Maggie Climate Change - Expedition Planning

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Expedition Planning Template

Maggie Kane

Content Area(s): ​Science Grade Level(s): ​7-8 Expedition Dates: ​January 8 - May 25, 2018

Expedition Topic: ​Global Climate Change

Expedition Case(s): Anchor Text(s):

● The Sun rules! “Drawdown” Paul Hawken
● Climate is a driving force in Earth Systems “An Incomplete Sequel” Al Gore
● Climate has changed over Earth’s history
● We can fix this; affecting change in our communities

Guiding Questions
Summary of Expedition: ​ During the Climate Change learning expedition, students will use quantitative models to learn about the Earth’s
energy balance and how albedo, emissivity and the solar constant impact global temperatures. They will then put the model in historical context
to develop an understanding of the climate system. Students will be able to describe how climate systems interact, and how the variety of
factors influence global temperature, ecosystems and human health. With all of this information, students will then propose strategies for what
their communities can do in order to be more climate resilient.

Guiding Questions:
How and why is the Earth’s climate changing and how do we know?
What societal and personal changes should we advocate for as solutions to climate change?

Summary of Standards Bundles to be Related Student Friendly Long-Term Learning Formative Assessments Throughout the Unit
taught in this unit (based on your 4 T’s Target(s)
The Sun is the Primary Element in the Climate System (25 days) - a Lab Based BBK
Standards Addressed: Long Term Targets: G. Weather vs. Climate written description with
NGSS MS- P 4.1 Construct, analyze, or G. I can explore, define and explain “Change” examples, temperature conversion work, summary
interpret graphical displays of data or large “Normal”, “Anomaly” and “Climate” and explain the report with analyzed graphs.
data sets to identify relationships difference between weather and climate, graphing
and analyzing source data. Graphing and analyzing labs with summary report
NGSS MS- P 4.2 Use graphical displays of ● See below for daily target concepts (CCSS.ELA.Lit.W.7.4 and W.8.4)
large data sets to identify temporal and
spatial relationships.

CCSS.ELA.Lit.W.7.4 and W.8.4

NGSS MS-ESS2-6 H) I can explain how the sun warms the earth,
Develop and use a model to describe how unequal atmosphere and oceans leading to various
heating and rotation of the Earth cause patterns of conditions and biomes.
atmospheric and oceanic circulation that determine
regional climates.
1. I can design and build a model
demonstrating how density drives currents
H1) Ocean Demo Project
NGSS MS-ESS2-2. 2. I can graph daylight hours and temperature Density homework
Construct an explanation based on evidence for how
geoscience processes have changed Earth's surface at around the world, correlating to longitude
varying time and spatial scales and latitude. H2) Graphing lab
Collect data to provide evidence for how the motions I) I can describe how gradual changes in Earth's
and complex interactions of air masses result in changes rotation and orbit around the Sun and historical I. Understanding Climate Applet activity
in weather conditions. patterns such as sunspots, Milankovitch cycles and Quiz
El Nino events change the climate. Sunspot and Milankovitch Labs
El Nino - NOAA (data in the classroom actv.)

G-I. Unit Test

Climate is Regulated by Complex Interactions Within the Entire Earth System (18 days)
Standards Addressed: J) When one part of the ecosystem changes, others J. Build an ESS flowmap showing interactions between
MS-ESS2-5. change as well - effects of rising temperatures and systems.
Collect data to provide evidence for how the motions acidity (e.g. ocean coral species as an example) -​ I Written description of what the flow map does not
and complex interactions of air masses result in changes
can model how entire ecosystems change as include and why.
in weather conditions.
MS-LS 2-2 one factor is altered by a changing climate.
Construct an explanation that predicts patterns of K. Design and build a playable game (board, card,
interactions among organisms across multiple K). Research and connect GCC to organisms in
dice, etc) that shows connections and impacts
ecosystems between GCC, species and ecosystems. Lots of habit
MS-LS 2-4 K1) I can research and organism in an connections too.
Construct an argument supported by empirical evidence
that supports that changes to physical and biological ecosystem and summarize impacts due to climate
ecosystems affect populations changes.
MS-ESS3-4. K2) I can design and construct a game in my
Construct an argument supported by evidence for how
increases in human population and per-capita cooperative group as presentation on the effect of
consumption of natural resources impact Earth's climate change on an ecosystem, including the
organisms we each studied
K2a) ​What is the greenhouse effect?​ Grapple and
note catcher for ​PBS Lesson video found ​here
and ​here ​.

What causes sea level rise?

M). I can write a letter on how climate change is M. Research project on changing ecosystems,
altering one ecosystem. including letter to a leader on an ecosystem that is
changing and what is causing that. Cite multiple

The Science of Climate: Three Case Studies (20 days)

Long Term LT (L-N):I can explain the L). I can interpret geoscience data through a study L. Labs: Where have all the glaciers gone; ​NSIDC data
chemistry and sources of carbon of Carbon, CO2 and other greenhouse gases (Lab? exploration
With elodea and BTB, Coral Reef deep dive) (4 Carbon Journey Game
days) CO2 study
Long Term LT (O-Q) I can explain Quiz
how scientific evidence of climate
I can analyze how carbon moves through earth’s
change is gathered by learning about
systems use Carbon Journey game M.) Produce one page for book on why the coral reefs
scientific missions.
are dying
M.) I can use inquiry to study one aspect of coral
reefs and add to a class book page collection (6
days) N.
Standards Addressed:
MS-ESS2-2 N) I can explain how CO2 causes sea level to rise O). Write a note to the OIB crew & other scientists we
MS-ESS3-5 Skype with explaining what you have learned from
their data, photos, films.
O.) (actually LT L in gradebook) Case Study: The
North (5 CMAS short days)
I can explain the importance of Polar research on P.) Lessons from Chasing Coral
climate change. Videotaping student discussion on multiple readings
USE TARGET TRACKER “as of 3/22” or make new
one with our local issues included as LT M.
P.) ​Case Study: The Oceans
I can describe how rising global temperatures lead
to local impacts. Chasing coral on Netflix​ Lessons
Study Becky’s island Q). Diary entry about GCC impacts to Colorado from a
different perspective (e.g. from the perspective of the
Q.) Case Study: The Mountains (5 CMAS days) pine beetle, the snowpack, a farmer, etc.)
I can research a changing Colorado system and its Connect habit of perspective
potential impact on the environment and human
population (Pine beetle, snowpack, agricultural
drought, heat (health), or wildfire) and explain how
it is changing due to carbon forcing.

We can Fix This: Affecting Change in our Communities (18 days) - Present to authentic audience
R.) I can construct a source-supported argument R) Research (with sources) an action that could be
that prioritizes long- and short-term strategies for taken that would mitigate, reverse, slow or prepare us
climate resiliency. ​Use Colorado CLimate Plan for climatic changes in our near future.

S.) I can construct a professional poster or talk and S.) Present a poster or talk during our “Climate
present one solution to an authentic audience (CCL, Summit” to an authentic audience that shows
Senator, EPA, UCAR, CIRES, NCAR…) proposed solutions that will help our community cope
with climate change.



For the duration of this unit, students will act as CLIMATE SCIENTISTS to answer the following guiding questions and increase their mastery of
the following standards and learning goals.

Questions to Consider
When promoting inquiry and engagement…
(Choose an entry point to consider based on what you already know or need. There’s no need to plan for all of these entry points below.)

Topic Targets
How, if at all, is the topic of the module related to a local issue (current  Which experts/professionals do the real world work represented by the 
or of historical significance)?  major standards driving your module? What might it look like to explore 
This is a timely and pertinent topic  the model products those experts/professionals create of those module 
  standards manifested in real-world work? 
  Skype a Scientist: Forrest Lacey at CU Boulder 
Is there a local case of the module topic that could be explored through  Dr. Peter Neff and Dr. Heidi Roop 
field work and/or connection with local experts?   Dr. Vasilli Petrenko 
  Teri Eastburn 
  CCL Denver 
Which additional science and/or social studies standards bundle well with 
the content topic of your literacy module? 
Tasks Text(s)
When experts/professionals do the real world work represented by the  Because of the important text-dependence of the modules (which is 
standards driving your module, what are those real world products?  what makes them deeply aligned to Common Core instructional shifts 
What is a piece or version of them that your students could do or  for literacy), there is no recommendation to alter the anchor text for 
contribute to?  the module. 
● Using big data from NASA, NOAA, AAAS, NSIDC  CCSS.Lit.W7.4 and W8.4   
● NOAA field trip  CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.7.1​ and RI.8.1 
● CU field trip?  CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.7.4​ and RI.8.4 
  CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.7.1.c​ and SL.8.1.c 
If there is a local case of your module’s topic, what field work options  CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.7.4​ and SL.8.4 
connect with that local case? What local experts should we reach out to   
in connection with this local case? ​Many - see above  If you are considering a local case or issue to explore, what supplementary 
  articles, texts, or other resources will be helpful to use? Are these texts 
Who might be a local audience or beneficiary that could be authentically  complex when evaluated by the qualitative text complexity rubrics? 
impacted in a positive way by the final performance task?  (​informational text​ and/or ​literary text​) 
  ● Network of reading, activities, labs 
● “A People’s Curriculum for the Earth: Teaching Climate Change 
and the Environmental Crisis 


(​To clearly document alignment between your instructional arc of lessons and your assessments, use row shading as shown below. If you
prefer documenting individual lessons on the scaffolding plan (not a requirement), using this row shading format will help make instructional
arcs between assessments clear.​)

Assessment Tasks ​Overview: ​Sample of what to enter is in blue text below.​ PLEASE SEE other sections of this document FOR THIS INFORMATION.
Assessment Prompt/Summary Bundle of Standards Addressed Lessons/Learning Experiences that prepare for this
INCLUDE TARGET DATE OF ASSESSMENT (standard # & nickname) assessment

Mid Unit 1: Wtg Opinon…. W1: opinion wtg Lessons 1-5 from the modules
R1: evidence

Added Assessment for Content Science standards: Added lessons between module lessons 5 and 6

End of Unit 1: Blah Lessons 6-11 from the modules

Mid Unit 2: Blah Lessons 1-7 of unit 2 in the modules

Added Assessment for Final Product Preparation Content and/or ELA standards Added lessons between module unit 2 lessons 7
and 8

End of Unit 2: Blah Unit 2 module lessons 8-12

Final Performance Task

Duration ​(#  Possible Supporting/Daily Instructional Plans Meeting Students’ Needs

of days or  Targets ​(Include content, literacy,  (High-level; not lesson plan level of detail) (Name optional components, choices, structured 
lessons) and habit targets) support) 

Module Summarized or copied from Notes from module lessons plans and/or own thinking
Lessons 1-5 unit at glance chart.
Enhancement Content standards teaching Arc of learning experiences/lessons teacher-designed to either
Lessons and/or other preparation ● Teach content standards (science/social studies)
towards more authentic final ● Teach lessons towards any performance tasks
product enhancements designed to “expeditionize” the module
Module Summarized or copied from
Lessons unit at a glance chart

Character Trait Learning Experiences Assessment/Reflection/Feedback Opportunities


Inquiry Throughout all 4 units there are opportunities

Responsibility We will really focus on getting work in on time

Perspective Taking Colorado climate change research - diary entry from a different

Final Product Purpose: Demonstrate scientific knowledge in an authentic format

What will it serve?: explaining viable solutions based on scientific evidence to address the impacts of climate change
Who would it serve: Viewers of Kiribati (“Kitibus”)Keepers webpage, famillies who come to the poster sessions, and
academics.​ video 8 mins about issue
Becky has been advocating for connecting Kiribati to the Denver Museum and exhibit on the South Pacific and ideas
from us might be useful or helpful. Our solutions can affect the real world there.

Events Parent and school community as a dress rehearsal or during the day with us and selection of who gets videotaped
Poster sessions in ¼ sections, others scribing and recording on May 10.


Now calendar out your planned learning experiences

Timeline for Expedition

W Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 ⅛ 1/9 1/10 1/11 1/12
What is NORMAL? What Adventure day - no class Celcius and Farenheit Why do we have different How do seasonal temperature
do we mean by CHANGE? review climates? patterns vary among different
What is diff between Graphing temperature data Daylight hours around the regions of the world?
weather and climate? and finding trend lines. world graphing lab? Find
Collect weather data. something that will help ts/348614/de815d37-79f7-4f97-
Key Assessment: Summary explain seasons? 93a9-57df1fab6e8d
Report on Lab
2 1/15 1/16 1/17 1/18 1/19
MLK Jr. Day Summary Lab Report of Global What is climate? Applet Reason for seasons Daylight hours graphing lab
No School Temp graphing lab worksheet on GC Summary report due
Sun and seasons video

3 1/22 1/23 1/24 1/25 1/26

Addressing Quesitons! Quiz Global Ocean Conveyor Belt Ocean current demo work Portfolio day
Study guide given for (saved on Yellow Students share demos on
Tuesday quiz Distribution of the Sun’s Heat - comp.)​ v/edu/learning/player/lesson currents
Hadley Cells rg/education/elf_activities_ 08.html
Finish Applet work, finish Mini-lecture with note taking 3A.html
daylight hours around the Video on extreme weather
world work
HWK: finish applet (GC)
and Daylight Hours grammes/techknow/2015/12/e
(paper) labs. Study for xtreme-weather-coincidence-cl
quiz imate-change-1512181429562

4 1/29 1/30 3 station activities: 1/31 2/1 2/2

Demos shared by students Albedo activity Natural Earth Cycles SUB - finish sunspot graphing. Milankovitch cycles
How do oceans effect Sunspot cycles The rest is homework Milankovitch in Vostok Core
climate? Directions found at: Sunspot video​ & ​Sun video

5 2/5 2/6 2/7 El Nino lab day 2 of 2 2/8 Unit test 2/9
25 mins on Milankpvitch Study for test
Cycle work - rest is ch?v=WPA-KpldDVc
homework. El Nino lab day 1 of 2
El Nino lab Investigating El
Nino using real data 1 of 3
Give study guide for Thur.
6 2/12 2/13 2/14 2/15 2/16
Start on the climate research research Research and brainstorm design
change game project

CU Webinars at
7 2/19 2/20 2/21 2/22 2/23
President’s day Build the game Build the game Build and begin conference Finish games and conference
prep prep

8 2/26 2/27 2/28 3/1 3/2

Play the games Reflect on the project Finish conference prep conferences conferences
Prep for conferences Clean up
9 3/5 3/6 3/7 ⅜ 3/9
CO2 game “The Incredible Where does CO2 come from? - CO2 lab with elodea How could we limit CO2? - Class parties
Carbon Journey” find readings and use Direct instruction on CO2’s find readings and videos
Inconvenient Sequel chemistry

10 3/12 3/13 3/14 3/15 3/16

Chasing Coral Coral Inquiry Coral research Coral Research Coral research
Coral structure CaCO3

11 3/19 3/20 3/21 3/22 3/23

Coral research DUE end of ELA testing 8:40-10:50 ELA testing morning ELA testing morning ELA makeup
class Ice core basics reading Ice core basics - summary
SUB Arctic​ Climate Change Arctic Climate Change Arctic Climate Change Arctic Climate Change- ice cores
Geography of the poles Types of studies: Ice cores Ice Cores Start spring break

12 4/2 4/3 4/4 ⅘ 4/6

STAFF PD Antarctic Climate Change Antarctic Climate Change OIB Chat? and NSIDC Lesson Colorado Issue Study
Ice core graphing OIB basics plan Peter Neff Skype?

13 4/9 4/10 4/11 4/12 4/13

Colorado Issue Study MATH 8:40-10:05 MATH 8:40-10:05 MATH 8:40-10:05 Colorado Issue Study
Colorado Issue Study Colorado Issue Study Colorado Issue Study

14 4/16 4/17 4/18 4/19 4/20

We can fix this! See here CMAS - 8th CMAS - 8th CMAS - 8th We can fix this!
for ​resilience activities We can fix this! We can fix this! We can fix this!

15 4/23 4/24 4/25 4/26 4/27

We can fix this! We can fix this! We can fix this! We can fix this! We can fix this! Finish poster - I
will get them printed next week

16 4/30 5/1 5/2 5/3 5/4

8th Grade Trip 8th Grade Trip 8th Grade Trip 8th Grade Trip 8th Grade Trip
7th Grade sex ed AM 7th Grade sex ed AM 7th Grade sex ed AM 7th Grade sex ed AM 7th Grade sex ed AM
Special 3 hrs: Special 3 hrs: Special 3 hrs: Special 3 hrs: Special 3 hrs:
17 5/7 5/8 5/9 5/10 5/11
Climate Change Summit
COnsider changing to 5/8 Tu.

18 5/14 5/15 5/16 5/17 5/18

7th grade trip 7th grade trip 7th grade trip 7th grade trip 7th grade trip
8th grade passage prep 8th grade passage prep 8th grade passage prep 8th grade passage prep 8th grade passage prep

19 5/21 5/22 5/23 5/24 5/25

● Daily Targets for week The Sun Rules!:

​ . When Earth emits the same amount of energy as it absorbs, its energy budget is in balance, and its average temperature remains

c. The tilt of Earth's axis relative to its orbit around the sun results in predictable changes in the duration of daylight and the amount of
sunlight received at any latitude throughout a year. These changes cause the annual cycle of seasons and associated temperature

d. Gradual changes in Earth's rotation and orbit around the sun change the intensity of sunlight received in our planet's polar and
equatorial regions. For at least the last 1 million years, these changes occurred in 100,000-year cycles that produced ice ages and the
shorter warm periods between them.

e. A significant increase or decrease in the sun's energy output would cause Earth to warm or cool. Satellite measurements taken over
the past 30 years show that the sun's energy output has changed only slightly and in both directions. These changes in the sun's
energy are thought to be too small to be the cause of the recent warming observed on Earth.

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