manufacturing Method
Fig. 14.2 compares the microstructure of a
mechanical component produced by casting (Fig.
14.2(a)), machining (Fig. 14.2(b)), and forging
(Fig.14.2(c)). Because of solidification nature, there
are many randomly distributed microporosities (the
black dots). Machining is usually conducted with a
sheet/plate rolled first , followed by drilling and
milling. Hence, it has fibres orientating in its rolling
direction. Forging is conducted by using a pair of
punches squeezing materials originally in the hole
positions away to surround the outer surface of the
punches. Hence, the fibres at somewhere
neighboring are curved to surround the
circumference of punches. Generally, such grain
structure is supposed the strongest among the three
since it requires extra energy to break these curved
Figure 14.2 Schematic illustration of a part made by fibers prior to the occurrence of shearing along the
three different processes showing grain flow. (a) parallel surface. The structure of casting is the
weakest since the existence of microporosities
Casting by the processes described in Chapter 11. (b) substantially diminishes the actual surface to resist
Machining form a blank, described in Part IV of this its parallel shear stress. The horizontally orientated
book, and (c) forging. Each process has its own fibers for the machined part means the shear
advantages and limitations regarding external and resistance only being that over the nominal surface.
internal characteristics, material properties, The microstructure as a function of manufacturing
dimensional accuracy, surface finish, and the method clearly illustrates the technique to produce
economics of production. Source: Courtesy of Forging part affecting microstructures of the part and
recursively influencing the its mechanical
Industry Association. properties.
Characteristics of Forging
Note: Table below tabulates category of forging processes, and
their advantages and limitations
Upsetting with Barreling
2 r Upsetting is a simplest forging process,
Forging force, F Yf r2 1 merely for reducing the height and
increasing width and length of a workpiece.
It involves with sandwiching a solid billet
between a pair of flat dies. As shown in Fig.
14.3(a), application of external force to close
up the die flats squeezes the cylindrical
billet, with original height of ho and diameter
do, simply changing its geometry. By volume
constancy principles, the compression of ho
to h1 allows the estimation of d1 under
ideally frictionless condition, which gives a
straight outer surface of the billet, as seen in
Fig. 14.3(b). With friction between the
interface of die and billet, the friction on the
die surface resists the billet material flowing
outward, hence being constrained within the
Figure 14.3 (a) Solid cylindrical billet
central region of the die‐billet system. The
pushing down of rigid die squeezes such
upset between two flat dies. (b) gathering material down into the billet and
Uniform deformation of the billet finds easy channel to flow within, thus
without friction. (c) Deformation with forming barreling on free surface of billet
friction. Note the barreling of the billet (Fig. 14.3(c). Surely, the friction condition
caused by friction forces at the billet‐die requires larger forging load to achiveve same
interfaces. height deformation.
Cogging Operation on a Rectangular Bar
Ref to the forging force equation on Slide 6. such
force increases with contact area of die‐billet. In
view that the contact area increases when forging
progresses. To prevent its magnitude is much larger
than the capacity of a press, keeping forging force
within a bound of certain value. This is achievable
by Cogging Operation. Cogging involves keeping die
breadth constant, hence the contact surface
between die‐billet interface in whatever stage of
operations. Although forging force is still increasing
(mainly due to the hardening effect of workpiece),
it limits its sharp increment. The progressing of
deforming of material from left to right is called
cogging (Fig. 14.4(a)). Generally, deforming a
material to certain dimensions reduces largely the
applied load, but the overall power may be higher
than upsetting. Using a pair of narrow dies
squeezes on a cylindrical rod which is being rotated
Figure 14.4 (a) Schematic illustration of a relatively to the squeezing die pair so as to form the
cogging operation on a rectangular bar. end of a cylindrical rod to small diameter with
certain length (Fig. 14.4(b)). Cogging can also be
Blacksmiths use this process to reduce the applied in enlarging ring internal and external
thickness of bars by hammering the part on an diameter by narrowing its annular width and
anvil. Reduction in thickness is accompanied by increasing its depth too, as shown in Fig. 14.4(c). It
involves to having a pair of curved top supporting
barreling, as in Fig. 14.3c. (b) Reducing the strand of same height, a solid cylindrical die to be
diameter of a bar by open‐die forging; note the inserted through the prefabricated ring, and a block
movements of the dies and the workpiece. (c) of narrow die with setup as shown in Fig. 14.4(c).
The synchronizing of lowering down the top die
The thickness of a ring being reduced by open‐ block to synchronize the rotation of ring around the
die forging. cylindrical die allows achieving the final ring.
Impression‐Die Forging Only two halves in a pair of dies with a cavity which has
outer peripheral shape of a product to be forged upon the
closing of the two halves, in which a blank is placed, as
shown in Fig. 14.5(a). The two halves are gradually
closing under the application of external forces to
compress and deform the blank, as shown in Fig. 14.5(b).
On completion of filling of cavity in die pair when the two
halves are almost completely closed up (Fig. 14.6(c)),
which normally depends on whether the size of blank is
too large, almost equal, or too small comparing to the size
of cavity. If it is too large, some extra material tends to
sandwich between the parting plane to form flash in the
die pair and additional secondary processes are needed
to remove the flash. If it is equal to the size of cavity, the
latter is completely filled to become the forged product,
which is normally an optimal case. When it is small, the
cavity is not filled completely.
Fig. 14.5(d) illustrates the standard terminology for
various features of a forging die. The plane that the two
die halves closed and met is termed parting line. The
filled horizontal part in cavity forms web while its vertical
counterpart is named as rib. The intercepting line which
the rib meets with web, which is introduced with some
radius to facilitate material filling is termed fillet. The
inclining angle from root of internal fillet to the tip of rib
is called internal draft angle, while that from the trimming
Figure 14.5 (a) through (c) Stages in line on external wall of rib to its external tip is termed
impression‐die forging of a solid round billet. external draft angle. The excessive material sandwiched in
Note the formation of flash, which is excess between parting line is called flash. The flash separate the
two parting plane is called land. The cavity on the parting
metal that is subsequently trimmed off (see line out of the product cavity allowing the tongue of flash
Fig. 14.7). (d) Standard terminology for going to is called gutter. The gutter releases the flash to
various features of a forging die. be squeezed in land and subsequently relaxes the
squeezing force required of the flash.
Die Inserts For large quantity production, the relatively
frequently sliding between material and
inner surface of die cavity. Such sliding
results in wear and subsequently
replacement of worn part is necessary. The
production of large die is usually time
consuming and material wasting. To reduce
the time taken, material waste, and to save
cost, die set is usually made of die
block/cup with some inserts which are
normally the parts likely being worn off
easily. Fig. 14.6 shows a pair of dies with
die inserts. It can be seen that the relatively
complex lower die block is made of more
die inserts than its upper counterpart. The
yellow part is the product to be forged,
which is surrounded by dark green 6F2 or
6G insert at the bottom and red H12 insert
in lower die block, and lighter green H12
insert in blue 5F32 or 6G upper die block
which also has certain boundary in contact
Figure 14.6 Die inserts used in forging an with the workpiece. The inserts with harder
automotive axle housing. materials improve their durability and
reduce their replacing rate. Furthermore,
these inserts are also designed for easy
Forging a Rod, Fullering, In most situation, the forging of a rod with simple
geometry to a complex shaped connecting rod is
and Edging difficult simply by a stage only. It may be conducted by
a number of preform stages (Fig. 14.7(a)). By
comparing the geometry of the material (Fig. 14.7(a)‐
1) with the finishing product (Fig. 14.7(b)‐5), it can be
seen that preform requires firstly to displace the
middle materials of the original rod to either end and
followed by further gathering more material at the LHS
bulk (Fig. 14.7(a)‐2). After such preforming, it is forged
to a relatively rough shape by blocker forging (Fig.
14.7(a)‐3), which is followed by forging the part to
more detail feature with finishing forging process (Fig.
14.7(a)‐4). The trimming off the remaining flash allows
the obtainment of the final geometry of the
connecting rod.
The process for displacing middle section materials to
either side is termed fullering. It involves with using a
pair of convex dies to squeeze the associated materials
Figure 14.7 (a) Stages in forging a connecting as shown in Fig. 14.7(b).
rod for an internal combustion engine. Note
The process used to further gather materials at the
the amount of flash required to ensure proper
vicinity of the middle end bulk in Fig. 14.7(b)‐2 is called
filling of the die cavities. (b) Fullering and (c)
edging. It involves of using a pair of concave dies to
edging operations to properly distribute the
squeeze materials neighboring the bulk which is
material when preshaping the blank for
mainly with larger end with a hollow hole in, as shown
in Fig. 14.7(c).
Force in Impression Die In many forgings, it requires to select forging
machine which can cater successfully the
Forging forging power and tonnage. Forging load
calculation with Equation specified in Slide
5, it usually requires the coefficient of
friction between die‐material interface,
additional to the radius of billet, to be
known. It is thus rather complicated. To
simplify such issue, the simpler equation in
the LHS of this Slide is normally used since it
only needs the contact area A to be
assumed and k value to be found in Table
Equation in Slide 6 is rather complicated. For selecting press
14.2 once a curve of its stress‐strain
or rough estimation, following forging force equation is used relationship is known. The uncertainty of
instead. the value of (i) friction coefficient, (ii)
material hardening, and (iii) possible shape
change are considered by introducing the
constant factor k. Generally, the completion
of forging in forging simple shapes without
formation of flash takes k value in range of 3
– 5, k value for forging simple shapes with
formation of flash to be in range of 5 – 8, k
value for forging complex shapes with
F kY f A formation of flash is in range of 8 – 12. The
insurance of selecting forging machine
capable of completing the forging requires
the k value at the upper range for each
category of forging to be chosen.
Trimming Flash After Flash surrounding a forging is commonly
not part of the intended design, and thus
Forging required to be removed. Machining may
be used if it is not large quantity
production. For large production,
effective technique to shear off such
flash should be derived. Fig. 14.8
illustrates a method to trimming flash
from a forged component. It involves
with a green tapped down die having top
edge taking the peripheral profile of the
yellow forged part, and a brown punch
with bottom profile taking shape of the
top profile of forged piece, and a blue
stationary punch – all are setup as shown
on the LHS of central line. Once the
system is as placed as the LHS setup, the
pushing down of the brown top punch
tends to shear off the flash around the
trimming edge of yellow workpiece,
contacting with edge of the green
trimming die. The trimmed workpiece is
then lowered down and subsequently
Figure 14.8 Trimming flash from a forged supported by the blue stationary punch
part. Note that the thin material at the at the bottom hollow part of workpiece,
center is removed by punching. as shown in the illustration on RHS setup
of the vertical central line.
Closed‐Die Forging Although both forging setups in Fig. 14.9 are
roughly named closed‐die forging processes, the
Versus Flashless Forging one shown in Fig. 14.9(a) is strictly called semi‐
closed die forging and the one in Fig. 14.9(b) is
truly closed die forging. The sub‐figure 1 in both
(a) and (b) are illustrating the start stroke whilst
their counterpart in sub‐figure (2) the end stroke.
From Fig. 14.9(a)‐2, it can be seen that flash
formed between parting line in its end of stroke,
and some flash is appeared at the verge of going
to the gutter.
Comparing Fig. 14.9(a) with Fig. 14.9(b), it can be
seen that cutting of material vertically along the
corresponding outer edge of the two slots in the
top punch gives the top punch as shown in Fig.
14.9(b). Furthermore, the extension of the two
outer walls of the lower die upwardly to certain
height and the top face is machined flat. With
such setup features, material in the round billet is
compressed to flow up and down filling the
cavity, and the rigid wall of lower die plays the
role stopping its outwardly flowing .
Figure 14.9 Comparison of closed‐die forging Hence, it forges the material in the close manner
with flash (left side of each illustration) and within the cavity, as the part of the top punch
precision or flashless forging (right side) of a forming cavity with the extended top side walls,
with is completely surrounded. As a result, no
round billet. Source After H. Takemasu, V. flash can be formed in such a die pair system.
Vazquez, B. Painter, and T. Altan.
Swaging Fig. 14.14(d) illustrates some typical parts to be made by
swaging. The parts are either solid or hollow cylindrical rods
with some sections to be squeezed adequately for forming of
the anticipated shapes. Fig. 14.14(a) shows the possible
arrangement of rotary‐swaging process, it basically consists of
a retainer ring which can drive those planetary rollers to rotate
relatively over the top surface of hammers under the rollers:
the top surface of greenish blue hammers is with uniform
curvature and no any die attached to their tip surface, whilst
that on blue hammer with die attached to their tip is shaped
with increasing height from edge to middle section so that a
hump is found on the middle top. The uniform curvature of the
greenish blue hammers forms even slot with inner surface of
retainer ring and allows the rollers passing through without
resulting in any swaging. When a workpiece is inserted through
the hole formed by the dies in the middle, and the planetary
rollers passing though the tapping to the middle hump, the die
is thus squeezed to swag the workpiece locally. It starts to
release as the rollers sliding down from hump down to its
lower edge on the diverging slot.
Fig. 14.14(b) illustrates the four dies attaching to the swaging
cams, likely to swag on the outer surface of a cylindrical tube
with an mandrel in it. The peripheral profile is for forming the
internal profile of the interior wall of the tube (LHS of Fig.
14.14(b)). The rotation of cams system relatively to the
stationary mandrel and tube system may allow the production
of neck on the workpiece (RHS Fig. 14.14(b)).
Fig. 14.14(c) shows how a step neck can be swaged on a solid
Figure 14.14 (a) Schematic illustration of the rod. A fixed bracket ring and a die system with rod to be
rotary‐swaging process. (b) Forming internal inserted to position to be swaged (Fig. 14.14(c)‐1) when a
wedge ring is pushed in through the gap in between bracket
profiles on a tubular workpiece by swaging. (c) ring and the die system (Fig. 14.14(c)‐2). The completion of
A die‐closing swaging machine showing forming swaging is achievable with the wedge ring being pulled back to
a suitable position with loosening part in the middle hole of
of a stepped shaft. (d) Typical parts made by the bracket and die system. Subsequently pushing through the
swaging. Source: Courtesy of J. Richard part the die middle hole by an ejector from rear facilitates the
finishing swaged part (Fig. 14.14(c)‐3)
Swaging with and Fig. 14.15 shows the bisection view of
swaging without (Fig. 14.15(a)) and with
without a Mandrel a mandrel (Fig. 14.15(b). The tube is
pushed through the mid‐hole in swaging
die system without any mandrel in tube
(Fig. 14.15(a)). The discontinuously
pushing through and swaging reduces
the tubular diameter both externally and
internally. It thus thickening the tube
wall. However, it may be hard to swag
the diameters uniformly throughout the
complete length of the tube. With a
mandrel through the inner tube hole, it
improves the uniformity of both outside
and inside diameters of the tube,
together gives evenly straight and
uniformly outside and inside diameter, as
Figure 14.15 (a) Swaging of tubes without a shown in Fig. 14.15(b), when the tube
mandrel; note the increase in wall thickness in and mandrel system is pushed and
the die gap. (b) Swaging with a mandrel; note swaged in a synchronized manner (Fig.
that the final wall thickness of the tube 14.15(b)). With the profile of a mandrel
taking any reverse shape of those inner
depends on the mandrel diameter. (c) hole profiles shown in Fig. 14.15(c), it is
Examples of cross‐sections of tubes produced possible to produce tubes with inner
by swaging on shaped mandrels. Rifling hole being shaped to those various
(internal spiral grooves) in small gun barrels can profiles.
be made by this process.
• Fig. 14.16(a) shows a blocker forging with bulk of
Defects in Forged Parts materials accumulated at either ends which are
connected with a thin web (Fig. 14.16(a‐1)). When
such blocker is placed in a die pair for further
forging as shown in Fig. 14.16(a‐2). The
compression on the two bulk ends pushing down
materials to flow into both sides of each bulk. The
inwardly flowing of material towards the central
portion of dies and such action results in
compression to buckle the thin web (Fig. 14.16(a‐
3)). Such buckled centre is folded and the material
is not hot enough to defuse, thus forming laps as
shown in Fig. 14.16(a‐4). Eliminating such defect is
possible by increase in web thicknesses.
• With the same design of die pair as that used in
(a), a blank has size much larger than the die cavity
is sandwiched in between and squeezed as shown
in Fig 14,16(b‐1). When the dies are closing up, the
blank is likely to fill the die cavity pre‐mutually
(Fig. 14.16(b‐2)). In further compressing, the
material in mid section is squeezed to flow
outwardly to either side, while the material in
deep cavity at either end is squeezed to flow
Figure 14.16 Examples of defects in forged downwardly with smaller compression magnitude.
parts. (a) Laps formed by web buckling during Hence, its material tends to be pushed outwardly
by those materials from the mid section to
forging; web thickness should be increased to develop cracks at ribs, as seen in Fig. 14.16(b‐3).
avoid this problem. (b) Internal defects caused The further squeezing tends to propagate these
by an oversized billet. Die cavities are filled cracks more severely through the ribs as illustrated
in Fig. 14.16(b‐4). Elimination of such defect is
prematurely, and the material at the center possible by estimating the size of blank so that it
flows past the filled regions as the die closes. would not be too larger than its closed cavity.
MBE 3119 – Manufacturing
Some Mathematical Analyses on
Simple Upsetting (Open‐die) Forging
1) Kalpakjian, S. and Schmid, S.R., “Manufacturing Engineering and Technology”,
Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
2) Kalpakjian, S. and Schmid, S.R, “Manufacturing Processes for Engineering
Materials”, 4th ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2003.
3) Bralla, James G., “Handbook of products design for
Deformation force and work under ideal
Open-die forging conditions
When interfacial friction is zero and
material is perfect plastic with yield stress
For a specimen that has been reduced in Y, the normal compression stress on a
height from ho to h1, cylindrical specimen is uniformly at Y. The
force at any height h1 is thus
(1a) (1f)
Its respective engineering and true strain where A1 is the cross-sectional area and
can be expressed as can be calculated by volume constancy
consideration as:
The ideal specific work u of deformation is
(1c) thus expressed as
When the platens are closing with a
relative velocity v, the respective
engineering and true strain rate is (1i)
where ε1 is obtained from Eq.(1c). If the
material is strain hardening, with a true stress-
and strain curve given by
(1e) (1j)
Fig. F1
and its general solution can be
Open-die forging expressed as
or The consideration of the boundary
(1n) conditions of: (i) σx =0 at x=a; and (ii) σy
in which σx is the lateral stress uniformly =Y’ at the edges of the specimen for
distributed along the height h, and σy is Eq.(1o) gives:
the normal stress on the contacting
interface. We have two unknowns in The substitution of the expression for C
one equation. Another equation needs into Eq.(1o) and subsequently from
to be establish in order to solve σx and Eq.(1m) give:
σy. (1p)
Assuming σx and σy (with low values and
of coefficient of friction μ) are the
principal stresses (strictly speak, σy can (1q)
not be a principal stress since frictional respectively.
stress is acting on the plane) in this
method of analysis, the use of the For a strain-hardening material, Y’ in
distortion-energy criterion equation for Eqs(1p) and (1q) is replaced by Yf’
plane strain (note: the manner of in (which is the yield stress calculated with
Fig. 1c is similar to that of Eq.(1n) in the stress-strain relationship of σ =k εn
Slide 12 for the plane strain with strain magnitude of εfo for initiating
problem)) further plastic deformation).
σy - σx = (2/√3)Y = Y’ (1m)
gives dσy =dσx. Hence, Eq.(1n) can be
rewritten as:
Open die forging
The qualitative plot of Eq.(1p) in
dimensionless form is shown in Fig. 2. It
shows that the distribution of die
pressure (which is equal to the yield
stress Y’ in plane strain at the left and
right boundaries) increases
exponentially toward the center of the
part. The die pressure also increases
with the a/h ratio and increasing friction.
The area under the pressure curve in Fig. 2 Distribution of die pressure, in terms
Fig. 2 is the upsetting force per unit of p/Y’, in plane-strain compression with
width of the specimen. The integration sliding friction
of this area allows an approximate
expression for the average pressure pav
is obtained as: Note:
(1r) (i) the expression for the pressure p
(Eq. (1r)) is in terms of an
The forging force, F, is the product of instantaneous height h
the average pressure and the contact
area; that is, (ii) the significant influence of a/h and
(1s) friction on the pressure in Eq. (1r)
Forging of a solid cylindrical
Open die forging workpiece
Using the slab method, the expression
A rectangular specimen can be upset for the pressure, p, at any radius x can
without being constrained on its sides be written as:
(plane stress). According to the (1t)
distortion-energy criterion, the normal The average pressure, pav, can be
stress distribution can be given given approximately as:
qualitatively by the plot in Fig. 3 (1u)
The absolute value of the strain when The calculated h is then substituted into
(e3a), (e3b), and (e3c) for the calculation of
the corresponding true strain ε, radius r, and
forging force F.
Note that if we use the average pressure formula given by the equation
(1s) in slide 17, the answer will be
The discrepancy is due to the fact that in the deriving the average
pressure, a low value of a/h have been assumed for mathematical
MBE3119 Manufacturing
(2) Some Rolling Processes
Flat-Rolling and
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Rolling is a process which uses a pair of either flat Fig. 13.1 shows that slab, billet, and bloom can be
rollers or formed rollers to shape a piece of firstly produced by continuous casting or cutting‐
sufficiently long workpiece to a rolled product with off from their corresponding counterpart. The
uniform geometry of certain length. Normally, slabs are then flat‐rolled to: (i) cold strip via a
rolling with flat rolls is usually changing the sequence of hot strip, picking and oiling; (ii) form
dimensions (typically thickness, width, and length) as welded pipe via skelping and folding up
of original workpiece only. Rolling with formed rolls sheet/plate via form‐rolling to tubular, followed
usually forms the workpiece to the geometry by welding of the edge as single seem welded
enveloped by the formed groves between the pair of tube; and (iii) thin and widen the slabs to plates.
formed rolls. The billets can be firstly rolled through suitably
For flat rolling, the minimum gap between the two shaped groves on the pair of formed rolls : (i) by
rolls is ideally controlling the thickness of a rolled firstly heat to crystalline temperature for
product (Fig. 13.2(b)). It is also called daylight since softening, then hot‐rolled to bars which are then
an operator can see the light opposite through it. cold‐drawn to more accurate bars; (ii) to form
Generally, it is also the plane where material exiting firstly to appropriate size of solid rods, then draw
from the effective deformation zone. The plane through drawing die to wire and/or wire
where incoming/entering material coming to roll products; and (iii) to form firstly to round solid
gap, it is called entry plane. The zone in which rods of adequate size, which is then pressed roll
material is enclosed by the entering plane, the to produce a crack at the middle where a sharp
exiting plane, and the contact boundary of top and mandrel is piercing into through for the
bottom rolls is termed byte zone. The length of production of a tube without any welded folding
material in contact with rolls is called byte length. edge. The blooms are rolled through a series of
The angle formed by the straight line drawn from (i) formed rolling processes so as to produce
exit point to center of roll, and (ii) center of roll to structural angle bars and rails
the entering point is often called byte angle. •
Flat-Rolling Process
Figure 13.2 (a) Schematic illustration of the flat-rolling process. (b) Friction forces acting on
strip surfaces. (c) Roll force, F, and the torque, T, acting on the rolls. The width of the strip,
w, usually increases during rolling, as shown later in Fig. 13.5.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
• at a point subtending an byte angle af with
Flat-Rolling Process the vertical line drawn from roll center to the
exit point. Due to the convergence of
• Fig. 13.2(a) illustrates the schematic of deformation zone and by volume principles,
flat rolling process by assuming that velocity of roll piece Vm increasing from Vo
the top roll is transparent, Hence, the to Vf with Vf > Vo. As result, somewhere on
deformation within the effective the roll-material sliding surface both roll and
deformation zone L can be visualized. roll piece are having same velocity, which
It can be seen that a roll-piece with implies both are moving together without any
thickness ho and width wo moving with slip – no slip or neutral point. Hence, in LHS
a velocity vo into the deformation Vr>Vm and roll applies friction to drag
zone. Its thickness is reducing and material through. In RHS, Vm>Vr and roll
finally thinning to thickness hf, piece applies friction retards the moving of
widening to wf with gradually roll. Such mechanisms carry roll piece
increasing velocity to vf at exit plane. through deformation zone.
When the deformation is under plane • Fig. 13.2(c) shows rolls applying
strain condition, wo = wf throughout compressive force through their center onto
the deformation zone. roll piece. By Newton’s 3rd Law, roll piece
• Fig. 13.2(b) illustrates the mechanisms applies reaction force through their centroid
involved in dragging roll piece through onto the rollers. Such force F creates a
the deformation zone. As seen, the moment = Fa acting on the rolls. The torque
flesh original workpiece with velocity drags roll piece through is the net dragging
vo hits at rolls which is moving at Vr friction force x radius of roll.
Roll Arrangements
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
• The resulted bending in Fig. 13.4(a)
Roll piece quality with degrades the quality and production
bending of rolls cost of rolled flat piece. It thus
jeopardizes the competitiveness of the
• Fig. 13.4(a) shows a pair of straight rolling producer. If this manufacturer is
cylindrical rolls to be used to roll only commissioned to roll only one
originally flat roll piece. Due to the roll material with single geometries to a
end is mounted into bearing and specific percentage of reduction to
fastened to chock in housing, it forms certain dimensions, the straight rollers
a built-in beam system. The rolling can be replaced with a pair of camber
force on the roll piece spanning the rollers with specific curvature on the
rolls is uniformly distributed in nature, roller surfaces. The surface of
hence also its reaction onto the rolls. curvature can thus be totally absorbed
This results in largest deflection in the by the reaction induced deflection
center and narrowing up towards profile of the straight rollers system. It
either end. Hence, the rolled piece is thus furnishes with completely flat
not in flat condition and requires contact surface between rollers and
secondary operations to flatten it. workpiece as illustrated by the green
Such shape of rolling gaps in between strip with uniform thickness, as shown
the two rolls is likely leading to the in Fig. 13.4(b).
material flowing through the middle
section slower than those in either
end, and thus causing some defects
as described in next slides
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Defects in Flat Rolling
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Defects in Rolled Plates and Sheets
Fig. 13.8 shows some typical defects in flat rolling. They include: (a) wavy edges, (b)
zipper cracks in centre of strip, (c) edge cracks, and (d) alligatoring .
1) Wavy edges and zipper cracks in
Under other conditions the strain
centre of strip Roll bending or defection
distribution produced by long edge
(Figure 13.4a) causes the edges of a
could produce short “zipper breaks” or
sheet or plate to elongate to a greater
cracks in the centre of the
extent in the longitudinal direction than
strip/sheet/plate shown in Fig. 13.8b.
the centre. When the edges are free to
move relative to the centre, material in
the zones will have higher straining with
situation as shown in Figure A(a) below.
However, the sheet/plate remains a
continuous body and the strains readjust
to maintain continuity. The result is that
the centre portion of the sheet/plate is
stretched in tension and the edges are
compressed in the rolling direction as
shown in Figure A(b) below. The usual
result is a wavy edge or edge buckle as
shown in Fig. 13.8a.
Manufacturing, Engineerin g & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Defects in Rolled Plates and Sheets
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Defects in Rolled Plates and Sheets
3) Defects due to inhomogeneous
When the rolling conditions are such that The secondary tensile stresses created by
only the surface of the workpiece is the barrelling are a ready cause of edge
deformed (as in light reductions on a thick cracking. With this type of lateral
slab), the cross section of sheet is deformation, greater spread occurs toward
deformed into the shape shown in Figure the centre than at the surfaces so that the
B(b) above. In subsequent passes through surfaces are placed in tension and centre
the rolls the overhanging material is not is in compression. This stress distribution
compressed directly but is forced to also extends in the rolling direction, and if
elongate by the neighbouring material there is any metallurgical weakness along
closer to the centre. This sets up high the centre line of the slab, fracture will
secondary tensile stresses which lead to occur there to generate alligatoring
edge cracking (Fig. 13.8c). With heavy fracture (Fig. 13.8d). This alligatoring type
reduction, so that the deformation extends of fracture is accentuated if there is any
through the thickness of the sheet/plate, curling of the sheet/plate because one roll
the centre tends to expand laterally more is higher or lower than the centreline of the
than the surfaces to produce barrelled roll gap.
edges similar to those found in upsetting a
cylinder as shown in Figure B(c) above.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
c., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Production of Steel Balls
Figure 13.14 (a) Production of steel balls by the skew-rolling process. (b) Production of
steel balls by upsetting a cylindrical blank. Note the formation of flash. The balls made by
these processes subsequently are ground and polished for use in ball bearings.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Fig.13.14(b) illustrates the setup features
Production of Steel Balls of producing steel balls by upsetting
cylindrical blank.
Fig. 13.14(a) shows the production technique
with a skew-rolling process. The pair of short The setup consists of: (i) a pair of die
tapped rollers with grooves and rifts gradually cups, which have (ii) a pair of die inserts
deepening and heightening is slanted with with cavity taking the shape of finishing
certain level of skewing to each other. A ball; both die cups and die inserts have (iii)
cylindrical bar stock is cut to certain length and hole at sides to facilitate the sliding in of
pushed through the daylight of the pair of rollers. ejector pins.
The gradually narrowing rolling gap allows the
stock to fill up grove and rift edges penetrating After mounting the die pair onto a press,
into the stock, which slits the stock to blank and the cut off blank is place into the cavity of
forges in to ball shape when stock is dies. The closing up of the two halves of
progressively pushed into the daylight and the die pair squeezes the blank to fill up the
skew-rolls are continuously rolled. cavity. Subsequent opening of die pair and
Such processing system can continue producing pushing ejector pins to relief the forged
balls until the exhaustion of the stock bar, giving ball out from the die completes the
high productivity. The rolling and forging actions operations.
would polish ball surface, hence minimizing the
need of secondary operation in achieving The setup cost of this process is relatively
anticipated surface finishing. The tool and setup cheap and easily operated. However, the
cost are relatively high. It is hard to synchronize surface finishing of the ball may needs
the two rollers’ rotary speeds. additional processing. Furthermore, the
productivity of this process is relatively
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Ring Rolling
Ring rolling process is normally to change the rounding roll. Since the volume of the
dimensions of a ring produced by other ring remains constant during
process. Its setup mainly consists of (i) a main deformation, the reduction in thickness
roll which is powered to rotate; (ii) a rounding is compensated by the increase in the
roll which is free and likely set at position ring’s diameter and the depth of
where controls the outer diameter of the annular. To control such depth, the
finishing ring; (iii) an idler roll which can be pair of edging rolls is achieving such
freely rotated and also can be shifted to press task when the expanded ring is
a ring in the system against the rounding roll passing through their set distance.
and the main roll as shown in Fig. 13.15(a);
and (iv) a pair of conical edging rolls mounted With this process, various shapes(Fig.
oppositely to the main roll. 13.15(b-d)) can be ring-rolled by
suitable combination of shaped idler
In the ring-rolling process, a pre-fabricated and rounding rolls, and can be carried
thick ring is placed between main roll and idler out at room temperature or at elevated
roll. The driven main roll drives the ring to temperature. Typical applications of
rotate when the idler roll squeezes it against ring rolling are large rings for rockets
both main roll and rounding roll. Such and turbines, gearwheel rims, ball-
squeezing expands the ring with a large bearing and roller bearing races,
diameter and reducing cross-section by flanges and reinforcing rings for pipes.
thinning the annular with closer distance
between idler roll and main roll, and that with
Cavity Formation in Bar
Figure 13.18 Cavity formation in a solid, round bar and its utilization in the rotary tube-
piercing process for making seamless pipe and tubing. (see also Fig. 2.9.)
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Seamless Tube Production Fig. 13.18 shows the schematic illustration
of setup system for a process in rolling
Fig. 13.18 illustrate the operational various tubes. It consists of (a) a mandrel
principles of producing small size seamless with front end shaped in torpedo shape for
tube rolling, which is also termed piercing though the crack; and (b) a pair of
Mannesmann (attributing to its designer) shaped rolls for performing the rolling with
Process the mandrel. The setup can be seen in Fig.
Referring to Fig. 13.18a, the centre of a rod 13.18(c).
tends to form cavity (due to the induced
secondary tensile stresses in a solid round
During operation, a solid rod is pushed into
bar) when under a compression loading. By
the daylight between two shaped rolls and
pressing and rotating a round bar in a pair of
is rolled within the shaped rollers, which
flat dies as shown in Fig. 13.18b, the central
results in the generation of crack hole in
cavity can subsequently be enlarged
the middle of the solid rod. The mandrel
substantially. When a pair of suitably
with torpedo shaped end is thus pushed
shaped rolls that can create the rotary
through the crack from the opposite
motion and compression effect
direction with the torpedo situating at set
simultaneously replaces the pair of flat dies
position against the rolled and pushed
(Fig. 13.18c), the formation of the central
forward solid roll, as shown in Fig. 13.18(c).
cavity is thus possible. If a mandrel is used
to pierce the so formed central cavity during
the rolling, continuous hole can therefore be Tube diameters and thicknesses can also
formed. be changed by other processes, such as
drawing, extrusion and spinning.
Thread-Rolling Processes
Figure 13.16 Thread-rolling processes: (a) and (c) reciprocating flat dies; (b) two-roller dies.
(d) Threaded fasteners, such as bolts, are made economically by these processes at high
rates of production. Source: Courtesy of Central Rolled Thread Die Co.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Thread-Rolling The workpiece is being roll-pressed to
Processes a stationary cylindrical die by a
moving cylindrical die. Subsequently,
Thread Rolling threads are transferred from rolling
The thread-rolling process is a cold- dies to the workpiece by the action of
forming process by which straight or roll-pressing. These processes are
tapered threads are formed on round rods, used extensively in making threaded
by passing them between dies. Usually,
threaded fasteners, such as bolts, are
fasteners at high rat es of production
made economically by the following
processes, at high rates of production. Internal threads
Fig. 11.16c shows a cold-form tap
External threads which is specifically for forming
Fig. 13.16a shows the production of strong threads in a hole. The winding down
threads at high rate by rolling of a pair of of the cold-form tap into the hole
reciprocating flat dies. The rolling of dies
displaces replicates the threads on
transfers the threads onto the workpiece.
the tap onto the hole surface.
Fig. 13.16b shows the processes of thread
rolling using two-roller dies with a
Generally, the production of threads is
workpiece resting on a work-rest. by replacing rather than removing
Machined and Rolled Threads
Figure 13.17 (a) Features of a machined or rolled thread. Grain flow in (b) machined and
(c) rolled threads. Unlike machining, which cuts through the grains of the metal, the rolling
of threads imparts improved strength because of cold working and favorable grain flow.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
rolled threads is the increase in the thread
Machined and Rolled Threads major diameter because material in those
How to determine a machined or rolled valleys of the threads is squeezed out to fill
thread those peaks of the threads. For the
machined threads, the valleys of the
Fig. 13.17(a) shows the threads on a rod.
threads are obtained by the removal of the
The identification of whether it is machined
material, thus the diameter of the peaks is
or rolled can be on the basis of how the
the same of the initial rod.
threads can be produced and the relevant
physics. Since machining requires to cut off By referring to Fig. 13.17b, it can be seen
materials from the rod and its outside or that the feature of the grain flow in the
major diameter remains as the originally machined threads shows discontinuity of
outer diameter of the rod, i.e. the shank or fibering due to the cut-through of the metal
bar diameter is equal to the major diameter grains. Due to the squeezing effect, the
of threads. For a rolled thread, the grain flow-line in the rolled threads appears
materials in thread valley are squeezed to to be bent (Fig. 13.17(c)), which
fill the region of peak. Hence, the shrnk subsequently increases the strength of the
diameter is smaller than major diameter of threads because the shearing of the
the rolled threads material requires firstly the breaking of the
bent fibres (It can thus conclude that the
rolling of threads causes improved
Feature and strength of machined and strength, because of cold working and
rolled threads favourable grain flow while cutting through
Grain flow lines can also be used to identify the grains of the metal by machining
if threads are machined and rolled. As causes discontinuity of grain line that
mentioned, the typical features of the weakens the strength of threads).
Shape Rolling of an H-section part
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Shape Rolling of an H-section part
In addition to flat rolling, various shapes can be produced by shape rolling.
Straight and long structural shapes, such as solid bars with various cross-
sections, can be rolled by passing the stock through a set of specially designed
rolls (i.e. “H” channel bar rolling in Fig. 13.12).
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Various Tube-Rolling Processes
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Various Tube-Rolling Processes
Fig. 13.19 shows the schematic illustration of different setups for various tube-rolling
processes: (a) shows the bisected section of a setup for reducing both inner and outer
diameter of a tube, which has been pre-produced by other process, with
fixed mandrel so that it thickens and produces uniform annular wall (its problem is the
length of mandrel because it creates instability if it is fixed too far away. If it is too close, it
limits the length of the tube to be rolled); (b) with moving mandrel. In which the tube is
inserted with mandrel and simultaneously rolled through the daylight of the formed rollers
(Major problems: taking off mandrel from rolled tube, and tube length limitation); (c)
without mandrel – It consists of two rolling stands, individually rolling the tube to certain
percentage of reduction so as to achieve maximal percentage of reduction. It is also
possible to roll tubes with different step sections); and (d) Pilger rolling over a mandrel
and a pair of shaped rolls. Tube diameters and thicknesses can also be changed by other
processes, such as drawing, extrusion and spinning.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Forming of Solid Rocket Casings
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Examples of Rolled Products – Forming of Solid
Rocket Casings
• Fig. 13.20 shows Space Shuttle is on a launching platform and
being launched by two strapped-on solid rocket boosters. Their
casings can actually be rolled by the processes as indicated in Fig.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
MBE 3119 Manufacturing Technology
(3) Some Extrusion and/or Drawing
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology,
Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and
Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0‐13‐148965‐8. © 2006 Pearson
Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All
Extrusions and Products Made from Extrusions
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Extrusions and Products from Extrusions
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
3) Container liner which is sandwiched between
Direct Extrusion the inner surface of container and the outer
Depending on the extruding principles and surface of the workpiece. Its main function is to
the design of the extruders, available prevent the possible wear of the inner wall of
extrusion processes can be categorized as: container and to reduce its
(i) Direct (Forward) extrusion (Fig. 15.1), (ii) maintenance/replacement cost – Generally, the
Indirect (Backward or reverse) extrusion interfacial rubbing between the container inner
(Fig. 15.3(a)), (iii) hydrostatic extrusion wall and the workpiece outer surface only
(Fig. 15.3(b)), and (iv) lateral extrusion occurs on the inner wall of liner which can be
(Fig. 15.3(c)). changed cheaply and easily in comparison of
changing the container completely.
4) Die backer which is mounted and captures
Direct (Forward) Extrusion (Fig. 15.1):
rigidly the die to the front face of the container
As seen from Fig. 15.1, the design feature so as it can absorb the squeezing force from the
of a direct/forward extrusion includes: pressing stem in performing necessary
1) Billet is the corkpiece/rod/blank/tube/part deformation of the billet through the die
to be extruded so that its original shape 5) Pressing stem which is pushed against the
can be formed to the anticipated geometry billet so that it can move forwardly through the
of the accomplished component. die at where billet is deformed to form the shape
2) Container which mainly contains the required. The squeezing force is usually the
workpiece/rod/part to be extruded out sum of deformation force and the force required
through the die fastened in front of the to overcome interfacial friction between the liner
container outlet. inner wall and the outer surface of the billet
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Direct Extrusion (Con’t)
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Types of Extrusion
Figure 15.3 Types of extrusion: (a) indirect; (b) hydrostatic; (c) lateral;
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Other Types of It is observed that: (i) clearance exists
between the tool stem and extruded billet,
Extrusion and (ii) deformation only takes place for the
material directly under the die. Hence, the
Indirect (or Reverse or Backward) Extrusion energy wasted in interfacial friction and in
(Fig. 15.3(a)) changing the flow direction in the billet is
Comparing the design features of Fig. 15.1 with reduced when compared with direct
those of Fig. 15.3 (for indirect extrusion process), extrusion.
it can clearly see that the die and the die backer
mounted in front of the container in the former are Hydrostatic Extrusion (Fig. 15.3(b))
missing in the latter. Instead a tool stem seated
Referring to Fig. 15.3(c) and Fig. 15.1, the
with a die in front is pushed inwards to the billet
design features of hydrostatic extrusion
sandwiched between the backing disc (which
have basic components almost similar to
replaces the pressing stem for the direct extrusion
direct extrusion except that (i) the container
process). The billet under the compression of the
liner for the setup of direct extrusion is
tool stem is deformed in the effective deformation
replaced by fluid (lubricant/grease)
zone, just in front of the die, and extruded
surrounding the billet and there is not any
backwardly through the inner tube of the tool stem.
direct contact between container inner wall
Due to the relative movement of the deformed
and billet outer surface; and (ii) there are
billet and the tool stem is in reverse direction, it is
seals replacing the dummy block on
termed reverse or backward extrusion. As the
pressing stem of the direct extrusion system
deformation occurs as a result of inward
and between components where leaking of
movement of tool stem instead of the inwardly
fluid would likely be resulted from the
moving of the backing disc, the process is also
name indirect extrusion.
Other Types of Extrusion
By doing so, the floor of working place may not be easily wetted to create
safety hazards. However, fluid is allowed to be dragged out through the
interface of die opening and the billet so as to reduce significantly
interfacial friction. Furthermore, the fluid surrounding the billet may apply
fluid pressure to deform the billet hydraulically before it is extruded out
from fluid chamber. In hydrostatic extrusion, the force from pressing stem
is transmitted through fluid to deform firstly the billet hydraulically and to
push the billet out from the die opening.
Figure 15.4 Process variables in direct extrusion. The die angle, reduction in cross-section,
extrusion speed, billet temperature, and lubrication all affect the extrusion pressure.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Process Variables in Direct Extrusion
Figure 15.6 Types of metal flow in extruding with square dies. (a) Flow pattern obtained at
low friction or in indirect extrusion. (b) Pattern obtained with high friction at the billet-
chamber interfaces. (c) Pattern obtained at high friction or with coiling of the outer regions of
the billet in the chamber. This type of pattern, observed in metals whose strength increases
rapidly with decreasing temperature, leads to a defect known as pipe (or extrusion) defect.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Types of Metal Flow in Extrusion with Square Dies
Metal Flow in Extruding with Square Die larger than those away from the opening,
(Fig. 15.7) implying the metal is under tensile
Experimentally, the flow of metal within deformation. The grids away from the
extrusion chamber can be studied by opening almost remain unchanged,
bisecting the billet longitudinally and gridding implying very little or no deformation taking
a surface with mesh. The gridded halves are place in the regions. The spacing of the
then welded and placed into the chamber, grids along the central line seems to be
which is then extruded through die. The relatively larger which implies tensile strain
extrusion can then be stopped and taken out taking place or material is squeezed to
the chamber after certain length has been move both forwardly and backwardly so as
through the die. The welded edge is then to create stretching in the middle zone
ground off and the distortion of mesh can be Under the relatively larger interfacial
observed. The phenomena that the mesh friction (Fig. 15.7(b)), the larger friction
distorted allow the identification of how the tends to slow down the forwarding flow
metal is deformed and flows. Friction and the accumulation of material at the
between the interface of die and billet affects interface results in higher level of
the flow pattern within the extrusion chamber squeezing which subsequently pushing
and closer to die opening. As seen in Fig the material in the centre more severely.
15.7(a), the grids of square meshes seem to Consequently, the material in the zone
be squeezed together slightly when entering closer to the die is squeezed to pull both
die opening (implying metal is under backwardly and forwardly to give tensile
compression), and the mesh in the zone at deformation mode. Furthermore, material
the vicinity of die opening has grids pacing around the zone, as indicated by die angle
• .
Types of Metal Flow in Extrusion with Square Dies
(Fig. 15.4), tends to create a dead zone where there is no flow of material taking place.
For an even higher friction (Fig. q5.7(c)), the dead zone is getting larger and extending
downwardly, which results severer accumulation of material and prompts for severer
squeezing of material closer to die and heavier compression of material in the center,
subsequently giving higher tensile strain for material in the core zone. The severer tensile
strain in this zone may lead to central burst if there is any hard impurity locating in the
zone or the tensile strain is so high that reaches the fracturing point of the material.
In metal forming, soft material is easier to deform/shape than its harder counterpart.
Depending on how complicated shapes of metals to be formed, some materials/shapes
are difficult to produce in room temperature (i.e. by cold working). Heating the metals so
as to soften them for easier shaping may be the suitable approach in forming harder
materials and/or more complex shapes. If the materials are formed at a temperature
approaching their crystallization temperature, it is termed hot working. Table on slide 22
gives the ranges of hot working temperature for various metals
Extrusion in Creation of Intricate Parts
Figure 15.8 (a) An extruded 6063-T6 aluminum-ladder lock for aluminum extension
ladders. This part is 8 mm (5/16 in.) thick and is sawed from the extrusion (see Fig. 15.2).
(b-d) Components of various dies for extruding intricate hollow shapes. Source: (b-d)
After K. Laue and H. Stenger
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Extrusion in Creation of Intricate Parts
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Design of Exruded Cross-Sections
Figure 15.9 Poor and good examples of cross-sections to be extruded. Note the
importance of eliminating sharp corners and of keeping section thicknesses uniform.
Source: J.G. Bralla (ed.); Handbook of Product Design for Manufacturing. New York:
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1986. Used with permission.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Design of Exruded Cross-Sections
Design of Cross-Sections to be Extruded (Fig. 15.10)
Suitable design of cross-sectional geometry of an extrusion is important for
facilitating of: (i) achievement of balancing force on the dies; (ii) flow of material
in the chamber and through the dies; (iii) accomplishment of good quality
component in performing designated function; and (iv) safety in handling and
assembling, etc.
Fig. 15.10(a) shows an incorrect design of an extrusion. It does not balance the
flow, and thus generates unbalance force. Typically, the knife edge feature on
its right hand side surely results in difficulty of forcing material through and it
could be easily damaged, not safe to handle, even after extruded. Its tong and
sharp corners also problems in production because material is hard to fill. The
two holes at its bottom part have different size with the smaller one too small to
squeeze material through, and their wall in between is also too thin and easily
breaks. Its modification (Fig. 15.10(b)) overcomes the incorrect designs of
those shown in Fig. 15.10(a).
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Cold Extrusion Examples
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Cold Extrusion Examples
Examples of Cold Extrusion (Fig. 15.11)
• Fig. 15.11 shows examples of two cold extrusion processes. Basically, the
one in Fig. 15.11(a) is a combination of extrusion and forging process –
material in the die cavity is forged by the punch and extruded through to fill
the bottom part of the cavity. It is observed that there is not any obvious
clearance between the die cavity and punch. However, the one in Fig.
15.11(b) has sufficient clearance between die wall and punch for material to
move backwardly while some material is filling the cavity on the bottom
punch. The process is a combination of backward extrusion and forward
extrusion. As mentioned previously, cold extrusion is usually operated to
extrude soft material or relatively hard for simpler geometry. Hot extrusion is
normally used when material is hard or complex geometry is anticipated.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Impact-Extrusion Process
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Impact-Extrusion Process
Impact Extrusion (Fig. 15. 14 and Fig. 15.15)
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Impact Extrusion
Figure 15.15 (a) Impact extrusion of a collapsible tube by the Hooker process. (b)
and (c) Two examples of products made by impact extrusion. These parts also may be
made by casting, forging, or machining. The choice of process depends on the
materials involved, part dimensions, and wall thickness, and the product properties
desired. Economic considerations also are important in final process selection.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Impact Extrusion
• Due to the depth of the die cavity is shallow, the interfacial contact
between cavity wall and outer surface of the workpiece moving
upwardly is limited. It thus effectively reduces the interfacial friction.
Furthermore, it the punch body is so shaped to release further the
interfacial contact. Friction force can substantially be reduced
further. Subsequently, impact extrusion can be used to extrude
complex part as shown in Fig. 15.15(a), It is also widely applied to
produce tubes, i.e. the dental paste tube as shown In Fig. 15.15(b)
and Fig. 15.15(c). In the forming of dental tube, the bottom section
of the punch is suitably shaped to assist the metal flow and to
reduce surface friction (free of contact between the inner wall of the
tube and the outer surface of the punch).
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Chevron Cracking
Figure 15.16 (a) Chevron cracking (central burst) in extruded round steel bars.
Unless the products are inspected, such internal defects may remain
undetected and later cause failure of the parts in service. This defect can also
develop in the drawing of rod, of wire, and of tubes. (b) Schematic illustration
of rigid and plastic zones in extrusion. The tendency toward chevron cracking
increases if the two plastic zones do not meet. Note that the plastic zone can
be made larger either by decreasing the die angle or by increasing the reduction
in cross-section (or both). Source: After B. Avitzur.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Chevron Cracking
Chevron Cracking (Fig. 15.16)
Ref to the description for Fig. 15.7 above, the formation of severe and large squeezing zone
closer to the die opening usually leads to the severe tensile strain in the middle zone, which
results in the formation of central burst (Chevron Cracking – Note: Chevron is an engineering
scientist who firstly discovered the existence of such crack) if there is any buried hard impurity
or tensile strain is so large to reach its fracture limit. Fig. 15.16 shows such phenomenon.
In Fig. 15.16(a), the cross-section of an extruded circular solid bar is bisected and observed
under microscope. It has been found some crack occurring on the surface. Fig. 15.16(b)
illustrates the forming mechanism of such crack. Generally, incoming material flows horizontally
from the back of container and hits on the inclined die wall at where it changes direction to
move along the die surface. Such change of direction blocks and changes the material flowing
from the back which subsequently forms the rigid zone as shaded in Fig. 15.16(b). If this
shaded zone is small, material sandwiched in between in large and the squeezing effect
becomes insignificant (i.e. the tensile strain is small and can be pushed through the die opening
by the incoming material from the back uccessfully). Under such circumstance, the central burst
may not occur. When the rigid zone is so large that they touch each other at the center of the
die opening, the central burst is also successfully suppressed. However, when the rigid zone is
ranging between the former two conditions, the material at the central core not touching each
other and also not too much, the squeezing of the rigid zone creates sufficiently large tensile
train reaching the fracture limit or the existence of hard impurity to create material separation
taking place, central burst thus appears.
Tube-Drawing Operations
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Tube-Drawing Operations
Process Variable in Wire Drawing (Fig. 15.18)
Differing to extrusion process which has squeezing force to push material in container out through the
die opening, drawing usually involves the application of force in front of the die opening to pull material
out from the die. As a result, the container wall at the back of opening normally found in extrusion
process is not there for drawing process. It thus effectively reduces contract friction. However, the
drawn part may susceptibly break if the design of die is incorrect and the pulling force is excessive to
the effort of the cross section of the drawn part. Fig. 15.18 shows the various variables commonly used
in wire drawing.
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
Extruded Channel on a Draw Bench
Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology, Fifth Edition, by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid.
ISBN 0-13-148965-8. © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
MBE 3119 Manufacturing
Some Sheet Metal Forming Processes
Examples of Some Sheet
• Figure 16.1 shows some examples of
Metal Parts sheet‐metal parts ((a) Courtesy of Aphase
II, Inc. (b) Courtesy of Hialeah Metal
Spinning, Inc.)
• Those examples in Fig. 16.1(a) are
generally die‐formed and cut stamped
(a) parts. Those parts in Fig. 16.1(b) are
usually produced by spinning.
• Die‐forming often involves with the use of
a pair of die and punch to apply force in
shearing of sheet metal beyond their yield
or fracturing point. Typical processes are:
punching, blanking, slitting, shaving, deep
drawing, perforating and bending, etc.
(b) • Spinning normally involves with the use of
mandrel and follower. Blank is pressed
against nose of mandrel and follower is
pressing the blank tightly against mandrel
so as to shear along its surface. It may also
involve the sleeve of prefabricated tube
Figure 16.1 onto cylindrical mandel and being shorn
Examples of either internally or externally for forming
sheet‐metal different profiles on either outside or
parts. inner suface or both surfaces.
Sheet Metal Fabrication in (a), it shows a piece of strip stock of sheet metal
Processes with some different features to be punched/pierced
out from the strip. Typically, two pairs of small
• As shown below, there are many sheet metal
fabrication processes available in industry, holes, one at either side of punched narrow slots,
they are: are firstly made, followed by blanking off the strip
progressively. As the punched out part is kept while
strip material peripherally surrounding the part is
scrap off, it is called blanking (see (a)‐2). Reversely,
the keeping of the peripheral strip material and
scraping off the punched part is termed punching
(see (a)‐1).
In (b), the slitting and/or punching some features or
materials off from strip edges is called NOTCHING
In (c), slitting or punching off a complete piece of
strip into several pieces of parts with some specific
features along the slit or punched edges, one after
another, without any scrap is called slitting or
parting without scrap
• (a)‐1 (a)‐2
• :
In (d), a piece of strip is separated into several parts
with those under the parting punch to be scraped is
termed as parting with scrap.
Sheet Metal Fabrication Processes
• Following is parts fabricated from sheet/strip/blank of metal (illustration to • In (a) shows the process of lancing and forming. It involves firstly slitting a
be continued from the slide 3). feature detaching from two sides of a piece of strip while the third side is
still kept in attach with the strip. The detached edges are then shifted to
bend downward or upward along the attaching edge. The process in
making this feature is termed lance and form.
• In (b), a profiled blank with some formed features on could be bent or
stamped to U shape
• With available pair of die and punch readily made to shape, a circular blank
can be placed onto the top surface of die and properly shaped punch is
lowering down to press and deform the blank into the die hole, which is
termed deep drawing process (as seen in (c)).
• The deep drawing may results in flange which may not be specified in the
design of a part and needs to be removed/trimmed off. Trimming off by
conventional machining processes is normally time consuming and skill
depending. To release skill dependency some techniques are used to
quicken such trimming process and effectively reduce the required level of
skill. As shown in (d), a deep drawn part is mounted with its second
stepped annular tightly inserted with bottom die. A ring punch with sharp
inner edge is pushed to trim off the flange along the inner edge of the
• In (d), it shows how surface patterns on coin can be fabricated. Basically,
bottom surface of a punch is engraved with the reverse pattern as that on
top coin, similarly for the pattern on top die surface and that of bottom
surface of coin. When there is not any pattern around coin edge, it can be
performed as shown in LHS of (e). When the rim surface us patterned, it
requires retaining engraved with inverse pattern as that on rim surface to
set up as shown in RHS of (e) to be performed.
Shearing with a
Punch and Die
Figure 16.2 (a) Schematic illustration of
shearing with a punch and die, indicating
some of the process variables. Characteristic
features of (b) a punched hole and (c) the
Manufacturing, Engineering & slug. (Note: The scales of the two figures are
Technology, Fifth Edition, by different.)
Serope Kalpakjian and Steven
R. Schmid.
ISBN 0‐13‐148965‐8. © 2006
Pearson Education, Inc., Upper
the reduction of attaching surface area in the
Shearing with Punch and Die periphery of the punched hole diminishes the
allowable shearing stress. It thus initiates the
commencement of fracture pushing down the
Fig. 16.2(a) illustrates some process variables of punch with its side peripheral surface rubbing the
shearing. The basic variables include the diameter sectional surface while penetrating into the sheet
of solid punch A, the thickness of sheet T, clearance until reaching the regional bottom surface and
between die and punch c, the penetration depth of thus resulting in the burning region. Due to
punch into sheet C, die corner B, and contact point gradual reducing peripheral cross‐sectional area
of sheet with die D and punch C. All these variables along the shearing plane CD between the punch
affect the magnitude of shearing force and quality corner C and the die corner D (Fig. 16.2(a)), its
of the shear. Typically, the large clearance between fracturing tear gives rough opening inclined edge
die and punch results in stretching effect and the as shown. Final tearing of punched slug off the
fracture surface of slug and sheet, as seen in the bottom edge of sheet thus gives burr as shown,
inset in Fig. 16.2(a). Furthermore, the penetration with breakout dimension larger than and tapping
depth of punch into sheet changes the attaching upward to the burnished region.
sectional surface between slug and sheet, which is
surely influenced the shearing force required to
fracture their attaching surface. Fig. 16.2(c) characterizes the features of slug to
be shorn off. Due to tearing off from the bottom
hole, the top has burr around its peripheral rim,
Fig. 16.2(b) demonstrates the characteristic which is followed with rough fractured edge
features of a punched hole in the sheet. It inclining downwardly with almost the same as
illustrates that the penetration depth consisting of that along the rough fracture angle as the hole in
a region of rollover depth, and a region of burnish Fig. 16.2(b). The bottom of slug has a region of
depth. The rollover depth has downward bell smoothly burnished surface which is generated
shape, which is formed due to initially elastic during the burnishing duration at the top
deformation and stretching plastic deformation. counterpart region of the hole. It is also noted
The depth reduces the peripherally shearing area that the slug is having a curving shape along BD,
to resist shearing. At the magnitude of applying and dishing profile (with flat middle section and
shearing force at the instant when the bottom tilting upward at the rim connecting the burred
surface of punch is at the interfacial boundary of rim, The bottom curved shape is due to
rollover region and burnish region, the reduction of stretching, and the flat middle at the top is
mainly compressed by the punch during shearing.
Shearing with Punch and Shear Angles
When punch bottom is flat and is
having perimeter of L, it is used to
shear a sheet metal with thickness T
and having ultimate tensile stress at
UTS. The shearing/punching force F
required to shear off the component
is thus expressed as
Figure 16.10 Examples of the use of shear angles on punches and dies.
Punch force, F 0.7TL UTS
(Eq. 1) Fig. 16.10(a) illustrates a flat die with shear angles at either
side from a protruding mid‐central line – the shear angle has
depth equal to blank thickness. Hence, the initial punch will
From Eq. (1), it is possible to reduce have L = the width of mid protruding zone and it reduces
the punch force if the perimeter L when penetrating though. Unfortunately, it leads to stretch‐
during shear is possibly to decrease bending and is thus affecting the quality of shearing.
at the instance of shearing. This can
be achievable by implementing some Fig. 16.10(b) is with bevel shear on the punch so that it shears
shear angles on the bottom surface off blank at right and gradually propagating to left hand side.
of punch (Fig. 16.10(a)‐(c)) or on the Fig. 16.10(c) with double bevel shear on either side leads to
top surface of die (Fig. 16.10(d)), initial shear taking place at the tip of bevel and propagating to
correspondingly. both sides of bevel. Stretching occurs in the cases of (a) to (c).
Fig. 16.10(d) shows the achievement of shear angles on die
surface instead of punch. The die is made with convex shear
and this allows the lowering of punch progressively pressing
down of sheet blank down without creating stretching.
Quality of shearing operations with shear angles
Below shows the shear operations with shear Following shows the quality of blanked pieces with
angle added onto punch shear angle added onto die surface.
The LHS shows concave shear is applied on the long
The top LHS shows the setup of shear angle and
side of the rectangular die, and flat bottom punch.
its RHS counterpart illustrates the orientation of
The blanked pieces from such setup seem to be flat
shear force components and resultant, and the
and straight. The middle one shows the setup of
cross‐sectional shape of punched slug which
convex shear on the top surface of die and flat
seems to be tilted with the inclination of shear
bottom surface of punch. It also provides with flat
blanked pieces.
The bottom LHS shows the double bevel with a
The RHS demonstrates setup of flat top surface of
flat width on the tip bevel and its RHS
die with concave bottom surface on punch. Such
counterpart illustrates the slug piece also with
setup tends to give bent blank in shape of concave
tilting along the inclination walls.
form as shown.
Effect of clearance on Fig. 16.3(a) illustrates the effect of clearance
between die and punch on the edge quality during
shearing shearing. As shown, the punch is in blue and die in
green while the gridded meshes on the yellow
workpiece have been pre‐scribed. Consequently,
the pressing down of punch results in the
deformation of gridded traverse section of blank
along the fractured line. The observation and
analysis of the distortion of those grids facilitate the
understanding of how the clearance affecting the
shear quality. Typically, in (a)‐1 the fractured line
seems to be still straight and the top surface of
blank on die is with smaller curving, indicating the
pulling into die to be much smaller. In (a)‐2 the
fractured line is almost within a grid column only,
and distortion of the grid mesh is even lesser than
that in (a)‐1 although level of pulling into die is
Figure 16.3 (a) Effect of the clearance, c, between
punch and die on the deformation zone in shearing. higher. In (a)‐3 more severe distortion of grid
As the clearance increases, the material tends to be meshes is observe along the fractured line with
pulled into the die rather than be sheared. In serious pulled into die is identified.
practice, clearances usually range between 2 and Fig. 16.3(b) shows the hardness distribution along
10% of the thickness of the sheet. (b)
the fractured zone in slug (LHS) and blank (RHS).
Microhardness (HV) contours for a 6.4‐mm (0.25‐in.)
thick AISI 1020 hot‐rolled steel in the sheared region. The distribution indicates sheet is hardening along
Source: After H.P Weaver and K.J. Weinmann. and at the vicinity of the fractured line. Such
hardening strengthens the shorn edge of the hole
and slug.
Conventional Versus Fine‐ Components in Fig. 16.5(a) compare the quality of
shorn edge of conventional blanking (left) with
Blanking that of fine blanking (right(. It can be seen that the
left one is with relatively larger regions of rough at
the top and bottom sandwiching a narrow region
of smooth surface in the middle. The right one
with fine blanking has large region of smooth
surface at the bottom, which is just below a
narrow band of rough surface region on the top.
This implies the achievement of good quality blank
with fine blanking technique.
Fig. 15.5(b) illustrate the setup features of fine
blanking technique. Comparing with conventional
blanking (Fig. 16.2(a), Slide 5), it has additional
upper pressure pad pressing down onto blank so
as to prevent any possible slipping. It has also an
extra lower pressure cushion moving in
synchronizing with the down penetration of the
Figure 16.5 (a) Comparison of sheared edges blanking punch (left of Fig. 16.5(a)). Such
produced by conventional (left) and by fine‐ configuration and operation constrain relative
blanking (right) techniques. (b) Schematic slipping between die and blank, and stretching to
illustration of one setup for fine blanking. fracture of the blank so as to limit the fracture
Source: Courtesy of Feintool U.S. Operations. surface between sheet and slug (Right Fig. 16.5(b))
Some design considerations from the studies of
Optimize the utilization of materials by getting
For shearing/blanking greatest number of blanks from a given sheet
Shear/blank force on punching a sheet of
thickness T and ultimate tensile stress UTS Die should be made to size and clearance taken
varies with its perimeters. Reduction of punch off from counterpart punch
force is possible by suitably reducing the
instantaneously shearing surface by
implementing shear angle on either punch or Blanking force or pressure generally varies with
die. the strength of stock and the penetration depth
of shearing, and also with the peripheral length of
a blank at the instance of shearing – suitable
For blanking design of shear angle allows reducing its
As die cost varies with the contour and intricacy magnitude
of blank, hence: (i) designed contour should be
as simple as possible; (ii) building up complex If punch face contour is convex in shape, metal is
part by several parts may be cheaper; and (iii) often stretched before shearing takes place. Such
designing blank with corner radii prolonging stretch distorts the flatness and straightness of
tool life and reducing tool cost in comparing the blank. However, convex on die can effectively
with designing blank with straight‐side and reduce blank force and still retain straight and flat
square corners. blank.
Always select materials with commercially Deep drawing can be effectively optimized with
available shapes and sizes blanking to give fine dimensions of blank.
Stock layout techniques and Example of Stock layout and material
material utilization utilization, i.e. Nesting
Material utilization m can be defined as:
m = Wc/Wm
in which:
Wc is the weight of the component
Wm is the weight of material used to
make the component
For sheet metal with uniform thickness, m can
be defined as:
m = Ac/Am
The arrangement as in left wastes large amount
In which:
of materials while as in right reducing wastes.
Ac is the area of the component
Am is the area of material used to
make the component
Sheet Metals Forming : Stressing a sheet metal beyond its yield
point so as to change its dimensions or shape permanently
Formability of sheet metals – It is the ability of a
sheet metal which is capable to be deformed
without appearance of sight of fracturing
Cupping test is a technique widely used for
experimental valuation of the formability of a
sheet. It can perform as described below and
illustrated in Fig. (a) on the right hand side.
The setup of the cupping test is shown in Fig.
(a). It consists of a die, a top sheet clamping
block, a punch and a ball. A sheet metal is
clamped between the die and the top sheet
clamping block. The punch is then pressing the
sheet specimen down to form cup by an
applied force until fracture initiates on the
sheet surface at a punch penetration d. Larger
the d value is, higher the formability. As the
test has firstly been proposed by Erichsen and
bulge is the deformation shape, it is thus
called Erichen and Bulge‐tests
Sheet Metals Forming (Formability of sheet metals –
Bulge‐tests results on sheets of various The width of sheet specimen influences
widths. The specimen farthest left is the size of bulge in Erichsen and Bulge‐
subjected to, basically, simple tension. tests (see the figure at RHS). Generally,
The specimen farthest right is subjected the stretching in the narrower sheet
to equal biaxial stretching tends to approach closer to simple
tension. The wider specimen tends to be
strained closer to biaxial stretching
• Note: The depth of bulge for the
narrower specimen is deeper and
that for the wider specimen is
Sheet Metals Forming (Formability of sheet metals –
major and minor strain)
Strains in deformed circular grid patterns It can also be observed that the minor
diameter of the ellipse is smaller than its
original circle, which may lead to certain
level of thickening to compensate the
thinning strain in the major direction.
In the far right illustration, the blue colored
ellipse represents the circular one stretched
under the biaxial directions with the force
in the major one larger than its minor
counterpart. As the stretched grid surface
area is larger than the “before stretching”
circular grid, it generally becomes much
Let’s take a circular grid (see the circle thinner thorough. Subsequently, it is more
“Before stretching” in the LHS illustration susceptible to fracture than the one in the
above) on a meshed sheet which is far left illustration.
stretched in an uniaxial direction, the
circular grid will be elongated to form an Generally, both major strain and minor
ellipse. The strain in the major diameter of strain are the principal strains.
the ellipse is Major Strain while that in the
minor diameter is termed Minor Strain.
Sheet Metals Forming (Formability of sheet metals –
major and minor strain)
In determining the ability of a sheet
metal to be deformed so as to
facilitate the forming design of a
sheet metal, the combined use of
cupping test and grid meshes on
sheet specimen is the popular
experimental technique. Generally,
grid patterns are etched onto the
surface of a sheet before being
placed onto the cupping equipment
to be stretched. After the stretching,
Example: The deformation of the grid
the level of distortion of the pattern and the tearing of sheet metal
individual grids are measured and during forming. The major and minor
axes of the circles are used to determine
the corresponding strains are the coordinates on the forming‐limit
estimated by the existing formula for diagram.
plotting forming‐limit diagram.
Formability of sheet metals ‐ Forming‐limit diagrams
Diagram below illustrates the forming‐ Construction of FLD allows idea of under
limit diagram (FLD) for various sheet what straining conditions a sheet fails.
metals Although the major strain is always
positive (stretching), the minor strain
may be either positive or negative. In the
lower left of the diagram, R is the normal
anisotropy of the sheet.
Generally, straining on the FLD lines
represents at the verge of fracture,
below the lines represents successful
forming (safe zone) while above means
the occurrence of fracture (failure zone).
In LHS, the dashed line in the minor
strain region represents under pure
shearing conditions. The purple chain
line means under simple tension with
anisotropy R=1. In RHS, the brown chain
line means under equal (balanced)
biaxial straining conditions.
Drawing Drawing
It is a process of cold forming a flat pre‐cut metal
blank into a hollow vessel without excessive
wrinkling, thinning or fracturing. Fundamentally, it
consists of a die with circular hole of diameter Dd
in the middle and solid circular punch of diameter
d, in which Dd > d. A flat circular blank of outer
rim diameter D is place on top of the die. Punch is
subsequently moved down through the die hole
(see (a)), which subsequently draws the blank
down through the die hole (see (b)). The drawing
down of blank accompanies with blank edge to be
pulled towards the punch, which drags annular of
large area to smaller area and thus results in
wrinkling as shown in (c). The further drawing by
punch penetrating into the die hollow hole thus
leads to elongate the drawn body and thus forms
long cylinder. Generally, such wrinkling may be
minimized by the use of pressure plate slightly
pressing on the top of circular blank, so as to
increase interfacial friction and reduce the
shrinkage rate of outer annular to the inner.
The Figure in left hand side shows the progressive
stages of drawing a cup. (a) The metal
deformation is mainly that of bending. (b) The
This Figure illustrates the progressive operations deformation is bending, straightening and radial
of deep drawing of an initially flat blank to a long compression. (c) a continuation of all the steps of
body cylindrical cup, which can be soft drink part (b)
cans, etc.
Deep Drawing Fig.(b) below shows the features and
operational principles of the process in
In deep drawing, a flat sheet metal blank deep drawing a cylindrical cup.
is formed into a cylindrical or box‐shaped
part by means of a punch that presses Operations: A circular sheet blank with a
the blank into the cavity (see Figure (a) diameter Do and thickness to is placed
below) over a die opening with a corner radius
Rd. The blank is held in place with a
blankholder, or hold‐down ring, with a
certain force. A punch with a diameter
Dp and a corner radius Rp movers
downwards and pushes the blank into
the die cavity, thus forming a cup.
Deep Drawing in deep drawing of a cylindrical cup. (a)
Die corner radius too small; typically, it
Maximum punch force
should be 5 to 10 times the sheet
One simple and approximate formula for thickness. (b) Punch corner radius too
calculating the punch force is: small. Because friction between the cup
(Eq. (2)) and the punch aids in the drawing
operation, excessive lubrication of the
Eqn. (5) does not include friction, the punch is detrimental to drawability
corner radii of the punch and die, or the
blank holder force.
Calculation Example:
Effect of die and punch corner radii on
fracture in deep drawing
Deep Drawing (Con’t
from Calculation
Bending operations The level of bend varies with the penetration of the punch
V‐die bending: ‐ downwardly.
As shown in (a), it consists of a v‐die with opening W and
a v‐punch with the v of die minus the sheet thickness. Roll bending: ‐
After placing blank on the top surface of v‐die, the The setup in (d) is a three roll bending system for bending
pressing down of v‐punch bends the blank to v shape. sheet metals into different diameter tubular sections. It
involves with two side rolls: one is driven and another is
Wiping die bending: ‐ free to rotate. A top roll can be moving up and down along
the vertical plane in the middle of blank span. The down‐
The setup in (b) shows the configuration features of
pressing of top roll thus forms curvature section between
wiping die bending process. It consists of a bottom die
the two bottom rolls, hence activating the driven roll
block (grey color) and a top pressure block (in red color),
facilitates the bending of cylindrical hoop with a smaller
and a wiping die in blue color. A blank (green color) is
straight of the bridging length between middle to the free
firstly clamped between the bottom and top die blocks
driven roll. Welding of tubular edges to form a single tube,
with the edge of top block protruding a W (die opening
which can be rolled again in the system to rectify its
dimension, which is measured from the fillet edge of top
surface of bottom block) out from the bottom die block.
The wipe die is subsequently moved down against tightly
the vertical surface of the top block to bend the blank Bending with a 4‐roll machine:‐
down against the vertical wall of the bottom die block, as The machine consists of a solid cylindrical rod (in blue
illustrated in rhs illustration in (b). color), a half cylindrical cavity bottom die, two side die
blocks (in brown color) and a top die block (in red color) – of
Air bending: ‐ the three die blocks formed another half cylindrical shape
as shown in (e). During operations, a sheet blank is properly
The setup in (c) shows the air bending of a blank, which is
placed to align on the top surface of bottom die, and the
supported by two bottom die blocks (or by the
solid rod is pressed down to bend the blank filling up the
edges of a die hole). A top punch is then moving down to clearance between them. The two side die blocks are then
press down the blank in its middle span as illustration. moving inwardly to against the solid rod, which is followed
by pressing down the top die block to complete the bend.
Ref to the figure in Slide 33,
Springback the bend allowance before and after bending is the
same. Its relationship for pure bending is thus
expressed as:
The elastic recovery of a bend Bend _ allowance [ Ri (t / 2)] i Rf (t/ 2 ) f
after unloading is termed Springback. It
makes bend radius larger than its (SB1)
anticipated one (see Fig below) From this relationship, ks is defined as
It shows ks dependent on R/t ratio. Ks=1 indicates no
springback while ks =0 indicates complete elastic
recovery (see Fig in Slide 40).
As amount of springback varies with stress
level and modulus of elasticity E of the material, the
approximate formula to estimate springback is thus:
Fig. S
Note: The material tends to recover toward
its originally flat shape. However, there are In which Y is the unaxial yield stress of the material at
situations where the materials bends 0.2% off set
further upon loading (negative springback)
A quantity characterizing springback is the
springback factor, ks, which is determined
as follows.
Shear spinning process
Spinning (Also known as power spinning, flow turning,
hydrospinning, and spin forging)
Conventional spinning process An axisymmeric conical or
A circular blank of flat or curvilinear shape is generated in a
preformed sheet metal is held against a manner whereby the diameter of the
rotating mandrel while a rigid tool part remains constant (see Fig.(b) below)
deforms and shapes the material over
the mandrel by actuating the tool either
manually or with a hydraulic system (see
Fig.(a) below)
Note: In shear spinning, the diameter of
the spun part is the same as that of the
blank whilst, in conventional spinning, it
is not so.
Spinning Parts by shear spinning
Parts typically made by this
process include rocket‐motor casings and
Parts by conventional spinning
missile nose cones.
Typical shapes produced by the
The process generates little
conventional spinning process. Circular
material waste and the operation is
marks on the external surfaces of
completed in a relatively short time.
components usually indicate that the
parts have been made by spinning, such
as aluminum kitchen utensils and light As seen by the complex profile
reflectors. of the products, intricate shapes of sheet
metal products are possible to produced
by the spinning operations as long as
mandrels are possibly fabricated.
The part may be spun forward
Tube spinning or backward, similar to a drawing or
backward extrusion process.
In tube spinning process, tubes are
Various internal or external
reduced in thickness by spinning them profiles can be produced by controlling
on a mandrel, using rollers. The the path of the roller during its travel
operation may be carried out internally along the mandrel.
or externally.
Calculation examples
Question 1:
A straight bead is being formed on a 1‐mm thick Note that
aluminum sheet, having E=70 GPa, in a 20 mm
diameter die cavity, as shown in the accomplanying
figure. Let Y = 150 MPa. Considering springback,
calculate the outside diameter of the bead after it is Therefore, Eq.(SB3) on Slide 41 yields
formed and unleaded from the die.
Solution: Hence, the final outside diameter will be
For the aluminum sheet, we have Y=150 MPa and E =
70 GPa. Using Eq. (SB3) on Slide 41 for springback,
and noting that the die has a dieameter of 20 mm
and the sheet thickness is T = 1 mm, the initial bend
radius is:
Calculation examples
Question 2: Substituting the value from Question 1 in the
Inspect Eq.(SB3) on Slide 41 and substituting previous Slide,
in some numerical values, show whether the
first term in the equation can be neglected
without significant error in calculating
springback. which is
As an example, consider the situation in
Question 1 on Slide 43 where it was shown Clearly, the first term is small enough to
that ignore, which is the typical case.
Consider now the right side of Eq. (SB3) on
Slide 41.
The End
What are manufacturing processes and
Manufacturing processes can be considered as the techniques which
aggregate with a series of steps and/or procedures in converting a bulk
of raw material to an anticipated product.
Machining is aggregation of techniques which use tools to remove
away those region on a raw material not specified in a set of designed
engineering drawing, or shaping a bulk of material some profiles
according to the specifications of the drawings.
MBE 3119 Manufacturing
Chapters 21‐ 23 in the textbook:
Kalpaljian, Serope and Schmid, Steen, “Manufacturing Engineering and
Technology”, 5th edition, Prentice Hall, Pearson, ISBN 0‐13‐107639‐7
Commonly Available Machining Operations
(a) in LHS figure shows the operations to remove layers of
material from a circular rod and to cut‐off/make‐shoulder on the
rod. The rod is mounted into holding chuck in spindle of a lathe
and turned accordingly. (b) in LHS figure shows the use of a
narrow and long cutter to remove materials from a particular
region. The complete removing of materials from that region
results in separating the rod piece into two individual pieces.
(c) in LHS figure shows layer of a piece of slab to be removed by
a cutter mounted onto the horizontal spinning shaft in a
horizontal milling machine. The profile of cutter and its
mounting, and the relative movement of mounting shaft and
workpiece mean vertically straight finishing edge to be hardly
achievable. Furthermore, surface of the finishing edge may be
stepped and not smooth.
(d) in LHS figure shows an end mill being mounted in a vertical
cutter holder, which is moved transversely and longitudinally
from the end surface of workpiece in profiling some features
from the end surface inwardly. Due to major diameter over the
effective cutter is the same, it can assist to cut slot and open the
end region with vertically straight edge and smooth surface for
each cut.
The lhs figure illustrates the schematic of
Schematic illustration of turning process. It involves with
Turning mounting/clamping a cylindrical rod rigidly
in the chuck of a spindle, which can be
rotated. A cutter, which is rigidly mounted
on a tool post (which is driven along a
threaded shaft mounted in the lathe bed
and with axis parallel to the longitudinal
direction of the rod), can be moved
transversely across to face or shorten the
rod, or longitudinally towards to chuck to
reduce the diameter of the rod by
removing surface layer from the
workpiece. Depending on the geometry of
the cutter, and its moving direction, it can
turn off layers from the rod surface,
produce stepped shaft, cut shoulder on a
shaft, parting some length from the rod,
Schematic illustration of turning setup end drill hole on the end of the rod., and
The LHS figure illustrates the setup features of a cylindrical
Turning Operation sold rod to be turned off a depth of cut from its free end.
The cutting tool is supposed to mount onto a tool post,
which is driven to give a longitudinal feed in mm/rev (or
in/rev). Due to the rotary effect is synchronizing with the
feed of cutter in longitudinal direction, the cutting path on
rod surface is usually spiral around the cutting surface,
which can be obviously magnified and seen if the depth of
cut and the feed of cut are both large, as illustrated in the
cutting end of the rod in LHS figure.
Setup features: Circular rod mounted in turning lathe,
Cutter mounting/supporting seat (blue color) moved along
a guide‐slide rod on the lathe, cutter (red color) mounted
on the tool support seat or tool post on a compound rest
on carriage which is connected to Apron, which is designed
to move transversely and/or longitudinally in relative to the
cylindrical sold workpiece.
Operational Principles: After the proper mounting of rod
piece onto spindle (with tailstock quill to center and steady
its end if necessary) and setting of the tooling, the
powering on the lathe turns the guide‐slide rod which
drives the carriage with tool‐post moving forwards to the
spindle. By suitable setting of feed (mm/rev) and depth of
Schematic illustration of turning cut (mm) with the use of adequate geometry of cutter, it
operation showing various features allows the forming of various feature profiles on the
cylindrical solid rod piece.
Feed marks and surface finishing on In the LHS figure, it shows the exaggerated surface
a turned surface profile on a turned rod surface. It illustrates the
marks left on the surface varies with the effective
cutting zone of the cutter and the feed in relation to
the cutting edge angle. As mentioned, the combined effect
of depth of cut and longitudinal feed of cut gives different
traces of spiral cut path on workpiece surface. Its resulted
turned traces affect the surface finishing. Other influential
factor determining the turned surface is the nose of the
cutter. Physically, with constant rotational speed and feed,
the variation of a cut trace is smaller with larger tool nose
radius, as lesser change within the measurable region can be
detected. Hence, those replicated marks constituting of the
surface roughness of the rod can basically be evaluated by
the following equation:
Surface roughness:
Schematic illustration of exaggerated
f feed
feed marks on a turned surface
R tool - nose radius
Turning Tools and Inserts In the top LHS figure, (a) shows the schematic illustration of
right‐hand cutting tool, its features and relevant
terminologies. Generally, the various end cutting edge
angles on these tools affect the machining quality and
features. This is because it determines the cutting nose
radius and tip, and also the displacement of chips which
may create problems of cooling and rubbing on the cutting
tool and the cut surface. Such actions are often
deterministic to the durability of tool life too. Although
these tools traditionally have been produced from solid
tool‐steel bars, individual geometries of cutting tools imply
high replacement cost involved. Approach is thus sought to
minimize such cost. Hence, making a common toolholder to
be fixed with various tool inserts which are made with
Schematic of and terminologies involved with the turning different end cutting angles and cutting nose radii, as
tools and inserts shown in (b). Such approach allows to replace the cutting
tool in (a) largely with those inserts as shown in (b), so as to
save the tooling cost. These inserts are generally made of
carbides and other materials of various shapes and sizes.
In the bottom LHS figure, some typical carbide inserts with
various shapes and chip‐breaker features: Round inserts
are also available, as can be seen in the following two
figures in next slide. The holes in the inserts are
standardized for interchangeability in toolholders
Some typical carbide inserts
Mounting and strength of The top LHS figure shows the methods
of mounting inserts on toolholders. It
inserts generally involves with: (a) clamping
and (b) wing lockpins. However, in (c), it
gives examples of inserts mounted with
threadless lockpins, which are secured
with side screws
The bottom LHS figure illustrates the
relative edge strength and tendency for
chipping of inserts with various shapes.
In view that tool inserts generally
experience shearing force and they may
be shorn to fracture if weak. Design with
large cross sectional area to resist shear
or with geometry to exert smaller shear
Mounting of inserts on toolholders is supposed to be stronger. Hence,
strength is frequently referred to as the
cutting edge indicated by the included
angles. The top arrow suggests that the
inserts are getting stronger from smaller
angle to larger angle. In view that chips
tend to be entangled if smaller clearance
space between workpiece and cutter is
allowed to releasing. Such entanglement
results in increase in friction and
roughening the cutting surface. Hence,
the increasing chipping and breaking is
as shown in the bottom arrow.
Relative strength of insert shapes
Cutting Screw Threads The LHS figure shows setup features and principles of
cutting screw threads with turning machine.
Sub Fig. (a) illustrates that for cutting screw threads on a
lathe with a single‐point cutting tool. Generally, the
minimization of spinning effect which likely results in
more materials to be cut off at largest spin envelope. End
spindle is thus pushed to hold the free end of the
workpiece. Note that the shape of cutter tip is invert ”v”
and body width is narrow. The depth of valleys can be
increased gradually by a series of passes.
Sub Fig. (b) shows the sequence for cutting screw
threads with a single‐point tool in several passes,
normally utilized for large threads. The small arrows in
the figures show the direction of the transverse feed into
workpiece, and the broken lines show the position of the
cutting tool as time progresses. Note that in radial
cutting, the tool is fed directly into the workpiece. In
flank cutting, the tool is fed into the piece along the right
face of the thread. In incremental cutting, the tool is first
fed directly into the piece at the center of the thread,
then at its sides, and finally into the root.
Sub Fig. (c) demonstrates a typical coated‐carbide insert
in the process of cutting screw threads on a round shaft.
Sub Fig. (d) illustrates the approach for cutting internal
screw threads with a carbide insert.
Lathe Cutting
Although all parts to be cut with lathes need to be
circular or properly known as axisymmetric.
Miscellaneous cutting operations, as illustrated in
LHS figure, that can be performed on a lathe.
However, the tools used, their shape, and the
processing parameters are different as
demonstrated in the figure at left hand side.
Noting: for straight turning the tool shape and
feed direction (a) is different with those of taper
turning (b); likewise those for profiling (c) differ
with those for turning and external grooving (d)
even‐though the tooling is the same; those for
facing (e) are obviously differing with those in
face grooving (f); forming certain profile on a
section (g) can be done with a form tool; boring
and internal grooving (h) requires a sufficiently
large hole to be drilled first (i); cutting off (j) a
section off the rod can be done with narrow cutter
to be moved transversely (j); threading on the rod
can be achieved with inverse “v” tool (k); knurling
a part of workpiece (l) requires the use of a
knurling tool against the surface of a workpiece.
The top figure illustrates various types of drills and drilling and reaming operations. Note: Drilling with drill has sharp cutting edge
and tip bit – It is used to drill solid material initially without any through‐hole in and finishes with a taper end in a relatively deep
hole. The step drilling with relatively blunt blade edges and stepping, which is not for drilling deep hole. Core drilling,
counterboring, countersinking, and reaming usually are performed with an hole drilled by drilling first, which is either enlarged or
sunk with large end to burry or to encapsulate the bold head of a fastener. Central drill is just for drilling for locating centre for
further drilling with bigger diameter drill. The gun drilling is originally for supplying coolant water in drilling action. However, it may
deepen hole to certain extent if the pressured coolant has sufficiently high force production.
It can be seen that drilling processes like core drilling, counterboring, countersinking, and reaming usually require through holes or
blinded holes of certain depths being pre‐drilled first. This is because their relevant tools have no sharp cutting tip bit to displace
materials beneath them.
Helical Reamer and Inserted‐Blade Adjustable Reamer
In drilling, sometimes the available drill is smaller than the specified hole, and
the taper bottom of a drilled hole is needed to be removed. Hence, boring
and reaming may be undertaken. The above figure shows the construction of
the available reamers and illustrates in (a) for the terminology of a helical
reamer, and in (b) for the configuration of an inserted‐blade adjustable
Proper Methods of Applying Cutting Fluids
During cutting, heat is generated which tends
to soften the cutting tool. This adding to the
rubbing of tool and workpiece results in tool
wear. Furthermore, the high temperature of
workpiece surface also leads to roughening
surface on the workpiece. As the integrating
consequence of this, the quality of the cutting
surface is not as good as expected.
Furthermore, the durability of cutter is
significantly shortening. Hence, proper
application to effectively carry out heat from
both surfaces is essential. The LHS figure shows
the schematic illustration of the proper
methods of applying cutting fluids (flooding) in
various machining operations: (a) turning, (b)
milling, (c) thread grinding, and (d) drilling. As
illustrated in LHS figure of (a) and the RHS
figure of (a), cutting fluid should be applied as
close to the cutting region whatever possible.
Likewise it is also the same for milling process
as shown in (b), for grinding as illustrated in (c),
and for drilling as shown in (d). Although flow
Techniques to apply cutting fluids rate of cutting fluids enhances cooling
efficiency, the setup features of any system
usually limit the admissible flow rate effectively.
Machining (2)
MBE 2106
Book to refer to
Chapter 24 in the textbook:
Kalpaljian, Serope and Schmid, Steen, “Manufacturing Engineering and
Technology”, 5th edition, Prentice Hall, Pearson, ISBN 0‐13‐107639‐7
LHS figure is the schematic illustration of
Milling machines (a) a horizontal‐spindle column‐and‐knee
type milling machine (An arbor bridges
the column and the mounting block at
the free end of overarm. Cutter is
fastened through the arbor) and (b)
vertical‐spindle column‐and‐knee type
milling machine (Cutter is mounted into
spindle in the head and spins to cut
workpiece in T‐slot on the mounting
For (a), the cutter is mounted onto the
horizontal arbor with diameter of cutting
blade in vertical plane. Although the
design and mounting of (a) provide
rigidity, it constrains certain materials
removal operations.
For (b), the cutter is mounted into the
vertical chuck in head, forming a free
end cantilever system. Hence, its rigidity
is relatively poorer than that for (a)
Cutters Ref to the last slide (Slide 17), the features for
mounting cutter on arbor in parallel to its head
for the horizontal milling, which is similar to a
built‐in beam structure, make the system
becomes more rigid. It is thus possible to have
relatively higher rate of metal removal when
compared with vertical milling machine (which
has cutter mounting feature as in cantilever
system mode). However, the cutting wheel in
vertical plane means that the stopping of the
cutting wheel anywhere in the workpiece leads to
sloping edge and its surface may not be smoothly
finishing, as shown at the cutting front in (a).
Hence, it is widely used in peripheral cutting with
heavy removal rate. With two cutters mounted
with space in between, it is possible to have
straddle milling as in (a), and form milling as in
(b). The use of wide cutting breadth of a cutter
allows slotting of a heavy groove as in (c). Correct
Design features of special cutters for (a) straddle milling, (b) form milling, (c)
use of cutting breadth facilitates slitting of
slotting, and (d) slitting with a milling cutter different thicknesses of plates (d).
Milling Cutters and Milling Operations LHS figure shows some basic types of milling cutters
and milling operations. (a) Peripheral milling with
horizontal milling machine. (b) Face milling with
vertical milling machine (c) End milling with the
use of vertical milling machine. (d) Ball‐end mill
with indexable coated‐carbide inserts machining a
cavity in a die block with vertical milling machine.
(e) Milling a sculptured surface with an end mill,
using a five‐axis numerical control machine.
Among these milling operations, (a) peripheral
milling and (b) face milling are conducted with
horizontal milling machine so that they take the
advantages of high rigidity and high removal rate,
which tends to give better dimensional accuracy.
The operations in (c) end milling, (d) ball end
milling, and (e) end milling for sculpturing surface
are often undertaken with vertical milling machine.
This is mainly because vertical milling gives high
level of accessibility of removing materials, and also
furnishes with vertically right angle milled wall.
Although it is hard to remove high rate of materials,
its indexability caters possibility of automating the
milling processes with computer aided control or
with the use of computer numerical control milling
Milling operations
The above figure shows: (a) Schematic illustration of conventional milling and
climb milling. (b) lab‐milling operation showing depth‐of‐cut, d; feed per
tooth, f; chip depth‐of‐cut, tc; and workpiece speed, v. (c) Schematic
illustration of cutter travel distance, lc, to reach full depth‐of‐cut
Face Milling Operations
The above figure shows some face‐milling operations: (a) action of an insert mounted
in cutter in face milling; (b) climb milling with rotational blade teeth pointing in the
same direction as workpiece sliding direction; (c) conventional milling with rational
blade teeth of cutter in the opposite direction as workpiece sliding direction; (d)
dimensions in face milling. The width of cut, w, is not necessarily the same as the
cutter radius, depending on cutter radius and the specific width of cut anticipated.
Face‐Milling Cutter with Indexable Inserts
LHS figure shows a face‐milling cutter mounted with indexable
inserts and its relevant terminology: notes that it has end cutting
edge angle, axial rake, end relief, corner angle, and radial rake for
cutting and chip relief.
T‐Slot Cutting and Shell Mill The LHS figure illustrates (a) T‐slot cutting with
a milling cutter, which involves firstly with
cutting the slot to anticipate depth and size,
followed by the second cut with a shell mill
fastening at the end of cutter for the production
of T‐slot. (b) A shell mill, which is used to cut
the T‐slot.
As T slot is difficult to be produced by horizontal
milling machine because of its constraint in
setting up features, vertical milling machine is
often used. The cutting of T slot can be
performed by two stages: (i) selecting a cutter
with diameter almost equal to the small slot
width, and milling almost to the depth of the T
slot; (ii) mounting the shell mill cutter in (b) to
the end of chuck and properly setting the top
holding sleeve, above the top surface of the
shell mill cutter, to a height of the smaller depth,
which is then moved unblocked to the far end of
the milled small slot, and subsequently
activating the movement of the workpiece table
to slide relatively to the vertical chuck to
complete the milling.
It shows some typical parts that can be made on
Parts Made on a Planer a planer.
Generally, planer can be achieved by either
horizontal or vertical milling machine. It
commonly involves with shaping a workpiece
into planes and then making some features
like slots or grooves on the planes as
illustrated in (a) and (b). The milled inclining
features along either edges in (a) are
achievable with special cutting blade or
inclining the workpiece platform to certain
angle if horizontal milling machine is used.
When vertical milling machine is used instead,
the chuck spindle can be suitably adjusted to
the required angle or tilting the workpiece
holding platform to the angle. After milling, it
can be slit off to the anticipated length
In milling of planer (b), both horizontal and/or
vertical milling machine can be used. It can be
firstly planed and then slot on each plane is
milled or slotted accordingly. This is then
followed by slitting the part to many parts
with anticipated length.
Broaching It shows (a) some typical parts made by
internal broaching. (b) some parts made by
surface broaching. (Note: Heavy lines indicate
broached surfaces). (c) A vertical broaching
machine for broaching those parts in (a) and in
(b) sometimes.
The internal features in the cylindrical part are
usually broached, which normally involves with
turning of the outer profile, drilled the internal
hole, then broaching tools up and down in the
internal holes and broaching the inner holes to
the designed features as shown in (a) by
different sequences and tools.
In (b), the internal features of the parts are
made by other machining processes first,
which is followed by broaching the external
surface of the parts for the achievement of
various external features.
In (c), it shows the design of an broaching
Broach Geometry and Chipbreaker Features on Broaches
LHS Figure: (a) Cutting action of a broach showing the progressively
broaching of various features. (b) Terminology generally used for a broach;
RHS Figure: Chipbreaker features on (a) a flat broach and (b) a round broach.
Part with Internal Splines LHS figure illustrates an example of a
Made by Broaching part with internal splines produced
by broaching. The external profile is
processed by other manufacturing
operations. The internal splines in
the through hole in the middle are
broached from LHS to RHS with the
use of adequate broaching
Sawing Operations The LHS figure demonstrates some
examples of various sawing operations
for sawing off different features from
workpieces. Features on sheet metals or
metallic plates or block /rod can be
sawing off by various sawing operations.
Typically: it can cut off the workpiece
into two parts by ripping (a), sawing off
internal features somewhere on
workpiece which is termed internal cuts
(b), sawing some inclination features
from a bendpiece as angular cuts (c),
contour cutting some features from a
block materials which is termed contour
cutting (d), sawing off a stack of profiled
sheets individually into two or three
separate parts is called stack cutting (e),
and sawing a disk plate from a single
crystal ingot with sawing blade as shown
in (f).
Saw Teeth
LHS figure shows the (a)
Terminology for saw teeth. (b) RHS figure shows the saw teeth of (a)
Types of tooth sets on saw teeth High‐speed‐steel teeth welded on a
staggered to provide clearance for steel blade. (b) Carbide inserts
the saw blade to prevent binding brazed to blade teeth
during sawing
Involute Spur Gear
Nomenclature for an involute spur gear
Gear Generating
with Various Cutters
LHS Figure showsL (a)
Producing gear teeth on a
blank by form cutting. (b)
Schematic illustration of gear
generating with a pinion‐
shaped gear cutter. (c) and
(d) Gear generating on a gear
shaper using a pinion‐shaped
cutter. Note that the cutter
reciprocates vertically. (e)
Gear generating with rack‐
shaped cutter
Bevel Gears
It shows how setup for (a) Cutting a straight bevel‐gear blank
with two cutter. (b) Cutting a helical bevel gear
Finishing Gears
by Grinding
It shows various
setups and tools used
in finishing gears by
grinding: (a) form
grinding with shaped
grinding wheels; (b)
grinding by
generating with two