A Study To Assess The Knowledge of Primi Gravida Mother Regarding Importance Colostrum at Selected Hospital Bagalkot Karnataka, India

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Volume 3, Issue 11, November – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

A Study to Assess the Knowledge of Primi Gravida

Mother Regarding Importance Colostrum at Selected
Hospital Bagalkot Karnataka, India
Dr Susheel kumar Ronad Dr Chetan S Patali Suvarna S Pinnapati
Professor Msc (N) Phd (N), Psychiatric Vice Principal
Dharawad Institute of Mental Health Nursing, Principal Dhanush Institute of Nursing
and Neuro Sciences Dhanush Institute of Nursing Sciences, Behind Durga Vihar,
Old Pb Road Dharawad Sciences, Behind Durga Vihar, Station Road, Bagalkot 587101
Station Road, Bagalkot 587101

Abstract:- A mother choice to breastfeed could be II. NEED FOR THE STUDY
influenced by numerous statistic factors including
maternal age, conjugal status, training, race, financial Bosom encouraging is an antiquated routine with
status, social elements, gravidity or equality, number of regards to most ladies in the nation. Early bosom nourishing
youngsters at home, occupation, and social help (4). In is the best feed for children. Since it is the one of a kind
fact, the information of moms about bosom bolstering is wellspring of sustenance that assumes an imperative job in
additionally critical. Amid the pregnancy, a mother the development, improvement and survival of newborn
ought to prepare to breastfeed her infant and this is a children. Colostrum is a characteristic reasonable nutritious
basic time to gain data and to expand learning about and sound nourishment for the infant. The infant has the
breastfeeding. Experts, doctors, and different areas of privilege to be nourished with it, as it is their life sparing
human services office are in charge of giving data to sustenance and no infant ought to be denied of it. Yet, the
pregnant moms about all parts of breastfeeding and incongruity is that because of the absence of attention to
setting them up to settle on choice about the most moms with respect to colostrum nourishing. Numerous
essential occasion amid the initial two years of a children are denied of it.
youngster life, in particular, the supporting.
Time of Children, their development, and
I. INTRODUCTION advancement must be considered in youth sustenance.
Bosom drain is the most proper nourishment for typical
Breast milk provides nutritionary, medicine, newborn children with sound moms. The First two years of
behavioral, and economic advantages and helps to create life are critical for an infant's prosperity and adequate
mother-infant bonding. prenatal mothers ought to be sustenance amid early stages is indispensable and basic to
sufficiently privy to the advantages of breastfeeding.The youngster's improvement and development. Most ladies can
health and survival of the babe depends upon the health of encourage their child with their very own bosom drain.
the mother, her awareness, education, skills in mother craft, Ladies who breastfeed may have bring down rates of certain
kid nutrition, protection, personal hygiene and customary bosom and ovarian tumors. The advantages and preferences
issues in kids. It expressed that concerning one in vi new of breastfeeding for moms and newborn children have been
mothers might not be able to absolutely watch out of their broadly contemplated. As indicated by the advantages of
newborns. Studies found that 17 November of recent breastfeeding, the World Health Organization and the
mothers were off guard for transition throughout discharge. American Dietetic Association suggest "selective
The man of science known the factors that correlate with breastfeeding of newborn children for the initial a half year
feeling off guard together with initial time adulthood, and kept breastfeeding with reciprocal sustenances up to a
inadequate antepartum care, baby drawback, a restricted year of age". Absorption of bosom drain is simple and
hospital education categories, failure to wet-nurse.3 contains antibodies that secure newborn children against
numerous irresistible ailments Formula-sustained babies and
Researcher according that real causes of adverse infants who cease breastfeeding early are at higher danger of
outcomes ar inadequate baby care and harmful home care stoutness, diabetes, respiratory and ear diseases, and sudden
practices like discarding colostrums, application of unclean baby passing disorder After couple of long stretches of
substances to duct stump, failure to stay babies heat and lactation, drain piece alters to transitional and afterward
infection might cause child death4. The accessible literature develop drain. The time and the phase of a feed influences
indicates that inadequate newborn care is one vital issue for the drain arrangement. The sythesis of human drain, i.e.
death rate and morbidity. Health and survival of baby proteins, sugars, fat, chemicals, and hormones, has made it
depends upon mother’s awareness, education and skills. as a proper sustenance for babies and youngsters.
Mother is that the best primary physician. Thence Colostrum, the drain of the primary days after birth, is low
investigator felt that there's a necessity to assess the in volume and high in proteins.
information and practices of mothers concerning newborn
care. Anchoring, progressing, and supporting breastfeeding,
as the goal of the Centers for Disease Control and

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Volume 3, Issue 11, November – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Prevention, are the key frameworks for upgrading the regards to colostrum bolstering. The examiner understood
prosperity of mothers and their youths (6). Breastfeeding that the moms were as yet limited with the social taboos that
rates have extended by 2% in breastfeeding origin and colostrums sustaining isn't useful for the infant or it is
breastfeeding at six and a year. Breastfeeding initiation lacking for the child subsequently supplement with sugar
extended from 74.6% in 2008 to 76.9% in 2009, from 44.3% arrangement.
to 47.2% at a half year, and from 23.8% to 25.5% at a year
(6). Interestingly with various European Union countries, As there is less mindfulness, among Primigravida
Iran showed a perfect situation to the extent breastfeeding moms that colostrum sustaining is valuable for infant, the
rates and progression of breastfeeding; in any case, there is analyst wanted to instruct antenatal moms with respect to
up 'til now a necessity for extending the rate of specific colostrums encouraging so the social taboos can be expelled
breastfeeding in the midst of the underlying a half year in and sound practice is pursued.
Iran. At a national level, 90% and 57% of infant youngsters
were breastfed in the midst of their first and second III. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
extended lengths of life, independently. The mean specific 1. To assess the knowledge regarding the importance of
breastfeeding rates inside the country at four and a half year colostrum feeding among Primigravida mothers
of age were 56.8% and 27.7%, exclusively. The rates at four 2. To assess the practice regarding colostrum feeding
and a half year of age were independently 58% and 29% in among Primigravida mothers
nation zones and were independently 56% and 27% in urban 3. To find the association between the level of knowledge
area. "Inception of bosom nourishing inside a hour of birth on colostrum feeding with selected socio-demographic
and most imperative advance towards decreasing newborn variables.
child mortality .Save one million of children – starting with 4. To co-relate the knowledge with practice of Primigravida
the one activity, one hour support and one message: starting mothers regarding colostrum feeding
bosom bolstering with in first hour of birth" 12

On the planet in excess of 10 million kids bite the dust IV. HYPOTHESIS
before their fifth birth day because of preventable causes,  H1 – There is a significant relationship between the
lack of healthy sustenance alone kills the greater part of knowledge level of mothers regarding colostrum with the
these youngsters. Lack of healthy sustenance is as yet selected socio demographic variables.
uncontrolled and one of the essential advance to counteract
ailing health is to begin with colostrum nourishing which is V. MATERIALS AND METHODS
nutritive, protected, modest and effortlessly accessible
.According to WHO, the normal level of colostrum The purpose of this study is to assess the knowledge
sustaining is 57.8%12. India has near 25 million youngsters regarding colostrum among primi gravida mothers in
conceived each year. One of these ,1.9 million are under 5 selected hospital at Bagalkot
kids ,who pass on in a year ,1.4 million kids kick the bucket
just inside 1year and generally 1million youngsters bite the A. Sources of Data
dust inside multi month ,just 15.8 % of moms start bosom Data will be collected from Primigravida mothers
bolstering inside a hour . This single mediation can spare  Research approach : Descriptive approach.
more than 2.5 lakh babies in India i.e., proportionate to 22%  Research design : Descriptive research design
of death among newborn.12  Setting of the study : selected Hospital at Bagalkot.
 Sample size : 30 samples
As per BPNI, India remains in d review with red  Population : Primigravida mothers
shading and with the rate of 24.5% for early commencement
of bosom encouraging inside 1hour.13.Karnataka remains in B. Sampling Technique
thirteenth place in positioning card on commencement of Non-probability convenient sampling technique will
bosom sustaining inside a 1 hr with a rate of 35.7 % and be used to select the subjects for the study. A convenient
Bagalkot remains with a rate of 42.8%14. In the light of sampling is a Non Probability Sampling Technique, which
over, the examiner thought that it was attractive to assess the entails of use of most convenient available people or
learning of Primigravida moms in regards to significance of subjects in a study. The Primigravida mothers who will be in
colostrum sustaining .The specialist choice about choosing 36 to 40 weeks of pregnancy and willing to participate in the
the subject on colostrum encouraging for the investigation study will be selected from the selected Hospital at
became out of her clinical experience amid her examination Bagalkot.
period with moms who had constrained mindfulness in

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Volume 3, Issue 11, November – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Characteristics No of respondents % of respondents

Age groups
20-25yrs 17 56.67
26-30yrs 10 33.33
31+yrs 3 10.00
Hindu 18 60.00
Christians 9 30.00
Muslims 3 10.00
Illiterates 2 6.67
Primary 4 13.33
Secondary 6 20.00
PUC 18 60.00
Husbands education
Primary 3 10.00
Secondary 9 30.00
PUC 18 60.00
Government 4 13.33
Private 5 16.67
House wife 21 70.00
Family income
Rs. 5000 4 13.33
Rs. 5001-10000 18 60.00
Rs. 10001+ 8 26.67

Types of family
Small 6 20.00
Nuclear 15 50.00
Joint 9 30.00
Location opt residence
Urban 14 46.67
Rural 16 53.33
Sources of information
Grand mother 3 10.00
Friend 2 6.67
Husband 6 20.00
Health personnel 19 63.33
Total 30 100.00
Table 1:- Distribution of respondents by demographic characteristics

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Volume 3, Issue 11, November – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165



Fig 1:- Distribution of respondents by age groups




Fig 2:- Distribution of respondents by religions

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Volume 3, Issue 11, November – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

6.67% Primary



Fig 3:- Distribution of respondents by education




Fig 4:- Distribution of respondents by husband education

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Volume 3, Issue 11, November – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

House wife Private
70.00% 16.67%

Fig 5:- Distribution of respondents by occupation

Rs. 5000
Rs. 10001+ 13.33%

Rs. 5001-10000

Fig 6:- Distribution of respondents by family income

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Volume 3, Issue 11, November – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165



Fig 7:- Distribution of respondents by types of family



Fig 8:- Distribution of respondents by location of residence

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Volume 3, Issue 11, November – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Grand mother Friend

10.00% 6.67%

Health personnels


Fig 9:- Distribution of respondents by sources of information

Adequate Inadequate
16.67% 10.00%


Fig 10:- Distribution of levels of knowledge

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Volume 3, Issue 11, November – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Characteristics Levels of Knowledge Chi-square p-value
Inadequate % Moderate % Adequate % Total
Age groups
20-25yrs 2 11.8 11 64.7 4 23.5 17 2.1241 0.7130
26-30yrs 1 10.0 8 80.0 1 10.0 10
31+yrs 0 0.0 3 100.0 0 0.0 3
Hindu 0 0.0 15 83.3 3 16.7 18 8.3182 0.0806**
Christians 3 33.3 5 55.6 1 11.1 9
Muslims 0 0.0 2 66.7 1 33.3 3
Illiterates 0 0.0 2 100.0 0 0.0 2 11.3209 0.0790**
Primary 1 25.0 2 50.0 1 25.0 4
Secondary 2 33.3 2 33.3 2 33.3 6
PUC 0 0.0 16 88.9 2 11.1 18
Husbands education
Primary 0 0.0 2 66.7 1 33.3 3 4.3182 0.3647
Secondary 1 11.1 5 55.6 3 33.3 9
PUC 2 11.1 15 83.3 1 5.6 18
Government 0 0.0 4 100.0 0 0.0 4 2.6026 0.6264
Private 0 0.0 4 80.0 1 20.0 5
House wife 3 14.3 14 66.7 4 19.0 21
Family income
Rs. 5000 1 25.0 3 75.0 0 0.0 4 3.1351 0.5355
Rs. 5001-10000 2 11.1 12 66.7 4 22.2 18
Rs. 10001+ 0 0.0 7 87.5 1 12.5 8
Types of family
Small 2 33.3 4 66.7 0 0.0 6 10.6061 0.0314*
Nuclear 1 6.7 9 60.0 5 33.3 15
Joint 0 0.0 9 100.0 0 0.0 9
Location opt residence
Urban 2 14.3 10 71.4 2 14.3 14 0.5844 0.7466
Rural 1 6.3 12 75.0 3 18.8 16
Sources of information
Grand mother 0 0.0 3 100.0 0 0.0 3 3.0901 0.7975
Friend 0 0.0 1 50.0 1 50.0 2
Husband 1 16.7 4 66.7 1 16.7 6
Health personnel 2 10.5 14 73.7 3 15.8 19
Total 3 10.0 22 73.3 5 16.7 30
Table 2:- Association between levels of knowledge and demographic characteristics (*p<0.05, **p<0.10)

VII. CONCLUSION we tend to should direct our efforts to empower such ladies
further as adolescent women through health education and
Breastfeeding and immunisation is a good method of life skills education activities through existing health
reducing kid and maternal mortality. The results from our programs.
study showed that though a significant population had
adequate information of nursing and immunisation however
lacunae was found in several of them. The short comings
within the information ought to be met through the offered
resources gift within the health care facility. The
information relating to breastfeeding and immunisation
ought to be restricted solely to health care professionals. It
ought to be incorporated in adolescent education which
might lead to building of the angle and later into observe.

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Volume 3, Issue 11, November – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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