Increasing The Effectiveness of Emulsion Mixture For Patching On Highway

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Proceedings of the First Makassar International Conference on Civil

Engineering (MICCE2010), March 9-10, 2010, ISBN 978-602-95227-0-9



Ismail bin Yusof 1 and Madi Hermadi2

ABSTRACT: Road maintenance by patching usually is needed for repairing pothole on asphaltic pavement. For
patching on highway, the asphaltic mixture is used ideally has deformation stability equal with hot mix petroleum
bitumen. If hot mix petroleum bitumen is used, the mixture production has to use Asphalt Mixing Plan. It is not
effective because need long time and high energy in preparation. Besides that, the production cannot be in small volume
so not match with pothole that generally in small volume. In application, hot mix has limited time because of mixture
temperature actually pothole spread on road and need long time to patch. To solve the problems, cold mix emulsion can
be used because can be produced manually by cement concrete mixture in small volume, in site or in plan. Besides that,
it has long time in application until more than 3 days if the water content in the mixture can be maintained by covering
the mixture. But the problem is cold mix emulsion mixture has lower dynamic stability than hot mix asphalt. Specially
for patching on highway, the emulsion mixture is not resistance on rutting damage. In this study, the technical in using
cold mix emulsion mixture as a patching material was investigated to produce cold mix emulsion pavement that has
dynamic stability equal with hot mix asphalt pavement. The result is combining layer of Open Graded Emulsion
Mixture (OGEM) and Dense Graded Emulsion Mixture (DGEM) can produce dynamic stability of total layer equal
with hot mix asphalt layer. The combination layer also has dynamic stability nine times higher than single layer of
OGEM and 30% higher than single layer of DGEM.

Keywords: Emulsion Mixture, OGEM, DEGEM, Patching.

INTRODUCTION The problem of cold mix emulsion mixture is the

mixture has lower dynamic stability than hot mix
Road maintenance by patching usually is needed for petroleum bitumen mixture. Specially for patching on
repairing pothole on asphaltic pavement. For patching on highway, the emulsion mixture is not resistance on
highway, the asphaltic mixture is used ideally has rutting damage. In this study, the technical in using cold
deformation stability equal with hot mix asphalt. If hot mix emulsion mixture as a patching material will be
mix asphalt is used, the mixture production has to use investigated to produce cold mix emulsion pavement that
Asphalt Mixing Plan. It is not effective for patching has dynamic stability equal with hot mix asphalt
because the production cannot be in small volume so not pavement.
match with pothole that generally in small volume.
In application, hot mix has limited time because
mixing, laying and compacting of the mixture should be MATERIALS AND METHOD
in hot temperature. Actually pothole spread on road and
need long time to patch. The characteristics of CSS-1 (Cationic Slow Setting-
In application, cold mix emulsion can be used more 1) emulsion and CMS-2 (Cationic Medium Setting-2)
easy because can be produced by simple equipments that emulsion that used in this study are shown in Table 1
and Table 2. The CSS-1 was used as binder in DEGEM
are cement concrete mixture or pan mixer, so can be
(Dense Graded Emulsion Mixture) and The CMS-2 was
produced in small volume. The production can be in site used as binder in OGEM (Open Graded Emulsion
or in plan. Besides that, cold mix emulsion mixture can Mixture).
be stored until more than 3 days if the water content can
be maintained by covering the mixture. It gave enough
time for doing patching even the pothole spread on road.

Assoc. Profesor, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), 86400, Malaysia
PhD. Student, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), 86400, Malaysia
Table 1 CSS-1 Emulsion Characteristics
No. Characteristics Test Results
1. Saybolt furol viscosity at 250C; sec 22
2. Storage stability 24 hours; % 0.53
3. Particle charge positive
4. Cement mixing; % 1.8
5. Distillation residue; % 58.2
6. Penetration at 250C, 5sec, 100g of 104 Figure 2 Mixture Gradation of OGEM
distillation residue; dmm
At the optimum composition, the DGEM and hot mix
Table 2 CMS-2 Emulsion Characteristics asphalt mixtures have characteristics as shown in Table
No. Characteristics Test Results 4. The characteristic tests were done in 22.20C and 600C.
1. Saybolt furol viscosity at 500C; sec 67 According to the mix design procedures, 22.2 0C is
2. Storage stability 24 hours; % 0.75 DGEM temperature test and 600C is hot mix asphalt
3. Particle charge positive temperature test. So in order to compare the mixture
4. Cement mixing; % - characteristics, the tests were done in both temperatures.
5. Distillation residue; % 67.0
6. Penetration at 250C, 5sec, 100g of 195 Tabel 4 Characteristics of DGEM and Hot Mix Asphalt
distillation residue; dmm Mixtures
Mixture DGEM Hot Mix
To find out the optimum composition of the Characteristics Asphalt
mixtures, modified Marshall Method was used for 22.20C 600C 22.20C 600C
DEGEM and Hveem Method was used for OGEM (MS- Density, Kg/l 2.257 2.254 2.437 2.415
14). At the optimum composition, the mixtures were Void in mix, % 11.09 11.21 4.87 4.98
tested in mixture characteristics especially dynamic Marshall Stability, 790.9 169.7 - *) 885.7
stability to indicate rutting resistance. The test was used Kg
to each mixture layers and combining layer. The Flow 2.3 1.5 - *) 3.5
combining layer is an emulsion mixture layer that Loss stability after 2.53 9.72 - *) 5.50
consists of OGEM layer (3 cm thickness) covered by soaking, %
DGEM layer (2 cm thickness). As a control, a hot mix Coating, % > 95 > 95 > 95 > 95
asphalt mixture that used petroleum bitumen pen grade *) The test is inappropriate
60/70 as binder was tested at the same gradation with
DGEM and at the optimum composition based on Referring to Table 4, mixture density of the DGEM
Marshall Method mix design. The characteristics of is lower than the hot mix asphalt. It caused at the same
petroleum bitumen are shown in Table 3. temperature (600C) the DGEM has lower Marshall
Stability about 1 to 5 than the hot mix asphalt (Figure 3).
Table 3 Petroleum Bitumen Characteristics In addition, the penetration value of CSS-1 emulsion
No. Characteristics Test Results bitumen residue (104 dmm) in DGEM is higher, that
1. Penetration at 250C, 5sec, 100g of 63 mean the bitumen is softer, than the penetration value of
distillation residue; dmm petroleum bitumen (63 dmm) in hot mix asphalt. It also
2. Softening point, 0C 49.5 caused the DGEM has lower Marshall Stability than the
3. Solubility in trichloroethylene, % > 99 hot mix asphalt. Because of that, Asphalt Institute stated
4. Mass loss after thin film oven test, % 0.035 that DGEM is not sufficient for heavy traffic pavement.
Although, the stability of DGEM is low, it is only the
initial stability. The stability is increased in line with the
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION increase of density caused by the traffic in field

In this study, the mixture gradation of DGEM and

hot mix asphalt are shown in Figure 1 and the mixture
gradation of OGEM is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1 Mixture Gradation of DGEM and Hot Mix Figure 3 Marshall Stability of DGEM and Hot Mix
Asphalt Asphalt Mixture
From Table 5 and Figure 4, rutting characteristics of
Void in mix of DGEM (around 11%) is two times emulsion and hot mix asphalt mixture can be explained
higher than void in mix of hot mix asphalt (around 5%). as follow:
Higher void in mix caused higher loss stability after 1) OGEM is the feeblest to deformation. The dynamic
immersion in water. The loss stability of DGEM (9.7%) stability value is 533.9 track/mm whereas the initial
is higher than the loss stability of hot mix asphalt (7.5%). deformation in the test is 12.2 mm.
In order to use emulsion mixture as patching 2) DGEM has dynamic stability value of 3705.9
materials in highway, the mixture quality of emulsion track/mm whereas initial deformation in the test is
mixture, especially in rutting resistance, should be equal 3.6 mm.
with hot mix asphalt mixture. Accordance to rutting data 3) Combining OGEM and DGEM layers have increased
in Table 5 and Figure 4, the DGEM has dynamic the deformation resistance to 4846.2 track/mm with
stability lower than dynamic stability of the hot mix initial deformation in the test is 2.2 mm.
asphalt mixture. So to maximize the dynamic stability of 4) Combining OGEM and DGEM layers increased the
emulsion mixture, OGEM and DGEM layers were dynamic stability of the combined layer multiple by
combined. nine from DGEM and multiple by 1.3 from DGEM.
OGEM was used as first layer. OGEM can increase 5) Comparing with hot mix asphalt, combined layer of
the dynamic stability of the combined layer because OGEM-DGEM has dynamic stability 92% of
there was stone-on-stone contact in OGEM. Normally, dynamic stability of hot mix asphalt. This is better
stone-on-stone contact can greatly reduce rutting. than DGEM that has dynamic stability 70% of
OGEM has high void in mix. It cause the OGEM is dynamic stability of hot mix asphalt.
not resist on water damages. To solve the problem, The The combined layer of OGEM-DGEM could be
DGEM was used as a second layer to cover the OGEM chosen for patching because the mixture can be produced
layer. in field or in plant and in small or in large quantity. The
The rutting characteristic of the mixtures expressed mixture can be produced by Asphalt Mixing Plant
by initial stability (D0), dynamic stability (DS) and rate equipment or simple equipment for example cement
of deformation (RD) from Wheel Track Machine Test. concrete mixer or pan mixer. The mixtures can be stored
The test results are shown in Table 5 and Figure 4. until more than three days if the water content can be
maintained by covering the mixture stock. Applying time
Table 5 Dynamics Stability of Emulsion and Hot Mix is not limited by mixture temperature because the
Asphalt Mixture mixtures applied in ambient temperature.

Figure 5 Simple Equipments that can be used to Produce

Cold Mix Emulsion Mixtures


Based on the previous explanation, it can be

1) Emulsion mixtures that are OGEM and DGEM have
very low Marshall Stability and dynamic stability
Figure 4 Dynamic Stability of Emulsion and Hot Mix compared to hot mix asphalt mixture.
Asphalt Mixture 2) Combining OGEM and DGEM layers can produce an
emulsion layer that has dynamic stability relatively
equal with hot mix asphalt layer.
3) Combined OGEM-DGEM layer can be used for
patching on highway because it is sufficient in
practical and in rutting resistant. sponsor (for
proceedings); and inclusive page numbers. The
references are 5mm hanging indentation.


The authors would like to thank the Ministry of

Higher Education, Malaysia for supporting this research
under the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS).


Shell Bitumen, The Shall Bitumen Handbook (1990),

Shell Bitumen, U.K..
Alvyn J. Day and Edwin C. Herbert (1985), Anionic
Asphalt Emulsion, Bitucote Products Company,
E.W. Mertens and M.J. Borgfeldt, Cationic Asphalt
Emulsion (1985), California Research Corporation,
Hermadi, M. (1998), Laporan Penelitian Karakteristik
dan Kinerja Campuran Aspal Emulsi, Puslitbang
Jalan, Bandung.
Asphalt Institute (1989), Asphalt Cold Mix Manual,
Manual Series No. 14 (MS – 14), Third Edition,
Lexington, KY 40512–4052, USA.
Asphalt Institute (1995), A Basic Asphalt Emulsion
Manual, Manual Series No. 19 (MS – 19), Third
Edition, Lexington, KY 40512–4052, USA.

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