Advanced Transport Systems
Advanced Transport Systems
Advanced Transport Systems
Analysis, Modeling, and Evaluation
of Performances
Advanced Transport Systems
Milan Janić
Milan Janić
Transport and Planning Department
Faculty of Civil Engineering
and Geosciences
Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands
The transport system has, is, and will continue to be a foundation of the economy of
each country/nation, as well as that of the world. In particular, in the twenty-first
century, it will further strengthen its role in integrating and globalizing economic
activities, and will thus also influence the quality of people’s lives. In the past,
transport demand in terms of both the number of passengers and the volumes of
freight/goods shipments has been constantly growing in the medium- to long-term
period(s) despite being affected, from time to time, by the local and global
economic and political crises. This demand has been satisfied by the capacity of the
transport system generally consisting of the transport infrastructure, transport
means/vehicles, and workforce. Material, energy, and labor has been consumed in
order to provide transport services according to the specified internal organization
containing operating rules and procedures, and under given external regulation and
constraints. On the one hand, such developments have produced the above-
mentioned positive contributions to the national economies and social welfare. On
the other, they have affected the environment and society in terms of land use/take
for expanding the transport infrastructure, energy consumption from non-renewable
sources (coal, crude oil, and natural gas) and related emissions of Green House
Gases (GHG), local noise, congestion, and safety (traffic incidents and accidents),
Since both passenger and freight transport demand are predicted to double over the
next 20 and triple over the next 50 years, solutions for serving them more efficiently
and effectively while mitigating impacts on the environment and society need to be
provided. Therefore, in addition to creating transport policies and monitoring
schemes aiming to reduce physical transport demand (i.e., telecommuting) and
implementing advanced transport planning and operating tools and techniques,
potential solutions also lie in developing advanced technologies individually and/or
in combination with advanced operational concepts. Generally, this implies
providing: (i) sufficiently capacitated and environmentally friendlier, i.e., more
energy/fuel efficient, cleaner, quieter, and safer, technologies based on an increased
use of renewable energy/fuel sources (such as, for example, biomass fuels (liquid)
hydrogen, wind and solar energy), nanotechnologies, and information technologies;
and (ii) the advanced organizational and operational forms and concepts of using
transport infrastructure, transport means/vehicles, and accompanied resources.
Experience so far indicates that commercialization, i.e., development and
implementation, of the advanced components—technologies and related
viii Preface
operational concepts—of the transport system has been an evolutionary rather than
a revolutionary process. The main reasons include: (i) a rather long time for
maturing up to full commercialization; (ii) an inherent threat from confronting
existing and forthcoming even stricter institutional/policy regulation/constraints;
(iii) relatively high development costs; (iv) frequently uncertain long-term overall
commercial and social feasibility; and (v) a relatively long path for obtaining
operational certification implying full environmental and societal/policy acceptance.
Under such circumstances, most such transport technologies and operational
concepts, except a couple of futuristic ones, have been mostly gradually updated and
improved, usually based on the closest previous counterparts. In the given context,
this justifies deeming them ‘‘innovative’’ or ‘‘advanced’’ rather than completely
‘‘new’’. In this book, the attribute ‘‘advanced’’ is used for all such technologies and
operational concepts.
The book describes analysis, modeling, and evaluation of performances of the
selected advanced transport systems. Some of them have already been commer-
cialized, i.e., implemented and operationalized, and/or are planned to be so, while
others are still at the conceptual level waiting for further elaboration. Their
performances are considered as derived from the technical/technological design and
solutions of the infrastructure, transport means/vehicles, and supporting facilities
and equipment used according to the specified operational rules and procedures,
and economic, environmental, social, and policy conditions/constraints.
Analysis and modeling implies examination of their infrastructural, technical/
technological, operational, economic, environmental, social, and policy
performances. Evaluation based on a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and
Threats (SWOT)-like analysis implies assessment of the advantages and disadvan-
tages of these systems. In such context, Strengths and Opportunities are considered as
advantages, while Weaknesses and Threats are considered disadvantages. Both are
considered from the aspects of academics/researchers, but also from those of par-
ticular actors/stakeholders involved such as users of transport services–passengers
and freight/goods shippers/receivers, transport infrastructure and service providers/
operators, investors, policy makers at different institutional levels (local, national,
international), and members of the local community/society.
Particular advanced transport systems have been selected according to the
following criteria: (i) the level of advancement of particular performances;
(ii) representativeness through transport modes (rail, road, air, water/sea, inter-
modal); (iii) their spatial scale (area) of operation (urban and inter-urban);
(iv) category of demand served (passengers, freight/goods); (v) availability/
accessibility of relevant information (from science-based and publically-accessible
relevant sources); and (vi) the level of systematic scientific elaboration as
compared to that used in this book.
The selected advanced transport systems are clustered in the book’s chapters
respecting the type and number of their advanced performances independently of
the transport mode, spatial/geographical scale of operation, and type of transport
demand they serve.
Preface ix
The widely dispersed and in some cases scarce material collected from the
various available sources such as research (including my own), literature (books
and papers in scientific and professional journals), and websites is presented from
the traffic and transport engineering and planning and design perspective. Most
facts and issues are scientifically supported and accurate regarding the funda-
mental relationships between particular variables (parameters). Nevertheless, some
of them, particularly those related to futuristic concepts, contain a level of fuzzi-
ness in the absolute terms, which, however, does not compromise their relevance
in the given context. As such, the book aims to be informative as much as possible
but by no means exhaustive—to the contrary, it intends to provide academics,
researchers, consultants, policy/decision makers, and professionals from the
transport industry and related fields with material for current and future research
and development of the transport system.
Milan Janić
xiv Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
xviii Abbreviations
HV Hydrogen vehicle
IATA International Air Transport Association
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICE Inter-city-express
ICEV Internal combustion engine vehicle
ICT Information communication technologies
IFR Instrument flight rules
ILS Instrument landing system
IMA Integrated modular avionics
IMC Instrument metrological conditions
IMF International monetary fund
IMO International Maritime Organization
INA Integrated noise area
IPC Intermediate pressure compressor
IPT Intermediate pressure turbine
ITS Intelligent transport systems
JAXA Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency
km Kilometer
Kn Kilo-Newton
kts Knot
kW Kilowatt
kWh Kilowatt-hour
l Liter
LAPCAT Long-Term Advanced Propulsion Concepts and Technologies
lb Pound-mass
LCA Life cycle analysis
LCC Low cost carrier
LEM Linear electric motor
LH2 Liquid hydrogen
LIFT Long intermodal freight train
LIM Linear induction motor
LNG Liquefied natural gas
LPP Lean premixed pre-vaporized (concept)
L/R Line or ring (network)
LSM Linear synchronous motor
LU Loading unit
m Meter
M Mixed (network)
MAGLEV MAGnetic levitation
MCA Multi criteria analysis
MCDM Multi-criteria decision-making (method)
xx Abbreviations
1.1 Definition
The transport system can be considered as a physical entity for the mobility of
persons and physical movements of freight/goods shipments between their (ulti-
mate) origins and destinations. The entity consists of infrastructure, transport
means/vehicles, supporting facilities and equipment, workforce, and organizational
forms of their use. Energy/fuel is consumed to build/manufacture and operate the
infrastructure, transport means/vehicles, and facilities and equipment. The transport
system includes different forms/modes such as rail, road, water, air, and their
sensible/wise combinations operating as intermodal or multimodal transport service
networks. Depending on the volumes and intensity of passenger and freight/goods
demand, each mode has different self-contained components distinguished mainly
with respect to the type of technologies, resources used, and concepts of providing
transport services. Consequently, in the remaining text, the term ‘‘systems’’ is used
for these rather complex components of the transport system.
The above-mentioned systems operated by different transport modes provide
services in urban, suburban, and interurban regions, thus covering different spatial/
geographical scales implying short, medium, and long transport distances,
respectively. These systems include both conventional and advanced elements. In
the remaining text, those with predominantly advanced elements as compared to
their preceding counterparts are referred to as ‘‘advanced systems.’’ The attribute
‘‘advanced’’ implies that the given system is superior compared to its closest
preceding counterpart(s) in the same or different transport mode(s), with respect to
one, a few, and/or all infrastructural, technical/technological,1 and/or operational
A specific advancement in technical/technological performances is made by use of new
materials (composites) based on the elements of nanotechnology. This is the science and
engineering of examining, monitoring, and modifying materials at nanoscale (atomic and/or
molecular level). By changing the structure of materials in terms of their physical, mechanical,
electrical, magnetic properties, heat conduction, and light reflection, this approach will also be
able to produce improved and/or new generation of concrete, steel, aluminum, etc., materials
currently widely used in construction of transport infrastructure and transport means/vehicles
(Khan 2011).
1.2 Classification
The ITS enable collecting, processing, and distribution of information about the system states
and operations thanks to tracking and telematics applications, scheduling services/operations,
informing/notification of users/passengers and freight/goods shippers/receivers, monitoring
security, and detecting potential all kind of threats.
The U.S. (United Sates) and EU (European Union) have set up the targets for reducing
emissions of GHG (Green House Gases) from transport sector for about 20 and 50 % by the year
2020 and 2050, respectively, as compared to the year 1990. In addition, some research suggests
that if the scenario of the economic and social development continues as BAU (Business As
Usual), the world’s total emissions of GHG in terms of CO2 from transport sector will reach about
5 Gt/y (Giga tons/year) by the year 2050. However, if the Green Growth and CSS (Carbon
Capture and Storage) scenario is going to be implemented, this amount will likely not be greater
than 1 Gt/y (Gt—Giga tons) (EC 2010; Hawksworth 2008).
1.2 Classification 3
Advanced transport systems are usually developed in five phases reflecting the
level of their commercialization as follows:
• Exploratory research delivering ideas and concepts;
• Applied research resulting in understanding and further elaboration of the par-
ticular ideas and concepts;
• Pre-industrial development resulting in prototypes and carrying out pilot oper-
ational trials;
• Industrialization resulting in production/manufacturing; and
• Commercialization implying physical implementation and operationalization.
Consequently, advanced transport systems can be categorized into four cate-
gories as follows:
• Category I includes systems that have passed all five phases and are fully
• Category II includes systems that have passed all five phases but have been
commercialized on a very limited scope and scale;
• Category III includes systems that have passed two or at most three of the
above-mentioned (five) phases, implying that they are still waiting for or just
undergoing pilot operational trials and industrialization; and
• Category IV includes systems in the exploratory phase waiting for the ‘‘green
light’’ in order to pass to subsequent phase(s).
This book considers advanced transport systems categorized according to the
level of their commercialization as given in Table 1.1.
1.3 Performances
Dealing with advanced transport systems usually raises the question of their
performances, i.e., their ability to satisfy current and prospective needs and
expectations of particular actors/stakeholders involved. Such an approach requires
analyzing, modeling, and evaluating particular performances.
1.3.1 Definition
Social / Policy
In addition to this introductory chapter, the book consists of six chapters, each
consisting of sections (subchapters) elaborating on a particular advanced transport
system. At the beginning of each section, bullet-like historical milestones in
development of the given system are provided. At the end of each section, a
qualitative evaluation of this system is presented by emphasizing its presumed
advantages and disadvantages viewed by the particular actors/stakeholders
Chapter 2 elaborates the advanced operational and technological performances
of the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) Systems high-speed tilting passenger train(s), and
advanced commercial subsonic aircraft.
Chapter 3 deals with the operational and economic performances of advanced
freight collection/distribution networks, road mega trucks and LIFTs (Long
1.4 Composition of the Book 9
EC. (2010). EU Transport GHG: Routes to 2050?—Towards the Decarbonisation of the EU’s
Transport Sector by 2050. Brussels: European Commission DG Environment.
Hawksworth, J. (2008). The word in 2050: Can rapid global growth be reconciled by moving to a
low carbon economy?. London, UK: Pricewaterhose Coopers LLP, Economics.
Khan, S. M. (2011). Nanotechnology in transportation: Evaluation of a revolutionary technology.
TR NEWS No. 277, Transportation Research Board of The National Academies, Washington
D.C., USA, pp. 3–8.
Chapter 2
Advanced Transport Systems: Operations
and Technologies
2.1 Introduction
This chapter describes BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) as an advanced mature public
transport system operating in many urban and suburban areas round the world,
high-speed tilting passenger trains operating along medium- to long-distance
passenger corridors/markets in many countries worldwide, and an advanced sub-
sonic commercial aircraft—the Boeing B787-8, which has recently started com-
mercial operation.
The BRT systems are considered as advanced compared to the conventional
urban bus systems mainly thanks to advanced operations. A BRT system can be
defined as a ‘‘rapid modes of transportation that combines the quality of rail transit
and flexibility of buses’’ (Thomson 2001).
High-speed tilting trains transport users/passengers along the curved segments
of the conventional rail lines/tracks at higher speeds than their conventional
counterparts thanks to advanced technology—the tilting mechanism. This com-
pensates increased centrifugal and centripetal forces due to higher speed in the
curved segments of the line by tilting on the opposite side from the direction of the
force, i.e., if the force is directed to the left, the train tilts to the right, and vice
versa. Such a tilting mechanism makes these trains advanced transport means/
vehicles in terms of technology, despite the fact that some other components
influencing their performances remain similar to those of their conventional
The subsonic commercial aircraft (Boeing B787-8) is considered advanced
thanks to its innovative design and the new materials used in its construction, and
perceived superior economic and environmental performances as compared to
those of its conventional counterparts.
1974 The first BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) system in the world—the ‘‘Integrated
Transportation Network’’—begins operations in Curitiba (Brazil)
1999/2000 The world’s largest BRT system—Transmilenio—begins operations in Bogota
The BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) systems are considered as a flexible rubber-tired
rapid transit mode that combines stations, vehicles, services, running ways, and
ITS (Intelligent Transport System) into an integrated system with a strong positive
image and identity. Flexibility implies that these systems can be incrementally
implemented as permanently integrated systems of facilities, services, and ame-
nities that collectively improve the speed, reliability, and identity of bus transit in a
variety of environments. In many respects, BRT systems can be considered as a
rubber-tired LRT (Light Rail Transit)-like systems but with greater operating
flexibility and potentially lower capital and operating costs (Levinson et al. 2002).
The BRT systems started in the U.S. (United States) in the 1960s through the
implementation of exclusive bus lanes. After the first truly dedicated bus way of
the length of several kilometers was set up in 1972 in Lima (Peru), the step
forward in developing the BRT system concept was made in 1974; the first bus-
based public transport network was developed in Curitiba (Brazil) using the
bus-way corridors spread as the route/line network throughout the city. Since the
mid-1990s, the BRT has been intensively promoted in U.S. cities as an advanced
urban transit system to alleviate the adverse effects of traffic congestion compared
to the conventional urban bus transit systems at the lower investment/capital costs
compared to rail-based urban transit systems such as LRT (Light Rail Transit).
At the same time, it has been expected to increase the transport capacity and make
the accessibility of dense urban agglomerations/regions more effective and effi-
cient. Designed and implemented on a case-by-case basis in order to meet the
specific needs and characteristics of the given urban and suburban areas, the BRT
systems have been characterized by the dedicated bus corridors, terminals/stations,
vehicles/buses, fare collection system, ITS technology, operational concepts
(timetable), and branding elements. Consequently, they have offered more effec-
tive, efficient, faster, reliable, and punctual transport services under given condi-
tions than conventional bus transit systems, which have approached or even
exceeded the services of the rail-based systems (LRT). The main objectives behind
implementation of the BRT concept have been to approach to the capacity and
quality of services of LRT while at the same time benefiting from savings in
infrastructure investment costs, flexibility of the bus transit system, and compa-
rable fares for users/passengers.
2.2 Bus Rapid Transit Systems 13
D - Passengers/day - million
D = 0.1212e0.0039L
R² = 0.9386
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
L - Length of the network - km
Fig. 2.1 Relationship between the daily number of passengers and the length of the BRT
network in particular regions/continents (
LRT systems may use shared or exclusive rights-of-way, high or low platform
for users/passengers boarding/off-boarding, and multi- and/or single-car trains. Background
Table 2.2 Distinguishing features of the BRT systems compared to conventional bus systems
(GAO 2012; Levinson et al. 2003a, b)
Feature Description
Running ways Segregated and dedicated busways or bus-only roadways
Terminals/stations Enhanced environment (information provided through real-time
schedule systems and additional amenities—safety
improvements, public art, landscaping, etc.)
Vehicles/buses Standard/articulated, different engine technology (diesel, gas
hybrid diesel/electric, electric), quieter, higher capacity, wider
(usually low-floor) doors
Services Faster, more frequent, punctual, and reliable
Fare collection Prepaid or electronic passes—speedy fare collection, and boarding
on/off convenience
Branding Marketed as a distinguished service at the terminals/stations and
ITS (Intelligent Prioritization of services at intersections and traffic lights,
Transportation Systems) monitoring headways between vehicles, real-time information
on vehicle position and schedule
The BRT system networks operate under the assumption of having regular and
sufficient passenger/commuter demand to be served by the relatively frequent
transport (bus, trolleybus) services over a given period of time (hour, day, year) (for
example, C8,000 passenger/h/direction). Consequently, the transport infrastructure
network consisting of the corridors/routes with dedicated busways and terminals/
stations spread over, pass by and/or through densely populated/demand attractive
areas of the given urban agglomeration—the city center(s) or CBDs (Central Busi-
ness District(s)). A simplified spatial layout of the BRT network is shown in Fig. 2.2.
The BRT dedicated busways passing through the high density area continue
outside it as right-of-way bus lanes. Both are connected to the freeway(s) sur-
rounding the densely populated area(s) (CBDs). In some cases, the BRT dedicated
busways or bus-only roadways are built along old rail corridors/lines. The dedi-
cated busways are usually provided as two-way lanes in different directions in
mixed traffic, as two-way lines on the same side or in the middle, or as a single line
in each direction on different sides of the given corridor/route. In some cases, the
bus-way is split into two one-way lanes/segments. The grade separation and ele-
vation of BRT system routes is also provided, if needed, particularly at intersec-
tions of the routes themselves and with those of other traffic. Particular BRT
busways can also be painted (red, yellow, green) in order to enhance visibility and
recognition—by both the other drivers and users/passengers.
Typically, the single BRT corridor spreads between two agglomerations, one of
which could be housing and the other CDB, or both CDBs. Given the length of this
corridor usually defined as the distance between the initial and the end terminal/
16 2 Advanced Transport Systems: Operations and Technologies
Exclusive bus-way
station, width, and the number and area of the terminals/stations along it, the total
area of land directly taken for building this infrastructure can be estimated as
follows (Vuchic 2007):
A ¼ L D þ nðldÞ ð2:1Þ
L is the length of corridor (km);
D is the width of the corridor (m);
N is the number of stations/platforms along the corridor; and
l, d is the length and width of the plot of land occupied by the terminal/station
(m), respectively.
For example, the width D of the exclusive bus-way (both directions) within the
BRT corridor varies depending on the speed from 10.4–11.6 m (for moderate
speeds B70 km/h) to 14.60 m (for speeds up to 90 km/h). The typical length of the
bus stops varies from l = 18–26 m depending on the bus length (for a single bus).
The minimum width of the bus stop at the terminal/station is about d = 3.0–3.5 m.
However, the width of the area occupied by the terminal/station itself with the
supporting facilities and equipment could be up to 9.0 m. For comparison, the
typical (minimum) width of the corridor for building a double track LRT line
respecting the vehicle’s dynamic envelope is about 7.5 m. The track gauge is
1,435 mm. The typical area of the platform of the LRT station can be from
12 9 50 m (surface) to 20 9 90 m (grade separated) (Vuchic 2007; Wright and
Hook 2007).
2.2 Bus Rapid Transit Systems 17
Rest of the world Rest of the world
140 n = 2.1733L - 3.5091
R² = 0.5774; N = 29
n - Number of stations
80 n = 1.322L0.9438
R² = 0.9034; N = 15
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
L - Network length - km
Fig. 2.3 Relationship between the number of stations and the length of the BRT system network
(Levinson et al. 2003a, b; Wright and Hook 2007;
Number/density of stations
The terminals/stations are important elements for the safe, efficient, and effective
inter and multimodal transfers on the one hand, and for demonstrating the identity
and image of the given BRT system on the other. A BRT terminal/station can be a
simple stop, an enhanced stop, designated station, intermodal terminal, and/or
transit center. The number and density of stations mainly depends and increases in
line with the length of the BRT system network as shown in Fig. 2.3. In BRT
systems around the world, except those in the People’s Republic of China, this
increase is of an average rate of 2.0/km. For systems in the PR of China, the
average rate is 1.0/km. The network length varies from about 2 to 60 km.
BRT terminals/stations usually have passing lanes and sometimes multiple
stopping/docking bays, which enable the convoying of busses in different com-
binations, if needed. The number of stopping/docking bays influences the required
length of the given terminal/station as shown in Fig. 2.4.
Evidently, the length of the BRT terminal/station generally increases more than
proportionally compared to the increase in the number of stopping/docking bays.
This length and other dimensions can be larger if the BRT terminal/station is
integrated with terminals/stations of other public transport modes, for example,
those of the underground public transport system.
Passenger access to the BRT terminals/stations—either on foot, by bike, car/
taxi, and other public transport systems—should be safe, efficient, and effective.
This implies good integration including parking and short stop spaces at the rear of
the stations, as well as providing convenient connections/passages to/from the bus
platforms. In particular, at the BRT feeder-trunk systems, cross-platform transfers
18 2 Advanced Transport Systems: Operations and Technologies
l - Required lenght - m
l = 29.,848e0.229n
R² = 0.988
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
n - Number of substations and stopping bays
Fig. 2.4 Dependence of the required length of terminal/station on the number of substations and
stopping/docking bays of the BRT system (Wright and Hook 2007)
Table 2.3 Infrastructural performances of the BRT and LRT system—infrastructure (averages)
(GAO 2012; Levinson et al. 2003a, b)
Indicator/measure System
Number of systems 147 170
Length of the network (km/system) 25.3/15.0c 47.4
Number of corridors/lines per system 2 6
Number of routes per corridor 5 –
Average length of the corridor/line (km) 32a/12.9b (28) 8.6
Width/profile of the lane (m) 10.4–14.6 7.5
Number of stations (-/route) 32a/23b –
Density of stations (-/km) 1a/2b –
Location of the station(s) (mainly) Side/curb/off-lane Side
Width/length of the station(s) (m) 9.5/50–9.5/75 12.0/50–20.0/70
Type of guideways/lanes—passing lanes Mostly yes Yes
Platform height (at the stations) Low Low (or High)
Static/spatial capacity of the stations 1–3 1–2
Materials used (lanes, stations) Concrete, asphalt Iron/steel, concrete, asphalt
Construction time (km/year) 16–20 1–5
a b c
China; Rest of the world; Europe
from the feeder to the trunk buses, and vice versa, should be provided (see below).
Some additional indicators of the infrastructural performances of the BRT system
and a comparable LRT system are given in Table 2.3.
2.2 Bus Rapid Transit Systems 19
The technical/technological performances of the BRT system mainly relate to: (i)
length, space (seats ? stands) capacity, weight, type and power of engine(s), and
riding comfort of vehicles/buses; and (ii) ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems)
including the systems for managing transit services along the network/routes,
providing the users/passengers with the online information, and collecting fares.
The ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) managing the transit services of BRT
systems generally include: (i) automated enforcement systems for exclusive bus
lanes; (ii) an AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) system; (iii) a CAD (Computer-
Aided Dispatching) and advanced communications system; (iv) a precision
docking at bus stop system; (v) a tight terminal guidancesystem; and (vi) a warning
20 2 Advanced Transport Systems: Operations and Technologies
Table 2.4 Technical/technological performances of the BRT and LRT system vehicles
(averages) (AUMA 2007; CE 2008; STSI 2008; Vuchic 2007; Janic 2011)
Indicator/measure System
Length of a vehicle (m) 12/18/24a 14–30a
Height of a vehicle (m) 3.0–3.2 4.0–6.9b
Width of a vehicle (m) 2.5–2.6 2.20–2.65
Cars/vehicle 1 2–4
Capacity (spaces/vehicle) 75/100/160 110–250
Seat spacing (m) 0.80 0.75–0.90
Number of axles/vehicle 3/4/4 4/6/8
Tare weight (tons) 13/17/24 25.4–38.8
Engine power (kW) 150–220 200–434
Maximum speed (km/h) 90–100 60–120
Operating speed (km/h) 27–48 40–80
a b
Vehicle can be a set consisting of few cars; Including pantograph
• Automated enforcement systems for exclusive bus lanes include the transit signal
priority and the queue jump system; the former changes the timing of the traffic
signals in various ways in order to give priority to BRT vehicles/buses at inter-
sections (for example, the system turns the red light to green if it ‘‘recognizes’’ the
approachof a BRT vehicle to the intersection); the latter enables using the separate
lane and receiving the green light signal upon closer approach to the intersection;
• The AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) System is the computer-based system
enabling the real-time tracking of vehicles/buses and providing them with the
information for the timely schedule adjustments and equipment substitutions; at
the core of this system is GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) technology and GIS
(Geographic Information System) displaying the location of the vehicles/buses
on the route map grids in the dispatch center;
• The CAD (Computer-Aided Dispatching) and advancedcommunications system
enables adjusting dwell times at vehicle/busstops or transfer points, vehicle/bus
headways, rerouting vehicles/buses, adding vehicles/buses to routes, and dis-
patching new vehicles/buses to replace incapacitated vehicles/buses; the drivers
exchange communications with the dispatch center by radiotelephones, cellular
telephones, and/or mobile display terminals;
• The precision docking system uses sensors on the vehicles/buses and on the
roadside to indicate the exact place where the vehicle/bus should stop; this
enables users/passengers to be in position for immediate boarding, which
shortens dwell time(s) at the stops;
• The tight terminal guidance system uses sensors similar to those for precision
docking to assist the vehicles/buses in maneuvering in terminals with limited
space; the system can contribute to minimizing the amount of space for bus
terminal operations, as well as to reducing the overall time the bus spends at the
terminal/station; and
2.2 Bus Rapid Transit Systems 21
The BRT systems generally use three mainly automatedsystems for collecting
fares: (i) preboard, onboard, and free-fare collection and verification. Of the 40 of
the above-mentioned systems, 16 employ preboard, 21 onboard, and 3 free-board
fare collection systems. In particular, the onboard system speeds up the fare col-
lection process and eliminates expensive cash handling operations at transit
agencies using smart cards. The system uses the read-and-write technology to store
the monetary value on a microprocessor chip inside a plastic card. As passengers
board a vehicle/bus, the card reader determines the card’s value, debits the
appropriate amount for the busride, and writes the balance back onto the card, all
within a fraction of a second.
In general, the volumes of demand for existing and prospective urban transport
systems can be estimated under the assumption of their mutual competition. In
such case, the BRT system can compete with the individual passenger carand other
public transport systems such as taxi, conventional bus, tram, metro, and LRT.
Under such conditions, the users/passengers are assumed to usually choose the
including BRT with respect to their own characteristics (age, gender, personal
income), trip purpose (work, shopping, entertainment, other), and the system’s
performances, both in combination reflecting the generalized travel cost. This cost,
22 2 Advanced Transport Systems: Operations and Technologies
usually represented by the disutility function of using the given transit system
(i) between given pair of origin and destination (k) and (l), respectively, Ui/kl(T),
can be estimated from either the aggregated trip generation data or disaggregate
passenger survey data, both for a given period of time (T). The MNL (Multi-
nomial) Logit model can then be applied to quantify the market share or the
probability of choosing the system (i) as follows (TRB 2008a):
Ui=kl ðT Þ
pi=kl ðT Þ ¼ I ð2:2aÞ
P 2 ðT Þ
I is the number of transport systems offering transit services between the origin
(k) and destination (l).
The number of users/passengers choosing the system (i) can be estimated from
Eq. 2.2a as follows:
qi=kl ðT Þ ¼ pi=kl ðT Þ qkl ðT Þ ð2:2bÞ
qkl(T) is the total number of users/passengers traveling between the origin (i) and
destination (k) during the time period (T) by all available transport
The user/passenger demand qkl(T) in Eq. 2.2b can be estimated by applying one
of the causal-gravity-type models based on the trip generation/attraction socio-
economic forces of the origin (i) and the destination (k), and the travel ‘‘resis-
tance’’ between them (Janic 2010; Vuchic 2004).
The user/passenger demand qi/kl(T) in Eq. 2.2b includes the demand between
the origin (k) and destination (l) as well as the demand between each pair of the
vehicle/bus stops along the corridor/line (kl) as follows:
M ffi MX1 X
qi=kl ðT Þ ¼ qi=kl ðT Þ þ qi=km ðT Þ þ qi=ml ðtÞ þ qi=mn ðT Þ ð2:2cÞ
m¼1 m¼1 n¼mþ1
qi=kl ðT Þ is the user/passenger demand between the origin (k) and
destination (l) during the time period (T);
qi=kl ðT Þ; qi=ml ðT Þ is the user/passenger demand between the origin (k) and the
station/stop (m), and the station/stop (m) and the destination
(l), respectively, during the time period (T);
qi=mn ðT Þ is the user/passenger demand between the stations/stops
(m) and (n) during the time period (T); and
M is the number of stations/stops along the route (kl).
2.2 Bus Rapid Transit Systems 23
CDBe - Employmet - thosuands
CBEe = 118.91P - 60.504
R² = 0.960
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
P - Population of urbanized area - million
Fig. 2.5 Relationship between population of an urbanized area and employment in the
corresponding CDB (Central Business District) (Levinson et al. 2003a, b)
The transit capacity of the BRT system is one of the most important indicators of
its operational performances mainly due to the requirement to transport relatively
large numbers of users/passengers under given circumstances. This capacity can be
considered for a single terminal/station, route/line, and the entire network pro-
viding the vehicle/bus capacity is given.
24 2 Advanced Transport Systems: Operations and Technologies
Q = 0.304CDBe + 8.794
R² = 0.803
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
CDBe- employment - 000/CDB
Fig. 2.6 Relationship between the daily number of users/passengers of the BRT system and
employment in the CBD (GAO 2012; Levinson et al. 2003a, b; Wright and Hook 2007)
Feeder services
T1 T2
Trunk services
Service network
The BRT system can generally operate as a ‘‘direct or convoy’’, ‘‘trunk-feeder,’’
and ‘‘hybrid’’ service network. The layout of the former two is shown in Fig. 2.7.
• Direct or convoy network consists of routes and related BRT services con-
necting different user-passenger origins and destinations, which can be both
within and outside a given urban agglomeration. In such case, many different
bus services/lines connecting particular sets of these origins and destinations
operate within the common/main part of the network(s) and then spread outside
it toward the periphery of the given agglomeration. Consequently, a high
2.2 Bus Rapid Transit Systems 25
The average occupancy time ts ðTÞ of the stopping/docking bay can change over
time as indicated by Eq. 2.3. Consequently, the capacity or service rate of the
stopping bay can also change under conditions of having all designedspaces
available during the time T (i.e., ls ðtÞ ¼ 1=ts ðTÞ).
Route/line capacity
The capacity of the route/line can be defined as the maximum number of vehicles/
buses (sometimes also the number of passenger spaces), which can pass through its
fixed point (i.e., the ‘‘reference location’’) during the given period of time T
(usually 1 h) under conditions of constant demandfor service (Vuchic, 2007). This
capacity expressed by the service frequency fkl/max(T) for the route/line connecting
the origin (k) and the destination (l) can be estimated as follows:
" #
fkl=max ðT Þ ¼ ð2:4aÞ
max Hkl=w=min ; Hkl=s=min
Hkl/w/min is the minimum headway between the successive vehicles/buses along
the particular sections of the route/line (kl) (min); and
Hkl/s/min is the minimum terminal/station headway defined as the inter-arrival
time of the successive vehicles/buses at the particular stations along the
route/line (kl) (min).
2.2 Bus Rapid Transit Systems 27
In the case of satisfied demand with the specified average load factor per
service, the frequency fkl(T) in Eq. 2.4a can be estimated as follows:
qkl ðT Þ
fkl ðT Þ ¼ ð2:4bÞ
kkl ðT ÞNkl
qkl(T) is the user/passenger demand on the route/line (kl) during the period
(T) (determined according to Eqs. 2.2a–c) (passengers);
kkl(T) is the average load factor along the route/line (kl) during time (T), and
Nkl is the vehicle/bus capacity operating along the route (kl) (spaces/vehicle).
The offered capacity of the route/line (kl), Ckl/0(T) defined as the number of
passenger spaces supplied during the given period of time T can be estimated as
follows based on Eq. 2.4c:
Table 2.5 Operational performances of BRT and LRT system—capacity (averages) (ERRAC
2004; GAO 2012; Levinson et al. 2003a, b; Vuchic 2007; Wright and Hook 2007)
Indicator/measure System
Vehicle capacity (passengers seating ? standing) 75–160 110–250
Route/line capacity (veh/h) 8–15 5–12
Terminal/station dynamic capacity (veh/h) 8–15 5–12
Network capacity (veh/h) 56–105 30
User-passenger capacity (pass/h/direction) 600–2400 550–3000
Commercial speed (km/h) 26.3 20–25
Some measures of BRT and LRT system capacity have been estimated using
Eqs. 2.4a–2.5 and are given in Table 2.5.
The values in Table 2.5 confirm that on average, BRT systems appear quite
comparable and according to some measures even superior to LRT systems.
Furthermore, the user/passenger capacityof both large systems can be much
higher: 5,000–40,000 for BRT and 6,000–15,000 pass/h/direction for LRT sys-
tems, which clearly indicates the superiority of BRT systems (Wright 2003).
Nevertheless, the supply of this capacity should be adapted to the volumes of
demand as shown in Fig. 2.8.
In general, peak-hour capacity supply increases at a decreasing rate as the
volumes of corresponding demand increase. For example, in order to serve 5,000
users/passengers/h/direction, the BRT) system needs to engage 92 vehicles/buses
(N C 54). For 10,000 users/passengers, around 172 vehicles/buses are needed
(N C 58). For 20,000 users/passengers, about 323 buses are needed (N C 62).
This indicates that as the peak-hour demand increases, both the number and size of
the vehicles/buses engaged tend to increase.
The number and size of vehicles/buses in the operator’s fleet also depend on the
type of service system/network. For example, the average size of the fleet oper-
ating the direct or convoy system/network is about 133 vehicles/buses and of that
operating the trunk-feeder system/network 197 (80 trunk articulated and 117
feeder) vehicles/buses. Specifically, the largest BRT TransMilenio (Bogota,
Columbia) operates a fleet of 1,420 (1,013 trunk articulated and 407 feeder)
vehicles/buses (Wright and Hook 2007).
2.2 Bus Rapid Transit Systems 29
Fig. 2.8 Relationship between peak-hour capacity and demand for the selected BRT systems
(Levinson et al. 2003a, b)
Quality of service
The quality of service of the BRT system is expressed by schedule delays, travel
time or commercial speed, availability, reliability and punctuality, riding comfort,
and the overall accessibility of a given BRT route/line and/or network.
Schedule delay
Schedule delay is defined as the time a passenger has to wait for BRT services at a
given terminal/station. Assuming that the users/passengers are familiar with the
timetable and arrive at the BRT station/terminal uniformly during any two suc-
cessive vehicle/bus services, the average schedule delay of a user/passenger can be
estimated, based on Eqs. (2.4a, b) as follows:
SDðT Þ ¼ 1=4½T=f ðT Þ ð2:6Þ
where all symbols are as in the previous equations.
Travel time
Travel time depends on the distance of the user/passenger origins and destinations
along the given route/line, the vehicle/bus operating speed, and the number and
duration of intermediate stops. The duration of stops can be influenced by the
number and width of doors of the vehicles/buses, and the number of user/passenger
entries and exits at the particular stops (travel time can be extracted from Eq. 2.7b
below). The above-mentioned commercial speed, being much higher than that of
conventional bus systems (currently between 27 and 48 km/h), can be viewed as
an additional measure. As such, it is close to the commercial speed of LRT. For
example, the average commercial speed of a TransMilenio (Bogota, Columbia)
30 2 Advanced Transport Systems: Operations and Technologies
BRT service operating along the average route length of 13 kms is about 29.5 km/
h (Levinson et al. 2003a, b; Saavedra 2011; Vuchic 2007).
Consequently, thanks to these features, BRT systems are considered ‘‘savers’’
of travel time. Some figures in the U.S. show that, depending on the system, these
savings are about 5–35 %, which results in increases in the volumes of user/
passenger demand by about 3–60 %, the latter after 1 year of operation, as
compared to existing transit services (GAO 2012).
Availability, reliability, and punctuality
In general, BRT system services are considered highly available, reliable, and
punctual. Availability is achieved through scheduling services during the entire
day. Reliability implies operations without cancelation of the scheduled services
due to any reasons. High punctuality implies minor deviations of actual from
scheduled arrival times at particular locations/stations along the line(s), which is
achieved thanks to operating, in the most cases, along the dedicated bus ways and
applying ITS. Such high indicators are comparable to those of LRT systems.
Riding comfort
Riding comfort is usually influenced by the available space for seating and
standing onboard the vehicles/buses, internal noise, and smoothness of operations
depending, among other factors, on the driving regime and the quality of surface of
the bus-ways. Available space per passenger is measured by the seat spacing,
which is typically 0.80 m for the vehicles used in most BRT systems. The driving
regime is strongly influenced by acceleration/deceleration rates due to the rela-
tively frequent stops along the given route/line. These are about 0.8–1.6/1.1 m/s2
for BRT vehicles/buses compared to 0.9–1.3 m/s2 for LRT trains (Vuchic 2007).
BRT system services are accessible at terminals/stations located at certain dis-
tances along the routes/lines on foot, and/or by bike, car, taxi, and/or other public
transport modes. In many cases, pedestrian zones lead directly to BRT terminals/
stations, thus making them even more accessible. In addition, good accessibility is
achieved through the convenient positioning of BRT routes/lines in the given
urban context, by locating terminals/stations at easily accessible places, providing
dedicated parking spaces for bikes and vehicles/cars and convenient connections/
passages to BRT vehicles/bus platforms.
Table 2.6 gives some averages of the indicators and measures of the service
quality of BRT and LRT systems.
This confirms that both systems are quite comparable in terms of the quality of
service and as such are mutually substitutable.
Fleet size
The size of fleet of a given BRT system is expressed by the number of vehicles/
buses operating during a given period of time under given conditions (service
frequency and volume of user/passenger demand). This can be estimated for an
2.2 Bus Rapid Transit Systems 31
Table 2.6 Operational performances of BRT and LRT system—quality of service (averages)
(GAO 2012; Janic 2011; Levinson et al. 2003a, b; Vuchic 2007; Wright and Hook 2007)
Indicator/measure System
Service frequency (deep/peak-h) 8–15 5–12
Schedule delay (peak-h) (min) 1.00–1.875 1.25–3.0
Dwell time at stations (s) 24 –
Transit time (min/line) 64 –
Typical operating speed (km/h)
Nonstop 60–80 70–90
All-stop 40–55 40–60
Arterial streets 23–31 –
Acceleration/deceleration rate (m/s2) 0.8–1.6/1.1 0.9–1.3
Reliability of services High High
Punctuality of services High High
Riding comfort High High
individual route/line and/or entire network. For example, for a route/line (kl)
during the period T, the required number of vehicles nkl(T) equals, based on
Eqs. 2.4a–d:
nkl ðTÞ ¼ fkl=max ðTÞ skl ðdkl Þ ð2:7aÞ
where all symbols are equivalent to those in the previous equations.
In Eq. 2.7a, skl(dkl) is the turnaround time of the vehicles/buses on the route/line
dkl, which can be estimated as follows:
" #
Mkl 2 X
M kl 1
skl ðdkl Þ ¼ tkl=s1 þ 2 tkl=sj þ dkl=j;jþ1 =vkl=j;jþ1 dkl=j;jþ1 þ tkl=sM ð2:7bÞ
j¼1 j¼1
tskl/1, tkl/Mj is the average (scheduled) stop time of the vehicle/bus at the
beginning and end station/terminal of the route/line (kl) (min);
tskl/j is the average (scheduled) stop time of the vehicle/bus at the
intermediate station (j) along the route/line (kl) (min);
dkl//j jþ1 is the distance between the (j) and (j ? 1) station along the
route/line (kl) (km);
vjkl/, jþ1 (djkl/, jþj ) is the average operating speed of the vehicle/bus along the
segment of the route/line (kl) between (j) and (j ? 1) station
(km/h); and
Mkl is the number of stations along the given route/line (kl).
32 2 Advanced Transport Systems: Operations and Technologies
For example, the average fleet size of BRT systems operating a direct or convoy
network is 133 and of those operating a trunk-feeder network 197 vehicles/buses
(the latter excludes the TransMilenio system). The average fleet size of a European
LRT system is 155 vehicles.
Technical productivity
The technical productivity of an individual route and the entire BRT system
network can also be determined. Based on Eqs. 2.4a–2.7b, the technical produc-
tivity of the given route/line dkl can be estimated as follows:
TPðdkl Þ ¼ Ckl=0 ðT Þ Nkl vkl ðdkl Þ ¼ fkl=max ðT Þ mkl Nkl vkl ðdkl Þ ð2:8Þ
where all symbols are as in the previous equations.
For example, the average technical productivity of BRT systems varies
depending on their size and scope from 15,780 to 63,120 s-km/h (excluding the
TransMilenio system). The corresponding technical productivity of LRT systems
in Europe varies from 11,000 to -75,000 s-km/h.
The economic performances of BRT systems refer to their costs and revenues.
BRT system costs include investment costs in infrastructure, facilities, equipment
and in some cases vehicles/buses, as well as operational costs.
The total costs of a given BRT system consist of investment costs and operating
costs. For the period of 1 year, these costs can be estimated as follows:
CT ¼ CI þ Co ¼ A þ 365 V cv ðVÞ ð2:9aÞ
A is the annuity paid for investment and capital maintenance of infrastruc-
ture ($US/year);
V is the average daily utilization of the vehicle/bus fleet (veh-km/day); and
cv(V) is the average operating cost per unit of system output ($US/veh-km).
The average volume of vehicle kilometers carried out per day V can be
determined as the product of the daily mileage of a single vehicle and the number
of vehicles engaged depending on the volume of demand. Operating costs
cv(V) generally decrease more than proportionally as the volume V increases.
These costs include annuities on bonds for acquiring the vehicles/buses, vehicle/
bus insurance costs, the wages of drivers and other support staff, the costs of
vehicle/bus maintenance including wages of personnel and spare parts, energy/fuel
costs, and the costs of using the infrastructure (taxes). Table 2.7 gives an example
of the typical average costs for selected U.S. BRT and LRT systems.
2.2 Bus Rapid Transit Systems 33
Performance - speed,reliability,capacity,image
The differences in the investment costs between BRT and LRT are mainly due
to some specific components needed for LRT and not needed for the BRT system
such as, for example, train signal communication, electric power systems with
overhead wires to power the trains, and rails, ties, and switches. In addition, a rail
maintenance facility must be built if one doesn’t already exist. Furthermore, the
investment costs in BRT systems differ for dedicated bus lines and for mixed
traffic lines. For example, on average these amount to 1.2–6.0 $US/km for dedi-
cated and 0.03–0.06 million $US/km for mixed traffic lane(s). The average con-
struction time is about 16/20 km of lines per year. That said, urban and suburban
transit systems with higher performances will generally require higher investment
costs as shown by the linear qualitative relationship in Fig. 2.9.
In the example given in Table 2.7, the average cost per p-km and vehicle-km is
lower in the case of BRT than LRT systems. However, the average cost per
passenger is higher in the case of BRT than in LRT, indicating that LRT systems
provide services over longer distances.
Table 2.7 Economic performances of selected BRT and LRT systems—cost (averages) (GAO
2001, 2012; Janic 2011)
Cost component System
Infrastructure and vehicles
Infrastructure (millions $US/km)a 8.98 18–25
Vehicle (millions/$US/unit) 0.4–1.0 1.5–3.4
Amortization period (years) 25 25
Vehicles 12–15 25
$US/p-kmb 0.12 0.23
$US/veh-kmc 3.05 8.90
$US/passengerd 3.20 2.57
In the U.S. the average investment costs for 29 LRT systems amounted to about 24 million
$US/km; b 5 BRT and 15 LRT systems in the U.S.; c, d Six BRT and LRT systems in the U.S.
34 2 Advanced Transport Systems: Operations and Technologies
Revenues from operating given BRT system are gained by collecting fares and
from various subsidies. For the period of 1 year, these revenues can be estimated
as follows:
R ¼ 365 qp p þ Su ð2:9bÞ
qp is the daily number of users/passengers (users/passengers/day);
p is the average fare per user/passenger ($US/user/passenger); and
Su is the annual subsidy to a given BRT system.
For example, the average fare of the above-mentioned 40 BRT systems oper-
ating around the world is 1.25$US/passenger. About 68 % of the systems (27 of
40) need subsidies at an average level of 25–30 %. Similarly, LRT systems also
need subsidies at a level of 20–25 % (Tegner 2003; Wright and Hook 2007).
Table 2.9 Environmental performances of the U.S. BRT and LRT systems—emissions of other
than CO2 GHG (averages) (Puchalsky 2005)
Emissions of GHG System
Diesel Hybrid CNG
NOx (g/p-km//g/s-km) 0.7150 0.439/0.336 0.2300/0.1590 0.0278/0.0115
VOCs (g/p-km//g/s-km) 0.0063 0.003159/0.002418 0.0112/0.0074 0.000177/0.000073
CO (g/p-km//g/s-km) 0.0713 0.00238/0.00182 0.2570/0.1770 0.000522/0.000216
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
compared to individual passenger cars on the other. Both BRT and LRT system are
superior as compared to individual (diesel-powered) cars. Table 2.9 gives the
average relative emissions of the other than CO2 GHG—VOC (Organic Com-
pounds), NOx (Nitrogen Oxide), and CO (Carbon Monoxide)—generated by BRT
and LRT systems in the U.S.
These values generally confirm again that BRT systems, independently on the
energy/fuel used, remain inferior as compared to LRT systems in terms of relative
emissions of the specified GHG. However, these emissions of GHG by LRT
systems always need to be considered respecting the composition of the primary
sources for obtaining electricity.
Savings in the energy/fuel and related emissions of GHG by BRT system(s) can
be achieved in different ways. One can be within the system by choosing low
energy/emissions vehicle/bus technologies, by designing bus ways as straight and
as short as possible, and by maximizing the fuel efficiency of the vehicle/bus
operations along the routes under given conditions (avoiding stops in traffic jams,
minimizing the dwell time at stations, driving at fuel-optimal speeds, etc.).
The other implies keeping existing users/passengers onboard, attracting those
using individual car as the mode (j) to shift to BRT system as the mode (i), and
attracting new users of public transport systems. These direct savings as the
average quantities per user/passenger can be estimated as follows:
36 2 Advanced Transport Systems: Operations and Technologies
sji ¼ ðki Ni Þ kj Nj ECj ECi d ð2:10Þ
Ni, Nj is the vehicle capacity of transport modes (i) and (j), respectively
ki, kj is the occupancy rate (i.e., load factor) of vehicles of transport modes
(i) and (j), respectively;
ECi, ECj is the average energy/fuel consumption and/or emissions of GHG of
transport modes (i) and (j), respectively (g/p-km); and
d is the travel distance (km).
From Table 2.5 it follows that, for example, a BRT bus carrying 75 passengers can
replace 37 individual cars, each with 2 passengers. Assuming, for example, that the
average commuting distance is 19 km, the savings in the energy/fuel consumption by
such car/BRT modal shift would be about 28.5 (bus—12 m long) and 28.7 (bus—
18 m long) kg of diesel fuel. The corresponding savings in the emissions of GHG
would be about 91.2 and 91 kgCO2, respectively (Vincent and Jerram 2006).
Land use
Land use relates the size of land used for setting up the infrastructure for a given
BRT system. This consists of land for the segregated bus-ways and stations along
them, and for the buses’ docking/maneuvering, short- and long-term parking
(garages), repairs, and maintenance. The size of acquired land for segregated
busways has already been discussed. But what are the potential savings of the
parking and operating land due to the potential replacing of individual cars by
BRT systems? For example, the parking space for a conventional (12 m long—70
spaces) and for an articulated BRT bus (18 m long—160 spaces) is about 36 and
54 m2, respectively. The former can replace 18 and the latter 40 passenger cars (4
seats), each occupying 10 m2 of space of at most. The resulting savings of parking
space otherwise occupied by cars would be about 144 and 346 m2, respectively.
Noise level - dBA
Fig. 2.10 Relationships between the noise and speed of BRT and LRT vehicles (CE 2008; Ross
and Staiano 2007)
noise of BRT diesel and CNG buses comes from their exhaust system, engine block,
cooling system, air intake components, and tire/pavement interaction. The noise
from BRT hybrid vehicles/buses comes from both diesel and electric motors. The
main noise sources of BRT trolley buses are interaction between the catenary wire
and the pantograph, electric motor, auxiliary equipment, and tire-pavement inter-
action (Ross and Staiano 2007). In comparison, the noise by LRT vehicles primarily
comes from interaction between the catenary wire and the pantograph, electric
motors, auxiliary equipment, and wheel-track interaction (CE 2008). Important
factors influencing received noise from both BRT and LRT system are: (i) the
distance from the noise source, i.e., passing by vehicle(s), and (ii) the existence of
noise barriers along the lanes. Figure 2.10 shows an example of the dependency of
the noise on speed of BRT and LRT vehicles. BRT vehicles/buses are 12–18 m long,
weighting 13–17 tons empty and 32 tons full (vehicle ? driver ? passengers)
with a capacity of 75–100 spaces. LRT vehicles/trains are 20 m long weighting
37–44 tons full (vehicle-couple of cars ? driver ? 65–162 spaces/passengers).
In the case of BRT vehicles/buses, the noise increases in line with the operating
speed at a decreasing rate. In the case of LRT systems, this rate is slightly higher.
The noise level from LRT systems is higher than that of BRT buses. One of the
reasons is that the distance from the source is three times shorter (5 vs. 15 m)
(Urban and suburban buses operating at speeds of about 70 km/h generate noise of
about 87.5–92.5 dB at a distance of about 5 m from the source (Cebrián 2008)).
Nevertheless, it can be said that respecting their noise levels, BRT and LRT
systems appear quite comparable. Noise barriers of a sufficient height along BRT
38 2 Advanced Transport Systems: Operations and Technologies
routes built of brick or concrete contribute to decreasing noise to and below the
sustainable level of about 55 dBA (Mishra et al. 2010).
BRT system congestion can be considered from three aspects. The first implies
congestion caused by interference between the BRT vehicles/buses and other traffic,
and vice versa, while operating along mixed traffic bus lanes. The second implies
congestion due to the clustering of the BRT buses operating along segregated bus
ways—particularly those with single lanes in each direction and without passing
lanes at the terminals/stations. This can happen in corridors with several BRT
routes/lines operating relatively frequent services. The trunk part of the feeder-trunk
network can particularly suffer from this kind of induced congestion causing delays
of the affected services. The last implies the contribution of the BRT system to
savings of own congestion and that of the other traffic, which both contribute to
savings in the overall user/passenger travel time. For example, the savings in travel
time compared to previously used transit services vary from 5 to 35 % at 16 U.S.
BRT systems (GAO 2012). In addition, as compared to individual traffic, savings of
32 % at TransMilenio (Bogotá, Colombia), 35 % at Metrobús (Mexico City,
Mexico), and 45 % at Metrobüs (Istanbul, Turkey) have been reported.
Traffic incidents/accidents reflect the safety and security of a given BRT system.
They are caused by collisions of BRT vehicles/buses with other BRT vehicles/
buses and with other vehicles, bikers, and pedestrians, all often resulting in injuries
and death, as well as damages to property. The number of events per unit of the
system’s output—the number of passengers and/or passenger-kilometer is a con-
venient measure. So far, accidents in BRT systems have been relatively rare, thus
indicating that the systems safe, and by all means safer than their conventional bus
counterparts as shown in Fig. 2.11.
As can be seen, the rate of collisions and injuries of the conventional bus
system operated in Bogota (Columbia) before the BRT system established was
about 7.7/million passenger trips. Over the 2000–2005 period, thanks to the BRT
TransMilenio, despite increasing the number of trips, this rate dropped to about
1–2/million passenger trips. In comparison, during the same period for the slightly
higher number of passenger trips on U.S. LRT systems, this rate was about
1.5–3.0/million passenger trips (RITA 2012;
content/brt/mpc/Safety.html). That said, both BRT and LRT systems should
always be designed and operated to be safe implying that incidents/accidents due
to the already known reasons must not occur.
Social welfare
Social welfare of BRT systems relates to their urban and social effects.
2.2 Bus Rapid Transit Systems 39
TransMilenio - Collisions
8 TransMilenio - Injuries
Accidents/million passenger trips
100 150 200 250 300 350
Number of users/passengers - million/year
Fig. 2.11 Relationship between the accident rate and the annual volume of traffic at the selected
BRT systems (RITA 2012; Saavedra 2011;
Urban effects
The urban effects of BRT systems include changing of the land use and the value
of land and property, redistributive effects, and preceding other more efficient and
effective systems.
• Changing the land use implies (i) taking the land for building the BRT infra-
structure; and (ii) building economic and residential objects rather than parking
spaces along the BRT corridors/routes and particularly around the terminals/
• Changing the value of land and property generally implies rising their value
faster due to being located closer to BRT system terminals/stations and corri-
dors/routes. This is because the proximity of the BRT system can save time and
monetary cost of commuting, thus making the properties nearby generally
commercially more attractive for new developments or redevelopments than
otherwise. However, in some cases, the value of land and properties can
diminish due to increased noise and emissions of GHG caused by the BRT
system (Levinson et al. 2003a).
• Redistributive effects imply the contribution of BRT systems to the potential
relocation of particular businesses/firms from the suburban areas closer to the
city center, and vice versa, i.e., urbanization and de-urbanization of employment.
• Preceding other more efficient and effective systems implies that BRT corridors
are sometimes used to test the overall feasibility of LRT systems (GAO 2012).
40 2 Advanced Transport Systems: Operations and Technologies
Social effects
The main social effects of BRT systems are their contribution to direct and indirect
employment, social equity, and personal meetings and interactions.
• Direct employment is needed for planning, designing and constructing the BRT
system, and later on for its operating.
• Indirect employment includes institutional and supportive employment (in
entertainment, other amenities-hotels, hospitals, etc.) generated purely because
of the implementation of the BRT system(s).
• Social equity reflects the ability of the BRT system to, like other urban transport
systems, facilitate accessibility and promote social equity within a city. For
example, cheap BRT systems give lower income groups greater access to public
services and economic opportunities (Wright and Hook 2007).
• Personal meetings and interactions imply that effective, efficient, safe, and
cheap BRT systems can bring different groups of people in terms of age, gender,
and income group to places where they can meet and interact with each other in
different ways. Such interactions can diminish tensions and improve the mutual
understanding between such groups.
2.2.3 Evaluation
BRT systems possess both advantages (Strengths and Opportunities) and disad-
vantages (Weaknesses and Threats) as compared to other potentially substitutable
urban (mass) transit systems, such as conventional bus transit and LRT systems.
Comparison with conventional urban bus transit systems
• Relatively strong spatial coverage of a given urban area with corridors, routes,
and lines guaranteeing relatively high quality of the spatial accessibility of the
system’s services;
• Relatively high service frequency, particularly during peak periods contributing
to reducing schedule delay(s) and consequently the urge to shift to other sys-
• Relatively fast and reliable services thanks to running along dedicated busways
not affected by other traffic at higher operating speeds with minimal dwell times
at the terminals/stations and stops along the routes/lines;
• Less delays due to general congestion, traffic signals, right turns, and passenger
stops; and
• Higher riding comfort thanks to operating rubber-tired, low floor vehicle/buses
of a suitable capacity, a sufficient number of wide doorways offering easy
boarding and internal comfort, and the information system inside the vehicles/
buses and at the terminals/stations/stops.
2.2 Bus Rapid Transit Systems 41
• Generally requiring more space for setting up the infrastructure;
• Lower riding comfort due to the less sizeable and comfortable seats onboard (for
• Higher energy consumption and related emissions of GHG independently of the
technology used and not absolutely free from traffic congestion;
• Rather negative image due to the general perception of LRT usually being slow,
noisy, and polluting;
• Lower effects in creating greater land and property value along the corridors/
routes; and
• Lower preferences by developers to locate social-economic activities along the
inherently unstable bus routes/stations rather than along more permanent LRT
Finally, what can be said for BRT transport systems? They are advanced public
transit systems primarily characterized by the advanced organization of transport
services carried out by matured but gradually improving vehicle/bus technology.
1973 The 381 series tilting trains operated by JNR (Japan National Railways) begin commercial
services on the Chuo Main Line connecting Nagoya and Nagano (Japan)
1976 Fiat’s ETR401 tilting trains operated by the Italian State Railways begin commercial
services on the Rome-Ancona line (later extended to Rimini) (Italy)
1978 The Spanish tiling trains Talgo operated by RENFE (The Spanish National Railway) begin
commercial operations (Spain)
High-speed tilting passenger trains operate at speed of about 200 km/h on upgraded
and around 250 km/h or faster on newly built tracks defined by the EU (European
Union) thanks to their fully operational tilting mechanisms. This mechanism can be
disabled after moving onto high-speed tracks and reaching the speed of 250 km/h.
Such an advantage makes these trains highly interoperable in rail networks con-
sisting of conventional, upgraded, and completely new (high speed) lines (http:// Some tilting trains operating on upgraded
trucks at speeds of about 200 km/h include: Virgin Trains’ Class 390 Pendolino
operating along the West Coast Main Line in the United Kingdom (UK), the Talgo
350 train operating on the Spanish AVE high-speed lines, the Italian Pendolino 2
tilting train ETR600, the Swedish X2 tilting train, and the E5 Series Shinkansen
2.3 High Speed Tilting Passenger Trains 43
train operating in Japan. One high-speed tilting train operating on new tracks at
speeds of 250 km/h or higher is the most advanced Japanese tilting train—the N700
Series Shinkansen. This train tilts up to one degree and maintains a speed of about
270 km/h as compared to its previous speed of 255 km/h while passing through
curves of a radius of 2,500 m on the Tōkaidō Shinkansen line. Background
The infrastructural performances of high speed tilting trains relate to the charac-
teristics of the track design and the related standards that these trains can use.
Track design
In order to fully exploit the technical and operating speeds of high-speed tilting
passenger trains, conventional tracks need to be upgraded and/or completely
rebuilt anyway. The former implies partial reconstruction/redesign of the existing
lines by leveling off high grades (horizontal and longitudinal slopes), increasing
the radii of curved segments, and partially reconstructing tunnels, bridges, cross-
ings, and platforms at particular stations. The latter implies building completely
new lines. Both should be carried out according to the specified standards for
designing rail tracks.
The main elements of rail track design relevant to understanding the operation
of high-speed tilting passenger trains are as follows (Persson 2007):
• The track gauge as the distance between the inner faces of the rail heads of the
track is measured 14 mm below the top of the rail on the inner face. The
standard track gauge is approximately 1,435 mm. The track gauge has an impact
on the lateral behavior of the vehicle which may lead to unstable running. In
addition, it impacts the lateral behavior of the vehicle, which in turn impacts
lateral ride comfort.
44 2 Advanced Transport Systems: Operations and Technologies
• The circular horizontal curve is a curve in the horizontal plane with a constant
radius. This curve is characterized by its radius R related to the track center line
and/or curvature as an inverse to the radius. The reduced radius of the circular
horizontal curve increases the lateral track forces, which increases the derail-
ment ratio. In addition, it has no impact on ride comfort.
• The transition curve is used to connect the straight track to the circular hori-
zontal curve or to connect two circular horizontal curves. The transition curve is
characterized by its curvature as a function of its longitudinal position. The most
common transition curves have linear variation of the curvature and do not
affect safety. The reduced length of the transition curve increases the rate of
change of the cant deficiency and thereby also the lateral jerk perceived by
passengers. It also increases the roll velocity of tilting trains, which is believed
to contribute to motion sickness.
• The track cant (or super elevation) is the amount at which one running rail is
raised above the other running rail (in the curve). The track cant is positive when
the outer rail is raised above the inner rail. The UIC has proved that a cant of
180 mm is widely acceptable and safe. The track cant does not influence ride
• The cant transitions (or super elevation ramps) connect two different track
cants. In most cases, the cant transition has the same longitudinal position as the
transition curve. The cant gradient is characterized by its longitudinal distance
to raise one unit (normally expressed as 1 in X, where X is the longitudinal
distance in units). The ERRI (European Rail Research Institute) has showed that
a cant gradient of 1/400 m/m is acceptable. The most common cant transition
has a constant rate of cant change. Steep cant transitions may cause diagonal
wheel unloading, which in turn may lead to derailment due to flange climbing.
In addition, cant transitions do not impact ride comfort.
• The rate of cant change is the rate at which the cant is increased or decreased at
a defined speed. The rate of cant change is characterized by the cant change per
time unit. This does not impact safety.
• Cant deficiency arises when the installed cant is lower than the cant of equi-
librium. Cant deficiency is characterized by additional cant needed to ensure
equilibrium. High cant deficiency may lead to high lateral track forces. High
cant deficiency also increases the risk of over-turning.
• The rate of change of cant deficiency is the rate at which the cant deficiency
increases or decreases at a defined speed. This rate is characterized by the cant
deficiency change per unit of time. The most common transition curve/cant
transition has a constant rate of change of the cant deficiency, which does not
affect safety. However, an increased rate of change of the cant deficiency
increases the lateral jerk perceived by passengers. It also increases the roll
velocity of the tilting vehicles, which is found to contribute to motion sickness
while onboard the tilting vehicles.
• The track gradient connects tracks at different altitudes. The gradient, which
affects both safety and ride comfort, is characterized as a change in altitude per
unit of distance (%). In certain countries, it is represented as the longitudinal
2.3 High Speed Tilting Passenger Trains 45
distance to raise for one unit (it is expressed as 1 in X, where X is the longi-
tudinal distance in units).
• The vertical curve not affecting safety and the ride comfort connects two dif-
ferent track gradients and is characterized by its radii.
Design standards (Europe)
The CEN (Comité Européen de Normalisation) provides guidance and standards
for particular elements of geometric design of conventional rail vehicles (CEN
2002). This guidance and standards are revised latter on in order to be also con-
venient for high speed tilting train vehicles (CEN 2006). For high-speed tilting
trains, some standards are given in Table 2.10.
In addition, CEN standards categorize the rail tracks, i.e., the rail traffic lines,
based on the categories of services they accommodate, as follows:
(a) Mixed traffic lines for passenger trains traveling at speeds from 80 to 120 km/h;
(b) Mixed traffic lines for passenger trains traveling at speeds greater than
120 km/h and up to 200 km/h;
(c) Mixed traffic lines for passenger trains traveling at speeds higher than 200 km/h;
(d) Mixed traffic lines for passenger trains incorporating special technical design
characteristics; and
(e) Dedicated passenger lines for passenger trains traveling at speeds greater than
250 km/h.
High-speed tilting passenger trains operate on lines (b), (c), and (d).
Fig. 2.12 Scheme of tilting principle of high-speed tilting passenger train(s) (Persson 2007)
categorized into two categories: (i) passively natural tilted trains (for example in
Japan), and (ii) actively tilted trains (in the rest of the world including Europe).
Passive tilt trains rely on the natural laws with a tilt center located above the center
of gravity of the coach. Along a curve, under the influence of centrifugal force, the
lower part of the coach swings outwards. Conversely, active tilt trains are based on
active technology controlled by a controller and executed by an actuator. The main
principle of tilting trains is rolling the coaches inwards the curve as schematically
shown in Fig. 2.12 in order to reduce the lateral force affecting passengers.
Despite the higher track plane acceleration for the tilting train (right), the lateral
force in the car-body is lower. When a coach/train is running along a horizontal
curve, horizontal acceleration emerges. It can be expressed as follows:
ah ¼ v2 =R ð2:11aÞ
v is the operating speed (m/s); and
R is radius of the curve (m).
As mentioned above, the AEIF (European Association for Railway Interopera-
bility) also provides the TSI (Technical Specifications of Interoperability) for
Trans-European High-Speed Rail Infrastructure including guidance on the cant
and the cant deficiency for non-tilting vehicles (AEIF 2002). However, analogous
specifications and guidance for high-speed tilting passenger trains/vehicles have
been left to the owners/operators/managers of the corresponding infrastructure.
Under such circumstances, interoperability of high-speed tilting passenger trains
can be defined as their flexibility to:
• Operate along the above-mentioned (b), (c), and (d) category of railway lines at
operating speeds that are usually higher than the speeds of their conventional
counterparts; and
• Use different power (electricity) supply systems (1.5, 3, and/or 25 kV; kV—
Both criteria have already been achieved thanks to tilting mechanism/tech-
nologies, multi-system locomotives (power units of the train sets), and particularly
in Europe, thanks to the forthcoming advanced train signaling and control system
developed as components of the ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management
System) (EC 2010).
As applies to the other categories, the technical speed, operational speed, and
commercial speed of high-speed tilting trains can be distinguished.
Technical speed is defined as the maximum speed that a given high train can
achieve under given conditions (category of rail line and power supply system).
Usually, this speed is specified through the train design.
Operational speed is the maximum speed at which a given train commonly
operates on the given rail line. This speed is lower than or at most equal to the
technical speed.
Commercial speed is the travel speed of a given train along the given rail line
including acceleration, deceleration, intermediate stops, and other maneuvers
influencing the operating speed. This speed is lower than the operating speed. In
addition to the length of the line, it crucially influences the turnaround time of the
given train set(s).
Turnaround time
The turnaround time of a given train scheduled to operate along a given rail line is
defined as the total time the train spends between its stations, i.e., from the origin
to the destination station, and back. This time also includes the train’s stop time at
intermediate stations, which mainly depends on the pattern and volume of pas-
senger demand to be served in both directions. In addition, the turnaround time
includes the train’s acceleration and deceleration time to/from the operating/
cruising speed. Thus, the train line can be considered as a route consisting of
52 2 Advanced Transport Systems: Operations and Technologies
several segments. If the stops are the same in both directions, the turnaround time
of a given train can be estimated as follows:
" #
ttr ¼ t0 þ 2 ti þ tk þ td ð2:12aÞ
i¼1 k¼1
to, td is the train’s stop time at the origin and destination station (terminus),
respectively (min);
ti is the train’s running time along the (i)-th segment of the given route (min);
tk is the train’s stopping time at the (k)-th intermediate station along the given
route (min);
N is the number of segments of the given route; and
K is the number of stations along the given route where the train stops
(K = N-1).
The train’s running time along the (i)-th segment of the route in Eq. 2.15a can
be estimated as follows:
ti ¼ vi =ai þ si =vi ð2:12bÞ
vi is the train’s operating/cruising speed along the (i)-th segment of the route
ai is the train’s acceleration/deceleration rate at the beginning and the end of the
(i)-th segment of the route (m/s2); and
si is the length of the (i)-th segment of the route (km).
In addition, the length of the route in one direction can be estimated as follows:
d¼ si ð2:12cÞ
Furthermore, the commercial speed of the train along a given route based on
Eq. 2.15c can be estimated as follows:
vc ðdÞ ¼ d=ttr ð2:12dÞ
where all symbols are as in the previous equations.
Fleet size
The fleet size of the high-speed tilting trains scheduled to operate on the route of
length d during the time period T can be determined, based on Eq. 2.12a, as
N½d; f ðT; dÞ ¼ f ðT; dÞ ttr ð2:13aÞ
2.3 High Speed Tilting Passenger Trains 53
f(T, d) is the frequency of train services along the route d during time T.
Distance ht Time
The other symbols are as in the previous equations. From Eqs. 2.15a, b, the
number of additional high-speed tilting trains as compared to the number of
conventional trains that can be scheduled on the line d under given conditions can
be estimated as follows:
nt ¼ ðnc 1Þ ðht =hc Þ þ ttr=c ttr=t þ 1 ð2:15cÞ
where all symbols are as in the previous equations. A simplified scheme of the
time-distance diagram is shown in Fig. 2.13.
Let the length of the line be d = 500 km. Both categories of trains are
exclusively scheduled along the line with nine intermediate stops, each taking
about 2 min. The stop time at the origin and destination station takes about
20 min. The average operating speed of a high-speed tilting train is about 190 km/
h and that of a conventional train about 100 km/h. From Eq. 2.15a, the turnaround
time of both categories of trains is estimated to be tt r/t = 5.3 h and ttr/c = 10 h.
Both categories of trains are scheduled along the line in constant intervals of
ht = hc = 1 h. From Eqs. 2.15a, b, the number of high-speed tilting trains that can
be scheduled along the line is determined as: nt = nc ? 5. In addition, inclusion of
the seat capacity of both categories of trains can indicate the real extent of the
contribution of high-speed tilting trains to increasing utilization of the capacity of
a given rail line. However, we should always be aware that scheduling of any of
these trains is based on the characteristics of demand along a given line, i.e., its
volume(s) and time pattern(s).
2.3 High Speed Tilting Passenger Trains 55
influencing the energy consumption and the prices of electricity. The latter are
often conditioned by local agreements between the suppliers and consumers (rail
operator) (the ETR480 train set has a length of 296.6 m, weight of 400 tons, power
6 MW (8,000 Hp), maximum technical speed of 250 km/h, and 480 seats). In
addition, the average operating costs of the ICE-T high-speed tilting train that
began services in Germany in 1999 amount to about: c = 0.1346 €/seat-km, again
excluding the costs of acquiring the train set and the costs of energy consumption
(De Rus 2009) (Depending on the configuration (5 or 7 cars), the train’s length is
133–185 m, its weight 270–368 tons, its engine power 3–4 MW, and seat capacity
of 250–357 seats (RTR 2005)).
FD ¼ ð1=2Þ q v2 A Cd ð2:16aÞ
2.3 High Speed Tilting Passenger Trains 57
q is air density (kg/m3);
V is operating speed (m/s);
A is reference area (m2); and
Cd is drag coefficient.
This implies that a lower reference area at a given speed will enable lower
energy consumption. However, the intention is to reduce this consumption per
seat-km or passenger-km, which requires just the opposite, namely widening the
train’s reference area. The compromise is found in the above-mentioned design of
high speed tilting trains in combination with reducing the drag coefficient from
about 1.8–2.0 (ordinary trains) to 0.11 (Shinkansen 300).
Rolling resistance represents the resultant force that must be overcome by the
tractive power of the locomotive to move a given train set at a constant speed
along a level tangent track in still air. This force includes air resistance, train
dynamic forces, bearing resistance, and rolling friction between the wheels and the
track. Consequently, it appears obvious that, in order to overcome a larger
resultant force, a larger quantity of energy needs to be consumed by high-speed
tilting train(s).
Operating speed
The operating speed influences the energy consumption of a high speed tilting train
through the energy required for acceleration and increased air resistance. In
general, kinetic energy and aerodynamic resistance represent the largest part of a
train’s energy consumption. For example, for the selected single-deck European
high-speed tilting trains, the specific energy consumption depending on the
operating speed is estimated as follows:
EðvÞ ¼ 0:00018v; R2 ¼ 0:787; N ¼ 11 ð2:16bÞ
E(v) is the energy consumption (kWh/seat-km); and
V is the train operating speed (km/h).
Regenerative braking
High sped tilting trains are equipped with technology to convert parts of the kinetic
energy back into electric energy during the deceleration and braking phase of the
trip. The portion of energy that can be regained mainly depends on the braking rate
and the grid. The most recent capacitor technology (ultra-caps) enables storing this
energy for subsequent use, providing faster acceleration after stopping. For
example, some measurements of Pendolino 390 trains operating on the West Coast
Main Line (UK) have indicated that the returned energy over the period of 24 h
amounts to 16–18 % of the total energy taken from the grid. This total energy
includes all the electricity drawn from the overhead grid including that during train
preparation and stops at intermediate stations.
An example for the energy consumption of high speed tilting trains is the above-
mentioned Pendolino 390 (Table 2.11). Measurements have shown that, under
different operating conditions along the West Coast Main Line (the UK), the
average energy consumption has been E = 0.040 kWh/seat-km for a 9-car train
set and E = 0.035 kWh/seat-km for a 11-car train set, both operated at the
maximum speed of v = 220 km/h (The average for Pendolino trains operating in
Europe is E = 0.033 kWh/p-km). Another example is the Swedish X2000 high-
speed tilting passenger train in a 5-car configuration with 270 seats and weighting
340 tons, which consumes E = 0.042 kWh/seat-km. Its 6-car version, with a
capacity of 310 seats and weighing 366 tons, consumes on average
E = 0.0377 kWh/seat-km. Both trains operate at the speed of 200 km/h (Persson
Emissions of GHG
Emissions of GHG (Greenhouse Gases) depend on the energy consumption and
emissions from the primary sources used to produce the electricity in question. As
already mentioned, the composition of these primary sources is region/country-
specific. In general, the energy consumption E(v) and emissions of GHG Ee(v) of
the high sped tilting trains are interrelated as follows:
Ee ðvÞ ¼ eem EðvÞ ð2:17Þ
eem is the emission rate from producing the electricity in a given region
(country) (kgCO2e/kWh).
For example, if the emission rate of GHG is eem = 0.455 kgCO2e/kWh (UK),
the emissions of GHG by a Pendolino 390 train operating at the speed of:
v = 200 km/h, will be, based on Eqs. 2.16b and 2.17, equal to Eem
(v) = 0.455 9 0.036 = 0.0164 kgCO2e/seat-km. By multiplying this amount with
the number of seats per train and the running distance, the total emissions of GHG
by a given train service can be obtained. Similar estimates of the energy
2.3 High Speed Tilting Passenger Trains 59
The index (tp) in Eq. 2.18a denotes a train passing by the noise measurement
location. As mentioned above, the value of 30 is commonly used in the regression
equation for predicting the rolling noise of conventional trains. This confirms the
fact that the contribution of the rolling noise, which is the main noise source of
60 2 Advanced Transport Systems: Operations and Technologies
2.3.3 Evaluation
1935 The first flight of the piston engine-powered Douglas DC3 aircraft is carried out (U.S.)
1951 The first commercial jet engine-powered aircraft (Comet I) is launched (UK)
1957 The first flight of the first commercially successful jet engine-powered Boeing B707
aircraft is carried out (U.S.)
1969 The first commercial wide-body Boeing B747 aircraft is launched (U.S.)
2012 The Boeing B787-8 aircraft begins commercial operation
The main priorities in aircraft design over the past 30 years for both manufacturers
and operators—airlines have been improving safety while reducing operating
costs. The latter indicates that technology has also been strongly driven by com-
mercial/market driving forces. But, what about the future? Most research to date
states that the same priorities will continue in the medium- to long-term future, i.e.,
for about 10 to 30 years ahead, without significant and revolutionary changes in
technology. This implies that changes will be mostly evolutionary with the
advancements likely following the current lines of development:
• In the aerodynamic design, reducing drag by about 10 % as compared to the
design(s) in the 2001;
• In the operating empty weight, reduction by about 15 % thanks to the increased
use of composite materials in aircraft construction (airframe, engines, and the
other systems); and
• In propulsion, increasing the overall efficiency by about 8 % through improved
thermal efficiency—by increasing the overall pressure ratio and turbine inlet
temperature on the one hand, and improving combustion technology on the
other; this should result in reducing fuel consumption by about 30 % and the
related emissions of NOx (Nitrogen Oxides) by about 8 % (ICAO CAEP/6 NOX
limits) and further by 11–19 % (the proposed EPA Tier 8 NOX limits depending
on the engine pressure ratio) as compared to aircraft/engine technologies in
2001 (EPA 2011).
Consequently, aircraft manufacturers have undertaken to design commercial
aircraft that will be able to reach the above-mentioned targets. In particular, the
U.S. aircraft manufacturer Boeing, using the technology previously developed for
the Sonic Cruiser aircraft, announced at the end of January 2003 design of the
conventional configuration, the B7E7 aircraft, which later became the B787-8.
Furthermore, in July 2006, the European aircraft manufacturer Airbus began
development of the advanced A350 XWB (Xtra Wide Body) aircraft family as a
direct competitor to the above-mentioned Boeing B787-8 and existing B777 air-
craft family. Commercial flights of these aircraft with a seating capacity of
2.4 Advanced Subsonic Commercial Aircraft 63 Background
The main idea behind the design of B787 aircraft was to emphasize the conve-
nience of smaller mid-size twin-jet compared to the large Airbus A380- and
Boeing B747-400/8 aircraft, which could also drive a stronger shift from hub-and-
spoke to point-to-point airline air route networks. After being postponed several
times, the B787-8 aircraft began commercial operations in October 2012 (Boeing
The B787-8 aircraft is characterized by its infrastructural, technical/techno-
logical, operational, economic, environmental, social, and policy performances.
Table 2.12 Infrastructural performances of the B787-8 and A350-800 aircraft—airport opera-
tions (Boeing 2012, Airbus 2012)
Specification Aircraft type
B787-8 A350-800d
Length (m) 56.7 60.6
Wingspan (m) 60.1 64.0
Wing area (m2) 325 443
Wing sweepback () 32.2 31.9
Height (m) 16.9 17.0
Fuselage constant diameter (m) 5.75 5.32
Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW) (t) 219.5 248
Maximum Landing Weight (MLW) (t) 168 193
Maximum payload (t) 44.5 35.7
Take-off field length (m)a 3,100 751
Landing field length (m)b 1,600–1,800 1,525
Maximum pavement width (m) 42 –
Effective steering angle () 65 –
Aircraft Classification Number (ACN)c 57–101 65–105
(flexible pavement) (flexible pavement)
57–91 59–93
(rigid pavement) (rigid pavement)
MTOW Maximum Take-off Weight, Sea level pressure altitude, standard day þ15 C tem-
perature, dry runway; b MLW Maximum Landing Weight, sea level pressure altitude, dry runway;
m meter; t ton; c ACN is the ratio between the pavement thickness required for a given aircraft
and that required for the standard aircraft single wheel load; d Preliminary data
radius is the most critical (Horonjeff and McKelvey 1994). The minimum turning
radius corresponds to the maximum nose steering angle, which is, for example, 65
for the B787-8 aircraft. This enables it to turn on a path (runway, taxiway, apron)
42 m wide, which is about 2 m narrower than that of the B767-300ER aircraft with
the maximum steering angle of 61 (44 m). Consequently, the radius of the
taxiway centerline for B787-8 is 32.9 m as compared to that of B767-300ER of
33.8 m (AT 20).
In addition, the size of parking stands at the apron gate complex depends
mainly on the aircraft’s overall size, the required buffer space between the aircraft
and the permanent fixtures (buildings), temporarily static objects (other aircraft
and traffic at the airport), and the type of parking scheme (nose-in, parallel, angled)
(Horonjeff and McKelvey 1994). Respecting its dimensions in Table 2.12, the size
of parking stand of a nose in parked B787-8 aircraft is approximately 5,385 m2
(this includes the aircraft footprint and a buffer space of 7.5 m around it). For
comparison, the size of the parking stand of nose in a parked B767-300ER aircraft
is approximately 4,376 m2, which is about 23 % lower than that of the B787-8
aircraft whose scheme of airport/ground servicing is shown in Fig. 2.14.
2.4 Advanced Subsonic Commercial Aircraft 65
Fig. 2.14 Scheme of ground servicing of the B787-8 aircraft—regular conditions when APU
Auxiliary Power Unit is used (Boeing 2012a)
A can be seen, the facilities and equipment for the airport/ground servicing of
B787-8 are similar to those of B777 aircraft. The maximum turnaround time of the
aircraft at the apron gate stand is specified to be 41 min and the through time
28 min (Boeing 2012a).
Fig. 2.15 Share of composite materials in the commercial aircraft over time (GAO 2011)
Table 2.13 Share of particular materials in the weight of selected aircraft (%) (Boeing 2012;
Airbus 2012)
Material Aircraft type
B777 A330-200 B787-8 A350-800c
Composites 11 10 50 53
Steel 11 19 10 10
Titanium 7 8 15 14
Aluminum/Al-Lib 70 58 20 19
Others 1 2 5 8
a b
Carbon laminate, Carbon sandwich, fiberglass (Fiberglass = Carbon fiber); Alloys of Alu-
minum and Lithium: c Preliminary data
used for the largest part of the fuselage, wings, horizontal, and vertical part of the
tail. Aluminum is used on the wing and tail leading edges. Titanium is used mainly
on the engines and fasteners, while steel is used in various places.
In order to illustrate the possible effects of substituting different materials in
aircraft construction, let pi be the current share of the material (i) with a specific
gravity of gi (g/cm3) to be partially substituted by material (j) with the current
share pj and a specific gravity of gj (g/cm3). The proportion of material (i) to be
substituted by material (j) is assumed to be qji. Consequently, the relative change
of aircraft weight due to changing the shares of these two materials on account of
each other can be estimated as follows:
Dwji ¼ 1 pi qji gi þ pj þ qji gj pi gi þ pj gj ð2:19aÞ
The value Dwji in Eq. 2.19a can take positive and negative values. The former
implies a decrease and the latter an increase in the aircraft weight in relative terms
by the given substitution of materials. For example, if the current share of composite
materials of pj = 50 % with a specific gravity of gj = 2.1 g/cm3 was further
increased in the construction of B787 by about qji = 5 % on the account of alu-
minum with a current share of pi = 20 % and a specific gravity of gi = 2.7 g/cm3,
the aircraft weight would be reduced by about 4.5 %. If steel (specific gravity
gi = 7.83 g/cm3), with a current share of 10 % was reduced by about 5 % on
account of composites whose share was increased to 55 %, the aircraft weight
would be further reduced by about 16 %.
The most important performances of contemporary turbofan jet engines are thrust,
fuel efficiency, and SFC (Specific Fuel Consumption).
• Thrust (T) is generally derived from the change in momentum of the air through
the engine and the thrust that occurs due to the static pressure ratio across the final
(exhaust) nozzle. Analytically, it can be expressed as (Jenkinson et al. 1999):
68 2 Advanced Transport Systems: Operations and Technologies
Engines with higher bypass ratios usually have lower SPC. For most contem-
porary aircraft turbofan jet engines, this amounts about 0.25–0.30 kg of fuel/kg of
thrust/h. In addition, SFC relates to the jet engine bypass ratio (BR). The nature of
this relationship is illustrated using the data for the cruising phase of the flight of
20 different engines produced by different airspace manufacturers. The regression
relationship in which the bypass ratio BR is considered as the independent and
SFC as the dependent variable is as follows (Janic 2007):
Table 2.14 Characteristics of the RR (Rolls-Royce) Trent 1000 aircraft engine (RR 2011)
Parameter Value
Type Three-shaft high bypass ratio
turbofan engine
Length (m) 4.769
Fan diameter (m) 2.85
Dry weight (tons 6.018
Maximum thrust (kN) 307–330
OPR (Overall Pressure Ratio) 33
SFC (Specific Fuel Consumption)a (kg-fuel/kg-thrust/h) 0.224
BR (Bypass Ratio) 10.0–11.0
Thrust-to-weight ratio (kN/ton) 51.01–54.84
Based on the performance of the RR Trent 800 engine (reduction for about 15 %); t ton
The no-engine-bleed systems of the RR Trent 1000 engine and its tiled engine
combustor suit the need for more electricity in Boeing 787-8 s, and thus enable
reduction in the overall aircraft weight, and consequently fuel consumption. In
addition, the RR Trent 1000 engine has a bypass ratio of about 10.0–11.0, which
gives an average efficiency rate of about ge = 0.908 during the cruising phase of
flight at the speed of: M = 0.85. For example, for the BR (Bypass Ratio) = 11, the
SFC (Specific Fuel Consumption) will be SPC = 0. 224 kg-fuel/kg-thrust/h
Aircraft systems
The systems of the B787-8 aircraft include: (i) Efficiency Systems; (ii) Highly
Integrated Avionics, and (iii) e-Enabled Airplane Systems (Nelson 2005; Boeing
Efficiency Systems
Efficiency systems aim at generating, distributing, and consuming energy effi-
ciently and effectively. They include the following subcomponents: Advanced
Energy Management (The More Electric Aircraft), and Flight Controls (Variable
Camber Trailing Edge and Drooped Spoilers).
Highly Integrated Avionics
Highly integrated avionics systems enable the efficient and effective navigation
during flight. They include the following subcomponents: Common Core Systems
open architecture, Integrated Flight Controls Electronics, Integrated Communi-
cation/Navigation/Surveillance equipment, and Integrated Aircraft Systems
70 2 Advanced Transport Systems: Operations and Technologies
Table 2.15 Operational performances of the B787-8/9 and A350-800 aircraft (Airbus 2012;
Boeing 2012a)
Indicator/measure Aircraft type
787-8 787-9 A350-800a
Cockpit crew Two Two
Seating capacity (seats) 242 (3-class) 250–290 (3-class)
264 (2-class) 280 (2-class)
MTOW (tons) 219.5 251 248
MLW (tons) 168 193 190
MZFW (tons) 156 181 181
OEW (tons) 110 115 105
Cruising speed (Mach/kts) 0.85/490 at 3,5000 ft/10.700 m 0.85/490
Maximum speed (Mach/kts) 0.89/515 knots at 35,000 ft/10,700 m) 0.89/515
Service ceiling (ft/m) 43,000 /13,100 –
Range, fully loaded (nm/km) 5,550/10,280 6,500/12,036 5,000/9,375
Maximum fuel capacity (000 l) 126 139 129
Engines (92) RR Trent 1000 RR Trent 1000 Trent XWB
Thrust (kN) 2 9 307-330 2 9 330 2 9 351
MTOW Maximum Take of Weight; MLW Maximum Landing Weight; MZFW Maximum Zero
Fuel Weight; OEW Operating Empty Weight; l liter; ft foot; kts knots; kN Kilo Newton; RR Rolls
Preliminary data
The main operational performances of the B787-8 aircraft include its payload-
range characteristics and technical productivity. They are influenced by the aircraft
relevant parameters/indicators given in Table 2.15.
Payload-range characteristics
The payload-range characteristics of the Boeing 787-8 aircraft can be analytically
expressed as follows:
2.4 Advanced Subsonic Commercial Aircraft 71
60 A350-800
Payload - tons
0 5000 10000 15000 20000
Range - km
Fig. 2.16 Payload-range characteristics of the selected commercial aircraft (Airbus 2012;
Boeing 2012a;
2 3
44:5; 0\R\ ¼ 5550
PLðRÞ ¼ 4 44:50:00864 ðR 5550Þ; 5550\R\ ¼ 9600 5 ð2:20aÞ
9:50:023 ðR 9600Þ; 9600\R\ ¼ 10000
R is the range (nm); and
PL(R) is the payload (tons).
v(R) is the aircraft operating/cruising speed depending on the range R (km/h or
kts (nm/h)).
The other symbols are analogous to those in previous equations. Thus, for
example, if the B787-8 aircraft performs a flight of the length of R = 9,280 km at
an average cruising speed of v(R) = 900 km/h, its technical productivity will be
TP [v(R), PL(R)] = 44.5 tons 9 900 km/h = 40,050 ton-km/h. In case of longer
flights carried out approximately at the same speed, this productivity will decrease
in line with decreasing of the payload carried. It would not be reasonable to
investigate the influence of the operating/cruising speed on much shorter flights
with the maximum payload since this aircraft is just designed to operate long-haul
flights within the airline point-to-point network. The similar seems to apply to the
forthcoming A350-800 aircraft and the rest of its family.
The main economic performances of the B787-8 aircraft are its costs and revenues,
which can also be said for its conventional counterparts.
Aircraft costs are roughly divided into operating and non-operating cost. In par-
ticular, operating cost can be divided into DOC (Direct Operating Cost) and IOC
(Indirect Operating Cost) (Janic 2007). The former consist of the costs of aircraft
depreciation, insurance, maintenance and overhauling (airframe, engines and
avionics), and the cost of flight operations (crew, fuel/oil, airport, and navigation
charges). The latter roughly include the costs of aircraft and traffic servicing,
promotion and sale, passenger services, general and administrative overheads, and
maintenance and depreciation of the ground property and equipment. In general,
both DOC and IOC have shown to increase in line with the aircraft size (i.e.,
seating capacity) and stage length.
The aircraft DOC are usually expressed in average monetary units per flight or
per unit of flight output (US$ or € per ASK (Available Seat-Kilometer) or PKM
(Passenger Kilometer) passenger-km). The ATA (Air Transport Association) of
American method with the necessary modifications of the values of inputs is still
relevant for estimating and comparing aircraft DOC, particularly of aircraft that
are just at the beginning of their full commercialization such as the B787-8. An
example of application of this method is shown in Fig. 2.17 (AC 2005; Janic
As can be seen, the average cost per ASK (Available Seat-Kilometer) decreases
more than proportionally as the stage length increases, thus indicating economies
of distance in the case of the selected aircraft. At the same time, the average costs
of the B787 s aircraft are by about 3–11 and 8–11.5 % lower than those of the
2.4 Advanced Subsonic Commercial Aircraft 73
Average unit cost -
ASK- Available Seat Kilometer
1.5 - cent of $US
0.5 A310-300/A330-200
2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000
Stage length - km
Fig. 2.17 Relationships between the average operating cost and stage length of the selected
commercial aircraft (AC 2005)
kij is the average load factor of a flight on the route dij carried out by an
aircraft of the seat capacity Nij in time T (0 \ kij B 1).
As Eq. 2.21 indicates, the average price/airfare depends on the cost and the
average load factor of a given flight carried out by any aircraft, including the
B787-8 aircraft.
The OPR (Overall Pressure Ratio) is defined as the ratio of the total pressure at the compressor
discharge and the pressure at the compressor entry (Hunecke 1997; Janic 2007).
2.4 Advanced Subsonic Commercial Aircraft 75
Existing subsonic aircraft
Advanced subsonic aircraft
Average fuel consumption - g/s-km
A330-200 B767-200 B767-200ER B787-8 A350-800
Aircraft type
Land use
Thanks to its advanced maneuverability, accommodating the B787-8 aircraft at
certified airports does not require use of additional land. Eventual modifications of
taxiways and apron-gate parking stands are to be carried out within the airport
area, i.e., over the already taken land. Thus, the B787-8 aircraft can be considered
as a land use/take ‘‘neutral’’ aircraft.
Table 2.16 Social performances of the selected commercial Aircraft—noise (Cohen-Nir 2010;
EASA 2011, 2012)
Aircraft type Noise level (EPNLdB)c
TOWa Lateral Flyover Approach
B767-200 144 95.7 91.5 102.1
B767-200ER 168 97.8 91.1 98.6
B767-300 158 96.0 91.3 98.5
B767-30ER 180 95.7 91.5 99.7
A330-200 230 97.0 94.4 96.8
A330-300 217 97.6 91.6 98.9
B787-8 220 90.5 83.0 96.2
A350-800b 259 89.0 83.0 95.0
Typical TOW Take-Off-Weight; b Preliminary data; c EPNLdB Effective Perceived Noise Level
in decibels (typical engines)
Janic 2007). Table 2.16 gives the noise characteristics of selected aircraft at the
noise certification locations.
Evidently, the B787-8 aircraft generates about 5–7, 7 and 0.6–6 dB lower
certificated noise than its counterparts while taking off, flying over, and
approaching, respectively (EASA 2011, 2012). In addition, making a broader
judgment concerning mitigation of noise by B787-8 can be made by assuming it
replaces the B767-200/200ER aircraft. This implies the gradual increase in the
number of replacing aircraft (B787-8) on the account of gradually replaced aircraft
(B767-200/200ER). The total number of B767-200/200ER aircraft to be replaced
is assumed to be 800 (based on the current orders of B787-8). Regarding operating
long-haul flights, each aircraft of both fleets is assumed to perform the same
number of flights (2/day). The noise level is considered to be the certified EPNLdB
(the case in Europe) (EASA 2011). The total noise exposure by take-off or
approach/landing operating fleet of both aircraft during the day can be estimated as
follows (Smith 2004):
1X 2
EPNLdB ¼ ni ½EPNLdBi þ 10 log10 ðni hi Þ ð2:22Þ
n i¼1
EPNLdBi is the Effective Perceived Noise Level of the aircraft in decibels (i);
ni is the number of aircraft (i) in operation (per day);
hi is the average number of flights per day of aircraft (i); and
n is the total number of aircraft in operation (per day).
EPNLdBA= 0.0012p22-0.1562p2+ 132.27
R² = 0.994
EPNLdBT/O= 0.0012p22-0.189 p2+ 128.92
R² = 0.995
0 20 40 60 80 100
p2-Proportion of B787-8 aircraft -%
Fig. 2.19 Relationship between the average noise exposure and the proportion of B787-8 aircraft
in the fleet
the ‘‘noise contour’’ or ‘‘noise footprint’’ as the area of constant noise generated by
B787-8 aircraft around an airport can be by about 60 % smaller than those of its
counterparts, thus ensuring that noise above the level of 85 dB certainly does not
spread outside the airport boundaries. This is achieved mainly thanks to the
improved aerodynamics design on the one hand, and the lower fan speed and low
jet velocity of the RR Trent 1000 engines, on the other. The forthcoming A350-
800 aircraft is expected to be even quieter (Cohen-Nir 2010).
The B787-8 aircraft is categorized as a heavy aircraft. This implies that as being
the leading aircraft in the landing sequence, it needs to be separated from A380,
other Heavy, Upper and Lower Medium, Small, and Light aircraft by 4, 4, 5, 6, and
7 nm, respectively. Currently, the separation amounts to 10 nm (nautical mile;
1 nm = 1.875 km). As the leader in the take-off sequence, the B787-8 aircraft
needs to be separated from all other aircraft by 3 min (FAA 2011). Consequently,
like the increased proportion of other heavy aircraft in the airport arrival and
departing streams, an increased proportion of B787-8 aircraft can contribute to
increased overall separation interval(s), which reduces the runway landing and
take-off capacity almost proportionally. Consequently, at saturated capacity-
constrained airports, the overall congestion and aircraft delays may increase.
The B787-8 is an advanced aircraft designed to operate absolutely safely implying
its immunity to incidents and accidents due to all previously known reasons. The
forthcoming more intensive operations will certainly confirm such expectations
since the aircraft is also designed in light of the overall objectives to make the
78 2 Advanced Transport Systems: Operations and Technologies
present and future air transport system safer despite its continuous growth. For
example, in the case of an engine failure during the cruising phase of flight, the
ETOPS (Extended Range Twin-Engine Operational Performances) capabilities
enable B787-8 aircraft to stay in the air for up to 180 min, which is, like its
counterparts, sufficient to reach the closest airport and land safely.
2.4.3 Evaluation
The B787-8 aircraft possesses advantages (Strengths and Opportunities) and dis-
advantages (Weaknesses and Threats) as compared to its closest counterparts—the
Boeing B767-300ER and the Airbus A330-200/300.
• Advanced aerodynamic design;
• Substantial use of lighter but very strong composites (about 50 and 80 % of the
weight and volume, respectively);
• Superior technical productivity over the entire range;
• Advanced navigational systems onboard being a part of the forthcoming
NextGen and SESAR research and development initiatives in the USA and
Europe, respectively;
• Increased efficiency in terms of fuel consumption and related emissions of GHG
(Greenhouse Gases), but still not sufficiently convincible to be in line with the
widely advertised 20 % decrease; and
• Seemingly convincible reduction of noise at source—aircraft engines—but
again slightly lower than advertised.
• Relatively high price;
• Rather modest reduction of direct operating costs due to improvements in the
fuel efficiency, i.e., lower fuel consumption and share of fuel costs in the total
operating costs;
• Contribution to increasing congestion and delays at capacity constrained airports
because of reducing the airport runway capacity affected by increased overall
separation within the arrival and departure stream(s); and
• An inherent uncertainty in the technical and operational reliability of the
innovative technologies and particularly electrical systems and composites
during the aircraft life-cycle of about 25–30 years.
Finally, the B-787-8 aircraft is certainly an advanced subsonic commercial air-
craft. At present, most of its infrastructural and technical/technological performances
are known. However, its remaining operational, economic, environmental, and
social/policy performances and consequently further advantages and disadvantages
will only be able to be analyzed in more detail after more intensive aircraft use.
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References 81
3.1 Introduction
The Boeing B747-8F and Airbus A380-800F are examples of large commercial
freight aircraft. They are advanced mainly due to their size, i.e., payload capacity,
and their related operational/economic advantages, both as compared to their
closest smaller counterpart such as the B-747-400F.
1954 The ICC (Interstate Commerce Commission) (U.S.) concludes that the transportation
of piggyback trailers on flatcars is not a motor-carrier service and stopped requiring
railroads to have a motor-carrier certificate in order to operate Trailer-On-Flat Car
(TOFC) services (U.S.)
1956 Intermodal TOFC (Trailer-On-Flat Car) services are launched by the Trailer Train
Company set up by the Pennsylvania Railroad and the Norfolk and Western
Railways (U.S.)
1961 The ISO (International Organization for Standardization) set standards for containers
1972 The ‘‘landbridge’’ intermodal service, where containers are transferred from a ship to a
train on one coast, then transported across the country to the other coast and
transferred back from train to another ship, is introduced by the Southern Pacific
railroad and Sea-Land (U.S.)
1994/ The ten Pan-European transport corridors are defined at the second Pan-European
1997 Transport Conference in Crete; additions are made at the third conference in
Helsinki (Europe)
1996 Guidelines for the TEN-T (Trans-European Networks-Transport) are initially adopted
by the European Parliament (Europe)
2001 Guidelines for the TEN-T with respect to the seaports, inland ports, and intermodal
terminals are amended (Europe)
2004 More fundamental changes of the TEN-T policies are intended to accommodate the
enlargement of EU (European Union) and consequent changes in the pattern of
freight/goods flows are made (Europe)
Of this total about 91 % was international and 9 % domestic traffic. Rail carried about 20 %,
inland waterways 2 %, and short-sea shipping 78 % of international traffic. About 97 % of
domestic traffic was carried by rail and 3 % by inland waterways (EC 1999, 2002).
3.2 Advanced Freight Collection/Distribution Networks 85
its market share from about 5 to 9 %. This mainly happened after enhancement of
operations in the Trans European transport corridors along distances of
900–1,000 km where about 10 %t of the total volumes of freight/goods (tons) were
transported. On distances up to about 900 km where about 90 % of these freight/
goods volumes were transported, the market share of intermodal or multimodal
transport was negligible—only about 2 % in the total volumes of t-km, and 2–3 %
in the total volumes of tons (EC 1999, 2002). Since 1999, the above-mentioned
market shares have not substantially changed mainly due to the following reasons:
(i) the rather low overall unitarization rate2 of freight/goods of only about
10–15 %; (ii) the frequent deterioration of the quality of services of intermodal or
multimodal transport main mode(s)—primarily rail—as a result of insufficient
frequency and rather low reliability of service; (iii) the low door-to-door freight/
goods delivery speed of only about 18–20 km/h, and consequently long delivery
time; and (iv) further improvements in efficiency and effectiveness of the road
freight transport sector including initiatives for introducing road mega trucks on a
wider European scale (CNT 2006; EC 1999, 2000a, 2001a, 2002, 2007).
The above-mentioned developments reflect a part of the visionary policy for
development of the European freight transport sector by 2020 and beyond
implying further consolidation and more intensive use of rail/barge/short-sea on
the account of the road transport mode aiming at making freight and consequently
the entire transport sector more sustainable (EIRAC 2007). Specifically, in the
scope of the above-mentioned policy, the transport and logistics operators have
considered the advanced freight collection/distribution networks as options to
provide users/freight shippers/receivers advanced door-to-door transport services
as compared to other transport (freight) service networks. These networks can be
operated by single or few transport modes. In both cases, the freight shipments are
consolidated into compact units such as pallets and loading units—containers,
swap-bodies and semi-trailers. They can be exchanged between vehicles of dif-
ferent size/capacity operated by the same or different transport modes at dedicated
terminals. In case when the networks are operated by a single mode, the shipments
from smaller incoming vehicles can be consolidated into those to be carried
conveniently by larger outgoing vehicles such as road standard or mega trucks
(with electronic coupling), CIFTs (Conventional Intermodal Freight Train(s)),
LIFTs (Long Intermodal Freight Train(s)), large containers ship(s), or large
commercial freight aircraft, and vice versa at the dedicated uni-modal freight
terminals. When the network is operated by different transport modes, the vehicles
of particular modes meet at the multimodal terminals where seamless transship-
ment of freight shipments between them takes place. The combination of modes
can be different, but most frequently the inland systems include road and one of the
nonroad transport modes (rail, and/or barge).
The unitarization rate refers to the proportion of goods carried in loading units—containers,
swap-bodies, and semi-trailers.
86 3 Advanced Transport Systems Background
For example, horizontal transshipment can be eased by the automatic locking on the container
castings or on the tray castings, in combination with the automatic positioning of the train along
the loading/unloading floor.
3.2 Advanced Freight Collection/Distribution Networks 87
operations, and then developing the corresponding analytical models based on the
following assumptions:
• Demand is expressed by the number of loading units requesting service in the
network during a given period (a day, week);
• The available transport and terminal capacity are always sufficient to satisfy this
• Terminals represent the network nodes where loading units are exchanged
between the same and/or different transport modes; in addition, the loading units
can enter and/or leave the network through these nodes, i.e., terminals;
• Loading units enter and leave the network in batches, which can form inven-
tories at particular locations such as the network nodes, i.e., terminals and the
network links, i.e., routes;
• Formation of inventories of loading units causes their delays; delays can be
repetitive at regular time intervals called network cycles (day or a week)
depending on the pattern of demand and supply;
• The level of inventories of loading units during a cycle represents the network
• The total costs of particular networks consist of inventory costs, transport costs,
and terminal costs; inventory costs relate to handling inventories of loading
units while in a given network; transport cost consists of the operators’ cost to
transport loading units between their origin(s) and destination(s); terminal cost
includes handling cost of loading units while in and through the terminal(s).
(Hall 1987, 1993; Janic et al. 1999; Janic 2005)
P–P (Point-to-Point) network
Inventories and delays
A P–P (Point-to-Point) collection/distribution network operates as follows: the
loading units are delivered from their local origins (i.e., doors of the shippers) to
the origin intermodal terminal by road haulage. Then, they are loaded onto a direct
or shuttle train or barge (vessel) and transported to the destination terminal. From
there, they are distributed (again by road) to their final destinations (i.e., doors of
the receivers). Figure 3.1 shows a simplified layout of the network and inventories
of loading units in it during a cycle.
The flow of loading units qAB is transported between terminal A and B. The
length of the route connecting the two terminals is lAB and the average speed of
transport units is vAB(lAB). The intensity of collection of loading units at the terminal
(A : i) is ki. The loading units are assumed to arrive there by road some time
before departure of the train, barge, or vessel. This time may vary from the time of
preceding departure to the time of closing ‘‘new’’ departure for loading. The period
between the arrival of the first and the last loading unit of the batch qAB is s0i.
The total loading time is dependent on the size of batch qAB : qij and loading
rate li. After the batch qij is loaded, the transport unit is inspected and dispatched
after the period s1i. The transport unit arrives at terminal (B : j) after time lAB/
vAB(lAB). Then, the batch qij is unloaded. The intensity of unloading at terminal
3.2 Advanced Freight Collection/Distribution Networks 89
λi Flow qij
qij T λj
μi TB qij
A μj
τ 0i A≡i B j τ1j τ
qij/ μi τ 1i 0j
qij/μ j
qij/λ j
Fig. 3.1 Scheme of a P–P (Point-to-Point) network (Janic et al. 1999; Janic 2005)
Dbi, DTij, Dbj is the delay of loading units while passing
through the terminal (i), route (ij), and terminal
(j), respectively (LU-h) (LU—Loading Unit; h—
pij is the average value of a shipment belonging to
the batch qij (€/LU);
rij is the average ‘‘inventory’’ charge of a shipment
belonging to the batch qij (€/h);
c(di0,Wi0), c(lij,Wij), c(dj0,Wj0) is the cost of transport unit of capacity Wi0, Wij,
and Wj0 along the route di0, lij, and dj0, respec-
tively (€/dispatch);
fi0, fij, fj0 is the transport service frequency on the routes
di0, lij, and dj0, respectively (departures/h);
b0i, b1i, b0j, b1j is the total handling and operation cost of the
terminals (i) and (j), respectively, (€/year);
Qi, Qj is the volume of demand planned to be handled
in terminal (i) and (j), respectively, (LU/year);
ui, uj is the average utilization of the terminals (i) and
(j), respectively.
The transport cost function can be expressed either in linear or log-linear form
as follows:
For any transport mode, the service frequency on the routes connecting the
particular spokes can be determined based on the assumption that the demand is
always satisfied as follows:
f ¼ q=k W ð3:1dÞ
q is the volume of loading units on a given route (LU/period), and
k is the average utilization of transport units running on the route.
The other symbols are analogous to those in previous equations.
3.2 Advanced Freight Collection/Distribution Networks 91
Terminal A Terminal B
Trunk direct train/barge
Feeder train/barge
Ta3 train/barge
Pre- and end-road-haulage
Tai, Tbi - Begin- and end-terminal (k = 1,2,3)
A, B - CD- terminals
qjaB djb/dj
qiaA dia/id N M N M
Arrivals of loading units at qidA ∑ ∑ qij qjdB ∑∑ qij
local/regional terminal(s) i 1 j 1 i 1 j 1
λi qiA TA TB qBj λj
μi qiA Tdi TBj qBj μj
τ Transport of loading units by 'trunk
qiA/ μ i τ0i τ1j τ0j
line' train(s)/barge(s) TBM qBj/ μ j
qBj/ λ j
Fig. 3.2 Scheme of a TCD (Trunk line with Collecting/Distribution forks) network (Janic et al.
1999; Janic 2005)
92 3 Advanced Transport Systems
In rail-based networks, both ‘‘local’’ and ‘‘trunk’’ terminals may operate like
‘‘local’’ and ‘‘regional’’ shunting yards, respectively. In particular, the delays of
loading units during their passing through the ‘‘trunk’’ terminals are dependent on
the number, capacity, and timetable of the inbound ‘‘local’’ trains and the out-
bound ‘‘trunk’’ trains. In addition, these delays can be significantly influenced by
the strategy and ‘‘speed’’ of shunting, both depending on the size and type of
shunting yard.
In Fig. 3.2, the arrival time of i-th ‘‘local’’ train at the terminal TA (i = 1, 2, …, N)
is TiaA, the departure time of i-th ‘‘trunk’’ train from the terminal TA is TidA, the arrival
time of i-th ‘‘trunk’’ train at terminal TB is TiaB, and the departure time of i-th ‘‘local’’
train from the terminal TB is TidB. In case when all outbound trunk trains have to wait
for all inbound trains in order to exchange wagons and/or loading units, and vice
versa, their accumulation and related delays may become rather long. The maximum
number of loading units that can be accumulated in the terminals TA and TB can be
determined as: Ni¼1 qiA ¼ Ni¼1 M j¼1 qij ¼ j¼1 qBj ; qiA is the batch of loading
units moving between the fork terminal (i) and the trunk terminal TA (‘‘i’’ is assigned
to ‘‘TA’’) (i = 1, 2, …, N), i.e., qiA = j¼1 qij ði ¼ 1; 2; . . .; N Þ; qiB is the batch of
loading units moving from the trunk terminal TB to the fork terminal (j), (‘‘j’’ is
assigned to ‘‘TB’’), (j = 1, 2, …, M), i.e., qBj = M i¼1 qij ðj ¼ 1; 2; : :; M Þ; N and M are
the number of origin and destination (local) terminals assigned to the trunk terminals
TA and TB, respectively. The loading units arrive at the origin ‘‘local’’ terminal (i) at
the rate of ki (i = 1, 2, …, N). They may be either directly transshipped to the feeder
train(s) or placed in the terminal storage area. The intensity of loading the feeder
trains at the origin terminal (i) is lI, while the intensity of unloading the feeder trains
at the destination terminal (j) is lj. The loading units leave the destination (local)
terminal (j) at the rate of kj (j = 1, 2, …, M). The times T0A and T0B are the moments at
which the trunk terminals TA and TB, respectively, change the operating regime. At
the time T0A the terminal TA is closed for further arrivals of incoming feeder trains and
opened for the departure of the outgoing trunk trains. At the time T0B, the terminal TB
is closed for arrivals of incoming trunk trains and opened for the departures of the
feeder outgoing trains. The total delay of the batch of loading units Ni¼1 M j¼1 qij can
be computed as follows:
XN ffi ffi
1 1
D ¼ DB þ DT ¼ s0i þ s1i þ qiA þ ðT0A TiaA Þ þ ðTidA T0A þ sA Þ qiA
l i 2k i
!2 !2
PN P M PN P M 2 3
qij qij T0B TjaB þ TjdB T0B þ sB þ
i¼1 j¼1 i¼1 j¼1 XM 6
!! 7
þ aA þ aB þ 6 7 qBj
lA lB 4 1 1 5
j¼1 s1j þ s0j þ qBj
lj 2 min kj ; lj
liA X N X M
þ qiA þ qij þ qBj
viA i¼1 j¼1 vAB j¼1 vBj
3.2 Advanced Freight Collection/Distribution Networks 93
s0i, s0j is the time between the arrival and loading of the batch of loading
units qiA at the origin (local) terminal (i), and the time between the
arrival and departure of the batch qBj from the destination (local)
terminal (j), respectively (minutes, h);
s1i, s2j is the time of preparing the transport unit to depart from the origin
(local) terminal (i), and the time of preparing the transport unit for
unloading after arrival at the destination (local) terminal (j),
respectively, (minutes, h);
a A. a B is a binary variable taking the value ‘‘1’’ if the service of loading
units at the trunk terminals TA and TB is realized just after the
arrival of the whole batches qiA and qiB, respectively, and the value
‘‘0,’’ otherwise;
liA, lAB, lBj is the length of route connecting the origin (local) terminal (i) and
the trunk terminal TA, the trunk terminals TA and TB, and the trunk
terminal TB and the destination (local) terminal (j), respectively,
(km); and
viA, vAB, vBj is the average speed of transport unit (train/barge/vessel) on the
routes liA, lAB, and lBj, respectively (km/h).
The total costs of a TCD (Trunk line with Collecting/Distribution forks) network
can be estimated based on Eq. 3.2a as follows:
C ¼ CI þ CTR þ CTE
2 3
DbiA þ DTiA þ DbA þ DTAB þ DbB þ DTBj þ DbBj pij rij
6 þ cðdi0 ; Wi0 Þ fi0 þ cðdiA ; WiA Þ fiA þ cðdAB ; WAB Þ fAB 7
6 7
XN X M 6 7
6 b0i þ b1i 7
¼ 6 þ cBj dBj ; WBj fBj þ c dj0 ; Wj0 fj0 þ qiA 7
i¼1 j¼1 6 u Q 7
ffi i i 7
4 b0A þ b1A b0B þ b1B b0j þ b1j 5
þ þ qiA þ qBj þ qBj
uA Q A uB Q B uj Qj
where all symbols are analogous to those in previous equations.
HSs (Hub-and-Spoke(s)) network
Inventories and delays
A HSs (Hub-and-Spoke(s)) network usually consists of a hub (the central node—
terminal) and several spokes (peripheral nodes—terminals). A simplified layout
and inventories of loading units in this network during a cycle are shown in
Fig. 3.3.
94 3 Advanced Transport Systems
μi qiH
qiH/ μi τ1i ∑ ∑ qij
i 1 j 1
Fig. 3.3 Scheme of a HS (Hub-and-Spoke) network (Janic et al. 1999; Janic 2005)
X ffi N X
1 1
D ¼ DB þ DT ¼ s0i þ s1i þ qiH þ ðT0 TiaH Þ qiH þ aH qij =lH
li 2ki i¼1 j¼1
" !# ffi
N 1 1 N X
liH lHj
þ TjdH T0 þ sH þ s0j þ s1j þ qHj qHj þ qij þ
lj 2 min kj ; lj i¼1 j¼1
viH vHj
ki, kj is the intensity of arrival and departure of loading units at/from the
spoke terminals (i) and (j), respectively (LU/h);
li, lj is the intensity of loading/unloading of loading units at the spoke
terminals (i) and (j), respectively (LU/h);
TiaH is the arrival time of a train operating between the spoke (i) and hub (H);
T0 is the time when all trains arrived from N spokes are ready to be shunted
at the hub H;
aH is a binary variable taking the value ‘‘1’’ if shunting starts after the
arrival of the last among N trains at the hub (H), and the value ‘‘0,’’
lH is the average rate of shunting assumed to be approximately constant
and not dependent on the train and wagon characteristics (trains/h);
TjdH is the departure time of a train operating between the hub H and the
spoke (j);
sH is the total time needed for shunting N trains; shunting is assumed to
start just after the arrival of the last train from the batch of N trains
liH, lHjj is the length of route connecting the spoke (i) and (j), via the hub (H),
respectively (km); and
viH, vHj is the travel speed of a train along the routes liH and lHJ, respectively
The total costs of a HSs (Hub-and-Spoke(s)) collection/distribution network can be
determined based on Eq. 3.3a as follows:
C ¼ CI þ CTR þ C
2 TE 3
Dbi þ DTiH þ DbH þ DTHj þ Dbj pij rij þ cðdi0 ; Wi0 Þ fi0
N 6 7
6 þ cðdih ; Wih Þ fiH þ cHj dHj ; WHj fHj þ c dj0 ; Wj0 fj0 7
¼ 6 ffi 7
i¼1 j¼1
4 b0i þ b1i bH0 þ bH1 b0j þ b1j 5
þ qiH þ qiH þ qHj þ qHj
ui Q i uH QH uj Qj
where all symbols are analogous to those in the previous equations.
96 3 Advanced Transport Systems
Fig. 3.4 Scheme of a L/R (Line or Ring) network (Janic et al. 1999; Janic 2005)
3.2 Advanced Freight Collection/Distribution Networks 97
‘‘in parts,’’e.g., one loading unit from the batch qdi is unloaded first and then one
loading unit from the batch qai is loaded. After the batch qai is loaded, it is
transported to the final destination. The unloaded batch qdi is either directly
transshipped to the other transport units already being in the terminal (trucks,
trains, barges, or vessels) or stored in the terminal. The waiting time of the batch to
be picked-up is sdi. The rate of emptying the terminal Ti is kdi (LU/h). The batch
qai consists of loading units having their origin at the terminal Ti and destination at
other terminals Tj (i B j B N), e.g., qai ¼ Nj¼1 qij . The batch qdi consists of
loading units having their origin at the terminal Tj and destination at terminals Ti
(1 B j B i), e.g., qdi ¼ ij¼1 qij . Thus, the number of loading units transported
between any two terminals Ti and Ti+1 is equal to qi;iþ1 ¼ ik¼1 Nj¼iþ1 qkj . The
delay of loading units while passing through the network can be estimated as
D ¼ DB þ0 DT 13
2 a2
PN aai 2kaiai þ ðsad þ sdi þ bi qdi =ldi Þ qai
6 @
6 i¼1 þ s þ 1 qdi
q 7 XN
di 2 minðkdi ;ldi Þ
ffi 2 ffi
7 qi;iþ1
4 qai ldi 5 i¼1 vi;iþ1
2lai lai þ ldi
qai ¼ q0 ; qdi ¼
j¼1 ij
q0 ; and qi;iþ1 ¼
j¼1 ji k¼1 j¼iþ1
q0kj for
i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; N 1
The total costs of a L/R (Line or Ring) network can be estimated based on
Eq. 3.4a, as follows:
C ¼ CI þ CTR þ CTE ¼ ½Dbi pi ri þ cðdi0 ; Wi0 Þ fi0 þ cðd0i ; W0i Þ f0i
XN XN ffi
b0i þ b1i
þ c di;i1 ; Wi;i1 fi;i1 þ ðqai þ qdi Þ
i¼2 i¼1
ui Qi
where all symbols are analogous to those in the previous equations.
and vice versa. The (-) sign denotes a ‘‘negative’’ (‘‘cost’’) preference of the
indicator, i.e., if the value of this indicator is greater, the corresponding network
will be less preferable, and vice versa.
Ranking method
The ranking method consists of its basic structure, techniques for normalizing the
values of attributes/criteria in order to make them convenient for comparison across
different network configurations, and the methods/models for assigning weights to
attributes/criteria reflecting their preferences for DMs (Decision Maker(s)).
The simple additive weighting (SAW) method is used as one of the best-known
and widely used multiple-criteria methods for ranking different alternatives, in this
case advanced freight collection/distribution networks. Its basic structure is as
follows (Hwang and Yoon 1981):
Let m represents the number of alternatives to be ranked and n the number of
criteria per alternative. Suppose that DM has assigned a set of importance weights
w = (w1, w2, …, wn) to particular criteria. Then the most preferable alternative A*
is selected such that:
Xn X
A ¼ maxi fAi g ¼ maxi wj rij = wj for i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; m: ð3:5Þ
j¼1 j¼1
where j¼1 wj ¼ 1, and rij is the normalized outcome of the alternative Ai with
respect to j-th ‘‘benefit’’ criterion (the ‘‘cost’’ criterion is converted to the ‘‘benefit’’
criterion by taking the reciprocal of the former before normalization).
Normalizing the values of attributes/criteria
Normalizing the values of attributes/criteria can be carried out by using different
techniques such as, for example, the ‘‘vector normalization’’ and the ‘‘linear scale
transformation’’ technique. In the given case, the latter technique is applied by
dividing the value of a given attribute/criterion by its maximum value, provided that
all attributes/criteria are defined as ‘‘benefit’ criteria (i.e., the larger the value of the
attribute/criterion, the greater its preference, and vice versa). The ‘cost’ attributes/
criteria can be treated as the ‘‘benefit’’ attributes/criteria by taking the inverse of their
outcomes, and vice versa. Let xij be the outcome of the ‘‘benefit’’ attribute/criterion
(j) of the alternative (i). Then, the transformed outcome of xij will be equal to:
rij ¼ ð3:6aÞ
maxi xij
It is clear that: 0 B rij B 1 and that the outcome is more favorable as rij
approaches 1.0. The advantage of this scale-transformation is that all outcomes are
transformed in a linear (proportional) way. For the ‘‘cost’’ attribute/criterion xij, the
transformed outcome will be as follows:
3.2 Advanced Freight Collection/Distribution Networks 105
rij ¼ ð3:6bÞ
max i 1=xij
Thus, rij = 0 implies the worst outcome and rij = 1 the best outcome of a given
attribute/criterion (Hwang and Yoon 1981).
Assigning weights to attributes/criteria
Assigning weights to particular attributes/criteria to reflect the DM’s preference
for a given alternative(s) for can be carried out by different methods. In general,
weights can be assigned by experts and/or DM (Decision Maker) according its
own preferences. If expert weights are lacking, analytical methods can be applied,
one of which is the entropy method used in this chapter but described in detail in
Chap. 5, (Hwang and Yoon 1981).
Sixteen of the 19 indicators of performances of the above-mentioned collection/
distribution networks have been estimated in Table 3.1 for the given cases of the
above-mentioned advanced collection/distribution networks. This has uncovered a
high diversity of particular indicators and measures across the routes and sub-
networks of the same and/or different networks. Therefore, the average (i.e.,
typical) values of particular indicators and measures have been used. Conse-
quently, with the exception of the indicators ‘‘Size of the network’ (1), ‘‘Transport
work’’ (17), and ‘‘Intensity of network services’’ (16), which relate to the entire
network, all other indicators relate to an average (typical) route of the given
network. This guarantees consistency of the approach, which, at the same time,
possesses advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage seems to be the high
level of simplification and relative easy use of the selected ranking method/model.
The main disadvantage seems to be the risk of losing some important details on
network performances due to the high level of aggregation of values of particular
indicators. The values of indicators and measures of performances of the selected
cases of collection/distribution networks used as the ranking attributes/criteria are
given in Table 3.2.
The SAW method applied to the above-mentioned 15 advanced collection/distri-
bution networks as alternatives has provided estimates of their performances and
ranks given in Table 3.3.
Among the three P–P collection/distribution networks, the RoadRailer network
appears the one with the best performances followed by the RailRoads and
Jämsänkoski network. The TCD network concepts have not been identified in the
considered sample. Among the six evaluated HS collection/distribution networks,
Table 3.2 Indicators and measures of performances of the selected advanced freight collection/distribution networks (according to the SAW method) (Janic
et al. 1999; Janic 2005)
Network Indicator/measure of performancesa
Jämsänkoski 5/4 2009 26 1 84.0 26.6 75.5 48.0 2009 15.9 126.1 0.381 104437 728 259 –
RailRoads 8/5 1121 42 7 12.0 38.0 29,5 12.0 1121 20.9 41.5 0.289 1647870 1597 294 –
RoadRailer 2/2 607 45 4 22.6 58.0 10.5 3.7 607 42.7 14.2 0.261 399526 2594 355 –
Trunk line-TCD – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Wembley EFOC 16/15 300–1670 40 7 12.0 40.3 24.1 1.0 766 31.8 25.1 0.382 3564760 1733 232 –
Hub of Metz and the 37/37 60–2400 44 28 3.0 35.5 22.7 4.3 1619 31.4 51.7 0.083 9576292 1564 1186 –
Quality Net
‘‘Drehscheiben’ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
The NEN 8/7 100–750 65 4 21.0 32.3 5.4 28.8 370 9.2 40.3 0.715 4667612 2522 603
Bahntrans 11/10 100–750 40 7 12.0 20.6 5.8 6.0 350 15.2 23.0 0.261 9100000 1200 4550 –
GT Hupacb 13/12 320–1250 43 9 9.3 45.2 19.7 24.0 862 19.7 43.7 0.549 5414264 1932 638 –
Line (or) Ring
Piggy-back – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
RingZug 10/1 167 82 35 2.4 23.7 7.0 1.6 167 19.4 8.6 0.186 623200 1946 5438 –
The ‘‘Linienzug’ 6/7 259 34 24 3.5 95.7 2.7 3.5 259 41.8 6.2 0.565 280376 3378 537 –
Voltri 9/8 140–1500 27 7 18.9 60.0 4.2 33.0 251 6.8 37.2 0.877 373329 1620 164 –
Sogemar 26/19 100–500 27 3 28.0 45.7 20.3 28.0 647 14.3 45.3 0.552 1052973 1231 168 –
FlexNode – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
See Sect. and Table 3.1 for an explanation of the abbreviations
GT Gateway Terminal
3 Advanced Transport Systems
3.2 Advanced Freight Collection/Distribution Networks 107
Table 3.3 Performances and ranks of the selected collection/distribution networks in the given
example (Janic et al. 1999; Janic 2005)
Network Performance Rank
P–P (Point-to-Point)
Jämsänkoski 0.198 3
RailRoads 0.686 2
RoadRailer 0.745 1
TCD (Trunk line-CD forks) – –
HSs (Hub-and-Spoke(s))
Wembley EFOC 0.430 4
Hub of metz and the quality net 0.569 1
Drehscheiben – –
The NEN 0.314 5
Bahntrans 0.550 2
GT Hupac 0.472 3
L / R (Line or Ring)
Piggy-back – –
Ring zug 0.695 1
The ‘‘Linienzug’ 0.529 2
M (Mixed)
Voltri 0.585 2
Sogemar 0.744 1
Flex-node – –
the rail-based Hub of Metz and the Quality Net emerges as the preferable network.
The Ring-Zug Rhein-Rhur network appears the preferable L/R collection/distri-
bution network, while the Sogemar network is identified as preferable among the
three M collection/distribution networks.
demand (typically, one service per day or one service per 2 days seems to be quite
• Flexibility in adapting the transport capacity to demand through changing the
service frequencies and capacity of transport units (trains) makes this network
both beneficial for its operators and users (shippers/receivers);
• The relationships between transport speed, delivery distance, and total terminal
time provide the service quality A (delivery in 24 h) and/or B (delivery in 48 h);
• Operating trains of a relatively large capacity at relatively high transport speeds
produces the concept’s high technical productivity, intensity of network
services, and transport work; these make such networks competitive to road-
haulage in equivalent freight transport markets (characterized by similar
volumes of freight and delivery distances) with respect to the total delivery time,
utilization of the available infrastructure, and reduction of the negative impacts
on the environment and society.
The Hub of Metz and Quality Net network as the most preferable HSs network
suggests the following generic performances of similar networks:
• The network should be as large as possible in terms of the number of terminals
(nodes) and routes (links). The hub terminal should be located at the intersection
of important rail-lines (‘‘axis’’), i.e., in a central location with respect to the
location of the other terminals (spokes); it needs to provide a sequential
exchange of rail wagons and/or wagon groups (and loading units) between the
incoming and outgoing trains; the exchange time and the total terminal time of
loading and transport units can be shortened by ensuring proper balance of the
inbound and outbound train timetable(s);
• The spoke terminals should be located over a large area (such as half of Europe)
in order to provide high spatial accessibility of the network services and delivery
of loading units over a wide spectrum of distances (routes) (from several
tenths—let’s say 60 km to a few thousand—2,500 km); the spatial location of
terminals and high diversity of route lengths allows the establishment of dif-
ferent subnetworks (and thus segmentation of markets and related services),
which begin and end at the central/common hub;
• Regular services of direct trains should be provided on each route connecting
the spokes and the hub; the frequencies should be sufficient, at least one per day,
but adjusted to demand, capacity, and utilization of trains;
• Regarding the frequency (i.e., schedule delay), delivery distance, average
transport speed (20–40 km/h), and the average terminal time (about four hours),
different types of quality of service can be offered: A/B (delivery up to 24 h on
distances up to 800 km), A/C (delivery up to 48 h on distances from 800 to
1,600 km), and A/D (delivery up to 72 h on distances over 1,600 km);
• With respect to transport and delivery distances and distribution of the route
lengths in the network (long routes prevail), the terminal time is expected to
have a rather negligible influence on the total delivery time of loading units;
therefore, introduction of NG terminal transshipment technologies to speed-up
3.2 Advanced Freight Collection/Distribution Networks 109
the exchange of loading units between incoming and outgoing trains seems to be
of rather low added value; and
• A network of such a configuration and frequency of services is capable to replace
the high volumes of transport work on the particular routes, which otherwise
would be carried out by road; thus, it can offer significant reduction of impacts on
the environment and society over a wide area as compared to road haulage.
The Ring Zug Rhein-Rhur network as the preferable L/R network suggests the
following generic performances of similar networks:
• The network should consist of a reasonable number of terminals (say about 10),
located at relatively short distances (about 30–40 km) along the line or ring. The
begin-, end-, and intermediate terminals should provide sequential exchange of
loading units between the same and/or different transport modes. The network
should cover a relatively small area (region) and should be able to generate and
attract big, regular, predictable, and dense freight flows; this justifies frequent
shuttle train services (a few per day) delivering loading units to very close
destinations, up to 30–40 km (regional) and up to 200 km international transport;
• The high frequency, i.e., very short schedule delay, short delivery distance,
acceptable transport speed, and the short terminal time guarantee A-quality
services (delivery in up to 24 h); the terminal time may be further reduced by
introducing NG terminal transshipment technologies enabling simultaneous
(pure and batch) exchange of loading units; this may additionally rise the
competitiveness of the network(s) in short distance markets compared to the
currently dominating road haulage; and
• The high frequency and capacity of trains operating along short distances pro-
duce large quantities of transport work, which would otherwise be realized by
road; this could significantly mitigate the environmental and social impacts of
freight transport in the given region while improving utilization of the rail and
terminal infrastructure.
The Sogemar network as the preferable M network suggest the following
generic performances of similar networks:
• The network should consist of a great number of terminals where the sequential
exchange of loading units between the same and/or different transport modes
takes place; this makes the layout and corresponding through time of these
terminals more dependent on the inbound and outbound timetable(s) than on the
characteristics and efficiency of their operations; different subnetworks operat-
ing independently from each other and capable to cover a relatively wide area(s)
can be established between particular terminals; each subnetwork may include
different transport modes such as short-sea, road, and rail; the rail (inland)
portion of the specific subnetwork can cover a wide range of distances, from
about 100 to 1,500 km;
• Regular and frequent services by shuttle trains/barges/vessels matching the
offered capacity to demand as much as possible should be provided on the
particular inland routes; and
110 3 Advanced Transport Systems
• the length of delivery distances (routes), delivery speed(s), and the terminal
time(s) guarantee A-quality services (delivery in up to 24 h); introducing NG
terminal transshipment technologies in order to improve the overall terminal and
network efficiency and effectiveness can be reasonable; all these make the
particular rail-based inland subnetworks competitive to road haulage.
3.2.3 Evaluation
1950s Direct-injection turbo-charged diesel engines become standard; standard-sized steel truck
containers (that can be fixed to a trailer chassis for use on the road) are developed by
Malcom McLean (U.S.)
1996 Common standards/limits/measures on the maximum length and weight of road trucks
operating throughout EU (European Union) Member States are set up by the EC
(European Commission) (Directive 96/53/EC) (Europe)
2008 25.25 m long road mega trucks (as compared to the standard length of 18.75 m) are
allowed to operate in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and
Germany for the period of 3 years (Europe)
2009 The EC (European Commission) begins considering raising the maximum weight of road
trucks to 60 tons and their length to 25.25 m (as compared to the standards of 40 tons
and 18.75 m, respectively) (Europe)
A road mega truck is defined as the largest truck currently or planned to be used
for transporting freight/goods by road in a given region (country, continent). The
attribute ‘‘largest’’ refers to the truck size, i.e., its gross weight and length. In this
case, the size mainly contributes to considering these trucks as ‘‘advanced’’. The
analysis below refers to these largest and consequently most advanced road trucks
in Europe. Their implementation is currently a very pressing issue for the EU
(European Union) transport policy makers as they face the dilemma whether to
allow their wide implementation throughout the Member States, similarly as in the
USA. Beginning in 1992, the gross weight, number of axles, and length of road
trucks have been limited (harmonized and standardized) to 40–44 tons, 5–6 axles,
and 18.75 m, respectively. This gives a maximum axle load of these vehicles of
40–44/5, i.e., between 8 and 8.8 tons/axis. As such, these vehicles have always
been referred as the ‘‘standard’’ trucks and used as ‘‘term(s) of reference’’ for other
trucks. Thus, trucks heavier or longer than the above-mentioned standard ones can
be can be classified as mega trucks, ‘‘road trains,’’ or ‘‘gigaliners.’’ As far as the
scale of using these trucks is concerned, from the beginning of 2009, some cat-
egories of mega trucks have been in operations in the Netherlands (weight of
50 tons and length of 18.75 m), Sweden (weight of 60 tons and length of
25.25 m), and Finland (weight of 44/48 tons and length of 25.25 m), with some
pilot trials also being carried out in Germany. Consequently, the EC’s (European
Commission’s) Commissioner for Transport has left each Member State set up its
112 3 Advanced Transport Systems
own limits on the gross weight and length of road mega trucks, but exclusively
with respect to operations in their own countries. In parallel, the EC has been
considering a proposal based on scientific research to allow raising the maximum
gross weight of trucks to 60 tons, 7–8 axes, and length to 25.25 m (as it is the case
in Sweden). This would represent an increase of the truck’s gross weight by 50 %
and length by almost 40 %; the average axle load would remain almost the same or
even decrease in the case of vehicles with 8 axles to 7.5 tons/axle as compared to
standard trucks that typically carry 8 tons/axle (EC 1996; UIC 2008). Background
In general, the European road network is designed to meet the existing standards
on the weight and length of the heaviest standard trucks. However, there is evi-
dence that this network is not completely suitable to efficiently, effectively, and
safely accommodate trucks heavier and longer than the standard ones of a weight
of 40–44 tons and a length of 18.75 m (European Directive 96/53/EC (EC 1996)).
Consequently, the more widespread use of heavier and longer trucks (mega
trucks), with a maximum gross weight of 60 tons and length of 25.25 m, will
likely require modification of the existing road infrastructure as follows (ASECAP
2010; UIC 2008):
• Bridge-bearing structures will need to be significantly reinforced in order to
accommodate higher loads and maintain the current safety standards (crashes of
mega trucks inherently create higher dynamic stresses, which need to be absorbed
by crash barriers of greater dimensions; in addition, since these dynamic forces are
also absorbed by the bearing structure, this also needs to be reinforced);
• Tunnels will need to be changed structurally including re-sizing the profiles of
the parking niches/breakdown bays; since the increased load of trucks inherently
3.3 Road Mega Trucks 113
increases the risk of fire almost proportionally, this will be need to be carried out
in several European countries (Alpine and Pyrenees regions, etc.);
• Access to and the parking areas used for the mandatory breaks of drivers during
their journeys will need to be reconstructed;
• Interconnections between primary and secondary roads such as junctions,
roundabouts, etc., designed and built according to the regulations related to the
above-mentioned ‘‘standard’’ trucks, will need also to be partially reconstructed
and modified; and
• Experience and evidence including data on the true impact of mega trucks on
the wearing and tearing of the road infrastructure will need to be obtained
through experimental trials and simulations under different conditions.
Facilitating these shortcomings requires rather substantial investment, despite
uncertainty about exactly how much investment is really needed. For example, do
the roads and turning areas need to be widened? The turning cycle of road mega
trucks is also the subject of EU regulation, which states that any vehicle inde-
pendently of its configuration must be able to make a turning circle within a
corridor bounded by two circles, the inner with the radius of 5.3 m and the outer
with the radius of 12.5 m (EC 1996; Larsson 2009).
Nevertheless, the more widespread use of road mega trucks could bring some
benefits through increased utilization of the capacity of existing road infrastruc-
ture. This capacity is expressed by the maximum quantity of goods (tons) trans-
ported over a given road link/line or passing through its ‘‘reference location’’
during a given period of time under given conditions. For a single mega truck
replacing its standard counterpart, the increase could be about 50 %. This could
mitigate the need for expanding the road infrastructure in order to facilitate the
forthcoming expected growth of road freight/goods transport demand efficiently,
effectively, and safely. Consequently, the pressure for additional land use/take for
building new roads could be mitigated.
2.35m 7.82m 13.00m
Fig. 3.5 Scheme of typical configuration of a standard and mega truck (Fraunhofer 2009)
The rolling resistance coefficient is about 0.0068 (AEA 2011). Increase in the
gross weight of 50 % increases the payload capacity of a mega truck as compared
to its standard counterpart by about 60 % in terms of weight (40 vs. 25 tons), 50 %
in terms of the number of pallets (52 vs. 34), and 42 % in terms of the volume of
freight/goods (160 vs. 105 m3). In addition, the ratio between the payload capacity
and the gross weight of a mega truck is: 40/60 = 0.667, which is about 6.7 %
greater than that of a standard truck: 25/40 = 0.625, which contributes to its
higher overall efficiency. Consequently, the transport capacity of the operator’s
fleet will incrementally increase by about 60 % as soon as the fleet of mega trucks
is deployed instead of the fleet of their standard counterparts.
The engines of both standard and mega trucks is designed respecting the Euro V
emissions legislation4 with different volumes of 10, 11, 12, 13, or 16 l in line or 6,
12 l V6 or 16 or 18 l V8 configuration. Following the emissions legislation, these
diesel engines require the use of both EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) and SCR
(Selective Catalytic Reduction) after treatment to meet the prescribed emission
In Europe, two solutions to meet emissions legislation are widely adopted at Euro V: one using
high levels of EGR along with DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter); and the other using SCR (Selective
Catalytic Reduction). At Euro VI, it is anticipated that OMs (Overall Emission(s)) will follow the
current technologies in Japan and USA using both EGR and SCR to meet the new prescribed
emission limits. Both will have an impact on the fuel consumption, which could be reduced
through engine power transmission technologies available. In Europe, AMT (Automatic Manual
Transmission) is favored while in the U.S. and Japan the standard fit transmissions are both
manual. In particular, AMT can reduce fuel consumption by up to about 7 % depending on the
driver’s skills.
3.3 Road Mega Trucks 115
Road mega trucks are expected to have generally stronger engines than standard
trucks, with the power of about: 290–450 kW (1 kW = 1.36 hp; kW—kilowatt;
hp—horse power) at 1,700 rpm (rotations per minute). This power can be adjusted
during operation by either ATMS (Automated Manual System) offering 12 to 16 or
MS (Manual System) with 12 speed changes.
ITS/ITC (Intelligent Transport System/Information Communication
ITS/ICT (Intelligent Transport System/Information Communication Technologies)
are deployed to enable efficient, effective, and safe trips of mega trucks. They
include adaptive cruise control, navigation system, fleet board telematics system,
and forward collision warning system. The adaptive cruise control and collision
warning systems are foremost comfort and safety systems, respectively. In addi-
tion, they constrain harsh acceleration and braking maneuvers, which, depending
on the driver, may improve efficiency of the fuel consumption by up to 1 %. The
fleetboard telematics system records the data of several vehicle parameters, which
can be transmitted in real-time or at specified intervals. Typically, these include
information/data on the vehicle speed, engine rpm, the rate of braking and
acceleration, idling time, etc. Together with the driver ID (Identification) obtained
from the digital tachograph, this information/data enable any potential correlation
between the driving style and fuel consumption to be analyzed (AEA 2011).
Technical productivity
Technical productivity is expressed by the quantity of output produced by one unit
of production input (in this case a single vehicle) per unit of time. For either a
loaded standard or mega truck, this can be estimated as follows:
TPðk; PL; vðdÞÞ ¼ k PL vðdÞ ð3:7Þ
PL is the vehicle payload capacity (tons/truck);
k is the vehicle load factor (between 0 and 1); and
v(d) is the vehicle speed dependent on the freight/goods delivery distance d.
The main economic performances of standard and mega trucks include their
operating costs. The operating costs of standard trucks include the costs of vehicle
116 3 Advanced Transport Systems
depreciation (10 %), interest (2 %), insurance (6 %), road tax (2 %), tires (1 %),
fuel (30 %), wages/labor (26 %), overheads (18 %), and others (5 %) (The figures
in brackets illustrate the share of particular cost component in the total operating
costs for a standard truck operated by an EU road freight transport operator (AEA
2011)). The structure of operating costs of mega trucks is similar with the
exception of a higher proportion of insurance, road tax, and tire costs. As
expressed in averages such as €/vehicle-km and/or €/t-km, the operating costs of
both vehicles become relevant for setting the prices of services. In general, these
costs decrease with increasing of the delivery distance more than proportionally,
thus indicating the existence of economies of distance. The typical analytical
relationship obtained by using the empirical data is as follows (Janic 2007):
cðdÞ ¼ a0 d a1 ð3:8aÞ
c(d) is the average unit cost (€/vehicle-km);
a0, a1 are coefficients to be estimated; and
d is the distance (km).
By dividing the cost c(d) in Eq. 3.8a by the vehicle payload capacity or the
actual payload, the average cost per unit of payload per unit distance (€/t-km) can
be estimated as follows:
cðd; PL; kÞ ¼ a0 d a1 =ðk PLÞ ð3:8bÞ
where the particular symbols are analogous to those in the previous equations.
The payload capacity and corresponding unit costs in Eq. 3.8b can also be
expressed depending on the type of goods transported per pallet and/or per unit of
available space on the vehicle (m3).
Comparison between the average unit costs of mega and standard road trucks
can be carried out after introducing the following hypothesis (Fraunhofer 2009):
The mega truck is more efficient than its standard counterpart mainly thanks to its
greater payload capacity. Further elaboration in this section is based on the potential
substitution of standard trucks with mega trucks and the possible effects. For such
purpose, the generic model of the substitutive capability of mega trucks as com-
pared to that of the standard trucks based on the equivalent quantity of freight/goods
to be transported along the given distance/route is developed. Let (i) and (j) be the
standard and the mega truck, respectively. The number of required vehicles of both
categories, ni and nj, respectively, can be estimated as follows:
ni ðd Þ ¼ Qðd Þ=ki PLi and nj ðd Þ ¼ Qðd Þ=kj PLj ð3:8cÞ
Q(d) is the quantity of goods to be transported either by truck (i) or by truck
(j) on the distance d (tons);
ki,kj is load factor of the truck (i) and (j), respectively;
3.3 Road Mega Trucks 117
PLi, PLj is the payload capacity of the truck (i) and (j), respectively (tons); and
d is the delivery distance of the freight/goods Q(d) (km);
If the trucks (j) substitute the trucks (i), the factor of substitution can be esti-
mated as follows:
Sj=i ðdÞ ¼ nj ðdÞ=ni ðd Þ ¼ kj PLj =ki PLi ð3:8dÞ
where the symbols are as in the previous equations.
Applying Eqs. 3.8a, b, c, d to the above-mentioned data on the payload capacity
of both types of trucks indicates that two full mega trucks can substitute three full
standard trucks, which a priori represents savings in operators’ costs. But how
much do these savings amount to? The answer lies in estimating the difference
between the average unit costs of transporting a given quantity of freight/goods
according to the above-mentioned scenario (2 instead of 3 vehicles deployed). For
such purpose, the given quantity of freight/goods is assumed to be consolidated
into TEU (20-Foot Equivalent Unit) containers as the most common in Europe.
Each of these containers has an average gross weight of 14.3 tons (12 tons of
goods plus 2.3 tons of tare) (Janic 2007). Consequently, respecting their payload
capacity, a standard truck can carry the equivalent of two TEUs and a mega truck
the equivalent of 3 TEUs. Thus, for six TEUs, 3 standard or 2 mega trucks are
needed. Then, applying the regression technique based on (Eqs. 3.9a, b) to the
empirical data, the average costs for a standard truck loaded with 2 TEUs is
estimated as follows: ci(d) = 5.456d-0.277 (€/vehicle-km) (k = 0.85; N = 26;
R2 = 0.781; 25 B d B 1,600 km) (Janic 2007). By taking into account the dif-
ference in the payload capacity and the number of required trucks for the above-
mentioned task, the average costs for the mega truck are estimated similarly as
follows: cj(d) = 6.913d-0.277 (€/vehicle-km). Both regressions indicate economies
of distance at both standard and mega trucks. At the same time, for the given
distance, the average unit cost of a mega truck is greater by about 27 %, However,
by dividing these costs by the corresponding payload capacity and assumed load
factor, the following average unit costs are obtained for a standard truck and for a
mega truck, respectively: ci(d, 26, 0.85) = 0.201d-0.277 (€/t-km) and cj(d, 40,
0.77) = 0.167d-0.277 (€/t-km). In calculating the mega truck average unit costs, its
lower load factor, higher fuel efficiency and share of fuel costs in the total oper-
ating costs are taken into account. Consequently, it seems realistic to expect that,
for a given distance, the average mega truck unit costs will be by about 20 % lower
than those of standard trucks under the above-mentioned substitution scenario.
Standard truck
Mega truck
r - Fuel consumption - l/100km 60
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
v - Operating speed - km/h
Fig. 3.6 Relationship between the operating speed and the average fuel consumption of the road
standard and mega trucks (AEA 2011)
Fuel consumption
The engines of both standard and mega trucks consume diesel fuel as a derivative
of crude oil. If this consumption is at the rate r (l/100 km) for each truck, the total
consumption of the given convoy of n trucks operating along the distance d can be
estimated as follows:
FCðnÞ ¼ n r ð100 dÞ ð3:9aÞ
The main operational factors influencing the fuel consumption are the operating
speed, and the aerodynamic and the rolling resistance, the latter being higher in the
case of a mega truck compared to a standard truck due to the greater number of
axes (7/8 vs. 5/6). With increasing speed, the total resistance linearly increases
mainly thanks to an increase in the aerodynamic resistance on the account of the
rolling resistance (AEA 2011). Figure 3.6 shows an example of the relationship
between the average fuel consumption and the operating speed of a mega and a
standard truck with 70 % of the maximum payload of 40 and 25 tons, respectively.
As can be seen, the average fuel consumption of both categories of trucks first
decreases with increasing of the operating speed, then remains relatively constant
for a range of speeds between 40 and 60 km/h, and then increases again. In most
European countries, the maximum speed of these trucks is and will be limited to
90 km/h on motorways and 70 km/h on other roads, which implies that the cor-
responding fuel consumption will be 29–32 l/100 km for standard and 40–45 l/
100 km for mega trucks.
The stronger engines of road mega trucks will enable performances similar to
those of its standard counterpart. For example, if the engine power/gross weight
ratio remains the same as that of standard trucks, mega trucks will need more
powerful engines by about 50 %. Despite having stronger engines, mega trucks are
expected to be more fuel efficient than standard trucks by about 8, 10/11, 10, and
3.3 Road Mega Trucks 119
3 % with respect to the gross weight and payload capacity in terms of weight, the
number of pallets, and the volumes of goods, respectively. At the same time,
however, mega trucks will certainly consume more fuel in absolute terms (by
about 40 % per unit of distance—l/100 km; l—liter) than their standard counter-
parts (UIC 2008;
Emissions of GHG
Similarly as fuel consumption, emissions of GHG (Green House Gasses) can be
considered for a single vehicle and for a convoy of vehicles. For example, the
emissions of GHG in terms of CO2e (Carbon-Dioxide equivalents) by a convoy of
standard or mega trucks operating along the distance d can be estimated as follows:
EM ¼ FC e ¼ n r ð100 dÞ e ð3:9bÞ
FC is the total fuel consumption of the convoy of n trucks/vehicles (l; l-liter));
r is the rate of fuel consumption per a vehicle/truck (l/100 km); and
e is the emission rate per unit of fuel consumed (kgCO2e/l of fuel)
The other symbols are as in the previous equations.
The rate e usually relates to on-wheel emissions including emissions from
manufacturing fuel and emissions from the direct burning of fuel.
Mega and standard trucks consume diesel fuel at the rate r depending on the
operating speed and other conditions as shown in Fig. 3.6. As mentioned above,
mega trucks consume by about 40 % more fuel than standard trucks under the same
conditions. However, if convoys are considered, then a convoy of two mega trucks
consumes about 6–8 l/100 km less fuel that a convoy of three standard trucks
operating at a speed of between 50 and 90 km/h. Similar applies to emissions of
GHG. For example, when both mega and standard trucks operate at an average speed
of vj = vi = 70 km/h, their fuel consumption rate will be: rj = 40 l/100 km, and
ri = 29 l/100 km, respectively. The specific gravity of diesel fuel is: 0.82–0.95 kg/l,
and its calorific value: 12.777 kWh/kg (EC 2005). This produces an average rate of
energy consumption of about: SECj = 4.59 kWh/km for mega trucks, and: SECi =
3.33 kWh/km for standard trucks. The emission rate of GHG is: ej = ei =
0.324 kgCO2e/kWh (CO2e includes CO (Carbon Oxide), HC (Hydro Carbons), NOx
(Nitrogen Oxides), and PM (Particulate Matters)). This gives emissions of GHG by a
convoy of two mega trucks of: EMj = 2 * 1.487 = 2.974 kgCO2e/km and for a convoy
of three standard trucks of: EMi = 3 * 1.079 = 3.237 (kgCO2e/km). Thus, despite
the emissions of GHG by a single mega truck (1.487 kgCO2e/km) are higher than that
of a single standard truck (1.079 kgCO2e/km), which is in proportion to the differ-
ences in the rates of fuel consumption, they appear lower for a convoy of mega trucks
substituting a convoy of standard trucks under the assumed 2/3 scenario. In addition,
the average emission intensity is lower for the convoy of mega trucks than that of
standard trucks, i.e., 53.11 gCO2e/tkm compared to 61.66 gCO2e/tkm, respectively
(payload rate is 70 %).
120 3 Advanced Transport Systems
Land use
As compared to the already operating standard trucks, mega trucks will not require
additional roads and consequent land use. They will nevertheless need bigger
parking and maneuvering spaces, which is greater for a mega truck than for a
standard truck by about 35 %, i.e., in proportion to the difference in their length.
However, if mega trucks substituted standard trucks at the 2/3 rate, the total
additional parking space would likely increase by about 23 %.
Sj Sj
γ ρ(t )
Noise receiver(s)
Fig. 3.7 A scheme for estimating the noise exposure of a receiver by passing road truck(s) (Janic
and Vleugel 2012)
vi/q Lane - q
vp vp
δ p(vip) δ (v )
p p
Lane - p
Δp gp Δp
Fig. 3.8 Scenario for estimating time losses of smaller vehicles waiting to overtake a convoy of
mega or standard road trucks (Janic and Vleugel 2012)
3.3 Road Mega Trucks 123
The convoy moves along the distance d along the far right line of the given
motorway/highway. The potentially affected vehicles use this (right) lane just after
entering and before leaving a given segment of the highway/motorway. In partic-
ular, in the former case, these vehicles follow the convoy by staying behind in the
right lane until the opportunity for overtaking it arises. As this happens, they pass
onto the left lane and move in parallel with the convoy until passing it and finishing
overtaking, or even longer. While running behind the convoy at approximately the
same speed, which is generally lower that it would be otherwise, these vehicles
spend extra time between their origins and destinations, which could be considered
as their time losses. In order to quantify these losses, let the right and left lane be
denoted by p and q, respectively, as in Fig. 3.8. The length of a convoy of trucks can
be estimated as in Eq. 3.10b. Each vehicle following the convoy in the same lane
starts and finishes its overtaking at the distance Dp from the last and from the front
truck in the convoy. In addition, at the moment of entering the lane q, the minimum
distance from the vehicle already being there should be equal at least apq. Conse-
quently, a gap between the vehicles in the traffic flow along the lane q needed for the
safe overtaking of the convoy can be estimated as:
Gq ¼ apq þ 2 Dp þ S ð3:11aÞ
If the convoy of trucks moves at the average speed vp and a vehicle overtaking
it at the average speed of vq, the average time the vehicle needs to safely overtake
the convoy can be estimated as follows:
tpq ¼ Gq = vq vp where vq [ vp ð3:11bÞ
The vehicles behind the convoy try and overtake it after each other, i.e., the
next vehicle does not start overtaking before the preceding one finishes. If the
intensity of vehicles intending to overtake the convoy is Kpq (veh/h), the average
waiting time of the first vehicle in the queue following the convoy along the
distance xpq before starting to overtake it can be estimated analogously as in the
theory of steady-state queues as follows:
wpq ¼ xpq 1=vq 1=vp ð3:11cÞ
The total time losses of all vehicles Kp queuing behind a convoy of trucks while
waiting for the first one to overtake it can be estimated as follows:
W ¼ Kpq wpq 1 wpq þ tpq ð3:11dÞ
where all symbols are analogous to those in the previous equations and Fig. 3.8. In
addition to the above-described scenario of moving convoys of mega and standard
trucks, the inputs are specified to illustrate their influence on congestion and delays
imposed on other traffic. Thus, the convoy of mega trucks consists of nj = 2 and the
convoy of standard trucks of ni = 3 vehicles, both moving at an average speed of:
vj = vi = 80 km/h. The flow of vehicles with the average intensity of Kpq = 1 veh/
min queues behind these convoys at an average distance of xpq = 1 km before
124 3 Advanced Transport Systems
starting to overtake any of them. The free speed of these vehicles is assumed to be:
vq = 120 km/h. The length of a standard and mega truck is: si = 18.75 m, and
sj = 25.25 m, respectively. The distance between particular trucks in both convoys
is: dj(80) = di(80) = 80 m. In addition, the distance between the overtaking
vehicles, and the last and the first truck in the convoy is assumed to be: Dp = 100 m.
The distance between the overtaking vehicle and the first incoming vehicle in the
overtaking lane is: apq = 100 m. Consequently, the waiting time or delay of
a vehicle before starting to overtake either convoy is estimated to be: wj/pq =
wi/pq = 1.5 min. The time for overtaking the convoy of mega trucks is estimated to
be: tj/pq = 0.5 min, and that of the convoy of standard trucks: ti/pq = 0.77 min. The
corresponding total times of passing are: 2.0 and 2.27 min, respectively. Thus, the
waiting time for overtaking the convoy of mega trucks is shorter by about 13.5 %
that that of the convoy of standard trucks, which seemingly indicates benefits of the
2/3 substitution scenario.
The traffic incidents/accidents of standard and/or mega trucks reflect their safety,
which is usually measured by the number of actual and/or potential fatalities and
injuries occurred on a given segment of the road. For example, for a convoy of
either trucks, the number of incidents/accidents along the distance d can be esti-
mated as follows:
A ¼ n k PL d a ð3:12Þ
a is the rate of fatalities/severe injuries per unit of output of either truck (events/
The other symbols are analogous to those in the previous equations.
The rate of fatalities and severe injuries in traffic incidents/accidents of standard
trucks has been estimated by using some figures from the EU27 Member States.
These show that the number of fatalities in traffic accidents in which these vehicles
have been involved has generally decreased from 4,586 in 1996 to 3,350 in 2006,
which is a reduction of about 27 % (ERSO 2007). Since the volume of transport
output was 1,528 billion t-km in 2006, the average fatality rate was:
a = 2.191 9 10-9 (fatalities/t-km). It is reasonable to expect that mega trucks will
be at least equally if not even safer than their standard counterparts. In order to
meet such safety targets, the following operational issues for mega trucks need to
be considered:
• Impacts of accidents could be more serious in terms of the scale of damage and
fatality rate;
• In tunnels, particularly in Alpine regions in Europe, cross-sections, parking
niches/breakdown bays, and ventilation ducts will need to be reconstructed;
• The psychological impacts of mega trucks on the drivers of lighter vehicles
should be taken into account;
3.3 Road Mega Trucks 125
3.3.3 Evaluation
Mega trucks possess both advantages (strengths and opportunities) and disad-
vantages (weaknesses and threats) as compared to their standard truck counter-
parts, which can be considered for a single vehicle and/or for a convoy of vehicles
substituting each other.
Single vehicle
• Enabling higher utilization of the capacity of the available road infrastructure;
• Operating at the same speed as standard trucks, which in combination with the
greater payload capacity provides higher technical productivity; and
• Providing lower average cost per unit of output (t-km) due to economies of
scale/size given an adequate load factor.
Convoy of vehicles
• Reducing the number of vehicles required for transporting the given volumes of
• Preventing uncontrolled escalation of operator costs and impacts on the envi-
ronment and society thanks to the lower number of vehicles engaged for
transporting the same volumes of freight/goods; and
• Bringing benefits to almost all actors/stakeholders involved when substituting a
convoy of standard trucks.
• Extending time for logistics operations such as loading and unloading of freight/
goods shipments, which increase the vehicle’s turnaround time, and thus in turn:
(i) requires a greater number of vehicles in the operator’s fleet and (ii) increases
the inventories of freight/goods and the related costs at both ends of the logistics
• Increasing the vehicle’s operating costs with likely a higher share of fuel costs in
the total costs;
• Consuming more fuel per service and consequently emitting higher quantities of
GHG (Green House Gases);
126 3 Advanced Transport Systems
2003/2006 The feasibility of launching longer trains (up to 1,000 m) in the Paris-Amsterdam
corridor is examined as part of the European project led by the SNCF (French
National Railways) (France, The Netherlands)
The LIFTs (Long Intermodal Freight Train(s)) have been initiated by some rail
freight operators in France (SNCF FRET), Belgium (B-Cargo), Germany (DB), and
the Netherlands (PRORAIL) as an innovative and presumably more efficient
competitive product than the current CIFTs (Conventional Intermodal Freight
Trains). These trains, longer than conventional ones, are supposed to operate as the
main rail services within intermodal or multimodal freight transport networks
including the above-mentioned advanced collection/distribution networks. This
implies that they transport freight/goods shipment consolidated into loading units
such as containers, swap-bodies, and semi-trailers. The specific objectives of
launching LIFTs are to: (i) improve the internal efficiency within the rail freight
sector; and (ii) increase the competitiveness of rail compared to road freight
transport in the medium- to long-distance corridors between the North and South of
Europe. Initial trials were carried out between the Netherlands (port of Rotterdam)
and France (Paris), and further to the south toward Lyon and other Mediterranean
ports (EC 2007; Janic 2008). In addition, the enlargement of the EU (European
Union) from 15 to 25 Member States in 2004 and to 27 Member States in 2007
(when Bulgaria and Romania joined the EU) has seemed to open up new oppor-
tunities for such rail services in the long-distance markets (corridors) such as those
3.4 Long Intermodal Freight Train(s) 127
between West (Germany) and East (Poland) Europe, as well as between Northwest
(North of Germany, Netherlands, Denmark) and Southeast Europe (Greece, and
later on Turkey).
The preconditions for the success of the concept are perceived to be, on the one
hand, maintaining the compactness of LIFTs as block trains in order to control
freight delivery time and costs at a reasonable (competitive) level, and on the
other, the sufficient and time regular volumes of freight demand in both directions
along the corridors. Background
This excludes the shunting and marshaling of trains while operating between their origin and
destination intermodal terminal at both ends of a given corridor (market) (EC 2006).
128 3 Advanced Transport Systems
Conventional trains - Typical weight
Conventional trains - Maximum weight
3000 Long trains - typical length: 800m
W - Train gross weight- tons
Conventional trains - Maximum weight
W = 5.911S0.897
1500 R2 = 0.859
250 450 650 850 1050
S -Train length - m
Fig. 3.9 Relationships between the gross weight and the length of CIFTs and LIFTs in Europe
(EC 2002, 2006)
intermodal terminal in the ‘‘receiver’’ area from the rail to the trucks; and (v)
distribution from the ‘‘destination’’ terminal to the destination ‘‘zone’’ by trucks.
The main mode: CIFTs (Conventional Intermodal Freight Train(s))
CIFTs (Conventional Intermodal Freight Train(s)) already operate in many
national/country and Trans-European corridors (EC 2001a, b, 2007). Typically,
each train consists of 25–30 four-axle rail flat wagons of an approximate length of
20 m, which gives a typical length of a CIFT of about 500–600 m. The empty
weight of a flat wagon depends on its type and varies from about 24 tons (for
carrying containers and swap bodies) to 32 tons (for carrying semi-trailers). The
carrying capacity of each flat wagon is up to 50 tons. This wagon can carry an
equivalent of three TEU (20-Foot Equivalent Unit), each of a length of 20 ft or
about 6 m (the most common in Europe). An empty TEU weighs 2.3 tons (EC
2002). Goods in the TEUs and their tare represent the CIFTs’ payload. The length
of CIFTs depends on the number of wagons. Its weight depends on the weight of
empty flat cars and the locomotive, as well as the payload, i.e., the load factor of
each wagon and/or of the entire train. Figure 3.9 shows the relationship between
the length and typical and maximum gross weight of the CIFTs and LIFTs in
particular European corridors.
The prospective length and weight of LIFTs are shown for comparative purposes.
The length of CIFTs, typically varying between 450 and 650 m, is within the current
UIC (International Union of Railways) regulation on the pneumatic braking distance
3.4 Long Intermodal Freight Train(s) 129
The conventional braking system operates as follows: when the braking command is initiated
from the locomotive (front side of the train), there is a propagation delay of about a half a minute
per rail wagon before the breaking becomes effective after the air pressure stabilizes within the
system. This delay increases the train’s braking distance, which is, for example, standardized to
about 950 m for freight trains running at a maximum speed of about 100 km/h and to those trains
of 690 m running at a maximum speed of 120 km/h. New rail wagons for both categories of
trains have a braking distance of about 890 m (Railtrack 1998).
Freight trains longer than 750 m do not comply with the current UIC braking regulation.
However, installing a remote controlled ABD (Additional Braking Device) at the rear end of the
train in order to distribute pressure more symmetrically towards the middle of the train can shorten
the pressure stabilization delay and thus enable shortening of the braking distance(s) according to
the prescribed standards, and consequently enable trains of up to 1,000 m in length to be operated
safely. This additional braking device will be controlled by means of a radio-based communications
system and related network, whose main features are autonomy without interference with those of
other trains and interoperability across different European countries (EC 2006).
130 3 Advanced Transport Systems
Trucks performing collection and distribution of loading units usually operate in
densely urbanized and/or industrialized ‘‘zones,’’ which frequently experience
costly congestion and delays. They also impose delays on other vehicles whose
consequent costs of time losses need to be taken into account as an externality.
CIFTs and LIFTs are assumed to be free of congestion under regular (non-
disturbing) conditions, which is provided through their scheduling. This a priori
prevents the mutual interference with other trains, both freight and passenger,
operating on the same lines. Thus, the costs of delays that such trains may impose
on each other are negligible. Nevertheless, the slower LIFTs may impose delays on
those CIFTs and other passenger trains behind them even under regular operating
conditions. The costs of these delays as externalities depend on the number of
affected CIFTs, the value of their time, and the length of imposed delays (EC
2006). The loading of units usually bundled in the storage areas of intermodal
terminals or onto the trains do not interfere and thus do not impose delays and
related costs on each other (EC 2006; Janic 2007).
Traffic incidents/accidents cause injuries and loss of human life, as well as damage
and loss of goods and property affecting intermodal transport system operators,
third parties, and neighboring people. In particular, trucks performing collection
and distribution of loading units have an accident rate comparable to that of the
overall road freight transport of the same category. LIFTs are expected to have the
very low, if any, incidents/accidents similarly to CIFTs. Accidents at intermodal
terminals are shown to be very rare events. The total costs are expressed as the
direct and indirect costs of impacts (EC 2002, 2006; Levison et al. 1996). Assumptions
The methodology for estimating the full costs of an intermodal freight transport
network operated by either CIFTs or LIFTs is based on assumptions related to the
general conditions, collection and distribution of loading units by trucks, and the
rail haulage between intermodal terminals.
General conditions
• The demand is always sufficient for dispatching a train of a given category,
either a CIFT or LIFT, with a reasonable frequency and utilization (load factor).
Collection and distribution of loading units
• Trucks of the same capacity and load factor collect and/or distribute loading
units from/to shippers/receivers in a given origin/destination zone/region around
the corresponding intermodal terminal(s) by making tours of the approximately
same length at a constant average speed;
• The collection step starts at the vehicle’s initial position, which can be anywhere
within the ‘‘shipper’s’’ area and ends at the origin’s intermodal terminal. The
distribution step starts at the destination intermodal terminal where the vehicles
may be parked and ends at the ‘‘receiver’s’’ area at the doors of the last receiver
(Morlok et al. 1995; Janic 2007, 2008).
Rail haulage between intermodal terminals
• The service frequency of either CIFTs or LIFTs between a given pair of
intermodal terminals follows the practice of many rail operators in Europe,
which dispatch few regular weekly services (EC 2001a, 2006);
• CIFTs and/or LIFTs are block trains performing ‘‘shuttle’’ or ‘‘direct’’ train
services. They consist of a fixed number of rail flat wagons of the same capacity,
which, on the one hand, implies their constant capacity, and on the other, the
absence of any additional shunting and/or marshaling along the line (Janic 2007,
• The average speed and anticipated arrival/departure delays of particular train
services provided either by CIFTs or LIFTs are approximately constant and
The variables in Eq. 3.13a are specific to particular steps of the intermodal
freight transport network. The ‘‘Frequency’’ variable in the collection and distri-
bution step relates to the number of truck runs in collecting and/or distributing a
given volume of load units. In zone (k), ‘‘Frequency’’ fk is directly proportional to
the volume of loading units Qk, and inversely proportional to the product of the
truck capacity Mk and load factor kk. The ‘‘Cost/Frequency’’ variable relates to the
operating cost of a truck and is usually expressed in relation to distance (i.e., length
of the tour) as cok(dk). The distance dk includes the segments between the truck’s
initial position and the first stop xk, the average distances between successive stops
dk, and the distance between the last stop and given intermodal terminal rk. Anal-
ogous reasoning for the trip frequencies and distances is used for the distribution
step. In the rail line-hauling step, the ‘‘Frequency’’ variable f is directly proportional
to the total volume of loading units Q and inversely proportional to the product of
the train carrying capacity Qt and the load factor k. The variable ‘‘Cost per Fre-
quency’’ implies the internal (operating) costs per train. It is modeled as dependent
on the train’s gross weight W, payload q, and distance d, i.e., as co(W, q, d).
The variables in Eq. 3.13b have the following meaning: the handling costs in the
collection step in zone/region (k) are proportional to the quantity of loading units qk,
the unit handling time and costs, thk and chk, respectively. The calculation of these
costs is the same for the distribution step in zone/region (l). In the rail line-hauling
step, the handling cost is proportional to the total quantity of loading units q and the
unit handling cost at both intermodal terminals, ch1 and ch2, respectively. In many
cases, these costs can be considered as the costs of loading/unloading a train.
The variables in Eq. 3.13c are as follows: the external cost in the collection step
in zone/region (k) is proportional to the frequency of truck trips fk, which depends of
the quantity of loading units qk, the truck’s capacity and load factor, i.e., mk and kk,
respectively. The external cost per frequency is given at the aggregate level and for
a given truck type depends mainly on the operating distance (i.e., route length) dk,
i.e., as cek(dk). Calculation of the external cost (Eq. 3.13c) is the same for the
distribution step in ‘‘zone’’ (l). In the rail line-hauling step, the external costs are
3.4 Long Intermodal Freight Train(s) 135
proportional to the total quantity of loading units q, the unit aggregate external cost
of each intermodal terminal ce1 and ce2, and the unit aggregate external cost per
train service, i.e., ce(w, q, d). The detailed analytical expressions for particular cost
components are given as follows: (Janic 2007).
1. Transport operating (internal) cost
(a) Collection/distribution step:
C1=k ¼ ðQk =kk Mk Þ cok ðdk Þ ð3:14aÞ
(b) Line-haul step:
C1=lh ¼ f co ðW; q; dÞ ¼ ðQ=qÞ co ðW; q; dÞ ð3:14bÞ
2. Handling cost
(a) Collection/distribution step:
C2=k ¼ Qk thk chk ð3:15aÞ
(b) Line-haul step:
C2=t ¼ Q ðch1 þ ch2 Þ ð3:15bÞ
3. External cost
(a) Collection/distribution step:
C4=k ¼ ðQk =kk Mk Þ cek ðdk Þ ð3:16aÞ
(b) Line-haul step:
4. Subtotal
(a) Collection/distribution step:
3 X
Cc=i=k ð3:17aÞ
i¼1 k¼1
CF ¼ Cc þ Clh þ Cd
X3 X k 3 X
X k
¼ Cc=i=k þ f ½co ðW; q; d Þ þ ce ðW; q; dÞþ Cc=i=k ð3:18Þ
i¼1 k¼1 i¼1 k¼1
Q is the quantity of goods to be transported between given origin and
destination intermodal terminals (tons);
nl is the number of locomotives per train;
wl is the locomotive weight (tons);
nw is the number of flat-wagons;
ww is the weight of an empty wagon (tons);
nc/w is the carrying capacity of a flat-wagon (loading units/wagon);
qc is the average weight (tare ? goods) of a loading unit (tons/unit);
k is the train load factor;
T is the period of time in which the transport of goods between two
terminals is considered (h);
d is the distance of the given rail line connecting two intermodal
terminals (km);
v is the commercial speed of a train along a given line (km/h);
D is the anticipated delay of a train running between two intermodal
terminals (hours);
a is the value of time of goods while waiting for and during
transportation, respectively (€/h-ton);
f is the train frequency along a given line (departures/T);
W is the gross weight of a train including rolling stock and payload
w is the weight of the train’s rolling stocks (wagons and locomotive(s)
q is the payload on the train (tons);
co(W, q, d) is the operational cost of a train of the gross weight W over the
distance d (€);
nd is the number of drivers;
tdp is the driver’s preparation and finishing time before and after the trip
ce(W, q, d) is the external cost of a train of the gross weight W along the
distance d (€);
N is the number of different staff categories serving and operating a
given train;
ns/i is the number of staff of category (i) serving and operating the train;
cs/i is the cost of labor of the staff of category (i) serving and operating
the train (€/h-staff);
3.4 Long Intermodal Freight Train(s) 137
ts/i is the time of engagement of staff of category (i) needs to serve and
operate the train (h);
Pj is the price of rolling stock of type (j) (j = 1 for locomotives; j = 2
for wagons) (€);
rj is the interest rate on loans for acquiring rolling stock of type (j)(%);
nj is the life cycle period of rolling stock of type (j) (years);
nr/j is the number of rolling stock of type (j);
mr/j is the utilization of rolling stock of type (j) during the life cycle
cmji is the unit maintenance cost of rolling stock of type (j) (€/km);
e is the unit energy consumption of a train (kWh/ton-km);
ce is the cost per unit of energy consumed (€/kWh);
ca is the unit charge of using the railway infrastructure (€/ton-km);
Ci is the cost of train insurance (€);
a is the quantity of emissions of GHG per unit of energy consumed by
a train (kgCO2e/kWh);
cap is the unit cost of damage by emissions of GHG (€/kg);
Cn is the cost of additional barriers along a given rail line to protect
people from the noise of a given train (€);
U is the utilization of a given train along the line during its life cycle
ar is the train’s accident rate (events/ton-km);
cac is the cost per train accident (€/event);
De is the delay the a given train imposes on other trains (h);
ced is the average cost per unit of delay of other trains (€/h);
dk/l is the tour of a road vehicle (truck) collecting/distributing loading
units in the zones (k) and (l), respectively;
Mk/l is the capacity of road vehicle collecting/distributing loading units in
the zone (k) and (l), respectively;
kk/l is the capacity of road vehicle carrying out collection/distribution of
loading units in zone (k) and (l), respectively.
The average operational (internal), external, and full cost per unit of system
output (t-km) can be estimated by dividing the full (total) cost (Eq. 3.18) by the
volume of demand and door-to-door delivery distance. This can be used for
comparisons either within the intermodal freight transport system where exclu-
sively CIFTs or LIFTs operate or between these and road transport systems
operating either standard or mega trucks. In the case of road transport systems,
Eqs. (3.17a, b) and (3.18) can be modified using the door-to-door distance between
the zones/regions (k) and (l).
The full cost of rail haulage
The full costs of a given rail haulage, i.e., train service, consist of the opera-
tional (internal) and external costs, co(W, q, d) and ce(W, q, d) and given in Table
3.4 and Table 3.5, respectively.
138 3 Advanced Transport Systems
Table 3.4 Structure of the train’s operational (internal) cost co (W, q, d) (Janic 2008)
Cost component Equation
(i) Investments in rolling stock (rail flat P2 rj ð1þrj Þ
wagons ? locomotive(s)) C 01 ¼ n r=j P j nj
j¼1 ð 1þr j Þ 1
Table 3.5 Structure of the train’s external costs ce (W, q, d) (Janic 2008)
Cost component Equation
(i) Emissions of GHG Ce1 ¼ ðce1 þ ce2 Þ þ q cap e a W d (3.20a)
(ii) Noise Ce2 ¼ ðCn =U Þ d (3.20b)
(iii) Congestion Ce4 ¼ ced De (3.20c)
(iv) Traffic incidents/accidents Ce3 ¼ car ar W d (3.20d)
W ¼ w þ q ¼ nl wl þ nw ww þ k Qt Þ ¼ nl wl þ nw ww þ k nc=w qc
where all symbols as in previous equations.
The proposed methodology for estimating the full costs is applied to the simplified
European intermodal system operated by LIFTs and CIFTs, and its road truck
counterpart for comparative purposes (EC 2000a; 2001a, b, 2006; Janic 2007,
Loading units
Both systems deliver loading units of 20 ft or about 6 m (TEU-Twenty Foot
Equivalent Unit), the most common in Europe. Each load unit has an average gross
weight of 14.3 metric tons (12 tons of goods plus 2.3 tons of tare) (EC 2001a;
Janic 2007).
Collection/distribution by road trucks
In each zone of the intermodal transport system, the average length of tour and the
speed of each vehicle, which is assumed to make only one stop during the col-
lection and distribution step, are taken to be as in Table 3.6.
The average collection/distribution distance is assumed to be longer for LIFTs
than for CIFTs because the LIFTs’ loading units are collected and distributed over
a wider area, implying the constant spatial concentration of the shippers and
receivers and their generating and attracting potential. The load factor of 0.60
reflects the possibility that the train will be partly or completely empty during
returning trips (EC 2001a, b).
The truck’s operational cost during the collection/distribution step, based on the
full load equivalent of two 20 foot loading units, is determined as the regression
equation, which uses the empirical data: c0(d) = 5.456d-0.277 €/vehicle-km
(N = 26; R2 = 0.78; 25 B d B 1,600 km). The average load factor is: k = 0.60,
Table 3.6 Characteristics of the collection/distribution step in the given example (Janic 2007;
Parameter Train category
CIFT LIFT—800 m LIFT—1,000 m
• Collection/distribution distance by road dk/l (km) 50 75 75
• Truck’s carrying capacity Mk/l (tons) 2 * 14.3 2 * 14.3 2 * 14.3
• Load factor kk/l 0.60 0.60 0.60
• Average speed during a tour uk/l (km/h) 35 35 35
140 3 Advanced Transport Systems
Table 3.7 Characteristics of CIFTs and LIFTs in the given example (EC 2006; Janic 2008)
Parameter Train category
CIFT LIFT—800 m LIFT—1,000 m
Train load factor k 0.75 0.75 0.75
Payload q (tons) 14.3 * 3 * 26 * 0.75 14.3 * 3 * 38 * 0.75 14.3 * 3 * 48 * 0.75
= 837 = 1223 = 1544
Empty weight w (tons)
1 locomotive 24 * 26 * 89 = 713 24 * 38 ? 89 = 1001 24 * 48 ? 89 = 1241
2 locomotives 24 * 38 ? 2 * 89 = 1090 24 * 48 ? 2 * 89 = 1330
Total weight W (tons)
1 locomotive 1550 2224 2785
2 locomotives (tons) – 2313 2874
Operating speed v (km/h)
1 locomotive 110 70 65
2 locomotives – 95 90
Commercial speed v (km/h)
1 locomotive 60 50 45
2 locomotives – 50 45
Anticipated delay D (h) 1 1 1
implying the possibility that the truck will be partly or even completely empty
during the returning trip(s). The costs c0(d) already include the handling costs of
loading units (EC 2001a, b; Janic 2007). The same equation is used for deter-
mining the operational costs of haulage by standard trucks between particular
shippers and receivers with respect to an average load factor of: k = 0.85. This
load factor has been observed for the most long-distance road operators in Europe
reflecting, in many cases, full or semi-full returning trips (EC 2001a, b).
From the same sources of data, the externalities comprising local and global air
pollution, congestion, noise, and traffic accidents are determined in the following
aggregate regression form: ce(d) = 9.884d-0.6235 €/vehicle-km (N = 36;
R2 = 0.70; 25 B d B 1,600 km) (EC 2001a, b; Janic 2007, 2008).
Rail hauling
• The train composition, weight, speed, and anticipated delay
The characteristics of CIFTs and LIFTs running between two intermodal ter-
minals are given in Table 3.7 (EC 2006; Janic 2007, 2008):
The load factor of a train of 0.75 reflects operating not always completely full
train(s) in both directions along a given route (market-corridor) (EC 2006; Janic
• The train’s operational (internal) cost
The train’s operational (internal) cost co(W, q, d) expressed in €/train is esti-
mated as follows (AEAT 2005; Baungartberm 2001; EC 1996a, 1997a, 2000a,
2001a, 2006; INFRAS 2000; Janic 2008):
3.4 Long Intermodal Freight Train(s) 141
The coefficients of particular variables have the following meaning: the first
represents the unit cost of depreciation and maintenance of the rolling stock (flat
wagons and locomotives) and the monitoring cost of a train while running along
the line (€/km); the second represents the unit cost of assembling/decomposing the
train at both ends of the corridor (€/train unit); the third expresses the unit cost of
loading and unloading the train at both ends of the rail-line, i.e., the transshipment
cost of loading units at two intermodal terminals (€/ton); the fourth represents the
unit cost of using the rail infrastructure (i.e., the infrastructure charge) (€/t-km);
the fifth represents the unit cost of the energy consumption along the line with
L segments, i.e., intermediate stops (€/t-km); and the last sixth rate represents the
unit cost of the train’s driver(s) (€/h).
• The train’s external cost
The train’s external cost ce(W, q, d) expressed in €/train is estimated as follows
(EC 1996a, 1997a, 2000a, 2001a, 2006; INFRAS 2000; Janic 2008):
co ðW; d; qÞ ¼ 0:000128 W d þ 0:0549q þ 1:889 107 v2l =In dl þ 0:00064 W d
þ 0 W d þ 5:6 d Dm
The coefficients of particular variables have the following meaning: the first
represents the unit cost of noise (€/t-km); the second expresses the unit external
cost of the train loading/unloading, i.e., transshipment of loading units at two
intermodal terminals (€/ton); the third represents the cost of emissions of GHG due
to energy consumption (€/t-km); the fourth expresses the cost of traffic incidents/
accidents (€/t-km); and the fifth rate represents the unit external cost of congestion
Handling cost
The handling cost of a given loading unit at each intermodal terminal is already
included in the cost of loading/unloading the train (the third term in the train’s
internal cost function), i.e., at both terminals: ch1 = ch2 = 2.8 €/ton. This is taken
as the average value for a given level of utilization of intermodal terminals (EC
2001b, c; Janic 2007).
The external costs of intermodal terminals include only the costs of local and
global air pollution imposed by production of electricity for moving the cranes
used for the transshipment of loading units, as follows: ce1 = ce2 = 0.0549 €/ton
(EC 2001a).
142 3 Advanced Transport Systems
LIFT - 800 m
8 LIFT - 1000 m
Average operational cost - cent/t-km)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Door-to-door distance - hundred km
Fig. 3.10 Relationship between the operational (internal) cost and door-to-door distance of
intermodal CIFTs, LIFTs, and road trucks (Janic 2008)
The results from applying the methodology based on the above-mentioned inputs
are shown in Figs. 3.10 and 3.11. For the purpose of the sensitivity analysis, the
length of rail-line hauling distance (i.e., the door-to-door distance) is varied as a
parameter for both CIFTs and two categories of LIFTs. The volume of demand is
considered to be always sufficient for dispatching one train of either category per
day, which is, and will be, the preferred departure frequency for many existing and
prospective users- customers (and consequently train operators) in Europe (EC
2001a, b, 2006; Janic 2007).
Figure 3.10 shows the relationship between the average operational (internal)
cost and the door-to-door distance of an intermodal transport system operating a
CIFT and different categories of LIFTs. The corresponding cost figures for the
road transport system operating standard and mega trucks are also provided.
The average operational (internal) cost decreases more than proportionally with
increasing the door-to-door distance for both intermodal rail/road and road
transport, thus indicating the existence of economies of distance. In general, the
operational cost of intermodal transport decreases at a higher rate than that of the
road transport. If CIFTs are used, the costs of intermodal transport equalizes and
becomes increasingly lower than the cost of road transport beyond distances of
about 1,100 km. If LIFTs of either length are used, this cost-breakeven distance
shortens to 600–650 km. This occurs because the average internal cost of LIFTs of
800 m and 1,000 m are lower by about 12–18 % and 18–27 %, respectively, than
that of CIFTs for the range of door-to-door distances between 300 and 1,300 km.
As an illustration, if road mega trucks are used instead of standard trucks, this cost-
3.4 Long Intermodal Freight Train(s) 143
LIFT - 1000m
Road - Standard truck
8 Road - Mega truck
Average full cost- cent/t-km
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Door-to-door distance - hundred km
Fig. 3.11 Relationship between the full (operational and external) cost and door-to-door distance
of intermodal LIFTs and road trucks (Janic 2008)
breakeven distance for both categories of LIFTs extends to about 1,300–1,400 km.
The above-mentioned differences between the operational costs indicate the
existence of the economies of scale for LIFTs as compared to CIFTs.
The relationships between the average operational (internal) costs of both
systems indicate that intermodal transport networks operating CIFTs or LIFTs are
and can be competitive alternatives to long-haul road transport operating standard
trucks beyond the above-mentioned ‘‘break-even’’ distances. Therefore, intro-
ducing LIFTs under the above-specified conditions and circumstances could
seemingly improve the competitiveness of the intermodal transport by decreasing
the cost-based prices over a wider range of even shorter distance(s) where more
voluminous demand actually exists. Thus, LIFTs could generally improve the
efficiency of intermodal (rail) transport operators and eventually contribute to
changing the current modal split, both of which are amongst the important
objectives of the concept/product. A real threat to such developments could come
in the form of more intense introduction of road mega trucks.
Figure 3.11 shows the relationships between the average full cost, as the sum of
operational (internal) and external cost, and the door-to-door distance for the
intermodal transport system operating LIFTs (category of 1,000 m) and road
transport operating standard and mega trucks.
In the above example, the share of external cost in the full cost of the inter-
modal transport system increases by about 20–23 % as the door-to-door distance
extends from about 300 to 1,300 km. The share of the external cost in the full cost
of road haulage decreases from about 20–13 % for the same range of distances
independently of the truck type. The external cost of both modes appears to be
relatively low as compared to the internal (operating) cost. One of the main
144 3 Advanced Transport Systems
reasons is that while the internal cost is based on real figures, the external cost is
still based on the above-mentioned caveats including the slight (under) estimates
of the prospective impacts, rather than on their real (market-recognized) values.
The full cost of both modes decreases more than proportionally with increasing of
the door-to-door distance(s). The rate of decrease is again higher for the inter-
modal transport system, thus equalizing its full cost with that of its road coun-
terpart operating standard trucks at the ‘‘break-even’’ distance of about 700 km.
This is longer than in the case where only the operational (internal) cost is con-
sidered (about 600 km). In addition, the full cost of road mega truck transport is
lower than that of the intermodal transport operating LIFTs of the length of
1,000 m for the entire range of the door-to-door delivery distances. Since the
volume of demand generally decreases with increasing of the door-to-door
delivery distance, basing the prices on the (higher) full costs may generally affect
the already low (though still present) price-sensitive demand, and thus make it
more difficult for intermodal transport to eventually gain higher market shares
even by using LIFTs. Introducing road mega trucks under the given conditions
would additionally worsen the market position of intermodal transport operating
LIFTs. This again raises the question of the efficiency of EU policies, which expect
that internalizing transport externalities could strengthen the market position of the
entire, but particularly rail/road intermodal transport systems in Europe, also
despite more widespread use of road mega trucks (EC 2001a; Janic 2008).
3.4.4 Evaluation
LIFTs (Long Intermodal Freight Train(s)) possess both advantages (strengths and
opportunities) and disadvantages (weaknesses and threats) as compared to CIFTs
(Conventional Intermodal Freight Train(s)) and their road counterparts as follows:
• The internal and full costs of both intermodal and road transport systems
decrease more than proportionally with increasing of the door-to-door distance,
thus indicating economies of distance; and
• The average operational (internal) and full cost of intermodal transport operated
by LIFTs are lower than those operated by CIFTs, thus indicating economies of
• The full costs decrease faster with increasing of the door-to-door distance at
both intermodal than at the road transport system; the costs of both types of
intermodal trains equalize at the ‘‘break-even’’ distance(s), thus indicating
conditions for competition by distance.
3.4 Long Intermodal Freight Train(s) 145
• Contributing to improving the internal efficiency and intra- and inter- compet-
itiveness of the rail freight transport sector only if there is sufficient demand
around the ‘‘break-even’’ distances guaranteeing the operation of frequent/
competitive services; and
• Increasing the ‘‘break-even’’ distances after internalizing externalities, which
will generally increase and thus push LIFTs to compete with their road coun-
terparts in longer distance markets with increasingly diminishing volumes of
demand; these will not be able to justify the customer-driven services required
for successful competition with the road counterpart.
Finally, it can be said that LIFTs possess sufficient advancement in both
operational and economic performances enabling them to be qualified as the
components of advanced transport systems.
1973 FedEx (Federal Express) begins exclusive freight delivery services (U.S.). as a pure air
cargo company
1988 UPS (United Parcel Service) obtains permission from the US FAA (Federal Aviation
Administration) to begin operating its own services (U.S.)
2006/ Twenty-seven orders for the A380F-800 aircraft are cancelled or converted (France,
2007 Germany)
2011 The first B747-8F enters service with the Cargolux airline (Luxembourg)
The large commercial freight aircraft is defined as aircraft with the greatest structural
payload capacity among existing commercial freight aircraft. Except the single
largest Antonov An-225,8 two aircraft are currently the largest: the Boeing B747-8F
and the forthcoming Airbus A380-800F. Their size compared to the size of other
commercial freight aircraft qualifies them as advanced in the given context. The
B747-8F aircraft entered service in 2011, while the entry of the latter A380-800F
The USSR/Ukrainian 6-turbofan (229 kN thrust each) Antonov An-225 (Mriya—‘‘Dream’’) is
currently the largest commercial freight aircraft in the world with a length of 84.0 m and a
wingspan of 88.4 m, a MTOW (Maximum Take-Off Weight) of 640 tons, and a payload capacity
of 250 tons (
146 3 Advanced Transport Systems
RTM - Billion/year
30000 32000 34000 36000 38000 40000 42000 44000
GDP- Billion $US/year
Fig. 3.12 Relationship between global volumes of air freight in RTK (Revenue Ton-Kilometer)
and GDP (Gross Domestic Product) (period 1995–2011) (Boeing 2012a)
aircraft has been postponed indefinitely. Both aircraft, together with their smaller
counterparts, are supposed to provide sufficient capacity for supporting the current
and future expected growth of air freight transport demand, which is usually
expressed in RTKs (Revenue Ton Kilometer(s)). The average annual growth rates of
the world’s air freight RTKs over the past three decades have been about 6.9 %
(1981–1990), 6.1 % (1991–2000), and 3.7 % (2001–2011). According to some
forecasts, the volume of 194.5 billion RTK in 2011 will increase to about
550–560 billion by 2031. GDP (Gross Domestic Product) will be the main driving
force behind such growth (Boeing 2012). Figure 3.12 shows that the volumes of air
freight and GDP have been and are very likely continue to be in strong correlation.
Industrial production is an essential component of GDP, and has also shown to
correlate very well with growth of the volumes of air freight demand. In addition,
about 80 % of the prospective air freight demand is expected to be long-haul
intercontinental demand. Furthermore, about 60 % of the total air freight demand is
likely to take place on the US-Europe-Asia Pacific routes (Boeing 2012).
Air freight airlines serve the above-mentioned demand by providing scheduled
and charter flights/services. The former account 90–93 % and the latter about 7 %
of the total global air freight volumes. These airlines operated 1738 freight aircraft
in 2011, of which 31 % were the large aircraft with a payload capacity greater than
80 tons. The proportion of these aircraft in the total fleet was 22 % in 2001. The
forecasts suggest that 3198 freight aircraft of which 31 % will be large ones will be
needed by 2031. Such developments will also be influenced by the decreasing role
of passenger aircraft in serving air freight demand (Boeing 2012).
3.5 Large Commercial Freight Aircraft 147 Background
Table 3.8 Infrastructural performances of the B747-8F and A380-800F aircraft—airport oper-
ations (Airbus 2012; Boeing 2012a)
Aircraft B747-8F A380-800F
Parameter Value
Length (m) 76.25 72.73
Wingspan (m) 68.40 79.75
Wing area (m2) 554 845
Wing sweepback () 37.5 33.5
Height (m) 19.35 24.45
Fuselage constant diameter (m) 6.5 7.14/8.41
Maximum take-off weight (MTOW) (t) 448 590
Maximum landing weight (t) 346 427
Maximum payload (t) 133 151
Volume of cargo compartments (m3) 874 938
Designed freight density (kg/m3) 152 161
Take-off field length (m)a 3150 2900
Landing field length (m)b 2250–2350 2150
Maximum pavement width (m) 45 45
Effective steering angle () 70 70
Aircraft Classification Number (ACN)c 64–11 (flexible pavement) 66–116 (flexible pavement)
66–102 (rigid pavement) 60–120 (rigid pavement)
MTOW (Maximum Take-off Weight), Sea level pressure altitude, standard day ? 15 C tem-
perature, dry runway
MLW (Maximum Landing Weight), sea level pressure altitude, dry runway; m meter, t ton
ACN is the ratio between the pavement thickness required for a given aircraft and that required
for the standard aircraft single wheel load
(The take-off and landing field length of the An-225 aircraft are about 3,200 m)
Fig. 3.13 Scheme of the required apron-gate parking area for B747-8F and A380-800F aircraft
(Airbus 2012; Boeing 2012a)
3.5 Large Commercial Freight Aircraft 149
The B747-8F and A380-800F large commercial freight aircraft can use two types
of engines—Engine Alliance GP7200 and RR (Rolls-Royce) Trent 900—whose
main characteristics are given in Table 3.9.
It is evident that although both engines have very similar characteristics, this is
no guarantee of similar efficiency and effectiveness of the powered aircraft.
Table 3.9 Characteristics of GP7200 and RR Trent 900 aircraft engines (ICAO 2012; Ryck
Characteristic Engine type
GP7200 RR Trent 900
Type Dual rotor, axial airflow, high bypass Three shaft high bypass ratio, axial
ratio turbofan engine with a single flow, turbofan engine with LP
stage fan with large chord hollow (Low Pressure), IP (Intermediate
blades, 5-stage LPC (Low Pressure Pressure and HP (High Pressure)
Compressor), 9-stage HPC (High Compressors driven by separate
Pressure Compressor), annular turbines through coaxial shafts
combustion chamber, 2-stage HPT
(High Pressure Turbine), 6-stage
LPT (Low Pressure Turbine), dual
channel FADEC (Full Authority
Digital Engine C), and EOS
(Electronic Over-speed Protection)
Length (m) 4.92 5.48
Fan diameter (m) 2.96 2.95
Maximum 3.14 3.94
diameter (m)
Dry weight 6.718 6.246
Maximum thrust 330 310–360
Bypass ratio 8.7 8.02–8.15
Overall pressure 36.92 37–39
SFC (Specific 0.518 0.518
Trust-to-weight 49.12 49.43–57.40
ratio (kN/
Cruise; m meter, kN kilo-Newton, kg kilogram
3.5 Large Commercial Freight Aircraft 151
The GP7000 engine is developed by Engine Alliance comprised of two aircraft
engine manufacturers—Pratt and Whitney and General Electric. This new engine
is intended to be used for both the passenger and freighter version of B747-8 and
A380 aircraft. The engine is derived from the GE90 and PW4000 engine families.
As such, it is expected to fulfill stricter standards in terms of in-service reliability
and performance, simplicity of maintenance, and environmental and social impacts
such as fuel consumptions and related emissions of GHG (Green House Gases) and
noise, respectively.
RR (Rolls-Royce) Trent 900
The RR (Rolls-Royce) Trent 900 engine is the largest and one of the most pow-
erful engines developed by the manufacturer. It is derived from the RR Trent 1,000
engine specifically developed for powering B787-8 aircraft (see Chap. 2). The
Trent 900 engine is a three shaft high bypass ratio, axial flow, turbofan with LP
(Low Pressure Compressor), IPC (Intermediate Pressure Compressor), and HPC
(High pressure Compressor) driven by separate turbines through coaxial shafts.
The combustion system consists of a single annular combustor. The LPC’s and
IPC’s assemblies rotate independently in an anti-clockwise direction, and the
HPC’s assembly rotates clockwise, when viewed from the rear of the engine. The
engine control system utilizes an EEC (Electronic Engine Controller) which has an
airframe interface for digital bus communications. The engine is considered to
have the lowest noise and emissions of GHG per unit of thrust as compared to
other large turbofan engines powering other commercial passenger and freight
Aircraft systems
The aircraft systems mainly include the flight deck and the systems for actuating
the aircraft control surfaces such as the flaps, slats, allerons, spoilers, elevators,
rudder, and stabilizers.
The flight deck of the B747-8F aircraft is improved as compared to that of the
B747-400F aircraft, but at the same time preserving their operational similarity,
which contributes to reducing the costs of training crew and the number of
required crews. The flight deck architecture is similar to that of the B777 aircraft
including the new FMS (Flight Management System) with larger memory and
increased functionality, the new VSD (Vertical Situation Display), the integrated
moving map display, and built-in EFB (Electronic Flight Bag).
System improvements include a new RAT (Ram Air Turbine) for additional
hydraulic/electric power, improved interior and cargo handling equipment, and an
improved fire suppression system (SSG 2012).
152 3 Advanced Transport Systems
The A380-800F aircraft is expected to have the same IMA (Integrated Modular Avi-
onics) architecture as its passenger version. This technological innovation is based on
networked computing modules, which support different applications. Data commu-
nication networks based on fast-Ethernet reduce the required amount of wiring and
minimize latency. The cockpit layout is similar to that of other Airbus aircraft, which
certainly contributes to reducing the cost of training crews and the overall number of
required crews as well. Eight displays including two MFDs (Multi-Functional Dis-
play(s)) provide an easy-to-use interface to the flight management system. The NSS
(Network Systems Server) as a critical component of the paperless cockpit eliminates
need for hard-copy manuals and navigational charts and backup paper documents. The
MFDs enable keyboard access to the NSS with the stored data and electronic docu-
mentation, required equipment list, navigation charts, and performance calculations.
In addition, the primary hydraulic actuators are backed by power-by-wire flight
control actuators with self-contained hydraulic and electrical power supplies. EHA
(Electro-Hydrostatic Actuators) are used in the aileron and elevator, electric, and
hydraulic motors to drive the slats. EBHA (Electrical Backup Hydrostatic Actu-
ators) are used to drive the rudder and some spoilers. Reductions in the weight and
size of pipelines (made of titanium), actuators, and related components is achieved
through innovative high-pressure hydraulics. Variable frequency electrical gen-
erators and aluminum power cables are used as the main components of the
completely computerized electric power system (Airbus 2012).
Operational performances
The operational performances of the B747-8F and A380-800F aircraft include the
apron-gate turnaround time, payload range, technical productivity, the service
network, and fleet size.
Apron-gate turnaround time
The apron-gate turnaround time depends on the quantity of freight to be unloaded/
loaded, and the aircraft’s suitability for such operations, usually expressed by the
position, number and size of doors, and the loading/unloading facilities and
equipment. For example, for the B747-8F aircraft, this maximum time is 91 min if
the nose cargo door is used, 98 min if the side doors are used, and 54 min if both
the nose and side doors are used (Boeing 2012a). The turnaround time of the
A380-800F is projected to be about 120 ± 20 min depending on the layout of the
ULD (Unit Load Device) (ULDs appear in two forms: pallets and containers of
different sizes) (Airbus 2012; Boeing 2012a).
Payload range
As also applies to other passenger and freight aircraft, one of the most important
operational performances of the B747-8F and A380-800F aircraft are the payload
range characteristics. This is influenced by the other aircraft operational perfor-
mance characteristics given in Table 3.10.
3.5 Large Commercial Freight Aircraft 153
Table 3.10 Operational performances of the B747-8F and A380-800F aircraft (Airbus 2012;
Boeing 2012a)
Indicator/measure Aircraft type
B747-8F A380-800F
Cockpit crew 2 2
MTOW (tons) 448 590
MLW (tons) 346 427
MZFW (tons) 330 402
OEW (tons) 197 251
Payload (tons) 133 151
Containersa 2LD1 ? 12 LD6 s 59–71 LD3 s
Palletsb 46 66
Cruising speed at 35,000 ft/11,000 m (Mach/kts) 0.845/490 0.890/510
Maximum speed at 35,000 ft/11,000 m (Mach/kts) 0.92/533 0.96/551
Range, fully loaded (nm/km) 4150/7685 5643/10450
Maximum fuel capacity (000 l) 226 310
Engines (94)
Type GEnx2B67 GP7177/Trent 977B
Thrust (kN) 4 9 296 4 9 340
Contoured full-width container: 1 LD6 is equivalent to 2 LD3 (1 LD3—volume 4.9 m3 , tare
weight 123 kg, maximum gross weight 1588 kg); Contoured half-width containe—LD1
Contoured pallet—width/length 2.44 9 3.18 m; volume 10.8–11.52 m3 ; MTOW Maximum
Take of Weight, MLW Maximum Landing Weight, MZFW Maximum Zero Fuel Weight, OEW
Operating Empty Weight, l liter, ft foot, kt knot, kN Kilo Newton, GE General electric, GP
Engine Alliance of General Electric and Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Engine Manufacturers
200 An-225
Payload - tons
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000
Range - km
Fig. 3.14 Payload-range characteristics of the selected commercial freight aircraft (Airbus 2012;
Boeing 2012a;
154 3 Advanced Transport Systems
In particular, the freight density expressed as the ratio of freight weight carried
and the volume of aircraft indoor space occupied by such weight can be relevant
for setting up the payload range relationship. In such context, the payload can be
expressed in terms of weight, volume, or freight density. Figure 3.14 shows the
payload range diagrams for the B747-400F, B747-8F and A380-800F aircraft
(Diagrams for the An-225 and B747-400F aircraft are shown for comparative
As can be seen, the A380-800F aircraft appears superior as compared to the
other two counterparts from Boeing thanks to it being able to carry the greatest
payload over the longest range. The B747-800F aircraft is superior in a similar
way to the B747-400F aircraft. In addition to the cancellation of orders for A380-
800F aircraft, this superiority can also explain the dynamism of orders for the
B747-7F aircraft: 27 by 2005, 53 by 2006, 66 by 2007, 68 by 2011, and 70 by 2012
Technical productivity
Technical productivity is defined as the product of the aircraft payload and
cruising speed (see Chap. 2). For the B747-8F and A380-800F aircraft, the pay-
load versus range is shown in Fig. 3.14, and the cruising speed is given in
Table 3.10. The calculated relationship between the technical productivity and the
range affecting the maximum payload for both aircraft is shown in Fig. 3.15.
As can be seen and as intuitively expected, the technical productivity of the
A380-800F aircraft exceeds that of the B747-8F aircraft since both influencing
factors—payload and cruising speed—are greater. This difference decreases from
about 42 % for the corresponding range with the maximum payload to about 20 %
for the corresponding range with 60 % of the maximum payload. At the maximum
range, which can be achieved without any payload, the technical productivity
becomes equal to zero by definition at both aircraft.
Service network
The B747-8F and A380-800F large commercial freight aircraft are expected to
operate in the global air freight service network, which will presumably be of the
multi hub-and–spoke configuration. The primary network nodes will be large hubs
located on different continents (one or two per continent). Each hub will have
spoke airports as the secondary network nodes for feeding and distributing traffic
located in the regions of the same and/or different continents. Air freight services
scheduled between particular airports-nodes will act as the links. Figure 3.16
shows the simplified scheme of such a network. Long-haul intercontinental ser-
vices between hub airports will be carried out by large commercial aircraft
including the B747-8F and A380-800F. The short- to medium-haul connecting
usually daily services will be scheduled between particular hubs and the associated
spokes and carried out by medium size freight aircraft. This ensures the efficient
interlining of services on a global scale. In addition, both the hub and spoke
airports of the global network will have to have efficient and effective inland road
(and in some instances rail) networks for the collection and distribution of freight
3.5 Large Commercial Freight Aircraft 155
6000 9000 12000 15000 18000 21000
Range - km
Fig. 3.15 Relationship between the technical productivity and range for the B747-8F and A380-
800F aircraft (Airbus 2012; Boeing 2012a)
Fig. 3.16 The potential future global air freight transport network (Cargolux 2011)
shipments at/to the doors of shippers and receivers, respectively. For example, the
European feeder road network of the Cargoulx airline from and/to its hub—
Luxembourg airport—spreads over 17 countries with 63 origin/destination cities.
The airline also has six road feeder networks from other European airports with
total of 50 associated origin/destination cities (Cargolux 2011).
156 3 Advanced Transport Systems
c(d)- Average cost - ¢$US/ATM
c(d) = 9209.8d-0.746
R² = 0.881
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
d - Average stage length -nm
Fig. 3.17 Relationship between the average operating cost and the average stage length of U.S.
commercial freight aircraft (AM 2011)
c - Operating cost- ¢$US/ATK
Fig. 3.18 Relationship between the average operating costs and the average stage length of
commercial long-haul freight aircraft (Cargolux 2011; LHC 2011; Morrell 2011)
costs will be lower by about 7–15 %. As fuel prices increase, so will the cost
savings. The information about the cost of the A380-800F aircraft are not suffi-
ciently reliable in order to make more detailed analysis of their potential effects.
Revenues are obtained by charging for air freight services. For example, during the
2008–2011 period, the above-mentioned Cargolux freight airline recorded average
158 3 Advanced Transport Systems
revenues (i.e., yield) of about 339 €$US/RTK and the Lufthansa Cargo AG freight
airline of about 319 €$US/RTK (Cargolux 2011; LHC 2011). Despite there not
being any strong evidence on the economies of scale relating to the aircraft size, it
is reasonable to expect that the fuller and more fuel efficient B747-8F and A380-
800F aircraft will enable freight airlines to offer lower rates while still providing
sufficient revenues for covering their operational and other costs.
Land use
The B747-8F and A380-800F large commercial freight aircraft are designed to
operate on runways and taxiways of ICAO reference code F airports safely, effi-
ciently, and effectively. At the apron-gate gate complex in front of the airport
cargo terminal(s), parking stands need to be appropriately designed within the
existing airport area (Fig. 3.13). This implies that these aircraft are ‘‘neutral’’
regarding additional land use.
Table 3.12 Social performances of the selected commercial freight aircraft—noise (EASA
Aircraft type Aircraft weight (tons) Noise level (EPNLdB)
MTOW/MLW Lateral Flyover Approach
B787-4F 448/346 94.0 94.0 100.9
A380-800F 590/427 94.2 95.6 98.0
B747-400F 386/296 98.3 98.6 103.8
MD-11F 286/223 96.1 95.8 104.4
A330-200F 233/187 97.4 90.7 97.1
MD10-30F 263/198 97.9 97.4 106.3
B777F 287/221 98.7 87.0 99.7
MTOW (Maximum Take-Off-Weight); MLW Maximum Landing Weight
EPNLdB Effective Perceived Noise Level in decibels (typical engines)
- EPNLdB/ton
0.6 Arrivals::
SNa = 172.94MLW-1.093
0.5 R² = 0.992
SN (Specific Noise)
SNd = 72.227MTOW-0.955
0.2 R² = 0.984
150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
- MLW - tons
Fig 3.19 Relationship between the SN (Specific Noise) and weight of the commercial freight
aircraft (MTOW—Maximum Take-Off Weight; MLW—Maximum Landing Weight) (EASA
2011; FAA 1997)
However, operating large commercial freight aircraft rarely has such an impact
on the runway capacity since freight flights are usually scheduled during off-peak
periods and/or on the separate runways.
The traffic incidents/accidents (safety) of large commercial freight aircraft can be
considered as those of other commercial freight and passenger aircraft (Chap. 2).
An additional aspect can be the safety of staff involved in ground operations,
particularly in loading and unloading the aircraft. This can be measured similarly
as the safety of aircraft operations in terms of the number of deaths and injuries per
quantity of freight handled or per an aircraft kilometer carried out, both for the
specified period of time, which is usually 1 year. Similarly, the safety of freight
3.5 Large Commercial Freight Aircraft 161
3.5.3 Evaluation
The large commercial freight aircraft possess both advantages (strengths and
opportunities) and disadvantages (weaknesses and threats) as compared to their
closest smaller counterparts such as the B747-400F aircraft.
The main advantages are as follows:
• The flight deck design enables flight operational commonality implying cross-
crew qualification (i.e., qualification for different aircraft types), and conse-
quently reducing the crew training time, the number of required crews, and
providing for simpler and cheaper maintenance;
• The designed freight density fits very well with the current and prospective
density of air freight shipments around the world;
• The lower fuel consumption and related emissions of GHG (Green House
Gases) in relative and noise in absolute terms (per ATK (Available Ton-Kilo-
meter)) are lower as compared to those of their closest counterpart(s);
• The designed range enables non-stop flights on long-haul intercontinental routes
connecting large hub airports on different continents, thus consolidating the
global air freight multi hub-and-spoke network(s) on the one side and fulfilling
requirements of global companies in terms of just-in-time delivery of shipments
and made-to-order call frequencies on the other; and
• The required fleet and its number of flights for transporting a given volume of air
freight are smaller, contributing to reducing the related total fuel consumption
and emissions of GHG, and congestion and delays at airport(s) as compared to
those of their closest smaller counterparts.
The man disadvantages are as follows:
• The actual behavior of composites used for making the structure—airframe and
engines—is uncertain during the stressful life-cyclecycle, which consequently
may increase maintenance cost;
• The time for collecting, loading, unloading, and distributing the larger volumes
of freight is longer, which inherently increases the level of inventories and
related costs at both ends of the given supply chain(s);
• The fuel consumption and related emissions of GHG per individual flight are
grater that those of their closest counterparts;
162 3 Advanced Transport Systems
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Chapter 4
Advanced Transport Systems:
Technologies and Environment
4.1 Introduction
This chapter deals with the performances of advanced passenger cars, large
advanced container ships, and LH2 (Liquid Hydrogen)-fuelled commercial air
transportation. The prime objective is to show the potential effects of such
advanced technologies on the environment in terms of energy/fuel consumption
and related emissions of GHG (Green House Gases).
Man-made GHG emissions, particularly those from using nonrenewable energy
sources, have become an increasing burden on the industry, society, and politics all
around the world. This is because these emissions and particularly their CO2
component (Carbon Dioxide) are perceived to remain in the atmosphere for pro-
longed periods of time (presumably hundreds of years) and are proven to contribute
to global warming and consequent climate change (Archer 2008). In order to
mitigate or even diminish these impacts, both national and international policy
makers, industrial organizations, and associations have undertaken a range of dif-
ferent measures. For example, in Europe, the EU (European Union) 27 Member
States have fully institutionalized the problem by introducing national and inter-
national legislations and conventions, in addition to setting up specific targets for
the absolute and relative reduction in emissions of particular GHG. These targets
are expected to be achieved by a range of advanced technical/technological and
operational improvements and by monitoring and reporting developments
throughout particular air polluting sectors of the economy and society (EEA 2010).
The most recent evidence indicates that some results have already been achieved:
the total emissions of GHG have decreased by about 20 % over the 1990–2009
period, from 5,589 in 1990 to 4,674.5 million tons of CO2e (Carbon Dioxide
equivalents) in 2009 (CO2e include CO (Carbon Oxide), CO2 (Carbon Dioxide),
SO4 (Sulfur Oxides), NOx (Nitrogen Oxides), H2O (water vapor), and particles).
However, at the same time, the share of transport sector in the total emissions of
CO2e has increased from about 17 % in 1990 to about 26 % in 2009, which is an
equivalent of about 951 and 1,225 million tons of CO2e, respectively (EC 2010a, b).
0.5 trillion in 1971 to about 4.25 trillion in 2006. Some long-term forecasts by
international air transport organizations (IATA, ICAO, ACI), and in particular by the
two main manufacturers of commercial aircraft Boeing and Airbus, predict the rather
stable long-term growth of RPKs at an average annual rate of 4.6–5 % over the next
20 years, mainly on account of average annual GDP growth of about 3.5 %. This will
increase the total volumes of the world’s traffic to about 10.545 trillion RPKs
(Airbus 2006) and 11.4 trillion RPKs (Boeing 2007) by 2025/26. At the same time,
the number of passengers is predicted to rise at an annual rate of 4.5 %, which will
result in a total of about 6.8 billion in 2025/26 (Boeing 2007). The above-mentioned
growth of air traffic will require an increasing number of aircraft, from the current
18,230 (of which 16,250 are passenger aircraft) in 2006 to about 36,420 (of which
32,440 will be passenger aircraft) in 2025/26 (Boeing 2007). Since all these aircraft
are assumed to use conventional jet fuel as a derivative of crude oil, the total fuel
consumption and related emissions of GHG will continue to increase, contributing to
global warming and climate change (Airbus 2006; Boeing 2007; IPCC 1999). Some
estimates indicate that the air transport sector emitted about 513 MtCO2 in 1992.
This is expected to increase to about 1,468 MtCO2 in 2050. The latter quantity will
likely continue to account for between 3–5.5 % of the total man-made emissions of
CO2 (ICAO 2008; IPCC 1999, 2001).
At present, the majority of passenger cars use petrol and diesel fuel as a derivative of
crude oil and natural gas, the burning of which contributes to the above-mentioned
emissions of GHG. Consequently, under the assumption that volumes of passenger
168 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
car use will continue to grow, that the reserves of crude oil and natural gas will
become depleted and eventually vanish, and that the emissions of GHG will remain
in the atmosphere for prolonged periods, thus indicating their continuous increase in
cumulative amounts, various improvements of existing and developing advanced
passenger car technologies have been undertaken. Among other, they aim, together
with other operational, social, and policy measures, to mitigate the above-mentioned
emissions of GHG over the medium- to long-term future (IPTS 2008). Background
At present, the following passenger car technologies based on the type of energy/fuel
use can be distinguished: conventional petrol/diesel/gas ICEVs (Internal Combus-
tion Engine Vehicles), HYVs (Hybrid Vehicles), BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicles),
HVs (Hydrogen Vehicles), and HFCVs (Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles). The last
three categories of cars, and particularly the latter two, are expected to more
intensively penetrate the EU27 and other world markets over the forthcoming
decades. However, this can only be expected if they are able to provide an equivalent
overall convenience to their users—at least at the level provided by today’s con-
ventional ICEVs and/or if they become exclusive alternatives due to the depletion of
reserves of crude oil, making more convenient ICE cars practically unusable.
ICEVs (Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles)
Conventional ICEVs (Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle(s)) are considered as
relatively low energy/fuel efficient due to the fact that as a result of converting fuel
into propulsion, most of the energy is emitted as heat. Typical petrol ICEVs
4.2 Advanced Passenger Cars 169
engines effectively use only 21 % of the fuel energy content to move the vehicle
and their diesel ICE counterparts are efficient up to 25 %. This WTW (Well-to-
Wheel) efficiency includes the energy consumed to produce and deliver fuel to the
station (WTT (Well-to-Tank)) and the energy used to fill and consume it in the car
(TTW (Tank-to-Wheel)) (Bodek and Heywood 2008).
Currently, in the EU (European Union)-27 Member States, conventional ICEVs
are categorized into three categories depending on the engine volume: Small
\1.4 l, Medium [1.4 and B2.0 l, and Big [2.0 l (l—liter). Regardless of the fuel
used, Small cars are most numerous and their Big counterparts the least. The
typical engine power of these cars is about 60–80 kW. The engine volume is
correlated to the car weight, which is related to the fuel efficiency as follows:
FE = 0.004 ? 5.249 W (R2 = 0.839) (FE is fuel efficiency, i.e., the average fuel
consumption (l/100 km)); W is the car weight (kg)). In addition, the fuel con-
sumption of an average car using petrol, diesel, and/or gas amounts to 6.7
l/100 km (0.683 kW-h/km). Specifically, the average fuel consumption of an
average petrol car is 7.3 l/100 km (0.706 kW-h/km) (this is expected to decrease
to 5.8 l/100 km (0.561 kW-h/km) by 2020), and that of an average diesel/gas car
5.8 l/100 km (0.594 kW-h/km), which is expected to decrease to 4.6 l/100 km
(0.493 kW-h/km) by 2020. The average age of a passenger car in the EU-27 is
7.5 years (this is expected to increase to about 11–13 years by 2020) (IPTS 2003;
ICG 2010).
Emissions of GHG by conventional ICEVs are usually considered as closely
related to their WTW energy/fuel efficiency. In many cases, both can be stan-
dardized and as such become country or region specific. For example, the stan-
dards set up for the EU-27 Member States in 2007–2008 were 6–8 l/100 km
(0.612–0.760 kW-h/km) of energy/fuel consumption and 165–200 gCO2/km. The
newly proposed standards are around 6.2 l/100 km (0.632 kW-h/km) and
140 g CO2/km. The targets to be achieved by 2030 are energy/fuel consumption of
about 3.5 l/100 km (0.357 kW-h/km) and emissions of about 82–84 gCO2/km
(CO2—Carbon Dioxide) (IPTS 2008).
HYVs (Hybrid Vehicle(s))
HYVs (Hybrid Vehicle(s)) can be considered an advanced passenger car technol-
ogy. They are powered by conventional petrol or diesel ICEs and an electromotor.
While the former uses petrol or diesel fuel, the latter uses electric energy stored in
on-board batteries, which are charged by the energy from the ICE engine. This
means that recharging batteries by plugging in at street stations and/or at home is
not possible. In general, the electromotor is used for driving at low speeds pre-
dominantly in urban areas, while the power switches to ICE when driving at higher
speeds requiring greater engine power. The WTW energy/fuel efficiency of these
cars is about 40 % (Toyota Prius) and is expected to improve to about 55 % in the
mid-term future. For example, the most efficient hybrid car in 2005 was the Honda
Insight whose WTW energy/fuel efficiency was 0.64 km/MJ (0.391 kW-h/km)
followed by the Toyota Prius with 0.56 km/MJ (0.491 kW-h/km), and the petrol
170 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
ICE Honda Civic VX with 0.52 km/MJ (0.534 kW-h/km) (MJ—Mega Joule; kW-
h—kilowatt hour).
In general, in 2010, the fuel consumption of an average hybrid electric-petrol
car amounted to about 5.4 l/100 km (0.799 kW-h/km) and that of an average
hybrid electric–diesel car to about 4.51 l/100 km (0.483 kW-h/km). The corre-
sponding emissions of GHG were 125 and 90 gCO2/km, respectively. Some
improvements particularly to the fuel supply systems in these cars lead to
expectations that their consumption will decrease to about 3.4 l/100 km
(0.329 kW-h/km) in the former and to about 2.45 l/100 km (0.251 kW-h/km) in
the latter by 2035. The corresponding emissions of GHG will be 52 and 47 gCO2/
km, respectively. This implies that in terms of energy/fuel efficiency and related
emissions of GHG, electric/petrol and electric/diesel HYVs are more efficient than
their conventional ICE counterparts by about 25 and 30 %, respectively (Bodek
and Heywood 2008).
BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicles)
BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicle(s)) can be considered as an advanced passenger
car technology. They are propelled by electromotors using the electric energy
stored in batteries on-board the vehicle. The batteries are recharged from the
power grid (at home or at street/shop charging stations). The WTW energy effi-
ciency of electric cars is expected to reach up to about 80 %. This can be achieved,
among other factors, also thanks to converting the stored energy into propelling the
car, not consuming energy while stopping, and regenerating some (about 20 %)
through regenerative braking. For example, the Tesla Roadster BEV has a WTW
energy efficiency of about 1.14 km/MJ (0.235 kW-h/km). Other typical electric
cars are expected to have a WTW energy efficiency of about 1.125 km/MJ
(0.247 kW-h/km) (Hamilton 1980) and 1.583 km/MJ (0.175 kW-h/km) (Toyota
Rav4EV) (ICG 2010). It should be mentioned that about 20 % of this energy
consumption is due to inefficiencies in recharging the on-board batteries. These are
the most sensitive parts of electric cars in terms of their specific energy capacity
versus the weight, replacement, durability, and the short and full charging time.
With a single charge, they need to provide sufficient energy for the car to cover a
reasonable distance at a reasonable speed as compared to conventional ICE
petrol/diesel cars. Contemporary lithium batteries usually have a specific energy
capacity of about 130 W-h/kg, which is one of the reasons for their frequent use
despite their rather limited lifespan. Modified lithium iron phosphate and lithium–
titan batteries have an extended life span of up to several thousand cycles and are
relatively easily replaced. Their recharging time also needs to be reasonable. This
is not particularly important if recharging takes place at home during off-peak
hours (Koyanagi and Uriu 1997); however, it becomes very important if
recharging takes place at street stations. Depending on the car’s charger and
battery technology, the recharging time can be 10–30 min to fill the batteries to
about 70 % of their capacity. For example, the forthcoming models in the EU-27
market in 2011 such as Nissan Leaf, Renault Fluence Z. E. and Hyundai Blue have
4.2 Advanced Passenger Cars 171
ranges between 140 and 170 km, top speeds between 130 and 145 km/h, full
charging times of 6–8 h, and rapid charging times (up to 80 %) of about
25–30 min. The above-mentioned characteristics make these cars particularly
convenient for use in urban and suburban areas with rather short daily driving
distances (ICG 2010).
Electricity for BEVs can be obtained from different primary nonrenewable and
renewable primary sources (EEA 2008; OI 2011). The former include coal, crude
oil, natural gas, biomass, and nuclear energy, and the latter solar, wind, and hydro
energy. The shares of the above-mentioned primary sources (usually country or
region specific) make GHG emissions by BEVs exclusively dependent on their
WTT (Well-To-Tank) energy/fuel efficiency.
HVs (Hydrogen Vehicles) and HFCVs (Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle(s))
Hydrogen passenger vehicles (cars) are powered by hydrogen fuel. Two categories
of these vehicles can be distinguished. The first are slightly modified conventional
ICEs that use hydrogen instead of petrol/diesel/gas as fuel—HVs (Hydrogen
Vehicle(s)). In order to cover a reasonable distance, hydrogen is highly com-
pressed in the fuel storage tanks of these vehicles, mainly thanks to its low density.
HFCVs (Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle(s)) represent an advanced technology in
passenger cars. They consist of five components which distinguish them from their
HV counterparts: their fuel cell stack, electric motor, power control unit, hydrogen
storage tank, and high-output batteries. Specifically, the fuel cell stack consists of
individual fuel cells whose number depends on their size and the required electric
energy. Each fuel cell uses either pure hydrogen from hydrogen-rich sources, or
oxygen to generate electric energy. Fuel is used to feed the electric motor that
actually propels the car. The intensity of electric energy delivered from the fuel
cells to the electric motor is regulated by the power control unit. Hydrogen as the
source of electricity is stored in the hydrogen storage tank either as a liquid or as a
highly compressed gas. In addition, high-output batteries are installed to accu-
mulate the electric energy from the regenerative braking, thus providing additional
power to the electric motor.
Hydrogen as a prospective fuel exists in nature as a component of natural gas
(CH4) and water (H2O). This means that in order to provide hydrogen as fuel for
hydrogen fuel cell cars, it needs to be extracted from the above-mentioned sources.
This can be carried out by reforming natural gas or through the water electrolysis
either at large plants or at local fuel supply stations. In the former case, distribution
from the producing plants to local supply stations needs to be provided either by
truck or an underground pipeline network. Hydrogen has more energy per unit of
mass than other crude oil-based fuels including natural gas. On the other hand, it is
much less dense (Janic 2010). The design of the fuel tanks of HFCVs will have to
take the above-mentioned facts into consideration. Nevertheless, the volume of
these tanks should not be much greater than that of conventional ICEVs as more
energy per unit of mass of hydrogen is expected to compensate its lower density to
172 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
Previous efforts
and supply with both and particularly the latter respecting the long-term plans of
major car manufacturers (Ewing et al. 1998; Hörmandinger and Lucas 1996;
Heffner et al. 2007; Higgins et al. 2007; ICG 2010; IPTS 2003; Kurani et al.
1996; Mabit and Fosgerau 2011).
• Impacts and effects of energy consumption and emissions of GHG in urban
areas: This aspect has focused on investigating the characteristics of energy/fuel
consumption by conventional ICEVs, HYVs, and new BEVs and HFCVs, the
overall logistics for the energy/fuel supply, estimating the demand for the
particular energy/fuel type, and the impacts of this demand on the eventual
depletion of these energy/fuel primary sources. In the above-mentioned cases,
the related emissions of GHG affecting the environment at the specified urban,
suburban, and wider regional scale have also been estimated (Chi and Stone
2005; Coelho and Luzia 2010; DeLuchi 1989; Georgakellos 2008; Hamilton
1980; IPTS 2008; Johansson and Åhman 2002; Kang and Recker 2009;
Kempton and Letendre 1997; Koyanagi and Uriu 1997; Lave and MacLean
2002; Nakata 2000; Rienstra and Nijkamp 1998; Schock et al. 1995; Wang and
DeLucchi 1991; Wang et al. 2008).
• Design and performance of new passenger car technologies including infra-
structure for energy/fuel supply: This aspect has dealt with the technical/tech-
nological solutions (material, design, safety requirements) influencing the
operational, economic, and safety performances of innovative (HYV) and new
(BEV and HFCV) technologies. In addition, the characteristics and needs for
energy/fuel supply infrastructure for new passenger car technologies have been
investigated (Chen and Ren 2010; Eberhard and Tarpening 2006; Ogden 1997;
Schwoon 2007; Spiegel 2004).
• Social costs and benefits: This has focused on assessing the overall social and
environmental costs and benefits from using innovative HYVs and new BEVs
and HFCVs including the economy of providing and using energy/fuel by these
cars in specified regions (Funk and Rabl 1999; Haller et al. 2008; Johansson
1999); and
• Policy implications due to introducing alternative passenger car technologies:
This research has analyzed energy/fuel economy in various regions of the world
and related emissions of green house gases, and compared them with the stan-
dards set up for passenger cars and other transport vehicles (An and Sauer 2004).
The methodology for assessing the prospective medium- to long-term effects of the
above-mentioned advanced passenger car technologies on energy consumption
and related emissions of GHG (CO2e—Carbon Dioxide equivalents) has been
developed respecting the following facts:
• The fuel/energy consumption and related emissions of GHG depend on the
volumes of passenger car use, which is mainly driven by the overall socio-
economic development;
174 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
The methodology consists of three components/models: (i) the model for esti-
mating the volumes of passenger car use; (ii) the model for estimating the fuel/
energy consumption by the above-mentioned passenger car use; and (iii) the model
for estimating emissions of GHG from the above-mentioned fuels/energy
The existing and future passenger car use in terms of the vehicle kilometers carried
out during a given period of time (year) in a given region can be estimated by two
types of submodels using empirical data: (i) the time series model; and (ii) the
causal model based on multiple regression analysis.
4.2 Advanced Passenger Cars 175
Let the period of time considered be N years long. During this period, M different
passenger car technologies are expected to be used. The average fuel/energy
consumption of the passenger car technology (i) in the k-th year of the observed
period can be estimated as follows:
176 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
From Eq. 4.2a, the total cumulative energy/fuel consumption from the begin-
ning to the year (n) of the observed period can be estimated as follows:
n X
X M n X
EðnÞ ¼ Eki ¼ vk pki ð1 rki Þ eki ð4:2bÞ
k¼1 i k¼1 i
Based on Eqs. 4.2a and 4.2b, the emissions of GHG by the passenger car tech-
nology (i) in the k-th year of the observed period can be calculated as follows:
GHki ¼ Eki gki ð4:3aÞ
gki is the average emission rate of GHG of the passenger car technology (i) in
the k-th year of the observed period (emitted quantity/unit of energy/fuel
In Eq. 4.3a, the variable gki takes into account both direct and indirect (WTW)
emissions of GHG emitted by the given passenger car technology in the given
year. In addition, it depends on the structure of primary sources for obtaining
energy/fuel for a given car technology in the given year as follows:
gki ¼ qkij ckij ð4:3bÞ
qkij is the share of the primary source of type (j) for producing fuel/energy for
the car technology (i) in the k-th year of the observed period;
ckij is the average rate of GHG emissions from producing the energy/fuel from
the primary source (j) for the car technology (i) in the k-th year of the
observed period (emitted quantity/unit of energy/fuel consumed); and
L is the number of different primary sources for producing the energy/fuel for
passenger car technologies.
4.2 Advanced Passenger Cars 177
• ‘‘What-if’’ scenario approach
V - Volume of car use - 000million km
Vk = 1877.3Ln(GDP) - 14715
R2 = 0.975
9000 10000 11000 12000 13000
GDP - Biliion
Fig. 4.1 Relationship between the annual volumes of passenger car use and GDP in the EU27
(1995–2009) (EC 2010)
1985 1995 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065
Time - years
volumes of passenger car use over the forthcoming 2010/15–2065 period are
estimated using the constant average annual growth rate of GDP of 2 % (as in the
past period) as shown in Fig. 4.2.
The volumes of passenger car use in the EU27 are expected to continue to
increase during the observed future period at a slightly decreasing rate mainly
driven by the rather constant and stable GDP growth.
• Market share of different passenger car technologies
Considering the above-mentioned factors, the annual rates of market penetration
by the particular advanced passenger car technologies in each of the three sub-
periods of the observed period are determined for Scenario 0, 1, and 2, as shown in
Fig. 4.3a, b, c (ICG 2010).
In all the above-mentioned scenarios, the proportion of conventional petrol
ICEVs is expected to decrease to a modest 10 % in Scenario 0 and 0 % in Sce-
narios 1 and 2. The proportion of conventional diesel ICVs is expected to increase
180 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
(a) Scenario 0
Conventional ICEVs-petrol
90 Conventional ICEVs-diesel
Share of car technology - %
2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065
Time - years
(b) Scenario 1
90 Conventional ICEVs-petrol
Share of car technology - %
Conventional ICEVs-diesel
. 10
2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065
Time - years
(c) Scenario 2
Conventional ICEVs-petrol
90 Conventional ICEVs-diesel
Share of car technology - %
80 HYVs-petrol/diesel
70 HFCVs
2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065
Time - years
Fig. 4.3 Scenarios of the market penetration by different passenger car technologies in the given
example (EU27–2010/15-2065)
Energy supply - Vision
Share of renewable energy sources - %
90 Energy consumption - transport - Vision
Energy consumption - new technology cars
2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065
Time - years
Fig. 4.4 Development of the share of renewable primary sources in the energy supply and
consumption by the transport sector and advanced passenger car technologies (EU27–2010/15-
2065) (EEA 2008; OI 2011)
The results in terms of the annual energy consumption and related emissions of
GHG in particular Scenarios of passenger car use in the EU27 states during the
observed period are shown in Figs. 4.5, 4.6, and 4.7.
4.2 Advanced Passenger Cars 183
• Energy consumption
The annual energy consumption by passenger car use in the given example is
shown in Fig. 4.5. The energy consumed is expressed in terms of crude oil
equivalents for comparative purposes.
As intuitively expected, the annual energy consumption differs in different
scenarios. In addition, it changes over the observed period driven mainly by the
volumes of passenger car use on the one hand, and particular passenger car
technologies in combination with improvements of their WTW energy efficiency
on the other. In particular, in Scenario 0, the annual energy consumption decreases
at the beginning of the observed period despite growing volumes of passenger car
use mainly thanks to improvements in the energy efficiency of conventional
(petrol/diesel/auto gas) ICEV passenger cars (Table 4.1). When these improve-
ments are exhausted, the annual energy consumption begins and continues to
increase until the end of the observed period mainly driven by growing volumes of
passenger car use. In Scenario 1, the trend of changing the annual energy con-
sumption during the observed period is generally similar to that in Scenario 0. The
differences are as follows: the annual energy consumption is always lower than
that in Scenario 0 mainly thanks to more intensive use of energy efficient HYV
cars; the period in which the energy consumption decreases despite growth in the
volumes of passenger car use is longer due to the longer period of exhaustion of
improvements in the WTW energy efficiency of all three car technologies
(Table 4.1). In Scenario 2, the annual energy consumption is the lowest as com-
pared to that in the other two scenarios. It continuously decreases despite the
growing volumes of passenger car use during the observed period (2010/15-–
2065). This is achieved by the more intensive and continuous introduction of EVs
on the one hand, and much more energy efficient BEVs, HVs, and HFCVs on the
other (Fig. 4.3 and Table 4.1).
Scenario 0
230 Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Energy consumption - 000 tons
2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065
Time - years
Fig. 4.5 Energy consumption over time in particular scenarios (EU27—period 2010/15–2065)
184 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
• Emissions of GHG
Emissions of GHG in terms of CO2e are estimated using the above-mentioned
inputs. The results are shown in Figs. 4.6 and 4.7.
In particular, Fig. 4.6 shows the annual emissions of CO2e by passenger car use
in the given example (EU27—period 2010/15–2065).
The general trends in particular Scenarios are similar to those of energy con-
sumption. In particular, in Scenarios 0 and 1, the annual emissions of GHG (CO2e)
decrease during the first part and then increase until the end of the observed period.
The main cause of this is the fact that during the first part of the period, the annual
rate of technical/technological improvements to passenger cars (only ICEVs in
Scenario 0 and both ICEVs and HYVs in Scenario 1) is higher than the annual rate
of increasing volumes of their use. After the above-mentioned improvements are
exhausted, these emissions again start to increase by the end of the observed period
mainly driven by increasing annual volumes of passenger car use. During the entire
observed period, the annual emissions of GHG (CO2e) are greater in Scenario 0 than
in Scenario 1, thus indicating the contribution of the HYVs to their mitigation (by
about 10–15 %). In Scenario 2, the gradually increased use of advanced BEVs and
HFCVs contributes to decreasing annual emissions of GHG (CO2e) over the entire
observed period. In addition, in each individual year of this period, these emissions
are lower than those in Scenarios 0 and 1. At the same time, at the end of the
observed period (in 2065), the annual emissions may be close to zero due to
providing the energy/electricity for both advanced passenger car technologies
prevailing in the market exclusively from renewable primary sources.
The cumulative emissions of GHG (CO2e) by the given year of the observed
period (EU27–2010/15–2065) are shown in Fig. 4.7.
In Scenarios 0 and 1, the cumulative emissions of GHG (CO2e) increase con-
tinuously during the observed period. Specifically, they increase during the first
Scenario 0
Scenario 1
Emissions of CO 2e- million tons
500 Scenario 2
2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065
Time - years
Fig. 4.6 Emissions of GHG (CO2e) over time in particular scenarios (EU27–2010/15–2065)
4.2 Advanced Passenger Cars 185
Scenario 0
Fig. 4.7 Cumulative emissions of GHG (CO2e) by given year of the observed period in
particular scenarios (EU27–2010/15–2065)
4.2.3 Evaluation
Advanced passenger car technologies and their variations including electric petrol/
diesel HYVs (Hybrid Vehicles), BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicles), and HFCVs
(Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles) possess both advantages (Strengths and Opportu-
nities) and disadvantages (Weaknesses and Threats).
186 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
• Decreasing total energy consumption in terms of crude oil equivalents and
related emissions of GHG in terms of CO2e (Carbon Dioxide equivalents) despite
increasing volumes of passenger car use thanks to the technical/technological
improvements of conventional ICEVs and HYVs at higher rates of growth of
passenger car use volumes during the first part of the observed period; and
• Decreasing total energy consumption and related emissions of GHG during the
entire observed period despite growing volumes of passenger car use after BEVs
and HFCVs penetrate the market more substantially.
• Contributing to increasing total energy consumption and related emissions of
GHG until the end of the observed period mainly driven by continuously growing
volumes of passenger car use after the potential for further improvements of
ICEVs and HYVs is exhausted; the energy consumption and related emissions of
GHG will be lower insofar as HYVs penetrate the market at a higher rate;
• Considering the lifespan of man (car)-made emissions of GHG in the atmosphere
of several hundred years, only complete replacement of conventional ICEVs and
HYVs with their BEV and HFCV counterparts under the given circumstances can
actually stop their further cumulative increase in the given case;
• Achieving an energy density of batteries close to that of gasoline and diesel fuel
as derivatives of crude oil, enabling the equivalent driving performances
(acceleration, operating speed, and range with a single battery charge) as those
of ICEVs and HYVs is going to be complex;
• Achieving a selling price comparable to that of both BEVs and HFCVs is
uncertain; and
• Penetrating the market more intensively will not contribute to reducing con-
gestion in urban and suburban areas.
Finally, advanced passenger cars can be considered a subsystem of the
advanced transport system mainly regarding the techniques/technologies of the
power system (engine) and the energy/fuel supply system, both of which are
adapted to type of energy/fuel used.
1957 The first Sea–Land Gateway City container ship, a modified tanker loaded with 56
containers, makes its inaugural voyage between the ports of Newark Miami, Houston,
and Tampa (U.S.)
1960 The first Grace Line Santa Eliana fully containerized ship begins international container
shipping to Venezuela (U.S.)
2006 The then largest Emma Maersk container ship begins commercial operations (Denmark)
4.3 Large Advanced Container Ships 187
Freight - million tons loaded
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Fig. 4.8 Development of the global international seaborne trade (million tons loaded) (UNCDAT
188 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
Total fleet
1600 Container ship fleet
Capacity - million of DWT
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Fig. 4.9 Development of the global freight ship fleet (UNCDAT 2012) Background
Container ships have been designed to exclusively carry containers in their holds
and on the deck. The fleet of these ships is usually represented by the annual
number of ships in operation, their total capacity, the average ship size expressed
in TEUs (Twenty foot Equivalent Unit(s)), and DWT (Deadweight Tonnage)1 as
given in Table 4.2.
Evidently, over the past 25 years, the number of container ships has increased
fivefold, their total capacity about 15-fold, and the average ship size about
threefold. Thus, ships with a capacity exceeding 3,000–4,000 TEU can be con-
sidered large container ships, implying that the average ship in 2012 can be
considered as a large container ship. It can also be considered advanced if it is
more operationally, economically, and environmentally efficient and effective than
its conventional predecessors.
Large advanced container ships possess infrastructural, technical/technological,
operational, economic, environmental, and social/policy performances. Never-
theless, the aim of dealing with particular performances is primarily to emphasize
the contribution of these ships to mitigating impacts on the environment in terms
of the energy/fuel consumption and related emissions of GHG (Green House
This is the total weight (tons) that a given ship can safely carry. It includes payload (cargo),
fuel, water, supplies, crew, etc.
4.3 Large Advanced Container Ships 189
Table 4.2 Development of the world’s container ship fleet over time (UNCDAT 2012)
Year Number of ships Fleet capacity Average capacity Average carrying capacitya
(TEU) (TEU/ship) (DWT/ship)
1987 1,052 12,122,15 1,155 16,170
1997 1,954 3,089,682 1,581 22,134
2007 3,904 9,436,377 2,417 33,838
2008 4,276 10,760,173 2,516 35,224
2009 4,638 12,142,444 2,618 36,652
2010 4,677 12,824,648 2,742 38,388
2011 4,868 14,081,957 2,893 40,502
2012 5,012 15,406,610 3,074 43,036
Based on the standard assumption: 1 TEU = 14 DWT (1 TEU = 2.3 tons of tare weight ? 10
tons of average payload; the rest is allocated to the ship’s fuel, fresh water, spares and other
Table 4.3 Development of the container ships over time—milestones in size (MAN Diesel
2011; Rudolf III 2007;
Year/generation Capacity Length Beam Draught Number of engines/power
(TEU) (m) (m) (m) (MW)
1968 750 180 25 9.0 1/6.7
1972 1,500 225 29 11.5 1/14
1980 3,000 275 32 12.5 1/25
1987 4,500 275 39 11.0 1/40.1
1998 7,900 347 43 14.5 1/60
2006/Emma Maersk 15,000 397 56 15.5–16.0 1/80.1
2012/CMA/CGM Marco Polo 16,020 396 54 16.0 2/80
2015/Triple E Maersk 18,000 400 59 16.0 2/64
The main infrastructural performances of large advanced container ships are the
required space and other conditions at the port container terminals used to handle
them. The required space refers to the number and length of berths, which can be
constructed along linear or sheltered coastline. The length of a berth is directly
related to the length of a container ship implying that it can range up to 400 m. The
length of a quay is then influenced by the number of berths needed to simultaneously
handle container ships. The width of a seaside could be up to 60 m. These would both
enable the handling of the largest forthcoming container ships such as Triple E
Maersk (see Table 4.3). In addition, the sea water in the terminal accessing channels
and near berths enabling access and docking needs to be sufficiently deep (in the
above-mentioned example at least 17 m). Experience so far indicates that the water
depth in the main ports has been continuously improved in line with deploying large
advanced container ships. If the depth is adopted to be 15 m as the required mini-
mum, the number of appropriate ports has increased from 17 in 2000 to 25 in 2003,
190 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
Fig. 4.10 Development of the capacity of large container ships (period 1997–2012) (
and to 28 in 2008. Consequently, the infrastructure of the main ports in the major
trading regions in terms of the required water depth and length of berths is adequately
provided for current and forthcoming large advanced container ships (Tozer 2001).
ships will have to be flexible in order to be adaptable to both ‘‘design’’ and ‘‘off-
design’’ conditions. The former conditions are characterized by increased resis-
tance of the hull due to operating at higher ‘‘design’’ speed(s), which compromises
their overall energy, economic, and environmental efficiency. The latter conditions
imply operating at lower than design speeds, i.e., slow steaming, which reduces
fuel consumption and improves economic and environmental efficiency. In order
to avoid the negative effects of changing conditions, future large advanced con-
tainer ships will have to be designed (particularly hull and propulsion system-
engines) for a range of the most likely operating speeds and draughts, thus bal-
ancing between the two compromising effects: one for reducing the operating
speed and the other for increasing the capacity.
For example, the forthcoming Triple E Maersk ship is designed with a wider
hull in order to accommodate the specified 18,000 TEUs. Such a wider U-shaped
hull creates higher propulsion resistance than the narrower V-shape hull of its
closest counterpart—Emma’s Maersk. However, the Triple E’s operating speed is
limited to 23 kts (two engines generate the required power of 65–70 MW while
running at 80 rpm (revolutions per minute), while Emma’s is limited to 25 kts (the
single engine generates the required power of 80 MW while running at 90 rpm).
Thus, despite operating at higher propulsion resistance, thanks to operating at a
lower engine rate and operating/cruising speed, the Triple E Maersk is expected to
be overall more efficient than its closest smaller counterpart Emma Maersk.
Figure 4.11 shows the principal differences in design of the two ships.
However, in both cases, utilization of the ships’ available capacity (deadweight)
is variable mainly due to frequent oversupply on the one hand and fluctuating
market conditions on the other. These conditions which will likely become
increasingly common in the future.
Propulsion system/engines
The propulsion system/engines of large advanced container ships are one of their
crucial components. Some empirical evidence indicates that their power can be
roughly estimated from the modified Admiralty formula as follows:
the coefficients (cP) and (k), each individual speed–power curve of each individual
ship can be expressed. In addition, Eq. 4.4 suggests that more engine power
efficiency can be obtained by increasing the ship’s size than by increasing the
ship’s speed (DNV 2012). Figure 4.12 shows the relationship between the size and
engine power of large container ships.
In this case, the engine power increases at a decreasing rate as the ship’s size
increases, thus confirming the above-mentioned trend of designing larger container
ships assumed to operate at lower speeds. The exception is the forthcoming Triple
E Maersk as the largest container ship in the world with a capacity of 18,000 TEU
and two engines delivering about 65 MW of power as compared to its currently
largest counterpart (Emma Maersk) with a capacity of 15,000 TEU and a single
engine delivering 67.7 MW of power (i.e., 3.61 vs. 4.51 kW/TEU, indicating an
improvement of the power efficiency of about 25 %) (Table 4.3).
4.3 Large Advanced Container Ships 193
P - Engine SMCR power - 000 KW
P= 33.17ln(C) - 238.31
60 R² = 0.996
Trple E Maersk
3000 5000 7000 9000 11000 13000 15000 17000 19000
C - Ship size - maximum number of TEU
Fig. 4.12 Relationship between engine power and size (carrying capacity) of large advanced
container ships (SCMR Specific Maximum Continuous Rating) (MAN Diesel 2011)
The propulsion system of large advanced container ships is usually placed near the
middle of the ship in order to make the best use of the rigidity of the hull and to
maximize the carrying capacity. Once the main propulsion system is made
available, the crucial element to be designed is the propeller. Propellers of existing
container ships are made of nickel aluminum bronze usually with six blades. Their
diameter and weight generally increase at a decreasing rate as the engine SMCR
(Specific Maximum Continuous Rating) power for the specified speed increases.
For example, for an engine of 60 MW SMCR power, the diameter of a propeller
rotating at the speed of 94 r/min is about 9.2 m and its weight 95 tons. For an
engine of 100 MW SMCR power rotating at the same speed, the diameter is about
10 m weighing 155 tons. For engines of 60 MW SMCR power rotating at the
speed of 104 r/min, the diameter is about 8.5 m and weight 90 tons. For an engine
of 100 MW power rotating at the same speed, the diameter is about 9.7 m and
weight about 140 tons. This indicates that higher rotating speeds enable the design
and construction of propellers with smaller diameter and weight (MAN Diesel
2011). For example, the forthcoming Triple E Maersk container ship will be
equipped with a twin engine/twin screw propulsion system. Each of the two
propellers will have a diameter of 9.8 m and 4 blades as compared to the Emma
Maersk ship equipped with a single engine/single screw propulsion system where
the propeller has a diameter of 9.6 m and 6 blades. In the twin screw propulsion
system, the propellers are lighter, thus reducing any vibration of the hull. In
addition, such systems provide greater pushing power and lower water resistance
(Tozer 2001).
194 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
Triple E Maersk
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
P - Engine SMCR power - MW
Fig. 4.13 Relationship between the design speed and the engine power of large advanced
container ships (SCMR Specific Maximum Continuous Rating) (MAN Diesel 2011)
Design speed
The design speed of large advanced container ships generally increases as the
engine power increases, albeit at a decreasing rate. Since the engine power
increases with the size of the ship, the speed also tends to increase in line with the
size of the ship. However, it remains constant and independent of the size of the
ship and related engine power in ships larger than 5,500 TEU and with an engine
power equal or greater to about 50 MW; the latter is shown in Fig. 4.13.
However, the most recent exception from the above-mentioned rule of thumb is
the largest Triple E Maersk container ship expected to be launched in 2015, with a
design speed of 23 kts and a total twin-engine power of about 645 MW.
Operating/cruising speed
• Nominal speed (20–25 kts; 37.0–46.3 km/h), which represents the optimal
cruising speed at which a given container ship and its engine have been designed
to operate;
• Slow steaming speed (18–20 kts; 33.3–37.0 km/h), which represents the speed
achieved by running the ship’s engines below their capacity in order to reduce
fuel consumption. (In 2011, more than 50 % of the global container shipping
capacity was operating at this speed);
• Super slow steaming speed (15–18 kts; 27.8–33.3 km/h), which is also known
as the economic speed aiming at minimizing fuel consumption while still
maintaining a competitive commercial service; and
• Minimal cost speed (12–15 kts; 22.2–27.8 km/h), which represents the lowest
technically possible speed since even lower speeds do not lead to any significant
additional reduction in fuel consumption. (However, since these speeds and the
related quality of services are commercially unviable, it is unlikely that mari-
time shipping companies will adopt them as part of their practice).
The practice of slow steaming emerged during the financial crisis of 2008–2009
when on the one hand, the demand for international trade and containerized
shipping was severely affected, and on the other the new capacity ordered during
the previous years of economic boom was coming into service (Figs. 4.9, 4.10). In
reaction to such an imbalance between the decreased demand and increased
capacity, maritime shipping companies adopted slow steaming and even extra
slow steaming services on particular routes. Since the lower operating/cruising
speeds required longer ship turnaround times, more ships were needed and indeed
were available thanks to the new additional capacity.
It seems that slow steaming will remain the operational practice of many
shipping companies due to the following reasons: (i) reducing fuel consumption
and related costs, particularly if the trend of increasing fuel prices continues; and
(ii) reducing emissions of GHG, thus respecting increasingly stricter environ-
mental regulations.
As an innovative operational practice/regime, slow steaming will require
adapting engines through their ‘‘de-rating,’’ namely involving the timing of fuel
injection, adjusting exhaust valves, and exchanging other mechanical components to
the new speed and power level of about 70 % instead of the previously regular 80 %.
about 35 m. In addition, the turning diameter of the ship operating at the speed of
24 kts (44.5 km/h) is about 0.81 nm (i.e., 1.5 km).
Turnaround time
The turnaround time of a large container advanced ship scheduled to operate along
a given route is defined as the total round time between the given origin and
destination port, and back. This time includes the ship’s turnaround time at the
origin and destination port, its stop/transit time at the intermediate ports (which
usually depends on the pattern and volumes of freight demand to be served in both
directions), and the operating/cruising time between the particular ports. Thus, the
ship’s route between each given origin and destination port can be considered to
consist of several segments. If the stops are the same in both directions, the
turnaround time of a given ship can be estimated as follows:
" #
str ¼ s0 þ 2 si þ sk þ sd ð4:5aÞ
i¼1 k¼1
so, sd is the ship’s turnaround time at the origin and destination port,
respectively (days);
si is the ship’s operating/cruising time along the (i)-th segment of a given
route (days);
sk is the ship stop/transit time at the (k)-th intermediate port along a given
route (days);
N is the number of segments of a given route; and
K is the number of ports along a given route where the ship stops (K = N - 1).
The ship’s operating time along the (i)-th segment of the route in Eq. 4.5a can
be estimated as follows:
si ¼ si =Vi ð4:5bÞ
si is the length of the (i)-th segment of the route (nm); and
Vi is the ship’s operating/cruising speed along the (i)-th segment of the route
In addition, the length of the route in one direction can be estimated as follows:
d¼ si ð4:5cÞ
transit time(s) at intermediate ports. These times generally depend on the ship’s
size, volume of load/cargo, and the rate of ship/container handling, the latter
influenced by the available (increasingly automated) loading/unloading facilities
and equipment at ports (Tozer 2001).
In order to estimate the performance of the additional loading and unloading
facilities and equipment in ports (cranes) needed to compensate the extra travel
time due to slow steaming, Eq. 4.5b can be modified as follows:
s ¼ s ð1=vs 1=vr Þ ð4:5dÞ
C is the ship’s capacity (TEU);
S is the length of route, i.e., trip distance between origin and destination port
vr, vs is the regular and slow steaming speed, respectively (kts).
Equation 4.5d states that the ship’s extra trip time will increase in line with the
route length and the difference in the regular and the slow steaming speed. Such
trip time extensions generally increase the cost of TEU/goods time while in the
chain, which can be estimated as in Eq. 3.1a (Chap. 3) as follows:
Dc ¼ b C s ð1=vs 1=vr Þ ð4:5eÞ
Dc is the extra cost of freight/goods time ($US/TEU-h);
b is the freight/goods time while in transportation ($US/TEU-h).
The other symbols are analogous to the previous equations. The extra trip and
cost of freight/goods can be partially compensated by shortening the ship’s
loading/unloading time at the origin/destination port, respectively. Modifying
Eq. 3.1a (Chap. 3), the time loading units remain in the regular and the slow
steaming supply chain can be estimated, respectively, as follows:
sr ¼ 2C=nr ar þ s=vr and ss ¼ 2C=ns as þ s=vs ð4:5fÞ
nr, ns is the number of loading/unloading facilities and equipment (cranes) at the
origin and destination port serving regular and slow steaming ships,
respectively (-); and
ar, as is the service rate of a single facility (crane) in either port serving a ship
operating under regular or slow steaming regime (TEU/h).
The other symbols are analogous to those in the previous equations. Conse-
quently, the loading/unloading capacity for a slow steaming ship that could
compensate the extra cruising time can be estimated from Eq. 4.5e as follows:
2C nr ar
ns as ¼ [0 ð4:5gÞ
2C nr ar s ð1=vs 1=vr Þ
198 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
This is reasonable only if the denominator of Eq. 4.5g is positive, i.e., if the
reduced speed is not less than:
n s as v r s
vr [ ð4:5hÞ
vr C þ nr ar s
Equation 4.5h states that compensating the ship’s extra trip time due to slow
steaming by increasing the loading/unloading capacity at ports (i.e., shortening the
corresponding time(s)), could be achieved only if the reduced speed is not under a
certain threshold. Otherwise, this is not possible, thus forcing users/freight/goods
shippers to adapt and accept such changed quality of service.
Technical productivity
Fleet size/capacity
C - Fleet capacity - million TEU
C = 0.004N + 0.0199
R² = 0.9677
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
N - Number of ships
Fig. 4.14 Relationship between the size and capacity of the containership fleet (May 2012)
f(T, d) is the service frequency on the route (d) during time (T).
The other symbols are analogous to those in the previous equations.
Equation 4.6 confirms that increasing the ship’s turnaround time due to slow
steaming will require a larger fleet of ships of a given size. As the volumes of
freight demand increase, so does the number of ships of a given capacity and
utilization in the fleet. At the same time, using larger and better utilized ships will
require fewer of them.
The economic performances of advanced large container ships include their costs
and revenues.
Cost $US/TEU
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000
Size of ship - TEU
Fig. 4.15 Relationship between the average cost per TEU and the size of container ship
(AECOM 2012; Cullinane and Khanna 2000; Nottebon and Rodrigue 2007; Tozer 2001)
4000 Middle East-Asia
US, Europe, Rest of AsiaMiddle East and South Asia
Rate - $US/TEU
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
Port-to-port distance - nm
Fig. 4.16 Relationship between the lowest rate and port-to-port distance for transporting
containers in particular markets—(March 2010) (DSC 2010)
Fuel consumption
Large advanced container ships consume MDO (Marine Diesel Oil), sometimes
also known as No. 6 Diesel or HFO (Heavy Fuel Oil) or Bunker C fuel adapted to
the 2005 standards as MDF (Marine Distillate Fuels) (
202 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
Nominal speed
50 Expon. (4000-5000TEU)
Expon. (10000TEU)
Expon. (12000TEU)
14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Operating/cruising speed – kts
Fig. 4.17 Relationship between the fuel consumption and the operating speed and size of
container ships (AECOM/URS 2012; Churchill and Johnson 2012; Notteboom and Carriou 2009)
Heavy_fuel_oil). These are largely unrefined very thick crude oil derivatives, often
needed to be heated by steam in order to reduce their viscosity and thus enable
them to flow. The fuel consumption of large container ships generally depends on
their size and operating speed and usually increases in line with both factors
individually and/or simultaneously as shown in Fig. 4.17.
As can be seen, the fuel consumption of a container ship of a given size
increases more than proportionally as the operating/cruising speed increases. For
example, large container ships of a capacity of 12,000 TEU such as Emma
Maersk consume about 400 tons of fuel per day while cruising at a speed of
about 20 kts (the length of route is about 15,000 nm) (AECOM/URS 2012).
Ships with a capacity of 10,000 TEU consume about 375 and 200 tons of fuel per
day while cruising at the (designed) speed of 25 kts and reduced speed of 21 kts,
respectively. For container ships of 4,000–5,000 TEU, the corresponding fuel
consumption is 150 and 85 tons per day, respectively. The forthcoming largest
Triple E Maersk ship of a capacity of 18,000 TEU will consume about 360 tons
of fuel per day while cruising at the speed of 25 kts. These figures illustrate the
very high sensitivity of fuel consumption to changes in the ship’s operating/
cruising speed.
In addition, fuel consumption can be expressed in other units. For example,
currently the world’s largest single diesel Wärtsilä-Sulzer 14RTFLEX96-C engine
powering the Emma Maersk largest container ship delivers the maximum power of
80–81 MW for the designed cruising speed of 25 kts. Under such regime it con-
sumes about 19,000 l or 16.7 tons of HFO/h or 198 g/KWh. The forthcoming
Triple E Maersk container ship with two MAN diesel engines delivering total
power of 64 MW enabling an operating/cruising speed of 23 kts will consume
15.04 tons of HFO/h, or about 231 g of HFO/kWh. At the designed operating/
4.3 Large Advanced Container Ships 203
FC- Fuel consumption -kg/TEU-day
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Time - year
Fig. 4.18 Changes in the average unit fuel consumption of a large shipping company over
time—Maersk Line (Maersk Line 2011)
cruising speeds, these give 1.39 kg of HFO/TEU/h for Emma Maersk and 0.84 kg
of HFO/TEU/h for Triple E Maersk ship, which is a reduction of about 40 %
(MAN Diesel 2011; Tozer 2001).
Modern large advanced container ships use HFO (Heavy Fuel Oil), the burning of
which produces GHG such as SOx (sulfur oxides), NOx, (nitrogen oxides), PM
(particulate matter), and CO2 (carbon dioxide). Therefore, due to the permanent
increase in the total emissions of GHG, the maritime industry and its national and
international organizations have made efforts to at least control such emissions.
For example, the WSC (World Shipping Council) and its members have been
engaged through the IMO (International Maritime Organization) in numerous
efforts to improve the energy efficiency of the maritime sector through reducing
the ships’ fuel consumption and related emissions of GHG. At the level of indi-
vidual shipping companies, this has been carried out through medium- to long-
term sustainability plans. Figure 4.18 shows the achievements of a large shipping
company—Maersk Line—over the 2006–2011 period.
As can be seen, the company has certainly followed a downward path toward
the established target of an average fuel consumption of about 10 kg/TEU/day to
be achieved by 2013. This also implies corresponding savings in the emissions of
Other efforts have been institutionalized through Annex VI of MARPOL, an
international treaty developed through the IMO, which has established legally
binding international standards for regulating the energy efficiency of existing and
future ships. Consequently, the main environmental and social/policy perfor-
mances of large advanced container ships are contained in these standards
204 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
As an example, using Eq. 4.7a, the attained EEDI is calculated for existing
Post-Panamax large container ships which entered service over 2003–2008.
Capacity utilization (DWT) is assumed to be 70 %, the power 75 % of the max-
imum engine power, and the speed 1 kts below the maximum designed speed
(MAN Diesel 2011). The required EEDIs respecting the above-mentioned energy
efficiency improvement targets can be calculated using Eqs. 4.7b, c. Figure 4.19
shows the results. As can be seen, all considered container ships fulfill the required
2013–2014 EEDI. Ships larger than 85,000 DWT will be able to satisfy the
required 2015–2019 EEDI. None of these ships will be able to satisfy the required
2020–2024 EEDI, or those set for 2025 and beyond.
EEDI - gCO2 /ton-mile
EEDI - gCO 2 /ton-mile
Triple E Maersk
1 2 3 4 5
Time - 1 - 2013/2014; 2 - 2015-2019; 3 - 2020-2024; 4 - 2025-
Fig. 4.20 Environmental performances for the selected large advanced container ships—attained
and required EEDI specified by the MEPC policy for the 2013–2025 period and beyond
In addition, Fig. 4.20 shows that container ships larger than 85,000 DWT
including the largest forthcoming Triple E Maersk to be launched in 2015 will be
able to satisfy the required EEDI from 2012 until 2020 and slightly beyond, but not
later. If, however, the Triple E Maersk ship is to be designed as expected
(SFC = 168 g/kWh and engine power P = 65 MW), its attained EEDI will be
comfortably below the required EEDI over the entire period (2015–2025 and
• Operational measures
Operational measures aim at improving the energy efficiency of large advanced
container ships through innovative operations. They can be applied to existing
ships by shipping companies in the scope of their efforts to improve energy and
consequently economic efficiency. Some of these measures include:
– Optimizing operations of individual ships and fleets;
– Operating/cruising at reduced speed, i.e., slow steaming;
– Entering and leaving ports on time;
– Maintaining the hull clean in order to reduce propulsion resistance; and
– Ensuring regular maintenance of the ship’s overall machinery.
In order to promote, stimulate, and implement some and/or all above-mentioned
operational measures applicable to existing large advanced container and all other
ships, the IMO has also proposed two indicators/tools: EEOI (Energy Efficiency
Operational Indicator) and SEEMP (Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan).
4.3 Large Advanced Container Ships 207
The presented EEDI and SEEMP measures are expected to significantly reduce
emissions of GHG from the world’s freight ships over the long-term 2010–2050
period. Figure 4.21 shows one such scenario.
As can be seen, both EEDI and SEEMP will contribute to reducing the total
emissions of GHG (CO2) as compared to the emission levels in 2010. For example,
the reduction will be between 13–23 % over the 2020–2030 period. However,
these measures will not be able to prevent a further increase in the total emissions
of GHG according to an upward trend although with some reduced rates as
compared to the BAU (Business As Usual) scenario, mainly driven by the
expected growth in global trade.
The contribution of EEDI and SEEMP will most likely be proportional to the
product of their share in the total global freight ship fleet and the above-mentioned
4.3 Large Advanced Container Ships 209
Scenario BAU - Business As Usual
Scenario with EEDI and SEEMP
Total emissions of CO 2 -million tons
2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055
Fig. 4.21 Scenarios of development of emissions of GHG (CO2) by the global freight ship fleet
over time (IMO 2011; MEPC 2012)
required EEDI targets. In addition to the required EEDI targets, let the ‘‘what-if’’
scenario assume an increase in the share of large advanced container ships in the
global fleet at an average rate of 5 %/10 years by 2050. This will amount to shares
in the corresponding totals of 5, 7, 17, 23, 28, and 33 % in 2010, 2013, 2020, 2030,
2040, and 2050, respectively. As applied to the total amount of emissions of GHG,
this again produces an upward trend as shown in Fig. 4.21. As can be seen, the
contribution to decreasing of the total emissions of GHG (CO2) would be about
3–10 % over the observed period (2010–2050).
The main drivers of design of future large advanced container ships will be con-
ditioned by the strategic plans of shipping companies and environmental con-
straints aiming at:
• Improving economics by reducing the staff and increasing productivity;
• Increasing flexibility of services by modifying routes and networks, and ship
• Optimizing utilization of containers, i.e., securing return freight/goods volumes;
• Minimizing delays at ports; and
• Minimizing fuel consumption and related emissions of GHG (Green House
Gases) by meeting the current and prospective energy efficiency regulatory
requirements, i.e., required EEDI.
210 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
In particular, the options for minimizing fuel consumption and related emis-
sions of GHG through ship design include: (i) Reduction of power; (ii) New
technology for power generation; and (iii) Renewable fuel/energy primary sources.
• Reduction of power can generally be achieved by designing/developing the hull
form, reducing the weight and power for the ship’s own use, frictional and wind
resistance, and improving the engine efficiency;
• New technologies for power generation include use of alternative fuels such as
biofuels, LNG (liquefied natural gas), LH2 (liquid hydrogen) and fuel cells; and
• Renewable fuel/energy primary sources include solar and wind energy.
In addition, an option for minimizing the fuel consumption and related emis-
sions of GHG includes forthcoming trip support systems, one of which is ‘‘Sea-
Navi.’’ These are designed to support online optimization of the ship’s routing
respecting the shortest distance, weather, characteristics of the hull, and regime of
engine operation, thus contributing to improving EEOI and SEEMP.
Reduction of power
Table 4.4 Improving performances through the design of advanced future container ships
(OSSL 2009)
Performance 1 2 3 4 5
WHRS No Yes Yes Yes Yes
WIF and EGR No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Capacity (TEU) 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500
Design speed (kts) 26.5 26.5 26.5 24.1 22.08
Engine (de-rated) power (MW) 63.0 62.6 58.3 40.9 31.4
RPM1) 100 94 94 78 76
Diameter (m) 8.9 9.2 9.2 9.2 8.8
Number of blades 6 6 6 6 6
Fuel consumption (HFO) (tons/day) 278 246 227 160 121
Emissions of GHG (CO2) (tons/day) 866 766 707 498 377
RPM Rotations per minute; (1) A-class as built (reference design); (2) New engine, larger
propeller diameter ? WHRS, ? WIF&EGR; (3) 2 ? New propeller blade design, hull coating,
and advanced rudder; (4) 3 ? Lower steaming I; (5) 4 ? New Engine, Smaller propeller
diameter, new propeller blade design, hull coating, advanced rudder ? Lower steaming II
diesel electric units are placed down the side and along the entire length of the
ship, enabling much higher efficiency due to much reduced use of the available
power and proportionally less fuel consumption while maneuvering. Such a con-
stellation is expected to improve the nominal (present) energy efficiency of ship(s)
by about 75 %.
New technologies
(DNV—Det Norske Veritas) indicate that the EEDIs of large container ships using
a mixture of LNG/HFO could be significantly lower than that required beyond
2025 (by about 30 %). In addition, particular attention needs to be devoted to the
safety and reliability of LNG bunkering systems by excluding any spillage (GL
In principle, fuel cells convert chemical energy (for example contained in
hydrogen H2 and oxygen O2) directly into electricity used for powering the ship’s
electromotor(s). Such direct conversion makes hydrogen fuel cells highly efficient.
On container ships they are located inside the container units and they can be of
the PEM (Polymer Electrolyte Membrane) type characterized by a high power
density and flexible behavior in operation. As such, they enable optimization of
power use on a case by case (trip) basis depending on the prevailing conditions.
The NYK Super Eco Ship 2030 is an example of a future container ship that could
alternatively be powered by fuel cells (UniCredit 2009).
Wind energy was commonly used in maritime operations in the middle ages. One
modern example is the MS Beluga SkySails ship developed by two companies—
KiteShip and SkySails—and launched in 2007 (EC 2010b). The wind assisting
system includes larger sails attached, for example, to the container ship, which pull
the ship through the water by using high-altitude wind(s). Depending on the ship’s
size, the sails can have up to about 5000 m2 of surface area. They are divided into
compartments with compressed air keeping them rigid. Such sails are controlled
by computer in addition to an autopilot system used to determine the optimal
shipping route(s) depending on the weather (prevailing wind) conditions. In the
given case, the wind energy is partially used as a means of assistance, since a
diesel HFO engine still remains in place. The potential improvement in the ship’s
energy efficiency is estimated to be up to about 10–35 %.
In addition, solar and wind energy will be used exclusively and/or in combi-
nation with LNG for powering future large container ships. In such cases, both
solar and wind energy will be harnessed by solar panels (or solar cells on foils) and
sails, respectively, and then either directly converted into electricity and consumed
or stored for later use. Table 4.5 gives a comparison of the existing MV NYK
VEGA and future NYK Super Eco Ship using different power sources.
The future NYK Super Eco ship will be equipped with an LNG engine with
about 30 % less power, but supported by about 5–13 % of renewable (solar and
wind) energy. Both will enable improvement of the ship’s energy efficiency by
about 70 %.
Another example is the Aquarius Eco Ship designed by EMP (Eco Marine
Power) from Fukuoka (Japan). The central component of the ship is the Aquarius
MRE System based on EnergySail technology. This is a renewable energy plat-
form also designed by EMP fitted with different renewable energy technologies
incorporating solar panels and wind power devices, energy storage modules, and a
positioning system. The first enable tapping wind and sun power while at sea or
4.3 Large Advanced Container Ships 213
Table 4.5 Main characteristics of existing and future advanced large container ships (NYK
Line/MTI 2010)
Basic characteristics: MV NYK VEGA NYK Super Eco Ship
9000 TEU/25 kts (2006) (2030)
Length (m) 338 353
Weight (m) 45.8 54.6
Draught (m) 13.0 11.5
Engine type Diesel engine (HFO) Fuel cell (NLG)
Required power (MW) 64 40
Renewable energy (MW) 0 Solar: 1–2/Wind: 1–3
Emissions of CO2 (g/TEU-mile) 195 62
even in the port. The second enable energy storing for eventual future use. The
latter contributes to sailing optimization. The solar panels and wind devices are
located in an array of rigid sails made of composites whose number and area
depend on the required power compensated by the assisting LNG engine. Such
rigid sails would be automatically positioned to best suit the prevailing weather
conditions including being lowered and stored during inconvenient weather. In
addition to the Aquarius MRE System, the future Aquarius Eco Ship would be
equipped with other energy efficiency improving components such as an advanced
electrical propulsion system and waste heat recovery technologies. A computer
system will monitor and control operation of all above-mentioned components.
Such combination of technologies could lead to improving the energy efficiency of
Aquarius Eco Ship(s) by about 40 % (
Land use
Large advanced container ships are handled at the port’s container terminals. Each
terminal consists of water-side berths for ship docking, a large coastal area of land
for the storage of containers, specialized berth cranes and yard cranes for container
loading/unloading to/from the ship and within the storage area, tractors and other
equipment for handling containers from the ships to the storage area, gates for
inland road trucks, in many cases yards, and barges and various maintenance and
administrative buildings. The size of this used land generally increases propor-
tionally or more than proportionally as the number and size of berths increases, as
shown in Fig. 4.22 (an example for seven U.S. port container terminals). In
addition, most ports set aside ‘land banks’ for future expansion, which can range
from a few hundreds to a few thousand percent of the land occupied by existing
terminals (CGI 2007).
Traffic incidents and accidents have happened to all container ships, including large
advanced ones. Incidents and accidents usually refer to fatalities during particular
stages of operations such as loading and unloading at the port terminals, operations in
214 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
S - Area of required land - ha
S = 36.782e 0.2096N
R² = 0.936
0 2 4 6 8 10
N- Number of berths
Fig. 4.22 Relationship between the area of land occupied by U.S. port container terminals and
the number of berths (CGI 2007)
ports, restricted and coastal waters, and open sea transit. Similarly as in other
transport modes, the risk of loss of life is expressed by the number per unit of output.
In addition, the impacts of incidents and accidents on the environment are taken into
account. They are usually expressed in absolute terms. For example, some figures
indicate that the average number of fatalities was 3.52 9 10-3 fatalities/ship-year,
the number of environment-pollution events 4.36/year, and the average number of
lost containers 182/year, all over the 1993–2004 period (IMO 2007).
In order to assess the risk of potential fatalities in container ship crew members,
the main factors of risk include collisions, contact, grounding, fire/explosion, and
heavy weather. Respecting this classification, the risk of potential fatalities among
ship crew members has been assessed as 9.00 9 10-3, and that for an individual
crew member as 2.25 9 10-4. The latter is lower than the maximum perceivable
risk for a crew member of 10-3, but higher than the ‘‘negligible’’ risk of 10-6. At
the same time, the perceived environmental risk causing release of substantial
quantities of dangerous substances and fuel has been estimated to be 1.01 (IMO
2007). This implies that large advanced container ships are at least as safe as their
smaller counterparts.
4.3.3 Evaluation
Large advanced container ships possess both advantages (Strengths and Oppor-
tunities) and disadvantages (Weaknesses and Threats) as compared to their smaller
4.3 Large Advanced Container Ships 215
• Strongly supporting international trade, thus contributing to further globaliza-
tion of the national and global economies;
• Supplying relatively substantial transport capacity per service, which in turn can
compensate the diminishing technical productivity during slow steaming;
• Slow steaming can improve the economic performances by reducing the oper-
ating costs and the environmental performance by improving energy efficiency,
i.e., reducing fuel consumption and related emissions of GHG (CO2); in addi-
tion, slow steaming can contribute to increasing the number of transport units/
ships in operation serving given volumes of demand and consequently partially
compensate short-term capacity oversupply caused by market volatility; and
• Large advanced container ships are convenient in terms of technical/techno-
logical feasibility and testing and implementing different alternative technical/
technological and operational innovations for improving technical/technologi-
cal, operational, economic, and environmental performances (particularly
energy efficiency).
• Calling or serving, i.e., being able to access, a limited number of ports due to
limitations of the maximum draught, and efficient and effective maneuverability;
• Requiring substantial investments in some port/terminal infrastructure, facilities,
and equipment (berths, cranes, store areas for containers, etc.) for efficient and
effective handling;
• Requiring increasing use of coastal land for building larger berths, terminals,
and inland transport infrastructure;
• Vulnerability to market volatility easily creating imbalances between demand
and capacity, thus compromising the overall economic feasibility; adapting to
such conditions requires modification of the service network(s) into stronger
hub-and-spoke configuration(s) with a smaller number of ports serving mature
markets with relatively stable freight demand in both directions;
• Economies of scale disappear rapidly beyond a certain size, i.e., over
10,000 TEU;
• Contributing to a decrease in the overall speed of supply chains and prolonging
the period freight/goods remain within the chains, thus causing raising inventory
costs due to slow steaming (Chap. 3);
• Remaining concerns relating to energy efficiency in terms of the current and
prospective contribution to total fuel consumption and related emissions of
GHG (CO2) despite forthcoming technical/technological (EEDI) and operational
(SEEMP) improvements, at least until HFO is mainly used; and
• Some reservations including criticism as to whether it is correct to use EEDI for
assessing energy efficiency, implying the need for further modifications and
Finally, regardless of the above-mentioned advantages and disadvantages, the
fleet of large advanced container ships will likely continue to grow, while being
216 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
1957 The first successful test of the bomber aircraft B57 modified to use LH2
(Liquid Hydrogen) under military auspices (U.S.)
1988 The first flight of the TY155 aircraft with modified Engine No.3 by Kuznetsov to use
LH2 or NG (Natural Gas) (USSR)
1990 The standard reference book ‘‘Hydrogen Aircraft Technology’’ is published
by D. Brewer (U.S.)
1990s The European–Canadian ‘‘Euro-Quebec Hydro-Hydrogen Pilot Project’’ covers many
aspects of hydrogen use (Europe, Canada)
2003 The study carried out in the scope of the 5th EC FMP (Framework Program) covers
different aspects of making the transition from conventional to LH2 fuel such as:
aircraft configuration, systems and components, propulsion, safety, environmental
compatibility, fuel sources and infrastructure, and transition processes, from both
global and regional perspective (Europe)
Mitigating the medium- to long-term impacts of the APT (Air Passenger Trans-
port) system on the environment in terms of energy consumption and related
emissions of GHG (Green House Gases) and society can be achieved, among other
endeavors, also by further development of aircraft propulsion systems (engines) as
• Improving existing turbofans in combination with using fuels synthesized from
alternative sources such as coal and natural gas, and biomass from plants and
algae; these engines are expected to be generally more fuel efficient by about
15 % and quitter by about 25 dB; and
• Improving existing turbofans by using advanced materials enabling adapting
combustion thanks to higher combustion temperatures, including developing
advanced concepts such as the following:
– Ultrahigh by-pass ratio engines (Geared turbofan (GTF)) developed by Pratt
and Whitney and NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) in
the U.S., which would be about 15 % more fuel efficient and 30 dB quitter as
compared to existing turbofans;
4.4 Liquid Hydrogen-Fuelled Commercial Air Transportation 217
Some of the methods for manufacturing hydrogen as a fuel are already commer-
cially available, but the produced quantities are used only in small niche markets
as a chemical substance and not as an energy commodity. For commercial use in
general, hydrogen can be produced from chemically reformed natural gas, fossil
fuels, and/or biomass feedstock using conventional chemical processes. In addi-
tion, it can also be produced by using electricity or heat, sunlight, and/or spe-
cialized microorganisms for dissociating water. In cases of producing relatively
large quantities, the process will be mainly driven by economic reasons including
the full logistics costs (Chevron 2006; IEA 2006).
The logistics of hydrogen includes its transport and storage. Hydrogen can be
transported and stored after being converted into a highly concentrated form either
by increasing the pressure or by lowering the temperature. In general, over shorter
distances, it is transported as a compressed gas by dedicated vehicles and/or
pipeline systems. Over longer distances, it is exclusively transported as a liquid by
dedicated vehicles operated by all transport modes. It is stored in high-pressure
cylindrical tanks and containers (IEA 2006).
The economics of hydrogen implies the amount of energy consumed for its
production, packaging, transport, and storage, all depending on whether it is a liquid
or gas. For example, the energy input could be about 2.12 and 1.65 times higher than
the energy content of the delivered liquid and gas hydrogen, respectively (i.e.,
loss factor). In both cases, the loss factor is considerably higher than that of
218 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
conventional jet fuels (about 1.12) (Bossel and Eliasson 2003). In addition, the most
important issue in supplying hydrogen as an energy commodity is a competitive
price. This depends greatly on the primary sources and the related manufacturing
processes on the one hand, and some market mechanisms such as, for example, taxes
on the emissions of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), on the other. The price of hydrogen
should in general be comparable to that of conventional jet fuel. In this context, in the
long term the prices of conventional jet fuel are expected to increase and that of
hydrogen to decrease, which makes the expectation of comparable prices for both
fuels more realistic. Some estimates indicate that in 2035, the production costs of
hydrogen will range between 0.8 and 3.5 $US/kg H2 (IEA 2006).
Hydrogen as a fuel for APT is going to be in the liquid aggregate state (i.e., LH2—
Liquid Hydrogen). Its main operational characteristics include its specific energy
(120 MJ/kg), specific density (0.071 kg/m3 at 15 C), energy density (8.4 MJ/l),
and boiling point (-253 C) (Chevron 2006; Daggett et al. 2006). As compared to
conventional jet fuel, LH2 has the following advantages in terms of emissions of
particular GHG: 0 versus 0.50 g CO; 0 versus 0.75 kg CO2; 0.78 versus 0.30 kg
H2O; 0.02–0.102 versus 0.41 g NOx; and 0 versus 0.20 g UHC (this is based on
10 MJ of energy content obtained from 0.5 l of LH2 and 0.3 l of Jet A) (Daggett
et al. 2006; EEC 2005). Thus, its burning does not produce CO2 or SOx. Increased
emissions of H2O and NOx (the latter under specific conditions) remain the only
matter of concern. Figure 4.23a, b and c shows the net relative impact of GHG
from conventional jet fuel/kerosene (K) and LH2 (H) on global warming.
In general, the net impact of GHG such as H2O and NOx on global warming
increases more than proportionally, and that of CO2 decreases less than propor-
tionally as the aircraft flying altitude increases. In the case of kerosene, increasing
the flying/cruising altitude from 9 to 11 km increases the net impact of NOx by
about a half and that of H2O by about 75 %, the latter due to the formation of
contrails since the aircraft fly in the troposphere. At the same time, the impact of
CO2 decreases by about 30 %. In the case of LH2, increasing the flying/cruising
altitude from 9 to 11 km increases the impact of NOx up to about 10 % and that of
H2O by about 50 %. There is no CO2 impact.
Social/policy performances
The main social/policy performances of LH2 are considered to be safety, i.e., not
causing incidents/accidents resulting in injuries, loss of life, or damaging prop-
erties due to known reasons. In general, LH2 can be a safe fuel. Nevertheless, its
main potential disadvantages are its explosive rate of 13–79 % concentration in the
air and its very low ignition energy (about only 0.02 mj). LH2 also mixes faster
with air than jet fuel vapor, and disperses rapidly through the air in contrast to jet
fuel, which pools on the ground. It burns with a nearly invisible, colorless, and
odorless flame, which is also an important safety concern (IEA 2006).
4.4 Liquid Hydrogen-Fuelled Commercial Air Transportation 219
Relative impact
Hydrogen) on global 120
warming depending on the
aircraft flying altitude
(Penner 1999) 60
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Altitude - km
180 K-H2O
Relative impact
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Altitude - km
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Altitude - km
Research on using hydrogen for commercial aircraft has been carried out in
Europe, the U.S., and the Russian Federation for a considerable length of time.
However, the first ideas and related experiments emerged more than 70 years ago
and continue until nowadays. Recently, different projects have provided a vision of
the prospective technical/technological, operational, economic, environmental,
220 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
Over the 2003–2007 period, the share of fuel cost in the total operating costs of
commercial airlines stood at about 30 % (EC 2003). Respecting the unit price of
LH2, the latest price of conventional jet fuel, and the lower Specific Fuel Con-
sumption of cryogenic engines of about 64 % (i.e., 1 kg Jet A is equivalent to
0.36 kg LH2), estimates show that the share of fuel costs in the total operating
costs of cryogenic aircraft could vary between 45 % (1$US/kg LH2) and 78 %
(1.73$US/kg LH2), if the prices of other inputs are assumed constant. Equalizing
the prices of both fuels to 1$US/kg, the shares of corresponding costs would
amount to about 60 and 35 %, respectively, mainly due to the lower Specific Fuel
4.4 Liquid Hydrogen-Fuelled Commercial Air Transportation 221
Consumption of cryogenic aircraft. This scenario appears realistic since the prices
of conventional jet fuel are expected to continue to rise, while those of LH2 are
assumed to decrease as both the efficiency of production and the overall logistics
Environmental performances
Cryogenic aircraft powered by LH2 do not emit CO2. However, water vapor (H2O)
emitted in quantities about 2.6 times higher than by conventional aircraft at and
above cruising altitudes of 31,000 feet (FL310; FL-Flight Level) will be the main
GHG. However, its impact as compared to that of conventional aircraft appear to
be much lower (Marquart et al. 2005). Reducing the cruising altitude is an option
for eliminating these impacts. However, this could compromise other perfor-
mances. In addition, cryogenic aircraft are assumed to emit about 5–25 % less
NOx than their conventional counterparts, which is expected to be achieved
through the design of the combustion chamber of cryogenic engines (EC, 2003).
Table 4.6 gives the environmental performances of typical long-range conven-
tional and cryogenic aircraft in relative terms, mainly for comparative purposes.
Social/policy performances
As with fuel, the main social performance of cryogenic aircraft should be safety.
As applies to fuel in general, cryogenic aircraft should be at least as safe as their
conventionally fueled counterparts. In the event of an accident, LH2 burns much
faster (15–22 s) with low heat radiation, thus mitigating the fire impact in cases of
collapsing fuselage. This contrasts to the impact of fire from conventional jet fuel.
In addition, burning LH2 covers a much smaller surface area (EC 2003). The
overall safety figure also includes the appropriate design and operation of the
airport fuel supply system. It seems likely that the manufacturing of LH2 will take
place at the airport fuel storage area that reserves will be stored in the large storage
tanks, and that fuel will be usually delivered to the aircraft at the airport parking
stands through a dedicated underground pipeline system.
Table 4.6 Environmental performances of typical long-range conventional and cryogenic air-
craft—ratio (EC 2003; Janic 2008)
Characteristic Conventional aircraft Cryogenic aircraft (LH2)
(Jet A)
Fuel energy content 1 0.36
Volume of fuel 1 11
Volume of fuel tanks 1 4.3
MTOW 1 0.85–1.05
Aerodynamic resistance 1 1.1
Pollutants CO, CO2, SOx, HC 1 0
H2O 1 2.6
NOx 1 0.05–0.25
222 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
ffi n X
En ¼ V0 ð1 þ iv Þn FC0 1 if el ð4:8aÞ
En is the total emission of GHG in year (n) counted from the beginning of a
given period of N years, i.e., the base year ‘‘0’’ (tons);
V0 is the volume of air traffic demand in the base year (0) of a given period
(RPK—Equivalent Revenue Passenger Kilometers)2;
FC0 is the average consumption of conventional jet fuel in the base year (0) of a
given period (g/RPK);
iv is the average annual rate of growth of traffic demand in terms of equivalent
RPKs over a given period of time (%);
if is the average annual rate of improvement of the average unit fuel
consumption over a given period of time (%); and
el is the emission rate of the l-th green house gas (g/g of Jet A fuel).
According to Eq. 4.8a, the total emissions En can be affected through the
influencing variables in the given (target) year (n) as follows:
Equivalent RPKs are regarded as the sum of RPKs and RTKs (Revenue Ton Kilometers)
(1 RTK = 10 RPK).
4.4 Liquid Hydrogen-Fuelled Commercial Air Transportation 223
The gradual replacement process will take place over a ‘‘transitional’’ period
during which both conventional and cryogenic aircraft will be used. The contri-
bution of such a ‘‘hybrid’’ fleet to the total emissions of GHG in the year (k) of the
‘‘transitional’’ period of K years can be estimated, based on Eq. 4.8a, as follows
(Janic 2008):
" #
k ffi k XL X
Ek ¼ V0 ð1 þ iv Þ FC01 1 if ð1 kih Þ el þ FC02 ðkih Þ em
l¼1 m¼1
ih is the average share of the total volume of traffic (RPKs) carried out
by cryogenic aircraft in each year of the observed period
(0 B kih B 1; k = 1,2, …, K);
FC01, FC01 is the average unit fuel consumption of conventional (Jet A) and
cryogen (LH2) fuel, respectively, in the base year (0) of the given
‘‘transitional’’ period (g/RPK); and
em is the emission rate of the m-th GHG from cryogen fuel (LH2) (g/g of
JetA fuel).
The other symbols are analogous to those in Eq. 4.8a. The parameter FC01 in
Eq. 4.8b is assumed to be at the level achieved when the process of introducing
cryogenic aircraft starts, i.e., at the beginning of the ‘‘transitional’’ period, and will
continue to improve over the said period. The parameter EC02 will be lower than
EC01 approximately proportionally to the ratio between the specific energy of
conventional jet fuel and LH2, i.e., 43.2/120 = 0.36. This ratio is assumed to
remain constant over the ‘‘transitional’’ period. The cryogenic aircraft replacing
conventional aircraft will be introduced each year in constant proportions, thus
implying their constantly increasing share in satisfying air traffic demand (RPKs).
In this case, the eventual stabilization and/or even reduction in emissions of GHG
in the given (target) year could be achieved by the same alternatives as in Eq. 4.8a.
In addition, one additional alternative could consist of adjusting the rate of
introducing cryogenic aircraft in Eq. 4.8b as follows:
" # (" # )
ffi XL ffi XL X
ih ¼ iv FC01 1 if el = FC01 1 if el FC02 em ½1 þ iv ðk þ 1Þ
l¼1 l¼1 m¼1
where all symbols are as in previous equations.
Table 4.7 Scenarios of the future development of the APT demand and aircraft fleet (Janic
Input variable Period
2006–2005 2026–2040 2040–2065
Basic annual traffic volume: V0 (trillion Equivalent RPKs) 6.26a 13.78 22.61
Average traffic growth rate: iv (%) 5.4a 3.5 2.0
The number of aircraft at the beginning of the period 18230a 36420 48823
Average aircraft utilization at the beginning of the period 0.3615 0.3784 0.4632
(trillion RPK/year)
Rate of improvement of aircraft utilization: (%/year) 1.50 1.25 1.00
Average unit fuel consumption of conventional aircraft: 27.7 19.66 16.28
EC01 (g/RPK)
Rate of improvement in EC01: i- f (%/yr) 1.70 1.25 1.00
Average unit fuel consumption of cryogenic aircraft: EC02 N/A N/A 5.86
Average share of the total traffic carried out by cryogenic 0.00 0.00 1.00/2.00
aircraft: ih (%/yr)
Airbus 2006; Boeing 2007
EC02 = 0.36 EC01; N/A Not Applicable
The average growth rate of APT demand over the entire time horizon is about 3.2 %, which is
similar to the growth rate of 3.1 % over the 1990–2050 period in one of the scenarios of the air
traffic growth developed by IPCCs. This rate produces a total of about 16.5 trillion RPKs in 2050
and 26.02 trillion RTKs in 2065 (IPCC 1999).
226 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
The eventual improvements in the unit fuel consumption of cryogenic aircraft are
not considered due to the lack of realistic data.
The results from application of the methodology using the above-mentioned inputs
in Table 4.7 are shown in Fig. 4.24a, b, c. It shows the development of APT
demand and related emissions of GHG (CO2, H2O, and NOx, respectively) over
time in relative terms (Index).
Figure 4.24a shows that if only conventional aircraft continue to be used, the
future emissions of CO2 will continue to increase driven by increasing volumes of
air traffic. However, the emissions of CO2 will rise more slowly than the traffic,
mainly due to permanent improvements in aircraft fuel efficiency on the one hand,
and aircraft utilization on the other. For example, at the end of the period (2065),
air traffic will have increased six fold and the related emissions of CO2 by 3.5
times as compared to those in the base year (2006). This is lower than in the
IPCC’s Reference Scenario where the CO2 emissions in 2050 are predicted to be
about 3.9 times greater than in 2006 (IPCC 1999). Consequently, it becomes
evident that independently of the rate of improvement of conventional aircraft,
stabilization of the annual global emissions of CO2 will not be possible under
conditions of unconstrained growth of air traffic demand implying that achieving a
‘‘carbon neutral’’ system will not be possible. However, from the time of intro-
ducing cryogenic aircraft even at a modest proportion of only about 1 % per year,
the emissions of CO2 will start to gradually slow down, stagnate, and finally
stabilize by 2065 at a level about 2.8 times higher than in 2006, despite continuous
traffic growth. If the rate of introduction of cryogenic aircraft is about 2 % per
year, the rate of CO2 will immediately start to decrease and be about 1.8 times
higher in 2065 as compared to the base year (2006). This indicates that cryogenic
aircraft may enable the decoupling of growth of air traffic and related emissions of
CO2 and thus contribute to achieving a ‘‘carbon neutral’’ APT system.
Figure 4.24b shows that emissions of H2O will continue to increase in line with
air traffic demand independently of the aircraft technology. If only conventional
aircraft are used, the level of H2O in 2065 will be about 3.3 times greater than in
the base year (2006). At the same time, air traffic demand will be about 7 times
higher. This indicates that, as in the case of CO2, improving the aircraft fuel
efficiency and daily utilization will slow down the increase in H2O emissions.
Introducing a relatively low proportion (1 %) of cryogenic aircraft will slightly
(negligibly) increase this level during the period of replacement (2040–2065).
However, if the proportion of introduced cryogenic aircraft is 2 %, the level of
H2O in 2065 will be about 4.2 times higher than in the base year (2006). These
figures confirm the present concern that cryogenic aircraft will not stabilize
emissions of H2O, but, to the contrary, contribute to their substantial rise and thus
the increased risk of more intensive formation of contrails.
Figure 4.24c shows the prospective long-term emissions of NOx. As can be seen,
similarly as in the case of the other two green house gases, when conventional
4.4 Liquid Hydrogen-Fuelled Commercial Air Transportation 227
(a) CO 2 emissions
Emissions of CO2 - The conventional aircraft
700 Emissions of CO2 - The cryogenic aircraft - 1%
Emissions of CO2 - The cryogenic aircraft - 2%
Traffic - RPKs
The base year 2006:
Traffic: 6.26 Trillion RPKs
Index - 2006 = 100
Emissions of CO2: 554.3 Mt
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070
(b) H2O emissions
Emissions of H2O - The conventional aircraft
700 Emissions of H2O - The cryogenic aircraft - 1%
Emissions of H2O - The cryogenic aircraft - 2%
600 Traffic
The base year 2006:
Index - 2006 = 100
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070
(c) NOx emissions
Emissions of NOx - The conventional aircraft
Emissions of NOx - The cryogen aircraft - 1%
700 Emissions of NOx - The cryogen aircraft - 2%
600 The base year 2006:
Index - 2006 = 100
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070
Fig. 4.24 Influence of cryogenic aircraft on the long-term global emissions of GHG (Janic 2008)
228 4 Advanced Transport Systems: Technologies and Environment
aircraft are exclusively used over the entire period (2006–2065), emissions of NOx
will continue to rise driven by the growth of air traffic demand, but again at a slower
rate, mainly thanks to improvements in aircraft fuel efficiency and daily utilization.
This again indicates that conventional aircraft will not be able to stabilize the level of
NOx and thus make the system ‘‘carbon-neutral’’ under conditions of unconstrained
air traffic growth. For example, the level of NOx in 2065 will be about 3.5 times
greater than that in the base year (2006), driven by an increase in air traffic demand
by about 7 times. If cryogenic aircraft really achieve NOx emission rates of about
5–25 % of that of conventional aircraft, their gradual introduction will certainly
stabilize and even decrease the total emissions of NOx despite growing air traffic
demand. For example, if the rate of introduction of cryogenic aircraft is 1 %,
emissions of NOx in 2065 will stabilize at a level about 2.8 times higher than that in
the base year (2006). If the rate of introducing cryogenic aircraft is 2 %, the emis-
sions of NOx will decrease by 2065 to a level of about 2 times higher than in the base
year (2006).
4.4.3 Evaluation
The LH2 (Liquid Hydrogen)-fueled APT (Air Passenger Transport) system pos-
sesses both advantages (Strengths and Opportunities) and disadvantages (Weak-
nesses and Threats) as compared to its conventional crude oil-based jet fuel/kerosene
counterpart. In general, the advantages and disadvantages relate to LH2 as a fuel and
the aircraft/engine technology, as well as general environmental effects/impact.
• The production cost of LH2 can be comparable to those of conventional fuels by
using primary sources such as solar, wind, and hydro energy, and SRM (Steam
Methane Reforming) biofuels and biomass fuels;
• LH2 aircraft engines are slightly more fuel efficient than their conventional
crude oil-based counterparts;
• The life and related maintenance costs of LH2 aircraft engines can be extended
thanks to LH2 fuel burning at slightly lover turbine temperatures;
• Using LH2 in a wide range of margins enables reduction of NOx emissions due
to its burning characteristics;
• Using LH2 definitely has a potential for mitigating, stabilizing, and even
decreasing the cumulative emissions of GHG (Green House Gases) except H2O
(water vapor) in the future medium- to long-term period of time, despite con-
tinuous air traffic growth; this could be achieved by the gradual replacement of
conventional aircraft by cryogenic (LH2-fuelled) aircraft over the long-term
• The lower take-off weight and smaller engines of cryogenic aircraft make them
less noisy than their conventional counterparts; and
4.4 Liquid Hydrogen-Fuelled Commercial Air Transportation 229
• Increased use of LH2 ensures national independence of fuel supply since LH2
can, in contrast to crude oil, be produced in any country.
• Increased emissions of H2O remain a matter of concern;
• The benefits from savings in the emissions of GHG by using LH2 only arise if
the primary sources for its production are wind, solar, and hydro energy;
• LH2 aircraft engines are just slightly more efficient than their conventional crude
oil-based counterparts;
• A relatively substantial commercialization of LH2-fuelled aircraft of a given
category (long range in this case) is needed in order to produce the desired
environmental effects;
• These long-range LH2-fuelled aircraft would produce less relative savings in
energy consumption compared to smaller short- and medium-range aircraft;
• LH2-fuelled aircraft, related manufacturing plants for both vehicles and fuel, and
the fuel supply infrastructure at airports do not exist yet and still need to be built;
• Switching from conventional jet fuel to LH2 seems, at least at present, to be
technologically, economically, and environmentally rather risky; the latter in
particular because the share of emissions of GHG by commercial air transpor-
tation in the total man-made emissions of GHG is expected to range between 3
and 5 % over the forthcoming medium- to long-term period of time.
Finally, it can be said that LH2 (Liquid Hydrogen) and the related adaptation of
vehicles/aircraft and logistics of fuel manufacturing, supply, and distribution at
airports are the main characteristics that will enable further advances of the already
advanced commercial air transport system.
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Chapter 5
Advanced Transport Systems:
Infrastructure, Technologies, Operations,
Economics, Environment, and Society/
5.1 Introduction
This chapter describes selected HS (High Speed) passenger transport systems and
their multicriteria ranking based on their infrastructural, technical/technological,
operational, economic, environmental, and social/policy performances. These
include the constantly growing APT (Air Passenger Transport) and HSR (High
Speed Rail), as well as forthcoming TRM (TransRapid MAGLEV) systems. Such
a multicriteria approach has proven convenient regarding the general objectives
expected to be fulfilled by the above-mentioned HS (High Speed) systems as well
as the often conflicting preferences of the increasing number of actors/stakeholders
involved in the DM (Decision Making) process (Giuliano 1985; Haimes 1985;
Speling 1984).
The main objectives of HS passenger transport systems are as follows:
• Competing against and complementing each other at the same time, particularly
in high volume and density demand transport markets (corridors); the conse-
quent effects include redistributing existing and generating new transport
demand, improving the efficiency of particular transport modes based on mar-
ket-driven forces, and revitalizing local, regional, and national transport net-
works by contributing to their stronger integration in global national and
international transport networks. Examples in Europe include TENs (Trans-
European Transport Network(s)) (EC 1998a, b);
• Influencing the micro and macro spatial, socioeconomic, and political devel-
opment of particular regions in which they operate; in general, influence on the
structure and ‘‘spatial redistribution’’ of the current and new socioeconomic
activities is mainly expected;
• Covering much wider areas in a much shorter time than their conventional
counterparts, thus ensuring the more efficient and effective physical mobility of
persons and goods and consequently, in addition to telecommunications and
information technology, further enhancing globalization, internalization, and
integration of the regional and national economies and societies; and
The HS (High Speed) passenger transport systems such as APT (Air Passenger
Transport), HSR (High Speed Rail), and TRM (Trans Rapid Maglev) possess the
common performance—‘‘high speed’’—while operating in the given environment
under given conditions. In addition, each of them possesses specific performances
in the given context. For ATP these are aircraft capabilities, regulation of opera-
tions, airline strategy, and mitigating impacts on the society and environment. For
an HSR and TRM these are the infrastructure network, rolling stock, speed, and
traffic. They are a priory considered to mitigate impacts on the environment and
society by design, construction, and operations.
1956 The flag carrier of the USSR Aeroflot is the first in the world to sustain regular jet services
with the Tupolev Tu-104 aircraft (USSR)
1978 Congress passes the Airline Deregulation Act, thus opening conditions for the
development of a competitive (fully deregulated national) air transport market (USA)
1990s The EU (European Union) air transport market is liberalized, significantly impacting the
structure of air transport industry, shifting toward growing LCCs (Low Cost
Carrier(s)), partially on the account of traditional national airlines (Europe)
The APT (Air Passenger Transport) system emerged in 1950s and as such, at
that time, represented the most advanced transport mode, i.e., the earliest HS
system. From its very beginnings it has been constantly modernized and improved
in terms of the above-mentioned aircraft capabilities, regulation of operations,
airline strategy, and mitigating impacts on the environment and society (particu-
larly over the past decade and a half) (Boeing 1998; Janic 2007).
Aircraft capabilities
Development of ‘‘aircraft capabilities’’ includes speed, take-off weight, payload,
and range characteristics. Aircraft capabilities have also influenced the other three
5.2 High Speed Transport Systems 237
Aircraft lowest speed – 246km/h - 1934
Ratio of increase in speed
1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980
Fig. 5.1 Evolution of aircraft speed over time (Boeing 1998; Horonjeff and McKelvey 1994)
above-mentioned performances, and vice versa. Both speed and payload have
contributed to an enormous increase in aircraft technical productivity—by more
than 100-fold over the past 40 years (Horonjeff and McKelvey 1994). Specifically,
this increase in speed is illustrated by relating the speeds of various commercial
aircraft to the speed of slowest (Douglas DC3 (238 km/h)) as shown in Fig. 5.1.
As can be seen, the relatively fast (exponential) technological progress over
time has temporarily come to an end with the launch of the Concorde supersonic
aircraft in 1974.
In addition, the payload has increased contributing to increasing aircraft tech-
nical productivity over longer ranges. Figure 5.2 shows the most recent payload
developments in terms of the number of seats per aircraft and range for Boeing and
Airbus long-haul aircraft.
As can be seen, with the exception of Airbus A380 and Boeing B747-8 aircraft,
the number of seats varies between 200 and 450, and the range between 6,000 and
18,000 km (Some additional figures on the payload-range relationship are also
presented in Chaps. 2 and 6).
Regulation of operations
‘‘Regulation of operations’’ relates to the airline’s freedom to enter markets, set
airfares, supply transport capacity in terms of the number of seats and flight
frequencies, and with regard to ownership structure. For many years, national
governments regulated these three elements through national, international bilat-
eral, and multilateral agreements. Under such conditions, the airline industry was
regulated through very constrained airline rights dealing with where, when, and
how to operate, mainly applying the principles of reciprocity. However, at one
moment, regulation became a barrier to the further development of the airline
industry and particularly its expected role in supporting globalization of the
238 5 Advanced Transport Systems
Boeing Family
Airbus Family
500 A380-800
Capacity - seats
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000
Range - km
Fig. 5.2 Relationship between the seat capacity and range for the selected series of aircraft
Point-to-point network
Base airport(s)
Other airport(s)
Hub-and-spoke network
Hub airport (s)
Spoke airport(s)
STAR led by Lufthansa (Germany), Oneworld led by British Airways (UK) and
SkyTeam led by Air France-KLM (France-The Netherlands) (EC 2003). These
alliances have consolidated the hub-and-spoke networks of their leading partners
around their hub airports—Frankfurt Main (Lufthansa), London Heathrow (British
Airways), and Paris Charles de Gaulle-Amsterdam Schiphol (Air France-KLM),
respectively. Consequently, these networks have developed into global mega
networks and their hubs into the global mega-hubs.
In addition, in both the U.S. and Europe air transport market, the LCCs (Low
Cost Carriers(s)) have emerged as the strong competitors.
Airline strategy
As mentioned above, after deregulation and liberalization of the airline industry,
full cost airlines previously exclusively operating ‘point-to-point’ networks from
their base airports have changed their business/operational model into star-shaped
‘‘hub-and-spoke(s)’’ networks. A simplified scheme is shown in Fig. 5.3.
The main characteristics of the newly emerged ‘‘hub-and-spoke(s)’’ networks
include increased traffic concentration on routes connecting the hub to spoke
airport(s) and consequently increasing proportions of connecting/transfer passen-
gers. Table 5.1 shows an example of such early developments at U.S. major
240 5 Advanced Transport Systems
Proportion of connecting passengers -%
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Time - years
Fig. 5.4 Trends in the development of connecting passenger traffic at London Heathrow airport
(UK) (CAA 2011)
Fig. 5.5 Relationship between the average unit cost and the stage length—the U.S. domestic
market (2003) (GAO 2004)
International operations:
35 EI i = 4.8307ASK0.2874
R² = 0.8253
EI - Energy intensity - ASK/kg
Domestic operations:
20 EI d = 2.475ASK 0.3466
R² = 0.8543
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
ASK - Available Seat Kilometers -billion/year
Fig. 5.6 Relationships between EI (Energy Intensity) and available capacity of U.S. certified
airlines (1960–2010) (USDT 2012)
SN - Specific noise (TO) -EPNLdB/ton
100 200 300 400 500 600
TOW (Take-Off Weight ) -tons
Fig. 5.7 Relationship between the certified T/O (Take-Off) SNL (Specific Noise Level) and
TOW (Take-Off-Weight)—heavy aircraft (FAA 1997; EASA 2011)
1933 ‘‘Fliegender Hamburger’’ diesel-powered trains with Jakobs bogies begin regular services
between Hamburg and Berlin with a maximum speed of 160 km/h operated by Deutsche
Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft, some 50 years before the advent of the TGV train (Train à
Grande Vitesse) (Germany)
1964 The first modern Tōkaidō Shinkansen HS (High Speed) trains begin operations between
Tokyo and Osaka (Japan)
1981 TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse) HS trains begin operations on the first section of the new
Paris-Lyon high-speed rail line (a distance of 418 km in 2.5 h) (France)
1998 HS Direttissima trains begin operations (Italy)
1991 ICE (Intercity-Express) HS trains begin operations on the new Hannover-Würzburg high-
speed rail line (Germany)
1992 Class 100 high-speed trains derived from the French TGV begin services on the Madrid–
Seville high-speed rail line (Spain)
1994 Eurostar high-speed trains begin operations through the Channel Tunnel between France
and the UK (United Kingdom)
2000 Acela Express trains begin operations as the first HS train in North America
2004 Construction of the HSR network begins in China
L - Length of the network - km
L = 1E -78e0.0936t
7000 R² = 0.9834
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
t-time (year)
Fig. 5.8 Development of the European HSR network over time (EC 2010, 2012; UIC 2011)
Table 5.2 Performances of selected HS (High Speed) trains (BBVA 2009;
org/wiki/TGV; Alstom 2008;
Performance Type
TGV-All AGV11-14
Width of tracks (mm) 1,435 1,435
Maximum radius of curves (km) C4 C7
Maximum gradient (%) 3.5–4.0 3.5–4.0
Power supply (kV) 25 kV7 50 Hz AC, 25 kV/50 Hz–15 kV/
15 kV/16.7 Hz; 16.7 Hz-3 kV DC-1
5 kV DC
Signaling system TVM/ETCSa TVM/ETCSa
Power of locomotive (MW) 6.45–12.24b 9.0
Number of bogies 13 11–12
Length of train set (m) 200–394 220–252
Number of cars (cars/train set) 8–10 11–14
Gross weight (tons) 415–816 410–522
Empty weight (tones) 383–665 370–425
Power/empty weight (ratio) (W/kg) 16.84–18.41 24.32
Operating/cruising speed (km/h) 270–320 320–350
Minimum scheduled interval (min) 3 3
Transit capacity (seats) 345–750 458–593
Technical productivity (000 seat-km/h) 93.15–240.0 146.56–207.550
Investment in infrastructure (mio€/km) 18 18
Direct operating costs (€/seat-km) 0.0935–0.1171 –
Break-even load factor (%) 60–65 60–65
Energy consumption (kWh/train-km) 19.01 16.15
Emissions of GHG (gCO2e/train-km) 401.1 341
Land use/take (ha/km) 3.2 3.2
Noise (dB(A))/Speed (km/h) 92/300 92/360
Congestion—delays (min) – –
Safety (deaths ? injuries/billion p-km) 0.00114 –
Contribution to sustainability Yes Yes
TVM–Transmission Voie-Machine (Transmission Track-Machine)—a block of the approximate
length of 1.5 km; ETCS (European Train Control System) Level 2; b under 25 kV
HSR era
1925 1935 1945 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015
Fig. 5.9 Evolution of the speed of passenger trains over time (UIC 2011)
100 Q = 49.564ln(L)-335.43
Q-Volume of transport-billion p-km
R² = 0.927
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
L-Length of the network -km
Fig. 5.10 Relationship between the volume of traffic and the length of the European HSR
network (EC 2012)
248 5 Advanced Transport Systems
stator windings of the linear electromotor getting power from the modulated
inverter system are installed in the slots of iron core, which is mounted on the
underside of the gateway. The controlled DC suspension magnets getting energy
from the on board power-conditioning equipment also provides excitation fields
for the linear motor. The air gap typically 1 cm is maintained as small as possible
in order to increase efficiency and power factor of the system (He et al. 1992).
Such design enables the TRM vehicles to levitate above the tracks supported by
magnets and run on the principle of electromagnetism. As mentioned above, the
magnets create two forces—lift and thrust or propulsion for operating the TRM
vehicle. The lift force keeps the vehicle above the guideway at a distance of at
most 1 cm but usually 10–15 mm during the trip. The propulsion force enables
acceleration and deceleration as well as overcoming air resistance during the
cruising phase of the trip. Thanks to levitation, there is no friction between the
tracks and the vehicle’s wheels, thus enabling TRM trains to operate at much
higher speeds. Figure 5.11 shows a simplified cross-sectional profile containing
the particular components enabling operation. Electric energy is consumed for
generating both lift and thrust force, but in much greater proportion for the latter
than for the former. In addition, a part of the energy spent during deceleration is
returned to the network, thus also indicating possibilities for saving energy simi-
larly as in the case of HSR. Figure 5.12 shows a scheme of the TRM cross-section
Levitation and propulsion Two TRM technologies have been developed to
maturity enabling their full commercial implementation: EMS (Electromagnetic
Suspension) and EDS (Electro Dynamic Suspension). They enable three basic
functions of TRM vehicles: (i) levitation above the track; (ii) propulsion enabling
moving forward in terms of acceleration, cruise, and deceleration; and (iii) guid-
ance implying maintaining stability along the guideway.
• EMS technology as a wheel-less system enables TRM trains to levitate above the
steel beam thanks to magnets attached to the vehicle and oriented toward the
beam. This is arranged as a series of C-shaped profiles with the upper part
attached to the vehicle and the lower inside part containing the magnets, thus
positioning the rail between the upper and inner part. Due to the high fluctuation
250 5 Advanced Transport Systems
TRM vehicle
of the magnetic field with distance, a highly reliable and redundant electrical
control system is installed to continuously maintain the vehicle at a constant
distance from the track of 10–15 mm depending on the type. This technology
operates at all speeds from minimum speeds of 10–15 km/h to maximum speeds
of 400–500 km/h. The thrust of the TRM vehicle for acceleration, cruising, and
deceleration is provided by the on board synchronous long-stator linear motor
creating a propulsive force moving the vehicle forward.
• EDS technology as a wheel-based system uses the magnetic field generated by
magnets installed both on the TRM vehicle and on the guideway. The magnetic
force in the vehicle is generated by the magnetic field from either supercon-
ducting magnets or by a series of permanent magnets. The magnetic force in the
track is generated by an induced wire- or conducting strips in the track-based
magnetic field. The inherent advantage of this technology is that the levitation is
stable and does not require a feedback system (as EMS technology does) to
maintain a constant distance between the vehicle and the track during the
journey. Since the magnetic field generated at low speeds is not sufficient to
maintain the vehicle above the track, i.e., to levitate, trains must have some kind
of wheels to support them until they reach higher speeds. Contrary to EMS, this
technology does not include a linear motor on board the TRM train for gener-
ating the propulsion force enabling moving forward. Instead, propulsion coils
alongside the track are used to extract propulsion force, thus playing the role of
linear motor. The main principle is as follows: alternating current, whose
5.2 High Speed Transport Systems 251
SEC-Specific Energy Consumption -(W-h/s-km)
SFC HSR = 0.0002v 2 + 0,119v + 6.911
50 R² = 0.794.
SEC TRM = 0.0001v 2 + 0.092v + 3.844
R² = 0,840
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
v-Train cruising speed -(km/h)
Fig. 5.13 Relationship between SFC (Specific Energy Consumption) and crusing speed of
TRM07 and HS train(s) (Lukaszevicz and Anderson 2009; TIG 2012)
5.2 High Speed Transport Systems 253
The DM processes related to HS passenger and other transport systems are mostly
based on different ranking methods. Generally, these methods are commonly
applied (almost as standard) to ranking alternative systems operating either by the
same or different transport modes including already existing (operated) and/or
nonexisting (forthcoming) alternatives. Ranking within the scope of the same
transport mode is necessary for identifying the ‘‘best’’ or ‘‘most preferable’’ among
different available alternatives, while ranking within the scope of different trans-
port modes is necessary for identifying the ‘‘most preferable’’ alternative under
conditions when both competition and complementarity by substitution between
254 5 Advanced Transport Systems
load factor. Therefore, from their point of view, this attribute/criterion (the break-
even load factor) is preferred to be as low as possible, i.e., minimal.
• Technical productivity
Operators always prefer to operate systems with higher technical productivity.
Technical productivity is expressed by the volume of services carried out per
unit of time. Therefore, technical productivity increases in line with the vehicle
and line capacity on the one hand, and the vehicle operating speed on the other
(Vuchic 2007). This attribute/criterion is preferred to be maximal.
Local and central government
Local and central governmental authorities can consider the following attributes/
criteria of performances of the HS passenger transport systems (Tabucanon and
Mo-Lee 1995):
• Investments
The investments are always carefully considered in evaluating any HS passenger
transport system since the related costs are always very high. Therefore, this
attribute/criterion is always, independent on the investor, preferred to be mini-
mal while the return on investment is preferred to be maximal.
• Energy consumption
Energy consumption is important for planning the energetic balance of the
country and/or of a given region. In any plan, the proper balance between
different types of primary sources of energy/fuel needs to be established in
addition to minimizing overall energy/fuel consumption. Therefore, in the case
of HS passenger transport systems, planners and policy/decision makers prefer
this attribute/criterion to be minimal.
• Congestion
Congestion causes delay of transport services and consequently of users-pas-
sengers while traveling door-to-door. In general, these delays impose costs on
the affected parties. Operators have to engage more vehicles to serve the same
volumes of demand under given conditions. Users-passengers loose time, which
increases their generalized travel costs. Both increase the overall social costs
and generate the need for building additional infrastructure, which may nega-
tively affect the environment through change of land use, increased energy
consumption and related emissions of GHG, and an increased risk of traffic
incidents/accidents. In order to minimize these costs, the local and central
government will always prefer the HS transport system that can reduce con-
gestion costs, both directly and indirectly.
• Externalities
Externalities of HS passenger transport systems include energy consumption
and related emissions of GHG, noise, traffic incidents/accidents, and land use/
take. These are preferred to be minimal in both absolute and relative terms.
258 5 Advanced Transport Systems
Fig. 5.14 Scheme of the DM (Decision Making) problem and procedure of ranking HS
passenger transport system alternatives (Janic 2003)
The other symbols are analogous to those in Eq. 5.2a. The causal relationship
(Eq. 5.2a, b) can also be in the log-linear form. As can be intuitively expected, the
cost per departure of the given HS transport systems—HSR, TRM, and APT—
increases in line with the vehicle (train, aircraft) seating capacity and route length,
and vice versa.
– (B2) Operating revenues
This attribute/criterion for a given HS transport system can be expressed by the
following causal relationship (ITA 1991):
PðDÞ ¼ b0 þ b1 D ð5:2cÞ
bi is the coefficient determined by calibration of the regression model (i = 0, 1).
The other symbols are analogous to those in the previous equations. Evidently, the
average fare rises in line with the route length (travel distance).
– (B3) Utilization of resources (break-even load factor)
This attribute/criterion for a given HS transport system reflects the level of
utilization of its operators’ resources and is expressed as the break-even load
factor. For a single service on a route, it can be determined after equalizing the
operating costs and the operating revenues as follows:
kb ðDÞ ¼ CðDÞ=PðDÞ ð5:2dÞ
C(D) is the operating cost per departure on the route D (€/dep); and
P(D) is the average fare on the route D (€/passenger).
This attribute/criterion for APT reflects the investment and maintenance costs in
airports and ATC (Air Traffic Control System) and can be estimated as follows
(Manheim 1979):
ra ¼ ðRa Ca Þ=Ia ð5:3bÞ
Ra is the average annual operating revenues (M€);
Ca is the average annual operating cost (M€); and
Ia is the total investment cost (M€).
Multiplying Eq. 5.3c by the number of departures f(D, T) in time T, the route
length D, and the seating capacity of train St, the total energy consumption for a
given traffic volume can be estimated.
This attribute/criterion for APT is expressed by the quantity of energy/fuel con-
sumed per p-km and can be estimated as follows:
FCa ðDÞ a0 þ a1 Tg þ a2 ðvðDÞ þ Td Þ
SFCa ¼ ¼ ð5:3dÞ
k a S a D k a S a D
FCa(D) is the average fuel consumption per flight on the route of length
D (tons/flight);
ai is the coefficient determined for each flight; it is dependent on the
aircraft type and length of flight (long, medium, short haul) (i = 0, 1,
2); and
Tg is the taxi and/or idle time while the aircraft is on the ground with its
engines turned on (min).
The other symbols are analogous to those in Eqs. 5.1b and 5.3a–5.3c. For a given
flight, SFCa decreases more than proportionally as its length and the aircraft size
increases. By multiplying Eq. 5.3d by the flight frequency f(D,T), the aircraft
seating capacity Sa, and the route length D, the total energy consumption for
carrying the given volumes of passengers can be estimated.
– (C3) Congestion
This attribute/criterion reflects the total costs of congestion and delays including
the costs of HS vehicle delays and the costs of user/passenger time losses under
given conditions. It can be estimated as follows:
CðTd Þ ¼ Td f ðD; TÞ ½CðD; SÞ vðDÞ=D þ a k S ð5:3eÞ
where the symbols are analogous to the previous equations.
– (C4) Externalities
Emissions of GHG
This attribute/criterion for a given HS transport system reflects the total emissions
of GHG generated on the route D in the time period T. It can be estimated as
TE ¼ ½f ðT; DÞ k S D SEj ð5:3fÞ
SEj is the specific emission of (j)-th type of GHG (g/p-km) ðj ¼ 1:2; . . .; MÞ:
The other symbols are analogous to those in the previous equations.
5.2 High Speed Transport Systems 265
Land use
This attribute/criterion for a given HS transport system reflects the size and effi-
ciency of land use, which can be quantified by the land use coefficient as follows:
oðQ; AÞ ¼ Q=A ð5:3gÞ
Q is the volume of output (seat-km or p-km); and
A is the area of land acquired for infrastructure of a given HS system (km2).
Specifically, in the case of HSR and TRM, A = s0D, where s0 is the unit area
(km2/km) needed for building the line (D is the length of line). In the case of APT,
A can be considered as the size of the airport airside area (runways, taxi-ways,
This attribute/criterion for a given HS transport system can be expressed as
measured—in decibels on the logarithmic scale dB(A).
Incidents/accidents (safety)
This attribute/criterion for a given HS system can be determined similarly as in the
case for an individual user/passenger (A5).
• Attributes/criteria for community members
– (D1) Accessibility costs
On the local scale, this attribute/criterion for a given HS transport system can be
estimated similarly as that for users/passengers (A1) (Eq. 5.1a). On the global
scale, it can be estimated by the number, diversity, and generalized travel costs
of connections between the given and other regions.
– (D2) Social welfare
This attribute/criterion for a given HS transport system reflects the permanent
and temporary jobs created by its commercialization. This can be quantified by
the number of new jobs created per thousand of active inhabitants in the given
– (D3) Local externalities
This attribute/criterion for a given HS transport system can be estimated simi-
larly as that for local/central governments (C4). In such cases, the externalities
relevant for the local community need to be selected.
The multicriteria ranking method
The most common method applied to ranking HS transport systems is the con-
ventional ‘‘pure monetary’’ EAT (Economic Analysis Technique). The EAT
evaluates particular alternatives (projects) on the basis of their ‘‘revenues’’ and
‘‘costs’’ during their life cycles. The outputs are expressed exclusively in monetary
terms such as NPV (Net Present Value), BCR (Benefit-Cost Ratio), and/or IRR
(Internal Rate of Return). In many cases, the application of EAT is not easy due to
266 5 Advanced Transport Systems
many reasons. First, taking into account the other nonmonetary attributes such as
the environmental and social impacts of particular alternatives adequately and
objectively is not always easy. Second, dealing with sometimes quite opposite
interests and objectives of the various interested groups involved in the evaluation
procedure is sometimes quite difficult, complex, and time-consuming (Giuliano
1985; Tabucanon and Mo-Lee 1995). Consequently, various modifications of the
conventional EAT have emerged enabling systematic inclusion of more alterna-
tives and ranking attributes/criteria, the latter reflecting specific interests of par-
ticular actors/interest groups involved in the DM process. In academic and
professional literature, these are referred to as MCDM (Multi-Criteria Decision
Making) methods. In particular, these methods have been proven to cope with the
problems of using a large amount of diverse information, clearly identifying trade-
offs between conflicting goals, and comparing the available alternatives in a sys-
tematic and consistent way (Geerlings 1998; Hwang and Yoon 1981). One of the
strongest research-based recommendations for using MCDM methods instead of
‘‘pure monetary’’ EAT was made in the European COST 328 Action (EC 1998a).1
The multicriteria method presented for ranking three HS passenger transport
systems consists of the entropy method as a commonly used above-mentioned
analytical method for assigning weights to attributes/evaluation criteria and the
TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method
as one multicriteria analytical method alleviating selection of the preferable among
several available alternatives. Alternatively, weights can be assigned to criteria
empirically by interviewing representatives of the particular interest groups
involved in the DM process (Hwang and Yoon 1981).
• The entropy method
The entropy method implies that the data on the decision matrix representing
the quantitative estimates of the selected attributes/criteria of the given alternatives
are known. Let Ai ði ¼ 1; 2; 3; . . .; mÞ alternatives need to be evaluated according
to n attributes/criteria Xj ðj ¼ 1; 2; 3; . . .; nÞ. Let Xij be the outcome of the i-th
alternative with respect to the j-th criterion. The values of Xij form the decision
matrix D containing a certain amount of information. Let pij be the probability that
the alternative Ai is the ‘best’ per criteria Xj. Then the probability pij can be
estimated as follows:
pij ¼ Xij = Xij ; 8ðijÞ ð5:4aÞ
Since the choice of the ‘best’ alternative according to any Xj criterion is related to
some measure of uncertainty, the entropy of criteria Ej can be expressed as follows:
The MCA (Multi-Criteria Analysis) is proposed as a useful and convenient method for
evaluating projects in the scope of Trans-European Transport Networks (s) (TENs).
5.2 High Speed Transport Systems 267
Ej ¼ ½1= lnðmÞ pij ln pij ; 8j ð5:4bÞ
A ¼ n mini vij jj 2 J ; maxi o vij jj 2 J 0 ji ¼ 1; 2; . . .; m
¼ v
1 ; v2 ; . . .; vj ; . . .; vn ð5:5cÞ
where J is associated with the ‘benefit’ and J0 with the ‘cost’ criteria.
268 5 Advanced Transport Systems
STEP 4: Compute the separation of each alternative from the positive and neg-
ative ideal solution. A* and A-, respectively as follows:
For the positive ideal solution, it amounts to:
u n
Si ¼ t ðvij vj Þ2 ; for i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; m ð5:5dÞ
Table 5.4 Attributes as criteria for ranking the HS passenger systems in the given example
(Janic 2003)
Criterion Objectives for The HS alternative
1. Local accessibility (km) ‘‘cost’’-(min) 0.5–3.0 0.5–3.0 10-30
2. Generalized travel cost (€/p-km) ‘‘cost’’-(min) 0.188 0.257 0.121
3. In-vehicle comfort and conveniencea ‘‘benefit’’-(max) 2 2 3
4. Safety (deaths/100 million p-km) ‘‘cost’’-(min) 0.000009 0.00000 0.0400
5. Operating costs (€/p-km) ‘‘cost’’-(min) 0.042 0.085 0.055
6. Operating revenues (€/p-km) ‘‘benefit’’-(max) 0.069 0.147 0.068
7. Technical productivity ‘‘benefit’’- (max) 98,550 132,800 100,200
8. Investments (M€/km)b ‘‘cost’’-(min) 7.14 15.14 14.94
9. Rate of return on investments (%) ‘‘benefit’’-(max) 13.7 13.5 10.0
10. Social welfarec ‘‘benefit’’-(max) 138/25 30/10 817/1,270
11. Energy consumption (Wh/seat-km) ‘‘cost’’-(min) 60d 42d 230–570
12. Emissions of GHG (g/seat-km) ‘‘cost’’-(min) 14.2–25.0e 9.9–17.5e 140
13. Land use (ha/km) ‘‘cost’’-(min) 3.2–3.5 1.2 15
14. Noise (dB(A)) ‘‘cost’’-(min) 84–105 79–93 46.5–92.5
15. Congestion (average delay) (min) ‘‘cost’’-(min) 1 1 11.7
The number of different in-vehicle services; b The cost per km of infrastructure; c The number
of part-time/permanent jobs/km of infrastructure; d At the speed of about 300 km/h; e Depends
on the primary sources for obtaining electric energy
as ‘‘benefit’’ criteria and the other ten as ‘‘cost’’ criteria independently of the actors
or interest group involved in the DM. The particular criteria are quantified as
• ‘‘Local accessibility’’ is expressed in terms of distance rather than in monetary
terms. Since HSR and TRM terminals are usually located in the center of an
(urban) agglomeration, it is assumed that the access distance to these terminals
may vary from 0.3 to 5 km. The distance of the user-passenger’s location to/
from an airport is assumed to vary from 10 to 30 km (Lufthansa 1996).
• ‘‘Generalized travel cost’’ is determined under the assumption that all three
alternatives operate according to the same schedule (i.e., they have equal number
of service frequencies along a given route) where all users-passengers have
approximately the same value of time. Under such conditions, the generalized
travel costs are dependent only on the in-vehicle time and fare. In this example,
the cost of in-vehicle time and fare are expressed in monetary terms per unit of
travel distance. The average value of travel time is adopted to be 32 €/pass/h. The
unit value of travel time per unit of travel distance is calculated as follows: for
HSR—32 €/pass/h 9 1 km/270 km/h = 0.119 €/p-km; for TRM—32€/pass/
km 9 1 km/400 km/h = 0.080€/p-km; and for APT—32 €/pass/h 9 1 km/
600 km/h = 0.053 €/p-km. The fares are 0.069 €/p-km, 0.147 €/p-km and 0.068
€/p-km for HSR, TRM, and APT, respectively (CEC 1995; ITA 1991; Levison
270 5 Advanced Transport Systems
et al. l996; Witt 1995). Summation of the above values provides the total gen-
eralized travel costs for each alternative (Table 5.4).
• ‘‘In-vehicle comfort and convenience’’ is expressed by the number of different
services provided to users/passengers while on board (SNCF 1996; Lufthansa
• ‘‘Safety’’ is expressed by the number of deaths per volume of output. For HSR,
the estimate takes into account the ICE accident of 1998 in which 102 pas-
sengers were killed. TRM is assumed to be absolutely safe (no events and no
experience). The risk of death in the APT mode is estimated from current ICAO
(International Civil Aviation Organization) figures (Corrie 1994).
• ‘‘Operating costs’’ are estimated for typical operating conditions of HS passenger
transport systems as the product of the average cost per seat-km and the load factor
adopted to be 65 % (CEC 1995; ITA 1991; Levison et al. 1996; Witt 1995).
• ‘‘Operating revenues’’ are estimated similarly to the ‘‘operating costs,’’ but also
by assuming that 50 % of first and 50 % of second fare-class passengers use the
HSR and APT services. In the case of TRM, only one fare-class is considered
(Witt 1995).
• ‘‘Technical productivity’’ is estimated for the typical operating speed that may
be attained on the competing travel distances of 600–800 km. For HSR this
speed is adopted to be 270 km/h and the seating capacity of a train set 365 seats.
The typical operating speed of TRM is adopted to be 400 km/h and the seating
capacity of a train (the longest version) 332 seats. The typical operating speed of
APT is assumed to be 600 km/h and the seating capacity 167 seats (A320-200
aircraft) (CEC 1995; Ellwagner and Wilckens 1994; Geerlings 1998; ITA 1991;
Kertzscmar 1995; MVP 1994; Witt 1995).
• ‘‘Investments’’ are expressed in M€/km of the infrastructure represented by HSR
lines, TRM guideways, and airport runway(s). For HSR, this is determined by
dividing the total cost of building and upgrading the HSR network in Europe by
the total network length (CEC 1995). For TRM, this is estimated by using data
for the Berlin-Hamburg line (Witt 1995). In order to obtain comparable esti-
mates, in the case of APT, the total investments of 25,000 M€ intended to
improve the existing and build new airport and air traffic control capacity during
the 1994–2000 period are allocated to the total length of runways at 437 airports
in EU (European Union) Member States (CEC 1994b).
• ‘‘Rate of return on investments’’ represents one of the measures of investment
effectiveness where the pure ‘‘Economics Analysis Technique’’ is applied.
Essentially, it expresses the gains on the invested capital expressed in percents. This
time, this is used as a single attribute (criteria). For the HSR, this is estimated for the
entire network (CEC 1995), for TRM for the line Hamburg-Berlin (Witt 1995), and
for APT for the airport and air traffic control infrastructure (Doganis 1992).
• ‘‘Social-welfare’’ is estimated in terms of the newly generated jobs per km of
infrastructure, i.e., for the entire HSR network, single line of TRM, and 437
APT airports in the EU. In the latest case, the jobs at airports, air traffic control,
airlines, and supporting airspace industry are taken into account (CEC 1994a;
CEC 1995; Doganis 1992; Witt 1995).
5.2 High Speed Transport Systems 271
Two rankings of the three above-mentioned HS transport systems are carried out
using the inputs in Table 5.4. The first produces the preferable alternative with
respect to all 15 criteria, while the second produces the preferable alternative with
respect to the specific set of criteria.
• The preferred HS transport alternative respecting all criteria the normalized
decision matrix is constructed as the initial step in selecting the preferable HS
alternative (Eq. 5.5a) and weights are assigned to particular criteria by using the
entropy method (Eq. 5.4) their values are given in Table 5.5. By comparing the
values in Tables 5.4 and 5.5, it can be seen that the highest weights are assigned
to the attributes/criteria with the greatest difference in absolute values, which
emphasizes their relative importance for the dm (decision maker(s)). For
example, the ‘‘most important’’ criteria appear to be: (1) ‘‘safety’’, (2) ‘‘social
272 5 Advanced Transport Systems
Table 5.5 Normalized decision matrix and weights for particular criteria (Janic 2003)
Criterion Normalized value/alternative Weight Rank
1. Local accessibility 0.090 0.090 0.990 0.132 4
2. Generalized travel cost 0.552 0.754 0.355 0.011 10
3. In-vehicle comfort and convenience 0.485 0.485 0.728 0.005 12
4. Safety 0.0003 0.000 0.999 0.271 1
5. Operating costs 0.383 0.773 0.550 0.011 11
6. Operating revenues 0.392 0.835 0.386 0.018 8
7. Technical productivity 0.510 0.687 0.518 0.002 14
8. Investments 0.318 0.675 0.666 0.012 9
9. Rate of return of investments 0.632 0.623 0.461 0.002 13
10. Social welfare 0.078 0.019 0.997 0.200 2
11. Energy consumption 0.224 0.585 0.760 0.026 7
12. Emissions of GHG 0.265 0.216 0.940 0.056 6
13. Land use 0.211 0.075 0.975 0.107 5
14. Noise 0.650 0.591 0.478 0.002 15
15. Congestion 0.012 0.012 0.143 0.144 3
Table 5.6 Ranks of the HS Alternative Proximity to the ideal solution Ciz Rank
passenger transport system
alternatives (Janic 2003) HSR 0.644 1
TRM 0.632 2
APT 0.358 3
Table 5.7 Sensitivity analysis in ranking the HS passenger transport system alternatives (Janic
Case/criteria Rank/(Ciz )
Case 1/(1, 2, 3, 4) 1/0.980 2/0.955 3/0.450
Case 2/(5, 6, 7), 2/0.342 1/0.611 3/0.234
Case 3/(8, 9, 10, 11) 1/0.095 3/0.026 2/0.073
Case 4/(12, 13, 14, 15) 2/0.955 1/0.999 3/0.009
Ciz —‘‘Closeness’’ to the ideal solution
5.2.2 Evaluation
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He, J. L., Rote, D. M., & Coffey, H. T. (1992). Survey of Foreign maglev systems. Argonne,
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ITA. (1991). Rail/air complementarity in Europe: The impact of high-speed rail services. Paris,
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transport systems in Europe. Transportation Planning and Technology, 26(6), 491–512.
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Kertzschmar, R. (1995). Transrapid maglev: Prospects for fast regional transportation service.
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MVP. (1994). Riding of flying? TRANSRAPID and its links with the car, railway and aircraft.
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University of Padua.
Chapter 6
Advanced Transport Systems:
Future Concepts
6.1 Introduction
This chapter describes five concepts of future advanced transport systems: (i) PRT
(Personal Rapid Transit) systems; (ii) UFT (Underground Freight Transport)
systems; (iii) ETT (Evacuated Tube Transport) system; (iv) advanced ATC (Air
Traffic Control) technologies and procedures for increasing airport runway
capacity; and (v) advanced STA (Supersonic Transport Aircraft).
• PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) systems were elaborated in the 1970s and com-
mercialized in the 2010s. They are a fully automated transit systems consisting
of dedicated aboveground guideways enabling movement of small passenger
car-like vehicles, i.e., capsules. As such, PRT systems are expected to offer
competitive—efficient and effective—transit services by substantially replacing
conventional passenger cars, motor- and trolleybuses, and LRT (Light Rail
Transit) systems in urban and/or suburban areas. At the same time, PRT will
contribute to mitigating the overall impacts of urban transit systems on the
environment and society in terms of energy consumption and related emissions
of GHG (Green House Gases), land use/take, noise, congestion, and traffic
incidents/accidents. PRT commercialization is shown to be a rather gradual
process mainly due to the high investment costs starting in some niche markets;
• UFT (Underground Freight Transport) systems were elaborated for the first time
in the 1970s but particularly in the 1990s and 2000s. They are fully automated
systems for moving freight/goods shipments of different sizes such as standard
pallets, containers, and/or swap bodies along a network of underground pipes/
tunnels. Shipments are loaded onto dedicated vehicles/capsules. Underground
pipes/tunnels connect different freight/goods origins and destinations in a given
urban or suburban area including large intermodal transport nodes such as ports,
airports, and inland freight terminals. UFT systems are expected to substantially
replace road trucks in congested urban areas and consequently mitigate their
The supersonic speed is greater than the speed of sound, which depends on the air ambient
temperature. For example, at the sea level with standard temperature of 15 C, it is 1,225 km/h; at
the cruising altitudes of most commercial jets and supersonic aircraft of 11,000–20,000 m with
temperature of -57 C, it is 1,062 km/h.
6.2 Personal Rapid Transit Systems 279
One of the most dominant social-economic trends during the twentieth century has
been urbanization characterized by growing cities and the consequent increase in
proportion of the urbanized population. This has reached about three billion, i.e.,
about 47 % of the total global population in the year 2000. The current and future
trends indicate that about 6 billion or two-thirds of the world’s population are likely
to live in the urban areas by the year 2050. In parallel, the urban mobility problems
in terms of provision of sufficient transit capacity, emissions of GHG (Green House
Gases), land use, congestion, and noise have been increasing and becoming more
complex. This has often required adaptation of the growing urban forms and
structures to the requirements of existing individual and mass urban transit systems,
and vice versa (Rodrigue et al. 2006). These urban transit systems referred to here
as conventional are considered to be bikes, motorbikes, individual passenger cars,
taxis, motor buses, and trolleybuses (including BRT (see Chap. 2)), trams, and LRT
(Light Rail Transit) system(s). Future urban developments will certainly require the
commercialization of advanced urban transit systems in order to support the
above-mentioned conventional ones and satisfy growing demand for urban mobility
more efficiently, effectively, environmentally friendly, and safely. Some of these
systems/concepts are: (i) ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) for indi-
vidual passenger cars; (ii) PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) system; (iii) Advanced bus
systems; and CTS (Cybernetic Transport Systems) with the ‘‘road-based people
movers’’ and ‘‘advanced car sharing’’ subsystems (EC 2007).
Specifically, PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) as urban transport systems offer a
potential solution for mitigating urban congestion and improving travel accessi-
bility. It is designed for use in a variety of cases aiming at replacing mainly
individual passenger cars and urban motor buses and trolleybuses as:
• An exclusive urban and/or suburban transit system;
• A system feeding other mass urban and suburban transit systems (conventional
buses, BRT, LRT, metro);
• An airport ground access system/mode complementing to the existing ones;
• An inter-airport transit system connecting airports belonging to the same airport
system (for example, New York and/or London airports);
280 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts Background
App. 3m
App. 5m
Fig. 6.2 Scheme of the vehicle dynamic envelope for the two-track guideway PRT system
the guideway in order to protect the tracks and tires from extreme weather (frost
during cold nights, the accumulation of snow, and solar heating during the sum-
mer), and in some cases, from electromagnetism (Anderson 2007).
The PRT network consists of guideways. Its spatial layout is usually adjusted to
the spatial density of user/passenger demand. The network can consist of a single
line connecting a given origin and destination (for example in the case of airport
access or internal transit systems), a small-scale network of lines feeding other
urban mass transport systems such as BRT, LRT, and/or metro, and a larger scale
network operating in a given urban complex as an independent and/or exclusive
public transport mode. In most cases, network development usually begins by
building a single guideway and then gradually expanding by adding new ones
through adapting to transport needs. Figure 6.3 shows a simplified layout of an
exclusive PRT network.
PRT system stations are designed as off-line guideways located usually between
intersections of guideways at distances of about 800 m, or shorter or longer
depending on the spatial distribution of user/passenger demand. In the vertical
plane, the stations are designed as elevated platforms leveled to the elevated
guideways and standing either alone or incorporated into other existing urban
284 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
Urban area
International airport
PRT line
Fig. 6.3 Scheme of the prospective fully developed PRT network (Masdar City—Abu Dhabi)
structures. The length of an off-line station can be, depending on the vehicle’s
operating speed, about 33–39 m, thus providing safe maneuvering space and
berths for about 3–5, and, if needed, after extension for up to 12–14 vehicles.
Additional berths are also needed for vehicles waiting due to any reason—for
example, while vacant during off-peak hours, maintenance, or when all tracks are
occupied. Since the passengers are supposed to spend only a short while at the
stations during boarding and disembarking the vehicles, the intended space is
relatively small, thus reducing the construction costs, and mitigating the visual
impacts and crowd-related (social) problems. Such off-line stations enable con-
tinuous vehicle movement, thus maximizing the transit speed and minimizing the
transit time, while enhancing riding comfort. In addition, stations also provide
good spatial accessibility (Anderson 2007).
Switching is an important component of the PRT infrastructure. At present,
switching is based on mechanical back up. In such cases, switches have two stable
positions, are self-stable, and can be thrown manually if required. They are
unaffected by centrifugal forces, operable under all weather conditions, and
powered by low-voltage batteries.
The PRT vehicles, designed as small, light, and short as possible—typically 2.7 m
long and 1.65 wide, are usually placed above the guideway(s). Each vehicle
consists of three parts: a passenger cab, a bogie for interface with the guideway,
and a propulsion system. The typical capacity of the passenger cab is four persons
plus two children (and their baggage between the seats) including space for
wheelchairs, bikes, etc. The bogie has rubber-tired or steel wheels, thus guaran-
teeing efficient and effective braking at an acceptable noise level. The propulsion
system is usually an LEM (Linear Electric Motor) (LSM—Synchronous or LIM—
Induction) powered by electricity from on-board batteries or from an external
electricity supply system, and controlled by computer microprocessor. Either lead–
acid or lithium iron phosphate batteries can be used. The LEM enables weather-
independent acceleration and braking, and a reaction and breaking time of a few
milliseconds, each as compared to that of humans—0.3–1.7 s, and that of
mechanical brakes of 0.5 s, respectively.
The operating speed of vehicles can vary between 30 and 80 km/h depending
on the type of PRT system, and the location, geometry, and topography of
guideways (the elevation change can be up to 15 % along the distance of 9.0 m).
The vehicle movement control system
The control of vehicles while operating along the guideway is carried out by a
fully automated centralized dual-redundant computer system providing high
dependability and safety. The control function is set up hierarchically at three
levels: (i) vehicle control; (ii) zone control; and (iii) central control. The vehicle
control system generally generates the intended routes/paths for each vehicle
boarded by an individual and/or group of users/passengers between their intended
origins and destinations, and accelerates/decelerates, monitors, and controls the
operating speeds and headways between the vehicles. This implies that each
vehicle follows the assigned/commanded trajectory. The zone control system
enables each vehicle to communicate with the zone’s computer controller. Each
vehicle transmits information about its position and speed to this controller
through the cable in the guideway, and the controller responds back with the
maneuvering commands, both in milliseconds. In addition, the merge-zone-control
computer receives and maintains information about the current position and speed
of all vehicles within a given merging zone, and resolves any potential merging
conflicts by sending the relevant maneuvering commands to the vehicles involved.
The central control system comprised of the central computer controlling the
computers at the other two lower hierarchal levels.
The user/passenger interaction system
The system for interaction of a given PRT system with its users/passengers gen-
erally consists of: (i) the information and communication subsystem; and (ii) the
fare collection subsystem.
286 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
Table 6.1 The subsystem for informing and communicating within a given PRT system
Component Function
Touch Screen, automated interactive display and audio Information
CCTV, intercom, emergency assistance request button Communications initiation
2-way audio intercom and CCTV monitoring Communications
Application dependent Destination selection
CCTV, intercom, operator Emergency response
Facility for ride sharing Yes
The capacity of a given PRT system generally includes the capacity of vehicles,
lines, and stations. The vehicle capacity is expressed by the number of spaces for
users-passengers. The capacity of lines and stations can be expressed by the traffic
capacity and the transport/transit capacity. The former reflects the number of
vehicles and the latter the number of users-passengers handled and transported,
respectively, during the specified period of time (usually 1 h) under conditions of
constant demand for service.
The traffic capacity of a given PRT system’s line can be estimated as follows:
Ktraffic ¼ T=h ð6:1aÞ
T is the period of time (minute, hour); and
h is the minimum headway (seconds, minutes).
From Eq. 6.1a, the transport/transit capacity of the same PRT line can be
estimated as follows:
Ktransport=transit ¼ Ktraffic k n ð6:1bÞ
k is the average vehicle’s load factor or occupancy rate; and
n is the number of spaces for users/passengers on a vehicle (pass/veh).
The capacity of a PRT system station can be static and dynamic. Its static
capacity can be expressed by the required number of berths simultaneously used
by PRT vehicles as follows:
N s ¼ Ks s þ Nw ð6:1cÞ
Ks is the intensity of demand for using berths at a given station;
s is the average occupancy (i.e., dwell) time of a berth at a given station by an
active (operating) vehicle; and
Nw is the number of berths for vehicles waiting to be called.
Transit time
The transit time depends on the distance between the selected origin(s) and des-
tination(s), and operating speed. This time consists of the time of boarding the
vehicle after buying a ticket, the time for the vehicle’s acceleration/deceleration
(not higher that 1–1.5 m/s2), and the time the vehicle cruises at the operating speed
mentioned above. Such composed transit time is continuous, uninterrupted by
congestion, minimal, and highly predictable under the given circumstances.
Reliability and punctuality
Like other public urban public transit systems, the reliability of a given PRT
system can be expressed as the ratio between the realized and planned services
during the specified period of time (day, month, year). The reliability to date of
currently operating and planned PRT systems has been very close to 100 %. The
punctuality of PRT system can be expressed as the proportion of user-passenger
trips carried out during the specified period of time, on time, or within the pre-
scribed time deviation(s) (in the latter case it is often referred to as dependability).
The punctuality of already operating PRT systems has also been very close to
100 %. In general, both measures are actually expected to be near 100 % all the
time and under all weather conditions.
Riding comfort
The riding comfort of a given PRT system is expected to be at a higher level than
that of other urban transit systems. This is achieved through the above-mentioned
design of the guideways, stations, and vehicles themselves. The guideways enable
the smooth ‘‘gliding’’ of air-conditioned vehicles. The size and pattern of supply of
transport capacity always guarantee a free seat to users-passengers. Thanks to the
system of controlling the flow(s) and spacing between vehicles, their operating
speed and acceleration/deceleration are always maintained within the prescribed
(comfortable) limits (the later of about 1.0–1.5 m/s2) excluding any unpredictable
strong breaking, for example, due to preventing potential collision(s).
Fleet size
The vehicle fleet of a given PRT system consists of the vehicles in operation and in
reserve. The former provide services while the latter are only engaged when the
former need to be out of service due to repair and maintenance. Based on Eq. 6.1b,
the maximum number of PRT system vehicles in operation can be roughly esti-
mated as follows:
M ¼ Ktraffic t ð6:2Þ
t is the vehicle’s average turnaround time over the PRT network (min).
290 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
The turnaround time t in Eq. 6.2 depends on the average distance between
particular origins and destinations and the related average speed. This implies that
serving shorter trips at a higher speed will require a smaller vehicle fleet, and vice
Technical productivity
The technical productivity of a given PRT system can be estimated for a single
vehicle and for a fleet of vehicles. For a single vehicle, it is equal to:
TPv ¼ n v ð6:3aÞ
n is the number of spaces in a vehicle
v is the vehicle operating speed (km/h).
The economic performances of PRT system(s) include the system costs, revenues,
and the user/passenger benefits expressed in monetary terms.
The costs of a given PRT system(s) consists of the capital/investment cost for
infrastructure, vehicle and control systems, operating cost for providing transit
services, and the total cost as the sum of the annual capital/investment and
operating cost.
Capital (investment) costs
The capital (investment) costs relate to the cost for building infrastructure and
acquiring the vehicles and control systems for a given PRT system. This cost can
be estimated as follows:
6.2 Personal Rapid Transit Systems 291
The average cost c in Eq. 6.4b expressed in €/pass-km linearly increases with
increasing of the capital/investment and operational costs and decreases more than
292 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
proportionally with increasing of the daily demand (passenger trips) and length of
the system’s depreciation period.
The revenues of a given PRT system can be direct and indirect. The former are
gained from passenger fares, the potential transportation of freight/goods, adver-
tising, and subsidies from local authorities and/or particular interest groups. The
latter are generally wide and distinctive such as savings in the land use/take
combined with increased land values and improved accessibility, increased rents
for commercial space located near the system, reduction in traffic congestion,
savings in the user-passenger travel time, increased productivity of staff, increased
convenience for third party partnerships (e.g., hotel user access), operational
savings, and some financial benefits. In any case, both direct and indirect revenues
should cover the total costs of the given PRT system.
The social performances of a given PRT system include noise, congestion, traffic
incidents/accidents (i.e., safety and security), and social welfare.
The PRT system is supposed to be a relatively ‘‘silent’’ urban transit mode as
compared to its counterparts—individual passenger cars, trolleybuses and motor
buses, and LRT (Light Rail Transit) systems. This is because the vehicles run on
rubber tires along the concrete guideway’s floor and the electric motors do not
have moving components. Some measurements have shown that passing PRT
vehicles generate noise of less than 50 dBA at a distance of 2.5 m and 32 dBA at a
distance of about 10 m from the observer (EC 2007).
PRT is by design a congestion-free system. This implies that the vehicles run
rather independently without interfering with each other, thus providing highly
punctual services, i.e., without significant deviations of the actual times at desti-
nations from those planned. In particular, PRT can contribute to mitigating road
congestion by replacing individual passenger cars, trolleybuses, and motor buses.
For example, if the average occupancy rate of an individual passenger car is
2 pass/car, and that of a PRT vehicle 4 pass/vehicle, then each PRT trip can
substitute about two car trips. Such substitution removes these and other (substi-
tuted) cars from the road traffic flow and thus contributes to mitigating congestion
and related overall impacts. Some estimates indicate that about 30 % of present car
users could switch to the PRT system, if an equivalent efficiency and effectiveness
of services under given circumstances was provided (Anderson 2005, 2007).
294 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
PRT systems are designed to be absolutely safe implying that incidents/accidents
do not occur due to known reasons. The following facts support such expectations:
(i) the vehicles operate on dedicated, elevated guideways separated and isolated
from other interfering urban transit systems; (ii) the spacing between vehicles is
maintained automatically by the three-level computer-based control system par-
ticularly controlling their acceleration/deceleration, speed, and breaking; (iii) the
vehicles are automatically stopped and the user/passengers allowed to get-off in
cases of system component failure and/or emergency; (iv) vehicle boarding takes
place individually (or as homogenous groups), thus preventing entry of undesired
persons; and (v) the stations are relatively small and monitored, thus preventing
collection of too many people, and consequently reducing risk of exposure to
antisocial behavior that could compromise both individual and collective security.
Social welfare
The social welfare resulting from a given PRT system consists of urban and social
Urban effects
The urban effects can be considered at the macro- and microscale. On the micro-
scale, these generally imply creating more livable high density urban structures and
the system’s apparent ability to support deurbanization of large urban agglomera-
tions and/or the self-contained urban complexes efficiently, effectively, sustainably,
and safely (see Chap. 2). On the macroscale, this implies an efficient use of land
under the system’s guideways and stations for some other purposes.
Social effects
Social effects could generally include the following: savings in land for individual
car infrastructure–roads and parking spaces; reducing the frequency of incidents/
accidents including the local third party impact; reducing the overall energy
consumption and emissions of GHG; reducing noise emitted by individual cars;
making accessibility to the green zones in urban areas on the one hand, and also to
the public activities and services—schools, offices, stores hospitals—on the other
easier; transporting also freight/goods and mail; and being permanently available
and accessible for everybody at acceptable costs. The social impacts could include:
reducing the number of employees mainly due to operating driverless vehicles; and
suffering from unprofitability, i.e., an inability to cover the costs, thus requiring
The policy performances of PRT systems mainly refer to the existing and pro-
spective barriers to their faster commercialization on a wider urban scale(s). Due
6.2 Personal Rapid Transit Systems 295
to their mutual interrelations, the barriers to a given PRT system are summarized
in no specific order as follows:
• Some researchers and academics express skepticism toward the system’s con-
troversy in combining two mutually incompatible components, namely elements
of individual passenger cars and elements of other urban mass transit system(s):
very small vehicles with very complex infrastructure are considered infeasible
and incapable of handling greater volumes of user/passenger demand in dense
urban areas due to insufficient capacity and network spatial coverage; such small
vehicles seem to be very convenient in low density suburban areas due to them
offering sufficient capacity and network coverage but the user/passenger demand
is insufficient to be served efficiently and effectively;
• The planners and prospective system operators are faced with much uncertainty
in predicting/forecasting the volumes of user/passenger demand. This makes
evaluation of the system’s overall social/economic feasibility complex, unreli-
able, and consequently difficult to make investment decisions. Furthermore, the
necessary investments in a PRT system are very high by design;
• Urban authorities are usually concerned with finding funding/investors for the
system, with its ability to coexist with existing transit systems, and its vulnerability
to weather conditions. This also relates to the system’s ability to solve all or only
some of the existing urban mobility problems, and its technical reliability including
the consequences of technical failures. Furthermore, there is always the inherent
concern that introduction of fully automated systems like PRT can rise local
unemployment and consequently compromise local GDP (Gross Domestic Prod-
uct). Last but not least, skepticism could arise from the perceived negative impacts
on the visual appearance of a given urban complex after system construction;
• Users/passengers may be skeptical due to their lack of sufficient knowledge
about the system they are supposed to use. They could particularly feel
uncomfortable when being driven automatically without any ability to control
the running vehicles themselves. This also relates to being permanently moni-
tored, traced, and tracked while in the system. The question whether all social
groups in terms of age, gender, education, and technical knowledge will be able
to use the system appropriately remains a matter of specific concern; and
• Standardized and harmonized legislation for driverless systems, specifying the
responsibilities during operation/use of PRT services, is lacking in many
The information is collected from different sources including websites, which are not
particularly cited.
296 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
• The WVU PRT system was commercialized, i.e., started operations, under the
same name between 1975 (phase I) and 1979 (phase II) by connecting five WVU
(West Virginia University) campuses (Morgantown, West Virginia, USA). The
system provides transit services for the University staff and students, as well as
local residents.
• The ULTra PRT system has been operating from May 2011 under the name
‘‘Heathrow pod’’ at London Heathrow airport connecting Terminal 5 and the
Business Car Park. There are plans to extend the network throughout the airport.
• The Cybercab PRT system started operations in Masdar City (Abu Dhabi) in
2010 under the name ‘‘Masdar PRT’’ connecting the North Car Park at Masdar
City and Phase 1a of the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology. The
original plan was to develop the PRT system along with an inter-city LRT
(Light Rail Line), both also connecting to the Abu Dhabi airport, which would
exclude access of all passenger cars to the city center. These would be parked at
the borders of the area covered by the PRT lines as shown in Fig. 6.3.
• The Vectus PRT system is planned to start operations as ‘‘Suncheon Wetland
PRT’’ in 2013 connecting Suncheon City Garden Expo site and the world
famous Suncheon Coastal Wetlands Park. As such, the system is expected to
serve mainly visitors to the sites.
The quantitative estimates of indicators and measures of particular perfor-
mances of the above-mentioned PRT systems are given in self-explanatory
Tables 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, and 6.6.
Infrastructural performances
Specifically, Table 6.2 indicates that the length of the network typically being a
single line is relatively short—the longest is that of the earliest WVU PRT system.
The guideways are concrete and steel/concrete mainly elevated constructions.
They have a similar width (up to 2 m) and maximum gradient (10), and quite
distinctive turning radii. The area of the square dynamic envelope is between about
4 and 8 m2.
The system for maintaining the guideways operational during bad weather is
case specific. Each case has off-line stations enabling the vehicles level entry. At
these stations, the berth concept prevails either angled independent (30) or
straight in-line. The minimum berth width is about 4 m. The three recent and
forthcoming cases are only with the beginning and end station and the similar
dynamic capacity, i.e., throughput.
Technical/technological performances
In particular, Table 6.3 indicates that the vehicles of particular PRT systems are of
a similar size, payload, and space capacity with the exception of the earliest WVU
In addition, all vehicles have rubber wheels except the forthcoming Vectus PRT
system, which has rail wheels. The power is supplied differently to the vehicles of
particular systems. For example, in the earliest WVU system, electricity is
Table 6.2 Infrastructural performances of the selected PRT systems
System/Network WVU PRT Cybercab PRT ULTra PRT Vectus PRT
—————————— Morgantown (USA) Masdar City LHRa Suncheon Bay,
Performances/ (1975) (Abu Dhabi) (UK) (South Korea)
Indicators and measures (2010) (2011) (2013)
Length of network (km) 13.9 1.7 3.9 5.3
Track width (at grade/elevated) (m) 2.5/2.5 1.75/1.85 1.75/2.10 1.40/1.40
Maximum track gradient (%) 10 10 10 10
Positioning profile Mainly elevated Mainly elevated Mainly elevated Mainly elevated
6.2 Personal Rapid Transit Systems
(65 %)
Square dynamic envelope 2.40 9 3.30 1.75-1.85 9 2.30 1.75–2.10 9 2.00 2.10 9 2.50
(width 9 height) (m)
Pavement (type) Concrete Concrete Concrete on a steel structure Steel rails on concrete/steel structure
Turning radii (m) 9.1 6.1 5.2 5.0
Height (m) As necessary As necessary 5.7 As necessary
Spacing of pods/(concrete pillars) (m) N/A N/A 18 30/50
Maintaining guideway operational Heating No need Snow and ice vehicle N/A
Number 5 2 2 2
Spacing (km) 3.3 1.7 3.9 5.3
Berths per station 6/22b 4–6 2–4 4
Berth length (m) 5.0 4.3 at 30 3.2 4.5
Beth capacity (veh/h) 68/210b 120 120 160–200
London Heathrow Airport
End-of-line station/Off-line station
N/A Not Available
298 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
provided through a 575 V AC bus bar system, which runs along the side of the
track and is electrically heated (similar to the principle of metro trains). In the
following two systems, the vehicles are equipped with batteries, which can be
charged at stations—either at berths or in dedicated charging rooms at the oper-
ation facilities. In the forthcoming Vectus PRT system, power is to be provided to
vehicles by a current collection system installed along the guideway(s). The
vehicles are centrally driverless (WVU) or self-managed (others) and controlled by
the central or distributed control system (Vectus PRT). Each vehicle of the above-
mentioned systems has an independent CAS (Collision Avoidance System), as
well as two-way communications between operator and passenger(s) on-board
including CCTV, air conditioning, and LCD screens displaying journey status and
other useful messages for passengers.
Operational performances
Table 6.4 indicates that most operational performances of the given PRT systems
are quite distinctive. The exceptions are partially the minimum headway, the
maximum speed, the maximum speed in curves, acceleration/deceleration rates,
and reliability and punctuality of services.
Economic performances
The economic performances of the selected PRT systems given in Table 6.5 are
relatively similar. This particularly relates to the unit investment and operational
costs, and savings in passenger time. The question remains if these systems are
economically feasible without subsidies.
The environmental and social performances
The environmental and social performances of the considered PRT systems in
Table 6.6 are characterized by lower overall relative impacts on the environment
and society as compared to those of individual passenger cars and motor buses.
The energy consumption is roughly proportional to the vehicle size (capacity),
while the emissions of GHG depends on the energy consumption and the primary
sources for obtaining electricity.
Specifically, electricity is obtained from different primary sources staring from
predominantly coal in West Virginia (U.S.), a mixture of primary sources in the
UK and South Korea, and exclusively solar panels in Abu Dhabi. Thanks to the
predominantly elevated network of guideways, the above-mentioned cases confirm
the inherent neutrality of the PRT systems in terms of land use/take. In addition,
their noise levels are similar under comparative conditions. Last but not least, they
all are absolutely free from occurrence of traffic incidents/accidents, and related
property damages, injuries, and losses of lives.
The performances of the above-mentioned PRT systems indicate that they are,
at present, mainly designed and commercialized to serve specific—niche—urban
transit demand by partially replacing individual passenger car, motor-, trolleybus,
and sometimes LRT system use. As such, the case-specific and quite distinctive
Table 6.3 Technical/technological performances of the selected PRT systems
System/Network WVU PRT Cybercab PRT ULTra PRT Vectus PRT
—————–——– Morgantown Masdar city LHRa Suncheon Bay
Performances/ (USA) (Abu Dhabi) (UK) (South Korea)
Indicators and measures (1975) (2010) (2011) (2013)
Length/Height/Width (m) 4.72/2.67/2.01 3.90/1.46/2.01 3.70/1.47/1.80 3.60/2.08/2.42
Weight (empty/full) (tons) 3.78/5.40 1.40/2.05 0.85/1.30 1.5/2.5
Payload (tons) 1.62 0.65 0.45 1.0
6.2 Personal Rapid Transit Systems
Table 6.6 Environmental and social performances of the selected PRT systems
System/Network WVU PRT Cybercab PRT ULTra PRT Vectus PRT
——————— Morgantown Masdar City LHRa Suncheon Bay
Performances/ (USA) (Abu Dhabi) (UK) (South Korea)
Indicators and (1975/1979) (2010) (2011) (2013)
Energy consumptionb 0.40 0.19 0.13 0.24
Emissions of GHGc 12.8 Nil 11.4 12.9
Land use N/A N/A N/A N/A
Noise (dBA) N/A N/A \50 at 2.5 m \50 at 2.5 m
Safety (Incidents/ Nil Nil Nil Nil
London Heathrow Airport
Full vehicle
Emission rates: UK- 527gCO2e/kWh, South Korea 430gCO2e/kWh (mixture of primary sour-
ces); West Virginia (US)—642gCO2/kWh (mainly coal); Abu Dhabi—0gCO2e/kWh (Solar)
N/A Not Available
6.2.3 Evaluation
PRT system(s) possesses both advantages (Strengths and Opportunities) and dis-
advantages (Weaknesses and Threats) as compared to individual passenger cars
and other urban mass transit systems, which can be relevant for users/passengers,
system operators, and local/regional urban communities and authorities.
• High availability closely following the pattern of demand in terms of time and
• Convenient riding comfort regarding the availability of space(s)/seat(s) and
exposure to different forces;
• Acceptable travel cost (fares) as compared to those of other urban transport
alternatives including individual passenger cars;
304 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
• Savings in the journey time including high punctuality of services, i.e., a high
certainty of arrival at the selected destination(s) at the scheduled time; and
• Improved physical (spatial) accessibility as compared to that of other urban
mass public transit systems.
System operator(s)
• Low operational costs due to operating driverless and fully automated vehicles
and needing generally few employees; and
• High quality of transport services delivered very closely matching the expec-
tations of users/passengers.
Local/regional community and authorities
• Contributing to mitigation of the overall impacts of urban transit systems on the
environment and society in terms of energy consumption and emissions of
GHG, land use/take, noise, congestion, and traffic incidents/accidents, and
• Contributing to increasing/improving the social/economic/business attractive-
ness of particular locations in a given urban area(s).
• Slightly diminished physical accessibility for those users/passengers switching
from individual passenger cars;
• Concerns of particular categories of users/passengers due to their unfamiliarity
with approaching and using the vehicle(s)/services; and
• The still present, although at a much lower scale, risk of exposure to some
elements of antisocial behavior.
System operator(s)
• Setting up the system is costly mainly on account of high infrastructure costs;
• Covering the costs exclusively by operations is an inherent weakness; and
• The inherent uncertainty of providing sufficient transit capacity comparable to
that of the other cooperating and/or competing urban mass transit systems.
Local/regional community and authorities
• Compromising the environment’s visual impression due to the elevated
• Potentially requiring subsidies for covering operational and other costs; and
• Inability to resolve all urban transit problems as some authorities may expect.
The experience so far shows that only three of more than 50 conceptual, pro-
totype, and fully developed PRT systems have been commercialized. This is mainly
because of the above-mentioned policy–social barriers to their implementation
6.2 Personal Rapid Transit Systems 305
where the total system operating costs seemingly dominate. Nevertheless, in the
present context, PRT possesses all attributes of an advanced urban transit system,
which certainly should be carefully considered for gradual implementation
respecting its overall socioeconomic feasibility. This certainly will be a gradual
process on a case by case basis continuing with niche applications. On the one hand,
such development will continue to demonstrate and prove the expected advantages.
On the other, it will contribute to the further maturating of PRT systems and
consequently increased interest in their commercialization on a wider scale.
Finally, the trends of both strengthening and weakening of the existing level of
urbanization will certainly contribute to the wider use of PRT systems either as a
complement or even an exclusive urban transit system.
1970s A British national tube transportation system for general commodity freight (similar to
SUBTRANS) is launched by the British Hydro-mechanics Research Association
1984 The concept of long-haul freight/goods transport in capsules propelled by linear induction
motors through a tube of a diameter of about 2.0 m called SUBTRANS is patented
Large urban and suburban agglomerations and large multimodal transport nodes
such as ports, airports, and other inland intermodal terminals located close to these
urban agglomerations have increasingly suffered from severe traffic congestion
with the following impacts: (i) lost time of passengers while traveling to and from
their workplace and delays in delivery of freight/goods to their final destinations;
(ii) incidents/accidents caused by trucks and individual passenger cars resulting in
injuries and death, and damage and loss of property (vehicles); (iii) increasing
energy consumption and related emissions of GHG (Green House gases) by all
vehicles (trucks and cars) while in congestion; and (iv) local noise caused by
congested slowly moving traffic. One of the prospective solutions to mitigate such
impacts and their further escalation due to the prospective growth in freight
transport volumes can be to partially replace trucks used for freight/goods deliv-
eries by the UFT (Underground Freight Transport) systems. The UFT system
concept of is not new. One of the first such systems was The Mail Rail System in
London (UK) operating from 1927 by Royal Mail for moving mail across the city.
At present, some UFT systems have been successfully used in Japan to transport
bulk material (Nippon/Daifuku and Sumitomo Electric Industries). In addition,
two UFT systems have been operating in Georgia (Tbilisi) for the movement of
306 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
crashed rock and in Russia (Petrograd) for moving garbage. The others are two
automated capsule systems—one for containers and the other for pallets—still at
the conceptual level with some pilot trials conducted under laboratory conditions
(Rijsenbrij et al. 2006).
The concept is rather simple: instead of moving freight/goods consolidated into
shipments of different sizes such as standard pallets and/or containers aboveground
by trucks, they are moved through underground pipes/tunnels on automatically
controlled dedicated vehicles. The pipes/tunnels, which can be partially above-
ground, connect different freight/goods origins and destinations in the given urban
and suburban area(s). The vehicles/capsules, loaded with freight/goods shipments,
move completely automatically though the pipes/tunnels. At the beginning, the
pipes were expected to have a diameter/width of about 1 or 2 m mainly for
transporting smaller shipments up to the size of pallets. Later on, pipes/tunnels
with a much wider diameter/width have been considered for moving containers,
swap bodies, and semi-trailers. This has resulted in emerging two fully automated
distinguished concepts: (i) the Automated Capsule System for Pallets such as
CargoCap (Germany), Subtrans (Texas, U.S.), and MTM (U.S.); and (ii) the
Automated Capsule System for Containers such as CargoCapContainer (Germany)
and SAFE Freight Shuttle (TTI, Texas, U.S.). Both concepts, but especially the
latter one(s), imply interoperability while connecting to existing (conventional)
freight transport systems.. All these systems require building completely new
underground infrastructure—tubes/tunnels, which could be very costly if devel-
oped as networks. This is one of the main reasons why none of these concepts have
been either privately or publically commercialized as yet, despite some positive
feasibility studies (Liu 2004; Rijsenbrij et al. 2006). Background
In general, the internal pressure can be estimated as: r = zc, where c is the average specific
weight and z is the depth of the soil. This implies that the internal pressure increases linearly with
increasing of the depth of soil. For example, if the average specific weight of soil is: c = 20 kN/m3
and the depth: z = 30 m, the resulting vertical pressure on the upper wall of a pipe/tunnel located
there will be: r = 20 9 30 = 600 N/m2 (Pa). In addition, the weight of surface constructions
(pavements, tracks, buildings, etc.,) need to be added. The other is the lateral pressure component
by the surrounding soil at a given depth.
308 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
Fig. 6.4 Scheme of the UFT Automated Capsule System for Pallets—CargoCap (CC 1999)
2.6m 2.6m
Concrete floor
Steel wheels Steel wheels
Steel tracks
Fig. 6.5 Scheme of the possible cross-sectional shapes of pipes/tunnels at the UFT system for
containers—one direction (Liu 2004)
In general, a given UFT system can be designed to operate as a single line or as a
network of lines. In both cases, the lines connect network nodes/stations, which act
as the entries and exits of the vehicles/capsules to/from the system, respectively. In
order to properly cover an urban or suburban area, the UFT network needs to have a
sufficient number of nodes/stations, each covering the specified ‘‘service area’’ (few
hundred meters around the station at the surface, i.e., street level). In the horizontal
plane, these stations/locations should be at or as close as possible to the intermodal
terminals where the transfer of shipments between UCT and other conventional
freight transport systems/modes, and vice versa, takes place. For example, in case
of Automated Capsule System for Containers, these transshipment locations can be
the port and inland container terminal(s). In case of Automated Capsule System for
Pallets, the locations can be large logistics and shopping centers. This implies that
the UFT networks for transporting containers could cover a much wider area than
those transporting pallets and other smaller shipments. However, the density of
nodes/stations of the latter can be much higher, mainly depending on the size and
structure of activities of a given urban area. In any case, both types of systems are
expected to operate at short- to medium-haul distances, i.e., up to 350–400 km. The
main reason is that the greatest volumes of freight/goods are transported along such
distances, thus guaranteeing sufficient demand for these systems.
The stations of the UFT network as its nodes are underground structures designed
as platforms with several tracks for handling the incoming and outgoing vehicles/
capsules. The area of floor of a given station depends on the number and length of
tracks. The latter is influenced by the length of a single vehicle/capsule or the
length of a ‘‘train’’ consisting of few units, i.e., vehicles/capsules. The floor level
of these stations is usually located above the pipe/tunnel level, which enables using
gravity for acceleration of the incoming and deceleration of the outgoing vehicles/
capsules, respectively. Each station can have a set of short tunnels at the same
level, each ending with an elevator (if the station is deep underground), which
enables lifting vehicles/capsules to/from the street level. From there, the vehicles/
capsules are delivered to their final destinations, and vice versa. Figure 6.6 shows
a horizontal layout of a station/terminal of a UFT system for pallets. The pipes/
tunnels connect the given station/terminal to the rest of the network. They all are
underground. Four elevators deliver vehicles/capsules with or without pallets
vertically to/from the neighboring streets (Liu 2004).
Fig. 6.6 Scheme of the station/terminal of a UFT system for pallets (Liu 2004)
Depending on the UFT system, the vehicles/capsules can carry (standard) pallets
or containers, swap bodies and/or semi-trailers. Their cross-sectional shape would
be closely adapted to the shape of pipes/tunnels and their length to the length of the
boxes with freight shipments. Their steel wheels mounted on the bottom would
support the gross weight, i.e., the weight of the vehicle/capsule and that of the
freight/goods onboard. The steel wheels would enable movement along the steel
tracks, thus considerably reducing the rolling resistance as compared to rubber
tires (up to 0.002) and consequently contributing to saving energy. In addition, so-
called side wheels can be mounted on the vehicles/capsules in order to provide
their stability during moving through pipes/tunnels and reduce friction between
them and the walls of pipes/tunnels.
The vehicles/capsules can operate as single units or be coupled as a ‘‘train’’ of
two or three units. The typical capacity of a single vehicle/capsule of a UFT system
for pallets usually corresponds to 2 Euro pallets (800 9 1,200 9 1,500 mm) or to
about 2 tons of freight/goods. The dimensions and carrying capacity of a single
vehicle/capsule of a UFT system for containers and swap bodies usually corre-
sponds to one container or a swap body equivalent to 2TEU. Table 6.7 gives some
characteristics of the vehicles/capsules of a UFT system for pallets and containers.
6.3 Underground Freight Transport Systems 311
Table 6.7 Characteristics of UFT system vehicles/capsules for pallets and containers (CC 1999;
Liu 2004)
Characteristic UFT system
CargoCap (Germany) New York city (USA)
Pallets Containers
Length/Width/Height (m) 4/1.4/1.6 12.81/2.6/3.0
Empty weight (tons) 0.8 25
Payload (maximal) (tons) 1.5 64
Gross weight (tons) 2.3 89
Track gage (mm) 800 1,453
The vehicles/capsules are mainly made from steel with thin outer aluminum
cladding of 1–2 mm enabling driving by LIM (Linear Induction Motor). The
loading/unloading of vehicles/capsules can be carried out at both underground and
aboveground stations by using the conveyor technique. The roll conveyors on the
vehicles/capsules automatically connect to those at the stations enabling loading
units to pass between them.
The system for driving vehicles/capsules
While moving through pipes/tunnels, the vehicles/capsules are supposed to be
most efficiently and effectively driven by one or more LIMs. The LIM can be
considered as an electric machine that converts electrical energy directly into
mechanical energy in translational motion. It consists of two components: a pri-
mary and a secondary. When powered by three-phase electric current, the primary
winding generates a moving flux. Then the current induced in the secondary reacts
with this flux and produces mechanical force. The LIMs are placed at convenient
distances along particular lines and particularly at the stations of a given UFT
system. At so-called LIM stations, usually two LIMs powered by three-phase
current are installed at each side of a pipe/tunnel, acting as the motor’s stator, i.e.,
the primary windings. Their shape should be adapted as close as possible to the
shape of the vehicles/capsules. The primaries of such LIMs interact with the
vehicles/capsules acting as the secondary while passing through, which generates
electromagnetic and then mechanical force pushing them as a pump down the
pipe(s)/tunnel(s). In order to act as the secondary, the walls of the vehicles/cap-
sules are made of two layers—the inner of steel as a ferromagnetic material and
the outer of aluminum as a good conductor. In order to ensure rather good effi-
ciency, the air gap between the wall of the vehicle/capsule and the LIM must be
about 1 cm at most. In general, the power, i.e., thrust force, of a given LIM (MW)
can be estimated as follows (Liu 2004):
Pin ¼ E V A Dp ð6:5Þ
E is the LIM’s efficiency (%);
V is the air speed in the pipe/tunnel under steady-state conditions (m/s);
312 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
few vehicles/capsules and a reasonable vertical speed of about 1–3 m/s. If the
tunnel/pipes, particularly those of a UFT system for pallets, are not so deep
underground, the entry/exit stations/terminals are elevated above the natural street
level, thus enabling gravity force to be used for accelerating and decelerating
incoming and outgoing vehicles/capsules, respectively.
s is the minimum inter arrival time between two successive vehicle/capsule
trains (s).
The time interval s can be estimated as:
s ¼ d=v ð6:6cÞ
d is the minimum distance between any two successive vehicle/capsule trains
(m); and
v is the average operating speed of a vehicle/capsule train in the given pipe/
tunnel (m/s).
The typical average operating speed of UFT systems for pallets and containers is
planned to be about v = 30–40 km/h and the maximum speed about 80–90 km/h.
In addition, the capacity of a given UFT system station in terms of the weight of
freight/goods served during a given period of time can be estimated analogously as
in Eq. (6.6a). In such case, the time interval s represents the average injection
interval between successive vehicle/capsule trains at a given station (s). The
capacity of a pipe/tunnel and a station in terms of the volume of freight/goods
served can be estimated similarly as in Eqs. 6.6a–6.6c.
Quality of service
Quality of service is expressed by indicators and measures such as accessibility
and availability of services, delivery time, and reliability and punctuality of
Accessibility and availability of services
The accessibility and availability of services depends on the spatial coverage of a
given UFT system and its operating regime. In particular, accessibility would be
high if there were a sufficient number of entry and exit stations of the system in
order to provide access of customers from the given urban or suburban area it
serves, as well as at a reasonably close distance from their door. This implies that,
in the optimal case, this distance should be about a couple of hundreds of meters.
Availability implies that the system needs to be accessible in order to accept and
deliver freight/goods shipments at the time convenient for the (quite different)
users/customers. Therefore, most concepts consider 24-h operation, i.e., avail-
ability of access, every day of the year.
Delivery time
The delivery time of freight shipments by a given UFT system depends on the
length of pipes/tunnels, i.e., lines, the operating speed of vehicle/capsule trains,
and the time needed for their vertical transport between the system and the ground
(street) level, and vice versa. This time can be estimated as follows:
6.3 Underground Freight Transport Systems 315
The other symbols are as in the previous equations. Equation 6.6e assumes that
each vehicle/capsule, in addition to the time of delivering goods, also spends
loading and unloading time at the shippers and receivers of freight/goods ship-
ments, respectively; in addition, each individual vehicle/capsule or train moves
full between freight/goods shippers–receivers and empty back, which implies
utilization of the available capacity N(T)w of about 50 %. This could be improved
by reasonably widening the diversity of freight/goods shipments transported.
Technical productivity
The technical productivity of a pipe/tunnel of a given UFT system can be esti-
mated from Eq. 6.6a as follows:
TPp ðTÞ ¼ Cp ðTÞ v ð6:6fÞ
where all symbols are as in the previous equations. This indicates that, as intuitively
expected, container UFT systems have much higher technical productivity than
those for pallets, again explaining the shift in design from the latter to the former.
For example, let a specific UFT system deal with containers and swap bodies. Each
vehicle/capsule carries one container or swap body equivalent to 2TEU at an
316 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
average speed of v = 35 km/h. If they were injected into the system at stations/
terminals every: s = 30 s, during the time: T = 1 h, the technical productivity
would be: TPp(T) = (3600/30) 9 1 9 2TEU 9 35 = 8,400 TEU-km/h.
The economic performances of a given UFT system include its costs and revenues.
In assessing the feasibility of particular UFT system concepts, both have usually
been expressed per year over the period of the system life cycle of about 30 years.
The costs of an UFT system include the investment costs and operating costs.
The former includes the costs of building the system infrastructure (pipes/
tunnels and stations), and the costs of acquiring: (i) supporting facilities and
equipment (rails, elevators, LIMs, equipment in stations, control and communi-
cation system, etc.); and (ii) vehicles/capsules. The latter includes the costs of staff
operating the system, the costs of electricity consumption, and the other (mis-
cellaneous) costs. By dividing the total annual costs by the total quantity of freight
transported, the average unit costs can be obtained as the basis for setting the
prices of services. For example, some studies have indicated that the average unit
costs of the UFT system for pallets serving New Your City (U.S.) could be: 0.177
$US/ton. The costs of the UFT system for containers in the same city would be:
17.2 $US/TEU (Liu 2004).
Revenues are obtained by charging for services provided by a given UFT system.
Usually rates are set to at least cover the unit total cost, thus guaranteeing feasible
operation. Otherwise, subsidies would be needed to cover the negative difference
between the costs and revenues. In the above-mentioned examples of the UFT
systems serving New Your City, these rates would need to be competitive to those
of conventional truck services: 20 $US/ton for the UFT system for pallets and
30 $US/TEU for the UFT system for containers (Liu 2004). This implies that both
systems would be profitable even without considering their contribution to
reducing externalities.
the power consumed by the flow of air and vehicles/capsules can be estimated as in
Eq. 6.5. In general, the total electricity consumption of a given UFT system would
be proportional to the product of the number of LIMs deployed, the power of each
of them, and their operating time. Since all three parameters could be high at large-
scale UFT systems, it is realistic to expect that they will, operating continuously,
consume a substantial amount of electricity. In relative terms, i.e., the energy
consumed per transported shipment, these systems are supposed to be more effi-
cient that their conventional truck counterparts serving the same urban and sub-
urban areas.
The total emissions of GHG of UFT systems is generally proportional to the
product of the quantity of electric energy consumed and the emission rates of the
primary sources for obtaining this energy. Again, these emissions with respect to
UFT systems are expected to be lower than those of conventional trucks in both
absolute and relative terms.
The achieved savings in energy consumption and related emissions of GHG by
replacement of truck transport under given conditions could thus be used as one of
the important criteria for assessing the overall social-economic feasibility of UFT
systems. This could particularly be justifiable if emissions of GHG were inter-
nalized, i.e., considered as externalities.
Land use
UFT systems do not use/take additional land since they are predominantly
underground constructions. Some very limited land may be used/taken at street
level for building access to entry/leave stations. By replacing trucks, the
requirements for new land for eventually widening the roads and streets including
providing parking spaces for trucks would be significantly reduced and not com-
pletely eliminated. This would be again taken into account in assessing the overall
social-economic feasibility of UFT systems.
The social performances of a given UFT system include noise, congestion, traffic
incidents/accidents (safety and security), and social welfare comprising both urban
and social effects. In contrast to conventional trucks, UFT systems are by design
free of impacts such as noise, congestion, and traffic incidents and accidents, the
latter causing injuries and loss of life. Even more, they are expected to be bene-
ficial in relieving a given urban or suburban population from these impacts by
trucks expected to be replaced. Thus, they contribute to overall social welfare,
which should be, similarly as above, taken into account in assessing their overall
social-economic feasibility. However, since such completely automatized systems
do not require substantive employment, employment in the truck transportation
sector due to rather substantial substitution could be affected, thus resulting in an
increase of the total unemployment in the given context.
318 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
The main policy performance of UFT systems is their attractiveness for the pro-
spective public or private financiers in terms of full commercialization under
conditions of completely liberalized freight transport markets (Visser 2010). In
many cases, this will need additional clarification of the role of private and public
entities interested in commercializing these systems. In addition, such clarification
would enable overall changes in the perception of both society and DM (Decision-
Making) institutions/bodies at different institutional levels (local-urban, regional,
and national). Specifically, the government as the public entity and DM can be
involved in commercialization of a given UFT system at four levels: (i) fully
through public initiative; (ii) through public–private partnership; (iii) through
supporting private initiative; and (iv) through providing a legal framework for a
fully private initiative.
In addition, in order to start participating more actively in the eventual com-
mercialization of UFT systems, the government, in general, needs to make three
mental shifts (Winkelmans and Notteboom 2000). The first is the cognitive shift
implying a change in perception toward UFT systems by considering them as a
solution for some freight transport-related problems. The second is the strategic shift
implying defining the strategic policy objectives related to UFT systems. The last is
the operational shift implying acting according to the specified policy objectives.
However, to date, the above-mental shift has not appeared to have fully taken place
yet. For example, in the Netherlands, UFT has been the matter of private and public-
funded research; governmental-policy consideration including setting up a test site
have been carried out since mid-1997, but the whole initiative was put on hold in
2002. In Japan, many private research and commercialization activities were carried
out on UFT systems in the 1980s and 1990s, but none with the strong government
support. The currently commercialized UFT systems developed by Sumitomo Metal
Industries for transporting different materials such as solid waste, minerals, and
construction material are owned by private companies. In the UK, in the early 2000s,
an initiative to commercialize a UFT system in London based on the Mail Rail tunnel
network failed to receive government support at any level: local, regional, or
national. In the USA, different initiatives for commercializing UFT systems have
been either fully or partially sponsored by the states’ or central government since
1990. However, these systems including the above mentioned for pallets and con-
tainers in New Your City have not yet received government support for final
commercialization. In Germany, despite being co-sponsored by the government, it is
still very uncertain whether the CargoCap systems for pallets and containers will
obtain government support for full commercialization.
An additional policy performance of UFT systems is represented by access for
users/customers acting as systems operators. The question is whether access will
be granted to one or a few mutually competing operators, like it was in the past and
is at present, respectively, within the railway freight transport sector. This seems to
be strongly dependent on the ownership, i.e., on whether the systems will be
private or public goods. In the former case, the privately built and operated UFT
6.3 Underground Freight Transport Systems 319
system would allow access to a single user/operator. In the latter case, access
would be given to a few users/operators.
In summary, it seems that the above-mentioned policy performances of UFT
systems will need additional time for the overall mental shift to occur, thus
opening the path toward their commercialization under given (market) conditions.
6.3.3 Evaluation
The UFT systems for either pallets or containers possess both advantages
(Strengths and Opportunities) and disadvantages (Weaknesses and Threats).
• The technology is known and available, thus making such systems for both
pallets and containers technologically feasible, i.e., sustainable;
• Some improvements in the social-economic feasibility could be achieved by
operating 24 h/day and fully automatizing the processes within the logistics
chains these systems serve;
• Mitigating the impacts of freight transport on the environment and society in a
given urban or suburban area(s) by direct and indirect savings in the energy
consumption and related emissions of GHG (Green House Gases), local noise,
congestion, traffic incident/accidents, and land use/take—all as compared to the
equivalent volumes of the presumably substituted transport by road trucks; and
• Flexibility in improving the overall social-economic feasibility by including
direct and indirect impacts on the society and environment– in case of inter-
nalizing externalities in the freight transport sector in a given urban or suburban
• Requiring completely new, dedicated predominantly underground infrastructure
(lines and networks of pipes/tunnels);
320 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
Table 6.8 Performances of UFT systems: Automated Capsule System for Pallets—CargoCap/
Subtrans (Liu 2004; Rijsenbrij et al. 2006)
Performances/type/indicator Value of indicator
Pipe/tunnel (shape)
Circular (diameter) (single line) (m) 1.2/2.1
Length (km) 80/644
Construction material Steel or concrete Steel
Station(s) (number/m) -/1/610
Network (type) Point-to-point (corridor)
(Limited number of freight/goods origins and
Body/Wheels Steel
Carrying capacity
Euro pallets/vehicle/capsule
(W 9 L 9 H = 800 9 1200 9 1500 mm) 2/6
Maximum load (tons) 2/2
The vehicle/capsule driving system LIM/LIM
The vehicle/capsule braking system LIM or compressed air based
Demand (tons/day)(000—estimated)
Capacity (tons/day)(000—estimated) 113/205
Speed (km/h)
Average 36/40
Maximum 40/90
Operating time (h/day) 24/24
Average operating cost (€/ton-km) 0.72/0.54
Average total cost (€/ton-km) 1.51/0.67
Energy consumption (kWh/ton) -/0.17
Emissions of GHG (Green House Gases) Depending on the primary sources for
producing electricity
Noise Free/Free
Congestion Free/Free
Safety (traffic incidents/accidents) Free/Free
Availability of technology (Yes/No) Yes/Yes
Level of development Prototype without tests/LIM tested in the
Perception/acceptance level Low-Fuzzy/Low-Fuzzy
6.3 Underground Freight Transport Systems 321
Table 6.9 Performances of UFT systems: Automated Capsule System for Containers—Cargo-
CapContainer/Freight Shuttle (Liu 2004; Rijsenbrij et al. 2006)
Performance/type/indicator Value of indicator
Pipe/tunnel (shape)
Rectangular (two lines) (width, height) (m) 10, 7
Circular (diameter) (single line) (m) 8
Length (km) -/116
Construction material Concrete
Tracks Steel
Station(s) (number) -/2
Network (type) Point-to-point (Corridor)
Vehicle/capsule 4-axes automotive rail wagon
Body/Wheels Steel
Carrying capacity (TEU/vehicle/capsule) 2
The vehicle/capsule driving system LIM (three-phase current)
The vehicle/capsule braking system LIM or Compressed air based
Demand (TEU/day) (000—estimated) 10/30
Capacity (TEU/day) (000—estimated) -/30.2
Speed (km/h)
Average 40
Maximum 80–90
Operating time (h/day) 24
Average operating cost (€/TEU-km) 0.03–0.08
Average total cost (€/TEU-km) 0.04–0.35
Energy consumption (kWh/TEU) -/112.8
Emissions of GHG (Green House Gases) Depending on the primary sources for
producing electricity
Noise Free
Congestion Free
Safety (traffic incidents/accidents) Free
Availability of technology (Yes/No) Yes/Yes
Level of development Concept/No prototype or demonstration
Perception/acceptance Low-Fuzzy
322 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
1910s The modern concept of a Vactrain with evacuated tubes and maglev technology explored
by U.S. engineer Robert Goddard (USA)
1914 A Vactrain concept offered in the book Motion without friction (airless electric way) of
Russian professor Boris Weinberg (Russia)
1970s A series of elaborate engineering articles about Vactrains published in the year 1972 and
1978 by R. M. Salter of RAND (USA)
6.4 Evacuated Tube Transport System 323
1980s The experimental German TRM train to operate in the large underground tunnels with
reduced air pressure equivalent to that at the altitude of 68,000 ft (21,000 m)
proposed by the Swissmetro (Switzerland)
1980s The transoceanic tube floating above the ocean floor anchored with cables proposed by F.
P. Davidson (the chairman of the Channel Tunnel project) and Y. Kyotani (a
Japanese engineer) (UK, Japan)
The future economy and society until and beyond the year 2050 will likely mainly
be characterized by demography, resources, and global development (ACARE
2010). Demography will be characterized by: (i) continuing growth: the world’s
population is expected to reach 9–10 billion; (ii) an aging population: by 2,100, the
average age will be about 40 years in all countries; the largest population group
will be that of about 50 years old; and both will likely increase the economic
pressure on the health system; (iii) growing developing economies: the strength-
ening ‘‘middle’’ class in countries like Brazil, India, Russia, China will certainly
create new increasing demand for mobility; and (iv) urbanization: by 2025 about
two-thirds of the world’s population will live in cities, many of which are to be
developed into mega-cities.
The resources will be characterized as follows: (i) energy: the cost of energy
will continue to increase particularly after the peak of crude oil production, which
is expected around 2030; alternative sources will need to be developed in any case
simply because the conventional ones will start to run out; (ii) technology: ICT
(Information and Communication Technologies) will continue to influence and
lead to an increasingly dematerialized economy; nanotechnology will be able to
create new materials with a wide range of applications including in transport; and
(iii) environment: the main development will seemingly be a change of the earth’s
climate with its perceivable consequences; certain parts of the world will face
limited availability of fresh water.
Global development will be characterized as follows: (i) geopolitics: the rise of
new economic and political powers such as China, Brazil, India, and Russia will
lead to a multipolar world with the likely gradually decreasing influence of the
USA and (ii) economy and trade: the character of economic development in the
long-term will continue to be ‘growth-leading to-growth’ despite impacts of
economic/political crises from time to time; the above-mentioned new emerging
economic powers will continue to strengthen their influence.
The future transport system will be characterized by continuous growth of
demand mainly sustained by demographic and economic development (growth).
The main attributes of the transport system serving such demand are expected to
324 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
‘Vacuum’ is defined as an air-free or almost the air-free space.
6.4 Evacuated Tube Transport System 325 Background
The main components of a given ETT system are its vacuumed tunnels/tubes,
TRM trains, and supporting facilities and equipment for energy supply, main-
taining vacuum in the tunnels, train/traffic control/management systems on-board
the vehicles and on the ground, and fire protection systems. They all influence the
system’s performances, and vice versa.
Similarly to other transport systems, the ETT system is characterized by its
infrastructural, technical/technological, operational, economic, environmental, and
social/policy performances. In general, even under the present conditions of no
prototype system existing, they could be analyzed and modeled using the ‘‘what-
if’’ scenario approach and bearing in mind the preferences of the particular actors/
stakeholders involved such as providers/managers of transport infrastructure,
manufacturers of vehicles/trains, users and providers of transport services, gov-
erning bodies at different institutional levels (local, regional, national, and inter-
national), and local communities.
The infrastructural performances include design of the individual tubes and their
The infrastructure of the EET system would be designed according to two con-
cepts. The first implies building underground tunnels under the sea floor, while the
alternative implies installing undersea floating tubes anchored to the seabed by
steel cables. The latter concept would consist of two designs: (i) two transport and
one separate service/maintenance tube; the separate tube would be also shared
with pipelines for oil, water, gas, electric power transmission lines, communication
lines, etc. and (ii) a single tube divided vertically into three sections—the main
section with the train lines, the maintenance section above, and the emergency
section below the main section. Figure 6.7a, b shows these designs where TRM
trains would be used (Salter 1972; Sirohiwala 2007).
The floating tubes could be made of two types of materials: either pure steel
guaranteeing air-proof at a rather moderate cost or composite materials with steel
and concrete where the inner thin layer of steel would be the inside and the
concrete the outside wall of the tube. Due to the need for eliminating heating from
the tube mainly coming from train operations, materials with good thermal con-
ductivity would have to be used. For example, common steel would be better than
stainless steel. Locating tubes deep underwater (300 m) in combination with water
pipes inside the tubes could be a solution for the heating problem (Zhang et al.
326 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
TRM vehicle
TRM vehicle
Transport tube
D = 6m
1.15m 1.15m
1.15m 1.15m
D = 3.0m
Service/maintenance tube
Service/maintenance section
TRM vehicle
D = 10.0m
D1 = 5m Main section
3.7m 3.7m
Beam Emergency section
Fig. 6.7 Schemes of the tube design for an underwater ETT system, a Double tube, b Single
2011). The thickness of the tubes’ walls would be sufficient to sustain the water
pressure at a given depth from the outside and almost zero pressure from the inside
(at the depth of 300 m the outside pressure is about 30 atm, i.e., the pressure
increases by 1 atm for each 10 m of depth (atm—atmosphere)). The tubes would
be composed of prefabricated sections joined together in order to compose an
airtight tube. Alternatively, an interlocking mechanism would be incorporated into
6.4 Evacuated Tube Transport System 327
the sections in order to keep them assembled. The vacuum-lock isolation gates at
the specified distance would be constructed in order to evacuate air from particular
sections of the tubes more efficiently and thus prevent the spreading of potentially
large-scale air leakages throughout the entire tubes. These gates would consist of
vertically up and down moving doors, which could also function as part of the fire
protection system. These doors would be closed during initial evacuation of air
from the tubes and in the cases of large-scale leakages, and opened otherwise
(Salter 1972).
The question arises whether such built and equipped tubes incorporating
additional TRM guideway(s) would be able to float at the given depth. This will
depend on the resultant buoyant force Wb as the difference between the weight of
the tube Wp (positive) and the weight of the displaced water Ww (negative) as
W b ¼ W p W w ¼ M q0 V ð6:7aÞ
M is the mass (weight) of the tube(s) (kg);
q0 is density of sea water (tons/m3); and
V is the volume of displaced water equal to the volume of tube(s) (m3).
The mass (weight) of the displaced water is equal to the product of the internal
volume of the tube V and (sea) water density q0 as follows:
328 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
q0 V ¼ q0 p R21 L ð6:7dÞ
where all symbols are as in the previous equations.
As shown in Fig. 6.7a, in the case of the two transport and single service/
maintenance concept, the inside and outside diameter of each transport tube would
be about D2 = 2R2 = 6.2 and D1 = 2R1 = 6.0 m, and that of the service tube
Ds2 = 2Rs2 = 3.2 and Ds1 = 2Rs1 = 3.0 m, respectively. The diameter of trans-
port tubes is specified regarding the profile of TRM trains of a width and height of
3.70 and 4.16 m, respectively (Table 5.4, Chap. 5). In addition, these tubes would
accommodate ‘‘at grade guideways’’ for TRM trains (currently, their height is
1.25–3.5 m with a support by of reinforced concrete piers set up at a distance of
2.75 m; the height of the steel hybrid guider is 0.4 m (Chap. 5). For example, let
the specific density of ocean water be: q0 = 1.027 tons/m3; the dimensions of the
tubes are as above; the factor f = 2 for installing guideway(s) and other systems
inside; the average specific gravity of the tubes’ material is: sm = 5.67 tons/m3
(this is the 60/40 % mix of steel (specific gravity: ss = 7.85 tons/m3) and concrete
(specific gravity: sc = 2,400 tons/m3)). Then, for a given length of tube of
L = 1 m, based on Eqs. 6.7a–6.7c, the buoyant force for the transport tube would
be: Wb = 21.72–29.02 = -7.3 kg \ 0, which implies that the tube would float and
must thus be anchored to the ocean floor. By carefully adjusting the values of the
parameters, particularly factor f, more accurate results could be obtained. In
addition, the strength of the buoyant force would be used to specify the need for
anchoring cables.
In the above-mentioned calculations, the thickness of walls of all tubes has been
adopted to be 200 mm. But would this be necessary? Theoretically, the minimum
thickness of a given tube (tm) can be estimated as follows (Antaki 2003):
3 D2
tmin ¼ Pa ð6:7eÞ
4 B
Pa is the maximum allowable external pressure on the wall of the tube (MPa);
B is the strength of the material the tube is made of (MPa).
The tube(s) would be evacuated and thus without any significant internal
pressure. In the above example, the strength of the material (60/40 steel/concrete
mix) is: Bm = 1,240 MPa, which is at the same time the collapse pressure Pc
(Bs = 2,000 MPa; Bc = 100 MPa; MPa—Mega Pascal; 1 atm = 0.101325 MPa).
Then the maximum allowable pressure for this mixture of materials would be:
Pa = (1/3) Pc = 1,240/3 = 413.3 MPa. In addition, the actual pressure at a depth
of 300 m where the tubes would be placed is: Pa = 30 atm (i.e., & 3.04 MPa),
which is much lower than the above maximum allowable pressure. Then, based on
Eq. 6.7e, the minimum required thickness of the tube wall would be:
6.4 Evacuated Tube Transport System 329
tm C 11.03 mm. For example, at a depth of 500 m, this would be: tm C 18.39 mm.
Both values are far below the adopted wall depth of 200 mm.
Taking into account the length of the link/line of about 5,664 km (the distance
between London (UK) and New York (USA)), the quantity of material used to
build two transport and one service/maintenance tube with 200 mm thick walls
and the specific gravity of the mixture of material (5.67 tons/m3) would amount to
about 152 million tons, In addition, building the given link/line would take at least
20 years.
As compared to underground tunnels, this concept seems to be more attractive,
mainly due to the nature of the construction work and supporting activities, and the
overall investment costs. In addition, it seems to be more resistant to earthquakes
and other kind of large-scale disruptive events on the one hand, but also more
exposed to the eventual terrorist and other attacks on the other. The other details
on the construction process could be found in the reference literature (Salter 1972;
Sirohiwala 2007; Zhang et al. 2011).
The individual tubes and intermodal terminals would compose the EET system
network, which would consist of two subnetworks as follows:
• The subnetwork at the higher level consisting of links/lines connecting large
(hub) intermodal passenger terminals at the coasts of particular continents. The
links/lines as the tunnels/tubes would lie mainly under the sea level with a short
portion as an underground construction (between the coast and the inland
intermodal passenger terminal(s)); and
• The subnetwork at the lower level consisting of links/lines as tunnels/tubes
connecting continental large urban agglomerations and coast terminals; these
would be completely underground constructions.
The two subnetworks would meet each other at intermodal terminals near the
coast(s). The links/tubes of the higher network would be predominantly under
water. One of the characteristic cases could be the link/line under Atlantic Ocean
connecting Europe and North America (e.g., London and New York). The tubes
would begin and end at the intermodal passenger terminals enabling exchanging
passengers between the ETT system and its feeder systems under the same ‘‘roof’’.
Figure 6.8 shows the simplified sheme of an intercontinental higher level ETT
system/network with a single link/line.
Continent 1 Continent 2
ETT system
Fig. 6.8 Scheme of an intercontinental ETT system network with a single link/line (tube)
Vacuum pumps
After assembling the tubes, MAGLEV guideways, energy system for both vehi-
cles, vacuum pumps, and other supporting facilities and equipment will need to be
installed. The vacuum pumps would be applied to initially evacuate and later
maintain the required level of vacuum inside the tunnels/pipes. In particular,
creating the initial vacuum consists of two steps: (i) large-scale evacuation and (ii)
removal of smaller molecules near tunnel walls using heating techniques. In
addition, any potential leakages of air would need to be dealt with. These require
powerful vacuum pumps consuming a lot of energy, at least during the initial step.
An alternative could be to create a vacuum at very low pressure, for example, at
about 0.01–0.0001 atm (equivalent to the altitude of about 50 km). How would the
pumps work? At the initial stage, they would be operating until achieving the
required tube evacuation level. Once the required vacuum conditions were set up,
the pumps would automatically stop and the vacuum-lock isolation gates would be
opened. In cases of air leakage in some section(s), the corresponding gates would
be closed and the pumps activated again. The pumps would be located along the
tube(s) in the required number depending on the volumes of air to be evacuated,
available time, and evacuation capacity. For example, along the Atlantic line,
about 200 units each with a vacuuming capacity of 100 m3/min and energy con-
sumption of 260 KW would be located at a distance of about 28 km. The volume
of air to be evacuated from the two tubes with a diameter of 6.0 m and one tube of
3.0 m, and a length of 5,564 km would be about 354 million m3. The initial
evacuation would take about 12.3 days (Sirohiwala 2007).
Vehicles and propulsion
As mentioned above, the EET system would use TRM (Trans Rapid Maglev) type
vehicles. Such as, for example, German TRM07 trains whose technical/technological
6.4 Evacuated Tube Transport System 331
performances are given in Table 5.3 (Chap. 5). The exceptions from those in this table
are the operating speed and acceleration/deceleration rate(s), which would be, thanks
to moving through vacuum, much higher—the operating speed would be about
6,400–8,000 km/h and the horizontal acceleration/deceleration to/from these cruising
speeds about 3.0–5.0 m/s2. The trains would be pressurized similarly to modern
commercial aircraft (about 1 atm) (Zhang et al. 2011).
The ETT TRM trains would very likely be powered by some type of rocket
engine, mainly due to the requirements for the very high supersonic speeds in the
vacuumed tubes/tunnels. This is because these engines do not rely on the atmo-
spheric oxygen. These rocket engines would presumably be powered by nuclear
energy as a propellant. Most of the energy would be consumed during acceleration
and deceleration phase of a journey. During cruising phase, due to the vacuum
conditions in the tube/tunnel, the TRM trains would move thanks to the inertial
force gained after acceleration. Consequently, the rolling and aerodynamic resis-
tance during cursing phase of a journey as the two additional main causes for the
energy consumption would be completely eliminated. In addition, operating in the
airless tinnel(s)/tube(s) at the very high speeds would eliminate, on the one hand,
the shock waves at the moment of breaking the sound barrier (important for
passing trains in a single tunnel/tube concept), and on the other air friction and the
consequent heating of trains. Even under conditions of the very low air density in
the tubes, the latter two would be negligible. Nevertheless, heat shields would be
incorporated in the trains in order to protect them from overheating caused by
unpredictable air leakages. Under such circumstances, if, for example, a mass of
the two-car TRM train was 110 tons (as in Table 5.3), then based based on the
Newton’s laws, a rocket engine of about 733 MW would be needed to accelerate/
decelerate the train to/from the cruising speed of 8,000 km/h.
Traffic control/management system
The traffic control/management system would be fully automated. The main reason
is the very high speed of TRM trains, which can be monitored but not controlled by
their drivers. In addition, under such conditions, the driver simply would not have
time to react in unpredicted events. Consequently, the trains would be controlled
(guided) automatically analogously to modern unmanned flying vehicles (UAV)5 ,
and managed (separated) along the link/line according to TRM principles.
At present, these are designed pilotless aircraft, but due to transmitted electronic means and/or
their autonomous on-board flight management control system, they do not need active
intervention by a pilot-flight controller.
332 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
The passenger demand for the above-mentioned higher level ETT subnetwork
would be collected and distributed from the lower level ETT system, short-haul
and medium-haul Air Passenger Transport (APT), High-Speed Rail (HSR),
TransRapid Maglev (TRM), conventional rail and bus systems, local urban mass
transit systems (subway, tram, bus), and individual passenger cars. The corre-
sponding modal-based freight transport systems would be used for collecting/
distributing the freight/goods shipments. For the lower level EET subnetwork, the
demand would be collected and distributed in a similar way.
The most important attribute of choosing the ETT system would be the total
door-to-door travel time. This consists of the accessibility time and the time on-
board the ETT system. The time on-board consists of the scheduled delay, i.e., the
average waiting time for a departure, depending on the departure frequency, and
vehicle/transit time. If the value of passenger time is taken into account, the
generalized cost function can be formulated as follows:
ffi ffi
T v d v
Uðd; TÞ ¼ a h þ 1=2 þb þþ þ þ pðd; TÞ ð6:8aÞ
f ðTÞ g vðdÞ g
a is the value of passenger time of assessing the ETT system and while
waiting for a departure (€/min);
h is the time of accessing the EET system (min);
b is the value of passenger time while on-board the ETT system (€/-min);
T is the period of time (day, h);
f(T) is the service frequency during the period (T) (dep/T);
v(d) is the cruising speed of the ETT train along the route/line (d) (km/h);
gþ , g is the acceleration/deceleration rate of the EET trains (m/s2); and
p(d, T) is the fare for a trip on route/line (d) during time (T) (€/pass).
A similar form of generalized cost function could be used for the ETT system’s
main competitor—APT (Air Passenger Transport). Then, the probability of
choosing the ETT system as mode (1) instead of APT as mode (2) at time (T) can
be estimated as follows:
eU1 ðTÞ
p1 ðTÞ ¼ P2 ð6:8bÞ
Ui ðTÞ
i¼1 e
The number of passengers choosing mode (1-ETT) at time (T) can be estimated
as follows:
Q1 ðTÞ ¼ p1 ðTÞ QðTÞ ð6:8cÞ
6.4 Evacuated Tube Transport System 333
Forecasted until 2031
RPKs (Revenue Passenger Kilometers) - billions/year
1995 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055
Fig. 6.9 Possible development of APT (Air Passenger Transport) demand between Europe and
North America (Boeing 2012)
Q(T) is the total number of passengers intended to travel along the given route/
line at time (T) by competing modes (1-ETT) and (2-APT).
Generally, for the period (2011–2030/31), both Boeing and Airbus predict annual APT growth
in terms of RPK (Revenue Passenger Kilometers) of about 5 % (Airbus 2012; Boeing 2012).
334 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
assumed to be 2.5 % for the 2031–2041 period, and 1.75 % for the 2041–2051
period, thus indicating further maturation of the market and weakening of its
demand-driving forces on both sides of the Atlantic.
Beyond the year 2050, the EET system is supposed to be in operation and take
over part of the APT demand. The attracted demand would consist mostly of
business passengers and shippers/receivers of high-value time-sensitive freight/
goods, both considering the transport time as one of the most important attributes
for choice of the transport mode/system (currently they use the APT system). Later
on, the ETT system could become increasingly convenient for more massive use
also by ‘‘middle class’’ users-passengers and other categories of freight/goods
shipments. This implies that the main driving force for development of the ETT
system, in addition to sufficient demand, would be the intention to travel at the
substantially higher speeds and consequently reducing travel time, in an eco-
nomically viable, environmentally acceptable, and safe way, all as compared to the
fastest counterpart—the APT system.7
The service frequency of the ETT system on a given route/line f1(T) during time
(T) satisfying the expected demand can be determined as follows:
Q1 ðTÞ
f1 ðTÞ ¼ ð6:8dÞ
k1 ðTÞ n1 ðTÞ
k1(T) is the average load factor of an ETT train departing during time (T); and
n1(T) is the seating capacity of an ETT train departing during time (T) (seats).
Quality of service
Passengers on-board the ETT TRM trains would be exposed mainly to the hori-
zontal acceleration/deceleration, lateral, and vertical acceleration force g
(g = 9.81 m/s2). The horizontal force would be: F = ma (a = 3–5 m/s2). The
impact could be mitigated through the design of the ETT tubes (preferably as
straight as possible in both horizontal and vertical plane) and appropriate
arrangements of seats within the trains. The former would be rather complex to
achieve particularly in the vertical plane since the long intercontinental tubes have
to align with the Earth’s curvature. In the horizontal plane, the straight line shortest
(Great Circle) distances would very likely be followed.
Thus, the lateral component of the g-force would be minimized, and only the
other two-horizontal and vertical—would remain. Under such conditions, if the
trains were accelerating/decelerating at the rate of a = 3–5 m/s2, and the vertical
Economic viability implies the system’s ability to cover its costs. Environmental acceptability
implies at least not additionally contributing to impacts on environment and society. Safety
means operating without incidents and accidents due to known reasons.
6.4 Evacuated Tube Transport System 335
component was always 9.81 m/s2 (i.e., 1 g), the resulting force would be:
1.04–1.12 g, which could be acceptable for most passengers due to not particularly
affecting their riding comfort.
Fleet size
Given the service frequency f1(T) in Eq. 6.8d, the fleet size of the given ETT
system can be estimated as follows:
N1 ðTÞ ¼ f1 ðTÞ ttr ð6:8eÞ
ttr is the ETT train’s turnaround time (min).
(these numbers do not include the induced demand, i.e., that using the system as
the first choice from the beginning). If served by TRM trains of a seating capacity
of 2 9 200 = 400 seats and load factor 0.80, the daily service frequency would be
456 dep/day or 16 dep/h per direction, i.e., every 3.75 min. Assuming that the
train’s running time along the route/line of length of 5,564 km would be 54 min
(acceleration/deceleration at a rate of 3 m/s and cruising at a speed of 8,000 km/h),
the number of trains simultaneously operating in each direction would be
17 9 (54/60) & 15, separated by a distance of about 378 km. Respecting the
train’s running time of 54 min and the stop time at both ends of the route of
15 min, the required fleet for service frequency of 16 dep/h would be
2 9 (54 ? 15)/60 9 16 & 39 trains. At each end terminal, the required number
of tracks to handle departing and arriving trains would be 2 9 16 9 (15/60) & 8
tracks. The length of each track would be about 150–200 m, in order to enable
comfortable passenger embarking and disembarking of train(s).
The technical productivity of a single train during cruising phase of a journey
would be 400 (seats) 9 8,000 (km/h) & 3.2 million s-km/h. The technical pro-
ductivity of the system during 1 h would be 2 9 16 (dep/h) 9 400 (seats) 9 8,000
(km/h) & 102.4 million s-km/h.
The economic performances of the EET system include costs, revenues, and a
‘‘what-if’’ economic scenario.
The costs include expenses relating to the infrastructure and rolling stock. The
infrastructure costs would consist of investment, maintenance, and operating costs.
The investment costs generally include the costs of building tubes (2 ? 1), TRM
guideways, and terminals at both ends of the given tube/tunnel. They also include
the costs of facilities and equipment such as vacuum pumps, the power supply
system, traffic control system, communications, and fire protection system (http:// The maintenance costs include the costs of regular and capital
maintenance of infrastructure and supporting facilities and equipment. The oper-
ational costs mainly include the costs of labor and energy for maintaining vacuum
in the tubes.
Rolling stock
The cost of rolling stock would consist of the investment and operational cost. The
former relates to acquiring the TRM train fleet. The latter includes the cost of
maintenance, material, labor, and energy to operate the TRM fleet under given
6.4 Evacuated Tube Transport System 337
Revenues would be mainly obtained from charging passengers and freight/goods
shippers. In addition, the savings in externalities such as energy consumption and
related emissions of GHG, noise around airports, congestion, and traffic incidents
and accidents by substituting APT could be taken into account, particularly when
the EET system is considered from the broader international social/policy per-
spective. Furthermore, there could be savings in the costs of passenger time
compared to those of the APT system.
‘‘What-if’’ economic scenario
According to the ‘‘what-if’’ economic scenario, the ETT system connecting Europe
and North America is assumed to provide a return on investment over a period of
40 years. At present, the investment costs for building tubes appear to be very
uncertain but some estimates indicate that they could be about 13–18 million €/km
(i.e., 72–103 billion € for the entire link/line of length of 5,564 km including
terminals at both ends) (
atlantic-maglev). The cost of building the TRM guideway in the tube in a single
direction would be similar as at the today’s TRM—about 15 million €/km (i.e., for
two tracks this gives the total investment cost of: (5,564 km) 9 (2 9 15) million €/
km = 167 billion €) (Table 5.4 in Chap. 5). Thus, if the system was built over the
20-year period between 2030 and 2050, the total infrastructure investment cost
would be about 239–270 billion €, or without taking into account the interest rate(s),
5.975–6.750 billion €/year (the cost of facilities and equipment—vacuum pumps,
power supply system, traffic control system, and fire protection system are included).
As an illustration, the share of the investment costs in the cumulative GDP of Europe
(EU) (544.05 trillion €) and North America (USA, Canada) (688.76 trillion €) during
that period would be about 0.04–0.05 %, and 0.035–0.039 %, respectively.8
The costs of operating infrastructure would amount to about 10 % of the
investment costs, which would give total infrastructure costs of about 6.573–7.425
billion €/year. Assuming that the passenger demand in each year of the invest-
ment-returning 40-year period would be at least at the same level as in 2051, i.e.,
about 592 billion RPKs, the investment costs would be about: 0.0111–0.0125 €/
RPK or 0.0139–0.0157 €/s-km (the load factor is 80 %).
The operational cost of a TRM (Transrapid Maglev) system would be about
0.085 €/RPK (similarly as in Table 5.4, Chap. 5). As a result, the total costs of an
EET system would be 0.0911–0.0925 €/RPK and 0.11388–0.11568 €/s-km. The
minimum return fare between Europe and North America covering the costs would
be about 1014–1029 €/pass, which would be reasonably competitive with today’s
APT business fares in the given market.
The base for estimating GDP in Europe and North America during the period 2030–2051 has
been GDP in 2011 (CIA 2012). The average annual growth rate of GDP in both areas is assumed
to be 3 % over the 2011–2051 period.
338 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
Savings in the costs of passenger time could also be achieved; thanks to the
difference in travel speed of both systems. For example, if the average value of
passenger time would be rather low, say about 32 €/pass h (Chap. 5), and the
difference in travel time about 6 h (0.7 h by the ETT system and about 6.7 h by
APT), the total savings in the cost of passenger time in 2051 would be about 20.5
billion € [592 (billion RPK)/5,564 (km) 9 6 (h) 9 32 (€/h)].
The environmental and social performances relate to impacts of a given EET system
in terms of: (i) energy consumption and related emissions of GHG (Green House
Gases) and land use/take (environmental); (ii) noise, congestion, safety (traffic
incidents and accidents) (social); and (iii) a ‘‘what-if’’ environmental scenario.
Energy consumption and emissions of GHG
Energy consumption of an ETT system includes the energy for operating TRM
trains, setting up and then maintaining vacuum in the tubes, and powering other
supporting systems, facilities, and equipment. The amounts of energy would be
substantive. For example, only for a single trip (service) the energy consumed for
accelerating a 110 tons TRM train from 0 to 8,000 km/h would be about
75.445 MWh. If in this latest and all above-mentioned cases the energy was
obtained from renewable (sun, wind, and hydro) and nonrenewable nuclear
sources, this would mean almost zero emissions of GHG. Even if a LCA (Life
Cycle Analysis) was considered, these emissions would be almost negligible
(IBRD 2012).
Land use
ETT system would occupy additional land only for their coast terminals should
they not already be incorporated into the surrounding urban structures.
ETT system would not generate any noise disturbing the population around the
begin and end terminals. This is because of operating TRM trains at the low speeds
in their vicinity.
Due to the nature of operations, the ETT system would be free from congestion
along the links/lines. In addition, regarding the intensity of operations, automated
traffic management systems would have to provide precise guidance in order to
achieve almost perfect (in terms of seconds) matching of the actual and scheduled
departure and arrival times. However, while relieving airports from congestion by
taking over APT demand, ETT system could contribute to increasing congestion in
the areas around the begin and end terminals simply due to the increased intensity
of mobility described above.
6.4 Evacuated Tube Transport System 339
ETT system is expected to be at least as safe as its APT counterpart. This implies
that incidents and accidents should not occur due to the known reasons. However,
special attention would have to be devoted to the external security of infrastructure
(tubes), for example, to ways of monitoring and preventing eventual terrorist
‘‘What-if’’ environmental scenario
According to the ‘‘what-if’’ environmental scenario, the propellant/energy used by
the ETT system would be completely obtained from nonpolluting nonrenewable
(nuclear) and renewable (solar, wind, and water) sources. In addition, this implies
that the emissions of GHG from burning these propellants would be negligible
compared to that from burning today’s kerosene. Under such conditions, taking
over the passenger demand from the APT system would reduce the volumes of its
operations and consequently the overall impacts on the environment and society.
Again, it is assumed that the APT system will not operate STA at that time. Let’s
assume that an aircraft type similar to the B787-8 would be mostly operated in the
market in 2051. Its average fuel consumption is about 0.0262 kg/s-km or
0.0328 kg/RPK (the load factor is assumed to be 80 %) (Chap. 2). The emission
rate of JP-1 fuel is 5.25 kgCO2e/kg of fuel, thus giving the emission rate of the
aircraft of about 0.138 kgCO2e/s-km or 0.172 kgCO2e/RPK. For the annual vol-
umes of APT traffic taken over by the ETT system of 592 billion RPK, the total
saved fuel consumption and related emissions of GHG would be about 19.4 and
102.0 million tons, respectively.
The cost of CO2e emissions from APT have been estimated according to dif-
ferent scenarios. In the first so-called BAU (Business As Usual) or ‘‘high’’ scenario
it is 0.045 €/RPK, which gives the total cost savings of 26.64 billion € (IWW-
INFRAS 2004). If NASA’s ‘‘Subsonic Fixed-Wing Research Fuel-Reduction
Goals’’ program is realized by the years 2030–2035, the above-mentioned unit
emissions could be reduced by about 50–70 % and consequently the unit costs
would fall to 0.009 €/RPK (‘‘low’’ scenario). Consequently, the savings in CO2e
emissions in the given case would be about 5.32 billion € in 2051 (GAO 2009;
IBRD 2012; IWW-INFRAS 2004).
In addition, the total APT externalities would be: 0.07 €/RPK (emissions of
GHG, noise, incidents and accidents, and land use), thus enabling the ETT system
to achieve annual savings of about 41.44 billion € in 2051 (if being commer-
cialized) (IBRD 2012).
The ETT system could have significant policy performances both of the national
and international (global) character. On the national scale, the main performance
would be its contribution to creating an integrated transport system. On the
340 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
6.4.3 Evaluation
The described EET system possesses both advantages (Strengths and Opportuni-
ties) and disadvantages (Weaknesses and Threats) as follows:
• More or at least equally efficient and effective as the conventional existing and
future APT (Air Passenger Transport) system it is assumed to compete with;
• More environmentally and socially friendly as compared to the conventional
existing and future APT system;
• Contribution to creating an integrated global transport system for both passen-
gers and freight on both national and particularly on the international-global
• Economically, socially, and politically important on the national and particu-
larly on the international scale due to contributing to further: (i) concentration of
existing and developing new resources (knowledge, skills, materials, building/
construction processes, mechanization, etc.); (ii) globalization of economies
through the project funding sources (the national and particularly international),
and (iii) economic, social, and political integration of the societies involved.
• The system’s inherent uncertain real social/economic feasibility (who would
really need to travel at the offered supersonic speeds and under what
• Very high investment costs, but as a very small proportion of the GDP of the
areas involved (this implies that in the given case the principal funding would
come from EU and North America (ECB (European Central Bank), U.S. Federal
budget, IMF (International Monetary Fund), World Bank, and large private
enterprises interested in the system/project);
• Long lead time for commercialization (at present the lead time seems to be no
shorter than 20 years from when the works begin);
6.4 Evacuated Tube Transport System 341
1921 ATC (Air Traffic Control) is introduced for the first time at London Croydon Airport (UK)
1950s VOR’s and later VORTAC’s (Very High Frequency Omni-directional Range and
Finding), ILS (Instrument Landing System), and approach lighting systems are
implemented (USA)
1950s Radars are widely deployed to control commercial air traffic; aircraft continue to fly along
fixed air corridors (USA)
1960s Aircraft begin to carry radar beacons/transponders identifying them, and thus making the
radar more efficient (USA, Europe)
ATC (Air Traffic Control) remains based on radars and flight corridors, but becomes
increasingly computerized (USA, Europe)
2000s Plans to replace radars with satellite-guided systems emerge (U.S. NextGen and EU
SESAR Programs) (USA, Europe)
The ultimate capacity of a given airport runway system is defined as the maximum
number of aircraft that can be accommodated during a given period of time
(usually 1 h) under conditions of constant demand for service. At many airports,
this capacity and particularly its landing component is considered as the main
constraint to their future growth (Janic 2006, 2007a). In general, aircraft landings
342 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
always have ultimate priority over take-offs when they request service at the same
runway at the same time. This however depends on the pattern of demand for these
particular operations on the one hand and the number of runways used on the
other. At airports with a single runway, the landings and take-offs can interfere
with each other when the demand for service reaches the runway ultimate landing
or take-off capacity. In such cases, take-offs are usually inserted between suc-
cessive landings or vice versa, both at the appropriate time gaps. London Gatwick
(London, UK) and NY LaGuardia airport (New York, USA) are characteristic
examples of such runway operations. At airports with several runways, these can
be separately used for landings and take-offs simultaneously or after some time. In
this case, the two types of operations do not interfere with each other despite
demand for each type reaching the corresponding ultimate runway capacity during
a given period of time (usually one to a few hours). Operating two independent
parallel runways in segregated mode (one exclusively for landings and another
exclusively for take-offs at London Heathrow Airport (UK) at the level of their
ultimate capacities during almost the whole day is an illustrative example. This
and some other airports such as Paris Charles de Gaulle, (Paris, France) and
Amsterdam Schiphol (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) airport (hosting the hub-and-
spoke network(s) of the SkyTeam alliance), and Frankfurt Main (Frankfurt, Ger-
many) airport (hosting the mega hub-and spoke network of STAR alliance) in
Europe are examples of the airports where ‘‘waves’’ of landings are followed by
‘‘waves’’ of take-offs several times during the day. The incoming ‘‘waves’’ are
exclusively served on a given runway(s) operating at its ultimate landing capacity.
The ‘‘waves’’ of departing flights are then exclusively served using the same
runway(s), this time at its take-off capacity. In each of these cases, the runway
landing capacity appears critical because of two reasons. First, it influences the
number of landings and consequently the number of take-offs latter on both during
the given period of time. Second, it influences the size of the ‘‘incoming’’ and
consequently of the outgoing ‘‘waves’’ of flights, and thus the overall airline hub-
and-spoke network performance.
Under such circumstances, many theoretical and practical endeavors have been
made to understand, analyze, calculate, increase, and diminish vulnerability of the
runway landing capacity to bad weather by identifying the most influential factors
and then finding the corresponding solutions. Technologies
The theoretical and practical endeavors to increase the runway landing capacity are
contained in the current U.S. NexGen and the European-EUROCONTROL SESAR
research and development programs (Thompson 2002;; They are focused on developing advanced technologies
6.5 Advanced Air Traffic Control Technologies 343
aiming at supporting more effective, efficient, and safe operations of the future air
transport system and those of the airport runways as well. Specifically, the tech-
nologies to support the advanced landing procedures and consequently contribute to
increasing the runway landing capacity are given in Table 6.10.
The contribution of SESAR technologies is expected to be as follows (http://
• Reducing the current distance-based separation rules and complementing them
with time-based separation rules during descent and final approach and landing,
dynamic wake vortex detection and prediction in addition to recategorization of
the current aircraft wake vortex categories (ASAS and WVDS onboard the
aircraft and as the ATC automated supportive functions (tools));
• Developing the ATC decision support tools for efficient and effective
sequencing of aircraft during their initial and final approach and landing (i.e.,
upgrading existing Integrated Arrival/Departure Manager);
• Introducing the initial and final approach procedures with Vertical Guidance
(AVP), which can also be part of the 4D P-RNAV trajectories whose incoming
(the first) segment is CDA (Continuous Descent Approach) procedure;
• Developing ATC aids for monitoring aircraft along their 4D RNAV trajectories
and new approach procedures, conflict advisory and resolution, and improve-
ment of safety nets (by using aircraft-derived data); and
• Developing ground ATC data link processing and management functions
through considering initial data link applications building upon LINK2000+ and
future enhanced applications.
The NextGen technologies are expected to contribute as follows (FAA 2011a,
b, c;
• Enabling efficient and reliable approach and landing at airports not equipped
with ILS under reduced visibility conditions; this particularly refers to airports
operating closely spaced parallel runways (RNP);
• Enabling precise final approach and landing at secondary airports not equipped
with ILS, thus relieving the complexity of procedures for the aircraft
approaching the primary airports in the same metropolitan area (WAAS or
RNP1 and/or RNP with Curved Paths);
• Mitigating uncertainty concerning the current and prospective position of air-
craft along their 4D RNAV trajectories including the final approach and landing
segment by double monitoring, on-board the aircraft and at the ATC (ADS-B);
• Implementing CDA as a common practice with the aircraft engine minimum
power, thus enabling mitigation of the environmental impacts (fuel consumption
and related emissions of greenhouse gases, and noise burden); at the same time
the aircraft is precisely guided along the descent trajectory, thus enabling their
vertical separation in the vicinity of the FAG (Final Approach Gate) (CDA,
RNP, WAAS as a supplemental system to GNSS); and
• Improving surveillance at airports which currently do not have radar
Table 6.10 Advanced technologies for advanced airport landing procedures (EC 2005, 2007a; FAA 2010;;
Function/User Technology Availability
Air traffic flow management tools/ • CTAS (Center/TRACON Automation System) assists in optimizing the arrival Now
ATC flow and runway assignment;
• Updated Integrated Arrival/Departure Manager enabling the advance planning Now but still to be Improved in the
and updating the arrival sequences according to the selected separation rules medium term (NextGen)
and service discipline
Air traffic surveillance/ATC • RADAR of improved precision enables reduction of the minimal separation Now with additional improvements
between aircraft from 3 to 2.5 nm; in the medium term (NextGen)
• PRM (Precision Runway Monitor) consisting of a beacon radar and computer Now
predictive displays, thus enabling the independent use of dual- and triple-
dependent parallel runways spaced at less than 4300 ft (ft = feet).
• WVDS (Terminal Wake Vortex Detection System) providing information about Medium to long term (NextGen)
the current and prospective wake vortex behavior during landings and take-offs
Avionics/aircraft • FMS (Flight Management System) in combination with RNP (Required Now (NextGen)
Navigational Performance), thus enabling more precise following of 4D P-
RNAV trajectories, thus reducing aircraft position error including that of
arriving at the final approach gate;
• ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcasting) improving situation Medium to long term (NextGen)
awareness onboard and with respect to other surrounding air traffic. is used
independently, but in addition to TCAS and enhanced CDTI (Cockpit Display
of Traffic Information);
• CDTI (Cockpit Display of Traffic Information) provides integrated traffic data Medium term (NextGen)
onboard the aircraft, which may reduce the separation rules between aircraft;
• ASAS (Airborne Separation Assistance (Assurance) System) enabling airborne Medium term (NextGen; SESAR)
surveillance, display of traffic information, and consequently sequencing and
merging at the final approach gate using data from ADS-B;
Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
Table 6.10 (continued)
Function/User Technology Availability
• ACAS (Airborne Collision Avoidance System) improving the quality of Medium term (NextGen)
information for ASAS, thus enabling reducing position error along 3D RNAV
trajectories TCAS (Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System) indicating
the spatial relation of two aircraft and thus providing instructions to avoid
potential conflict(s);
• TCAS–Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System shows the spatial relation Now
of two aircraft and provides instructions to avoid potential conflict(s);
• WVDS (Wake Vortex Detector System) onboard the aircraft enables the Medium to long term (NextGen)
collection and display of information on the existing wake vortex to both pilots
and ATC controllers;
• WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System) supplementing and thus improving Medium to long term (NextGen)
basic GNSS position accuracy;
• LVLASO (Low Visibility Landing and Surface Operating Program) reduces Medium to long term (NextGen,
controls and predicts the runway occupancy time; SESAR)
6.5 Advanced Air Traffic Control Technologies
• New data link infrastructures (improved LINK 2000+) enabling exchanging of Medium to long term (SESAR)
the constantly updated aircraft current and expected position obtained from
FMS to external recipients—other aircraft-pilots and ATC
‘‘Mixed’’ traffic surveillance and • Distributed Air Ground Solution combining ADS-B, TCAS, and ATC tools, thus Medium term (NextGen, SESAR)
conflict alert/ATC and aircraft enabling simultaneous aircraft-ATC air traffic surveillance, alerting and
resolution of potential conflicts
346 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
Landing procedures
The advanced procedures for approach and landing on a single runway to be
supported by the above-mentioned advanced technologies are classified into three
categories: (a) Single segment with nominal GS (Glide Slope) angles; (b) Double
segment with nominal and steeper GS angle(s); and (c) Single segment with
ultimately arbitrary GS angle(s). Figure 6.10a–c shows a simplified scheme.
i – Leading aircraft i i – Leading aircraft i
j – Trailing aircraft k j – Trailing aircraft k j
FAG – Final Approach Gate FAG – Final Approach Gate
T – Runway landing threshold T – Runway landing threshold
L/i and H/k, respectively L/i and H/k, respectively
vi <= vj vi>vj δ ij
θ θ
Runway T δ ij FAG Runway T FAG
γ γ ij
i – Leading aircraft i i – Leading aircraft i j
j – Trailing aircraft k j – Trailing aircraft k
FAG – Final Approach Gate FAG – Final Approach Gate 0
T – Runway landing threshold T – Runway landing threshold
L/i and H/k, respectively L/i and H/k, respectively i j
vi<= vj vi>vj
j Outer segment
i θ
Runway T Inner segment FAG
Runway T δ ij FAG γ ij
γ ij
i – Leading aircraft i i – Leading aircraft i j
j – Trailing aircraft k j – Trailing aircraft k
FAG – Final Approach Gate FAG – Final Approach Gate
T – Runway landing threshold T – Runway landing threshold Hii
L/i and H/k, respectively L/i and H/k, respectively
visinθ i<= v jsinθ j visinθ i >vjsinθ j
i Hij
θj θj
θI θI
Runway T FAG Runway T FAG
γi γi
Fig. 6.10 Schemes of conventional and advanced approach procedures to a single runway (Janic
2012), a Single segment with nominal GS angles, b Double segment with nominal and steeper GS
angles, c Single segment with ultimately arbitrary GS angles
6.5 Advanced Air Traffic Control Technologies 347
The earliest, De Havilland DHC-6 and DHC-8, were certified as STOL (Short Take-Off and
Landing) aircraft. Later, regional aircraft Cessna Citation, BAe RJ 85/100, Fokker 50, Dornier
328, Embraer ERJ 135/170, and recently the larger Airbus A318 were certified for the steeper GS
angle of 5.50 (EC 2005; TC 2004).
348 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
nominal GS angle (3) along the Inner segment and different GS angles (3–6)
along the outer segment. Under such circumstances, the ATC mixed horizontal and
vertical distance-based separation rules can be applied to particular types of
landing sequences. For example, in sequences ‘‘Slow–Slow,’’ ‘‘Fast–Fast,’’ and
‘‘Slow-Fast,’’ ATC horizontal distance-based separation rules and in the sequence
‘‘Fast-Slow,’’ vertical distance-based separation rules can be applied.
Single segment with ultimately arbitrary GS angles
This final approach procedure is based on 4D RNAV trajectories consisting of a
single straight and/or curved line segment connecting the FAG and the runway
landing threshold T. For the same and/or different aircraft categories, this segment
can differ in the horizontal plane except from the very short common portion in the
vicinity of the runway landing threshold T. This segment is used for achieving full
landing configuration and speed. In the vertical plane, the approach trajectories of
particular aircraft categories can be entirely different due to distinctive GS angles.
Figure 6.10c shows a simplified scheme in the vertical plane. In addition, each of
these trajectories can be considered as the end part of a CDA (Continuous Descent
Approach) trajectory aimed at reducing flying time, fuel consumption, related
emissions of greenhouse gases, and noise around particular airports (Helmke et al.
2009). Thus, a range of GS angles (3–6) can be assigned to particular aircraft.
Consequently, contrary to cases (a) and (b), the trajectories of the leading aircraft
in all sequences can be higher, the same, and/or lower than those of the trailing
aircraft, and vice versa. At the same time, as in case (b), 4D RNAV trajectories are
supported by multiple ILS GP or MLS, as well as other above-mentioned inno-
vative and new technologies. The diversity of the actually small GS angles of 4D
RNAV final approach trajectories offers an opportunity for the ATC to exclusively
apply vertical distance-based separation rules to all sequences of landing aircraft.
In this manner, depending on the location where this minimum vertical separation
is established (the runway landing threshold T or FAG), the trailing aircraft in
almost all sequences can come closer to the leading aircraft while always being
above and thus fully protected from the wake vortices moving behind and below
the flight paths of the leading aircraft. Consequently, the horizontal distances in
particular aircraft sequences have become generally shorter than in the cases
(a) and (b), i.e., when the current ATC horizontal distance and/or innovative mixed
horizontal/vertical distance-based separation rules are exclusively applied,
ATC separation rules
Currently, landing aircraft is separated by the ATC (Air traffic Control) minimum
horizontal distance-based separation rules, which for given aircraft approach
speeds generate the minimum interarrival times at the runway threshold as the
‘‘reference location’’ for counting operations, and consequently the maximum
flow, i.e., the landing capacity (Tosic and Horonjeff 1976). At US (United States)
airports, two categories of ATC horizontal distance-based separation rules are
applied depending on the weather: IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) under IMC
6.5 Advanced Air Traffic Control Technologies 349
(Instrument Metrological Conditions) and VFR (Visual Flight Rules) under VMC
(Visual Meteorological Conditions) (FAA 2010; NASA 1999). The former rules
being stricter than the later are the sole responsibility of ATC; the latter are in sole
responsibility of the aircraft/pilots. As being shorter, these rules imply higher
landing capacity. Consequently, at the U.S. airports where both rules are applied,
the ultimate runway landing capacity appears to be inherently unstable with
respect to the weather conditions. At European airports, IFR are applied under both
IMC and VMC, thus providing relatively higher stability of the runway landing
capacity with respect to the weather (ICAO 2001, 2008).
Supported by the above-mentioned technologies, the ATC is supposed to use
four types of separation rules between landing aircraft exclusively and/or in
Horizontal distance-based separation rules
Thees rules are set up to protect trailing aircraft from the wake vortices of the
leading aircraft in the particular landing sequences. In the USA, they are specified
for both IMC and VMC as IFR and VFR, as given in Table 6.11 (FAA 2010,
2011). In Europe, they are only specified for the IMC as IFR.
Table 6.11 indicates that the current FAA IFR applied under IMC are about
40 % stricter than the VFR applied under VMC, which on average makes the
landing capacity under IMC about 30 % lower than that under VMC (FAA 2010,
2011). Since the Super Heavy A380 still represents a rarity in the dense arrival
streams at many airports, it is not given in Table 6.11. Nevertheless, it is worth
mentioning that the ATC IFR separation rules vary from 4 nm between two
A380 s to 6, 7, and 8 nm when an A380 is leading and a Small, Large/B757, and
Heavy are trailing aircraft in the landing sequence, respectively (ICAO 2008).
Furthermore, according to the ICAO rules, aircraft is categorized into four wake
vortex categories: light, medium, heavy, and super heavy (A380) (EC 2005; ICAO
2007, 2008). The separation rules in Table 6.11 and their ICAO modalities can be
applied to the above-mentioned operational procedure (a).
Mixed horizontal/vertical distance based separation rules
These rules can be applied similarly as horizontal distance-based separation rules,
but by replacing the longest horizontal separation intervals in Table 6.11 with
the vertical ones, thus being applicable to the above-mentioned operational
procedure (b).
Vertical distance-based separation rules
These rules are supposed to be 1,000 ft (ft—feet) for all landing sequences if being
exclusively applied, mainly to the above-mentioned operational procedure (c)
(FAA 2010; NASA 1999). However, they can also be made dependent on the type
of landing sequence similarly as their horizontal distance-based and time-based
350 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
Table 6.11 FAA horizontal distance-based separation rules between landing aircraft (nm—
nautical miles) (FAA 2010, 2011; NASA 1999)
Small Large B757 Heavy Small Large B757 Heavy
Small 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Large 2.7 1.9 1.9 1.9 4 2.5 2.5 2.5
B757 3.5 3 3 2.7 5 4 4 4
Heavy 4.5 3.6 3.6 2.7 5 5 5 4
Table 6.12 Derived ATC minimum time-based separation rules for landing aircraft (minutes)
(Janic 2012)
i/j Small Large B757 Heavy
Small 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Large 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0
B757 2.0 1.3 1.5 1.2
Heavy 2.5 1.5 1.5 1.2
recent example are the separation rules of 10 nm set up for Heavy B787-8 as the
leading aircraft in all landing sequences (see Chap. 2).
Service disciplines
ATC is assumed to be able to apply two service disciplines to the aircraft landing
on a single runway. The first commonly applied at most airports is the FCFS (First
Come—First Served) service discipline, where aircraft is accommodated on the
runway according to the actual time of their arrival or request for service (landing).
The other is the PR (Priority) service discipline, which gives priority to particular
aircraft over others irrespective on their actual request for landings. In this case,
ATC creates rather homogenous clusters of aircraft in terms of their wake vortex
categories and landing speeds and then serves them according to the specified
order. Under such circumstances, except between different clusters, ATC separa-
tion rules are uniform within the cluster. Usually, clusters of larger (faster) aircraft
are given priority over smaller (slower) aircraft. In order to avoid unnecessary
delays due to clustering, ATC can apply this service discipline most efficiently if
the aircraft are already in the queue requesting service ultimately at the same time.
In some cases, the airlines’ schedule can favor application of this discipline (the
airlines’ flight scheduling at their hub airports can consist of ‘‘waves’’ of heavy
aircraft followed by ‘‘wave’’ of large and ‘‘wave’’ of small aircraft, both during
landings and take-offs (Janic 2009)). In any case, the eventual implementation of
this (PR) service discipline, in addition to be manageable by ATC, would need to
be accepted by the airlines. The former implies safety, efficiency, and effectiveness
of execution, while the latter implies making the main prospective advantages and
disadvantages transparent and clear.
Both the SESAR and NexGen program aim at trajectory-based control implying
performance-based navigation and aircraft position information (FAA 2011a;
The properly equipped aircraft with SESAR and NextGen technologies will be
able to follow 4D P-RNAV (Precision Area Navigation) trajectories from the
departure to the arrival airport gates. ATC will be able to rather accurately predict the
aircraft position over time, i.e., where they will be as compared to the current system,
which informs where they currently are. Aircraft will be able to follow these tra-
jectories by useing FMS (Flight Management System) and fulfillment of RNP
(Required Navigational Performance) (FAA 2011a). The latter will be possible
thanks to continuously improving onboard systems, whose accuracy depends on
GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) (an additional supplement to increase
accuracy of GNSS is WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System) (Table 6.10).
The aircraft position will be continuously and precisely monitored by using
ADS-B both at ATC and onboard of other equipped aircraft (ADS-B uses GNSS to
determine the aircraft position in real time, its transponder to provide its identity
352 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
and altitude, and a data link to broadcast and receive positioning information (FAA
The ADS-B will enable carrying out the initial and intermediate descent of 4D
P-RNAV trajectories as CDA. In particular, while performing the advanced final
approach procedures, the aircraft will be continuously self-guided and monitored;
thanks to 3D view surveillance monitors onboard in combination with CDTI. The
ATC will monitor them similarly. Such double monitoring will enable ATC to
systematically apply the current but reduced horizontal, mixed horizontal/vertical,
exclusively vertical distance-based, or time-based separation rules between aircraft
approaching and landing at the same and/or different (in advance assigned) GS
angles provided by the multiple-angle ILS system. Choice and safe use of these
separation rules will be supported by ASAS in addition to both on-board and
ground WVDS (FAA 2011a;
The ATC will sequence the approaching and landing aircraft according to the
selected service discipline using the updated Integrated Arrival/Departure Man-
ager. The other onboard (existing TCAS) and forthcoming ATC conflict detection
and resolving tool(s) will function constantly. Consequently, the arriving aircraft
from en-route to the landing threshold will be automatically separated in order to
provide minimum spacing and sequencing achieving the runway landing capacity
under given conditions. Background
The objectives of modeling the airport runway landing capacity are usually to
develop suitable/convenient analytical and simulation models for estimating the
ultimate capacity based on the advanced operational procedures, ATC separation
rules, and service disciplines. In this context, the analytical models are based on
the following assumptions (Janic 2006, 2007a, 2009, 2012; Tosic and Horonjeff
• The three-dimensional approach and landing trajectories of particular aircraft
categories are known in advance; assignment of conventional and/or steeper
approach GS angles depends on the type of arrival sequence(s) in terms of the
aircraft wake vortex categories, approach speeds, and the capability to perform
either approach procedure;
• Certified aircraft can safely use both conventional and steeper approach tra-
jectories with different GS angles;
• The assigned GS angles do not influence the runway landing occupancy times;
• The system is error-free, implying that aircraft in all landing sequences appear
on the particular segments of approach trajectories at the time when the ATC
expects them; this implies that the time and space deviations of the actual from
the prescribed aircraft positions in both horizontal and vertical planes are con-
sidered negligible mainly thanks to the above-mentioned new technologies
assumed to be in place at that time (see Table 6.1);
• ATC applies only one type of minimum separation rules and service discipline
at a time; and
• The runway landing threshold is considered as the ‘‘reference location’’ for
counting the capacity.
Landing capacity
The models for estimating the ultimate landing capacity of a single runway based
on application of the advanced operational procedures, ATC separation rules, and
service disciplines have been categorized as follows (Janic 2008, 2009):
FCFS (First Come-First Served) service discipline
When the FCFS (First Come-First Served) service discipline is applied, the ulti-
mate landing capacity of a single runway can usually be estimated as (Janic 2007a,
2008; Tosic and Horonjeff 1976):
6.5 Advanced Air Traffic Control Technologies 355
k1 ¼ T=t ¼ T= pi tij pj i; j 2 N ð6:9aÞ
T is the period of time;
t is the minimum average inter-arrival time between successive aircraft
passing through the ‘‘reference location’’, i.e., the runway landing
threshold, where they are counted;
i, j is the index of the leading and trailing aircraft (i) and (j), respectively, in
the landing sequence (ij);
pi, pj is the proportion of aircraft of wake vortex category (i) and (j),
respectively, in the landing fleet mix;
tij is the minimum inter-arrival time between an aircraft of wake category
(i) followed by an aircraft of wake vortex category (j) at the ‘‘reference
location’’ for counting landings, i.e., the runway landing threshold; and
N is the number of different aircraft wake vortex categories in the landing
fleet mix.
pi is the proportion of aircraft of the wake vortex category (i) in the landing fleet
mix; and
tii is the minimum inter-arrival time of the sequence of aircraft of the same wake
vortex category (i) at the ‘‘reference location’’, i.e., the landing threshold.
The other symbols are analogous to those in Eq. 6.9a. This case implies that the
arriving aircraft is clustered into rather homogeneous groups respecting their wake
vortex and approach speed characteristics, and then landed sequentially, one after
the other. The order of serving particular groups does not influence the ultimate
landing capacity. This is because the average inter-arrival time at the landing
threshold remains independent of the order of their serving. Carrying out the above-
mentioned clustering seems feasible only if a relatively large number of aircraft of
different categories requests landing on the given runway almost at the same time.
dij is the minimum ATC horizontal distance-based separation rule between
leading aircraft (i) and trailing aircraft (j) in landing sequence (ij), and
cij is the length of the final approach trajectory of aircraft (i) and (j) connecting
the FAG and landing threshold T; and
vi, vj is the final approach speed of leading aircraft (i) and trailing aircraft (j),
tij=m ¼ ½minðdij =vj ; Hij0 =vj sinhÞ; for vi vj ; Hij0 =vj sinhj þ cij ð1=vj
1=vi Þ; for vi [ vj ð6:10bÞ
Hij0 is the minimum ATC vertical distance-based separation rule between
leading aircraft (i) and trailing aircraft (j) in landing sequence (ij);
h; hj is the nominal and steeper GS angle on the Inner and Outer segment of the
approach trajectory of the trailing aircraft (j), respectively;
The other symbols are analogous to those in Eq. 6.10a.
The first condition in Eq. 6.10b implies that the minimum ATC horizontal or
vertical distance-based separation rules are applied at the moment when leading
aircraft (i) arrives at landing threshold T (Fig. 6.10b—case vi \= vj). The second
condition in Eq. 6.10b implies that the minimum ATC vertical separation rules are
applied at the moment when leading aircraft (i) is just at the FAG (Fig. 6.10b—
case vi [ vj). In this case, the vertical distance-based separation rules can be also
dependent on the type of landing sequence similarly as the horizontal ones
6.5 Advanced Air Traffic Control Technologies 357
The above-mentioned analytical models are applied to the generic case of calcu-
lating the landing capacity of a single runway according to the ‘‘what-if’’ scenario
358 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
The ‘‘what-if’’ scenario approach is used because at present, the prospective op-
erationalization of proposed advanced operational procedures, separation rules, and
service disciplines appears at most airports quite uncertain and thus hypothetical. In
such context, three attributes characterize each scenario: (a) the aircraft fleet mix;
(b) the ATC separation rules and associated operational procedure; and (c) the
service discipline. As a result, eight different scenarios are defined in Table 6.13.
In each scenario, the ATC separation rules are exclusively attributed to the
individual operational procedure. The FCFS service discipline is used in Scenarios
1–4 and the PR service discipline in Scenarios 5–8. The aircraft fleet mix is
common for all Scenarios 1–8. This is specified to reflect the typical situation at
most major airports during peak hours (negligible proportion of Small and B757,
and substantive proportions of large and heavy aircraft) on the one hand, and
enable consistent comparison of the landing capacity across Scenarios on the
other. Scenario 1 in Table 6.13 adopted as the benchmark is characterized by using
the ATC horizontal distance-based separation rules (IFR) given in Table 6.11, the
FCFS service discipline, and the conventional (existing) final operational proce-
dure (Fig. 6.10a) (FAA 2010, 2011). In addition, the ATC time-based separation
rules in Table 6.12 derived from the VFR distance-based separation rules in
Table 6.11 and the aircraft average approach speeds in Table 6.14 are used in
Scenario 4. The other types of ATC advanced separation rules are used accord-
ingly in the remaining Scenarios 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 (Table 6.13).
The length of the common approach path connecting the FAG and the runway
landing threshold is adopted to be: c = 6.2 nm in all scenarios (Janic 2008)
(nm—nautical mile; 1 nm = 1.852 km).
Table 6.13 Characterization of particular ‘‘what-if’’ scenarios for calculating the runway land-
ing capacity (Janic 2012)
Scenario ATC separation Operational Priority Aircraft fleet mix
rules procedure discipline
1 H SS-NGS FCFS Small—5 %
3 V SS—UAGS FCFS Large/Heavy as complements
4 TB SS-NGS FCFS (0–90 %)
5 H SS-NGS PR Small—5 %
6 MH/V DS-NGS SGS PR B757—5 %
7 V SS—UAGS PR Large/Heavy as complements
8 TB SS-NGS PR (0–90 %)
H Horizontal, MH/V Mixed Horizontal/Vertical, V Vertical, TB Time-based, SS-NGS Single
segment-nominal GS angles, DS-NGS SGS Double segment—nominal and steeper GS angles, SS-
UAGS Single segment—ultimately arbitrary GS angles
FCFS First Come First Served, PR Priority
6.5 Advanced Air Traffic Control Technologies 359
Table 6.14 Characteristics of the aircraft wake vortex categories (averages) (EC 2005; FAA
2010; Thompson 2002; Janic 2012)
Aircraft type Weight Weight GS angle Runway landing occupancy time
W v h ta
(tons) (kts) () (s)
Small 20 120 3/4/5.5 30–40
Large 55 130 3/4/- 40–50
B757 117 155 3/4/- 40–45
Heavy 206 155 3/-/- 50–60
Table 6.15 Combinations of GS angles for different ATC separation rules and related opera-
tional procedures ()-degrees) (Janic 2012)
i/j Small Large B757 Heavy
(a) Mixed horizontal/vertical distance-based separation rules
Small 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Large 3/5.5 3/3 3/3 3/3
B757 3/5.5 3/4 3/3 3/3
Heavy 3/5.5 3/4 3/4 3/3
(b) Vertical distance-based separation rules
Small 3/5.5 3/4 3/4 3/3
Large 3/5.5 3/4 3/4 3/3
B757 3/5.5 3/4 3/4 3/3
Heavy 3/5.5 3/4 3/4 3/3
5% Small
5% B757
Scenario 3
Scenario 4
Scenario 2
Scenario 1
Fig. 6.11 Relationship between the runway landing capacity and the proportion of heavy aircraft
in the mix and different ATC separation rules—FCFS service discipline (Janic 2012)
Scenario 3 Scenario 7
Scenario 6
Scenario 2
5% Small
5% B757
Fig. 6.12 Relationship between the runway landing capacity and the proportion of Heavy
aircraft in the mix and ATC mixed and vertical distance-based separation rules—the FCFS and
PR service discipline (Janic 2012)
difference between this and the capacity in Scenario 1 increases by 6–33 % for a
given range of changes in the aircraft fleet mix. This increase of the capacity with
increasing of the proportion of heavy aircraft in the fleet mix in Scenario 2 is
mainly due to applying vertical separation rules to the FS (‘‘Fast-Slow’’) sequences
at the FAG, which shortens the horizontal distances between aircraft, and conse-
quently the corresponding inter-arrival times at landing threshold T, which in turn
contribute to increasing the landing capacity.
Figure 6.12 shows the influence of the ATC service disciplines (FCFS and PR)
on the landing capacity given ATC mixed horizontal/vertical and vertical distance-
based separation rules (Scenarios 2 and 6, and Scenarios 3 and 7 in Table 6.13,
respectively), and the proportion of heavy aircraft in the mix.
As can be seen, the PR service discipline (Scenarios 6 and 7) increases the
capacity only negligibly as compared to the FCFS service discipline (Scenarios 2
and 3). At the same time, the influence of heavy aircraft on this capacity appears to
be of the same character for both service disciplines in each pair of the considered
Scenarios (3, 7 and 2, 6).
Figure 6.13 shows the dependence of the runway landing capacity on the
proportion of heavy aircraft in the mix, ATC horizontal distance-based and time-
based separation rules, and service disciplines, i.e., the capacities in Scenarios 1
and 5, and Scenarios 4 and 8, respectively.
As can be seen, when ATC horizontal distance-based separation rules are used,
the PR service discipline (Scenario 5) contributes to increasing the landing capacity
362 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
5% Small
Scenario 8 5% B757
Scenario 4
Scenario 5
Scenario 1
Fig. 6.13 Relationship between the runway landing capacity and the proportion of Heavy
aircraft in the mix and ATC horizontal distance-based and time-based separation rules—the
FCFS and PR service discipline (Janic 2012)
5% Small
5% B757
40% Heavy
Scenario 3 50% Large
Scenario 4
Scenario 2
Scenario 1
Fig. 6.14 Runway capacity envelopes for cases of application of different ATC minimum
separation rules for landings (Janic 2012)
6.5.4 Evaluation
Advanced ATC (Air Traffic Control) technologies and procedures for increasing
airport runway landing capacity possess some advantages (Strengths and Oppor-
tunities) and disadvantages (Weaknesses and Threats).
• Contributing to a substantial increase in the runway landing capacity when the
FCFS service discipline and ATC vertical distance-based separation rules are
applied. This capacity would be the greatest as compared to that obtained by
using ATC time-based, mixed horizontal/vertical and particularly horizontal
distance-based separation rules, respectively; and
• Contributing to a substantial increase in the runway landing capacity when the
PR service discipline is applied instead of the FCFS service discipline in
combination with ATC horizontal distance-based and time-based separation
• Demanding a relatively long time for full operationalization both at the ATC
and aircraft;
• Diminishing effects with increasing proportion of heavy aircraft in the landing
mix except in the cases of applying the PR service discipline and ATC mixed
horizontal/vertical distance-based separation rules; and
364 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
1947 The rocket-powered Bell X-1 flown by C.Yeager exceeds the speed of sound during the
first controlled level flight (U.S.)
1967 The air speed record of 3,940 kts (7,297 km/h Mach 6.1) is set by the X-15 aircraft (U.S.)
1975 Aeroflot begins regular services with the supersonic TY144 aircraft (USSR)
1976 British Airways and Air France begin commercial servicers with the French-British
Concorde aircraft (UK, France)
The STA (Supersonic Transport Aircraft) has already been commercialized as the
French-British Concorde and the Soviet Union’s TY144 supersonic aircraft. Their
main characteristics are given in Table 6.16.
Both aircraft had very similar performances. However, during their commercial
use over the limited time span,10 they were unable to fulfill the requirements and
expectations in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, environmental and social
acceptance. This is illustrated by comparing some of the characteristics of Con-
corde and the Boeing 747 aircraft given in Table 6.17.
These characteristics indicate that, except as concerns its cruising speed,
Concorde was inferior to the B747-400 in all considered aspects. As such, it was
not so attractive for airlines faced with increased pressure to manage their prof-
itability and take care about the environment, both under unstable economic
conditions at the time when both aircraft were operating. Figure 6.15a, b addi-
tionally supports this perception of airlines by showing the quite substantial dif-
ferences in the payload-range and technical productivity-range between Concorde
(and TY144D) and the B747-400 aircraft.
In addition, the accident that occurred in 2000 strongly undermined Concorde’s
previous reputation as the safest aircraft. Consequently, the aircraft was retired in
Concorde commercially operated during the 1976–2003 period and TY144D during the
1977–1983 period (;
6.6 Advanced Supersonic Transport Aircraft 365
Table 6.16 Characteristics of Concorde and the TY144 supersonic commercial aircraft (http://;
Characteristic Aircraft type
Concorde Ty144
Number built/used 20/16 15/3
Length (m) 61.70 65.50
Wingspan (m) 25.60 28.80
Height (m) 12.20 12.55
Cockpit crew 3 3
Table 6.17 Characteristics of Concorde and the Boeing 747-400 aircraft (Smith 1989)
Characteristic Aircraft type
Concorde B747-400
Seating capacity (seats) 120 413
Cruising speed (Mach/km/h) 2.02/2145 0.85/903
Max. range (km) 7,220 14,353
Technical productivity (s-km/h) 261480 377069
Operating costs (€/s-km) 0.0374 0.0202
Fuel efficiency (kg/s-km) 0.120–0.143a 0.025b
Emissions of GHG (kgCO2e/s-km) 0.715 0.133
Noisec (arrivals/departures)d (EPNdB) 119/119/116 100.4/96/101.7
Estimated from the total costs of 1.25 billion €, 50,000 flights and length of route of 5,564 km
(London-New York)
Estimated from the expression (2.26) for the same route
EPNdB—Effective Perceived Noise Level (dBA); Sideline (450 m)/Take-off (6.5 km)/
Approach (2 km)
Smith (1989)
366 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
(a) 90
80 TY144D
70 A380-800
Payload - tons
0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000
Range - km
(b) 80
Technical productivity - 000 t-km/h
70 B747-400
0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000
Range - km
Fig. 6.15 Operational performances of the selected aircraft types (Airbus 2005; Boeing 2002;;, a Pay-
load-range, b Technical productivity-range
2003. After crashing in Paris, the TY 144 aircraft was retired in 1978 after just one
year in commercial service. Background
After retirement of the supersonic Concorde and TY144 aircraft, the question
remained whether there might be sufficient passenger demand for an advanced
generation of STA (Supersonic Transport Aircraft), which, in addition to speed,
6.6 Advanced Supersonic Transport Aircraft 367
7.5m 42m
Fig. 6.16 Scheme of possible shape of the advanced STA—EC Hydrogen Mach 5 Cruiser A2
(EC 2008)
The infrastructural performances of new STA generally relate to their fitting with
exiting airports in terms of the footprint and other operational performances. For
example, the EC Hydrogen Mach 5 Cruiser STA in Table 6.18 would fit with the
ICAO Aerodrome Code 4 and Letter D, and IATA (International Air Transport
Association) Aircraft Size Categorization Scheme 4. Regarding MTOW, the air-
craft could be categorized as a Heavy (400 tons) aircraft of the approach category
E (approach speed C 166 kts (kts—knots (nm/h)). In addition, its MTOW should
meet the current maximum allowable ground loads, i.e., wheel number, size, load,
and distribution, thus preventing damage to airport runways, taxiways, and aprons.
Furthermore, its dimensions (length, wing span, and ground footprint) should cope
with the existing layout and size of airport maneuvering spaces (runways, taxi-
ways, and aprons). In this context, the length of new STA (139 m in Table 6.18
and Fig. 6.16) could become a critical issue.
Ground handling in terms of embarking and disembarking passengers and
cargo, fuel supply (either compatible with the existing (kerosene) or new system
(LH2)), etc., should enable a reasonable turnaround time of new STA comparable
to that of its subsonic counterparts.
In addition, new STA will have to be able to follow the current and future ATC
(Air Traffic Control) rules and procedures. This may eventually apply to steeper
final approach angles, which could be requested at some airports in order to
increase the airport runway capacity on the one hand and reduce noise around the
airport on the other (Chap. 3).
New STA would operate under rather extreme conditions generally characterized
as follows (EC 2008):
• Higher cruise altitudes (FL500-600, i.e., 50,000–60,000 ft) than its subsonic
counterparts (FL300-350, i.e., 30,000–35,000 ft) would require higher in-cabin
pressure by approximately 25 %,
• Exposure of the structure to a wider range of temperatures, from about -50 C
to more than +150–200 C, including thermal cycling under moisture and
radiation impacts, and
370 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
Table 6.18 Specifications of advanced STA concepts (Coen 2011; EC 2008; NAS 2001)
Specification The STA concept
NASA high-speed civil transport— EC Hydrogen Mach 5
beyond the year 2030 Cruiser A2
Length (m)a 89–95 139
Wing span (m)a 42–43 42
Wing Aspect Ratio – 1.868
L/D (Lift-to-Drag) Ratio 10–11 8–9
Take-off weight (tons) 276 400
Number of engines 4 4
Cruise speed (Mach) 2.0–2.4 5.0
Range (km) 9000–11000 20000
Fuel/weight fraction 0.40–0.45 0.13
Payload/weight fraction *0.20 *0.15
Payload (passengers) 300 300
Fuel efficiency
SFC (kg of fuel/kg of thrust/h)b
Kerosene 2.325 –
Liquid Hydrogen (LH2)c – 2.208
Environmental/social efficiency
Emissions of GHG (gNOx/kg of \15 (lower speeds) –
fuel) B5 (higher speeds) B1
Sonic boom—Low Boom Flight 65–70 –
Sonic boom—Overwater flight 75–80 –
Airport noise (cumulative below 10–20 –
stage 3/4) (EPNdB)
Approximate values
TSFC—Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption
The ratio of heating content: LH2/Kerosene = 2.745
Supersonic aerodynamics
Supersonic aerodynamics are quite different from subsonic aerodynamics because
of the significant increase of the dynamic pressure and fundamental change in the
character of the fluid flow at very high cruising speeds (above Mach 1.6–2.0). This
makes the aerodynamic performances of the new STA particularly important
because: (i) the typical (L/D) (Lift-to-Drag) of new STA is generally lower than
that of the equivalent subsonic aircraft by about 50 %, (ii) the engine size, fuel
consumption and related emissions of GHG are directly influenced by drag, and
(iii) the weight of new STA is increased due to the above-mentioned two factors,
which in turn compromise all other performances. Consequently, the design of
new STA generally requires simultaneous balancing of many conflicting issues.
For example, supersonic aircraft such as Concorde had relatively low supersonic
efficiency measured by the L/D (Lift-to-Drag) ratio, which was not the result of a
weak design, but a generic consequence of its supersonic aerodynamics.
Regarding aircraft design, the (L/D) is the most important aerodynamic
parameter influencing the most important attributes of economic and environ-
mental performances such as the range, payload, fuel consumption and related
emissions of GHG. Therefore, one of the main design objectives of new STA
would be to increase this ratio at cruising speeds beyond Mach 1.6–2.0. Specifi-
cally, the supersonic lift force (L) can generally be expressed as follows:
L ¼ ð1=2Þq v2 S ð6:11aÞ
q is air density (kg/m3);
v is the aircraft speed (km/h);
S is the reference wing area (m2); and
CL is the lift coefficient.
In Eq. 6.11a, the lift coefficient CL depends on the wing characteristics, i.e., its
airfoil or section (a cross section of the wing parallel to the plane of symmetry of
the aircraft). This is shaped to generate lift without excessive drag. The supersonic
drag (D) can be expressed as follows (NAS 2001):
D ¼ qSCD0 þ W=q p b2 þ 128q Vol2 þ ðM 2 1Þ W 2 =ðq p l2 Þ
b is the wingspan (m);
CD0 is the coefficient of parasite drag at zero lift (i.e., skin drag and all other
drag except induced drag);
l is the effective length of the aircraft (m);
M is the Mach number;
372 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
If the optimal cruising altitude for a given Mach number is selected, the
(L/D) ratio can be expressed as follows (NAS 2001; Seebass 1998):
ffi 1=2
4 2ð M 2 1Þ
ðL=DÞmax ¼ þ ðCD0 þ CD0w Þ ð6:11cÞ
p A R p A R1
AR is the aspect ratio given by b2/S;
AR1 is the length aspect ratio given by l2/S; and
CD0w is the coefficient of zero lift wave drag depending on the aircraft length,
volume, and wing area.
The other symbols are analogous to those in the previous equations.
Using Eq. 6.11c, the ratio (L/D) can be obtained for the specified values of the
particular variables. Alternatively, the maximum achievable ratio (L/D) can be
empirically estimated as follows (EC 2006, 2008):
ðL=DÞ ¼ 6 ðM þ 2Þ=M ð6:11dÞ
where all symbols are analogous to those in the previous equations. Figure 6.17
shows a generic relationship between (L/D) and (M).
The (L/D) ratio increases approximately more than proportionally with
increasing of the Mach number up to about M = 1.5; beyond M = 1.5, the ratio
decreases more than proportionally with increasing of the Mach number. This
implies a decrease in the aerodynamic performances at higher Mach numbers.
Therefore, in order to achieve the required high (L/D) ratio, the drag (D) during the
cruise phase of flight should be as low as possible, which could be achieved by
increasing the length of the advanced STA. Such increase would make the aircraft
much longer than its subsonic counterpart(s) with an equivalent payload. This
would create disparity between the design for the best cruise and the design for
low speed, thus causing degradation of the STA aerodynamic performances at low
speed(s), increasing its weight, and consequently diminishing fuel efficiency and
increasing related emissions of GHG, than otherwise. In order to overcome these
imbalances, some supersonic features such as supersonic laminar flow, methods
for modifying the flow around the aircraft, unconventional aircraft configuration
(preferably long and slender), and computational systems and methodologies
would need to be revolutionized.
Aerodynamic heating
The advanced STA would be exposed to aerodynamic heating during flying at
supersonic speeds. This is caused by heating of the air near the surface of the
6.6 Advanced Supersonic Transport Aircraft 373
0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5
Mach number
Fig. 6.17 Relationship between Lift-to-Drag (L/D) ratio and Mach number for STA
For example, if the new STA was cruising at the speed of M = 2.0 at the altitude
FL600 (60,000 ft) where the temperature of the impacting air is: T0 = -56.5 C,
the stagnation temperature would be about: T = 112 C. If the speed was M = 2.5,
the stagnation temperature would reach about T = 200 C under the same
If the aircraft stayed under the above-mentioned operating conditions sufficiently
long, the rather high air temperature would pass to its structure as the convective
heating would dominate over the radiative heating. In order to sustain such tem-
perature, the new advanced lightweight high temperature materials have been
tested such as mainly aluminum and titanium alloys PMC (Polymer Matrix
Composites) and MMC/IMC (Metal Intermetalic Matrix Composites/Intermediate
Modulus Carbon) fiber, the latter considered as a compromise between the
The specific heat capacity is the amount of heat required to change the temperature of 1 kg of
a given material/substance by 1 C. This capacity of air for temperatures (-50–400 C) ranges
from 1.005 to 1.068 kJ/kgK).
374 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
The other symbols are analogous to those in the previous equations. Eq. 6.11f
indicates that the range R increases linearly with increasing of the energy content
H of the fuel and the overall installed engine efficiency g. By changing the fuel
from kerosene to LH2 (Liquid Hydrogen), this content and consequently the range
R can be increased by the factor 2.745 (Chap. 4). For a given type of fuel, the
range R of the advanced STA could be increased, on the one hand by increasing
the cruising speed v, improving (L/D), and the amount of fuel carried WF, and on
the other by decreasing the engine SFC. However, at the same time, the SFC
increases with cruising speed and decreases with increasing of the overall engine
propulsion efficiency g as follows:
SFC ¼ M=4g ð6:11gÞ
Figure 6.18 shows some relationships.
Specifying the values of particular variables in the above-mentioned expres-
sions, while particularly intending to increase (L/D) as a vital issue for enabling
economically viable STA, enables setting up some initial specifications for the
STA design similarly to those in Table 6.18.
Propulsion systems
The propulsion systems-engines of the new STA should be designed to fulfill the
following requirements (EC 2008):
• Sufficient thrust to enable operating at the designed supersonic cruising speed(s),
6.6 Advanced Supersonic Transport Aircraft 375
η = 0.4
1 η = 0.6
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Cruising speed - Mach number
Fig. 6.18 Relationship between SFC (Specific Fuel Consumption) and the aircraft cruising
speed, and the engine overall propulsion efficiency
Fig. 6.19 Relationship between propulsion efficiency and Mach number for advanced STA
g ¼ M=ðM þ 3Þ ð6:11iÞ
Figure 6.19 shows an example of this relationship indicating that the overall
propulsion efficiency increases at decreasing rate with increasing of the Mach
This again indicates an inherent conflict with the above-mentioned aerody-
namic design of new STA characterized by the substantial drop of the (L/D) ratio
as the cruising speed increases.
In order to reduce the weight and improve performances of new STA, the materials
the aircraft engines are made out of must at the same time provide low density,
high strength, and long life at high temperatures. In particular, high temperatures
refer to combustion temperatures that which would likely increase to about
3,000–3,500 F (1,650–1,930 C) and/or nozzle temperatures to about
2,300–2,400 F (1,260–1,370 C). Critical engine components such as disks, tur-
bine airfoils, and nozzles would be exposed to these temperatures for a relatively
long time, i.e., during the cruising phase of flight, which could last 4–5 h (EC
2008; NAS 2001). This is quite different compared to subsonic engines exposed to
extreme temperatures for a shorter time-only during the take-off and climb lasting
about 15–20 min. In addition, more extensive use of such actually advanced
materials could contribute to reducing the overall aircraft weight, and conse-
quently improve the fuel consumption and related emissions of GHG, and noise
Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs) could be a promising solution to simul-
taneously reduce the engine weight and increase the above-mentioned engine
aerothermodynamics performances. The materials considered have been polymers,
6.6 Advanced Supersonic Transport Aircraft 377
80 TY144D
70 A380-800
Advanced STA
Payload - tons
0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000
Range - km
Fig. 6.20 Payload-range characteristics of selected supersonic and subsonic aircraft (different
Payload-range characteristics
Possible payload-range characteristics of particular supersonic aircraft and the
B747-400 subsonic aircraft are given in Fig. 6.20.
The payload-range characteristics of the Mach 5.0 STA are superior to those of
both Concorde and the TY144 aircraft. This could be considered as some kind of
increased capability to penetrate the market, which both predecessors were unable
to achieve, and thus provide the necessary economic viability. At the same time,
new STA have a longer range than the subsonic B747-400 aircraft has for about
half of its payload.
Quality of service
The main attribute of the quality of service offered by STA is travel time. Subsonic
commercial flights usually take place along the shortest—Great Circle routes
connecting particular origins and destinations. However, due to passing through
the sound barrier, the routes of the new STA are expected to very often deviate
from the shortest great circle distances in order to avoid the impacts of sonic boom
on populated areas. In terms of design, this will require extension of the range. In
an operational sense, this would extend the travel (flight) time thus partially
mitigating the effects of the supersonic speeds as compared to those of its subsonic
counterparts. Figure 6.21 shows the relationship between the flight time and route
length when flown by subsonic aircraft and advanced STA.
As can be seen, the time differences, which can be deemed as savings for both
airlines and users/passengers, appear to be substantial and almost proportional to
the differences in the cruising speeds of both categories of aircraft/flights. In the
case of airlines, this contributes to decreasing the size of the required fleet for
operating a given route network and schedule. In the case of users/passengers, this
6.6 Advanced Supersonic Transport Aircraft 379
Subsonic aircraft
Mach 5 aircraft
Approximate flight time - (h)
3500 5500 7500 9500 11500 13500 15500 17500
Flying distance - (km)
Fig. 6.21 Relationship between approximate flight time and length of route for subsonic aircraft
and STA (Mach 5) (EC 2006)
Based on Eq. 6.12, the technical productivity for an advanced STA cruising at
FL600 with the payload PL = 30 tons (300 passengers each weighting together
with their baggage about 100 kg) at the speed of M = 5.0, where the speed of
sound is: a = 1,062 km/h, would be: TP = 159,300 t-km/h.
The economic performances of new STA in terms of aircraft operating costs per
seat and passenger mile/kilometer need to be comparable to those of their subsonic
counterparts particularly while operating on long distance continental and inter-
continental routes for which they are primary planned and designed in order to
maximize savings in the travel time, i.e., to shorten this time from about 7.2–22.5 h
380 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
to about 1.7–3.8 h for a range of routes (6,000–18,000 km). For example, the
Hydrogen (LH2) M5 Cruiser STA in Table 6.18 has been estimated to cost about
639 M€. Its annual operating costs have been estimated to be about 554 M€. The
former is based on the costs of developing and manufacturing 100 aircraft, while the
latter is based on the average annual utilization—flight frequency of 2 flights/day on
the route of length of about 18,000 km, availability 0.90, load factor 0.75, and the
number of passengers on the route 148000 (Steelant, 2008). This gives the average
unit operating costs of about 0.1054 €/s-km or 0.208€/p-km, which appears to be
quite comparable to the costs of their subsonic counterparts under equivalent
conditions. If LH2 was derived from electrolysis of water, the share of the fuel costs
in the total STA operating cost would be about 83 %. If LH2 was derived from the
steam reforming of hydrocarbons, the share of fuel costs would be about 30 %,
which in turn reduces the total STA operating costs by about 50 %. In this latter
case, the average unit operating cost would be 0.139 €/s-km and 0.104 €/p-km
under the above-mentioned traffic scenario, which is again competitive to the
subsonic counterparts of STA. If the passenger generalized costs were considered
for long distance travel, taking into account the savings in the costs of travel time
for all categories of passengers (business, leisure) would indicate an additional
advantage of new STA over their conventional subsonic counterparts under the
given conditions. Similar analysis has been carried out for the new STA—Kerosene
Mach 4.5/5.0 Cruiser (EC 2006; Steelant 2008).
The environmental performances of the new STA would specifically include the
energy/fuel consumption and emissions of GHG (Green House Gases), and land
Fuel consumption
Fuel consumption is crucial to the economic and environmental success of new
STA. In terms of efficiency, it is usually expressed as SFC (Specific Fuel Con-
sumption), which is closely related to the engine BP (Bypass Ratio). The latter is
defined as the rate between the amount of air flowing around the engine core and
the amount of air passing through the engine. In general, jet engines with a higher
bypass ratio usually have lower SFC. Figure 6.22 shows the SFC-BR relationships
for the cruise and take-off phase of flight for 20 jet engines powering subsonic
commercial aircraft produced by different airspace manufacturers. These are: CFM
Company (joint corporation of Snecma (France) and General Electric Company
(USA)), Rolls-Royce (UK), Pratt and Whitney and General Electric (USA), and
IAE (International Aero Engines AG made up of the engine manufacturers Pratt
and Whitney, Rolls-Royce, MTU (Europe) and Aero Engine Corporation (Japan)).
In addition, the SFC-BR relationships for the engines that powered supersonic
Concorde and the TY144 are shown for comparison purposes (Janic 2007a).
6.6 Advanced Supersonic Transport Aircraft 381
Cruise - Subsonic
Take-off - Subsonic
0.6 Cruise - Supersonic Concorde, TY144
SFC - kg/hr/kg
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
BR - Bypass Ratio
Fig. 6.22 Relationship between SFC (Specific Fuel Consumption) and BR (Bypass Ratio) for
different commercial aircraft (Janic 2007b)
As can be seen, the SFC of most turbofan engines powering subsonic com-
mercial aircraft during take-off varies between 0.25 and 0.40 and during cruising
between 0.15 and 0.30 for the given range of BRs, 1–8. For the engines that
powered the two retired above-mentioned supersonic aircraft, the SFC was greater
than 0.5 for BRs ranging from 0 to 0.53. These relationships indicate that in order
to make the new STA economically and environmentally viable, its engines would
need to have a lower SFC (preferably 0.423 as specified in Table 6.18). This would
be a challenge since advanced STA is expected to operate under different engine
operating regimes and speeds (i.e., take-off, subsonic cruise, supersonic cruise,
approach, and landing). In general, this implies operating at the subsonic regime
requiring a high propulsive efficiency and the supersonic regime requiring a high
specific thrust. In the former case the engine frontal area should be as wide as
possible in order to provide a high propulsive efficiency at subsonic speeds, while
in the latter it should be as small as possible in order to reduce drag at high
supersonic speeds. One of the options using kerosene could be a variable cycle
engine, which is similar to a subsonic mixed-flow turbofan engine, but with an
additional secondary outer bypass duct aimed at increasing the overall bypass ratio
and consequently the air flow handling capacity. As opposed to conventional
turbofan engines, a variable cycle engine could change and adapt the bypass ratio
to the particular above-mentioned flight conditions. For example, increasing BR
during {XE ‘‘TO (Take-Off)’’} take-off and landing decreases noise around air-
ports, while reducing BR during cruise improves the fuel efficiency. Furthermore,
for example, increasing BR from 0.5 to 1.0 or even higher for variable cycle
engines would require application of more advanced cooling concepts for the
turbine blades in combination with the use of lightweight heat resisting materials.
382 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
Last but not least, at present, the other alternative engine designs perceived as
technologically, economically, and environmentally feasible include PDE (Pulse
Detonated Engine), hydrogen-fueled engines, and the fuel-cell based engines
(propulsive system).
PDEs are based on detonation waves aimed to initiate rapid combustion of a
premixed fuel–oxidizer mixture contained in an array of tubes, which are opened
at one end and closed on the other. These engines are expected to be even more
efficient than the current turbofan engines, while enabling high (supersonic)
speeds. Consequently, the US NASA has maintained PDE research efforts with the
baseline being a Mach 5 STA (a PDE test was successfully carried out in 2008).
LH2 (Liquid Hydrogen)-fuelled engines would seemingly be relatively easier to
design if carried out by modifying existing turbofan engines (Chap. 4).
Fuel-cell based engines (propulsive systems) would be powered by electricity
produced by fuel cells. The power density in terms of both weight and volume has
already shown to be the critical in designing these systems for new STA (NAS
Emissions of GHG
The energy consumption of STA has already been discussed. The emissions of
GHG (Green House Gases) would depend on the engines’ injection and com-
bustion performances, i.e., on the quality of air/fuel mixture, its distribution in the
combustor primary zone, and the corresponding temperatures. In addition to other
GHG with constant emission rates per unit of fuel burnt (CO2, H2O, etc.) (Chap. 5),
the primary concern would be emissions of NOx (Nitrogen Oxides) independently
of the fuel used—kerosene or LH2 (Liquid Hydrogen). This is because advanced
STA would cruise at altitudes with the maximum concentration/density of O3
(Ozone)-from 14 (FL450) to 26 km (FL850) as shown in Fig. 6.23.
O3 protects the Earth from harmful solar UV radiation by absorbing all light with
a wavelength less than 295 nm* (nanometer). However, O3 is sensitive to free
radicals such as atomic chlorine CI, Nitric Oxide NO, and hydroxyl radicals OH.
They are formed from the water vapor (H2O) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs),
products of the fuel burned by the new STA, directly affecting the ozone layer
formed in the stratosphere. Near the ground, emissions of NOx and other hydro-
carbons contribute to increasing the concentrations of O3, which is considered as a
pollutant harmful to inhale and a contributor to the formation of smog (Janic 2007b).
Thus, in contrast to its regional impact near airports, the NOx injected into the
stratosphere affects the ozone layer globally. In any case, the increased concen-
tration of NOx and other GHG might generally cause depletion of the ozone layer
with inevitable impacts. For example, a 10 % depletion of this layer could result in
an increase in UV radiation by about 45 %, which certainly could damage almost
all biological cells and in particular cause skin cancer in the exposed population.
Currently, in the case of the existing subsonic turbofan engines operating at
given fuel combustion temperatures, the highest rate of formation of NOx appears
to be when the fuel/air equivalence rate is equal to one (i.e., to the stoichiometric
air-to-fuel ratio). Furthermore, in the absolute sense, EINOx (Emission Index of
6.6 Advanced Supersonic Transport Aircraft 383
50 50 km
Altitude - km
30 30 km
Ozone depletion
Supersonic flights
15 km
12 km
10 Troposphere Subsonic flights
Ozone enhancement
Fig. 6.23 Scheme of distribution of the concentration of ozone and impact of commercial air
transport (mid-latitude) (Janic 2007b)
EINOx - g/kg of fuel
EINOx = 0.097e0.0085T
400 R² = 0.9562
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Compressor exit temperature - 0K
Fig. 6.24 Relationship between EINOx (Emission Index of NOx) and the compressor exit
temperature for subsonic turbofan engines (Coen 2011)
The social performances of STA relate to noise, congestion, and traffic incidents
and accidents, i.e., safety.
The main attributes of the noise performances of new STA remain to be the airport
landing, sideline, and take-off noise, and sonic boom while operating at supersonic
6.6 Advanced Supersonic Transport Aircraft 385
viable, their design will very likely remain to be highly influenced by the sonic
boom reduction requirements. Use of LH2 as a fuel instead of the conventional jet
fuel-kerosene could additionally require compromise in its design (Chap. 4).
Advanced STAs would operate within the approaching and departing traffic flows
at airports exposed to congestion and delays similarly as other subsonic aircraft. In
some cases, they could be given the ultimate priority in service but the related
ATC (Air Traffic Control) criteria, if any, still need to be elaborated. The length of
the advanced STA (Table 6.18) could affect smooth traffic at the airport apron/gate
complex, but this would be resolved by parking and maneuvering on of dedicated
parking positions.
In addition to the absence of traffic incidents and accidents due to the already know
reasons, the safety of advanced STA would also imply protecting the flight crew
and passengers from high-altitude radiation and cabin decompression.
High-altitude radiation refers to primary and secondary cosmic radiation. The
Earth is protected from this radiation by the atmospheric shield which is over
1,000 g/cm3 thick at sea level, 200–300 g/cm3 thick at typical cruising altitudes of
subsonic aircraft (FL 300–400), and only 60 g/cm3 thick at the cruising altitudes of
new STA (FL600–650). This implies that advanced STA would preferably have
some kind of the very light shield in addition to more careful selection of 4D (four
dimensional) routes based also on the perceived (expected) cosmic radiation.
Furthermore, monitoring the exposure of flight crews and frequent fliers to this
radiation would be introduced as a part of STA flight (safety) regulations.
The crew and passengers of advanced STA would be exposed to a high risk of
loss of life in cases of explosive and rapid cabin decompression or sudden air
leakage from the STA fuselage occurring at altitudes above FL500 (50,000 ft).
Since current regulations do not allow exposure to pressure at altitudes above FL
400 (40,000 ft) for any time (as compared to 2 min of allowable exposure to the
pressure at an altitude of FL 250 (25,000 ft)), this requirement would be very
difficult and complex to fulfill for the advanced STA. Nevertheless, the possible
solutions could be using innovative technologies such as self-sealing materials to
contain fuselage pressure leaks, thus providing sufficient time for an emergency
descent initiated by an automatic emergency descent mode in the scope of the
aircraft flight control system (NAS 2001).
6.6.3 Evaluation
Advanced STA possess both advantages (Strengths and Opportunities) and dis-
advantages (Weaknesses and Threats) as follows:
6.6 Advanced Supersonic Transport Aircraft 387
• Superiority as compared to their supersonic (retired) predecessors and com-
petitive to the future subsonic aircraft in terms of the overall efficiency and
effectiveness from the viewpoint of both airlines and users/passengers;
• Complementing to the subsonic and supersonic aircraft fleet operating within the
future APT (Air Passenger Transport) system;
• Contributing to the creation of an integrated and very high-speed transport
system on both the national and particularly the international-global scale;
• Compatibility with the existing airport layout enabling smooth, efficient, and
effective maneuvering, parking, and ground handling;
• Environmentally and socially acceptable in terms of the emissions of GHG and
noise, the former globally and the latter both locally around the airports and
globally (sonic boom); and
• Contributing to development of innovative and new knowledge, processes, and
materials for both airframe and engines, which could be disseminated to other
non-APT (Air Passenger Transport) fields.
• Uncertainty in the final design (i.e., the most feasible supersonic speed and size,
namely seating capacity) that would guarantee economic feasibility for both
airlines and their users/passengers (similarly as at the ETT system: who would
really demand to travel at the offered supersonic speed at the given price and
under what conditions);
• Unknown technical/technological barriers, which would eventually need to be
overcome to develop the components—fuselage, propulsion systems, and air-
craft control systems;
• Diminishing advantages of flying at supersonic speeds due to the prohibition of
passing over populated areas (creating sonic boom), which may prolong flying
distance(s) (not always the shortest—Great Cycle ones) and related travel
time(s); and
• The inherent risk of increasing the overall environmental and social impacts in
terms of global emissions of GHG and noise (sonic boom), the former due to
increasing emissions of NOx and the latter due to some unavoidable passing
over populated areas at supersonic speeds.
Finally, any further elaboration of the overall feasibility of advanced STA
should include the above-mentioned and additional (depending on the actors/
stakeholders involved) advantages and disadvantages. Some facts provided in this
section indicate that advanced STA might be, under given conditions, a promising
supersonic complement to the future APT (Air Passenger Transport) system and
other long-haul very high-speed systems such as ETT.
388 6 Advanced Transport Systems: Future Concepts
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Chapter 7
Advanced Transport Systems:
Contribution to Sustainability
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Contribution
For example, BRT systems, road mega trucks, large advanced container ships,
and freight aircraft, all using existing or slightly modified infrastructure, could
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of related services. At the same time,
however, the latter two can contribute to increasing congestion, particularly when
operating in congested urban and suburban areas and spatially constrained ports
and airports, respectively. Similarly, advanced (mainly electric) passenger cars
using the present roads and streets in combination with modified supporting
facilities and equipment mainly for energy/fuel supply can also contribute to
congestion but not to increasing direct emissions of GHG. On the contrary: PRT
and UFT systems, which require completely new dedicated and very expensive
infrastructure if developed to the network level, can mitigate congestion and both
direct and indirect emissions of GHG in given urban or suburban area(s). High-
speed tilting, HSR, and TRM passenger trains operating on completely new
infrastructure (railway lines) do not contribute to increasing congestion due to the
nature of railway operations. In particular, high-speed tilting trains sharing
infrastructure with conventional passenger and freight trains are always given the
highest priority. By taking over medium- to long-distance trips from individual
passenger cars, these trains could indirectly contribute to reducing road congestion
and related emissions of GHG.
Advanced freight collecting/distributing networks and LIFTs in Europe oper-
ating on current rail/road/inland waterway and rail infrastructure, respectively, can
contribute to improving particularly the economic and environmental perfor-
mances of the supply chains served, mainly due to replacing road standard (and
prospectively mega) trucks.
Advanced subsonic commercial aircraft and advanced STA remain neutral in
terms of contributing to congestion as compared to their less advanced counter-
parts. They can use existing infrastructure with modified (or new) supporting
facilities and equipment mainly for fuel supply in case of LH2–fuelled models. The
relative fuel consumption and type of fuel used (also LH2) can contribute to
improving the environmental performances in terms of energy/fuel consumption
and related emissions of GHG. Aircraft engine technology in combination with
advanced ATC technologies and operations for increasing airport runway capacity
can contribute to reducing local noise. In addition, they can directly improve the
technical/technological and operational performances, and indirectly the eco-
nomic, environmental, and social performances of a given airport runway sys-
tem(s). However, due to operating at supersonic speed, advanced STA create sonic
booms, which, in parallel to the requirement for increased energy/fuel consump-
tion and related emissions of GHG, can affect large (also populated) area(s) and
consequently compromise social performances in general.
ETT (Evacuated Tube Transport) systems can apparently contribute to
improving the operational and environmental performances of long-distance
(intercontinental) passenger transport. At the same time, economic performances
can be compromised due to the very high costs of completely new infrastructure
that needs to be built and maintained under very specific conditions (underwater).
394 7 Advanced Transport Systems: Contribution to Sustainability
The evidence so far indicates that the above-mentioned advanced transport sys-
tems are characterized by gradually increasing technical productivity partially
thanks to the increasing size/weight/capacity of transport means/vehicles and their
number in the fleet to serve growing demand, and primarily thanks to increasing
technical and operating speed(s).
The dynamism of raising the technical and operating speed of the commercialized
and the non-commercialized advanced transport systems is different. The former is
an evolutionary gradual process, while the latter will likely be a revolutionary
process. Take for example the case of evolutionary/gradual increase in the speed of
the urban public passenger transport achieved through operational advancements
in the BRT system. High-speed tilting passenger train(s), HSR (High-Speed Rail)
and its modification Super HSR, and TRM are all examples of gradually increasing
the speed by technical/technological modifications. In urban and suburban freight
transport, a gradual increase in the freight/goods delivery speed can be achieved by
as yet non-commercialized UFT systems. But, again, how big should such an
increase be combined with the other advantages to justify the generally high
investment cost in UFT infrastructure? In case of the ETT system and advanced
STA as yet non-commercialized future systems, the increase in speed will likely be
revolutionary. At the EET system, this implies an application of TRM technology
396 7 Advanced Transport Systems: Contribution to Sustainability
will seemingly remain the primary source of fuels used by large advanced con-
tainer ships and aircraft, road mega trucks, the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) System
system, and advanced commercial subsonic aircraft. Electric energy obtained from
nonrenewables such as coal, crude oil, LNG, and nuclear, and renewable sources
such as water, wind, and solar energy is and will continue to be used by high-speed
tilting, HSR, and TRM trains, advanced (electric) passenger cars, and the PRT, and
UFT In addition, LH2, which can be obtained from the electrolysis of water,
appears to be under consideration as a future fuel for subsonic commercial APT
including STA. Again, electric energy is needed for producing LH2. Therefore, the
question arises how to obtain sufficient quantities of electric energy for satisfying
humanity’s overall (generally growing) needs including those of advanced trans-
port systems on the one hand while maintaining the related impacts on the envi-
ronment within the prescribed targets, on the other? As well, the he question which
kind of propellant/fuel would be used by the ETT system remains.
Nonrenewable primary sources will be exhausted sooner or later. Water, wind,
and solar energy produced using dedicated plants installed on the Earth’s surface
will remain the most important sources of renewable electric energy. Alternatively,
SSP (Space Solar Power) or SBSP (Space-Based Solar Power)1 as a complement
to existing sources/plants appear to be the most feasible long-term solution(s).
7.3.3 Safety
Advanced transport systems are expected to be safer, namely freer from traffic
incidents and accidents than their conventional counterparts. This implies that,
under given conditions, incidents and accidents should not occur due to already
known reasons. In addition to the adequate design and construction of the infra-
structure, transport means/vehicles, and supportive facilities and equipment, this
will be achieved through the increased automation of operations, which will be
established at the level of an individual vehicle and at the level of a route and/or
the entire network. For example, advanced HS (High Speed) trains and LIFTs,
advanced subsonic and supersonic commercial aircraft, and large advanced con-
tainer ships and aircraft are guided automatically by autopilots mainly during the
cruising phase of their trip. It is only a matter of time when advanced (electric)
passenger cars, BRT buses, and mega trucks will start to be guided in a similar
way. Analogously, advanced ATC technologies and operations will enable allo-
cation of a part of the responsibility for aircraft separation from ATC controllers to
the pilots. PRT and UFT are fully automated driverless systems at both the level of
At present, solar energy is routinely used on nearly all spacecraft. On a larger scale, this
technology combined with already demonstrated wireless power transmission could satisfy nearly
all needs for electricity on Earth. Thus, the SSP system would consist of lower-cost
environmentally friendly launch vehicles, large solar power satellites, and a power transmission
system, technologies already known today at least at the conceptual level (NSS 2007).
398 7 Advanced Transport Systems: Contribution to Sustainability
NSS. (2007). Space solar power: An investment for today-an energy solution for tomorrow.
Washington, D.C.: National Space Society.
About the Author
Dr. Milan Janić is a transport and traffic engineer and planner. At present, he is a
Senior Researcher at the Transport and Planning Department of the Faculty of
Civil Engineering and Geosciences of Delft University of Technology (Delft, The
Netherlands) and Research Professor at the Faculty of Traffic and Transport
Engineering of the University of Belgrade (Belgrade, Serbia). Previously he was a
Leader of the Research Program of the Section Transport and Infrastructure at the
OTB Research Institute for the Built Environment of Delft University of
Technology (Delft, The Netherlands), Senior Researcher at Manchester
Metropolitan University (Manchester, UK) and Loughborough University
(Transport Studies Group) (Loughborough, UK), and the Institute of Transport
(Ljubljana, Slovenia).
He has been involved in transport-related research and planning projects on
both the national and international scale for almost 30 years. He has also published
many scientific and professional transport-related papers, and presented many of
them at national and international transport conferences. In addition, he has
published four books: ‘‘Greening Airports: Advanced Technology and
Operations’’ (2011), ‘‘Airport Analysis, Planning and Design: Demand, Capacity
and Congestion’’ (2009), ‘‘The Sustainability of Air Transportation: A
Quantitative Analysis and Assessment’’ (2007), and ‘‘Air Transport System
Analysis and Modeling: Capacity, Quality of Services and Economics’’ (2000). He
has been a member of NECTAR (Network on European Communications and
Transport Activity Research), Delft Aviation Centre (Delft University of
Technology, Delft, and The Netherlands), GARS (German Aviation Research
Society, Cologne, Germany), ATRS (Air Transport Research Society), and
Airfield and Airspace Capacity and Delay Committee of TRB (Transportation
Research Board) (Washington DC, USA).
Curve, 43–47, 49, 57, 60, 61, 182, 192, 253, 143–145, 148–150, 166, 168–170, 172,
368 174, 177, 178, 181, 184, 192, 203–213,
Cycle, 78, 88, 89, 91, 93, 94, 99, 100, 113, 215, 223, 228, 235, 249, 265, 280, 311,
207, 208, 291, 316, 370, 375, 381, 383 312, 351, 364, 368, 371, 372, 374, 380,
383, 387, 393, 398
EI (Energy Intensity), 241, 242
D EINOx (Emission Index of Nitrogen Oxides),
Delay(s), 40, 255, 261 383
Delivery, 85, 98–101, 108, 109, 115–117, 127, Electric, 13, 19, 37, 48, 55, 58, 129, 131, 151,
129, 130, 137, 144, 145, 161, 305, 314 152, 168–172, 174, 181, 211, 217, 292,
Demand, 1, 5, 15, 21–23, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 311, 325, 397
41, 51, 53, 54, 60, 86, 88, 90, 99, 100, 108, Emergency, 125, 126, 294, 325, 386
113, 127, 129, 133, 137, 142–146, 166, Emissions, 2, 34–36, 39, 41, 42, 56, 58, 59, 62,
172, 195, 215, 222, 225, 226, 228, 235, 74, 78, 102, 114, 117, 119, 130, 131, 138,
236, 256, 281, 286, 295, 303, 306, 313, 147, 151, 158, 161, 165–170, 172–174,
322, 323, 331–333, 336, 338, 341, 353, 176, 177, 181, 184–186, 188, 195, 203,
387, 395 204, 208–211, 218, 219, 223, 224, 226,
Design, 2, 8, 11, 26, 27, 43, 45, 51, 56, 57, 62, 271, 292, 294, 298, 304, 316, 337, 339,
63, 66, 77, 78, 112, 113, 120, 147, 149, 368, 371, 372, 380, 382, 385, 387, 393,
171, 173, 181, 190, 194, 210, 220, 221, 395, 396
278, 289, 293, 295, 315, 317, 325, 334, Employment, 2, 23, 40, 317, 324, 398
371, 372, 374, 376–378, 382, 386, 391 Energy, 1–3, 7, 32, 34, 35, 41, 42, 47, 49,
Disadvantages, 8, 40–42, 61, 78, 105, 110, 55–59, 69, 102, 110, 119, 130, 131, 138,
125, 144, 145, 161, 185, 186, 214, 215, 141, 165, 166, 168–173, 175, 177, 178,
219, 228, 229, 274, 303, 304, 319, 341, 182–184, 187, 188, 191, 201, 203, 205,
351, 363, 386, 387, 398 210, 212, 215, 217, 220, 224, 241, 249,
Discipline, 278, 351, 352, 354, 355, 358, 359, 251, 255, 257, 271, 277, 281, 291, 292,
361, 363 294, 298, 305, 310, 311, 316, 323, 324,
Distance, 1, 3, 9, 11, 15, 29–31, 33, 36, 37, 43, 330, 331, 337, 338, 382, 391, 394, 395, 397
44, 46, 54, 58–61, 71, 73, 83, 85, 90, 98, Engine, 168, 190–194, 202, 205, 206, 210,
100, 102, 107–109, 115–123, 126, 128, 212, 228, 331, 346, 371, 374, 376,
130, 134, 137, 139, 142–145, 170, 171, 380–383, 385, 393
199, 201, 210, 241, 249, 253, 262, 271, Entropy, 259, 266, 267, 271
288, 293, 314, 327, 335, 349, 353, 357, Environmental, 168, 172, 187, 188, 191, 201,
359, 379 203, 214, 215, 218, 221, 229, 244, 258,
DM (Decision Making), 8, 87, 104, 105, 259 266, 292, 298, 306, 316, 325, 338, 339,
Drag, 57, 62, 66, 113, 149, 292, 307, 371, 372, 364, 365, 368, 370, 371, 380, 387, 392,
375, 377 393, 396
Draught, 210, 215 ETT (Evacuated Tube Transport), 253, 277,
Dynamic, 16, 57, 112, 249, 282, 287, 296, 278, 322, 324, 329, 331–335, 339, 387,
343 , 371, 372 392, 393
EU (European Union), 165, 169, 236, 244
Evaluation, 185, 208, 214, 228, 260, 266, 274,
E 295, 303, 319, 340, 363, 386
EC (European Commission), 51, 59–61, External, 223, 256, 285, 328, 339
84–87, 102, 111, 112, 179, 244, 247, 367 Externalities, 258, 264, 265, 273, 274, 316,
EEDI (Energy Efficiency Design Index), 317, 319, 337, 340
204–208, 215
EEOI (Energy Efficiency Operational Indica-
tor), 206, 207, 210 F
Effectiveness, 3, 21, 41, 85, 86, 100, 110, 150, FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), 349,
270, 293, 351, 364, 368, 387, 393, 398 351
Efficiency, 3, 5, 21, 35, 41, 62, 67–70, 78, 85, Factor, 170, 175, 178, 198, 202, 217, 249, 255,
86, 100, 109, 110, 114, 115, 117, 126, 257, 262, 288, 292, 327, 328
404 Index
Fares, 270, 286, 292, 303, 337, 368 Heathrow, 239, 240, 280, 296, 343
FCFS (First Come First Served), 278, 354 HFCVs (Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles), 168,
Fleet, 166, 177, 187, 188, 194, 198, 199, 207, 171, 185
208, 215, 224, 225, 286, 289–291, 313, High speed speed tilting passenger train, 11
315, 331, 335, 336, 358–360, 368, 378, High speed tilting passenger train, 6, 8, 11, 42,
394, 396 43, 45, 50, 51, 55, 56, 58–62, 392, 395
Flexibility, 209, 274, 319, 347 HS (High speed), 9, 51, 61, 235, 273, 397
Flight, 216, 220, 237, 240, 243, 264, 342, 347, HS (Hub-and-Spoke(s)) network, 86, 215, 238,
348, 351, 356, 372, 375–378, 380, 381, 343
385, 386 HSR (High Speed rail), 3, 6, 9, 235, 236, 243,
Freight, 166, 187, 196–199, 207, 208, 210, 332, 392, 395
215, 277, 292, 294, 305–307, 310, HV (Hydrogen Vehicle), 168
312–315, 318, 324, 332, 333, 337, 367, Hydrogen, 171, 172, 212, 217, 218
391–393, 395, 396 HYV (Hybrid Vehicle), 168, 169, 185
Freight collection/distribution networks, 394
Freight shuttle, 306, 319
Frequency, 26, 198, 251, 255, 263, 264, 282, I
294, 312, 313, 332, 335, 336, 360 IATA (International Air Transport Associa-
Fuel, 1, 3, 7, 19, 32, 34–36, 41, 62, 67–69, tion), 369
72–74, 78, 112, 115–119, 125, 131, 149, ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organiza-
156, 158, 161, 165–169, 171–173, tion), 63, 147, 270
175–177, 181, 182, 191, 195, 201, 207, ICEV (Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle),
212, 217, 220, 222, 223, 241, 369, 374, 168
377, 380, 391, 395, 396 ICT (Information and Communication Tech-
Function, 2, 22, 44, 63, 121, 141, 249, 285, nologies), 48, 112, 113, 115, 323
286, 327, 332, 343, 352 IFR (Instrument Flight Rules), 349
ILS (Instrument Landing System), 342, 347
IMC (Instrument Metrological Conditions),
G 349
Gate, 64, 65, 75, 147, 152, 159, 162, 213, 327, Impact, 2, 3, 5, 7, 41, 43, 44, 61, 83, 101, 102,
330, 346, 347, 386 108–110, 124, 125, 131, 132, 150, 160,
Gauge, 16, 43 165, 172, 173, 188, 208, 214, 216, 219,
GDP (Gross Domestic Product), 2, 146, 166, 221, 236, 238, 241, 277, 294, 323, 335,
295 346, 378, 382, 385
GHG (Green House Gases), 2, 58, 74, 78, 102, Incidents, 2, 36, 38, 59, 61, 75, 77, 101, 102,
112, 117, 119, 125, 130, 131, 147, 151, 120, 124, 126, 131, 132, 138, 141, 159,
158, 161, 165, 187, 188, 201, 204, 209, 160, 201, 246, 256, 257, 265, 277, 280,
216, 228, 236, 246, 277, 279, 292, 305, 293, 294, 298, 304–306, 317, 324, 337,
306, 316, 319, 324, 338, 380, 382, 391 339, 340, 384, 386, 391, 394
Gigaliners, 111 Indicators, 8, 14, 18, 19, 23, 30, 63, 71, 87, 98,
Government, 237, 254, 255, 257, 258, 263, 103, 106, 107, 206, 254, 274, 296, 314
265, 269, 318 Inertial force, 47, 331
Governmental, 238, 254, 257, 272, 318 Infrastructural, 1, 3–6, 9, 14, 43, 63, 87, 112,
GS (Glide Slope), 346, 347 127, 147, 172, 188, 189, 235, 244, 282,
Guidance, 19, 20, 45, 51, 248, 249, 268, 307, 325, 368
338, 343 Infrastructure, 1–3, 5–7, 12, 15, 16, 19, 32, 36,
Guideway, 248–250, 271, 280, 282, 283, 285, 39, 41, 51, 55, 59, 61, 87, 102, 108–110,
291, 294, 298, 307, 328, 337 112, 113, 125–127, 131, 138, 141, 147,
162, 173, 178, 190, 215, 229, 236, 243,
244, 246, 248, 253, 254, 257, 258, 263,
H 271, 278, 290, 291, 293–295, 306, 325,
Haulage, 88, 108–110, 127, 129, 130, 132, 336, 391
137, 140, 143 Inputs, 8, 123, 130, 142, 177, 268, 358
Headway, 27, 99, 285, 287, 288, 298 Inter-arrival time, 26
Index 405
103–105, 107, 108–112, 126, 127, 130, Power, 19, 33, 51, 56, 57, 115, 118, 129, 151,
131, 133, 143, 152, 154, 156, 161, 171, 152, 168–170, 190, 192–194, 202, 210,
209, 215, 235, 236, 238–240, 243, 246, 296, 316
260, 281, 283, 295, 309, 329, 397 PR (Priority), 17, 278, 351, 355
Noise, 7, 36, 37, 41, 59, 60, 75–78, 102, Pressure, 59, 62, 67, 68, 74, 113, 151, 152,
120–122, 131, 138, 151, 159, 161, 166, 210, 217, 281, 307, 323, 324, 326, 328,
168, 236, 242, 243, 255, 257, 258, 265, 371, 373, 385, 386
271, 279, 293, 338, 384 Procedures, 2, 3, 9, 125, 207, 278, 343, 346,
351, 352, 358, 363, 370
Productivity, 21, 32, 50, 53, 70–72, 78, 98,
O 102, 108, 112, 113, 115, 125, 147, 152,
Operating, 1, 11–14, 27, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36–38, 154, 245, 290
40–43, 48, 51, 54, 55–62, 72, 73, 76, 78, 83, Propellers, 191, 193
87, 99, 100, 107–109, 115, 118–120, 122, Propulsion, 19, 62, 168, 191, 193, 213, 249,
125, 127, 130–132, 134–136, 140, 143, 144, 251, 330, 374, 375
147, 156, 168, 178, 191, 194, 196, 246, 256, P–P (Point-to-Point), 86, 88, 89, 91, 240
261, 262, 270, 280, 285, 330, 335, 393 PRT (Personal Rapid Transit), 3, 6, 9, 277,
Operational, 2, 4–7, 9, 14, 21, 27, 32, 42, 50, 279, 392
51, 55, 60, 63, 70, 71, 78, 83, 87, 99, Pump, 220, 311, 330, 336, 337
110–113, 124, 127, 130, 132, 137–140, Punctuality, 2, 29, 30, 98, 99, 101, 255, 288,
142–144, 147, 151, 152, 161, 165, 166, 289, 298, 304, 314, 315, 324
172, 187, 194, 206, 218, 220, 286, 298,
313, 331, 377
Ozone, 382 Q
Quality, 2, 7, 8, 11, 12, 21, 29, 30, 41, 85,
107–110, 195, 198, 261, 286, 288, 304,
P 306, 313, 314, 324, 331, 334, 377, 378, 382
Pallets, 83, 85, 114, 119, 152, 277, 306, 307,
309, 310, 312–316, 318, 319, 322
Passengers, 2, 7, 9, 11–15, 19–21, 23, 25, 29, R
35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 44–47, 61, 63, 73, 167, Radar, 341, 343, 353
220, 238, 240, 244, 251, 253–257, 260, Rail, 1, 3, 6, 9, 11–13, 15, 26, 33, 42–45, 48,
264, 265, 269, 273, 278, 280–282, 49, 51, 54–56, 59–61, 83, 85, 86, 92, 94,
284–289, 292, 294, 295, 298, 303–305, 96, 107, 109, 110, 126, 127, 131, 133, 134,
329, 332, 334, 340, 367, 369, 378, 380, 137, 141, 142, 144, 154, 243, 244,
386, 387, 391, 395, 396 248–251, 273, 280, 296, 305, 312, 318, 393
Payload, 70–72, 84, 113–117, 119, 125, 128, Range, 8, 41, 63, 70, 78, 109, 118, 142, 143,
134, 138, 145, 146, 152, 154, 158, 220, 147, 152, 154, 161, 165, 186, 189, 191,
237, 251, 296, 368, 371, 372, 377, 379 223, 228, 229, 236, 237, 251, 280, 323,
Performance, 1, 3, 4–6, 9, 14, 19, 21, 23, 32, 324, 348, 352, 359, 369, 374, 378, 380, 385
34, 36, 43, 45, 50, 55, 56, 59, 63, 65, Ranking, 8, 9, 87, 98, 103–105, 107, 235, 243,
67–70, 72, 74, 75, 78, 87, 98, 103, 105, 253, 254, 258, 259, 265, 268, 272, 274
108, 109, 112, 113, 115, 117, 118, 120, Regenerative, 56, 58, 170, 171
127, 130, 132, 147, 149, 152, 156, 158, Reliability, 2, 12, 29, 30, 66, 78, 85, 98, 101,
159, 162, 165, 168, 172, 186–189, 194, 151, 212, 256, 261, 288, 289, 295, 314,
199, 201, 218, 220–222, 236, 253, 255, 315, 324, 353
281, 282, 284, 286, 290, 292–296, 298, Resistance, 22, 56, 57, 114, 118, 122, 191,
316, 317, 319, 325, 329, 331, 336, 339, 193, 220, 249, 251, 292, 310
342, 354, 366, 369, 377, 379, 380, 384, Resources, 1, 174, 257, 262, 323, 324, 340
392, 396 Results, 8, 30, 105, 142, 165, 182, 184, 205,
Plant, 171, 216, 229, 397 208, 220, 226, 271, 328, 359
Policy, 2–7, 9, 14, 36, 43, 59, 63, 75, 78, 84, Revenues, 32, 34, 72, 73, 130, 147, 156, 157,
87, 111, 127, 147, 159, 165, 168, 173, 201, 199, 200, 256, 262, 263, 266, 270, 273,
218, 221, 294, 318, 339 290, 292, 316, 337
Index 407
Road, 1, 3, 6–8, 60, 83–88, 94, 98, 107, 109, SN (Specific Noise), 159, 242
111–113, 115, 116, 124–127, 129–132, SNL (Specific Noise Level), 242
137, 140, 142–145, 154–156, 166, 213, Social, 2, 3, 5–7, 9, 36, 39–43, 59, 61, 63, 75,
278–280, 293, 319, 322, 392, 393, 397 79, 87, 101, 109, 112, 117, 120, 127, 131,
Route, 12, 15, 19, 23, 25–27, 29–31, 41, 147, 159, 166, 168, 172, 173, 188, 201,
51–53, 57, 63, 73, 83, 89, 91, 98–100, 102, 218, 221, 235, 254, 257, 258, 265, 266,
105, 108, 129, 134, 156, 196, 198, 200, 271–273, 281, 293, 294, 298, 306, 317,
241, 255, 260, 262, 264, 286, 292, 332, 337, 338, 340, 341, 384, 393
334, 335, 380, 397 Sonic, 48, 63, 368, 377, 378, 384, 385
RR (Rolls-Royce), 151, 380 Speed, 3, 6, 9, 12, 19, 27, 29, 36, 42–45,
RTK (Revenue Ton-Kilometer), 146, 158, 222 48–51, 53–60, 72, 88, 98, 100, 102, 109,
Rules, 2, 159, 162, 278, 343, 346, 348–350, 115, 118–123, 125, 129, 130, 133, 147,
352–355, 357, 359, 363 154, 168, 170, 186, 191, 193, 194, 235,
Runway, 3, 6, 9, 63, 77, 78, 147, 159, 265, 236, 246, 253, 255, 392
270, 271, 278, 342, 343, 346, 351–354, STA (Supersonic Transport Aircraft), 3, 6, 9,
357, 362, 364 277, 278, 324, 335, 364, 366, 392
Standard, 14, 19, 43, 55, 61, 83, 85, 86,
111–125, 137, 140, 142–144, 169, 190,
S 203, 277, 306, 307, 310, 324, 393
Safety, 7, 21, 36, 38, 39, 44, 55, 59, 61, 62, 75, Strategy, 92, 236, 239
77, 102, 112, 115, 120, 124, 131, 147, 160, Subsonic, 3, 6, 8, 11, 62, 78, 339, 367, 369,
173, 201, 213, 218, 221, 256, 261, 265, 371, 375–378, 380–382, 386, 387, 393, 397
270, 272, 273, 285, 294, 338, 343, 353, Supersonic, 3, 6, 220, 237, 331, 341
384, 386 Supply, 19, 28, 51, 88, 129, 161, 170, 171,
SAW (Simple Additive Weighting), 104, 105 173, 182, 197, 221, 229, 237, 244, 289,
Scenario, 8, 117, 119, 122–124, 274, 291 336, 337, 393
Schedule delay, 29, 98, 99, 108, 109, 255, 288, Surveillance, 69, 343, 352, 353
395 Suspension, 47, 49, 248, 249
SCMR (Specific Maximum Continuous Rat- Sustainability, 9, 203, 396
ing), 193 Switching, 41, 217, 229, 251, 282, 284
Seaborne, 187 System, 1, 3, 6–8, 11, 13, 17, 19–21, 23, 28,
Security, 7, 36, 38, 256, 261, 293, 294, 317, 30, 34, 40, 49, 83, 115, 129, 132, 139, 143,
324, 339 151, 152, 166, 186, 191, 207, 210, 212,
SEEMP (Energy Efficiency Management 222, 228, 236, 244, 248, 250, 251, 259,
Plan), 207 274, 278, 284, 285, 289, 295, 304, 306,
Separation, 15, 77, 78, 147, 159, 162, 268, 311, 312, 374, 377, 393
278, 343, 346–350, 352, 354–358, 361, 363
Service, 1–3, 7, 12, 19, 23–26, 29, 30, 34, 38,
40–42, 48, 53, 55, 58, 72, 85–88, 90, 96, T
98–102, 108–110, 116, 125, 126, 130, 133, TCD (Trunk line with Collecting/Distribution
135, 145, 147, 152, 154, 156, 195, 199, forks), 86, 91, 93
215, 238, 260, 261, 271, 286, 288, Technical productivity, 21, 32, 53, 71, 102,
313–315, 328, 331, 332, 334, 351, 354, 115, 194, 198, 215, 237, 257, 262, 263,
355, 378, 395, 396 270, 273, 286, 290, 315, 331, 335–337,
SFC (Specific Fuel Consumption), 67, 69, 380, 368, 377, 379
385 Technical/technological performances, 5, 6,
Share, 13, 22, 66, 67, 73, 85, 101, 125, 143, 19, 45, 65, 112, 147, 190, 204, 284, 296,
144, 156, 165, 166, 172, 176, 179, 182, 306, 309, 329, 331, 369, 392, 394
208, 225, 337, 380 Technologies, 3, 9, 35, 36, 47, 51, 62, 78, 86,
Ship, 85, 165, 166, 186, 188, 190, 191, 193, 101, 108, 110, 165, 168, 172–174, 179,
195, 196, 198, 200, 207, 208, 210–214, 392 209, 211, 223, 342
Signaling, 45, 49–51, 55, 127, 251 TENs (Trans-European Transport Network(s)),
SMCR (Specific Maximum Continuous 235
Rating, 193 Terminal, 189, 199, 213, 215, 296, 309, 329
408 Index
TEU (Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit), 117, 128, 130–134, 139–141, 195, 197, 202, 207,
188 211, 212, 215, 244, 251, 307, 309–311, 368
Threshold, 198, 347, 348, 353, 355, 356, 358 US (United States), 12, 348
Thrust, 220, 248–250, 312, 374, 375 Use, 2, 6, 12, 19, 21, 34, 36, 39, 41, 43, 47, 49,
Tilting, 393, 397 55, 56, 62, 67, 75, 78, 85, 102, 107, 112,
Time, 26, 73, 74, 165, 167, 170, 175, 196, 264, 113, 120, 127, 131, 147, 149, 152, 159,
287, 289, 290, 313, 314, 332, 350, 357 166, 167, 174–176, 178, 216, 279, 293,
TO (Take-Off), 220, 236 305, 317, 323, 338, 341, 364, 384
TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Users, 2, 7, 12, 13, 15, 20, 22, 23, 25, 29, 35,
Similarity to Ideal Solution), 259, 266, 267 35, 41, 61, 87, 99, 101, 130, 142, 168, 178,
Track, 248–250, 291, 308 238, 256, 273, 286, 288, 293, 303, 304,
Trade, 166, 187, 195, 208, 266, 323 325, 334, 387, 391, 396
Traffic, 167, 223, 226, 236, 246, 317, 329, 337,
Train, 244, 249, 253, 270, 313, 315, 330, 332 V
Transition, 216, 224, 226 Vacuum, 325, 327, 329–331, 337, 339, 396
Transport, 165, 166, 178, 217, 222, 235, 236, Vehicle, 1–3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 19–21, 23, 25–30,
255, 256, 260, 261, 272, 279, 312, 391, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 41, 43, 45, 51, 83, 98,
392, 395 111, 113, 115, 117, 119, 120, 123–125,
Transportation, 165, 166, 216, 324 130, 132, 133, 139, 168, 169, 229, 249,
Travel, 197, 254, 255, 260, 269, 324, 333, 387 250, 262, 263, 281, 285, 288–290, 292,
TRM (TransRapid MAGLEV), 235, 248, 252, 293, 307, 311, 312, 330, 336
274, 278, 324, 332, 337, 392 VFR (Visual Flight Rules), 349
Truck, 171, 313, 316, 317 VMC (Visual Meteorological Conditions), 349
TTW (Tank-to-Wheel), 178, 181
Tube, 305, 306, 324, 325, 327, 328, 331
Tunnel, 277, 306–308, 312, 314, 315, 325, 336 W
Turbofan, 216, 381, 382 Wake vortex, 350, 354, 355, 359
Turnaround, 194–196, 289, 335 Weight, 19, 56, 62, 66, 67, 69, 78, 83, 104,
TY144, 278, 364, 365, 377, 380 106, 111, 112, 114, 117–119, 126, 128,
129, 131, 134, 138, 149, 152, 154, 159,
169, 191, 193, 207, 210, 220, 228, 246,
U 251, 267, 282, 310, 313, 314, 327,
UFT (Underground Freight Transport), 6, 9, 370–372, 375, 376, 382, 385, 394
277, 305, 392 Welfare, 2, 36, 39, 166, 254, 258, 265,
UK (United Kingdom), 42, 48, 58, 243 271–273, 293, 294, 317
Units, 44, 45, 51, 68, 72, 83, 85–88, 91, 92, 94, WTT (Well-To-Tank), 169, 171, 181
96, 97, 99–102, 107–110, 126, 127,