Geotechnical Failure Investigation of A Reinforced Soil Wall and Remedial Work Design
Geotechnical Failure Investigation of A Reinforced Soil Wall and Remedial Work Design
Geotechnical Failure Investigation of A Reinforced Soil Wall and Remedial Work Design
Work Design
This paper presents a case study of a displaced reinforced soil (RS) wall which is located on a fill slope with a bulging wall and open-
ing of gaps within the wall. Subsurface Investigation (S.I.) had been carried out using exploratory boreholes, mackintosh probes and
laboratory tests to determine the relevant engineering properties of the subsoil for subsequent slope stability analyses and investigation.
The investigation revealed that the failure is mainly attributed to inappropriate foundation design. This paper describes the site condi-
tions, including foundation design and the details of the geotechnical investigation of the distressed wall. Following the geotechnical
investigation and analyses, remedial works have been proposed and successfully constructed which include reconstructing part of the
wall to be supported by slab with spun piles and the use of lightweight materials of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS).
4 SITE CONDITIONS AND OBSERVATIONS Mackintosh Probes (MP). The locations of field tests for both
stages of S.I are shown in Figure 5.
The RS wall panel showed visible signs of displacement,
bulging and opening of gaps between the wall panels at the
south-western corner of the wall as shown in Figure 3. This
had caused backfilled material to be washed away when rain,
inducing voids behind the RS wall as shown in Figure 4 that
further aggravated the internal stability of the wall.
Bulging and
Gap Opening
MP tests from the second stage of S.I. works were carried out
along the slope as shown in Figure 5. Figures 7 and 8 show
the MP profiles, which are generally consistent with the fill
Table 1: Summary of Laboratory Test Results
Type of Results
Laboratory Test
Atterberg Limits & Samples collected from residual sub-
Particle Size Distri- soil are mostly clayey sand of low
bution plasticity
Single Stage Direct c = 0 kPa and φ = 36° for granular
Shear Box Test backfill material of the RS wall
C.I.U c = 3 kPa and φ = 33° for residual
Liquid Limit wl
Inorganic wl=70
60 Clays of Line "A" Ip=0.73 (wl-20)
Medium wl=50
Plasticity Index Ip
Figure 7 Mackintosh Probe Profiles for Section 1-1 wl=35
Inorganic Clays
20 Inorganic Silts of
of Low Plasticity
Very High Plasticity
Inorganic Silts of Medium
Plasticity Inorganic Silts of High Plasticity
Inorganic Silts of
Low Plasticity
Case 2: RS wall without the piles to simulate the FOS in the
Interpreted Soil Strength Parameters (C.I.U. Tests)
initial construction before installation of piles and if the small
piles had displaced
Case 3: Local fill slope stability in front of RS wall
T = (σ1' - σ3') / 2
In the slope stability analyses, the following conditions were Local Stability
Case 3
analysed: of 1V:1.5H Fill
Case 1: RS wall with the presence of 150mm x 150mm rein- 1.37 (>1.1) 1.44 (>1.1)
forced concrete (RC) piles as per the original design by C&S (worst case of
consultant (assuming the piles were not displaced) WL)
As shown in Table 3, the FOS for Case 1 is adequate in both 6.2 Internal Stability Analyses
abovementioned groundwater conditions. It indicates the
Internal stability analyses were carried out to check the inter-
global stability of the slope is adequate if the RC piles were
nal stability of the RS wall in terms of rupture, adherence and
not displaced significantly and could provide adequate lateral
wedge stability in accordance to BS 8006:1995. Coherent
resistance against slope movement. However, if the piles have
Gravity Method is adopted as recommended in Clause 6.3 of
displaced or damaged due to slope movement, the global sta-
the BS 8006:1995. As required, three load cases of load com-
bility would be inadequate, as demonstrated by Case 2. Al-
bination with different partial load factors are considered in
though the local stability of the slopes is slightly inadequate
the design.
(FOS=1.37 < 1.4) as shown in Case 3, it is only marginal. In
view of this, the RS wall displacement is not likely to be in-
Table 4 shows the load combinations used for the checking of
duced by local instability of fill slope in front of the wall, but
the design of the reinforced soil wall. In addition, the effect of
rather due to global slope instability with loading from RS
groundwater level on the internal stability is also investigated
wall when the small piles had been displaced, as shown in
using the method proposed by Tan & Khoo (2006).
Case 2.
Combination A considers the maximum values of all loads
The original configuration of RS wall supported by RC piles
and therefore normally generates the maximum reinforcement
has been analysed using a two-dimensional finite element
tension and foundation bearing pressure. It may also deter-
method programme. Figure 12 shows the graphical printouts
mine the reinforcement requirements to satisfy pull-out resis-
of the FEM analyses results (the deformation is plotted in ex-
tance although pull-out resistance is usually governed by
aggerated scale). As shown in Figure 12, the RC piles beneath
combination B.
the RS wall have bent and displaced significantly, and there-
fore part of the RS wall supported by piles also displaced to-
Combination B considers the maximum overturning loads to-
gether. The estimated pile displacement ranges from about
gether with minimum self mass of structure and superimposed
150mm to 170mm with induced maximum bending moment
traffic load. This combination normally dictates the rein-
and shear force to the pile of 36 kNm and 64 kN respectively.
forcement requirements for pull-out resistance and is normally
The maximum mobilised bending moment and shear force in-
the worst case for sliding along the base.
duced onto the 350 mm thick slab is 146 kNm and 192 kN re-
spectively. The comparison of the induced and ultimate bend-
Combination C considers dead loads only without partial load
ing moment and shear force of piles and slab are elaborated in
factors. This combination is used to determine foundation set-
Section 6.3.2 and 6.3.3 respectively.
tlements as well as generating reinforcement tensions for
checking the serviceability limit state.
Load Combination
Effects A B C
The adherence check is specified under BS8006:1995 clause Based on the design calculations provided, the 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
original design methodology of RS wall is in accordance to 0 0
Adherence (FMT)
BS8006:1995. However, the values for the coefficient of fric- Adherence (BS8006)
tion (μ) used are following the French Ministry of Transport’s 1 Tensile Force - Case C 1
Tensile Force - Case B
(FMT) recommendations for Reinforced Earth Structures Tensile Force - Case A
2 2
(FMTRRES) instead of BS8006:1995.
3 3
Depth (m)
The FMT’s recommendations use the parameter f* which is
similar to BS8006:1995’s μ parameter. The value used varies 4 4
with depth of the reinforced soil wall as follows (Cl.,
7 7
f * = tan (φ’) for Z > Zo
8 8
* 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Where the minimum fo value is taken as 1.50 in absence of
Tensile Force / Adherence (kN)
accurate measurements as recommended by FMT.
Figure 13 Tensile Force Induced and Adherence Profile
British Standard for Reinforced Soil, BS8006:1995 states that With Depth
the coefficient of friction is derived from μ = tan δ’. However,
BS8006:1995 does not state the value of δ’ and in consistent
with the standards, the value of δ’ is obtained from British 6.2.3 Effect of Groundwater Level on Internal Stability
Code of Practice for Earth Retaining Structures
(BS8002:1994). Clause 3.2.6 of BS8002:1994 states that for In order to investigate the effect of groundwater tables on the
design values, the values of parameter δ’ can be adopted as internal stability of RS wall, groundwater table of 1/3 and 2/3
approximately two-thirds of the peak angle of friction of fill of RS wall height are assumed in the analyses according to
materials in the reinforced soil (2/3*φ’). BS8006:1995. The tensile force does not significantly increase
with the presence of groundwater table (GWL) as can be seen
Using BS8002:1994’s design values for δ’ results in coeffi- from Figure 14.
cient of friction value of 0.45 (for a soil peak angle of friction
of 36°. However, using FMT’s recommendations, the f pa- The effect of groundwater table on the adherence is also in-
rameter values varies from maximum 1.5 at the top of the RS vestigated. The adherence (in accordance to BS8006) with the
wall to tan φ’ (which is 0.73) from the depth below 6 m. presence of the groundwater table (at 1/3H and 2/3H) is ex-
Therefore, the FMT’s recommendations of μ values are higher pectedly lower than that without the presence of the ground-
than the British Standards by 62%. The design of RS wall us- water table as illustrated in Figure 15.
ing FMT recommendations is more optimistic than design us-
ing British Standards.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Figure 13 presents the results of the tensile force and adher- 0 0
ence (calculated in accordance to BS8006:1995 and FMT) for No water effect - Case A
all cases. As can be seen from Figure 13, the tensile force in- 1 No water effect - Case B 1
No water effect - Case C
duced is higher than adherence. The non-compliance on ad- Water@1/3H - Case A
Water@1/3H - Case B
herence failure according to BS8006:1995, is due to insuffi- 2 Water@1/3H - Case C
cient reinforcement strip length provided there is no change to Water@2/3H - Case A
Water@2/3H - Case B
the strip width. The reinforcement for adherence is marginally 3 Water@2/3H - Case C 3
Depth (m)
ing of the wall. Therefore, the geotechnical axial compression
0 10 20 30 40 50 capacity of the piles is adequate.
0 0
No water effect - Case A,B,C
Water@1/3H - Case A,B,C 6.3.2 Pile Lateral and Bending Resistance Check
1 Water@2/3H - Case A,B,C 1
Shear force and bending moment mobilised in the RC piles
2 2 are extracted from the FEM analyses. As mentioned in Section
GWL @ 2/3H 5.1.1, the maximum bending moment and shear force induced
3 3
on the RC piles are 36 kNm and 64 kN respectively. The steel
Depth (m)
6.3.3 RC Base Slab Check
Independent analysis of the adequacy of the RC base slab was
7 7 carried out based on the information from drawings prepared
by the original consultant. Based on the drawings, BRC mesh
8 8
A10 was provided at the top and bottom of the base slab of
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 350mm thick. As mentioned in section 6.1.1, from the FEM
Tensile Force / Adherence (kN)
analyses, the maximum bending moment and the shear force
Figure 16 Adherence and Tensile Force Profile with induced onto the RC slab are about 146 kNm/m and 192 kN/m
Depth (With Water Effect) respectively. Based on BS8110:1985, the ultimate moment
and shear resistances of the slab are 55 kNm/m and 102 kN/m
When comparing the adherence and tensile force induced with respectively. Therefore, the moment and shear resistances of
the presence of groundwater table (Figure 16), it was found the slab are grossly inadequate.
that the adherence is still inadequate. The adherence calcu-
lated using FMT is also included for comparison. In both
methods of calculation of adherence, the tensile force exceeds 6.4 Compaction of Fill Slope Material
the adherence with and without the presence of groundwater
Compaction tests were carried out on the fill materials during
table indicating inadequacy of design length.
filling of the platform and slopes and prior to the construction
of the RS wall. The information on the locations of the tested
6.3 Structural and Capacity Check of Piled Foundation samples was not made available at the time of investigation.
Figure 17 shows the compaction test results which indicate
that the degree of compaction of tested samples ranges from
6.3.1 Pile Axial Capacity Check 82% to 99%. In other words, 56% of the tested samples have
The geotechnical capacity of the piles is estimated by using a degree of compaction less than 95%, indicating some local-
the borehole information. The calculations show that the geo- ised areas with inadequate compaction. This can be observed
technical axial capacity of the piles is adequate for the pro- from some of the Mackintosh Probes results (Figures 7 to 8),
posed pile working load of 200kN. High strain dynamic load in which soil consistency increases and decreases alternately
tests were carried out on two piles and the results indicate that with depth at some MP locations.
the tested piles had achieved an axial static resistance of more
than twice the working load at the time of testing before plac-
Bulk Density vs Degree of Compaction
a) Installation of sheet pile
1.5 b) Excavation of backfill material to the base of the rein-
forced soil wall
c) Hacking the base slab and drive φ400mm spun piles
0.5 (Grade 80, Class B) filled with reinforced concrete plug
d) Reinstatement of Reinforced Soil (RS) wall and partial re-
80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 placement of backfill material with Expanded Polystyrene
Degree of Compaction(%)
Test A Test B
Figure 23 Section A-A
RS Wall
RC Raft Ground
Spun Piles
Hard Layer
Table 5: Material Properties for FEM Analyses
γsat Eref
Name Type ν Slope
(kN/m3) (kN/m2)
Granular Drained 18 0.3 B- B+
Existing Soil Drained 20 0.3
12,500 R.E. Wall
cref φ (°) EA EI
(kN/m2) (kN/m) (kNm2/m)
Granular 1 36 - -
Existing Soil 3 33 - -
Hard Layer 3 33 - -
RS Wall - - 3.64 E6 5,945 Figure 26 Location Of Inclinometers
RC Raft - - 6.5 E6 33,900
Pile - - 1.65 E6 34,976
Strip - - 4.69 E4 -
were recommended to be taken fortnightly for the first two (2) -8 Design Limit
months and once a month thereafter for eight (8) months. 15-Jun-04
-10 16-Jul-04
Subsequently, the monitoring was carried out once every four Slope 10-Jan-05 (Final)
Design Limit
(4) months for a year. -12 B- B+
R.E. Wall
Figures 28 to 31 show that the inclinometer monitoring results
for Inclinometers 1 and 2 respectively in comparison with the
FEM analyses. Upon reviewing the inclinometer monitoring
Figure 28 Inclinometer Monitoring Results for Incli-
results, it was found that the lateral displacement of the incli-
nometer 1 (Major Axis)
nometer showed a trend of stabilising readings and are within
the acceptable limit as interpreted from the FEM analyses.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the proposed remedial
works are effective.
Slope Stability Analyses
B- B+
Displacement (mm) • Local stability of the fill slope in front of the RS
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
wall was not the causes of the bulging problems.
-2 • Global stability of overturning and sliding of the RS
-4 wall were adequate, except for the global slip failure
through the slope under the loading from the wall.
Depth (m)
16-Jul-04 RS Wall Internal Stability Analysis
-16 • According to BS8006:1995, all aspects of RS wall
Figure 29 Inclinometer Monitoring Results for Incli- internal stability were adequate except for adher-
nometer 1 (Minor Axis) ence. The wall strip reinforcements had inadequate
FOS against adherence failure.
• There was insignificant increase in the acting tensile
R.E. Wall
Towards Slope force in the presence of the groundwater table for
Displacement (mm)
0 7.5m RS wall. However, the adherence was com-
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 paratively lower with the presence of the groundwa-
-2 ter table than that in the absence of the groundwater
Design Limit table. As such, it is recommended to consider the ef-
fects of the groundwater table (hydrostatic pressure)
Depth (m)
on the reinforced soil wall internal stability design.
-8 15-Jun-04 Structural and Geotechnical Capacity Check of Piled Founda-
10-Jan-05 tion
-10 Design Limit
12-Mar-04 lightweight Expanded Polystyrene (EPS).
-6 13-Apr-04
17-May-04 • The monitoring results of the inclinometer show a
16-Jul-04 trend of stabilising readings and are within the ac-
ceptable limit as interpreted from the FEM analyses.
-10 The proposed remedial works are effective.
Figure 31 Inclinometer Monitoring Results for Incli-
nometer 2 (Minor Axis) British Standard Institution. 1995. BS8006:1995 British Stan-
dard Code of Practice for Strengthened / Reinforced Soils and
Other Fills.
9 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS British Standard Institution. 1994. BS8002: 1994 British Code
of Practice for Earth Retaining Structures
The investigation results of RS wall failure at the petrol sta- The French Ministry of Transport. Reinforced Earth Struc-
tion were presented. The wall bulging occurred progressively
tures: Recommendations and Rules of the Art.
had caused the backfilled material to be washed away during
rain and induced voids behind the RS wall. In an attempt to Tschebotarioff G.P. 1973. Foundations, Retaining and Earth
identify possible causes of failure, a comprehensive investiga- Structures, 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York.
tion was carried out. Tan, Yean-Chin & Khoo, Chee-Min. 2007. Effects of Hydro-
static Pressure on Limit State Design of Reinforced Soil Wall
The conclusions and recommendations can be summarised as Internal Stability, Proc. of 16th SEAGC, Kuala Lumpur (sub-
follows: mitted).