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Storm Drainage 13-D-1


1.0 Introduction

The capacity and spacing design of storm drainage inlets are presented in detail in this Appendix.

2.0 Design Recurrence Interval and Spread

The hydraulic capacity of a storm drain inlet depends upon its geometry as well as the
characteristics of the gutter flow. Inlet capacity governs both the rate of water removal from the
gutter and the amount of water that can enter the storm drainage system. Inadequate inlet
capacity or poor inlet location may cause flooding on the roadway resulting in a hazard to the
traveling public.

The following table provides guidance of the appropriate design recurrence interval, allowable
spread, and clogging factors based on road classification. These parameters should be used to
design and/or analyze gutter flow and inlet capacity.

Table A - Pavement Drainage Design Parameters

Road Classification Recurrence Spread Clogging

Interval (years) (percent)
On-grade 10 Shoulder + 2 feet 30*
45 miles per

Highways, Local sag point 25 Shoulder + 2 feet 50

Less than

Main line sag 50 Shoulder + 2 feet 50

Collectors point
On-grade 10 Shoulder 30*
45 miles
per hour

Local sag point 25 Shoulder 50

equal to
than or

Main line sag 50 Shoulder 50


Local Streets On-grade 10 1/2 Driving Lane

and or local standard 30*
Frontage Roads Local 1/2 Driving Lane
sag point 25 or local standard 50
Main line 1/2 Driving Lane
sag point 50 or local standard 50
Note: Reference Section 13.3 for definitions of local and main line sag points.
* Always use a clogging factor of 50 percent for slotted drains, trench drains, and scuppers.

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-2 Storm Drainage

Inlets on-grade shall meet the following criteria:

• Inlets on-grade shall be spaced for a 5-minute, 10-year rainfall intensity. Design on-
grade inlets using Method A or Method B.
• The maximum gutter flow width shall be limited to the spread described in Table A.
• The maximum inlet spacing shall be limited to 400 feet.
• Section 5 provides additional design guidelines for inlets on-grade.

Inlets in sags shall meet the following criteria:

• Inlets in a sag shall be designed for a 5-minute, 25-year or 50-year rainfall intensity
(reference Table A). Design inlets in a sag using Method A or Method B.
• The design discharge shall be the 25-year or 50-year bypass flow (reference Table A)
from the first upstream inlet on each side of the sag plus the runoff from any additional
areas draining to the sag.
• One inlet shall be placed at the lowest point in the sag. Flanking inlets shall be included
in sag locations. One flanking inlet shall be placed on each side of the low point inlet.
Additional flanking inlet design guidelines are discussed in Section 6.6.
• Section 6.0 provides additional design guidelines for inlets in sags.

Note: There are two methods for designing stormwater inlets. These methods are discussed in
more detail below. The key difference between the two methods is that Method A assumes a
grate operates in an unclogged condition and no more than 30 percent of the flow would bypass
during the design event identified in Table A. Method B has no established minimum inlet
efficiency, however, the inlet is assumed 30 to 50 percent clogged as noted in Table A.

• The bypass flow for inlets on grade shall be limited to a maximum of 30 percent.
• No clogging factors need be used (assume zero percent clogging).
• Low point inlets shall be designed using the allowable spread width from Table A.

• The bypass flow for on-grade inlets may be maximized to use the entire allowable spread
width from Table A.
• Clogging factors as described in Table A (as a minimum) and Section 4.0 shall be used.

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-3

3.0 Inlet Spacing and Computation Sheets

Inlet spacing design consists of locating the inlet, calculating the peak runoff (hydrology),
determining the spread, and evaluating inlet efficiency. This design process can be viewed as a
circular process that does not have a defined starting point and order of the process can vary as
described in this section.

The design starting point depends on site drainage characteristics. For example, some inlets are
placed to collect runoff at locations with little regard for contributing area such as immediately
up grade from pedestrian cross walks, entrance/exit ramp gores, sags, etc. Based on diagram A-
A, the design process would begin at Locate Inlet, proceed to Calculate Hydrology, leading to
spread calculations and end with calculating inlet efficiency. Additional detail on this design
process is presented in this section.


Calculate Calculate
inlet efficiency hydrology


Diagram A - A

Note: Figure 1 is a computation summary sheet that is recommended to document the analysis
process noted in Diagram A-A.

Inlet spacing design could also begin by the designer assuming a spread width. This is a common
approach to evaluating inlets placed on continuous grades. Based on diagram B-B, the design
process would begin at assume spread, then compute hydrology, inlet efficiency, and end with
calculating inlet spacing.

Note: Figure 2 is a computation summary sheet that is recommended to document the analysis
process noted in Diagram B-B.

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-4 Storm Drainage


Locate inlet Calculate


inlet efficiency

Diagram B - B

Geometric information is needed when designing storm drainage inlets. The type of information
needed for design includes highway longitudinal slope, cross slope, gutter characteristics,
location of crest and sag points, drainage patterns, and delineated drainage areas. This
information can be obtained from highway profiles, typical cross sections, superelevation
diagrams, and surveyed maps with contours.

A number of inlets are required to collect runoff at locations with little regard for contributing
drainage area. Locate and note these inlets on the design plan. After locating these inlets, obtain
and use the roadway geometric information to assure that the design criteria such as minimum
inlet efficiency and maximum gutter flow widths are not exceeded. If the design criteria are not
satisfied, adjustments to the inlet system (e.g. type of inlet, inlet spacing, etc) may be required.
This information should be included on the computation sheet (Figure 1) provided to document
the analysis.

The spacing of inlets on continuous grades is based on the maximum spread allowed per Table
A. Two methods (A or B) are available for designing these types of inlets and are defined in
Section 2. The first inlet and subsequent inlets are placed downstream of the crest point to meet
the requirements of methods A or B. These inlets can be equally spaced when the drainage areas
consists of pavement only, uniform runoff characteristics, and are rectangular in shape. It is also
assumed that the time of concentration would be the same for all inlets.

The following equation can be used to locate the first on-grade inlet and subsequent inlets on
continuous grade:

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-5

L = 43560 E (Equation 1)
CC f iWp
L = distance from the crest in feet
Wp = width of drainage area in feet
C = runoff coefficient
Cf = runoff coefficient adjustment factor to account for reduction of infiltration and
other losses during high intensity storms (See Appendix F, Chapter 7; for 10-
year storm Cf = 1)
i = rainfall intensity in inches per hour
Qt = maximum allowable flow in cubic feet per second (calculated as noted in
Section 13.7 and Chapter 7).
E = This constant is equal to one for the first inlet in all cases and is equal to
capture efficiency (E) for subsequent inlets. The constant E can be assumed
to be equal to 1 for the first inlet because it receives almost no bypass flow
from upslope inlets. To space successive down grade inlets on constant slope,
use the capture efficiency (E).
43,560 = conversion from acres to square feet

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-6 Storm Drainage

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Inlet Design Computation Sheet (Diagram A-A Process)

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Given: Sketch:
Surface Description
Road Classification

Type of Curb and Gutter, see Chapter 8, Curbs and Gutters

Surface Material
Manning's Coefficient, n
Drainage Area Description
Runoff Coefficient, C
Hydrologic Zone (Chapter 7)
Intensity (i) in/hr (Chapter 7)
Cf (Chapter 7, Appendix F)
Type of Inlet (Chapter 13, Appendix C, Table B)
Design Method: Method A … Method B …
Design Criteria:
Method A (reference Section 2)
Minimum Efficiency 70 Percent
Allowable spread (Appendix D, Table A)
shoulder width
distance into outside lane

Figure 1 – Computation Sheet For Inlet Design

spread (T) = Shoulder Width + Distance into outside lane
Percentage Clogged
Method B (reference Section 2)
Allowable spread (Appendix D, Table A)
shoulder width
distance into outside lane
spread (T) = Shoulder Width + Distance into outside lane
Percentage Clogged
Locate Inlet Calculate Hydrology Calculate Spread Calculate Inlet Efficiency
Bypass Flow
Flow from from Total Inlet
Drainage Drainage Drainage Contributing Upstream Total Long. Gutter Gutter Design Inlet Design Inlet Interception Intercepted
Length Width Area Area Inlet Flow Spread Slope Cross Slope Width Flow Length Width Efficiency Flow Bypass Flow Number Station Comments
L Wp A Qr Qb Qt T SL Sx Sw W Qt Li Wi E Qi Qb
(ft) (ft) (ac) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs)
Storm Drainage
ODOT Hydraulics Manual
Inlet Design Computation Sheet (Diagram B-B Process)
Given: Sketch:

Surface Description
Road Classification
Type of Curb and Gutter, see Chapter 8, Curbs and Gutters
Surface Material
Manning's Coefficient, n
Drainage Area Description
Runoff Coefficient, C
Hydrologic Zone (Chapter 7)
Intensity (i) in/hr (Chapter 7)
Cf (Chapter 7, Appendix F)
Type of Inlet (Chapter 13, Appendix C, Table B)
Design Method: Method A … Method B …
Design Criteria:
Method A (reference Section 2)
Minimum Efficiency 70 Percent

Figure 2 – Computation Sheet for Inlet Design

Allowable spread (Appendix D, Table A)
shoulder width
distance into outside lane
spread (T) = Shoulder Width + Distance into outside lane
Percentage Clogged
Method B (reference Section 2)
Allowable spread (Appendix D, Table A)
shoulder width
distance into outside lane
spread (T) = Shoulder Width + Distance into outside lane
Percentage Clogged
Assume Spread Calculate Hydrology Calculate Inlet Efficiency Locate Inlet
Bypass Flow
Total Design Design Flow from from Inlet
Long. Gutter Gutter Inlet Inlet Contributing Upstream Interception Intercepted Drainage Drainage Drainage
Spread Slope Cross Slope Width Flow Length Width Area Inlet Total Flow Efficiency Flow Bypass Flow Length Width Area Number Station Comments
T SL Sx Sw W Qt Li Wi Qr Qb Qt E Qi Qb L Wp A
(ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ac)
Storm Drainage
Storm Drainage 13-D-11

4.0 Clogging Factors

Refer to Table A for on-grade and sag inlet clogging factors. Table A provides guidance on the
clogging factor recommended based on road classification. Then go to the appropriate ODOT inlet
design parameter clogging tables (Table B for 30 percent clogged or Table C for 50 percent
clogged) for grate, curb-opening or slot width and length to be used for designing inlets partially
clogged. Hydraulic capacity curves or data for available grates would have to be obtained from a
manufacturer when evaluating trench drains.

Assume 50 percent clogging for the following inlet types when using inlet design method B due to
the tendency of these inlets to plug:
• Slotted drains
• Trench drains
• Scuppers

Using a 50 percent clogging factor will result in providing twice the calculated required length
than if no clogging factor were used.

Note: Some assumptions must be made regarding the nature of the clogging in order to compute
the capacity of a partially clogged grate. If the area of a grate is 50 percent covered by debris
so that the debris-covered portion does not contribute to interception, the effective perimeter will
be reduced by a lesser amount than 50 percent.

4.1 Grate Clogging Calculation Example

The following example illustrates the application of clogging factors.

4.1.1 Grate configuration assuming 50 percent clogged

Tables B and C in this appendix identify adjusted widths to account for 30 percent and 50
percent clogging as required for Method B. The following is included to illustrate how inlet
dimensions are adjusted to account for clogging. Reference Figure 3 of this Appendix to gain a
conceptual understanding of the clogged inlets.

If a 24-inch by 48-inch grate is located next to a curb at a sag and is assumed to be 50 percent
clogged. The effective width is 12-inches, reduced from 24-inches to 12-inches. Likewise, the
perimeter is reduced from 96-inches to 72-inches (12-inches + 48-inches + 12-inches). The area
of the opening would be reduced by 50 percent and the perimeter by 25 percent. To provide an
equivalent interception capacity of a grate with a perimeter of 96-inches several alternatives may
be available. These alternatives include a grate measuring 48-inches by 48-inches, a grate
measuring 24-inches by 72-inches, or a grate measuring 36-inches by 60-inches would meet
these requirements.

Note: Figure 3 illustrates typical inlet grate areas assumed to be clogged if placed on-grade, sag
with curb or sag with no curb.

ODOT Hydraulics Manual


Figure 3 - Grate Clogging

Storm Drainage 13-D-13

Table B - ODOT Inlet Design Parameters with 30 Percent Clogging

Next Grate, curb- Grate, Grate Clear Opening

to opening or curb- Perimeter Area Ratio
Identification Curb slot opening or
Width slot
(feet) (feet) (feet) (square (percent)
G-1 & CG-1 Y 1.39 2.31 5.10 2.41 75
G-1 N 1.39 2.31 7.41 2.41 75
G-2 & CG-2 Y 1.84 2.26 5.94 2.99 72
G-2 N 1.84 2.26 8.20 2.99 72
G-2M & G-2MA N 1.84 2.26 8.20 3.33 80
CG-3 Y h = 0.36 1.75 N/A 0.63 N/A
Curb Inlet Channel Y h = 0.33 4.20 N/A 1.39 N/A
D N 1.58 h = 1.38 N/A 1.74 80
Type 3 Catch Basin Y 1.89 1.89 5.68 1.43 40
Type 3 Catch Basin N 1.89 1.89 7.57 1.43 40
Area Drainage N 1.65 1.65 5.18 1.45 68
Basin or Field Inlet
Slotted Drain Y/N 0.15 70 percent N/A N/A N/A
of length
shown on
Deck Drain Type A Y 0.86 2.40 4.12 1.16 56

ODOT Hydraulics Manual


Table C - ODOT Inlet Design Parameters with 50 Percent Clogging

Next Grate, Grate, curb- Grate Clear Opening

To curb- opening or slot Perimeter Area Ratio
Identification Curb opening or Length

(feet) (feet) (feet) (square (percent)

G-1 & CG-1 Y 1.13 2.05 4.31 1.74 75
G-1 N 1.13 2.05 6.36 1.74 75
G-2 & CG-2 Y 1.53 1.95 5.00 2.15 72
G-2 N 1.53 1.95 6.96 2.15 72
G-2M & G-2MA N 1.53 1.95 6.96 2.39 80
CG-3 Y h = 0.36 1.25 N/A 0.45 N/A
Curb Inlet Channel Y h = 0.33 3.00 N/A 0.99 N/A
D N 1.12 h = 1.38 N/A 1.24 80
Type 3 Catch Basin Y 1.60 1.60 4.80 1.02 40
Type 3 Catch Basin N 1.60 1.60 6.40 1.02 40
Area Drainage Basin or N 1.39 1.39 4.38 1.03 68
Field Inlet (Round)
Slotted Drain Y/N 0.15 50 percent of N/A N/A N/A
length shown
on plans
Deck Drain Type A Y 0.67 2.21 3.56 0.83 56
Storm Drainage 13-D-15

5.0 Inlets on Grade

Inlet interception capacity (Qi) is the flow intercepted by an inlet under a given set of conditions.
The efficiency (E) of an inlet is the percent of total flow that the inlet will intercept for those
conditions. The efficiency of an inlet is dependent on the cross slope, longitudinal slope, total
gutter flow, and pavement roughness. Efficiency is defined by the following equation:
E = (Equation 2)
E = inlet efficiency
Qt = total gutter flow in cubic feet per second
Qi = intercepted flow in cubic feet per second

Flow that is not intercepted by an inlet is termed carryover or bypass flow and is defined as
Qb = Qt – Qi (Equation 3)
Qb = flow that is not intercepted by the inlet and must be included in the evaluation
of downstream gutters, channels, and inlets

The interception capacity of all inlet configurations increases with increasing flow rates, and
inlet efficiency generally decreases with increasing flow rates. Factors affecting gutter flow also
affect inlet interception capacity. The depth of water next to the curb is the major factor in the
interception capacity of both grate inlets and curb-opening inlets. The interception capacity of a
grate inlet depends on the amount of water flowing over the grate, the size and configuration of
the grate and the velocity of flow in the gutter.

Interception capacity of a curb-opening inlet is largely dependent on flow depth at the curb and
curb-opening length. Flow depth at the curb and consequently, curb-opening inlet interception
capacity and efficiency, is increased by the use of a local gutter depression at the curb-opening or
a continuously depressed gutter to increase the proportion of the total flow adjacent to the curb.

Slotted drain inlets function in essentially the same manner as curb-opening inlets, i.e., as weirs
with flow entering from the side. Interception capacity is dependent on flow depth and inlet
length. Efficiency is dependent on flow depth, inlet length and total gutter flow.

The interception capacity of an equal length combination inlet consisting of a grate placed
alongside a curb-opening on a grade does not differ materially from that of a grate only.
Interception capacity and efficiency are dependent on the same factors which affect grate
capacity and efficiency. A combination inlet consisting of a curb-opening inlet placed upstream
of a grate inlet has a capacity equal to that of the curb-opening length upstream of the grate plus
that of the grate, taking into account the reduced spread and depth of flow over the grate because

ODOT Hydraulics Manual


of the interception by the curb-opening. This inlet configuration has the added advantage of
intercepting debris that might otherwise clog the grate and deflect water away from the inlet.

5.1 Grate Inlets (On-grade)

The capacity of a grate inlet depends upon its geometry, cross slope, longitudinal slope, total
gutter flow, depth of flow and pavement roughness. The depth of water next to the curb is the
major factor in the interception capacity of gutter inlets. At low velocities, all of the water
flowing in the section of gutter occupied by the grate, called frontal flow, is intercepted by grate
inlets, and a small portion of the flow along the length of the grate, termed side flow, is
intercepted. On steep slopes, a portion of the frontal flow may tend to splash over the end of the
grate for some grates. Chart 1 in Appendix H can be utilized to determine splash-over velocities
(Vo) for various grate configurations and the portion of frontal flow intercepted by the grate.

• Standard grate inlets used in ODOT storm drainage systems are noted in Appendix C.
• The parallel bar grates are the most efficient grates on steep slopes but are not bicycle

The ratio of frontal flow to total gutter flow (Eo) for straight cross slope is expressed by the
following equation:
Qw ⎛ W⎞
Eo = = 1 - ⎜1 - ⎟ (Equation 4)
Qt ⎝ T⎠

Qt = total gutter flow in cubic feet per second
Qw = flow in width (W) in cubic feet per second
W = width of depressed gutter or grate in feet
T = total spread of water in the gutter in feet

Chart 2 in Appendix H provides a graphical solution of (Eo) for either straight cross slopes or
depressed gutter sections.

The ratio of side flow (Qs) to total gutter flow is:

Qs 1- Qw
= =1- Eo (Equation 5)
Qt Qt

The ratio of frontal flow intercepted to total frontal flow (Rf) is expressed by the following

Rf = 1 – 0.09 (V – Vo) (Equation 6)

Storm Drainage 13-D-17

V = velocity of flow in the gutter in feet per second
Vo = gutter velocity where splash-over first occurs in feet per second

Note: Rf can not exceed 1.0. If V is less than Vo, Rf =1, meaning that all flow is intercepted. If V
is greater than Vo, Rf is less than 1, meaning that a portion of frontal flow is intercepted.

This ratio is equivalent to frontal flow interception efficiency. Chart 1 in Appendix H provides a
solution of which takes into account grate length, bar configuration and gutter velocity at which
splash-over occurs. The gutter velocity needed to use Chart 1 in Appendix H is total gutter flow
divided by the area of flow.

Note: Chart 3 in Appendix H is a Nomograph to solve for velocity in a triangular gutter section
with known cross slope, slope and spread. Additional nomographs are located in Chapter 8.

The ratio of side flow intercepted to total side flow (Rs) or side flow interception efficiency, is
expressed by:

Rs = (Equation 7)
⎛ 0.15 V1.8 ⎞
1 + ⎜⎜ 2.3 ⎟

⎝ Sx L ⎠
V = velocity of flow in gutter in feet per second
L = length of the grate in feet
Sx = cross slope in foot per foot

Chart 4 in Appendix H provides a solution to Equation 7.

The efficiency (E) of a grate is expressed as:

E = Rf Eo + Rs(1 - Eo) (Equation 8)

The interception capacity (Qi) of a grate inlet on grade is equal to the efficiency of the grate
multiplied by the total gutter flow:

Qi = E Q = Q [ Rf Eo + Rs (1 - Eo) ] (Equation 9)

ODOT Hydraulics Manual


5.1.1 Grate Inlet Capacity (On-grade) Example

The following example illustrates the application of inlet spacing, efficiency and by-pass
equations. Determine maximum allowable flow, interception flow, bypass flow, location of first
inlet, and spacing of subsequent inlets.

Face of curb
T=10.5 feet

d3 d2



W=2.5 feet Ts = 8 feet

• Highway on-grade section (greater than or equal to 45 miles per hour)
• Type “C” curb and gutter (reference Chapter 8)
• n = 0.016 (Manning’s coefficient for asphalt pavement)
• Sx = 0.02 foot per foot (shoulder and roadway cross slope)
• SL = 0.035 foot per foot (roadway longitudinal slope)
• Wp = 46.5 feet (width of contributing drainage area, 2 – 12-foot lanes with
10.5 foot shoulder/gutter, 5 foot sidewalk, 7 foot median)
• W = 2.5 feet (gutter width)
• Sw = 0.05 foot per foot (gutter slope)
• C = 0.90 (rational method runoff coefficient for pavement)
• 10-year design, Hydrologic Zone 8 (IDR curves are located in Chapter 7)
• G-2 inlet with P-1 7/8 – 4 grate (reference Table B, Appendix C)
• Wg = 2.25 feet (grate width for G-2 grate inlet)
• Lg = 2.67 feet (grate length for G-2 grate inlet)
Storm Drainage 13-D-19 Method A

• Allowable spread is 0 feet into the outside lane (reference Table A, Appendix D)
• Therefore; T = allowable spread
= shoulder width + gutter width
= 8 feet + 2.5 feet = 10.5 feet
• E = 0.70 (minimum efficiency for Method A)
• L2 = 400 feet (maximum distance between successive inlets, reference Section 2,
Appendix D)


Step A.1- Solve for (d1, d2, d3):

d1 = flow depth at curb = (T-W) Sx + WSw

d2 = flow depth at break in gutter cross slope = (T-W) Sx (Chapter 8)
d3 = flow depth at edge of inlet = (T-W) Sx + (W-grate width) Sw

d1 = (10.5 – 2.5)(0.02) + (2.5)(0.05) = 0.285 feet

d2 = (10.5 – 2.5)(0.02) = 0.16 feet
d3 = (10.5 – 2.5) (0.02) + (2.5 – 2.25)(0.05) = 0.1725 feet

Step A.2- Solve for (Qt):

Qt = total gutter flow (cubic feet per second)

0.56 S 0.5
L d2
0.56 S 0L.5 (d 12.67 - d 22.67 ) ⎡Chapter 8 or Chart 2 ⎤
Qt = + ⎢ and 5, Appendix H ⎥
n Sx n Sw ⎣ ⎦

0.56 (0.035)0.5 (0.16) 2.67 0.56 (0.035)0.5 (0.2852.67 - 0.162.67 )

Qt = +
(0.016)(0.02) (0.016)(0.05)

Qt = 2.46 + 3.61 = 6.07 cubic feet per second

Step A.3- Solve for (Qw):

Qw = flow in width (W) or frontal flow, equal to the grate width (in cubic
feet per second)
0.56 S 0.5
L (d 1
- d 32.67 )
Qw = (Chapter 8 or Chart 5, in Appendix H)
n Sw

= 0.56(0.035) 0.5 (0.285 2.67 - 0.1725 2.67 )


Qw = 3.39 cubic feet per second

ODOT Hydraulics Manual


Step A.4- Solve for (V):

V = average gutter flow velocity (in feet per second)

Qt 2Q t 2Q t
= 2 =
V = A Ts S x + W S w + 2WTs S x ⎡
d 22 ⎤ (Chapter 8)
⎢ W(d 1 + d 2 ) + ⎥
⎣ Sx ⎦

2 (6.07)
V = = 5.07 feet per second
(8) (0.02) + (2.5) (0.05) +(2)(2.5)(8)(0.02)
2 2

Step A.5- Solve for (Eo):

Eo = the ratio of frontal flow to total gutter flow
Q w 3.39
Eo = = = 0.559 (Equation 4 or Chart 2 in Appendix H)
Q t 6.07

Step A.6- Solve for (Rf):

Rf = the ratio of frontal flow intercepted to total frontal flow
Rf = 1 – 0.09 (V – Vo) (Equation 6 or Chart 1 in Appendix H)
V = average flow velocity in the gutter (in feet per second)
Vo = gutter velocity where splash over first occurs (in feet per second)
V = 5.07 feet per second

G-2 Grate length = 2.67 feet

Grate type = P – 17/8 – 4
Vo = 5.9 feet per second (per Chart 1, Appendix H)

Rf = 1 – 0.09 (5.07 – 5.9)

Rf = 1.08
Rf cannot exceed 1.0, therefore,
Rf = 1.0

Step A.7- Solve for (Rs):

Rs = the ratio of side flow intercepted to total side flow

Rs = 1 (Equation 7 or Chart 4, Appendix H)

⎛ 0.15V ⎞

1+ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ S L2.3 ⎟
⎝ x ⎠
Storm Drainage 13-D-21

Rs =
⎛ 0.15 (5.07)1.8 ⎞
1 + ⎜⎜ ⎟
2.3 ⎟
⎝ (0.02)(2.67) ⎠

Rs = 0.064

Step A.8- Solve for (E):

E = the inlet interception efficiency

E = Rf Eo + Rs (1 - Eo) (Equation 8)

E = (1.0)(0.56) + .064 (1 - 0.56) = 0.59

E is less than 0.70, therefore, more than 30 percent would bypass inlet. A narrower flow width
(T) would be assumed and steps 1 through 8 would be repeated until the minimum efficiency of
0.70 is obtained.

Try T = allowable spread = 8.5 feet

Face of curb
T = 8.5 feet

d3 d2




W = 2.5 feet Ts = 6 feet

Step A1.2- Solve for (d1, d2, d3):

d1 = flow depth at curb = (T-W) Sx + WSw
d2 = flow depth at break in gutter cross slope = (T-W) Sx (Chapter 8)
d3 = flow depth at edge of inlet = (T-W) Sx + (W-grate width) Sw

d1 = (8.5 – 2.5)(0.02) + (2.5)(0.05) = 0.245 feet

d2 = (8.5 – 2.5)(0.02) = 0.12 feet
d3 = (8.5 – 2.5) (0.02) + (2.5 – 2.25)(0.05) = 0.13 feet

ODOT Hydraulics Manual


Step A2.2- Solve for (Qt):

Qt = total gutter flow (cubic feet per second)
⎡Chapter 8 or Chart 2 ⎤
Qt = 0.56 S0.5
L d2
0.56 S0L.5 (d12.67 - d 22.67 ) ⎢ and 5, Appendix H ⎥
+ ⎣ ⎦
n Sx n Sw
0.56 (0.035) 0.5 (0.12) 2.67 0.56 (0.035) 0.5 (0.2452.67 - 0.12 2.67 )
Qt = +
(0.016)(0.02) (0.016)(0.05)

Qt = 1.14 + 2.61 = 3.75 cubic feet per second

Step A3.2- Solve for (Qw):

Qw = flow in width (W) or frontal flow, equal to the grate width (in cubic
feet per second)
0.56 S0.5
L (d1
- d 32.67 )
Qw = (Chapter 8 or Chart 5, Appendix H)
n Sw

0.56(.035)0.5 (0.2452.67 - 0.132.67 )


Qw = 2.50 cubic feet per second

Step A4.2- Solve for (V):

V = average gutter flow velocity (in feet per second)
Qt 2Q t 2Q t
V = = 2 = (Chapter 8)
A Ts S x + W S w + 2WTs S x ⎡
d 22 ⎤
⎢ W(d 1 + d 2 ) + ⎥
⎣ Sx ⎦

2 (3.75)
V = = 4.60 feet per second
(6) (0.02) + (2.5) (0.05) + (2)(2.5)(6)(0.02)
2 2

Step A5.2- Solve for (Eo):

Eo = the ratio of frontal flow to total gutter flow
Q w 2.50
Eo = = = 0.67 (Equation 4 or Chart 2, Appendix H)
Q t 3.75

Step A6.2- Solve for (Rf):

Rf = the ratio of frontal flow intercepted to total frontal flow

Rf = 1 – 0.09 (V – Vo) (Equation 6 or Chart 1, Appendix H)

Storm Drainage 13-D-23

V = average flow velocity in the gutter (in feet per second)
Vo = gutter velocity where splash over first occurs (in feet per second)
V = 4.60 feet per second

G-2 Grate length = 2.67 feet

Grate type = P – 17/8 – 4
Vo = 5.9 feet per second (per Chart 1, Appendix H)

Rf = 1 – .09 (4.60 – 5.9)

Rf = 1.12
Rf can not exceed 1.0, therefore,
Rf = 1.0

Step A7.2- Solve for (Rs):

Rs = the ratio of side flow intercepted to total side flow
Rs = (Equation 7 or Chart 4, Appendix H)
⎛ 0.15V ⎞

1+ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ S L2.3 ⎟
⎝ x ⎠

⎛ 0.15 (4.60)1.8 ⎞
1 + ⎜⎜ ⎟
2.3 ⎟
⎝ (0.02)(2.67) ⎠
Rs = 0.076

Step A8.2- Solve for (E):

E = the inlet interception efficiency
E = Rf Eo + Rs (1 – Eo) (Equation 8)
E = (1.0)(0.67) + (0.076) (1 - 0.67)
E = 0.70 Okay

Step A9.2- Solve for (L1):

L1 = first inlet from the crest

43,560 Q t
L1 = E (Equation 1)
C C f i Wp

ODOT Hydraulics Manual


i = 2.28 inches per hour (Assume 5 minute tc using a 10-year storm

design, Hydrologic Zone 8, use IDR curve in Chapter 7)
C = 0.90
Cf = 1.0 (per Appendix F, Chapter 7)
Wp = 24 feet (2 – 12 foot lanes) + 8 foot shoulder + 2.5 gutter + 5 foot
sidewalk + 7 foot median = 46.5 feet (width of contributing drainage
E = 1.0

L1 = 43560 (3.75)
(1.0) = 1,711 feet

Step A10.2- Solve for (L2):

L2 = distance to successive inlets
43,560 Q i
L2 = (Equation 1)
C Cf i Wp
Qi = intercepted flow (in cubic feet per second)
Qi = EQt = (0.70) (3.75) = 2.63 cubic feet per second
43,560 (2.63)
L2 = = 1,200 feet

Maximum L2 = 400 feet (per Appendix D)

Therefore, L1 = 1,711 feet and L2 = 400 feet Method B

• Assume T = allowable spread

= shoulder width + gutter width
= 8 + 2.5 = 10.5 feet (per Table A for highway on-grade section; greater
than or equal to 45 miles per hour)
• Assume 30 percent clogged (per Table A).
• Lg = 2.26 feet (grate length for G-2 grate inlet, 30 percent clogged, Table B)
• Wg = 1.84 feet (grate width for G-2 grate inlet, 30 percent clogged, Table B)
• L2 = 400 feet, maximum distance to successive inlets (reference Appendix D)


Step B.1- Solve for (d1, d2, d3):

d1 = flow depth at curb = (T-W)Sx + WSw (Chapter 8)
d2 = flow depth at break in gutter cross-slope = (T-W)Sx
d3 = flow depth at edge of inlet = (T-W)Sx + (W – grate width)Sw
Storm Drainage 13-D-25

d1 = (10.5 – 2.5)(0.02) + (2.5)(.05) = 0.285 feet

d2 = (10.5 – 2.5)(0.02) = 0.16 feet
d3 = (10.5 -2.5)(0.02) + (2.5 – 1.84)(.05) = 0.193 feet

Step B.2- Solve for (Qt):

Qt = total gutter flow (cubic feet per second)

0.56 S 0.5
L d2
0.56 S 0L.5 (d 12.67 - d 2.67 ) ⎡Chapter 8 or Charts 2 ⎤
Qt = + 2
⎢ and 5, Appendix H ⎥
n Sx n Sw ⎣ ⎦

0.56 (0.035).5 (0.16) 2.67 0.56 (0.035).5 (0.285 2.67 − 0.16 2.67 )
Qt = +
(0.016)(0.02) (0.016)(0.05)

Qt = 2.46 + 3.61 = 6.07 cubic feet per second

Step B.3- Solve for (Qw):

Qw = flow in width (W) or frontal flow, equal to the clogged grate width (in
cubic feet per second)

0.56 S 0.5
L (d 1
- d 32.67 )
Qw = (Chapter 8 or Chart 5, Appendix H)
n Sw

0.56(0.035) 0.5 (0.285 2.67 - 0 .193 2.67 )

Qw = = 2.97 cubic feet per second

Step B.4- Solve for (V):

V = average gutter flow velocity (in feet per second)

Qt 2 Qt 2 Qt
V = = 2 = (Chapter 8)
A Ts S x + W 2 S w + 2WTs S x ⎡ d 22 ⎤
⎢ W(d 1 + d 2 ) + ⎥
⎣ Sx ⎦
2 (6.07)
V = = 5.07 feet per second
(8) (0.02) + (2.5) (0.05) + 2(2.5)(8)(0.02)
2 2

Step B.5- Solve for (Eo):

Eo = the ratio of frontal flow to total gutter flow

Q w 2.97
Eo = = = 0.489 (Equation 4 or Chart 2, Appendix H)
Q t 6.07

ODOT Hydraulics Manual


Step B.6- Solve for (Rf):

Rf = the ratio of frontal flow intercepted to total frontal flow

Rf = 1 – 0.09 (V – Vo) (Equation 6 or Chart 1, Appendix H)

V = average flow velocity in the gutter (in feet per second)

Vo = gutter velocity where splash over first occurs (in feet per second)

V = 5.07 feet per second

Vo = 5.1 feet per second (per Chart 1, Appendix H, using 30 percent
clogged grate length equal to 2.26 feet)

Rf = 1 – 0.09 (V – Vo)
Rf = 1 – 0.09 (5.07 – 5.1)
Rf = 1.0027

Rf can not exceed 1.0, therefore,

Rf = 1.0

Step B.7- Solve for (Rs):

Rs = the ratio of side flow intercepted to total side flow
Rs = (Equation 7 or Chart 4, Appendix H)
⎛ 0.15 V 1.8 ⎞
1 + ⎜⎜ 2.3
⎝ Sx L ⎠
L = 2.26 feet (30 percent clogged grate length)
Rs =
⎛ 0.15 (5.07)1.8 ⎞
1 + ⎜⎜ ⎟
2.3 ⎟
⎝ (0.02)(2.26) ⎠

Rs = 0.045

Step B.8- Solve for (E):

E = the inlet interception efficiency
E = Rf Eo + Rs (1 – Eo) (Equation 8)
E = (1.0)(0.489) + 0.045 (1 - 0.489)
E = 0.51
Okay (70 percent minimum efficiency criteria does not apply to Method B)
Storm Drainage 13-D-27

Step B.9- Solve for (L1):

L1 = first inlet from the crest
43560 Q t
L1 = E (Equation 1)
C C f i Wp
i = 2.28 inches per hour (Assume 5-minute tc using a 10-year storm
design, Hydrologic Zone 8; use IDR curve in Chapter 7)
C = 0.90
Cf = 1.0 (per Appendix F, Chapter 7)
Wp = 24 feet (2 – 12-foot lanes) + 10.5-foot shoulder/gutter + 5-foot
sidewalk + 7-foot median = 46.5 feet
E = 1.0
43,560 (6.07)
L1 = (1) = 2,771 feet

Step B.10- Solve for (L2):

L2 = distance to successive inlets
43,560 Q i
L2 = C C f i Wp (Equation 1)

Qi = intercepted flow (in cubic feet per second)

Qi = E Qt = (0.51)(6.07) = 3.10 cubic feet per second

L2 = 43,560 (3.10)
= 1,415 feet
L2 = 400 feet, maximum distance to successive inlets (per Appendix D)

Therefore, L1 = 2771 feet and L2 = 400 feet

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-28 Storm Drainage

Inlet Design Computation Sheet (Diagram B-B Process)

Given: Sketch:
Surface Description
Road Classification Highway on-grade section (greater than or equal to 45 miles per hour)
Type of Curb and Gutter, see Chapter 8, Curbs and Gutters C
Surface Material asphalt pavement
Manning's Coefficient, n 0.016 Wp
Drainage Area Description
Runoff Coefficient, C 0.9
Hydrologic Zone (Chapter 7) 8 Qr1 = CiA1 Profile:
Intensity (i) in/hr (Chapter 7) 2.28 in/hr, 5-minute Tc, 10-year design storm Section A-A
Cf (Chapter 7, Appendix F) 1
Type of Inlet (Chapter 13, Appendix C, Table B) G-2 Inlet with P-1 7/8 - 4 grate Inlet
Design Method: Method A ; Method B … B B
Design Criteria: L11 SL
Method A (reference Section 2)
Minimum Efficiency 70 Percent A
Allowable spread (Appendix D, Table A) shoulder + gutter T
shoulder width 8.00 feet
distance into outside lane 0, but 2.5-foot gutter Profile:
Qt1 = Qr1 Cross Slope
spread (T) = Shoulder Width + Distance into outside lane 10.5 feet L
Section B-B
Percentage Clogged 0%
Qb T
Method B (reference Section 2)
Allowable spread (Appendix D, Table A) A W Ts
shoulder width SX
distance into outside lane Qr2 = CiA2 QS
spread (T) = Shoulder Width + Distance into outside lane SW
Percentage Clogged

Qt2 = Qb + Qr2

Assume Spread Calculate Hydrology Calculate Inlet Efficiency Locate Inlet

Bypass Flow
Total Design Design from Inlet
Long. Gutter Gutter Inlet Inlet Flow from Upstream Total Interception Intercepted Drainage Drainage Drainage
Spread Slope Cross Slope Width Flow Length Width Contributing Area Inlet Flow Efficiency Flow Bypass Flow Length Width Area Number Station Comments

T SL Sx Sw W Qt Li Wi Qr Qb Qt E Qi Qb L Wp A
(ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ac)
34+00 High point

Because E is less than 70 percent, more

10.50 0.035 0.02 0.05 2.50 6.07 2.67 2.25 6.07 0.00 6.07 0.59 flow would bypass than allowed, reduce
flow width and try again
8.50 0.035 0.02 0.05 2.50 3.75 2.67 2.25 3.75 0.00 3.75 0.70 2.63 1.12 1,711 46.50 1.83 2 16+89 First inlet from crest
8.50 0.035 0.02 0.05 2.50 3.75 2.67 2.25 2.63 1.12 3.75 0.70 2.63 1.12 1,200 46.50 1.28 1 12+89 This is the maximum distance (1,200
feet) allowed between catchbasins with
bypass flows based on hydraulic
conditions only; however, due to
maintenance requirements, the
maximum distance between catchbasins
is 400 feet.

Figure 4a – Example Problem 5.1.1 (Diagram B-B, Method A)

Storm Drainage 13-D-29

Inlet Design Computation Sheet (Diagram B-B Process)

Given: Sketch:
Surface Description
Road Classification Highway on-grade section (greater than or equal to 45 miles per hour)
Type of Curb and Gutter, see Chapter 8, Curbs and Gutters C
Surface Material asphalt pavement
Manning's Coefficient, n 0.016 Wp
Drainage Area Description
Runoff Coefficient, C 0.9
Hydrologic Zone (Chapter 7) 8 Qr1 = CiA1 Profile:
Intensity (i) in/hr (Chapter 7) 2.28 in/hr, 5-minute Tc, 10-year design storm Section A-A
Cf (Chapter 7, Appendix F) 1
Type of Inlet (Chapter 13, Appendix C, Table B) G-2 Inlet with P-1 7/8 - 4 grate Inlet
Design Method: Method A … Method B ; B B
Design Criteria: L11 SL
Method A (reference Section 2)
Minimum Efficiency 70 Percent A
Allowable spread (Appendix D, Table A) T
shoulder width
distance into outside lane Profile:
Qt1 = Qr1 Cross Slope
spread (T) = Shoulder Width + Distance into outside lane L
Section B-B
Percentage Clogged
Qb T
Method B (reference Section 2)
Allowable spread (Appendix D, Table A) shoulder + gutter + 0 feet into lane A W Ts
shoulder width 8.00 feet SX
distance into outside lane 0.00, but 2.5-foot gutter Qr2 = CiA2 QS
spread (T) = Shoulder Width + Distance into outside lane 10.5 feet SW
Percentage Clogged 30%

Qt2 = Qb + Qr2

Assume Spread Calculate Hydrology Calculate Inlet Efficiency Locate Inlet

Bypass Flow
Total Design Design from Inlet
Long. Gutter Gutter Inlet Inlet Flow from Upstream Total Interception Intercepted Drainage Drainage Drainage
Spread Slope Cross Slope Width Flow Length Width Contributing Area Inlet Flow Efficiency Flow Bypass Flow Length Width Area Number Station Comments

T SL Sx Sw W Qt Li Wi Qr Qb Qt E Qi Qb L Wp A
(ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ac)
34+00 High point
10.50 0.035 0.02 0.05 2.50 6.07 2.26 1.84 6.07 0.00 6.07 0.51 3.10 2.97 2,771 46.50 2.96 2 6+29 First inlet from crest
10.50 0.035 0.02 0.05 2.50 6.07 2.26 1.84 3.10 2.97 6.07 0.51 3.10 2.97 1,415 46.50 1.51 1 2+29 This is the maximum distance (1,415 feet)
allowed between catchbasins with bypass flows
based on hydraulic conditions only; however, due
to maintenance requirements, the maximum
distance between catchbasins is 400 feet.

Figure 4b – Example Problem 5.1.1 (Diagram B-B, Method B)

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-30 Storm Drainage

5.2 Curb-Opening Inlets (On-grade)

Curb-opening inlets are effective in the drainage of highway pavements where flow depth at the
curb is sufficient for the inlet to perform efficiently. Curb-openings are relatively free of
clogging tendencies and offer little interference to traffic operation. They are a viable alternative
to grates in many locations where grates would be in traffic lanes or would be hazardous for
pedestrians or bicyclists.

• Standard curb-opening inlets used in ODOT storm drainage systems are noted in
Appendix C.
• Curb-opening inlets lose capacity rapidly with an increase in longitudinal grade.

The length of curb-opening inlet required for total interception of gutter flow on a pavement
section with a straight cross slope is expressed by:
0. 6
⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0.6 Q 0.42
t S 0.3
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (Equation 10)
⎝ n Sx ⎠
LT = curb-opening length required to intercept 100 percent of the gutter flow in feet
Sx = cross slope in foot per foot
n = Manning’s coefficient
Qt = total gutter flow in cubic feet per second
SL = longitudinal slope in foot per foot

The efficiency of curb-opening inlets shorter than the length required for total interception is
expressed by:
⎛ L ⎞
E = 1 - ⎜⎜1 - ⎟⎟ (Equation 11)
⎝ LT ⎠

L = curb-opening length in feet

Chart 6 in Appendix H is a nomograph for the solution of Equation 10, and Chart 7 (Appendix
H) provides a solution of Equation 11.

The length of inlet required for total interception by depressed curb-opening inlets or curb-
openings in depressed gutter sections can be found by the use of an equivalent cross slope (Se) in
Equation 12.

Se = Sx + S'wEo (Equation 12)

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-31

S'w = cross slope of the gutter measured from the cross slope of the pavement
= a/W in foot per foot
a = gutter depression in feet
W = width of the depressed gutter section (W = 2 feet for CG-3 inlets) in feet
Eo = ratio of flow in the depressed section to total gutter flow. It is determined by
the gutter configuration upstream of the inlet.
Sx = roadway cross slope in foot per foot

Note: Se can be used to calculate the length of curb-opening by substituting Se for Sx in Equation

5.2.1 Curb-Opening Inlet (On-grade) Example

The following example illustrates the application of the inlet interception equation. Determine location of first inlet and spacing of subsequent inlets

Wd =2.0 feet

Face of Face of
curb curb
Sx Pavement .02 ft/f Pavement
S x= 0

Depressed gutter Note: Section B-B

section at inlet only typical for upstream
a = 2 inches
& downstream section
from inlet.
e et
e et h=
.5 f

d =2
fe e



ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-32 Storm Drainage

• Highway on-grade section (less than 45 miles per hour)
• Type “A” curb and gutter (reference Chapter 8)
• n = 0.016 (Manning’s coefficient for asphalt pavement)
• Sx = 0.02 foot per foot (roadway cross slope)
• SL = 0.0025 foot per foot (roadway longitudinal slope)
• Wp = 31 feet (width of contributing drainage area, 2 – 12-foot lanes with 7-foot
• CG-3 inlet (reference Table B, Appendix C)
• h = 0.36 feet (curb opening height for CG-3 inlet, see sketch above)
• L = 2.5 feet (curb opening length for CG-3 inlet, see sketch above)
• a = 2 inches (inlet depression, see sketch above)
• Wd = 2 feet (width of depressed gutter section)
• C = 0.90 (rational method runoff coefficient for pavement)
• 10-year design, Salem area (IDR curves are located in Chapter 7)

• Allowable spread is 2 feet into the outside lane (per Table A for highway on-grade
section; less than 45 miles per hour)
• Therefore; T = allowable spread = shoulder width + 2 feet
= 7 feet + 2 feet = 9 feet
• E = 0.70 (minimum efficiency for Method A)
• L2 = 400 feet (maximum distance between successive inlets, reference Section 2,
Appendix D) Method A


Step A.1- Solve for (Qt):

Qt = total gutter flow (cubic feet per second). The approach gutter section to
the inlet is used to calculate the total flow

Qt = (S x )1.67 (S L ) 0.5 (T) 2.67 (Chapter 8 or Chart 5, Appendix H)

Qt = (0.02) 1.67 (0.0025) 0.5 (9) 2.67
Qt = 0.90 cubic feet per second

Step A.2- Solve for (Eo):

Eo = ratio of flow in the depressed section to total gutter flow
2.67 2.67
⎛ W ⎞ ⎛ 2⎞ ⎡Equation 4 or Chart 2,⎤
Eo = 1 - ⎜1 - d ⎟ = 1 - ⎜1 - ⎟ = 0.489 ⎢
⎝ T ⎠ ⎝ 9⎠ ⎣ Appendix H ⎥⎦

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-33

Step A.3- Solve for (Se):

Se = equivalent cross-slope (foot per foot)

S 'w = a (cross slope of the depressed gutter measured from the cross
Wd slope of the pavement, Sx)

a = 2 inches for CG-3 inlets (gutter depression)

Wd = 2 feet for CG-3 inlets (width of the depressed gutter section)
⎛ 2 in ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 12 in/ft ⎠
S'w = = 0.0833 foot per foot
2 ft
Se = Sx + S'WEo (Equation 12)
Se = 0.02 + (0.0833)(0.489) = 0.0607

Step A.4- Solve for (LT):

LT = curb-opening length required to intercept 100 percent of the gutter
0 .6
0.42 0.3 . ⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0.6 Q S L ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (Se is substituted for Sx in Equation 10)
⎝ n Se ⎠
⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0.6 (0.90) 0.42
(0.0025) 0.3
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = 6.11 feet
⎝ (0.016)(0.0607) ⎠
Step A.5- Solve for (E):
E = the curb-opening interception efficiency
⎛ L ⎞
E = 1 - ⎜⎜1 - ⎟⎟ (Equation 11 or Chart 7, Appendix H)
⎝ LT ⎠
L = 2.5 feet (curb-opening length)
⎛ 2.5 ⎞
E = 1 - ⎜1 - ⎟
⎝ 6.11 ⎠
E = 0.612

The curb-opening interception efficiency (E) is less than 0.70 therefore, more than 30 percent
would bypass the inlet. A narrower flow width (T) would be assumed and steps 1 through 5
would be repeated until the minimum efficiency of 0.70 is obtained.

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-34 Storm Drainage

Try T = allowable spread = 8 feet

Step A1.2- Solve for (Qt):

Qt = total flow in shoulder and gutter (cubic feet per second)
Qt = (S x )1.67 (S L ) 0.5 (T) 2.67 (Chapter 8 or Chart 5, Appendix H)
Qt = (0.02)1.67 (0.0025) 0.5 (8) 2.67
Qt = 0.66 cubic feet per second

Step A2.2- Solve for (Eo):

⎛ W ⎞
Eo = 1 - ⎜1 - d ⎟ (Equation 4 or Chart 2, Appendix H)
⎝ T ⎠
Eo = 1 - ⎛⎜1 - 2 ⎞⎟ = 0.536
⎝ 8⎠
Step A3.2- Solve for (Se):
Se = Sx + S'WEo (Equation 12)

Se = 0.02 + (0.0833)(0.536) = 0.0646

Step A4.2- Solve for (LT):

⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0.6 Q 0.42
S 0.3
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (Se is substituted for Sx in Equation 10)
⎝ n Se ⎠
⎡ 1 ⎤
LT = 0.6 (.66) 0.42
(0.0025) 0..3
⎢ (.016) (.0646) ⎥ = 5.17 feet
⎣ ⎦

Step A5.2- Solve for (E):

⎛ L ⎞
E = 1 - ⎜⎜1 - ⎟⎟ (Equation 11 or Chart 7, Appendix H)
⎝ LT ⎠
1. 8
⎛ 2.5 ⎞
E = 1 - ⎜1 - ⎟ = 0.70 Okay
⎝ 5.16 ⎠

Step A6.2- Solve for (L1):

L1 = first inlet from the crest

43,560 Q t
L1 = E (Equation 1)
C Cf i Wp

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-35

i = 2.10 inches per hour (Salem area, assume 5 minute tc using a 10-year
storm design)
C = 0.90
Cf = 1.0 (per Appendix F, Chapter 7)
Wp = 24 feet (2 – twelve foot lanes) + 7 foot shoulder = 31 feet
E = 1.0
43,560 (0.66)
L1 = (1) = 490 feet

Step A7.2- Solve for (L2):

L2 = distance to successive inlets
43,560 Qi
(1) L2 = (Equation 1)
C Cf i Wp

43,560 Q t
(2) L1 = (Equation 1)
C C f i Wp

(3) Qi = EQt (Equation 9)

Substituting Qi = EQt into Equation 1 and equating Equations 1 and 2 simplifies

L2 = (E) (L1)
L2 = (0.70)(490) = 343 feet
Therefore L1 = 490 feet and L2 = 343 feet Method B

• Allowable spread is 2 feet into the outside lane (per Table A for highway on-grade
section; less than 45 miles per hour)
• T = shoulder width + 2 feet
= 7 feet + 2 feet
= 9 feet (total allowable spread, per Table A)
• Assume 30 percent clogged (per Table A)
• Curb-opening inlet 30 percent clogged:
• h = 0.36 feet (curb opening height for CG-3 inlet, 30 percent clogged per Table B)
• L = 1.75 feet (curb opening length for CG-3 inlet, 30 percent clogged per Table B)
• L2 = 400 feet (maximum distance between successive inlets, reference Section 2,
Appendix D)

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-36 Storm Drainage

Step B.1- Solve for (Qt):

Qt = (S x )1.67 (S L ) 0.5 (T) 2.67 (Chapter 8 or Chart 5, Appendix H)
Qt = (0.02)1.67 (0.0025) 0.5 (9) 2.67
Qt = 0.90 cubic feet per second

Step B.2- Solve for (Eo):

2.67 2.67
⎛ W ⎞ ⎛ 2⎞ ⎡Equation 4 or Chart 2,⎤
Eo = 1 - ⎜1 - d ⎟ = 1 - ⎜1 - ⎟ = 0.489 ⎢
⎝ T ⎠ ⎝ 9⎠ ⎣ Appendix H ⎥⎦

Step B.3- Solve for (Se):

S'w =
a = 2 inches for CG-3 inlets (gutter depression)
Wd = 2 feet for CG-3 inlets (width of the depressed gutter section)
⎛ 2 in ⎞
⎜ ⎟
S'w = ⎝ 12 in/ft ⎠ = 0.0833 foot per foot
2 ft
Se = Sx + S'WEo (Equation 12)
Se = 0.02 + (0.0833)(0.488) = 0.0607

Step B.4- Solve for (LT):

⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0.6 Q 0.42
S 0.3
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (Se is substituted for Sx in Equation 10)
⎝ n Se ⎠
⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0.6 (0.90) 0.42
(0.0025) 0.3
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ (0.016) (0.0607) ⎠
LT = 6.11 feet

Step B.5- Solve for (E):

⎛ L ⎞
E = 1 - ⎜⎜1 - ⎟⎟ (Equation 11 or Chart 7, Appendix H)
⎝ LT ⎠
L = 1.75 feet (30 percent clogged curb-opening length)

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-37

⎛ 1.75 ⎞
E = 1 - ⎜1 - ⎟
⎝ 6.11 ⎠
E = 0.456
Okay (70 percent minimum efficiency criteria does not apply to method B)

Step B.6- Solve for (L1):

L1 = first inlet from the crest

43,560 Q t
L1 = E (Equation 1)
C C f i Wp

i = 2.10 inches per hour (10-year precipitation intensity for Salem area)
C = 0.90
Cf = 1.0 (per Appendix F, Chapter 7)
Wp = 24 feet (2 – 12-foot lanes) + 7-foot shoulder = 31 feet
E = 1.0

43,560 (0.90)
L1 = (1) = 669 feet
Step B.7- Solve for (L2):
L2 = distance to successive inlets
L2 = (E) (L1) = (0.456) (669 feet) = 304 feet

5.3 Slotted Inlets (On-grade)

Slotted inlets are effective pavement drainage inlets which have a variety of applications. They
can be used on curbed or uncurbed sections and offer little interference to traffic operations.
They can be placed longitudinally in the gutter or transversely to the gutter. Slotted inlets should
be connected into inlet structures or provide clean-out ports on both ends for maintenance access
in case of plugging or freezing.

The minimum cleanout velocity of 3 feet per second should be provided for slotted drain systems. A
minimum slope of 0.89 percent for an 18-inch corrugated pipe and 1.5 percent slope for a 12-inch
diameter corrugated pipe would provide the desired velocity of 3 feet per second. The designer
should assume 50 percent clogging when using inlet design method B, which will result in twice the
calculated required length for flow interception because slotted inlets tend to plug.

Note: Standard slotted inlet used in ODOT Storm drain systems is noted in Appendix C

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-38 Storm Drainage

5.3.1 Longitudinal Placement

Flow interception by slotted inlets and curb-opening inlets is similar in that each is a side weir
and the flow is subjected to lateral acceleration due to the cross slope of the pavement. Slotted
inlets may have economic advantages in some cases and could be very useful on widening and
safety projects where right of way is narrow and existing inlet capacity must be supplemented. It
is much less expensive to add length to an existing slotted inlet to increase interception capacity
than it is to add length to an existing curb-opening inlet. In some cases curbs could be
eliminated as a result of utilizing slotted inlets.

The Federal Highway Administration has performed tests of slotted inlets with 1.75 inch slot
widths and these tests have determined that the length of slotted inlet required for total
interception can be computed by Equation 10. Therefore, Chart 6 should be used to evaluate
slotted inlets. Equation 11 is also applicable to slotted inlets and Chart 7 can be used to obtain
the inlet efficiency for the selected length of slotted inlet.

Note: The determination of total interception and efficiencies are the same for slotted and curb-
opening inlets. Therefore, the equations and figures used for the design of curb-opening inlets
should be used in the design of slotted inlets. When using Equation 10 for slot inlet design, it
should only be used with a slot width of 1.75 inches.

5.3.2 Slotted Inlet (On-grade) Example

The following example illustrates the application of the inlet efficiency equations for slotted
inlets. Determine the inlet interception efficiency (E), the intercepted flow (Qi), and bypass
flow (Qb) for the following conditions:

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-39


Face of Curb

d Pavement
.0 2 ft/ft
S x= 0




Slot Inlet

L Grate Inlet
(ignored throughout this
example. Emphasis is on
analyzing a slotted
inlet. Inlet is needed at
downsteam end of slotted
inlet to function as a
junction and cleanout)

• Collector road, on-grade section, less than 45 miles per hour
• Type "C" curb and gutter
• Longitudinal placement of a slotted inlet adjacent to curb.
• L = 10 feet (slotted inlet length)
• SL = 0.01 foot per foot (roadway longitudinal slope)
• Sx = 0.02 foot per foot (roadway cross slope)
• n = 0.016 (Manning’s coefficient for asphalt pavement)
• 10-year design storm, Hydraulic Zone 8 (IDR curves located in Chapter 7)
• Wp = 31 feet (width of contributing area, 2 – 11.5 foot lanes with 8-foot shoulder)
• L2 = 400 feet (distance to upstream catch basin)
• i = 2.28 inches per hour (Salem area, assume 5 minute time of concentration,
using a 10-year storm)

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-40 Storm Drainage Method A

• Bypass flow is limited to a maximum of 30 percent
• Assume no clogging, therefore L = 10 feet (slotted inlet length)
• T = shoulder width + 2 feet
= 8 feet + 2 feet
= 10 feet (total allowable spread per Table A)
• E = 0.70 (minimum efficiency for Method A)


Step A.1- Solve for (Q10):

Q10 = flowrate to slotted inlet in cubic feet per second
Q = CiA (Chapter 7)
A = (400)(31) = 12,400 square feet = 0.28 acres
Q = (0.90)(2.28)(0.28) = 0.57 cubic feet per second

Step A.2- Solve for (T):

T = total spread at the slotted inlet (Chapter 8)
⎛ Q10 n ⎞
T = ⎜⎜ 0.5

1.67 ⎟
⎝ 0.56(SL ) (SX ) ⎠

⎛ (0.57)(0.016) ⎞
T = ⎜⎜ 0.5

1.67 ⎟
= 5.9 feet
⎝ 0.56(0.01) (0.02) ⎠

Spread at the slotted inlet = 5.9 feet

Allowable spread = 10 feet.
Placing this slotted inlet 400 feet downstream is acceptable because maximum
spread (5.9 feet) is less then the allowable spread (10 feet).

Step A.3- Solve for (LT):

LT = length of opening to intercept 100 percent of the gutter flow in feet
⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0.6Q10
0.3 0
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (Equation 10)
⎝ nS x ⎠

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-41

⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0.6(0.57) 0.42
(0.01) 0.30
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ (0.016)(0.02) ⎠
LT = 14.9 feet

Step A.4- Solve for (E):

E = inlet interception efficiency
⎛ L ⎞
E = 1 − ⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎟ (Equation 11)
⎝ LT ⎠
⎛ 10 ⎞
E = 1 − ⎜1 − ⎟ = 0.86
⎝ 14.9 ⎠
E = 86 percent
Okay, 70 percent minimum efficiency criteria is satisfied.

Step A.5 Solve for (Qi):

Qi = intercepted flow
Qi = EQ (Equation 9)
= (0.86)(0.57) = 0.49 cubic feet per second

Step A.6 Solve for (Qb):

Qb = flow that is not intercepted by the slotted inlet and must be included in
the evaluation of downstream gutter and inlet
Qb = Q - Qi (Equation 3)
Qb = 0.57 – 0.49 = 0.08 cubic feet per second Method B

• Assume 50 percent clogging per Table A, therefore L = 10(0.50) = 5 feet
• T = shoulder width + 2 feet
= 8 feet + 2 feet
= 10 feet (total allowable spread per Table A)

Step B.1- Solve for (Q10):

Q10 = flowrate to slotted inlet in cubic feet per second
Q = CiA (Chapter 7)
A = (400)(31) = 12,400 square feet = 0.28 acres
Q = (0.90)(2.28)(0.28) = 0.57 cubic feet per second

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-42 Storm Drainage

Step B.2- Solve for (T):

T = total spread at the slotted inlet (Chapter 8)
⎛ Q10 n ⎞
T = ⎜⎜ 0.5 1.67
⎝ 0.56(S L ) (S X ) ⎠
⎛ (0.57)(0.016) ⎞
T = ⎜⎜ 0.5 1.67
⎟⎟ = 5.9 feet
⎝ 0.56(0.01) (0.02) ⎠
Spread at the slotted inlet = 5.9 feet
Allowable spread = 10 feet.
Placing this slotted inlet 400 feet downstream is acceptable because maximum
spread is (5.9 feet) less than allowable spread (10 feet).

Step B.3- Solve for (LT):

LT = length of opening to intercept 100 percent of the gutter flow in feet
⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0.6Q10
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (Equation 10)
⎝ nS x ⎠
⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0.6(0.57) 0.42
(0.01) 0.30
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ (0.016)(0.02) ⎠
LT = 14.9 feet

Step B.4- Solve for (E):

E = inlet interception efficiency
L = 5 feet (50 percent clogged slotted inlet length)
⎛ L ⎞
E = 1 − ⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎟ (Equation 11)
⎝ LT ⎠
⎛ 5 ⎞
E = 1 − ⎜1 − ⎟ = 0.52
⎝ 14.9 ⎠

E = 52 percent
Okay, 70 percent minimum efficiency criteria does not apply to Method B

Step B.5 Solve for (Qi):

Qi = intercepted flow
Qi = EQ (Equation 9)
= (0.52)(0.57) = 0.3 cubic feet per second

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-43

Step B.6 Solve for (Qb):

Qb = flow that is not intercepted by the slotted inlet and must be included in
the evaluation of downstream gutter and inlet
Qb = Q - Qi (Equation 3)
Qb = 0.57 – 0.3 = 0.27 cubic feet per second

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-44 Storm Drainage

Inlet Design Computation Sheet (Diagram A-A Process)

Given: Sketch:
Surface Description
Road Classification Collector road, on grade, less than 45 miles per hour
Type of Curb and Gutter, see Chapter 8, Curbs and Gutters C
Surface Material asphalt Wp
Manning's Coefficient, n 0.016
Drainage Area Description
Runoff Coefficient, C 0.9 Qr1 = CiA1 Profile:
Hydrologic Zone (Chapter 7) 8 Section A-A
Intensity (i) in/hr (Chapter 7) 2.28 in/hr, 5-minute Tc, 10-year design storm
Cf (Chapter 7, Appendix F) 1 Inlet
Type of Inlet (Chapter 13, Appendix C, Table B) slotted inlet B B
Design Method: Method A ; Method B … L1
Design Criteria:
Method A (reference Section 2) A
Minimum Efficiency 70 Percent T
Allowable spread (Appendix D, Table A) shoulder + 2 feet
shoulder width 8.00 feet Profile:
distance into outside lane 2.00 Qt1 = Qr1 Cross Slope
Section B-B
spread (T) = Shoulder Width + Distance into outside lane 10.00 feet
Percentage Clogged 0% Qb
Method B (reference Section 2) A
Allowable spread (Appendix D, Table A) Q
L2 Sx
shoulder width Qr2 = CiA2
distance into outside lane
spread (T) = Shoulder Width + Distance into outside lane
Percentage Clogged

Qt2 = Qb + Qr2

Locate Inlet Calculate Hydrology Calculate Spread Calculate Inlet Efficiency

Flow from Flow from Total Inlet
Drainage Drainage Drainage Contributing Upstream Long. Gutter Gutter Design Inlet Design Inlet Interception Intercepted
Length Width Area Area Inlet Total Flow Spread Slope Cross Slope Width Flow Length Width Efficiency Flow Bypass Flow Number Station Comments

L Wp A Qr Qb Qt T SL Sx Sw W Qt Li Wi E Qi Qb
(ft) (ft) (ac) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs)

400 31.00 0.28 0.57 0.00 0.57 5.90 0.0100 0.02 N/A N/A 0.57 10.00 0.15 0.86 0.49 0.08 1 4+00 Efficiency is greater than minimum and
spread is less than allowable.

Figure 5a – Example Problem 5.3.2 (Diagram A-A, Method A)

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-45

Inlet Design Computation Sheet (Diagram A-A Process)

Given: Sketch:
Surface Description
Road Classification Collector road, on grade, less than 45 miles per hour
Type of Curb and Gutter, see Chapter 8, Curbs and Gutters C
Surface Material asphalt Wp
Manning's Coefficient, n 0.016
Drainage Area Description
Runoff Coefficient, C 0.9 Qr1 = CiA1 Profile:
Hydrologic Zone (Chapter 7) 8 Section A-A
Intensity (i) in/hr (Chapter 7) 2.28 in/hr, 5-minute Tc, 10-year design storm
Cf (Chapter 7, Appendix F) 1 Inlet
Type of Inlet (Chapter 13, Appendix C, Table B) slotted inlet B B
Design Method: Method A … Method B ; L1
Design Criteria:
Method A (reference Section 2) A
Minimum Efficiency 70 Percent T
Allowable spread (Appendix D, Table A)
shoulder width Profile:
distance into outside lane Qt1 = Qr1 Cross Slope
Section B-B
spread (T) = Shoulder Width + Distance into outside lane
Percentage Clogged Qb
Method B (reference Section 2) A
Allowable spread (Appendix D, Table A) shoulder + 2.00 feet ft into outside lane Q
L2 Sx
shoulder width 8.00 feet Qr2 = CiA2
distance into outside lane 2.00 feet
spread (T) = Shoulder Width + Distance into outside lane 10.00 feet
Percentage Clogged 50%

Qt2 = Qb + Qr2

Locate Inlet Calculate Hydrology Calculate Spread Calculate Inlet Efficiency

Flow from Flow from Total Inlet
Drainage Drainage Drainage Contributing Upstream Long. Gutter Gutter Design Inlet Design Inlet Interception Intercepted
Length Width Area Area Inlet Total Flow Spread Slope Cross Slope Width Flow Length Width Efficiency Flow Bypass Flow Number Station Comments

L Wp A Qr Qb Qt T SL Sx Sw W Qt Li Wi E Qi Qb
(ft) (ft) (ac) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (cfs)

400 31.00 0.28 0.57 0.00 0.57 5.90 0.01 0.02 N/A N/A 0.57 5.00 0.15 0.52 0.30 0.27 1 4+00 Efficiency is greater than minimum and
spread is less than allowable.

Figure 5b – Example Problem 5.3.2 (Diagram A-A, Method B)

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-46 Storm Drainage

5.3.3 Transverse Placement

A slotted vane drain can be installed in conjunction with a grate inlet at locations where it is
necessary to capture virtually all of the pavement runoff. The ideal installation would utilize a
grate inlet to capture the flow in the gutter and the slotted vane drain to collect the flow
extending into the shoulder.

Slotted vane drains should be designed by considering one of the following options:

• when a slotted vane drain is installed perpendicular to flow, use 0.075 cubic feet per
second per lineal foot on longitudinal slopes of 0 percent to 6 percent, or
• obtain capacity curves from a manufacturer to aid in design

Note: A slotted vane drain is shaped and rounded to increase inlet efficiency and should not be
confused with a standard vertical riser type slotted inlet (ODOT standard drawing No. RD 328).

Slotted Vane Drain (traverse placement)

5.4 Combination Inlets (On-grade)

Combination inlets consist of a grate and curb-opening. The two combination inlets commonly
used in storm drainage design are equal length inlets and sweeper inlets.

Equal length inlets refer to a grate inlet placed along side a curb-opening inlet and both have the
same length. Standard ODOT inlets CG-1 and CG-2 are equal length inlets as noted in

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-47

Appendix C. On-grade equal length combination inlets interception capacity is no greater than
that of an on grate inlet because the capacity is computed by neglecting the curb-opening.

A sweeper inlet refers to a grate inlet placed at the downstream end of a curb-opening extension.
Standard ODOT inlets CG-1 and CG-2 can be modified to include a curb-opening extension as
noted in Appendix C. The curb-opening in a sweeper inlet is longer than the grate and intercepts
gutter flow before the flow reaches the grate. The curb-opening extension has the ability to
intercept any debris which might otherwise clog the grate inlet. The interception capacity of
sweeper inlets is equal to the sum of the curb-opening upstream of the grate plus the grate

5.4.1 Sweeper Combination Inlet (On-grade) Example

The following example illustrates the computation of interception capacity and spacing of a
sweeper combination inlet. Determine maximum allowable flow, interception flow, bypass flow, location of first
inlet, and spacing of subsequent inlets


Wd = 2 feet

Face of
Face of curb
d curb t
.02 ft/f
Sx = 0 Pavement

a Depressed gutter section

at inlet only SECTION B-B
d = Flow Depth at curb NTS

d w = Flow Depth in gutter depression


Face of curb SL C Top of curb

B B Curb opening extension
Grate inlet
Curb opening
extension Lex
A A Lg Lex

Grate inlet



ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-48 Storm Drainage

• Sx = 0.02 foot per foot (roadway cross slope)
• a = 1.5 inches (inlet depression only)
• CG-1 inlet with P-17/8-4 grate (reference Table B, Appendix C)
• Wg = 1.75 feet (CG-1 grate width)
• Lg = 2.67 feet (CG-1 grate length)
• Lex = 6 feet (curb opening extension length, reference Table B, Appendix C)
• hex = 0.33 feet (curb-opening height for curb opening extension)
• SL = 0.0125 foot per foot (roadway longitudinal slope)
• Highway on-grade section (less than 45 miles per hour)
• n = 0.016 (Manning’s coefficient for asphalt pavement)
• Type “A” curb and gutter (reference Chapter 8)
• Wp = 46.5 feet (width of contributing area, 2 – 12-foot lanes with 10.5-foot
shoulder/gutter, 5-foot sidewalk, 7-foot median)
• Wd = 2 feet (width of the depressed gutter section, at inlet only)
• 10-year design, hydrologic zone 8 (IDR curves located in Chapter 7) Method A

• T = allowable spread = shoulder width + 2 feet
= 10.5 feet + 2 feet
= 12.5 feet (reference Table A, Appendix D)
• E = 0.70 (minimum efficiency for Method A)
• L2 = 400 feet (maximum distance between successive inlets. Reference Section 2,
Appendix D)


Step A.1- Solve for (Qt):

Qt = total gutter flow (cubic feet per second) - the approach gutter section
to the inlet is used to calculate the total flow.
T = 12.5 feet (flow width in shoulder)
0.56 1.67 0.5 2.67
Qt = Sx SL T (Chapter 8 or Chart 5, Appendix H)
0.56 1.67 0.5 2.67
Qt = (0.02) (0.0125) (12.5) = 4.82 cubic feet per second

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-49

Step A.2- Solve for (Eo):

Eo = ratio of flow in the depressed section to total gutter flow

2.67 2.67
⎛ W⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎡Equation 4 or Chart 2, ⎤
Eo = 1 - ⎜1 - ⎟ = 1 - ⎜1 - ⎟ = 0.372
⎝ T⎠ ⎝ 12.5 ⎠ ⎢ Appendix H ⎥⎦

Step A.3- Solve for (Se):

Se = equivalent cross-slope (foot per foot)

S'w =
a = 1.5 inches (gutter depression per standard drawing No. RD 366)
Wd = 2 feet (width of the depressed gutter section)
⎛ 1.5 in ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 12 in/ft ⎠
S'w = = 0.0625 foot per foot
2 ft
Se = Sx + S'WEo (Equation 12)
Se = 0.02 + (0.0625)(0.372) = 0.0432

Step A.4- Solve for (LT):

LT = curb-opening length required to intercept 100 percent of gutter flow
⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0.6Q 0.42
t SL
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (Se substituted for Sx in Equation 10)
⎝ nS e ⎠
⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0.6(4.82) 0.42
(0.0125) ⎜⎜ 0.3
⎟⎟ = 24.5 feet
⎝ (0.016)(0.0432) ⎠
Step A.5- Solve for (E):
E = efficiency of curb opening extension (curb opening adjacent to grate is
ignored throughout this example)
⎛ L ⎞
E = 1 - ⎜⎜1 - ex ⎟⎟ (Equation 11 or Chart 7, Appendix H)
⎝ LT ⎠
Lex = length of curb-opening extension (reference standard drawing No. RD
Lex = 6 feet
⎛ 6.0 ⎞
E = 1 - ⎜1 - ⎟ = 0.396 = 39.6 percent
⎝ 24.5 ⎠

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-50 Storm Drainage

Step A.6- Solve for (Qiex)

Qiex = flow intercepted by curb-opening extension

Qiex = EQt
= (0.396)(4.82) = 1.91 cubic feet per second

Step A.7- Solve for (Qb):

Qb = bypass flow from curb-opening extension and total flow toward grate
Qb = Qt – Qiex
= 4.82 – 1.91 = 2.91cubic feet per second

Step A.8- Solve for (T):

T = total spread at grate (after interception by curb-opening extension)
This is done by trial and error. Start by assuming an initial value of T = 10.35
Ts = T – W = 10.35 – 2.0 = 8.35 feet
0.56 1.67 0.5 2.67
Qs = S x S L Ts (Chapter 8 or Chart 5, Appendix H)

Qs = (0.02)1.67 (0.0125) 0.5 (8.35) 2.67 = 1.65 cubic feet per second
2.67 2.67
⎛ W⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎡Equation 4 or Chart 2, ⎤
Eo = 1 - ⎜1 - ⎟ = 1 - ⎜1 - ⎟ = 0.436 ⎢
⎝ T⎠ ⎝ 10.35 ⎠ ⎣ Appendix H ⎥⎦
Qs 1.65
Qt = = = 2.93 cubic feet per second
1 − E o 1 − 0.436
Bypass flow from curb opening extension is 2.91 cubic feet per second. Total
flow toward catch basin grate at a spread of 10.35 feet is 2.93 cubic feet per
second. Therefore, the spread at the catch basin grate is 10.35 feet.

Step A.9- Solve for (V):

V = average gutter flow velocity at grate (feet per second)
Qt 2Q
V = = 2 t (Chapter 8)
A T Sx

2 (2.91)
V = = 2.72 feet per second
(10.35) 2 (0.02)

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-51

Step A.10- Solve for (Rf)

Rf = ratio of frontal flow intercepted to total frontal flow
Rf = 1 – 0.09 (V – Vo) (Equation 6 or Chart 1, Appendix H)
Vo = gutter velocity where splash over first occurs (in feet per second)
CG-1 grate length = 2.67 feet
Grate type = P-1-7/8-4
From Chart 1 (Appendix H) Vo = 5.9 feet per second
Rf = 1 – 0.09 (2.72 – 5.9) = 1.29
Rf can not exceed 1.0, therefore
Rf = 1.0

Step A.11- Solve for (Rs)

Rs = ratio of side flow intercepted to total side flow
Rs = (Equation 7 or Chart 4, Appendix H)
⎛ 0.15V ⎞

1+ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ S L2.3 ⎟
⎝ x ⎠
Rs = = 0.17
⎛ 0.15 (2.72)1.8 ⎞
1 + ⎜⎜ 2.3
⎝ 0.02(2.67) ⎠

Step A.12- Solve for (Eg):

Eg = interception efficiency of the inlet grate
Eg = Rf Eo + Rs (1 – Eo) (Equation 8)
Eg = (1.0)(0.436) + 0. 17(1 – 0.436) = 0.53 = 53 percent

Step A.13- Solve for (Qig):

Qig = flow intercepted by grate inlet
Qt = 2.91 cubic feet per second (bypass flow from curb opening extension
and is total flow toward grate inlet)
Qig = Eg Qt = 0.53(2.91) = 1.54 cubic feet per second

Step A.14- Solve for (Qi):

Qi = total interception flow (both grate inlet and curb-opening extension)
Qi = interception flow of curb-opening extension (Qiex) + interception flow
of grate inlet (Qig)

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-52 Storm Drainage

Qi = Qiex + Qig
= 1.91 + 1.54 = 3.45 cubic feet per second

Step A.15- Solve for (E):

E = combination inlet efficiency
Q i 3.45
E = = = 0.72 = 72 percent
Q t 4.82
Okay, 70 percent minimum efficiency criteria is satisfied.

Step A.16- Solve for (L1):

L1 = distance to first inlet
43,560Q t
L1 = E (Equation 1)
CC f iWp
E = 1.0 (no bypass flow to first inlet)
i = 2.28 inches per hour (assume 5-minute tc using a 10-year storm design,
Hydrologic Zone 8, using IDR curve in Chapter 7)
Cf = 1.0 (per Appendix F, Chapter 7)

L1 = = 2,200 feet

Step A.17- Calculate (L):

L = distance to successive inlets
43,560Q t E
L = (Equation 1)
CC f iWp
E = 0.72 (distance to subsequent inlets should account for bypass flow)
L = = 1,584 feet
Maximum inlet spacing shall be limited to 400 feet.
Therefore, L1 = 2200 feet and L2 = 400 feet Method B

• T = allowable spread width = shoulder width + 2 feet

= 10.5 feet + 2 feet
= 12.5 feet (per Table A for highway on-grade section, less than 45 miles per
• Assume inlet is 30 percent clogged (per Table A)

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-53

• Wg = 1.39 feet (grate width for CG-1 inlet 30 percent clogged per Table B,
Appendix D.)
• Lg = 2.31 feet (grate length for CG-1 inlet 30 percent clogged per Table B,
Appendix D)
• L2 = 400 feet (maximum spacing between successive inlets per Appendix D)
• Lex = 4.20 feet (curb opening extension length, 30 percent clogged, Table B,
Appendix D)
• hex = 0.33 feet (curb opening height for curb opening extension 30 percent clogged,
Table B, Appendix D)

Step B.1- Solve for (Qt):

Qt = total gutter flow (The approach gutter section to the inlet is used to
calculate the total flow.)
0.56 1.67 0.5 2.67
Qt = Sx SL T (Chapter 8 or Chart 5, Appendix H)
0.56 1.67 0.5 2.67
Qt = (0.02) (0.0125) (12.5) = 4.82 cubic feet per second

Step B.2- Solve for (Eo):

Eo = ratio of flow in the depressed section to total gutter flow

⎛ W⎞
⎛ 2 ⎞
⎡Equation 4 or Chart 2,⎤
Eo = 1 - ⎜1 - ⎟ = 1 - ⎜1 - ⎟ = 0.372 ⎢
⎝ T ⎠ ⎝ 12.5 ⎠ ⎣ Appendix H ⎥⎦

Step B.3- Solve for (Se):

Se = equivalent cross-slope (foot per foot)

S'w =
a = 1.5 inches (gutter depression per standard drawing RD 366)
Wd = 2 feet (width of the depressed gutter section)
⎛ 1.5 in ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 12 in/ft ⎠
S'w = = 0.0625 foot per foot
2 ft
Se = Sx + S'WEo (Equation 12)
Se = 0.02 + (0.0625)(0.372) = 0.0432

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-54 Storm Drainage

Step B.4- Solve for (LT):

LT = curb-opening length required to intercept 100 percent of gutter flow

⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0.6Q 0.42
t SL
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (Se substituted for Sx in Equation 10)
⎝ nS e ⎠

⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0.6(4.82) 0.42
(0.0125) ⎜⎜ 0.3
⎟⎟ = 24.5 feet
⎝ (0.016)(0.0432) ⎠

Step B.5- Solve for (E):

E = efficiency of curb opening extension (curb opening adjacent to grate is
ignored throughout this example)
⎛ L ⎞
E = 1 - ⎜⎜1 - ex ⎟⎟ (Equation 11 or Chart 7, Appendix H)
⎝ LT ⎠
Lex = length of curb-opening extension (reference standard drawing No. RD
Lex = 4.20 feet (curb opening extension length, 30 percent clogged, Table B,
Appendix D)
⎛ 4.2 ⎞
E = 1 - ⎜1 - ⎟ = 0.29 = 29 percent
⎝ 24.5 ⎠

Step B.6- Solve for (Qiex):

Qiex = flow intercepted by curb-opening extension
Qiex = EQt = (0.29)(4.82) = 1.40 cubic feet per second

Step B.7- Solve for (Qb):

Qb = bypass flow from curb-opening extension and is total flow toward
grate inlet
Qb = Qt – Qiex
= 4.82 – 1.40 = 3.42 cubic feet per second

Step B.8- Solve for (T):

T = spread at grate (after interception by curb-opening extension)
This is done by trial and error. Start by assuming an initial value of T = 11.0 feet
Ts = T–W
= 11.0 – 2.0 = 9.0 feet

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Storm Drainage 13-D-55

0.56 1.67 0.5 2.67

Qs = S x S Ts (Chapter 8 or Chart 5, Appendix H)
Qs = (0.02)1.67 (0.0125) 0.5 (9.0) 2.67 = 2.01 cubic feet per second
2.67 2.67
⎛ W⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎡Equation 4 or Chart 2, ⎤
Eo = 1 - ⎜1 - ⎟ = 1 - ⎜1 - ⎟ = 0.415 ⎢
⎝ T⎠ ⎝ 11.0 ⎠ ⎣ Appendix H ⎥⎦

Qs 2.01
Qt = = = 3.44 cubic feet per second
(1 − E o ) 1 − 0.415
Bypass flow from the curb opening extension is 3.42 cubic feet per second. Total
flow toward the catch basin grate at a spread of 11.0 feet is 3.44 cubic feet per
second. Therefore the spread at the catch basin grate is 11.0 feet.

Step B.9- Solve for (V):

V = average gutter flow velocity at grate in feet per second

Qt 2Q
V = = 2 t (Chapter 8)
A Ts S x

2 (3.44)
V = = 2.84 feet per second
(11) 2 (0.02)

Step B.10- Solve for (Rf):

Rf = ratio of frontal flow intercepted to total frontal flow
Rf = 1 – 0.09 (V – Vo) (Equation 6 or Chart 1, Appendix H)
Vo = gutter velocity where splash over first occurs (in feet per second)
Lg = 2.31 feet (CG-1 grate length, 30 percent clogged per Table B,
Appendix D)
Grate type = P-1-7/8-4

Therefore from Chart 1 (Appendix H), Vo = 5.0 feet per second

Rf = 1 – 0.09 (2.84 – 5.0) = 1.19
Rf = cannot exceed 1.0, therefore
Rf = 1.0

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13-D-56 Storm Drainage

Step B.11- Solve for (Rs):

Rs = ratio of side flow intercepted to total side flow
Rs = (Equation 7 or Chart 4, Appendix H)
⎛ 0.15V ⎞

1+ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ S L2.3 ⎟
⎝ x ⎠
Rs = = 0.12
⎛ 0.15 (2.84)1.8 ⎞
1 + ⎜⎜ ⎟
2.3 ⎟
⎝ (0.02)(2.31) ⎠

Step B.12- Solve for (Eg):

Eg = interception efficiency of the inlet grate
Eg = RfEo + Rs (1 – Eo) (Equation 8)
Eg = (1.0)(0.415) + 0.12 (1 – 0.415) = 0.49 = 49 percent

Step B.13- Solve for (Qig):

Qig = interception flow of grate inlet
Qig = EgQt = 0.49(3.42) = 1.68 cubic feet per second

Step B.14- Solve for (Qi):

Qi = total interception flow (both grate inlet and curb-opening extension)
Qi = interception flow of curb-opening extension (Qiex) + interception flow
of grate inlet (Qig)
Qi = Qiex + Qig
Qi = 1.40 + 1.68 = 3.08 cubic feet per second

Step B.15- Solve for (E):

E = combination inlet efficiency
E = Qi/Qt
= 3.08/4.82 = 0.64 = 64 percent
Okay (70 percent minimum interception efficiency does not apply to Method B.)

Step B.16- Calculate (L1):

L1 = distance to first inlet
43,560Q t E
L1 = (Equation 1)
CC f iWp

E = 1.0 (no bypass flow for first inlet)

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Storm Drainage 13-D-57

i = 2.28 inches per hour (assume 5-minute tc using a 10-year storm design,
Hydrologic Zone 8, using IDR curve in Chapter 7)
Cf = 1.0 (per Appendix F, Chapter 7)
43,560(4.8 2)
L1 = (1.0) = 2,200 feet
0.9(1.0)(2 .28)(46.5)

Step B.17- Calculate (L):

L = distance to successive inlets
43,560Q t
L = E (Equation 1)
CC f iWp

E = 0.64 (distance to subsequent inlets should account for bypass flow)

43,560(4.8 2)
L = (0.64) = 1,408 feet
0.9(1.0)(2 .28)(46.5)
Maximum inlet spacing shall be limited to 400 feet
Therefore L1 = 2,200 feet and L2 = 400 feet

5.5 Trench Drain System (On-grade)

Trench drain systems with its continuous grate configuration are best suited for intercepting flow
on very flat surfaces with little or no longitudinal grade. They can be used on curbed or
uncurbed sections and offer little interference to traffic operations. The primary advantage of
using trench drains is their ability to intercept flow over a wide section. However, trench drains
are susceptible to clogging from sediments and debris and are not recommended for use in
environments where significant sediment or debris loads may be present.
Note: General information on trench drain systems is noted in Appendix C.
To aid in the design of trench drains, the designer should consider the following guidelines:
• The equations and figures used for the design of grate inlets (reference Section 5.1)
should be used in the design of trench drains.
• Consider hydraulic conveyance capacity curves or data from a manufacturer.
• Consider hydraulic capacity curves or data for available grates from a manufacturer.
• Trench drain grate shall be bicycle safe and rated for heavy highway traffic.
• When using design Method B, the designer should assume 50 percent clogging which
will result in providing twice the calculated required length for flow interception because
trench drains tend to plug.
• The minimum cleanout velocity for trench drain systems should be 3 feet per second.
• Trench drains should not be used in areas with high traffic speeds greater than or equal to
45 miles per hour.

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13-D-58 Storm Drainage

6.0 Inlets in Sag Location

Inlets in sag locations operate as weirs under low head conditions. When greater head conditions
develop they function as an orifice. Flow may fluctuate between weir and orifice control
depending on the grate size, the curb-opening height, or the slot width of the inlet. Flow is in a
transition stage at depths between when weir flow definitely prevails and when orifice flow
prevails. Control is ill-defined and flow may fluctuate between weir and orifice control at these

The efficiency of inlets in sag locations is critical because all runoff which enters the sag must be
passed through the inlet. Total or partial clogging of inlets in these locations can result in
hazardous ponding conditions. Grate inlets alone are not recommended for use in sag locations
because of the tendencies of grates to become clogged. Combination inlets or curb-opening
inlets are recommended for use in these locations because of its better hydraulic capacity and
debris handling capabilities.

Grate inlets can be used successfully in sag locations although curb-opening inlets are generally
preferred. Grate inlets without a curb box (combination inlet) can be utilized at minor sag points
where debris potential is limited. For example a minor sag point might be on a ramp as it joins a
mainline. In sag locations where debris is likely, and a grate will be used, it is recommended to
install a combination inlet (curb-opening and grate). When designing grates in sag locations, it is
recommended to assume half the grate is clogged with debris (as noted in Table A).

It is good engineering practice to place a minimum of one flanking inlet on each side of the sag
inlet in locations such as underpasses and in sag vertical curves in depressed sections where
significant ponding can occur. The flanking inlets should be placed so they will limit spread on
low gradient approaches to the low point and act in relief of the sag inlet if it should become
clogged or if the allowable spread is exceeded. Further discussion and methodology of flanking
inlets are presented in Section 6.6.

• If ponding depths exceed the curb height the designer should verify adjacent properties will
suffer no flood damage.
• The maximum spread width in the sag shall be limited as noted in Table A.
• The design discharge shall be the 25-year or 50-year bypass flow (reference Table A) from
the first upstream inlet on each side of the sag plus the runoff from any additional areas
draining to the sag.

6.1 Grate Inlets (Sag)

A grate inlet in a sag operates as a weir up to a depth of about 4.5 inches and as an orifice for
depths greater than 17 inches. A transition from weir to orifice flow occurs between these
depths. Chart 8 (Appendix H) is a plot of Equation 13 and Equation 14 for various grate sizes.
The effects of grate size on the depth at which a grate operates as an orifice is apparent from the

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Storm Drainage 13-D-59

figure. Transition from weir to orifice flow results in interception capacity less than that
computed by either weir or the orifice equation. This capacity can be approximated by drawing
in a curve between the lines representing the perimeter and net area of the grate to be used.

The capacity of a grate inlet operating as a weir is:

Qi = CwPd1.5 (Equation 13)
Qi = grate inlet capacity (cubic feet per second)
P = perimeter of grate excluding bar widths and side against curb in feet
d = depth of water at curb measured from the normal cross slope gutter flow line
in feet
Cw = 3.0

The capacity of a grate inlet operating as an orifice is:

Qi = CA (2gd)0.5 (Equation 14)

Qi = grate inlet capacity (cubic feet per second)
C = 0.67 (orifice coefficient)
A = clear opening area of the grate in square feet
g = 32.2 feet per second squared

Note: Standard grate inlets used in ODOT storm drainage systems are noted in Appendix C.

6.1.1 Grate Inlet (Sag) Example

The following example illustrates the design of grate inlets in a sag. Determine the appropriate inlet spacing in a sag

L1= 200 ft. L2 L2 L1 = 200 ft.



Q 50
Qb Qb

A A On grade inlet

B Flanking inlet
C at sag
C Sag inlet
ODOT Hydraulics Manual
13-D-60 Storm Drainage

• Inlet design Method B (Appendix D)
Note: Method A or B could be used. Method selected should be used for entire design.
• Highway section, main line sag point (greater than or equal to 45 miles per hour)
• Type “A” curb and gutter (reference Chapter 8)
• n = 0.016 (Manning’s coefficient for asphalt pavement)
• SL = 0.035 foot per foot (roadway longitudinal slope)
• WP = 46.5 feet (width of contributing drainage area, 2 – 12-foot lanes with 10.5-foot
shoulder/gutter, 5-foot sidewalk, 7-foot median)
• Sx = 0.02 foot per foot (shoulder and roadway cross slope)
• Flanking inlets ignored in calculations
• 50-year design, Hydrologic Zone 8 (IDR curves located in Chapter 7)
• G-2 inlets
• For on grade inlets(CB-1, CB-2, CB-4, and CB-5) assume 30 percent clogging
o WG = 1.84 feet (G-2 grate width, 30 percent clogged, Table B, Appendix D)
o LG = 2.26 feet (G-2 grate length, 30 percent clogged, Table B, Appendix D)
o P = 5.94 feet (G-2 grate perimeter next to curb, 30 percent clogged, Table
B, Appendix D)
• For low point (sag) inlets (CB-3) assume 50 percent clogging
o WG = 1.53 feet (G-2 grate width, 50 percent clogged, Table C, Appendix D)
o LG = 1.95 feet (G-2 grate length, 50 percent clogged, Table C, Appendix D)
o P = 5.0 feet (G-2 grate perimeter next to curb, 50 percent clogged, Table
C, Appendix D)
• L1 = 200 feet
• T = shoulder width = 10.5 feet
• Maximum pond width = allowable spread width
• Allowable spread width is 0 feet into the outside lane (reference Table A, Appendix D)
• For on-grade inlets assume a 30 percent clogging factor because Method B has been
selected to solve the example problem.
• For low point inlet in a main line sag, assume a 50 percent clogging factor because
Method B has been selected to solve the example problem


Step B.1- Solve for (d1):

d1 = low point flow depth at curb (at allowable spread width)
d1 = TSx (Chapter 8)
d1 = (10.5)0.02 = 0.21 feet
d1 = 0.21 feet = 2.52 inches
From Section 6.1, d equals 2.52 inches which is less than 4.5 inches; therefore sag
inlet operates as a weir.

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Storm Drainage 13-D-61

Step B.2- Solve for (Qi):

Qi = low point grate inlet (CB-3) capacity at maximum allowable spread
Qi = C w Pd 11.5 (Equation 13)
d1 = 0.21 feet
P = 5.0 feet (G-2 grate perimeter next to curb, 50 percent clogged, Table
B, Appendix D)
Qi = 3.0(5.0)(0.21)1.5 = 1.44 cubic feet per second

StepB.3- Solve for (Q50):

Q50 = 50-year peak flow (cubic feet per second) draining toward catch basins
CB-2 and CB-4
Q50 = CiA
C = 0.9 (runoff coefficient for pavement)
i = 3.0 inches per hour (50-year rainfall intensity, IDR curves located in
Chapter 7)

A = WP L
= (46.5 feet)(200 feet) = 9,300 square feet
= 0.21 acre
Q50 = (0.9)(3.0)(0.21) = 0.57 cubic feet per second
Therefore, 0.57 cubic feet per second drains toward catch basins CB-2 and CB-4.

Step B.4- Solve for (T):

T = total spread of water in feet just upstream of inlets CB-2 and CB-4
0.56 1.67 0.5 2.67
Q = SX SL T (Chapter 8 or Chart 5, Appendix H)
Use Chart 5 (Appendix H) or rearrange the above equation to solve for T.
0.375 0.375
⎡ Qn ⎤ ⎡ (0.57)(0.016) ⎤
T = ⎢ 0.5 1.67 ⎥
=⎢ 0.5 1.67 ⎥
⎣ 0.56S L S x ⎦ ⎣ 0.56(0.035 ) (0.02) ⎦
T = 4.6 feet (spread just upstream of inlets CB-2 and CB-4)
Okay because this is less than the allowable spread of 10.5 feet.

Step B.5- Solve for (V):

V = average gutter flow velocity (in feet per second)
Q t 2Q t 2(0.57)
V = = 2 = = 2.65 feet per second (Chapter 8)
A T S x (4.6) 2 (0.02)

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13-D-62 Storm Drainage

Step B.6- Solve for (Eo):

Eo = ratio of frontal flow to total flow
⎛ Wg ⎞
Eo = 1 - ⎜⎜1 - ⎟⎟ (Equation 4 or Chart 2, Appendix H)
⎝ T ⎠
Wg = 1.84 feet (G-2 grate width, 30 percent clogged, Table B, Appendix D)
⎛ 1.84 ⎞
Eo = 1 - ⎜1 - ⎟
⎝ 4.6 ⎠
Eo = 0. 74 = 74 percent

Step B.7- Solve for (Rf):

Rf = ratio of frontal flow intercepted to total frontal flow
Rf = 1 – 0.09 (V – Vo) (Equation 6 or Chart 1, Appendix H)
V = average flow velocity in the gutter (in feet per second)
Vo = gutter velocity where splash over first occurs (in feet per second)
V = 2.65 feet per second
Lg = 2.26 feet (G-2 grate length, 30 percent clogged, Table B,)
Vo = 5.1 feet per second (per Chart 1, Appendix H)
Grate type = P – 17/8 – 4
Rf = 1 – 0.09 (2.65 – 5.1)
Rf = 1.22
Rf can not exceed 1.0, therefore,
Rf = 1.0

Step B.8- Solve for (Rs):

Rs = ratio of side flow intercepted to total side flow
Rs = (Equation 7 or Chart 4, Appendix H)
⎛ 0.15V ⎞

1+ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ S L2.3 ⎟
⎝ x ⎠
V = 2.65 feet per second
L = 2.26 feet (G-2 grate length, 30 percent clogged, Table B, Appendix D)
Rs =
⎛ 0.15 (2.65)1.8 ⎞
1 + ⎜⎜ ⎟
2.3 ⎟
⎝ (0.02)(2.26) ⎠
Rs = 0.131

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Step B.9- Solve for (E):

E = inlet interception efficiency

E = RfEo + Rs (1 – Eo) (Equation 8)

E = (1.0)(0.74) + 0.131 (1 - 0.74) = 0.77 Okay

Note: When using Method A, E must be equal to or greater than 0.70.

Step B.10- Solve for (Qb):

Qb = bypass flow from adjacent catch basins
Qb = Q – Qi
Qi = EQ = (0.77)(0.57) = 0.44
Qb = 0.57 – 0.44 = 0.13 cubic feet per second

Step B.11- Calculate (L2):

L2 = distance between sag inlet CB-3 and CB-2, and distance between sag
inlet CB-3 and CB-4
L2 = E (Equation 1)
CC f iWp

Equation 1 is modified to calculate L2 in sags, therefore

43,560(Q i − 2Q b )
L2 =
iCC f 2Wp

i = 3.0 inches per hour (assume 5-minute tc using a 50-year storm design,
Hydrologic Zone 8, use IDR curve in Chapter 7)
C = 0.90
Cf = 1.0 (per Appendix F, Chapter 7)
Wp = 46.5 feet
Qi = 1.44 cubic feet per second (low point inlet (CB-3) interception

43,560[1.44 - 2(0.13)]
L2 = = 204 feet
Maximum distance between inlets is 204 feet.

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13-D-64 Storm Drainage

L1 = 200 FT. L2 = 204 Feet L2 = 204 Feet L1 = 200 FT.


50 =0 cfs
.57 . 57
c fs =0
A Q 50
S CB-4 A
L CB-2 CB-3 SL
Q = 1.44 cfs
Q b= 0.1 3 cfs
3 cfs Q b= 0.1

A A On grade inlet

B B Flanking inlet
C at sag
C Sag inlet

6.2 Curb-Opening Inlets (Sag)

The capacity of a curb-opening inlet in a sag depends on water depth at the curb, the curb-
opening length, and the height of the curb-opening (see the horizontal throat figure below). The
inlet operates as a weir to depths equal to the curb-opening height and as an orifice at depths
greater than 1.4 times the opening height. At depths between 1.0 and 1.4 times the opening
height, flow is in a transition stage.

Note: Standard curb-opening inlets used in ODOT storm drainage systems are noted in
Appendix C

The equation for the interception capacity of a depressed curb-opening inlet operating as a weir
Qi = 2.3 (L + 1.8 W)d1.5 (Equation 15)
L = length of curb-opening in feet
W = width of depression in feet
d = depth of water at curb measured from the normal cross slope gutter flow line
in feet

See Chart 9 (Appendix H) for a definition sketch.

The weir equation for curb-opening inlets without depression becomes:

Qi = 3 L d1.5 (Equation 16)

The depth limitation for operation as a weir becomes: d less than h (h = height of curb-opening
inlet in feet)

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Storm Drainage 13-D-65

Chart 10, Appendix H should be used for designing undepressed Curb-Opening Inlet Capacity in
Sump Locations.

Curb-opening inlets operate as orifices at depths greater than approximately 1.4 times the
opening height. The interception capacity can be computed by:
⎡ ⎛ h ⎞⎤
Qi = C o A ⎢2g ⎜ d i - ⎟⎥ (Equation 17)
⎣ ⎝ 2 ⎠⎦

Co = orifice coefficient (0.67)
h = height of curb-opening orifice in feet (figure below)
di = depth at lip of curb-opening in feet (figure below)

Note: Equation 17 is applicable to depressed and undepressed curb-opening inlets and the depth
at the inlet includes any gutter depression.

Curb-Opening Inlet

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13-D-66 Storm Drainage

6.2.1 Curb-Opening Inlet (Sag) Example

The following example illustrates the design of curb-opening inlets in a sag. Determine inlet spacing in a sag location

L1 = 400 ft. L 2 L 2 L1 = 400 ft.


Q 50

Q Qb
A On grade inlet

B Flanking inlet
B at sag
C C Sag inlet


• Inlet design method = B (Appendix D)
Note: Method A or B could be used. Method selected should be used for the entire
• Type “A” curb and gutter (reference Chapter 8)
• Highway-main line sag, less than 45 miles per hour (per Table A, Appendix D)
• SL = 0.0025 foot per foot (roadway longitudinal slope)
• n = 0.016 (Manning’s coefficient for asphalt pavement)
• Wp = 36 feet (width of contributing area, 2 – 12-foot lanes with 7-foot shoulder, 5-
foot sidewalk)
• Sx = 0.02 foot per foot (roadway cross slope)
• CG-3 inlets
• 50-year design (per Table A), Salem area (Hydrologic Zone 7)
• Lc = 1.25 feet (length of curb opening, reference Table C, 50 percent clogged)
• Lc = 1.75 feet ( length of curb opening, reference Table B, 30 percent clogged)
• a = 2 inches (inlet depression)
• Wd = 2.0 feet (width of depressed gutter section at inlet only)
• hc = 0.36 feet (curb opening height, reference Table B and C)
• L1 = 400 feet
• Flanking inlets ignored in calculations

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• For on-grade inlets, assume a 30 percent clogging factor because Method B has been
selected to solve the example problem.
• For low point inlet in a mainline sag use a 50 percent clogging factor because Method B
has been selected to solve the example problem (see Tables A and C, Appendix D)
• T = shoulder width + 2 feet = 7 feet + 2 feet = 9 feet (allowable spread width, see
Table A, Appendix D)

Solution: Solve inlet design using Method B

Step B.1 Solve for (d1):

d1 = low point flow depth at curb (at allowable spread)
d1 = TSx + a (Chapter 8)
= 9(0.02) + 2/12 = 0.35 feet = 4.16 inches
Because flow depth (0.35 feet) is less than curb opening height (0.36 feet) inlet
CB-3 operates as a weir.

Step B.2- Solve for (Qi):

Qi = interception flow of low point curb-opening inlet CB-3
Qi = 2.3(L+1.8W)d1.5 (Equation 15)
(Equation 15 is for depressed curb-opening inlets operating as a weir.)
L = 1.25 feet (length of curb opening, 50 percent clogged)
W = 2 feet (width of depression)
Qi = 2.3[1.25 + 1.8(2)](0.35)1.5 = 2.31 cubic feet per second
(maximum allowable flow to low point inlet CB-3)

Step B.3- Solve for (Q50):

Q50 = 50-year peak flow (cubic feet per second) draining toward catch basins
CB-2 and CB-4
Q50 = CiA (Chapter 7)
C = 0.9 (runoff coefficient for pavement)
i = 2.8 inches per hour (50-year rainfall intensity, IDR curves located in
Chapter 7)
A = WL
= (36 feet)(400 feet) 14,400 square feet
= 0.33 acre
Q50 = (0.9)(2.8)(0.33) = 0.83 cubic feet per second
Therefore, 0.83 cubic feet per second drains toward catch basins CB-2 and CB-4.

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Step B.4- Solve for (T):

T = total spread of water in feet just upstream of inlets CB-2 and CB-4
0.56 1.67 0.5 2.67
Q = SX SL T (Chapter 8 or Chart 5, Appendix H)
Use Chart 5 (Appendix H) or rearrange the above equation to solve for T.
0.375 0.375
⎡ Qn ⎤ ⎡ (0.83)(0.016) ⎤
T = ⎢ 0.5 1.67 ⎥
=⎢ 0.5 1.67 ⎥
⎣ 0.56S L S x ⎦ ⎣ 0.56(0.0025) (0.02) ⎦
T = 8.75 feet (spread just upstream of catch basins CB-2 and CB-4)
Okay (because this is less than the allowable spread of 9 feet)

Step B.5- Calculate (Eo):

Eo = ratio of flow in the depressed section to total gutter flow
⎛ W ⎞
Eo = 1 - ⎜1 - d ⎟ (Equation 4 or Chart 2, Appendix H)
⎝ T ⎠
⎛ 2 ⎞
Eo = 1 - ⎜1 - ⎟
⎝ 8.75 ⎠
= 0.50 = 50 percent

Step B.6- Calculate (Se):

Se = equivalent cross slope (foot per foot)
Se = Sx + S′w Eo (Equation 12)
Sx = roadway Cross Slope
S′w = (cross slope of the gutter measured from the cross slope of the
pavement, Sx)

(2 / 12) = 0.0833 foot per foot
W 2
Se = 0.02 + (0.083)(0.50) = 0.0615

Step B.7- Calculate (LT):

LT = curb opening length required to intercept 100 percent of the flow
⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0.6 Q 0.42
t S ⎜⎜
⎟⎟ (Se is substituted for Sx in Equation 10)
⎝ n Se ⎠

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Storm Drainage 13-D-69

0. 6
⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0.6 (0.83) 0.42
(0.0025) 0.3
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ (0.016)(0.0615) ⎠
LT = 5.86 feet

Step B.8- Solve for (E):

E = curb opening efficiency
Lc = 1.75 feet (length of curb opening 30 percent clogged)
1.8 1.8
⎡ L ⎤ ⎡ 1.75 ⎤
E = 1 - ⎢1 - c ⎥ = 1 - ⎢1 - (Equation 11 or Chart 7, Appendix H)
⎣ LT ⎦ ⎣ 5.86 ⎥⎦
E = 0.47
Okay (70 percent minimum efficiency criteria does not apply to Method B)

Step B.9- Solve for (Qb):

Qb = flow that is not intercepted by an inlet and must be included in the
evaluation of downstream gutter and inlet (cubic feet per second)
Qb = Q – Qi
Qi = EQ = (0.47)(0.83) = 0.39 cubic feet per second
Qb = 0.83 – 0.39 = 0.44 cubic feet per second

Step B.10- Solve for (L2):

L2 = distance between sag inlet CB-3 and CB-2, and
= distance between sag inlet CB-3 and CB-4
L2 = E (Equation 1)
CC f iWp

Equation 1 is modified to calculate L2 in sags, therefore

43,560(Q i − 2Q b )
L2 =
iCC f 2Wp
Qi = 2.31 cubic feet per second (low point inlet (CB-3) interception

43,560[2.31 - 2(0.44)]
L2 = = 320 feet

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13-D-70 Storm Drainage

L1= 400 ft. L2 = 320 ft. L2 = 320 ft. L 1= 400 ft.



50 = 0 c fs
cfs .83
A =0
S Q 50 A
L CB-3 CB-4 SL
Q i = 2.31 cfs
Q =0 .44 cfs
b .44 cfs Q b= 0
A On grade inlet

B Flanking inlet
B B at sag
C C Sag inlet


6.3 Slotted Inlets (Sag)

The use of slotted drain inlets in sag configurations is generally discouraged because of the
tendency of such inlets in sags to intercept debris and clog. However, there may be locations
where it is desirable to supplement an existing low point inlet with the use of a slotted drain. It is
not recommended to place slotted drain inlets in sags unless a tapered slot is provided.

• Standard slotted inlets used in ODOT storm drain systems are noted in Appendix C.
• When using inlet design Method B, the designer should assume 50 percent clogging
which will result in providing twice the calculated required length for flow interception
because slotted inlets tend to plug.
• A tapered slot inlet has a sloped invert to provide positive drainage. This is necessary in
applications when the finished grade slot elevation is constant.

Slotted inlets in sag locations perform as weirs to depths of about 0.2 feet (2.4 inches). This
condition is dependent on slot width and length. Slotted inlets perform as orifices at depths
greater than about 0.4 feet (4.8 inches). Flow is in a transition stage between these depths.

The interception capacity of a slotted inlet operating as a weir can be computed by the following

Qi = 2.48 L d1.5 (Equation 18)

L = length of slot in feet
d = depth of water at slot in feet

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Storm Drainage 13-D-71

The interception capacity of a slotted inlet operating as an orifice can be computed by the
following equation:

Qi = 0.8 L W (2gd)0.5 (Equation 19)

W = width of slot in feet
L = length of slot in feet
d = depth of water at slot in feet
g = 32.2 feet per second squared

For a slot width of 1.75 inches, Equation 19 simplifies to:

Qi = 0.94 L d0.5 (Equation 20)

The orifice equation noted in this section to compute the interception capacity of slotted inlets
should be used at depths between 2.4 inches and 4.8 inches. The orifice coefficient varies with
depth, slot width, and the length of the slotted inlet. Chart 11, Appendix H, provides solutions
for weir flow and a plot representing data at depths between weir and orifice flow.

6.4 Combination Inlets (Sag)

Combination inlets consist of a grate and curb-opening. These types of inlets are recommended
for use in sags because of their better hydraulic capacity and debris handling capabilities. The
two combination inlets commonly used in storm drainage design are equal length inlets and
sweeper inlets.

Equal length inlets refer to a grate inlet placed along side a curb-opening inlet and both have the
same length. Standard ODOT inlets CG-1 and CG-2 are equal length inlets as noted in
Appendix C. The interception capacity of these types of inlets is essentially equal to that of a
grate only inlet in weir flow. The capacity of equal length combination inlets in orifice flow is
equal to the capacity of the grate plus the capacity of the curb-opening.

A sweeper inlet refers to a grate inlet placed at the downstream end of a curb-opening extension.
Standard ODOT inlets CG-1 and CG-2 can be modified to include a curb-opening extension as
noted in Appendix C. The curb-opening in a sweeper inlet is longer than the grate and intercepts
gutter flow before the flow reaches the grate. This type of inlet is more efficient than the equal
length combination inlet and the curb-opening has the ability to intercept any debris which may
clog the grate inlet.

Equation 13 and Chart 8, Appendix H, can be used for weir flow in combination inlets in sag
locations. Assuming complete clogging of the grate, Equation 15, Equation 16, Equation 17 and
Charts 9 and 10 (Appendix H) for curb-opening inlets are applicable.

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13-D-72 Storm Drainage

Where depth at the curb is such that orifice flow occurs, the interception capacity of the inlet is
computed by adding Equation 14 and Equation 17 as follows:

Qi = 0.67 Ag (2 g d)0.5 + 0.67 h L (2g do)0.5 (Equation 21)

Ag = clear area of the grate in square feet
g = 32.2 feet per second squared
d = depth at the curb in feet
h = height of curb-opening orifice in feet (reference the horizontal throat figure in
Section 6.2)
L = length of curb-opening in feet
do = effective depth at the center of the curb-opening orifice in feet (reference the
horizontal throat figure in Section 6.2)

Trial and error solutions are necessary for determining the depth at the curb for a given flow rate
using Chart 8, Chart 9, and Chart 10 (Appendix H) for orifice flow. Different assumptions for
clogging of the grate can also be examined using these charts.

6.4.1 Sweeper Combination Inlet (Sag) Example

The following example illustrated the design of combination inlets in a sag. Determine the appropriate inlet spacing in a sag.

L1= 400 FT. L2 L2 L1= 400 ft.




A A On grade inlet

B B Flanking inlet
C at sag
C Sag inlet



• Inlet design method = B (Appendix D)
Note: Method A or B could be used. Method selected should be used for the entire
• Highway main line sag (less than 45 miles per hour)

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-73

• Type “A” curb and gutter (reference Chapter 8)

• Wp = 75.5 feet (width of contributing drainage area, 4-12-foot lanes with 10.5-foot
shoulder, 5-foot sidewalk, 12-foot median)
• W = 2 feet (width of depressed section, at inlet only)
• SL = 0.018 (roadway longitudinal slope)
• Sx = 0.02 (shoulder and roadway cross slope)
• CG-1 inlets width P-17/8-4 grate (reference Table B, Appendix C)
• Lex = 4.20 feet (curb opening extension 30 percent clogged, Table B, Appendix D)
• Lex = 3.0 feet (curb opening extension 50 percent clogged, Table C, Appendix D)
• hex = 0.33 feet (curb opening height for curb opening extension)
• a = 1.5 inches (inlet depression)
• n = 0.016 (Manning’s coefficient for asphalt pavement)
• L1 = 400 feet
• Flanking inlets ignored in calculations
• 50-year design, Hydrologic Zone 8 (IDR curves in Chapter 7)
• Wg = 1.39 feet (CG-1 grate width, 30 percent clogged, per Table B, Appendix D)
• Lg = 2.31 feet (CG-1 grate length, 30 percent clogged, per Table B, Appendix D)
• Pg = 5.10 feet (CG-1 grate perimeter, 30 percent clogged, per Table B, Appendix
• Wg = 1.13 feet (CG-1 grate width, 50 percent clogged, per Table C, Appendix D)
• Lg = 2.05 feet (CG-1 grate length, 50 percent clogged, per Table C, Appendix D)
• Pg = 4.31 feet (CG-1 grate perimeter, 50 percent clogged, per Table C, Appendix

• For on-grade inlets, assume a 30 percent clogging factor because Method B has been
selected to solve the example problem.
• For low point inlet in a main line sag, assume a 50 percent clogging factor because
Method B has been selected.
• T = shoulder width + 2 feet
= 10.5 feet + 2 feet
= 12.5 feet (allowable flow spread per Table A, Appendix D)


Step B.1- Solve for (d1):

d1 = low point flow depth at curb (at allowable spread width)
d1 = (T-W)Sx + WSw (Chapter 8)
d1 = (12.5 – 2)(0.2) + (2)[(1.5/12)/2]
= 0.21 + 0.125 feet
d1 = 0.335 feet = 4.02 inches
Because flow depth (0.34 feet) is approximately equal to the curb opening height
and not greater than 4.5 inches (Section 6.1), assume inlet operates as a weir.

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13-D-74 Storm Drainage

Step B.2- Solve for (Qi):

Qi = low point grate inlet (CB-3) and curb opening extension capacity at
maximum allowable spread
Qig = grate inlet capacity at maximum allowable spread
= CwPd1.5 (Equation 13)
P = 4.31 feet (CG-1 grate perimeter, 50 percent clogged, Table B,
Appendix D)
d = 0.335 feet
Qig = 3.0(4.31)(0.335)1.5 = 2.51 cubic feet per second
Qiex = low point curb opening extension (CB-3) capacity at maximum
allowable spread
= 2.3(L + 1.8W)d1.5 (Equation 15)
L = 3.0 feet (curb opening extension 50 percent clogged, Table B,
Appendix D)
W = 2 feet (width of depression)
d = 0.335 feet
Qiex = 2.3 [3.18 + 1.8(2)] (0.335)1.5
= 2.94 cubic feet per second
Qi = Qig + Qiex
= 2.51 + 2.94 = 5.45 cubic feet per second

Step B.3- Solve for (Q50):

Q50 = 50-year peak flow (cubic feet per second) draining toward catch basins
CB-2 and CB-4
Q = CiA (Chapter 7)
i = 3.0 inches/hour (IDR curves in Chapter 7)
C = 0.9
A = Wp L
= (75.5)(400) = 30,200 square feet = 0.70 acres
Q50 = (0.9)(3.0)(0.70) = 1.90 cubic feet per second
Therefore, 1.90 cubic feet per second drains toward catch basins CB-2 and CB-4.

Step B.4- Solve for (T):

T = total spread of water in feet just upstream of inlets CB-2 and CB-4

0.56 1.67 0.5 2.67

Q50 = Sx SL T
Use Chart 5 (Appendix H) or rearrange the previous equation to solve for T.

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-75

⎛ nQ 50 ⎞
T = ⎜⎜ 1.67

0.5 ⎟
(Chapter 8 or Chart 5, Appendix H)
⎝ 0. 56(S x ) (S L ) ⎠
⎛ 0.016(1.90) ⎞
T = ⎜⎜ 1.67

0.5 ⎟
= 8.25 feet
⎝ 0 . 56( 0 .02) ( 0 . 018) ⎠
Okay (because this is less than the allowable spread of 12.5 feet)

Step B.5- Solve for (Eo):

Eo = ratio of flow in the depressed section to total gutter flow
⎡ W⎤
Eo = 1 - ⎢1 - ⎥ (Equation 4 or Chart 2, Appendix H)
⎣ T⎦
⎡ 2 ⎤
Eo = 1 - ⎢1 - ⎥
⎣ 8.25 ⎦
Eo = 0.52

Step B.6- Solve for (Se):

Se = equivalent cross slope (foot per foot)
Se = Sx + S′w Eo (Equation 12)
S′w =
a = 1.5 inches (inlet depression)
W = 2 feet (width of depression)
a 1.5 / 12
S′w = = = 0.0625 foot per foot
W 2
Se = 0.02 + 0.0625(0.52) = 0.0525 foot per foot

Step B.7- Solve for (LT):

LT = curb-opening length required to intercept 100 percent of gutter flow
0. 6
⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎡S e is substituted for S x in Equation ⎤
LT = 0.6 Q 0.42
S ⎜⎜
⎟⎟ ⎢ 10 or Chart 6, Appendix H ⎥⎦
t L
⎝ n Se ⎠ ⎣

0 .6
⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0.6(1.9) 0 .42
( 0.018 ) ⎜⎜
0 .3
⎝ ( 0 . 016 )( 0 . 0525 ) ⎠
LT = 16.5 feet

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13-D-76 Storm Drainage

Step B.8- Solve for (E):

E = curb-opening extension efficiency (neglect curb opening adjacent to
⎛ L ⎞
E = 1 − ⎜⎜1 − ex ⎟⎟ (Equation 11 or Chart 7, Appendix H)
⎝ LT ⎠
Lex = length of curb-opening extension prior to grate inlet, 30 percent
Lex = 4.2 feet
⎛ 4.2 ⎞
E = 1 - ⎜1 - ⎟ = 0.41 = 41 percent
⎝ 16.5 ⎠

Step B.9- Solve for (Qiex):

Qiex = flow intercepted by curb-opening extension

Qiex = EQ50 = (0.41)(1.9) = 0.78 cubic feet per second

Step B.10- Solve for (Qb):

Qb = bypass flow from curb-opening extension and total flow toward grate
Qb = Q50 – Qiex = 1.90 – 0.78 = 1.12 cubic feet per second

Step B.11- Solve for (T):

T = total spread at grate (after interception by curb-opening extension)

This is done by trial and error. Start by assuming an initial value of T = 6.75 feet

Ts = T – W = 6.75 – 2.0 = 4.75 feet

0.56 1.67 0.5 2.67

Qs = S x S L Ts (Chapter 8 or Chart 5, Appendix H)
Qs = (0.02)1.67 (0.018) 0.5 (4.75) 2.67 = 0.44 cubic feet per second
2.67 2.67
⎡ W⎤ ⎡ 2 ⎤
Eo = 1 − ⎢1 − ⎥ = 1 − ⎢1 − (Equation 4 or Chart 2, Appendix H)
⎣ T⎦ ⎣ 6.75 ⎥⎦
Eo = 0.61
Qs 0.44
Qt = = = 1.13 cubic feet per second
1 − E o 1 − 0.61

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Storm Drainage 13-D-77

Bypass flow from curb opening extension is 1.13 cubic feet per second. Total
flow toward the catch basin grate at a spread of 6.75 feet is 1.13 cubic feet per
second. Therefore, the spread at the catch basin grate is 6.75 feet.

Step B.12- Solve for (V):

V = average gutter flow velocity at grate
Qt 2Q
V = = 2 t (Chapter 8)
A T Sx

2 (1.13)
V = = 2.48 feet per second
6.752 (0.02)

Step B.13- Solve for (Rf)

Rf = ratio of frontal flow intercepted to total frontal flow
Rf = 1 – 0.09 (V – Vo) (Equation 6 or Chart 1, Appendix H)
Vo = gutter velocity where splash over first occurs (in feet per second)
CG-1 grate length = 2.31 feet (30 percent clogged, Table B)
Grate type = P-1-7/8-4
Therefore from Chart 1 (Appendix H), Vo = 5.0 feet per second
Rf = 1 – 0.09 (2.48 – 5.0) = 1.23
Rf cannot exceed 1.0, therefore
Rf = 1.0

Step B.14- Solve for (Rs)

Rs = ratio of side flow intercepted to total side flow
Rs = (Equation 7 or Chart 4, Appendix H)
⎛ 0.15V ⎞

1+ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ S L2.3 ⎟
⎝ x ⎠
V = 2.48 feet per second
L = 2.31 (CG-1 length, 30 percent clogged, Table B, Appendix D)
Rs = = 0.15
⎛ 0.15 (2.48)1.8 ⎞
1 + ⎜⎜ ⎟
2.3 ⎟
⎝ 0.02(2.31) ⎠

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13-D-78 Storm Drainage

Step B.15- Solve for (Eg):

Eg = interception efficiency of the inlet grate
Eg = RfEo + Rs (1 – Eo) (Equation 8)
Eg = (1.0)(0.61) + 0.15(1 – 0.61) = 0.67 = 67 percent

Step B.16- Solve for (Qig):

Qig = interception flow of grate inlet
Qig = Eg Qt = 0.67(1.13) = 0.76 cubic feet per second

Step B.17- Solve for (Qi):

Qi = total interception flow (both grate inlet and curb-opening extension)
Qi = interception flow of curb-opening extension + interception flow of
grate inlet
Qi = Qiex + Qig
Qi = 0.78 + 0.76 = 1.54 cubic feet per second

Step B.18- Solve for (Qb):

Qb = total bypass flow of upstream inlet (both grate inlet and curb-opening
Qb = Q50 - Qi
Qb = 1.90 – 1.54 = 0.36 cubic feet per second

Step B.19- Calculate (L2):

L2 = distance between sag inlet CB-3 and CB-2, and
= distance between sag inlet CB-3 and CB-4
L2 = E (Equation 1)
CC f iWp

Equation 1 is modified to calculate L2 in sags, therefore

43,560 (Q i - 2Q b )
L2 =
C C f i 2Wp
i = 3.0 inches per hour (assume 5-minute tc using a 50-year storm design,
Hydrologic Zone 8, using IDR curve in Chapter 7)
Cf = 1.0
Wp = 75.5 feet
Qi = 5.45 cubic feet per second (low point inlet (CB-3) interception

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Storm Drainage 13-D-79

43,560 (5.45 - 2(0.36))

L2 = = 505 feet
Maximum inlet spacing shall be limited to 400 feet
505 feet is greater than 400 feet, therefore inlet spacing shall be limited to 400

L = 400 ft. L2 = 400 ft. L = 400 ft. L = 400 ft.

1 2 1



=1 cfs
A 50
.90 .90
c fs
CB-3 =1 A
SL CB-2 Q i = 5.45 cfs Q 50

Q = 6 cf s
b 0.36 cfs Q b= 0.3

A A On grade inlet

B B Flanking inlet
C at sag
C Sag inlet



6.5 Trench Drain Systems (Sag)

The use of trench drains in sags is generally discouraged because of the tendency of such inlets
to intercept debris and clog. However, there may be locations where it is desirable to supplement
an existing low point inlet with the use of a trench drain.

Note: General information on trench drain systems is noted in Appendix C.

To aid in the design of trench drains, the designer should consider the following guidelines:

• Equations and figures used for the design of grate inlets (reference Section 6.1) should be
used in the design of trench drains.
• Consider trench inlet hydraulic conveyance capacity curves or data from a manufacturer.
• Consider trench inlet hydraulic capacity curves or data for available grates from a
• Trench drain grate shall be a bicycle safe grate and is rated for heavy highway traffic.
• When using design Method B, the designer should assume 50 percent clogging which will
result in providing twice the calculated required length for flow interception because
trench drains tend to plug.
• The minimum cleanout velocity for trench drain systems should be 3 feet per second.

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13-D-80 Storm Drainage

• Trench drains should not be used in areas with high traffic speeds greater than or equal to
45 miles per hour.

6.6 Flanking Inlets

Inlets should always be located at the low points of sag vertical curves. In addition to providing
low point inlets, it is good engineering practice to place flanking inlets on each side of low point
inlets when in a depressed area that stormwater has no outlet except through the drainage system.
This is illustrated in Figure 6.

The purpose of flanking inlets is to act in relief of the inlet at the low point if it should become
clogged or if the design spread is exceeded as noted in Table A. Flanking inlets can be located
so they will function before water spread exceeds the allowable spread at the sump location.
Also flanking inlets should be located so that they will receive all of the flow when the primary
inlet at the bottom of the sag is clogged.

Note: When designing inlets in sag locations flanking inlets are neglected in the calculations.

d = Depth at Curb
at Design Spread

63 % d
Flanking Inlet d
Flanking Inlet

Low Point Inlet

Inlet spacing from sag Inlet spacing from sag

Figure 6 - Flanking Inlets

Flanking inlet design shall meet one of the following methods:

Method 1:
Flanking inlets should be placed 10-15 feet from the sag inlet and should be no more than 0.1
foot higher than the sag inlet. If this criteria does not fit the site conditions, determine the
locations of the flanking inlets as described in Method 2.

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Storm Drainage 13-D-81

Method 2:
Flanking inlets can be located so they will function before water spread exceeds the allowable
spread at the sump location. The flanking inlets should be located so that they will receive all of
the flow when the primary inlet at the bottom of the sag is clogged. They should do this without
exceeding the allowable spread at the bottom of the sag. If the flanking inlets are the same
dimension as the primary inlet, they will each intercept one-half the design flow when they are
located so that the depth of ponding at the flanking inlets is 63 percent of the depth of ponding at
the low point. If the flanking inlets are not the same size as the primary inlet, it will be necessary
to either develop a new factor or do a trial and error solution using assumed depths with the weir
equation to determine the capacity of the flanking inlet at the given depths.

Table D shows the spacing required for various depth at curb criteria and vertical curve lengths
defined by:
K =
G 2 - G1 (Equation 22)
K = rate of vertical curvature
L = length of the vertical curve in feet
G1 = beginning approach grade
G2 = ending approach grade

Table D - Flanking Inlet Locations

Distance to flanking inlets in sag vertical curve using depth at curb criteria (feet).
K (feet
per 20 30 40 50 70 90 110 130 160 167
(feet) d
0.1 20 24 28 32 37 42 47 51 57 58
0.2 28 35 40 45 53 60 66 72 80 82
0.3 35 42 49 55 65 73 81 88 98 100
0.4 40 49 57 63 75 85 94 102 113 116
0.5 45 55 63 71 84 95 105 114 126 129
0.6 49 60 69 77 92 104 115 125 139 142
0.7 53 65 75 84 99 112 124 135 150 153
0.8 57 69 80 89 106 120 133 144 160 163
NOTES 1. X = (200dK) , where X = distance from the sag point (feet).
2. d = Y – Yf where Y = depth of ponding and Yf = depth at the flanker inlet.
3. Drainage maximum K = 167 feet per percent.

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-82 Storm Drainage

6.6.1 Flanking Inlets Example

The following example illustrates the procedure presented for Method 2. Determine the location of the flanking inlets if located to function in relief of the
inlet at the low point when the inlet at the low point is clogged

d = Depth at Curb
at Design Spread

3 .5 Low Point inlet

% %
Flanking Inlet 3.5

Flanking Inlet

Determine Distance
between low point
inlet and flanking

• Highway on-grade section, main line sag (45 miles per hour or greater)
• The spread at design flow (Q) is is not to exceed the shoulder width of 10 feet (per Table
• Wp = 46.5 feet (width of contributing drainage area, 4-12-foot lanes with 10-foot
shoulder, 5-foot sidewalk, 7-foot median)
• L = 500 feet (vertical curve length at sag)
• Sx = 0.02 foot per foot (shoulder and lane cross section)
• G1 = -3.5 percent (roadway slope entering sag)
• G2 = 3.5 percent (roadway slope exiting sag)

• Flanking inlets should be designed so that they will receive all of the flow when the
primary inlet at the bottom of the sag is clogged.
• Ponding at the flanking inlet should be 63 percent of the depth of ponding at the low
point (for inlets of the same size)
• T = shoulder width + 0 feet = 10 feet (allowable total spread at inlet opening, per Table
A, Appendix D)

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-83


Step B.1- Solve for (K):

K = rate of vertical curvature
K = (Equation 22)
(G 2 - G 1 )
L = 500 feet (vertical curve length)
K =
[3.5 - (-3.5)]
K = 71.4 feet per percent

Step B.2- Solve for (Y):

Y = depth of ponding at design spread.
Y = Sx T
= (0.02)(10)
Y = 0.20 feet

Step B.3- Solve for (Yf):

Yf = depth at flanker locations
Flanker inlet should be located so that depth at flanker is 63 percent of the depth
at the sag inlet
Yf = 0.20(0.63) = 0.126 feet

Step B.4- Solve for (X):

X = distance from flanker inlet to sag inlet
X = (200dK)0.5
d = Y – Yf = 0.20 – 0.126 = 0.074
X = [(200)(0.074)(71.4)]0.5 = 32.5 feet
Therefore, space flanking inlets at a distance no more than 32.5 feet from sag

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-84 Storm Drainage

Low point inlet

Flanking inlet Flanking inlet

32.5 ft. 32.5 ft.


Example problems in Section 6.0 illustrate the total interception capacity of inlets in sag
locations. Except where inlets become clogged, spread on low gradient approaches to the low
point is a more stringent criterion for design than the interception capacity of the sag inlet. It is
recommended that a gradient of 0.3 percent be maintained within 50 feet of the level point in
order to provide adequate drainage. Standard inlet locations may need to be adjusted to avoid
excessive spread in the sag curve. Inlets may also be needed between the flankers and the ends
of the curves. For major sag points, the flanking inlets are added as a safety factor, and are not
considered as intercepting flow to reduce the bypass flow to the sag point. They are installed to
assist the sag point inlet in the event of clogging.

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-85

7.0 Median Inlets

Standard ODOT drop inlets G-2M and G-2MA are recommended median and roadside ditch
inlets as noted in Appendix C. These inlets are intended for portions of highways that have a
very long continuous grade. When these inlets are placed in the clear zone the designer should
evaluate that the proposed inlet location would not cause an errant vehicle to overturn.

The design examples in this section demonstrate the use of Chart 1, Chart 4, Chart 12, and Chart
13 located in Appendix H. These figures should be used in analyzing drop inlets in medians or
roadside ditches on continuous grade. Charts 1 and 4 are used to estimate the ratios of frontal
and side flow intercepted by the grate to total flow. The interception capacity of drop inlets in
median ditches on continuous grades can be estimated by use of Charts 12 and 13 to estimate the
flow depth and the ratio of frontal flow to total flow in the ditch.

Small dikes downstream of drop inlets (Figure 7) can be provided to impede bypass flow in an
attempt to cause complete interception of the approach flow. The dikes usually need not be more
than a few inches high and should have traffic safe slopes. The height of dike required for
complete interception on continuous grades or the depth of ponding in sag vertical curves can be
computed by use of Chart 8. The effective perimeter of a grate in an open channel with a dike
should be taken as 2(L + W) since one side of the grate is not adjacent to a curb.

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-86 Storm Drainage

Figure 7 – Median Drop Inlet

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-87

7.1 Median Drop Inlet (On-grade) Example

The following example illustrates the design of a median drop inlet (on grade) with a grate width
less than the bottom width of the ditch.

7.1.1 Determine the maximum allowable flow, interception flow, and bypass flow.

Sketch: A



B Flow Median ditch

G-2M Inlet

feet B
1 1

G-2M Inlet


S L = 1 perc

G-2M Inlet


• Urban collector, less than 45 miles per hour, on grade section
• SL = 0.01 foot per foot (longitudinal slope of roadway and channel)
• Wp = 58 feet (width of contributing area, 2-12 foot travel lanes, 2-6 foot shoulders,
1-22 foot wide median)
• Wg = 2.25 feet (G-2M inlet grate width)
• Lg = 2.67 feet (G-2M inlet grate length)
• Pg = 9.83 feet (G-2M inlet grate perimeter)
• i = 2.28 inches per hour (10-year design, Hydrologic Zone 8 (IDR curves are
located in Chapter 7))
• C = 0.42 (weighted rational method runoff coefficient for pavement and grass
• B = 4 feet (channel bottom width)
• n = 0.073 (Manning’s coefficient for grass lined channel, reference Chapter 8)
• z = 6 feet (side slope, horizontal run per one foot of height)
• Dchannel = 1.5 feet (total channel depth)
• A = 1.01 Acres (total contributing area to median inlet)

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13-D-88 Storm Drainage

7.1.2 Method A

• E = 0.70 (minimum efficiency for Method A)
• ymax = 0.5 feet (maximum flow depth to maintain minimum of 1 foot freeboard in

Step A.1- Solve for (Q):

Q = peak runoff rate to inlet during 10-year event
Q = CiA (Chapter 7)
= (0.42)(2.28)(1.01)
= 0.96 cubic feet per second

Step A.2- Solve for (y):

Y = flow depth in channel during 10-year event
Use Manning’s equation
⎛ 1.486 ⎞ 2/3 1/2
Q = ⎜ ⎟R AS L (Chapter 8)
⎝ n ⎠
Solve for flow depth by trial and error by assuming a flow depth until Q equals
0.96 cubic feet per second.
y = 0.25 feet
Okay (because 0.25 feet is less than maximum allowable depth of 0.5 feet)

Step A.3- Solve for (P):

P = wetted perimeter in feet

P = B + 2y Z 2 + 1 (Chapter 8)
y = 0.25 feet

P = 4 + 2(0.25) 6 2 + 1 = 7.04 feet

Step A.4- Solve for (A):

A = flow area in square feet.
A = By + Zy2 (Chapter 8)
= (4)(0.25) + (6)(0.25)2
= 1.38 square feet

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-89

Step A.5- Solve for (R):

R = hydraulic radius, feet
R = A/P
= 1.38 / 7.04
= 0.196 feet

Step A.6- Solve for (Q):

Q = flow rate in channel at assumed flow depth of 0.25 feet
⎛ 1.486 ⎞ 2/3 1/2
Q = ⎜ ⎟R AS (Chapter 8)
⎝ n ⎠
⎛ 1.486 ⎞
⎟(0.196) (1.38)(0.01) = 0.96 cubic feet per second
2/3 1/2
Q = ⎜
⎝ 0.073 ⎠
The flow calculated in this step is the same as that calculated in Step A.1.
Therefore this flow depth of 0.25 feet is correct.

Step A.7- Solve for (V):

V = average flow velocity in channel at flow depth of 0.25 feet
V = Q/A (Chapter 8)
⎛ Q ⎞ 0.96
V = ⎜ ⎟= = 0.70 feet per second
⎝ A ⎠ 1.38
Note: To assure the channel is stable, the designer must evaluate that the
maximum shear stress caused by the design flow is less than the maximum shear
stress the lining can resist. The designer is directed to Chapter 8 for additional

Step A.8- Solve for (Rf):

Rf = ratio of frontal flow intercepted to total frontal flow
G-2M inlet equivalent grate type = P-1-7/8 (Table B, Appendix C)
Lg = 2.67 feet (G-2M grate length)
Vo = 9.7 feet per second (Chart 1, Appendix H)
Rf = 1 – 0.09 (V – Vo) (Equation 6)
Rf = 1 – 0.09 (0.70– 9.7) = 1.81
Rf cannot be greater than 1, therefore Rf = 1.0

Step A.9- Solve for (Rs):

Rs = ratio of side flow intercepted to total side flow

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-90 Storm Drainage

Rs = Rs = (Equation 7)
⎛ 0.15V1.8 ⎞
1 + ⎜⎜ 2.3 ⎟

⎝ Sx L ⎠
Rs = = 0.55
⎛ 0.15(0.70)1.8 ⎞
1 + ⎜⎜ ⎟
2.3 ⎟
⎝ (0.01)(2.67) ⎠
Note: Sx is assumed to be 1 percent because the ditch bottom is wider than the
grate and has no cross-slope, therefore, per FHWA HEC-22 recommends using
the least cross-slope (1 percent) noted in Chart 4, Appendix H.

Step A.10- Solve for (Eo):

Eo = ratio of frontal flow to total flow in trapezoidal channel
Eo = (Chart 13, Appendix H)
B + yZ
Wg = 2.25 feet (G-2M grate width) (Table B, Appendix C)
Eo = = 0.41
[4 + 0.25(6)]
Step A.11- Solve for (E):
E = inlet efficiency
E = Rf Eo + Rs (1 – Eo) (Equation 8)
E = 1 (0.41) + 0.55(1 – 0.41) = 0.73
E = 0.73 is greater than the minimum allowable interception efficiency,
therefore criteria of minimum efficiency is met.

Step A.12- Solve for (Qi):

Qi = intercepted flow in cubic feet per second
Qi = EQt
Qi = (0.73) (0.96) = 0.70 cubic feet per second

Step A.13- Solve for (Qb):

Qb = flow that is not intercepted by the inlet and must be included in the
evaluation of downstream channels and inlets
Qb = Qt - Qi
Qb = 0.96 – 0.70 = 0.26 cubic feet per second

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-91

7.1.3 Method B

• Assume 30 percent clogging of a type G-2M grate (per Table A)
• Lg = 2.26 feet (G-2M grate length, 30 percent clogged)
• Wg = 1.84 feet (G-2M grate width, 30 percent clogged)
• ymax = 0.5 feet (maximum flow depth to maintain minimum of 1 foot freeboard in


Step B.1- Solve for (Q):

Q = peak runoff rate to inlet during 10-year event
Q = CiA (Chapter 7)
= (0.42)(2.28)(1.01)
= 0.96 cubic feet per second

Step B.2- Solve for (y):

y = flow depth in channel during 10-year event
Use Manning’s equation
⎛ 1.486 ⎞ 2/3 1/2
Q = ⎜ ⎟R AS L (Chapter 8)
⎝ n ⎠
Solve for flow depth by trial and error by assuming a flow depth until Q equals
0.96 cubic feet per second.
y = 0.25 feet
Okay (because 0.25 feet is less than maximum allowable depth of 0.5 feet)

Step B.3- Solve for (P):

P = wetted perimeter in feet

P = B + 2y Z 2 + 1 (Chapter 8)
y = 0.25 feet

P = 4 + 2(0.25) 6 2 + 1 = 7.04 feet

Step B.4- Solve for (A):

A = flow area in square feet.
A = By + Zy2 (Chapter 8)
= (4)(0. 25) + (6)(0.25)2
= 1.38 square feet

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-92 Storm Drainage

Step B.5- Solve for (R):

R = hydraulic radius, feet
R = A/P
= 1.38/7.04
= 0.196 feet

Step B.6- Solve for (Q):

Q = flow rate in channel at assumed flow depth of 0.25 feet
⎛ 1.486 ⎞ 2/3 1/2
Q = ⎜ ⎟R AS (Chapter 8)
⎝ n ⎠
⎛ 1.486 ⎞
⎟(0.196) (1.38)(0.01) = 0.96 cubic feet per second
2/3 1/2
Q = ⎜
⎝ 0.073 ⎠
The flow calculated in this step is the same as that calculated in Step B.1.
Therefore this flow depth of 0.25 feet is correct.

Step B.7- Solve for (V):

V = average flow velocity in channel at flow depth of 0.25 feet
V = Q/A (Chapter 8)
⎛ Q ⎞ 0.96
V = ⎜ ⎟= = 0.70 feet per second
⎝ A ⎠ 1.38
Note: To assure the channel is stable, the designer must evaluate that the
maximum shear stress caused by the design flow is less than the maximum shear
stress the lining can resist. The designer is directed to Chapter 8 for additional

Step B.8- Solve for (Rf):

Rf = ratio of frontal flow intercepted to total frontal flow
G-2M inlet equivalent grate type = P-1-7/8 (Table B, Appendix C)
Lg = 2.26 feet (G-2M grate length, 30 percent clogged)
Vo = 8.6 feet per second (Chart 1, Appendix H)
Rf = 1 – 0.09 (V – Vo) (Equation 6)
Rf = 1 – 0.09 (0.70– 8.6) = 1.71
Rf cannot be greater than 1, therefore Rf = 1.0

Step B.9- Solve for (Rs):

Rs = ratio of side flow intercepted to total side flow

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-93

Rs = (Equation 7)
⎛ 0.15V1.8 ⎞
1 + ⎜⎜ 2.3 ⎟

⎝ Sx L ⎠
Rs = = 0.45
⎛ 0.15(0.70)1.8 ⎞
1 + ⎜⎜ ⎟
2.3 ⎟
⎝ (0.01)(2.26) ⎠

Step B.10- Solve for (Eo):

Eo = ratio of frontal flow to total flow in trapezoidal channel
Eo = (Chart 13, Appendix H)
B + yZ
Wg = 1.84 feet (G-2M grate width, 30 percent clogged) (Table B, Appendix C)
Eo = = 0.34
(4 + 0.25(6))

Step B.11- Solve for (E):

E = inlet efficiency
E = Rf Eo + Rs (1 – Eo) (Equation 8)
E = 1(0.34) + 0.45(1 – 0.34) = 0.64
Okay because 70 percent interception criteria is not required for Method B.

Step B.12- Solve for (Qi):

Qi = intercepted flow in cubic feet per second
Qi = EQt
Qi = (0.64) (0.96)
Qi = 0.61 cubic feet per second

Step B.13- Solve for (Qb):

Qb = flow that is not intercepted by the inlet and must be included in the
evaluation of downstream channels and inlets
Qb = Qt - Qi
Qb = 0.96 – 0.61 = 0.35 cubic feet per second

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-94 Storm Drainage

7.2 Median Drop Inlet (On-grade) Example

The following example illustrates the use of Chart 4 (Appendix H) when the grate width is equal
to the bottom width of the ditch. Use Chart 4 by substituting ditch side slopes for values of Sx as
illustrated in the following example:

7.2.1 Determine the intercepted flow (Qi) and the bypassed flow (Qb) for the following


B Flow Median ditch

G-2M Inlet


1 1

G-2M Inlet



G-2M Inlet

Note: Method A or Method B could be used. Method selected should be used for entire design.
• Q = 20.0 cubic feet per second (10-year peak runoff)
• Urban collector, greater than 45 milers per hour, on-grade section
• B = 2.25 feet (channel width)
• n = 0.027 (Manning’s roughness coefficient)
• z = 6 (channel side slope)
• SL = 0.0125 feet per feet (longitudinal slope of channel and roadway)
• D = 2.0 feet (total ditch depth)
• The flow in the median ditch is to be intercepted by a drop inlet
• Type G-2M inlet with a P-1-7/8 parallel bar grate
• Wg = 2.25 feet (grate width for G-2M inlet)
• Lg = 2.67 (grate length for G-2M inlet)
• There is no dike downstream of the inlet.

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-95

7.2.2 Method A


Step A.1- Solve for (y):

y = flow depth in channel during a 10-year event.
Use Manning’s equation
⎛ 1.486 ⎞ 2/3 1/2
Q = ⎜ ⎟R AS L (Chapter 8)
⎝ n ⎠
Solve for flow depth by trial and error. Start by assuming a flow depth.
y = 0.78 feet

Step A.2- Solve for (P):

P = wetted perimeter, feet

P = B + 2y Z 2 + 1 (Chapter 8)
y = 0.78 feet

P = 2.25 + 2(0.78) 6 2 + 1 = 11.74 feet

Step A.3- Solve for (A):

A = flow area, square feet.
A = By + Zy2 (Chapter 8)
= (2.25)(0.78) + (6)(0.78)
= 5.41 square feet

Step A.4- Solve for (R):

R = hydraulic radius, feet
R = A/P = 5.41/11.74 = 0.46 feet

Step A.5- Solve for (Q):

Q = flow rate in channel at assumed flow depth of 0.78 feet
⎛ 1.486 ⎞ 2/3 1/2
Q = ⎜ ⎟R AS (Chapter 8)
⎝ n ⎠
⎛ 1.486 ⎞
⎟(0.46) (5.41)(0.0125) = 20.0 cubic feet per second
2/3 1/2
Q = ⎜
⎝ 0.027 ⎠
The flow calculated in this step is the same as that given in the problem statement.
Therefore this flow depth is correct.

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-96 Storm Drainage

Step A.6- Solve for (V):

V = average flow velocity in channel at flow depth of 0.78 feet
V = Q/A (Chapter 8)
= 20.0/5.41 = 3.70 feet per second

Step A.7- Solve for (Rf):

Rf = ratio of frontal flow intercepted to total frontal flow
G-2M inlet equivalent grate type = P-1-7/8 parrallel pipe. (Table B, Appendix C)
Lg = 2.67 feet (G-2M grate length)
Vo = 9.7 feet per second (Chart 1, Appendix H)
Rf = 1 – 0.09 (V – Vo) (Equation 6)
Rf = 1 – 0.09 (3.70– 9.7) = 1.54
Rf cannot be greater than 1, therefore Rf = 1.0

Step A.8- Solve for (Rs):

Rs = ratio of side flow intercepted to total side flow
Rs = (Equation 7, or Chart 4, Appendix H)
⎛ 0.15(V)1.8 ⎞
1 + ⎜⎜ ⎟
2.3 ⎟
⎝ xS ( L ) ⎠
Rs = = 0.51
⎛ 0.15(3.70)1.8 ⎞
1 + ⎜⎜ ⎟
2.3 ⎟
⎝ 0 . 17 ( 2 . 67 ) ⎠
Note: Sx = per FHWA HEC-22

Step A.9- Solve for (Eo)

Eo = ratio of frontal flow to total flow in trapezoidal channel
Eo = (Chart 13, Appendix H)
B + yZ
Wg = 2.25 feet (G-2M grate width) (Table B, Appendix C)
Eo = = 0.32
(2.25 + 0.78(6.0))

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-97

Step A.10- Solve for (E):

E = total efficiency.
E = Eo Rf + Rs (1 - Eo) (Equation 8)
E = (0.32)(1.0) + (0.51)(1-0.32) = 0.67

The minimum allowable inlet efficiency when using Method A is 70 percent.

Therefore the design would have to be modified to meet efficiency requirements
such as adding an additional inlet upstream to reduce peak flow to this inlet or use
Method B or by constructing a barrier downstream of the inlet to force the water
into the inlet. This method is demonstrated in example problem 7.3.

7.2.3 Method B

• Assume 30 percent clogged type G-2M inlet with a P-1-7/8 parallel bar grate
• Wg = 1.84 feet (grate width for G-2M inlet, per Table B)
• Lg = 2.26 (grate length for G-2M inlet, per Table B)


Step B.1- Solve for (y):

y = flow depth in channel during a 10-year event.
Use Manning’s equation
⎛ 1.486 ⎞ 2/3 1/2
Q = ⎜ ⎟R AS L (Chapter 8)
⎝ n ⎠
Q = 20 cubic feet per second
Solve for flow depth by trial and error. Start by assuming a flow depth.
y = 0.78 feet

Step B.2- Solve for (P):

P = wetted perimeter, feet

P = B + 2y Z 2 + 1 (Chapter 8)
y = 0.78 feet

P = 2.25 + 2(0.78) 6 2 + 1 = 11.74 feet

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-98 Storm Drainage

Step B.3- Solve for (A):

A = flow area, square feet.
A = By + Zy2 (Chapter 8)
= (2.25)(0.78) + (6)(0.78)2
= 5.41 square feet

Step B.4- Solve for (R):

R = hydraulic radius, feet
R = A/P = 5.41/11.74 = 0.46 feet

Step B.5- Solve for (Q):

Q = flow rate in channel at assumed flow depth of 0.78 feet
⎛ 1.486 ⎞ 2/3 1/2
Q = ⎜ ⎟R AS (Chapter 8)
⎝ n ⎠
⎛ 1.486 ⎞
⎟(0.46) (5.41)(0.0125) = 20.0 cubic feet per second
2/3 1/2
Q = ⎜
⎝ 0.027 ⎠
The flow calculated in this step is the same as that given in the problem statement.
Therefore this flow depth is correct.

Step B.6- Solve for (V):

V = average flow velocity in channel at flow depth of 0.78 feet
V = Q/A (Chapter 8)
= 20.0/5.41 = 3.70 feet per second

Step B.7- Solve for (Rf):

Rf = ratio of frontal flow intercepted to total frontal flow
G-2M inlet equivalent grate type = P-1-7/8 parrallel pipe. (Table B, Appendix C)
Lg = 2.26 feet (G-2M grate length 30 percent clogged, Table B)
Vo = 8.6 feet per second (Chart 1, Appendix H)
Rf = 1 – 0.09 (V – Vo) (Equation 6)
Rf = 1 – 0.09 (3.70 – 8.6) = 1.44
Rf cannot be greater than 1, therefore Rf = 1.0

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-99

Step B.8- Solve for (Rs):

Rs = ratio of side flow intercepted to total side flow
Rs = (Equation 7)
⎛ 0.15(V)1.8 ⎞
1 + ⎜⎜ ⎟
2.3 ⎟
⎝ S x ( L) ⎠
Rs = = 0.41
⎛ 0.15(3.70)1.8 ⎞
1 + ⎜⎜ ⎟
2.3 ⎟
⎝ 0.17(2.26) ⎠

Step B.9- Solve for (Eo)

Eo = ratio of frontal flow to total flow in trapezoidal channel
Eo = (Chart 13, Appendix H)
B + yZ
Wg = 1.84 feet (G-2M grate width, 30 percent clogged, Table B)
Eo = = 0.27
(2.25 + 0.78(6.0))

Step B.10- Solve for (E):

E = total efficiency.
E = Eo Rf + Rs (1 - Eo) (Equation 8)
E = (0.27)(1.0) + (0.41)(1-0.27) = 0.57

Step B.11- Solve for (Qi, Qb ):

Qi = interception flow in cubic feet per second
Qb = flow that is not intercepted by the inlet and must be included in the
evaluation of downstream channels and inlets
Qi = EQ = (0.57)(20.0)
Qi = 11.4 cubic feet per second
Qb = Q – Qi = 20.0 – 11.4
Qb = 8.6 cubic feet per second

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-100 Storm Drainage

7.3 Median Drop Inlet (On-grade) Example

7.3.1 Determine the dike height required downstream of the grate inlet to provide total
interception of ditch flow

The following example uses the conditions provided in Example 7.2.1 to illustrate the procedure
of designing a dike downstream of a drop inlet that would provide adequate obstruction to cause
total interception of ditch flow.
Sketch: Shoulder


B Flow Median ditch

G-2M Inlet


1 1 A

G-2M Inlet

G-2M Inlet

• Q = 20 cubic feet per second (10-year peak runoff)
• B = 2.25 feet (channel width)
• Lg = 2.67 feet (type G-2M inlet length)
• Wg = 2.25 feet (type G-2M inlet width)
• n = 0.027 (Manning’s roughness coefficient)
• z = 6 (channel side slope)
• SL = 0.0125 feet per feet (longitudinal slope of channel and roadway)
• The flow in the median ditch is to be intercepted by a drop inlet (type G-2M measuring
2.25 feet by 2.67 feet with a P-1-7/8 parallel bar grate).

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-101


Step 1- Solve for (Pg):

Pg = grate perimeter
Pg = 2(Lg+Wg)
Pg = 2(2.67 + 2.25) = 9.84 feet

Step 2- Solve for (d):

d = depth of flow required for 100 percent interception
d = [Qi / (Cw Pg)]0.67 (Equation 13 or Chart 8, Appendix H)
For 100 percent interception, Qi = Q = 20 cubic feet per second
Cw = 3.0
Pg = 9.84
d = [(20) / ((3.0)(9.84))]0.67 = 0.77 feet

An obstruction berm will need to have a minimum height of 0.77 feet for total

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-102 Storm Drainage

8.0 Embankment Inlets/Downdrains

There will be locations where disposal of runoff must be provided at the drainage inlet. This is
often the case along fill slopes or to intercept water upgrade or downgrade of bridges. The flow
intercepted is usually discharged into open chutes or pipe downdrains that terminate at the toe of
the fill slope.

Listed below are additional guidelines that need to be addressed when designing these inlets:

• Water quality treatment – runoff collected by these drainage inlets need to address the
most stringent local standards or refer to ODOT’s water quality design guidelines.
• Energy dissipation – the designer is referred to Chapter 11 to design outfalls meeting
ODOT design guidelines.
• Conveyance capacity – the designer is referred to Appendix F for storm pipe design and
this section for downdrain design guidelines.

Example problem solutions in other sections of this manual illustrate the difficulty in providing
for near total interception on-grade. Grate inlets intercept little more than the flow conveyed by
the gutter width occupied by the grate. Combination curb-opening and grate inlets can be
designed to intercept total flow if the length of curb-opening upstream of the grate is sufficient to
reduce spread in the gutter to the width of the grate used. Depressing the inlets or curb-opening
would significantly reduce the length of inlet required. Therefore, the most practical procedure
for use where near total interception is necessary are sweeper inlets, increased grate width, or
slotted inlets of sufficient length.

Note: Design charts and procedures in Section 5.0 are applicable to the design of inlets on

Drainage piping systems used to convey intercepted flow from inlets to the toe of a fill slope
may be open or closed chutes.

Pipe downdrains (closed chutes) are preferable because the flow is confined and cannot cause
erosion along the sides. Open chutes are often damaged by erosion from water splashing over
the sides of the chute due to oscillation in the flow and from spill over the sides at bends in the

Note: It is recommended that these types of pipes be buried to minimize bank erosion and
eliminate interference with maintenance operations.

Erosion at the ends of downdrains or chutes can be a problem if not anticipated. To control the
potential for pipe outlet erosion the designer is referred to Chapter 11 for information on energy
dissipation guidelines.

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-103

Figure 8 - Embankment inlet and downdrain.

The capacity of downdrain pipes are most commonly restricted by inlet control as described in
Chapter 9. Capacities are shown in Table E assuming the headwater depth does not exceed the
diameter of the pipe (HW/D=1). Downdrain pipes controlled by pipe capacity can be sized using
Manning’s equation as described in Chapter 8.

Table E - Downdrain Pipe Capacity

Diameter of Maximum
Slope Pipe Design Flow
(inches) (cubic feet per second)
12 2.0
15 3.7
18 5.7
21 8.1
24 11.8

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-104 Storm Drainage

9.0 Scuppers

Scuppers are another way of removing stormwater from roadway pavement and bridge decks.
The primary advantage of using scuppers is their ability to intercept flow over a wide section and
offer little interference to traffic operations. However, scuppers are not recommended for use in
environments where significant sediment or debris loads may be present because they are
susceptible to clogging.

Note: Reference Roadway Concrete Barrier section of ODOT’s Standard Drawings (current
version) for typical horizontal scuppers used in ODOT storm drainage systems. For a more
detailed discussion of horizontal and vertical scuppers, the reader is referred to FHWA’s
“Design of Bridge Deck Drainage” - Hydraulic Engineering Circular No 21.

Listed below are additional guidelines that need to be addressed when designing scuppers:

• The equations and figures used for the design of curb-opening inlets should be used in the
design of horizontal scuppers.
• The equations and figures used for the design of grate inlets should be used in the design
of vertical scuppers.
• Water quality treatment – runoff collected by scuppers needs to address the most
stringent local standards or refer to ODOT’s water quality design guidelines. Due to
environmental regulations it is discouraged to directly discharge from bridge decks using
scuppers onto waterways, riparian areas, wetlands, or other sensitive areas. It is good
practice to assume all bridge deck runoff will have water quality treatment unless permit
or environmental personnel give permission to do otherwise.
• When using inlet design method B, the designer should assume 50 percent clogging
which will result in providing twice the calculated required length for flow interception
because scuppers tend to plug.
• Energy dissipation – flow exiting horizontal scuppers should be closely evaluated for
erosion potential because the flow is not directed to a storm drain system and is often
released directly onto down slopes. Reference ODOT’s Erosion Control Manual,
Chapter 8 and Chapter 11 for recommended methods to prevent erosion.

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-105

9.1 Scupper (On-grade) Example

The following example illustrates the design of horizontal scuppers.

9.1.1 Determine inlet efficiency of concrete barrier scuppers


300 fe ncrete
e with rs)
3-inch Bridg (no scuppe
s w it h two g barrie rs
r n
Barrie 12-inch lo
hi gh x er
ers p
scupp pan
rs High Point




• Highway section on-grade (greater than 45 miles per hour)
• Lb = 5.5 feet (length of barrier between scuppers)
• WP = 31 feet (width of contributing area, 2 – 12-foot lanes with 7-foot shoulder)
• SL = 0.01 feet per feet
• SX = 0.02 feet per feet
• n = 0.016 (Manning’s coefficient for asphalt placement)
• 10-year design (per Table A), Salem area (Hydrologic Zone 7)
• i = 2.10 inches per hour (Salem area, assume 5-minute tc using a 10-year storm
• Type A curb and gutter (reference Chapter 8)

9.1.2 Method A

• T = allowable spread = shoulder width + 0 feet = 7 feet (per Table A)
• LS = scupper length = (1 foot)
• hS = 3 inches (scupper height)

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-106 Storm Drainage


Step A.1- Solve for (Q):

Q = flow rate to first upstream scupper in cubic feet per second
Q = CiA (Chapter 7)
A = (300)(31) = 9300 square feet = 0.21 acres
Q = (.90)(2.10)(0.21) = 0.40 cubic feet per second

Step A.2- Solve for (T):

T = total spread at upstream scupper (Chapter 8)
⎛ Q10 n ⎞
T = ⎜⎜ .5 1.67
⎝ 0.56(S L ) (S X ) ⎠
⎛ (0.40)(0.016) ⎞
T = ⎜⎜ .5 1.67
⎟⎟ = 5.1 feet
⎝ 0.56(0.01) (0.02) ⎠
Spread at first upstream scupper = 5.1 feet
Allowable spread = 7 feet. Therefore, no deck drains will be needed between the
high point and first upstream scupper because maximum spread is less than
allowable spread.

Step A.3- Solve for (LT):

LT = length of opening to intercept 100 percent of the gutter flow in feet
⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0 .6 Q 0.42
0.3 0
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (Equation 10)
⎝ nS x ⎠
0 .6
⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0.6(0.40) 0.42
(0.01) 0.30
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ (0.016)(0.02) ⎠
LT = 13 feet

Step A.4- Solve for (E):

E = scupper-opening interception efficiency
⎛ L ⎞
E = 1 − ⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎟ (Equation 11)
⎝ LT ⎠
⎛ 1.0 ⎞
E = 1 − ⎜1 − ⎟ = 0.13
⎝ 13 ⎠
E = 13 percent

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-107

The minimum allowable inlet efficiency when using Method A is 70 percent.

Therefore, the design would have to be modified to meet efficiency requirements
such as adding additional inlets as necessary, using barriers with no scuppers and
using inlets, or using Method B

9.1.3 Method B

• For scuppers use a 50 percent clogging factor (per Table A)
• T = allowable spread = shoulder width + 0 feet = 7 feet (per Table A)
• LS = scupper length = (1 foot)(50 percent) = 0.5 feet
• hS = 3 inches (scupper height)


Step B.1- Solve for (Q):

Q = flowrate to first upstream scupper in cubic feet per second
Q = CiA (Chapter 7)
A = (300)(31) = 9300 square feet = 0.21 acres
Q = (.90)(2.10)(0.21) = 0.40 cubic feet per second

Step B.2- Solve for (T):

T = total spread at upstream scupper (Chapter 8)
⎛ Q10 n ⎞
T = ⎜⎜ .5 1.67
⎝ 0.56(S L ) (S X ) ⎠
⎛ (0.40)(0.016) ⎞
T = ⎜⎜ .5 1.67
⎟⎟ = 5.1 feet
⎝ 0.56(0.01) (0.02) ⎠
Spread at first upstream scupper = 5.1 feet
Allowable spread = 7 feet. Therefore, no deck drains will be needed between the
high point and first upstream scupper because maximum spread is less than
allowable spread.

Step B.3- Solve for (LT):

LT = length of opening to intercept 100 percent of the gutter flow in feet
0 .6
⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0 .6 Q 0.42
0.3 0
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (Equation 10)
⎝ nS x ⎠

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

13-D-108 Storm Drainage

0 .6
⎛ 1 ⎞
LT = 0.6(0.40) 0.42
(0.01) 0.30
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ (0.016)(0.02) ⎠
LT = 13 feet

Step B.4- Solve for (E):

E = scupper-opening interception efficiency
⎛ L ⎞
E = 1 − ⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎟ (Equation 11)
⎝ LT ⎠
⎛ 0.5 ⎞
E = 1 − ⎜1 − ⎟ = 0.068
⎝ 13 ⎠
E = 6.8 percent
Okay, 70 percent minimum efficiency criteria does not apply to Method B

Step B.5- Solve for (Qi):

Qi = intercepted flow by the first scupper
Qi = EQ = (0.068)(0.40) = 0.0272 cubic feet per second

Step B.6- Solve for (Qb):

Qb = bypass flow from the first scupper
Qb = Q – Qi
Qb = 0.40 – 0.0272 = 0.37 cubic feet per second

Step B.7- Solve for (Q):

Q = flow to second scupper in cubic feet per second
Q = Qb + Q2
Qb = 0.37 cubic feet per second
Q2 = CiA (Chapter 7)
Lb = 5.5 feet (length of barrier between scuppers)
A = LbW = (31 feet)(5.5 feet) = 171 ft2 = 0.004 acres
Q2 = (0.90)(2.10)(0.004) = 0.008 cubic feet per second
Q = 0.37 + 0.008 = 0.378 cubic feet per second

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

Storm Drainage 13-D-109

Step B.8- Solve for (T):

T = flow spread at second scupper
⎛ Qn ⎞
T = ⎜⎜ 0.5 1.67
⎟⎟ (Chapter 8)
⎝ 0.56(S L ) (S X ) ⎠
⎛ (0.378)(0.016) ⎞
T = ⎜⎜ 0.5 1.67
⎟⎟ = 5.0 feet
⎝ 0.56(0.01) (0.02) ⎠
Spread at second and subsequent scuppers is approximately 5.0 feet. Allowable
spread is 7 feet; this is acceptable because maximum spread is less than allowable

ODOT Hydraulics Manual

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