Frege and Names

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Logic and Logical Philosophy

Volume 3 (1995), 151–173

Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer


Frege’s idea of a radical
semanto-ontological analysis


1. Sense, meaning, and reference

2. Realms of entities
3. General theses concerning realms of meaningful names
4. The forming of (abstract) names and objects
5. Oblique contexts
6. Formal truth and its pragmatic meaning

Received January 30, 1996

1. Sense, meaning, and reference

Some theories of language tell us that names have no meaning. A name

just refers to the object named. On the other hand, we certainly may use
the word „meaning” in the terminological way Frege uses the German word
„Bedeutung”. If we apply it to a name, the meaning is the object named; if
we apply it to a ‘standing sentence’ or to an assertion, the meaning is the
truth value of the sentence or the utterance. It would be probably a good
idea to apply the word „meaning” also to predicates and other ‘open’ or
‘functional’ expressions when we want to refer to their ‘extensions’ (‘courses-
-of value’), even if Frege himself did not, but this does not concern us here.
As we know, Frege differentiates between sense and meaning. The sense
of an expression ‘is’ something like the implicit, ‘empractical’, way in which
the meaning of the expression in question is determined. Despite the fact that
we used the expressions „the sense” and „is” here, we shall see why in such
a use we do not refer to any object, nor do we presuppose clear and distinct
identity criteria for such senses. Rather, we ‘point’ to some ‘experience’ and
‘practice’ when we say, for example: The sense of an expression ‘consists’
in the criteria by which its meaning is determined. What it is to grasp and
to master the sense or the criteria (or rather: their explanations) is learned
and shown in common usage of the expressions. Things get complicated
here, because in a developed (linguistic and cultural) practice many kinds
of ‘meta-level’ or ‘reflective’ judgements and arguments belong to a usage of
an expression as a whole. Think, for example, of devices like proofs by which
we control the ‘correctness’ of object-level use, e.g. the ‘truth’ of statements.
There is no wonder, now, that an explanation of the concept of sense
as given above cannot be read as a definition of how to use an expression
like „the sense of the expression E” in all linguistic contexts. It is rather
a metaphorical hint or an illucidation for how we want to use the words
„sense” in certain (not in all) meta-level contexts. Often we do not want
much more than to shorten the expression „the way the meaning is deter-
mined” by the expression „sense”: Just as there might be different ways
leading different persons in different situations to the same result, the (‘em-
practical’) ways we learn and master the sense of an expression may differ,
even if the meaning does not. What matters in (object level) language use
is only that meaning, the ‘result’, is determined, not that there is a unique
What Is a Meaningful Name? 153

sense or ‘way’ leading to it. There might be no meaning without some sense.
In other words: When we use expressions in (object level) sentences or state-
ments, we do not reflect on their usage, nor do we think about any ‘rule’
of their use. Rather, we ‘implicitly assume’ that we already know how to
handle the criteria defining the identity of meaning. By doing this, we do
not presuppose criteria of identity of sense nor, in the case of ‘rule-follow-
ing’, identities of rules. Naming senses (or rules or functions) is a metalevel
Many modern theorists of language who see themeselves in the tradition
of Frege’s analysis go further and think that the sense of an expression ‘is’
something like a rule or a function. As possible arguments or inputs of such
a function one could assume, then, n-tupels of ‘things’ (or ‘entities’) like
the following: an expression taken as a linguistic form or type, a context, a
generic (‘abstract’) and/or an individualized (‘concrete’) situation (turning
the type of usage into a token of use), perhaps a speaker, a hearer, and
perhaps other ‘things’ like interests or goals. A value or output of such a
function could be an object if the expression was a name, or a truth value if
it was a sentence. – We know the function or rule resp. the sense, it seems,
if we know the values or outputs resulting from any of the possible inputs.
But how can or do we know something like this? What is a function? How
do we grasp a rule? These were some of the central questions of the later
Wittgenstein. Indeed, these question are strongly related to the question
how to grasp the sense of an expression and how its meaning is determined
by this sense.
We may object against this idea claiming that ‘formal languages’ and
‘mathematical functions’ differ from ‘natural languages’ and senses respec-
tively. We certainly have to distinguish between the ways in which the truth
values (or truth conditions) of mathematical statements and other state-
ments are defined. Nevertheless, a consideration of mathematical sentences
can help us to show analogous features of other realms of talk and to see
what it means to talk about object- and meta-levels of language-use.
According to Frege, not so much the senses of names, but concepts (pred-
icates) ‘are’ functions. They are functions with exactly two possible values,
called „(The) True” and „(The) False”. Their ‘arguments’ are objects, i.e.
possible meanings of possible names.
It is important to see the following ambiguity: When we say that the
meaning of an expression (i.e. of a saturated expression) is the object named,
then there is a conventional reading and a rather unusual one. The first as-
sumes that there are objects and that some expressions are used to name
them. In this reading it seems more natural to translate the German
154 Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer

„Bedeutung” by the English word „reference” or even „referent”. The sec-

ond reading is this: What we call „objects” is constituted as the meaning
of ‘meaningful’ expressions. We shall try to explain what this means. At
first, however, some further remarks on the usual understanding of sense
and meaning and some remarks concerning Frege’s three realms of ‘entities’
(?) are in order.

2. Realms of entities

In his explanation of sense and meaning, Frege uses a famous example: We

refer to the planet Venus by different names like „hesperus” and „phospho-
rus”. The meaning or referent is always the planet Venus.
Let us call certain linguistic representations of possible objects „names”,
deictical ‘presentations’ (of possible objects) „appearances”. Then we see:
Different appearances of the planet Venus play a role in the sense of names
like „the morning star” and „the evening star”. I claim, now, that this ex-
ample should be read as an analogy in the following sense: Like in the cases
of physical objects where we can distinguish between the ways an object
is represented and what the object itself is, we must distinguish between
abstract objects like numbers and their different representations.
Once again, it is not much more than a façon de parler to say that the
sense of the names „hesperus”, „morning star” etc. is the way in which the
reference of the names is given. Expressions like „the sense of „hesperus” ”
or „the way Venus is named” are no meaningful names at all — just as an
expression like „the function x + y” does not name a function, as Frege says
many times. We shall see later how we must construct the special contexts
and special identity conditions when we want to turn ‘senses’ and ‘functions’
into well defined ‘objects’ of our talk, or, what amounts to the same, when
we want to use an expression like „the sense of X” as a meaningful name.
Frege was very aware of the fact that we sometimes use expressions
that syntactically look like names or definite descriptions in ways that are
to be distinguished from the use of normal, meaningful names. Hence, we
should not assume that any senseful (or reasonable) use of a syntactical
name already presupposes that the name is meaningful, i.e. that it names
an entity or object in an already well constituted realm of objects.
If we take this into account, the following reading does not seem to be far
off from Frege’s writings: We do not have to assume strange ‘ontic’ realms
of ‘entities’ like impressions and sensations, functions, senses and thoughts,
abstract objects and concrete things when we want to distinguish between
What Is a Meaningful Name? 155

different uses of namelike expressions. We use titles as those listed above to

distinguish between different ways to use such expressions. In short, I claim
that Frege did not indulge in ‘ugly’ ontological dogmatics when he talked
about three realms of ‘objects’, but rather made an important distinction
between different uses of namelike expressions.
Let us assume, first, that the use of names for physical bodies is more
or less well understood. Then we do not have to care too much about the
‘constitution’ of what Frege calls the first realm of objective and sensible ‘en-
tities’: the realm of physical things. We shall, however, show below that and
why a theory of names better is not too blue-eyed about concrete objects.
There is a second realm Frege did not care too much about, namely
the realm of sensations, of feelings and other kinds of ‘subjective represen-
tations’.1 This realm is not objective in the sense that there are no transsub-
jective identity criteria for particular sensations (‘sense data’) or for partic-
ular ‘subjective pictures’ (e.g. in my dreams). There are no controllable
‘objective’ identity statements about such sensations and feelings. Never-
theless, Frege did not and we do not have to deny that we can ‘refer’ or
‘talk about’ sensations or feelings in some way. We distinguish, for example,
certain kinds of pain. What Frege denied is that there are individualized
entities in this realm and that they can be the meaning of names. I think,
he is right. And I think, much of Wittgenstein’s later work develops these
ideas of Frege, e.g. when he analyses the concept of pain. The expression
„my headache” is, for example, syntactically a well formed name or ‘definite
description’. But it is no meaningful name, at least as long as there is no
truth condition defined for equalities of the kind „my headache now is the
same as (yours) yesterday”.
The other direction is even more important: Meanings of names are
no entities in a ‘mental’ or ‘psychological’ realm. Meaning is and must be
‘transsubjective’. This holds especially for abstract entities like numbers and
sets: they do not belong to the second realm of sensible but not objective
Abstract objects form a third realm, the realm of objective, but non-
-sensible entities. There is no question (not only for Frege) that we can
talk about such objects in a way such that there are ‘objective’ criteria
defining the truth and falsity of the statements. In mathematics we talk
about numbers, sets or ideal geometrical forms. Just because there are clear
(formal) truth conditions defined for sentences (or utterances) that contain
The German word „Vorstellung” usually means subjective, mental (re)presentation,
whereas „Darstellung” represents the objective, transubjective meaning of Latin „(re)pre-
156 Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer

meaningful names, the ‘existence’ of the abstract objects to which the names
refer cannot be questioned.

3. General theses concerning realms of meaningful names

Some say that Frege’s analysis of singular terms is outdated by Russell’s

famous analysis of definite descriptions in On Denoting or by Kripke’s crit-
icism of all ‘cluster theories’ of meaning or reference and his differentiations
between rigid and nonrigid designators in Naming and Necessity. But neither
Russell nor Kripke answered the question how a realm of possible denota-
tions is constituted. Like later semanticists Russell assumed that structured
realms of objects were already given. The questions that neither he nor
Post-Tarskian semanticists answered are these: What does it mean to say
that an ‘interpretation’ turns formulas (sentence forms) into true or false
sentences? How is a concrete ‘model structures’ really defined as it is used
in model theoretical semantics when one wants to define formal interpreta-
tions? How are concrete sets and structures constituted in which (parts of)
formal, axiomatized, set theory become ‘true’ statements? Usually, axiom
systems only define classes of models2 ; they do not define what a concrete,
particular, model is. Tarski and his followers never told us what a particu-
lar evaluation of a variable in a particular infinite interpretation-structure
satisfying certain formal axioms and axiomatized theories is. The reason is
that any concrete evaluation of a variable in a particular interpretation can
only be a name or a representation of an (abstract) object. It can never be
the object itself, at least not without a mediation of such a name. If one sees
this, it becomes clear that Tarski’s general model theory only talks about
forms of evaluations and interpretations. I know that this seems to be a
‘big’ claim; if model theory is understood, I rather hold it as self-evident.
One of the reasons for a restriction to formal semantics is the belief that
one cannot define uncountable sets by saying how to deal with ‘names’ of
their elements. Allegedly, a system of ‘names’ is always countable. But can
model theory really be defined in the framework of axiomatized set theory?
And what would it be to ‘believe’ in ‘naive’ set and model theory? We are
not satisfied with such beliefs, because they mean not less than a lack of
Notice that a set, as we should use the word, is always a formal object in a well
constituted realm of objects we can talk and quantify about. The words „class” or „sys-
tem” are used empractically, here, without presupposing „set abstraction”, as formal set
constitution is often called.
In this respect, the critical developments of Frege’s ideas in the work of Prof. Paul
What Is a Meaningful Name? 157

If we ask what there is and what we can and do quantify about, a classical
answer gives us the advice to believe in realms of possible ‘entities’ that can
be values of variables. Such a belief is often called „ontological commitment”.
Logicians like Quine obviously assume that there are functions that lead us
from variables or names as arguments to entities or objects as values. But
what does it mean to assume that a function like this exists? How is such
a function defined? What is it to be a possible value of a variable? The
question leads us back to the questions above.
The reason why I am not satisfied with the answers or explanations
that are usually given to these questions is this: They do not tell us what it
means to believe in certain realms of objects or entities or to embrace certain
ontological commitments. They do not tell us what functions or relations
and objects really are or how they can be defined and identified. To see the
difficulty, notice how superficial it is to assume abstract objects as given and
to look for a relation between such objects and names. What is needed here
is a constitutional explanation of particular realms of abstract objects. I even
dare to claim that neither Quine nor Tarski nor any other modern ‘formal
ontologist’ gave us a sufficient answer to this question. Instead, they made
their different appeals to ‘beliefs’ and ‘commitments’. Of course, they tried
to overcome the mere appeal to vague beliefs by a precise axiomatization
of a holistic framework like formal set and model theory. The concepts of
formal truth and interpretations are defined in such a framework.
I cannot show all the problems of such a formalist theory of meaning
and truth or of a philosophy of language following the formal lines drawn by
Davidson and Montague. I just show some problems. In short, I claim that
the procedure of formalist semantics is unsatisfying not because it is false,
but because it stops short of asking and answering important questions. The
most important is: What do we presuppose as clear when we use a certain
formalistic framework? For it is crucial to see that any formalist analysis,
e.g. any ‘axiomatic foundation’ of set and model theory or of mathematics,
always leaves certain questions of content open. When we restrict our at-
tention to what can be treated schematically, we always (and deliberately)
avoid the disturbing fact that we would have to rely on reasonable judge-
ment — a very vague concept — when we would have to answer questions
concerning our reasons for the choice of the formal framework as a whole
and questions about their right external use. This external usage takes place
in contexts and situations in which we are interested in good orientations

Lorenzen and Friedrich Kambartel seem to be underestimated until today, even if some
particular ideas of their ‘constructivism’ might be problematic.
158 Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer

and successfull practices. The mastery of the internal rules of the formal
games, e.g. of proofs controlling the correctness of our rule following, plays
a certain limited role here. Of course, it is legitimate that in our division of
labour ‘working mathematicians’ and ‘technical logicians’ are not interested
‘professionally’ in such ‘external’ questions. But it would be (and somehow
already is) a disaster for a reasonable development of science if departmental
research forgets that not (only) the internal, regional, criteria of ‘success’ de-
termine the reasonability of the research itself, but the place of the research
and its results in a division of scientific, technical and cultural labour.
Different from a merely formalistic procedure, Frege wants to show how
(structured) realms of objects can be and are constituted, namely via a
realm of possible ‘names’ and by an explanation of truth conditions for
equalities and other sentences. Frege knows that there is no entity and no
name without reference to a whole system of names and sentences. As long
as there is no analysis of the linguistic constitution of the realms of entities,
we remain naive and do not even know what we are committed to and what
it is to believe that quantified sentences were meaningful (‘true’ or ‘false’).
The question how a realm of objects is constituted does not merely arise
in the case of abstract objects. Neither abstract, nor ‘concrete’ objects are
just (to be treated as) ‘given entities’. The question what a particular ob-
ject in such a realm of objects is cannot be answered sufficiently by nam-
ing or showing the object ‘immediately’. Names and examples give us only
(re)presentations of such objects — just like any presentation of a number
is a presentation of a name or of another ‘representation’ of the number.
This is so, even if the object is a concrete thing like a chair or a table.
In some sense, nobody can really ‘show’ us a thing like a chair as such.
What can be shown are always (re)presentations of the thing. At least for
such objects, linguistic expressions (names) are only a special kind of repre-
sentations; appearances are another, especially if they are accompanied by
situation-dependent utterances of namelike ‘descriptions’ as, for example,
„this object here”.
There are presupposed criteria telling us which sensational and symbolic
representations (would) count as representations of the same object or, what
amounts to the same, which representations are to be treated as ‘equivalent’.
Only by such (truth) conditions for equalities it is defined what the repre-
sentations are representations of. Notice that there are ‘phenomenological’
forms of talking ‘about’ sensations or gestalts or subjective representations
without already referring to physical objects. Only ‘later’ objects can be
counted as bodily causes for ‘sensations’.
What Is a Meaningful Name? 159

On a reflective meta-level we can try to show and even name criteria

‘lying behind’ our use of representations as ‘representations of the same
object’. The same holds for the criteria used in differentiating between ‘rep-
resentations of different objects’. It might not have been a bad idea when
Hegel, following Spinoza (and Leibniz), tried to express the relation between
these two groups of criteria by formulas that could be rephrased like this:
Identity ‘is’ equivalence and equivalence ‘is’ non-distinction. Identity (of ob-
jects) involves an ‘inner’ or ‘hidden’ negation (‘renouncement’) of (possible)
‘negation’ (differentiation).
Again we should distinguish between the use of representations ‘as rep-
resentation of objects’ and the reflective constitutional (‘transcendental’)
analysis of the equivalence relation presupposed in such a practice.
Now we may understand in what sense we can say: A concrete thing,
taken as the reference of a name, is not just there. At least its identity in
space and time is presupposed as defined by criteria, by equality-conditions
— where space and time should be seen as a framework of projection rules
coordinating the ‘objective space-time-references’ of different (possible) ob-
servers. Such remarks on the constitution of physical objects are also directed
against the idea that a thourough analysis of abstraction could start with
physical objects and their properties and reduce the talk about abstract ob-
jects in one way or other to statements about (classes of) concrete physical
things. Such a reductionist theory of abstraction is ‘metaphysical’ and ‘dog-
matic’ insofar as it presupposes not only the way we talk about the physical
world as unproblematic but it assumes that the concepts of physical object,
physical truth, and physical ‘reality’ were independent of our way we repre-
sent and deal with them. This shows, in the end, that and why any ontic or
epistemic physicalism is a metaphysical dogma, a modern ‘religious’ belief
binding the horizon of physicalistic and reductionist thinking.
There is no well defined realm R of objects or entities without a presup-
posed set of criteria that tell us
a) what counts as a possible representation of such an object, i.e. what
belongs to the categorical realm R of possible R-representations and
b) which different (re)presentations count as (re-)presentations of the
same R-object or entity.
Names are a special sort of symbolic representations. When we ask, which
pairs of (re)presentations, names or appearances, are names or (re)presen-
tations of the same object, we normally assume that the representations
already belong to the same ‘category’. We call it R. Such a category R of
(re)presentations (names or appearances) is an important part of a consti-
tutive definition of a realm R of objects we want to talk about.
160 Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer

We have to distinguish, now, between mere ‘syntactical’ names of a cer-

tain category R and semantically well formed or ‘meaningful’ names of the
category R. In a similar way we distinguish between formally or syntactically
well formed sentences and ‘meaningful’ sentences (belonging to R).
Let us assume that a certain class F NR of expressions that are formally
categorized as singular terms (‘formal names’) of category R is determined
by a lexicon and by syntactical rules of name-formation. And let us assume
that further conditions must be fulfilled by elements of F NR in order to
belong to a class NR of semantically meaningful singular terms (‘names’) of
category R. Not all expression of F NR , only expressions of NR may occur
in (meaningful) contexts of the category R. Let us call the class of these
contexts CR .
To look at a more concrete example, let F NR be the class of expressions
of the form „n/m”, where n, m are (meaningful) names of whole numbers.
(We assume that the conditions for being such a number term are clear.) Let
NR be the class of expressions, in which m = 0 is false. Let CR the context
of all sentence(-forms) that belong to our ‘talk about rational numbers’. An
example is: „5/3 + 1/9 = 16/9”; counterexamples are: „n/m is a ratio” or
„2/4 is another fraction than 1/2”. Statements like these do not belong to
CR despite that fact that the two fractions are equivalent representations of
the same ratio and the same rational number.
When the meaning or reference depends on the context and situation of
the utterance, we have to replace „meaningful names” and „meaningful sen-
tences” by something like „meaningful utterance of an expression belonging
to the category of singular term-utterances resp. of statements”. A name or
sentence may be ‘meaningful in general’, even if it is meaningless in certain
contexts and situations of utterance. We do not consider this more compli-
cated situation here, even if it is important to see that it also appears in
mathematical discourse, for example when we talk about elements of ‘un-
countable’ sets that are not named in a prefixed system of possible names.
Think, for example, of an expression that ‘describes’ a diagonal in Cantor’s
diagonalization procedure.
We cannot add up all categories to one overall category of all names or
all well formed singular terms. We also cannot add up all realms of objects
to one overall ontological universe of discourse. Hence, we cannot re-define
particular categories or realms of objects by predicates that sort them out
of a ‘universal ontology’. I do not go into the reasons, here, why this is not
possible. I only mention that in order to follow Frege’s main idea we have
to depart from some of his particular proposals. The difference is this: A
name is a name only with respect to a special context CR . The description
What Is a Meaningful Name? 161

of CR is an important part of an analysis of the ‘semantical category’ to

which the names and objects and object-level statements belong. ‘Category
mistakes’ (like „2 + 2 is a candle”) have to do with our ‘semantical cate-
gories’. Such semantical categories are to be distinguished from syntactical
categories labelled „names”, „sentences” (and so on) as they are analysed
by Ajdukiewicz and play important roles in formal ‘categorical grammar’.
A word belongs to the syntactical category ‘name’ when it ‘may’ appear
at certain places in certain sentences or in other complex expressions (of a
certain syntactical category). Syntactically complex names are defined by
certain syntactical devices. A general syntactical form of a complex name is
that of a definite description: „the x that has the property E”. But there
is one important caveat already to mention here: Not every (meaningful)
syntactically complex name can be treated semantically as a ‘definite de-
scription’, even if it should look like a definite description. In other words,
we should define a definite description by the semantical way its use is de-
fined and not by the syntactical form.
The importance of the last remark will become clear if we consider the
basic ideas of Frege’s Basic Laws of Arithmetics. Contrary to many read-
ings, Frege treats terms of the form „the course of value of the function
f (x)” (or rather the corresponding formal expressions) not as definite de-
scriptions. Rather, he treats them as semantically basic names. What does
this mean? Well, it means that the constitutional definition of the ‘mean-
ing’ of such an expression differs considerably from the definition of the
meaning of a definite description. Before I explain these differences more
precisely, I would like to give them labels (‘names’). I.e. I want to distin-
guish between (at least) two kinds of syntactically complex names, namely
definite descriptions that are syntactically and semantically complex names,
and non-elementary basic names that are syntactically complex but seman-
tically basic with respect to a corresponding semantic category CR . Kripke
does not see how an expression like the above can be a semantically basic
name instead of a description. Indeed, what is a semantically basic name?
Before I try to answer the last question, I go back to the question of
our title. On the ground of a mere formal categorization of expressions as
names (or as namelike), the following question certainly makes sense: Which
syntactical (elementary or complex) names are meaningful in the sense that
they denote something? After we (think we) have an answer to this question,
we usually use the word „name” in the comprehensive sense of ‘meaningful
name’ or in the sense of ‘meaningful utterance of a namelike expression’.
Sometimes, however, we use it in the sense of ‘meaningful elementary name’,
162 Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer

or in the sense of ‘meaningful basic name’. If we adopt one of the latter

conventions, definite descriptions are no names at all.
I think that any understanding of Frege’s enterprise has to answer the
question: What comes logically and methodolically first, the syntactical
names, the real symbols and real ‘(re)presentations’, or the ‘semantical
meaning’ (whatever it may be), i.e. the object named? This is not a question
of the sort: Was the egg first or the hen? It is a question of the sort: How is
the meaning or the reference of an (uttered) expression (name or sentence)
I claim that there can be only one satisfying answer: We must start with
the (re)presentations before we can assume that we know what the objects
are that are represented and before we ‘believe’ in the ‘existence’ of such
objects (whatever it is to believe such things). Kant, by the way, was the
first to see the importance of this principle with respect to the constitution
of the meaning of expressions that name ‘physical things’, whereas Frege
tried to apply the same principle in a constitutional analysis of the concepts
of numbers and sets.
Frege’s seemingly strange statement that the meaning of a name is the
object named now can be read as the proposal to define the objects in
their identity by the truth conditions of sentences, especially of equalities,
in which one or more names of the object occur. Proceeding this way we
can avoid unanalysed metaphysical beliefs in allegedly pregiven entities or
realms of objects. What is pregiven is a form of practice and a form of
speech. This and nothing else is the core of a real linguistic-pragmatic turn
of transcendental analysis. Thus, transcendental analysis it turned into an
analysis of presuppositions, as it is shown by Strawson and many others.
Frege’s famous ‘holistic’ claim that a name has meaning only in the
context of sentences (I read the German phrase „im Satz” generical) is an
important part of such an analysis: Something is an object (a nameable en-
tity) only with respect to a certain system (network, category) of properties
and propositions. The properties and propositions are not only expressed
but constituted by ‘rules’ for the use of forms of sentences or utterances in
which the expression (name) can occur meaningfully.
We can be a little more precise: An expression is a (formally) meaningful
name with respect to a given system of contexts or sentences, if all the
sentences of the system, in which the name occurs, are (formally) meaningful.
Sentences (utterances) are (formally) meaningful if their truth conditions are
defined. Notice, however, that there are further properties that systems of
sentences have to have in order to turn a system of possible names into a
system of (formally) meaningful names. We shall come to this immediately.
What Is a Meaningful Name? 163

4. The forming of (abstract) names and objects

We speak about abstract objects when the formal truth conditions for sen-
tences containing symbolic or linguistic representations are defined by ‘rules’
that do not depend on non-symbolic appearances of the objects. Hence, it is
a conceptual truth that we cannot ‘see’ or ‘feel’ abstract objects, and that
they are no ‘impressions in our mind’ (whatever the last expression should
mean). Abstract truths as such are not tested immediately by experience.
They are defined by conventional rules we have to learn and we can learn
just by listening to texts, reading books, and by learning to rephrase and
formally deduce further sentences. To show how we can analyse abstract
objects of a certain category, we consider the example of (natural) numbers.
We have to answer the following questions:
1) What are (syntactically well defined) candidates for meaningful names
of numbers?
2) What is a meaningful name of a number?
3) How are the truth conditions for equalities between meaningful names
4) Which further properties (sentence-forms with truth conditions) are
defined for the numbers? I.e. what sentence-forms are to be taken in consid-
eration and what are their satisfaction conditions?
As we said already, a name N always presupposes a whole system of
names and a whole system of sentences S including equalities of the form
„N = M ” such that for the sentences the following conditions hold:
5) For any sentence of the system there is one and only one of two truth
values (e.g. 1 and 0, or T and F , or True and False) defined. (This principle
could be called the principle of distinction or consistency.)
6) If the value of an equality N = M is the peculiar value called „True”,
and if the value of S(N ) is „True”, then the value of S(N/M ) is „True”.
(This principle can be called the principle of Leibniz.)
We can say, roughly, that if 5.) and 6.) are fulfilled, a one place sen-
tence-form (or predicate) „S(x)” divides the names (or the objects named)
into two classes. On the other side, a name (an object) divides the sentence-
-forms (predicates) into two classes. The principle of Leibniz ‘says’ that the
distinctions defined by the predicates are not (or may not be) finer than
the equation (or equivalence) N = M . True equalities ‘say’ that in the cor-
responding semantical category that we do not (and cannot) differentiate
between possibly different but equivalent representations (names or appear-
ances). The last means that they ‘have the same meaning’ and ‘name the
same object’ with respect to CR .
164 Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer

The condition of consistency is not fulfilled, if for some sentences „S(N )”

the accepted or presupposed criteria ‘say’ that „S(N )” is valued as true
and at the same time it ‘is’ (valued as) false. If we would express this on
the ‘object-level’, we would have to say something ‘nonsensical’ like: Some
entities N ‘do have and do not have the property S(x)’. If we know what a
sentence like this ‘really’ says, we even may use it. It means that „S(x)” is
no admissible predicate for N or that „N ” is no admissible name resp. N is
no admissible object for „S(x)”.
Another, though similar, ‘dilemma’ arises if for a sentence „S(N )” no
truth condition is defined. A standard remedy seems to be, then, to attach
the value „False” to it. This seems to be a convincing strategy, because we
may think that what is not true by our truth criteria is just false. It is, how-
ever, a dangerous assumption or strategy. In fact, it was this assumption that
ultimately lead to Frege’s mischief in his Basic Laws of Arithmetics, namely
to Russell’s paradox. The liar’s paradox, too, results from this dangerous, or
rather wrong, presupposition concerning the criteria for truth and falsehood.
I do not say more to this here, even if more than a moments reflection is
needed to see what is said by these claims. Rather, I present another small
model in order to show how the constitution of a realm of objects and a
realm of properties is to be understood and what we have to do in order to
turn expressions into formally meaningful names and sentences.
Our example is a short story. Its persons are Josef, Joe, Fred, Jim,
Caruso, Ralph, the sailor. Well, I rather should not use object-level expres-
sions. I rather should say: the candidates for (basic) names that shall appear
in my (retelling the) story are: „Josef”, „Joe”, „Fred”, „Jim”, „Caruso”,
„Ralph”, „the sailor”. The story goes like this: Fred hates Caruso. Jim hates
Fred. Joe loves Fred. Ralph loves Fred and Josef. The sailor loves Joe. Joe
kills Joseph. The story tells us, further, that Fred is called „Caruso” and
Joseph is called „Joe”.
We know now that our story does not speak about 7 but about 4 (or
about 5) objects (‘persons’), namely Joe, Fred, Jim, Ralph, and, as we shall
see, possibly about a fifth person called „the sailor”. The only relations that
appeared in our story were love, hatred and killing — if we neglect identity.
So far, our story does not present us a ‘complete picture’ of ‘all relations’
between the persons.
There are standard logical principles by which we usually ‘enlarge’ or
even ‘complete’ such stories. We do this by adding (‘implicitly’) more sen-
tences than what we really read. Not only the sentences we really read or
hear but the added sentences, too, define the ‘properties’ (one place state-
ments) and ‘relations’ (i.e. relational statements) between the ‘objects’ our
What Is a Meaningful Name? 165

story talks about. We usually use rules of the following sorts: For making our
story a story ‘about’ persons or objects, we use the Leibniz-Principle (LP),
which defines equality: If A(N ) is true and if N = M , then A(M ) is true.
Some terminological rules (TR) are usually presupposed, too: If N loves M ,
then N does not hate M . If N hates M , then N does not love M . In order
not to complicate things too much here, the story does not contain logically
complex, e.g. quantified, sentences. But it is clear that such sentences are
used by applying the rules of predicate calculus (PC). (These rules often
include LP).
In our example we use LP in order to conclude that Joe commits suicide.
Because we say that to commit suicide is no murder (this is a terminological
rule belonging to type TR), we can apply a rule of PC to get the following
result: there is (possibly) no murder(er). The story does not tell us that any
person killed another person. Hence, the expression „the murderer”, if we
read it as a definite description, is not meaningful, does not have a meaning,
does not refer to anybody with respect to the story.
When we apply rules like these we often say that the consequences ‘fol-
low logically resp. conceptually’ from what was said in the story. For some
readers, even the following rule might be assumed: „N always loves N ”.
This, however, is rather a ‘synthetic assumption’ (SA) than a terminological
In the end, a reader might even assume the following rule: „If our story
(together with a use of ‘rules’ listed above) does not tell us anything about
the relation of love (resp. hatred, killing and even identity) between N and
M , then we may assume that N does not love (hate, kill, or is equal with)
M . We call an ‘assumption’ like this a ‘completeness rule’ (CR) with respect
to the set of elementary (i.e. logically non-complex) sentences defining the
possible properties S(x) and relations S(x, y, . . .) of the categorical context-
-system CR . CR presupposes that we know the whole story, especially that
we know all relevant contexts of category CR . When we ‘concluded’ that
according to our story there is no murderer, we already used CR silently.
When using CR, positive elementary sentences play a special role: If we
cannot deduce the positive sentences from the text by rules of the first three
types, CR tells us to assume the negated assertions. Things get complicated
if the text contains more logically complex statements and if the story is
(to be) treated as an uncomplete picture. Indeed, it is often unclear how
far we can rely on rule CR: We might read the story as a mere beginning
of a longer story. I claim, however, that we always use rules or principles of
the first four types, and that we often use CR, too, when we ‘understand’ a
166 Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer

text. Even when we say what the story says ‘explicitly’, we normally do not
restrict our judgements to sentences that are listed explicitly.
This means that we do not read such texts merely as axiomatic systems
‘describing’ classes of possible structures on arbitrary sets of objects that
only have to have ‘enough’ elements in order to fulfill the formal conditions
of the story. We often assume silently that a story describes a structure that
is ‘smallest’ and ‘easiest’ in the sense that it does not contain more objects
or elements and it does not contain more true elementary statements about
them than it must in order to fulfill the conditions told in the story. Often, of
course, such a ‘smallest’ and ‘easiest’ structure is not determined uniquely.
Even if a story only describes ‘possibilities’, i.e. if it only determines a
subclass of ‘really’ possible state of affairs in a full class of ‘all’ possibilities,
any such possibility is defined by a possible ‘full description’ of a relational
structure or model.
If we use ‘full’ rule CR together with the other rules, the class of ‘really’
possible state of affairs defined by our story contains exactly one structure,
the ‘real state of affairs’ of the story — if we restrict our attention to the
objects named in the story. With respect to this state, we can answer ‘all
possible CR -questions’ concerning what is true about our persons.
If rule CR is omitted or weakened, the story only tells us, which worlds
are the possible worlds according to our story. Notice that to define one of
these structures by the truth values of the corresponding elementary sen-
tences of a categorical context-system CR is something else than to define
subclasses in a class of ‘all possible’ structures by an axiomatic theory, i.e.
by a list of logically complex formulas and the rules of PC. There is no way
to describe a particular formal structure in another way than by describing
the true and false sentences ‘of it’. This means that the usual proceeding of
set theoretic model theory already presupposes the class of possible models
or, what amounts to the same, what it means to quantify over all sets of
naive set theory.4
With respect to our (formal) real state of affairs, some definite descrip-
tions of the form „the x such that A(x)” are meaningful, others are not.
„The person loved by Joe” is a meaningful definite description (assuming
CR), „the murderer” is not. But for all such expressions, their sense is de-
In On Denoting, Russell reformulated the idea of Frege how to use defi-
nite descriptions t with respect to a realm R in sentences S(t) of a context-
I do not say anything, here, about a mere internal model theory that does not leave
the framework of formalistic, axiomatized, set theory, even if this would be important for
an analysis of Tarski’s work.
What Is a Meaningful Name? 167

-system CR . In Frege’s analysis (as I read it by relativizing it to a category

R and a realm R of objects), a descriptive term t has to have the form „the
x such that it has the property A(x)” where A(x) is itself a context of CR .
Such a definite description t is meaningful with respect to a realm of objects
R if and only if the well known existence (1) and uniqueness (2) conditions
are fulfilled: (1) There is an object in R named by a possible meaningful
(basic) name N such that A(N ) is true and (2) for all other objects named
by possible names M (for which M = N is false) A(M ) is false. (Notice,
again, that such a basic ‘name’ N may be a meaningful utterance of a name-
like expression like „this tree in front of my window” or „this hand here”.
An utterance like this is not always to be read as a definite description. It
can be used as a basic name. In other words, basic names do not have to be
just elements of a system of syntactically defined names.)
Russell’s analysis proceeds differently, namely by declaring all (object-
-level) formulas of the following form (∗) as ‘axioms’:
S(t) ↔ there is an x : [A(x) and for all y : A(y) → x = y and S(x)]
If we leave a mere formalistic (axiomatizistic) framework and read the ax-
ioms (∗) as principles to determine the truth condition of sentences S(t) with
respect to a structure R, the result of (∗) is: A definite description t is mean-
ingful in Frege’s sense if and only if there is at least one true sentence S(t)
of CR in which t occurs. This holds if an only if for any elementary (hence
for all logically complex) sentence-form S(x) of the appropriate realm CR of
discourse either S(t) or non-S(t) is (valued as) true (‘and not both’) in R.
In other words, if t is a definite description with respect to a fixed realm
R, the truth conditions of Russell’s procedure in On Denoting tell us that for
some (hence for all) properties S(x) in R the statements S(t) and non-S(t)
are both (valued as) false if and only if t is not meaningful in Frege’s sense.
The result is a certain equivalence between Frege’s and Russell’s analysis:
A definite description t is meaningful if and only if it ‘behaves like’ a mean-
ingful basic name of the realm R of our discourse. For an expression E
to behave like a basic name means: For any sentence-form S(x) of R the
sentence S(E) has meaning, i.e it is (defined as) true or false (not as both).
But let us come back to our story, now. When we do not use rule CR
and read the text as a mere beginning of a possibly longer story we might
assume that Ralph is the sailor, ‘because’ he loves Joe, and the sailor loves
Joe. If we assume this, we would turn the expressions „the one who loves
Joe” and „the sailor” into meaningful descriptions with respect to the four
persons named by ‘Christian’ names like „Ralph” and „Joe”. But we can
read „the sailor”, too, as a basic name, as I try to show now.
168 Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer

With respect to the realm of objects given in our story, a new namelike
expression like „Peter” does neither have sense nor meaning, whereas an
expression like „the sailor” or „the murderer” seems to have sense, even if
the story does not fix their meanings. (Notice that this is not a question of
knowledge.) What do we have to do in order to make Peter into a person in
our story? Just to add the name „Peter” to the list of elementary names does
not suffice. We can turn „Peter” into a name of an object in our story only
if some predicates (properties, relations) ‘for Peter’ are defined. We might,
for example, use principle CR and assume that Peter is different from all
others and neither loves nor hates nor kills anybody else in our realm. Then,
Peter is a fifth person.
We might proceed, now, in the same way with the expression „the sailor”,
considering what the story ‘says explicitly’ about a person with that ‘nick-
name’. Then, the number of persons of our original story is not four, but
five. Indeed, if we use CR in full scale, this would be ‘the real’ reading of
our story: There is no way for reading „the sailor” as a definite description
if we did not assume that our story were incomplete.
This short and certainly not sufficient example shows why Frege said that
we cannot just ‘construct’ objects if not with reference to a whole system of
objects. Hence, we cannot construct new abstract objects by a declaration
like the following: Assume that the real equation „x2 = −1” had a solution
and name it „i” or „the positive imaginary root of −1”. Then you will arrive
at the complex numbers.
The real procedure has to tell us what possible names of complex num-
bers are and what possible properties they have. And this must be done
in a whole system. Hence, Frege does not contradict himself when he said
that ‘in some sense’ his own procedure in the Basic Laws of Arithmetic is
also constructive. The main difference to a ‘naive’ construction of objects by
adding new names to a system of names are Frege’s holistic principles that
define what it means that a name is meaningful with respect to a context
or category or ‘story’ CR .
A definition of a realm of basic R-names occurring in elementary sen-
tences and of truth values (or truth conditions) for R-sentences is the basis
for a definition of the truth value or truth conditions of logically complex
R-sentences in which sentential connectives and quantifiers occur. An im-
plicit reference to a (possible) system of sentences fulfilling the principles
listed above is the basis, too, for the interpretation of a deduction according
to the rules of classical predicate calculus as a ‘valid consequence’.
A common confusion in interpretations of Frege’s enterprise results from
the following mistake: Frege thought that we can combine any two realms
What Is a Meaningful Name? 169

R, Q of objects just by adding two new predicates R(x) and Q(x) and a
principle of the form: any object N of the first realm R is totally different
from any object M of the second realm Q. I.e., for any elementary sentence
„S(x)” of the second realm „S(N )” is wrong if „R(N )” is true; and for any
elementary sentence „S(x)” of the first realm, „S(M )” is wrong if „Q(M )”
is true. This was the (wrong) reason why Frege thought that we did not
need to bother about the local realms of the quantifiers but could combine
all realms into one realm of ‘all objects of meaningful discourse’. This is
also the reason why he says in his Principles of Arithmetics that we have
to make sure that a number, let us say the number five, is distinguished by
some property from everything else, even from the sun and the moon. In
other words, Frege did not see that the constitution of realms of entities as
realms for qantificational logic always are bound to local categories.

5. Oblique contexts

If we talk about the sense of an expression in special ‘oblique’ contexts, e.g.

in belief-contexts or in other contexts expressing ‘propositional attitudes’,
we often presuppose some peculiar identity criteria for different representa-
tions of the same sense. Talking about the sense of an expression in such
contexts has to be distinguished from using the word „sense” in order to
‘point vaguely’ to the implicitly known or presupposed criteria determining
a ‘normal’ (non-oblique) ‘use’ of the names in sentences and the ‘way’ the
truth or falsehood of the sentences or statements is determined.
We could express this differentiation thus: In oblique contexts we ‘consti-
tute’ and ‘talk about’ new realms of objects called „the sense (or the mean-
ing) of the expression E”. In a similar way we talk about abstract entities
called „the belief, the opinion, the propositions that p” or the „intention ar-
ticulated, expressed or shown by the linguistic act p” or „the intention lying
behind the behaviour b”. We do so by presupposing some new identity cri-
teria for nominalized expressions and (possibly) some other truth conditions
for utterances containing the expressions in question.
An expression of the form „the sense of X” is a nominalization. In oblique
contexts, such a form is used on the ground of a certain implicit presupposi-
tion. What is presupposed is a kind of identity or rather: equivalence relation
∼ between possibly different expressions. We attribute to equivalent expres-
sions ‘the same sense’ or ‘the same belief’ or ‘the same intention’. We do
this in our metalevel, reflective, talk, whereas in object-level contexts we
presuppose the equivalence relation and we use the above expressions as
170 Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer

names. – Unfortunately, Frege did not tell us enough about this constitu-
tion of oblique contexts. Therefore, the following statement may lead to
some misunderstandings, if it is not read with a grain of salt: In oblique
contexts, the meaning of an expression ‘is’ its normal sense. The objects we
talk about in oblique contexts are closely related to the way the meanings of
the expressions are determined in non-oblique usages of the expressions. The
(presupposed) equivalence relation ∼ determines (implicitly) ‘how close’ this
relation is. It depends heavily on the context in which we use the expression
„the sense of X” as a singular term.
If the meanings are different, the senses should be different, too. This
principle says that any equivalence relation ∼ used for defining the sense
of an expression as an object of talk in an oblique context should be finer
than the equivalence relation defining identity of meaning in a corresponding
object-level. In short, senses ‘formally supervene’ on meanings. We should
see, however, that the differentiations between sense and meaning, between
non-oblique and oblique contexts and between an object-level and meta-
-levels are, in a large extent, context-relative.
Expressions having the same meaning may be counted as expressing (or,
in certain oblique context: naming) different senses. Which expressions, ut-
terances or (symbolic or nonsymbolic) acts ‘have the same sense’, as we say,
depends on many things, especially on the interest we take in the specific
‘meta-level’ and ‘oblique’ differentiations and identifications (‘nondifferen-
tiations’) of senses, intensions, propositions, properties, intentions and so

6. Formal truth and its pragmatic meaning

Insofar as all texts in written books can be learned, they can in some sense
always be read as ‘abstract’ texts about ‘abstract’ objects. Thus, ‘formal
knowledge’, i.e. knowledge of literature, is largely independent of ‘empirical’
knowledge concerning ‘concrete’ things or phenomena. It often is not clear
whether we talk about a concrete or about an abstract and ideal person
or object when we talk about Moses, Homer, Socrates, or other persons of
written history, or when we talk about atoms, electrons, quantums, neurons
and other objects of scientific literature. Sometimes, we know fairly well that
we do not talk about ‘real’ persons or objects, for example when we talk
about Sherlock Holmes or about the ‘personal God’ of Jews, Christians or
Muslims. On the other hand, historical or empirical truth is not the only
‘good’ reason we use when we orient our actions on sentences we assume
as formally true. This can be seen clearly in the case of arithmetics and
What Is a Meaningful Name? 171

geometry, or if we regard certain functions of literary fiction or of religious

beliefs. If we understand this basic formality of the concepts of truth and of
the concept of an object we might see that the question is still open which
criteria are presupposed in our distinctions between ‘real reality’ and su-
perficial appearances, between ‘concrete’ and abstract (‘theoretical’, ‘ideal’)
truths or between a mere story and ‘true’ history. And we might see that
the relation between criteria telling us what we may count as reasonable
knowledge and well corroborated certainty and what would count as ‘real
truth’ in an infinite and ideal perspective ‘sub specie aeternitatis’ or for a
‘possible god’ is more complicated than ‘realists’ and ‘physicalists’ usually
The truth or falsehood of sentences (or statements) is, of course, in most
cases not just a formal matter. We use true statements in further judgements
and for an orientation of our actions. We do this not so much because only
true statements will lead to personal (individual) success, but because our
definitions of truth values or, what amounts to the same, our (generic) differ-
entiation between true and false statements is already made in a way that it
can and does play a specific role for (generic) differentiations between ‘good’
(e.g. ‘probably successfull’) and ‘bad’ (e.g. ‘probably unsuccessfull’) orien-
tations. In mathematics, for example, we use only true (or rather: proven)
mathematical statements as (allowed) rules in calculations and deductions.
Of course, sometimes, false applications or applications of false rules might
lead by chance to ‘right’ results. This is, of course, no counterargument
against the advice that we should only use statements and rules for which
we have shown that they fulfill the conditions defining their ‘truth’.
Some philosophers of mathematics, however, believe that we only ‘be-
lieve’ in certain systems of basic axioms, i.e. in systems of logically complex
‘sentences’. Others think that formal truth could be defined axiomatically.
We should differentiate, here, between
1) a definition of formal satisfaction or truth conditions for a system of
sentences resp. of a concrete structure being a possible model for classes of
formulas or formal sentences,
2) a proof that such a structure is a model for a class of formulas, i.e.
that the formulas are turned into true sentences by an ‘interpretation’,
3) a proof of formal (deductive) consistency of a system of formal axioms
or a proof of the ‘classical’ existence of models for the formulas, and
4) a mere ‘belief’ in consistency of such a system or in the classical
existence of models in a vague realm of possible models.
If a system of axioms is seen as (a part of) a ‘definition’ of a model or a
class of possible models, we do not ‘believe’ in the axioms. We might believe
172 Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer

in its consistency, if we do not have a sufficient proof or argument for it. But
neither the axioms of Peano arithmetics, nor of geometry, nor of set theory
really can define arithmetics, geometry or set theoretical truths — whatever
Hilbert believed neglecting Frege’s (correct) criticism. We can (and must)
show that the formal axioms of such a theory articulate ‘true’ statements and
‘true’ rules with respect to ‘elementary’ arithmetics, geometry or set theory,
where the concept of truth is defined by certain non-axiomatic conditions. I
do not have the space here to say more about this rather far-reaching claim.
As an example, it suffices to show that it might be a reasonable (or even
true) claim.
If we consider the role played by true statements in wider contexts
of judgements, practice and actions, we may see that pragmatists rightly
claimed that truth, not only mathematical truth, is a formal concept. The
same holds for the concept of an object (or ‘entity’) relative to a category
R: It is, as I hope to have shown, at least at first always a totally formal
The result of this insight is, if I am right: When we want to know how
we use the forms of speech considered here and the corresponding formal
terminological and logical rules, we have to experiences, goals and inter-
ests, practical successes and certainties into our picture. Only if our interest
remains restricted to an analysis of formal features of meaning, i.e. of for-
mal truth-values and formal truth-conditions of sentences (or statements),
as Frege was, we may ‘abstract’ from possible ‘external’ roles played by
the concept of truth and from how we relate the formal realms of ‘inter-
nal’ objects we talk about to external experience and practice. Any such
‘abstraction’ refrains from an analysis of concrete and complete meaning.
Wittgenstein and before him William James noticed that a Russellian
and Fregean analysis of sense, meaning and truth remains abstract and for-
malistic in this sense. Indeed, truth conditional semantics as it was developed
by Frege, Tarski, Davidson or Montague remains ‘internalistic’, i.e. it has
only a limited interest, just like Frege’s differentiation between sense and
meaning does not suffice (at all) for a ‘whole’ analysis of meaning.
But let us come back to our title question: What is a (meaningful) name?
The result of our consideration should be this: The see mingly obvious an-
swer: „A (meaningful) name is a sign or symbol that is used to name an
object” does not suffice at all. We cannot give a sufficient answer to this
question without explaining what it is to be an object that can be named.
For this, we want to know what it is to name an object. I take it that it
was these questions Frege tried to answer. And he noticed that we cannot
answer it without reference to a whole system of sentences.
What Is a Meaningful Name? 173

Because we can arrive at this more sophisticated analysis just by reading

Frege, it seems to be a matter of charity to give him the credit and not to
assume that we ‘improved’ his allegedly erroneous ‘Platonism’ — even if we
might be successfull in removing some more or less important errors and
ambiguities of his presentation.

Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer
Institut für Philosophie
Universität Leipzig
Augustusplatz 9
04109 Leipzig, Germany

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