Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan EDSS 450P

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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan EDSS 450P


Semester/Year: FALL 2018

Teacher: Brittney Franks

Grade Level K-6 Number of 10 (+,-) Lesson 30min

Students Length

Major 1. Warm up & stretches

Activities 2. Skill practice
Taught 3. Collect the badge activity
4. Closure

CA Content Standards Addressed:

Standard 1 Standard 1: Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement
patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
Grade 2
1.1 Move to open spaces within boundaries while traveling at increasing
rates of speed.
Standard 2 Standard 2: Students demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts,
principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance
of physical activities.
Grade 1
2.2 Identify people/objects that are within personal space and within
Standard 3 Standard 3: Students assess and maintain a level of physical fitness
to improve health and performance.
Grade 3
3.1 Demonstrate warm-up and cool-down exercises
3.6 Hold for an increasing period of time basic stretches for hips,
shoulders, hamstrings, quadriceps, triceps, biceps, back, and neck.
3.7 Sustain continuous movement for increasing periods of time while
participating in moderate to vigorous physical activity.
Standard 5 Standard 5: Students demonstrate and utilize knowledge of
psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies
that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.
Grade 2
5.1 Participate in a variety of group settings (e.g., partners, small groups,
large groups) without interfering with others.
Grade 3
5.5 Demonstrate respect for individual differences in physical abilities.
5.6 Work in pairs or small groups to achieve an agreed-upon goal.

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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan EDSS 450P
Common Core Standards Addressed:
Speaking & Grade 2
Listening CCSS.SL.2.6 Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and
Standards situation in other to provide requested detail or clarification.
K-5 Grade 3
CCSS.RF.3.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis
skills in decoding words.

English Language Development Standards Addressed:

Emerging 2.1 Exchanging information and ideas: Contribute to conversations and
express ideas by asking and answering yes-no and wh- questions and
responding using gestures, words, and learned phrases.
Expanding 2.1 Exchanging information and ideas: Contribute to class, group, and
partner discussions, including sustained dialogue, by listening
attentively, following turn-taking rules, asking relevant questions,
affirming others, and adding relevant information.
Bridging 2.1 Exchanging information and ideas: Contribute to class, group, and
partner discussions, including sustained dialogue, by listening
attentively, following turn-taking rules, asking relevant questions,
affirming others, adding pertinent information, building on responses,
and providing useful feedback.

Behavioral Objectives
Motor 1. Students will clap their hands along with the rhythm/cadence of the
song at least 3/5 times with verbal and visual prompts during the
warm up song.
2. Students will stretch their triceps muscle by placing their hand on the
same side shoulder, placing their opposite hand on their elbow and
holding the stretch for at least 10 seconds with a verbal and/or
physical prompt during the warm up.
3. Students will jump with proper form by taking off with 2 feet and
landing with 2 feet at least 3 times in each activity with a verbal
and/or physical prompt.
4. Students will leap with proper form by taking off with one foot and
landing on the opposite foot at least 3 times in activity 2 and 3 with a
verbal and/or physical prompt.
5. Students will pull a rope down with alternating arm movements until
the hula hoop reaches the top at least 1 time with a visual and/or
verbal prompt.
6. Students will run/walk for at least 10 seconds continuously during the
final activity with a verbal prompt.
Cognitive 1. Students will state or show the teacher the three APE rules: listen,
work hard and be nice; with 100% accuracy before the warm up

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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan EDSS 450P
songs with a verbal and visual prompt.
2. Students will state or show the teacher that they will perform 2 warm
up songs and 2 stretches with 100% accuracy before the warm up
songs with a verbal and visual prompt.
3. Students will find the colored cone that corresponds to the colored
activity badge they need to complete at least 3 times during the final
activity and with a verbal and/or visual prompt.
Affective 1. Students will high five every member of their team at the end of the
final activity with 100% accuracy and a verbal prompt.
2. Students will respect each others personal space by not bumping into
other students during the activities 2/3 times with a verbal prompt.

Type and Quantity of Equipment:

 Poly spots  10
 Speaker  1
 IPad  1
 Colored cones  6
 Hurdles  4
 Balance Beam  1
 Rope with attached Hula Hoop  2
 A.N.M. Buzzers  2
 Tap Out Visual  1
 A.N.M. Visuals  4 sets

Safety Precautions:
 Set up all equipment before students arrive and make sure there is no extra
equipment laying around.
 Make sure all students’ shoes are tied before the warm up begins.
 Tell students to make sure they are looking up at where they are going when
traveling to different stations.

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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan EDSS 450P

Skills, Activities, Methods and Organization Instructional Cues,

Topics & Time (Skill Progressions & Diagrams) Skill Modifications
Activity #1 WARM UP Cues:
5 minutes Students will stand on a poly spot upon arrival “clap 2 hands”
and teacher will have them tap in to tell/show the
Objective teacher what mood they are in and how their day “kick high”
Addressed is going thus far.
M1 “jump 2 feet”
M2 Students will perform 2 warm up songs (Clap
C1 your hands & Up and down) as a group with the “up, back, elbow,
C2 teacher. count”
Students will perform 2 stretches (triceps & “feet apart, hands in
CA Content hamstring) as a group with the teacher. front, side, count”
3.1 Teacher will give an overview/introduction of Modifications:
3.6 the following lesson by asking the students: Kick: tap foot forward
3.7  Have any of you guys seen American
5.1 Ninja Warrior on TV? Jump: swing arms and
5.5 o If they don’t know, tell them: it is bend knees
5.6 a show where people do really
tough obstacles and then at the
Common Core end they hit a buzzer.
CCSS.SL.2.6  When people do really hard obstacle
courses do you think they have to train
and get their muscles strong for it or do
they get to do them by sitting on the
couch and eating chips?
o Training and making their
muscles strong
We need to train and get our muscles strong so
that we can do our American Ninja Warrior
obstacle course next week so guess what today

Its Training Day!



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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan EDSS 450P

Transition Time Students will stay on their spots.

15 seconds
Activity #2 SKILL PRACTICE Cues:
5 minutes Teacher will lead students in practicing the skills “arms are bent”
they will need to perform at each station in the
Objective next activity. “leap over”
M3 “land on 1 foot”
M4  Marathon Badge: Run in place.
C3  Hurdle Badge: Step back from spot and “big arms, right, left”
A2 leap over.
 Climb & Slide Badge: High knees and “jump with 2 feet
alternating lifting arms. together”
CA Content  Rope Pull Badge: Stand and put
Standard alternating arms up to pretend to pull the “arms out like a T”
2.2 rope.
3.7  Agility Ladder Badge: Jump with 2 feet
5.1 on spot. Modifications:
5.5  Balance Beam: Arms out for balance. Marathon Badge: Lift
5.6 knees
Diagram: Hurdle Badge: Step
back, step forward
Common Core Climb & Slide Badge:
CCSS.SL.2.6 only do 1 part of the
Agility Ladder Badge:
high knees

Transition Time Students will be put into groups of 2-3 and will
45 seconds stand on their spots in those groups.

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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan EDSS 450P

Activity #3 COLLECT THE BADGES! Cues:

15 minutes Teacher will put students into 2-3 groups “bend elbows”
depending on class size.
Objective “land on 1 foot”
Addressed Teacher will demonstrate how to find a station,
M3 do the activity, pick up the badge and take it “jump 2 feet together”
M4 back to their card.
M5 “sit and slide”
M6 Each group will have an American Ninja
C3 Warrior Training Day card that will remain by “big arms, right, left”
A2 the buzzer.
“arms out like a T”

CA Content “collect a badge”

1.1 “put on”
3.7 “ring the buzzer”

Each color block on the card corresponds to a

Common Core colored station with an activity to be performed.

Marathon Badge:
Hurdle Badge: step
over or walk/weave
 Marathon Badge: Run or walk around the Climb & Slide Badge:
playground then collect a badge! Agility Ladder Badge:
 Hurdle Badge: Leap or step over the step in each square
hurdles then collect a badge! Balance Beam: walk
 Climb & Slide Badge: Climb up and next to the balance
slide down the slide then collect a badge! beam
 Rope Pull Badge: Pull the rope until the
hula hoop hits the top then collect a
 Agility Ladder Badge: Jump with 2 feet
or step in each square then collect a

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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan EDSS 450P
 Balance Beam: Walk across the balance
beam then collect a badge!

At each station students should wait their turn to

complete the activity and cheer on their peers.

After the students perform the activity at the

station, one person in the group will collect a
badge and they will take it back to their card and
every member of the group will hit the buzzer.
(alternate who gets to pick up and hold the badge
after the activities are completed)

They will then look and find another colored

station they need to complete and that is open
then continue.

Groups will collect as many badges as they can.

Give verbal prompts to students to look at the

next colored station they want to go to and make
sure there is not another group at that station.


Transition Time Students will sit on their spots around their

30 seconds groups card.
Closure and CLOSURE
Homework Once students are standing on their spots, the
3 minutes & teacher will ask them the following questions
30 seconds about the lesson:
 Did you have fun?
Objective  What was today called?
Addressed o American ninja warrior training
A1 day
A2  Why did we have training day before we
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Physical Education Teacher Education Lesson Plan EDSS 450P
had our big obstacle course?
o To train and make our muscles
CA Content strong
Standard  What are we guna do next week?
2.2 o Our American ninja warrior
5.1 obstacle course with all the skills
5.5 we practiced today
Teacher will then have the students tap out by
walking around and ask each student how they
Common Core did.
Students will touch the color corresponding to
how they did and say it in a sentence such as “I
did awesome.”.

If the student tapped out on green, they also get

to press the “Wahoo!” button.

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