Section 33 - Work Programme Specification (Conventional)
Section 33 - Work Programme Specification (Conventional)
Section 33 - Work Programme Specification (Conventional)
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S33 - ii
Work Programme Specification (Conventional)
1.1. This specification describes the requirements for the preparation, submittal,
update and revision of the Contractor‟s Work Programme. The requirements are
in addition to the provisions under Clause 12.0 of the Condition of Contract.
1.2. The Contractor‟s programme shall be used by the Contractor to plan and execute
the Works. The programme will also be used by the S.O. to monitor progress and
be the basis for the assessment of extensions of time and the effect of delay on
the progress of the Works.
1.3. For Contract using standard JKR design, JKR will furnish the standard template
for WBS list in the Work Programme as a guide, the Contractor shall provide all
the necessary resources required as specified in the Work Programme, or,
Contractor may propose his own Work Programme which shall not exceed the
contract period stipulated, in which case, CPM must also be used, denoting all
the critical milestones for the successful implementation and completion of the
project. Notwithstanding the above, Contractor shall submit method statements
for carrying such works and temporary works, if any, which the Contractor
intends to supply, use or construct as the case may be.
1.4. The programme shall be produced by the Contractor in the following phases:
1.4.1. Initial Work Programme. An Initial Work Programme for the first three
months of work.
1.5. Approval by the S.O. of any phase of the Contractor‟s Work Programme does not
make the Work Programme a contract document, or mandate that the Works
shall be constructed strictly in accordance with the Work Programme. The
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Work Programme Specification (Conventional)
Contractor at all times remains responsible for the construction of the Works in
accordance with Clause 6.0 of the Condition of Contract.
1.6. If at any time there is a dispute or difference between the Contractor and S.O.
over any matter concerning the Contractor‟s programme, then immediate steps
should be taken by either party to have the dispute settled in accordance with
Clause 65.0 of the Condition of Contract.
2.2 Within twenty eight (28) days after the date of the Letter of Acceptance [or
such other time as may be specified in the Contract], the Contractor shall
submit to the S.O. for his review and acceptance a Work Programme for the
whole Contract (incorporating the Initial Work Programme) showing the order of
procedure in which the Contractor proposes to carry out the Works. This Work
Programme becomes the Accepted Work Programme upon acceptance by the
S.O. The Accepted Work Programme shall have regard to the contract
completion dates and any other milestones, and/or restraints set out in the
Contract. Thereafter, if the actual progress does not conform to the Accepted
Work Programme, the S.O. is entitled to require the Contractor to submit to
the S.O. for acceptance a revised Work Programme showing the order of
procedure and periods necessary to ensure completion of the Works by the
contract completion dates.
2.3 The Contractor shall furnish the General Method Statement (refer to Clause
5.0) and such other details and information as the S.O. may reasonably require to
accept the Accepted Work Programme as set out in Clause 12 of the Condition of
2.4 The Contractor shall supply the S.O. with digital copy of each Work
Programme, together with a printout bar chart or tabular report in a pre-agreed
format. All Work Programmes shall be prepared and submitted using latest
version Microsoft Project software or equivalent. The software shall be
capable of producing Work Programmes and information that complies with
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Work Programme Specification (Conventional)
the requirements of this clause and shall be in a format that can be read by
commercially available proprietary planning software.
2.5 Within twenty one (21) days of the Contractor submitting a Work Programme
complete with all the information required by this clause to the S.O. for approval,
the S.O. will approve the Work Programme or give its reasons for not approving
the Work Programme in writing. If such reasons are given, the Contractor shall take
account of the reasons and resubmit the Work Programme within a period of ten
(10) working days. If the S.O. does not response within 21 days, the S.O. shall
be deemed to have approved the Work Programme as submitted.
2.6 The Contractor will be required to submit to S.O. a soft copy of the Work
Programme in a compact disk (CD) format. The CD must be submitted in a
completely close case and labelled to show:
Project Name
Contractor‟s Name and Address
Reference Number (if any)
Any other information as per S.O.‟s instruction, should such need arise
2.7 The softcopy for the Accepted Work Program will not be saved as Baseline,
unless otherwise approved by S.O. or its representatives
2.8 The Contractor is required to submit a colour printout copy of the works
Work Programme, bind into a presentable format and labelled accordingly
2.9 The Contractor will be required to submit five (5) colour copies to S.O. for
binding into the contract documents upon receipt of approval for the Work
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Work Programme Specification (Conventional)
4.1.1 The Work Programme submitted by the Contractor in accordance with paragraph
2.0 above becomes the Accepted Work Programme upon approval by the S.O.
The Accepted Work Programme shall form the Contractor‟s basic strategy for the
completion of the Works by the contract completion date. The Work Programme
to be accepted shall be at the direction of the S.O. in a linked bar chart format
and precedence network format prepared using techniques acceptable to the
S.O. and shall show as far as reasonably practicable: The activities in all work packages including those by the principal
sub-contractors and suppliers, statutory undertakers, those
contractors and suppliers directly employed by the S.O. and others. The earliest and latest start and finish dates for every activity in each
work package. Activities shall include all scope activities and any
activities or time durations expected in addition to scope activities. The earliest and latest start and finish dates for each phase or
section, including dates when the Contractor plans to complete work
to allow the S.O. and others to do their work. Milestone and Key Dates. The Work Programme will start with
milestone and finish or complete with milestone.
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JABATAN KERJA RAYA MALAYSIA Procurement periods and delivery dates for the major items of goods,
plants and materials. Dates by which work will be ready for testing by the S.O. Details and dates of any information required from the S.O. Provisions for float, time risk allowances, quality control procedures,
health and safety requirements [and any other requirements that may
be set out in the Contract].
4.1.2 The Accepted Work Programme shall also be presented as schedules showing
an analysis of the network including:
(c) Duration A schedule of leads and lags with (if requested by the S.O.) reasons
for them. Excessive leads and lags, negative lags or open/hanging
activities, use of fixed dates and any other programming activities
that can have the effect of creating false criticality or inhibiting the
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JABATAN KERJA RAYA MALAYSIA A schedule of all activities lying on the paths containing the least
float, namely the critical activities. A schedule identifying the days of working per week, shifts per
working day and holidays. Where multiple calendars are used, this
information shall be provided for each of the calendars, accompanied
by a schedule indicating the calendar applicable to each activity.
4.1.3 The Accepted Work Programme shall also be presented with or be accompanied
by the following schedules: A schedule giving the monetary value of each activity for cash flow
purposes. The sum of the monetary values shall total the Contract
amount. The schedule shall also give the payment items applicable to
the activity monetary values.
4.1.5 The Accepted Work Programme shall take into account all time risk
allowances, including time for the weather conditions (rain, wind, flood and
etc.) reasonably to be anticipated by the Contractor. The Contract time has
been defined on the assumption that the weather conditions will conform to at
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5.2 The Contractor shall submit to the S.O. sufficient information as may be
considered reasonably necessary by the S.O. to interpret, evaluate and give
approval to the Work Programme.
5.3 The Contractor shall, whenever required by the S.O, furnish for his
information further and more detailed particulars of the Contractor‟s Method
5.4 Should the Contractor wish to change a Method Statement or should the
S.O. subsequently consider it necessary to change a Method Statement,
then the Contractor shall submit a revised Method Statement.
6.2 The Work Programme shall indicate schedules, milestones and critical dates
for preparation and submission of detailed proposal; Technical Specification
Adherence (TSA) for major and critical equipment, Consent and / or
Approvals, Procurement, Supply, Delivery, Installation and Testing and
Commissioning of equipment (where applicable).
6.3 The proposed dates of submission and approval in the schedule shall form
the basis of determining the definition of „adopt current and/or latest
technology or techniques‟ of the Special Equipment Brief; as such as the
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6.4 This special equipment Work Programme will be incorporated with logical
linkage and presented on to the Accepted Work Programme for overall
monitoring and control of the Contract.
8.1.2 Each Revised Work Programme submitted for approval shall be presented as
or be accompanied by the schedules referred to in paragraph 4.4 and, if
necessary, paragraph 4.5 above, together with any amendments to the
Method Statement.
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8.2.2 The Tracking Reports will be used by the S.O. to monitor the Contractor‟s
performance against the Accepted/Revised Work Programme, forecast work
to be performed in the subsequent period and to assess extensions of time at
the time the cause of delay occurs. In order to provide effective monitoring of
performance, the Contractor shall also provide to the S.O. the progress
reports as described in Clause 12.0 of the Condition of Contract and the cash
flow estimates described in Paragraph 7.0 above.
9.2.1 A technical personnel with minimum five (5) years working on site
9.3 S.O. or his representatives at the time of audit of the schedules can request
for the Scheduler‟s work portfolio of past projects to justify the Scheduler‟s
9.4 Roles & Responsibilities of Scheduler include but not limited to:
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9.4.5 To provide hands on (on site) training to the Contractor and JKR
10.1 The Contractor will need to send four (4) representatives from JKR and two
(2) of their site based representatives to attend Project Scheduling Training
to be conducted by the qualified scheduler or planning consultant appointed
by the project. The training must include the following minimum content. S.O.
or its representatives will select the Trainer and the facility conducting such
training and inform the Contractor of their choice.
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Work Programme Specification (Conventional)
11.1 Baseline
It is a baseline tool used as a reference for managing the project. It is one of the
most important documents in the overall planning, monitoring, and implementation of
a project and should be "owned" by the project manager and his/her team.
Critical Path Analysis is a method that formally identifies tasks which must be
completed on time for the whole project to be completed on time. It also identifies
which tasks can be delayed for a while if resource needs to be reallocated to catch up
on missed tasks.
11.4 Milestone
A significant event in the projects, usually completion of a major deliverable. A
milestone, by definition, has duration of zero and no effort. Milestones are essential to
manage and control a project, but there is no task associated with it (although
preparing a milestone can involve significant work). Usually a milestone is used as a
project checkpoint to validate how a project is progressing and revalidate the work.
Method statement is a document that gives specific instructions on how to safely and
effectively perform a work related task submitted by the contractor at the beginning of
the project for approval. The method statement encompasses the following:
(a) purpose
(b) scope
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(c) references
(d) definitions
(e) responsibilities
(f) equipment
(g) risk assessment
(h) safety
(i) procedure
(j) attachments (if any)
WBS is a hierarchical tree structure decomposing a project into activities and sub-
activities to help define and control the project and its elements of work.
A work package is the basic building block of a work breakdown structure. It can be
considered as a sub-project. It is composed of one or several tasks.
A work package may typically last a week to a month in duration and is performed by
an individual or small work group.
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