2018 Vigil Program Colorado Coalition For The Homeless

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We Will

DECEMBER 21, 2018

5:30 PM- 6:15 PM
WELCOME John Parvensky
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless

EULOGY Randle Loeb

Board Member
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless

"SING ME TO HEAVEN" St. Andrew Holy Pretzels Youth Choir


PASSED AWAY Vice President of Program Operations
Volunteers of America
After each name, audience responds
with “We will remember.”
Brad Meuli
Following the reading of the last name, President/CEO
the audience will be asked to add any Denver Rescue Mission
others who may have been missed.
Christina Carlson
Chief Executive Officer
Urban Peak

Randle Loeb
Board Member
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless

Tom Luehrs
Executive Director
St. Francis Center

"THIS IS MY WISH" St. Andrew Holy Pretzels Youth Choir

December 21, 2018
Tanisha Alton Jeannette Dobbs Judi Hollis
Phillip Alvarez Brenda Dreiling Vincent Hoyos
Jeffrey Anderson John Droegemueller Larry Hubbell
Gerlinde Andrews Deseree Duchene Jeffrey Hudnall
Robert Atencio Joseph Duran Karrie Hudson
Kent Austin, III Michael Elkins John Huerena
Daniel Bacon Raquel Elliott Anthony Huff
Victor Barela Roxie Ellis "Damien" Perry Jeffery Huffman
Thomas Barringer William Erickson Mitchell Hundt
Brad Beasley Michael Eversole Edward Louis Jackson
Dennis Neal Beckel Valeria Fernandez Jacob Jaramillo
Ernest Benally Karen Fessler Charles Ray Johnson
Earl Black Anthony Fields Sean Johnson
Richard Boehler Monica Fite Barbara "Wallender" Jones
Nicole Boston Rita Flammond Alan Joyce
Cynthia Brandin Gregory Flatt Allen Kay
Jordan Brody Dana "Randy" Franklin Patrick Kelly
Willie Brown, III Leslie Gallegos Kennedy Kindness
Michael Bryant Joseph "Mayor" Garcia Elizabeth King
Phillip Buchanan Sabrina Garcia Steven King
Susan Bullock Robert Garside Lacinda Kissiah
Willie Lee Caldwell Jason Gauvin Mark Kline
Kenneth Cash Joseph Gibson Steven Koglin
Angel "Phillip Martinez" Frank James Gilford Norbert Krehl II
Castillano Billy Grant Terry Laetch
Angel Cerna, Jr. Andre Griffith Robert Lane
Robert Chapman Richard Grove Anthony Manuel Lanford
Edward Chavez Nicholas Guest Louis D. LaPlaca
Frank Andrew "Drew" Clifford David Gurule Gregory Lee Herrera
Michael Clothier Jody Haley Erich Leimgrubler
Jerome Coleman Stevin Hamilton Bruce Lewis
Dave Conder Rashard Hamlin Carol Livingston
Catrina Cordova Diane Hampton Margaret Long
Gayleen Cornelius Wayne Hand Arturo Lopez
Jerome "Rome" Coronado Thomas Hansen Adam Loring
Noel Crawford Shawn Hart William Loring Jones III
Heather Cross Jeffrey Harthman Dean Lucero
Leroy Cunningham Christian Henry Mike Lucero
Raymond Davies Dwight Hensen Victor Lynch
Jimmy Davis Thomas Higgins Michael Maddox
Anthony Del Duca Phillip Hodgkinson Ida Maestas
Mark Derden Ronald Hoffman Shirley Mahannah
In Memoriam | December 21, 2018
David Mann Damson Ortega Lee Snively
Roger Mapes Zach Palmer Mary Sorensen
Adrian March Michael Pappas Jacob Sowell
Johnny Mares John Paulin Shaun Speer
Leanne Mares Judith Diana Pearson Rick Springer
Boyd Martin Martin Perez Kimberly Stebritz
Brandon "Meatloaf" Martin Russell Petersen David Stradley
Eric Martin Mark Peterson William Thomas
James W. Martin, Jr. Jeff Pewo William Thompson
Hector Martinez Mark Phillips Jim Torres
Jamie D. Martinez Carol Pretty Robert Joe Trimble
Armando Mauleon Servin Noe Quevedo Valle Berkley Turner
Christine Mays Catarino Ramirez Michael Tuttle
Kevin "Mayes" Mays, Jr. Bridget Riley Tomasitto Ulloa, Jr.
Gary McCartney Dottie Robertson Raymond Underwood
Ann McClelland Enrique Rocha Manuel Valdez
Terry McClure Michael Rohr Daniel Van Raam
Phillip Meadows Vincent Rush Frank Van Wier
Franklin "Frankie" Meagher David Ruth Adolph Vigil
Dennis Miller Karen Ryan Anthony Vigil
Timothy Miller Frederick Saiz Ronald Vigil, Jr.
Lorrie R. Mills-Holmes Derrick Salone Timothy Ray Walker
Arlene Mondragon Roshii Salter Dennis Warax
Bernabe Montiel Antonio San Javier Arriaga Terrance Edward Wardlow
James Montoya Paul Scantland Steven Weideman
Bryan Moore Kelly Schlehuber Monique Wiley
Edward F. Moore Maria Schneider James Williams
Seth Mosse Lazaro Sequer Sidney Williams
Rogelio Munoz, Jr. Alan Shaw Mark Wilson
Kimberly Murdock Brandi Shaw Rick Wolf
Louis Neal Randall Shaw Jan Worldturner
Tolani Ned Gary Simpson Robert E. Wright
Robin "Rob" Nelson Richard Simpson Mark Youel
Leroy Nuanes Richard Singer Richard Young
James Odom Arthur Singleton Christopher "Boston" Zamudio
Debra Oliea Lonnie Smith Damian Zukowski

Catholic Charities, Colorado Coalition for the Homeless, The Delores Project, Denver Health, Denver Rescue
Mission, Denver Homeless Out Loud, Earthlinks, Family Tree, The Gathering Place, Harm Reduction Action
Center, Let Your Light Shine, Mental Health Center of Denver, Metro Denver Homeless Initiative, Occasions
Catering, Urban Peak, Senior Support Services, Shorter Community AME Church,
St. Francis Center, and Volunteers of America

City of Denver and Denver's Road Home and Denver Office of the Medical Examiner

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