Sample Nurse Writing CV

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13 th September

The Director
Community Child Health Service
41 Vulture Street
West End

Dear Sir / Madam ,

Re : Nicole Smith

I am writing to refer Ms Smith an 18 year old single mother , who was Comment: Incorrect grammar. You
have two choices:
admitted to our hospital on 9 th September . She has emergency caesarean 1. I am writing to refer Ms Smith, an 18
section due to fetal distress and her prolong labour . year old single mother who was admitted
to our hospital
2. I am writing to refer Ms Smith who is
an 18 year old single mother. She was
admitted to our hospital…..
Comment: Use past tense & article:
Ms Smith has post partum hemorrhage , which caused her low hemoglobin and She had an emergency..
she has on fefol and vitamin C. But her wound was healthy . In addition, her
Comment: Use adjective form of this
son has problem after his birth ,which has treated with oxygen inhalation for a word: prolonged
few minutes .However , he has no signs of jaundice and he is feeding well . Comment: Again, past tense is
preferred here: had
Comment: Incorrect grammar, use
simple present : she is currently on fefol
Comment: The linking words but and
in addition are not used correctly which
With regard to her social situation, Ms Smith lives in a share flat .She has no disrupts the flow of information. Refer to
the model letter for how to group
contact with the father of her son and her parents .She gets her sole parent information regarding the mother and
benefits. son.
Comment: Incorrect grammar: was
treated. Please refer to the attached
grammar explanation sheet for advice on
passive form
Comment: As this is a negative
The mother and her child were discharged today, she requires advice for sentence, you need to connect with or

breast feed ,which she would prefer to change to bottle feeding .Also she need Comment: Wrong word: breast
feeding. It would be useful to say why as
assistance for the care to her baby .Could you arrange a home visit and provide well: not confident
appropriate support to her .Should you have any quires , please do not hesitate Comment: Replace with: and
to phone me .
Comment: Verb subject agreement is
incorrect : she needs to…
Yours sincerely Comment: Incorrect preposition,
Jaiwei replace with: of
Charge nurse Comment: Incorrect preposition,
replace with: for
Mater Mothers’ Hospital
Brisbane Comment: Incorrect spelling: queries
The OET centre uses the assessment criteria below when assessing referral
Overall task Word length is much better this time at 179 words. However
fulfilment the letter is difficult to read due to a lack of purpose on
behalf of the writer. Refer to the model letter for an
example of how to do demonstrate your understanding of
the situation.
Comprehension You have identified some of the key points in this letter.
of stimulus However, as in the previous task you have not grouped the
information in a logical manner and identified the
connection between some of the facts which you report. For
example the fact that she has no contact with the father/
her parents indicates that she will need support. You need
to make this point very clear in your letter, and you can not
expect the reader to interpret that.
Appropriateness As stated above, comment U5, at times the information is
of language not organized in a clear and logical manner. So you need to
spend more time planning and reading the case notes, and
organizing your letter. Overall you have not clearly
emphasized the important points in this letter. To do this
you need to use phrases such as “my main concern is….” To
indicate key points.
Control of Quite a few mistakes in this letter, especially with regard to
linguistic verb tense. This is an extremely important part of referral
features letters as is strongly affects the meaning of what you say
and the time relationships in the case history.
Control of Good, just one spelling mistake

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