Ty Bba 2015 PDF
Ty Bba 2015 PDF
Ty Bba 2015 PDF
T.Y. B.B.A.
Semester V
Compulsory Paper
Subject Name -: Supply Chain and Logistics Management
1. To introduce the fundamental concepts in Materials and Logistics Management.
2. To familiarize with the issues in core functions in materials and logistics management
5.2 Role and Future of IT in the Supply Chain
5.3 Customer Relationship Management
5.4 Supplier Relationship Management
5.5 E-Business and the Supply Chain; E-Business in Practice
Total 48
Reference Books:
1. Supply Chain Management by Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl & D.V. Kalra
2. Inventory Management by L.C. Jhamb
3. Principles and Practices of Costing by Sunita Pokharna, Success Publications,
4. Sales and Distribution Management by Krishna K. Havaldar & Vasant M Cavale
5. Purchasing and Supply Management by Dobler and Burt
6. Supply Chain Management Best Practices by David Blanchard
7. Channel Management & Retail Management by Meenal Dhotre
8. The Supply Chain handbook by James A. Tompkins, Dale A. Harmelink
Compulsory Paper
Reference Books:
1. Desai Vasant: “Management of Small Scale Industries” - Himalaya Publishing House
2. Taneja Satish and Gupta: “Entrepreneurship Development-New Venture Creation” -
Galgotia Publishing Company, New Delhi
3. Jain P.C: Handbook For New Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship Development Institute
of India
4. Sangle B. R. : Business Environment & Entrepreneurship, Success Publications,
5. Gupta C.B. & Srinivas: “Entrepreneurial Development”- Sultan D, Chand & Sons,
New Delhi
6. Prof Rajeev Roy: “Entrepreneurship” - Oxford University Press
7. Edward D. Bono: “Opportunities”
Compulsory Paper
1. To understand basic legal terms and concepts used in law pertaining to business
2. To comprehend applicability of legal principles to situations in Business world by
referring to few decided leading cases.
Unit Particulars No. of
Number lectures
Indoor Management
3.5 Prospectus- Registration and contents
3.6 Statement in lieu of Prospectus
4 Information Technology Act, 2000 8
4.1 Preliminary and Definitions
4.2 Digital Signature: Concept, Authentication of electronic
4.3 Electronic Governance (Legal recognition of electronic
records, Legal recognition of digital signatures, Use of electronic
records and digital signatures in Government and its agencies)
4.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Governance
5 The Right To Information Act, 2005 14
5.1 Preliminary & Definitions
5.2 Right to Information and obligations of Public Authority:
5.3 Designation of Public Information Officers:
5.4 Request for obtaining information, Disposal of request,
Exemption from disclosure of information.
5.5 Grounds for rejection to access in certain cases, Severability,
Third party information
5.6 The Central Information Commission:
• Constitution of State Information Commission.
• Tenure of office and conditions of service.
• Removal of State Chief Information Commissioner or State
Information Commissioner
• Powers & Functions of the Information Commissions, Appeals
and Penalty
Total 48
Reference Books:
1) Business and Commercial Laws-Sen and Mitra.
2) Mercantile Law-S. U. Jadhavar, Success Publications, Pune
3) Business Law-G. M. Dumbre, Success Publications, Pune.
4) An Introduction to Mercantile Laws-N. D. Kapoor
5) Business Laws-N. M. Wechlekar
6) Company Law-Avatar Singh
7) Law of Contract-Avtar Singh
8) Business Laws-Kuchhal M.C.
9) Business Law for Management-Bulchandani K.R.
10) Consumer Protection Act in India. Niraj Kumar
11) Consumer protection in India. V.K.Agrawal
12) Consumer Grievance Redressal under CPA. Deepa Sharma.
13) Commentary on the Information Technology Act 2000 by Bhansali S.R
14) E Governance Issues and Strategies by Chaudhary, Suman Kalyan & Nayak,
Sudhanshu Shekhar
15) Information Technology Act, 2005
Compulsory Paper
1. To provide the students with basic understanding of research process and tools for
the same.
2. To provide an understanding of the tools and techniques necessary for
research and report writing.
1 Introduction to Research 10
1.1 Research – Meaning, Characteristics & Importance
1.2 Basic Research Process – An overview & steps involved
1.3 Research Design – Meaning, Characteristics of a good
research design
1.4 Components of Research Design
1.5 Sampling Design – Steps involved & Types of Samplings
Sources of Collection of Data: 8
2 2.1 Primary Data: Concept and Definitions
2.2 Respondents: Concept and Meaning
2.3 Secondary Data: Concept and Definition
2.4 Types of sources of secondary data
3 Methods of Collecting of Data: 10
3.1 Primary Data: Methods of collecting primary data,
3.1.1 Survey Method: Types of surveys
3.1.2 Questionnaire Method: Types of questions, Essentials of
good questionnaire
3.1.3 Interview Method: Types of Interviews
3.1.4 Experimentation & Observation Methods: Types of
3.1.5 Focus Group Methods like Panel groups & Group
3.2 Secondary Data: Methods of collecting secondary data
3.2.1 Evaluating Quality of Data
3.2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Secondary Data
4 Data Processing & Analysis 10
4.1 Data Processing – Editing, Codification, Classification,
Tabulation, Scaling & Measurement (Should be taught with help
of computer)
4.2 Data Analysis – Methods of analyzing data
4.3 Hypothesis - Concept and Types of Errors
4.4 Hypothesis Testing – Chi Square Test, Z-test & t-test
5 Writing Skills for Business Research: 10
5.1 Project Report Writing – Selecting and defining topic, Writing
Chapters, Subject Matter, Style and Structure
5.2 Research Paper Writing – Structure of research paper,
referencing styles
5.3 One Research Paper to be written and presented by student
(50 % Weightage in Internal Evaluation to be given for the
Total 48
Reference Books:
1. Ghosh, B.N. Scientific Method and Social Research (Sterling: New Delhi)
2. Kothari. C.R. Research Methodology – Methods and Techniques (New Age: New
3. Sangale B. R. Research Methodology – (Success Publications, Pune)
4. Donald. R. Cooper and Pamela S. Schindler, Business Research Methods (Irwin
McGraw-Hill Publications, New Delhi).
5. Naresh K. Malhotra, Basic Marketing Research 4/E (Pearson Education
6. S. N. Murthy and U. Bhojanna, Business Research Methods. (Excel Books, New
Finance Special Paper I
3 Ratio Analysis 10
3.1 Concept of Ratio
3.2 Meaning of Ratio Analysis
3.3 Interpretation of Ratios
3.4 Classification of Ratios
i) Liquidity Ratios
ii) Turnover Ratios
iii) Solvency Ratios
iv) Profitability Ratios
V) Miscellaneous Group
3.5 Role of Ratio
3.6 Advantages of Ratio Analysis
3.7 Limitations of Ratio Analysis
3.8 Practical Problems
4 Cash Flow Analysis 11
4.1 Meaning of Cash Flow Statement
4.2 Objectives of Cash Flow Statement
4.3 Uses of Cash Flow Statement
4.4 Limitations of Cash Flow Statement
4.5 Preparation of Cash Flow Statement
4.6 Methods of Cash Flow Statement
a) Direct Method – b) Indirect Method
4.7 Cash Flow Activities –
Operating, Investing, Financing
4.8 Practical Problems on Indirect Method
5 Funds Flow Analysis 11
5.1 Concept of Fund
5.2 Meaning of Fund Flow Statement
5.3 Uses of Fund Flow Statement
5.4 Limitations of Fund Flow Statement
c) Funds Flow Statement.
Allocation of Marks:
Theory - 50%
Reference Books:
Marketing Special Paper I
1. To provide the students with basic understanding of the processes and skills
necessary to be successful in personal selling and insights about recent trends in
sales management.
2. To provide an understanding of the tools and techniques necessary to effectively
manage the sales function - organization - sales individual.
3. To provide students with advanced skills in the areas of interpersonal
communications, Motivational techniques
4.4 Sales control: process of sales control- Goal setting,
Performance Measurement, diagnosis and corrective actions
5 Personal Selling and Relationship Management: 10
5.1 Personal Selling: concept, process, Tools for personal
5.2 Effective selling techniques
5.3 Concepts of Sales leads, sales calls, types of sales calls,
sales presentation
5.4 Characteristics of a successful salesman
5.5 Use of technology in personal selling
5.6 Relationship Management: concept
5.7 Role of relationship management in personal Selling
5.8 Characteristics of relationship
Total 48
Reference Books:
Human Resource Management Special Paper I
4 Personnel records reports and audit 6
4.1. Meaning & Significance of Records and Reports
4.2. Essentials of a good Record and good Report
4.3. Personnel Audit: Objective, Scope & Importance
4.4. Methods of Analysis
4.5. Audit Report: Meaning & Importance
5 New trends in HRM and exit policy 8
5.1. Exit Policy: Meaning & Procedure
5.2. Challenges in implementing Exit Policy
5.3. Voluntary Retirement Schemes: Meaning, Merits & Demerits
5.4. Effects of Excess Manpower
5.5. HR in International Context: Global competency and Global
5.6. Developing Cross Cultural Sensitivity
5.7. Human Resource Accounting
5.8. Human Resource Audit
5.9. Bench marking
5.10. Human Resource Research
Total 48
Reference Books:
Service Sector Management Special Paper I
1. To inculcate in depth knowledge of services as an essential economic activity.
2. To get overall understanding about special features of services, various concepts
and issues related with management of services.
Unit Particulars No. of
Number lectures
1 An Introduction to services 10
1.1 Concept of services – Definitions and meaning
1.2 Characteristics of services
1.3 Differences between goods and services
1.4 Stages of Economic Development - Preindustrial Society,
Industrial Society, Post Industrial Society
1.5 Dependency of Manufacturing on Services
1.6 Fastest Growing Services – Banking, Insurance, Wholesale
and Retail Trading, Health care, Travel and Tourism, I.T. and
1.7 Role of services in the economy
1.8 Management challenges in the service sector
2 Classification of services 8
2.1 Bases for Classifying services
2.2 Service Package
2.3 Distinctive Characteristics of Service Operations
2.4 Nature of service Act
2.5 Relationship of service organisation with customers,
Customization and Judgment in Service Delivery
2.6 Nature of demand and supply of service delivery
3 Managing Service Operations 10
3.1 Forecasting demand for services – Meaning and Techniques
3.2 Managing Service Capacity - Strategies for managing
demand, Strategies for managing supply
3.3 Yield management – Meaning, Characteristics and
3.4 Managing waiting lines - Inevitability of waiting, The
Psychology of waiting.
3.5 Queuing systems – Meaning, Essential features of Queuing
4 Designing of Service Enterprise 12
4.1 New service development – Meaning, Process cycle
4.2 Service design elements, service blueprinting, Benchmarking
4.3 Generic approaches to service system design
4.4 Technology in services
4.5 Service quality – meaning, Scope of Service Quality, Service
Quality Improvement –
i) Quality and Productivity Improvement
ii) Quality tools for Analysis and Problem solving – Check
Sheet, Run Chart, Histogram, Pareto Chart, Flowchart, Cause
and Effect Diagram, Scatter Diagram, Control Chart etc.
iii) Programs for organizational quality improvement – Personnel
Programs for Quality Assurance, Quality-Improvement Program
to Achieve Zero Defects, Deming’s 14-Point Program, ISO 9000
and Six-Sigma.
5 Globalization of Services 8
5.1 Meaning and importance of globalization of services
5.2 Globalization and Indian services
5.3 Domestic growth and expansion strategies – focused service,
focused network, clustered service and diversified network
5.4 Franchising – meaning, nature, benefits and issues
5.5 Global service strategies – Multi country expansion, importing
customers, following your customers, service off-shoring and
Beating the Clock.
Total 48
Reference Books:
Agri Business Management Special Paper I
Reference Books:
Finance Special Paper II
1. To make the study of long-term financing
2. To make the student well-acquainted regarding current financial structure
1 Sources of Finance: 10
1.1 Owned and Borrowed funds
1.2 Equity Shares, Preference Shares
1.3 Debentures, Term Loan, Lease Financing, Hire Purchasing
2 Capital Structure: 14
2.1 Meaning, factors affecting Capital Structure – Internal factors,
External factors and General factors
2.2 Cost of Capital, Trading on Equity, Capital Gearing and
3 Capital Budgeting: 8
3.1 Meaning
3.2 Techniques of Capital Budgeting
3.3 Mutually Exclusive Proposals
4 Specialized Private Financial Institutions- objectives and 10
functions of
4.1 IFCI
4.2 IDBI
4.4 SFCs
4.5 UTI
5 Dividend Decisions: 6
5.1 Dividend policy, determinants of dividend policy
5.2 Types of dividend policy
5.3 Forms of dividend
Total 48
3. G. M. Dumbre – Modern Banking, Success Publications, Pune.
4. P.C.Pardeshi – Business Finance
5. Khan and Jain – Financial Management – Tata McGraw Hill
6. Prasanna Chandra – Financial Management – Tata McGraw hill
7. Appannaiah, Reddy, Satyaprakash – Financial Management – Himalaya
Publishing Pvt. Ltd
8. Satish Inamdar – Financial Statement and Analysis
Marketing Special Paper II
1. To provide insights into all functional areas of retailing.
2. To give a perspective of the Indian retail scenario.
3. To identify the paradigm shifts in retailing business with increasing scope of
technology and e-business.
layout, store facade
2.3 Visual Merchandising:
Concept, Need and importance, tools used for visual
merchandising and store atmospherics
3 Retail Merchandising, Merchandise Planning and Category
3.1 Retail Merchandising: Concept and principles of 08
3.2Merchandise Planning: Concept of merchandise planning,
types of merchandise, process of merchandise planning ,
introduction of Private label brands
3.3 Category Management: Definition and process
4 Promotion mix in retailing and Retail Strategies 09
4.1 Promotion Mix in Retailing:
Concept, need and objectives of promotion mix, elements of
promotion mix, tool of promotion mix in store advertisements,
outdoor advertisement, online advertising,
4.2 Retail Strategies:
Differentiation strategy, growth strategy, expansion strategy,
pricing strategy
5 Current trends in retailing: 08
5.1 Role of IT in retailing:
Electronic Data Interchange(EDI), Database Management, Data
Warehousing, Data Mining, Radio Frequency Identification(RFID),
E-tailing, Bar Coding
5.2 Rural Marketing -Retail:
Concept of rural marketing, Emerging models in rural markets
Opportunities and Challenges in rural retail marketing.
5.3 Mall Management:
Nature and concept of a mall, growth of malls globally and in
India, Indian Malls Vs. Western countries Malls.
Total 48
Reference Books:
1. Retailing Management : Michael Levy and Barton Weitz, TMGH,5th Edition
2. Retail Management: Swapna Pradhan, TTMGH
3. Retail Management : Gibson Vedamani, Jaico Books
4. Fundamentals of Retailing: K V S Madaan, McGraw Hill
5. Retail Marketing Management: David Gilbert, Pearson Publication
6. Retail Management : Arif Sheikh, Himalaya Publishing
Supplementary Reading Material
1. It happened in India by Kishor Biyani, Rupa and Company
2. Business Today , November 1999, Mall Management , pp. 7-22
1. www.indiaretailing.com
2. www.imageretail.com
Human Resource Management Special Paper II
Reference Books:
1. Human Resource Management- V S P Rao (Excel Books)
2. Personnel & Human Resource Management- P. Subba Rao (Himalaya
Publishing House)
3. Human Resource Management- Ashwathappa (McGraw-Hill)
4. Human Resource Management – S. S. Shete (Success Publications, Pune)
5. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management- Gary Dessler (Pearson
Education; First edition (2010))
6. E-Human Resources Management: Managing knowledge people – Teresa
Torres,Mario Arias, Oliva
7. Strategic Human Resource Management – A general Managerial Approach-
Charlis R. Greer; second edition
Service Sector Management Special Paper II
1 Introduction
1.1 Meaning & Scope of Services Marketing,
1.2 Nature and characteristics of services, 8
1.3 Classification of services,
1.4 Importance of services marketing,
2 Delivering quality services
2.1 Services based components of quality, perceived quality,
2.2 Gaps in quality, 10
2.3 Bench marking,
2.4 TQM and customer satisfaction measurement techniques,
2.5 Strategies for improvement of service quality service
3 Services Marketing Mix
3.1 Concept and definition of Marketing Mix
3.2 Four P’s(Product, Price, Place and Promotion) 10
3.3 Extended Ps of Marketing (People, Process and Physical
4 Managing service competition
4.1 Guidelines for managing service competition,
4.2 Approaches to service competition, 10
4.3 Promotional planning and marketing strategy for services
5 Recent Trends of Services Marketing In India
5.1 Role of IT services.
5.2 Types of E- Services – 10
5.2.1 E- services–Financial services,
5.2.2 Hospitality services,
5.2.3 Education services,
5.2.4 IT services,
5.2.5 Hotel & Tourism services,
5.2.6 Event management services,
5.2.7 Consultancy services
Total 48
Reference Books:
1. Services Marketing – (Concepts, Practices and Case from Indian Environment)
Dr. S. Shajahan, Himalaya Publication House
2. Services Marketing – Vasanti Vanugopal Raghu V.N. Himalaya Publications House
3. Services Marketing – Text and cases Hansh V. Varma Parsons Educations
4. Services Marketing – M. G. Mulla, Success Publications, Pune.
5. Services Marketing Text and Cases - Harsh V Varma
6. Principles of Marketing - Phillip Kotler and Gary Armstrong
7. Marketing - V.S. Ramaswamy and S Namankumari
Agri Business Management Special Paper II
1. To study of farming system and recent issues in agriculture sector.
2. To understand export potential of Agri. Business
Reference Books:
T.Y. B.B.A.
Semester VI
Compulsory Paper
To acquaint the students with the planning process in business and familiarize them
with the function and techniques of project management
1 Planning: 10
1.1 Introduction, Meaning, Definition, Characteristic, objective,
nature of Planning
1.2 Advantages and limitations of planning
1.3 Steps in planning process
1.4 Methods of planning
1.5 Essentials of a good planning
1.6 Obstacles in planning, Planning Premises and Classification
of Planning Premises
1.7 Plan and Planning, Business Planning
Planning and Forecasting :
1.8 Introduction, Meaning, Definition, Characteristics, Process,
1.9 Importance of forecasting
1.10 Areas of forecasting
1.11 Forecasting Techniques- Types, Methods
1.12 Advantages of forecasting, Limitations of forecasting
1.13 Difference between forecasting and planning
2 Project Management – 10
2.1 Definition of a “Project”
2.2 Why project Management, The project Life-Cycle, Project
Management Maturity
2.3 Project Selection and Criteria of Choice
2.4 The Nature of Project Selection Models, Types of Project
Selection Models
2.5 Project Portfolio Process, Project Proposals.
2.6 The Project Manager – Qualities , Project Management and
the Project Manager, Special Demands on the Project Manager
2.7 Problems of Cultural Differences, Impact of Institutional
Environments, Project Organization,
2.8 The project as Part of the Functional Organization, Pure
Project Organization, The Matrix organization
2.9 Choosing an Organizational form The Project Team.
3 Initial Project Coordination 10
3.1 The Nature of Negotiation, Partnering, Chartering and
change, Conflict and the project life cycle.
3.2 Estimating Project Budgets, Improving the Process of Cost
4 Network Techniques 10
4.1 PERT and CPM
4.2 Risk Analysis Using Simulation with Crystal Ball 2000
4.3 Critical Path Method- Crashing a Project, The Resource
Allocation Problem, Resource Loading, Resource Leveling,
Constrained Resource Allocation
4.4 The Planning-Monitoring-Controlling Cycle, Information
Needs and the Reporting Process, Earned Value Analysis
4.5 The Fundamental Purposes of Control, Three Types of
Control Processes, Comments on the Design of Control Systems,
Control as a Function of Management.
5 Purposes of Evaluation 8
5.1 Goals of the System
5.2 The Project Audit, Construction and Use of the Audit Report,
The Project Audit Life Cycle, some essentials of an
5.3 The Varieties of Project Termination, when to Terminate a
Project, The Termination Process.
Total 48
Reference Books:
1. Production and Operation Management:K. Ashwathappa and Siddharth Bhat,
Himalaya Publishing House,2010 editions
2. Project Management- Samule J Mantel, Jr, Jack R. Meredith, Scott M. Shafer,
Margaret M, Sutton with M.R. Gopalan, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
3. Business Administration with G. M. Dumbre, Success Publications, Pune.
4. Successful Project Management- Milton D. Rosenau, Jr., Cregory D. Githens, Wiley
India Pvt. Ltd
5. Project Management- Vasant Desai, Himalaya Publishing House
6. Project Management : A Managerial Approach, Jack R. Meredith, Samuel J. Mantel
Jr. Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
7. Principles of Management – T. Ramasamy, Himalaya Publishing House
8. The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Project Management Course -McGraw-Hill
Compulsory Paper
Objectives: To acquaint the students with concepts, issues and various aspects of
event management.
Unit Particulars No. of
Number lectures
4.4 Positioning of Events.
4.5 Branding in Events.
4.6 Reach Interaction Matrix.
4.7 Concept of Pricing in Events.
4.8 Legislation and Tax Laws.
4.9 Marketing Communication Tool.
4.10 Implementation of Marketing Plan.
4.11 Relationship Building.
4.12 The Diverse Marketing Needs Addressed by Events: Brand
Building, Focusing the Target Market, Creating Opportunities for
Better Deals with Different Media, Events and the Economy.
4.13 Concept of Ambush Marketing.
5 Strategies of Event Management
5.1 Strategic Approach.
5.2 Critical Success Factor Analysis.
5.3Strategic Alternatives Arising From Environmental Analysis:
Maintenance Strategy, Developmental Strategy, Preemptive
Strategy, Survival Strategy.
5.4 Strategic Alternatives Arising from Competitive Analysis:
Sustenance Strategy, Rebuttal Strategy, Accomplishment
Strategy, Venture Strategy.
5.5 Strategic Alternatives Arising from Defined Objectives.
5.6 PREP Model.
5.7 Risk versus Return Matrix.
5.8 Forms of Revenue Generation.
5.9 The Basic Evaluation Process: Establishing Tangible
Objectives and Sensitivity in Evaluation, Measuring Performance,
Correcting deviations, Critical Evaluation Points in Events.
Total 48
Reference Books:
Compulsory Paper
To introduce to the students the function of management control, its nature, functional
areas, and techniques.
5 Implementing MCS for small & medium size companies 8
5.1 Methodology of implementing Management Controls - Roles
and responsibilities in implementing Management Control.
5.2 Management Control Structure - Responsibility centre, cost
centre, profit centre, investment centre.
5.3 MCS in service & non-profit organizations.
Total 48
Reference Books:
Compulsory Paper
1. To know the concept of electronic commerce
2. To know the concept of Cyber Law & Cyber Jurisprudence
3. To know Internet marketing techniques
2.6 Types of Viruses
2.7 Spyware & Adware
2.8 Virus Characteristics
2.9 Protection against Fraud & Viruses
3 E-Marketing 11
3.1 Identifying Goals
3.2Browsing Behavior Model
3.3 Online Marketing
3.4 E Advertising
3.5 Internet Marketing Trends
3.6 Target Markets
3.7 E-Branding
3.8 Marketing Strategies
3.9 Consumer Online: The Internet Audience and Consumer
3.10 E-cycle of Internet Marketing.
4 Cyber Law Concepts 8
4.1 E Contract
4.2 Jurisdiction Concept
4.3 Choice of Law
4.4 Minimum Contacts
4.5 Internet Jurisdiction
4.6 Contractual Obligation in cyberspace
4.7 Active Vs Passive Websites
4.8 E-mail Transactions
5 Cyber Jurisprudence 8
5.1 Evolution of New System
5.2 Legal Meaning of Software
5.3 Legal Issues for Internet Commerce
5.4 Cyber Attack –Trojan, Virus ,Worm, Spam
5.5 Hacking – Phishing, IP Spoofing.
Total 48
Reference Books:
Finance Special Paper III
Reference Books:
Marketing Special Paper III
1. To develop knowledge and understanding of importance and functions of
2. To understand Key features of Sales Promotion
promotion, Factors affecting Sales Promotion Growth,
Techniques of Sales Promotion
4.2 Strategic Sales Promotion -- Strategies and Practices in Sales
Promotion, Cross Promotions, Surrogate Selling, Bait and Switch
advertising issues.
4.3 Brand Equity – Concepts and Criteria, Building, Measuring
and Managing Brand Equity, Linking Advertising and sales
promotion to achieve “Brand standing”, Leveraging Brand values
for business and non-business contexts.
5 Role of Information Technology in Advertising and Sales 6
5.1 Comparison of Traditional and Modern Advertising
5.2 Internet Advertising – Purpose, Types, Advantages,
disadvantages of internet Advertising
5.3 Pre-Requisites of Online Advertising
5.4 E – Advertising Guidelines
5.5 Internet Advertising today
Total 48
Reference Books:
1. Advertising and Promotions - Belch & Belch, Tata McGraw Hill 2001
2. Advertising Management - Rajeev Batra, John G. Myers & David A Aaker-PHI
3. Otto Kleepner’s Advertising Procedure – PH
4. Advertising Management – Rawal C. N., Success Publications, Pune.
5. International Edition - Contemporary Advertising Irwin/McGraw –Hill
6. Integrated Marketing Communications - Duncon- TMH
7. Foundations of Advertising Theory & Practice- S.A.Chunawalla & K.C.Sethia-
Himalaya Publishing
8. Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing Communication- By Clow Baack
9. Advertising Management- Manendra Mohan
10. Advertising Management- Batra, Myers & Aaker
11. Sales Promotion: M.N.Mishra
12. Advertising and Promotion- George Belch and Michael Belch
13. Marketing Management – Philip Kotler, Keller Jha- Pearson Education, 11th Edition
Human Resource Management Special Paper III
To acquaint the students with important legal provisions governing the industrial
Unit Particulars No. of
Number lectures
4.5 IPEC(International Programme on Elimination of Child
5 Maternity Benefits Act,1961 10
5.1 Extent, Application and Definitions
5.2 Employment or work prohibited by women in certain periods
5.3 Right to Payment of Maternity Benefits
5.4 Payment of Maternity benefits in case of death of women
5.5. Payment of Medical Bonus
5.6 Leave for Miscarriage and wages for Tubectomy Operation
5.7 Leave for Pregnancy illness, delivery, premature birth of a
child, Medical Termination of Pregnancy, Nursing Breaks
5.8 Appointment of Inspectors, Powers and Duties
Total 48
Reference Books:
1. Bare Acts
2. Business Law – G. M. Dumbre, Success Publications, Pune.
3. Industrial and Labour Laws-S.P.Jain
4. Industrial Law - P.L. Malik
5. Labour Laws- Taxman
6. Labour & Industrial Laws-S.K.Puri
7. Labour & Industrial Laws-Goswami V.G.
8. Labour & Industrial Laws- Mishra S.N.
9. Labour & Industrial Laws- K.M.Pillai
Service Sector Management Special Paper III
1. To create a right understanding about nature of services in India.
2. To develop a right approach towards marketing of services in India.
3. To make students aware about upcoming areas of services in India.
1 Introduction:- 8
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Concept and objectives of Services Marketing
1.3 Reasons of growth of Service Sector
1.4 Role of Services in Indian Economy
1.5 Challenges of Service Marketing
2 Marketing of Bank Services and Insurance Services:- 10
2.1 Introduction to banking services, Concepts and objectives,
Bank Marketing in Indian prospective, Application of Indian
concepts in Indian Banking.
2.2 Introduction to Life insurance services, Concepts and
objectives, Marketing of Life Insurance in India, Marketing
approach of Life Insurance ( Study of 4P’s of Marketing Mix)
3 Tourism, Hospitality and Health Care Services:- 10
3.1 Tourism marketing concept - Market segmentation for
tourism, Special Characteristics of Indian Tourism Marketing.
3.2 Uses of hospitality services, Health care marketing, Study of
7p’s of marketing mix.
3.3 Introduction to Health Care Services, Consumer buying
behaviour in health care services.
4 Marketing of Other Services:- 10
4.1 Emerging trends and its features :
4.2 Marketing of Higher Education, Political Marketing, Airline
Marketing, Cellular and Entertainment Services, Internet services
5 Technology in Services:- 10
7.1 Technology in services
7.2 The emergence of self service
7.3 Automation in services
7.4 Technological innovations in services: Challenges of adopting
new technology in service
7.5 Managing the new technology adoption process
Total 48
Reference Books:
1. Services Marketing - S.M.Jha, Himalaya Publication House
2. Services Marketing - P.K.Sinha, S.C.Sahoo, Himalaya Publication House
3. Services Marketing – M. G. Mulla, Success Publications, Pune.
4. Services Marketing – Vasanti Venugopal, Raghu V.N., Himalaya Publication House
5. Service Management – James A. Fitzsimmons, Mona J. Fitzsimmons, TATA
McGraw Hill
6. Marketing of Services - An Indian Perspective – Text and Cases, Dr. S. L. Gupta,
V.V. Ratna, Wisdom Publications, Delhi.
Agri Business Management Special Paper III
1 Introduction 10
1.1 Agro based industries and their linkages to the Indian
1.2 Impact of International Agri. Business on Indian Economy.
1.3 Contract Framing.
2 Inputs in Agriculture 8
2.1 Agricultural Research and Education.
2.2 Agricultural Insurance.
3 Agro based Industries. 12
3.1 Food Processing Industries – Meaning, Future prospects of
Processed food industry, constraints in export of processed food
3.2 Poultry Industries.
3.3. Dairy Industry – Characteristics, product range, future growth
3.4. Sugar Industry
3.5. Cotton Textiles Industry
4 Services Associated with agriculture. 10
4.1 Processing of Agricultural Products.
4.2 Agricultural Marketing
4.3 Agricultural Retailing.
4.4 Agricultural Finance.
4.5 HRM in agri business
5 Standardization and legislation : 8
5.1 Co-operative Management
5.2 Co-operative Marketing
5.3 Cooperative Institutions.
5.4 Grading and Standardization, Bureau of Indian Standards
5.5 Business Legislation – Essential Commodities Act, Food
Adulteration Act, Food safety and standards, Consumer
Protection Act.
Total 48
Reference Books:
Finance Special Paper IV
The student shall write a project report on the topics selected under the guidance of a
faculty and submit one hard binding copy and one soft copy of the same to the Principal
of the college before 31st March. Soft copy should be conserved at college level. The
project shall be assessed both internally (20 marks) and externally (30 marks).For
external evaluation there will be a viva voce. Such viva-voce shall be conducted by a
panel of two referees appointed by the University.
The students can select any other topic related to finance, for their project in
consultation with their respective teacher. At least ten cases covering the following
aspects should be studied.
A. Capital Budgeting
B. Working Capital
C. Cost of Capital
Project work 30
Viva voce (conducted by internal as well as external to be appointed by University) 20
Theory Paper on cases in finance 50
Total 100 marks
Project report should be evaluated by both internal and external examiner. Each
examiner will allot marks out of 50 i.e. project work 30 marks and viva voce 20 marks.
The total marks given by both internal and external examiner will be out of 100 and will
be converted into marks out of 50.
Sample Case No 1:
Jay Industries Ltd. is considering purchasing a new machine. Two alternative models
are under consideration. The comparative data of the two machines are as follows:
Rate of Taxation: 50% of the Profits. Assume Targeted Cost of Capital @ 10%. As a
Finance Executive advice Management regarding which machine may be a profitable
investment by calculating Annual Cash Flow, Payback Period, NPV and PL. Total PV @
10% for 10 years = 6.144
Sample Case No 2:
The following information is related to Parekh Industries Pvt. Ltd., Pune. Budgeted
Sales (78,000 units) Rs. 46.80 lakhs. 25% Sales are Cash Sales
Prepare a statement showing working capital requirement for a year using cash cost
approach. Year = 52 weeks
Marketing Special Paper IV
To understand of application of theory into practice
The student shall write a project report on the topics selected under the guidance of a
faculty and submit one hard binding copy and one soft copy of the same to the Principal
of the college before 31st March. Soft copy should be conserved at college level. The
project shall be assessed both internally (20 marks) and externally (30 marks).For
external evaluation there will be a viva voce. Such viva-voce shall be conducted by a
panel of two referees appointed by the University.
Computer Consumables Ltd. (CCL) is a small scale company with a product portfolio
consisting of printer Ribbons, Cartridges and Ink Jet refill packs. The company’s
turnover in its first year (i.e. year ending March 2014) is Rs. 2-5 crores. It has a
marketing department consisting of one G.M. (Mktg.), one Sales Manager, one Dispatch
Assistant and Five Sales Engineers covering Maharashtra and Gujarat. Next year’s
sales turnover target is Rs. 5 Crore. The G.M. (Mktg.) has proposed addition of two
Product/Brand Executives and twenty Sales Engineers. The Managing Director is not
convinced of the utility of product/brand executives to his company. He also has
hesitation about the return on investment (ROI) of additional Rs. 25 lakh towards salary
of additional staff in marketing department.
1) Identify and allot new territories for Sales Engineers and the Sales Targets.
2) Develop an advertising plan for CCL.
For unless the consumer walked into a retailer and specially asked for Frooti, the
retailer might choose to push any other product, including those on which the retailer
margins were higher or those that were then undertaking a major promotional activity.
Indeed, the sales of Frooti had been falling over the years. Besides just competition
from products in other categories, its market shares in the ‘tetra pack” category was
also gradually falling, as new players had entered the segment and were using the
same packaging technique. Clearly, something needed to be done. Frooti had acquired
an ‘old boy’ image, as a ‘kids-only’ product, perhaps due its ‘tetra pack’ packaging as
opposed to the glass and PET bottles used by other beverage manufacturers.
Consumers typically consumed the product using a straw, something seen as ‘for kids’.
(1) How could the brand re-position itself in the market? In particular, it needed to drop
the perception of being only for kids.
(2) What should Frooti have done when its market share was falling consistently?
Sample Case No -3
Jack and Jill of Goa, are two partners, engaged in the business of manufacturing and
selling sports equipments under the brand name ‘J2’.They cater to the needs of indoor
and outdoor sports and recreation activities.
Recently they have acquired an imported sewing machine, which can stitch cotton as
well as synthetic fabrics. The machine is being used to stitch anoraks, track-suits, tents,
tent-covers, etc. The machine is so versatile, that it can stitch jackets, jerkins, rajais and
quilts, which are so commonly used in central and northern states, in winter. Inspired by
this impressive range of products, that they can create, Jack and Jill wish to chalk-out
an elaborate marketing action-plan. Extend your advice for the following:
Reference Books:
1. Sales Management handbook – Forsyth Ptrick
2. Sales Management – Richard R Still Edward W. Cundiff
3. Retail Management – Gibson Vedamani
4. Channel Management & Retail Management – Minal Dhotre
5. Advertising and Promotions – Belch & Belch
6. Marketing Management – Rajan Saxena
7. Principles of Marketing 9th Edition – Philip Kotler and Garry Armstrong
Human Resource Management Special Paper IV
To understand of application of theory into practice
Sample Case 1:
Sidhdheshwar Textile Ltd. is employing about 600 employees. During the last 6 to 7
years, the company is earning good profits. Due to general recessionary trends and
other adverse factors, its profits are reduced beyond expectation. The internal unions of
workers ‘Solapur Majadur Sangh’ and staff members (two separate unions) are insisting
for 20% bonus, while the company is ready to give 15% bonus. Several rounds of
negotiations were proved fruitless. Surprisingly, one day just before Diwali staff union
decided to accept 15% bonus. The news was not welcomed by the Solapur Majadur
Sangh. Some office-bearers of the Solapur Majadur Sangh charged the company to
adopt ‘divide and rule’ policy. The company representatives refused to have done unfair
labour practice. When the allegations were again made, company suspended six office-
bearers of Solapur Majadur Sangh, pending enquiry. The workers declared strike as a
protest. The indefinite strike of workers deprived the other union’s members 15% bonus,
which was acceptable to them.
(a) Comment on the Industrial relations of the company in the context of bonus policy.
(b) What crucial role should the Personnel Manager play to ensure peace and
(c) Is the action of suspending union office-bearers correct? Examine pros and cons.
Sample Case 2:
Mr. Patole is a Branch Manager of 'Janata Co-operative Bank Ltd.' at one of its village
branches. His staff includes two clerks and one attender. Very often, Mr. Patole was left
alone in the Bank after 5 p.m. to tally accounts, daybooks and complete all other
formalities. On 30 December, Mr. Patole was working till past 2 a.m. tallying the
accounts, since hardly one day was left for closing the accounts for the year. On this
fateful night, the Branch Manager was attacked by a band of robbers, who looted the
bank after brutally wounding Mr. Patole right hand, which had to be amputated, later.
After his recovery, the Branch Manager applied for compensation. The Bank
Management was of the opinion that Mr. Patole violated the job specifications by
working beyond the stipulated hours of work. He, in its view, was not entitled to any
compensation as the accident occurred during non employment hours. They also called
for an explanation as to why the amount lost cannot be recovered from his salary and
the provident fund.
Service Sector Management Special Paper IV
To understand of application of theory into practice
Sample Case1:
Mr. Kishore runs a hotel in a populated residential area. This hotel was started by his
grandfather 50 years back. Since then this hotel was their only family business.
However over the past few years the hotel faced consistent losses as the popularity of
the hotel had reduced and not many people visited their hotel. Mr. Kishore is very
concerned about this issue and wants to conduct a research to find the causes.
Q1. Frame a strategy to conduct a research to find the reasons for reduction in the
customer walk-in’s of the restaurant.
Q2. Design a questionnaire to collect customer feedback regarding food quality, service,
ambience, etc.
Sample Case2:
Mr. Joshi, had just retired as a primary school teacher. He has opened an account with
a private sector bank. He used to pay his house rent by cheque every month. He had
dropped a new cheque book request slip in the ATM drop box and was expecting the
same to reach him in a week’s time. However he did not receive the cheque book even
after ten days. He required cheques urgently and hence went to the bank to complain
about the issue, after waiting for 45 minutes he was called by a customer care officer.
The officer told him that he can be issued a emergency cheque book for which he will
have to pay a charge of Rs. 250/- The officer did not agree to the fact that Mr. Joshi had
applied for the cheque book and did not receive one, hence he should not be charged
for this cheque book. Mr. Joshi was not happy with the service he received.
Q1. What should have been the officials approach towards Mr. Joshi as a senior
Q2. What should Mr. Joshi do to safeguard his interest as a customer of this bank?
Q1. Is this activity of the telecom service providers Ethical? Explain with justification.
Agri Business Management Special Paper IV
To understand of application of theory into practice
Sample Case 1:
Sample Case 2:
i.What suggestions will you give?
ii.Suggest the types of crops he could grow in the land where water is scarce.
iii.Suggest water conservation techniques that are more suitable
Sample Case 3:
Sample Case 4:
Sample Case 5:
Ram is a farmer from Marathwada, which is facing server drought conditions and
scarcity of water. He suffered heavy losses but decides to do proper planning next year.
Third Year Bachelor of Business Administration (T.Y.B.B.A.)
Theory Question
Theory Question
Theory Question
Theory Question
Third Year Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) Semester VI
1. Q1.is compulsory.
2. Attempt any two from the remaining.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Third Year Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) Semester VI
Theory Question
Theory Question
Third Year Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) Semester VI
Theory Question
Q3. Theory Question (15)
Theory Question
Theory Question