Category of Post: Principal Paper I - English Language Profeciency Test Syllabus
Category of Post: Principal Paper I - English Language Profeciency Test Syllabus
Category of Post: Principal Paper I - English Language Profeciency Test Syllabus
Agreement between
Agreement between subject & Verb
subject & Verb
Word Order Word Order In a phrase or a sentence
Linkers Linkers
Transformation of
Simple. Compound and Complex Sentences
Punctuation and Use of capital letters, comma, full stop, question mark,
Capitalization exclamation mark and inverted commas
Part – II
Perspectives in Education (Marks: 15)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval Education.
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission (1882),
Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers, Teacher
motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations, National /
State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers
in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human Resource
Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women,
Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National Programme
for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya Madhyamika Siksha
Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA), KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship, Awards,
Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
Part - III
Educational Psychology (Marks: 20)
1. Development of Child
· Development, Growth & Maturation — Concept & Nature
· Principles of development and their education implication
· Factors influencing Development — Biological, Psychological, Sociological,
· Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships — Physical & Motor,
Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early Childhood,
late Child hood, dolescence.
· Understanding Development — Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers, Erikson
· Individual differences — Infra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of Attitudes,
Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Intelligence and their Assessment.
· Development of Personality — Concept, Factors effecting development of personality,
self concept.
· Adjustment, Behavioural problems, Mental Health, Defense mechanism.
· Methods and Approaches of Child Development — Introspection, Observation,
Interview, Case study, Experimental, Cross sectional and Longitudinal
· Developmental tasks and Hazards
2. Understanding Learning
· Concept, Nature of Learning — input — process — outcome
· Factors of Learning — Personal and Environmental
· Approaches to Learning and their applicability—Behaviorism (Skinner, Pavlov, Thorndike)
Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt(Kohler, Koffka) and Observational
· Dimensions of Learning — Cognitive, Affective and Performance.
· Motivation and Sustenance —its role in learning.
· Memory & Forgetting
· Transfer of Learning
3. Pedagogical Concerns
· Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner.
· Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural context
· Children from diverse contexts—Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive
· Understanding of pedagogic methods — Enquiry based learning, Project based learning,
Survey, Observation and Activity based learning, Cooperative and collaborative learning.
· Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing learning in
class room like Study habits, Self learning and Learning to learn skills.
· Organizing learning in heterogeneous class room groups — Socio-economic background,
Abilities and Interest.
· Paradigms of organizing Learning-Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner centric.
· Theory of instruction – Bruner
· Teaching as Planned activity — Elements of Planning
· Phases of Teaching — Pre active, Interactive and Post active
· General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and attributes of
good facilitator.
· Learning resources — Self, Home, School, Community, Technology.
· Class room Management: Role of student, teacher, Leadership style of teacher, Creation
of non threatening learning environment, Managing behaviour problems, Guidance &
Counselling, Punishment and its legal implications, Rights of a child, Time Management.
· Distinction between Assessment for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School based
Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation : Perspective & Practice.
· Understanding teaching & learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right to Education
Act, 2009.
Financial Management.
School Administration.
State Curriculum – Framework, 2010: State vision, State Conceren, Systamic reforms,
Possion papers of A.P. State.
Part – V
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Post: PGT
English: (Content) (Marks: 100)
Agreement between
Agreement between subject & Verb
subject & Verb
Word Order Word Order In a phrase or a sentence
Linkers Linkers
Transformation of
Simple. Compound and Complex Sentences
Punctuation and Use of capital letters, comma, full stop, question mark,
Capitalization exclamation mark and inverted commas
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Posts: PGT
Paper – II - Social Studies
1. Development Of Child
· Development, Growth & Maturation — Concept & Nature
· Principles of development and their education implication
· Factors influencing Development — Biological, Psychological, Sociological,
· Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships — Physical & Motor,
Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early
Childhood, late Child hood, dolescence.
· Understanding Development — Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers, Erikson
· Individual differences — Infra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of Attitudes,
Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Intelligence and their Assessment.
· Development of Personality — Concept, Factors effecting development of
personality, self concept.
· Adjustment, Behavioural problems, Mental Health, Defense mechanism.
· Methods and Approaches of Child Development — Introspection, Observation,
Interview, Case study, Experimental, Cross sectional and Longitudinal
· Developmental tasks and Hazards
2. Understanding Learning
· Concept, Nature of Learning — input — process — outcome
· Factors of Learning — Personal and Environmental
· Approaches to Learning and their applicability—Behaviorism (Skinner, Pavlov,
Thorndike) Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt(Kohler, Koffka) and
Observational (Bandura)
· Dimensions of Learning — Cognitive, Affective and Performance.
· Motivation and Sustenance —its role in learning.
· Memory & Forgetting
· Transfer of Learning
3. Pedagogical Concerns
· Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner.
· Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural context
· Children from diverse contexts—Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive
· Understanding of pedagogic methods — Enquiry based learning, Project based learning,
Survey, Observation and Activity based learning, Cooperative and collaborative
· Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing
learning in class room like Study habits, Self learning and Learning to learn skills.
· Organizing learning in heterogeneous class room groups — Socio-economic background,
Abilities and Interest.
· Paradigms of organizing Learning-Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner
· Theory of instruction – Bruner
· Teaching as Planned activity — Elements of Planning
· Phases of Teaching — Pre active, Interactive and Post active
· General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and attributes
of good facilitator.
· Learning resources — Self, Home, School, Community, Technology.
· Class room Management: Role of student, teacher, Leadership style of teacher,
Creation of non threatening learning environment, Managing behaviour problems,
Guidance & Counselling, Punishment and its legal implications, Rights of a child,
Time Management.
· Distinction between Assessment for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School based
Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation : Perspective & Practice.
· Understanding teaching & learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right to
Education Act, 2009.
Reading, Making and Analysis of Maps -different types of maps - directions -scale -
conventional symbols use in maps-measuring heights , distances - Contour Lines-
Representation of relief features on maps- uses of maps- past and present-Maps Down the
Ages-reading of thematic maps-atlas-globe-a model -the earth grid system- Using an atlas to
find latitude and longitude of places, time.
Our Universe, the Sun and the Earth – energy form sun- temperature - The evolution of the
Earth- earth movements – seasons- regions on earth-condition -Movements of the Earth’s-
crust - Internal Structure of the Earth- Realms of the earth
Lithosphere- ‘first order’ landforms- oceans and continents -diverse features - Second Order
landforms-mountains, plains and plateaus- diverse people living in different kinds of
landforms in India and Andhra Pradesh -plate tectonics-Volcanoes-earth quakes –disaster
management- Mining and minerals- new trends in mining and minerals.- renewable and non-
renewable –Indian relief features –location-geological background-major relief divisions in
India-and Andhra Pradesh
Hydrosphere- Hydrological cycle - water sources - oceans - relief of the oceans - salty-
movements - oceans as resource waves, tides, currents - ocean as resource – Indian,
Andhra Pradesh river and water resources –ground water-tanks-recharging ground water-
floods- Rational and equitable Use of water-Andhra Pradesh water , land and trees protection
act .
Atmosphere- structure of atmosphere Pressure Belts and Planetary Winds- Carioles effect-
winds- weather and climate –factors which influence weather and climate –seasons in india-
types of rainfall- Global Warming and Climate Change-anthropological global warming -
IPCC- Impact of climate change on India-
Biosphere- Natural vegetation- different kinds of forests- human society and environment-
pollution and effects-depletion of resources- using and protesting forests
From Gathering Food to Growing food – The Earliest People - Agriculture in Our Times -
Trade in Agricultural Produce -Trade in Agricultural Produce – agricultural in India,
Andhra Pradesh-types of farming-cropping season-crops-importance of agriculture –green
revolution –effects- dry land agriculture –Food security – nutrition status –PDS-sustainable
development and equity -handicrafts and handlooms- industrial revolution- beginning of
industrial revolution- Sources of Energy and Industrial Development-urbanisation and slums-
production in a factory Livelihood and Struggles Urban Workers - Minerals and Mining -
Impact of Technology on Livelihoods –technology changes in agricultural, industrial ,service
sectors -importance of transport system –transport system in India, traffic education –
Andhra Pradesh- money and banking- finance literacy-credits and finance system- prices and
cost of living - Role of government in regulating prices- The Government Budget and
Taxation –direct and indirect taxes-industries in India-new policies for industries -service
activates in India -growth and development-comparing of different countries and states-
sectors of economy-employment- organized and unorganized sectors –employment in India-
population –people and settlement-urbanisation in India , urbanisation problems-people and
migration –types of migrations –village economy –Globalization –factors –impact-fair
globalization-other issues.
17th,18th and 19th centuries – the glorious revolution- American independence –french
revolution- rise of nationalism in Europe-the revolts 1830-1848 –Germany unification-
unification of Italy-industrialisation and social change –social protest movements – luddism-
socialism-women movements – colonialism in latin America , Asia , Africa- impact of
colonialism in India-adivasi revolts-the British governament’s industrial policy-labourers’
stuggles-the world between 1900-1950-world war I and world war II- causes – the treaty of
Versailles – the league of nationas-consequences of the world war-Russian socialist
revolution-the great depression- Nazism –post war world and India – UNO-Cold war-non
alignment movement- the growth of nationalism in the middle east-peace movement and
collapse of USSR-National liberation movements in the colonies .
Diversity in Our Society - Towards Gender Equality –caste discrimination and the struggle
for equalities –livelihood and struggles of Urban workers –workers rights –abolishment of
zamindari system-poverty-Rights –Human rights and fundamental rights- Women rights ,
protection acts – children rights – RTI-RTE-legal service authority- Lok Adalat –consumer
rights - social movements in our time
Religion and Society in Early Times – hunter- gatherers-early farmers and herdrers-Indus
valley civilisation –Vedas- Jainism ,Buddhism-flok religion-bhakthi-nathpanthis
,siddhas,yogis.- sufism -kabir – gurunank-Devotion and Love towards God –Hindu religion-
Bhakti movement-Christianity-Islam- the belief in supreme god-social and religious reform
movements-Christian missionaries and oriental scholars-Bramha samaj- Arya Samaj-Swami
Vivekananda –reforms and education among muslims –social reformers in andrapradesh-
social reforms and caste system-narayana guru-jyothirao phule – dr br ambedker-
understanding Secularism-
Language, Writing and Great Books - Sculptures and Buildings –Performing Arts and
Artistes in Modern times-burrakatha – tholubommalata –bharatanatyam-Film and print
media-role of media in freedom movement- sports Nationalism –other games and their status.
Intermediate Syllabus:
General Geography-Definition and scope of Geography – Branches of Geography-Geography
as an integrating Discipline and as Spacial Science with physical, biological and social
Solar System-Origin and Evolution of solar system-Rotation and Revolution of the Earth and
their effects-Latitudes and Longitudes-Standard Time and International Date line.
The Earth - Interior of the Earth-Wegner’s theory of continental drift -Major Rock types and
their characteristics.
Geomorphology -Major landforms: Mountains, Plateaus and Plains-Geomorphic Process:
Weathering - Physical and Chemical Weathering-Landforms associated with wind and river –
Erosional and depositional.
Climatology -Climate: Elements of weather and climate-Atmosphere: Composition and
structure of atmosphere -Insolation: Insolation and Heat Budget of the Planet Earth-
Temperature: Factors influencing Temperature, Vertical and horizontal distribution of
temperature Pressure- Global pressure belts WindsPlanetary winds, Seasonal and Local
winds-Precipitation: Forms and types of rain fall (Convectional, Orographic and Cyclonic
rain fall).
Bio geography -Biomes of the world- Equatorial, Tropical and Temporate -Biodiversity and
Conservation -Concept of Ecosystem and Ecological Balance- Oceanography, Hydrology and
Natural hazards
Oceanography-Divisions of the Ocean floor- Continental shelf, Continental slope, Deep Sea
plains and Ocean deeps-Ocean Temperatures- Vertical and horizontal distribution-Ocean
Salinity Definition, vertical and horizontal distribution-Oceanic Movements: Waves, Tides
and Currents, (Currents of Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean )
Hydrology-Elements of Hydrological cycle: Precipitation, evaporation, evapo-transpiration,
run off, infiltration and recharge -Hydrological Cycle.
Natural Hazards-Causes and Spatial distribution of floods, droughts, cyclones, Tsunamis,
Earthquakes and landslides Global Warming and its consequences-Disaster Management in
India-Human Geography : Definition, Content and scope- Man and Environment: Definition,
Content, Classification of environment-Environmental impact World Population : Growth,
Factors influencing, density and distribution
Human activities - Primary, Secondary and tertiary activities-Resources - Definition,
Classification and Conservation-Agriculture -Definition, Types, food crops (Rice and wheat)
Non food crops (Cotton, Sugarcane) and Plantation crops-(Rubber, tea and coffee) their
Significance, Conditions - for cultivation, production and distribution.
Definition and Classification (Metallic - Iron), non Metallic – bauxite and (fuel minerals -
coal and petroleum) Industries - Location factors, types of industries -Agro – based (Cotton
textiles) Forest based (Paper mills) -Mineral based (Iron and steel) - Chemical based
(Fertilizers)- Transportation -Road ways, Railways, Water ways and Air ways - Rail ways-
Intensive net work rail way, Regional rail-ways and Trans continental railways - Water ways-
Mjor sea ports: London, San Francisco-Reo De Janeiro, Cape Town, Kolkata and Sydney-
Major Air ports- Tokyo, Paris, Chicago, Bogota and -Wellington
Physical features of India - Major features - Northern mountains, Indo – Gangetic-plains,
Peninsular plateau of India and coastal plains- Major rivers of India - Perennial rivers- Indus,
Ganges and Brahmaputra-Non Perennial rivers- Narmada, Tapati, Mahanadi, -Godavari,
Krishna, Pennar and Cauvery - Climate of India - Cold weather season: Temperature Rainfall
& Pressure distribution Hot weather season- Temperature, Rainfall & Pressure distribution
South west monsoon season- Temperature, Rainfall & Pressure distribution North east
monsoon season: Temperature, Rainfall & Pressure distribution-Natural vegetation of India-
Types of vegetation based on rainfall and their-distribution. Evergreen forest, deciduous
forest, scrub -forest, & Thorny forest -Soils - Definition, factors for formation, types and -
their distribution.
Population- Growth trends from 1901 to 2001, Distribution based-on density, problems of
high population- Irrigation-Types of irrigation: canals, wells and tanks. Major -multipurpose
projects. Bakranangal, Hirakud, -Damodar valley corporation and Nagarjuna Sagar-
Agriculture: Cropped area, production and distribution of -selected crops: Rice, Wheat,
Millets, Coffee, Tea, Sugarcane, Cotton, Jute and tobacco; Problems of Indian agriculture.
Minerals- Production and distribution of coal, petroleum, iron, mica and manganese, bauxite.
Industries- Location factors growth and distribution of iron and steel, cotton textile and ship
building industries- Transportation-Means of Transport – Road ways, Rail ways, Water -
ways and Air ways; Major ports of India – Mumbai, -Cochin, Kandla, Kolkata,
Visakhapatnam and Chennai.
Geography of Andhra Pradesh: Location, Physiography and Climate, Population.
.Nationalist Movements: Rise and fall of Napoleon, French Revolution of 1830 and the 1848
Revolt, Unification of Germany and Italy, Socialist Movements – Rise of Working class,
Paris Commune of 1871
Imperialism: Factors in the rise of Imperialism, Forms and Methods of Imperialism, Scramble
for Africa and Asia
Contemporary World: The First World war, League of Nations, The Russian Revolution of
1905 and 1917 -The World upto World War II: Rise of Fascism and Nazism, Militarism in
Japan, U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. after World War I, Turkey after World War I, Failure of League
of Nations, Spanish Civil war, World war II, The Nationalist Movements in Asia and Africa,
Emergence of Latin America
The World after World War II: Formation of Military Blocks, Role of independent Nations of
Asia and Africa in the World Affairs, Non-Alignment Movement, Role of UNO in preserving
World Peace, Problems of Disarmament and Nuclear Weapons, Prominent Personalities of
the World.
Scope and Significance of political Science - Introduction to Civics and Political Science,
Origin and Evolution, Meaning, Definitions, What do we study? Why do we study?
State - State – Meaning, Definitions, Elements, Relation of state with other Institutions –
Society, Association, Government.
Nationalism - Nation, Nationality, Nationalism, Factors contributing for Nationality, Is India
a Nation? Meaning, Forms (Traditional and modern)
law -Meaning, Definitions, Classification, Law and morality, Rule of Law. Liberty and
Equality – Meaning, Definitions, Types, Safeguards, Liberty – Equality.
Rights and Responsibilities– Meaning, Definitions, functions Forms, Relationship between
Rights and Responsibilities, Human Rights
Justice - Justice – Meaning, Forms of Justice, Social Justice.
Citizenship - Meaning, Definitions, Methods of Acquiring, Citizen – Alien , Loss of
Citizenship, Hindrances to Good Citizenship, Universal Citizenship
Democracy- Meaning, Definitions, features, types, merits, devices, future
Secularism -Meaning, Secular State, Western Model, Indian Model, Why India was made a
Secular State? Criticism of Indian Secularism
Constitution– Meaning, Definitions, features, Classification
Government - Unitary, Federal, Parliamentary, Presidential, Theory of Separation of Powers,
Organs of Government
Indian Constitution: Indian National Movement- Government of India Acts – 1909, 1919 &
Salient features of Indian Constitution
Fundamental Rights &Directive Principles of State Policy- Fundamental Rights- Directive
Principles of state Policy- Fundamental Duties
Union Government- Union Executive – President of India - Vice – President of India - Prime
Minister & Council of Ministers
Indian Parliament - Lok Sabha-Composition – Powers and functions- Rajya Sabha:
Composition – Powers and functions
Parliamentary Committees- Public Accounts Committee – Estimates -Committee –
Committee on Public Undertakings
Union Judiciary - Supreme Court of India – Composition- Powers and Functions of Supreme
Court -of India - Judicial Review
State Government- State Executive – Governor- Powers and Functions-Chief Minister -
Powers and Functions- Council of Ministers
State Legislature-Legislative Assembly- Composition – Powers and Functions- Legislative
Council-Composition – Powers and Functions - Legislative Committees: Public Accounts
Committee – Estimates-Committee and Ethics Committee
State Judiciary-High Court – Composition- Powers and Functions of High Court- District
Courts: Composition – Powers and Functions.
Union – State Relations - Legislative Relations-Administrative Relations- Financial
Local Government-Rural Local Government - Panchayati Raj Institutions – 73rd Constitution
Amendment Act- Urban Local Government: Municipalities - Municipal Corporation – 74th
Constitution Amendment Act- District Collector : Role in Local Governments
India’s Foreign Policy - Determinants of Foreign Policy- Basic features of India’s Foreign
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
United Nation Organization (UNO)-Origin of UNO-Principal Organs of UNO- Achievements
and failures of UNO
Contemporary Trends and Issues- Globalization- Terrorism-Corruption.
Origin and meaning of Economics - Definitions of Economics; Adam Smith, Alfred
Marshall, Lionel Robbins, Paul Samuelson, & Jocob Viner- Concept of Economics – Micro
& Macro Economics Deductive and Inductive Method, Static and Dynamic Analysis,
Positive and Normative Economics. Goods: (Free, Economic, Consumer, Producer, and
Intermediary), Wealth, Income, Utility, Value, Price, wants and welfare.
Theory of Consumption - Cardinal and Ordinal Utility, the law of Diminishing Marginal
Utility – Limitations – Importance; law of Equi-Marginal Utility Limitations and –
Importance of the Law, Indifference Curve Analysis – Properties and Consumer’s
Theory of Demand - Meaning – Demand Function – Determinants of Demand, Demand
Schedule – Demand Curve, Law of Demand, Exceptions to Law of Demand - Causes for the
downward slope of the demand curve, Types of Demand – Price Demand, Income Demand,
and Cross Demand- Elasticity of Demand – Meaning and Types – Price Elasticity, and
Income Elasticity and Cross Elasticity – Price Elasticity-Types; Measurement of Price
Elasticity of Demand- Point Method. Arc Method, Total Outlay Method. Determinants of
Elasticity of Demand; Importance of Elasticity of Demand.
Theory of Production - Meaning - Production Function – Factors of Production; Short-run
and Long-run Production Function; Law of variable proportions - Law of returns to scale;
Economies of Scale - Internal and External- Supply – Supply Function - Determinants of
Supply –– Law of Supply- Cost Analysis – Basic Concepts of Costs- (Money, Real,
Opportunity, Fixed and Variable, Total, Average and Marginal costs)- Revenue Analysis –
Revenue under perfect and imperfect competition.
Theory of Value - Meaning and Classification of Markets – Perfect competition – features –
price determination- Short-run and Long-run equilibrium of a firm and Industry- Imperfect
Competition – Monopoly – Price Determination – Price-Discrimination-Monopolistic
Competition- Features- Meaning of Oligopoly – Duopoly.
Theory of Distribution - Determination of Factor Prices – Marginal Productivity Theory -
Rent – Ricardian theory of Rent – Modern theory - Quasi Rent – Transfer earnings - Wages –
Meaning and types of wages – Money and Real wages - Interest- Meaning – Gross and Net
interests - Profits – Meaning – Gross and Net profits.
National Income : Definitions of National Income and Concepts- Measurement of National
Income – Census of Product Method – Census of Income Method – Census of Expenditure
Method- Methods of Measuring National Income in India; Problems and importance
Macro Economic Aspects - Classical theory of Employment –J.B. Say Law of Markets-
Limitations – J.M. Keynes Effective Demand- Public Economics - Public Revenue – Public
Expenditure – Public debt – Components of Budget.
Money, Banking and Inflation - Money – Definitions and Functions of money – Types of
Money - Banking – Commercial Banks – Functions; Central Bank – Functions – Reserve
Bank of India – Net Banking- Inflation – Definitions – Types – Causes and Effects of
inflation – Remedial Measures.
Statistics for Economics - Meaning, Scope and Importance of Statistics in Economics with
Diagrams (Bar diagrams and Pie diagrams)-Measures of central tendency – Mean, Median,
Economic Growth And Development - Differences Between Economic Growth and
Development classification of the world countries - Indicators of Economic development -
Determinants of Economic Development - Characteristic features of Developed Countries -
Characteristic features of Developing countries with special reference to India
Population and Human Resources Development - Theory of Demographic Transition - World
Population - Causes of rapid Growth of population in India - Occupational distribution of
population of India - Meaning of Human Resources Development - Role of Education and
Health in Economic Development- Human Development Index (HDI)
National Income - Trends in the growth of India’s National Income - Trends in distribution of
national income by industry Origin - Share of Public Sector and Private Sector in Gross
Domestic Product - Share of Organised and Un-organised Sector in Net Domestic Product -
Income Inequalities - Causes of Income Inequalities - Measures to control income
inequalities -Unemployment in India – Poverty - Micro Finace-Eradication of Poverty
Agriculture Sector-Importance of agriculture in India - Features of Indian agriculture -
Agriculture Labour in India - Land utilization pattern in India - Cropping pattern in India -
Organic Farming -Irrigation facilities in India - Productivity of agriculture - Land holdings in
India - Land reforms in India - Green Revolution in India - Rural credit in India - Rural
Indebtedness in India - Agricultural
Marketing - Industrial Sector - Significance of the Indian Industrial Sector in Post –Reform
Period -Industrial Policy Resolution 1948 - Industrial Policy Resolution 1956 - Industrial
Policy Resolution 1991 - National Manufacturing Policy- Disinvestment - National
Investment Fund (NIF) -Foreign Direct Investment -Special Economic Zones (SEZs) -
Causes of industrial backwardness in India -Small Scale Enterprises (MSMEs) - Industrial
Estates - Industrial Finance in India - The Industrial Development under the Five Year Plans
in India.
Tertiary Sector - Importance of Services Sector -India’s Services Sector - State-Wise
Comparison of Services - Infrastructure Development - Tourism - Banking and Insurance -
Communication -Science and Technology - Software Industry in India
Planning And Economic Reforms - Meaning of Planning -NITI Ayog -Five Year Plans in
India - XII Five Year Plan - Regional Imbalances - Role of Trade in Economic Development
- Economic Reforms in India - GATT – WTO
Environment and Sustainable Economic Development - Environment - Economic
Development -Environment and Economic Linkages. - Harmony between Environment &
Economy Of Andhra Pradesh - History of Andhra Pradesh - Characteristic features of A.P.
Economy -Demographic features - Occupational distribution of labour - Health Sector -
Education -Environment - Agricultural sector - Industrial sector - Service and Infrastructure
sector - Information and Technology - Tourism -Andhra Pradesh and Welfare Programmes/
Economic Statistics - Measures of Dispersion - Definitions of Dispersion - Importance of
Measuring Variation -Properties of a good measure of variation -Methods of Studying
Variation - Measures of Dispersion for average - Lorenz Curve - Correlation -Index Numbers
- Weighted Aggregation Method.
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Post: PGT
Paper II – Chemistry Syllabus
Part – I
General Knowledge and Current Affairs (Marks: 10)
Part – II
Perspectives in Education (Marks: 10)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval Education.
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission (1882),
Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers, Teacher
motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations, National /
State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers
in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human Resource
Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women,
Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National Programme
for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya Madhyamika Siksha
Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA), KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship, Awards,
Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
5. National Curriculum - Framework, 2005: Perspective, Guiding Principles, Learning and
Knowledge, Teaching Learning Process, Assessment, Systemic Reforms.
Part - III
Educational Psychology (Marks: 10)
1. Development Of Child
· Development, Growth & Maturation — Concept & Nature
· Principles of development and their education implication
· Factors influencing Development — Biological, Psychological, Sociological,
· Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships — Physical & Motor,
Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early Childhood,
late Child hood, dolescence.
· Understanding Development — Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers, Erikson
· Individual differences — Infra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of Attitudes,
Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Intelligence and their Assessment.
· Development of Personality — Concept, Factors effecting development of personality,
self concept.
· Adjustment, Behavioural problems, Mental Health, Defense mechanism.
· Methods and Approaches of Child Development — Introspection, Observation,
Interview, Case study, Experimental, Cross sectional and Longitudinal
· Developmental tasks and Hazards
2. Understanding Learning
· Concept, Nature of Learning — input — process — outcome
· Factors of Learning — Personal and Environmental
· Approaches to Learning and their applicability—Behaviorism (Skinner, Pavlov, Thorndike)
Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt(Kohler, Koffka) and Observational
· Dimensions of Learning — Cognitive, Affective and Performance.
· Motivation and Sustenance —its role in learning.
· Memory & Forgetting
· Transfer of Learning
3. Pedagogical Concerns
· Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner.
· Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural context
· Children from diverse contexts—Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive
· Understanding of pedagogic methods — Enquiry based learning, Project based learning,
Survey, Observation and Activity based learning, Cooperative and collaborative learning.
· Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing learning in
class room like Study habits, Self learning and Learning to learn skills.
· Organizing learning in heterogeneous class room groups — Socio-economic background,
Abilities and Interest.
· Paradigms of organizing Learning-Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner centric.
· Theory of instruction – Bruner
· Teaching as Planned activity — Elements of Planning
· Phases of Teaching — Pre active, Interactive and Post active
· General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and attributes of
good facilitator.
· Learning resources — Self, Home, School, Community, Technology.
· Class room Management: Role of student, teacher, Leadership style of teacher, Creation
of non threatening learning environment, Managing behaviour problems, Guidance &
Counselling, Punishment and its legal implications, Rights of a child, Time Management.
· Distinction between Assessment for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School based
Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation : Perspective & Practice.
· Understanding teaching & learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right to Education
Act, 2009.
Part - IV
Content (Marks: 50)
I. General Chemistry:
Atomic Structure and elementary quantum mechanics: Blackbody radiation, Planck’s
radiation law, photoelectric effect, Compton Effect, de Broglie’s hypothesis,
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Postulates of quantum mechanics, Schrodinger
wave equation and a particle in a box, energy levels, wave functions and probability
densities, Schrodinger wave equation for H-atom, Separation of variables, Radial and
angular functions, hydrogen like wave functions, quantum numbers and their
importance Chemical Bonding: Valence bond theory, Hybridization, VB theory as
applied to ClF3, BrF5, Ni(CO)4,XeF2, Dipole moment, Molecular orbital theory.
Stereochemistry of carbon compounds: Stereo isomerism, Stereo isomers: enantiomers,
diastereomers - Conformational and Configurational isomerism-Conformational,
Enantiomers, Optical activity asymmetric and dissymmetric molecules, General
Principles of Inorganic qualitative analysis: Molecular symmetry: Concept, types, The
symmetry operations of a molecule form a group, Theory of quantitative analysis
Principles of volumetric, gravimetric analysis, introductory treatment to Pericyclic
II. Inorganic chemistry:
Periodicity and Periodic Properties, s,p,d,and f block elements Theories of bonding in
metals: Valence bond theory, Explanation of metallic properties and its limitations,
Free electron theory, thermal and electrical conductivity of metals, limitations, Band
theory, formation of bands, explanation of conductors, semiconductors and insulators.
Metal carbonyls and related compounds – EAN rule, classification of metal carbonyls,
structures and shapes of metal carbonyls of V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co and Ni, Metal nitrosyls
and metallocenes Coordination Chemistry: IUPAC nomenclature, bonding theories,
Isomerism in coordination compounds – structural isomerism and stereo isomerism,
stereochemistry of complexes with 4 and 6 coordination numbers. Spectral and
magnetic properties of metal complexes, Reactivity of metal complexes, Stability of
metal complexes: Hard and soft acids bases (HSAB): Classification, application of
HSAB principles – Stability of compounds / complexes. Bioinorganic chemistry:
Essential elements, biological significance of Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and
chloride, Metalloporphyrins – haemoglobin, structure and function, Chlorophyll,
structure and role in photosynthesis.
III. Organic Chemistry:
Structural theory in Organic Chemistry, Bond polarization, Alicyclic hydrocarbons
Cycloalkanes Benzene and its reactivity, Concept of resonance, resonance energy, Heat
of hydrogenation, heat of combustion of Benezene, mention of C-C bond lengths and
orbital picture of Benzene, Concept of aromaticity, Huckel’s rule. Application to
Benzenoid (Benzene, Napthalene) and Non Benzenoid compounds (cyclopropenyl
cation, cyclo pentadienyl anion and tropylium cation) Reactions. General mechanism of
electrophilic substitution, mechanism of nitration, Friedel Craft’s alkylation and
acylation, Orientation of aromatic substitution. Definition of ortho, para and meta
directing groups. Ring activating and deactivating groups with examples (Electronic
interpretation of various groups like NO2 and Phenolic).
Orientation effect of (i) Amino, methoxy and methyl groups (ii) Carboxy, nitro, nitrile,
carbonyl and Sulfonic acid groups. (iii). Halogens (Explanation by taking minimum of
one example from each type).Halogen compounds, Hydroxy compounds -Polyhydroxy
compounds: Carbonyl compounds,Physical and chemical properties Base catalysed
reactions with mechanism: Aldol, Cannizzaro reaction, Perkin reaction, Benzoin
condensation, Haloform reaction, Knoevenagel reaction.Oxidation of aldehydes:
BaeyerVilliger oxidation of ketones with mechanism.Reduction: Wolf Kishner
reduction, MPV reduction, reduction with LiAlH4 and NaBH4 Analysis of aldehydes
and ketones. Carboxylic acids and derivatives physical and chemical properties, Active
methylene compounds Acetoacetic esters: Malonic ester: Synthetic applications, inter
conversion: Nitrogen compounds: Carbohydrates: Amino acids and proteins
2. The History and Development of Science: A brief introduction to oriental and
western science, Contribution of the following Scientists in the Development of
Science: Aryabhatta, BhaskaraCharya, Aristotle, Copernicus, Newton, Einstein,
C.V.Raman, Various organizations working for the development of science in India.
6. Planning for effective instruction in Science: Year Plan, Unit Plan, Lesson Plan,
Learning experience, characteristics, classification, source and relevance.
7. Teaching Learning Material (TLM): Characteristics and Importance of TLM,
Classification and Types of TLM, Hardware and Software in TLM, TLM Principles
to be followed, Edgar Dale’s cone of learning experience.
8. Science laboratories: Importance of Practical work in science, Planning of Science
laboratories, Procurement, care and maintenance of laboratory equipment, Registers,
Management of safety and science kits, Development of improvised Apparatus.
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Post: PGT
Paper II – Physical Science Syllabus
Part – I
General Knowledge and Current Affairs (Marks: 10)
Part – II
Perspectives in Education (Marks: 10)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval Education.
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission (1882),
Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers, Teacher
motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations, National /
State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers
in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human Resource
Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women,
Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National Programme
for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya Madhyamika Siksha
Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA), KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship, Awards,
Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
5. National Curriculum - Framework, 2005: Perspective, Guiding Principles, Learning and
Knowledge, Teaching Learning Process, Assessment, Systemic Reforms.
Part - III
Educational Psycology (Marks: 10)
1. Development Of Child
· Development, Growth & Maturation — Concept & Nature
· Principles of development and their education implication
· Factors influencing Development — Biological, Psychological, Sociological,
· Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships — Physical & Motor,
Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early
Childhood, late Child hood, dolescence.
· Understanding Development — Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers,
· Individual differences — Infra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of
Attitudes, Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Intelligence and their Assessment.
· Development of Personality — Concept, Factors effecting development of
personality, self concept.
· Adjustment, Behavioural problems, Mental Health, Defense mechanism.
· Methods and Approaches of Child Development — Introspection,
Observation, Interview, Case study, Experimental, Cross sectional and
· Developmental tasks and Hazards
2. Understanding Learning
· Concept, Nature of Learning — input — process — outcome
· Factors of Learning — Personal and Environmental
· Approaches to Learning and their applicability—Behaviorism (Skinner, Pavlov,
Thorndike) Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt(Kohler, Koffka) and
Observational (Bandura)
· Dimensions of Learning — Cognitive, Affective and Performance.
· Motivation and Sustenance —its role in learning.
· Memory & Forgetting
· Transfer of Learning
3. Pedagogical Concerns
· Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner.
· Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural
· Children from diverse contexts—Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive
· Understanding of pedagogic methods — Enquiry based learning, Project based
learning, Survey, Observation and Activity based learning, Cooperative and
collaborative learning.
· Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing
learning in class room like Study habits, Self learning and Learning to learn
· Organizing learning in heterogeneous class room groups — Socio-economic
background, Abilities and Interest.
· Paradigms of organizing Learning-Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner
· Theory of instruction – Bruner
· Teaching as Planned activity — Elements of Planning
· Phases of Teaching — Pre active, Interactive and Post active
· General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and
attributes of good facilitator.
· Learning resources — Self, Home, School, Community, Technology.
· Class room Management: Role of student, teacher, Leadership style of teacher,
Creation of non threatening learning environment, Managing behaviour
problems, Guidance & Counselling, Punishment and its legal implications,
Rights of a child, Time Management.
· Distinction between Assessment for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School
based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation : Perspective &
· Understanding teaching & learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right to
Education Act, 2009.
Part - IV
Content (Marks: 50)
1. Units And Measurements: Systems of Measurement, Units of Measurements,
Measurement of Length, Measurement of time, Accuracy, precision of instruments
errors in measurement, Significant figures, Measurement of Mass and Density, Units
and Dimensions Fundamental and derived physical quantities, Systems of units,
Multiples and submultiples of SI units. Dimensions Dimensional formulae and
dimensional equations, dimensional constants and dimensionless quantities, principle of
homogeneity of dimensions. Application of dimensional method of analysis. Conversion
of one system of units into another.
2. Motion In A Straight Line
Position, path length and displacement, Average velocity and average speed,
Instantaneous velocity and speed, Acceleration, Kinematic equations for uniformly
accelerated motion, Relative velocity, Velocity-time and position-time graphs,
Kinematical Equations of motion by graphical Method, Scalars and Vectors, laws of
addition of vectors, subtraction of vectors. Resolution of vectors, Motion in a plane,
Motion in a plane with constant acceleration, Relative velocity in two dimensions,
Projectile motion.
3. Laws Of Motion
The law of inertia, Newton's second law of motion, Newton's third law of motion. Force
– Types of Force, Free Body Diagrams. Newton’s Universal Gravitation, Centre of
Mass, Centre of Gravity, Stability, Applications, Equations of Motion, Motion of a body
under gravity - Acceleration due to Gravity "g", Equations of Motion for a freely falling
body, Equations of Motion for a body thrown upwards. Equations, Applications and
problems. Universal law of gravitation, The gravitational constant, Kepler's laws,
Acceleration due to gravity of the earth, Acceleration due to gravity below and above
surface of earth, Gravitational potential energy, Escape speed, Earth satellite, Energy of
an orbiting satellite, Geostationary and polar satellites, Weightlessness. Work, Power,
Energy, Conservation of Energy and Transformation of Energy, Renewable and Non-
Renewable sources of Energy, Impulse, Law of conservation of linear momentum,
Potential Energy (PE), Kinetic Energy (KE). Relation between KE and Linear
momentum. Notions of work and kinetic energy: The work-energy theorem, The work-
energy theorem for a variable force, The conservation of mechanical energy, The
potential energy of a spring, Power, Collisions, Circular Motion, uniform circular
motion, angular displacement, angular velocity, and angular acceleration, relationship
between linear velocity and angular velocity, centripetal and centrifugal force, torque,
couple, vector representation of torque, Vector product of two vectors, Equilibrium of a
rigid body, Moment of inertia, Theorems of perpendicular and parallel axes, Dynamics
of rotational motion about a fixed axis, Rolling motion. Simple harmonic motion and
uniform circular motion, Velocity and acceleration in simple harmonic motion, Force
law for Simple harmonic Motion, Energy in simple harmonic motion, Energy in simple
harmonic motion, some systems executing Simple. Harmonic Motion, Damped simple
harmonic motion, Forced oscillations and resonance Simple Pendulum, Law of
conservation of energy in case of a simple pendulum. Elasticity - Elasticity and
plasticity, stress and strain, Hooke's law, Moduli of elasticity. Fluid Mechanics Laws of
Floatation, Principle of Buoyancy, pressure in a fluid. Stream line flow Bernoulli's
theorem and its applications. Viscosity, Reynolds number, Surface tension, Simple
Machines and Moments Moment of a Force, Wheel and Axle, Screw Jack, Gears,
Friction, Causes of friction, advantages of friction, disadvantages of friction, methods of
reducing friction, Fluid friction, Ball – Bering Principal.
4. Ray And Optical Instruments
Light - Sources & Nature of Light, Propagation of Light, Reflection, Refraction,
Laws of Reflection, Sign convention for reflection by spherical mirrors, Image
formed by Plane Mirror, Spherical Mirrors (Ray diagrams), Mirror formula and
Magnification, Refraction of Light through Prism and lenses (convex, concave),
Refractive index, Snell’s Law, Refractive index of material of prism by minimum
deviation Method, Image formation by lenses (Ray Diagrams), Sign convention for
spherical lenses, Lens formula, Len’s Makers formula and magnification, Power of
lenses, Refraction of light through prism and Glass Slab, Dispersion of light and
formation of Rainbow, Scattering of light – Raman Effect. Atmospheric refraction
(Twinkling of stars, Advanced sunrise and delayed sunset), the Human eye and
Colourful world, Structure of Human Eye Defects of Vision, Critical angle,
Total Internal Reflection - Relation between Critical angle and Refractive Index,
application of total internal reflection to Optical fibers, Lasers. Newton's
Corpuscular Theory, Huygens' Wave Theory, Electromagnetic spectrum.
Huygens' Explanation of Reflection, Refraction, interference and diffraction of
plane waves at a plane surface. Polrisation Optical Instruments-Microscope,
Telescope, Formula for magnification of microscope, Astronomical and
Terrestrial Telescopes.
7. Electricity
Electrostatics - Electrification by friction, Charges, Coulomb's Law: Permittivity of
Free Space and Medium, Electric Field - Electric lines of force, their properties –
Electric Flux, Electric Dipole, Dipole in a Uniform External Field, Continuous Charge
Distribution, Gauss's Law, Application of Gauss's Law, Electric intensity, Electrostatic
Potential, Relation between electrostatic potential and electric intensity. Capacitance
and capacitors, The Parallel Plate Capacitor, Combination of Capacitors, Van de Graaff
Generator, Dielectric constant, Condenser, its uses -Dielectric Strength - Effect of
dielectric on capacitance of capacitors. Current electricity - Electric Current and
Potential, EMF, Primary Cells-Series and Parallel connection-Electric circuits,
Electrical Resistance, Ohm's Law and its verification, Electric shock. Ohmic and Non
Ohmic elements, Resistance Resistances in Series and Parallel, Kirchhoff’s Laws.
Wheatstone Bridge, Meter Bridge, Potentiometer, Heating Effects of Electric Current-
Joule's Law, Faraday's Laws of Electrolysis, Electric current - Flow of Electric charges
in a metallic conductor - Drift velocity and mobility - Relation between electric current
and drift velocity, Specific Resistance, Resistivity, Conductance, Electrical Energy –
Power, Electrical Energy consumption.
8. Electromagnetism – Magnets and their properties, Magnetic field and field lines,
Oersted's Experiment, Ampere's Law, Magnetic field near a long straight wire and
magnetic field at the Center of a circular coil carrying current, Field on the axis of
circular coil carrying current, Force on a moving charge in a magnetic field - Force on a
current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field. Force between two long straight
parallel conductors carrying current, Definition of Ampere. Fleming's Left Hand Rule.
Current loop as magnetic dipole, force and Torque on Current loop in an uniform
magnetic field, magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron. The Moving Coil
Galvanometer, Electromagnetic induction, Magnetic Flux, Induced EMF, Faraday's and
Lenz's Law. Fleming's Right Hand Rule, Self Inductance, Mutual Inductance, Principle
of Transformer, Working of Electric motor, AC, Electric Generator, DC Electric
Generator, Eddy Currents, Electromagnetic Waves, Displacement Current,
Electromagnetic Waves, Electromagnetic Spectrum, AC Voltage Applied to a Resistor,
Representation of AC Current and Voltage by Rotating Vectors — Phasors, AC
Voltage Applied to an Inductor, AC Voltage Applied to a Capacitor, AC Voltage
Applied to a Series LCR Circuit, Power in AC Circuit: The Power Factor, LC
9. Modern Physics - Alpha-particle Scattering and Rutherford's Nuclear Model of Atom,
Atomic Spectra, Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom, The Line Spectra of the Hydrogen
Atom, DE Broglie's Explanation of Bohr's Second Postulate of Quantization, Atomic
Masses and Composition of Nucleus, Size of the Nucleus, Mass-Energy and Nuclear
Binding Energy, Nuclear Force, Radioactivity, Nuclear Energy, Electron Emission,
Photoelectric Effect, Experimental Study of Photoelectric Effect, Photoelectric Effect
and Wave Theory of Light, Einstein's Photoelectric Equation: Energy Quantum of
Radiation, Particle Nature of Light: The Photon, Wave Nature of Matter, Davisson and
Germer Experiment, Classification of Metals, Conductors and Semiconductors,
Intrinsic Semiconductor, Extrinsic Semiconductor, p-n Junction, Semiconductor diode,
Application of Junction Diode as a Rectifier, Special Purpose p-n Junction Diodes,
Junction Transistor, Digital Electronics and Logic Gates, Integrated Circuits, Elements
of a Communication System, Basic Terminology Used in Electronic Communication
Systems, Bandwidth of Signals, Bandwidth of Transmission Medium, Propagation of
Electromagnetic Waves, Modulation and its Necessity, Amplitude Modulation,
Production of Amplitude Modulated Wave, Detection of Amplitude Modulated Wave.
10. Natural Phenomena – Lightning: Charging by rubbing, Types of charges and
nature of interaction of charged bodies, Transfer of charge: electroscope as a
detector of charging, Lightning: discharge, earthling, lightning conductors,
Safety measures during a thunder storm. Earthquake: Earthquake, Causes of an
earthquake, Seismic fault zone, Protection to damage caused by earthquakes,
Measurement of intensity of earthquake, Seismograph,
11. Our Universe: Constellations, Zodiac, Solar System, The Sun, Planets, Their Sizes,
Masses and distance from Sun, Source of Energy, The Moon its phases surface, Stars,
Meteors and Comets, Asteroids, Light year, Life on the Planet - Earth.
12. States Of Mater – Physical Nature Of Matter - Composition of matter:
particles (Historical introduction), Characterization of matter in terms of
physical properties, Characteristics of particles of matter: space between them,
attraction between them, their continuous motion, States of matter: solids,
liquids and gasses, Shape, mass, volume and density of matter, Change of state
of matter with temperature and pressure, Evaporation and condensation: factors
effecting the rate of condensation/evaporation- surface area, temperature,
humidity, wind speed. Evaporation and cooling with examples. Mixtures, type
of mixtures, homogeneous and hetero generous, Solution, components,
properties, concentration, dilute and saturated Solutions, Mass / Mass
percentage; Mass / volume percentage, Suspension, properties of suspensions,
Colloidal solution, properties of colloids, Tyndall effect, Separating the
components of a mixture, Separating components of blue / black ink,
evaporation, Cream from milk by churning, centrifugation, Separating
immiscible liquids, Separation by sublimation Separation by chromatography,
Separation by distillation (miscible liquids), fractional distillation, Separating
components of air, Obtaining pure copper sulphate from impure samples
Applications of crystallization, Water purification system in water works,
Physical and chemical change, Types of pure substances, elements, compounds,
Comparison between mixture and compounds Solids- Metals and Non-metals,
Physical properties of metals, luster, malleability, electrical conductivity,
ductility, sonorous, heat conductors, Physical properties of non-metals Chemical
properties of metals - Metals burnt in air, Metal reacts with water, Reaction with
acids, Reactions with solutions of other metal salt solutions, Reactivity series,
Reactions of metals and non-metals – formation of cation, anion and ionic
compounds, Properties of Ionic compounds, Physical nature, Melting and
boiling points, Solubility Conduction of electricity, Occurrence of metals,
Extractions of metals – General Principles Of Metallurgy Occurrence and Relative
Abundance of metals in earth's crust, The Metallurgy of Iron & Extraction, Protection
of Metals and Prevention of Corrosion, Principles and methods of extraction -
concentration, reduction by chemical and electrolytic methods and refining. Reaction
with oxygen, acidic, basic nature of products, Reaction with water, Reaction
with acid, Reaction with Base, Reactivity of metals in displacement reactions,
Uses of metals and non-metals – FLUIDS- Electric Conductivity of Fluids,
determination of good and poor conducting fluids, Chemical effects of electric
current, Electrolytic cell: its construction and electroplating: Measurable
Properties of Gases, Gas Laws, Graham's law of diffusion - Daltons law of partial
pressures, Avogadro’s law and Mole Concept, Ideal behavior, empirical derivation of
gas equation, ideal gas equation, Kinetic molecular theory of gases, Kinetic gas
equation (No derivation) - deduction of gas laws, Air, Composition of air, Measurement
of Atmospheric Pressure, Air Pollution, Volumetric Composition of Water, Hardness of
Water, Drinking Water and Supply, Water Pollution, Cyclone, Pascal's Law,
Archimedes' Principle, Boyle's Law, Bernoulli's Principle, Wind, Rainfall.
13. Atomic Structure: Matter - Its Structure, Cathode Rays, Canal Rays, Discovery of
Neutron, Atomic Models - Arrangement of Sub Atomic Particles, Rutherford's model of
atom and its drawbacks, Bohr's model of Hydrogen atom and its limitations,
Sommerfeld's elliptical model, Schrodinger wave equation, Sub Energy Levels -
Quantum Numbers, Atomic Orbitals, Relative energies of the atomic orbitals,
Electronic configuration of Atoms, Some Physical Quantities of Atoms, Nature of
Electromagnetic Radiation, Planck's Quantum theory. Explanation of Photo electric
effect. Features of Atomic Spectra. Characteristics of Hydrogen Spectrum. Bohr's
explanation of Spectral Lines, Wave-particle nature of electron, De Brogile's
hypothesis, Heisenberg's uncertainly principle, Important feature of the quantum
mechanical model of an atom, Electronic configurations of atoms - Explanation of
stability of half filled and completely filled orbitals. Isotopes, Isobars and Isotones,
Applications of Radio Isotopes.
14. Classification Of Elements: Symbols and formulae, Radicals and their formulae,
Chemical equation, Meaning, Calculations based on equations and relationship of
reactants and products by weights, History of Classification of Elements, The Periodic
Law, Modern Periodic Table, The significance of atomic number and electronic
configuration, Classification of elements into s, p, d, f blocks and their characteristics,
Period trends in physical and chemical properties of elements, Periodic trends of
elements with respect to atomic radii, ionic radii, inert gas radii, ionization energy,
electron gain energy, electro negativity, Valency.
15. Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure:
Types of Bonds, Inter Molecular Attractions, Energy changes during a chemical
reaction, Exotherimic and Endothermic Relations, ionic bond, Electronic theory valence
by Lewis and Kossel, energy changes in ionic bond formation, Properties of ionic
Compounds, Covalent Bond, Multiple Covalent Bonds, Shapes of some molecules.
VSEPR theory, The valence bond approach for the formation of covalent bonds,
Directional nature of covalent bond, Properties of covalent bond, Different types of
hybridization involving s, p and d orbitals and draw shapes of simple covalent
molecules, Definition of coordinate covalent bond with examples, Description of
molecular orbital theory of homo nuclear diatomic molecules. Hydrogen bonding-cause
of formation of hydrogen bond- Types of hydrogen bonds-inter and intra molecular-
General properties of hydrogen bonds.
16. Chemical Kinetics, Energitics: Chemical Calculations And Stoichiometry Chemical
combination, Chemical decomposition, Chemical displacement, Chemical Double
decomposition, Slow and Fast reactions, Rate of a Reaction, Factors affecting the
reaction rate, Reversible and Irreversible Reactions, Law of conservation of mass, Law
of definite proportions, Law of multiple proportions, Rate law, units of rate constant,
Collision theory of reaction rates (elementary ideas), concepts of activation energy.
Stoichiometry - Meaning of Chemical Equations, Thermochemical Equations,
Problems Based on Equations, Laws of chemical combination, principles and
examples, Different kinds of fuels burning with flame and without flame,
Combustion of fuels, solid, liquid, gas, Ignition temperature, Matchstick – red ,
white phosphorous and antimony tri sulphide, ignition temperatures,
Inflammable substances, Methods of controlling fire, fire extinguisher, Types
of combustion, rapid, spontaneous, explosive. Flame, materials forming flames,
structure of flame, Fuel, ideal fuel, fuel efficiencies, calorific value, Harmful
products of burning fuels , global warming and acid rain. Molar mass, concept of
equivalent weight with examples, Percentage composition of compounds and
calculations of empirical and molecular formula of compounds, Oxidation number
concept, Balancing of redox reactions by ion electron method and oxidation number
method, Types of redox reactions, Applications of redox reactions in titrimetric
quantitative analysis and redox reactions in electrode process, Numerical calculations
based on equations. Equilibrium - Differences between Physical and Chemical change,
Equilibrium in physical and chemical process, Dynamic nature of equilibrium, law of
mass action, Equilibrium Constant, Factors affecting equilibrium.
17. Solutions, Acids, And Bases:
Solutions, Types, Solubility and Factors affecting concentration of solutions,
Ionization of Substances in Water, Classification of solutions - Methods of expressing
concentration of solutions - Molarity, Normality, Molality, Mole Fraction, Preparation
of Acids and Bases, General properties of Acids an Bases, The Strengths of Acids and
Bases, Neutralisation and Heat of Neutralization, Ionization of acids and bases, strong
and weak electrolytes, degree of ionization, ionic product of water, Concept of pH., pH
of some common fluids, Importance of pH in everyday life, Sensitive of plants
and animals to pH, pH of soils, pH in digestive system, pH-tooth decay, Self
defense by animal and plants through chemical warfare. Some naturally
occurring acids. Salts - Family of salts, pH of salts, Sources of common salt,
Common salt – a raw material for chemicals, NaoH, Bleaching powder, baking
soda, NaHco3 uses washing soda and its uses, Salt crystals / crystallization,
Plaster of Paris, Equilibrium in Physical process, Equilibrium in chemical process -
Dynamic Equilibrium, Law of chemical Equilibrium - Law of mass action and
Equilibrium constant. Homogeneous Equilibria, Equilibrium constant in gaseous
systems. Relationship between KP and Kc, Heterogeneous Equilibria. Applications of
Equilibrium constant. Relationship between Equilibrium constant K, reaction quotient
Q and Gibbs energy G. Factors affecting Equilibria.-Le-chatlieprinciple application to
industrial synthesis of Ammonia and Sulphur trioxide. Acids, bases and salts-
Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry and Lewis concepts of acids and bases. Ionisation of
Acids and Bases -Ionisation constant of water and it's ionic product- pH scale-
ionisation constants of weak acids-ionisation of weak bases-relation between Ka and
Kb-Di and poly basic acids and di and poly acidic Bases-Factors affecting acid
strength-Common ion effect in the ionization of acids and bases-Hydrolysis of salts
and pH of their solutions. Buffer solutions-designing of buffer solution-Preparation of
Acidic buffer Solubility Equilibria of sparingly soluble salts. Solubility product
constant Common ion effect on solubility of Ionic salts.
18. Hydrogen And Its Compounds
Position of hydrogen in the periodic table. Dihydrogen-Occurance and Isotopes.
Preparation of Dihydrogen, Properties of Dihydrogen, Hydrides: Ionic, covalent, and
non-stiochiometric hydrides. Water: Physical properties; structure of water, ice.
Chemical properties of water; hard and soft water, Temporary and permanent hardness
of water, Hydrogen peroxide: Preparation; Physical properties; structure and chemical
properties; storage and uses. Heavy Water, Hydrogen as a fuel.
Sources of energy, Conventional sources of energy, Fossil fuels, Petroleum
formation, refining of petroleum, constituents of petroleum, Natural gas,
Petrochemicals, Thermal power plant, Hydro power plants, Improvements in
the technology for using conventional sources of energy, Bio-Mass, Wind
energy, Alternative or non-conventional sources of energy, Solar energy,
Energy from sea, Tidal energy, Wave energy, Ocean thermal energy,
Geothermal energy, Nuclear energy, Environmental consequences of
production and consumption of energy, Sustainability of energy sources.
Pollution: Air, Water and Soil Pollution, Oxides of Carbon, Carbon Monoxide, Oxides
of nitrogen and Sulphur, Chlorofluro carbons, Chemical reactions in atmosphere,
smogs, major atmospheric pollutants, acid rain, Ozone and its reactions, effects of
depletion of ozone layer, Green house effect and global warming, Pollution due to
industrial wastes, Green chemistry as an alternative tool for reducing pollution with
two examples.
Methodology (Marks: 20)
1. The Nature of Science: Nature and scope of science, Science, ideology and Society,
Structure of Science (a) Substantive structure - Empirical knowledge, Theoretical
Knowledge - (Facts, Concepts, hypothesis, theory, Principle Law), (b)Syntactic
Structure of Science - Scientific inquiry, Processes of Science, Attitudes of inquiry
2. The History and Development of Science: A brief introduction to oriental and western
science, Contribution of the following Scientists in the Development of Science:
Aryabhatta, BhaskaraCharya, Aristotle, Copernicus, Newton, Einstein, C.V.Raman,
Various organizations working for the development of science in India
3. Aims and Values of teaching Physical Sciences: Aims of teaching Physical Sciences,
Values of teaching Physical Science, Correlation of Physics and Chemistry with other
4. Objectives of teaching Physical Sciences: Meaning and importance of objectives,
Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational objectives, Specific / Behavioral objectives /
(Instructional objectives), Critique on Bloom's Taxonomy
5. Approaches and Methods of teaching Physical Sciences: Inductive and Deductive
Approaches, Micro Teaching, Team Teaching, Lecture Method, Lecture cum
Demonstration Method, Historical Method, Heuristic Method, Project Method,
Laboratory method, Problem Solving Method, Scientific Method, Multimedia Approach
in Teaching Learning process, Programmed Learning, CAI and CAL
6. Planning for effective instruction in Science: Year Plan, Unit Plan, Lesson Plan,
Learning experience, characteristics, classification, source and relevance.
7. Teaching Learning Material (TLM): Characteristics and Importance of TLM,
Classification and Types of TLM, Hardware and Software in TLM, TLM-Principles to
be followed, Edgar Dale's cone of learning experience.
8. Science laboratories: Importance of Practical work in science, Planning of Science
laboratories, Procurement, care and maintenance of laboratory equipment, Registers,
Management of safety and science kits, Development of improvised Apparatus.
9. Physical Science Curriculum: Principles of Curriculum Construction, Defects in the
existing school science curriculum, Qualities of a good Science Text Book.
10. Non-formal Science Education: Science Clubs, Science Fairs - purposes, levels,
organization, advantages, Science Library, Role of NGOs and State in popularizing
11. Evaluation: Concept and Process of Evaluation, Tools of Evaluation, Preparation
of Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT), Analysis and interpretation of Scores.
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Post: PGT
Paper II – BIOLOGICAL Science Syllabus
Part – I
General Knowledge and Current Affairs (Marks: 10)
Part – II
Perspectives in Education (Marks: 10)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval Education.
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission (1882),
Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers, Teacher
motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations, National /
State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers
in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human Resource
Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women,
Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National Programme
for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya Madhyamika Siksha
Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA), KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship, Awards,
Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
5. National Curriculum - Framework, 2005: Perspective, Guiding Principles, Learning and
Knowledge, Teaching Learning Process, Assessment, Systemic Reforms.
Part - III
Educational Psychology (Marks: 10)
1. Development of Child
· Development, Growth & Maturation — Concept & Nature
· Principles of development and their education implication
· Factors influencing Development — Biological, Psychological, Sociological,
· Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships — Physical & Motor,
Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early
Childhood, late Child hood, dolescence.
· Understanding Development — Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers,
· Individual differences — Infra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of
Attitudes, Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Intelligence and their Assessment.
· Development of Personality — Concept, Factors effecting development of
personality, self concept.
· Adjustment, Behavioural problems, Mental Health, Defense mechanism.
· Methods and Approaches of Child Development — Introspection,
Observation, Interview, Case study, Experimental, Cross sectional and
· Developmental tasks and Hazards
2. Understanding Learning
· Concept, Nature of Learning — input — process — outcome
· Factors of Learning — Personal and Environmental
· Approaches to Learning and their applicability—Behaviorism (Skinner, Pavlov,
Thorndike) Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt(Kohler, Koffka) and
Observational (Bandura)
· Dimensions of Learning — Cognitive, Affective and Performance.
· Motivation and Sustenance —its role in learning.
· Memory & Forgetting
· Transfer of Learning
3. Pedagogical Concerns
· Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner.
· Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural
· Children from diverse contexts—Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive
· Understanding of pedagogic methods — Enquiry based learning, Project based
learning, Survey, Observation and Activity based learning, Cooperative and
collaborative learning.
· Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing
learning in class room like Study habits, Self learning and Learning to learn
· Organizing learning in heterogeneous class room groups — Socio-economic
background, Abilities and Interest.
· Paradigms of organizing Learning-Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner
· Theory of instruction – Bruner
· Teaching as Planned activity — Elements of Planning
· Phases of Teaching — Pre active, Interactive and Post active
· General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and
attributes of good facilitator.
· Learning resources — Self, Home, School, Community, Technology.
· Class room Management: Role of student, teacher, Leadership style of teacher,
Creation of non threatening learning environment, Managing behaviour
problems, Guidance & Counselling, Punishment and its legal implications,
Rights of a child, Time Management.
· Distinction between Assessment for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School
based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation : Perspective &
· Understanding teaching & learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right to
Education Act, 2009.
Part - IV
Content (Marks: 50)
1. Biological Sciences: Importance and Human Welfare, Branches of Biology,
2. Living World: Life and its Characteristics, Classification of Living Organisms,
Nomenclature, different types of classification. Need for classification,
Biological classification levels and Hierarchy of classification, species concept.
Animal diversity, invertebrates, Chordates.
3. Microbial World: Virus, Bacteria, Algae, Fungi and Protozoan, Useful and
Harmful Micro-organisms. Immunity, vaccination, Immunological disorders.
life style diseases.
4. Cell & Tissues: Cell – Structure cell theory , cell organelles and their functions,
differences between prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells, plant cell and animal cell,
cell cycle, cell division , Mitosis and Meiosis, tissues, structure, functions and
types of plant and Animal tissues, Cancer biology, stem cells. Transportation of
materials through the cells. Internal organization of plants, histology - anatomy
of flowering plants.
5. Plant World : Morphology of a Typical Plant - Root, Stem, Leaf, Flower,
Inflorescence, Fruit - their Structure, Types and Functions, Parts of a Flower,
Seed dispersal Modifications of Root, Stem and Leaf, Photosynthesis,
Transpiration, Transportation in plants (Ascent of Sap), Respiration, Excretion
and Reproduction in Plants, Plant Hormones, food from the plants. Economic
importance of Plants, Wild and Cultivated Plants, Agricultural Operations, Crop
diseases and Control measures, Improvement in Crop yield, Storage,
Preservation and Protection of Food and Plant Products. Single cell proteins
(SCP), plant enzymes, mineral nutrition, plant growth and development.
6. Animal World: Organs and Organ Systems including man - Their Structure and
Functions Digestive, Respiratory in human, type studies of the animals.
Circulatory, . Immunology, Excretory, Locomotion in protozoa and humans -
Muscular, Skeletal Systems, Nervous, Control and Coordination and
Reproductive: Sexual, a sexual fission, syngamy, conjugation. Reproductive
health – Birth control methods, Sense Organs: Structure and Functions of Eye,
Ear, Nose, Tongue and Skin. Nutrition in man - Nutrients and their functions,
Balanced Diet, Deficiency diseases, Health - Tropical diseases (Viral, Bacterial,
Protozoan, Helminth, Arthropod), Skin diseases (Fungal), Blindness in man:
Causes, Prevention and Control, Health agencies, First Aid - Bites: Insect,
Scorpion and Snakes, Fractures, Accidents, Life skills, Wild and Domesticated
animals, Economic Importance of Animals, Animal Husbandry - Pisciculture,
Sericulture, Poultry, Breeding of Cows and Buffaloes, animal behavior.
7. Heredity and Evolution: Terms, Mendel laws, Sex determination in humans, In
heritance of Blood Groups, Erythroblastosis foetalis, Theories of Evolution,
Speciation, Evidences of Evolution, Human Evolution, sex linkage, genetic
disorders, syndromes, human genome project, evolutionary forces, DNA and
finger printing.
8. Our Environment – Ecology: Abiotic and Biotic factors of Ecosystems,
Ecosystem - Types, components, adaptations, Food chains, Food web and
Ecological pyramids, Natural Resources
- Type of water managements, soil waste land management, forests, sustainable
development, fossil fuels and bio fuels, 4Rs, bio-geo-chemical cycles, pollution,
air, water, soil, global environmental issues – global warming – (Green House
Effect), acid rains and depletion of Ozone layer; Population - interaction in Eco-
system, plant ecology.
9. Recent Trends in Biology: Hybridization, Gene - Genetic material, DNA ,
RNA, Genetic Engineering, Gene Bank, Gene Therapy, Tissue Culture and Bio-
Technology – applications. Transgenic animals and plants, cloning, molecular
diagnosis, bio medical technology, bio molecules, molecular biology.
10. Biodiversity – Conservation: Biodiversity – levels of bio diversity,
conservation, wild life, sanctuaries, national parks in India, importance of
species, diversity to the Ecosystem.
3. Objectives of Teaching Biological Sciences: Importance of Objectives of
Teaching Biological Sciences, Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
and limitations, Writing Instructional Objectives and Specifications.
4. Academic Standards in Biological Science.
5. Approaches and Methods of Teaching Biological Sciences: Inductive Approach
and Deductive Approach, Methods of Teaching 1. Lecture Method, 2. Lecture
cum Demonstration Method, 3. Heuristic Method, 4. Project Method, 5.
Experimental Method, 6. Laboratory Method.
6. Planning for effective Instruction: Year Plan, Unit Plan, Lesson Plan -
Herbartian and Bloom's Approach, Criteria for Evaluation of Lesson Plan. Self
Evaluation and Peer Evaluation, Learning experiences - Characteristics,
Classification, Sources and Relevance, Teaching - Learning Material and
Resources in Biological Sciences.
7. Science Laboratories: Importance of Practical work in Biological Sciences,
Planning Science Laboratory, Procurement, Care and Maintenance of
Laboratory Equipment, Maintenance of different Registers, Safety and First aid,
Development of Improvised Apparatus
8. Science Curriculum: Principles of Curriculum Construction, Defects in the
existing School Science Curriculum, Correlation of Biological Sciences with
other School Subjects, Qualities of a good Biological Science Text-book.
9. Biological Science Teacher: Qualities of a good Biological Sciences Teacher,
Roles and Responsibilities
10. Non-formal Science Education: Science club, Eco-club, Blue-club, Red ribbon
club, Science fairs - Objectives, levels of organizations, importance, Science
Laboratories, Role of N G O S and State in popularizing science.
11. Evaluation: Concept and process of Measurement and Evaluation, Continuous
Comprehensive Evaluation, Tools of Evaluation, Preparation of Scholastic
Achievement Test(SAT), Analysis and interpretation of scores.
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Post: PGT
Paper II – BOTANY Syllabus
Part – I
General Knowledge And Current Affairs (Marks: 10)
Part – II
Perspectives in Education (Marks: 10)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval Education.
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission (1882),
Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers, Teacher
motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations, National /
State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers
in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human Resource
Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women,
Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National Programme
for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya Madhyamika Siksha
Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA), KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship, Awards,
Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
5. National Curriculum - Framework, 2005: Perspective, Guiding Principles, Learning and
Knowledge, Teaching Learning Process, Assessment, Systemic Reforms.
Part - III
Educational Psychology (Marks: 10)
1. Development Of Child
· Development, Growth & Maturation — Concept & Nature
· Principles of development and their education implication
· Factors influencing Development — Biological, Psychological, Sociological,
· Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships — Physical & Motor,
Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early
Childhood, late Child hood, dolescence.
· Understanding Development — Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers,
· Individual differences — Infra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of
Attitudes, Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Intelligence and their Assessment.
· Development of Personality — Concept, Factors effecting development of
personality, self concept.
· Adjustment, Behavioural problems, Mental Health, Defense mechanism.
· Methods and Approaches of Child Development — Introspection,
Observation, Interview, Case study, Experimental, Cross sectional and
· Developmental tasks and Hazards
2. Understanding Learning
· Concept, Nature of Learning — input — process — outcome
· Factors of Learning — Personal and Environmental
· Approaches to Learning and their applicability—Behaviorism (Skinner, Pavlov,
Thorndike) Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt(Kohler, Koffka) and
Observational (Bandura)
· Dimensions of Learning — Cognitive, Affective and Performance.
· Motivation and Sustenance —its role in learning.
· Memory & Forgetting
· Transfer of Learning
3. Pedagogical Concerns
· Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner.
· Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural
· Children from diverse contexts—Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive
· Understanding of pedagogic methods — Enquiry based learning, Project based
learning, Survey, Observation and Activity based learning, Cooperative and
collaborative learning.
· Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing
learning in class room like Study habits, Self learning and Learning to learn
· Organizing learning in heterogeneous class room groups — Socio-economic
background, Abilities and Interest.
· Paradigms of organizing Learning-Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner
· Theory of instruction – Bruner
· Teaching as Planned activity — Elements of Planning
· Phases of Teaching — Pre active, Interactive and Post active
· General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and
attributes of good facilitator.
· Learning resources — Self, Home, School, Community, Technology.
· Class room Management: Role of student, teacher, Leadership style of teacher,
Creation of non threatening learning environment, Managing behaviour
problems, Guidance & Counselling, Punishment and its legal implications,
Rights of a child, Time Management.
· Distinction between Assessments for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School
based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation: Perspective &
· Understanding teaching & learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right to
Education Act, 2009.
Part - IV
Content (Marks: 50)
16. Recent aspects of Botany: Genetic Engineering; Plant tissue culture; Social
forestry; Environmental Pollution (Water, Soil, Air) Health hazards and control,
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Post: PGT
Paper II – CIVICS Syllabus
Part – I
General Knowledge and Current Affairs (Marks: 10)
Part – II
Perspectives in Education (Marks: 10)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval Education.
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission (1882),
Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers, Teacher
motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations, National /
State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers
in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human Resource
Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women,
Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National Programme
for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya Madhyamika Siksha
Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA), KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship, Awards,
Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
5. National Curriculum - Framework, 2005: Perspective, Guiding Principles, Learning and
Knowledge, Teaching Learning Process, Assessment, Systemic Reforms.
Part - III
Educational Psychology (Marks: 10)
1. Development Of Child
· Development, Growth & Maturation — Concept & Nature
· Principles of development and their education implication
· Factors influencing Development — Biological, Psychological, Sociological,
· Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships — Physical & Motor,
Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early
Childhood, late Child hood, dolescence.
· Understanding Development — Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers,
· Individual differences — Infra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of
Attitudes, Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Intelligence and their Assessment.
· Development of Personality — Concept, Factors effecting development of
personality, self concept.
· Adjustment, Behavioural problems, Mental Health, Defense mechanism.
· Methods and Approaches of Child Development — Introspection,
Observation, Interview, Case study, Experimental, Cross sectional and
· Developmental tasks and Hazards
2. Understanding Learning
· Concept, Nature of Learning — input — process — outcome
· Factors of Learning — Personal and Environmental
· Approaches to Learning and their applicability—Behaviorism (Skinner, Pavlov,
Thorndike) Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt(Kohler, Koffka) and
Observational (Bandura)
· Dimensions of Learning — Cognitive, Affective and Performance.
· Motivation and Sustenance —its role in learning.
· Memory & Forgetting
· Transfer of Learning
3. Pedagogical Concerns
· Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner.
· Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural
· Children from diverse contexts—Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive
· Understanding of pedagogic methods — Enquiry based learning, Project based
learning, Survey, Observation and Activity based learning, Cooperative and
collaborative learning.
· Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing
learning in class room like Study habits, Self learning and Learning to learn
· Organizing learning in heterogeneous class room groups — Socio-economic
background, Abilities and Interest.
· Paradigms of organizing Learning-Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner
· Theory of instruction – Bruner
· Teaching as Planned activity — Elements of Planning
· Phases of Teaching — Pre active, Interactive and Post active
· General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and
attributes of good facilitator.
· Learning resources — Self, Home, School, Community, Technology.
· Class room Management: Role of student, teacher, Leadership style of teacher,
Creation of non threatening learning environment, Managing behaviour
problems, Guidance & Counselling, Punishment and its legal implications,
Rights of a child, Time Management.
· Distinction between Assessment for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School
based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation : Perspective &
· Understanding teaching & learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right to
Education Act, 2009.
Part - IV
Content (Marks: 50)
1. Concepts, Theories and Institutions:
a. Introduction: Definition, Scope and importance of political Science
b. State: Nation formation and its functions
c. Law: Sources of Law
d. Liberty and Equality: Their relationship
e. Kinds of rights
2. Ideologies; Individualism, Anarchism, Fascism and Socialism
3. Forms of Government
a. Democracy: Direct and Indirect
b. Unitary and Federal
c. Parliamentary and Presidential
Organs of Government
a. Legislature
b. Executive
c. Judiciary
II. Indian Government and policies
1. Evolution of Indian Constitution
2. Indian Federation: Centre State relations
3. Fundamental rights, duties, Constitutional remedies.
4. President: Election, Powers functions, Prime Minister and Council of Minister.
5. Parliament Composition Powers, Judicial review
6. Judiciary: Supreme Court, Powers, Judicial review.
7. Election commission: Electoral reforms, Voting Behaviour.
rd th
8. Local Government: 73 and 74 Amendments.
III. Political Thought
1. Indian Political Thought
a. Manu
b. Koutilya
c. Gandhi
d. Ambedkar
IV. Control over Administration
1. Legislative control
2. Executive control
3. Judicial Control
4. Lok Pal
5. Lokayukta
V. Government and Politics in Andhra Pradesh
1. Historical Background of the A.P.: Socio – Political Struggle in
Hyderabad State
2. States Reorganization and Formation of Andhra Pradesh Party
System: National and Regional Parties pressure Groups.
1. Social Studies – Meaning, Nature and Scope: Defining Social Studies, Main features
of Social Studies, Social Studies and Social Sciences differentiated, Scope of Social
Studies – Types of Subject material and learning experiences included in the study
of Social Studies, Need and importance of Social Studies.
2. Values, Aims and Objectives of Teaching Social Studies: Values of teaching Social
Studies, Aims of teaching Social Studies at Secondary Level, Instructional
Objectives of teaching Social Studies, Relationship of instructional objectives with
general aims and objectives of Social Studies, Taxonomy of Educational and
instructional objectives, Writing objectives in behavioural terms.
7. Social Studies Teacher: Qualities of a good Social Studies teacher, Roles and
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Post: PGT
Paper II – COMMERCE Syllabus
Part – I
General Knowledge and Current Affairs (Marks: 10)
Part – II
Perspectives in Education (Marks: 10)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval Education.
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission (1882),
Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers, Teacher
motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations, National /
State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers
in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human Resource
Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women,
Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National Programme
for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya Madhyamika Siksha
Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA), KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship, Awards,
Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
5. National Curriculum - Framework, 2005: Perspective, Guiding Principles, Learning and
Knowledge, Teaching Learning Process, Assessment, Systemic Reforms.
Part - III
Educational Psychology (Marks: 10)
1. Development of Child
· Development, Growth & Maturation — Concept & Nature
· Principles of development and their education implication
· Factors influencing Development — Biological, Psychological, Sociological,
· Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships — Physical & Motor,
Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early
Childhood, late Child hood, dolescence.
· Understanding Development — Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers,
· Individual differences — Infra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of
Attitudes, Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Intelligence and their Assessment.
· Development of Personality — Concept, Factors effecting development of
personality, self concept.
· Adjustment, Behavioural problems, Mental Health, Defense mechanism.
· Methods and Approaches of Child Development — Introspection,
Observation, Interview, Case study, Experimental, Cross sectional and
· Developmental tasks and Hazards
2. Understanding Learning
· Concept, Nature of Learning — input — process — outcome
· Factors of Learning — Personal and Environmental
· Approaches to Learning and their applicability—Behaviorism (Skinner, Pavlov,
Thorndike) Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt(Kohler, Koffka) and
Observational (Bandura)
· Dimensions of Learning — Cognitive, Affective and Performance.
· Motivation and Sustenance —its role in learning.
· Memory & Forgetting
· Transfer of Learning
3. Pedagogical Concerns
· Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner.
· Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural
· Children from diverse contexts—Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive
· Understanding of pedagogic methods — Enquiry based learning, Project based
learning, Survey, Observation and Activity based learning, Cooperative and
collaborative learning.
· Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing
learning in class room like Study habits, Self learning and Learning to learn
· Organizing learning in heterogeneous class room groups — Socio-economic
background, Abilities and Interest.
· Paradigms of organizing Learning-Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner
· Theory of instruction – Bruner
· Teaching as Planned activity — Elements of Planning
· Phases of Teaching — Pre active, Interactive and Post active
· General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and
attributes of good facilitator.
· Learning resources — Self, Home, School, Community, Technology.
· Class room Management: Role of student, teacher, Leadership style of teacher,
Creation of non threatening learning environment, Managing behaviour
problems, Guidance & Counselling, Punishment and its legal implications,
Rights of a child, Time Management.
· Distinction between Assessment for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School
based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation: Perspective &
· Understanding teaching & learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right to
Education Act, 2009.
Part - IV
Content (Marks: 50)
1. Business Studies And Management
· Introduction to Business– Concepts, characteristics, objectives. Classification of
business as industry and commerce. Distinctive features of business - Business,
profession and employment. Choice of Form of Organization .Large Scale and
Small Scale Business-.Assistance by Government to Small Scale Sector and Micro
· Form of Business Organizations – Sole Proprietors, Joint Hindu Family,
Partnership, Joint Stock Company and its formation, Cooperative organization.
· Business ownership– Private, public and Joint sector. Public Enterprises, Role-
dynamics of Public Sector, Global Enterprises (Multinational Companies), Joint
· Business Services – banking, insurance, transportation, warehousing,
communication, Impact of Technology on Business Services.
· Trade: Internal Trade - Retail and Wholesale trade, Emerging modes of business-
franchising, E-business and Outsourcing. International Business– Export-Import –
Procedure and documentation, EPZ/SEZ. International Trade Institutions and
Agreements – WTO, UNCTAD, World-Bank, IMF, GATS (General Agreement of
Trade in Services).
· Business Finance: Sources – owners and borrowed fund, Sources of raising
finance, Equity and preference Shares, GDR( Global Deposit Receipts), ADR (
American Deposit Receipts), Debentures, Bonds – Retained Profit, Public
Deposits, Loan from Financial Institutions and commercial banks, Credit-rating
and rating agencies, Trade credit, Micro-credit.
· Social Responsibility of Business, Business Ethics, Corporate Governance,
Environment protection.
· Management – concept, objectives, nature of management as Science, Art and
Profession, levels, Principles of Management general and scientific.
· Business Environment – meaning, importance, dimensions, changing business
environment–special reference to liberalization, privatization and globalization,
Business - a Futuristic vision.
· Management Functions – Planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling and
· Business Finance: Financial Management – meaning, scope, role and objectives,
financial planning, Capital structure, leverage, Fixed and working capital –
meaning and factors affecting its requirements.
· Financial Markets – Money Market-nature, instruments, Capital Market-Primary
and secondary, Stock exchange, NSEI, OTCEI, Procedures, SEBI.
· Human Resource Management– meaning , importance, man-power estimation ,
Recruitment and selection, Training and development , Compensation,
Performance Evaluation
· Marketing – meaning, functions and role, Levels of Marketing, Changing facets of
marketing, Product-mix, Models of Marketing.
· Organizational Behaviors: Individual behaviors, Motivation–concepts and
applications, Personality perception, Learning and attitude, Leadership and its
approaches, Communication, Group dynamics.
· Accounting of Joint stock Companies: Share capital types of shares, accounting
for issue, allotment forfeiture and re-issue of shares. Debentures – types, issue and
method of redemption. Final Accounts of Sole proprietor and Joint Stock
Companies. Emerging trends of presentation of Final Accounts.
Valuation of Good will, Liquidation, Amalgamation & Reconstruction. Bank
Accounts and Accounts of Insurance Companies.
Accounts of Government Companies.
· Accounting for liquidation.
· Financial Statement Analysis: Meaning, significance, limitation .Tools for
Financial Statement Analysis-comparative statements, common size statements,
Trend analysis, accounting ratios.
· Funds Flow Statement and Cash Flow Statement: Meaning, objectives, preparation
as per revised standard issued by ICAI.
· Computers In Accounting: Introduction to Computers and Accounting Information
System, Application of Computers in Accounting, Automation of Accounting
process, designing accounting reports, MIS reporting, data exchange with other
information system. Readymade, customized and tailor made Accounting Systems.
6. Instructional Material and Resources: Text books, work books, supplementary
material syllabus, curriculum guides, hand books, Audio visual, Social Studies
laboratory, library, clubs and museum, Utilizing community resources.
7. Social Studies Teacher: Qualities of a good Social Studies teacher, Roles and
8. Evaluation in Social Studies: Concept and purpose, Types of Evaluation, Evaluation
as a continuous and comprehensive process, Different techniques of Evaluation,
Preparation for Scholastic Achievement test
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Post: PGT
Paper II – ECONOMICS Syllabus
Part – I
General Knowledge and Current AffairS (Marks: 10)
Part – II
Perspectives in Education (Marks: 10)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval Education.
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission (1882),
Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers, Teacher
motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations, National /
State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers
in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human Resource
Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women,
Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National Programme
for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya Madhyamika Siksha
Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA), KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship, Awards,
Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
5. National Curriculum - Framework, 2005: Perspective, Guiding Principles, Learning and
Knowledge, Teaching Learning Process, Assessment, Systemic Reforms.
Part - III
Educational Psychology (Marks: 10)
1. Development of Child
· Development, Growth & Maturation — Concept & Nature
· Principles of development and their education implication
· Factors influencing Development — Biological, Psychological, Sociological,
· Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships — Physical & Motor,
Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early
Childhood, late Child hood, dolescence.
· Understanding Development — Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers,
· Individual differences — Infra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of
Attitudes, Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Intelligence and their Assessment.
· Development of Personality — Concept, Factors effecting development of
personality, self concept.
· Adjustment, Behavioural problems, Mental Health, Defense mechanism.
· Methods and Approaches of Child Development — Introspection,
Observation, Interview, Case study, Experimental, Cross sectional and
· Developmental tasks and Hazards
2. Understanding Learning
· Concept, Nature of Learning — input — process — outcome
· Factors of Learning — Personal and Environmental
· Approaches to Learning and their applicability—Behaviorism (Skinner, Pavlov,
Thorndike) Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt(Kohler, Koffka) and
Observational (Bandura)
· Dimensions of Learning — Cognitive, Affective and Performance.
· Motivation and Sustenance —its role in learning.
· Memory & Forgetting
· Transfer of Learning
3. Pedagogical Concerns
· Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner.
· Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural
· Children from diverse contexts—Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive
· Understanding of pedagogic methods — Enquiry based learning, Project based
learning, Survey, Observation and Activity based learning, Cooperative and
collaborative learning.
· Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing
learning in class room like Study habits, Self learning and Learning to learn
· Organizing learning in heterogeneous class room groups — Socio-economic
background, Abilities and Interest.
· Paradigms of organizing Learning-Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner
· Theory of instruction – Bruner
· Teaching as Planned activity — Elements of Planning
· Phases of Teaching — Pre active, Interactive and Post active
· General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and
attributes of good facilitator.
· Learning resources — Self, Home, School, Community, Technology.
· Class room Management: Role of student, teacher, Leadership style of teacher,
Creation of non threatening learning environment, Managing behaviour
problems, Guidance & Counselling, Punishment and its legal implications,
Rights of a child, Time Management.
Distinction between Assessment for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School
based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation : Perspective &
· Understanding teaching & learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right to
Education Act, 2009.
Part - IV
Content (Marks: 50)
1. Consumer Behaviour and Demand: Consumer`s Equilibrium – Meaning and
attainment of equilibrium through utility approach and Indifference approach,
Demand, Market Demand, Determinants of Demand, Demand Curve, Movement
along and Shifts in Demand Curve, Law of Demand, and its exceptions, Price,
Elasticity of Demand, Measurement of Price Elasticity of Demand, Methods.
Teaching Methodology (Marks: 20)
1. Social Studies – Meaning, Nature and Scope: Defining Social Studies, Main features
of Social Studies, Social Studies and Social Sciences differentiated, Scope of Social
Studies – Types of Subject material and learning experiences included in the study
of Social Studies, Need and importance of Social Studies.
2. Values, Aims and Objectives of Teaching Social Studies: Values of teaching Social
Studies, Aims of teaching Social Studies at Secondary Level, Instructional
Objectives of teaching Social Studies, Relationship of instructional objectives with
general aims and objectives of Social Studies, Taxonomy of Educational and
instructional objectives, Writing objectives in behavioural terms.
3. Social Studies Curriculum: Social Studies as a Core subject, Principles of
Curriculum Construction in Social Studies, Organization of subject matter –
different approaches correlated, integrated, topical, concentric, unit and
4. Instructional Strategies in Social Studies: Techniques, devices and maxims,
Different methods of teaching Social Studies - Story telling, lecture, source,
discussion, project, problem, inductive, deductive, observation, assignment –
socialized recitation, Team teaching, Supervised study.
5. Planning for Instruction: Developing teaching skills through Micro-teaching, Year
Planning, Unit Planning, Lesson Planning.
6. Instructional Material and Resources: Text books, work books, Supplementary
material syllabus, curriculum guides, hand books, Audio
visual, Social Studies laboratory, library, clubs and museum, Utilizing
community resources.
7. Social Studies Teacher: Qualities of a good Social Studies teacher, Roles and
8. Evaluation in Social Studies: Concept and purpose, Types of Evaluation, Evaluation
as a continuous and comprehensive process, Different techniques of Evaluation,
Preparation for Scholastic Achievement test.
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Post: PGT
Paper II – ENGLISH Syllabus
Part – I
General Knowledge and Current Affairs (Marks: 10)
Part – II
Perspectives in Education (Marks: 10)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval Education.
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission (1882), Hartog
Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari Commission
(1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers, Teacher
motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations, National / State
Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of Educational
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human Resource
Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women, Urbanization and
migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National Programme for
Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya Madhyamika Siksha
Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA), KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship, Awards, Welfare
Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi, Vidyanjali,
Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
5. National Curriculum - Framework, 2005: Perspective, Guiding Principles, Learning and
Knowledge, Teaching Learning Process, Assessment, Systemic Reforms.
Part - III
Educational Psychology (Marks: 10)
1. Development of Child
· Development, Growth & Maturation — Concept & Nature
· Principles of development and their education implication
· Factors influencing Development — Biological, Psychological, Sociological,
· Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships — Physical & Motor,
Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early
Childhood, late Child hood, dolescence.
· Understanding Development — Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers,
· Individual differences — Infra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of
Attitudes, Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Intelligence and their Assessment.
· Development of Personality — Concept, Factors effecting development of
personality, self concept.
· Adjustment, Behavioural problems, Mental Health, Defense mechanism.
· Methods and Approaches of Child Development — Introspection,
Observation, Interview, Case study, Experimental, Cross sectional and
· Developmental tasks and Hazards
2. Understanding Learning
· Concept, Nature of Learning — input — process — outcome
· Factors of Learning — Personal and Environmental
· Approaches to Learning and their applicability—Behaviorism (Skinner, Pavlov,
Thorndike) Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt(Kohler, Koffka) and
Observational (Bandura)
· Dimensions of Learning — Cognitive, Affective and Performance.
· Motivation and Sustenance —its role in learning.
· Memory & Forgetting
· Transfer of Learning
3. Pedagogical Concerns
· Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner.
· Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural
· Children from diverse contexts—Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive
· Understanding of pedagogic methods — Enquiry based learning, Project based
learning, Survey, Observation and Activity based learning, Cooperative and
collaborative learning.
· Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing
learning in class room like Study habits, Self learning and Learning to learn
· Organizing learning in heterogeneous class room groups — Socio-economic
background, Abilities and Interest.
· Paradigms of organizing Learning-Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner
· Theory of instruction – Bruner
· Teaching as Planned activity — Elements of Planning
· Phases of Teaching — Pre active, Interactive and Post active
· General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and
attributes of good facilitator.
· Learning resources — Self, Home, School, Community, Technology.
· Class room Management: Role of student, teacher, Leadership style of teacher,
Creation of non threatening learning environment, Managing behaviour
problems, Guidance & Counselling, Punishment and its legal implications,
Rights of a child, Time Management.
· Distinction between Assessment for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School
based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation : Perspective &
· Understanding teaching & learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right to
Education Act, 2009.
Part - IV
Content: English (Marks: 50)
I. Reading Comprehension of an unseen prose text
II. Language and Communication
- Parts of Speech
- Articles-Determiners
- Conjunctions (Linkers/Connectors/ Cohesive devices).
- Prepositions
- Adverbs –Types and their order in sentenses.
- Tense and Time
- Adjectives including Degrees of Comparison
- Modals
- Word Order in Sentences
- Clauses
- Types of Sentences
- Voice
- Direct and Indirect Speech
- Non-finites (Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles)
- Complex and Compound Sentences
- Phrasal Verbs/Idioms/Prepositional Phrases
- Punctuation Marks
- Phonetics -Sounds, Stress and Intonation, Minimal Pairs, Minimal
Contrastive Pairs
- Composition- Letter writing, Message writing, Notice writing, Report
writing, Article writing, Paragraph writing and Precis writing
III. Literature
A. Detailed study of English Literature from 1798 to 1900 with special reference to
Wordsworth, S.T.Coleridge, John Keats , Shelley, Lord Byron, Charles Lamb,
Charles Dickens, William Hazlitt, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Robert Browning,
Mathew Arnold, George Eliot, Thomas Carlyle and John Ruskin.
C. Poetry
Name of the Poet Title
William Shakespeare -Let Me Not To The Marriage of True
Minds(A sonnet)
John Milton On Time
On Shakespeare
William Wordsworth The Solitary Reaper
Education of Nature
A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal
The World Is Too Much With Us
William Blake A Poison Tree
The Divine Image
The School Boy
John Keats On The Grasshopper and The Cricket
Ode to The Nightingale
Ode to Autumn
John Donne A Literature Upon the Shadow
The Sunne Rising
W.B.Yeats The Wild Swans of Coole
The Second Coming
S.T.Coleridge The Rime of The Ancient Mariner
Emily Dickinson Trees
Robert Frost The Road Not Taken
Dust of Snow
Stopping By Woods on a Snowy
Rabindranath Tagore The Last Bargain
Where The Mind is Without Fear
From Lover’s Gift
Sarojini Naidu The Bangle Sellers
E. Drama
Name of the Writer Title
William Shakespeare The Tempest
Julius Caesar
J.B.Priestly Mother’s Day(one act play)
Fritz Karinthy The Refund
Mahaswtha Devi Mother of 1084
Note: The candidates are expected to have a thorough knowledge of the above
mentioned poets, essayists, novelists and dramatists and their respective works
mentioned at the level that is expected of a student of literature.
F. Literary Criticism
Mathew Arnold: The Study of Poetry
T.S.Eliot: Function of Criticism
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Post: PGT
Paper II – MATHEMATICS Syllabus
Part – I
General Knowledge and Current Affairs (Marks: 10)
Part – II
Perspectives in Education (Marks: 10)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval Education.
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission (1882),
Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers, Teacher
motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations, National /
State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers
in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human Resource
Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women,
Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National Programme
for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya Madhyamika Siksha
Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA), KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship, Awards,
Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
5. National Curriculum - Framework, 2005: Perspective, Guiding Principles, Learning and
Knowledge, Teaching Learning Process, Assessment, Systemic Reforms.
Part - III
Educational Psychology (Marks: 10)
1. Development Of Child
· Development, Growth & Maturation — Concept & Nature
· Principles of development and their education implication
· Factors influencing Development — Biological, Psychological, Sociological,
· Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships — Physical & Motor,
Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early
Childhood, late Child hood, dolescence.
· Understanding Development — Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers,
· Individual differences — Infra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of
Attitudes, Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Intelligence and their Assessment.
· Development of Personality — Concept, Factors effecting development of
personality, self concept.
· Adjustment, Behavioural problems, Mental Health, Defense mechanism.
· Methods and Approaches of Child Development — Introspection,
Observation, Interview, Case study, Experimental, Cross sectional and
· Developmental tasks and Hazards
2. Understanding Learning
· Concept, Nature of Learning — input — process — outcome
· Factors of Learning — Personal and Environmental
· Approaches to Learning and their applicability—Behaviorism (Skinner, Pavlov,
Thorndike) Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt(Kohler, Koffka) and
Observational (Bandura)
· Dimensions of Learning — Cognitive, Affective and Performance.
· Motivation and Sustenance —its role in learning.
· Memory & Forgetting
· Transfer of Learning
3. Pedagogical Concerns
· Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner.
· Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural
· Children from diverse contexts—Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive
· Understanding of pedagogic methods — Enquiry based learning, Project based
learning, Survey, Observation and Activity based learning, Cooperative and
collaborative learning.
· Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing
learning in class room like Study habits, Self learning and Learning to learn
· Organizing learning in heterogeneous class room groups — Socio-economic
background, Abilities and Interest.
· Paradigms of organizing Learning-Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner
· Theory of instruction – Bruner
· Teaching as Planned activity — Elements of Planning
· Phases of Teaching — Pre active, Interactive and Post active
· General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and
attributes of good facilitator.
· Learning resources — Self, Home, School, Community, Technology.
· Class room Management: Role of student, teacher, Leadership style of teacher,
Creation of non threatening learning environment, Managing behaviour
problems, Guidance & Counselling, Punishment and its legal implications,
Rights of a child, Time Management.
· Distinction between Assessment for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School
based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation : Perspective &
· Understanding teaching & learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right to
Education Act, 2009.
Part - IV
Content (Marks: 50)
1. Sets: Sets and their representations. Union and Intersection of sets, Difference of
sets, Complement of a set.
2. Relations & Functions: Definition of relation, domain, co-domain and range of a
relation. Function as a special kind of relation from one set to another. Domain, co-
domain & range of a function, Real valued function of the real variable, domain and
range of these functions, constant, identity, polynomial, rational, modulus, signum
and greatest integer functions. Sum, difference, product and quotients of functions.
Union, intersection and complements of sets, and their algebraic properties,
Relations, equivalence relations, mappings, one-one, into and onto mappings,
composition of mappings.
3. Principle of Mathematical Induction: Processes of the proof by induction.
4. Permutations & Combinations: Fundamental principle of counting. Factorial n,
Permutations and combinations, derivation of formulae and their connections,
simple applications.
5. Complex Numbers: Algebraic properties of complex numbers, Argand plane and
polar representation of complex numbers, Statement of Fundamental Theorem of
Algebra, solution of quadratic equations in the complex number system. Modulus
and Argument of a complex number, square root of a complex number, Cube roots
of unity, triangle inequality.
6. Linear Inequalities: Algebraic solutions of linear inequalities in one variable and
their representation on the number line. Graphical solution of linear inequalities in
two variables, Solution of system of linear inequalities in two variables –
graphically, Absolute value, Inequality of means, Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality,
Tchebychef’s Inequality
7. Binomial Theorem: Statement and proof of the binomial theorem for positive
integral indices. Pascal’s triangle, general and middle term in binomial expansion,
simple applications. Binomial Theorem for any index, Properties of Binomial Co-
efficients, Simple applications for approximations.
8. Sequence and Series: Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic progressions, General
terms and sum to n terms of A.P., G.P. and H.P. Arithmetic Mean (A.M.),
Geometric Mean (G.M.), and Harmonic Mean (H.M.), Relation between A.M.,
G.M. and H.M. Insertion of Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic means between
two given numbers. Special series, Sum to n terms of the special series.
Arithmetico-Geometric Series, Exponential and Logarithmic series.
9. Elementary Number Theory: Peano’s Aximms, Principle of Induction; First
Principal, Second Principle, Third Principle, Basic Representation Theorem,
Greatest Integer Function Test of Divisibility, Euclid’s algorithm, The Unique
Factorisation Theorem, Congruence, Sum of divisors of a number. Euler’s totient
function, Theorems of Fermat and Wilson
10. Quadratic Equations: Quadratic equations in real and complex number system
and their solutions. Relation between roots and co-efficients, nature of roots,
formation of quadratic equations with given roots; Symmetric functions of roots,
equations reducible to quadratic equations – application to practical problems.
Polynomial functions, Remainder & Factor Theorems and their converse, Relation
between roots and coefficients, Symmetric functions of the roots of an equation.
Common roots.
11. Matrices and Determinants: Determinants and matrices of order two and three,
properties of determinants, Evaluation of determinants. Area of triangles using
determinants, Addition and multiplication of matrices, adjoint and inverse of matrix.
Test of consistency and solution of simultaneous linear equations using
determinants and matrices.
12. Two dimensional Geometry: Distance formula, section formula, area of a triangle,
condition for the collinearity of three points, centroid and in-centre of a triangle,
locus and its equation, translation of axes, slope of a line, parallel and perpendicular
lines, intercepts of a line on the coordinate axes. Various forms of equations of a
line, intersection of lines, angle between two lines, conditions for concurrence of
three lines, distance of a point from a line, Equations of internal and external
bisectors of angles between two lines, coordinates of centroid, orthocentre and
circumcentre of a triangle, equation of family of lines passing through the point of
intersection of two lines, homogeneous equation of second degree in x and y, angle
between pair of lines through the origin, combined equation of the bisectors of the
bisectors of the angles between a pair of lines, condition for the general second
degree equation to represent a pair of lines, point of intersection and angle between
pair of lines. Standard form of equation of a circle, general form of the equation of a
circle, its radius and centre, equation of a circle in the parametric form, equation of
a circle when the end points of a diameter are given, points of intersection of a line
and a circle with the centre at the origin and condition for a line to be tangent to the
circle, length of the tangent, equation of the tangent, equation of a family of circles
through the intersection of two circles, condition for two intersecting circles to be
Sections of cones, equations of conic sections (parabola, ellipse and hyperbola) in
standard forms, condition for y = mx + c to be a tangent and points(s) of tangency.
The general equation of the second degree shapes of some surfaces, Nature of
Ellipsoid, Nature of Hyperboloid of one sheet.
18. Statistics: Measures of central tendency for grouped and ungrouped data. Measures
of dispersion; for ungrouped / grouped data. Analysis of frequency distributions
with equal means but different variances.
19. Probability: Random experiments: outcome, sample spaces. Events: occurrence of
events, exhaustive events, mutually exclusive events, Probability of an event,
probability of ‘not’, ‘and’ & ‘or’ events., Multiplication theorem on probability.
Conditional probability, independent events, Baye’s theorem, Random variable and
its probability distribution, Binomial and Poisson distributions and their properties.
20. Linear Algebra: Examples of vector spaces, vector spaces and subspace,
independence in vector spaces, existence of a Basis, the row and column spaces of a
matrix, sum and intersection of subspaces. Linear Transformations and Matrices,
Kernel, Image, and Isomorphism, change of bases, Similarity, Rank and Nullity.
Inner Product spaces, orthonormal sets and the Gram-Schmidt Process, the Method
of Least Squares. Basic theory of Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues, algebraic and
geometric multiplicity of eigen value, diagonalization of matrices, application to
system of linear differential equations. Generalized Inverses of matrices, Moore-
Penrose generalized inverse. Real quadratic forms, reduction and classification of
quadratic forms, index and signature, triangular reduction of a pair of forms,
singular value decomposition, extrema of quadratic forms. Jordan canonical form,
vector and matrix decomposition.
6. Unit Plan, Year Plan, Lesson Planning in Mathematics.
7. Instructional materials, Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience.
8. Evolving strategies for the gifted students and slow learners.
9. Techniques of teaching mathematics like Oral work, Written work, Drilling,
Assignment, Project, Speed and Accuracy.
10. Mathematics club, Mathematics structure, Mathematics order and pattern sequence.
11. Evaluation – Types, Tools and Techniques of Evaluation, Preparation of SAT
Analysis, Characteristics of a good test.
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Post: PGT
Paper II – PHYSICS Syllabus
Part – I
General Knowledge and Current Affairs (Marks: 10)
Part – II
Perspectives in Education (Marks: 10)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval Education.
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission (1882),
Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers, Teacher
motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations, National /
State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers
in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human Resource
Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women,
Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National Programme
for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya Madhyamika Siksha
Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA), KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship, Awards,
Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
5. National Curriculum - Framework, 2005: Perspective, Guiding Principles, Learning and
Knowledge, Teaching Learning Process, Assessment, Systemic Reforms.
Part - III
Educational Psychology (Marks: 10)
1. Development of Child
· Development, Growth & Maturation — Concept & Nature
· Principles of development and their education implication
· Factors influencing Development — Biological, Psychological, Sociological,
· Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships — Physical & Motor,
Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early
Childhood, late Child hood, dolescence.
· Understanding Development — Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers,
· Individual differences — Infra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of
Attitudes, Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Intelligence and their Assessment.
· Development of Personality — Concept, Factors effecting development of
personality, self concept.
· Adjustment, Behavioural problems, Mental Health, Defense mechanism.
· Methods and Approaches of Child Development — Introspection,
Observation, Interview, Case study, Experimental, Cross sectional and
· Developmental tasks and Hazards
2. Understanding Learning
· Concept, Nature of Learning — input — process — outcome
· Factors of Learning — Personal and Environmental
· Approaches to Learning and their applicability—Behaviorism (Skinner, Pavlov,
Thorndike) Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt(Kohler, Koffka) and
Observational (Bandura)
· Dimensions of Learning — Cognitive, Affective and Performance.
· Motivation and Sustenance —its role in learning.
· Memory & Forgetting
· Transfer of Learning
3. Pedagogical Concerns
· Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner.
· Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural
· Children from diverse contexts—Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive
· Understanding of pedagogic methods — Enquiry based learning, Project based
learning, Survey, Observation and Activity based learning, Cooperative and
collaborative learning.
· Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing
learning in class room like Study habits, Self learning and Learning to learn
· Organizing learning in heterogeneous class room groups — Socio-economic
background, Abilities and Interest.
· Paradigms of organizing Learning-Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner
· Theory of instruction – Bruner
· Teaching as Planned activity — Elements of Planning
· Phases of Teaching — Pre active, Interactive and Post active
· General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and
attributes of good facilitator.
· Learning resources — Self, Home, School, Community, Technology.
· Class room Management: Role of student, teacher, Leadership style of teacher,
Creation of non threatening learning environment, Managing behaviour
problems, Guidance & Counselling, Punishment and its legal implications,
Rights of a child, Time Management.
· Distinction between Assessment for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School
based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation : Perspective &
· Understanding teaching & learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right to
Education Act, 2009.
machines, Effects of Chloro and Fluro Carbons on Ozone layer; Black body-Ferry’s
black body – Wein’s law, Rayleigh-Jean’s law – Quantum theory of radiation - Planck’s
law – Measurement of radiation – Types of pyrometers – Solar constant, Temperature
of sun. Statistical Mechanics: Ensembles, Phase space, Maxwell-Boltzmann’s
distribution law, Molecular energies in an ideal gas, Bose-Einstein Distribution law,
Fermi-Dirac Distribution law, Black Body Radiation, Rayleigh-Jean’s formula,
Planck’s radiation law, Weins Displacement, Stefan’s Boltzmann’s law from Planck’s
IV. Optics: The Matrix methods in paraxial optics: Matrix method, effect of
translation, effect of refraction, imaging by a spherical refracting surface. Imaging by a
co-axial optical system, Unit planes, Nodal planes, A system of two thin lenses.
Aberrations and its types Interference: Principle of superposition, coherence,
Interference of light Interference by division of wave front: Interference by division of
amplitude, Diffraction: Fresnel and Fraunhoffer diffraction, Resolving Power of
grating, Polarization: Brewster’s law, Malu’s law, Babinet’s compensator. Laser, Fibre
Optics and Holography: Laser, Laser principle, Types of Lasers and its Applications.
Fibre Optics: Optical fibres, Types of optical fibres, Principles of fibre communication
and advantages of fibre communication. Holography: Basic Principle of Holography –
Gabor hologram and its limitations, Holography applications.
V. Electricity: Electrostatics: Gauss law, uniformly charged sphere, charged cylindrical
conductor and an infinite conducting sheet of charge. Deduction of Coulomb’s law from
Gauss law, Mechanical force on a charged conductor Electric potential –Potential due to
a charged spherical conductor, electric field strength from the electric dipole and an
infinite line of charge, Potential of a uniformly charged circular disc. Dielectrics: An
atomic view of dielectrics, potential energy of a dipole in an electric field. Polarization
and charge density, Gauss’s law for dielectric medium– Relation between D,E, and P.
Dielectric constant, susceptibility and relation between them. Capacitance: Capacitance
of concentric spheres and cylindrical condenser, capacitance of parallel plate condenser
with and without dielectric. Electric energy stored in a charged condenser – force
between plates of condenser, measurement of dielectric constant and potential
VI. Magnetism And Electro Magnetism: Magnetism: Magnetic properties of para, dia
and ferromagnetic materials. Langevin’s theory of paramagnetism, Weiss’ theory of
ferromagnetism –Concepts of magnetic domains, anti ferromagnetism and
ferrimagnetism ferrites and their applications, Magneto statics: Moving charge in
electric and magnetic field: Hall effect, cyclotron, synchrocyclotron and synchrotron –
force on a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field, force and torque on a
current loop, Biot–Savart’s law Electromagnetic induction: Faraday’s law –Lenz’s law
– expression for induced emf – time varying magnetic fields – Betatron –Ballistic
galvanometer – self and mutual inductance, coefficient of coupling, energy stored in
magnetic field – transformer ,Varying and alternating currents: Growth and decay of
currents in LR, CR and LCR circuits – Critical damping. Alternating current relation
between current and voltage in pure R, C and L vector diagrams – Power in ac circuits,
LCR series and parallel resonant circuit –Q-factor, Maxwell’s equations and
electromagnetic waves.
VII. Electronics: Basic Electronics: Energy bands in solids, Intrinsic and extrinsic
semiconductors, p-n junction diode, half wave and full wave rectifiers, filters, ripple
factor, Zener diode and its application, p-n-p and n-p-n transistors, current components
in transistors, CB,CE and CC configurations, transistor as an amplifier – Positive and
negative feedback, Barkhausen criterion, RC coupled amplifier and phase shift
oscillator. Digital Principles: Binary and Hexa decimal number system and their
conversion, Logic gates: OR, AND, NOT gates, truth tables, realization of these gates
using discrete components. NAND, NOR as universal gates, Exclusive – OR gate, De
Morgan’s Laws, Half and Full adders, Parallel adder circuits.
D) Solid State Physics: Crystal Structure: Crystalline nature of matter, Crystal lattice,
Unit Cell, Elements of symmetry, Crystal systems, Bravais lattices, Miller indices,
Simple crystal structures. X-ray Diffraction: Bragg’s law, Laue’s method and powder
method. Nano materials, Superconductivity, superconductors,
1. The Nature of Science: Nature and scope of science, Science, ideology and Society,
Structure of Science (a) Substantive structure – Empirical knowledge, Theoretical
Knowledge – (Facts, Concepts, hypothesis, theory, Principle Law), (b)Syntactic
Structure of Science – Scientific inquiry, Processes of Science, Attitudes of inquiry.
6. Planning for effective instruction in Science: Year Plan, Unit Plan, Lesson Plan,
Learning experience, characteristics, classification, source and relevance.
7. Teaching Learning Material (TLM): Characteristics and Importance of TLM,
Classification and Types of TLM, Hardware and Software in TLM, TLM Principles
to be followed, Edgar Dale’s cone of learning experience.
8. Science laboratories: Importance of Practical work in science, Planning of Science
laboratories, Procurement, care and maintenance of laboratory equipment, Registers,
Management of safety and science kits, Development of improvised Apparatus.
9. Physical Science Curriculum: Principles of Curriculum Construction, Defects in
the existing school science curriculum, Qualities of a good Science Text Book.
10. Non-formal Science Education: Science Clubs, Science Fairs – purposes, levels,
organization, advantages, Science Library, Role of NGOs and State in popularizing
11. Evaluation: Concept and Process of Evaluation, Tools of Evaluation, Preparation
of Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT), Analysis and interpretation of Scores.
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Post: PGT
Paper II – TELUGU Syllabus
Part – I
General Knowledge and Current Affairs (Marks: 10)
Part – II
Perspectives in Education (Marks: 10)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval Education.
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission (1882),
Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers, Teacher
motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations, National /
State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers
in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human Resource
Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women,
Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National Programme
for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya Madhyamika Siksha
Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA), KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship, Awards,
Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
5. National Curriculum - Framework, 2005: Perspective, Guiding Principles, Learning and
Knowledge, Teaching Learning Process, Assessment, Systemic Reforms.
Part - III
Educational Psychology (Marks: 10)
1. Development of Child
· Development, Growth & Maturation — Concept & Nature
· Principles of development and their education implication
· Factors influencing Development — Biological, Psychological, Sociological,
· Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships — Physical & Motor,
Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early
Childhood, late Child hood, dolescence.
· Understanding Development — Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers,
· Individual differences — Infra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of
Attitudes, Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Intelligence and their Assessment.
· Development of Personality — Concept, Factors effecting development of
personality, self concept.
· Adjustment, Behavioural problems, Mental Health, Defense mechanism.
· Methods and Approaches of Child Development — Introspection,
Observation, Interview, Case study, Experimental, Cross sectional and
· Developmental tasks and Hazards
2. Understanding Learning
· Concept, Nature of Learning — input — process — outcome
· Factors of Learning — Personal and Environmental
· Approaches to Learning and their applicability—Behaviorism (Skinner, Pavlov,
Thorndike) Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt(Kohler, Koffka) and
Observational (Bandura)
· Dimensions of Learning — Cognitive, Affective and Performance.
· Motivation and Sustenance —its role in learning.
· Memory & Forgetting
· Transfer of Learning
3. Pedagogical Concerns
· Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner.
· Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural
· Children from diverse contexts—Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive
· Understanding of pedagogic methods — Enquiry based learning, Project based
learning, Survey, Observation and Activity based learning, Cooperative and
collaborative learning.
· Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing
learning in class room like Study habits, Self learning and Learning to learn
· Organizing learning in heterogeneous class room groups — Socio-economic
background, Abilities and Interest.
· Paradigms of organizing Learning-Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner
· Theory of instruction – Bruner
· Teaching as Planned activity — Elements of Planning
· Phases of Teaching — Pre active, Interactive and Post active
· General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and
attributes of good facilitator.
· Learning resources — Self, Home, School, Community, Technology.
· Class room Management: Role of student, teacher, Leadership style of teacher,
Creation of non threatening learning environment, Managing behaviour
problems, Guidance & Counselling, Punishment and its legal implications,
Rights of a child, Time Management.
· Distinction between Assessment for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School
based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation : Perspective &
· Understanding teaching & learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right to
Education Act, 2009.
Part - IV
Content (Marks: 50)
Teaching Methodology (Marks: 20)
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Post: PGT
Paper II – ZOOLOGY Syllabus
Part – I
Part – II
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval Education.
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission (1882),
Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers, Teacher
motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations, National /
State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers
in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human Resource
Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women,
Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National Programme
for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya Madhyamika Siksha
Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA), KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship, Awards,
Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
5. National Curriculum - Framework, 2005: Perspective, Guiding Principles, Learning and
Knowledge, Teaching Learning Process, Assessment, Systemic Reforms.
Part - III
Educational Psychology (Marks: 10)
1. Development of Child
· Development, Growth & Maturation — Concept & Nature
· Principles of development and their education implication
· Factors influencing Development — Biological, Psychological, Sociological,
· Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships — Physical & Motor,
Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early
Childhood, late Child hood, dolescence.
· Understanding Development — Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers,
· Individual differences — Infra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of
Attitudes, Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Intelligence and their Assessment.
· Development of Personality — Concept, Factors effecting development of
personality, self concept.
· Adjustment, Behavioural problems, Mental Health, Defense mechanism.
· Methods and Approaches of Child Development — Introspection,
Observation, Interview, Case study, Experimental, Cross sectional and
· Developmental tasks and Hazards
2. Understanding Learning
· Concept, Nature of Learning — input — process — outcome
· Factors of Learning — Personal and Environmental
· Approaches to Learning and their applicability—Behaviorism (Skinner, Pavlov,
Thorndike) Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt(Kohler, Koffka) and
Observational (Bandura)
· Dimensions of Learning — Cognitive, Affective and Performance.
· Motivation and Sustenance —its role in learning.
· Memory & Forgetting
· Transfer of Learning
3. Pedagogical Concerns
· Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner.
· Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural
· Children from diverse contexts—Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive
· Understanding of pedagogic methods — Enquiry based learning, Project based
learning, Survey, Observation and Activity based learning, Cooperative and
collaborative learning.
· Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing
learning in class room like Study habits, Self learning and Learning to learn
· Organizing learning in heterogeneous class room groups — Socio-economic
background, Abilities and Interest.
· Paradigms of organizing Learning-Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner
· Theory of instruction – Bruner
· Teaching as Planned activity — Elements of Planning
· Phases of Teaching — Pre active, Interactive and Post active
· General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and
attributes of good facilitator.
· Learning resources — Self, Home, School, Community, Technology.
· Class room Management: Role of student, teacher, Leadership style of teacher,
Creation of non threatening learning environment, Managing behaviour
problems, Guidance & Counselling, Punishment and its legal implications,
Rights of a child, Time Management.
· Distinction between Assessment for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School
based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation: Perspective &
· Understanding teaching & learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right to
Education Act, 2009.
Part - IV
Content (Marks: 50)
1. Classification of Animal Kingdom
2. Non Chordata
Classification of Non Chordata General
characteristics and features of
Protozoa : Polystomella, Trypanozoma type study.
Porifera : Canal system, histology & Spicules.
Cnideria : Obelia type study,
Platihelmenthes : Fasciola type study,
Nematodes : Ascaris
Annelida : Earth worm, Leech type study
Arthropoda : Palaemon type study
Mollusca : Snail type study
Echinodermata : Star fish type study
3. Chordata
Classification of Chordata
General characteristics and type study of the following with reference to skeletal
system, respiratory system, circulatory system and nervous system.
Pisces : Scoliodon
Amphibia : Frog
Reptilia : Calotes
Aves : Pigeon
Mammalia : Rabbit
4. Cell Biology: Ultra structure of the cell: Plasma membrane, mitochondria, Golgi
bodies, Nucleus, Endoplasmic Reticulam, Ribosomes, Chromosomes and their fine
structure, Mitosis and Meiosis, DNA & RNA and Genetic Code, Protein Synthesis,
5. Genetics: Mendel’s Law of inheritance – critical view, Linkage, crossing-over, sex-
linked inheritance, mutations, inborn errors of Metabolism, human Genetics and
genetic engineering.
6. Physiology: Vitamins, Enzymes, Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids metabolism,
Osmoregulation, Thermo-regulation, Excretion in vertebrates, muscle contraction,
Nerve Impulse, vertebrate hormones and Mammalian reproduction.
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Post: TGT
Paper II – ENGLISH Syllabus
III. Classroom Implications of Educational Psychology – 05m
1. Individual differences: Inter and intra individual differences, meaning, nature and
theories of intelligence with special emphasis to multiple intelligence, IQ, assessment
of intelligence, EQ, Creativity. Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Habit and its Influence on
Intelligence – Class room implementation.
2. Learning: Theories and approaches of learning, learning curves, Factors, Phases,
Dimensions of learning, Types of learning, Transfer of learning. Memory, Forgetting,
Learning and assessment– Class room implementation.
3. Personality: Nature, characteristics and theories of personality, factors of Personality,
Assessment of Personality, Mental health, Adjustment, Stress – nature, Symptoms
and management. Emotional intelligence, Management of emotions – Class room
Main Clauses, sub-ordinate Clauses, Adjectival Clauses,
Clauses Noun Clauses, Adverbial Clauses, Relative Clauses,
Finite and Non-finite Clauses
Agreement between
Agreement between subject & Verb
subject & Verb
Word Order Word Order In a phrase or a sentence
Linkers Linkers
Transformation of
Simple. Compound and Complex Sentences
Punctuation and Use of capital letters, comma, full stop, question mark,
Capitalization exclamation mark and inverted commas
1. Where the Mind Is without Fear (Rabindranath
2. The cloud (P.B.Shelly)
3. The Nation's Strength (R.W.Emerson)
Poetry (Detailed
4. Palanquin Bearers (Sarojini Naidu)
5. The Road Not Taken (Robert Frost)
6. La Belle Dame Sans Merci (John Keats)
7. Telephone Conversation (Wole Soyinka)
8. The Night of the Scorpion (Nissim Ezekiel)
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Post: TGT
Paper II – Genaral Science Syllabus
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
3. Laws Of Motion
The law of inertia, Newton's second law of motion, Newton's third law of motion. Force
– Types of Force, Free Body Diagrams. Newton’s Universal Gravitation, Centre of
Mass, Centre of Gravity, Stability, Applications, Equations of Motion, Motion of a body
under gravity - Acceleration due to Gravity "g", Equations of Motion for a freely falling
body, Equations of Motion for a body thrown upwards. Equations, Applications and
problems. Universal law of gravitation, The gravitational constant, Kepler's laws,
Acceleration due to gravity of the earth, Acceleration due to gravity below and above the
surface of earth, Gravitational potential energy, Escape speed, Earth satellite, Energy of
an orbiting satellite, Geostationary and polar satellites, Weightlessness. Work, Power,
Energy, Conservation of Energy and Transformation of Energy, Renewable and
Non-Renewable sources of Energy, Impulse, Law of conservation of linear momentum,
Potential Energy (PE), Kinetic Energy (KE). Relation between KE and Linear
momentum. Notions of work and kinetic energy: The work-energy theorem, The
work-energy theorem for a variable force, The conservation of mechanical energy, The
potential energy of a spring, Power, Collisions, Circular Motion, uniform circular
motion, angular displacement, angular velocity, and angular acceleration, relationship
between linear velocity and angular velocity, centripetal and centrifugal force, torque,
couple, vector representation of torque, Vector product of two vectors, Equilibrium of a
rigid body, Moment of inertia, Theorems of perpendicular and parallel axes, Dynamics
of rotational motion about a fixed axis, Rolling motion. Simple harmonic motion and
uniform circular motion, Velocity and acceleration in simple harmonic motion, Force
law for Simple harmonic Motion, Energy in simple harmonic motion, Energy in simple
harmonic motion, some systems executing Simple. Harmonic Motion, Damped simple
harmonic motion, Forced oscillations and resonance Simple Pendulum, Law of
conservation of energy in case of a simple pendulum. Elasticity - Elasticity and
plasticity, stress and strain, Hooke's law, Moduli of elasticity. Fluid Mechanics Laws of
Floatation, Principle of Buoyancy, pressure in a fluid. Stream line flow Bernoulli's
theorem and its applications. Viscosity, Reynolds number, Surface tension, Simple
Machines and Moments Moment of a Force, Wheel and Axle, Screw Jack, Gears,
Friction, Causes of friction, advantages of friction, disadvantages of friction, methods of
reducing friction, Fluid friction, Ball – Bering Principal.
4. Ray and Optical Instruments
Light - Sources & Nature of Light, Propagation of Light, Reflection, Refraction, Laws
of Reflection, Sign convention for reflection by spherical mirrors, Image formed by
Plane Mirror, Spherical Mirrors (Ray diagrams), Mirror formula and Magnification,
Refraction of Light through Prism and lenses (convex, concave), Refractive index,
Snell’s Law, Refractive index of material of prism by minimum deviation Method,
Image formation by lenses (Ray Diagrams), Sign convention for spherical lenses, Lens
formula, Len’s Makers formula and magnification, Power of lenses, Refraction of light
through prism and Glass Slab, Dispersion of light and formation of Rainbow, Scattering
of light – Raman Effect. Atmospheric refraction (Twinkling of stars, Advanced sunrise
and delayed sunset), the Human eye and Colourful world, Structure of Human Eye
Defects of Vision, Critical angle, Total Internal Reflection - Relation between Critical
angle and Refractive Index, application of total internal reflection to Optical fibers,
Lasers. Newton's Corpuscular Theory, Huygens' Wave Theory, Electromagnetic
spectrum. Huygens' Explanation of Reflection, Refraction, interference and diffraction
of plane waves at a plane surface. Polrisation Optical Instruments-Microscope,
Telescope, Formula for magnification of microscope, Astronomical and Terrestrial
Instruments, Velocity of Sound in Gases, Solids & Liquids, Progressive & stationary
waves. Forced Vibrations, Natural Vibrations – Resonance with examples, Loudness
and pitch of sound their relation with amplitude and frequency, Audible and inaudible
sounds, Noise and music, Noise pollution: sources, control and reduction.
6. Thermal Properties Of Matter
Sources of Heat, Transmission of Heat, Heat and Temperature, Temperature and
Kinetic Energy, Measurement of Temperature, Fahrenheit and Centigrade scales,
Different types of thermometers, Effects of Heat Expansion of solids, liquids, gaseus,
Change of state, Change of density with temperature, Examples in daily life,
Applications of specific heat capacity, Evaporation, Condensation, Humidity, Dew and
Fog, Boiling, Melting and Freezing. Expansion of Solids and liquids-coefficients of
expansion of Solids and liquids. Anomalous expansion of water, its significance in
nature. Kelvin scale of temperature, Boyle's and Charle's laws. Ideal gas equation. Heat
capacity, specific heat, experimental determination of specific heat by method of
mixtures. Specific heat of gas (Cp and Cv), Calorimetry - specific heat of solids and
liquids, latent heat of fusion and latent heat of vaporization, External work done by a
gas during its expansion. Relation between Cp and Cv (derivation) Latent heat,
Determination of latent heat of vaporization of water. Newton's law of cooling, Thermal
equilibrium , Zeroth law of thermodynamics , Heat, internal energy and work , First law
of thermodynamics, Specific heat capacity, Thermodynamic state variables and
equation of State, Thermodynamic processes, Heat engines, Refrigerators and heat
pumps, Second law of thermodynamics, Reversible and irreversible processes, Carnot
engine, Carnot's theorem. Kinetic Theory, Introduction, Molecular nature of matter,
Behaviour of gases, Kinetic theory of an ideal gas, Law of equipartition of energy,
Specific heat capacity, Mean free path.
7. Electricity
Electrostatics - Electrification by friction, Charges, Coulomb's Law: Permittivity of
Free Space and Medium, Electric Field - Electric lines of force, their properties –
Electric Flux, Electric Dipole, Dipole in a Uniform External Field, Continuous Charge
Distribution, Gauss's Law, Application of Gauss's Law, Electric intensity, Electrostatic
Potential, Relation between electrostatic potential and electric intensity. Capacitance
and capacitors, The Parallel Plate Capacitor, Combination of Capacitors, Van de Graaff
Generator, Dielectric constant, Condenser, its uses -Dielectric Strength - Effect of
dielectric on capacitance of capacitors. Current electricity - Electric Current and
Potential, EMF, Primary Cells-Series and Parallel connection-Electric circuits,
Electrical Resistance, Ohm's Law and its verification, Electric shock. Ohmic and Non
Ohmic elements, Resistance Resistances in Series and Parallel, Kirchhoff’s Laws.
Wheatstone Bridge, Meter Bridge, Potentiometer, Heating Effects of Electric Current-
Joule's Law, Faraday's Laws of Electrolysis, Electric current - Flow of Electric charges
in a metallic conductor - Drift velocity and mobility - Relation between electric current
and drift velocity, Specific Resistance, Resistivity, Conductance, Electrical Energy –
Power, Electrical Energy consumption.
8. Electromagnetism – Magnets and their properties, Magnetic field and field lines,
Oersted's Experiment, Ampere's Law, Magnetic field near a long straight wire and
magnetic field at the Center of a circular coil carrying current, Field on the axis of
circular coil carrying current, Force on a moving charge in a magnetic field - Force on a
current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field. Force between two long straight
parallel conductors carrying current, Definition of Ampere. Fleming's Left Hand Rule.
Current loop as magnetic dipole, force and Torque on Current loop in an uniform
magnetic field, magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron. The Moving Coil
Galvanometer, Electromagnetic induction, Magnetic Flux, Induced EMF, Faraday's and
Lenz's Law. Fleming's Right Hand Rule, Self Inductance, Mutual Inductance, Principle
of Transformer, Working of Electric motor, AC, Electric Generator, DC Electric
Generator, Eddy Currents, Electromagnetic Waves, Displacement Current,
Electromagnetic Waves, Electromagnetic Spectrum, AC Voltage Applied to a Resistor,
Representation of AC Current and Voltage by Rotating Vectors — Phasors, AC
Voltage Applied to an Inductor, AC Voltage Applied to a Capacitor, AC Voltage
Applied to a Series LCR Circuit, Power in AC Circuit: The Power Factor, LC
9. Modern Physics - Alpha-particle Scattering and Rutherford's Nuclear Model of Atom,
Atomic Spectra, Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom, The Line Spectra of the Hydrogen
Atom, DE Broglie's Explanation of Bohr's Second Postulate of Quantization, Atomic
Masses and Composition of Nucleus, Size of the Nucleus, Mass-Energy and Nuclear
Binding Energy, Nuclear Force, Radioactivity, Nuclear Energy, Electron Emission,
Photoelectric Effect, Experimental Study of Photoelectric Effect, Photoelectric Effect
and Wave Theory of Light, Einstein's Photoelectric Equation: Energy Quantum of
Radiation, Particle Nature of Light: The Photon, Wave Nature of Matter, Davisson and
Germer Experiment, Classification of Metals, Conductors and Semiconductors,
Intrinsic Semiconductor, Extrinsic Semiconductor, p-n Junction, Semiconductor diode,
Application of Junction Diode as a Rectifier, Special Purpose p-n Junction Diodes,
Junction Transistor, Digital Electronics and Logic Gates, Integrated Circuits, Elements
of a Communication System, Basic Terminology Used in Electronic Communication
Systems, Bandwidth of Signals, Bandwidth of Transmission Medium, Propagation of
Electromagnetic Waves, Modulation and its Necessity, Amplitude Modulation,
Production of Amplitude Modulated Wave, Detection of Amplitude Modulated Wave.
10. Natural Phenomena – Lightning: Charging by rubbing, Types of charges and nature of
interaction of charged bodies, Transfer of charge: electroscope as a detector of
charging, Lightning: discharge, earthling, lightning conductors, Safety measures during
a thunder storm. Earthquake: Earthquake, Causes of an earthquake, Seismic fault zone,
Protection to damage caused by earthquakes, Measurement of intensity of earthquake,
11. Our Universe: Constellations, Zodiac, Solar System, The Sun, Planets, Their Sizes,
Masses and distance from Sun, Source of Energy, The Moon its phases surface, Stars,
Meteors and Comets, Asteroids, Light year, Life on the Planet - Earth.
12. States Of Mater – Physical Nature Of Matter - Composition of matter: particles
(Historical introduction), Characterization of matter in terms of physical properties,
Characteristics of particles of matter: space between them, attraction between them,
their continuous motion, States of matter: solids, liquids and gasses, Shape, mass,
volume and density of matter, Change of state of matter with temperature and pressure,
Evaporation and condensation: factors effecting the rate of condensation/evaporation-
surface area, temperature, humidity, wind speed. Evaporation and cooling with
examples. Mixtures, type of mixtures, homogeneous and hetero generous, Solution,
components, properties, concentration, dilute and saturated Solutions, Mass / Mass
percentage; Mass / volume percentage, Suspension, properties of suspensions,
Colloidal solution, properties of colloids, Tyndall effect, Separating the components of
a mixture, Separating components of blue / black ink, evaporation, Cream from milk by
churning, centrifugation, Separating immiscible liquids, Separation by sublimation
Separation by chromatography, Separation by distillation (miscible liquids), fractional
distillation, Separating components of air, Obtaining pure copper sulphate from impure
samples Applications of crystallization, Water purification system in water works,
Physical and chemical change, Types of pure substances, elements, compounds,
Comparison between mixture and compounds Solids- Metals and Non-metals, Physical
properties of metals, luster, malleability, electrical conductivity, ductility, sonorous,
heat conductors, Physical properties of non-metals Chemical properties of metals -
Metals burnt in air, Metal reacts with water, Reaction with acids, Reactions with
solutions of other metal salt solutions, Reactivity series, Reactions of metals and
non-metals – formation of cation, anion and ionic compounds, Properties of Ionic
compounds, Physical nature, Melting and boiling points, Solubility Conduction of
electricity, Occurrence of metals, Extractions of metals – General Principles Of
Metallurgy Occurrence and Relative Abundance of metals in earth's crust, The
Metallurgy of Iron & Extraction, Protection of Metals and Prevention of Corrosion,
Principles and methods of extraction - concentration, reduction by chemical and
electrolytic methods and refining. Reaction with oxygen, acidic, basic nature of
products, Reaction with water, Reaction with acid, Reaction with Base, Reactivity of
metals in displacement reactions, Uses of metals and non-metals – FLUIDS- Electric
Conductivity of Fluids, determination of good and poor conducting fluids, Chemical
effects of electric current, Electrolytic cell: its construction and electroplating:
Measurable Properties of Gases, Gas Laws, Graham's law of diffusion - Daltons law of
partial pressures, Avogadro’s law and Mole Concept, Ideal behavior, empirical
derivation of gas equation, ideal gas equation, Kinetic molecular theory of gases,
Kinetic gas equation (No derivation) - deduction of gas laws, Air, Composition of air,
Measurement of Atmospheric Pressure, Air Pollution, Volumetric Composition of
Water, Hardness of Water, Drinking Water and Supply, Water Pollution, Cyclone,
Pascal's Law, Archimedes' Principle, Boyle's Law, Bernoulli's Principle, Wind,
13. Atomic Structure: Matter - Its Structure, Cathode Rays, Canal Rays, Discovery of
Neutron, Atomic Models - Arrangement of Sub Atomic Particles, Rutherford's model of
atom and its drawbacks, Bohr's model of Hydrogen atom and its limitations,
Sommerfeld's elliptical model, Schrodinger wave equation, Sub Energy Levels -
Quantum Numbers, Atomic Orbitals, Relative energies of the atomic orbitals,
Electronic configuration of Atoms, Some Physical Quantities of Atoms, Nature of
Electromagnetic Radiation, Planck's Quantum theory. Explanation of Photo electric
effect. Features of Atomic Spectra. Characteristics of Hydrogen Spectrum. Bohr's
explanation of Spectral Lines, Wave-particle nature of electron, De Brogile's
hypothesis, Heisenberg's uncertainly principle, Important feature of the quantum
mechanical model of an atom, Electronic configurations of atoms - Explanation of
stability of half filled and completely filled orbitals. Isotopes, Isobars and Isotones,
Applications of Radio Isotopes.
14. Classification of Elements: Symbols and formulae, Radicals and their formulae,
Chemical equation, Meaning, Calculations based on equations and relationship of
reactants and products by weights, History of Classification of Elements, The Periodic
Law, Modern Periodic Table, The significance of atomic number and electronic
configuration, Classification of elements into s, p, d, f blocks and their characteristics,
Period trends in physical and chemical properties of elements, Periodic trends of
elements with respect to atomic radii, ionic radii, inert gas radii, ionization energy,
electron gain energy, electro negativity, Valency.
15. Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure:
Types of Bonds, Inter Molecular Attractions, Energy changes during a chemical
reaction, Exotherimic and Endothermic Relations, ionic bond, Electronic theory
valence by Lewis and Kossel, energy changes in ionic bond formation, Properties of
ionic Compounds, Covalent Bond, Multiple Covalent Bonds, Shapes of some
molecules. VSEPR theory, The valence bond approach for the formation of covalent
bonds, Directional nature of covalent bond, Properties of covalent bond, Different types
of hybridization involving s, p and d orbitals and draw shapes of simple covalent
molecules, Definition of coordinate covalent bond with examples, Description of
molecular orbital theory of homo nuclear diatomic molecules. Hydrogen bonding-cause
of formation of hydrogen bond- Types of hydrogen bonds-inter and intra
molecular-General properties of hydrogen bonds.
16. Chemical Kinetics, Energitics: Chemical Calculations And Stoichiometry Chemical
combination, Chemical decomposition, Chemical displacement, Chemical Double
decomposition, Slow and Fast reactions, Rate of a Reaction, Factors affecting the
reaction rate, Reversible and Irreversible Reactions, Law of conservation of mass, Law
of definite proportions, Law of multiple proportions, Rate law, units of rate constant,
Collision theory of reaction rates (elementary ideas), concepts of activation energy.
Stoichiometry - Meaning of Chemical Equations, Thermochemical Equations,
Problems Based on Equations, Laws of chemical combination, principles and
examples, Different kinds of fuels burning with flame and without flame, Combustion
of fuels, solid, liquid, gas, Ignition temperature, Matchstick – red , white phosphorous
and antimony tri sulphide, ignition temperatures, Inflammable substances, Methods of
controlling fire, fire extinguisher, Types of combustion, rapid, spontaneous, explosive.
Flame, materials forming flames, structure of flame, Fuel, ideal fuel, fuel efficiencies,
calorific value, Harmful products of burning fuels , global warming and acid rain.
Molar mass, concept of equivalent weight with examples, Percentage composition of
compounds and calculations of empirical and molecular formula of compounds,
Oxidation number concept, Balancing of redox reactions by ion electron method and
oxidation number method, Types of redox reactions, Applications of redox reactions in
titrimetric quantitative analysis and redox reactions in electrode process, Numerical
calculations based on equations. Equilibrium - Differences between Physical and
Chemical change, Equilibrium in physical and chemical process, Dynamic nature of
equilibrium, law of mass action, Equilibrium Constant, Factors affecting equilibrium.
17. Solutions, Acids, And Bases:
Solutions, Types, Solubility and Factors affecting concentration of solutions,
Ionization of Substances in Water, Classification of solutions - Methods of expressing
concentration of solutions - Molarity, Normality, Molality, Mole Fraction, Preparation
of Acids and Bases, General properties of Acids an Bases, The Strengths of Acids and
Bases, Neutralisation and Heat of Neutralization, Ionization of acids and bases, strong
and weak electrolytes, degree of ionization, ionic product of water, Concept of pH., pH
of some common fluids, Importance of pH in everyday life, Sensitive of plants and
animals to pH, pH of soils, pH in digestive system, pH-tooth decay, Self defense by
animal and plants through chemical warfare. Some naturally occurring acids. Salts -
Family of salts, pH of salts, Sources of common salt, Common salt – a raw material for
chemicals, NaoH, Bleaching powder, baking soda, NaHco3 uses washing soda and its
uses, Salt crystals / crystallization, Plaster of Paris, Equilibrium in Physical process,
Equilibrium in chemical process - Dynamic Equilibrium, Law of chemical Equilibrium
- Law of mass action and Equilibrium constant. Homogeneous Equilibria, Equilibrium
constant in gaseous systems. Relationship between KP and Kc, Heterogeneous
Equilibria. Applications of Equilibrium constant. Relationship between Equilibrium
constant K, reaction quotient Q and Gibbs energy G. Factors affecting
Equilibria.-Le-chatlieprinciple application to industrial synthesis of Ammonia and
Sulphur trioxide. Acids, bases and salts- Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry and Lewis
concepts of acids and bases. Ionisation of Acids and Bases -Ionisation constant of
water and it's ionic product- pH scale-ionisation constants of weak acids-ionisation of
weak bases-relation between Ka and Kb-Di and poly basic acids and di and poly acidic
Bases-Factors affecting acid strength-Common ion effect in the ionization of acids and
bases-Hydrolysis of salts and pH of their solutions. Buffer solutions-designing of
buffer solution-Preparation of Acidic buffer Solubility Equilibria of sparingly soluble
salts. Solubility product constant Common ion effect on solubility of Ionic salts.
18. Hydrogen And Its Compounds
Position of hydrogen in the periodic table. Dihydrogen-Occurance and Isotopes.
Preparation of Dihydrogen, Properties of Dihydrogen, Hydrides: Ionic, covalent, and
non-stiochiometric hydrides. Water: Physical properties; structure of water, ice.
Chemical properties of water; hard and soft water, Temporary and permanent hardness
of water, Hydrogen peroxide: Preparation; Physical properties; structure and chemical
properties; storage and uses. Heavy Water, Hydrogen as a fuel.
19. S - Block Elements
Alkali metals; Electronic configurations; Atomic and Ionic radii; Ionization enthalpy;
Hydration enthalpy; Physical properties; Chemical properties; Uses, General
characteristics of the compounds of the alkali, metals: Oxides; Halides; Salts of Oxy
Acids. Anomalous properties of Lithium: Differences and similarities with other alkali
metals. Diagonal relationship; similarities between Lithium and Magnesium. Some
important compounds of Sodium: Sodium Carbonate; Sodium Chloride; Sodium
Hydroxide; Sodium hydrogen carbonate. Biological importance of Sodium and
Potassium. Alkaline earth elements; Electronic configuration; Ionization enthalpy;
Hydration enthalpy; Physical properties, Chemical properties; Uses. General
characteristics of compounds of the Alkaline Earth Metals: Oxides, hydroxides,
halides, salts of Oxyacids (Carbonates; Sulphates and Nitrates). Anomalous behavior
of Beryllium; its diagonal relationship with Aluminum. Some important compounds of
calcium: Preparation and uses of Calcium Oxide ; Calcium Hydroxide; Calcium
Carbonate;Plaster of Paris; Cement. Biological importance of Calcium and
20. P - Block Elements
General introduction - Electronic configuration, Atomic radii, Ionization enthalpy,
Electro negativity; Physical & Chemical properties. Important trends and anomalous
properties of boron. Some important compounds of boron - Borax, Ortho boric acid,
diborane. Uses of boron, aluminium and their compounds. General introduction -
Electronic configuration, Atomic radii, Ionization enthalpy, Electro negativity;
Physical & Chemical properties. Important trends and anomalous properties of carbon.
Allotropes of carbon. Uses of carbon. Some important compounds of carbon and
silicon – carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, Silica, silicones, silicates and zeolites.
nitration and sulphonation. DIAZONIUM SALTS - Methods of preparation of
diazonium salts (by diazotization), Physical properties. Chemical reactions: Reactions
involving CYANIDES AND ISOCYANIDES - Structure and nomenclature of
cyanides and isocyanides, Preparation, physical properties and chemical reactions of
cyanides and isocyanides
22. Polymers:
Classification of Polymers -Classification based on source, structure, mode of
polymerization, molecular forces and growth polymerization. Types of polymerization
reactions-addition polymerization or chain growth polymerization-ionic
polymerization, free radical mechanism-preparation of addition polymers-polythene,
teflon and polyacrylonitrile-condensation polymerization or step growth
polymerization-polyamides-preparation of Nylon 6,6 and nylon 6-poly esters- erylene
- bakelite, melamine, formaldehyde polymer- copolymerization-Rubber-natural
rubber-vulcanisation of rubber-Synthetic rubbers-preparation of neoprene and buna-N.
Molecular mass of polymers-number average and weight average molecular masses-
poly dispersity index (PDI). Biodegradable polymers-PHBV, Nylon 2-nylon 6.
Polymers of commercial importance-poly propene, poly styrene,poly vinyl
chloride(PVC), urea-formaldehyde resin, glyptal, bakelite- their monomers, structures
and uses. Natural and artificial fibres, Synthetic fibre, Types of synthetic fibres -
Rayon, Nylon, Polyster and acrylic, Characteristics of synthetic fibres, Plastics,
polythene, Thermo plastics, Thermo setting plastic, Plastics as materials of choice:
Non-reactive, light, strong and durable and poor conducting plastics, Plastics and
environment – Bio degradable, non-bio degradable. Carbohydrates - Classification of
carbohydrates-Monosaccharides: preparation of glucose from sucrose and starch-
Properties and structure of glucose- D,L and (+), (-) configurations of glucose-
Structure of fructose Disaccharides: Sucrose- preparation, structure-Invert sugar-
Structures of maltose and lactose-Polysaccharides: Structures of starch cellulose
and glycogen- Importance of carbohydrates. Aminoacids: Natural
aminoacids-classification of aminoacids -structures and D and L forms-Zwitter ions
Proteins: Structures, classification, fibrous and globular- primary, secondary, tertiary
and quarternary structures of proteins- Denaturation of proteins. Enzymes:
Enzymes,mechanism of enzyme action. Vitamins: Explanation-names- classification
of vitamins - sources of vitamins-deficiency diseases of different types of vitamins.
Nucleic acids: chemical composition of nucleic acids ,structures of nucleic acids, DNA
finger printing biological functions of nucleic acids. Hormones: Definition, different
types of hormones, their production, biological activity, diseases due to their abnormal
23. Chemistry In Everyday Life
Drugs and their classification: (a) Classification of drugs on the basis of
pharmocological effect(b) Classification of drugs on the basis of drug action (c)
Classification of drugs on the basis of chemical structure (d) Classification of drugs on
the basis of molecular targets. Drug-Target interaction-Enzymes as drug targets(a)
Catalytic action of enzymes (b) Drug-enzyme interaction Receptors as drug targets.
Therapeutic action of different classes of drugs: antacids, antihistamines,
neurologically active drugs: tranquilizers, analgesics-non-narcotic,narcotic analgesics,
antimicrobials-antibiotics,antiseptics and disinfectants- antifertility drugs. Chemicals
in food-artificial sweetening agents, food preservatives, antioxidants in food.
Cleansing agents-soaps and synthetic detergents.
24. Environmental Chemistry:
Sources of energy, Conventional sources of energy, Fossil fuels, Petroleum formation,
refining of petroleum, constituents of petroleum, Natural gas, Petrochemicals,
Thermal power plant, Hydro power plants, Improvements in the technology for using
conventional sources of energy, Bio-Mass, Wind energy, Alternative or
non-conventional sources of energy, Solar energy, Energy from sea, Tidal energy,
Wave energy, Ocean thermal energy, Geothermal energy, Nuclear energy,
Environmental consequences of production and consumption of energy, Sustainability
of energy sources. Pollution: Air, Water and Soil Pollution, Oxides of Carbon, Carbon
Monoxide, Oxides of nitrogen and Sulphur, Chlorofluro carbons, Chemical reactions
in atmosphere, smogs, major atmospheric pollutants, acid rain, Ozone and its
reactions, effects of depletion of ozone layer, Green house effect and global warming,
Pollution due to industrial wastes, Green chemistry as an alternative tool for reducing
pollution with two examples.
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Post: TGT
Paper II – HINDI Syllabus
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter
Commission (1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for
teachers, Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and
Teacher organizations, National / State Level Organizations for Teacher
Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of
Women, Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru –
Mana Badi, Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
1. Individual differences: Inter and intra individual differences, meaning, nature and
theories of intelligence with special emphasis to multiple intelligence, IQ, assessment
of intelligence, EQ, Creativity. Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Habit and its Influence on
Intelligence – Class room implementation.
2. Learning: Theories and approaches of learning, learning curves, Factors, Phases,
Dimensions of learning, Types of learning, Transfer of learning. Memory, Forgetting,
Learning and assessment– Class room implementation.
3. Personality: Nature, characteristics and theories of personality, factors of Personality,
Assessment of Personality, Mental health, Adjustment, Stress – nature, Symptoms
and management. Emotional intelligence, Management of emotions – Class room
IV. Content (Marks: 40)
1. uÒæty ÌçuÒn® Nþç FuoÒçÌ: Nþç uħç\ - uÄu§ç uÄt½Äççõ Nzþ uÄYçº EçutNþçÂ,
§uOþ NþçÂ, ºyuo Nþç Eç{º EçìuNþ NþçÂ
2. EçìuNþ ÌçuÒn®: uÄu§ç Äwuð®çå Eç{º ªìQÄçt (Zç®çÄçt, TuoÄçt,®çzTÄçt,
ºÒË®Äçt Eçut ) ÌçuÒn®Nþ uÄçLå (NþuÄoç, NþÒçy, G®çÌ, çbNþ Eçut)
3. uÒæty §çÊç Nþç FuoÒçÌ: Gt½§Ä Eç{º uÄNþçÌ: uÒæty ºçÉb~ §çÊç, ºç\§çÊç Eç{º uľç
§çÊç Nzþ » ªõ uÒæty tzÄçTºy uÂu Nþç uÄNþçÌ, tzÆ Nþy LNþoç Eç{º uÒæty@
4. uÒæty §çÊç Nþç qzÞ: G§çÊçLå Eç{º ¤çzu®åç
5. §çºoy® NþçîÆçËÏç: Es|, uº§çÊç, ®çz\ Eç{º Âqm, ºÌ, Zæt, EÂæNþçº
6. §çÊç onÄ Eç{º îçNþºm: Äm|ªçÂç : (Ëĺ, îæ\ §zt Ämçzú Nþç Gççºm Ësç)
Æ£t§zt: (¿ uºÄo| Nzþ Eçº º uÄNþçºy EuÄNþçºy Æ£t îìnuð Nzþ Eççº º
Æ£t §zt ¿jy,®ç{uTNþ, ®çzT ¿j) GÌT|, n®®, uÂæT ÄY, NþçºNþ - Nþç -
Ìæu - ̪çÌ@ ®ç|®çÄçYy Æ£t, uÄÂçzª Æ£t, Æ£t uºY® on̪, ot½§Ä, tzÆy,
uÄtzÆy, uNÀþ®ç - ÌNþª|Nþ, ENþª|Nþ zºmçs|Nþ uNÀþ®çLå - ªìÒçĺz, ÂçzNþçzuOþ, NþÒçÄo,
uÄºçª uYÑ@ ÄçM® §zt, ÄçM® Eç{º ®çzT, ÄçM® ÌæºYç, §zt ÄçX® Nþow| ÄçX®,
Nþª| ÄçX® Eç{º §çÄ ÄçX® t-uºY®
7. uÒæty çe° ìËoNõþ (uûoy® §çÊç) ZeÄë Nþqç Ìz tÌÄë Nþqç ÌuÒo
(GÄçYNþ Eç{º eÒzoì ÌçuÒo)
V. Methodology (Marks: 20)
1. §çÊç-Es|, uº§çÊç, ªÒnÄ, Nwþuo Eç{º ËÄ¿, Äu uÄrç, Æ£t uÄrç, Ä
çM® uÄrç, uÄÄ Ëoºçõ º uÒæty uÆqm Nzþ Âß® Eç{º Gt½tÅz ®, sª §çÊç Nzþ
¿ ªõ uÒæty t½uÄoy® §çÊç Nzþ ¿ ªõ uÒæty, uÞ§çÊç ÌîÞ, §çºoy® ÌæuÄç ªõ u
Òæty Nþç Ësç@
2. uÒæty §çÊç uÆqm çsuªNþ, ªç®uªNþ Eç{º GXY ªç®uªNþ Ëoº º
(1) uÒæty §çÊç - uÆqm Nzþ GòzÅ®
(2) EXZz uÆqm Eç{º EXZz uÆqm Nþy uÄÆzÊoçLå@
(3) uÒæty E®çNþ Eç{º uÆqm Nþy uÄÆzÊoçLå
(4) §çÊç - uÆqm Nzþ Ìçªç® uÌòæço
(5) §çÊç uÆqm mçu®çå
(6) §çÊç uÆqm Nþy òuo®çå (n®q, ºçzq, Qz ªçåoz̺y, utzu| Æo,
gçÁb, EçTª, Ìîߪ uÆqm Eçut)
(7) uÆqm ÌîÞ
3. uÆqm ªõ §çÊç - Nþç{ÆÂçõ Nþç ªÒnÄ
Ììç - Äu Nþy Gnuð - Äu Eç{º ÈÄm Nþç çºËuºNþ Ìæ¤ æ
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uÂQç: ªÒnÄ, u®ª uÄu®çå, Nþçº, Eqº-uÄ®çÌ
4. çe°NÀþª Eç{º ÌÒTçªy uNÀþ®çLå
çe°NÀþª-çe° ìËoNþ, ìËoNþç® - twÅ® - Èî GNþºm (uÆqm GNþºm)
çe ÌÒçTçªy uNÀþ®çLå, §çÊç ®çzTÆçÂç@
5. uÆqm ®çz\ç:
(1) çe-®çz\ç (Tù, ù, îçNþºm, Þ ÂzQ Eç{º ºYç)
(2) FNþçF| çe ®çz\ç
(3) Ìîߪ uÆqm çe ®çz\ç
6. ªîÁ®çæNþ
ªîÁ®çæNþ Nþy çºmç, uºæoº ̪TÀ ªîÁ®çæNþ, G𪠺yqç Nþy uÄÆzÊoçLå,
Å Þ Nþç uªç|m, GÂu£ ºyqç, utççnªNþ LæÄ GYçºçnªNþ uÆqm,
7. EçæÀ tzÆ ªõ uÒæty uÆqm ªõ EçzÄçÂy ̪ˮçLå Ä GNþç uºçNþºm@
8. Äu, Äm|, Æ£t, ÄçM® ºYç Ä Æìt½çÆìò Äo|y Ä ÄçM® rç@
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Post: TGT
Paper II – MATHAMETICS Syllabus
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter
Commission (1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for
teachers, Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and
Teacher organizations, National / State Level Organizations for Teacher
Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of
Women, Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru –
Mana Badi, Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
1. Individual differences: Inter and intra individual differences, meaning, nature and
theories of intelligence with special emphasis to multiple intelligence, IQ, assessment
of intelligence, EQ, Creativity. Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Habit and its Influence on
Intelligence – Class room implementation.
2. Learning: Theories and approaches of learning, learning curves, Factors, Phases,
Dimensions of learning, Types of learning, Transfer of learning. Memory, Forgetting,
Learning and assessment– Class room implementation.
3. Personality: Nature, characteristics and theories of personality, factors of
Personality, Assessment of Personality, Mental health, Adjustment, Stress – nature,
Symptoms and management. Emotional intelligence, Management of emotions –
Class room implementation.
IV. Maths – Content (40 Marks)
1. Arithmetic
Ratio and Proportion - Applications of Ratio- Comparing Quantities using proportion -
Direct and Inverse proportion
2. Number System
Knowing Our Numbers –rounding of numbers - Whole Numbers- predecessor – successor
– number line -Playing With Numbers – divisibility rules -LCM & HCF -Integers -
Fractions - Decimals -Rational Numbers -Squares, cubes Square roots, Cube roots
Real numbers -Representing irrational numbers on Number line – representing real
numbers on the number line through successive magnification – rationalisation –Real
numbers- operations on real numbers- law of exponents for real numbers- surds(
exponential form & radical form )
Euclid’s division lemma & its application in finding HCF – fundamental theorem of
Arithmetic & its application (HCF & LCM, decimal representation of rational numbers
(terminating or non-terminating recurring and vice versa))
Non-terminating & non recurring decimals as irrationals – irrationality of√2, √3 etc.-
properties of irrational numbers
Logarithm - exponential & logarithmic forms-Properties & Laws of logarithms-standard
base of logarithm- use of logarithms in daily life situation-
Sets –& its representation (Roster form& set builder form)-examples- classification of
sets(empty, finite, infinite, subset& super set, universal set, disjoint sets, power set of a
set, equality of sets) Venn diagram – operations on sets ( union, intersection, difference,
cardinal number of a set
3. Geometry
Measures of Lines and Angles - Symmetry - -Understanding 3D, 2D Shapes -
Representing 3D in 2D-Lines and Angles -Triangle and Its Properties -Congruency of
Triangles- -Quadrilaterals - Practical Geometry -Construction of Triangles Construction
of Quadrilaterals - Exploring Geometrical Figures-
The Elements of Geometry -Area –Circles
Similar Triangles & Tangents and secants to a circle
Proofs in Mathematics
4. Mensuration
Perimeter and Area - Area of Plane Figures -Surface areas and Volumes
5. Algebra
Introduction to Algebra- Simple Equations- Exponents - Algebraic Expressions
- Exponents & Powers - Linear Equations in one variable – Factorisation Polynomials &
Factorisation - Linear Equations in Two Variables - Pair of Linear Equations in Two
Variables - Quadratic Equations- Progressions- Arithmetic Progression- properties of
A.P.- Arithmetic mean –Geometric Progression –nth term–properties of AP,G.P.
Functions :
· Ordered pair- Cartesian product of sets – Relation - Function & its types - image &
pre-image – Definitions.
· Inverse functions and Theorems.
· Domain, Range, Inverse of real valued functions.
Mathematical Induction
· Principle of Mathematical Induction & Theorems.
· Applications of Mathematical Induction.
· Problems on divisibility.
· Types of matrices
· Scalar multiple of a matrix and multiplication of matrices
· Transpose of a matrix
· Determinants
· Adjoint and Inverse of a matrix
· Consistency and inconsistency of Equations- Rank of a matrix
· Solution of simultaneous linear equations
Complex Numbers:
· Complex number as an ordered pair of real numbers- fundamental operations
· Representation of complex numbers in the form a + ib.
· Modulus and amplitude of complex numbers –Illustrations.
· Geometrical and Polar Representation of complex numbers in Argand plane- Argand
De Moivre’s Theorem:
· De Moivre’s theorem- Integral and Rational indices.
· nth roots of unity- Geometrical Interpretations – Illustrations.
Quadratic Expressions:
· Quadratic expressions, equations in one variable
· Sign of quadratic expressions – Change in signs – Maximum and minimum values
· Quadratic in-equations
Theory of Equations:
· The relation between the roots and coefficients in an equation
· Solving the equations when two or more roots of it are connected by certain relation
· Equation with real coefficients, occurrence of complex roots in conjugate pairs and its
· Transformation of equations – Reciprocal Equations.
Permutations and Combinations:
· Fundamental Principle of counting – linear and circular permutations
· Permutations of ‘n’ dissimilar things taken ‘r’ at a time
· Permutations when repetitions allowed
· Circular permutations
· Permutations with constraint repetitions.
· Combinations-definitions and certain theorems
Binomial Theorem:
· Binomial theorem for positive integral index
· Binomial theorem for rational Index (without proof).
· Approximations using Binomial theorem
Partial fractions:
· Partial fractions of f(x)/g(x) when g(x) contains non –repeated linear factors.
· Partial fractions of f(x)/g(x) when g(x) contains repeated and/or non-repeated linear
· Partial fractions of f(x)/g(x) when g(x) contains irreducible factors.
6. Statistics
DATA HANDLING - Frequency Distribution Tables and Graphs- Grouped data-
ungrouped data – Measrues of Central Tendency -Mean, median & mode of grouped and
ungrouped data – ogive curves –MEASURES OF DISPERSION -Range - Mean deviation
-Variance and standard deviation of ungrouped/grouped data. -Coefficient of variation and
analysis of frequency distribution with equal means but different variances.
7. Probability
Probability - Random experiment and outcomes - Equally likely outcomes - Trail and
Events - Linking the chance to Probability - uses of probability in real life
Probability-a theoretical approach – probability & modelling –equally likely events -
mutually exclusive events –finding probability – elementary event –exhaustive events -
complementary events & probability – impossible & certain events – deck of cars &
Probability –use & applications of probability - Probability
· Random experiments and events
· Classical definition of probability, Axiomatic approach and addition theorem of
· Independent and dependent events conditional probability- multiplication theorem and
Bayee’s theorem.
Random Variables and Probability Distributions:
· Random Variables
· Theoretical discrete distributions – Binomial and Poisson Distributions
8. Coordinate Geometry
Cartesian system-Plotting a point in a plane if its co-ordinates are given.
Distance between two points - Section formula (internal division of a line segment in the
ratio m : n) – centroid of a triangle – trisectional points of a line segment -Area of triangle
on coordinate plane- collinearity –straight lines -Slope of a line joining two points
Locus :
· Definition of locus – Illustrations.
· To find equations of locus - Problems connected to it.
Transformation of Axes :
· Transformation of axes - Rules, Derivations and Illustrations.
· Rotation of axes - Derivations – Illustrations.
The Straight Line :
· Revision of fundamental results.
· Straight line - Normal form – Illustrations.
· Straight line - Symmetric form.
· Straight line - Reduction into various forms.
· Intersection of two Straight Lines.
· Family of straight lines - Concurrent lines.
· Condition for Concurrent lines.
· Angle between two lines.
· Length of perpendicular from a point to a Line.
· Distance between two parallel lines.
· Concurrent lines - properties related to a triangle.
Pair of Straight lines:
· Equations of pair of lines passing through origin, angle between a pair of lines.
· Condition for perpendicular and coincident lines, bisectors of angles.
· Pair of bisectors of angles.
· Pair of lines - second degree general equation.
· Conditions for parallel lines - distance between them, Point of intersection of pair of
· Homogenizing a second degree equation with a first degree equation in X and Y.
Circle :
· Equation of circle -standard form-centre and radius of a circle with a given line
segment as diameter & equation of circle through three non collinear points -
parametric equations of a circle.
· Position of a point in the plane of a circle – power of a point-definition of tangent-
length of tangent
· Position of a straight line in the plane of circle-conditions for a line to be tangent –
chord joining two points on a circle – equation of the tangent at a point on the circle-
point of contact-equation of normal.
· Chord of contact - pole and polar-conjugate points and conjugate lines - equation of
chord with given middle point.
· Relative position of two circles- circles touching each other externally, internally
common tangents-centres of similitude- equation of pair of tangents from an external
System of circles:
· Angle between two intersecting circles.
· Radical axis of two circles- properties- Common chord and common tangent of two
circles – radical centre.
· Intersection of a line and a Circle.
· Conic sections –Parabola- equation of parabola in standard form-different forms of
parabola- parametric equations.
· Equations of tangent and normal at a point on the parabola (Cartesian and parametric)
- conditions for straight line to be a tangent.
· Equation of ellipse in standard form- Parametric equations.
· Equation of tangent and normal at a point on the ellipse (Cartesian and parametric) -
condition for a straight line to be a tangent.
· Equation of hyperbola in standard form- Parametric equations.
· Equations of tangent and normal at a point on the hyperbola (Cartesian and
parametric) - conditions for a straight line to be a tangent- Asymptotes.
Three Dimensional Coordinates :
· Coordinates.
· Section formulas - Centroid of a triangle and tetrahedron.
Direction Cosines and Direction Ratios :
· Direction Cosines.
· Direction Ratios.
Plane :
· Cartesian equation of Plane - Simple Illustrations.
9. Trigonometry
Trigonometry - Naming the side in a right triangle-trigonometric ratios – defining
trigonometric ratios –trigonometric ratios of some specific angles ( 450,300 &600, 00 &900 )
–trigonometric ratios of complementary angles – trigonometric identities – Applications of
Trigonometry - Line of sight & horizontal -Angle of elevation & depression -Drawing
figures to solve problems – solution for two triangles
Trigonometric Ratios up to Transformations:
· Graphs and Periodicity of Trigonometric functions.
· Trigonometric ratios and Compound angles.
· Trigonometric ratios of multiple and sub- multiple angles.
· Transformations - Sum and Product rules.
Trigonometric Equations:
· General Solution of Trigonometric Equations.
· Simple Trigonometric Equations – Solutions.
Inverse Trigonometric Functions:
· To reduce a Trigonometric Function into a bijection.
· Graphs of Inverse Trigonometric Functions.
· Properties of Inverse Trigonometric Functions.
Hyperbolic Functions:
· Definition of Hyperbolic Function – Graphs.
· Definition of Inverse Hyperbolic Functions – Graphs.
· Addition formulas of Hyperbolic Functions.
Properties of Triangles:
· Relation between sides and angles of a Triangle
· Sine, Cosine, Tangent and Projection rules.
· Half angle formulae and areas of a triangle
· In-circle and Ex-circle of a Triangle.
10. Vector Algebra
Addition of Vectors:
· Vectors as a triad of real numbers.
· Classification of vectors.
· Addition of vectors.
· Scalar multiplication.
· Angle between two non-zero vectors.
· Linear combination of vectors.
· Component of a vector in three dimensions.
· Vector equations of line and plane including their Cartesian equivalent forms.
Product of Vectors:
· Scalar Product - Geometrical Interpretations - orthogonal projections.
· Properties of dot product.
· Expression of dot product in i, j, k system – Angle between two vectors.
· Geometrical Vector methods.
· Vector equations of plane in normal form.
· Angle between two planes.
· Vector product of two vectors and properties.
· Vector product in i, j, k system.
· Vector Areas.
· Scalar Triple Product.
· Vector equations of plane in different forms, skew lines, shortest distance and their
Cartesian equivalents. Plane through the line of intersection of two planes, condition
for coplanarity of two lines, perpendicular distance of a point from a plane, Angle
between line and a plane. Cartesian equivalents of all these results
· Vector Triple Product – Results
11. Calculus
Limits and Continuity:
· Intervals and neighbourhoods.
· Limits.
· Standard Limits.
· Continuity.
· Derivative of a function.
· Elementary Properties.
· Trigonometric, Inverse Trigonometric, Hyperbolic, Inverse Hyperbolic Function -
· Methods of Differentiation.
· Second Order Derivatives.
Applications of Derivatives:
· Errors and approximations.
· Geometrical Interpretation of a derivative.
· Equations of tangents and normal’s.
· Lengths of tangent, normal, sub tangent and sub normal.
· Angles between two curves and condition for orthogonality of curves.
· Derivative as Rate of change.
· Rolle’s Theorem and Lagrange’s Mean value theorem without proofs and their
geometrical interpretation.
· Increasing and decreasing functions.
· Maxima and Minima.
· Integration as the inverse process of differentiation- Standard forms –properties of
· Method of substitution- integration of Algebraic, exponential, logarithmic,
trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions. Integration by parts.
· Integration- Partial fractions method.
· Reduction formulae.
Definite Integrals:
· Definite Integral as the limit of sum
· Interpretation of Definite Integral as an area.
· Fundamental theorem of Integral Calculus.
· Properties.
· Reduction formulae.
· Application of Definite integral to areas.
Differential equations:
· Formation of differential equation-Degree and order of an ordinary differential
· Solving differential equation by
a) Variables separable method.
b) Homogeneous differential equation.
c) Non - Homogeneous differential equation.
d) Linear differential equations.
V. Methodology (20 Marks)
1. Meaning and Nature of Mathematics, History of Mathematics.
2. Contributions of Great Mathematicians - Aryabhatta, Bhaskaracharya, Srinivasa
Ramanujan, Euclid, Pythagoras, George cantor.
3. Aims and Values of teaching Mathematics, Instructional objectives (Blooms
4. Mathematics curriculum: Principles, approaches of curriculum construction, -Logical
and Psychological, Topical and Concentric, Spiral approaches. Qualities of a good
Mathematics text book.
5. Methods of teaching mathematics- Heuristic method, Laboratory method, Inductive
and Deductive methods, Analytic and Synthetic methods, Project method and Problem
Solving method.
6. Unit Plan, Year Plan, Lesson Planning in Mathematics.
7. Instructional materials, Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience.
8. Evolving strategies for the gifted students and slow learners,
9. Techniques of teaching mathematics like Oral work, written work, Drilling,
Assignment, Project, Speed and Accuracy.
10.Mathematics club, Mathematics structure, Mathematics order and pattern sequence.
11. Evaluation - Types, Tools and Techniques of Evaluation, Preparation of SAT
Analysis, Characteristics of a good test.
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Post: TGT
English: (Content) (Marks: 100)
Synonyms Identification
Antonyms Identification
Homophones Identification
Homonyms Identification
Hypernyms and Hyponyms Identification
Spelling Spelling
Phrasal Verbs Identification of Meaning
Word Formation Suffixes and Prefixes
Referring to Persons / Professions and
One word substitutes
Commonly used short forms and full
Short forms and Full forms
forms in English
Commonly used Abbreviations and their
Abbreviations and Full forms
full forms
Helping Verbs Forms, contractions
Modal Auxiliaries Form, Function & Contractions
Ordinary Verbs Form, Function & Contractions
Articles Use of Articles
Simple Prepositions Including
Prepositions following Certain Words
Main Clauses, sub-ordinate Clauses,
Clauses Noun Clauses, If Clauses, Relative
Sentence Structures Basic Sentence Structures
Form, Function, Construction,
Degrees of Comparison
Language Functions with social norms
Language Functions
(Formal and Informal)
Question Tags Imperatives and Statements
Types of Sentences Types of Sentences
Direct Speech & Indirect Speech Statements, Questions, Imperatives
Active Voice & Passive Voice Active Voice & Passive Voice
Use of tenses and framing including IF
conditionals Type 1 &3
Agreement between subject &
Agreement between Subject & Verb
Word Order Word Order in a phrase or a sentence
Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs,
Parts of Speech
Conjunctions - Types and functions
Linkers Linkers
Simple, Compound and Complex
Transformation of Sentences
Based on all Vocabulary and Grammar
Common Errors
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Post: TGT
Paper II – SOCIAL STUDIES Syllabus
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
1. Individual differences: Inter and intra individual differences, meaning, nature and
theories of intelligence with special emphasis to multiple intelligence, IQ, assessment
of intelligence, EQ, Creativity. Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Habit and its Influence on
Intelligence – Class room implementation.
2. Learning: Theories and approaches of learning, learning curves, Factors, Phases,
Dimensions of learning, Types of learning, Transfer of learning. Memory, Forgetting,
Learning and assessment– Class room implementation.
3. Personality: Nature, characteristics and theories of personality, factors of
Personality, Assessment of Personality, Mental health, Adjustment, Stress – nature,
Symptoms and management. Emotional intelligence, Management of emotions –
Class room implementation.
Reading, Making and Analysis of Maps -different types of maps - directions -scale -
conventional symbols use in maps-measuring heights , distances - Contour Lines-
Representation of relief features on maps- uses of maps- past and present-Maps Down the
Ages-reading of thematic maps-atlas-globe-a model -the earth grid system- Using an atlas to
find latitude and longitude of places, time.
Our Universe, the Sun and the Earth – energy form sun- temperature - The evolution of the
Earth- earth movements – seasons- regions on earth-condition -Movements of the Earth’s-
crust - Internal Structure of the Earth- Realms of the earth
Lithosphere- ‘first order’ landforms- oceans and continents -diverse features - Second Order
landforms-mountains, plains and plateaus- diverse people living in different kinds of
landforms in India and Andhra Pradesh -plate tectonics-Volcanoes-earth quakes –disaster
management- Mining and minerals- new trends in mining and minerals.- renewable and non-
renewable –Indian relief features –location-geological background-major relief divisions in
India-and Andhra Pradesh
Hydrosphere- Hydrological cycle - water sources - oceans - relief of the oceans - salty-
movements - oceans as resouse waves, tides, currents - ocean as resource – Indian,
Andhra Pradesh river and water resources –ground water-tanks-recharging ground water-
floods- Rational and equitable Use of water-Andhra Pradesh water , land and trees protection
act .
Atmosphere- structure of atmosphere Pressure Belts and Planetary Winds- Carioles effect-
winds- weather and climate –factors which influence weather and climate –seasons in india-
types of rainfall- Global Warming and Climate Change-anthropological global warming -
IPCC- Impact of climate change on India-
Biosphere- Natural vegetation- different kinds of forests- human society and environment-
pollution and effects-depletion of resources- using and protesting forests
From Gathering Food to Growing food – The Earliest People - Agriculture in Our Times -
Trade in Agricultural Produce -Trade in Agricultural Produce – agricultural in India,
Andhra Pradesh-types of farming-cropping season-crops-importance of agriculture –green
revolution –effects- dry land agriculture –Food security – nutrition status –PDS-sustainable
development and equity -handicrafts and handlooms- industrial revolution- beginning of
industrial revolution- Sources of Energy and Industrial Development-urbanisation and slums-
production in a factory Livelihood and Struggles Urban Workers - Minerals and Mining -
Impact of Technology on Livelihoods –technology changes in agricultural, industrial ,service
sectors -importance of transport system –transport system in India, traffic education –
Andhra Pradesh- money and banking- finance literacy-credits and finance system- prices and
cost of living - Role of government in regulating prices- The Government Budget and
Taxation –direct and indirect taxes-industries in India-new policies for industries -service
activates in India -growth and development-comparing of different countries and states-
sectors of economy-employment- organized and unorganized sectors –employment in India-
population –people and settlement-urbanisation in India , urbanisation problems-people and
migration –types of migrations –village economy –Globalization –factors –impact-fair
globalization-other issues.
the revolt 1857-after revolt-british rule in india- Landlords and Tenants under the British and
the Nizam - National Movement - The Early Phase 1885-1919 -National Movement - The
Last Phase 1919-1947 –national movement in India – partition – integration of states-
Independent India 1947-77 – state reorganisation-social and economic change-foreign policy
– wars –emergency- independent India 1977-2000
Diversity in Our Society - Towards Gender Equality –caste discrimination and the struggle
for equalities –livelihood and struggles of Urban workers –workers rights –abolishment of
zamindari system-poverty-Rights –Human rights and fundamental rights- Women rights ,
protection acts – children rights – RTI-RTE-legal service authority- Lok Adalat –consumer
rights - social movements in our time
Religion and Society in Early Times – hunter- gatherers-early farmers and herdrers-Indus
valley civilisation –Vedas- Jainism ,Buddhism-flok religion-bhakthi-nathpanthis
,siddhas,yogis.- sufism -kabir – gurunank-Devotion and Love towards God –Hindu religion-
Bhakti movement-Christianity-Islam- the belief in supreme god-social and religious reform
movements-Christian missionaries and oriental scholars-Bramha samaj- Arya Samaj-Swami
Vivekananda –reforms and education among muslims –social reformers in andrapradesh-
social reforms and caste system-narayana guru-jyothirao phule – dr br ambedker-
understanding Secularism-
Theme -VI: Culture and Communication
Language, Writing and Great Books - Sculptures and Buildings –Performing Arts and
Artistes in Modern times-burrakatha – tholubommalata –bharatanatyam-Film and print
media-role of media in freedom movement- sports Nationalism –other games and their status.
Intermediate Syllabus:
General Geography-Definition and scope of Geography – Branches of Geography-Geography
as an integrating Discipline and as Spacial Science with physical, biological and social
Solar System-Origin and Evolution of solar system-Rotation and Revolution of the Earth and
their effects-Latitudes and Longitudes-Standard Time and International Date line.
The Earth - Interior of the Earth-Wegner’s theory of continental drift -Major Rock types and
their characteristics.
Geomorphology -Major landforms: Mountains, Plateaus and Plains-Geomorphic Process:
Weathering - Physical and Chemical Weathering-Landforms associated with wind and river –
Erosional and depositional.
Climatology -Climate: Elements of weather and climate-Atmosphere: Composition and
structure of atmosphere -Insolation: Insolation and Heat Budget of the Planet Earth-
Temperature: Factors influencing Temperature, Vertical and horizontal distribution of
temperature Pressure- Global pressure belts WindsPlanetary winds, Seasonal and Local
winds-Precipitation: Forms and types of rain fall (Convectional, Orographic and Cyclonic
rain fall).
Bio geography -Biomes of the world- Equatorial, Tropical and Temporate -Biodiversity and
Conservation -Concept of Ecosystem and Ecological Balance- Oceanography, Hydrology and
Natural hazards
Oceanography-Divisions of the Ocean floor- Continental shelf, Continental slope, Deep Sea
plains and Ocean deeps-Ocean Temperatures- Vertical and horizontal distribution-Ocean
Salinity Definition, vertical and horizontal distribution-Oceanic Movements: Waves, Tides
and Currents, (Currents of Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean )
Hydrology-Elements of Hydrological cycle: Precipitation, evaporation, evapo-transpiration,
run off, infiltration and recharge -Hydrological Cycle.
Natural Hazards-Causes and Spatial distribution of floods, droughts, cyclones, Tsunamis,
Earthquakes and landslides Global Warming and its consequences-Disaster Management in
India-Human Geography : Definition, Content and scope- Man and Environment: Definition,
Content, Classification of environment-Environmental impact World Population : Growth,
Factors influencing, density and distribution
Human activities - Primary, Secondary and tertiary activities-Resources - Definition,
Classification and Conservation-Agriculture -Definition, Types, food crops (Rice and wheat)
Non food crops (Cotton, Sugarcane) and Plantation crops-(Rubber, tea and coffee) their
Significance, Conditions - for cultivation, production and distribution.
Definition and Classification (Metallic - Iron), non Metallic – bauxite and (fuel minerals -
coal and petroleum) Industries - Location factors, types of industries -Agro – based (Cotton
textiles) Forest based (Paper mills) -Mineral based (Iron and steel) - Chemical based
(Fertilizers)- Transportation -Road ways, Railways, Water ways and Air ways - Rail ways-
Intensive net work rail way, Regional rail-ways and Trans continental railways - Water ways-
Mjor sea ports: London, San Francisco-Reo De Janeiro, Cape Town, Kolkata and Sydney-
Major Air ports- Tokyo, Paris, Chicago, Bogota and -Wellington
Physical features of India - Major features - Northern mountains, Indo – Gangetic-plains,
Peninsular plateau of India and coastal plains- Major rivers of India - Perennial rivers- Indus,
Ganges and Brahmaputra-Non Perennial rivers- Narmada, Tapati, Mahanadi, -Godavari,
Krishna, Pennar and Cauvery - Climate of India - Cold weather season: Temperature Rainfall
& Pressure distribution Hot weather season- Temperature, Rainfall & Pressure distribution
South west monsoon season- Temperature, Rainfall & Pressure distribution North east
monsoon season: Temperature, Rainfall & Pressure distribution-Natural vegetation of India-
Types of vegetation based on rainfall and their-distribution. Evergreen forest, deciduous
forest, scrub -forest, & Thorny forest -Soils - Definition, factors for formation, types and -
their distribution.
Population- Growth trends from 1901 to 2001, Distribution based-on density, problems of
high population- Irrigation-Types of irrigation: canals, wells and tanks. Major -multipurpose
projects. Bakranangal, Hirakud, -Damodar valley corporation and Nagarjuna Sagar-
Agriculture: Cropped area, production and distribution of -selected crops: Rice, Wheat,
Millets, Coffee, Tea, Sugarcane, Cotton, Jute and tobacco; Problems of Indian agriculture.
Minerals- Production and distribution of coal, petroleum, iron, mica and manganese, bauxite.
Industries- Location factors growth and distribution of iron and steel, cotton textile and ship
building industries- Transportation-Means of Transport – Road ways, Rail ways, Water -
ways and Air ways; Major ports of India – Mumbai, -Cochin, Kandla, Kolkata,
Visakhapatnam and Chennai.
Geography of Andhra Pradesh: Location, Physiography and Climate, Population.
Mahatma Gandhi and leadership – Revolutionary movement, Subhash Chandra Bose – Poona
Pact Quit India movement – Partition of India – Emergence of Independent India.
The Modern World- Beginning of Modern Age, Renaissance, Development in Science, The
Reformation Movement, Rise of Nation States, Struggle against Absolute Monarchies -
Capitalism and Industrial Revolution -The Revolutionary Movements -The Glorious
Revolution, The American war of Independence, The French Revolution of 1789 -
.Nationalist Movements: Rise and fall of Napoleon, French Revolution of 1830 and the 1848
Revolt, Unification of Germany and Italy, Socialist Movements – Rise of Working class,
Paris Commune of 1871
Imperialism: Factors in the rise of Imperialism, Forms and Methods of Imperialism, Scramble
for Africa and Asia
Contemporary World: The First World war, League of Nations, The Russian Revolution of
1905 and 1917 -The World upto World War II: Rise of Fascism and Nazism, Militarism in
Japan, U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. after World War I, Turkey after World War I, Failure of League
of Nations, Spanish Civil war, World war II, The Nationalist Movements in Asia and Africa,
Emergence of Latin America
The World after World War II: Formation of Military Blocks, Role of independent Nations of
Asia and Africa in the World Affairs, Non-Alignment Movement, Role of UNO in preserving
World Peace, Problems of Disarmament and Nuclear Weapons, Prominent Personalities of
the World.
Scope and Significance of political Science - Introduction to Civics and Political Science,
Origin and Evolution, Meaning, Definitions, What do we study? Why do we study?
State - State – Meaning, Definitions, Elements, Relation of state with other Institutions –
Society, Association, Government.
Nationalism - Nation, Nationality, Nationalism, Factors contributing for Nationality, Is India
a Nation? Meaning, Forms (Traditional and modern)
law -Meaning, Definitions, Classification, Law and morality, Rule of Law. Liberty and
Equality – Meaning, Definitions, Types, Safeguards, Liberty – Equality.
Rights and Responsibilities– Meaning, Definitions, functions Forms, Relationship between
Rights and Responsibilities, Human Rights
Justice - Justice – Meaning, Forms of Justice, Social Justice.
Citizenship - Meaning, Definitions, Methods of Acquiring, Citizen – Alien , Loss of
Citizenship, Hindrances to Good Citizenship, Universal Citizenship
Democracy- Meaning, Definitions, features, types, merits, devices, future
Secularism -Meaning, Secular State, Western Model, Indian Model, Why India was made a
Secular State? Criticism of Indian Secularism
Constitution– Meaning, Definitions, features, Classification
Government - Unitary, Federal, Parliamentary, Presidential, Theory of Separation of Powers,
Organs of Government
Indian Constitution: Indian National Movement- Government of India Acts – 1909, 1919 &
Salient features of Indian Constitution
Fundamental Rights &Directive Principles of State Policy- Fundamental Rights- Directive
Principles of state Policy- Fundamental Duties
Union Government- Union Executive – President of India - Vice – President of India - Prime
Minister & Council of Ministers
Indian Parliament - Lok Sabha-Composition – Powers and functions- Rajya Sabha:
Composition – Powers and functions
Parliamentary Committees- Public Accounts Committee – Estimates -Committee –
Committee on Public Undertakings
Union Judiciary - Supreme Court of India – Composition- Powers and Functions of Supreme
Court -of India - Judicial Review
State Government- State Executive – Governor- Powers and Functions-Chief Minister -
Powers and Functions- Council of Ministers
State Legislature-Legislative Assembly- Composition – Powers and Functions- Legislative
Council-Composition – Powers and Functions - Legislative Committees: Public Accounts
Committee – Estimates-Committee and Ethics Committee
State Judiciary-High Court – Composition- Powers and Functions of High Court- District
Courts: Composition – Powers and Functions.
Union – State Relations - Legislative Relations-Administrative Relations- Financial
Local Government-Rural Local Government - Panchayati Raj Institutions – 73rd Constitution
Amendment Act- Urban Local Government: Municipalities - Municipal Corporation – 74th
Constitution Amendment Act- District Collector : Role in Local Governments
India’s Foreign Policy - Determinants of Foreign Policy- Basic features of India’s Foreign
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
United Nation Organization (UNO)-Origin of UNO-Principal Organs of UNO- Achievements
and failures of UNO
Contemporary Trends and Issues- Globalization- Terrorism-Corruption.
Origin and meaning of Economics - Definitions of Economics; Adam Smith, Alfred
Marshall, Lionel Robbins, Paul Samuelson, & Jocob Viner- Concept of Economics – Micro
& Macro Economics Deductive and Inductive Method, Static and Dynamic Analysis,
Positive and Normative Economics. Goods: (Free, Economic, Consumer, Producer, and
Intermediary), Wealth, Income, Utility, Value, Price, wants and welfare.
Theory of Consumption - Cardinal and Ordinal Utility, the law of Diminishing Marginal
Utility – Limitations – Importance; law of Equi-Marginal Utility Limitations and –
Importance of the Law, Indifference Curve Analysis – Properties and Consumer’s
Theory of Demand - Meaning – Demand Function – Determinants of Demand, Demand
Schedule – Demand Curve, Law of Demand, Exceptions to Law of Demand - Causes for the
downward slope of the demand curve, Types of Demand – Price Demand, Income Demand,
and Cross Demand- Elasticity of Demand – Meaning and Types – Price Elasticity, and
Income Elasticity and Cross Elasticity – Price Elasticity-Types; Measurement of Price
Elasticity of Demand- Point Method. Arc Method, Total Outlay Method. Determinants of
Elasticity of Demand; Importance of Elasticity of Demand.
Theory of Production - Meaning - Production Function – Factors of Production; Short-run
and Long-run Production Function; Law of variable proportions - Law of returns to scale;
Economies of Scale - Internal and External- Supply – Supply Function - Determinants of
Supply –– Law of Supply- Cost Analysis – Basic Concepts of Costs- (Money, Real,
Opportunity, Fixed and Variable, Total, Average and Marginal costs)- Revenue Analysis –
Revenue under perfect and imperfect competition.
Theory of Value - Meaning and Classification of Markets – Perfect competition – features –
price determination- Short-run and Long-run equilibrium of a firm and Industry- Imperfect
Competition – Monopoly – Price Determination – Price-Discrimination-Monopolistic
Competition- Features- Meaning of Oligopoly – Duopoly.
Theory of Distribution - Determination of Factor Prices – Marginal Productivity Theory -
Rent – Ricardian theory of Rent – Modern theory - Quasi Rent – Transfer earnings - Wages –
Meaning and types of wages – Money and Real wages - Interest- Meaning – Gross and Net
interests - Profits – Meaning – Gross and Net profits.
National Income : Definitions of National Income and Concepts- Measurement of National
Income – Census of Product Method – Census of Income Method – Census of Expenditure
Method- Methods of Measuring National Income in India; Problems and importance
Macro Economic Aspects - Classical theory of Employment –J.B. Say Law of Markets-
Limitations – J.M. Keynes Effective Demand- Public Economics - Public Revenue – Public
Expenditure – Public debt – Components of Budget.
Money, Banking and Inflation - Money – Definitions and Functions of money – Types of
Money - Banking – Commercial Banks – Functions; Central Bank – Functions – Reserve
Bank of India – Net Banking- Inflation – Definitions – Types – Causes and Effects of
inflation – Remedial Measures.
Statistics for Economics - Meaning, Scope and Importance of Statistics in Economics with
Diagrams (Bar diagrams and Pie diagrams)-Measures of central tendency – Mean, Median,
Economic Growth And Development - Differences Between Economic Growth and
Development classification of the world countries - Indicators of Economic development -
Determinants of Economic Development - Characteristic features of Developed Countries -
Characteristic features of Developing countries with special reference to India
Population and Human Resources Development - Theory of Demographic Transition - World
Population - Causes of rapid Growth of population in India - Occupational distribution of
population of India - Meaning of Human Resources Development - Role of Education and
Health in Economic Development- Human Development Index (HDI)
National Income - Trends in the growth of India’s National Income - Trends in distribution of
national income by industry Origin - Share of Public Sector and Private Sector in Gross
Domestic Product - Share of Organised and Un-organised Sector in Net Domestic Product -
Income Inequalities - Causes of Income Inequalities - Measures to control income
inequalities -Unemployment in India – Poverty - Micro Finace-Eradication of Poverty
Agriculture Sector-Importance of agriculture in India - Features of Indian agriculture -
Agriculture Labour in India - Land utilization pattern in India - Cropping pattern in India -
Organic Farming -Irrigation facilities in India - Productivity of agriculture - Land holdings in
India - Land reforms in India - Green Revolution in India - Rural credit in India - Rural
Indebtedness in India - Agricultural
Marketing - Industrial Sector - Significance of the Indian Industrial Sector in Post –Reform
Period -Industrial Policy Resolution 1948 - Industrial Policy Resolution 1956 - Industrial
Policy Resolution 1991 - National Manufacturing Policy- Disinvestment - National
Investment Fund (NIF) -Foreign Direct Investment -Special Economic Zones (SEZs) -
Causes of industrial backwardness in India -Small Scale Enterprises (MSMEs) - Industrial
Estates - Industrial Finance in India - The Industrial Development under the Five Year Plans
in India.
Tertiary Sector - Importance of Services Sector -India’s Services Sector - State-Wise
Comparison of Services - Infrastructure Development - Tourism - Banking and Insurance -
Communication -Science and Technology - Software Industry in India
Planning And Economic Reforms - Meaning of Planning -NITI Ayog -Five Year Plans in
India - XII Five Year Plan - Regional Imbalances - Role of Trade in Economic Development
- Economic Reforms in India - GATT – WTO
Environment and Sustainable Economic Development - Environment - Economic
Development -Environment and Economic Linkages. - Harmony between Environment &
Economy Of Andhra Pradesh - History of Andhra Pradesh - Characteristic features of A.P.
Economy -Demographic features - Occupational distribution of labour - Health Sector -
Education -Environment - Agricultural sector - Industrial sector - Service and Infrastructure
sector - Information and Technology - Tourism -Andhra Pradesh and Welfare Programmes/
Economic Statistics - Measures of Dispersion - Definitions of Dispersion - Importance of
Measuring Variation -Properties of a good measure of variation -Methods of Studying
Variation - Measures of Dispersion for average - Lorenz Curve - Correlation -Index Numbers
- Weighted Aggregation Method.
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Category of Post: TGT
Paper II – TELUGU Syllabus
II. Perspectives in Education (Marks: 05)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission
(1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers,
Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations,
National / State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records
and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women,
Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
1. Individual differences: Inter and intra individual differences, meaning, nature and
theories of intelligence with special emphasis to multiple intelligence, IQ, assessment
of intelligence, EQ, Creativity. Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Habit and its Influence on
Intelligence – Class room implementation.
2. Learning: Theories and approaches of learning, learning curves, Factors, Phases,
Dimensions of learning, Types of learning, Transfer of learning. Memory, Forgetting,
Learning and assessment– Class room implementation.
3. Personality: Nature, characteristics and theories of personality, factors of
Personality, Assessment of Personality, Mental health, Adjustment, Stress – nature,
Symptoms and management. Emotional intelligence, Management of emotions –
Class room implementation.
IV. Content (40 Marks)
1) 6e ÔásÁ>·Ü qT+& +³¯&jáT{Ù esÁÅ£ >·\ +ç<óç|<ûXÙ ç|uóTÔáÇ Ôî\T>·T y#῱\\ýË n+Xæ\T:
(|y#῱\Ôà dVä) 40 eÖsÁTØ\T
¿£$¿±ý²<T\T, Hû|<ó«\T, <ûÝXæ\T, eTÖ\ ç>·+<ó\T, $XâcÍ+Xæ\T, ÜeÔï\T,
bÍsÄ«+Xø $wjáÖ\T yîTTöö$; $<«ç|eÖD²\T.
2) |<C ²\+:
nsÆ\T, |s«jáT|<\T, HHsÆ\T, eÚ«ÔáÎÔáï«sÆ\T, ç|¿£Ü ` $¿£ÔáT\T, C²rjáÖ\T,
kÍyîTÔá\T yîTTöö$.
3) uó²cÍ+Xæ\T:
d+<óT\T, deÖkÍ\T, #óá+<dTà, n\+¿±s\T, bÍ]uó²w¾¿£|<\T ç¿ìjáT\T, y¿±«\T yîTTöö$.
4) Ôî\T>·T kÍV¾²Ôá« #á]çÔá:
5) Ôî\T>·T uó²cÍ #á]çÔá:
Ôî\T>·TýË nq«<ûXæ\T; eÖ+&*¿±\T; nsÁÆ$|]eÖD+; <óÇqT\ eÖsÁTÎ
6) kÍV¾²Ôá« $eTsÁô:
7) u²\ y«¿£sDÁ +:
d+Èã, d+~ó, ÔáÔáàeT, ºÌ¿£, deÖd, |]#ûÌÛ<eTT\T.
8) #óá+<dTà: (eÔï\T, C²ÔáT\T, |C²ÔáT\T)
jáTÔáT\T, çbÍd\ sÁ¿±\T ` #óá+<à <sÁÎD+
V. Ôî\T>·T uË<óH |<ÆÔáT\T : 20 eÖsÁTØ\T
_.m& Ôî\T>·T uË<óH |<ÔÆ áT\T. (Ôî\T>·T n¿±&MT ç|#áTsÁD)
1. uó²w ` $$<ó uó²eq\T
2. uó²cÍHî|Õ Ú D²«\T
3. ç|D²[¿£ sÁ#qá ` bÍsÄ«Á ç>·+<¸\T
4. $<« kÍ+¹¿Ü¿£ Xæçdï+ ` dV²bÍsÄÁ« ¿±sÁ«ç¿£eÖ\T
5. kÍV¾²Ôá« ç|ç¿ìjáT\T ` uË<óH |<ÆÔáT\T
6. eTÖý²«+¿£q+ ` |¯¿£\T
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Total - 100 M
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru –
Mana Badi, Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
F) $<« ç|eÖD²\T
2) |<C ²\+:`
A) nsÆ\T
B) |s«jáT|<\T
D) eÚ«ÔáÎÔáï«sÆ\T
E) C²rjáÖ\T
F) kÍyîTÔá\T ` $esÁD, >·T]ï+#á&+ .
G) bõ&T|Ú ¿£<¸\T
3) uó²cÍ+Xæ\T:
A) $uó¿ìï ç|Ôá«jáÖ\T
B) W|$uó¿ì￱\T
C) bÍ]uó²w¾¿£ |<\T ` (ç< TÔá ç|¿£Ü¿±\T, ¿£Þø\T, çyûT&Ôá+, d+~ó, e#áH\T, ¿±ý²\T,*+>±\T,
deÖd+, >·eT+, <ûXø+, VQÞø+)
D) d+<óT\T ` Ôî\T>·T d+<óT\T` (nÔáÇ, ÔáÇ, ÔáÇ, jáT&>·eT, dsÁÞ²<ûXø, çyûT&Ôá,
~ÇsÁT¿£ï³¿±sÁ, >·d&<y<ûXø d+<óT\T.)
d+dØÔá d+<óT\T` (desÁBsÁé, >·TD, jáTD²<ûXø, e~Æ d+<óT\T.)
E) deÖkÍ\T ` (<Ç+<Ç, ~Ç>·T, ÔáÔáTÎsÁTw deÖkÍ\T)
F) #óá+<dTà ` >·D$uóÈq, >·D²\ >·T]ï+|Ú
G) n\+¿±s\T `
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(nsÆ\+¿±s\T). n\+¿±s\T >·T]ï+#áT³, \¿£« \¿£D deTqÇjáT+ #ûjáTT³.
H) y¿±«\T` (XøÌs«sÁ¿ Æ ,£ $<«sÁ¿Æ ,£ w<ósÁ¿Æ ,£ nqTeTÔá«sÁ¿Æ ,£ kÍeTsÆ«sÁ¿Æ ,£ d+<ûVä sÁ¿Æ ,£ osÁs¿ÆÁ ,£
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Ôî\T>·T uË<óH |<ÆÔáT\T: 5 eÖsÁTØ\T
çbÍ<¸$T¿£kÍsTTýË uó²cÍ_óe~Æ eT]jáTT ne>±V²q
1) Ôî\T>·T uó²cÍ uË<óq, <ûÝXæ\T, $\Te\T, \¿±«\T, dÎwÓ¼¿£sÁD\T.
2) uó²w ` deÖÈ+ ` kÍV¾²Ôá« ç|ç¿ìjáT\T
3) eÖÔáuó²w dÇuó²e+, sD+, çbÍ<óq«Ôá, uó²cþÔáÎÜïy<\T, <óÇ, nsÁ $|]D²eÖ\T
4) bÍsÄÁ«|Úd￱\T ` uË<óq Xæçdï+|Õ ne>±V²q
5) uó²cÍ kÍeTs«\T $<« ç|eÖD²\T
6) uË<óH |<ÆÔáT\T ` uË<óHuó«dq ç|ç¿ìjáT\ sÁÇV²D
7) ç|D²[¿± sÁ#áq
8) uË<óHuó«dq kÍeÖçÐ
9) +ç<óç|<ûXÙýË uó²cÍ_óe~Æ ¿±sÁ«ç¿£eÖ\T
10) uó²w ` eTÖý²«+¿£q+
Content: 10 Marks
Methodology: 05 Marks
Content: 10 Marks
0− 2Αλ ΞÏκ♦←ÚϕÕ 7Αλ ΞÏκ×Ξûς Θ♥θκ
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ϑ( ΣΨùΤô→ ∋↑ΖχΚλ+≅ûΟΥôΖλ Κôη( ΙΖ( ♣ßιΘσÏ°Κρ
3. ùΤô→ιƒ[τ 9
≅( ùΘôûΚ♣ûΩι ùΘôΟνΚρ ∋úΞσßûΤ ùΘôûΚ+ ↑û∴ιùΘôûΚ+
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Α( ×Πνε′ ∋úΘôτ[ο+ ùΚÓΘο+ ƒ↔Θο+ ∆ΟλΣÓ+ ùΤµÂß+ ∆♠Ãß+
Ση×κùΣΥν+ Ïσ°Υ←Κςλ+ Ïσ°ΥÛΚςλ(
Methodology: 05 Marks
Θ♥θùΤô→ Κσ♦ιΘο Øû[Κρ9
ØΘΩôλ ΑηÓ D.Ed.
* Θ♥θ ùΤô→ιƒ[τ ΞΖνιΘο
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* ΣôΟδ Κσ♦κ×ι ƒγΟλ
ΒςηΟôλ ΑηÓ D.Ed.
* Θ♥θ ùΤô→ιƒ[τ ΞΖνιΘο
* ΣôΟ ΓσΣôÓ
* ùΜôσΚΖφ′Υλ ùΣÚχÏΘο
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* Θ♥θ Κσ♦ιΘ←ο ΘΚΞο ùΘ→οÖγΣλ
* úΘνÜλ ΤƒκÀÓλ−
Content: 10 Marks
Methodology: 05 Marks
Content: 10 Marks
1) ତୃତୀୟେ ଣୀଠାରୁଅ ମେ ଣୀପଯ ସାହିତ ପାଠ ବହି ଅ ଗତ :-
ବିଷୟବ ୁ ,କବି/େଲଖକପରିଚୟ, ବିଭି ଚରି , ପୃ ଭୂମି, ପୂବାପର ସ ,
େବୖଶି , ବିଭି ଶି ାମାନସହଅନୟ
2) ଶ ଭ ାର :-
ପାଠ ାଂଶଭି ି କଶ ାଥ, ଭି ାଥ, େମୗଳିକତଥାବୁ ଶ , ଶ ରଗଠନଧାରା ,
ଲି , ପୁରୁଷ, ବଚନ, ସାଧାରଣଅଶୁ ିଶ , ତ ୟଶ , ବିପରୀତାଥ, ଭି ଜାତୀୟଶ ,
ଏକପଦେର କାଶ
3) ଭାଷା କରଣ:-
Language – II English (Marks: 10)
1. Poets, Essayists, Novelists, Dramatists and their works
2. Forms of Language - Story, Essay, Letter writing, Editorial, Precis writing, note-
making, autobiography and biography
3. Pronunciation - Sounds - Use of dictionary
4. Parts of Speech
5. Tenses
6. Types of Sentences
7. Articles and Prepositions
Methodology - English (Marks: 05)
1. Aspects of English:- (a) English language - History, Nature, Importance, Principles of
English as Second Language (b) Problems of Teaching / Learning English.
2. Objectives of Teaching English.
3. Phonetics
4. Development of Language skills:- (a) Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing
(LSRW) (b) Communicative skills.
5. Approaches, Methods, Techniques of teaching English: Introduction, Definition and
Types of Approaches, Methods and Techniques of Teaching English, Remedial
6. Teaching of Structures and Vocabulary items.
7. Teaching Learning Materials in English
8. Lesson Planning
9. Curriculum & Textbooks
10. Evaluation in English language
Mathematics Content (10Marks)
I. Arithmetic
Day to Day Mathematics, Pre Mathematical concepts - Money & Time, Persentage, Interes,
Profit and loss, Time and Work. Ratio and Proportion - Applications of Ratio- Comparing
Quantities using proportion -Direct and Inverse proportion
II. Number System
Numbers – four fundamental operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication & division)
Patterns in Numbers.
Knowing Our Numbers-Indian & international systems – Rounding of numbers- Natural
numbers - Whole Numbers - Playing With Numbers-divisibility rules-LCM & HCF -Integers
- Fractions - Decimals -Rational Numbers -Squares, cubes, Square roots, Cube roots
III. Geometry
Shapes– Patterens - Basic geometrical ideas - Measures of Lines and Angles - Symmetry -
Understanding 3D, 2D Shapes -Representing 3D in 2D-Lines and Angles -Triangle and Its
Properties -Congruency of Triangles- -Quadrilaterals - Practical Geometry -Construction of
Triangles - Construction of Quadrilaterals - Exploring Geometrical Figures. History of
IV. Mensuration
Spatial understading -Length – Weight – capacity - Perimeter & Area of Plane Figures
(triangle, square, rectangle, rhombus, circle, trapezium, parallelogram) Surface area and
volume of cube, cuboid, cyclender.
V. Algebra
Introduction to Algebra- Simple Equations- - Algebraic Expressions - Exponents & Powers -
Linear Equations in one variable – polynomial – Factorization.
VI. Statistics
Data handling - Frequency Distribution Tables and Graphs. Grouped data and ungrouped
Maths Methodology (05Marks)
1. Nature and Definitions of Mathematics
2. Aims, values and instructional objectives of teaching Mathematics
3. Methods of Teaching & Remedial measures in Mathematics
4. Instructional Material, TLM and Resource Utilization in Mathematics
5. Curriculum, Text Book & Instructional Planning.
6. Evaluation and Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation
Science Content (Marks: 10)
1. Living World – Non Living and living organisms, life and its characteristics, Family,
Members of the family, Changing family structure, Friends, Relations, Works, Games,
Different games rules, Our Village, Mapping skills, Shelter, Things we make cloth,
Travel, Find the way – direction, from village to Delhi, Public Institutions, House,
Construction – Sanitation, Our Places, Our culture. Story of microbial world, Use full
and harm full micro organisms. Air - Importance of air, composition of air, diseases
spread through air and their prevention, air pollution - causes, its impact, and measures
to prevent, Green House effect. Water - Importance, water resources, tanks, aquatic
flora and fauna, Water pollution - causes, impact, measures to prevent, purification of
water, drought, floods, Water cycle, Draught waste water Treatment. Weather,
Climate, Soil our life, rain, floods, Cyclones, disaster management, Habitat,
Movements in animals, Production of food from animals and plants, Agricultural
operation, Cultivation of Crops, diseases to plants and control, improvement of crop
yield storage, Preservation and protection of food and plant products, Classification of
living organisms, Branches of Sciences, Recent trends in Science, Hybridization,
animal husbandry.
2. Life processes – Cell, cell organelles parts of plants and functions. Animals, different
types of Animals, Animals base of our life, Our body parts, External, Internal parts of
our body, Bones, Muscles, Sense organs, Organ systems in animals. Nutrition in plants
and animals, excretion, respiration, reproduction, seed dispersal in plants control and
coordination in organisms. Our food, food components, Nutritious food, Health,
Cleanliness, Why do we fall ill? Balanced diet, Malnutrition. Midday Meals, food
preservation methods, Wastage of food, How we get food, green revolution, Food
Pyramid, Junk food, First Aid.
3. Natural Phenomena – Changes around us separation of substances, fiber to fabric
synthetic, atmospheric pressure, Materials, things, measurement of length, area,
volume and time, CGS, SI units. Iiquids, fibers, Plastics metals and non metals, matter,
Acids and bases. Motion and time – Types of motions – force and friction, Energy,
Forms of Energy - Energy resources, Renewable and non renewable resources,
conservation of energy Temperature and its measurement. Electricity, Electric circuits,
Current and its effects, Sound, reflection of light, Shadows, Playing with magnets,
friction, force speed, velocity, combustion, fuels and flame. How to measure things,
Coal, Petrol, Petroleum products.
4. Our Environment - Bio diversity, Diversity in plants and animals, lets plant, trees,
endangered, endemic species, Forest – Tribes – Tribal life – diversity in forests.
Different Ecosystems, Ecology, Bio mass, A biotic, Biotic factors, Global
Environmental Issues. Global warming, Acid rains, depletion of Ozone layer. Stars and
Solar systems. River, Lively hood, Atmosphere – wind – safety measures.
Social Studies Content - 10 Marks
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Part – I
Part – II
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission
(1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers,
Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations,
National / State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records
and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women,
Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship, Awards,
Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
5. National Curriculum - Framework, 2005: Perspective, Guiding Principles, Learning
and Knowledge, Teaching Learning Process, Assessment, Systemic Reforms.
Part – III
· Meaning and definition of test, measurement and evaluation, importance of
test, measurement and evaluation in the field of physical education and
sports. Criteria of good test: classification of tests, test administration(pre,
during and post) tests for different variables speed – 50metre dash, maximum
speed -30metres dash with flying start, cardio vascular endurance – cooper’s
12 minutes run – walk test, muscular endurance – bent knee sit-ups –
explosive power – standing broad jump
· Tournaments: meaning of tournament and types of tournaments – knock-out
(elimination), league (round robin), knock-out cum league, league cum
knockout, double league, double knockout, challenge. Method of drawing
fixtures: seeding, special seeding. Rotation method, stair case method.
Intramural and extramural and their importance, sports day/ play day
Part – IV
· Committees of olympic games: international olympic committee - structure
and functions, national olympic committees and their role in olympic
movement, olympic medal winners of india till to date.
· various committees and their recommendations
· Concept and significance of good posture: postural deformities - lordosis,
kyphosis, kypholordosis, scoliosis, knocknees, bow legs, flat foot and their
remedies, corrective exercises for postural illnesses and deformities
· Meaning and causes of sports injuries. Principles of prevention of sports
injuries common sports injuries, symptoms and their treatment, ligament
sprain – muscle strain – tennis elbow- golfer’s elbow, lower back strain –
dislocation – fractures, runners knee – shin pain – blisters – contusion,
abrasion, laceration, hematoma.
· Definition of first-aid, drabc formula (danger, response, airways, breathing &
circulation), artificial respiration techniques – mouth to mouth, mouth to nose
respiration, first aid for hemorrhage, fracture, sprain and strain, drowning,
heat stroke and heat exhaustion; concept of price(prevention, rest, ice,
compression and elevation)
· Physiotherapy: definition: guiding principles of physiotherapy, importance of
physiotherapy. Treatment modalities: electrotherapy, infrared rays, ultraviolet
rays, short wave diathermy, ultra sound.
· Hydrotherapy and massage: hydrotherapy: meaning and methods,
criotherapy, thermo therapy, contrast bath, whirlpool bath, steam bath, sauna
bath, hot water fomentation. Massage: meaning and importance of massage,
indications and contraindications of massage. Types of manipulation,
physiological effects of massage.
· Therapeutic exercise: definition, principles and importance of therapeutic
exercises. Classification of therapeutic exercise: passive movements (relaxed,
forced and passive stretching) active movements(concentric, eccentric and
static). Free mobility exercise for shoulder, wrist, fingers, hip, ankle, foot
joints and neck exercises.
VI.Recreation and Leisure Management
VII.Sports Training
· Concept of management: meaning, definition, scope, concept and importance
of sports management. Functions of management: planning, organising,
staffing, directing and controlling.
· Leadership: meaning, definition & elements of good leadership.leadership
styles, methods. Forms of leadership: autocratic, laissez-faire, democratic,
benevolent and dictator. Qualities of administrative leader, preparation of
administrative leader & effects of good leadership on organizational
· Financial management: financial management in physical education & sports
in schools, colleges and universities. Criteria of good budget, steps of budget
making. Model budget for a school. Procedures for purchases and
constructions. Records and registers.
· Sports management: sports management in schools, colleges and universities.
Planning, directing and controlling school, college and university sports
programmes. Establishing a reporting system, evaluation, rewards and
punishment system. Event management: organisation of major sports event.
X.Research and Statistics In Physical Education
· Introduction to research: definition of research, need and importance of
research in physical education and sports. Classification of research, meaning
of research problem, location and criteria of selection of problem, formulation
of a research problem, limitations and delimitations.
· Methods of research: various methods of research, need for surveying related
literature, literature sources, research proposal.
· Basics in statistics: statistics: meaning, definition, nature, importance and its
types. Raw score: grouped data, un grouped data. Grouped data:discrete and
continuous series. Construction of frequency table: class intervals, class
distribution. Normal probability curve, skewness and kurtosis.
· Graphical presentation: histogram, bar diagram, frequency polygon, ogive
curve, pie diagram.
· Statistical methods in physical education and sports: measures of central
tendency: mean median and mode-meaning, definition, importance,
advantages, disadvantages and calculation from group and ungrouped
data. Measures of variability: meaning, importance. Computing range, mean
deviation, quartile deviation, deciles, percentile and standard deviation. Co-
relation: computing karl pearson product moment correlation and karl
spearman rank order co-relation.
Part – V
1. 100 mts run (or) 800 mts run for men, 400 mts run for women
2. Long jump (or) high jump
3. Shot put 16 lbs for men, 8 lbs for women
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
1. G.K & current Affairs - - 10M
2. Perspectives in Education – 05M
3. Classroom implications of Educational Psychology – 05M
4. Content - 40M
5. Methodology - 20M
Total - 80 M
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter
Commission (1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986,
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for
teachers, Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and
Teacher organizations, National / State Level Organizations for Teacher
Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women,
Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana
Badi, Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
IV. Content (Marks: 40)
1. Biological Sciences: Importance and Human Welfare, Branches of Biology, Biologists.
2. Living World: Life and its Characteristics, Classification of Living Organisms,
Nomenclature, different types of classification. Need for classification, Biological
classification levels and Hierarchy of classification, species concept. Animal diversity,
invertebrates, Chordates.
3. Microbial World: Virus, Bacteria, Algae, Fungi and Protozoan, Useful and Harmful
Micro-organisms. Immunity, vaccination, Immunological disorders. Infections,
life style diseases.
4. Cell & Tissues: Cell – Structure cell theory , cell organelles and their functions,
differences between prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells, plant cell and animal cell, cell
cycle, cell division , Mitosis and Meiosis, tissues, structure, functions and types of plant
and Animal tissues, Cancer biology, stem cells. Transportation of materials through the
cells. Internal organization of plants, histology - anatomy of flowering plants.
5. Plant World : Morphology of a Typical Plant - Root, Stem, Leaf, Flower,
Inflorescence, Fruit - their Structure, Types and Functions, Parts of a Flower, Seed
dispersal Modifications of Root, Stem and Leaf, Photosynthesis, Transpiration,
Transportation in plants (Ascent of Sap), Respiration, Excretion and Reproduction in
Plants, Plant Hormones, food from the plants. Economic importance of Plants, Wild and
Cultivated Plants, Agricultural Operations, Crop diseases and Control measures,
Improvement in Crop yield, Storage, Preservation and Protection of Food and Plant
Products. Single cell proteins (SCP), plant enzymes, mineral nutrition, plant growth and
6. Animal World: Organs and Organ Systems including man - Their Structure and
Functions Digestive, Respiratory in human, type studies of the animals. Circulatory, .
Immunology, Excretory, Locomotion in protozoa and humans - Muscular, Skeletal
Systems, Nervous, Control and Coordination and Reproductive: Sexual, a sexual
fission, syngamy, conjugation. Reproductive health – Birth control methods, Sense
Organs: Structure and Functions of Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue and Skin. Nutrition in man
- Nutrients and their functions, Balanced Diet, Deficiency diseases, Health - Tropical
diseases (Viral, Bacterial, Protozoan, Helminth, Arthropod), Skin diseases (Fungal),
Blindness in man: Causes, Prevention and Control, Health agencies, First Aid - Bites:
Insect, Scorpion and Snakes, Fractures, Accidents, Life skills, Wild and Domesticated
animals, Economic Importance of Animals, Animal Husbandry - Pisciculture,
Sericulture, Poultry, Breeding of Cows and Buffaloes, animal behavior.
7. Heredity and Evolution: Terms, Mendel laws, Sex determination in humans, In
heritance of Blood Groups, Erythroblastosis foetalis, Theories of Evolution, Speciation,
Evidences of Evolution, Human Evolution, sex linkage, genetic disorders, syndromes,
human genome project, evolutionary forces, DNA and finger printing.
8. Our Environment – Ecology: Abiotic and Biotic factors of Ecosystems, Ecosystem -
Types, components, adaptations, Food chains, Food web and Ecological pyramids,
Natural Resources
- Type of water managements, soil waste land management, forests, sustainable
development, fossil fuels and bio fuels, 4Rs, bio-geo-chemical cycles, pollution, air,
water, soil, global environmental issues – global warming – (Green House Effect), acid
rains and depletion of Ozone layer; Population - interaction in Eco-system, plant
9. Recent Trends in Biology: Hybridization, Gene - Genetic material, DNA , RNA,
Genetic Engineering, Gene Bank, Gene Therapy, Tissue Culture and Bio-Technology –
applications. Transgenic animals and plants, cloning, molecular diagnosis, bio medical
technology, bio molecules, molecular biology.
10. Biodiversity – Conservation: Biodiversity – levels of bio diversity, conservation, wild
life, sanctuaries, national parks in India, importance of species, diversity to the
V. Teaching Methodology (Marks: 20)
1. The Nature & Scope of Science: A brief introduction of Oriental and Western Science,
Nature of Science, Scope of Science, Substantive and Syntactic Structure of Science.
2. Aims and Values of Teaching Biological Sciences: Aims of teaching Biological
Sciences, Values of teaching Biological Sciences.
3. Objectives of Teaching Biological Sciences: Importance of Objectives of Teaching
Biological Sciences, Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives and limitations,
Writing Instructional Objectives and Specifications.
4. Academic Standards in Biological Science.
5. Approaches and Methods of Teaching Biological Sciences: Inductive Approach and
Deductive Approach, Methods of Teaching 1. Lecture Method, 2. Lecture cum
Demonstration Method, 3. Heuristic Method, 4. Project Method, 5. Experimental
Method, 6. Laboratory Method.
6. Planning for effective Instruction: Year Plan, Unit Plan, Lesson Plan - Herbartian and
Bloom's Approach, Criteria for Evaluation of Lesson Plan. Self Evaluation and Peer
Evaluation, Learning experiences - Characteristics, Classification, Sources and
Relevance, Teaching - Learning Material and Resources in Biological Sciences.
7. Science Laboratories: Importance of Practical work in Biological Sciences, Planning
Science Laboratory, Procurement, Care and Maintenance of Laboratory Equipment,
Maintenance of different Registers, Safety and First aid, Development of Improvised
8. Science Curriculum: Principles of Curriculum Construction, Defects in the existing
School Science Curriculum, Correlation of Biological Sciences with other School
Subjects, Qualities of a good Biological Science Text-book.
9. Biological Science Teacher: Qualities of a good Biological Sciences Teacher, Roles and
10. Non-formal Science Education: Science club, Eco-club, Blue-club, Red ribbon club,
Science fairs - Objectives, levels of organizations, importance, Science Laboratories,
Role of N G O S and State in popularizing science.
11. Evaluation: Concept and process of Measurement and Evaluation, Continuous
Comprehensive Evaluation, Tools of Evaluation, Preparation of Scholastic
Achievement Test(SAT), Analysis and interpretation of scores.
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
1. History of Education :
The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter
Commission (1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-
2. Teacher Empowerment:
Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for
teachers, Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and
Teacher organizations, National / State Level Organizations for Teacher
Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of
Women, Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
Adolescence Education
Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
Health and Physical Education
Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru –
Mana Badi, Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
Right to Information Act - 2005
Child Rights
Human Rights.
III. Classroom Implications of Educational Psychology – 05m
1. Individual differences: Inter and intra individual differences, meaning, nature and
theories of intelligence with special emphasis to multiple intelligence, IQ, assessment
of intelligence, EQ, Creativity. Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Habit and its Influence on
Intelligence – Class room implementation.
2. Learning: Theories and approaches of learning, learning curves, Factors, Phases,
Dimensions of learning, Types of learning, Transfer of learning. Memory, Forgetting,
Learning and assessment– Class room implementation.
3. Personality: Nature, characteristics and theories of personality, factors of Personality,
Assessment of Personality, Mental health, Adjustment, Stress – nature, Symptoms
and management. Emotional intelligence, Management of emotions – Class room
Main Clauses, sub-ordinate Clauses, Adjectival Clauses,
Clauses Noun Clauses, Adverbial Clauses, Relative Clauses,
Finite and Non-finite Clauses
Agreement between
Agreement between subject & Verb
subject & Verb
Word Order Word Order In a phrase or a sentence
Linkers Linkers
Transformation of
Simple. Compound and Complex Sentences
Punctuation and Use of capital letters, comma, full stop, question mark,
Capitalization exclamation mark and inverted commas
1. Where the Mind Is without Fear (Rabindranath
2. The cloud (P.B.Shelly)
3. The Nation's Strength (R.W.Emerson)
Poetry (Detailed
4. Palanquin Bearers (Sarojini Naidu)
5. The Road Not Taken (Robert Frost)
6. La Belle Dame Sans Merci (John Keats)
7. Telephone Conversation (Wole Soyinka)
8. The Night of the Scorpion (Nissim Ezekiel)
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
1. History of Education :
The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter
Commission (1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-
2. Teacher Empowerment:
Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for
teachers, Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and
Teacher organizations, National / State Level Organizations for Teacher
Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of
Women, Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
Adolescence Education
Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
Health and Physical Education
Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru –
Mana Badi, Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
Right to Information Act - 2005
Child Rights
Human Rights.
1. Individual differences: Inter and intra individual differences, meaning, nature and
theories of intelligence with special emphasis to multiple intelligence, IQ, assessment
of intelligence, EQ, Creativity. Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Habit and its Influence on
Intelligence – Class room implementation.
2. Learning: Theories and approaches of learning, learning curves, Factors, Phases,
Dimensions of learning, Types of learning, Transfer of learning. Memory, Forgetting,
Learning and assessment– Class room implementation.
3. Personality: Nature, characteristics and theories of personality, factors of Personality,
Assessment of Personality, Mental health, Adjustment, Stress – nature, Symptoms
and management. Emotional intelligence, Management of emotions – Class room
IV. CONTENT (Marks: 40)
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
1. G.K & current Affairs - - 10M
2. Perspectives in Education – 05M
3. Classroom implications of Educational Psychology – 05M
4. Content - 40M
5. Methodology - 20M
Total - 80 M
II. Perspectives In Education (Marks: 05)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter
Commission (1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for
teachers, Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and
Teacher organizations, National / State Level Organizations for Teacher
Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of
Women, Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru –
Mana Badi, Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
III. Classroom implications of Educational Psychology – 05Marks
1. Individual differences: Inter and intra individual differences, meaning, nature and
theories of intelligence with special emphasis to multiple intelligence, IQ, assessment
of intelligence, EQ, Creativity. Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Habit and its Influence on
Intelligence – Class room implementation.
2. Learning: Theories and approaches of learning, learning curves, Factors, Phases,
Dimensions of learning, Types of learning, Transfer of learning. Memory, Forgetting,
Learning and assessment– Class room implementation.
3. Personality: Nature, characteristics and theories of personality, factors of
Personality, Assessment of Personality, Mental health, Adjustment, Stress – nature,
Symptoms and management. Emotional intelligence, Management of emotions –
Class room implementation.
IV. Content (40 Marks)
V. Methodology (20 Marks)
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter
Commission (1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for
teachers, Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and
Teacher organizations, National / State Level Organizations for Teacher
Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of
Women, Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru –
Mana Badi, Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
1. Individual differences: Inter and intra individual differences, meaning, nature and
theories of intelligence with special emphasis to multiple intelligence, IQ, assessment
of intelligence, EQ, Creativity. Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Habit and its Influence on
Intelligence – Class room implementation.
2. Learning: Theories and approaches of learning, learning curves, Factors, Phases,
Dimensions of learning, Types of learning, Transfer of learning. Memory, Forgetting,
Learning and assessment– Class room implementation.
3. Personality: Nature, characteristics and theories of personality, factors of
Personality, Assessment of Personality, Mental health, Adjustment, Stress – nature,
Symptoms and management. Emotional intelligence, Management of emotions –
Class room implementation.
IV. Maths – Content (Class-VI to Intermediate Present syllabus) (40 Marks)
1. Arithmetic
Ratio and Proportion - Applications of Ratio- Comparing Quantities using proportion -
Direct and Inverse proportion
2. Number System
Knowing Our Numbers –rounding of numbers - Whole Numbers- predecessor – successor
– number line -Playing With Numbers – divisibility rules -LCM & HCF -Integers -
Fractions - Decimals -Rational Numbers -Squares, cubes Square roots, Cube roots
Real numbers -Representing irrational numbers on Number line – representing real
numbers on the number line through successive magnification – rationalisation –Real
numbers- operations on real numbers- law of exponents for real numbers- surds(
exponential form & radical form )
Euclid’s division lemma & its application in finding HCF – fundamental theorem of
Arithmetic & its application (HCF & LCM, decimal representation of rational numbers
(terminating or non-terminating recurring and vice versa))
Non-terminating & non recurring decimals as irrationals – irrationality of√2, √3 etc.-
properties of irrational numbers
Logarithm - exponential & logarithmic forms-Properties & Laws of logarithms-standard
base of logarithm- use of logarithms in daily life situation-
Sets –& its representation (Roster form& set builder form)-examples- classification of
sets(empty, finite, infinite, subset& super set, universal set, disjoint sets, power set of a
set, equality of sets) Venn diagram – operations on sets ( union, intersection, difference,
cardinal number of a set
3. Geometry
Measures of Lines and Angles - Symmetry - -Understanding 3D, 2D Shapes -
Representing 3D in 2D-Lines and Angles -Triangle and Its Properties -Congruency of
Triangles- -Quadrilaterals - Practical Geometry -Construction of Triangles Construction
of Quadrilaterals - Exploring Geometrical Figures-
The Elements of Geometry -Area –Circles
Similar Triangles & Tangents and secants to a circle
Proofs in Mathematics
4. Mensuration
Perimeter and Area - Area of Plane Figures -Surface areas and Volumes
5. Algebra
Introduction to Algebra- Simple Equations- Exponents - Algebraic Expressions
- Exponents & Powers - Linear Equations in one variable – Factorisation Polynomials &
Factorisation - Linear Equations in Two Variables - Pair of Linear Equations in Two
Variables - Quadratic Equations- Progressions- Arithmetic Progression- properties of
A.P.- Arithmetic mean –Geometric Progression –nth term–properties of AP,G.P.
Functions :
· Ordered pair- Cartesian product of sets – Relation - Function & its types - image &
pre-image – Definitions.
· Inverse functions and Theorems.
· Domain, Range, Inverse of real valued functions.
Mathematical Induction
· Principle of Mathematical Induction & Theorems.
· Applications of Mathematical Induction.
· Problems on divisibility.
· Types of matrices
· Scalar multiple of a matrix and multiplication of matrices
· Transpose of a matrix
· Determinants
· Adjoint and Inverse of a matrix
· Consistency and inconsistency of Equations- Rank of a matrix
· Solution of simultaneous linear equations
Complex Numbers:
· Complex number as an ordered pair of real numbers- fundamental operations
· Representation of complex numbers in the form a + ib.
· Modulus and amplitude of complex numbers –Illustrations.
· Geometrical and Polar Representation of complex numbers in Argand plane- Argand
De Moivre’s Theorem:
· De Moivre’s theorem- Integral and Rational indices.
· nth roots of unity- Geometrical Interpretations – Illustrations.
Quadratic Expressions:
· Quadratic expressions, equations in one variable
· Sign of quadratic expressions – Change in signs – Maximum and minimum values
· Quadratic in-equations
Theory of Equations:
· The relation between the roots and coefficients in an equation
· Solving the equations when two or more roots of it are connected by certain relation
· Equation with real coefficients, occurrence of complex roots in conjugate pairs and its
· Transformation of equations – Reciprocal Equations.
Permutations and Combinations:
· Fundamental Principle of counting – linear and circular permutations
· Permutations of ‘n’ dissimilar things taken ‘r’ at a time
· Permutations when repetitions allowed
· Circular permutations
· Permutations with constraint repetitions.
· Combinations-definitions and certain theorems
Binomial Theorem:
· Binomial theorem for positive integral index
· Binomial theorem for rational Index (without proof).
· Approximations using Binomial theorem
Partial fractions:
· Partial fractions of f(x)/g(x) when g(x) contains non –repeated linear factors.
· Partial fractions of f(x)/g(x) when g(x) contains repeated and/or non-repeated linear
· Partial fractions of f(x)/g(x) when g(x) contains irreducible factors.
6. Statistics
DATA HANDLING - Frequency Distribution Tables and Graphs- Grouped data-
ungrouped data – Measrues of Central Tendency -Mean, median & mode of grouped and
ungrouped data – ogive curves –MEASURES OF DISPERSION -Range - Mean deviation
-Variance and standard deviation of ungrouped/grouped data. -Coefficient of variation and
analysis of frequency distribution with equal means but different variances.
7. Probability
Probability - Random experiment and outcomes - Equally likely outcomes - Trail and
Events - Linking the chance to Probability - uses of probability in real life
Probability-a theoretical approach – probability & modelling –equally likely events -
mutually exclusive events –finding probability – elementary event –exhaustive events -
complementary events & probability – impossible & certain events – deck of cars &
Probability –use & applications of probability - Probability
· Random experiments and events
· Classical definition of probability, Axiomatic approach and addition theorem of
· Independent and dependent events conditional probability- multiplication theorem and
Bayee’s theorem.
Random Variables and Probability Distributions:
· Random Variables
· Theoretical discrete distributions – Binomial and Poisson Distributions
8. Coordinate Geometry
Cartesian system-Plotting a point in a plane if its co-ordinates are given.
Distance between two points - Section formula (internal division of a line segment in the
ratio m : n) – centroid of a triangle – trisectional points of a line segment -Area of triangle
on coordinate plane- collinearity –straight lines -Slope of a line joining two points
Locus :
· Definition of locus – Illustrations.
· To find equations of locus - Problems connected to it.
Transformation of Axes :
· Transformation of axes - Rules, Derivations and Illustrations.
· Rotation of axes - Derivations – Illustrations.
The Straight Line :
· Revision of fundamental results.
· Straight line - Normal form – Illustrations.
· Straight line - Symmetric form.
· Straight line - Reduction into various forms.
· Intersection of two Straight Lines.
· Family of straight lines - Concurrent lines.
· Condition for Concurrent lines.
· Angle between two lines.
· Length of perpendicular from a point to a Line.
· Distance between two parallel lines.
· Concurrent lines - properties related to a triangle.
Pair of Straight lines:
· Equations of pair of lines passing through origin, angle between a pair of lines.
· Condition for perpendicular and coincident lines, bisectors of angles.
· Pair of bisectors of angles.
· Pair of lines - second degree general equation.
· Conditions for parallel lines - distance between them, Point of intersection of pair of
· Homogenizing a second degree equation with a first degree equation in X and Y.
Circle :
· Equation of circle -standard form-centre and radius of a circle with a given line
segment as diameter & equation of circle through three non collinear points -
parametric equations of a circle.
· Position of a point in the plane of a circle – power of a point-definition of tangent-
length of tangent
· Position of a straight line in the plane of circle-conditions for a line to be tangent –
chord joining two points on a circle – equation of the tangent at a point on the circle-
point of contact-equation of normal.
· Chord of contact - pole and polar-conjugate points and conjugate lines - equation of
chord with given middle point.
· Relative position of two circles- circles touching each other externally, internally
common tangents-centres of similitude- equation of pair of tangents from an external
System of circles:
· Angle between two intersecting circles.
· Radical axis of two circles- properties- Common chord and common tangent of two
circles – radical centre.
· Intersection of a line and a Circle.
· Conic sections –Parabola- equation of parabola in standard form-different forms of
parabola- parametric equations.
· Equations of tangent and normal at a point on the parabola (Cartesian and parametric)
- conditions for straight line to be a tangent.
· Equation of ellipse in standard form- Parametric equations.
· Equation of tangent and normal at a point on the ellipse (Cartesian and parametric) -
condition for a straight line to be a tangent.
· Equation of hyperbola in standard form- Parametric equations.
· Equations of tangent and normal at a point on the hyperbola (Cartesian and
parametric) - conditions for a straight line to be a tangent- Asymptotes.
Three Dimensional Coordinates :
· Coordinates.
· Section formulas - Centroid of a triangle and tetrahedron.
Direction Cosines and Direction Ratios :
· Direction Cosines.
· Direction Ratios.
Plane :
· Cartesian equation of Plane - Simple Illustrations.
9. Trigonometry
Trigonometry - Naming the side in a right triangle-trigonometric ratios – defining
trigonometric ratios –trigonometric ratios of some specific angles ( 450,300 &600, 00 &900 )
–trigonometric ratios of complementary angles – trigonometric identities – Applications of
Trigonometry - Line of sight & horizontal -Angle of elevation & depression -Drawing
figures to solve problems – solution for two triangles
Trigonometric Ratios up to Transformations:
· Graphs and Periodicity of Trigonometric functions.
· Trigonometric ratios and Compound angles.
· Trigonometric ratios of multiple and sub- multiple angles.
· Transformations - Sum and Product rules.
Trigonometric Equations:
· General Solution of Trigonometric Equations.
· Simple Trigonometric Equations – Solutions.
Inverse Trigonometric Functions:
· To reduce a Trigonometric Function into a bijection.
· Graphs of Inverse Trigonometric Functions.
· Properties of Inverse Trigonometric Functions.
Hyperbolic Functions:
· Definition of Hyperbolic Function – Graphs.
· Definition of Inverse Hyperbolic Functions – Graphs.
· Addition formulas of Hyperbolic Functions.
Properties of Triangles:
· Relation between sides and angles of a Triangle
· Sine, Cosine, Tangent and Projection rules.
· Half angle formulae and areas of a triangle
· In-circle and Ex-circle of a Triangle.
10. Vector Algebra
Addition of Vectors:
· Vectors as a triad of real numbers.
· Classification of vectors.
· Addition of vectors.
· Scalar multiplication.
· Angle between two non-zero vectors.
· Linear combination of vectors.
· Component of a vector in three dimensions.
· Vector equations of line and plane including their Cartesian equivalent forms.
Product of Vectors:
· Scalar Product - Geometrical Interpretations - orthogonal projections.
· Properties of dot product.
· Expression of dot product in i, j, k system – Angle between two vectors.
· Geometrical Vector methods.
· Vector equations of plane in normal form.
· Angle between two planes.
· Vector product of two vectors and properties.
· Vector product in i, j, k system.
· Vector Areas.
· Scalar Triple Product.
· Vector equations of plane in different forms, skew lines, shortest distance and their
Cartesian equivalents. Plane through the line of intersection of two planes, condition
for coplanarity of two lines, perpendicular distance of a point from a plane, Angle
between line and a plane. Cartesian equivalents of all these results
· Vector Triple Product – Results
11. Calculus
Limits and Continuity:
· Intervals and neighbourhoods.
· Limits.
· Standard Limits.
· Continuity.
· Derivative of a function.
· Elementary Properties.
· Trigonometric, Inverse Trigonometric, Hyperbolic, Inverse Hyperbolic Function -
· Methods of Differentiation.
· Second Order Derivatives.
Applications of Derivatives:
· Errors and approximations.
· Geometrical Interpretation of a derivative.
· Equations of tangents and normal’s.
· Lengths of tangent, normal, sub tangent and sub normal.
· Angles between two curves and condition for orthogonality of curves.
· Derivative as Rate of change.
· Rolle’s Theorem and Lagrange’s Mean value theorem without proofs and their
geometrical interpretation.
· Increasing and decreasing functions.
· Maxima and Minima.
· Integration as the inverse process of differentiation- Standard forms –properties of
· Method of substitution- integration of Algebraic, exponential, logarithmic,
trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions. Integration by parts.
· Integration- Partial fractions method.
· Reduction formulae.
Definite Integrals:
· Definite Integral as the limit of sum
· Interpretation of Definite Integral as an area.
· Fundamental theorem of Integral Calculus.
· Properties.
· Reduction formulae.
· Application of Definite integral to areas.
Differential equations:
· Formation of differential equation-Degree and order of an ordinary differential
· Solving differential equation by
a) Variables separable method.
b) Homogeneous differential equation.
c) Non - Homogeneous differential equation.
d) Linear differential equations.
V. Methodology (20 Marks)
1. Meaning and Nature of Mathematics, History of Mathematics.
2. Contributions of Great Mathematicians - Aryabhatta, Bhaskaracharya, Srinivasa
Ramanujan, Euclid, Pythagoras, George cantor.
3. Aims and Values of teaching Mathematics, Instructional objectives (Blooms
4. Mathematics curriculum: Principles, approaches of curriculum construction, -Logical
and Psychological, Topical and Concentric, Spiral approaches. Qualities of a good
Mathematics text book.
5. Methods of teaching mathematics- Heuristic method, Laboratory method, Inductive
and Deductive methods, Analytic and Synthetic methods, Project method and Problem
Solving method.
6. Unit Plan, Year Plan, Lesson Planning in Mathematics.
7. Instructional materials, Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience.
8. Evolving strategies for the gifted students and slow learners,
9. Techniques of teaching mathematics like Oral work, written work, Drilling,
Assignment, Project, Speed and Accuracy.
10.Mathematics club, Mathematics structure, Mathematics order and pattern sequence.
11. Evaluation - Types, Tools and Techniques of Evaluation, Preparation of SAT
Analysis, Characteristics of a good test.
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter
Commission (1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for
teachers, Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and
Teacher organizations, National / State Level Organizations for Teacher
Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of
Women, Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru –
Mana Badi, Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
1. Individual differences: Inter and intra individual differences, meaning, nature and
theories of intelligence with special emphasis to multiple intelligence, IQ, assessment
of intelligence, EQ, Creativity. Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Habit and its Influence on
Intelligence – Class room implementation.
2. Learning: Theories and approaches of learning, learning curves, Factors, Phases,
Dimensions of learning, Types of learning, Transfer of learning. Memory, Forgetting,
Learning and assessment– Class room implementation.
3. Personality: Nature, characteristics and theories of personality, factors of
Personality, Assessment of Personality, Mental health, Adjustment, Stress – nature,
Symptoms and management. Emotional intelligence, Management of emotions –
Class room implementation.
5) ଓଡ଼ିଆସାହିତ ରଇତିହାସ: -
ୁ , ସାରଳାଯୁଗ, ପ ସଖାଯୁଗ, ରୀତିଯୁଗଏବଂ
ି ଯୁଗ
6) ଭାଷାବି ାନଅ ୟନରଇତିହାସ :-
ଭାଷାବି ାନରସଂ ା ରୂପ, ବିଭି ବିଭାଗଓବିଭବ,
ନିବି ାନଏବଂଓଡ଼ିଆଭାଷାର ନିଗତେବୖଶି , ଅଥବି ାନ
7) ସାହିତ ସମାେଲାଚନା ଓ ଓଡିଆ ପ ପ କ
ି ା:-
ଓଡ଼ିଆସମାେଲାଚନାସାହିତ ଏବଂ ଆଧୁନକ
ି ଓଡିଆ ସାହିତ ବିକାଶେର
ପ ପ କ
ି ାର ଭୂମିକା
8) ଓଡ଼ିଆଭାଷାରଉେନଷଓବିକାଶ: -
ଶିଳାେଲଖ, ାଚୀନପୁରାଣ,କାବ , କବିତାଓଗଦ ସାହିତ ରଓଡ଼ିଆଭାଷା
V. Methodology: - [20 ମାକ]
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana
Badi, Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
surface area, temperature, humidity, wind speed. Evaporation and cooling with
examples. Mixtures, type of mixtures, homogeneous and hetero generous, Solution,
components, properties, concentration, dilute and saturated Solutions, Mass / Mass
percentage; Mass / volume percentage, Suspension, properties of suspensions,
Colloidal solution, properties of colloids, Tyndall effect, Separating the components of
a mixture, Separating components of blue / black ink, evaporation, Cream from milk by
churning, centrifugation, Separating immiscible liquids, Separation by sublimation
Separation by chromatography, Separation by distillation (miscible liquids), fractional
distillation, Separating components of air, Obtaining pure copper sulphate from impure
samples Applications of crystallization, Water purification system in water works,
Physical and chemical change, Types of pure substances, elements, compounds,
Comparison between mixture and compounds Solids- Metals and Non-metals, Physical
properties of metals, luster, malleability, electrical conductivity, ductility, sonorous,
heat conductors, Physical properties of non-metals Chemical properties of metals -
Metals burnt in air, Metal reacts with water, Reaction with acids, Reactions with
solutions of other metal salt solutions, Reactivity series, Reactions of metals and
non-metals – formation of cation, anion and ionic compounds, Properties of Ionic
compounds, Physical nature, Melting and boiling points, Solubility Conduction of
electricity, Occurrence of metals, Extractions of metals – General Principles Of
Metallurgy Occurrence and Relative Abundance of metals in earth's crust, The
Metallurgy of Iron & Extraction, Protection of Metals and Prevention of Corrosion,
Principles and methods of extraction - concentration, reduction by chemical and
electrolytic methods and refining. Reaction with oxygen, acidic, basic nature of
products, Reaction with water, Reaction with acid, Reaction with Base, Reactivity of
metals in displacement reactions, Uses of metals and non-metals – FLUIDS- Electric
Conductivity of Fluids, determination of good and poor conducting fluids, Chemical
effects of electric current, Electrolytic cell: its construction and electroplating:
Measurable Properties of Gases, Gas Laws, Graham's law of diffusion - Daltons law of
partial pressures, Avogadro’s law and Mole Concept, Ideal behavior, empirical
derivation of gas equation, ideal gas equation, Kinetic molecular theory of gases,
Kinetic gas equation (No derivation) - deduction of gas laws, Air, Composition of air,
Measurement of Atmospheric Pressure, Air Pollution, Volumetric Composition of
Water, Hardness of Water, Drinking Water and Supply, Water Pollution, Cyclone,
Pascal's Law, Archimedes' Principle, Boyle's Law, Bernoulli's Principle, Wind,
13. Atomic Structure: Matter - Its Structure, Cathode Rays, Canal Rays, Discovery of
Neutron, Atomic Models - Arrangement of Sub Atomic Particles, Rutherford's model of
atom and its drawbacks, Bohr's model of Hydrogen atom and its limitations,
Sommerfeld's elliptical model, Schrodinger wave equation, Sub Energy Levels -
Quantum Numbers, Atomic Orbitals, Relative energies of the atomic orbitals,
Electronic configuration of Atoms, Some Physical Quantities of Atoms, Nature of
Electromagnetic Radiation, Planck's Quantum theory. Explanation of Photo electric
effect. Features of Atomic Spectra. Characteristics of Hydrogen Spectrum. Bohr's
explanation of Spectral Lines, Wave-particle nature of electron, De Brogile's
hypothesis, Heisenberg's uncertainly principle, Important feature of the quantum
mechanical model of an atom, Electronic configurations of atoms - Explanation of
stability of half filled and completely filled orbitals. Isotopes, Isobars and Isotones,
Applications of Radio Isotopes.
14. Classification Of Elements: Symbols and formulae, Radicals and their formulae,
Chemical equation, Meaning, Calculations based on equations and relationship of
reactants and products by weights, History of Classification of Elements, The Periodic
Law, Modern Periodic Table, The significance of atomic number and electronic
configuration, Classification of elements into s, p, d, f blocks and their characteristics,
Period trends in physical and chemical properties of elements, Periodic trends of
elements with respect to atomic radii, ionic radii, inert gas radii, ionization energy,
electron gain energy, electro negativity, Valency.
15. Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure:
Types of Bonds, Inter Molecular Attractions, Energy changes during a chemical
reaction, Exotherimic and Endothermic Relations, ionic bond, Electronic theory
valence by Lewis and Kossel, energy changes in ionic bond formation, Properties of
ionic Compounds, Covalent Bond, Multiple Covalent Bonds, Shapes of some
molecules. VSEPR theory, The valence bond approach for the formation of covalent
bonds, Directional nature of covalent bond, Properties of covalent bond, Different types
of hybridization involving s, p and d orbitals and draw shapes of simple covalent
molecules, Definition of coordinate covalent bond with examples, Description of
molecular orbital theory of homo nuclear diatomic molecules. Hydrogen bonding-cause
of formation of hydrogen bond- Types of hydrogen bonds-inter and intra
molecular-General properties of hydrogen bonds.
16. Chemical Kinetics, Energitics: Chemical Calculations And Stoichiometry Chemical
combination, Chemical decomposition, Chemical displacement, Chemical Double
decomposition, Slow and Fast reactions, Rate of a Reaction, Factors affecting the
reaction rate, Reversible and Irreversible Reactions, Law of conservation of mass, Law
of definite proportions, Law of multiple proportions, Rate law, units of rate constant,
Collision theory of reaction rates (elementary ideas), concepts of activation energy.
Stoichiometry - Meaning of Chemical Equations, Thermochemical Equations,
Problems Based on Equations, Laws of chemical combination, principles and
examples, Different kinds of fuels burning with flame and without flame, Combustion
of fuels, solid, liquid, gas, Ignition temperature, Matchstick – red , white phosphorous
and antimony tri sulphide, ignition temperatures, Inflammable substances, Methods of
controlling fire, fire extinguisher, Types of combustion, rapid, spontaneous, explosive.
Flame, materials forming flames, structure of flame, Fuel, ideal fuel, fuel efficiencies,
calorific value, Harmful products of burning fuels , global warming and acid rain.
Molar mass, concept of equivalent weight with examples, Percentage composition of
compounds and calculations of empirical and molecular formula of compounds,
Oxidation number concept, Balancing of redox reactions by ion electron method and
oxidation number method, Types of redox reactions, Applications of redox reactions in
titrimetric quantitative analysis and redox reactions in electrode process, Numerical
calculations based on equations. Equilibrium - Differences between Physical and
Chemical change, Equilibrium in physical and chemical process, Dynamic nature of
equilibrium, law of mass action, Equilibrium Constant, Factors affecting equilibrium.
17. Solutions, Acids, And Bases:
Solutions, Types, Solubility and Factors affecting concentration of solutions,
Ionization of Substances in Water, Classification of solutions - Methods of expressing
concentration of solutions - Molarity, Normality, Molality, Mole Fraction, Preparation
of Acids and Bases, General properties of Acids an Bases, The Strengths of Acids and
Bases, Neutralisation and Heat of Neutralization, Ionization of acids and bases, strong
and weak electrolytes, degree of ionization, ionic product of water, Concept of pH., pH
of some common fluids, Importance of pH in everyday life, Sensitive of plants and
animals to pH, pH of soils, pH in digestive system, pH-tooth decay, Self defense by
animal and plants through chemical warfare. Some naturally occurring acids. Salts -
Family of salts, pH of salts, Sources of common salt, Common salt – a raw material for
chemicals, NaoH, Bleaching powder, baking soda, NaHco3 uses washing soda and its
uses, Salt crystals / crystallization, Plaster of Paris, Equilibrium in Physical process,
Equilibrium in chemical process - Dynamic Equilibrium, Law of chemical Equilibrium
- Law of mass action and Equilibrium constant. Homogeneous Equilibria, Equilibrium
constant in gaseous systems. Relationship between KP and Kc, Heterogeneous
Equilibria. Applications of Equilibrium constant. Relationship between Equilibrium
constant K, reaction quotient Q and Gibbs energy G. Factors affecting
Equilibria.-Le-chatlieprinciple application to industrial synthesis of Ammonia and
Sulphur trioxide. Acids, bases and salts- Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry and Lewis
concepts of acids and bases. Ionisation of Acids and Bases -Ionisation constant of
water and it's ionic product- pH scale-ionisation constants of weak acids-ionisation of
weak bases-relation between Ka and Kb-Di and poly basic acids and di and poly acidic
Bases-Factors affecting acid strength-Common ion effect in the ionization of acids and
bases-Hydrolysis of salts and pH of their solutions. Buffer solutions-designing of
buffer solution-Preparation of Acidic buffer Solubility Equilibria of sparingly soluble
salts. Solubility product constant Common ion effect on solubility of Ionic salts.
18. Hydrogen And Its Compounds
Position of hydrogen in the periodic table. Dihydrogen-Occurance and Isotopes.
Preparation of Dihydrogen, Properties of Dihydrogen, Hydrides: Ionic, covalent, and
non-stiochiometric hydrides. Water: Physical properties; structure of water, ice.
Chemical properties of water; hard and soft water, Temporary and permanent hardness
of water, Hydrogen peroxide: Preparation; Physical properties; structure and chemical
properties; storage and uses. Heavy Water, Hydrogen as a fuel.
19. S - Block Elements
Alkali metals; Electronic configurations; Atomic and Ionic radii; Ionization enthalpy;
Hydration enthalpy; Physical properties; Chemical properties; Uses, General
characteristics of the compounds of the alkali, metals: Oxides; Halides; Salts of Oxy
Acids. Anomalous properties of Lithium: Differences and similarities with other alkali
metals. Diagonal relationship; similarities between Lithium and Magnesium. Some
important compounds of Sodium: Sodium Carbonate; Sodium Chloride; Sodium
Hydroxide; Sodium hydrogen carbonate. Biological importance of Sodium and
Potassium. Alkaline earth elements; Electronic configuration; Ionization enthalpy;
Hydration enthalpy; Physical properties, Chemical properties; Uses. General
characteristics of compounds of the Alkaline Earth Metals: Oxides, hydroxides,
halides, salts of Oxyacids (Carbonates; Sulphates and Nitrates). Anomalous behavior
of Beryllium; its diagonal relationship with Aluminum. Some important compounds of
calcium: Preparation and uses of Calcium Oxide ; Calcium Hydroxide; Calcium
Carbonate;Plaster of Paris; Cement. Biological importance of Calcium and
20. P - Block Elements
General introduction - Electronic configuration, Atomic radii, Ionization enthalpy,
Electro negativity; Physical & Chemical properties. Important trends and anomalous
properties of boron. Some important compounds of boron - Borax, Ortho boric acid,
diborane. Uses of boron, aluminium and their compounds. General introduction -
Electronic configuration, Atomic radii, Ionization enthalpy, Electro negativity;
Physical & Chemical properties. Important trends and anomalous properties of carbon.
Allotropes of carbon. Uses of carbon. Some important compounds of carbon and
silicon – carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, Silica, silicones, silicates and zeolites.
21. Organic Chemistry
Allotropic forms of Carbon, Oxides of Carbon, Uniqueness of Carbon and Source of
Carbon Compounds, Anomalous behavior of first element namely Carbon,
Carbon-catenation, allotropic forms, physical and chemical properties and uses,
Bonding in carbon, Covalent bond, Catenation, Saturated and unsaturated carbon
compounds, Chains, branches and rings, Bonding of carbon with other elements,
Functional groups in carbon compounds, Homologous series. Nomenclature of carbon
compounds, Chemical properties of carbon compounds, Combustion, Blue flame,
Sooty flame, Oxidation, Addition reaction, Substitution reaction, Important carbon
compounds, Ethanol, Ethanoic acid, properties of ethanol – General properties,
reaction of ethanol with sodium, reaction with hot concentrated sulphuric acid,
Properties of ethanoic acid – General properties. Esterification reaction, Reaction with
a base, sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate and sodium hydrogen carbonate, Soaps
and detergents, Micelles. . Classification and nomenclature, Nature of C-X bond,
Methods of preparation : Alkyl halides and aryl halides-from alcohols, from
hydrocarbons (a)by free radical halogenation -(b) by electrophilic substitution (c) by
replacement of diazonium group(Sand-Meyer reaction) (d) by the addition of
hydrogen halides and halogens to alkenes-by halogen exchange(Finkelstein reaction),
Physical properties-melting and boiling points,density and solubility, Chemical
reactions, Reactions of haloalkanes (i)Nucleophilic substitution reactions (a) Sn2
mechanism (b) Sn1 mechanism (c) stereochemical aspects of nucleophilic substitution
reactions -optical activity (ii) Elimination reactions (iii) Reaction with
metals-Reactions of haloarenes: (i) Nucleophilic substitution (ii)Electrophilic
substitution and (iii) Reaction with metals, Polyhalogen compounds: Uses and
environmental effects of dichloro methane, trichloromethane, triiodomethane,
tetrachloro methane, freons and DDT. Alcohols,phenols and ethers
–classification, Nomenclature: (a)Alcohols, (b)phenols and (c)ethers,
Structures of hydroxy and ether functional groups, Methods of preparation: Alcohols
from alkenes and carbonyl compounds- Phenols from haloarenes, benzene sulphonic
acid, diazonium salts, cumene, Physical propertics of alcohols and phenols, Chemical
reactions of alcohols and phenols (i) Reactions involving cleavage of O-H
bond-Acidity of alcohols and phenols, esterification (ii) Reactions involving cleavage
of C-O bond- reactions with HX, PX3, dehydration and oxidation (iii) Reactions of
phenols- electrophili aromatic substitution, Kolbe's reaction, Reimer - Tiemann
reaction, reaction with zinc dust, oxidation, Commercially important
alcohols (methanol,ethanol), Ethers-Methods of preparation: By dehydration of
alcohols, Williamson synthesis- Physical properties-Chemical reactions:
Cleavage of C-O bond and electrophilic substitution of aromatic ethers.
Nomenclature and structure of carbonyl group, Preparation of aldehydes and
ketones-(1) by oxidation of alcohols (2) by dehydrogenation of alcohols (3)
from hydrocarbons -Preparation of aldehydes (1) from acyl chlorides (2) from nitriles
and esters(3)from hydrocarbons-Preparation of ketones(1) from acyl chlorides (2)from
nitriles (3)from benzene or substituted benzenes, Physical properties of aldehydes and
ketones, Chemical reactions of aldehydes and ketones-nucleophilic addition,
reduction, oxidation, reactions due to -Hydrogen and other reactions (Cannizzaro
reaction,electrophilic substitution reaction), Uses of aldehydes and ketones,
CARBOXYLIC ACIDS, Nomenclature and structure of carboxylgroup, Methods of
preparation of carboxylic acids- (1)from primary alcohols and aldehydes (2) from
alkylbenzenes(3)from nitriles and amides (4)from Grignard reagents (5) from acyl
halides and anhydrides (6) from esters, Physical properties, Chemical reactions: (i)
Reactions involving cleavage of OH bond-acidity, reactions with metals and alkalies
(ii) Reactions involving cleavage of C-OH bond-formation of anhydride, reactions
with PCl5, PCl3, SOCl2, esterification and reaction with ammonia (iii) Reactions
involving -COOH group-reduction, decarboxylation (iv) Substitution reactions in the
hydrocarbon part - halogenation and ring substitution, Uses of carboxylic acids.
Structure of amines, Classification, Nomenclature, Preparation of amines:reduction of
nitro compounds, ammonolysis of alkyl halides, reduction of nitriles,reduction of
amides, Gabriel phthalimide synthesis and Hoffmann bromamide degradation
reaction. Physical properties, Chemical reactions:basic character of amines, alkylation,
acylation, carbyl amine reaction, reaction with nitrous acid, reaction with aryl
sulphonyl chloride, electrophilic substitution of aromatic amines-bromination,
nitration and sulphonation. DIAZONIUM SALTS - Methods of preparation of
diazonium salts (by diazotization), Physical properties. Chemical reactions: Reactions
involving CYANIDES AND ISOCYANIDES - Structure and nomenclature of
cyanides and isocyanides, Preparation, physical properties and chemical reactions of
cyanides and isocyanides
22. Polymers:
Classification of Polymers -Classification based on source, structure, mode of
polymerization, molecular forces and growth polymerization. Types of polymerization
reactions-addition polymerization or chain growth polymerization-ionic
polymerization, free radical mechanism-preparation of addition polymers-polythene,
teflon and polyacrylonitrile-condensation polymerization or step growth
polymerization-polyamides-preparation of Nylon 6,6 and nylon 6-poly esters- erylene
- bakelite, melamine, formaldehyde polymer- copolymerization-Rubber-natural
rubber-vulcanisation of rubber-Synthetic rubbers-preparation of neoprene and buna-N.
Molecular mass of polymers-number average and weight average molecular masses-
poly dispersity index (PDI). Biodegradable polymers-PHBV, Nylon 2-nylon 6.
Polymers of commercial importance-poly propene, poly styrene,poly vinyl
chloride(PVC), urea-formaldehyde resin, glyptal, bakelite- their monomers, structures
and uses. Natural and artificial fibres, Synthetic fibre, Types of synthetic fibres -
Rayon, Nylon, Polyster and acrylic, Characteristics of synthetic fibres, Plastics,
polythene, Thermo plastics, Thermo setting plastic, Plastics as materials of choice:
Non-reactive, light, strong and durable and poor conducting plastics, Plastics and
environment – Bio degradable, non-bio degradable. Carbohydrates - Classification of
carbohydrates-Monosaccharides: preparation of glucose from sucrose and starch-
Properties and structure of glucose- D,L and (+), (-) configurations of glucose-
Structure of fructose Disaccharides: Sucrose- preparation, structure-Invert sugar-
Structures of maltose and lactose-Polysaccharides: Structures of starch cellulose
and glycogen- Importance of carbohydrates. Aminoacids: Natural
aminoacids-classification of aminoacids -structures and D and L forms-Zwitter ions
Proteins: Structures, classification, fibrous and globular- primary, secondary, tertiary
and quarternary structures of proteins- Denaturation of proteins. Enzymes:
Enzymes,mechanism of enzyme action. Vitamins: Explanation-names- classification
of vitamins - sources of vitamins-deficiency diseases of different types of vitamins.
Nucleic acids: chemical composition of nucleic acids ,structures of nucleic acids, DNA
finger printing biological functions of nucleic acids. Hormones: Definition, different
types of hormones, their production, biological activity, diseases due to their abnormal
23. Chemistry In Everyday Life
Drugs and their classification: (a) Classification of drugs on the basis of
pharmocological effect(b) Classification of drugs on the basis of drug action (c)
Classification of drugs on the basis of chemical structure (d) Classification of drugs on
the basis of molecular targets. Drug-Target interaction-Enzymes as drug targets(a)
Catalytic action of enzymes (b) Drug-enzyme interaction Receptors as drug targets.
Therapeutic action of different classes of drugs: antacids, antihistamines,
neurologically active drugs: tranquilizers, analgesics-non-narcotic,narcotic analgesics,
antimicrobials-antibiotics,antiseptics and disinfectants- antifertility drugs. Chemicals
in food-artificial sweetening agents, food preservatives, antioxidants in food.
Cleansing agents-soaps and synthetic detergents.
24. Environmental chemistry:
Sources of energy, Conventional sources of energy, Fossil fuels, Petroleum formation,
refining of petroleum, constituents of petroleum, Natural gas, Petrochemicals,
Thermal power plant, Hydro power plants, Improvements in the technology for using
conventional sources of energy, Bio-Mass, Wind energy, Alternative or
non-conventional sources of energy, Solar energy, Energy from sea, Tidal energy,
Wave energy, Ocean thermal energy, Geothermal energy, Nuclear energy,
Environmental consequences of production and consumption of energy, Sustainability
of energy sources. Pollution: Air, Water and Soil Pollution, Oxides of Carbon, Carbon
Monoxide, Oxides of nitrogen and Sulphur, Chlorofluro carbons, Chemical reactions
in atmosphere, smogs, major atmospheric pollutants, acid rain, Ozone and its
reactions, effects of depletion of ozone layer, Green house effect and global warming,
Pollution due to industrial wastes, Green chemistry as an alternative tool for reducing
pollution with two examples.
V. Methodology (Marks: 20)
1. The Nature of Science: Nature and scope of science, Science, ideology and Society,
Structure of Science (a) Substantive structure - Empirical knowledge, Theoretical
Knowledge - (Facts, Concepts, hypothesis, theory, Principle Law), (b)Syntactic
Structure of Science - Scientific inquiry, Processes of Science, Attitudes of inquiry
2. The History and Development of Science: A brief introduction to oriental and western
science, Contribution of the following Scientists in the Development of Science:
Aryabhatta, BhaskaraCharya, Aristotle, Copernicus, Newton, Einstein, C.V.Raman,
Various organizations working for the development of science in India
3. Aims and Values of teaching Physical Sciences: Aims of teaching Physical Sciences,
Values of teaching Physical Science, Correlation of Physics and Chemistry with other
4. Objectives of teaching Physical Sciences: Meaning and importance of objectives,
Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational objectives, Specific / Behavioral objectives /
(Instructional objectives), Critique on Bloom's Taxonomy
5. Approaches and Methods of teaching Physical Sciences: Inductive and Deductive
Approaches, Micro Teaching, Team Teaching, Lecture Method, Lecture cum
Demonstration Method, Historical Method, Heuristic Method, Project Method,
Laboratory method, Problem Solving Method, Scientific Method, Multimedia
Approach in Teaching Learning process, Programmed Learning, CAI and CAL
6. Planning for effective instruction in Science: Year Plan, Unit Plan, Lesson Plan,
Learning experience, characteristics, classification, source and relevance.
7. Teaching Learning Material (TLM): Characteristics and Importance of TLM,
Classification and Types of TLM, Hardware and Software in TLM, TLM-Principles to
be followed, Edgar Dale's cone of learning experience.
8. Science laboratories: Importance of Practical work in science, Planning of Science
laboratories, Procurement, care and maintenance of laboratory equipment, Registers,
Management of safety and science kits, Development of improvised Apparatus.
9. Physical Science Curriculum: Principles of Curriculum Construction, Defects in the
existing school science curriculum, Qualities of a good Science Text Book.
10.Non-formal Science Education: Science Clubs, Science Fairs - purposes, levels,
organization, advantages, Science Library, Role of NGOs and State in popularizing
11.Evaluation: Concept and Process of Evaluation, Tools of Evaluation, Preparation of
Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT), Analysis and interpretation of Scores.
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter
Commission (1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for
teachers, Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and
Teacher organizations, National / State Level Organizations for Teacher
Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of
Women, Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru –
Mana Badi, Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
1. Individual differences: Inter and intra individual differences, meaning, nature and
theories of intelligence with special emphasis to multiple intelligence, IQ, assessment
of intelligence, EQ, Creativity. Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Habit and its Influence on
Intelligence – Class room implementation.
2. Learning: Theories and approaches of learning, learning curves, Factors, Phases,
Dimensions of learning, Types of learning, Transfer of learning. Memory, Forgetting,
Learning and assessment– Class room implementation.
3. Personality: Nature, characteristics and theories of personality, factors of
Personality, Assessment of Personality, Mental health, Adjustment, Stress – nature,
Symptoms and management. Emotional intelligence, Management of emotions –
Class room implementation.
IV. Content: (Marks: 40)
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V. Methodology (20 Marks)
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Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru –
Mana Badi, Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
1. Individual differences: Inter and intra individual differences, meaning, nature and
theories of intelligence with special emphasis to multiple intelligence, IQ, assessment
of intelligence, EQ, Creativity. Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Habit and its Influence on
Intelligence – Class room implementation.
2. Learning: Theories and approaches of learning, learning curves, Factors, Phases,
Dimensions of learning, Types of learning, Transfer of learning. Memory, Forgetting,
Learning and assessment– Class room implementation.
3. Personality: Nature, characteristics and theories of personality, factors of
Personality, Assessment of Personality, Mental health, Adjustment, Stress – nature,
Symptoms and management. Emotional intelligence, Management of emotions –
Class room implementation.
Reading, Making and Analysis of Maps -different types of maps - directions -scale -
conventional symbols use in maps-measuring heights , distances - Contour Lines-
Representation of relief features on maps- uses of maps- past and present-Maps Down the
Ages-reading of thematic maps-atlas-globe-a model -the earth grid system- Using an atlas to
find latitude and longitude of places, time.
Our Universe, the Sun and the Earth – energy form sun- temperature - The evolution of the
Earth- earth movements – seasons- regions on earth-condition -Movements of the Earth’s-
crust - Internal Structure of the Earth- Realms of the earth
Lithosphere- ‘first order’ landforms- oceans and continents -diverse features - Second Order
landforms-mountains, plains and plateaus- diverse people living in different kinds of
landforms in India and Andhra Pradesh -plate tectonics-Volcanoes-earth quakes –disaster
management- Mining and minerals- new trends in mining and minerals.- renewable and non-
renewable –Indian relief features –location-geological background-major relief divisions in
India-and Andhra Pradesh
Hydrosphere- Hydrological cycle - water sources - oceans - relief of the oceans - salty-
movements - oceans as resouse waves, tides, currents - ocean as resource – Indian,
Andhra Pradesh river and water resources –ground water-tanks-recharging ground water-
floods- Rational and equitable Use of water-Andhra Pradesh water , land and trees protection
act .
Atmosphere- structure of atmosphere Pressure Belts and Planetary Winds- Carioles effect-
winds- weather and climate –factors which influence weather and climate –seasons in india-
types of rainfall- Global Warming and Climate Change-anthropological global warming -
IPCC- Impact of climate change on India-
Biosphere- Natural vegetation- different kinds of forests- human society and environment-
pollution and effects-depletion of resources- using and protesting forests
From Gathering Food to Growing food – The Earliest People - Agriculture in Our Times -
Trade in Agricultural Produce -Trade in Agricultural Produce – agricultural in India,
Andhra Pradesh-types of farming-cropping season-crops-importance of agriculture –green
revolution –effects- dry land agriculture –Food security – nutrition status –PDS-sustainable
development and equity -handicrafts and handlooms- industrial revolution- beginning of
industrial revolution- Sources of Energy and Industrial Development-urbanisation and slums-
production in a factory Livelihood and Struggles Urban Workers - Minerals and Mining -
Impact of Technology on Livelihoods –technology changes in agricultural, industrial ,service
sectors -importance of transport system –transport system in India, traffic education –
Andhra Pradesh- money and banking- finance literacy-credits and finance system- prices and
cost of living - Role of government in regulating prices- The Government Budget and
Taxation –direct and indirect taxes-industries in India-new policies for industries -service
activates in India -growth and development-comparing of different countries and states-
sectors of economy-employment- organized and unorganized sectors –employment in India-
population –people and settlement-urbanisation in India , urbanisation problems-people and
migration –types of migrations –village economy –Globalization –factors –impact-fair
globalization-other issues.
Theme -III: Political Systems and Governance
Diversity in Our Society - Towards Gender Equality –caste discrimination and the struggle
for equalities –livelihood and struggles of Urban workers –workers rights –abolishment of
zamindari system-poverty-Rights –Human rights and fundamental rights- Women rights ,
protection acts – children rights – RTI-RTE-legal service authority- Lok Adalat –consumer
rights - social movements in our time
Religion and Society in Early Times – hunter- gatherers-early farmers and herdrers-Indus
valley civilisation –Vedas- Jainism ,Buddhism-flok religion-bhakthi-nathpanthis
,siddhas,yogis.- sufism -kabir – gurunank-Devotion and Love towards God –Hindu religion-
Bhakti movement-Christianity-Islam- the belief in supreme god-social and religious reform
movements-Christian missionaries and oriental scholars-Bramha samaj- Arya Samaj-Swami
Vivekananda –reforms and education among muslims –social reformers in andrapradesh-
social reforms and caste system-narayana guru-jyothirao phule – dr br ambedker-
understanding Secularism-
Language, Writing and Great Books - Sculptures and Buildings –Performing Arts and
Artistes in Modern times-burrakatha – tholubommalata –bharatanatyam-Film and print
media-role of media in freedom movement- sports Nationalism –other games and their status.
Intermediate Syllabus:
General Geography-Definition and scope of Geography – Branches of Geography-Geography
as an integrating Discipline and as Spacial Science with physical, biological and social
Solar System-Origin and Evolution of solar system-Rotation and Revolution of the Earth and
their effects-Latitudes and Longitudes-Standard Time and International Date line.
The Earth - Interior of the Earth-Wegner’s theory of continental drift -Major Rock types and
their characteristics.
Geomorphology -Major landforms: Mountains, Plateaus and Plains-Geomorphic Process:
Weathering - Physical and Chemical Weathering-Landforms associated with wind and river –
Erosional and depositional.
Climatology -Climate: Elements of weather and climate-Atmosphere: Composition and
structure of atmosphere -Insolation: Insolation and Heat Budget of the Planet Earth-
Temperature: Factors influencing Temperature, Vertical and horizontal distribution of
temperature Pressure- Global pressure belts WindsPlanetary winds, Seasonal and Local
winds-Precipitation: Forms and types of rain fall (Convectional, Orographic and Cyclonic
rain fall).
Bio geography -Biomes of the world- Equatorial, Tropical and Temporate -Biodiversity and
Conservation -Concept of Ecosystem and Ecological Balance- Oceanography, Hydrology and
Natural hazards
Oceanography-Divisions of the Ocean floor- Continental shelf, Continental slope, Deep Sea
plains and Ocean deeps-Ocean Temperatures- Vertical and horizontal distribution-Ocean
Salinity Definition, vertical and horizontal distribution-Oceanic Movements: Waves, Tides
and Currents, (Currents of Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean )
Hydrology-Elements of Hydrological cycle: Precipitation, evaporation, evapo-transpiration,
run off, infiltration and recharge -Hydrological Cycle.
Natural Hazards-Causes and Spatial distribution of floods, droughts, cyclones, Tsunamis,
Earthquakes and landslides Global Warming and its consequences-Disaster Management in
India-Human Geography : Definition, Content and scope- Man and Environment: Definition,
Content, Classification of environment-Environmental impact World Population : Growth,
Factors influencing, density and distribution
Human activities - Primary, Secondary and tertiary activities-Resources - Definition,
Classification and Conservation-Agriculture -Definition, Types, food crops (Rice and wheat)
Non food crops (Cotton, Sugarcane) and Plantation crops-(Rubber, tea and coffee) their
Significance, Conditions - for cultivation, production and distribution.
Definition and Classification (Metallic - Iron), non Metallic – bauxite and (fuel minerals -
coal and petroleum) Industries - Location factors, types of industries -Agro – based (Cotton
textiles) Forest based (Paper mills) -Mineral based (Iron and steel) - Chemical based
(Fertilizers)- Transportation -Road ways, Railways, Water ways and Air ways - Rail ways-
Intensive net work rail way, Regional rail-ways and Trans continental railways - Water ways-
Mjor sea ports: London, San Francisco-Reo De Janeiro, Cape Town, Kolkata and Sydney-
Major Air ports- Tokyo, Paris, Chicago, Bogota and -Wellington
Physical features of India - Major features - Northern mountains, Indo – Gangetic-plains,
Peninsular plateau of India and coastal plains- Major rivers of India - Perennial rivers- Indus,
Ganges and Brahmaputra-Non Perennial rivers- Narmada, Tapati, Mahanadi, -Godavari,
Krishna, Pennar and Cauvery - Climate of India - Cold weather season: Temperature Rainfall
& Pressure distribution Hot weather season- Temperature, Rainfall & Pressure distribution
South west monsoon season- Temperature, Rainfall & Pressure distribution North east
monsoon season: Temperature, Rainfall & Pressure distribution-Natural vegetation of India-
Types of vegetation based on rainfall and their-distribution. Evergreen forest, deciduous
forest, scrub -forest, & Thorny forest -Soils - Definition, factors for formation, types and -
their distribution.
Population- Growth trends from 1901 to 2001, Distribution based-on density, problems of
high population- Irrigation-Types of irrigation: canals, wells and tanks. Major -multipurpose
projects. Bakranangal, Hirakud, -Damodar valley corporation and Nagarjuna Sagar-
Agriculture: Cropped area, production and distribution of -selected crops: Rice, Wheat,
Millets, Coffee, Tea, Sugarcane, Cotton, Jute and tobacco; Problems of Indian agriculture.
Minerals- Production and distribution of coal, petroleum, iron, mica and manganese, bauxite.
Industries- Location factors growth and distribution of iron and steel, cotton textile and ship
building industries- Transportation-Means of Transport – Road ways, Rail ways, Water -
ways and Air ways; Major ports of India – Mumbai, -Cochin, Kandla, Kolkata,
Visakhapatnam and Chennai.
Geography of Andhra Pradesh: Location, Physiography and Climate, Population.
Bhakti and Sufi Traditions 8 A.D. 16 Century A.D: Prevailing Religious Traditions and
beliefs in the Society – Bhakti Saints and their Preachings – Sufism – Main features and their
Deccan and South India 8th A.D – 16 the A.D : Sources - Kakatiyas – Vijyanagara –
Bahamanis – Qutbshahis and Asafjahis – a brief survey.
India under the Colonial Rule : Sources - Portuguese – Dutch – French – English East India
Company – Era of Governor Generals and their Polices – Reforms of Viceroys – 1857
Indian National Movement: Background to National Movement, Socio-religious movement –
rise of Nationalism – Vandemataram movement – Home rule movement – Emergence of
Mahatma Gandhi and leadership – Revolutionary movement, Subhash Chandra Bose – Poona
Pact Quit India movement – Partition of India – Emergence of Independent India.
The Modern World- Beginning of Modern Age, Renaissance, Development in Science, The
Reformation Movement, Rise of Nation States, Struggle against Absolute Monarchies -
Capitalism and Industrial Revolution -The Revolutionary Movements -The Glorious
Revolution, The American war of Independence, The French Revolution of 1789 -
.Nationalist Movements: Rise and fall of Napoleon, French Revolution of 1830 and the 1848
Revolt, Unification of Germany and Italy, Socialist Movements – Rise of Working class,
Paris Commune of 1871
Imperialism: Factors in the rise of Imperialism, Forms and Methods of Imperialism, Scramble
for Africa and Asia
Contemporary World: The First World war, League of Nations, The Russian Revolution of
1905 and 1917 -The World upto World War II: Rise of Fascism and Nazism, Militarism in
Japan, U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. after World War I, Turkey after World War I, Failure of League
of Nations, Spanish Civil war, World war II, The Nationalist Movements in Asia and Africa,
Emergence of Latin America
The World after World War II: Formation of Military Blocks, Role of independent Nations of
Asia and Africa in the World Affairs, Non-Alignment Movement, Role of UNO in preserving
World Peace, Problems of Disarmament and Nuclear Weapons, Prominent Personalities of
the World.
Scope and Significance of political Science - Introduction to Civics and Political Science,
Origin and Evolution, Meaning, Definitions, What do we study? Why do we study?
State - State – Meaning, Definitions, Elements, Relation of state with other Institutions –
Society, Association, Government.
Nationalism - Nation, Nationality, Nationalism, Factors contributing for Nationality, Is India
a Nation? Meaning, Forms (Traditional and modern)
law -Meaning, Definitions, Classification, Law and morality, Rule of Law. Liberty and
Equality – Meaning, Definitions, Types, Safeguards, Liberty – Equality.
Rights and Responsibilities– Meaning, Definitions, functions Forms, Relationship between
Rights and Responsibilities, Human Rights
Justice - Justice – Meaning, Forms of Justice, Social Justice.
Citizenship - Meaning, Definitions, Methods of Acquiring, Citizen – Alien , Loss of
Citizenship, Hindrances to Good Citizenship, Universal Citizenship
Democracy- Meaning, Definitions, features, types, merits, devices, future
Secularism -Meaning, Secular State, Western Model, Indian Model, Why India was made a
Secular State? Criticism of Indian Secularism
Constitution– Meaning, Definitions, features, Classification
Government - Unitary, Federal, Parliamentary, Presidential, Theory of Separation of Powers,
Organs of Government
Indian Constitution: Indian National Movement- Government of India Acts – 1909, 1919 &
Salient features of Indian Constitution
Fundamental Rights &Directive Principles of State Policy- Fundamental Rights- Directive
Principles of state Policy- Fundamental Duties
Union Government- Union Executive – President of India - Vice – President of India - Prime
Minister & Council of Ministers
Indian Parliament - Lok Sabha-Composition – Powers and functions- Rajya Sabha:
Composition – Powers and functions
Parliamentary Committees- Public Accounts Committee – Estimates -Committee –
Committee on Public Undertakings
Union Judiciary - Supreme Court of India – Composition- Powers and Functions of Supreme
Court -of India - Judicial Review
State Government- State Executive – Governor- Powers and Functions-Chief Minister -
Powers and Functions- Council of Ministers
State Legislature-Legislative Assembly- Composition – Powers and Functions- Legislative
Council-Composition – Powers and Functions - Legislative Committees: Public Accounts
Committee – Estimates-Committee and Ethics Committee
State Judiciary-High Court – Composition- Powers and Functions of High Court- District
Courts: Composition – Powers and Functions.
Union – State Relations - Legislative Relations-Administrative Relations- Financial
Local Government-Rural Local Government - Panchayati Raj Institutions – 73rd Constitution
Amendment Act- Urban Local Government: Municipalities - Municipal Corporation – 74th
Constitution Amendment Act- District Collector : Role in Local Governments
India’s Foreign Policy - Determinants of Foreign Policy- Basic features of India’s Foreign
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
United Nation Organization (UNO)-Origin of UNO-Principal Organs of UNO- Achievements
and failures of UNO
Contemporary Trends and Issues- Globalization- Terrorism-Corruption.
Origin and meaning of Economics - Definitions of Economics; Adam Smith, Alfred
Marshall, Lionel Robbins, Paul Samuelson, & Jocob Viner- Concept of Economics – Micro
& Macro Economics Deductive and Inductive Method, Static and Dynamic Analysis,
Positive and Normative Economics. Goods: (Free, Economic, Consumer, Producer, and
Intermediary), Wealth, Income, Utility, Value, Price, wants and welfare.
Theory of Consumption - Cardinal and Ordinal Utility, the law of Diminishing Marginal
Utility – Limitations – Importance; law of Equi-Marginal Utility Limitations and –
Importance of the Law, Indifference Curve Analysis – Properties and Consumer’s
Theory of Demand - Meaning – Demand Function – Determinants of Demand, Demand
Schedule – Demand Curve, Law of Demand, Exceptions to Law of Demand - Causes for the
downward slope of the demand curve, Types of Demand – Price Demand, Income Demand,
and Cross Demand- Elasticity of Demand – Meaning and Types – Price Elasticity, and
Income Elasticity and Cross Elasticity – Price Elasticity-Types; Measurement of Price
Elasticity of Demand- Point Method. Arc Method, Total Outlay Method. Determinants of
Elasticity of Demand; Importance of Elasticity of Demand.
Theory of Production - Meaning - Production Function – Factors of Production; Short-run
and Long-run Production Function; Law of variable proportions - Law of returns to scale;
Economies of Scale - Internal and External- Supply – Supply Function - Determinants of
Supply –– Law of Supply- Cost Analysis – Basic Concepts of Costs- (Money, Real,
Opportunity, Fixed and Variable, Total, Average and Marginal costs)- Revenue Analysis –
Revenue under perfect and imperfect competition.
Theory of Value - Meaning and Classification of Markets – Perfect competition – features –
price determination- Short-run and Long-run equilibrium of a firm and Industry- Imperfect
Competition – Monopoly – Price Determination – Price-Discrimination-Monopolistic
Competition- Features- Meaning of Oligopoly – Duopoly.
Theory of Distribution - Determination of Factor Prices – Marginal Productivity Theory -
Rent – Ricardian theory of Rent – Modern theory - Quasi Rent – Transfer earnings - Wages –
Meaning and types of wages – Money and Real wages - Interest- Meaning – Gross and Net
interests - Profits – Meaning – Gross and Net profits.
National Income : Definitions of National Income and Concepts- Measurement of National
Income – Census of Product Method – Census of Income Method – Census of Expenditure
Method- Methods of Measuring National Income in India; Problems and importance
Macro Economic Aspects - Classical theory of Employment –J.B. Say Law of Markets-
Limitations – J.M. Keynes Effective Demand- Public Economics - Public Revenue – Public
Expenditure – Public debt – Components of Budget.
Money, Banking and Inflation - Money – Definitions and Functions of money – Types of
Money - Banking – Commercial Banks – Functions; Central Bank – Functions – Reserve
Bank of India – Net Banking- Inflation – Definitions – Types – Causes and Effects of
inflation – Remedial Measures.
Statistics for Economics - Meaning, Scope and Importance of Statistics in Economics with
Diagrams (Bar diagrams and Pie diagrams)-Measures of central tendency – Mean, Median,
Economic Growth And Development - Differences Between Economic Growth and
Development classification of the world countries - Indicators of Economic development -
Determinants of Economic Development - Characteristic features of Developed Countries -
Characteristic features of Developing countries with special reference to India
Population and Human Resources Development - Theory of Demographic Transition - World
Population - Causes of rapid Growth of population in India - Occupational distribution of
population of India - Meaning of Human Resources Development - Role of Education and
Health in Economic Development- Human Development Index (HDI)
National Income - Trends in the growth of India’s National Income - Trends in distribution of
national income by industry Origin - Share of Public Sector and Private Sector in Gross
Domestic Product - Share of Organised and Un-organised Sector in Net Domestic Product -
Income Inequalities - Causes of Income Inequalities - Measures to control income
inequalities -Unemployment in India – Poverty - Micro Finace-Eradication of Poverty
Agriculture Sector-Importance of agriculture in India - Features of Indian agriculture -
Agriculture Labour in India - Land utilization pattern in India - Cropping pattern in India -
Organic Farming -Irrigation facilities in India - Productivity of agriculture - Land holdings in
India - Land reforms in India - Green Revolution in India - Rural credit in India - Rural
Indebtedness in India - Agricultural
Marketing - Industrial Sector - Significance of the Indian Industrial Sector in Post –Reform
Period -Industrial Policy Resolution 1948 - Industrial Policy Resolution 1956 - Industrial
Policy Resolution 1991 - National Manufacturing Policy- Disinvestment - National
Investment Fund (NIF) -Foreign Direct Investment -Special Economic Zones (SEZs) -
Causes of industrial backwardness in India -Small Scale Enterprises (MSMEs) - Industrial
Estates - Industrial Finance in India - The Industrial Development under the Five Year Plans
in India.
Tertiary Sector - Importance of Services Sector -India’s Services Sector - State-Wise
Comparison of Services - Infrastructure Development - Tourism - Banking and Insurance -
Communication -Science and Technology - Software Industry in India
Planning And Economic Reforms - Meaning of Planning -NITI Ayog -Five Year Plans in
India - XII Five Year Plan - Regional Imbalances - Role of Trade in Economic Development
- Economic Reforms in India - GATT – WTO
Environment and Sustainable Economic Development - Environment - Economic
Development -Environment and Economic Linkages. - Harmony between Environment &
Economy Of Andhra Pradesh - History of Andhra Pradesh - Characteristic features of A.P.
Economy -Demographic features - Occupational distribution of labour - Health Sector -
Education -Environment - Agricultural sector - Industrial sector - Service and Infrastructure
sector - Information and Technology - Tourism -Andhra Pradesh and Welfare Programmes/
Economic Statistics - Measures of Dispersion - Definitions of Dispersion - Importance of
Measuring Variation -Properties of a good measure of variation -Methods of Studying
Variation - Measures of Dispersion for average - Lorenz Curve - Correlation -Index Numbers
- Weighted Aggregation Method.
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
II. Perspectives in education (marks: 05)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter
Commission (1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for
teachers, Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and
Teacher organizations, National / State Level Organizations for Teacher
Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of
Women, Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru –
Mana Badi, Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
1. Individual differences: Inter and intra individual differences, meaning, nature and
theories of intelligence with special emphasis to multiple intelligence, IQ, assessment
of intelligence, EQ, Creativity. Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Habit and its Influence on
Intelligence – Class room implementation.
2. Learning: Theories and approaches of learning, learning curves, Factors, Phases,
Dimensions of learning, Types of learning, Transfer of learning. Memory, Forgetting,
Learning and assessment– Class room implementation.
3. Personality: Nature, characteristics and theories of personality, factors of
Personality, Assessment of Personality, Mental health, Adjustment, Stress – nature,
Symptoms and management. Emotional intelligence, Management of emotions –
Class room implementation.
IV. Content : 40 Marks
1. 5,Αλ ΞÏκ× ØΘο úΤ±ûΩ ΞÏκ× Ξûς ∆ρΖ Αϕƒς
♦ςúΘΜ ΣôΟκ×ιΘΚιƒο ∆ρΖ ΣôΟκùΣôÚρ−
Α′↔Υν Ï°κ× , ♦τ∴± , úΡôχΚλ , ØΘο èοΚρ , ′[κ×
≅λΜδΚρ , Øτ ΚÚιÕ , ΞôθχûΚ Ï°κ× , ΣôΟκùΣôÚρ
ΚÚιÕΚρ , Κο↑ιƒ[τΚρ−
1− ùΜôοΩôχΚλ 9
≅ÚφùΜôσùΣôÚρ , ΒÚùΣôÚρ , ΣΩùΣôÚρ Ï°ιΘ ΙÚ ùΜôο
, ΙÚ ùΣôÚρ Ï°ιΘ ΣΩ ùΜôσΚρ – Τς×ιùΘôΟν , ΣΨùΤô→Κρ ,
ΞΨχÏ , Ξï∆ε ùΜôσΚρ , ùΘôûΚε ùΜôσΚρ
2− ùΤô→ι ƒ[τΚρ 9
×Πνε′ , úΞσßûΤ , ♦[ùΤô→ε ùΜôσΚρ , Ξôχ€ΥδΚρ ,
ùΘôΟνΚρ , ↑∴ô ↑ûΟ , ùΣΥν , ↑û∴ , ΣΘλ , Ξο←∴λ
♥Ïλ,♥Κô ùΣôÚρ , ΒΩχΚΠχ Ï°κ×
5− ΒΩχ€Υ ƒ[∴ôµÜ 9
6− ÏΨϕûΘ ΒΩχ€Υλ Τσßλ ΒΩχΚΠλ 9
ÏΨϕûΘ ΒΩχΚΠλ ∋≅⁄κΣûΟ ΒΩχΚΠλ( ƒûΠ+ Σôο+ Φη+
ΒΟλ+ ΚôΩλ+ Τôιƒûς+ ΞÝ+ úΣô←+ ΒςγûΟχ €Ζ↑+
* ùΤΘΟôΩ≥ *
II. Perspectives In Education (Marks: 05)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission
(1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers,
Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations,
National / State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records
and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women,
Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
1. Individual differences: Inter and intra individual differences, meaning, nature and
theories of intelligence with special emphasis to multiple intelligence, IQ, assessment
of intelligence, EQ, Creativity. Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Habit and its Influence on
Intelligence – Class room implementation.
2. Learning: Theories and approaches of learning, learning curves, Factors, Phases,
Dimensions of learning, Types of learning, Transfer of learning. Memory, Forgetting,
Learning and assessment– Class room implementation.
3. Personality: Nature, characteristics and theories of personality, factors of
Personality, Assessment of Personality, Mental health, Adjustment, Stress – nature,
Symptoms and management. Emotional intelligence, Management of emotions –
Class room implementation.
IV. Countent (40 Marks)
1) 6e ÔásÁ>·Ü qT+& +³¯&jáT{Ù esÁÅ£ >·\ +ç<óç|<ûXÙ ç|uóTÔáÇ Ôî\T>·T y#῱\\ýË n+Xæ\T:
(|y#῱\Ôà dVä) 40 eÖsÁTØ\T
¿£$¿±ý²<T\T, Hû|<ó«\T, <ûÝXæ\T, eTÖ\ ç>·+<ó\T, $XâcÍ+Xæ\T, ÜeÔï\T,
bÍsÄ«+Xø $wjáÖ\T yîTTöö$; $<«ç|eÖD²\T.
2) |<C ²\+:
nsÆ\T, |s«jáT|<\T, HHsÆ\T, eÚ«ÔáÎÔáï«sÆ\T, ç|¿£Ü ` $¿£ÔáT\T, C²rjáÖ\T,
kÍyîTÔá\T yîTTöö$.
3) uó²cÍ+Xæ\T:
d+<óT\T, deÖkÍ\T, #óá+<dTà, n\+¿±s\T, bÍ]uó²w¾¿£|<\T ç¿ìjáT\T, y¿±«\T yîTTöö$.
4) Ôî\T>·T kÍV¾²Ôá« #á]çÔá:
5) Ôî\T>·T uó²cÍ #á]çÔá:
Ôî\T>·TýË nq«<ûXæ\T; eÖ+&*¿±\T; nsÁÆ$|]eÖD+; <óÇqT\ eÖsÁTÎ
6) kÍV¾²Ôá« $eTsÁô:
7) u²\ y«¿£sDÁ +:
d+Èã, d+~ó, ÔáÔáàeT, ºÌ¿£, deÖd, |]#ûÌÛ<eTT\T.
8) #óá+<dTà: (eÔï\T, C²ÔáT\T, |C²ÔáT\T)
jáTÔáT\T, çbÍd\ sÁ¿±\T ` #óá+<à <sÁÎD+
V. Ôî\T>·T uË<óH |<ÆÔáT\T : 20 eÖsÁTØ\T
_.m& Ôî\T>·T uË<óH |<ÔÆ áT\T. (Ôî\T>·T n¿±&MT ç|#áTsÁD)
1. uó²w ` $$<ó uó²eq\T
2. uó²cÍHî|Õ Ú D²«\T
3. ç|D²[¿£ sÁ#qá ` bÍsÄ«Á ç>·+<¸\T
4. $<« kÍ+¹¿Ü¿£ Xæçdï+ ` dV²bÍsÄÁ« ¿±sÁ«ç¿£eÖ\T
5. kÍV¾²Ôá« ç|ç¿ìjáT\T ` uË<óH |<ÆÔáT\T
6. eTÖý²«+¿£q+ ` |¯¿£\T
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
1. G.K & current Affairs - - 10M
2. Perspectives in Education – 05M
3. Classroom implications of Educational Psychology – 05M
4. Content - 40M
5. Methodology - 20M
Total - 80 M
II. Perspectives In Education (Marks: 05)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission
(1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers,
Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations,
National / State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records
and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women,
Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
1. Individual differences: Inter and intra individual differences, meaning, nature and
theories of intelligence with special emphasis to multiple intelligence, IQ, assessment
of intelligence, EQ, Creativity. Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Habit and its Influence on
Intelligence – Class room implementation.
2. Learning: Theories and approaches of learning, learning curves, Factors, Phases,
Dimensions of learning, Types of learning, Transfer of learning. Memory, Forgetting,
Learning and assessment– Class room implementation.
3. Personality: Nature, characteristics and theories of personality, factors of
Personality, Assessment of Personality, Mental health, Adjustment, Stress – nature,
Symptoms and management. Emotional intelligence, Management of emotions –
Class room implementation.
IV. Content (40 Marks)
V. Methodology (20 Marks)
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
1. G.K & current Affairs - - 10M
2. Perspectives in Education – 05M
3. Classroom implications of Educational Psychology – 05M
4. Content - 40M
5. Methodology - 20M
Total - 80 M
II. Perspectives In Education (Marks: 05)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter
Commission (1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for
teachers, Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and
Teacher organizations, National / State Level Organizations for Teacher
Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of
Women, Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru –
Mana Badi, Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
III. Classroom implications of Educational Psychology – 05Marks
1. Individual differences: Inter and intra individual differences, meaning, nature and
theories of intelligence with special emphasis to multiple intelligence, IQ, assessment
of intelligence, EQ, Creativity. Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Habit and its Influence on
Intelligence – Class room implementation.
2. Learning: Theories and approaches of learning, learning curves, Factors, Phases,
Dimensions of learning, Types of learning, Transfer of learning. Memory, Forgetting,
Learning and assessment– Class room implementation.
3. Personality: Nature, characteristics and theories of personality, factors of
Personality, Assessment of Personality, Mental health, Adjustment, Stress – nature,
Symptoms and management. Emotional intelligence, Management of emotions –
Class room implementation.
IV. Hindi Content (Marks: 40)
1. uÒæty ÌçuÒn® Nþç FuoÒçÌ EçutNþç - §uOþ Nþç - ºyuoNþç Eç{º EçìuNþ NþçÂ@
2. EçìuNþ ÌçuÒn® ÌçuÒun®Nþ uÄçLå ªìQÄçt (Zç®çÄçt, TuoÄçt,®çzTÄçt,
ºÒË®Äçt Eçut)
3. uÒæty §çÊç Nþç Gt½§Ä Eç{º uÄNþçÌ: uÒæty ºçÉb~ §çÊç, ºç\§çÊç Eç{º uľç§çÊç Nzþ
» ªõ - tzÆ Nþy LNþoç Eç{º uÒæty - tzÄTºy uÂu@
4. uÒæty Nþy ¤çzu®åç Eç{º G§çÊçLå@
5. §çºoy® NþçîÆçËÏç uº§çÊç - ®çz\ Eç{º Âßm - ºÌ - Zæt - EÂæNþçº@
6. §çÊç onÄ Eç{º îçNþºm: Äm|ªçÂç (Ëĺ, îæ\ §zt Ämçzú Nþç Gççºm Ësç)
Æ£t§zt: (¿ uºÄo| Nzþ Eçº º uÄNþçºy EuÄNþçºy Æ£t îìnuð Nzþ Eççº º
¿jy,®ç{uTNþ, ®çzT ¿j) GÌT|, n®, uÂæT ÄY, NþçºNþ - Nþç -
Ìæu, ̪çÌ, ®ç|®çÄçYy Æ£t, uÄÂçzª Æ£t, Æ£t uºY® on̪, ot½§ÄtzÆy,
uÄtzÆy, uNÀþ®ç - ÌNþª|Nþ, ENþª|Nþ zºmçs|Nþ uNÀþ®çLå - ªìÒçĺz, ÂçzNþçzuOþ, NþÒçÄo,
uÄºçª uYÑ@
7. uÒæty çe° ìËoNõþ (uûoy® §çÊç) ZeÄë Nþqç Ìz tÌÄë Nþqç oNþ
(GÄçYNþ Eç{º eÒzoì ÌçuÒo)
V. Methodology (Marks: 20)
1. (1) §çÊç-Es| Eç{º ËÄ»
(2) ªç®uªNþ Ëoº º uÒæty uÆqm Nzþ Gt½tÅ z ®, sª §çÊç Nzþ ¿ ªõ, t½uÄoy®
§çÊç Nzþ ¿ ªõ@
(3) §çÊç Nþy ̪çË®ç - uÞ§çÊç ÌîÞ
2. (1) EçtÆ| uÒæty - E®çNþ Nzþ Tìm
(2) EXZz uÆqm Nþy uÄÆzÊoçLå@
(3) §çÊç - uÆqm Nþy Ìçªç® uÌòæço
(4) §çÊç - uÆqm Nzþ ÌîÞ
(5) §çÊç - uÆqm Nþy mçu®çå
(6) §çÊç - uÆqm Nþy uÄu®åç@
3. (1) uÆqm ªõ §çÊç - Nþç{ÆÂçõ Nþç ªÒnÄ
(2) §çÊç Nþç{ÆÂçõ Nþç uÄNþçÌ: Ììç - Äu Nþy Gnuð Äu Eç{º ÈÄm Nþç
çºËuºNþ Ìæ¤æ@ ¤çzÂç - Æ£tçzççºm - ÄçNþ®æÞ, ÆìtçzXYçºm Nþç E¥®çÌ
- ª{uQNþ Eu§Ã®uOþ - çeÆç ªõ Äçoç|Âç Nþç E¥®çÌ jç - uÄÆzÊoçLå
- ÄçY Nzþ Nþçº, ÄçY Ìæ¤æy tçzÊ Eç{º GYçº - uÂQç - ªÒnÄ -
u®ª, uÄu®çå - Nþçº, Eqº uÄ®çÌ §çÊç - Nþç{ÆÂçõ Nþç ̪Į@
4. (1) uÆqm GòzÅ®çõ Nþç ÄTy|Nþºm
(2) ®îoª EuTª - Ëoº
(3) çe - ®çz\ç (Tù, ù, îçNþºm, ºYç, Þ - ÂzQ)
(4) FNþçF| - ®çz\ç
(5) uÆqm - GNþºm
(6) §çÊç uÆqm t½uo®çõ (n®q,ºçzq, QzÂ, gçÁb Ìîqª uÆqm Eçut)
5. (1) çe°NÀþª
(2) çe°ìËoNþ
(3) ìËoNþç®
(4) §çÊç ÌÒTçªy uNÀþ®çLå
6. (1) ªîÁ®çæNþ Nþy çºmç
(2) G𪠺yqç Nþy uÄÆzÊoçLõ@
(3) GÂu£ ºyqç
(4) uºæoº ̪TÀ ªîÁ®çæNþ
(5) GñzÅ® Eççuºo ªîÁ®çæNþ@
(6) GYçºçnªNþ Eç{º utççnªNþ uÆqm@
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
1. G.K & current Affairs - - 10M
2. Perspectives in Education – 05M
3. Classroom implications of Educational Psychology – 05M
4. Content - 40M
5. Methodology - 20M
Total - 80 M
II. Perspectives In Education (Marks: 05)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission
(1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers,
Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations,
National / State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records
and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women,
Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
1. Individual differences: Inter and intra individual differences, meaning, nature and
theories of intelligence with special emphasis to multiple intelligence, IQ, assessment
of intelligence, EQ, Creativity. Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Habit and its Influence on
Intelligence – Class room implementation.
2. Learning: Theories and approaches of learning, learning curves, Factors, Phases,
Dimensions of learning, Types of learning, Transfer of learning. Memory, Forgetting,
Learning and assessment– Class room implementation.
3. Personality: Nature, characteristics and theories of personality, factors of
Personality, Assessment of Personality, Mental health, Adjustment, Stress – nature,
Symptoms and management. Emotional intelligence, Management of emotions –
Class room implementation.
IV. Content (40 Marks)
V. Methodology (20 Marks)
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
1. G.K & current Affairs - - 10M
2. Perspectives in Education – 05M
3. Classroom implications of Educational Psychology – 05M
4. Content - 40M
5. Methodology - 20M
Total - 80 M
I. General Knowledge And Current Affairs (Marks: 10)
II. Perspectives In Education (Marks: 05)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter
Commission (1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for
teachers, Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and
Teacher organizations, National / State Level Organizations for Teacher
Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of
Women, Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru –
Mana Badi, Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
4) ପଦ ଓ ବାକ୍ୟ କରଣ :-
ବିେଶଷ , ବିେଶଷଣ, ସବନାମ, ିୟା,ଅବ ୟ,କାରକ, ବିଭ ି ,
ବାକ ବିଚାର
5) ଓଡ଼ିଆସାହିତ ରଇତିହାସ : -
କବିଓେଲଖକମାନ ସମୟ, ରଚନାବଳୀ, ଉପା , ବିଭି ଚରି ,
େବୖଶି ତଥା ପୁରାଣ, କାବ୍ୟ, କବିତା, ଚମ୍ପୂ, ଚଉତିଶା,ପ୍ରବନ୍ଧ , ଉପନ୍ୟାସ,ଗ , ନାଟକ,
ଏକା ି କା, ସମୀ ା, ଜୀବନୀ, ଆ ଜୀବନୀ, ମଣ କାହାଣୀରସଂ ା, ରୂପ, ଗଠନରୀତି,
ଲ ଣ, କାର େଭଦ ଓ ବିକାଶଧାରା
6) ଭାଷାବି ାନ :-
ଭାଷାବି ାନରସଂ ା, ରୂପ, ବିଭି ବିଭାଗ, ନିବି ାନ ଏବଂ ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଭାଷାର
ନିଗତେବୖଶି , ଅଥପରିବ ନ
7) ସାହିତ ସମାେଲାଚନା ଓ ଓଡିଆ ପତ୍ର ପତ୍ରିକା:-
ଓଡ଼ିଆସମାେଲାଚନାସାହିତ ଏବଂ ଆଧୁନକ
ି ଓଡିଆ ସାହିତ ବିକାଶେର
ପ ପ କ
ି ାର ଭୂମିକା
V. Methodology – 20 Marks
1. ମାତୃଭାଷା ଓ ଶି ାେ େରମାତୃଭାଷାରଗୁରୁ
2. ମାତୃଭାଷାଶି ାଦାନରଲ ଓଉେ ଶ
3. ଭାଷାଗତଦ ତାସାଧନପାଇଁଆବଶ କୀୟେକୗଶଳ – େ ଣୀକ ସହଅନୟ
4. ଶି ାଦାନପ ତି
5. ପାଠ େଯାଜନା
6. ଶି ଣଉପକରଣରଭୂମିକା
7. ସହପାଠ କାଯ ମ – ଯୁ ି ବଦ
ି ାରବ ବହାର
8. ସୃ ଜନଶୀଳରବିକାଶ
9. ନିରବ ି ସଂବ ାପକମୂଲ ାୟନପ ତି [CCE]
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
1. G.K & current Affairs - - 10M
2. Perspectives in Education – 05M
3. Classroom implications of Educational Psychology – 05M
4. Content - 40M
5. Methodology - 20M
Total - 80 M
I. General Knowledge And Current Affairs (Marks: 10)
II. Perspectives In Education (Marks: 05)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter
Commission (1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for
teachers, Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and
Teacher organizations, National / State Level Organizations for Teacher
Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of
Women, Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru –
Mana Badi, Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
IV. Sanskrit Content (Marks: 40)
Note: 3 Nþß®ço:, 8 Nþß®ç®|oæ çX® / Ìæ®ìOþ çeÆçÂçÌæËNwþoçe°ìËozNþÊì
uÄùªççæÆç: çe°zoºçæÆç: Y @
NþÄ®: - Nþç - ºYu®oçº: - ºYç: ËoçzÞçum Fn®çt®:@
ºYçuNÀþ®ç: FuoÒçÌ - ìºçm - Nþçî - çbNþ - Nþsç - EçnªNþsç - Tyoª½ -
Fn®çut uNÀþ®ççæ ËÄ¿uÄĺmª½@
ÄztÄçW½ª®ª½ - Äztç: - ÄztçWçu - GuÊt:@
§çÊçËÄ¿ª½ - §çÊçznuð uÄÊ®NþÄçtç: - §çÊçNìþbì¤æ ª½@
ÌçuÒn®uĪÆ|: - Nþçî ®çz\æ - NþçîÂqm - Nþçî§ztç: - Æ{Ây -
ÌæËNþwoîçNþºmª½ - ÌærçNþºmª½
§çÊçæÆç: ̪ççs|Nþç:
eçÄTªª½ uºuYo/EuºYo ù/TùçæÆç: - otççuºoÅç:@
V. Methodology (Marks 20)
çe°NÀþªz ÌæËNwþoË® ªÒnĪ½ - Ës窽@
ÌæËNwþouÆqmË® GñzÅ®çu - Ìçªç®uÌòçoç: - uÆqmçòoy:@
çe°NÀþª®çz\ç - çe°TÀs:@
uÄùçÌçæNþz uoNþ - ÌÒçe°Nþç®|NþÀ ªç:@
ÌçuÒn®uNÀþ®ç: ¤çzçòoy:@
ªîÁ®çWª½ - ºyqç Y@
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
II. Perspectives In Education (Marks: 05)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter
Commission (1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for
teachers, Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and
Teacher organizations, National / State Level Organizations for Teacher
Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of
Women, Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru –
Mana Badi, Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
2− ùΤô→ιƒ[τ 9
×Πνε′ , úΞσßûΤ , Υôκ× , ≅∞ , ΣΘλ , ΡôοΞûΚ
ΒΩχΚΠ ùΜôσΚρ , Ξôχ€Υ ΞûΚΚρ , ↑û∴ ΞûΚΚρ−
3− ùΤô→ ΞςΩôß 9
Ι← úΞßΣôÓ , ùΣôÚρ úΞßΣôÓ , ♦[ùΤô→ , ΦÝιÕùΤô→ ,
ΞγΟôς ùΤô→ , Τì∆ , ùΤô→♠τ úΘôσ[λ , ùΤô→♠τ ΣηΣôÓ
, €ûΖùΤô→ , ùΣôÕùΤô→ , ′[κ×ùΤô→ , ƒςô↑Ο ùΤô→♠∴λ−
4− ΒΩχ€Υ ƒ[∴ôµÜ 9
Κô↑ΥδΚρ , ûΤΥχΚÚιÕ , Κô↑ΥδΚ↓τ ΣΥτ , ΞûςΥû[Κρ
, ùΤô→ΡûΟ Ρτù∴°Κρ−
5− ÏΨϕûΘ ΒΩχ€Υλ Τσßλ ΒΩχΚΠλ 9
ÏΨϕûΘ ΣôΟοΚρ , ÏΨϕûΘ Κ↑ΝνΚρ , Φη , Τôιƒûς ,
ΚôΩλ , ΒΟλ , Β∴ ΦÝιÕ , ↑∴ô ΦÝιÕ , ΒςγûΟχ€Ζ↑ ,
≅ÓχÏιùΘôΟν , ÑγÓ , ƒûΠ , Σôο−
V. Methodology (20 Marks)
2. ùΤô→ι ƒ[τΚρ
3. ƒγΟ♥ÓΘο
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
1. G.K & current Affairs - - 10M
2. Perspectives in Education – 05M
3. Classroom implications of Educational Psychology – 05M
4. Content - 40M
5. Methodology - 20M
Total - 80 M
II. Perspectives In Education (Marks: 05)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission
(1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers,
Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations,
National / State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records
and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women,
Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
1. Individual differences: Inter and intra individual differences, meaning, nature and
theories of intelligence with special emphasis to multiple intelligence, IQ, assessment
of intelligence, EQ, Creativity. Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Habit and its Influence on
Intelligence – Class room implementation.
2. Learning: Theories and approaches of learning, learning curves, Factors, Phases,
Dimensions of learning, Types of learning, Transfer of learning. Memory, Forgetting,
Learning and assessment– Class room implementation.
3. Personality: Nature, characteristics and theories of personality, factors of
Personality, Assessment of Personality, Mental health, Adjustment, Stress – nature,
Symptoms and management. Emotional intelligence, Management of emotions –
Class room implementation.
IV. Content (40 Marks)
1) 3e ÔásÁ>·Ü qT+& 8e ÔásÁ>·Ü esÁÅ£ >·\ Ôî\T>·T y#῱ bÍsÄ«+Xæ\T:
(|y#῱\Ôà dVä)
¿£$¿±ý²<T\T, ¿±y«\T, ÔásÁ sÁ#áq\T, _sÁT<T\T, bÍçÔá\T, $XâcÍ+Xæ\T, $<«ç|eÖD²\T.
2) |<C ²\+:
nsÆ\T, |s«jáT|<\T, HHsÆ\T, eÚ«ÔáÎÔáï«sÆ\T, ç|¿£Ü ` $¿£ÔáT\T, C²rjáÖ\T,
kÍyîTÔá\T $esÁD\T, bõ&T|Ú ¿£<¸\T
3) uó²cÍ+Xæ\T:
d+<óT\T, deÖkÍ\T, #óá+<dTà(C²ÔáT\T, |C²ÔáT\T, eÔï\T) n\+¿±s\T(XøÝ, nsÆ\+¿±s\T)
|<+, çbÍÜ|~¿£, ç|Ôá«jáÖ\T eT]jáTT y«¿£sÁD bÍ]uó²w¾¿£|<\T (|sÁTcÍ\T, Ôá«+, ÔáÔáàeT+,
|<ó, ¿£Þø\T yîTT<\>·Tq$) ç¿ìjáT\T ` sÁ¿±\T, y¿±«\T ` sÁ¿±\T yîTT<\>·Tq$.
4) Ôî\T>·T kÍV¾²Ôá« #á]çÔá:
$$<ó ç|ç¿ìjáT\T ` sÁÇ#áH\T, ¿£$ ¿±ý²<T\T, _sÁT<T\T, bÍçÔá\T, $XâcÍ+Xæ\T, <óT¿£
¿£$ÔáÇ <óÃsÁDT\T, <«eÖ\T
5) uó²cÍ #á]çÔá:
· <óÇ qT\T eÖsÁTÎ
· nsÁ$Æ |]D²eT+
· nq«<ûXæ«\T
· eÖ+&*¿£ uó²w
6) kÍV¾²Ôá« $eTsÁô:
· ¿±e«+ ` sÁÇ#áq+ ` ¿±e« ç|jÖî Èq+.
7) u²\ y«¿£sDÁ +
d+Èã, d+~ó, ÔáÔáàeT, deÖd |]#ûÌÛ<eTT\T
V. Methodology (20 Marks)
_.m& Ôî\T>·T uË<óH |<ÔÆ áT\T. (Ôî\T>·T n¿±&MT ç|#áTsÁD)
1. uó²w ` $$<ó uó²eq\T
2. uó²cÍHî|Õ Ú D²«\T
3. ç|D²[¿£ sÁ#qá ` bÍsÄ«Á ç>·+<¸\T
4. $<« kÍ+¹¿Ü¿£ Xæçdï+ ` dV²bÍsÄÁ« ¿±sÁ«ç¿£eÖ\T
5. kÍV¾²Ôá« ç|ç¿ìjáT\T ` uË<óH |<ÆÔáT\T
6. eTÖý²«+¿£q+ ` |¯¿£\T
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
1. G.K & current Affairs - - 10M
2. Perspectives in Education – 05M
3. Classroom implications of Educational Psychology – 05M
4. Content - 40M
5. Methodology - 20M
Total - 80 M
II. Perspectives In Education (Marks: 05)
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter Commission
(1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-1992
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for teachers,
Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and Teacher organizations,
National / State Level Organizations for Teacher Education, Maintenance of Records
and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women,
Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
1. Individual differences: Inter and intra individual differences, meaning, nature and
theories of intelligence with special emphasis to multiple intelligence, IQ, assessment
of intelligence, EQ, Creativity. Attitude, Aptitude, Interest, Habit and its Influence on
Intelligence – Class room implementation.
2. Learning: Theories and approaches of learning, learning curves, Factors, Phases,
Dimensions of learning, Types of learning, Transfer of learning. Memory, Forgetting,
Learning and assessment– Class room implementation.
3. Personality: Nature, characteristics and theories of personality, factors of
Personality, Assessment of Personality, Mental health, Adjustment, Stress – nature,
Symptoms and management. Emotional intelligence, Management of emotions –
Class room implementation.
IV. Content (40 Marks)
V. Methodology (20 Marks)
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Total - 100 M
Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship, Awards,
Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
F)$<« ç|eÖD²\T
2) |<C ²\+:`
A) nsÆ\T
B) |s«jáT|<\T
D) eÚ«ÔáÎÔáï«sÆ\T
E) C²rjáÖ\T
F) kÍyîTÔá\T ` $esÁD, >·T]ï+#á&+ .
G) bõ&T|Ú ¿£<¸\T
3) uó²cÍ+Xæ\T:
A) $uó¿ìï ç|Ôá«jáÖ\T
B) W|$uó¿ì￱\T
C) bÍ]uó²w¾¿£ |<\T ` (ç< TÔá ç|¿£Ü¿±\T, ¿£Þø\T, çyûT&Ôá+, d+~ó, e#áH\T, ¿±ý²\T,*+>±\T,
deÖd+, >·eT+, <ûXø+, VQÞø+)
D) d+<óT\T ` Ôî\T>·T d+<óT\T` (nÔáÇ, ÔáÇ, ÔáÇ, jáT&>·eT, dsÁÞ²<ûXø, çyûT&Ôá,
~ÇsÁT¿£ï³¿±sÁ, >·d&<y<ûXø d+<óT\T.)
d+dØÔá d+<óT\T` (desÁBsÁé, >·TD, jáTD²<ûXø, e~Æ d+<óT\T.)
E) deÖkÍ\T ` (<Ç+<Ç, ~Ç>·T, ÔáÔáTÎsÁTw deÖkÍ\T)
F) #óá+<dTà ` >·D$uóÈq, >·D²\ >·T]ï+|Ú
G) n\+¿±s\T `
eÔá«qTçbÍd, #óû¿±qTçbÍd, n+Ô«qTçbÍd (Xøu²Ý\+¿±s\T) |eÖ, çÔûο£, nÜXøjîÖ¿ìï
(nsÆ\+¿±s\T). n\+¿±s\T >·T]ï+#áT³, \¿£« \¿£D deTqÇjáT+ #ûjáTT³.
H) y¿±«\T` (XøÌs«sÁ¿ Æ ,£ $<«sÁ¿Æ ,£ w<ósÁ¿Æ ,£ nqTeTÔá«sÁ¿Æ ,£ kÍeTsÆ«sÁ¿Æ ,£ d+<ûVä sÁ¿Æ ,£ osÁs¿ÆÁ ,£
çbÍsÁÆHsÁÆ¿£, ç|XæsÁÆ¿£, V²ÔáÇsÁÆ¿£, ¿£sÁï], ¿£sÁDì y¿±«\T)
Content and Methodology – 70Marks
I. Principles, Techniques, and Materials used in Drawing:
1. Pencils (Black & White and Colour)
2. Pastels
3. Charcoal sticks
4. Sketch Pens
II. Subjects
1. Drawing from Nature (Leaves, Flowers, Trees, Birds, Animals, etc.)
2. Object Drawing (Household objects like Jars, Bottles, Bowls, etc.)
I. Materials used in Painting
1. Handmade paper 2. Oil Colour Sheets 3. Canvas boards
4. Cloth for Fabric painting 5. Water Colours 6.Oil Colours
7. Acrylic Colours 8. Fabric Colours 9. Palette Knives for colour mixing
10. Brushes 11.Water Colour Palette
1. Land Scape Painting 2. Still life
3. Composition (Memory Painting) 4.Portrait Painting
Basic Knowledge in Colour Theory
Applied Arts
I. Materials Used
I . Poster Colours 2. Indian Ink 3. Drawing Sheets
4. Ivory Card 5. Mount Board
II. Subjects
1. Different types of lettering (Roman, Gothic) in Telugu and English.
2. Poster Design
3. Geometrical Designs
4. Creative Design (without using Geometrical instruments)
I. Materials Used
1. Clay 2. Readymade Paper Pulp
1. Clay modelling from Nature like Birds, Animals, Flowers, Fruits, Trees, Human Figures
2. Geometrical: 3D forms like Cube, Sphere, Pyramid etc.
3. Creative Abstract Forms
Art History
1. Pre Historic Art forms from India (Rock Paintings of Bhimbhetka, etc)
2. Harappa and Mohenjodaro Civilization and Art &Culture
3. Telangana Art and Craft Logos and Symbols : Present and Past
4. Basic knowledge of famous Artists like
a) Michealangelo b) Leonardo Da Vinci c) Vincent Vangogh
d) Salvador Dali e) Pablo Picasso f) Raja Ravi Varma
g) M F Husain
Also our own famous Artists like Late Sri P.T. Reddy, Late Sri Kapu Rajaiah, Late Sri
Kondapally Seshagiri Rao, Padma Sri Jagadish Mittal, Padma Sri K. Laxma Goud, Sri Thota
Vaikuntam, Sri Surya Prakash.
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
Total - 100 M
Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship, Awards,
Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
F)$<« ç|eÖD²\T
2) |<C ²\+:`
A) nsÆ\T
B) |s«jáT|<\T
D) eÚ«ÔáÎÔáï«sÆ\T
E) C²rjáÖ\T
F) kÍyîTÔá\T ` $esÁD, >·T]ï+#á&+ .
G) bõ&T|Ú ¿£<¸\T
3) uó²cÍ+Xæ\T:
A) $uó¿ìï ç|Ôá«jáÖ\T
B) W|$uó¿ì￱\T
C) bÍ]uó²w¾¿£ |<\T ` (ç< TÔá ç|¿£Ü¿±\T, ¿£Þø\T, çyûT&Ôá+, d+~ó, e#áH\T, ¿±ý²\T,*+>±\T,
deÖd+, >·eT+, <ûXø+, VQÞø+)
D) d+<óT\T ` Ôî\T>·T d+<óT\T` (nÔáÇ, ÔáÇ, ÔáÇ, jáT&>·eT, dsÁÞ²<ûXø, çyûT&Ôá,
~ÇsÁT¿£ï³¿±sÁ, >·d&<y<ûXø d+<óT\T.)
d+dØÔá d+<óT\T` (desÁBsÁé, >·TD, jáTD²<ûXø, e~Æ d+<óT\T.)
E) deÖkÍ\T ` (<Ç+<Ç, ~Ç>·T, ÔáÔáTÎsÁTw deÖkÍ\T)
F) #óá+<dTà ` >·D$uóÈq, >·D²\ >·T]ï+|Ú
G) n\+¿±s\T `
eÔá«qTçbÍd, #óû¿±qTçbÍd, n+Ô«qTçbÍd (Xøu²Ý\+¿±s\T) |eÖ, çÔûο£, nÜXøjîÖ¿ìï
(nsÆ\+¿±s\T). n\+¿±s\T >·T]ï+#áT³, \¿£« \¿£D deTqÇjáT+ #ûjáTT³.
H) y¿±«\T` (XøÌs«sÁ¿ Æ ,£ $<«sÁ¿Æ ,£ w<ósÁ¿Æ ,£ nqTeTÔá«sÁ¿Æ ,£ kÍeTsÆ«sÁ¿Æ ,£ d+<ûVä sÁ¿Æ ,£ osÁs¿ÆÁ ,£
çbÍsÁÆHsÁÆ¿£, ç|XæsÁÆ¿£, V²ÔáÇsÁÆ¿£, ¿£sÁï], ¿£sÁDì y¿±«\T)
Content and Methodology – 70Marks
· Placket Openings - Simple Hem, Continuous Wrap Opening, Two Piece Bound
· Fastness - Button, Button holes, Shank buttons, Hooks and Eyes, Zips.
III. Collars, Pockets, Sleeves and Yokes
a) Collars - Types - Peter Pan Collars, Cape Collars, Shirt Collar.
b) Pockets - Types - Patch Pocket, Flap Pocket, Seam, Bound Pocket.
c) Sleeves - Plain Sleeves, Puff Sleeves
d) Yokes - Round yoke and Square yoke
a) Darning - Types - Straight Tear, Hedge Tear
b) Patch Work - Plain Patch and Printed Patch
V. Drafting of Jangia and Jabla
a) Drafting of Jangia
b) Drafting of Jabla
VI.Drafting of Princess Petticoat, Frocks and Saree Petticoat
a) Drafting of Princess Petticoat
b) Drafting of Frock
c) Drafting of Saree Petticoat
VII.Drafting of Others
a) Drafting of Skirt; b.Drafting of Saree Blouse; c. Drafting of Punjabi Shirt
b) Drafting of Shalwar; d.Drafting of Chudidar
a) Tools, Techniques and Materials used in Hand Embroidery
b) Enlarging and reducing the design
c) Single line embroidery stitches - Running, Stem, Chain, Double knot stitch, Couching,
Fly and Feather Stitch.
d) Filling Stitches - French knot, Satin, Herring bone, Button hole, Long and short stitch.
e) Contemporary stitches - Shadow stitch, Cross Stitch, applique stitch.
f) Banjara Work - Mirror work, quilting, Drawn thread work, Bead work.
IX.Machine Embroidery-Cording, Running, Round, Long and Short, Satin, Twine
Cording, Applique Work, NetWork, Eyelet Work, Quilting Work
X. Psychology
a) Methods and advantages of Educational Psychology
b) Laws of learning
c) Types of Intelligence
d) Intelligence Quotient
e) Personality Traits, Factors responsible
a) Study of relationship between Philosophy and Education
b) Aims of Education
c) Universal free and Compulsory Education
d) Use of Audio visual aids for teaching
e) Importance of work experience in Education
XII. Methods of Teaching
a) Factors of Teaching and learning
b) Principles (Maxims) of Teaching
c) Steps in lesson planning
d) Methods of Teaching
XIII.Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities
a) Importance of Curriculum
b) Importance of Co-Curricular Activities on the Campus such as Workshops and
Seminars, Conferences, Exchange Programmes, Art Competitions
XIV. Crafts
a) Safety precautions - General Safety, causes of accidents and avoidance.
b) Classification of hand tools, names and their uses; Measuring, marking, testing tools,
types, sizes, striking tools, boring tools etc.
c) Classification functions and identification of timber, defects, diseases of Timber.
d) Nails and screws - Types, size and uses, nuts and bolts, washers, lock, hinges, hasp and
staple, Tower bolt etc.
e) Basic principles of repairing work.
a) Materials used in binding industry - paper, boards, book, cloth, leather etc.
b) Paper - Standard sizes, divisions and sub-divisions, kinds and qualities, handling and
care of printed & unprinted sheets of paper.
c) Stitching and sewing - hand and machine methods.
d) Safety - Hazards in a binding shop - preventive measures.
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA), KGBVs,
Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship, Awards,
Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru – Mana Badi,
Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
Language Ability (Telugu): (05 Marks)
1) (3e ÔásÁ>·Ü qT+& 8e ÔásÁ>·Ü esÁÅ£ >·\ +ç<óç|<ûXÙ Ôî\T>·T y#῱\ýË bÍsÄÁ«uó²>· $wjáÖ\T)
A) ¿£$ |]#ájáÖ\T
B) bÍçÔá\T
C) Ü eÔï\T
D) d+<sÒÛ\T
E) Hû|<ó«\T
F) $<« ç|eÖD²\T
2) |<C ²\+:`
A) nsÆ\T
B) |s«jáT|<\T
D) eÚ«ÔáÎÔáï«sÆ\T
E) C²rjáÖ\T
F) kÍyîTÔá\T ` $esÁD, >·T]ï+#á&+ .
G) bõ&T|Ú ¿£<¸\T
3) uó²cÍ+Xæ\T:
A) $uó¿ìï ç|Ôá«jáÖ\T
B) W|$uó¿ì￱\T
C) bÍ]uó²w¾¿£ |<\T ` (ç< TÔá ç|¿£Ü¿±\T, ¿£Þø\T, çyûT&Ôá+, d+~ó, e#áH\T, ¿±ý²\T,*+>±\T,
deÖd+, >·eT+, <ûXø+, VQÞø+)
D) d+<óT\T ` Ôî\T>·T d+<óT\T` (nÔáÇ, ÔáÇ, ÔáÇ, jáT&>·eT, dsÁÞ²<ûXø, çyûT&Ôá,
~ÇsÁT¿£ï³¿±sÁ, >·d&<y<ûXø d+<óT\T.)
d+dØÔá d+<óT\T` (desÁBsÁé, >·TD, jáTD²<ûXø, e~Æ d+<óT\T.)
E) deÖkÍ\T ` (<Ç+<Ç, ~Ç>·T, ÔáÔáTÎsÁTw deÖkÍ\T)
F) #óá+<dTà ` >·D$uóÈq, >·D²\ >·T]ï+|Ú
G) n\+¿±s\T `
eÔá«qTçbÍd, #óû¿±qTçbÍd, n+Ô«qTçbÍd (Xøu²Ý\+¿±s\T) |eÖ, çÔûο£, nÜXøjîÖ¿ìï
(nsÆ\+¿±s\T). n\+¿±s\T >·T]ï+#áT³, \¿£« \¿£D deTqÇjáT+ #ûjáTT³.
H) y¿±«\T` (XøÌs«sÁ¿ Æ ,£ $<«sÁ¿Æ ,£ w<ósÁ¿Æ ,£ nqTeTÔá«sÁ¿Æ ,£ kÍeTsÆ«sÁ¿Æ ,£ d+<ûVä sÁ¿Æ ,£ osÁs¿ÆÁ ,£
çbÍsÁÆHsÁÆ¿£, ç|XæsÁÆ¿£, V²ÔáÇsÁÆ¿£, ¿£sÁï], ¿£sÁDì y¿±«\T)
Content and Methodology – 50Marks
1) Unit – I – Technical Words
A) Explanation of Tala
B) Importance of Laya
C) Sapta Tala
D) Anga, Jyati, Kriya, Grah
E) Taladasa Pranalu
F) Understanding of 35 talas are in 10 tala in Hindustani Style
G) Chakutala
4) Unit – IV - Different Music forms
5) Unit – V – Musical Instruments
6) Unit – VI – Vageyakara
(Telugu States)
A) Evaluation of Music
B) Contribution of Vageyakara in Andhra Pradesh
C) Different Dimensions of support towards in Andhra Pradesh
D) Academic Development of Music
9) Unit – IX – Positions of Music, Different patterns of Music, reference books.
Government of Andhra Pradesh
Department of School Education
State Council of Educational Research & Training
1. History of Education :
· The Education in Ancient India - Pre-Vedic and Post-Vedic period, Medieval
· Education in Pre Independent era - Woods Despatch (1854), Hunter
Commission (1882), Hartog Committee (1929), Sargent Committee (1944).
· Education in Post Independent era - Mudaliar Commission (1952-53), Kothari
Commission (1964-66), Ishwarbhai Patel committee (1977), NPE-1986, POA-
2. Teacher Empowerment:
· Need, interventions for empowerment, Professional code of conduct for
teachers, Teacher motivation, Professional development of Teachers and
Teacher organizations, National / State Level Organizations for Teacher
Education, Maintenance of Records and Registers in Schools.
3. Educational Concerns in Contemporary India:
· Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Equality of
Educational opportunities.
· Economics of Education, Education as Human Capital, Education and Human
Resource Development, Literacy - Saakshar Bharat Mission.
· Population Education, Gender - Equality, Equity and Empowerment of
Women, Urbanization and migration, Life skills.
· Adolescence Education
· Value Education – Morel Value and Professional Eathics in Education.
· Health and Physical Education
· Inclusive Education - Classroom Management in Inclusive Education
· Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
· Programmes and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, National
Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL), Rashtriya
Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan(RMSA), Rashtriya Aveshekar Abhiyan (RAA),
KGBVs, Model Schools.
· Incentives and special provisions – Mid Day Meals, Free Books, Scholarship,
Awards, Welfare Hostels, Transportation.
· Current Trends in Education – Badi pelusthondi, Badi ki Vasta, Mavuru –
Mana Badi, Vidyanjali, Swacha Patasala, Inspire, Kalavutsav.
4. Acts / Rights:
· Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act - 2009
· Right to Information Act - 2005
· Child Rights
· Human Rights.
5. National Curriculum - Framework, 2005: Perspective, Guiding Principles, Learning
and Knowledge, Teaching Learning Process, Assessment, Systemic Reforms.
sports. Criteria of good test: Classification of tests, Test Administration(Pre,
During and Post) Tests for different variables Speed – 50metre dash,
Maximum speed -30metres dash with flying start, cardio vascular endurance –
Cooper’s 12 minutes run – walk test, Muscular endurance – Bent knee sit-ups
– Explosive power – Standing Broad jump
j. Tournaments: Meaning of tournament and types of tournaments – Knock-out
(Elimination), League (Round Robin), Knock-out cum league, League cum
knockout, Double league, Double knockout, Challenge. Method of drawing
Fixtures: Seeding, Special Seeding. Rotation Method, Stair case method.
k. Intramural and Extramural and their importance, Sports Day/ Play Day
· Committees of Olympic Games: International Olympic Committee - Structure
and Functions, National Olympic committees and their role in Olympic
movement, Olympic medal winners of India till to date.
· Various committees and their recommendations
7. Sports training:
· Introduction to Sports Training: Meaning and Definition of Sports Training,
Aims and Objective of Sports Training, Principles of Sports Training. Methods of
Sports Training: Continuous training, Interval training, Repetition training, Fartlek
training, Resistance training, Circuit training, Plyometric training. Warm-
up and warm-down, Athletic diet: Pre competition, during competition and post
· Training Components, Meaning & Definition and their development methods:
Speed, Strength, Endurance, Co-Ordination and Flexibility.
· Training Process: Load: Definition and Types of Load. Principles of Intensity and
Volume of Load. Meaning and methods of Technical Training and Tactical
· Training program and planning: Periodization – Meaning, Aims and types of
Periodization: Preparatory, Competition, Transitional. Planning: Training session,
Talent Identification and Development.
8. Concepts of wellness management :
1. 100 Mts Run (or) 800 Mts Run for men, 400 Mts Run for women (Marks 10)
2. Long Jump (or) High Jump (Marks 10)
3. Shot put 16 lbs for Men, 8 lbs for Women (Marks 10)