Earth Safe: Your Questions Answered (47) Fuel Transfer Systems
Earth Safe: Your Questions Answered (47) Fuel Transfer Systems
Earth Safe: Your Questions Answered (47) Fuel Transfer Systems
Flow Rate for Boilers: Take the consumption of all of the boilers at full load. Then multiply by 2 to
get the desired flow rate. This will make sure that the pump is fully capable, and helps assure that
the last boiler in a series will not be starved for flow.
Pressure at Pump for Boilers: Take the required pressure at the boiler inlet. Add 25% for safety
factor. Add 10 PSI for flow loss in piping (and size the piping for a max 10 PSI loss). Add the
vertical head from pump to boilers and the suction head from tank to pump. The sum of these will
be a good estimate for the required pressure at the pump.
Notes for Boilers: Some boilers and heaters require very low pressure inlets and the challenge to
to provide that low pressure. Pressure regulators at the boilers is often a solution, as are head
tanks with a continual overflow back to the bulk storage tank.
Flow Rate for Generators: Take the consumption of all generators at full load. Then multiply by 2
to get the desired flow rate. This will make sure that the pump is fully capable, and helps assure
that the last generator in a series will not be starved for flow. If the potential for starving day tanks
further along in the series is apparent, then flow regulating valves should be used at the day tank
inlets to be precise. Also do not oversize the inlet valves.
Pump voltage selection is usually a function of what is readily available in the building. Motors are
typically 120 or 208 VAC Single Phase, or 230 or 460 VAC Three Phase. Submersible pumps in
the lower HP range are commonly 208 VAC Single Phase, and in higher HP are available either
as 208 VAC Single Phase or 480 VAC Three Phase. Many facilities as a rule of thumb will have
all motors under 1 HP to be Single Phase and all motors over 1 HP to be Three Phase.
5.5 What maintenance and inspection is required for fuel transfer pumps?
The primary maintenance and inspection requirements for fuel transfer pumps are regular
(weekly) inspections for leaks. An annual check of wire terminal tightness is also a recommended
Other than that, the pumps operation is continually checked by the control system for proper
5.7 Why are duplex pumps used and how do they operate?
Duplex pumps are used to provide a secondary means of fuel transfer in the event of a failure of
the primary pump. Each pump in a duplex set is sized to meet the full flow requirements of the
system. Pump controllers can be set for any of the following common operating modes:
• Lead / Lag (Primary / Secondary): The lead (primary) pump is selected by the user and the lag
(secondary pump operates when a failure of the primary pump is detected.
• Alternating: Operates per Lead / Lag (Primary / Secondary) except that the operating pump
and lead / lag status alternate on consecutive starts. A variation is to alternate the pumps
based on the operating time (hour meter) of the lead pump.
5.8 Why are triplex pumps used and how do they operate?
Triplex pumps are often used where there is a wide variation in flow requirements, so that a
single pump is activated initially, a second brought on-line at higher flow rate requirements and
the third pump being a reserve backup. Triplex pumps are designed so that 2 pumps will serve
the full flow requirements with a third pump as a backup to either of the operating pumps failing.
Mechanical line leak detectors install on the submersible pump body. The pump must start
against a closed valve to allow pressure to build in the line sufficiently to allow the line leak
detector to open and flow. If pressure does not build in the line properly, then the mechanical line
leak detector trips and restricts the pump flow.
Electronic line leak detectors operate in conjunction with a tank monitor such as a Veeder Root
panel. After each pump run cycle, the panel turns on the pump automatically and measures the
pressure in the line using a pressure transducer. The panel displays a pass / fail test result and
may be required to be configured to disable th submersible pump.
Line leak detectors are designed to work reliably with motor fuel dispensing operations where
dispensers include solenoid valves to work in conjunction with the submersible pumps. In
emergency generator applications, especially mission critical applications, the devices can be
problematic where test failures can shutdown the fuel supply system. Control systems need to
include appropriate valve / pump timing controls to allow successful tests, and also detect failure
and switch to a secondary pumps.
Remote fill pipes need to slope toward the tank, and for longer piping runs the tank burial depth
needs to be evaluated to accommodate the slope.
(a) delivery tuck is pump equipped and the delivery nozzle is directly attached to a top of tank
fitting. Access stairs and platforms are typically provided for safe personnel access to the top of
the tank. This system has the benefit of simplicity and the drawback of safety issues associated
with moving heavy fuel hoses up stairs or ladders.
(b) delivery truck is pump equipped and the delivery hose is connected to a fill pipe at a ground
mounted spill container. This system provides for personnel safety while increasing the
complexity of the fill system.
( c) delivery truck is gravity drop and a stationary transfer pump mounted at grade moves fuel
from the truck to the aboveground fuel tank through the fill pipe. This system has the benefit of
being able to utilize the broader availability, and sometimes lower cost, of gravity drop fuel trucks.
The drawback is the capital cost of providing the stationary pump system.
Fuel piping systems from outside fill stations to tanks in buildings are typically double contained
for safety.
(a) tight fill connection for delivery hoses which are usually camlock type connections to minimize
(b) spill containment devices surrounding the fill pipe connection to the delivery hose.
(c ) overfill prevention valve in the fill pipe. This would be either a mechanically actuated float type
valve, or an electrically actuated valve that closes at 90% fill level.
(d) high level sensors in the fuel tank for high level alarm activation.
(e) a high level alarm device providing visual and audible indication.
(f) a means of determining the fuel level in the tank such as an electronic level gauge.
(g) a secondary means of determining the fuel level in the tank such as a manual gauge port.
(h) safety equipment including spill cleanup kits and fire extinguishers.
(i) manual shutoff valves and check valves for aboveground tank systems.
6.6 How do you fill multiple tanks from a common fill station?
There are 2 methods of filling multiple tanks from a common fill point:
(a) individual fill pipes are run from each tank and they terminate within an enlarged fill station.
This method has the benefit of simplicity but the drawback of increased costs for multiple fill
points. Also within buildings the space requirements fro multiple fill points may not be practical.
(b) a common fill pipe with electrically actuated valves to allow tank selection and a control panel
at the fill station to allow tank selection and high level alarm and shutoff.
Fill piping for pumped fill systems (either delivery truck pumps or stationary pumps) is generally
sized as follows:
(a) single wall UL 142 steel tank within an open-top steel containment basin. This system has the
benefit of the open top construction actining also to serve the containment for all of the pipe,
valves, and fittings installed on the top of the tank. The drawbacks are problems of excluding
rainwater in exterior locations, and the inability to pressure test the containment.
(b) double wall UL 142 steel tanks with the secondary top sealed to the primary tank. This system
has the benefit of pressure testing capability for the secondary containment, and exterior
installation capability that excludes rainwater. The drawback is that this type of construction may
need a means of containment for the pipe, valves, and fittings mounted on the tank.
The recommended approach is to take the maximum generator consumption per hour, which can
range up to 200 gallons per hour for larger generators, and consider the day tank size for 1, 2, 4,
and 8 hours.
Here is an example: If the building code requires 4 hours of run time on a life safety generator
that consumes 50 gallons per hour, then you would have 200 gallon of consumption. Since the
tank is not always full, NFPA requires a 1.33 factor adjustment (to compensate based on a 75%
full tank) which would be 266 gallons. Then round up to a 300 gallon day tank and check to see if
the volume is within the regulatory restrictions for the room.
Another example: If the day tank has a well designed re-fill system from a bulk tank, the codes
are restrictive, and space is at a premium in the generator room, then a 100 gallon capacity day
tank may be appropriate, even though this is only 30 minutes of run time on a large generator
with 200 GPM consumption. If the facility has well trained operating personnel, and the fuel
system is monitored by the BMS, then 30 minutes of time to react to a problem with the day tank,
may be an appropriate measure.
In some cases, the day tanks are located along one wall of the generator room for convenience,
Local restrictions on the volume of fuel in a room, may require that day tanks be located remotely
in fire rated rooms, separated from the generator room.
On-board fuel transfer pumps are simple configurations for single generator – single bulk tank
operations. They may be configured as either single or duplex pump systems. Limitations include:
(a) limited suction lift on pumps means the bulk tank must be in close proximity, (b) multiple day
tanks typically need dedicated suction lines, rather than sharing a common fuel supply line, (c)
potential for loss of prime in suction lines.
Remote pump systems can be either positive displacement pumps or submersible turbine pumps,
and are usually configured as duplex systems. Advantages include: (a) wide range of flow
capacities, (b) ability to serve multiple day tanks.
The primary safeguard of gravity overflow cannot be used where the bulk tank is at a higher
elevation than the day tank, or where pipe routing considerations do not allow for gravity flow
back to the bulk tank. In these circumstances, a return flow / overflow pump is needed along with
additional protection.
The return flow pump is configured as either (a) a separate overflow receiving tank with pump
out, or (b) a return flow pump mounted on each day tank. In either case the return flow pump
should be sized for 125-150% capacity of the fuel supply to the day tanks.
Additional protection can be provided by a high level stop valve in the day tank inlet piping. This is
typically a normally open solenoid valve that closes when a high level sensor is activated.
High level problems can be caused by: (a) leaking inlet solenoid valves, (b) inlet solenoid valve
failed open, (c) inlet solenoid bypass valve is open, (d) failure of the fill stop level sensor, (e)
loose wiring to the controller for fill stop level sensor.
Low level problems can be caused by: (a) failed solenoid valve, (b) closed manual valve in the
day tank inlet piping, (c) failure of the fill start level sensor, (d) loose wiring to the controller for the
fill start level sensor, (e) loss of signal from the controller to the pump start, (f) problem with
duplex pump electrical motor starter, (g) closed valve in fuel supply piping, (h) loss of prime in
pump suction piping, (i) low fuel level in bulk storage tank.
7.9 Is a pump needed to transfer from the day tank to the generator?
The generator engine has an on-board fuel transfer pump that draws fuel from the day tank, and
delivers the fuel to the engine at the proper flow rate and pressure. No supplementary pump is
High temperature is not a common problem because most generators include a fuel cooling
radiator to treat the return fuel before it is received by the day tank. The fuel cooling radiator is
mounted as a slave to the generator engine coolant radiator, and utilizes the same engine fan.
The fuel cooling radiator on the engine may not be practical where the engine utilizes a remote
radiator for its coolant system. In this case several methods of fuel cooling may be used:
• a dedicated fuel oil radiator and fan are installed at the day tank for return flow fuel from the
• fuel return from the engine is directed to a gravity return flow pipe to a bulk storage tank. Since
the engine consumption is only 1 / 3 of the engine fuel pump flow, the fule supply to the
day tank should be increased by about 3 times to accommodate the higher flow.
• A temperature sensor in the day tank activates a return flow pump to pump fuel back to the
bulk storage tank, allowing the day tank to be re-filled with fuel at a lower temperature.
7.12 How do I size the inlet piping for the day tank?
For on-board day tank pump systems, the inlet piping should be at least the size of the pump
inlet, and most likely will be increased to allow for calculated line losses on the suction side.
Remote pump systems should be sized for 2 considerations: (a) minimize line losses at full flow
conditions to a maximum of about 10 PSI, and (b) size the piping sufficiently to make sure that
the last generator in a series, is not starved for fuel.
The preferred method of providing the anti-siphon protection is a DC powered normally closed
solenoid valve that is activated directly by the generator controls. Spring loaded anti-siphon
valves used for aboveground tanks are typically not used in this application because of the
increased suction burden that they place on the engine fuel pump.
7.15 Can the inlet flow to the day tank be precisely controlled?
There are 2 reasons to more precisely control day tank inlet flows: (a) to make sure that
downstream day tanks are not starved for fuel flow, and (b) to make sure that the overflow
protection mechanism, either gravity overflow or pumped overflow, is greater than the maximum
inlet flow.
In general, a properly sized inlet control valve will allow for these functions without additional
measures. A 1 / 2” solenoid valve at 25 PSI differential pressure will flow about 18 GPM. This
allows for (a) a maximum normal engine consumption of about 3 GPM, (b) adequate capacity
where the engine return flow goes directly back to the bulk tank requiring a maximum flow of
about 9 GPM, and (c) adequate capacity for a 30 GPM rated return flow pump.
More precise flow control can be achieved by using a flow regulating valve, such as the one
manufactured by Kates, that has been proven in fuel service. The device does have relatively
small orifices which must be protected by a properly sized inlet strainer.
Some local regulations may require that emergency vents terminate outside the building as well.
If the day tank is a UL 142 double wall tank with a closed secondary containment, then the tank
will have a secondary emergency vent. In some cases both the primary and secondary
emergency vents, as well as the normal breathing vent, must be terminated outside the building.
The size and number of these vent pipe can be a routing challenge within the building, so it is an
issue worth addressing with the local fire authorities early in the project.
7.17 Can a common vent pipe be used for several day tanks?
NFPA requirements are that vent pipes be independent for each tank, except in special
circumstances. The special circumstances are usually vapor recovery systems for gasoline
underground tanks.
In some cases, the local regulators have allowed for the combining of day tank vents into a
common vent header to the outside of the building.
Another basis for combining vents is to calculate the normal and emergency venting requirements
of the day tank, and provide a single properly sized vent pipe to the exterior that is normally open,
The reason that each generator usually has its own day tank is redundancy. A failure of a single
day tank would disable all of its associated generators.
7.19 What day tanks levels are specified for high and low levels?
Typical day tank level switch activations are:
7.20 How are day tank levels integrated with the generator?
Commonly generators use inputs from the day tank controller for high level, low level, critical low
level, and leak. The critical low level input is often used as an engine shutdown condition.
In some instances these day tank signals are input to the generator control equipment, such as
ASCO, RussElectric, GE Zenith, or others, rather than to the individual generator controls.
A common restriction is 240 gallons total per room, and 60 gallons per individual tank.
For outdoor generators the sub-base tank can often be sized to allow for a 4, 8, or even 24 hour
run time fuel storage requirement.
9.2 What are the problems with standard submersible pump controllers?
Submersible pumps used in service stations typically have a control box that incorporates Items 3
• Not-in-Auto
• Motor overload trip
• Pump current
A secondary benefit of the VFD controller is for soft start and stop of the pump to minimize fluid
hammer issues in longer piping runs.