Chart Transfused Blood Products

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Commonly Transfused Blood Products and Blood Components

General Wear gloves and face shield when working with blood products; ideally a 20g or larger IV catheter is preferred unless the patient is very young or
very old and has smaller veins; use normal saline only between transfusions and to keep the vein open if there is a reaction; hang and start blood
Considerations: infusion within 30 minutes of obtaining blood from the blood bank; remain with the patient and assess vital signs/patient complaints during the first
15 minutes of the transfusion. If no signs of a reaction, adjust flow to ordered rate or as fast as patient's circulatory system can tolerate.
SYMPTOMS OF A TRANSFUSION REACTION: flushing, feverish feeling, chills, nausea, low back pain and headache
OTHER SYMPTOMS: palpitations (usually when hypotension is present); difficulty swallowing or breathing (possible anaphylaxis); tingling of
fingers, muscle cramps, vomiting, faintness (hypotension, arrhythmia, hypocalcemia); muscle weakness, irritability, bradycardia (hyperkalemia
when large volumes of older stored blood is transfused)

Component What's in it Why use it Administration/Nursing Considerations

Whole Blood one unit contains 500 mL of all blood Increases blood volume and oxygen
components: RBCs, WBCs, carrying capacity after hemorrhage
plasma, platelets, clotting factors
must be ABO and Rh compatible
(some clotting factors are not
one unit must be infused within a 4-hour time period
viable after 24 hours of storage)
use a Y-type blood administration set with filter (to remove
Packed Red one unit contains 250 mL of whole Increases red blood cell mass and
microaggregates of degenerating platelets and fibrin strands)
Blood Cells blood (RBCs, WBCs, platelets and oxygen carrying capacity in chronic
one unit increases Hgb by 1 gm/dL
plasma) with 80% of the plasma anemia not due to nutritional or
(RBCs) removed drug therapy and other bleeding
White Blood one unit contains 150 mL of WBCs or Sepsis that has been unresponsive to must be ABO and Rh compatible
leukocytes suspended in 20% of antibiotics with positive blood can use a straight-line or component drip IV administration set with
Cells (WBCs)
the plasma cultures, persistent fever, and an in-line blood filter
granulocytopenia periodically agitate the bag of cells to prevent the WBCs from settling
and to prevent accidental bolus of white blood cells
fever and chills in the patient is an expected occurrence
may reduce flow rate per MD order for patient comfort if fever and
chills occur
give antipyretics or premedicate with Benadryl if ordered
Platelets one unit contains 35 to 50 mL of Bleeding due to thrombocytopenia, must be ABO compatible when possible and Rh compatible is
platelet sediment from RBCs or decreased platelet counts or preferred
plasma, may have small numbers presence of abnormal platelets; use a filtered component drip administration set
of RBCs and WBCs leukemia; aplastic anemia; DIC; infuse at rate of 100mL per 15 minutes
blood bank may pool up to 8 units post-transfusion thrombocytopenia should not be given if patient has a fever
for one infusion platelet count should be drawn 1 to 3 hours after platelet transfusion
Fresh Frozen one unit contains 200 to 250 mL of Bleeding, coagulation factor must be ABO compatible; Rh match is not required
Plasma (FFP) plasma and all clotting factors deficiencies, Warfarin reversal, use a straight-line IV administration set
thrombotic thrombocytopenic infuse rapidly
purpura hypocalcemia can occur with multiple transfusions of FFP due to
presence of citric acid in the FFP which binds serum calcium
5% Albumin one unit of 5% Albumin contains Replaces volume lost by shock in ABO/Rh compatibility is NOT necessary
12.5 grams of albumin in 250 mL burns, trauma, surgery or manufacturer usually supplies the administration set you should use
one unit of 10% Albumin contains infections; hypoproteinemia rate and volume infused dictated by patients response
saline) 12.5 grams of albumin in 50 mL watch for circulatory overload in patients with cardiac or pulmonary
10% Albumin disease
(salt poor)

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